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JOBS A. SINGLE PLAYER PAGE 1 B. SINGLE PLAYER PAGE 2 C. SINGLE PLAYER PAGE 3 D. MULTIPLAYER II. TOOLS III. TRINKETS A. PAGE 1 B. PAGE 2 C. PAGE 3 D. PAGE 4 E. PAGE 5 F. PAGE 6 G. PAGE 7 H. PAGE 8 IV. CONCLUSION V. FAQ VI. VERSION HISTORY VII. CREDITS VIII. LEGAL AGREEMENTS _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So basically this fact will list off all stuff you can get off the vending machines. Jobs, tools, TRINKETS*! Where there are games and/or tools, I will give you the official descriptions, as well as helpful tips for using them. First off, I'll tell you all: I DO NOT HAVE EVERYTHING! I'm still trying to get everything myself so I'll just keep updating the guide when I get more trinkets. If you have something that I don't, just email me. This is going to take a VERY LONG TIME. Anyone want to help me out? Here is a short list of what I will generally accept: Job Tips Tool Tips Trinket Descriptions! (I REALLY need them for trinkets I haven't got) Suggested FAQs _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I . J O B S _______________________________________________________________________________ S I N G L E - P L A Y E R P A G E 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ BASEBALL SUPERSTAR Controls: D-Pad - Move Player D-Pad + X - Diving Catch X - Throw/Jump Directions: Catch 1000 hits during practive. Catch any fly balls before they hit the ground. 3 missed balls and it's Game Over. Tips: Move about a quarter of the screen off of the top to make it easier. After 25 or so balls, the pitcher will get angry and start to loft up the balls higher. They will NOT bounce if he does so, so make sure to get it on the first try. The pitcher will also toss balls at a faster speed at times, so be careful and don't expect/assume him to be pitching in a pattern. PENDEMONIUM Controls: Up/Down - Turn Pen O - Next Pen X - Put On/Take off Cap Directions: Put the caps on the pens. Tips: If you actually want to get some money in this (it's useful early on), here are some tips for fast pen capping. Never take your eyes off of the next pen that is coming up. It is also useful to use sounds to to assemble each pen. There will be a scratching sound when you flip the pen, a popping sound when uncapping the pen, and seperate sound for capping the pen. Just get used to the sounds, and watch for what is coming ahead, and you should be able to do around a 1000 pens in under 20 minutes at ease. Not too much to this mini-game actually. It helps if you have some nice upbeat music to pass the time if you are actually going for a high score. MUSHROOM XING Controls: Left/Right - Move Left/Right O - Back Up Directions: Guide the pedestrians to the other side of the road. They will be safe on the lines in the road. Collect the mushrooms along the way for bonus points. Tips: Collecting the mushrooms will greatly increase your score, but don't worry if you can't get them all. Level bonuses are just as important. (Level Strategies to come) TRAFFIC COUNTER Controls: X - Count the people Directions: Count the people who appear from the left and right. You'll lose if you count anything other than a person. LUMBERJACK Controls: X - Chop Wood Directions: Chop wood when it appears. Game will end if you chop something other than wood. Tips: Don't chop anything but the wood. Later on, there will be wood that is shaped like bunnies. Remember to chop them; don't get fooled! CHICK SORTING Controls: Right - Move the chick to the Identification Area Triangle - Send to Heaven O - Move to the Male Box. X - Move to the Female Box. Directions: Sort the baby chicks into the following boxes: "Male", "Female", or "Heaven-bound". Tips: Take your time and make sure to keep up a steady pace. THREE COUNT Controls: X - Break Out of the Pin Directions: You, the Masked Compadre, have been pinned! Press the X button to break out of the pin. Get more points the closer you pull out before the 3 count. Tips: Unless you're some kind of completionist, don't bother trying to get a perfect score in this. The most you can get is $10.00. CLIFF RACE 2000 Controls: X - Brake Directions: Stop closer to the cliff than your opponent. Brake when you enter the Red Brake Zone. Tips: A simple game, just try to press X when you hit the Red area. But if you really want to win, try your best to start braking when you near the end of the Red Brake Zone. (You'll end up closer to the edge this way) With practice, it's fairly easy to predict when the red zone will come up. Look at the black trees in the background. 2 trees-->1 tree-->3 trees-->1 tree-->RED ZONE (You might begin the race in the middle of this group, so for example if you see three trees at the start, you will get to the red zone after you pass the next single tree). If you see single trees followed by single trees, or a group of four trees (three with one just a little bit separated from the group), ignore them. 4 FINGERS Controls: X - Poke Directions: It's time to test your courage. If you stick your finger, it's Game Over. Tips: Basically, practice tapping X inbetween each finger. Whenever you're ready, move up to two hits inbetween each. Then 3-7. Take advantage of the lag on each end of the hand. You can tap X multiple times for extra points. Be careful if you're playing this a long time, you'll end up going through the entire speed cycle and it'll revert to the slowest speed. ANIMAL INVESTIGATION CORPS Controls: D-Pad - Select the Number X - Decide Directions: You are the leader of an animal research group. Listen to the report and count the total number of animals. The members will tell you their report, so pay attention! Tips: If you're really desperate for some cash for the vending machine, just pop in your headphones to listen, and grab a pen and paper to write down the numbers. Now get a calculator if you're reaaally lazy and there ya go. Or if you can type at a decent speed, just open up Notepad and type the numbers. COPYCAT Controls: Square, Triangle, Circle, X - The buttons correspond to the Creature's position. Directions: Remember the order of the burps and press the buttons in that order. If you make a mistake it's Game Over. Tips: You can use the same method I suggested for Animal Investigation Corps, but replace numbers with stcx. I've used this on occasion, but it's a pretty simple Job. PRIVATE NUMBER Controls: D-Pad - Select Button L/R - Scroll Through Number Log X - Press Button Directions: Try to guess the woman's phone number. Her reaction to your guess will be a hint. If a number matches, she will have a small reaction. If a number and position matches, she'll REALLY react! _______________________________________________________________________________ S I N G L E - P L A Y E R P A G E 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ DEMONSTRATION ROUND UP Controls: D-Pad - Move Directions: Gather people in the park to begin the demonstration. People will come out of buildings as you walk past them. Touch them and they will participate in the march. Touching the riot police results in Game Over. Tips: As soon as you gain control of the rioteer, quickly head to the red buildings, ignoring the people come out of the houses as you walk by. (You can collect these on your way to the park) If you have a large group of people following you, just do your best to keep them maintained to a refined area, away from riot police. KARATE SUPERSTAR Controls: X - Karate Punch Directions: Destroy the items with a powerful karate punch! Tips: This game is all about timing, and with timing takes practice. I suggest just playing through the game as much as you can. The red-nosed demon is tougher to time; you'll have to hit it later than you'd think. READY TO ORDER Controls: R - Show the Order Input Screen Up/Down - Select the Order to Input Right/Left - Increase/Decrease Orders Analog - Change between Main/Dessert/Drink * The directions given are for holding the PSP vertically. Directions: Correctly enter orders into the computer. After inputting the order, align the cursor to the "Confirm" button and hit either left or right twice. HELL POTTERY Controls: Left/Right - Choose Object X - Insert into the Oven Directions: Make a pot in the oven. Firewood increases the temperature and ashes decrease it. Try to keep the temperature in line with the graph. Big firewood burns longer. Use oil for a big temp increase. THE NET Controls: Left/Right - Select X - Decide Analog - Raise the Net Directions: Meet with the fisherman and raise the fishing net. Rotate the analog stick according to his shouts in order to raise the net. Tips: If you seriously want to earn an easy $100+, then this is this game for you. But, you'll need a decent amount of time on your hands. Once you start the Job, decide to drag in the Net. The guy will give you a time when to come back, so just keep this in mind. Leave your PSP hooked up to the charger if neccessary. I suggest setting an alarm to remind you. ie. Cell phone alarms are effective because you can set it to go off a single time. (You might forget to change your alarm clock back to normal and end up late for work/school.) WILLIAM HELL Controls: Up/Down - Change Firing Angle Left/Right - Move Camera O - Reset Camera X - Move Power Gauge/Shoot Directions: Hit the apple on top of the demon's head. MAD DRIBBLIN Controls: Left/Right - Move Left/Right Down - Rotate Body 180 Degrees X - Kick/Header X-HOLD - Stall D-Pad+X - Special Move Directions: Don't let the ball touch the ground! If you let the ball fall 3 times it's Game Over! Tips: Keep it simple, don't try to be extravagant. Hitting up the ball using a simple kick, along with a 360 spin racks up points pretty nicely. ROCK PAPER SCISSORS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Controls: Square - Rock Triangle - Scissors O - Paper Directions: Try to win at the Rock, Paper, Scissors World Tournament! Tips: This has got to be my favourite game in WTF altogether. If this seems like it would be impossible to beat, just keep playing. You'll develop a % on each character indicating which move they are more likely to perform. There isn't too much to say, but just because their percentage is high, it doesn't mean you'll be guaranteed a win. Good luck! Notice: ..I have decided to add in my current percentages once my PSP is fixed. That should save you guys some time ^-^ .. even though the sole purpose of WTF is to waste time. THE ELF KING Controls: Left/Right - Move Left/Right O - Brake X - Accelerate Directions: Avoid the phantoms and head for the goal. Collect gold coins for bonus points. It's Game Over when you lose all your hit points. RUN LIKE HECK Controls: Up - Jump Down - Duck O - Move Right Square - Move Left Directions: Time to feed the wild animal. Drop the meat as close as possible and then run like heck. Mash O or Square as fast as you can to run faster. If you get eaten it's Game Over. CADDY'S QUEST Controls: D-Pad - Move X - Pick Up Directions: Walk around the golf course and pick up any lost balls. BOUNCER BASH Controls: D-Pad - Move Left/Right+X - Throw Fan Directions: Prevent the fans from rushing the stage and end the concert safely. Drinking a sports drink will allow you to power-throw. Be carefull of wet towels or you might slip and fall! _______________________________________________________________________________ S I N G L E - P L A Y E R P A G E 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ POLLINATOR Controls: Left/Right - Move Pollen Left/Right X - Thrust Directions: Get the pollen to the pistil shown. Tips: Don't spend too much time on this Job at all. There are plenty others that you can gain larger sums of money from. However, this is a great Job to easily scroll through the Job list, gaining a small amount from. CANDY SHOP Controls: Left/Right - Move Cursor X - Put Candy on the Skewer Directions: Put the same colored candy on a skewer and ship it out. If the colors don't match it will be returned to you. You can mix colors only on a golden skewer. Matching colors on a golden skewer gives you bonus points. PRIVATE NUMBER DELUXE Controls: D-Pad - Select Button L/R - Scroll Through Number Log X - Press Button Directions: Try to guess the woman's phone number. Her reaction to your guess will be a hint. If a number matches, she will have a small reaction. If a number and position matches, she'll REALLY react! HAPPY BULLET Controls: L - Zoom Out R - Zoom In D-Pad - Aim Analog - Aim Triangle-Hold - View Objective X - Fire Directions: Find the target and shoot them to make them happy! PERFECT NANNY Controls: D-Pad - Move O - Calm the Crying Children X - Hit Bug Square - Use Bomb Directions: You are the troll nanny. Stop the children from crying. Use your bucket to kill the nightmare bugs. Pick up snacks to replenish your bombs. SPACE BLASTER Controls: D-Pad - Control the Spaceship X - Shoot Directions: Look for the boss's weak point and shoot to destroy it. DRUNKEN MAYOR Controls: Analog - Stand Steady X - Cut the Tape Directions: You're the Drunken Mayor who's been invited to a ceremony. Control the mayor in his drunken state and use the scissors to cut the tape. Walkthrough: CHEEBA CITY West Elementary - Pool Opening Ceremony Fairly easy--your hand will start going down, cut when the ribbon is between your scissor blades. No need to use the stick. Fail and you get nothing. CHEEBA CITY Hall - Statue Dedication Ceremony Also fairly easy, same as the first stage. 0.05 if you fail. CHEEBA CITY Dome - Opening Ceremony Your hand will drop fast, so use the stick to raise your hand back up. Cut as your hand is going up. 0.15 if you fail here. CHEEBA CITY Station - Subway Opening Ceremony Easiest way is to make a clockwise circle, and cut as your hand is going up. 0.35 if you fail here. CHEEBA CITY Expo Center - Opening Ceremony Start making a clockwise circle. Halfway down (at the bottom of the arc), your hand will suddenly change direction. Cut as your hand is going up. Fail here and get 0.85. CHEEBA City Naval Base - Aegis Warship Launching Ceremony Make a clockwise circle, and as you go under the tape you will change directions. Start spinning counterclockwise and cut as you cross the line on your way up. 1.85 if you fail here. CHEEBA CITY Defense Force - Underground Shelter Don't touch the analog stick. You will first trace a clockwise loop to your right, then you will move your finger counterclockwise, pointing at each missile, then down. Your finger will then come up - you need to press X just as your finger crosses between the buttons. You will almost certainly fail your first few times, but like everything else, practice makes perfect. Trust me, it WILL be worth the effort. Succeed on this last stage and you will receive $9.35 and get to have a satisfying celebratory drink. Fail, and you will start a war (and earn nothing). GHOST PSYCHIC Controls: O - Determine as Fake X - Determine as Real Directions: Determine if the picture contains a real ghost. Tips: This game doesn't come up often in your job list, but when it does, you should ALWAYS choose it. It seems to come up most often when you have the red demon job boss on your job selection screen. Pick the top left job, and immediately quit. The next job screen will almost always show "Ghost Psychic" (usually in the bottom right). You will be shown three pictures, and each one WILL have a ghost, so always select "Real" (X). You will hear a woman's scream, each one worth $1.50 (for a total of $4.50). BUDDHA'S QUEST Controls: D-Pad - Move Cursor O - Cancel X - Decide Directions: Defeat all 100 of the Buddha dolls PRIVATE NUMBER EXECUTIVE Controls: D-Pad - Select Button L/R - Scroll Through Number Log X - Press Button Directions: Try to guess the woman's phone number. Her reaction to your guess will be a hint. If a number matches, she will have a small reaction. If a number and position matches, she'll REALLY react! HANDBELL DELIGHT Controls: L - Ring the Left Bell R - Ring the Right Bell Directions: Perform a hand bell routine with the girls. Look at the stars that come in from the sides of the screen as a guide to perform your part! _______________________________________________________________________________ M U L T I P L A Y E R _______________________________________________________________________________ LUMBERJACK CHALLENGE Controls: X - Chop Wood Directions: Chop wood when it appears. Game will end if you chop something other than wood. Tips: Make sure you and your partner are clear that you should only chop your own colour of wood. The only exception is golden wood, which either player can chop. To win this challenge, you'll want to accumulate the highest number of golden wood. SEANCE 3 LEGGED-CHALLENGE COPYCAT2 Controls: Square, Triangle, Circle, X - The buttons correspond to the Creature's position. Directions: Remember the order of the burps and press the buttons in that order. If you make a mistake it's Game Over. Tips: You can use the same method I suggested for Animal Investigation Corps, but replace numbers with stcx. I've used this on occasion, but it's a pretty simple Job. Just make sure that you don't get your directions confused with your partner's. CLIFF RACE 2000 VS Controls: X - Brake Directions: Stop closer to the cliff than your opponent. Brake when you enter the Red Brake Zone. Tips: A simple game, just try to press X when you hit the Red area. But if you really want to win, try your best to start braking when you near the end of the Red Brake Zone. (You'll end up closer to the edge this way) This works just the same as the single player version, so just try your best to earn bragging rights. :) Refer to Cliff Race 2000 tips if you really want to win. _______________________________________________________________________________ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | II . T O O L S | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ EYE SPY Directions: Use the analog stick to move the eyes around. How you use it is up to you! Tips: Funny for the first few times, do not use excessively. If you do, you either have some kind of problem or have a bad sense of humour. I've had a few good laughs with friends making fun of this Vietnamese guy in our class. Note: Do not do this, you'll probably get in shit. RAMEN TIMER Directions: A timer for cooking ramen. Has settings for 3, 4, or 5 minutes. Tips: Boil your water, pour it in a container, and start the Ramen Timer. This one works best if you have speakers for your PSP, so you can just listen for the girl to say "It's ready..!" HANDY LIGHT Directions: Use this to light up the darkness. Useful during blackouts, in clubs, etc. Tips: You can choose different variations of flashing lights or one that doesn't flash at all (I find this one easier to use.) The only time I've actually used this is when my parents took away my cell phone. Surprisingly, it actually does work for finding things in the dark RESTAURANT BILL SPLITTER Directions: A tool that splits restaurant bills between friends. Super customizable! Tips: Only found time you will use this is if you're splitting a bill 10-ways. Not really something you would want to use. Interesting though. COUNTER Directions: This tool has two built-in counters that can count things in any unit! Tips: Use this to keep track of your score between you and a friend when playing online games. Best thing to do with this is for scorekeeping volleyball or basketball games if you're really that lazy. CHINESE ASTROLOGER Directions: Learn your Chinese astrology. You don't have to be Chinese to use it! Tips: Not a whole lot to this, just input your data and you'll get your Chinese astrology in return. KING OF THE CASTLE TOOL Directions: This tool helps you play the "King of the Castle" game. Have fun! Tips: So apparently this tool is somewhat similar to the game 'Simon Says' with the exception that there are actions given out to each individual player instead of orders for a group MATCHMAKER Directions: This tool helps you find out if that special someone likes you. Good luck! Tips: Just like the countless matchmaker tools you'll find all over the net. Please note: THIS IS NOT GUARANTEED TO WORK. It is simply based off of which names you enter in and how you enter them. One day, I'll crack the coding of this so you losers can figure out how to make your perfect match. BINGO! Directions: A mobile bingo machine. Great for parties! Tips: If anyone actually has a use for a MOBILE bingo machine, please let me know. Great for parties? WORLD CLOCK Directions: This tool gives the time for 73 cities across the world. Great for travel! Tips: Just like the directions say, "Great for travel!" I couldn't disagree. The only other use I've found for this is for figuring out when to call family and friends who live in other cities. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- III . T R I N K E T S _______________________________________________________________________________ P A G E 1 _______________________________________________________________________________ No. 001 Name: Japanese Katana Miniature Weapon Series #1 A miniature Japanese Katana, Miyamoto Musashi model. Try not to lose the scabbard, as it tends to fall off. No. 002 Name: Shuriken Miniature Weapon Series #2 A miniature legendary shuriken used by the ninja. To throw this accurately takes great skill. No. 003 Name: Morning Star Miniature Weapon Series #3 A savage weapon commonly used in the Middle Ages. Just waving it around is exciting. No. 004 Name: Katakama Yari Miniature Weapon Series #4 A useful weapon for ranged attacks, but difficult to master its use. The world record throw is 321 feet. No. 005 Name: Matchlock Arquebus Miniature Weapon Series #5 Miniature version of the first firearm, the Arquebus. Chance of explosion is 50%. No. 006 Name: Brass Knuckles Miniature Weapon Series #6 These brass knuckles are the product of a leading brass knuckle manufacturer. They really hurt. No. 007 Name: Boomerang Miniature Weapon Series #7 Reproduction of a legendary boomerang of an aborigine tribe. Made from kangaroo and koala bones. No. 008 Name: Pistol-Shaped Lighter Unique Lighter Series #1 Miniature pistol shaped lighter, perhaps carried by a woman spy. Pull the trigger and a flame shoots from the muzzle. No. 009 Name: Cigarette-Shaped Lighter Unique Lighter Series #2 Gag lighter. Light a cigarette with a cigarette! Warning: you will be made fun of if you use this. No. 010 Name: Sexy-Girl Printed Lighter Unique Lighter Series #3 Lighter with a blonde swimsuit babe printed on it. Swimsuit won't come off by any means. Very irritating. No. 011 Name: Magazine-Shaped Lighter Unique Lighter Series #4 Just plain big. The flame is also big and dangerous. No one knows why it was made. Difficult to obtain. No. 012 Name: Button Completely Normal Button Believed to be a button for an old man's slacks. It reeks of moth balls. No. 013 Name: Plastic Top Cheap Plastic Top Boring. Easily Lost. Easily broken. Choking risk. Keep away from children... and old people too. No. 014 Name: Coin Purse Vinyl portable ashtray which was converted into a change purse due to poor sales. Rumor has it that using it brings bad luck, and the manufacturer is now bankrupt. No. 015 Name: Firecracker Mom-and-Pop Store Series #1 A little boy's necessity. Lighting it and throwing it so that it will explode in mid-air was an act of great courage. No. 016 Name: Small Cast-Iron Top Mom-and-Pop Store Series #2 An old spinning top from the Meiji Period. Doesn't spin well because it's been in storage too long. No. 017 Name: Lillian Mom-and-Pop Store Series #3 A little girl's necessity. It was wildly popular about 30 years ago and caused many parents to name their daughters Lillian. No. 018 Name: Pharaoh's Servant Mom-and-Pop Store Series #4 A strange firecracker that grows and slithers around like a snake when lit. Don't you want to slither with it?! No. 019 Name: Menko Mom-and-Pop Store Series #5 After winning, you can take your opponents' cards. Teaches the joy of gambling to children everywhere. No. 020 Name: Gyroscopic Top Mom-and-Pop Store Series #6 The finest mom-and-pop item, capable of great acrobatics. Also seen at festivals, but never bought there. No. 021 Name: Paper Soap Mom-and-Pop Store Series #7 Soap made of paper. Dissolves quickly and is soon lost. Impossible to know if it really cleans or not. No. 022 Name: Water Balloon Mom-and-Pop Store Series #8 Water ballon hand grenade. Just fill with water. Perfect for close comabt or dropping onto your enemies. No. 023 Name: Bouncy Ball : Rugby Bouncy Ball Series #1 Standard trinket item. A very bouncy rubber ball. Shaped like a rugby ball so it bounces in random directions. No. 024 Name: Bouncy Ball : Soccer Bouncy Ball Series #2 Standard trinket item. A very bouncy rubber ball. This soccer ball design is becoming rare these days. No. 025 Name: Bouncy Ball : Tennis Bouncy Ball Series #3 Standard trinket item. A very bouncy rubber ball. When bounced too hard, this ball is often lost. No. 026 Name: Bouncy Ball : Watermelon Bouncy Ball Series #4 Standard trinket item. A very bouncy rubber ball. Don't worry, you won't mistake it for a real watermelon. No. 027 Name: Bouncy Ball : Marble Bouncy Ball Series #5 Standard trinket item. A very bouncy rubber ball. Looking at it puts you in a strange mood. Very popular. No. 028 Name: Bouncy Ball : Brain Bouncy Ball Series #6 Standard trinket item. A very bouncy rubber ball. So realistic that its production had to be stopped. No. 029 Name: Skeleton Bone Keychain Series #1 Painted with luminous paint. Glows faintly in the dark. The eyes are glass balls. Still not scary. No. 030 Name: Mahjong Tile Keychain Series #2 Mahjong Tile. There is a story of a man who was nearly killed when he was caught using this keychain. No. 031 Name: Anchor Keychain Series #3 An anchor-shaped keychain made from a real melted down anchor from a sunken ship. Many say it's cursed. No. 032 Name: Oval Gold Coin "KOBAN" Keychain Series #4 Model of an item seen in the three legged race game. Popular item because it makes it easier to save money. No. 033 Name: Bronze Coin Keychain Series #5 A keychain made from money of the Edo Period in Japan. There's a hole in it, and money with a hole in it is cool. No. 034 Name: Ticket for KOFUKU Station Keychain Series #6 A keychain designed to look like a certain lucky train ticket. It's very popular with single guys. No. 035 Name: ??? Keychain Series #7 No. 036 Name: Bean Paste Dumpling-Shaped Pen Novelty Item #1 Novelty ink pen from the famous "Rabbit's Retreat" candy store. Black ink. Best seller. No. 037 Name: Sesami Dumpling-Shaped Pen Novelty Item #2 Novelty ink pen from the famous "Rabbit's Retreat" candy store. Silver ink. Girls love it. No. 038 Name: Soy BBQ Dumpling-Shaped Pen Novelty Item #3 Novelty ink pen from the famous "Rabbit's Retreat" candy store. Brown ink. Still a large amount in stock. No. 039 Name: Mugwort Dumpling-Shaped Pen Novelty Item #4 Novelty ink pen from the famous "Rabbit's Retreat" candy store. Green ink. Honors the store's "grass candy". No. 040 Name: Lizard Cheap toy. The shape is messed up, along with the paint. As an added bonus the colors are just ridiculous. No kid wants this. No. 041 Name: Spider Cheap toy. Maybe it is a tarantula? The number of legs varies with each toy. When you push its stomach, sometimes it squeaks. Sometimes. No. 042 Name: Snake Cheap toy. It has a terrible rubber smell. Used as a talisman, this toy was imported by a large company only to flop. Somebody lost their job. No. 043 Name: Men's Room Stamp Stamp Series #1 Cheap rubber stamp in the shape of a men's toilet sign. Popular with little kids. Textbooks are no longer boring. No. 044 Name: Women's Room Stamp Stamp Series #2 Cheap rubber stamp in the shape of a women's toilet sign. Popular with little kids. Often used in letters & diaries. No. 045 Name: Mushroom Stamp Stamp Series #3 Cheap rubber stamp in the shape of a men's toilet sign. Popular with secretaries. Office documents most affected. No. 046 Name: Scissors Stamp Stamp Series #4 Cheap rubber stamp in the shape of scissors. Popular with Japanese, Rock and paper also available. No. 047 Name: Rock Stamp Stamp Series #5 Cheap rubber stamp in the shape of a rock. Popular with Japanese. Paper and scissors also available. No. 048 Name: Paper Stamp Stamp Series #6 Cheap rubber stampe in the shape of paper. Popular with Japanese. Rock and scissors also available. No. 049 Name: Buddha Stamp Stamp Series #7 Cheap rubber stamp in the shape of Buddha. Takes 5 HP of damage with every use. No. 050 Name: Ballpoint Pen - Black A writing utensil with a ball in the tip. When you want nothing more than to write in black letters, just pick up this pen and you'll be happy. No. 051 Name: Ballpoint Pen - Red A writing utensil with a ball in the tip. For filling out forms or correcting papers, this red pen will certainly satisfy you. No. 052 Name: Kneaded Eraser An eraser which can be kneaded back together and reused. You can also stretch it, roll it into a ball, or throw it at classmates. The possibilities are endless! No. 053 Name: Crayons A writing utensil made from wax. Mainly used by small children, they often break, dirty your hands, and eventually disappear (except the white one). No. 054 Name: Dice Cheap Looking Dice Use to gamble, get arrested. Use to play board games, don't get arrested. Keep out of nose, gets stuck easily. No. 055 Name: Mini Playing Cards Stamp-Sized Miniature Playing Cards Too small to really use. 3 times more tiring than playing with normal cards. Can't use for poker, can't hold'em. No. 056 Name: Jump Rope Vinyl jump-rope. Comes in red, blue, yellow, and raindbow. Extremely painful when used to slap someone on a cold day. can definitely cause a fight. _______________________________________________________________________________ P A G E 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ No. 057 Name: Carrot-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #1 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. Washington is a leader in carrot production. No. 058 Name: Onion-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #2 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. Idaho is a leader in onion production. No. 059 Name: Green Pepper-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #3 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. Florida is a leader in bell pepper production. No. 060 Name: Cabbage-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #4 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. New York is a leader in cabbage production. No. 061 Name: Tomato-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #5 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. California is a leader in tomato production. No. 062 Name: Potato-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #6 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. Idaho is a leader in potato production. No. 063 Name: Sweet Potato-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #7 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. North Carolina is a leader in sweet potato production. No. 064 Name: Pea-Shaped Magnet Vegetable Magnet Series #8 Useful for sticking memos or recipes to the refrigerator. Minnesota is a leader in green pea production. No. 065 Name: Candle Used by lighting the wick in the center of the wax cylinder. Commonly used during power outages, but can also be useful for telling ghost stories. No. 066 Name: Mini Penlight It looks like a pen, but it's actually a light. You can take this to a concert and wave it around instead of having to use a lighter. No. 067 Name: Magnifier A tool for magnifying small objects. Mainly used by children and detectives. Can also concentrate light and burn things. Please don't look directly at the sun. No. 068 Name: Screw A tool used to affix objects into place. If you use the wrong screwdriver size or shape, you might not ever be able to take it back out. No. 069 Name: Awl A tool for putting a hole in a board, plank, etc. Useful when you really need to put a whole in something. You could also use it to barbecue, or even fish. No. 070 Name: Deodorant Product to chemically get rid of those awful smells. Try using it when that certain member of the opposite sex stops by your room. You'll like the results. No. 071 Name: Steamed Meat Dumpling A steamed meat dumpling common in Yokohama, Japan. Famous throughout Japan as a delicious snack. You'll be accepted in Yokohama with a face full of this stuff. No. 072 Name: Fish Paste Fish paste made from only the freshest of fish. Traditional steamed fish paste is tough and crunchy. Makes for a great gift or souvenir. No. 073 Name: Mandarin Orange Shizouka, Japan is known for its tea and mandarin oranges. They are very sweet and extremely juicy oranges. You should definitely try some if you get the chance. No. 074 Name: Shizuoka Tea Shizuoka, Japan is to tea as tea is to Shizuoka, Japan. Good luck finding water in Shizuoka, they only have running tea. This is some of the best tea in the world. No. 075 Name: Rice Cake A baked rice cake dipped in hot water and then covered in ground soybean. Extremely sweet and delicious. Just don't get the crumbs everyhwere, please! No. 076 Name: Yam Soup Famous food of the Mariko Inn on the old Edo-Kyoto Highway in Japan. It is often said that travelers would eat this yam to regain energy. No. 077 Name: Charcoal Broiled Eel Eel from the warm climate and nutrient rich waters of Hamamatsu, Japan. It is expensive, so if you eat too much your money will slither away like this eel. No. 078 Name: Miso Miso is made from only pure water, soy beans, and salt. A favorite of the famous shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. He even said so on a questionnaire. Seriously. No. 079 Name: Shredded Eel Powder A food famous in the Nagoya area of Japan. Broiled eel shredded and served on top of rice. Supposedly the people of this region could eat this for every meal. No. 080 Name: Red Rice Cake A Japanese confection. Rice cake with sweet bean paste. Said to be often be prepared by wives for their husbands for lunch in Mie, Japan. No. 081 Name: Rattle A baby's toy. When you shake it, it makes a sound that babies love. You could also use it to let others know where you are if a disaster strikes. No. 082 Name: Feeding Bottle A bottle for feeding milk to a baby. The rubber nipple on this bottle is made just like mom's to make babies and even some adults happy. No. 083 Name: Training Potty A training potty for babies. Often in cute designs, such as a duck. This is a toilet any baby can enjoy. It is also extremely portable! No. 084 Name: ??? No. 085 Name: Foot-Patted Hamburger A hamburger patted by foot, not by hand. A chef, wearing 100% nylon socks, rhythmically, with his feet, patted out this burger. No. 086 Name: Speghetti Indian Curry Sauce It may look like just a plate of spaghetti with curry on top of it, but when you eat it your body instantly becomes more flexible. Perfect for the yoga lover. No. 087 Name: Chef's Special Curry Chef's Special Curry. This curry is cooked according to the chef's mood of health, current slimate, wind direction, etc. In the end, it probably isn't even curry. No. 088 Name: Mixed Parfait This meal is made with all the sweetes ingredients any child or woman loves. Because of the sheer size and sweetness of this dish, most people can't finish it. No. 089 Name: New Year's Dish A dish for the New Year. All of the food normally eaten only on New Year's packed into one dish. You might be eating this dish until Valentine's Day! No. 090 Name: Birthday Cake Birthday Cake. Decorated with a message like "Happy Birthday" and candles corresponding to the person's age. No. 091 Name: Pettitoes A pig's foot. Full of collagen, this pig's foot improves your appearance and your health. No doubt, taking one of these for lunch will surprise everyone. No. 092 Name: Carbonized Newt A newt, baked and carbonized. Used as a love charm or aphrodisiac since ancient times. All young women should keep one in their bags. No. 093 Name: Space Diet Food made to be eaten in space. Not really a delicacy but more like a rare treat. A food everyone wants to try because it sounds cool. No. 094 Name: Beer Mug A cup mainly used for beer. Available in three sizes. By cooling or freezing the mug, your beer will stay colder and more delicious for longer. Try it! No. 095 Name: Rice Paste Stick "Kiritampo" A common snack of Akita, Japan. Grilled crushed rice on a stick. Unfortunately, if you want to try this snack you'll have to go to Akita or talk to Namahage. No. 096 Name: Canned Soup A can containing soup. You can enjoy this soup and warm your body and soul. Afterwards, you can use the empty can as a bowl or a vase. No. 097 Name: Rain Brand Asstd. Dairy Products A set containing numerous milk products such as butter, cheese, yogurt, or milk-flavored toothpaste. A fun gift to give or receive! No. 098 Name: Cow Mark Foods Asstd. Ham Ham with bones, boneless ham, pressed ham, meat that looks like ham but who really knows, and more assorted meat products, all in this one set! No. 099 Name: Sign Pin : STOP Road Sign Pin Series #1 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. Stop sign. If you see this, stop! No. 100 Name: Sign Pin : KOALA CROSSING Road Sign Pin Series #2 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. Australian "Watch for Koalas" sign. No. 101 Name: Sign Pin : CURVES AHEAD Road Sign Pin Series #3 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. Curve warning sign. Slow down! No. 102 Name: Sign Pin : SPEED LIMIT 40 km Road Sign Pin Series #4 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. Speed limit sign. Watch your speed! No. 103 Name: Sign Pin : NO PARKING Road Sign Pin Series #5 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. "No Parking" sign. Also a timed parking area. No. 104 Name: Sign Pin : NO RICKSHAWS Road Sign Pin Series #6 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. A Chinese "No Rickshaws" sign. Ahh, only in China. No. 105 Name: Sign Pin : INTERSTATE Road Sign Pin Series #7 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. Interstate Highway sign. This is the most popular pin. No. 106 Name: Sign Pin : HORSE CROSSING Road Sign Pin Series #8 These pins are very popular with the road sign nerds. "Watch For Horses" sign. Horses are your friend. No. 107 Name: USB Thumb Drive Only 2 MB of storage. Because of it's low storage capacity, most people use it to decorate their homes. Surprisingly versatile. No. 108 Name: Mouse Product of the equipment maker "System Crash Inc.". Famous for not sliding well. Because of the poor ergonomic design, it often causes tendonitis. No court ruling yet. No. 109 Name: Mousepad Product of the equipment maker "System Crash Inc.". Novelty item distributed at a trade show. The company's name on the front is messpelled. (In the picture, it is spelled: "sistum clash") No. 110 Name: Kokeshi Doll A toy in northeastern Japan. Mostly seen with a round head and cylindrical body. People could even call you "Kokeshi" as a nickname. No. 111 Name: Beckoning Cat An ornament shaped like a cat inviting people inside. Said to have the power to invite customers and money. Often seen in cheap restaurants. No. 112 Name: Stomachic Medicine to relieve stomach pains frmo too much eating, drinking, or even stress. Useful for Christmas or New Year season. Doesn't taste very good though. _______________________________________________________________________________ P A G E 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ No. 113 Name: Beetle Insect Figure Series #1 This figure represents the strongest of all insects. If the horn breaks off, think of it as a female. No. 114 Name: Japanese Golden Ringed Dragonfly Insect Figure Series #2 Figure of a large dragonfly. The wings easily rip off and are easily lost. Often found behind sofas. No. 115 Name: Oriental Migratory Locust Insect Figure Series #3 An actual oriental locust was motion captured to make this figure. Unfortunately, this figure doesn't move. No. 116 Name: Ladybug Insect Figure Series #4 Combine this with the "weird orange-colored liquid thingy" (sold seperately) for an even more realistic ladybug. No. 117 Name: Giant Water Bug Insect Figure Series #5 This figure, with its scythe-shaped front legs, has caused many injuries to children everywhere. No. 118 Name: Blackish Cicada Insect Figure Series #6 The poor quality of this figure represents the short life of the cicada. Of, and it's really loud too. No. 119 Name: Queen Ant Insect Figure Series #7 Since it is a "queen", this figure was made with a very feminine figure. No. 120 Name: Odontolabis Femoralis Insect Figure Series #8 Foreign-made stag bettle figure. The manufacturer forgot to paint the legs red and it was recalled. Looks strong! No. 121 Name: Poison Mushroom No. 122 Name: Bracket Fungus No. 123 Name: Baby Sea Turtle No.124 Name: Green-Shelled Turtle It's sometimes possible to capture a small one, but they grow to be very large. Stepping on them sends them flying. No. 125 Name: Cheap vase A cheap looking vase with fancy animal and seasonal patterns painted on it. At least if you break it nobody will care. No. 126 Name: Disposable Pocket Warmer No. 127 Name: Lion Miniature Animal Figure Series #1 A figure of the king of all animals, the lion. Despite being king, falling into a valley will break it. No. 128 Name: Mokele-Mbembe Miniature Animal Figure Series #2 No. 129 Name: Koala Miniature Animal Figure Series #3 A koala figure. Cute when you look at it from far away, but actually its eyes and claws are just plain scary. No. 130 Name: Giant Panda Miniature Animal Figure Series #4 A figure of the popular panda. The black parts were colored in white with a big magic marker rather crudely No. 131 Name: Fossil Man Miniature Animal Figure Series #5 No. 132 Name: Chupacabra Miniature Animal Figure Series #6 No. 133 Name: Anaconda Miniature Animal Figure Series #7 A figure of a snake living in nothern South America. It's life size, so you can really wrap it around you. No. 134 Name: Lesser Cuckoo Miniature Animal Figure Series #8 No. 135 Name: Grim Reaper Figure Create as a novelty item for a game but didn't sell very well leading to a huge overstock. The fact that rubbing it gives off a corpse's stench didn't help. No. 136 Name: Black Elf Figure No. 137 Name: Pinnochio Figure No. 138 Name: William's Bow and Arrow No. 139 Name: Nightstick While only about 1 inch long, this night stick model is made from 100% real oak. Stepping on this thing could cause serious injury. Please be careful. No. 140 Name: Remodeled Rifle No. 141 Name: Male Chick No. 142 Name: Ball Player Chick - Male No. 143 Name: Psychedelic Chick - Male No. 144 Name: Kiwi Chick - Male One of chick from Chick Sorting. A chick from New Zealand with a long slender beak. Wings are under-developed so it can't fly. Male. No. 145 Name: Delinquent Chick - Male No. 146 Name: Dreadlocked Chick - Male No. 147 Name: Bonsai Chick - Male One kind of chick from Chick Sorting. A chick with a bonsai tree on its head. Popular with the elderly. Ones without a ribbon are male. No. 148 Name: Huge Forehead Chick - Male No. 149 Name: Afro Chick - Male No. 150 Name: Punk Chick - Male No. 151 Name: Dark Chick - Male One kind of chick from Chick Sorting. A chick wearing a very evil-looking mask. Seeks to reign as supreme ruler of the galaxy by any means. Male. No. 152 Name: Female Chick No. 153 Name: Ball Player Chick - Female No. 154 Name: Psychedelic Chick - Female No. 155 Name: Kiwi Chick - Female No. 156 Name: Delinquent Chick - Female No. 157 Name: Dreadlocked Chick - Female No. 158 Name: Bonsai Chick - Female No. 159 Name: Huge Forehead Chick - Female No. 160 Name: Afro Chick - Female One kind of chick from Chick Sorting. A chick with an afro. Looks really funky! Likes R&B music. Female. No. 161 Name: Punk Chick - Female No. 162 Name: Dark Chick - Female One kind of chick from Chick Sorting. A chick wearing a very evil-looking mask. Seeks to reign as supreme ruler of the galaxy by any means. Female. No. 163 Name: Heavenly Chick No. 164 Name: The Masked Compadre Autograph No. 165 Name: The Masked Compadre's Mask No. 166 Name: Folding Steel Chair No. 167 Name: The Bell No. 168 Name: ??? No. 184 Name: Soldier figure: Sniper Soldier Figure Series #2 A figure of a sniper thinking to himself, "Damn! I shot the wrong guy!" No. 186 Name: Soldier figure: Medic Soldier Figure Series #4 A figure of a medic taking a swig of whiskey before performing some medical treatment of questionable quality. No. 187 Name: Soldier figure: Pilot Soldier Figure Series #5 A figure of a lazy pilot getting ready to use a plane to go get some shopping done. No. 196 Name: Cute Girl Phone's Strap A cell phone strap honoring a very famous girl's anime. The eyes light up when receiving a call, it is actually kind of scary looking. No. 216 Name: Shogi Piece: Pawn Shogi Series #1 Shogi's pawn. It can only move one space forward. Has strength in numbers. Laugh at the pawn, die by the pawn. No. 217 Name: Shogi Piece: Lance Shogi Series #2 Shogi's kamikaze. It can move anywhere straight forward. Often sacrificed in order to attack. No. 218 Name: Shogi Piece: Knight Shogi Series #3 Shogi's rebel. It can move two spaces forward diagonaly. Great for penetrating enemy defense, but weak in close. No. 219 Name: Shogi Piece: Silver General Shogi Series #4 Shogi's middle management. It can move one space everywhere except horizontally and backwards. Everyone forgets this. No. 220 Name: Shogi Piece: Gold General Shogi Series #5 Shogi's Prince. It can only move one space in any direction except diagonnally backwards. _______________________________________________________________________________ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | IV . C O N C L U S I O N | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Well, I know that for sure, this guide is going to take a lot of time to complete. That said, if anyone has any contribution for trinkets that I just put a ??? for, email me, like I said before. Note: This goes for tips for mini-games too. ^-^ There are a total of 8 pages of trinkets. Each page has 56 trinkets. I'm attempting at eventually typing up not only the name and series of each, but also the description. Don't expect this to be finished anytime soon. _______________________________________________________________________________ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | V. F A Q | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Okay so here we go: the most frequently asked questions. Q: Why aren't I making money for ______? A: You're probably playing in the practice section for Jobs. Go to the main menu, and then to Jobs instead. There should only be 4 jobs available. Q: Why can't I play ______ in the normal mode to get cash? A: Simple really, there are only 4 slots available, so just cycle through the games to find the one you want. There are in general two methods to do so: I. Play a game and lose. II. Load the game and hit quit instead of actually playing it. _______________________________________________________________________________ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | V I . V E R S I O N H I S T O R Y | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ -------------- -Version 1.75- -------------- Version Updates: Version 1.00 - June 14, 2007 First Draft Version 1.20 - August 31, 2007 Fixed formatting of the Tools section to match Jobs Added more tips on Jobs Version 1.25 - September 4, 2007 Fixed a few typos Added tips for Cliff Race 2000 VS Added tips for most Tools Version 1.40 - September 7, 2007 Added ASCII banner up top ^^ Added tips for Pendemonium & Demonstration Roundup Added tips for all remaining Tools Added FAQ section Version 1.41 - September 14, 2007 Added descriptions for 6 trinkets Version 1.43 - September 15, 2007 Added ASCII Art Reformatted the Credits list Slightly re-worded Tips for Cliff Race & Cliff Race 2000 Version 1.45 - September 28, 2007 Added descriptions for all trinkets on pages 1-2 (that I have) Version 1.46 - October 11, 2007 Refinished the Tips section for the King of the Castle Tool Version 1.47 - November 12, 2007 Added descriptions of the Insect Figure series. Version 1.50 - February 3, 2008 Reformatted entire guide, fixed minor errors Added Tips for 4 Fingers Version 1.60 - February 8, 2008 Added tips for Cliff Race 2000, Ghost Psychic Version 1.75 - February 14, 2008 Added Walkthrough for Drunken Mayor Changed ASCII to match American Boxart Updated tips for various Tools Fixed minor formatting errors _______________________________________________________________________________ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | V I I . C R E D I T S | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Special thanks out to: Producer, Takafumi Fujisawa Making a brilliant, yet useless game. Joel Piwniuk Suggesting me to make this guide, (even though he was joking at the time) Khabibuln Job tips for Pendemonium, Demonstration Roundup, 4 Fingers, and Chick Sorter. (I added your 4 Fingers strat, but expanded on it. Haven't touch Chick yet) Matt Hirao Cliff Race + Ghost Psychic Tips Drunken Mayor Walkthrough Queen of All Cosmos 22 Trinket Descriptions Gil Merto Vague, yet useful description for King of the Castle Tool Text-Image.com ASCII Logo ____ ____ ____ _________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ||T |||e |||h ||| |||E |||n |||d |||! || ||__|||__|||__|||_______|||__|||__|||__|||__|| |/__\|/__\|/__\|/_______\|/__\|/__\|/__\|/__\| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - LEGAL AGREEMENTS [L3GAL] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Websites that are currently allowed to host this guide are: GameFAQs · http://www.gamefaqs.com PwnGuide · http://pwnguide.com/index.php +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | (c) Christopher Tweten 2008 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+