Valkyria Chronicles 2 Full Game Guide Version 1.00 By Devon “WanderingMind” Rudolph Table of Contents 1. Introduction [INTROD] 2. Version History [VERHIR] 3. January [MONTH1] a. Story Missions [STORY1] i. Rebel Encounter [REBENC] ii. The Entrance Exam [ENTEXA] iii. Liberating Arlem [LIBARL] b. Key Missions [KEYMI1] i. Combat Exercise [COMEXE] ii. Maneuvering Exercise [MANEXE] c. Free Missions [FREEM1] i. Drill Ground Skirmish [DRIGRS] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG1] i. Fading Embers [FADEME] ii. Arlem Clash [ARLCLA] 4. February [MONTH2] a. Story Missions [STORY2] i. Laevatein Qualifiers [LAEQUA] b. Key Missions [KEYMI2] i. APC Exercise [APCEXE] ii. Night Combat Exercise [NICOEX] iii. Tenacious Tank-Killers [TENTAN] iv. Marching Exercise [MAREXE] v. Midnight Suppression [MIDSUP] vi. Cooperative Exercise [COOEXE] c. Free Missions [FREEM2] i. Arlem Skirmish [ARLSKI] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG2] i. The Treasure Hunt [TREHUN] ii. Drill Ground Clash [DRGRCL] 5. March [MONTH3] a. Story Missions [STORY3] i. VIP Escort [VIPESC] b. Key Missions [KEYMI3] i. Storming the Bridge [STOBRI] ii. Defensive Exam [DEFEXE] iii. Tunnel Offensive [TUNOFF] iv. The War Hero [WARHER] c. Postgame Missions [POSTG3] i. Revolution’s Afterglow [REVAFT] ii. Leanbluff Clash [LEACLA] 6. April [MONTH4] a. Story Missions [STORY4] i. Darcsen Liberation [DARLIB] b. Key Missions [KEYMI4] i. The Missing Goods [MISGOO] ii. Cerulean Shadows [CERSHA] iii. Escape from Arlem [ESCARL] iv. Alarming Developments [ALADEV] c. Free Missions [FREEM4] i. Leanbluff Skirmish [LEASKI] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG4] i. Strategic Engagement [STRENG] ii. Diebal Clash [DIECLA] 7. May [MONTH5] a. Story Missions [STORY5] i. Laevatein Semifinals [LAESEM] b. Key Missions [KEYMI5] i. The 4th Mortar Squad [MORSQU] ii. Retrieving the Goods [RETGOO] iii. Breaching the Bunkers [BREBUN] iv. Mountain Stronghold [MOUSTR] c. Free Missions [FREEM5] i. Diebal Skirmish [DIESKI] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG5] i. Defending the Warship [DEFWAR] ii. Yuell Clash [YUECLA] 8. June [MONTH6] a. Story Missions [STORY6] i. Road to the Armory [ROAARM] ii. Retaking Yuell [LIBARL] b. Key Missions [KEYMI6] i. Escort to the Ruins [ESCRUI] ii. Forest Guardians [FORGUA] iii. Sand Sweepers [SANSWE] iv. The Impregnable APC [IMPAPC] c. Free Missions [FREEM6] i. Daws Desert Skirmish [DAWSKI] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG6] i. The Purge Continues [PURCON] ii. Daws Desert Clash [DAWCLA] 9. July [MONTH7] a. Story Missions [STORY7] i. Laevatein Finals [LAEFIN] b. Key Missions [KEYMI7] i. Hidden Goods [HIDGOO] ii. Escorting a Defector [ESCDEF] iii. The Cerulean March [CERMAR] iv. Rebel Stragglers [REBSTR] v. A Gust of Wind [GUSWIN] c. Free Missions [FREEM7] i. Yuell Skirmish [YUESKI] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG7] i. A Castle in Darkness [CASDAR] ii. Roendahl Clash [ROECLA] 10. August [MONTH8] a. Story Missions [STORY8] i. Defending Lanseal [DEFLAN] b. Key Missions [KEYMI8] i. Killer Assault [KILASS] ii. Buying Time [BUYTIM] iii. The Cerulean Menace [CERMEN] iv. The Roar of Shells [ROASHE] c. Free Missions [FREEM8] i. Drill Ground Firefight [DRIFIR] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG8] i. Under the Cannons [UNDCAN] ii. Doerfein Clash [DOECLA] 11. September [MONTH9] a. Story Missions [STORY9] i. Retaking Roendahl [RETROE] b. Key Missions [KEYMI9] i. The 9th Heavy Infantry [HEAINF] ii. Flames of Revolution [FLAREV] iii. Towers of Death [TOWDEA] iv. The Cerulean Beasts [CERBEA] c. Free Missions [FREEM9] i. Arlem Firefight [ARLFIR] d. Postgame Missions [POSTG9] i. Secrets in Yuell [SECYUE] ii. Anthold Aqueduct Clash [ANAQCL] 12. October [MONT10] a. Story Missions [STOR10] i. Liberating Doerfein [LIBDOE] b. Key Missions [KEYM10] i. Last Line of Defense [LALIDE] ii. Scogul Menace [SCOMEN] iii. Rain of Mortars [RAIMOR] iv. Protecting the Water [PROWAT] c. Free Missions [FREE10] i. Roendahl Skirmish [ROESKI] ii. Leanbluff Firefight [LEAFIR] iii. Yuell Firefight [YUEFIR] d. Postgame Missions [POST10] i. The Canyon Divided [CANDIV] ii. Anthold Harbor Clash [ANHACL] 13. November [MONT11] a. Story Missions [STOR11] i. Blasting the Aqueduct [BLAAQU] b. Key Missions [KEYM11] i. Rounding Up Rebels [ROUPRE] ii. Excavation Corps [EXECOR] iii. The Ultimate Weapon [ULTWEA] iv. The Cerulean Fortress [CERFOR] v. Raging Sands [RAGSAN] c. Free Missions [FREE11] i. Doerfein Skirmish [DORSKI] ii. Diebal Firefight [DIEFIR] iii. Roendahl Firefight [ROEFIR] d. Postgame Missions [POST11] i. Warship Requiem [WARREQ] ii. Dandarius Clash 1 [DANCL1] 14. December [MONT12] a. Story Missions [STOR12] i. Battle of Anthold Harbor [BAANHA] ii. Clash Aboard Deck [CLABDE] iii. The Final Battle [FINBAT] b. Key Missions [KEYM12] i. 4th Mortars Regrouped [4MORRE] ii. The Cerulean Death [CERDEA] iii. Retrieving Secrets [RETSEC] iv. Beyond the Flood Gate [BEFLGA] v. Counteroffensive [COUNTE] c. Free Missions [FREE12] i. Doerfein Firefight [DOEFIR] d. Postgame Missions [POST12] i. 4th Mortar Showdown! [4MORSH] ii. A Prayer for Peace [PRAPEA] iii. Dandarius Clash 2 [DANCL2] iv. Lanseal Academy Clash [LAACCL] 15. Classmates [CLASSM] a. Scouts [SCOUTS] i. A Dangerous Mission [NICHOL] ii. Saving the Darcsens [HELMUT] iii. Zeri’s Bodyguards [MELISS] iv. Recovering the Camera [LOTTE-] v. Battle for Atonement [SIGRID] vi. Snow Rabbit Search [CHLOE-] b. Troopers [TROOPE] i. Uncovering the Truth [ERIK--] ii. Rescuing Nichol [NICHOL] iii. Taking the Stage [ANISET] iv. Rescuing Pete [PETE—-] v. Defending the People [NAHUM-] vi. Against New Weaponry [MARION] c. Lancers [LANCER] i. Fighting Friends [REINER] ii. Rescuing Father [NOEL--] iii. A Battle of Attrition [VARIO-] iv. In Search of Moonglow [COLEEN] v. A Muddy Battle [RENE--] vi. Defending Our School [JUGIN-] d. Engineers [ENGINE] i. Against the Clock! [RANDY-] ii. Engineer Showdown [RAYMON] iii. Butler Battle [HEINZ-] iv. Cerulean Scarab Search [MAGARI] v. Protecting Sofia [SOFIA-] vi. Mountain Rescue [VICKY-] e. Armor Techs [ARTECH] i. In Search of Moonglow [MORRIS] ii. An Awkward Fight [ALEXIS] iii. Bad Luck Battle [JOACHI] iv. Against All Odds [JAMILL] v. A Tragic Prophecy [INGHIL] vi. Mischlitt’s Hometown [MISCHL] f. Vehicle [VEHICL] i. Ghostly Vengeance [LAVINI] 16. Paid Missions [PAIDMI] a. 1-star Missions [1STARM] i. Being Cruel to be Kind [BECRKI] ii. A Golden Opportunity [GOLOPP] iii. Crosshairs of Death [CRODEA] iv. One Last Farewell [ONLAFA] v. The Long-Range Tanks [LORATA] b. 2-star Missions [2STARM] i. Maulers on the Prowl [MAUPRO] ii. Recovering the Ragnite [RECRAG] iii. Guardians of the Ruins [GUARUI] iv. No Pain, No Gain [NPANGA] c. Mid-Rank Exams (2-star) [MIDRAN] i. Mid-Rank Scout Exam [MIDSCO] ii. Mid-Rank Trooper Exam [MIDTRO] iii. Mid-Rank Lancer Exam [MIDLAN] iv. Mid-Rank Engineer Exam [MIDENG] v. Mid-Rank Tech Exam [MIDTEC) d. Advanced Exams (3-star) [ADVEXE] i. Advanced Scout Exam [ADVSCO] ii. Advanced Trooper Exam [ADVTRO] iii. Advanced Lancer Exam [ADVLAN] iv. Advanced Engineer Exam [ADVENG] v. Advanced Tech Exam [ADVTEC] e. Season Exclusive (3-star) [SEAEXC] i. A Blanket of Snow [BLASNO] ii. The Breath of Life [BRELIF] iii. An Offering to Spirits [OFFSPI] iv. The Scarlet Forest [SCAFOR] f. 3-star Missions [3STARM] i. Order Mastery [ORDMAS] ii. Ghostly Conflagration [GHOCON] g. Season Non-Exclusive (3-star) [SEANEX] i. Winter Maelstrom [WINMAE] ii. Spring Falcon [SPRFAL] iii. Summer Lightning [SUMLIG] iv. Autumn Gale [AUTGAL] h. 3-Star Missions [3STARM] i. Proof of Friendship [PROFRI] ii. The Line Must Hold [LIMUHO] iii. Unassailable Summit [UNASUM] iv. Over in a Flash [OVEFLA] v. Escorting Artifacts [ESCART] vi. History Sleeps Below [HISLBE] vii. Lanseal Defense Line [LADELI] viii. The Pandora Ship [PANSHI] 17. Extras [EXTRAS] a. Phantasy Star Portable Missions [PSPMIS] i. The Guardians’ Request [GUAREQ] ii. Little Wing Challenge [LIWICH] b. 1-star Missions [1STDLC] i. Mellvere Crisis [MELCRI] ii. Exercise vs Class F [EXVSCF] iii. Exercise vs Class E [EXVSCE] iv. Exercise vs Class D [EXVSCD] v. Exercise vs Class C [EXVSCC] c. Final Exams (3-star) [FINALE] i. Final Scout Exam [FINSCO] ii. Final Trooper Exam [FINTRO] iii. Final Lancer Exam [FINLAN] iv. Final Engineer Exam [FINENG] v. Final Tech Exam [FINTEC] d. EX Missions (2- and 3-star) [EXMISS] i. Battle at Mellvere EX [MELLEX] ii. Battle at Roendahl EX [ROENEX] iii. Battle at Doerfein EX [DOEREX] iv. Battle at Lanseal EX [LANSEX] e. 3-star Missions [3STARX] i. Race Against Time [RAAGTI] f. 2-star Missions [2STDLC] i. Mine Offensive [MINOFF] g. 3-star Missions [3STDLC] i. Seven Secrets [SEVSEC] ii. Banquet of Ghosts [BANGHO] iii. Warship Showdown [WARSHO] iv. Two-Pronged Assault [TWPRAS] v. Ultimate Challenge [ULTCHA] vi. Cerulean Catastrophe [CERCAT] 18. Credits [CREDIT] 19. Legal [LEGAL-] 20. Contact Info [CONINF] Introduction [INTROD] The purpose of this guide is to provide a walkthrough for all 197 missions including DLC in Valkyria Chronicles II. I have been speedrunning this game since September 2014. Even though the speedrun only covers the main game, I am very knowledgeable about the game. I figured that I wanted to take some sort of a break from speedruns to explore something new with this game. This walkthrough originally started out as a plan for an All Missions speedrun of this game back in October 2016. I then realized that it was impractical to do with the amount of farming and time it would take, so it got turned into a postgame guide. When I started writing out this guide in June 2017 after much planning, I realized this guide would make more sense as a full game one with the amount of content I was already covering. There are things that I probably overlooked, but at this point, I wanted to get this guide out since this has been a work in progress for a while. Missions are organized as they appear in the game. VC2 is very open ended with how you can approach missions. These missions were either written with quick clears or more thorough clears in mind. The way I wrote each mission depended on how I was feeling at the time. Version History [VERHIS] July 5, 2017 – Version 1.00 – Published the full guide. I worked on this nonstop for almost a month, so don’t expect major update for a while. I will however come back to this in the future. ====================== January [MONTH1] ======================= Story Missions [STORY1] ------------------------ Rebel Encounter [REBENC] Use Avan to kill all three enemies. The Entrance Exam [ENTEXA] Retreat Avan, you will use him for Area 2. Move Cosette across Area 1 to kill the enemy unit and capture the camp connecting to Area 2. Deploy Avan and get him to a safe enough place to end Turn 1. Grenade the Shocktrooper guarding the camp, kill him, and capture the camp. Liberating Arlem [LIBARL} This mission you can do in 1 turn. You’re going to ignore Area 1. Clear a path to the enemy camp in Area 3. How you do it is up to you, although I like to use Avan since he can take more hits if you use him as a Scout. Deploy a unit in the Area 4 camp to shoot the crate, destroying the tank. Key Missions [KEYMI1] ------------------------ Combat Exercise [COMEXE] Kill enemies, capture the camp. Idk that’s it. Maneuvering Exercise [MANEXE] You can totally get away with running a sole Scout to the base camp, as long as you deal with enemies along the way. Try to hide in grass or behind a sandbag before you end your turn. Free Missions [FREEM1] ----------------------------- Drill Grounds Skirmish [DRIGRS] Put units in both areas. Clear your way through both areas, capture the camp, yeah that’s about it. Postgame Missions [POSTG1] ------------------------------ Fading Embers [FADEMB] You want to divide and conquer here. This is a term I will use a lot, but basically, sweep through each area, hold onto camps to keep the enemy from spawning reinforcements, and then rout the enemy forces by the area. The Engineer Elites can inflict No Ammo, so take care in dealing with them. Arlem Clash [ARLCLA] If a map gives you the opportunity to place units in a place without a camp, you want to do so. This will give you an easy backdoor to capture all camps so you get the bonus material drops. I like to put 2 units in Area 1 and 1 unit in Area 3. Meanwhile, I like to have a tank with a Constructor Arm and another unit of my choice in Area 1. In Area 1, send a Scout Elite to the east to capture the southeast camp. Meanwhile, take a Trooper to capture the northwest camp. You want to spawn a Commando from the southeast camp, send them to the northeast camp, sweep both the Cannon Tower and other enemy unit with a Flamethrower, then capture the camp. In Area 3, send your starting unit to capture the west camp and guard it. In Area 4, build a bridge with your tank, send it over to the southwest camp, and destroy the Cannon Tower on the other side. Send a unit over there to capture that camp. Then you want to spawn a unit from your starting base camp to capture the camp to the northeast. Capture the remaining camps in Area 1, 3, and 4 before you focus on the final camp in Area 2. ==================== February [MONTH2] ==================== Story Missions [STORY2] -------------------------- Laevatein Qualifiers [LAEQUA] This is another story mission that can be done in 1 turn. Assuming you have Avan as a Scout, you can get him across Area 3. You can clip past the landmines in front of the shortcut if you hug the south wall. Capture the camp connecting Area 3 to 1. Trust that your units will take a lot of hits from enemies. This is not Valkyria Chronicles 3. I like to deploy Zeri in Area 1, run past everything, and then grenade the sandbag where the enemy commander is hiding. This will get him to stand up while keeping him in place. You can then run around and fire at his head from behind. If he’s still standing, you can run around and finish him off. Key Missions [KEYMI2] ---------------------------- APC Exercise [APCEXE] Use your APC to shoot the first APC from the side, then move it to the other APC, where you can shoot it from the side. Use Avan or Cosette to clear out the remaining enemies. Night Combat Exercise [NICOEX] Place a Scout and Trooper in Area 2. Place some units in Area 1. Lead your units across Area 1 to capture the camp connecting to Area 2. Send your pre-deployed units in Area 2 around into the building, toward the camp, and capture it. Tenacious Tank-Killers [TENTAN] Put some units in Area 2, and a unit in Area 4 to guard the base camp. Send a unit or two in Area 2 to clear a path to the northwest camp leading to Area 4. Deploy a unit or two to secure the camp in Area 4, then head over to the southwest camp leading to Area 1. Deploy a unit from the northwest camp in Area 1 to capture the camp to the northeast leading to Area 2. Try to sandwich the enemy lancer commander and kill him. Marching Exercise [MAREXE] Maybe put a unit in Area 2 to guard the base camp. Put a Scout or two in Area 3 though. You’re only going to focus on Area 3 and getting to the goal point. Make sure to capture the camp along the way. Midnight Suppression [MIDSUP] Put a Scout or two in Area 4. Put a unit in Area 1 to guard the base camp. Send your Scout in Area 4 to capture the southeast camp connecting to Area 2. Send a Scout or other unit to capture the southwest camp connecting to Area 1. Send a unit or two from the northwest camp in Area 1 to capture the northeast camp connecting to Area 2. Deploy a unit from the northwest camp in Area 2 to clear a path to the goal camp and capture it. Cooperative Exercise [COOEXE] Put unit in Area 2 to guard camp. Place units in Area 3. Capture the halfway camp in Area 3, and the camp leading to Area 2. Deploy units in Area 2 to clear a way to the goal camp. Free Missions [FREEM2] ----------------------------- Arlem Skirmish [ARLSKI] Put units in Area 1 and 3. Work way through Area 3 to camp leading to Area 2. Clear a path through Area 1 to capture camp leading to Area 1. Deploy some units to clear a path through Area 2 to the goal camp. The Treasure Hunt [TREHUN] The Commandos will have weapons that can inflict Attack Down and AP Use Up. Plan accordingly. Pre-deploy a Commando in Area 3 to deal with the Cannon Tower on the way to the center camp. Work your way through Area 1, dealing with enemy units, searching for Supply Crates, and capturing camps. You may want to bring Mortarers to deal with units from a long range. Do the same for the rest of the crates in Areas 2 and 3. Thankfully the Supply Crates in this mission are not too hidden away. Drill Grounds Clash [DRGRCL] Put a Commando in Area 2. Put whatever else units in Area 3. This is one of those missions where you either want to focus on killing the Ace or going for the A rank, since it’s rather difficult to go for both at the same time. Use a Commando in Area 2 to deal with the Gatling Turret guarding the camp, then capture it. Capture the other camps along the way to the camp leading to Area 1. Same goes for Area 3 and going from camp to camp. Close in on Area 1, try to pick off enemies from a distance, deal with the Gatling Turret guarding the goal camp, then capture. ======================== March [MONTH3] ======================== Story Missions [STORY3] ----------------------------- VIP Escort [VIPESC] This is the first truly tough mission in the game. You have a piece of junk APC that you need to get from area to area to the goal point. It has piss poor attack and accuracy, takes 2 CP per use, and doesn’t have good defense. In addition, it you have to move it manually from area to area. Thankfully, there is a backdoor to doing this mission quickly. Make sure your Armor Tech are at least Level 4 so you have Defense Boost. Also make sure that you have the best possible equipment you can get. You want to place Reiner with Avan and the APC. Feel free to leave your base camp empty. Trust me, the enemy won’t capture it. Put Defense Boost on Reiner. Now run all the way over to the Supply Vehicle right in the camp. Hopefully you won’t get killed by Dirk or any of the other V2 units. This map has fog so it should make them less accurate. You may get killed, but you can blame probability for that, not me. Capture the camp once you destroy the vehicle. Then you want to get the Escort APC the HELL OUT OF THERE. End your turn. Avan will probably die. It’s probably just a scratch. Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. On Turn 2, move the APC to the goal point. Easy every time. Key Missions [KEYMI3] -------------------------- Storming the Bridge [STOBRI] Put some units in Area 1. Bring a tank with the Constructor Arm. Clear a path through Area 1 to capture the camp leading to Area 4. Deploy a unit from the southwest camp in Area 4 to capture the southeast camp connecting to Area 2. Deploy a tank from the southwest camp in Area 4 to build a bridge to the northwest camp. Get rid of any enemies guarding the camp and capture it. Defensive Exam [DEFEXE] Put some units in Area 2. Place a tank and another unit in Area 3. Whatever you do, get rid of Naggie in Area 3. From there, just capture camps and clear out enemies. Note: You may want to repeat this mission until you get the Cptd AA Gatling A1, a stupidly powerful tank turret that I use for the rest of the game. It’s totally worth it. Trust me. You won’t want to go back to or use anything else for that matter. While it is a stupidly powerful weapon, you still have the entire game to deal with. Tunnel Offensive [TUNOFF] Divide and conquer. Bring Lancers to destroy Gatling Turrets. The War Hero [WARHER] Divide and conquer. Clear out Area 1, then Area 4. Postgame Missions [POSTG3] ---------------------------- Revolution’s Afterglow [REVAFT] Put some units in Area 1, and some other units in Area 3. Get your units placed in Area 1 to capture the camp connecting to Area 1. Pick off some enemies in Area 3 to play it safe. Capture both camps in Area 2. Capture the north camp in Area 4, then the goal camp to the south. Leanbluff Clash [LEACLA] Pre-deploy your units in Area 2. Make sure you have a tank with a Constructor Arm. Start off by using your tank in Area 2 to build a ladder. Get a unit up that ladder, destroy the Supply Vehicle sitting in the center camp, kill the other enemy unit, then capture the camp leading to Area 3. Deploy a unit in Area 3 to kill the unit in the camp, move it north to the camp. Destroy the Supply Vehicle sitting there, kill the unit, and capture the camp leading to Area 4. Deploy a unit from the central camp in Area 2, get them to the north camp, capture the camp leading to Area 4. The Supply Vehicle in Area 4 will either be in the northwest or southeast camp. Deploy a Lancer to get rid of it. Deploy your tank in Area 5, go to the southwest part of the map where the Supply Vehicle should be hiding, destroy it. Clear a path to the camp and capture it. Deploy some units in Area 3 to clear a path toward the southwest camp, capture the camp leading to Area 1. Deploy a unit in Area 1 to capture the northeast camp. Try to deploy a Fencer Elite from that camp, head down to the south camp, clear a path, and capture it. =================== April [MONTH4] ==================== Story Missions [STORY4] ------------------------ Darcsen Liberation [DARLIB] This is by far the most difficult mission in the first half of the main game. Not only do you have to capture 3 camps across different areas, you have to deal with Baldren. This guy is unfair. He has a sub-machine gun that can rip you apart within seconds and has long range. He also has very good vision, so it’s very hard to move past him without being detected. In addition, he also high defense and evasion. He also has high mobility and can move between areas. Oh and if you leave any killed enemy units out in the open without removing them, he can revive them completely with the Recall order. Also his melee weapon is sure to one hit kill your units. This guy is nothing but trouble. It took me a long time to figure out this mission, but it turns out that you can completely manipulate the enemy AI. If you do things the same way every time on Turn 1, the enemy will react the same way on their turn. You can work this to your advantage. What I will write about is adapted from my speedrun strats for this mission, with minor adjustments made for more casual play. Make sure you have the Light Tank B and the Constructor Arm before going into this mission. The Light Tank B negates any movement penalty from being in the snow, only costs 1 CP per use, and gives you better accuracy for your turrets. It is also strongly recommended that you bring some Scout, Trooper, and Lancer Veterans if you can. Avan and Zeri are placed in 1B and 1C each. Put a Scout Veteran of your choice in 1D and your tank in 1A. Starting off in Turn 1, try to move your tank in reverse to build the ladder, then get back within the camp, destroy the tank to your left, then go on standby. Take your Scout Veteran of choice that isn’t Avan, climb the ladder, grenade the Sniper, capture the camp, then run to the east camp. The idea here is to get to the camp without turning the Gatling Turret your way. Kill the scout, capture the camp, then retreat. Deploy a Lancer Veteran from the southwest camp, destroy the Gatling Turret to the north from behind, then put your Lancer on standby. Put Avan on standby from your starting camp, deploy him at the east camp, then run to the north camp to capture it, then retreating Avan. The most important thing about Area 4 is to never destroy the Gatling Turret. Doing so will always summon Baldren to Area 4 on the enemy phase, something you never want to do. I like to deploy a Trooper and put them on the slope hugging the wall. I then end my turn. The following is what should happen. Baldren will waste 4 CP using Recall to revive fallen enemy units, which is part of the manipulation. He will then capture the south camp in Area 3, retreating to Area 1. Meanwhile in Area 4, a scout nearby will fire at your Trooper, only to get killed in the counter- attack. You should then be able to lure a Trooper out of the east camp, and hopefully kill it. Don’t worry if he survives. Meanwhile, Baldren will show up in Area 1, move toward Zeri at the base camp, only stop in front of him and do nothing. Some other enemy units may move around and do stuff, but don’t worry about them. You should be able to finish up this mission on Turn 2. Deploy a Scout from the south camp in Area 4 to turn the Gatling Turret to the left. Use your Shocktrooper to kill the Shocktrooper in Area 4 if needed, then run to the east camp to capture it, putting your unit on standby. Deploy another trooper, run to the shed, kill both the Scout and Sniper, capture the camp, then go on standby. Meanwhile in Area 3, deploy your tank from the north camp, get within range of the Gatling Turret to the south, and destroy it. Deploy either a Scout or Trooper from that same camp to run down south, kill the last enemy unit there, and capture the camp. And that is how you do this mission like a pro. It’s a ton of execution, but this should be consistent. Key Missions [KEYMI4] ---------------------------- The Missing Goods [MISGOO] Check Area 5 for crates. Capture camps leading to both Area 3 and 2. Check Area 2 for crates. Capture the camp leading to Area 3. Check Area 3 for crates. You may want to bring someone with a grenade or an armor tech if you need to clear away a branch blocking the way up to a cliff, where the last supply crate may be sitting. Cerulean Shadows [CERSHA] Put Avan and Zeri in 5F and 5H Get Avan to the north part of Area 5, where he should grenade the enemy commander to make him stand up. You then want to turn him around somewhere. Get Zeri to the same position to shoot him in the back of the head. Keep on going back and forth until he’s dead. Escape from Arlem [ESCARL] Put a Lancer and Trooper in Area 2. Have someone in Area 4 guard the base camp. Send someone in Area 2 to capture the northwest camp leading to Area 4. Get the APC from Area 4 to 2. Send a Lancer in Area 2 to capture the south camp leading to Area 1. Get the APC from Area 2 to 1. Get the Escort APC to the goal point. Alarming Developments [ALADEV] Place a Scout or two in Area 3. Get them to the camp without being shot to death by Troopers. Deploy a Trooper from the newly captured camp in Area 5. Just run past everything, you’ll be fine. Get to the north camp, kill the enemies, capture the camp. You got this. Free Missions [FREEM4] ------------------------ Leanbluff Skirmish [LEASKI] Divide and conquer, and please remember to check the grass. Postgame Missions [POSTG4] ----------------------------- Strategic Engagement [STRENG] There really isn’t anything specific you should have to do for this mission. Capture the camps in each area in following order: 1, 4, 3, then 2. Diebal Clash [DIECLA] Put a unit Area 2. Put a Trooper in Area 3. Put a Trooper in Area 4. Don’t bother putting any in Area 5. Deploy a tank in Area 1 to build a ladder, then park it in the camp. Get a unit to climb up the ladder and capture the camp leading to Area 2, then secure it. Secure the south camp in Area 2. Then use the unit you placed in Area 2 to capture the northwest camp leading to Area 5. Get your Trooper in Area 4 to move to the northwest camp leading to Area 2, then capture it. Secure the newly connected camp in Area 2. Destroy the Supply Vehicle near the camp in Area 5, then secure the camp. Deploy a unit from the starting camp in Area 1 to move toward the east camp leading to Area 3, then capture it. Secure the south camp in Area 3. Deploy a Lancer from the east camp in Area 1, move them to the north part where there should be a Supply Vehicle hiding, then destroy it. Clean out Area 1 and 2 when you can. Move the Trooper you stationed in Area 3 to the north camp, killing any enemy units on the way, then capture camp leading to Area 4. Clean out Area 3. Deploy tank from the east camp in Area 4, destroy the Supply Vehicle and hold onto the east camp. Clean out Area 4. Capture the north camp connecting to Area 5. Secure the south camp in Area 5. Use All Area Recon Order to find any remaining units, then hunt them down. ================= May [MONTH5] ================= Story Missions [STORY5] --------------------------- Laevatein Semifinals [LAESEM] Thankfully, this mission is much easier than Darcsen Liberation. Just make sure Avan is a Scout Veteran, okay? Now get him to run to the east and then north to the camp. Don’t worry about all those other enemy units firing at you, you’ll be fine, trust the damage formula. Kill the enemy unit and capture the camp, then put Avan on standby. Deploy your tank in Area 3, back all the way to the wall, aim at that enemy commander tank, boom, easy every time. Wait I was supposed to go around all of that stuff? Oh well. Key Missions [KEYMI5] ------------------------------ The 4th Mortar Squad [MORSQU] Put units in both areas. Capture the camp in either area. Divide and conquer. Retrieving the Goods [RETGOO] Put Lancer, Armor Tech, Scout in Area 4. Put unit or two in Area 2 to defend camp. I recommend Defense coating on Techs. You definitely want to have Scout and Engineer Veterans by this point for greater mobility. Destroy the Gatling Turret in Area 4. Get the crates there. Capture camp leading to Area 3. Deploy units in Area 3 to find crates and capture the camp leading to Area 2. You want to bring anti-armor units in Area 2 to deal with the units in the building, then search for the remaining crates. Breaching the Bunkers [BREBUN] Put some units in Area 3 and maybe a unit in Area 2 to defend the base camp. Take the shortcut through Area 3 to the camp leading to Area 2 and capture it. Deal with the Gatling Bunker and run to the camp. Deploy unit from north camp in Area 2 toward west camp and capture it. Mountain Stronghold [MOUSTR] Make sure you have two Scout Veterans you can put in Area 2. Capture both camps in Area 2 leading to Area 4 and 5. Destroy Supply Vehicle and Bunker on northwest corner of Area 5. Secure the northwest camp in Area 4, then capture the center camp. Deploy a Lancer Veteran from the central camp in Area 4 to the north camp. You want to pull out your Ragnaid to stutter step past any possible V2 units. Destroy Supply Vehicle sitting in the camp and then capture camp leading to Area 5 once you kill the other enemy sitting there. Deploy a unit from the south camp in Area 5 to deal with Ace as needed. Deploy a unit from the northwest camp to clear a way to the northeast camp and then capture it. Free Missions [FREEM5] ---------------------------- Diebal Skirmish [DIESKI] Put Lancer and some units in Area 1. You then want to get rid of the Gatling Turret and clear the area of enemies while capturing the camp leading to Area 4. Clear Area 4 out of enemies, and make sure to deploy a Lancer to destroy the tank sitting in the north part of the area. Postgame Missions [POSTG5] --------------------------------- Defending the Warship [DEFWAR] Put all your units in Area 5. Clear out any enemies in Area 5 that can destroy your tank. Move a unit part of the way down to the southwest camp. Clear a way toward the southeast camp leading to Area 4, capture it. Clean out Area 4. Capture the southwest camp in Area 3. Secure the Area 3 camp. Clean out Area 1 if you haven’t done so already. Clean out Area 3. No units are hiding in both sheds. Alternatively, you can start from Area 4, work your way through the area, capture the camp, then clear out Area 1. Your call. Yuell Clash [YUECLA] Commandos are really OP for this mission, so bring some. Basically, you want to work from area to area, eventually making your way to the goal camp in Area 2. Of course, if you want to go for materials, try to capture all camps before you end the mission. ==================== June [MONTH6] ==================== Story Missions [STORY6] ------------------------------ The Road to the Armory [ROAARM] I don’t even know how to do this mission the intended way. I mean, just put Defense Boost on Avan, avoid the landmines as you run into the warehouse, go around the tank, and to the goal point. Yeah go do that. Retaking Yuell [RETYUE] We’re going to run past the Kool Aid and ignore the tank guarding the camp. Put Defense Boost on Avan, then retreat him. Take your Scout Veteran of choice, run past all those enemy units, kill the enemy unit guarding the northeast camp, capture it, then go on standby. Deploy Avan into Area 5, run across the Kool Aid, run past the Geirolul, grenade the enemy unit, kill him, and then capture the camp. They never saw what was coming. Key Missions [KEYMI6] ----------------------------- Escort to the Ruins [ESCRUI] I strongly recommend getting Defense coating for your Troopers. Place a Trooper in Area 4. Put some units in Area 1 to defend the camp. You want to get your Trooper in Area 4 to the camp on the east. The Defense Coating should help you survive running past Gatling Bunker. Capture the camp leading to Area 3. The camp will be re-captured on the enemy phase, but we want to lure the Ace as close as possible to the camp in Area 3. This is important because you want your units to be less likely killed by the Gatling Bunker facing that camp as you try to kill the Ace. Meanwhile in Area 1, clear a path to the north camp, capture it, and get the APC from Area 1 to 4. Move the APC from Area 4 to 3. Kill the Ace in Area 3 and get the APC to the goal point. Forest Guardians [FORGUA] Place your tank and some units in Area 1. Destroy the APC in front of the camp in Area 1 with your tank, build the ladder, then do what you need to do in order to capture the camp to the northeast. Try to put your tank in the Area 4 camp before the end of your turn. Or you could see if you can get away with leaving the camp empty if you are feeling lucky. Move your tank in Area 4 down to the southeast camp to build a ladder. Send a unit from the same camp to capture that camp. You can then send another unit across the south part of the map to capture the southwest camp. You have now choked off the enemy from sending reinforcements. Clear both areas of enemies. Sand Sweepers [SANSWE] I recommend getting Area Recon order, which can be bought from Alicia at the store for 28,100 EXP. Place a Lancer and another unit in Area 3, and whoever in Area 2. Use Area Recon on Area 3 to see if the Supply Vehicle is in the northwest or northeast, then destroy it. Try to then spend the remainder of Turn 1 clearing a path to the north camp in Area 2 leading to Area 3. Try to spend as much of Turn 2 as possible cleaning out Area 2 since the sandstorm isn’t in effect. Use Turn 3 to clear out any remaining enemies. The Impregnable APC [IMPAPC] Place a Lancer and two Troopers in Area 4. Feel free to leave Area 5 empty. Use your Lancer to destroy the Gatling Turret. Get your Troopers to the east camp connecting to Area 3, then capture it. Get your tank out in Area 3, shoot the Ace, then the enemy commander. You can easily do this mission in 1 turn. Free Missions [FREEM6] ------------------------------------- Daws Desert Skirmish [DAWSKI] Put units in both Area 1 and 4. Capture the camps connecting to Area 5. Capture the goal camp. Postgame Missions [POSTG6] ---------------------------------- The Purge Continues [PURCON] Put some units in Area 5, have one unit guard the base camp in Area 1. Send a unit in Area 5 to capture the northwest camp connecting to Area 2. Send another unit to capture the south camp leading to Area 4. Clear your way through Area 2 to the camp and then capture it. Try to bring a Lancer and Scout to the central camp in Area 4 to capture it. Then send a unit to the south camp leading to Area 1, then capture it. In Area 1, send a unit over to the east camp leading to Area 3, then capture it. Try to bring a Trooper/Scout and Lancer to the camp in Area 3 to capture the last camp. Daws Desert Clash [DAWCLA] Bring your tank along with your best Lancers and Maulers. Capture all camps before you capture the last camp to get awarded more materials. July [MONTH7] ============================== Story Missions [STORY7] -------------------------------- Laevatein Finals [LAEFIN] We want to kill Juliana on Turn 1 before she has the chance to move around and cause mayhem. Don’t worry, it’s easy enough. I recommend putting Defense Coating on your Lancers (Copper x Copper). Place a Lancer Veteran into 1C. Once you start the mission, put Avan on standby. Get your Lancer Veteran of choice across the 3 troopers firing at you, past the tank, then destroy the tank from behind, finally capturing the camp before putting them on standby. Switch to Area 2. Get your Avan or your Scout Veteran of choice to run past everything all the way up to north camp, which you want to capture. Put them on standby, then deploy your tank. You want to run Juliana over with your tank and see if you can get her to spawn facing away from your tank. Try to shoot her in the back of the head if you can. If she still survives, you can run her over again or sandwich her with another foot unit like a Trooper. It's much easier to deal with her that way than any situation beyond Turn 1. Key Missions [KEYMI7] ------------------------------- Hidden Goods [HIDGOO] Put two Scouts in Area 2, two Troopers in Area 4, and a Tank and another Scout in Area 5. Area 2: Send a Scout to check the north for a crate. Send another scout to check the east for a crate if there’s another one. Area 4: check the west side for a crate. Check the east side outside the warehouse for the possible other crate. You may have to stutter step past a V2 unit. Area 5: Use tank with Constructor Arm equipped to scope for crates, if there is one to the east, build a ladder for easy access. Retreat tank, use a Scout to grab it. Grab another Scout to run toward the hill in the northeast and see if there’s a remaining crate there. Escorting a Defector [ESCDEF] Put some units in Area 5. Send your units in Area 5 to the east camp connecting to Area 4. Capture that camp. Deploy a Lancer from the newly captured camp in Area 4 to get rid of the APC and the Gatling Turret. Try to get the Escort APC from Area 4 to 5 as soon as possible. Capture the southwest camp in Area 5 leading to Area 1. Get the Escort APC from Area 5 to 1. The Cerulean March [CERMAR] Put some units in both areas. You want to get rid of the Supply Vehicle in Area 5, then capture the east camp connecting to Area 4. From there, you want to get rid of the Supply Vehicle in Area 4. Secure the camps. Defeat all enemy forces. There is probably a unit hiding in the bottom part of Area 4. Rebel Stragglers [REBSTR] I am writing this with finishing the mission as fast as possible rather than going for all camps. That being said, I highly suggest you bring along two Scout Veterans and pre-deploy them into Area 5. Send one of them to the north camp and the other to the south camp. Switch to Area 3. Deploy a tank with a Constructor Arm to build a ladder. Get someone up there to capture the last camp. A Gust of Wind [GUSWIN] This is another mission where I am writing it with a 1 turn clear in mind. Place a Scout Veteran and your tank in Area 4. Build a bridge, get someone down south to capture the camp to Area 1. Send any unit of your choice in Area 1 down south to the camp, kill all enemy units, then capture it. Free Missions [FREEM7] Yuell Skirmish [YUESKI] Just make sure you can deal with the Gatling Bunkers and Tanks in both areas. Otherwise it’s just going through each area and clearing them of enemies. Postgame Missions [POSTG7] A Castle in Darkness [CASDAR] Enjoy this mission, because the other 3-star mission in this month will take much longer. Put a Scout Elite and Lancer in Area 3. Capture the camp and go after the Ace. Capture camps in Area 2, then go right for the camp in Area 5. Not much else to say here. Roendahl Clash [ROECLA] This mission however, I have a lot to say here. You may want to make Avan into a Trooper Elite or Commando for this mission. I like to have a Lancer and a Commando with Avan in Area 3. You should also try putting a Mobile Lancer and Trooper Elite / Commando in Area 5. In Area 3, try to have your Commando take out enemies, then kill the Ace with the flamethrower. I prefer keeping the Ace in the grass because he won’t be able to evade so often like he would standing up. Retreat that commando. Meanwhile in Area 5, get a Lancer to the right camp, destroy the Supply Vehicle, then capture that camp. Get another Trooper to capture the other camp in the area. In Area 2, you want to capture the midway camp. Capture the other camp and destroy the Supply Vehicle. In Area 1, capture both camps while getting rid of the Supply Vehicle and the V2 units. Try not to leave a tank in Area 4 unless you will be able to get it across the area and destroy the Supply Vehicle on the same turn. Otherwise, deploy a tank in Area 4 to go across the big bridge, destroy the Supply Vehicle on the other side of the map, and get of any units that may be standing on the bridge. Capture the camp once you do that, then hit the switch for Area 3. Finally, in Area 3, move your Lancer forward to spot the Supply Vehicle and destroy it. If you’re confident, you can pull off some headshots on nearby enemies. Get Avan to the camp, assisting with defeating enemies, and capture the goal camp. ============================ August [MONTH8] ============================ --------------------------------- Story Missions [STORY8] --------------------------------- Defending Lanseal [DEFLAN] This mission is downright scary if you’ve never played it before. Thankfully I figured out a way to trivialize it into the easiest story mission. Yes, you too can do this at home! Before entering this mission, make sure your Techs have the latest armor and Defense coating with the highest quality materials available. Place two Armor Techs / Tech Veterans / Fencers in 1B and 1C during pre- deployment. First off, RETREAT AVAN FROM AREA 3. Second, place your tank in Area 2 and leave it in the camp. Third, hide both of your Techs behind sandbags in the camp. With the best defense from their armor, the defense increase from hiding behind a sandbag, the additional defense you get from being in your own camp, and the Defense coating you put on in R&D, your Techs will become literal walls. If you feel like your Techs are at any danger of being killed, feel free to deploy Engineers to heal them, then put them on standby. At least they should get Support credits from this mission. By not killing any units in Area 1, you prevent a Supply Vehicle from showing up on Turn 5, and you keep the game from spawning V2 units or Commandos from the camps. Don’t worry about the D rank you get, this is one of those missions where the developers intended for you to A rank on a future playthrough. ----------------------------- Key Missions [KEYMI8] ----------------------------- Killer Assault [KILASS] Place a Lancer and a unit like a Trooper in Area 4. Place a Scout Veteran and someone to guard the camp in Area 5. Clear a path in Area 4 to capture the camp leading to Area 3. Use your Lancer to destroy the Ace. Clear a path through Area 5 to the camp leading to Area 3. Deploy a tank from the east camp in Area 3 to build a ladder, then send a unit up to kill any enemies in the camp, then capture it. Buying Time [BUYTIM] There’s really not much to explain here. Hold onto both of your camps, kill all enemies in both areas. The Cerulean Menace [CERMEN] Put a Scout Veteran in Area 1. Put some units in Area 3. Send your Scout in Area 1 around to the east, into the trench, and into the camp to capture it once you deal with the enemy unit guarding it. The camp will lead to Area 2. Clear a path through Area 3 to the northeast camp leading to Area 4. Once you get to Area 4, deploy a Scout to run around along the north. You can sneak behind a possible V2 unit, kill the enemy unit guarding the camp, then capture it. From there, you can deploy a Lancer to destroy the Supply Vehicle, then killing any V2 units nearby. From there, you can capture the southeast camp leading to Area 2. Clear a path through Area 2 to the final camp. The Roar of Shells [ROASHE] Put some units in both Area 1 and 5. Clear a path through both areas, capture the camps leading to Area 4. Deploy a tank from the south camp in Area 4, bring it to the center of the area to destroy the enemy commander tank. --------------------------- Free Missions [FREEM8] --------------------------- Drill Ground Firefight [DRIFIR] Place units in both Area 1 and 3. Capture camps, hold onto them, clear path to other camps. --------------------------------- Postgame Missions [POSTG8] --------------------------------- Under the Cannons [UNDCAN] You want to hit the switches in Area 1, then proceed to capture the camps leading to Area 1 and 2. From there, you want to secure those connecting camps to prevent them from being re-captured by the enemy forces. Try to clear out Area 2 and 3 as soon as possible, then destroy the heat sinks in all areas. If you are going to go for bonus materials, capture the camp in the southeastern part of Area 2 before you defeat all enemies on the map. I tend to leave Area 1 for last. Doerfein Clash [DOECLA] This mission is written with the assumption that you are going for all materials possible. This is the postgame, so you are probably trying to get Level 4 and Level 5 materials. Start in Area 4, clear the area, capture all camps in the area. From there, you want to work your way to Area 2, capturing camps connecting to Area 1 and 3. Going back to Area 4, capture the camp going to Area 1 if you haven’t done so already. Work your way through Area 3. You may want to bring a Trooper since the north camp may be heavily guarded. Once you clear the camp of enemies, capture it to connect to Area 5. Finally, clear a path through Area 5 to capture the final camp. ============================== September [MONTH9] ============================== -------------------------- Story Missions [STORY9] -------------------------- Retaking Roendahl [RETROE] Make sure Avan is a Scout Veteran/Elite before you do this mission. Also have some spare Engineer Veterans/Elites and spare Scout Veterans/Elites. All you want to do with Avan is to get him to the switch in Area 4 and then hit it. You want to clear a path to Area 1. How you do it is up to you. At least the enemy should not be too aggressive about capturing the base camp. You then want to deploy a Scout or Engineer in Area 3 to run to the center camp, ignoring the enemies there. Then you want to spawn another Scout or Engineer to run to the next camp. Ideally, you want to end Turn 1 with your tank safely deployed in Area 5. You want to spend all of Turn 2 focusing your efforts on the Geirolul. Shoot at it until you destroy it. ------------------------------ Key Missions [KEYMI9] ------------------------------ The 9th Heavy Infantry [HEAINF] Place a tank and another unit in Area 5. Start clearing out that area of enemies, and especially the Ace. Try to place your tank to block the path down from the hill to the northwest. Make sure you also secure Area 2. Then start hunting down all enemies and defeat them. Flames of Revolution [FLAREV] Make sure you have a tank with a Constructor Arm starting out in Area 4. Build a bridge to the south of the camp and clear a way to the southeast camp leading to Area 2. Secure your camps as you clear a way through Area 2 to the south camp leading to Area 1. Towers of Death [TOWDEA] Zeri goes in 2A, Avan in 2B. Put two units in Area 5. Send Avan in Area 2 to the south camp in Area 2 leading to Area 1. Zeri should hang out near the north camp leading to Area 3. Get the Escort APC from Area 5 to 2 as soon as possible. During the enemy phase, if units are killed in the base camp, replace them as soon as possible. Spend Turn 2 getting the Escort APC as close to the north camp in Area 2 as possible and possibly move it to Area 3. Repair the Escort APC at the beginning of Turn 3, get it to the goal area. The Cerulean Beasts [CERBEA] Divide and conquer. Use Area Recon when needed to figure out where to destroy the Supply Vehicle, as it will make dealing with the enemies on their phase that much easier. ----------------------- Key Missions [KEYMI9] ----------------------- Arlem Firefight [ARLFIR] Put a unit in the base camp in Area 1 to guard it. Place some units in Area 3. You want to clear a path to both camps in Area 3, capturing them, leading to Area 1 and 2. From there, you want to capture the camp connecting Area 1 to 4. Finish off the mission by capturing the camps in both Areas 2 and 4. --------------------------- Postgame Missions [POSTG9] --------------------------- Secrets in Yuell [SECYUE] Sweep through Area 4, 5, 1, then 2 Anthold Aqueduct Clash [ANAQCL] Secure the camps in Area 2 and 4. From there, focus on Area 5. You can then take on 1 or 3 first and then finish up the other area. ===================== October [MONT10] ===================== Liberating Doerfein [LIBDOE] We want to kill Baldren in 1 turn. Thankfully it’s doable enough. Go to R&D and put some Vs. Personnel coating on your Troopers by combining your best quality Gunpowder materials. This will give you enough firepower to quick kill Baldren. Place Avan and Zeri in 2A and 2B. Put Zeri on standby, get Avan to the northwest camp, deal with the Heavy Scout, capture the camp, and go on standby. Switch to Area 3. Deploy a Scout Veteran, climb the ladder up to the center area, take the ladder down to the north, run to north camp, shoot the crate to launch the enemy out of the camp area, capture the camp, then go on standby. Switch to Area 5. Basically, you want to set up two Troopers to sandwich Baldren. Deploy Zeri, run him to the camp, run around the tank from behind, and turn Baldren facing east. Deploy another Trooper like Anisette, sneak up behind Baldren, shoot him in the head. If he survives, finish him off with Zeri. ------------------------- Key Missions [KEYM10] ------------------------- Last Line of Defense [LALIDE] Put 3 Troopers in the Area 1 base camp. Put a Trooper in 4F. Get your Trooper in Area 4 south to the camp. Shoot the Sniper along the way. Get to the camp. Deal with the Commando and Engineer Elite, then capture the camp. Deploy a Lancer to destroy the Light APC. Trust me when I say that the Ace and the Heavy Tank in Area 4 won’t move at all. You can deal with them later. Secure Area 1 and hold onto your newly captured camp. You can spend the entirety of Turn 2 to finish up the mission. The Scogul Menace [SCOMEN] Put Avan and another unit in the base camp in Area 5. Put a Trooper in 4B. Send the Trooper in Area 4 to the south camp to capture it. Deploy someone who can take a lot of hits in Area 2 to run to the north camp and capture that one. Definitely get rid of the cannon tower in Area 3 before you send someone to capture the goal camp. Rain of Mortars [RAIMOR] Words cannot describe how much I hate this mission. Especially if you are trying to A rank it. There are V2 units everywhere in the most inconvenient places. Mortars make this mission go slower than it should. It’s snowing outside so you can’t heal after each enemy phase on your next turn. Oh, and it’s dark outside, so you can’t really see stuff. If you want to skip over this mission and come back to it much later with better equipment and potentials, I wouldn’t put it against you. Pre-deploy Trooper and Scout Veteran in Area 4. Send Trooper to destroy Supply Vehicle and anything else in the way. Send Scout to capture north camp connecting from Area 5. Get the Escort APC from Area 5 to 4. Capture the east camp in Area 4 connecting to Area 3. Remember to heal as needed with Engineers since this is a snowstorm and your units will not heal in this mission after every enemy phase. Make sure to secure camps while you’re at it and destroy any Supply Vehicles you come across to neutralize the threat of the V2 units for the most part. Try not to capture the south camp in Area 3 connecting to Area 1 unless you can get the APC from that area to the next by the end of that turn. I like to think that this will keep a V2 unit from being in the connecting camp when you move your APC, risking the APC to be destroyed. And you don’t want to repeat this mission because you made some dumb miscalculation. Once your APC gets from Area 3 to 1, repair it on the next turn or do what you need to do. All that’s left is to move the APC to the goal point. Protecting the Water [PROWAT] Put some units in Area 5. One of them will stay in the base camp to guard it. The others should capture both camps in Area 5. Switch to Area 2, capture both camps along the way. You may want to stutter step past V2 units as necessary. Deploy a tank in Area 4 to build a bridge with the Constructor Arm, then send a unit over to hit the switch. Get some units into Area 3 to clear a path along the way to the goal camp. The Supply Vehicle will either spawn in the north or south side. In any case, defeat the enemies within the camp and capture it. ------------------------- Free Missions [FREE10] ------------------------- Roendahl Skirmish [ROESKI] Put some units in the base camp to defend it. Put some units of your choice in Area 1 and 5 to clear a path to the camp in each area connecting to Area 2. Once done, secure all camps. Then proceed to wipe enemies from each area. Leanbluff Firefight [LEAFIR] A tank with a Constructor Arm comes in handy here. Use it to build ladders in both Area 2 and 3 right away so you have easy access to the camps. You will be able to easily capture more camps that will connect to other areas. Divide and conquer and you should be able to complete this mission with no problem. Yuell Firefight [YUEFIR] Put a Scout Veteran in 1A and throw a unit in the Area 4 base camp for good measure. You want to move your Scout Veteran across Area 1, going counterclockwise, through the trench, and behind the enemy guarding the camp you want to capture. Once you capture the camp, leave someone in place who can keep it from being taken back by the enemy on their phase. Clear a path through Area 2, capturing camps along the way. Deal with Heavy Gunners accordingly. Once you get to Area 3, capture the north camp, then clear a path to the center camp you need to capture in order to end the mission. ----------------------------- Postgame Missions [POST10] ----------------------------- The Canyon Divided [CANDIV] Put a Trooper in Area 1, put some other units in Area 5. Start off by capturing camps in Area 5. Meanwhile in Area 1, get your Trooper in Area 2 to capture the camp connecting to Area 1. Capture the camp in Area 2. Clear the big bridge of enemies in Area 4 and capture the camp there. Hit the switch opening the flood gate in Area 3. Finally make your way to the camp in Area 3. Anthold Harbor Clash [ANHACL] You want to start in Area 1, clearing a path to capture camps connecting to Area 2 and 3. From the newly captured camp in Area 2, deploy a tank to build a ladder. Then deploy a unit or two to clear a path to the northeast platform, where you should be able to hit a switch opening the door for the northern part of the map. A Supply Vehicle should now be exposed for you to destroy and disable the V2 units in this area. Capture the Area 2 camp leading to Area 4. Meanwhile, clear a path through Area 3, capturing the camp connecting to Area 5. Switch to Area 5. Deploy the tank once again to build a ladder from the platform. Send a Lancer or someone down there to destroy the APC, then to capture the southeast camp connecting to Area 4. Assuming that the enemy did not take back any of your other camps, this should give you the bonus materials for capturing all camps. Finish off this mission by capturing the north camp in Area 5. ============================ November [MONT11] ============================ Blasting the Aqueduct [BLAAQU] This mission can be scary. But with the right approach, you should be able to pull through. I recommend putting Defense Coating on your Troopers, primarily for Zeri. Zeri should also be at least a Trooper or Gunner Veteran. Really, he needs that better defense and the ability to use Ragnaid. Put any unit in 4C-E. Put two units with Avan in Area 5. Move Zeri to the mine cart, making sure to heal along the way. Don’t worry about killing any enemy units. Once he makes it to Area 3, place a 4th unit in Area 5. End your turn without killing any enemy units. Your units are going to take a huge beating, but you should be able to keep them from capturing your camps. You want Zeri to run past everything in Area 5, healing along the way as necessary, then finally get to the goal point. ------------------------ Key Missions [KEYM11] ------------------------ Rounding Up Rebels [ROUPRE] Divide and conquer. Bring a Commando to deal with Gatling Bunkers. Also take care of Supply Vehicles and V2 units first when possible. Excavation Corps [EXECOR] Zeri in 1A, Avan in 1B, Trooper of your choice in 5E. Send your Trooper in Area 5 down south to the camp, run past everything, pick up a crate along the way if there. Trust the damage formula and run past enemies, this is VC2, not VC3. Capture the camp leading to Area 4. Deploy a unit to check for a crate to the east. Send Avan to the east part of Area 1, check for Supply Crate in front of you and in the distance. If there is a Supply Crate in the distance, leave him in the area, as you will need him to apply Defense Boost to Zeri. This will let Zeri run up north and run around up to the ledge to get the other crate. Then send Avan to the northeast camp to capture it. Check for Supply Crates in Area 2. Run up to the northeast part of the map to look for a crate, and then a possible crate toward the center of the area. Switch to Area 4. Deploy your tank, go toward the center for supply crate. Shoot the APC blocking the path to the southwest end of the map, where there could be a final supply crate. The Ultimate Weapon [ULTWEA] You want to send your tank or anti-armor unit of choice in Area 4 to deal with the two Heavy Tanks, as they are the biggest threat there. You also want to get rid of the tank to the south of the base camp in Area 2 if you want to easily secure it. Otherwise it’s simply divide and conquer. The Cerulean Fortress [CERFOR] I don’t think the enemy will really do much on their turn. So don’t worry about them being too aggressive about capturing camps. Like really, bring some Commandos, Maulers, your tank, or Lancer of choice to deal with the Cannon Towers, something to deal with the Supply Vehicles. For the camp you need to capture, you could always send over a Fencer or Fencer Elite and conserve movement by using the sandbags along the way. Raging Sands [RAGSAN] Divide and conquer, make sure to hold onto camps, try to defeat as many enemies as possible on the even numbered turns when the sandstorm isn’t in effect. Otherwise you can try to kill enemy units on odd numbered turns with Fencers, Mortarers, and Maulers. ------------------------- Free Missions [FREE11] ------------------------- Doerfein Skirmish [DOESKI] This is a very easy defend mission to rout the enemy forces. Make sure you take care of Heavy Tanks, capture camps, hold onto them, and kill enemy units. Not much else to say here. Diebal Firefight [DIEFIR] Keep a unit in Area 4 to guard the base camp. Put some units in Area 1 since you want to capture both camps connecting to Area 2 and 3. Deploy your tank in Area 1 to build a ladder for easy access to the southwest camp leading to Area 2. From there, go after the east camp going to Area 3. You can also go after the east camp and then the southwest camp in that order. From there, secure the camps you’ve already captured and clear out any enemies nearby. You have easy access in Area 2 to the east camp connecting to Area 4, especially if you want to go for the All Camps bonus. Again, make sure to secure your camps. Clear your way through both Area 2 and 3 to capture the goal camps in order to clear the mission. Roendahl Firefight [ROEFIR] Leave one unit in Area 4 to guard the base camp. Put some units in Area 2 to capture both camps. Work your way toward both camps in Area 1 and the sole camp in Area 5. --------------------------- Postgame Missions [POST11] --------------------------- Warship Requiem [WARREQ] Place a unit in Area 3, preferably a Trooper. Put some other units in Area 4. Work your way through Area 4, capturing the camp to Area 2. Clear a path through Area 2 to capture the camp to Area 1. Meanwhile, that one Trooper you placed in Area 3? Get them to capture the camp to Area 2. You’re now at Area 1. Deploy a Lancer to destroy the APC, then get another unit or someone like that to the goal point. Dandarius Clash 1 [DANCL1] This mission can be very difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing. Have two Troopers and another unit stationed in Area 1, while you place another Trooper and an AT Sniper in Area 2. All you’re going to do in Area 2 for now is to use your AT Sniper to destroy the Supply Vehicle across the area, then retreat them. Switch to Area 1. Deploy your tank, move as far up east as you can, you should be able to see the Supply Vehicle for that area, snipe it. Try to move the tank back to the camp once you destroy it so you don’t have to waste CP retreating it. Switch to Area 3. Deploy a Fencer Elite if an enemy unit is sitting in the newly captured camp. Retreat them. Deploy a Mobile Lancer or Lancer Elite. Stutter step by the V2 unit, get within aim of the Supply Vehicle in the area, destroy it, and see if you can run back to the camp. Capture the midway camp if you can. Get Troopers across your captured camps to guard them and then end your turn. If you can survive Turn 1, it should get much easier from here. Gain control of all the camps, kill enemies when you can. I try to use Cosette, Erik, or Marion since they have the Double Attack potentials. Additionally, Cosette has Beautiful World, which lets her take more than one action, meaning she could attack up to 3-4 times in 1 CP usage. Basically, kill the rest of the enemies and destroy the heat sinks in all 3 areas. ============================== December [MONT12] ============================== ---------------------------- Story Missions [STOR12] ---------------------------- Battle of Anthold Harbor [BAANHA] Dirk hits like a truck. You also want to kill him in 1 turn. I hope you know how to stutter step. Basically, you can pull out a weapon faster than a V2 unit can start firing on you, which will let you safely move across a map by resetting their attack animations. Ragnaid is the fastest for stutter stepping. You want to keep a steady pattern as you move Avan from the starting point to the left switch. Take care since he can kill you in 3-4 hits. Once you hit the switch, use your tank to destroy the Supply Vehicle. I recommend then using the tank to kill off Dirk since he can’t counter, in case he wants to block your shots from the front. Just remember that Dirk can damage your vehicle with intercepting fire. In any case, this should make quick work of him. Clash Aboard Deck [CLABDE] This mission can easily be done in 1 turn. You want to have a highly accurate tank turret for what I suggest for this mission. See if you can get your tank in Area 2 in a good enough position to aim at the Heat Sink. It may take a bit of time, but it is doable. Don’t worry about the fences, as you can shoot through them. Once you land a shot, you’ve effectively skipped over most of the mission. Send a unit across Area 3 to capture the camp to the south. Put that unit on standby, deploy a Lancer to go further south and fire at the second heat sink. Deploy a Scout Veteran / Elite or Engineer Veteran / Elite in Area 1 to hit the switch in the southeast part of the map. Then deploy a Lancer, get it within clear sight of the exposed heat sink, and then shoot through the fences to destroy it. You’ve made quick work of this mission. The Final Battle [FINBAT] Baldren isn’t going down without a final fight. It’s totally doable to kill him in 1 turn before he does anything terrible enough. Place a Scout in 1A and a Trooper Veteran / Elite in either 2F or 2G. First, put Avan on standby. Use the Scout you placed in Area 1 to hit the switch to the southwest. This will let you move your Trooper across Area 2 to the northern camp, while running past the Heavy Scouts firing at you. From there, capture the camp. I like to have Avan as a Scout Veteran or Elite, so I deploy him in Area 4, get him to run straight ahead, make a right turn at the silo, and turn Baldren facing to the northeast. From there, you can get Sniper Elite / AT Sniper / Tank to fire at Baldren’s exposed engine on his back. Turn Baldren around with Avan as needed. Once you destroy Baldren’s engine, you basically got this fight in the bag. LOOKS LIKE SCHOOL JUST GOT OUT ----------------------------- Key Missions [KEYM12] ------------------------------ 4th Mortars Regrouped [4MORRE] Divide and conquer. The Cerulean Death [CERDEA] Take out Supply Vehicles, capture camps, kill V2 units, defeat all other enemy units. Retrieving Secrets [RETSEC] I strongly recommend bringing a tank with a Constructor Arm for this mission. Put some units in Area 1, a mobile enough unit in Area 2, and a Commando in Area 3. Just remember to take care around the Cannon Towers as you search for supply crates. Beyond the Flood Gate [BEFLGA] I strongly recommend bringing along your best units, with the best equipment possible. Put Defense coating on your troopers. Get the best quality materials. Also for the love of god please get your units up to third tier if you don’t want to have a terrible time in the canyon. I suggest you bring along Scout Elites, Trooper Elites (yes you heard me there), Lancer Elites, Sniper Elites, AT Snipers, Medics / Engineers, and Fencer Elites. You will want to have them to deploy with the situation. Why do I prefer Trooper Elites over Commandos? Better Attack, Defense, and Accuracy. You get access to Max Vs Personnl, which will make defeating V2 units that much easier. This mission is by far the most unfair in the main game, not including the DLC. Beyond the Flood Gate is where the game is out for your blood. The odds are very much against you. In fact, this may seem like a suicide mission. But you will fight back and you will pull through. Place your Trooper of choice in Area 3. Alternatively, you can put a Lancer Elite there. I hope you like them enough to put them through this. Put Avan, a Lancer, and a Trooper / Gunner in Area 4. Send your Lancer in Area 3 over to the bridge to check for a Heavy APC. You want to destroy it at all costs because it’s armed with a flamethrower and you need to keep Avan alive. If for some reason he gets killed, you may as well just reset the mission since it went up in flames. Also, you really want to pay attention to the bridge where the Heavy APC was sitting. You will probably get a combination of V2 units, AT Snipers, and Heavy Gunners. AT Snipers are mostly harmless, V2 units you can easily stutter step past, but Heavy Gunners are the deadliest. Don’t hit the switch right away. Except for the V2 units which you can stutter step around, scrub the bridge clean of any units as you make your way to the north camp. Run past the Supply Vehicle hanging out in front of the camp, capture the camp. If you get hit by AP Use Up, I hope you have the Antidote order. In any case, deploy a Lancer to destroy the Supply Vehicle from behind. Do whatever you need to in that area until you either feel like you’re safe enough or run out of CP. Don’t bother placing units in Area 5, focus on Area 4. Let the enemy recapture the camp. Really, as long as you can neutralize the V2 threat in the area, you should be fine. Take a look at your CP on the following turn. Make your best judgement on whether you want to hit the switch or pass a turn to get more CP. You’re going to have to commit to a lot of actions once you hit the switch to go *ahem* beyond the flood gate. There is no turning back. Regardless of whether you have a Trooper with Defense coating or a Fencer Elite in Area 3, once you hit the switch, get them to the west camp as soon as possible, where you will either run into one or two Heavy Gunners. Dispose of them, capture the camp, then go on standby. GET THE ESCORT APC OUT OF AREA 3. The Supply Vehicle in Area 2 will either be near the northwestern or the southwestern camp. If the Supply Vehicle is on the northwest side: Deploy a Lancer to trip over / damage boost off a landmine on the bridge between the northeast and northwest camp – mainly to get rid of a landmine while being able to use that same CP for an attack – then destroy the Supply Vehicle. Get the Escort APC over to the bridge. If the Supply Vehicle is on the southwest side: Deploy an AT Sniper or an accurate enough Lancer to snipe the Supply Vehicle. Use a Lancer to trip over/ damage boost off a landmine. This will make room for the Escort APC to move over to the bridge. Feel free to pick off any other units that you think will be a threat. In any case, I like to get Avan and Zeri out of the other areas and deploy them in Area 2 to hide in the grass. This is the safest spot for them to be during the enemy phase. You will not know whether the enemy will want to deploy a V2 unit or not. In that case, whether or not you destroyed the Supply Vehicle, they are sure to kill them out in the open. Meanwhile, that enemy APC hanging out in the southeast corner of Area 2? You do not want it near your Escort APC at all. The Gram Gatling-AD-7 attached to the thing has a vsArmr stat of 64. It shoots volleys of 10 bullets per round, and it does so quickly. You know what this means? It will shred your Escort APC to pieces within seconds if you ever let it get close enough. You want to destroy it as soon as you can. So take your best Lancer or AT Sniper to destroy it from a distance. Don’t worry about losing camps, as long as you have your units intact, you should be fine. There is a lot of danger to be had and you can easily throw away the mission if something goes wrong, but you can do whatever you can to prevent it. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES CAPTURE THE NORTHWEST CAMP JUST YET. The last thing you want to do is to let a V2 unit recapture a camp, you take it back, you move the Escort APC from Area 2 to 5, and you end up with the V2 unit right behind your APC. This will absolutely leave your APC vulnerable to being destroyed and all those minutes you put making it this far in the escort mission go to waste. Just let it remain in the enemy hands. Once you do all of that, you let the enemy take their turn, and you gain control again, look at your CP counter. Try to have at least 10-11 CP or so. Hopefully you will have more. Get Zeri out of the grass, toward the northwest camp, shoot the AT Sniper, then kill the V2 unit, finally capturing the camp. Move the Escort APC from Area 2 to 5. Really important, you never want to end your turn with your Escort APC in Area 5. You will run a very good chance of your APC being destroyed by V2 units. You know what this means? JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL AND GET TO THE DESTINATION If you can make it there, congrats, you just finished the toughest mission in the main game. Pat yourself on the back. You did it. Counteroffensive [COUNTE] Zeri in 2D, Avan in 4E Move Avan around the north part of Area 4 to the northeast camp, deal with the Mauler, then capture the camp leading to Area 5. Move Zeri across the pathway through the center of Area 2 to the south camp, capturing it leading to Area 1. Deal with the Supply Vehicle and the Gatling Bunkers in Area 5, along with the V2 unit and the mauler hanging out in the camp. Trust me, the enemy will not capture any camps if you leave them empty. Switch to Area 1. Send your tank out to shoot at the Supply Vehicle, which should either be in the northwest or southwest part of the camp. ----------------------- Free Missions [FREE12] ----------------------- Doerfein Firefight [DOEFIR] Pre-deploy the tank in Area 4, put some units in Area 2. Destroy the Cannon Tower facing your base camp in Area 4 with the tank, then park inside the camp. You then want to capture both camps in Area 2. I then like to clear my way through Area 4 from the northeast camp to the northwest camp, destroying the other Cannon Tower. Capture the camp leading to Area 5. Clear your way through both Area 3 and Area 5 to capture both camps there. --------------------------- Postgame Missions [POST12] --------------------------- 4th Mortar Showdown [4MORSH] Divide and conquer. Fencer Elites and Maulers work great here. So do Lancers. A Prayer for Peace [PRAPEA] There are a lot of things to take care of and a lot of ground to cover in this defend mission, but it’s not as bad as it seems. Basically, you want to divide and conquer. Take out any tanks, cannon towers, and mortarers as soon as possible. These units are most likely to cause your camps to get captured and therefore game over. Pick out Commandos from a distance as they have weapons that can inflict Attack Down. Meanwhile Heavy Scouts have weapons with a high Suppression stat, meaning that they are very likely to inflict AP Use Up, which is bad when you’re in an area where you’re already experiencing reduced movement from the heat in the Daws Desert. Hold onto camps as needed. There will probably be an enemy unit hiding in the grass in Area 2. Dandarius Clash 2 [DANCL2] This mission is not as involved as the first one, but you still want to be careful here. I hope you upgraded your weapons enough. Also you may want to get some Temporary Coating before you enter this mission. Basically you want to divide and conquer, but hold onto the camps you capture at the same time. That’s it really. Lanseal Academy Clash [LAACL] Put a Mauler in Area 3, get them to capture the left camp. Work your way to the camp in the center, then to the camp in the east part of the area. Clear a path through Area 2 to capture the camp to Area 1. Clear a path through Area 1 to capture the last camp. Foot units are likely to be hit by AP Use Up, so use caution. ============================= Classmates [CLASSM] ============================= --------------------- Scouts [SCOUTS] --------------------- A Dangerous Mission (Nichol) [NICHOL] Try to have either Avan or Nichol as a Scout so you can move around more easily as you defeat all enemy units. Saving the Darcsens (Helmut) [HELMUT] You can easily beat this in 1 turn. Only kill enemy units when necessary, focus on camp hopping and getting to the goal camp. Battle for Atonement (Sigrid) [SIGRID] This is a mission I like to leave until after the postgame when you can assign 3 leaders. Try to have Sigrid as an AT Sniper. Or whatever you feel like. You may want to have Avan as a fellow Sniper or assign him as a Mortarer to pick off Troopers that can inflict Attack Down. Also try to capture the camp on Turn 1. Recovering the Camera (Lotte) [LOTTE-] Go camp hopping, only bother to kill enemies that are in your way, run past everyone else. There is a Gatling Turret stationed in the southern part of Area 3 that may or may not be a nuisance. Zeri’s Bodyguards (Melissa) [MELISS] You want to have Melissa as a Heavy Scout to bring in the heavy firepower needed to pick off units and fend herself during the enemy phase. I also like bringing in Avan as a Heavy Mortarer to clear out groups of enemies. Try to capture the midway camp by the end of Turn 1 if you can. Snow Rabbit Search (Chloe) [CHLOE-] I like to bring Avan as a Heavy Mortarer to deal with Fencers, and Chloe as a Heavy Scout to deal with everyone else. ----------------- Troopers [TROOPE] ----------------- Uncovering the Truth (Erik) [ERIK--] You should be able to finish this mission within 2 turns. Maybe 1 turn if you get Avan to activate Double Action and Erik with Double Attack. Rescuing Pete (Pete) [PETE--] You could put Defense coating on your Troopers before this mission so it could be easier to get Pete to the camp as soon as you start the mission. Fencers and Mortarers are great for clearing out enemies in this mission. Defending the People (Nahum) [NAHUM-] Send your tank south to build a bridge toward the camp. Capture the camp. Move onto the next area. Capture the camp to the northeast. Move onto the last area. Bring out your best tank or anti-armor unit across the last area to destroy the enemy commander tank. Rescuing Nichol (Franca) [FRANCA] Move quickly from area to area. Try to take the south path clearing the two logs out of the way while going through Area 3. There is a Turret guarding the northeast camp in Area 1 leading to Area 2. You also want to get rid of a Turrets in Area 2 guarding the goal point so you can get someone across there. Taking the Stage (Anisette) [ANISET] Only clear out enemies that are going to keep you from pushing forward. Also capture camps and hold onto them. How you want to set this mission up is that by capturing both camps, you can take one unit from the first midway camp to the second midway camp, then send them on their way to the goal camp. Try to finish this mission in 2 turns. Against New Weaponry (Marion) [MARION] Send a Lancer from Area 1 up north to destroy the Turret, then capture the camp to Area 4. Switch to Area 4. Deploy a tank with a Constructor Arm to build a bridge to the northwest camp. Eliminate both enemies guarding the camp and capture it. ------------------- Lancers [LANCER] ------------------- Fighting Friends (Reiner) [REINER] Bring a Lancer to the northeast end of Area 1 to deal with the Turret guarding the camp, then capture it. Switch to Area 2. Bring some Lancers to deal with the tanks and turrets along the way to the camp, along with any other enemy units. Capture that camp. A Battle of Attrition (Vario) [VARIO-] I like to focus on Area 2, then 4, then 1. Try to get rid of APCs as soon as possible since they have machine turrets that can shred you to pieces if you’re not careful. Defending Our School (Jugin) [JUGIN-] Secure Area 5, capture all 3 camps, and secure Area 2, 3, and 4 as soon as possible. Divide and conquer. Rescuing Father (Noel) [NOEL--] Lancers to deal with enemy vehicles, Mortarers and Fencers to deal with everyone else. In Search of Moonglow (Coleen) [COLEEN] You can easily do this in one turn. If you wanted to play it safe, you could always get Defense coating on your Lancers. You could probably run past everything and make it to the goal point. In fact, it may be better to do so since the sandstorm will reduce enemy accuracy. A Muddy Battle (Rene) [RENE--] Start out in Area 4, head to the east camp, capture it, switch to Area 3. Deploy a unit to go around to the northwest camp to capture it. Switch to Area 2. Send out a Lancer to deal with the Turret inside the camp. Send someone else to kill the remaining unit in the goal camp and capture it. -------------------- Engineers [ENGINE] -------------------- Engineer Showdown (Raymond) [RAYMON] Try to capture and secure the camps in this area. If you have Mortarers and Fencers, bring them. Also try to destroy vehicles in this area. Clear the rest of the enemies preferably when the sandstorm goes away on even numbered turns. Against the Clock! (Randy) [RANDY-] Move swiftly from camp to camp and area to area. If you need to hold onto a camp, then do so. Otherwise just get to the goal camp as quickly as possible. Butler Battle (Heinz) [HEINZ-] You want to quickly move from area to area. Capture the midway camp when you get to the last area. You may want to deploy a Mortarer to clear out the enemies at the goal camp. You may also want to destroy the APC on the way to that camp. Either way, capture the camp. Protecting Sofia (Sofia) [SOFIA-] Try to bring Avan as a Lancer to clear out tanks in Area 2 while having Sofia upgraded so she is more likely to survive when running past the other enemies in that area. You want to get her to the southwest camp leading to Area 1. You then want to get someone from that camp to the last camp to the northeast. Cerulean Scarab Search (Magari) [MAGARI] Pass a turn. Put Defense Boost on Magari. Run her to the goal point. Mountain Rescue (Vicky) [VICKY-] Push through Area 2 and 3 at the same time, then close in on Area 4. Really, it’s just tracking down enemies and taking them out. --------------------- Armor Techs [ARTECH] --------------------- Bad Luck Battle (Joachim) [JOACHI] Bring some Commandos to deal with the Gatling Bunkers. You may also want to bring some Lancers and AT Snipers if you can. In Search of Moonglow (Morris) [MORRIS] You could probably get Morris to the goal point in 1 turn. He can probably survive 1 damage boost from a land mine to help him cover more ground. Against All Odds (Jamill) [JAMILL] Move through Area 2 and 3 as quickly as possible. When you get to Area 4, kill the two enemies standing there, ignore the tank if you can, and capture the camp. This can be done in 1 turn. Mischlitt’s Hometown (Mischlitt) [MISCHL] Be aggressive about capturing camps, then killing enemies in all areas. An Awkward Fight (Alexis) [ALEXIS] I recommend bringing Maulers, Commandos, and Lancer Elites for the armored units. You should also consider bringing Fencers and Mortarers to deal with enemies during a sandstorm. Not much to really say here except for divide and conquer. Don’t be afraid to use Area Recon, it can be difficult to find enemies during this mission. A Tragic Prophecy (Inghild) [INGHIL] Bring lots of Lancers and Maulers as needed. I like to immediately capture the camp to the south leading to Area 2, then start cleaning out Area 2 and 4, and finally tackle Area 3. ---------------------------- Tank [VEHCIL] ---------------------------- Ghostly Vengeance (Lavinia) [LAVINI] This will probably be your first encounter with Ghost Tanks. These are a very deadly kind of tank armed with an Artificial Valkyria lance. There are several things to keep in mind when dealing with these units. Ghost Tanks are only one of three unit kinds to damage your tank not on the enemy phase, the others being Dirk and Artificial Valkyria Baldren. What makes Ghost Tanks worse however is their ability to aim slightly faster. If you are using a Light Tank B build like I do, you are going to have to play it very safe, or you will see your tank destroyed within seconds. Backed up by their deadly fire are the Ghost Tank’s high defense. It will take several hits to the heat sink from behind to destroy it. That’s assuming you can make it around to the back. The most effective foot units against these Ghost Tanks are Maulers. If you know you are entering a mission with these units, you want to get the best possible weapon you can for your Mauler, see if you can get any Anti Armor potentials, and most important, use your highest quality materials to apply Defense coating on them. With these three precautions in mind, you will stand a chance against the Ghost Tanks. Actually, this mission is straightforward and can be done the fastest in 2 turns. You want to make an aggressive push to Area 3. Rush to the northeast camp in Area 1 leading to Area 2. Rush to the north camp in Area 2 leading to Area 4. Deploy a tank in Area 4 to build a ladder. Rush to the southwest camp in Area 4 leading to Area 3. You may want to kill an enemy unit hanging near the newly captured camp in Area 3, but retreat right away. Your Area 3 camp probably won’t get re-captured. Try to have more than 10 CP starting out on the next turn. Deploy your best Mauler in Area 3 and get them to the southwest part of the map, where the Ghost Tank should be hiding. Swipe at it enough times and it should go down. ============================== Paid Missions [PAIDMI] ============================== ------------------------------- 1-star Missions [1STARM] ------------------------------- Being Cruel to be Kind [BECRKI] Put some units in Area 2, because you want to capture that camp leading to Area 3. Then rush to the goal camp. A Golden Opportunity [GOLOPP] Not much to say here than killing all enemies. Bring Lancers to deal with APCs in Area 1. Crosshairs of Death [CRODEA] Take care around Snipers. One Last Farewell [ONLAFA] Place some units for pre-deployment in Area 4, as you will use them to capture camps connecting to both Area 3 and 5. Get the APC from Area 3 to 4. You can worry about the AT Bunker on Turn 2, as it will only inflict 200 damage to your Escort APC from the front. Destroy that bunker first thing on Turn 2, recapture camps from Area 4 first thing, then move the Escort APC to Area 5. Secure the camps. Move the APC to the goal area. The Long-Range Tanks [LORATA] Move through Area 2, clear out any enemies as you capture the camp connecting to Area 4. Capture the goal camp in Area 4 once you defeat any enemies there. ------------------------------ 2-star Missions [2STARM] ------------------------------ Maulers on the Prowl [MAUPRO] Work your way down Area 5 to the southeast camp. Maybe deal with the APC there. Snipe some enemies in Area 1 I guess. Idk capture the camp too. I want to be done with writing this guide. Recovering the Ragnite [RECRAG] Please bring Commandos with decent flamethrowers. Guardian of the Ruins [GUARUI] Focus on Area 3, then Area 2. No Pain, No Gain [NPANGA] Try to pick off enemies from a distance since they have status inflicting weapons. ------------------------------------ Mid-Rank Exams (2-star) [MIDRAN] ------------------------------------ Mid-Rank Scout Exam [MIDSCO] Bring Scout Elites to capture camps, Sniper Elites to pick off enemies from afar, and AT Snipers to deal with Gatling Bunkers. Mid-Rank Trooper Exam [MIDTRO] You won’t have access to a Tank with the Constructor Arm, so you should try to go after the goal camp in Area 3 first once you capture the connecting camp from Area 1. Once you do that, capture the other camp in Area 1 connecting to Area 2, where you should be able to capture the last goal camp. Mid-Rank Lancer Exam [MIDLAN] Bring your best Lancers. Mid-Rank Engineer Exam [MIDENG] Make sure you get some upgraded weapons on your Engineers before you take them on this mission. And of course, make sure Avan is an Engineer so you have access to Orders. Starting off, you want to play aggressive, push toward the camp in Area 4 to 3, move the Escort APC twice to get it as close to the camp as possible. You then want to spawn a spare Engineer in the Area 3 camp to guard it during the enemy phase. On the next turn, get the Escort APC to the Area 3. You have to deal with a Cannon Tower in the area. The best way to deal with it is to use an Anthem Corp to buff an Engineer or two and get them to run across Area 3 to capture the camp to the west. Alternatively, put Defense Boost on an Engineer, then capture the camp. The much dumber method is to get an Engineer to turn the tower around and end your action before it can kill you. You can then spawn another Engineer to run to the west and capture the camp. If you can pull it off, you can get the Escort APC from Area 4 to 5 before the end of Turn 2. The enemy should not be too aggressive about taking back camps. On Turn 3, you can just kill the Ace and then move the Escort APC to the goal point. Mid-Rank Tech Exam [MIDTEC] Remember that you will not be able to bring your tank to this mission, so you want to have several Maulers to deal with Gatling Bunkers and other vehicles. Fencer Elites are a given for foot units. If you want to cover some additional ground, you may want to bring some Tech Elites. At least they have grenades if you need to clear enemies out of a camp. ---------------------------------- Advanced Exams (3-star) [ADVEXE] ---------------------------------- Advanced Scout Exam [ADVSCO] Heavy Scouts help a ton here, so do Sniper Elites. Make sure to bring an AT Sniper for the Ace. You definitely want Scout Elites to capture camps too. Don’t forget to put some units in Area 2. Leave a unit in Area 1 to guard the base camp. You know those units you put in Area 2? Open up the gates and work your way to the next goal camp. From there, you want to go for the northeast camp connected to Area 4. Once you’re in Area 4, clear a path around and down to the southwest camp, which should connect to Area 3. Once you’re in Area 3, clear a path to the northwest camp and capture it. Also kill some enemies on the way to the south camp, which should connect to Area 1. Switch to Area 1. Kill any enemies in the camp, then push to the east camp, go capture that camp. Go back to Area 4. Snipe a bunch of enemies, go to the northeast camp which connects to Area 5. You should now have two camps captured in Area 5. Finally, work your way up to the last camp. Go capture it. Advanced Trooper Exam [ADVTRO] Divide and conquer. Bring Commandos. Advanced Lancer Exam [ADVLAN] I hope you brought Lancer Elites and Heavy Mortarers, which can get rid of Engineer Elites, which can inflict No Ammo. The Lancer Elites are for the tanks. You want to go through Area 5, then 4, and finally 2. Hold onto camps so they don’t get re-captured. Advanced Engineer Exam [ADVENG] Anthem Corps and Elites help a ton here. You definitely want to buff your other units if you want to survive. Put an Engineer in Area 1, apply Defense Boost, capture the right camp so you can start moving your APC to the other area. Keep capturing camps, killing enemies, and moving the APC from area to area. You may want to put a turn aside to move the APC across the final area if you want to play it safe. Advanced Tech Exam [ADVTEC] Bring Fencer Elites and Maulers. Divide and conquer. Capture camps when possible. ------------------------------------ Season Exclusive (3-star) [SEAEXC] ------------------------------------ A Blanket of Snow [BLASNO] Kill Baldren as soon as possible. I like to send my tank to the other side of the map so I can turn him around and he can have something to shoot at yet not cause damage. This will let me quick kill him with a Sniper Elite. Focus on clearing out Area 5 while guarding the camps, then finish with clearing up Area 4. The Breath of Life [BRELIF] If you have units in Area 4, hide them in the grass to avoid being killed by Dirk. Put a Heavy Scout or two in Area 3 and clear paths to the camps to capture camps connecting to Area 1, 2, and 4. In Area 2, use your tank to destroy the Supply Vehicle, then move back to the camp. Once you capture the camp from Area 3 to 4, deploy a Lancer in Area 4 to destroy the Supply Vehicle, then have someone kill Dirk. Then you want to clear out all enemies and check the grass for any additional enemy units you missed. An Offering to Spirits [OFFSPI] Place a Scout Elite, Trooper Elite, and Mobile / Lancer Elite. Send the Scout Elite to capture the camp connecting Area 4 to 1. You want to get the Escort APC from Area 1 to 4 as soon as possible. Clear out any enemies in Area 1 that can capture camps. Guard those camps so the enemy doesn’t re- capture them on their turn. Start clearing out enemies in Area 4 and move the APC across to the camp connecting to Area 2. You then want to start clearing out enemies in Area 2. Once you’re comfortable enough, you can go and capture the Area 2 camp connecting to Area 5. As usual, you want to defeat any enemies that can go after the camps first. The same thing applies for any other area. Audrey’s tank, the Geirolul, makes a comeback for this mission. You know what this means. If she aims at an entire area, you want to kill any enemies there as soon as possible and get your units out as soon as possible. Your Escort APC shouldn’t be damaged too much by it, but the same cannot be said for your other units. Capture the camp in Area 5 connecting to Area 3 when possible. You can start picking off enemies in Area 5, but the idea is to lure the Geirolul as close as possible to the connecting camp during the enemy phase. Since the Geirolul is difficult to destroy, I recommend bringing your best Mauler and swipe at it until its destroyed. With the Geirolul out of the way, you can clear out a path in Area 3 for the Escort APC to go across and get to the goal point. The Scarlet Forest [SCAFOR] You want to bring some Techs or Fencer Elites with Defense coating in effect before you enter this mission. We want to kill artificial Valkyria Baldren as soon as possible. Place your best Trooper and Fencers / Techs in Area 3. In other words, we want to sandwich him. Once you kill him, you can easily find the crates to complete this mission. Depending on how you do things, it can take you 4 turns or longer. ----------------------------------- 3-star Missions [3STARM] ----------------------------------- Order Mastery [ORDMAS] Bring a Mauler. Ghostly Conflagration [GHOCON] Place your best Troopers and Gunners in the base camp. Destroy Cannon Tower if needed, then end turn. Baldren will probably get killed on his turn. Finish him off on the next turn otherwise. ----------------------------------- Season Missions [SEANEX] ----------------------------------- Winter Malestrom [WINMAE] Put Gunners in Area 3. Capture camp in Area 1 leading to Area 3. Secure Area 3. Capture camps connecting to Area 2, 4, and 5. Clear out all enemies. Spring Falcon [SPRFAL] Bring a Commando or two to Area 5. Capture the camp in Area 5 connecting to Area 4. Capture the first goal camp in Area 4, then capture the other camp connecting to Area 3. I recommend using a tank to clear out Area 3, then put in retreat. You do not want your tank sitting out there during the enemy phase, as it is very likely to be destroyed. On the next turn, capture the second goal camp, then capture the Area 3 camp leading to Area 2. Push your way through Area 2 to capture the camp connecting to Area 1. This should get you your bonus materials for capturing all camps before ending the mission. Capture the last goal camp in Area 2. Summer Lightning [SUMLIG] Divide and conquer. You can capture the Area 1 camp leading to Area 3 and hold onto it. Put your best Gunner in the Area 3 camp. When you get to Area 4, use your vehicle to build bridges to the north side of the area to help with destroying the Supply Vehicle and killing other enemies. Hit the switch opening the flood gate. Eliminate the remaining enemy forces. Autumn Gale [AUTGAL] Destroy the Supply Vehicle, capture both camps in Area 5 leading to Area 4. Destroy the Supply Vehicle in Area 4, secure camps, and clear a path. Destroy the Supply Vehicle in Area 2 and clear a path there. Destroy the Supply Vehicle in Area 3, clear a path. Move the APC from area to area, eventually toward the goal point. As long as you can have control of the areas, you should not have a problem here. ------------------------------------ 3-star Missions [3STARM] ------------------------------------ Proof of Friendship [PROFRI] There will be Ghost Tanks and Supply Vehicles, meaning V2 units. I recommend putting Defense coating on your Techs before you enter this mission and to bring some good Maulers. Focus on capturing camps and killing Dirk by the end of Turn 1 if possible. The Line Must Hold [LIMUHO] Put a tank in Area 2. Go after the Supply Vehicle, and then kill Dirk as soon as possible. Once he’s out of the picture, focus on capturing camps and clearing out areas. I recommend starting with Area 3. Then I focus on Area 1 and 4. Go back to Area 2 and clean up that area. Use All Area Recon if needed. Unassailable Summit [UNASUM] Put a Lancer and Scout Elite or Heavy Scout in Area 5. Focus on destroying the Cannon Tower, then clear out enemies in Area 5, then capture the camp connecting to Area 2. In Area 3, deploy your tank to build a bridge, work your way to the camp, destroy the Cannon Tower, then capture the camp leading to Area 1. Push your way through Area 1 and 2, then capture the camp connecting to Area 4. If Audrey aims at any area at any given time, you want to make sure nobody can re-take your camps then evacuate everyone you have from that area before your turn ends. Once you get to the last area, destroy the Geirolul. Audrey’s tank may take a lot of hits to go down, so make sure to have CP to spare. Once you do that, capture the last camp. Over in a Flash [OVEFLA] Bring your best units and try to complete the mission in 1 turn. Escorting Artifacts [ESCART] Place units everywhere. You can capture camps quickly that way and destroy Supply Vehicles as soon as possible. See if you can move the Escort APC from Area 3 to 2 to 4 in one turn. Try to destroy the Cannon Tower in Area 5 on an odd numbered turn. Don’t worry if a camp gets re-captured by enemy forces, you can always take it back. History Sleeps Below [HISLBE] Bring your Mobile Lancers. You can either work your way up from Area 1 or your way down from Area 5. Supply Vehicle in Area 5 is in right camp. Supply Vehicle in Area 4 is in upper camp. Supply Vehicle in Area 2 is in upper camp. Supply Vehicle in Area 1 is near upper camp. Supply Vehicle in Area 3 is beyond the flood gate. Leave that one for last. Lanseal Defense Line [LADELI] Try to find a way to lure Baldren so you can kill him as soon as possible. For the love of god please sandwich him, and you may want to put Vs Personnel coating on your Troopers if you want a more consistent way of killing him. Once Baldren is gone, focus on capturing the camp in Area 3 leading to 1. Clear out any APCs in Area 1, then put Gunners in place to defend the camps. Capture the Area 1 camp leading to 2, and from there clear out all areas. The Pandora Ship [PANSHI] You’re basically going in reverse area order compared to The Final Battle. Problem is that the enemies along the way to Baldren in Area 1 are going to be tougher. You will need two units to sandwich Baldren and kill him as soon as possible. You may want to have a Trooper with a really good weapon and Vs Personnel coating to quickly kill Baldren and a Scout Elite like Avan to distract Baldren. You do not want to see him act past Turn 1. The fight otherwise plays the same as last time, destroy the engine on his back, then finish him off. ========================== Extras [EXTRAS] ========================== --------------------------------------------- Phantasy Star Portable Missions [PSPMIS] --------------------------------------------- The Guardians’ Request [GUAREQ] Area 5, 4, 1, 2, then 3. Little Wing Challenge [LIWICH] Divide and conquer. Sweep through Area 2. Then sweep through Area 4 or 5 first then the next. Wrap up with Area 3. ------------------------------ 1-star Missions [1STDLC] ------------------------------ Mellvere Crisis [MELCRI] Kill the Ace hiding in the northeast part of the area, then capture the camp. Exercise vs Class F [EXVSCF] Capture all camps in Area 1. Capture the first goal camp in Area 3. Capture the second goal camp in Area 4. Use units you placed in Area 2 to capture camps, especially Lancers. Exercise vs Class E [EXVSCE] Capture the camp in Area 1, then clear it of enemies. Start capturing camps and clearing out enemies in Area 2. Start clearing out enemies in Area 5 and capture the camp connecting to Area 2. Capture more camps. Clear out enemies from all areas. Exercise vs Class D [EXVSCD] Divide and conquer. Hold onto camps, as enemies will be aggressive about re- taking them. Exercise vs Class C [EXVSCC] Divide and conquer, capture all camps, then go after all crates. ------------------------------ Final Exams (3-star) [FINALE] ------------------------------ Final Scout Exam [FINSCO] Bring Heavy Scouts, Scout Elites, Sniper Elites, and AT Snipers with their best weapons possible. You can start from either Area 1 or 3, but you want to focus on clearing them of enemies and capturing camps. Scouts can inflict Defense Down, which is really when you find yourself fight Heavy Gunners, which are very powerful in this mission. The more you can pick off enemies from a distance, the safer you will be. You definitely want to have more than one AT Sniper in your group in case something happens to one of them. You’ll need them for all areas, but especially Area 3 with Gatling Turrets. There will probably be 1 or 2 crates hiding in Area 2, so hit the switches for both sheds. You will probably want Scout Elites to cover a lot of ground to search for crates in Area 5. For Area 4, you want to snipe all enemies if possible, then send a Scout Elite across the entire area to look for the remaining crates. Final Trooper Exam [FINTRO] Divide and conquer. Bring Commandos. Final Lancer Exam [FINLAN] If you can pull it off, you can capture the camp in Area 2 with the assistance of a Mobile Lancer / Mobile Mortarer / Lancer Elite / Mortar Elite. Clear a path through Area 3 to capture the camp leading to Area 1. From there, you want to clear a path through Area 1 to the goal camp. Final Engineer Exam [FINENG] Bring your best Engineer Elites, Melodists, Medics, and Anthem Elites, with the best weapons you have possible. Put units in both areas during pre- deployment. Whatever you do, you want to buff your units with Anthem Elites when possible. Make your way through Area 2 toward the camp connecting to Area 4. Clear your way through Area 4 to capture the camp leading to Area 1. Guard your camps and your APC to the best of your ability. You want to make heavy use of Melodists too if certain units like the Ace are giving you trouble. Otherwise move your APC from area to area. When you move the APC from Area 4 to 5, move the APC along the left path in Area 5, and take care to not get your APC destroyed by the Cannon Tower. Move your APC to the goal point. Final Tech Exam [FINTEC] Bring Fencer Elites and Maulers, and possibly a Tech to grenade a possible enemy ace on a guard tower. Divide and conquer, hold onto camps. --------------------------------------- EX Missions (2- and 3-star) [EXMISS] --------------------------------------- Battle at Mellvere EX [MELLEX] Try to have Avan or Zeri as a Commando to destroy Cannon Towers with flamethrowers. You can have Cosette kill enemies and capture the camp if you wish. Battle at Roendahl EX [ROENEX] Capture camps and hop from area to area, try to get to Area 4 as soon as possible. The Ace is hiding in Area 5. The enemies at least should not be too aggressive about capturing camps. Once you hit the switch in Area 4, safely get Avan to the goal point in Area 3. Battle at Doerfein EX [DOEREX] Try to have Avan as Fencer Elite if you want to play this mission very safe. Kill the Ace on Turn 1. Immunization order on Turn 2. Try to get as close as possible to the mine cart, hopefully Double Movement should activate. Defense Boost for safety in the last area as you get Avan to the goal. Battle at Lanseal EX [LANSEX] Make sure that you have your best weapons and equipment of your preference for Avan, Zeri, and Cosette. You may want to make Avan to be a Scout Elite or Heavy Scout. Either one will work for this area. The Heavy Gunners in this mission do massive damage, and you really want to take care when moving your APC from area to area. Cosette should be an Elite level unit, and give her the best weapon possible. I like having Zeri as a Trooper Elite here since he gets very good potentials, also better Attack, Defense, and Accuracy. You can do this mission in 3 turns, but don’t be afraid to play it safe. --------------------------------- 3-star Missions [3STARX] --------------------------------- Race Against Time [RAAGTI] Put units in Area 5, capture camp to Area 2 and 3. Capture camps and clear out enemies on way to the switch in Area 4. Send a unit to capture the camp in Area 3. -------------------------------- 2-star Missions [2STDLC] -------------------------------- Mine Offensive [MINOFF] Put some units in Area 5. Capture the west camp in Area 5 leading to Area 3. Capture the goal camp in the center of Area 3 and leave someone there to guard it. Send some units into Area 4 to capture the northeast camp leading to Area 2. Capture the second goal camp in Area 2. Capture the southwest camp in Area 2 leading to Area 1. Capture the last camp in Area 1. Take care around the Heavy Gunners in this area as they hit very hard. You may want to kill them from a distance. ------------------------------ 3-star Missions [3STDLC] ------------------------------ Seven Secrets [SEVSEC] Divide and conquer. This mission is easy to manage if you try to search one area at a time. Banquet of Ghosts [BANGHO] You may want to get Defense coating on your Armor Techs. Bring your best Lancer Elites, Maulers, Engineer Elites, Medics, Mobile Lancers, and AT Snipers. Take caution when dealing with Ghost Tanks in however manner you see fit. Warship Showdown [WARSHO] Supply Vehicle in Area 1 is probably in the center. Supply Vehicle in Area 2 is probably in the upper left. Supply Vehicle in Area 3 is probably in the upper left. Divide and conquer. Two-Pronged Assault [TWPRAS] Destroy Supply Vehicles ASAP. Hold onto camps. Don’t capture camps and hold onto connecting camps unless you can destroy the Supply Vehicles before the end of your turn. Enemy reinforcements will show up outside camps at the end of every turn. Ultimate Challenge [ULTCHA] This is the toughest mission this game has to offer. Only attempt this mission at your own risk and only when you feel ready. You really want to prepare hard for this mission coming up. You want everyone brought into this mission at a third-tier class. Don’t even think about bringing anyone first or second-tier. Yes, this means farming for credits if you have to. I strongly recommend that you also get the powerful weapon drops from the other DLC missions. These weapons may have a ½ chance of dropping, so you may be repeating these already difficult missions a number of times. But seriously, they are so good that they should be put on the units you are bringing into this fight. Try to look into what potentials are the most effective for your units. Anyone that can Double Attack are godsend here. Units that I like to use with this sort of ability include our tank driver Lavinia, Erik, and Marion. Cosette if given the most powerful pistol can become a literal angel of death. She has a high evasion stat, Uncounterable if you bring it over from another class, Double Attack, and Beautiful World. She could theoretically attack up to 4 times in 1 CP. This brings me to my next point. Do not waste any CP and always use your CP to attack an enemy unit. If you can kill more than one at the same time, that’s more power to you. Reminder that one small mistake can throw this whole mission into chaos. It is worth looking into Temporary Coating and seeing which kind works for you the most. Whatever you do, make sure you consult a table of what combinations will work, and to only use Level 5 materials, since you will need the strongest kind of Temporary Coating for this mission. You should have plenty of these from the other missions that you have done. What kind of units should you bring? Again, bring your best. Trooper Elites are a total must here. I prefer Trooper Elites over Commandos for this mission because Trooper Elites have better attack, defense, and accuracy. Flamethrowers won’t really do much good for this mission and if you wanted to kill multiple enemies with one sweep, you would want to use Fencer Elites. But most important, Trooper Elites get Max Vs Personnel, which will make killing the V2 units that much more consistent, especially if you give these units the Idun SpB. Fencer Elites are a total must for killing multiple V2 units at the same time. You should be able to get the DLC weapons for these units, which will guarantee a 1 swipe kill on a weakened V2 unit. Your Mobile or Lancer Elites are mainly going to be used to deal with the Supply Vehicle and the Heat Sink in Area 3. The most important thing is that they can destroy both in one shot and can stutter step past V2 units with Ragnaid. Sniper Elites are very helpful to have with picking off units from a long distance. Try to bring at least 1 AT Sniper, if only to deal with the Supply Vehicle in Area 2. You may or may not want to bring a Medic. Who knows. You may not have time to even use them. My preferred tank build is the Light Tank B with the Cptd AA Gtlg A1. Lavinia should have the Tank Mastery potential by this point. You may get lucky with her Bloodthirsty potential activating, but don’t rely your entire mission plans on it. Just do the best you can. I strongly recommend not having the enemy speed set to Normal. The game has a number of things to process during the enemy phase, and the worst thing that can happen is for you to sit through all the animations, one by one. Put it on Fast at least. If you are feeling confident enough, you can set it to Instant. Reminder that the enemies here are Level 99, so they will hit very hard. Commandos have weapons that can inflict Attack Down, so try to prevent that sort of thing from happening when possible. DO NOT EVER HIT THE LEFT SWITCH IN AREA 1 LIKE EVER. You really want to keep the three areas you’re guarding under control. Opening the door will let a bunch of enemies flow from one camp to the other and you’re better off keeping that flow closed. I hope you know how to stutter step past V2 units. Starting off with the actual mission, I like to station my tank, my best Trooper, and my best Scout Elite in Area 1. Meanwhile I like to station two Troopers and an AT Sniper in Area 2. I will leave Area 3 unguarded for now. We are going to use the AT Sniper in Area 2 to destroy the Supply Vehicle from far away as soon as possible. Take care to stutter step if there’s a V2 unit up on the platform, then get ready to run right back to the camp and go on standby. Take your Trooper Elite through Area 2, killing any V2 units or anything else that will pose a threat. If there’s a Mauler hanging out on another platform, pay him no heed for now. Capture the camp leading to Area 1. If done properly, you can remove everyone from Area 2 and not worry about your camp being re-captured. If you’re like me, you like to have your tank stationed near the base camp in Area 1. Pan your camera to the left to make sure that there isn’t a land mine placed right next to you. In any case, move around the left side of Area 1 and destroy the Supply Vehicle as soon as possible. If you see anyone hanging out on the right side of Area 1, kill them right away so your Scout Elite has a clear path to capturing the northeast camp leading to Area 3. So you want to send your Scout Elite that way. Also kill any Maulers in sight since you are most likely going to leave your camp in the area. Once you get to Area 3, the only thing you really want to do is to deploy your best Lancer Elite or Mobile Lancer. Pull out your Ragnaid so you are ready to stutter step past V2 units. Try to get within a good enough position to shoot the Supply Vehicle in the back through some fences. If you are good with your movement, you can immediately run your Lancer back to the camp. Now, go to the northeastern camp in the same Area 3. Put a Trooper in position to intercept any enemies that may come this way. Spend as many actions as you can making Area 3 safe. The enemy will be very aggressive during their phase, but if you planned and thought through everything well enough, you should be able to survive. Oh no, the game spammed a bunch of V2 reinforcements in all areas. You want to switch focus and eliminate all these V2 units. For Area 1, I like to back my tank all the way to the northwest camp, then start sniping V2 units in the head and hope I get lucky with Bloodthirsty potential. Meanwhile in Area 3, I start pushing my way back and re-capturing the two camps there. I bring a Fencer up the platform and swipe at as many V2 units as I need to. I like to send a Fencer Elite into the newly captured camp in Area 2 to swipe at the Commandos in the camp. It may take a few swings. I then like to deploy another Fencer Elite to kill the V2 units on deck and any other units that could be nearby. Eventually you want to deal with the barrage from the ship cannons because those are going to pose a problem, especially as you have to protect all three areas. For Area 1, REMEMBER TO ONLY HIT THE RIGHT SWITCH. This will open up a Heat Sink that you can destroy there. With all the Heat Sinks really, you want to use Lancers to destroy all of them. Eventually you should have the three areas mostly under your control. Search for and eliminate any Maulers or other enemy units you may have missed. Of course, with every turn, kill the constant reinforcements as they come in. With time and patience, you should be able to pull through and complete the mission. Congrats on completing the toughest challenge this game has to offer. You are given a lot of money for your rewards. This mission is very unforgiving and the randomness can very much throw you off, but you didn’t let it stop you. You did it. Cerulean Catastrophe [CERCAT] MAKE SURE YOU PUT DEFENSE COATING ON YOUR TECHS. ALSO BRING YOUR BEST MAULERS. I also recommend having a Light Tank B with Tank Mastery potential and the Cptd AA Gtlg A1 turret. Put your best Mauler, Lancer, and a Trooper with an Idun SpB in Area 4. Put your other best units in Area 1. Deal with the Ghost Tank right away, then send your Lancer to stutter step past V2 units to go for the Supply Vehicle. Immediately kill any V2 units on sight. Switch to Area 1. Deploy your tank to destroy the Ghost Tank hanging out in front of your camp. You then want to seek out the Supply Vehicle for the area and destroy it as soon as possible. Even if you aren’t able to kill all V2 units in this area by the end of your turn, this should keep you safe. Capture the west camp in Area 4 leading to Area 2. Get a Mauler to destroy both the Ghost Tank and the Supply Vehicle. From there, you want to clean out Area 2. Eventually capture the south camp leading to Area 1. I like to leave Area 3 for last. For this one, I want to capture the northeast camp in Area 1 leading to Area 3. Once in Area 3, I want to deploy a Lancer Elite or Mobile Lancer to seek out the Supply Vehicle. From there, it’s just a matter of killing all units and holding onto camps. Credits [CREDIT] Shoutouts to the Valkyria Chronicles speedrunning community, current and past runners of the games, including AeonFrodo, EatThePen, Nitrodon, PX, Cadarev, Mystwalker, InfiniteSheldor, and Ghoul02. Thank you to InfiniteSheldor for giving me the original idea for the All Missions speedrun that eventually turned into the full game guide, for being a good friend, and for putting up with me. You’ve been a huge source of encouragement for this guide. Thank you to anyone who I talked to on the GameFAQs thread. I know the board hasn’t been active and most people have moved on from this game, but talking to people like Metrokidd definitely helped. Thank you IanGriggSpall for the excellent Ace Guide, which I relied on heavily as I was unlocking “Over in a Flash” and “Escorting Artifacts.” Thank you to Sega for bringing over this game. I still wish you localized Valkyria Chronicles 3, but this was a well made game. Thank you to all my friends who were there around me as I was writing this guide. Legal [LEGAL-] Copyright 2017 Devon Rudolph This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Contact Info [CONINF] If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to email me at thewanderingmind11[at]gmail[dot]com Please include “VC2” in the subject line. Thank you!