TOMB RAIDER: ANNIVERSARY RELIC, ARTIFACT, TIME TRIAL, AND UNLOCKABLES GUIDE IN-DEPTH WALKTHROUGH Created By: LaraCroftRocks Maker of Game: Crystal Dynamics Date Started: 8/11/07 Table of Contents ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Introduction About this Walkthrough Update History Retrieving Artifacts & Relics Completing Time Trials Walkthrough Training Level: Croft Manor Artifact #1: Library Artifact #2: Hedge Maze Artifact #3: Hedge Maze Artifact #4: Hedge Maze Artifact #5: Library Artifact #6: Gymnasium Artifact #7: Gymnasium Artifact #8: Swimming Pool Time Trial Tips Level 1: Mountain Caves Artifact #1: First Cave Artifact #2: Greenery Cave Artifact #3: Bear Pit Relic: Killer Whale Bottle Time Trial Tips Level 2: City of Vilcabamba Artifact #1: Hut Roof Time Trial Tips Level 3: The Lost Valley Shotgun Artifact #1: Bear Cave Artifact #2: Lost Valley Brick Wall Relic: Kero Mug Time Trial Tips Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec Artifact #1: Pit Bottom Artifact #2: Wolf Den Room Time Trial Tips Level 5: St. Francis' Folly Artifact #1: Perseus Puzzle Artifact #2: Hephasteus Puzzle Artifact #3: Poseidon Puzzle Artifact #4: Atlas Door Artifact #5: Atlas Puzzle Artifact #6: Damocles Puzzle Time Trial Tips Level 6: The Coliseum 50 Caliber Pistols Artifact #1: Path to the Exit Time Trial Tips Level 7: Midas' Palace Artifact #1: Bladed Pillars Relic: Athenian Owl Figurine Relic: Griffin Head Protome Time Trial Tips Level 8: Tomb of Tihocan Artifact #1: Lower Cistern Level Artifact #2: Beneath Tihocan's Tomb Time Trial Tips Level 9: Temple of Khamoon Artifact #1: Above the Damaged Sphinx Artifact #2: Top of Bast's Temple Artifact #3: Sand Room Relic: Mummified Cat Time Trial Tips Level 10: Obelisk of Khamoon Artifact #1: Timed Run in the Throne Chamber Artifact #2: Room with Blades and Hooks Artifact #3: Anubis' Chamber Artifact #4: Upper Anubis Chamber Platforms Time Trial Tips Level 11: Sanctuary of the Scion Mini SMGs Artifact #1: First Obelisk Chamber Relic: Horus Idol Artifact #2: Scion Chambers Time Trial Tips Level 12: Natla's Mines Artifact #1: Mining Facility Relic: Chalice of Torment Artifact #2: Floating Raft Shotgun 50 Caliber Pistols Artifact #3: Lava Channel Mini SMGs Artifact #4: Pyramid Base Time Trial Tips Level 13: The Great Pyramid Artifact #1: Top of the Great Shaft Relic: Torc of Embitterment Time Trial Tips Level 14: The Final Conflict Artifact #1: Cage Chamber Artifact #2: Steam Vent Room Artifact #3: Lava Waterfalls Artifact #4: Above the Lava Channel Time Trial Tips Unlockable Content Cinematics Commentaries Outfits Relics Art Galleries Character Bios Special Cheats Music Tracks INTRODUCTION Wow! Ten years of Tomb Raider has passed. And the game is still a beauty. Anniversary was obviously inspired by the classic Tomb Raider 1, the whole game that got the TR series started. And what do you know? They've made a whole new adventure over this story! Sure, you'll still come across most of the levels that were in the original, along with some "different" enemies and boss battles. All of your favorite memories- Midas' hand, Natla's very own mines, and the Peruvian lost valley are all back, along with many other favorites. So sit back and enjoy a very good game. I guarantee that you'll be 90% satisfied- or more! ABOUT THIS WALKTHROUGH First of all, I am trusting that you do not give this walkthrough away to any site. GameFAQs is the only site that this walkthrough is allowed to. Also, you cannot ask me at all to allow this walkthrough on another site. I just won't do it. Also, this walkthrough is an in-depth walkthrough; so therefore, it is not a full walkthrough. It includes the locations of all relics and artifacts, plus tips and shortcuts for time trials, as well as the unlockable content at the end. It doesn't include any of the real things that you have to accomplish to complete the game through all 14 levels; just the extras. UPDATE HISTORY 8/11/07: started the walkthrough 8/14/07: added most of the intro paragraphs, and all of the artifact, relic, and time trial sections for the first 4 levels. 8/15/07: added artifact and relic locations for all levels leading up to the Tomb of Tihocan. Time trial tips have went along in the levels with the artifact and relic locations. 8/17/07: revised artifact paths for City of Vilcabamba and Tomb of Qualopec artifacts. I think that I added all Egypt artifacts, relics, and tips later on that day (if I didn't do this today, it was the next day). 8/19/07: finished up the walkthrough. Sent it to GameFAQs. 8/20/07: fixed the margins. A bit later on I revised the artifact paths for artifacts in St. Francis' Folly and the Obelisk of Khamoon. Also included all names of music tracks. 8/21/07: deleted some unneeded & marks. 8/22/07: added descriptions for all relics of the game, plus the single cinematic in Croft Manor that I previously forgot. 8/24/07: fixed some typos, plus I added a bit more on the St. Francis Folly artifact #1. 8/25/07: revised the artifact path in the Coliseum. 9/7/07: fixed up some words. 9/8/07: revised several artifact & relic paths, plus included the locations of the secret guns in the game. 9/22/07: added more info for first City of Vilcabamba artifact, plus more info for Cinematics and the locations of the Commentary crystals in the game. RETRIEVING ARTIFACTS & RELICS Throughout the game, you'll come across the game's bonus items, artifacts and relics. Artifacts are designed differently according to the chapter of the game. For instance, the artifact looks like a t-rex tooth in Peru, a spearhead in Greece, a clay cartouche in Egypt, and a silver idol in the lost city. These artifacts can be easy to collect, hard to locate, or tough to reach. Artifacts unlock bonus content of the game, such as art galleries and character bios. Relics are much different than artifacts. Each has a different description and appearance, but most of these relics in the game have something to do with the location of where you found it. For instance, the Horus Idol is found in the back of the giant statue of Horus, in the Sanctuary of the Scion level (which is one of the Egypt levels). Horus was in Egyptian mythology, so therefore, the Horus Idol relic is located in Egypt. Most relics are very difficult to locate. This walkthrough shows the location of every artifact and relic. COMPLETING TIME TRIALS One of the fun things about the Anniversary game is that you can play each level over again, but furthermore, on timer. Each level has a certain "time trial time" that you need to beat, or, in other words, reach the end of the level before the timer counts down to zero. Some of these time trials are very difficult if you have no cheats to use, while others are a piece of cake to complete (the Final Conflict is a good example of that). However, if you beat a whole chapter of time trials, you unlock 2 cheats. These 2 cheats usually help you beat time trials a lot easier. Throughout my walkthrough, time trial tips are detailed for each level- after I show how to collect each artifact and relic of the level. WALKTHROUGH This is the whole reason why you've looked at my walkthrough, and in this section that details every artifact and relic to locate in the game. There are also some time trial tips at the end of every level. Enjoy! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& TRAINING: CROFT MANOR Artifacts: 8 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Library Make your way into the Croft Manor library, and once you reclaim your pistols, go out onto the balcony of the library and shoot out the glass along the wall. This reveals the first artifact of the game, shaped like an elephant. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Hedge Maze Once you get into the central area of the hedge maze, put the gate leading back to the sundial and the fountain behind you. Run through the opening ahead of you, around the hedge to the right, and when you come to the detour, take a left. The artifact is sitting in the open area. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Hedge Maze After grappling open the gates leading back to the hedge maze entrance, run to the sundial and then turn around. With the fountain area ahead of you, take the left-hand hedge path. Run along it until you come to a detour. Take the far left path, make another left at the next junction, and follow the route until you come to the artifact in the open hedge area. Retrace your steps to get back to the fountain area. ARTIFACT #4 Location: Hedge Maze Once you're back at the central fountain, head towards the sundial. Turn around, but instead of taking the left-hand hedge path, go through the path to the right of the open gates. Take the right when you come to the detour, and when you come to the open area, immediately make your way along to the left and through the opening along the same hedge wall. Follow the path; take the left when you reach a junction, and then a right when the opening is to the right of you. This leads you to the Athena statue with the artifact. Now backtrack to the fountain area. ARTIFACT #5 Location: Library Return to the library after retrieving your grapple. Look up at the ceiling, fire your grapple at the chandelier, and tug on it for a bit of time. This reveals an opening to the left of the library entrance door, which you can enter through to claim the artifact. ARTIFACT #6 Location: Gymnasium First of all, in order for you to claim this artifact, you must have the grapple. Leap up to the #3 mat, and then to the ledge on the rock pillar. Leap up, shimmy around the corner to the left, leap to the upper ledge, and then face backwards. Leap behind so you can fire your grapple at the wall ring. Now perform a wall run across the wall, but realize that this is a tricky move: you'll need to practice a bit if you haven't yet performed wall running in the game. Retract the grapple cord so your feet are on the scuffing marks along the wall, and then wall run until you build enough momentum to the left. Leap to the ledge above the slide, and then traverse around the corner to the left. Drop down onto the metal ledge, and then leap laterally into the alcove on the right. Press the button to rotate a bar elsewhere. Slide out of the alcove and return to mat #3. Climb your way to the previous grapple ring, but instead of wall running to the button alcove, leap backwards when you reach the left side of the wall, jump backwards, bouncing away from it. This is a tricky move to perform: try to get the camera angle behind Lara. It also doesn't hurt to line Lara up with the scuffing marks on the wall. Hopefully you'll land on a slope behind. Slide, but don't wait too long until you need to leap to the slope ahead. Slide, leap, and grab the bar that rotates around to the left. Turn around and swing around the bar so you can leap to the alcove with the artifact. ARTIFACT #7 Location: Gymnasium There are two routes for getting here. If you've already raised the four posts in the gym, you can slide down the slope from the artifact #6 alcove, and then leap to the post top ahead. Turn; jump to the second post top, and then to the ledge next to the rock wall. Shimmy around it until the opening is behind you: jump backwards and grab hold of the opening's edge. Climb up to the artifact. Alternately, you can climb up to the hanging platform with the wrench, and then leap to the rock wall. However, this requires a long fall for you to catch hold of the rock ledge, and you'll definitely need to regain grip when you reach the ledge. ARTIFACT #8 Location: Swimming Pool There are two puzzles that you need to solve in order for the artifact to become accessible. In the poolhouse, make your way to the balcony with the Athena statue on the left side of the alcove. Rotate the statue around until Athena's spear is pointing at a 90-degree angle with the spear painted on the floor. After doing this, grab the red cart with pipes sticking out of the top, and shove it to the pressure plate on the right side of the opening. One pipe is at an awkward angle, so you can line this up with the spear on the floor as well. When Athena's spear and the gray pipe are both lined up at 90-degree angles (so they're touching eachother), the first underwater grating rolls away. To get the second one open, climb your way to the Atlas statue balcony, and stand on the circular pressure plate. Grapple the button below the Atlas statue and tug on it for a bit. The Atlas statue tips over, and his globe falls off of his shoulders. Now roll the globe onto the pressure plate to open the second underwater grating. Find a way to crash the boards above the pool, and then swim beneath and through the underwater opening that you revealed. Swim quickly down the tunnel and grab the artifact at the end. You can use the lever to open the grating up ahead, which leads back to the gym where you can breathe some fresh air. TIME TRIAL TIPS + Avoid reading any of the books in Croft Manor, and instead go straight for you objectives. + Skip getting Lara's journal and instead head straight for the library, where you can claim your pistols and open the secret tunnel to the trophy room. + In the hedge maze, you should only have to reach the central area and obtain the grapple. No artifact gathering is required. + In the gymnasium, you need to raise the 4 balancing posts with one button and maneuver the horizontal bar with the other. From here, climb your way up to the platform with the wrench. Skip the 2 artifact sequences. + Once you make it to the poolhouse, your mind should be set on dropping the statue onto the boards below and revealing the pool. Ignore the two balcony puzzles that reveal the artifact gratings. You do need to shoot the ropes on each balcony, though. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 1: MOUNTAIN CAVES Artifacts: 3 Relics: 1 (Killer Whale Bottle) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: First Cave After you pass by the dart traps beyond the big doors, you enter a large cavern. Once you make it to the opening leading to the bat caves, don't enter yet. Instead, climb back to the previous platform that you got to using the ledge. Once on the platform again, turn around, leaping for the rock platform along the wall. Clamber up here and then jump across each of the wall platforms, one of which goes beneath of an outcropping rock. When you reach the slope, slide down it, but when you're about halfway down; leap over to the platform beyond the slope. Jump up onto it and grab the artifact. To get into the cavern with the bats, leap from the artifact platform to the cave opening, perhaps catching the ledge on the right side so you can shimmy inside. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Greenery Cave When you reach the tall cave with the greenery growing (where a long slope is in front of you), there's an artifact to be claimed. To get it, slide down the slope, but when you're almost halfway down, leap from the slope and fire your grapple at the ring on the ceiling of the greenery cavern. Swing forward so the wall ledge is lined up with you ahead, and then leap forward and grab the ledge. Climb along this one to the left, and then leap up to the upper one. Shimmy left, turn around, and jump to the pillar in the center of the greenery cavern. Shimmy rightward, drop down to the lower pillar ledge, and then shimmy around the corner to the right. When the artifact platform is behind you, leap backwards to it. To get down, hang from the artifact platform, drop to the ledge below, and then to the floor to conserve your health. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Bear Pit When you enter the cavern with greenery and the large pit (a bear is lurking at the bottom), drop down, kill the bear with evasive moves, and then enter the opening in the pit bottom. Follow the tunnel to a switch on the wall: pulling it opens the large door beside the switch. Go through, grab the artifact, and drop down into the wolf chamber that you went through earlier ago. Retrace your steps to the bear pit. RELIC: KILLER WHALE BOTTLE Location: Vilcabamba Doors After unlocking the doors to Vilcabamba, don't go through them yet. You'll want to instead climb back up to the right-hand stone weight (when facing the doors). However, when you leap for the horizontal bar, don't let it swing around so Lara is facing the stone weight. Once you grab the bar, immediately leap off to the ledge along the wall. Shimmy clear to the left until you can lean off of the side and leap for the horizontal bar above the doors. Swing around, leap for the ledge on the wall to the upper left of the big doors, and then climb up to the top ledge. Turn around, jump for the horizontal pole, and then swing around so you can jump for the ledge to the upper right of the Vilcabamba doors. Climb to the top platform and grab the Killer Whale Bottle relic- your first prized possession to add to your trophy room! Good work- now all you need to do is get back to the ground. To do this, hang from the side of the platform, so the big doors are to your lower left. Drop down to the ledge down below, regaining your grip when you catch hold. Now drop your way back down to the foot of the doors. TIME TRIAL TIPS + With the first tunnel full of dart traps, don't attempt to climb to the two wall switches and lower them down. Just quickly run through the traps, taking some scratches here and there. + In the first cavern with the artifact, simply shimmy to the ledge below the bat cave opening. Don't attempt to leap the platforms leading to the artifact platform. + The greenery cave is the same way. Drop down the slide, kill the bats, and exit the cavern. + If you can, avoid the wolves in the bridge room: they're fast and ferocious, so you won't have much luck, but when the bridge drops, try to get right up against it. Quickly leap up the rungs of the "ladder" and up to the top. If you need to, get rid of the wolves first. It doesn't take too much time off of your progress. + The chamber with the bear pit is simple. Leap to the rope, swing across, and avoid the bear altogether. + In the chamber with the Vilcabamba doors, your objectives are to open the doors. Lower each stone weight, taking out the wolves- they'll impede your progress greatly if you don't decide to get rid of them. Also, once you unlock the doors, avoid getting the relic completely. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 2: CITY OF VILCABAMBA Artifacts: 1 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Hut Roof After claiming the village key and shooting open the gates leading back to the village area, shove the crate out into the village through the open gates. Push it up against the wooden pole by the hut. Leap onto the crate and then grab hold of the pole. Climb up to the top, leap for the platform along the wall, and clamber up. Leap to the horizontal bar and swing along it to the next platform. Kill the two bats that emerge from the waterfall area nearby. Go to the end of this platform, leap off, and fire the grapple at the ring at the ceiling of the village area. This next jump is a bit tricky: extend the grapple cable as far as it will go, and then face the ledge ahead. Aim for the left side, and then begin a swing forward. When you're nearly hitting the wall with your feet, leap for the ledge. Shimmy leftward until the pair of horizontal bars is on your left: leap to the first one, and then swing across both of them. When you leap from the second one, you'll reach the waterfall area above the village. Climb up and grab the only artifact in the level and kill two more bats that come out of hiding. TIME TRIAL TIPS + In the village area, try to evade all of the wolves and then quickly kill the bear. The wolves shouldn't follow you into the village area. The bear is of a greater problem, though. Leap into the water after combat and begin your village key search. + After getting the key, shoot open the gate lock and go straight ahead to insert the key and open the temple area. Ignore the artifact path. + The temple area is the same as in the regular level. The wolves are a pain, and when I tried to evade their attacks, rather than simply killing them, it turned out to be worse. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 3: THE LOST VALLEY Artifacts: 2 Relics: 1 (Kero Mug) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& SHOTGUN Location: Upstream Area After grabbing the cog in the upstream area of the river, kill the bats and look at the bridge. Aim for the rope holding the bridge up above, and then shoot at it. The bridge collapses. Leap where the bridge fell, fire the grapple at the ring above, and swing so you can leap to the opposite side. Climb down the "ladder" on this side- that is actually part of the fallen bridge- and when you see an opening to the right, leap to grab the edge of it. Climb up, crawl through the tunnel, and grab your goodies in the rocky tunnel behind the waterfall- a large medipack and the shotgun! Exit by dropping out of the alcove and leaping back for the ladder. Climb up, grapple the ring, and jump back to the side of the river where you picked up the cog. Be sure to go for the switch that is involved with the relic (see the Kero Mug relic section below). ARTIFACT #1 Location: Bear Cave When you encounter the only bear in the level, climb up to the top of that chamber. When you reach the high platform with the caliber clips, jump to the wooden platform against the wall. Look downward and you'll spy the sloping roof of the hut below. Drop down, land on the sloping roof, and jump to the ledge on the structure you climbed upon. Shimmy around the corner to the left, and when the artifact opening is behind you, leap backwards into it. Claim your prize and make your way back up the structure. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Lost Valley Brick Wall After obtaining the 3rd cog- when you jump across the bridge in the upper clearing- jump along the ledges on the stone wall, and at the upper platform, you'll see a long slide leading downward. Don't slide down this one. It leads to the exit of the area, and you want the artifact first. Instead, leap over the slope (it's kind of tough to make her aim at the pillar top) and land on the top of the column opposite. Now look downward to the right. Drop down the ledges to reach the artifact location. To get back up, jump over the brick wall to the open area and climb back up the stone ledges. NOW you can slide down the long slope. RELIC: KERO MUG Location: Waterfall Stream In order for the relic to become accessible, you need to do two things. First of all, a switch must be pulled to reveal the tunnel. This switch is along the path of the cog above the waterfall. Find that cog, and once you do, look for a rotating horizontal bar along the wall. Leap to it, let it rotate so the bar is closer to the waterfalls, and then swing and leap to the ledge of the structure between the waterfalls. Climb to the upper ledge, shimmy around the corner to the right, leap up, and then traverse around the next corner and then leap backwards to the opening. Clamber up, and explore the tunnel to find the switch. The second thing that you need to do is to dam the waterfall. Do this by collecting all three cogs and then operating them on the huge machine. This causes a dam to stop the water from flowing (and thus reveal the end of the level). Before you go down there, though, climb your way to the upper waterfall stream, behind the large stone dam wall. Drop into the water and swim under the surface. Go through the opening that you revealed, and into the cavern beyond. Make note that this relic is only accessible when the opening is revealed and the water flow isn't so fast. Climb up and claim the Kero Mug from the platform at the end! Backtrack out of the cavern, to the dam, and down in the pool below. Now exit the level. TIME TRIAL TIPS + In the first valley, kill the wolves and take the cog. Follow the ledges up from the cog path and along the left side of the waterfall to reach the top. From here, go straight along the upstream part of the river to find the second cog. + Get the second cog, dive into the upstream river, and cannonball down into the valley below. Climb out and move quickly up the ladder- some wolves have been released down here, but you can avoid taking them out for now if you'd like. + When you reach the caves (the first one is the one with the bear), your objective is to reach the lost valley. Avoid item collecting, expect for any items (like the large medipack in the bat cave) that are directly in your path. They'll come in handy for the t-rex and raptor battles. + The raptors are best taken out with adrenaline dodging. + Try using the adrenaline dodges with the t-rex so he ends up crashing his head into the spiked logs. This is the quickest way to defeat him. If you've already destroyed all of the logs, the next easiest way is for him to slam against the temple. + After getting the third cog, your priority is to make it back to the waterfall mechanism. Again, no item collection is necessary. + Back at the waterfall mechanism, dive into the pool below the waterfall, clamber up, and dodge the wolves so you can quickly climb the ladder. Place any cogs along this machine that haven't yet been placed, and then dive into the pool below the waterfall. Quickly climb up into the opening to reach Qualopec's tomb. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 4: TOMB OF QUALOPEC Artifacts: 2 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Pit Bottom Make sure that you're at the right pit, though. In the main chamber of the Tomb of Qualopec, you must take the passage to the right (as if your back was to the entrance). There's a pit along this passage that you can climb down into. Inside of an alcove at the bottom is the artifact! Grab it and climb back out. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Wolf Den Room First, get into the room with the wolves at the floor level. Climb up to the switch that lowers one of the gates to Qualopec's tomb, and once you lower it, jump to the ledges on the left side of it. Leap to the top of them, back up to the top one, and then jump backwards to the vertical pole. Climb to the top and then leap for the opening in the wall nearby (on the left wall from the lever). Enter this small chamber and grab the artifact from between the openings. Use the opening on the right side of the artifact to drop back down to the entrance of the room. TIME TRIAL TIPS + In the main chamber, it's best if you only use ONE of the wooden columns for all of your destinations. Pulling both of the columns around takes too much time. You should be able to jump to your locations with only one of them. + There aren't a whole lot of tips, but your main objectives are to lower the three switches that open the gates to Qualopec's tomb. Avoid climbing down into pits along the way. + After claiming the Scion piece from Qualopec's tomb, make a quick exit. Avoid killing the raptor in that pit leading back to the valley, as it just takes time. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 5: ST. FRANCIS' FOLLY Artifacts: 6 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Perseus Puzzle When you're in the chamber with the Perseus constellation, you can open a gate to an artifact by shooting certain stars on him. Shooting some of these stars actually allow you to exit the column room altogether, but I'm only giving you the stars that open the artifact gate. Just so you know, the "clue" that you get for this set of stars is in the back room of the one with the columns, where you open the gate to the tall tower: the clue is on the doorway as you look up from the switch that opens the gate. The "correct" way to perform the artifact puzzle is to read the clue on the doorway, and then go back to the Perseus puzzle. Shoot these stars to open the gate: Perseus' left foot, his right foot, the lower back, his knee that points upward, Perseus' sword, the hand he holds the sword in, and Medusa's eye. This causes the artifact gate to rumble open. To get to the artifact, turn around from the Perseus constellation and take the left- hand hallway. Jump out of the opening at the end, fire your grapple at the hook on the wall, and execute a wall run to the platform along the wall ahead. From here, leap to the upper platform, and enter the small chamber. Grab the artifact from the open gate. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Hephaestus Puzzle Make your way into the hammer room of Hephaestus' puzzle, and then activate the hammer by stepping on the plate below it. Let the hammer slam down, and then climb up onto the ledge of it. Quickly leap up to the hammer's top, and then to the corner platform right of the hammer. Leap to the horizontal pole attached to the wall, and then leap to the roof of the structure. Go into the alcove and claim the artifact on the left. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Poseidon Puzzle When you reach the tall room of Poseidon's puzzle, swim below the surface and locate the lever on the central pillar. Pulling it opens a gate above. Surface, swim over to the opening, and climb up into the alcove. Claim the artifact inside. ARTIFACT #4 Location: Atlas Door Climb your way to the door leading to Atlas' puzzle, but instead of entering, drop down onto the ledge below the door. Shimmy clear to the left, and then jump backwards at the end. Grab hold of the horizontal bar and swing around it. Leap to the platform along the wall, and then climb up the rubble to the top, where you'll be able to claim the 4th artifact. Retrace your steps to get back to the Atlas door. ARTIFACT #5 Location: Atlas Puzzle After dropping the large globe in the Atlas puzzle (and, for that matter, avoiding it), climb up onto the broken column on the side of the long ramp. From here, you can jump up to the platform above. Climb up to the higher platform, go behind the rubble, and grab the artifact. That was almost too easy, since you need to get up to this platform anyway. ARTIFACT #6 Location: Damocles Puzzle The artifact is inside of an alcove in the key chamber. To get up toward its location, climb onto the fallen rubble in the back of the room, wall run across the wall, and then leap to the corner platform, and from here, leap to the top of the central structure. The artifact is inside of the left-hand alcove along the wall, but deadly blades block it. The lever that deactivates the blades is on the other side of the artifact alcove: to get there, you'll need to cross over the bladed checkerboard floor, underneath of the hanging swords, and up the wall to the platform with the lever. I have not included the direct route, though. That I'm leaving up to you. Once you deactivate the blades, though, you can drop down from the vertical pole on the platform to the floor below, and then backtrack to the alcove with the artifact, now accessible. TIME TRIAL TIPS + With the Perseus constellation puzzle, you should focus on opening the gate leading to the steel globe. To do that, shoot these stars on the constellation: both of Perseus' feet, the hand he holds the sword in, and the lower back. This causes the gate to rumble open, and you don't even have to mess with the optional star patterns. + The tall chamber with the four doorways is the same as in the regular level. Your main path should be set like this: locate the Poseidon and Hephasteus switches, get into the Hephasteus puzzle, get into the Poseidon puzzle after exiting from Hephasteus' puzzle, locate the Damocles and Atlas switches after completing the Poseidon puzzle, climb upward to the Atlas puzzle, enter the Damocles door after solving Atlas' puzzle, and then drop down to the exit area after getting through the Damocles trial. + The Hephasteus puzzle requires little extra talent. With the 3 bronze busts that you must move onto the circular floor holes, however, try to shove the bust into the nearest hole. This saves a bit of time. + Poseidon's puzzle should be completed in the same matter as before. + Atlas' puzzle is also quite straightforward. Don't spend too much time using manual aim to target the two buttons, however: targeting reticles appear on the screen, and you can use them like normal. + The trial of Damocles goes the same way as normal. However, ignore the artifact lever and alcove. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 6: THE COLISEUM Artifacts: 1 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 50 CALIBER PISTOLS Location: Path to the Exit First of all, get to that platform with the ring beneath it (see the ARTIFACT #1 paragraph below). Don't go for the artifact, though, or else you won't be able to get the calibers. To get the guns, hang from the other side of the platform, and shimmy to the right. When you're on the other side of the debris, clamber up onto the section of the platform and claim the 50 caliber pistols! Now shimmy back and go for the artifact. ARTIFACT #1 Location: Path to the Exit When you grapple the ring high above the coliseum, and then jump to the platform beyond, there's an artifact close by. First, get the 50 caliber pistols if you haven't already (sorry, I can't tell you where they are located, but if you don't get them before collecting the artifact, you can't reach the guns), and then dangle from the side of the platform. Drop down and quickly fire the grapple at the ring on the bottom of the platform. Lengthen the grapple cord all of the way, and then perform a long swing toward the alcove in the rubble along the wall. If your grapple isn't long enough, you won't be able to reach the alcove. Swing as high and as far as you can, and then jump into it- you'll actually need to grab the alcove's edge- and claim the artifact. To get out of the alcove without having to retrace your steps around the coliseum, drop and grab the ledge below the alcove, and then shimmy rightward. Climb up to the top of the wall, and then slide down the slope. Leap at the end of it to land on the platform, which rejoins the main path- if you had decided not to get the artifact. TIME TRIAL TIPS + The gorillas in the arena of the coliseum can usually be shot at from above. It actually doesn't take too much time to kill each of them from above, but don't attempt to completely avoid any of them, as when you're going for the balcony key later, they are a pain in the butt. + After obtaining the balcony key, avoid the lions when you get back into the coliseum arena and climb straight to the upper level. The lions can't throw large rocks at you, and you won't be returning into the arena anymore. + Actually, this time trial is very easy. Use the same methods for reaching the exit as you would in the regular level. You can skip the grappling sequence for the artifact, though. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 7: MIDAS' PALACE Artifacts: 1 Relics: 2 (Athenian Owl Figurine and Griffin Head Protome) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Bladed Pillars When you come to the lever in the room with the blades on the pillars, pulling that lever causes each of the pillars to rise up. However, before you attempt to get the artifact, drop down to the lower level before pulling the lever, and look to the right. A bunch of stone blocks cover up an opening in the wall. Grapple the ring on one of the blocks and pull them all down. This allows you to easily access the artifact later. Go back up to the lever and pull it. When all of the pillars have fully ascended, leap to the closest flat-topped one, and then look to the left. Make a long jump to the ledge on the top of the bladed pillar, but don't attempt to climb up to the top. Shimmy around two corners to the right, look backwards, and leap for the sloping platform. Slide down it, quickly leaping for the platform extending from the wall. Clamber up, look to the right, and make a quick jump for the ledge on the pillar. Jump to the upper one, shimmy around two corners to the right, and then look backwards again. Leap to the top of the pillar behind you, run to the opposite side of it, and then jump to the sloping pillar top. Slide, jump to the retracting platform, and then quickly position the camera to the right. Leap onto the top of the pillar to the right, and then make one last jump into the alcove where you grappled down the blocks. The artifact awaits you in here. The trickiest part of this sequence is that all of the pillars retract after a short period of time! You need to move quickly to get to the artifact alcove on time. RELIC: ATHENIAN OWL FIGURINE Location: Bladed Pillars After getting the artifact, locate the crate by the stairway leading up to that lever, and shove it into the bladed pillar room. Move it to the sloping block nearby the doorway that leads to the stairway. Once you've got it close enough, go to the lever and pull it. Drop down from the opening, run over to the crate, and shove it into the indent of the sloping pillar. This pillar usually descends more quickly than the others, but with a block wedging it into place, it cannot descend fully. Go back up to the lever, pull it, and when all of the pillars rise, take the path that you used to get to the artifact. However, when you reach retracting platform along the wall with the artifact opening, don't head along the pillars. Instead, look to the left and locate another platform that has extended from the wall. Leap to the top of it, look to the left, and jump for the top ledge of the bladed pillar. Traverse around two corners to the left, and when the regular tower is behind you, leap to the ledge on it and clamber up to the upper one, and then to the top. Now make yet another jump to the sloping pillar ahead of you, but because you wedged the crate into the pillar's indent, it hasn't lowered down all of the way. Slide, leap for the crack, and then shimmy rightward, climbing up into the alcove. Go around the rubble and claim the Athenian Owl Figurine relic! Good work! RELIC: GRIFFIN-HEAD PROTOME Location: Flaming Pillars First, claim the lead bar from this area. You'll need to make your way across the fire pillars to get it. After doing so, return to the starting platform. Run across the platform leading outward to the fiery area, and leap to the first island. Go around the flame, jump to the ledge on the high tower, and clamber up. When the flames move around to the right, follow them, and when you see the crack on the pillar, jump up to it and then leap to the upper one before the flames come back around. Climb up yet again to the top one, shimmy leftward, and when the platform is behind you, leap to it. You'll already have pulled the switch here if you have already claimed the lead bar. Ignore it and instead leap off of the platform along the left-hand wall from the opening, and launch your grapple at the wall hook. Execute a wall run until you're far enough to leap to the corner ledge. Shimmy leftward to the end, and then drop onto the sloping platform. Slide, leap to the wall ledge, and then leap to the corner ledge on the right. Leap to the upper one, and then look backwards. Jump in that direction to land on a second sloping stone piece: slide until you're level with the horizontal bar, and jump to grab it. Traverse along it to the end, swing along it, and jump to the second bar. From here, swing around this one and jump to the pole top above the water. Balance yourself, leap to the ledge on the wall, and shimmy leftward until you can lean off of the side and leap to another sloping stone piece. Slide downward, leap when the opening ahead is level with Lara, and land inside. Throwing the switch reveals an opening in the tower above. The relic is in there! All you need to do is get to it. It's timed, so be very quick in this next sequence. Leap into the water and swim to the closest stairway leading up to the entrance platform. Run along the platform that leads close to the first island, and then leap onto it. Jump to the stone platform between the two small islands, and then to the second island with the flame. Run around the burner to the left, leap for the ledge on the bottom of the tower on the left, and then shimmy quickly around to the left. When the stone platform is behind you, jump to the top of it from the crack in the tower. Leap to the ladder from the stone platform, and at the top, turn around. If you've already secured the lead bar, you should have used the grapple to turn off most of the flames on the previous tower. You can now leap to any of the ledges on the side, and climb your way up to the top. Once up here, the tower with the relic is just up ahead! Get to it quickly- you'll need to leap to the platform of the tower when the flames pass by. Run around it to the left until you spot the alcove with the Griffin-Head Protome relic! Grab it, and after reading its description, leap off of the platform to avoid the billowing flames. TIME TRIAL TIPS + Most of the gorillas in Midas' main chamber can be taken out quickly by leaping up onto the ledge of the Midas statue. Just remember not to step on Midas' crumbled hand! + The room with the bladed pillars is rather straightforward. Only go after the lead bar, and not the artifact or relic alcoves. + The room with the column that you must break is also the same as before. Grapple down the boards supporting the column, and it'll fall down, revealing the bar. However, you must climb your way through the chamber, as in the regular level, to reach the last switch that opens one of the gates leading to a lead bar. Avoid item collection, and when you reach the second grapple point up high in this room, rappel down the wall and drop down onto the platform. Run through the hallway to reach the switch area. You can actually dodge the gorillas here and run straight for the switch. + The fiery pillar room is also the same as in the regular level. Avoid the timed run for the relic, however. Also try to outswim the crocodile, as opposed to shooting it. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 8: TOMB OF TIHOCAN Artifacts: 2 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Lower Cistern Level Once you flood the cistern to the highest level, swim clear over to the exit opening of the cistern (which won't yet be accessible if you haven't moved the raft into place). Dive downward from here, and swim to one of the pillars from here below you. There's a lever on one of them. Pulling it opens a grating at the lower cistern level. You can either swim down there and grab it, or you can lower the cistern level down and then grab it. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Beneath Tihocan's Tomb When you make it to Tihocan's tomb, swim to the far left side (when facing it). Dive down, look at the left-hand wall, and swim clear down until you come to an opening. Once you find it, go back up for a breath of air, and then swim down, go through the cavern, and grab the artifact at the end. Quickly swim out before Lara's air supply runs out. TIME TRIAL TIPS + The cistern area isn't that difficult to get through, if you take the right route to getting to the two boxes. Make your way to the box that is along the wall with the upper winch, shove it down, and then return to the entrance opening (be sure to lower the water level along the way). To the left of the opening (when facing it) is a horizontal bar and a grappling hook on the wall left of it. If you use the grapple hook to get over to the large dent in the wall (where some caliber ammo is located), you can reach the second grappling hook. From here, leap to the aqueduct along the wall, and then leap your way over to the second crate (you'll need to go across a pair of horizontal bars in the process. Shove the second crate down: this is the easiest way to get both crates down without having to backtrack a lot. + With both of the crates down, lower the water level and shove them into the lower section. Lower the water level all of the way, drop into the lower pit, and shove the crates onto both pressure plates. One releases the raft grating, the other the taller grating above. + Climb out of the lower cistern level, raise the water level, and position the raft so it's below the opening below the exit opening to the cistern, and then climb your way up to the upper winch. Raise the water level, and if you positioned the raft correctly, the cistern exit will be accessible. + With the centaur battle, grapple off one of the centaur's shields, but do not worry about the second. You should enrage one of the centaurs twice in a row, and the second time it becomes enraged, you can grapple the shield from him. At this point, you can enrage either centaur, but if you don't defeat the centaur after petrifying it (these are only time trial tips, so I'm not telling you how to defeat it), then the next time you enrage it, it will instead try the charge at you. If this is the centaur that still has the shield, you can perform the adrenaline dodge and grapple it away anyway, if you'd like. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 9: TEMPLE OF KHAMOON Artifacts: 3 Relics: 1 (Mummified Cat) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Above the Damaged Sphinx In the sphinx courtyard with the central obelisk, climb your way up to the top of the damaged sphinx (the one in the part of the courtyard that is darkened). Jump into the opening on the wall above, and look inside- at the back wall, there's a hole in the ceiling. Jump up into it, follow the tunnel, and claim the artifact in the room at the end. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Top of Bast's Temple Once you drop the trapdoors beneath the statue of Bast (the sitting cat in the temple below, if you don't already know his name), go out into the opening. You're on a platform high above the temple area, and the artifact is on the roof of his temple. To get there, leap off of the platform along the left wall as you run outside, and launch your grapple at the wall ring. Perform a wall run over to the ledge further along the wall, look backwards, and leap outward. Fire your grapple at the ceiling ring, and use swing-and-jump sequences across two more rings to finally jump to the top of Bast's temple, where the artifact awaits. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Sand Room When you reach the room with the scarab mechanism (the one where you encounter the mummy later in the level), climb the blocks in the corner of the room and look to the left. Jump along the wall and fire your grapple at the ring above. Execute a wall run across the wall, leaping over to the ledge along the adjacent wall. Leap backwards, landing on a balancing post, and then jump to the second post. From here, leap to the tiny ledge on the pole up ahead, drop down to the lower one, and shimmy around the corner to the right. Leap backwards to the ledge on the pole behind, and then traverse clear around the pole until the third one is behind you. Leap backwards to the tiny ledge on it, shimmy rightward, climb up to the upper ledge, and shimmy around the pole until you can leap to a ledge on the second pole again. Turn backwards and jump for the small ledge on the wall. Lean to the right and jump over so you can grapple the hook on the wall. Perform a wall run across, leaping for the top of the doorway with the artifact when you build enough momentum. RELIC: MUMMIFIED CAT Location: Obelisk Puzzle After solving the puzzle with the four obelisks (thus opening the doors to the Obelisk of Khamoon), move the crate from the opening to the right of the big doors and pull it so the crate is below the ledge on the overhang above. Leap up to the ledge, and then to the upper one, and finally around the two corners to the right. Leap backwards to the ledge in the corner of the chamber, and then traverse clear to the right. Jump for the ledge on the overhang above the block below, climb up to the upper ledge, and then look backwards. If the top of the obelisk is behind you, leap to the top of it. If not, reposition yourself. Once you land on the top of the obelisk (balance yourself if you need to), jump across all four obelisks to the ledge on the overhang on the other side of the chamber. Shimmy around the corner to the right, and then into the opening. Clamber up and grab the Mummified Cat relic- plus a large medipack- in the chamber. TIME TRIAL TIPS + In the sphinx courtyard, kill the two mummies but avoid gathering any of the items in the area. However, if there is a medipack directly in your path, grab it, as the level may require quite a few medipacks. + Kill all of the panthers in the room with the retracting statues before you attempt to jump across. They'll attempt to knock you over as you run for the fallen rubble, and it's just not worth it to try and avoid them. + In the retracting platform room, avoid all of the goodies in the back chamber: just make your way to the switch that drops the block from the wall, and gather up no goodies. Also, try to be very accurate with the way you jump the ledges, as one fall in this room wastes a lot of time. Repositioning the camera helps greatly. + The panther cages are pretty straightforward. The first set of panthers must be killed, but the ones that you free from the cage can be easily avoided: after opening the cage door, climb up the ledges to the left of the door and make your way up the room. However, if you fall down, the panthers may be a pain. + The sand puzzle is pretty straightforward. Do it as if you were playing the level regularly, finding the switch and jumping to the bar of the scarab to weigh it down. Avoid the jumping to the artifact, too. + With the obelisk puzzle, be sure to rotate the cylinder with the obelisk that has risen around immediately (you'll need to get the clue from the room in the back if you don't already know it). If you let all of the cylinders rise beforehand, then you'll have a lot more trouble positioning them so they unlock the doors to the Obelisk of Khamoon. Avoid moving the cylinder that has the blue jar clue: it's already positioned correctly. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 10: OBELISK OF KHAMOON Artifacts: 4 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Timed Run in the Throne Chamber After passing by your first gauntlet of traps, you arrive in a high room with a throne and an ankh switch behind it. Climb your way up this room until you come to the first long platform along the back wall. Enter the alcove back here, go behind the rubble, and pull the switch. This extends a horizontal pole high above the room. Climb your way up this room- by using the pillar ledges and side platforms- until you come to the two horizontal bars near the top. The one on the right may have retracted, as you must be very quick in climbing the room to reach it before it retracts. If you failed, kill yourself by swan diving to the bottom of the room and try again (you'll reload on the platform above the opening with the lever- drop down to the platform below and pull the switch again). The trickiest part of the timed run is the wall running sequence across the painting. Leap backwards from the ledge, and when the grapple icon appears on the screen, IMMEDIATELY grapple it. If you do this, you won't have a very long grapple line, but you'll be high enough to jump for the ledge atleast. DO NOT attempt to wall run back and then across the wall again: this just wastes time. Once you finally get across the timed horizontal bar, go along the platform and get the artifact in the opening. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Room with Blades and Hooks Just to jog your memory, this is the room where you turn the long slide into the set of steps. Make your way across each of the wall running sequences, many of which require running past vertical blades. Once you reach the grappling hook above the highest steps, rappel down the wall and drop onto the highest one. Claim the artifact, drop down the steps, and repeat your wall running sequence again. You can also alternately drop the drawbridge to the Ankh of Isis BEFORE rappelling down the wall. The switch that drops the bridge is through the hallway above the artifact grappling point, and after dropping the drawbridge, you'll need to descend to the bottom of the room anyway. If you'd like, you can fall from the above platform after dropping the drawbridge, grapple the hook, and descend to the artifact. Now make your way down to the floor. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Anubis Chamber If you don't know which room this is, it's the one with the three cat mummies at the floor level. Climb up into the opening on the wall from the floor, which leads to another gauntlet of traps. Don't go in here: instead, look to the left side of the door and leap for the corner platform. From there, climb your way along the ledges to the left, and when you can clamber up onto the platform (which is in the corner of the room), and then use the ledges along the adjacent wall until there's another ledge FAR below you. Get yourself lined up with this ledge, and then drop a huge distance down to it. You'll need to press Interact to recover from the long drop and save your grip. Shimmy around the corner to the left, and clamber up into the alcove, where the artifact awaits. ARTIFACT #4 Location: Upper Anubis Chamber Platforms In the same room as the 3rd artifact, make your way up the room until you come to a hallway. At the top of it is a platform overlooking the same room as before. There's also a cat mummy that should have arrived back in the hallway, so take care of it. Leap to the wall ledge on the platform, jump to the upper one, and then leap backwards to the platform behind. Climb up, look to the right, and leap along the wall. Grapple the hook up above. There are some items that you can wall run to over on the right side of this wall, but your main objective is the upper platform above and to the right. The artifact is located on the corner platform, but you'll need to reach the other one in order to access it. This is very tricky: you must rappel down the wall until your feet are on the stripe with the symbols, and then execute wall runs back and forth across the wall. Once you gain as much momentum as possible, let Lara wall run clear to the upper right, and when the platform is behind her, leap backwards to grab it. You must be as high as possible in order to reach this. Clamber up onto the platform, leap to the ledge on the wall, and shimmy clear to the right. Leap for the horizontal bar, which moves along the wall when you grab it, and then swing around it so you can leap to the corner platform. You'll find the artifact and some caliber ammo here. Make a huge note that if you've activated the spinning blades throughout the room (which you hopefully haven't), then getting to this artifact will be much more difficult, as blades will impede your progress as you move along the wall. TIME TRIAL TIPS + In the high throne room chamber, ignore the switch that extends the horizontal bar high above. You still need to race up through this chamber as fast as possible, though. + The room with the grapple rings and spinning blades is pretty easy to come by. Your objective is to reach the upper platform of the room, where you can follow the long hallway to the switch that drops the drawbridge. Don't rappel down to the artifact: this wastes a lot of time. + There are a lot of platforms and ledges in the Anubis chamber, but your main goal is to find the Scarab of Osiris drawbridge switch, and then exit the chamber. Ignore all of the additional climbing. + The rest of the trial is cake. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 11: SANCTUARY OF THE SCION Artifacts: 2 Relics: 1 (Horus Idol) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MINI SMGS Location: Sphinx Head The way to get this is by grappling a ring on the ceiling of the sphinx chamber. This ring is located on the left ceiling of the sphinx, as if you were facing it (you'll know when there's something to grapple, as the grapple icon will appear on the screen). Leap, fire the grapple, and then swing rapidly until you gain enough momentum to leap to the top of the sphinx and secure the mini SMGs! Getting back is very tricky, however: you must leap so you can grapple the ring again, but this time, you must be much quicker, for the grapple ring is farther away. Once you grapple it, retract the cable and then make a swing for the platform again. ARTIFACT #1 Location: First Obelisk Chamber Before we even go after the artifact, you'd best know which of the two obelisk chambers it is in. When you're in the great cavern with the large sphinx, face towards it. The obelisk room that you're headed for is on the left side. Get into that room, and make your way over to the ladders on the wall. Jump to the right-hand ladder, and when the top of the doorway is on your right side (towards the bottom of the ladder), leap to the right and grab it. Traverse clear around the doorway's top, and when you reach the opposite side, drop onto the platform and get the artifact. RELIC: HORUS IDOL Location: Anubis and Horus Chamber There are two steps to getting this relic. The first one is to open the gate to it. Do this by reaching the lap of Horus (when the water level is lowered), but don't attempt to shoot at any of the scarabs on his lap area. Instead, go after the switch that opens the relic gate. Drop down to the platform even lower below the lap, and grab hold of the block here. Shove it into the water, and then drop in after it. Swim over to the lever between Anubis and Horus; pull on it, and the water level lowers. Go over to the feet of Horus, clamber up, and shove the block that you dropped beneath the dry gate. Now ascend up Anubis (the left-hand statue), working your way onto the statue of Horus, back to the ankh switch that you should have previously used. This opens that timed gate, the one that you positioned the block beneath. Drop from the ankh switch after lowering it, and swim quickly over to the feet of Horus. Climb up onto the block, and quickly jump into the opening before the gate rises back up. Climb up inside of the chamber here, and when you come to Horus' lap, leap up onto the hand closer to the exterior wall. Drop down from the hand to the ledge on Horus' leg, and then traverse around it to the right, so you can jump to the ankh switch on the wall. This opens the gate that leads to the relic, which you'll be able to access later on. You must now solve Horus' scarab puzzle (on his lap, raise the water level, swim into the room behind Anubis, and make your way through here up to a platform on the side of Anubis. Climb the ledges up to the top of Anubis. From here, leap over to the top of Horus, and then descend the ledges down Horus' side. Enter the open chamber through the open gate, and get the Horus Idol inside! Good work! ARTIFACT #2 Location: Scion Chambers In the final room of the level (the one with all of the red and blue columns), climb along the columns until you reach the lock that is unlocked with Qualopec's piece of the Scion. Jump back to the previous column after using it, and climb your way around it until the adjacent blue column is behind you. Leap backwards, grab it, and shimmy around it to the left. Leap to the upper crack, and traverse to the left until the artifact opening is behind you. Leap backwards and climb into it to secure the last artifact in Egypt! TIME TRIAL TIPS + I'm kind of letting out part of the main game walkthrough, but in the puzzle room with the four cylinders, you can save a heck of a lot of time by simply doing this: as you enter the room with the stairway behind you, turn the closest cylinder to the left TWICE, so it "clicks" twice. Run over to the cylinder diagonal from this one, and rotate it the same way as you did previously. It doesn't matter which way you rotate it, but just so you make it turn 180 degrees around. The pillar in the center of the room rises. + The giant room with the sphinx really has no big hints. Avoid locating the mini SMGs, though, or pulling the switches that raise the stairways leading up to the doorways (these steps are useless). + In the two obelisk rooms, use the same methods as before. + The tall chamber with the Anubis and Horus statues can be easily gotten through. Ignore everything concerning the relic: just rise the water level as high as it can go. This path goes like this: lower the water level all of the way, ascend Anubis to his scarab puzzle, solve the scarab puzzle, raise the water level, ascend to Horus' ankh switch, quickly swim into the timed grating at the base of Horus, solve Horus' scarab puzzle, swim into the opening of Anubis, climb to the top of Anubis, and raise the water level to the highest level. You can now leave the chamber. + The final Scion chambers are the same as in the regular level. Unlock the gate bars with the two Scion pieces, ignore the opening with the artifact, and drop down and enter the chamber to end the level. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 12: NATLA'S MINES Artifacts: 4 Relics: 1 (Chalice of Torment) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Mining Facility Once you activate the red fuse, climb to the top of the hut that the hanging crate moved above. Run to the end by the opening in the wall, and then leap to the top of the post on the ground. Balance and leap to the second post top, and then turn to the left so you can jump for the metal ledge on the wall. Leap to the upper one, turn around, and jump to the bar. Swing around it and leap to the sloping platform. Slide a bit before you leap to the conveyor belt ahead, clamber up, and run to the end. Grab the artifact. RELIC: CHALICE OF TORMENT Location: Waterfall Cave After reclaiming your pistols, return to the very first cave of the level, the one with the flowing waterfall. Swim beneath it, climb into the tunnel beyond, and run to the upper level. Shoot down both of the ropes holding the two big boxes, and they'll both fall down. Drop down to the floor level and investigate inside of one of the fallen crates to find the Chalice of Torment (perhaps this is Natla's?) relic. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Floating Raft Once you claim the relic, jump into the water and swim onto the raft. Shoot the rope holding the raft, and it'll begin to float downstream. Walk up to the engine of the raft, and when you near the metal ledge on the side wall, leap up to grab it. If you fail leaping to the metal ledge, you can't access the artifact anymore: save the game and reload. Once you do grab the ledge, traverse to the right, leap to the ledge on the right, and then climb to the upper one. Once here, leap backwards to grab the ledge on the opposite side of the stream. Follow the long ledge around to the right until you can drop down to a cave opening. Investigate inside to find the artifact. SHOTGUN Location: Larson's Body You can claim the shotgun from Larson after he dies. 50 CALIBER PISTOLS Location: Lava Channel When you enter the lava channel, leap for the tower on the left. From here, turn to the right, leap for one of the posts down below, and then leap to the lower post if you haven't already done so. Balance yourself on both of these if you need to, and when you reach the lower one, leap for the higher one: however, you will grab the pole instead of landing on its top. Climb upward so you can leap for the ledge on the tower to the left, and then shimmy clear around the corner to the left, until you can lean off of the side and leap for the post sticking out above the lava. Get balanced and then jump over to the platform below the tracks above. Good work! You've obtained the 50 caliber pistols. Now all you need to do is get back. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Lava Channel When you make it to the end of the lava channel, drop off and hang by the hanging rail at the end. Drop down to the lowest "ledge" of the rail, and then traverse to the right side. Leap from this side so you can land on a tiny post top above the lava! Quickly gain balance, turn around, and jump to the second post top sticking out above the lava. You can now leap to the small platform below the hanging rail, where the artifact awaits (and a small medipack). Gather these up and leap back across the post tops, and then to the sloping rock. This leads you to a horizontal bar, and from here, you should be able to use the tower to climb back up to the opening with the hanging rail. MINI SMGS Location: The Kid's Body After defeating Kold and Kid by the pyramid base, you can secure the mini SMGs from the body of the Kid. ARTIFACT #4 Location: Pyramid Base This is a very tricky artifact to claim, first of all. Once you come to the top of the rock mound on the left side of the pyramid slope, leap across the spines sticking out of the pyramid. The artifact is at the top of the other rock mound. To get there, you must leap to the spine on the far right side of the pyramid, but unfortunately, this one retracts into the pyramid if you wait too long on it. Once you land on top, turn to face the corner of the ledge on the rock mound and quickly leap to grab it. If you miss, you'll fall down below, and then you'll need to save the game and reload. This brings you back to the top of the rock mound again, and then you'll need to repeat the whole process. It's a tricky move to perform, but if you keep trying, you'll make it. After grabbing hold of the ledge, traverse around it to the right. Leap to the top of the rocks on the right, clamber up to the top of the rock mound, and secure the last artifact from Natla's Mines. TIME TRIAL TIPS + First of all, it greatly helps to activate the All Weapons cheat, which is unlocked by getting through all Greece time trials. Get through all of them first, and once you have the cheat activated, return back to this trial. + With the cheat activated, enter the mining facility and go over to the red fuse location. Manually shoot open the glass of the control room, and then you can use the button inside. This allows you to hop up on the drill machine and press the button to ride your way to the interactive cut scene. Just remember: when you use the All Weapons cheat, you have all weapons BUT the pistols (atleast in Natla's Mines)! + The lava cavern is easy to get through. Your objective is to reach the opposite end. Do not search for the artifact, 50 caliber pistols, or the ammo and medipack in the alcove. + The retracting spines on the pyramid are simple. If you've activated the All Weapons cheat, then you'll have already saved a great deal of time in the level, so you don't have to worry too much about falling down. Ignore the items in the secret alcove and the artifact location, however. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 13: THE GREAT PYRAMID Artifacts: 1 Relics: 1 (Torc of Embitterment) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Top of the Great Shaft Once you make it to the uppermost platform of the ever-so challenging great shaft, don't enter the opening in the wall yet. Instead, leap to the ledge on the corner column. Traverse around it to the left, and then climb up into the opening in the wall. Get the artifact and climb back over to the platform, ready for a flying mutant to hatch. RELIC: TORC OF EMBITTERMENT Location: Bridge & Piston Room After lowering the bridge and opening the door to the end of the level, cross the bridge, but don't leave through the opening beyond yet! Instead, target the rock at the top of the opening and shoot it down. This crashes a hole in the floor below it. Fall through the hole, slide down the ramp, and leap at the end so you can quickly grapple the ring on the bottom of the lowered bridge. Execute a swing and leap to the opening in the wall up ahead, where a large medipack awaits you. Go to the end of the dark passage, clamber up to the top of the ladder, and secure the Torc of Embitterment at the top. To exit, jump through the opening in the wall to the left, and you're back at the bridge room. TIME TRIAL TIPS + The incubation chamber is pretty easy if you perform the adrenaline dodge on all of the flesh creatures. Keep backing up, firing a powerful weapon. It's best to attack the flesh creatures first, and then the flying one. + The great shaft is like the first time through the level. You must go as quick as possible to reach the next platform anyway, so the "time trial" doesn't really add in there. The only major difficulty will be the flying mutants that hatch throughout your ascent. Pick them off with the shotgun or SMGs. The shotgun works quickly, but the SMGs are more maneuverable. + In the trapped passageway at the top of the great shaft, ignore each of the buttons that you can shoot to turn off the traps. It's a waste of time: just roll your way by each laser and through each slamming teeth door set. + The doppelganger chamber works the same way as before. + In the bridge room, throw the two switches to access the next level. Avoid shooting the rock from the ceiling and sliding down for the torc: just make your way into Natla's throne room. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LEVEL 14: THE FINAL CONFLICT Artifacts: 4 Relics: 0 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ARTIFACT #1 Location: Cage Chamber Get into the chamber with the cage (it's small), and shove it off from the opening. Turn around and leap for the opening in the small chamber, where the artifact awaits. ARTIFACT #2 Location: Steam Vent Room After shoving the crate past the 1st artifact, drop into the room, deal with the flesh creature, and move the cage over to the rock mound. Climb to the top, grab the medipack, deal with another flying creature, and leap to the top of the platform along the wall. Throwing the lever up here causes the doors to open below. Drop down, grab the cage, and shove it through the open doors. In the passageway beyond, move it beneath the opening in the wall, and clamber up to claim the artifact. ARTIFACT #3 Location: Lava Waterfalls Just so you know, this is in the long cavern with all of the falling lava and lava waterfalls. When you come to the first set of stepping stones in the lava, leap across the first two, and then turn to the right. Quickly jump to the third one before the other two recede into the lava, and from the third platform, leap to the pathway behind the lava waterfalls. The artifact awaits you at the end. ARTIFACT #4 Location: Above the Lava Channel Once you climb the ladder at the end of the lava channel, don't enter the opening to Natla's lair! Instead, turn around, jump from the edge of the platform and grapple the ring above. Swing to the opening above, wait for the flames to stop shooting, and grab the large medipack when they burn out. Move away from the flame shooter quickly, and face the lava channel below. Leap to the platform along the wall to the left, grab another large medipack, and then turn to the right. Leap to the gap in the wall, collect the final artifact of the game, and retrace your steps to Natla's lair. TIME TRIAL TIPS + With the abomination, you should defeat it the same way as before. Try to use the adrenaline dodge over the edge of the platform, as opposed to the walls of the battle arena. This way you atleast have a chance of defeating it. + The lava stream beyond the boss battle works the same way as before. + Actually, the rest of the level is nearly the same. This time trial is a pure piece of cake: they gave you a lot of time to get through, so don't feel like Natla has to be defeated very quickly. You should actually complete the time trial with a little less than 10 minutes remaining, if you're quick. UNLOCKABLE CONTENT This section gives you full info on all of the unlockables in the game, from the cool costumes and the character bios to the art galleries and cinematics. This section details how to get each unlockable unlocked. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CINEMATICS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Cinematics are the cut scenes that Lara goes through during the game. They're all unlocked by completing the chapter of the cinematic, but just to be clearer, I've included the names of the cinematics below. The level (or location) that is in parenthesis behind the cinematic shows where the cinematic occurred. CROFT MANOR CINEMATICS Croft Manor (Croft Manor) PERU CINEMATICS The Awakening (beginning of game) Introducing Natla (beginning of game) Vilcabamba (Mountain Caves) Wolf Attack (Mountain Caves) The Tomb of Qualopec (Tomb of Qualopec) Unexpected Company (Tomb of Qualopec) A Heated Interrogation (Tomb of Qualopec) Late Night Reconnaissance (between Peru and Greece) GREECE CINEMATICS Arrival at St. Francis' Folly (St. Francis' Folly) Business Banter (St. Francis' Folly) The Tomb of Tihocan (Tomb of Tihocan) Pierre's Demise (Tomb of Tihocan) Shadow Figures 1 (Tomb of Tihocan) Shadow Figures 2 (Tomb of Tihocan) EGYPT CINEMATICS Arrival at Khamoon (Temple of Khamoon) Retrieving the Scion (Sanctuary of the Scion) The Banishment of Natla (Sanctuary of the Scion) Ambushed! (Sanctuary of the Scion) Motorcycle Pursuit (Sanctuary of the Scion) LOST CITY CINEMATICS Island Arrival (Natla's Mines) The End of the Line (Natla's Mines) Larson Dies (Natla's Mines) Kold and Kid (Natla's Mines) The Power of the Scion (The Great Pyramid) Doppelganger Demise (The Great Pyramid) A Tough Choice (The Final Conflict) Time to Leave (The Final Conflict) Final Confrontation (The Final Conflict) Down But Not Out (The Final Conflict) Island Escape (The Final Conflict) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& COMMENTARIES &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Commentaries are unlocked by completing the chapter of the commentaries. So, whenever you go to replay a level of that chapter, go to the Options menu and switch the commentaries from on to off. This causes glowing purple crystals to appear throughout your journey. By pressing Interact when next to a crystal, 2 of the makers from the game will give their commentary tracks for the area. Below, I have listed (most of) the locations with crystals. I may have missed some, and I have not yet attempted to get any crystals from the Tomb of Qualopec yet. PERU COMMENTARIES Level 1: Mountain Caves + Mountaintop (where Lara begins) + Bat Caves + Bridge & Wolf Den Chamber + Vilcabamba Doors Level 2: City of Vilcabamba + Vilcabamba Village + Mechanism Temple Level 3: The Lost Valley + Waterfall + Lost Valley + T-Rex Battle Level 4: Tomb of Qualopec (unknown) GREECE COMMENTARIES Level 5: St. Francis' Folly + Column Hall + Top of the Tower + Hephaestus' Hammer + Atlas Globe + Chamber of Damocles + Poseidon Dome Level 6: The Coliseum + Arena Level 7: Midas' Palace + Midas Statue + Chamber of Bladed Pillars + Giant Columns + Fiery Temple Level 8: Tomb of Tihocan + Cistern Entrance + Cistern Walkway + Tomb of Tihocan EGYPT COMMENTARIES Level 9: Temple of Khamoon + Sandy Tunnel + Sphinx Courtyard + Hall of Guardians + Bast's Temple + Trapdoor Puzzle + Cylinder Block Puzzle Level 10: Obelisk of Khamoon + The Obelisk + Lower Trapped Hallway + Throne Chamber Level 11: Sanctuary of the Scion + Back of the Sphinx + One of the two Obelisk Chambers + Horus and Anubis Statues + Scion Chambers LOST CITY COMMENTARIES Level 12: Natla's Mines + Waterfall & Raft Cavern + Mining Facility + Rockslide to the Pyramid Level 13: The Great Pyramid + Incubation Chamber + Lowest Platform of the Great Shaft + Doppelganger Chamber Level 14: The Final Conflict + Abomination Arena + Abomination Arena (a 2nd crystal) + Natla's Lair &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& OUTFITS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Outfits are costumes that Lara "wears" during the game, or have been worn in previous adventures. These can be selected whenever replaying a level in regular or time trial mode. You'll need to collect various relics to unlock these outfits. Outfit: Anniversary How to Unlock: unlocked from start of the game Special Notes: none Outfit: Legend How to Unlock: retrieve Killer Whale Bottle or Kero Mug relic Special Notes: main outfit from Tomb Raider: Legend Outfit: Classic How to Unlock: retrieve Killer Whale Bottle and Kero Mug relics Special Notes: original Tomb Raider 1 look (pixel image of Lara) Outfit: Croft Manor Sport How to Unlock: retrieve Athenian Owl Figurine or Griffin Head Protome relic Special Notes: worn in TR1 Croft Manor Outfit: Golden How to Unlock: retrieve Athenian Owl Figurine and Griffin Head Protome relics Special Notes: represents Lara when she dies on Midas' hand Outfit: Camouflage How to Unlock: retrieve Mummified Cat or Horus Idol relic Special Notes: main outfit of Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness Outfit: Catsuit How to Unlock: retrieve Mummified Cat and Horus Idol relics Special Notes: worn in TR3 London and TRC- VCI HQ Outfit: Wetsuit How to Unlock: retrieve Chalice of Torment or Torc of Embitterment relic Special Notes: worn in TR2 Maria Doria levels Outfit: Doppelganger How to Unlock: retrieve Chalice of Torment and Torc of Embitterment relics Special Notes: a costume of Lara's doppelganger in the Great Pyramid Outfit: Scorched Natla How to Unlock: retrieve all relics Special Notes: a costume of the "demon" Natla (without her wings) &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& RELICS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Whenever you collect a relic in the game, the view and description of the relic is unlocked in the Rewards menu. Go there if you want to reread the description of the relic or view it again. You can also view relics in the Croft Manor once you unlock them. Below is the name and description of each relic in the game. NOTE: The descriptions of each relic came directly from their descriptions in the game. Killer Whale Bottle Ceramic bottle from approximately AD 700 depicting a mythological killer whale. Such vessels were most likely used for drinking fermented chicha. Kero Mug An ancient drinking vessel primarily used for liquids like fermented chicha. A common sight in Andean feasts, the kero was also frequently employed as a ceremonial vase by the Incas in important religious ceremonies. Athenian Owl Figurine The sacred bird of the goddess Athena, owls were associated with her characteristic trait of wisdom. Griffin Head Protome Griffin heads were fitted on bronze cauldrons or drinking vessels in archaic Greek art ca 700 BCE and served as talismans to ward off evil spirits. Mummified Cat With the cult of the cat goddess Bast (also known as Bastet) becoming popular in late period Egypt, cats were often mummified and sold to pilgrims who presented them as offerings to the goddess. Horus Idol The Egyptian god of the sky, Horus is portrayed as a falcon or a man with a falcon's head. As the god of the sky, he became associated with Upper Egypt in a battle against his brother Set for control of Egypt, Horus lost one of his eyes. Chalice of Torment This chalice was used to collect the spit blood of sacrificial virgins. Once the blood was collected, the chalice was used as a mixing vessel where other herbs and powders were added to turn the liquid into a psychopathic fluid used by Atlantean priestess-judges to invoke spirit journeys. Torc of Embitterment This sacred golden necklace was worn by Atlantean priestess-judges only during sentencing of criminals that had offended the god-kings of Atlantis. As any discretion against the rulers was punishable by execution, the torc quickly became a symbol of death itself. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ART GALLERIES &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Art galleries are special series of concept art that the designers made at the beginning of the TRA process. These are available to be viewed when you unlock them. Usually, art galleries are unlocked by getting certain artifacts in the game, but a few are unlocked with relics. Art Gallery How to Unlock ########################################################################## Promotional Art Retrieve 4/8 Croft Manor artifacts Origins of Lara Retrieve all Mountain Caves artifacts Box Art Retrieve all Lost Valley artifacts Peru Retrieve all Tomb of Qualopec artifacts TR1 vs. TRA Peru Retrieve both relics in Peru Pierre Retrieve all St. Francis' Folly artifacts Game Gallery Retrieve The Coliseum artifact Greece Retrieve all Tomb of Tihocan artifacts TR1 vs. TRA Greece Retrieve both relics in Greece Kid Retrieve all Temple of Khamoon artifacts Kold Retrieve all Obelisk of Khamoon artifacts Egypt Retrieve all Sanctuary of the Scion artifacts TR1 vs. TRA Egypt Retrieve both relics in Egypt Lost Island Retrieve all Natla's Mines artifacts Doppelganger Retrieve all The Great Pyramid artifacts Natla Retrieve all The Great Pyramid artifacts TR1 vs. TRA Lost City Retrieve both relics in the Lost City Atlantean Creatures Finish the game Items and Artifacts Retrieve 2 relics, finish the game Other Characters Retrieve 4 relics, finish the game ########################################################################## &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& CHARACTER BIOS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Character bios are simply biographies of Lara and her friends/adversaries that she encounters throughout the game. These are unlocked by finding certain artifacts. Character Bios How to Unlock ########################################################################## Lara Croft Retrieve City of Vilcabamba artifact Larson Retrieve all Tomb of Qualopec artifacts The Kid Retrieve all St. Francis' Folly artifacts Kold Retrieve The Coliseum artifact Pierre DuPont Retrieve all Tomb of Tihocan artifacts Winston Smith Retrieve all Obelisk of Khamoon artifacts Jacqueline Natla Retrieve all Sanctuary of the Scion artifacts Flesh Doppelganger Retrieve the Great Pyramid artifact Richard Croft Retrieve all The Final Conflict artifacts ########################################################################## &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Special &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Two special unlockables are also accessible in the game. Special: Note to the Fans How to Unlock: unlocked from the start of the game Special Notes: none Special: Style Units How to Unlock: complete the game with all 8 relics found Special Notes: a bonus level &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Cheats &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Cheats are special abilities that Lara acquires when you activate the cheat. These cheats are unlocked by completing certain time trials in the game. Below are the name of each cheat, what it does, and how to unlock it. To activate cheats in the game, go to the Options menu and scroll down to Cheats. Activate/deactivate any unlocked cheats. Cheat: Textureless Mode Powers: removes all textures, resulting in a black-and-white screen How to Unlock: complete the game Cheat: Infinite Breath Powers: Lara's breath meter remains full How to Unlock: complete the game Cheat: Sunglasses Powers: Lara is now wearing her sunglasses How to Unlock: complete the game Cheat: Show Enemy Health Powers: the targeted enemy's health and rage meters appear in top right corner How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Peru time trials Cheat: Infinite 50 Caliber Ammo Powers: Lara is provided with unlimited ammo for the 50 caliber pistols How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Peru time trials Cheat: Infinite Shotgun Ammo Powers: Lara is provided with unlimited ammo for the shotgun How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Greece time trials Cheat: All Weapons Powers: Lara is provided with all weapons and their maximum ammo How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Greece time trials Cheat: Infinite Mini SMG Ammo Powers: Lara is provided with unlimited ammo for the mini SMGs How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Egypt time trials Cheat: Infinite Health Powers: Lara is immune to bites, claws, falling great distances, etc. How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Egypt time trials Cheat: Golden Shotgun Powers: Lara's shotgun turns to gold, and one blast results in a one shot kill How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Lost City time trials Cheat: Silver Mini SMGs Powers: Lara's SMGs turn to silver, and one round doubles regular damage How to Unlock: complete the game, complete all Lost City time trials &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& MUSIC TRACKS &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Music tracks are basically tunes that are played various times throughout the game. Each track has a theme, and each one is unlocked whenever you complete the chapter of the theme. Below is the name of each theme, and which chapter it is in. MAIN TR: Anniversary- Main Theme CROFT MANOR Croft Manor- Main Theme PERU Bat Theme Wolf Theme Alternate Wolf Theme Bear Theme Explorer's Theme Waterfall Room Raptor Theme T-Rex Theme Peru- Main Theme Cinematic Mix 1 Cinematic Mix 2 GREECE Lion Theme Ambience Rat Theme Poseidon's Theme Gorilla Theme Fire Room Centaur Boss Theme Cinematic Mix 1 Cinematic Mix 2 EGYPT Mummy Theme Crocodile Theme Alternate Crocodile Theme Ambience Tomb Ambience Egypt- Main Theme Cinematic Mix 1 Cinematic Mix 2 LOST CITY Ambience Atlantean Creatures Great Pyramid Theme Torso Boss Theme Natla's Theme Lost Island- Main Theme Cinematic Mix 1 Cinematic Mix 2 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Thank you for reading my short guide! I also want to thank Crystal Dynamics for creating this amazing game! Raid on, Lara- you have many years of raiding to come! Be sure to also check out my FAQ for Enemies, Weapons, and Bosses.