Tomb Raider: Anniversary Unofficial F.A.Q Version 1.2.5 12/08/11 DemiGodX (, Table of Contents 1. About the FAQ 2. Version Changes 3. Controls and Moves 4. Weapons 5. Walkthrough 5.0 - Croft manor 5.1 - Peru 5.1.1 - Mountain Caves 5.1.2 - City of Vilcabamba 5.1.3 - The Lost Valley 5.1.4 - Tomb of Qualopec 5.2 - Greece 5.2.1 - St. Francis Folly 5.2.2 - The Coliseum 5.2.3 - Midas's Palace 5.2.4 - Tomb of Tihocan 5.3 - Egypt 5.3.1 - Temple of Khamoon 5.3.2 - Obelisk of Khamoon 5.3.3 - Sanctuary of the Scion 5.4 - Lost Island 5.4.1 - Natla's Mines 5.4.2 - The Great Pyramid 5.4.3 - Final Conflict 6. Time Trial 7. Cheats 8. Contributions 9. Fun Stuff 10. Copyright Information ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 1: About the FAQ // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This FAQ is for the PC game Tomb Raider: Anniversary. It contains a complete walkthrough as well as information about weapons, controls, cheats, and the time trial. It should provide everything necessary to complete the game and find out every secret. If there are any errors with the game or something you want to add please e-mail me and let me know. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 2: Version Changes // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Version 1.2.5 - Added contributor tip for Croft Manor Version 1.2.4 - Added contributor tip for Obelisk of Khamoon Version 1.2.3 - Added contributor tip for Obelisk of Khamoon - Added contributor tip for St. Francis Folly - Added contributor tip for The Lost Valley (2) Version 1.2.2 - Added more more tips and info by contributors Version 1.2.1 - Added a major time-saving tip in Croft Manor Version 1.2 - Included level synopsis - Included level-specific time trial hints - Included secret weapons tactics for bosses - Fixed typos and other mistakes - Completely rewrote St. Francis Folly - Put in more diagrams - Added a contributions section Version 1.0 - Initial release ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 3: Controls and Moves // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - Looking - The mouse is used to move the camera around Lara. - Moving - Use the movement keys to move Lara around (default = W, S, A, D). Like Legends, the movements are dependent on the camera angle so you typically use the mouse to assist her movements. - Jumping - Use the jump button (default = spacebar) to make Lara jump. Most of Lara's maneuvers require jumping so you'll be using this move a lot. - Rolling - Use the crouch/roll button (default = shift) while moving forward to roll. This can be useful when moving through narrow passages and avoiding certain traps (such as the spinning blades in the Obelisk of Khamoon). - Using - The use button (default = E) can be used to pick up items, work levers and switches, insert items into slots, grabbing grabbable objects, and accelerate shimmying and climing movements. A little triangular icon will appear whenever you can 'use' something. - Targetting and Shooting - Use the combat mode button (default = right mouse button or G) to target an enemy and the shoot button (default = left mouse button or H) to shoot. Targets that are within range have a red target icon while targets out of range have a grey one. - Grabbing - Lara will automatically grab onto ledges, poles, ropes, and platforms (provided the manuel grab is not on). To grab crates and boxes use the 'use' button. - Moving on Ledges - The typical movement on ledges is shimmying left and right (use the 'use' button to accelerate her movement). Lara can also jump up to a higher ledge, drop down to a lower ledge, and jump off the ledge to the left, right, and back. - Climbing - Lara can climb up ladders and some vertical poles. Use the 'up' and 'down' movement keys to make her move up and down (use the 'use' key to accelerate her movement). To climb simply walk into the ladders and poles (you can also jump to them). - Pole Balancing - Lara has the new ability to jump onto vertical poles and balance on them. To do this simply jump towards the top of the pole and she will balance automatically. However, she can't balance for too long (although you can recover indefinitely) and she will often times have to recover (especially if the jump to it was bad). - Swinging on Poles - Like Legends Lara can swing on horizontal poles. She can swing forwards and backwards and can also move along the pole. Use the 'jump' button to get on and also to swing off. - Swinging on Ropes/Grapple - Also like Legends Lara can swing on ropes and her grapple. To swing on the grapple jump towards a ring and shoot the grapple at it. You can swing back and forth on it (you don't need to press back, just forward) and can also climb up and down the rope, turn around on it, and jump from it. Lara also has the new ability to run along the wall using her grapple. It's initiated by jumping towards rings on walls and shooting the grapple at t. Use the 'up' and 'down' buttons to make her run back and forth and the directional buttons along with the 'jump' button for her to get off (pressing left or right will make her jump off the wall in that direction). - Adrenaline Dodge - New to Adventures is the adrenaline dodge. This move can be performed when an enemy is raged out, which happens when they take a lot of damage in a short period of time. When you can perform the dodge the game will slow down and the directional buttons will appear. When that happens stop shooting and dodge (default = shift) in one of the four directions. After you dodge you can perform a head shot; wait for the red circle to appear on the head of the enemy and shoot. Head shots will typically kill an enemy instantly (with the exception of bosses) so this is the fastest way to do battle. Note that you need to use the adrenaline dodge for all the bosses in the game so learn to use it well (I find that dodging to the right produces the best results). ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 4: Weapons // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - Dual Pistols - Magazine capacity: 40 Max capacity: Infinite Amount per ammo pick-up: N/A Acquired at: Start of game Description: This is the default weapon, the one you start the game with. It's the most reliable weapon in the game as it has infinite ammo and is always available (except for the first half of Natla's Mines). Its damage is mediocre at best but you can still perform headshots with it so it's useful throughout the game. Since this weapon is the only one with unlimited ammo (aside from the cheat weapons) it should be the one you should be using for shooting buttons and other inanimate objects. - Shotgun - Magazine capacity: 8 Max capacity: 40 Amount per ammo pick-up: 8 Acquired at: Peru - Tomb of Qualopec Description: The shotgun is slow but powerful. It has the unique effect of knocking enemies down (except for airborn creatures and bosses) and packs enough punch to max out an enemy's rage meter with one shot. The disadvantages of this weapon are its short range and slow reload and fire rate. - Dual 50 Caliber Pistols - Magazine capacity: 30 Max capacity: 150 Amount per ammo pick-up: 15 Acquired at: Greece - The Coliseum Description: This is an upgraded version of the Dual Pistols. It fires much more powerful shots but has less shots per clip. It's good for taking down some of the tougher opponents and is also excellent against bosses. This weapon should be your second weapon of choice (right after the Mini-SMGs). - Dual Mini-SMGs - Magazine capacity: 50 Max capacity: 250 Amount per ammo pick-up: 25 Acquired at: Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion Description: This should be your weapon of choice for obvious reasons. It fires rapid automatic shots (no need to keep pressing the fire button) and can take down enemies faster than any other weapon (other than the cheat weapons of course). You'll be using this a lot in the last couple of levels. - Golden Shotgun (cheat weapon) - Magazine capacity: 64 Max capacity: Infinite Amount per ammo pick-up: N/A Acquired at: Lost Island Time Trial Description: This is one of the two cheat weapons and is probably the most powerful weapon in the game. Although it fires as slow as the normal shotgun and has the same range it is immeasurably more powerful. A single shot from this weapon is enough to take down any enemy unit and this even includes some bosses (you should see what this gun can do to the T-Rex!). One of the best things about this gun is that it drops enemies on the spot, meaning that you never have to deal with an enraged enemy again (aside from bosses, but that's a different matter). It is the only weapon that can do this, due to its tremendous firepower. It can also sometimes take down multiple opponents if they're in the firing line of your target. This weapon is excellent for close-in fighting against tough opponents but it has trouble dealing with multiple swarming enemies (such as bats and rats) and, like the regular shotgun, is useless at long range. However, for sheer brutal firepower nothing can match the Golden Shotgun. - Silver Mini SMGs (cheat weapon) - Magazine capacity: 400 Max capacity: Infinite Amount per ammo pick-up: N/A Acquired at: Lost Island Time Trial Description: This weapon is the other cheat weapon and it is just as formiddable as the other. Like the Golden Shotgun it is an improved version of a regular weapon but it's a lot more powerful. Simply put, this is the fastest firing gun in the game (it fires twice as fast as the regular Mini SMG). Thus it can deal a tremendous amount of damage in a very short period of time. This gun is devastating against groups of smaller creatures (it can down a swarm of bats literally in the blink of an eye) and is also excellent for long-range fighting. However, this gun doesn't pack as much punch as the Golden Shotgun (enemies can still be enraged and become tough to take down) and may not be the best choice for close-in fighting (at least with regard to the other cheat weapon). Yet it is still a very powerful weapon and, like the other cheat weapon, can wreak havoc on bosses. Equip yourself with this gun and blaze a path to glory. * Although the two cheat weapons can be used solely on their own they are meant to complement each another and you should switch between the two to meet the needs of each situation. Used together there's no battle scenario that's too difficult and no enemy that's too tough. ;) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 5: Walkthrough // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ============================================================================== Here are some basic points about using the walkthrough: - Be familiar with the controls and moves - This walkthrough assumes that you are familiar with all the basic controls and moves (looking, running, jumping, swinging, shooting, targeting, etc. -- refer to section [moves]). This walkthrough will not instruct you on how to perform the moves, only what you should do with them. - Pick up items automatically - This walkthrough will not tell you to pick up any general items (ammo, health packs). It is assumed that you can spot and pick up any items in the immediate area and will do so automatically. The only items this walkthrough will notify you about are specialty items (keys, relics, etc.) and items which are hidden or difficult to see. - Poles - There are two types of poles: 1) horizontal ones you can swing off of, and 2) vertical ones you can climb or balance on. With reference to the second type the following phrases are used: "jump onto" - jump onto the top of the pole (and balance on it) "latch onto" - latch onto the body of the pole itself Sometimes descriptive terms will be used for the poles (e.g., beam, spear stake, spike, etc.). All other times they will be referred to as simply "vertical pole" and "horizontal pole". Note that there is only really one way to go when swinging off horizontal poles (rarely do you swing back so for the majority of the times you're swinging off in the forward direction). Therefore, the walkthrough will not give much details on where to go after swinging off the pole (e.g., when it says to swing off to a ledge it means to the ledge in front). The same applies for sloping edges as well. - Moving on ledges - The following phrases are used with respect to maneuvering on ledges: "shimmy over to the left/right" - shimmy all the way to the left or right side of the ledge "shimmy around to the left/right" - shimmy around the immediate corner or bend "shimmy all the way around" - shimmy around more than one corner (usually around to the other side) "shimmy left/right a bit" - shimmy just a little bit (one or two arm's length) "jump backwards", "jump to the ledge/platform behind" - jump off the ledge backwards "jump up the ledges" - jump up all the ledges above (until you're at the top one) "drop down the ledges" - drop down all the ledges below (until you're at the bottom one) "jump to the left/right" - jump off the ledge to the side (if not at the edge then shimmy over to it first) Note that the term "ledge" usually refers to the ledges on walls but sometimes it can also refer to small platforms. Grooves and niches should also be treated the same as ledges. - Directions - Sometimes the walkthrough will tell you to turn in a certain direction. When it does it's always relative to the direction you should be facing following the action immediately preceding it (e.g., the direction you face when climbing onto a platform or going down a passage). Thus the directions should be fairly obvious (in places where it's not visual cues will be used). - Objectives - To make it easier to navigate through the walkthrough certain sections will have a specific objective, which will be denoted by starting and ending double dashes (e.g., "-- objective --"). When that objective has been reached a single set of double dashes will be used ("--"). - Special Locations and Maneuvers - Sometimes locations that you will return to later on will have special terms attached to them (e.g., "henceforth this location will be referred to as BLAH"). The terms will be capitalized for easy reading and reference. For such locations remember how you had gotten there and when required to go back to it use the same method as before (some maneuvers which you need to perform repeatedly will also have a special term for it). - Optional Parts - Some parts will be marked by an "* Optional *" heading. Such parts often take up a lot of time or are sufficiently "out of the way" to consider skipping. They can be done when playing the game normally but should be skipped when doing the time trial. The same can be said about "** Artifact **" and "*** Relic ***" parts. ============================================================================== ----------- Croft Manor ----------- Section 5.0 ============================================================================== Synopsis: As in all Tomb Raider games the Croft Manor serves as a training area where you can get familiar with the controls and gameplay elements. However, this time there are some puzzle-solving elements as well and, unlike the previous Tomb Raider games where you just run around and explore indefinitely, there is actually an end to the level. In general, the level isn't all that difficult (although trying to keep track of which doors leads where can be a bit confusing) and for new players I suggest playing around here a bit first before heading into the fray. Time Trial: The time trial for this level depends on knowing how to solve the puzzle. You have to know which item to get in which order and which door leads to what area. It's also helpful to memorize the path through the maze garden (refer to figure 5.0.1). Time Trial Time: 19 mins Relics: 0 Artifacts: 8 ============================================================================== When you start you will be in the main foyer, which has doors leading to all the other areas. -- Retrieve Guns -- Take the left path up the staircase in the main foyer and enter the first door. Go down the corridor and open the door to enter the study. * Optional * Retrieve the Maze Map by pressing the book on the bookshelf to the left of the entrance (your left as you enter). Now go up the staircase to the upper platform (or for a shortcut you can stand on the white chair below the big painting and jump to it) and enter the upper room. Press the two protruding books on the bookshelf opposite the entrance and retrieve the Dual Pistols. -- ** Artifact ** Go out of the room and shoot out the glass casing on the upper level to retrieve the artifact (#1). -- Retrieve the Empty Bucket -- Go out of the room and face the big painting (to the left just outside the room). Jump and cling onto it and it'll move down to reveal a target. Jump back to the platform and shoot the target to open a secret door by the foot of the staircase. Go down the stairs to the floor below (or jump down) and go into the passage that just opened up. Pick up the Empty Bucket in the passage (on the shelf to the left of the crates). -- -- Retrieve the Sundial Gnomon -- Continue down the passage (you might have to shoot a crate or two to get by) and enter the relic room beyond. Head up the stairs to the upper platform and go into the room at the end. Shoot out the glass covering the Sundial Gnomen and retrieve it. -- -- Open the Maze Garden -- Now head out of the upper room and go down the stairs to the floor below (or jump down) and press the red button to the left of the main door to disable the lock. Then go out of the room and head down the corridor to the door at the other side. Open it and you will be on the upper level of the main foyer. Go down the stairs to the floor below (or jump down) and open the door that leads to the garden (turn right at the foot of the staircase and then turn right at the wall). Go down the passage and open the door to enter the garden and head for the sundial in the center. Place the Sundial Gnomon on it and then grab the sundial and turn it to the XI, II, and VII tiles, in that order. Make sure to stop over each tile until it is raised (nudge it back and forth the general area until you get it). Once all three tiles are raised the gate to the maze garden should open. -- -- Retrieve the Grapple -- Enter the maze garden and make your way to the center to pick up the Grapple. A rough map of the maze is shown below, highlighting the fastest path. Once you've acquired the Grapple use it to open the gate (thank you Justin ;)) and backtrack all the way to the main foyer. Figure 5.0.1 +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | +---------| | +---- ------------------ | | | ---+ ------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | -------------+ | | | +--------+ --+ | | | | | | | | | | | | |o o| | | +--+ | | | | +--+ +-- | --+ | | | | +--- | | | | | | | | | | A ....|--------------------+ | | | | | | | | +--+ | .| .| .......| ....| | | | | | | |o o| .| .| ... | .| .| .| | | +--+ | |-- |-- +--------+ .| .| ... | .| .| .| | | | | | | .......| ...... | ....| .| | |-- | +-- | --+- +----------- .---------------------------+ .| | | | | . | ...... | | +-------------------| | O O O | .--------| | | | | | . | | | | +---- | | ---------+ .--+ | | | | | | | | | ..... | | | | | | | | | | | .+--+ | | | | | | | |---| M | .| | | | | +--+ +---+ | | | | | .+--+ | | | | | | | | * | | . | | |-- | | o +---- | |-------+ .| +------ | | | | | .........| | | | --- ------ ----+ | | .+----- | | | | | | | | | .| | | | | --- ---------+ | +-----------G-----------+ .| -----+ | ------| | | | ..............| | | |----- +-----+ | |-------------+ .+--------------- | +--------+ | | | | | | | .| | | | | | | --+ | | | | | | .| | | +--| | | | | | | | | | | | .| | | | | | |-- | | | A | | .| | | | | | | | | | | | | | .| | | | | A| | | --+ | | +-------------+ | .| +--------- | | +--------+ | | | | | .| | | |---------------------------------+ E+--------------------------------+ G = Gate E = Entrance/exit * = Grapple M = Music Box A = Artifact . = Path -- * Optional * Maneuver around the map to the locations marked with "A" to retrieve the artifacts (#2, #3, #4). -- Retrieve the Wrench -- Once in the main foyer head for the door to the left of the fireplace. This will lead you go the gym. Once in the gym find the mat labelled with the number "1". From that mat jump to the horizontal pole and let it swivel around. Then jump to the ledge on the wall and jump again to the ledge to the left. From that jump to the second horizontal pole and once it swivels around swing off to the ledge on the wall (move to the inner side of the pole to avoid missing the ledge). Finally, jump to the wall on the right and climb up to the top, then jump to the ledge behind. Press the button in the alcove to raise the four balancing poles in the center of the gym. Now drop down to the ground and find the mat with the number "3" on it. From that mat jump to ledge on the column. Jump again to the ledge above and then shimmy over to the right. Jump a third time to the ledge above and then jump to the ledge behind. Shimmy around right until you get onto the metal ledge on the wall, then jump to the metal ledge to the right (henceforth this position will be referred to as "METAL LEDGE"). Now drop down to the lower ledge and shimmy all the way around to the right until you're up against the wall. Then jump backwards and use the grapple to run along the wall and jump to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy all the way around to the right and continue until you stop, then jump to the horizontal pole behind. After it swivels around swing forward into the alcove and press the button. This will turn the second pole behind the METAL LEDGE. Use the column with the handholds to get back down safely and make your way over to mat with the number "3". Do the same as before until you get to the METAL LEDGE. Now jump backwards to the two horizontal poles behind and then swing off and latch onto the blue vertical pole beyond. Climb up the pole, then jump and latch onto the next one. From here jump to the balancing pole to the right and then onto the next one and finally to the metal platform beyond to pick up the Wrench. To get back down safely jump to the column with the green handholds. -- ** Artifact ** Go to the mat labelled with the number "2" and jump onto the ledge on the column. Jump to the ledge above and then shimmy around to the left. Then jump backwards onto the balancing pole behind and jump to the next one. Now jump to the ledge on the wall and shimmy all the way around to the left. Finally, jump backwards to reach the alcove with the artifact (#5). ** Artifact ** Go to the mat labelled with the number "3" and jump onto the ledge on the column. Jump to the ledge above and then shimmy around left. Jump again to the ledge above and shimmy over left (henceforth this position will be referred to as "GYM ARTIFACT LEDGE"). Now jump backwards and use the grapple to run along the wall and jump to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy over left until you're directly over the metal ledge below and drop down to it. Now jump to the right into the alcove and press the button. Slide down to the ground and make your way over to the GYM ARTIFACT LEDGE again. Jump backwards and use the grapple to run along the wall again but this time jump off the wall to the left to the sloping edge (on the column facing mat "2"). You may have to shorten the grapple rope a little bit to do so (your feet should be just above the markings on the wall). When you get onto the slope jump immediately to the sloping edge in front, and then jump from that to the horizontal bar. When the bar swivels around swing off towards the alcove to pick up the artifact (#6). -- Turn on the water -- Go back to the main foyer and make your way to the garden again. Run along the corridor with the marble heads and go into the fenced area at the end. Use the Wrench to turn on the water and full the Empty Bucket with water from one of the heads along the wall (which should be spouting water now). -- -- Retrieve the Decorative Arrow -- Now head back to the main foyer and use the Bucket of Water on the fireplace to put out the fire. Then go towards the pile of crates and drag the small crate (the one with the red sticker on it) to the panel in the center of the room. This will open up a panel behind the fireplace and allow you to retrieve the Decorative Arrow. -- -- Retrieve the Decorative Bow -- Now open the door to the right of the fireplace to get to the swimming pool (which is currently under renovation). As soon as you enter the room a target will appear. Shoot it to release the pivoting board and then grab the red garbage bin (located just to the left of the entrance) and place it between the two platforms above. Now head to the other side of the room (from the entrance) and jump onto the crates to the right. From the top of the crates jump onto the horizontal bar and swing off to the circular ledge. Shimmy over to the right and then jump to the wooden ledge behind (henceforth this ledge will be referred to as "POOL LEDGE"). Shimmy around to the right and jump to the platform behind. Climb up and turn to the left and you should see a ring-like object hanging from the end of an angled spear. Jump towards it and hang onto it as the spear moves down (hang on until it drops you). Now go back to the crates and make your way back to the POOL LEDGE. * A tip from Cassie Instead of climbing all the way to the spear and jumping onto the ring-like object hanging from it in order to move/drop the spear down, you can save yourself the extra climb by just grappling the ring-like object and pulling the spear down manually when you first enter the pool room (when you also shoot the target on the pivoting board and move the red garbage bin). Shimmy all the way around to the right and jump backwards to the spear that you just lowered. Then swing off to the platform and climb up. Now grab the red cart (the one with the word "Lug" on it) and drag it over to the center of the platform. Place it into the circular depression (on the other side of the statue) and let go of it, then grab the statue next to it and turn it clockwise until it stops. Then grab the "Lug" cart and turn it so that the pole is on a mirror angle of the statue's spear (they should point to one another). When you get the angle right the stone tablet in the center will rotate and reveal a target. Shoot it to roll back one of two underwater gates. Now go around the crates on the other side of the platform (other side from where you came) and shoot the knot to release one of three ropes for the hanging statue. Go back to the side where you got onto the platform and jump to the spear (the same one you used to swing onto the platform). Swing off to the wooden ledge and shimmy around left. Then jump to the platform behind and climb up. Now jump onto the pole of the red cart that you dragged into place and jump across to the platform on the other side. Run over to the other side and turn right and you should see the ring icon for the grapple. Jump forward and use the grapple to run along the wall to the other side. Push the crate off the platform and run onto the stone platform. Go to the center of the platform and use the grapple to pull the switch below the statue of Atlas. The sphere will roll down onto the circular panel and it will roll back the second underwater gate. Now jump onto the crates on the other side of the platform and shoot the knot to release the second rope. Now go to the diving platform (notice the high wooden boards to the left of the pivoting board) and jump off it to the pivoting board. Make the board pivot up towards the high wooden boards (if you fall off you can use the crate you dropped earlier to get back up) and then run up the board and jump to the wooden ledge (you might have to do this a couple of times to get it right). Once you're on the ledge shimmy over right and jump to the wooden ledge behind. Then shimmy a little bit to the left and jump to the platform behind. Shoot the knot to release the third rope and the statue will fall, crashing through the wooden floor boards and into the water. Follow the statue down into the water and pick up the Decorative Bow. -- ** Artifact ** Swim through the underwater tunnel and pick up the artifact along the bottom (#7). -- Retrieve the Sculpture Gear -- Swim through the underwater tunnel and pull the lever to open the gate. Swim into the gym and then make you way back to the main foyer. Now go over to the crates and climb up to the top to retrieve the Sculpture Gear (shimmy across the painting to get to the other side). -- -- Retrieve the Music Box Cylinder -- Make your way back to the garden and enter the maze again. Fit the Decorative Bow and Decorative Arrow onto the statue in the center (the floor panel should tell you which goes where). Now go around to the side of the lever and use the grapple to pull off the panel below the statue. Fit the Sculpture Gear into the gears and then pull on the lever. Retrieve the Music Box Cylinder and then make your way out of the maze and head back to the main foyer. -- ** Artifact ** Go back to the study (first door up the stairs to the left) and pull down the chandelier with the grapple. The bookcase to the right of the entrance will open up and allow you to retrieve the artifact (#8). * Optional * Go to Lara's room (second door up the stairs to the left) and retrieve her diary by pulling on the two daggers beside the Medusa's head. Go up the stairs to the right and enter the second door. Use the Music Box Cylinder to unlock the door and enter it to complete the level. --------------------- Peru - Mountain Caves --------------------- Section 5.1.1 ============================================================================== Synopsis: Geez, this level sure brings back memories -_^. The developers did a really great job recreating the TR1 feeling in this level and it's great way to start the game. I particularly liked the pit with the bear because I remember the exact same pit from TR1 (when I got to the pit I was debating about whether or not to drop in there because I knew there would be a bear in there from my memories of Tomb Raider 1). At any rate, this level was a great intro level and a good re-introduction of the series. The level itself is pretty straight-forward and should be easy enough to get through (aside from the artifacts and relic). Time Trial: The only major obstacles for the time trial are the shooting traps at the beginning and end of the level. Going through them one by one is very time-consuming although running straight through them courts huge risks. I generally recommend doing the former. Although there's a good chance you can run through unscathed the consequences of getting hit can be quite disasterous. Alternatively, if you have the infinite health cheat you can feel free to run right through. Time Trial Time: 6 mins Relics: 1 Artifacts: 3 ============================================================================== Head straight down from the starting position to the ledge left of the broken bridge. Jump onto it and shimmy over to the right. Shimmy around the bend and jump the gap and then continue shimmying over to the right. Jump back to the platform behind and climb up (or you can jump straight to the right, although you'll have to quickly jump forward to prevent yourself from falling off), then turn left and jump to the platform there. Run up the steps and jump up the ledges to the platform at the top. Now turn left and use the grapple to swing across to the platform on the other side and then continue up the stairs to the right. -- Open the big gate -- Head left up the steps and jump to the platform. Now turn right and use the grapple to swing across to the ledge on the other side. Jump onto the ledge to the left and shimmy over left. Then jump up to the ledge above and jump to the platform to the left and climb up. Press the button to open the door. -- The scene inside should be familiar to TR1 fans. Head straight down, avoiding the shooting traps on the wall until you come to a staircase leading to a broken bridge. Head up the staircase and jump across the gap to the other side. Turn left and go to the end of the stone platform and jump across to the wooden platform on the other side. ** Artifact ** Turn around on the wooden platform and jump onto the upper ledge. Jump across the series of ledges and when you get to the last one slide down the slope and jump to the ledge with the artifact on it (#1). Jump up to the ledge to the left and shimmy around left. Jump over the gap and climb into the passage above. Go straight down and you'll encounter your first enemies: bats (ah, the nostalgia ;)). Shoot them down and continue along the passage (there's a Big Medipack in an alcove down the left path). You'll now come to a large pit. Shoot down the bats that come at you and then slide down the sloping edge to the ground. ** Artifact ** Instead of sliding down to the ground jump off and use the grapple to swing to the ledge on the wall on the other side (you may have to adjust the length of the grapple a bit). Now shimmy over to the left and jump up to the ledge above. Then jump to the ledge behind and shimmy right a bit, then drop down to the ledge below. Shimmy around to the right and over to the edge, then jump backwards to the platform behind to pick up the artifact (#2). When you get down to the ground run around the central pillar and drop down to the passage on the other side. Shoot the bats and flip the switch to open the door. You'll now come to an area with two bridges over a low pit. Run over to the end of the first bridge and you should hear the howling of wolves. There are two wolves in the pit below so pull out your guns and fight them (the easiest way to do it is to shoot down at them from above). After you've killed the wolves run across the bridge and it will snap at about the half-way mark. * Optional * Run over to the cave to the right of the broken bridge to acquire the Small Medipack. Climb up the broken pieces of the bridge and climb up at the top. Now turn right and jump up the two ledges to the platform above. * Optional * Turn around and jump to the ledge on the column by the bridge. Shimmy around right and jump to the ledge above, then jump backwards to the ledge on the other column (recover!). Shimmy over right and jump to the alcove to the right to pick up the Small Medipack. Run across the second bridge to the other side and continue left. Jump up to the ground above and you'll come to a deep gap with a rope hanging in the middle. * Optional * Jump onto the rope and face the direction of the alcove to the left. Swing to full strength and jump off into the alcove to retrieve the Big Medipack. ** Artifact ** Drop down into the pit and kill the bear that appears. Now run into the passage from where the bear appeared and flip the switch to open the door at the end. Go into the area beyond and pick up the artifact (#3). Jump onto the rope and jump off it to get to the other side (no need to swing on it). Go through the passage on the other side and you'll come to another pit with a horizontal bar. Jump onto the bar and swing off it to the other side. Climb up the ledges to the ground above and you'll come to an area with many shooting traps along the wall. Maneuver you way through them and get to the big door on the other side. -- Open the big door: The left switch -- Jump up the ledges on the wall to the left and get onto the floor above. Now move forward and jump to the ledge in the corner. Jump to the ledge above and shimmy around and over to the right. Then jump to the right and cling onto the lock mechanism as it moves down. This will release one of the locks on the big door (it's on a timer so you have to move fast). -- -- Open the big door: The right switch -- Now run along the upper path (kill the wolf beyond the doorway) and when you get to the end turn left and go to the edge. Swing across the three horizontal bars and land on the other side. Kill the wolf in the immediate area and then continue down the path and kill the other wolf. At the end of the path jump to the ledge on the wall to the right. Jump to the ledge above and then jump backwards to the horizontal bar behind. After it swivels around swing off it and cling onto the lock mechanism until it moves down completely. This will release the second lock on the big door. Now drop down the edge to the left of the big lock mechanism and down to the ground. Then step on the floor panel to open the big gate. *** Relic *** Go back up to the upper path and go all the way back to the area of the second lock mechanism. Jump up the ledges to the right as before and jump up to the ledge above. Jump backwards to the horizontal pole behind but this time quickly jump off it and catch the ledge on the wall beside the lock mechanism. Shimmy over to the left and jump to the horizontal pole on the left. Move inward a little and then swing off to the small ledge on the wall. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy over to the right, then jump backwards to the horizontal pole behind and swing off it to the ledge on the opposite wall. Jump up to the platform above and climb up to retrieve the Killer Whale Bottle relic. Enter the big door to exit the level. ------------------------- Peru - City of Vilcabamba ------------------------- Section 5.1.2 ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is a relatively simple level (although the sole artifact is difficult to acquire). Starting from this level you can perform the adrenaline dodge and you'll get plenty of chances to do so on this level. Of course this also means that enemies can become enraged and battles will become harder (fortunately there are plenty of ways to cheap them in this level -_^). Overall there's nothing that difficult or challenging about this level and it should be fairly easy to get through. Time Trial: There's not really that much to the time trial for this level. I guess the only thing that can get in the way is the enemies. There's no way to avoid them and, since they can become enraged, they are difficult to take down. The best thing you can do is equip yourself with a powerful weapon; the Golden Shotgun (acquired by doing the Lost Island time trials) is probably the best since it can virtually eliminate the time needed to fight (just blast enemies away as you run forward). Time Trial Time: 7 mins Relics: 0 Artifacts: 1 ============================================================================== Head forward into the passage beyond the gate and you'll hear the growl of a bear. You can perform the adrenaline shot at this point so use it to take it down. After you kill the bear go through the passage and you'll come to a pit with two vertical wooden poles (one on this side and one on the other). Jump and latch onto the first pole (the one on your side) and slide down into the pit (there's a Small Medipack hidden behind the stone slab to your back). Now make your way to the center of the pit (where there's a slight inclination) and jump to the ledge on the right. Then jump to the ledge on the left and jump up to the ledge above. Now jump backwards and latch onto the second wooden pole. Climb up a bit and jump off to the other side and continue onwards. Go down the stairs to the area below (you can also drop down the side for a faster route) and fight the wolves (run up the stairs if they get too frisky). Now enter the village area and kill the bear (again, run up the stairs if you want to fight cheap). -- Acquire the Village Key -- Now you need to acquire the Village Key to open the gate out of the village. Dive into the well in the center of the village and swim through the adjoining tunnel. Pull the underwater lever at the end of the tunnel to open the panel above and get out (do this quickly before your breath runs out). You'll now be in one of the houses (if you want you can pull the lever beside the door to open it). Now head up the stairs and jump across to the next house. Drop down to the area below (when you step onto the wooden platform it'll break and drop you) and shoot the big wooden gate open. Then grab the cage in the passage to the next room (to retrieve the Small Medipack on the high ledge drag the cage over to it and jump up to it). Push the cage into the room beyond and then run over to the other side of the room (below the wooden platform) and turn left to find the Village Key. -- * Optional * Jump on top of the cage to the level above and retrieve the Shotgun Ammo and Small Medipack on the other side of the wooden platform. ** Artifact ** Drag the cage out of the house and place it by the vertical pole between the empty house and the house with two doors. Jump on top of the cage and jump onto the pole platform. Then jump again and latch onto the pole itself. Climb up and jump to the ledge above. Shoot the bats and swing across the horizontal pole (above the house with two doors) to the ledge on the other side. Climb up and turn left and you should see the ring icon. Use the grapple to swing across to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy over left and jump and swing on the two horizontal poles to the left and then swing off to the platform on the other side where you can pick up the artifact (#1). Head out of the house and use the Village Key to open the gate out of the village. Kill the wolves that appear (to place it safe run back into one of the houses -- they can't enter but you can still shoot) and then make your way through the passage to the area beyond. Kill the lone wolf and then run up the stairs to the platform with the big gate. There are two passage entrances on either side, each leading to a switch at the top. You can do them in any order but for the sake of this walkthrough enter the left passage first. -- Opening the gate: The left switch -- Go into the left entrance and you'll soon come to a pool of water. Run along the outer edge of the pool and jump to the small platform at the end. From the other side of that platform jump to the niche on the wall and shimmy over right. Jump over the gap and continue shimmying over to the right. Now jump backwards and grab onto the platform behind (recover!). Climb up and up the sloping path until you come to a gap. Shoot the bats that appear from below and then jump across the gap to the platform on the other side. Run to the end of the platform and jump to the horizontal wooden beam (attached to the big wooden verticle beam) to activate the first switch. -- -- Opening the gate: The right switch -- Now drop down the ledges aobve either entrances and go into the entrance on the right. Like the left this one also has a pool of water. Run along the outer edge of the pool and at the end jump to the niche on the wall. Jump up to the niche above, shimmy left a bit, then jump again to the niche above. Shimmy over left and jump to the niche along the next wall to the left. Shimmy over and around left and pull yourself up at the platform. Head into the passage and run up the sloping path until you come to a gap and shoot the bats that appear from above. Jump across the gap to the platform beyond, then jump onto the horizontal wooden beam to activate the second switch. This will open the big gate. -- Drop down the ledges and enter the gate. Run through the passage until you come to a pit. Jump across to the platform and slide down the sloping edge. * Optional * Slide down into the pit area to retrieve the Shotgun Ammo and kill the wolf. To get back pull the cage out of the alcove and drag it to the slope you slid down from. Jump onto the cage, then jump to the slope, then immediately jump off it and grab the horizontal pole. Jump off the sloping edge to the horizontal pole and swing off it to the platform. From the other end of the platform jump onto the wooden column and jump off it to the other side (jump towards the right side to make the landing easier). Continue along the passage and when you get to the next pit drop down into it. Run to the other side and jump onto the white block beside the wooden column. Jump to the niche along the wall and shimmy right a bit (until you're directly behind the horizontal pole behind). Jump backwards to the horizontal pole and swing off it to the niche on the wall. Shimmy left a bit, then jump up to the niche above, then shimmy over and around to the left until you're at middle of the central platform (your back should be facing the wooden column). Jump backwards onto the wooden column, then jump off it to the other side (aim for the left to make the landing easier). Continue along the passage to the end the level. ---------------------- Peru - The Lost Valley ---------------------- Section 5.1.3 ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is one of the epic levels in Tomb Raider 1 and the developers did a marvelous job recreating it. Although it's not the same as the original it still maintains that mysterious and esoteric feeling that made the original so great. This is by far the biggest and most exotic level in Peru and has everyone's favorite boss in it ;). I have to say, I was quite excited when I played this level as I was curious to know how they had remade the T-Rex. The level has a lot of climbing and jumping (including a very tricky jump to retrieve one of the artifacts) but overall it shouldn't be that difficult. Have fun, and for TR1 fans make sure to dive off the waterfall, for old times' sake ;). Time Trial: The best time-saving advice for this level is to avoid battles. Aside from the raptors and the T-Rex all the other enemies on the level can be avoided so try not to fight them (just ignore them and continue on with the next task). It might also help to be familiar with the level; it's a pretty large level with a lot of complex jumping and climbing so it's important to know beforehand where to go and what to do. Another great time-saving tip is to have the Golden Shotgun with you. This weapon can effectively nullify the time needed to fight the T-Rex (since it blows him away in one shot), giving you a hefty time bonus with which to complete the rest of the level. Time Trial Time: 15 mins Relics: 1 Artifacts: 2 ============================================================================== -- Retrieve the first Cog -- Go forward and drop down to the area below. Then run over to the rocky ledges to the left of the waterfall and hop on top of the first one to pick up the first Cog (you can fight or ignore the wolves here). -- -- Retrieve the second Cog -- Now hop onto the second ledge and run along to the end of the platform. Then jump to the ledge on the wall and jump up to the ledge above. Shimmy around left and pull yourself up then hop onto the higher ledge. Turn right and jump onto the ledge above then jump over the gap to the ledge on the right. Shimmy all the way around to the right and jump up to the platform above and pull yourself up. Jump up the two ledges on the wall and you'll be at the top. Now turn right and run along the stone path until you get to the broken path over the river. Jump over the gap to the other side, then jump up the two ledges on the wall the right. Then jump to the wooden platform behind and climb up. Shoot the bridge out, then jump onto the ledge in front. Shimmy around left and position yourself so that you're directly behind the horizontal pole on what's left of the bridge. Jump backwards to the horizontal pole and then swing off it to the path on the other side. Go along the circular path and at the end use the grapple to swing across to the platform on the other side (you may have to swing a couple of times to get close enough). Now hop onto the ledge to the right and shimmy around left. Jump up to the two ledges above, then jump to the ledge on the right. Shimmy right a bit and climb up, then make your way across the bridge and pick up the second Cog. * A tip from Dasha (something obvious that I missed) On the Lost Valley level when your retrieving the 2nd cog, the waterfall has a secret passage behind it but you can't get to it unless you shoot the bridge down and fallen bridge part at the entrance to the bridge is a ladder. Climb down the bridge ladder until you see a little hole on your right. Jump to the little hole and crawl through the passage to the very end. You'll see a Large Health Pack and............the shotgun. So you could have it before you meet Larson. -- ** Relic ** Shoot the bats that appear and then go to the other side of the platform (the side opposite the bridge) and jump onto the turning rod. Swing off to the ledge and shimmy around right, then jump to the ledge above and shimmy over and around right. Then jump up to the ledge above and jump to the ledge behind. Climb up and go through the passage and flip the switch at the end to open an underwater passage. You can't get in there now so for now just drop into the water below. Take a dive into the water below and let the currents carry you over the falls * Optional * Swim into the underwater tunnel opposite the waterfall and pick up the Small MediPack. Climb out to the right side of the waterfall and hop onto the ladder (you can either fight the wolves or ignore them by going up the ladder right away). Climb up to the top and place the Cog into place. Flip the switch and watch the wheels turn. Now jump onto the horizontal pole on the small wheel and swing around on it until one of the horizontal poles on the large wheel comes within range. Swing off to it and then swing on that one until the ladder comes within range and jump to it. Climb up and place the Cog into the place and flip the switch. -- Retrieve the third Cog -- Now jump onto the ledge to the right of the switch. Jump across the gap to the ledge on the right then shimmy around and over to the right. Jump up to the ledge above and jump to the wooden platform behind (henceforth this position will be referred to as "TOP PLATFORM"). Climb up and turn around and you should see a ledge to the right of the ledge you just jumped onto the platform from. Jump onto that ledge and shimmy around and over to the right. * Optional * Drop down to the ledge below (recover!) and climb through the narrow path. Pick up the Large Medipack on the wooden platform and slide all the way down into the wolf den. Make your way back up the same way as before. Jump up to the ledge above and then jump backwards to the rope. Turn left ninety degrees (should be facing the ledge on the far side) and swing back and forth on the rope. When you've gotten to full strength jump off and grab the ledge. Shimmy over and around right and jump to the wooden ledge to the right. Jump down and your weight will make the bridge fall and collapse. Now make your way into the passage (roll below the crevice to go faster) and enter the next area (you can either fight the bear or ignore him by going ahead with the next part). Hop on top of the stone and wood ledges to the left and continue climbing up until you come to the top of the stone platform (where the two wooden columns are). ** Artifact ** Latch onto the wooden column on the wooden panels and jump down to the sloping wooden panels below on a 45-degree angle towards the right side. Jump as you're sliding down to reach a ledge below the platform. Shimmy around to the left and jump backwards into the alcove to pick up the artifact (#1). (If you want you can retrieve the 50 Caliber Ammo from the wooden platform at the top). Now latch onto the wooden stake on the stone platform and climb up to the top. Look to the ledge (in the direction of the way you came) and jump to it. Jump to the ledge above, then jump backwards onto the vertical wooden column. Jump to the next column and then jump to the wooden panels beyond. Slide down into the next area and move forward into the passage. Go up the stairs and turn left and you'll come to a deep chasm. Jump to the sloping edge on the far side (the one that slopes down from right to left) and after you've slid down a bit jump to the ledge on the wall. Jump up to the ledge above, then jump to the platform on the right. Turn right and jump to the horizontal pole. Swing off it to the stone ledge on the other side and jump up to the ledge above, then shimmy around left and climb up onto the platform. Move forward a bit and turn right and jump over the gap to the stone ledge on the wall. Shimmy around and over left then jump backwards to the stone ledge on the other side. Shimmy over right and drop down then shoot the bats. * A tip by Jon "Top Hat" Jones Beneath the platform you're on at this point is a cave with a large healthpack. To get to it, jump to the ledge on the opposite wall (recover), drop to the bottom ledge (recover), shimmy all the way left and jump to the ledge behind you. Continue going and jump up into the narrow crevice and onto the passage on the other side. Run along the long winding passage until you drop down at the wooden panels. This will lead you to the Lost Valley. Kill the dinosaurs that come at you (stand on the rock just to the right of the entrance to keep them at bay). When you've killed all the dinosaurs the big fight will begin. Keys for the cinematic: down, up, up -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boss: T-Rex This boss isn't that difficult to defeat, as long as you position yourself properly and know how to use the adrenaline dodge. The fastest way to defeat this boss is to make him crash into the three spiky cylinders. The best way to do this is to shoot at him until he's almost raged out, then position yourself between him and one of the cylinders (stop targetting so you can see where you are going). When you're in position shoot him and rage him out, then use the adrenaline dodge when he gets close to make him crash into the cylinder, destroying it and eliminating roughly a third of his life. You can also kill him without using the cylinders, it'll just take a lot longer. « Secret Weapon Strategy » The Golden Shotgun works wonders against this boss -- just point, shoot, and it's all over ;p. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Keys for the cinematic: down, up After you've killed the T-Rex (go around the area and pick up the items that are scatterd around) head for the temple that the T-Rex crashed into and climb up into it. You'll find the third Cog on the platform between the two waterfalls. -- Drop down into the water by the right waterfall and swim through the underwater tunnel. Climb out the other end and latch onto the wooden column. Climb up and jump off to get to the platform above. Then jump onto the stone ledge to the left and jump up to the ledge above. Shimmy over left and jump to the the ledge on the left. Jump backwards onto the wooden column and and jump off it to the stone ledge on the other side. Jump to the ledge above and shimmy around left, then jump backwards onto the platform behind. You'll now be above the T-Rex battle area. Climb up the stone blocks to the right and get onto the dark stone platform (there's a Small Medipack down to the left of the platform). Run along the top and drop down at the other side and jump across the series of platforms until you get to the end. Then jump over the gap and latch onto the wooden column and climb up. Turn right and jump onto the platform and follow along it along the right side to the end. Jump over the gap to the ledge and jump to the ledge left of it, then shimmy around to the left. Jump across the gap to the ledge to the left and then jump to the platform behind. Go along the platform and at the end slide down the sloping wooden panels and jump and latch onto the wooden column. Climb up, then jump onto the stone ledge. Drop down into the next passage and continue along until you get to the yellow-colored ledge. * Optional * Turn to the right at the ground below the ledge and you'll see a path that'll lead you to the area below. There's lots of goodies to pick up there (including a hidden small med pack in one of the waterfalls). Whatever you do, DO NOT drop down into the area below or you'll have to climb back all the way from the temple. Climb up the yellow ledge and up the ledge to the right and you'll come to a broken bridge. Jump across it and jump onto the stone ledge to the left (there's a Large Medipack in the area beyond). Jump to the ledge above and shimmy over to the left and drop down to the ledge below. Shimmy left again and jump up to the ledge above. Then jump to the ledge on the left and shimmy around to the left. Jump up to the ledge above, then jump backwards to the ledge behind. Shimmy right a bit and jump up to the platform above and climb up. ** Artifact ** Face the sloping edge with the water trickling down it and jump over it to the platform on the other side. Drop down into the area below to retrieve the artifact (#2) Now jump onto the sloping edge (the one with the water trickling down it) and slide down. When you're at the bottom jump to the sloping edge beyond it and slide down that one. When you're about 3/4 of the way down jump and grab the horizontal pole. Swing off it to the next one and swing off that to the wooden platform. Just across to the next platform and then jump into the path on the other side. Follow along the path until you come to the end. Take the path left of the stone pillar and slide down the sloping edge beyond. At about the bottom jump to the stone ledge and then jump to the stone ledge behind. Drop down to the stone ledge below and shimmy over and around to the right. Then jump backwards to the platform behind. You'll now be back at the chasm with the two sloping panels again. Jump to the one closest to you (slopes down from left to right) and at the bottom jump to the ledge on the wall. Jump to the ledge above and shimmy over to the left, then drop down onto the other sloping panel. At the bottom jump to the stone ledge on the wall and climb your way to the top (turn the corner to the right at the second ledge). Go down the stairs and latch onto the wooden column. Climb to the top and then jump to the sloping panels to the left. Then jump onto the wooden column and jump off it to the platform beyond. * Optional * Move down a bit and drop into the cavern to the left to pick up a Small Medipack. Move forward and slide down the wooden panels and then turn right and jump to the wooden platform. Make your way back down the stone and wood ledges and go back out the passage through the narrow crevaces. In the next area dive into the water below and make your way back up the machinery to TOP PLATFORM. Now time yourself and jump across the turning platform and onto the platform beyond and place the third Cog into position. Flip the switch and the dam will come down to stop the waterfall. *** Relic *** If you've flipped the switch for the relic before then make your way back up to the top of the waterfall. Once at the top dive into the flowing water and swim to the area below the switch. Swim through the underwater tunnel to reach a cave with the Kero Mug relic. Dive down in the water. The waterfall should now be sufficient reduced to allow you to swim past it and reach the entrance for the next level. ----------------------- Peru - Tomb of Qualopec ----------------------- Section 5.1.4 ============================================================================== Synopsis: This level is the last of the Peru levels. It's relatively small but has a number of unique challenges, most notably the traps (the rolling boulder is a throwback to the earlier Tomb Raider games and the pendulum appears nowhere else in the game). There are only a handful of enemies but this level will test your trap-dodging skills to the limit. Be patient and careful and you should make it out fine ;). Time Trial: The time trial can be a bit tricky on this level. This is due in part to the traps but also the movable platforms as well (particularly with the one on the right (P2 at position Z2 in figure Although you can reach the passages on either side with their respective platforms it's a difficult jump and the position of the platforms has to be very accurate. Look above as you drag them into position to make sure they're right in the middle so you can reach the other side. As for the traps you should carefully maneuver past them. You can rush past the land-based ones if you have the infinite health cheat on but do NOT rush past the shooting traps over the pits (you can still fall into the pit if one of the darts hits you). Time Trial Time: 13 mins Relics: 0 Artifacts: 2 ============================================================================== Go through the passage until you come to a pit with lots of horizontal wooden columns. Jump onto the poles (and swing on the vertical pole) to get across to the other side. When you're at the other side jump to the platform to the left and you'll will now arrive at the main room of the Tomb of Qualopec. The following diagram should help you in the next area: Figure | () | |______| |______| ______________|______|______________ | ____ __ | | L1 / | | \ | | ____/ | __ | \____ | | / | |P1| | \___ | | / | -- | \ | _____| / |______| \| | / \ |_____ | Z1 | | | | | SF | Z2 | | | | | _____ | __ \________/ |_____ | |____ |B | | | | | \ -- | | _______| | \ | __ | / | | | L2 | |P2| | / | | |_____| -- |____/ | |______________ ______________| | E | E = entrance B = movable box P1 + P2 = movable platforms L1 + L2 = climbable ledges Z1 + Z2 = markers SF = stone-face platform () = boulder -- Release the first gate -- Run across the stone-face platform and into the passage on the opposite side. When the boulder starts rolling down move out of the way and watch as it smashes into part of the stone face to reveal the first movable platform (P1). Now jump down to the area below (drop down from the movable platform to avoid damage) and drag the platform to location Z1 (on figure Make your way back to the top by dragging the movable box (B) to the ledge beside the entrance (L2) and climbing up the ledges. Once on top go to the stone face platform and jump to platform P1 (which should now be at location Z1). From that platform jump to ledge L1 and climb up the stone ledges above. When you're at the top jump to the ledge to the right and climb up, and then jump onto the vertical pole and finally onto the roof above the passage with the boulder. Now turn right and you should see a block hanging down on ropes with a target above it. Shoot the target to release the stone block and free the second movable platform (P2). Now use the grapple to swing across the two rings at the top and into the passage on the other side. Flip the switch to release the first gate. -- -- Release the second gate -- Now you need to head into the passage to the right. Drop down to the ground where the second movable platform (P2) is and drag it around to position Z2 (place it on an angle to make the jumping easier). Now climb back to the top onto the stone-faced platform and jump across platform P2 to the passage on the right (you can also jump from the platform to the ledge on the left side of the passage and then jump from there into the passage). Make your way through the passage until you come to a pit with traps. Time yourself and jump onto the wooden column. From there jump to the ledge on the left and jump over the shooting darts to the ledge on the right. Drop down to the lower ledge and shimmy over right, then jump backwards onto the wooden column and finally jump to the passage on the other side. Follow along the passage until you see the gate switch. When you approach it the ground will give way and drop you into a pit with two wolves. Kill the wolves, then run up the wooden boards to the center of the wooden platform. Drag the cage out of the alcove and drop it down to the ground below, then drag it to the pillar on the right (from the POV of the wooden platform, facing the switch). Jump onto the cage, then onto the ledge on the pillar. Jump up to the ledge above, then jump backwards to the hanging vertical wooden pole. Climb up the pole before jumping to the next one, then jump to the ledge on the other pillar. Shimmy around to the right and jump backwards to the pole behind. Swing off to the platform beyond and climb up, then jump up the two ledges above. Shimmy over to the right, then jump backwards to the hanging vertical wooden pole behind. ** Artifact ** Climb up the wooden pole and then jump to the platform opposite the side of the switch (to Lara's right as she's hanging on the pole) to retrieve the artifact (#1). Climb up the wooden pole and jump to the ledge above the switch. Drop down and hang onto the switch to open the second gate. -- After pulling the switch jump to the pole on the right and swing off it to the ledge beyond. Shimmy around to the left and then jump to the ledge above. Then shimmy around and over to the right and jump to the platform above ane climb up. Go around to the other side and drop down to the platform behind. Make your way through the passage, killing the raptor along the way, until you get to the trap-filled pit again. ** Artifact ** Drop down into the pit and pick up the artifact (#2). Kill the raptor and to get out of the pit run over to the other end of the pit and latch onto the wooden column. Climb up and then jump onto the ledges and climb up. Jump onto the wooden column and onto the ledge on the wall. Then just keep jumping left from ledge to ledge (avoid the shooting traps) until you reach the passage on the other side. Continue down the passage and you'll reach the room with the stone-face platform. -- Release the third gate -- Jump back onto platform P2 and drop down to the ground. Get back up to the stone-face platform and jump to platform P1 and into the passage on the left (you can also jump back to L1 and jump to the passage from there). Make your way through the passage until you come to another pit with traps along the walls. Time yourself to get past the shooting trap and jump onto the horizontal pole over the chasm. Swing off it to the ledge on the wall and jump to the ledge to the left. Jump over the shooting trap to the ledge on the left and then drop down to the ledge below and shimmy over left. Jump up to the ledge above and then jump backwards to the ladder behind. Jump over the shooting trap to the ledge on the right and then shimmy over to the right, then jump over the gap to the ledge beyond. Then jump backwards onto the vertical pole and jump off it to the passage on the other side. Run along the passage, avoiding the shooting traps, until you reach the room with the gate switch. Use the grapple to swing to the center platform and then jump to the wooden pole on the left. From there jump to the horizontal pole to the left (in the direction of the passage) and then swing off to the ledge on the wall. Jump up to the platform and climb up and then run along the top and jump to the ledge above the switch. Drop down from the ledge and hang onto the switch to release the third gate. -- Now make your way back through the passage, avoiding the shooting darts and the swinging pendulum (time yourself between the swings and swan-dive through it). When you've gotten past the traps a raptor will appear. If you're particularly brave you can go back through the traps and let them take care of the raptor (it might run past them but there's a good chance one of the pendulum will catch it). Once you've killed the raptor continue along the passage until you get to the trap-filled pit again. Time yourself and jump past the shooting darts to the wooden stake. From there jump to the ledge on the wall. Like before, jump left from ledge to ledge (avoiding the shooting darts) until you get to the horizontal pole. Swing off that to the passage and continue until you get back to the room with the stone-face platform. -- Retrieve the Scion -- Jump across platform P1 to the stone face platform and then jump to the passage that had the boulder in it. Continue along the passage until you reach the room with the Scion. -- -- Escape from the Tomb of Qualopec -- Run out of the passage, jump across the stone-face platform, and jump to the entrance platform. When you get to the pit jump across the wooden posts and swing across the horizontal pole to get to the other side (ignore the raptor along the bottom). Make your way out of the passage to end the level. Keys for the cinematic: up, down, right -------------------------- Greece - St. Francis Folly -------------------------- Section 5.2.1 ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is another classic Tomb Raider 1 level. It is by far the most complex level in the game and will probably take the longest time to complete. It starts out in a large multi-columned area and ends in a large multi-floored area, with four sub-areas in the latter. It might be a bit confusing finding your way around so I included lots of maps and diagrams to aid you through it. Time Trial: Like most other complex levels the key to the time trial is practice and memorization. Run through the level a couple of times and familiarize yourself with it, noting what you need to do and where you need to go at each moment. The walkthrough reflects the fastest path through the level (that I've found at least) so use it if you need help finding out where to go next. Time Trial Time: 34 mins Relics: 0 Artifacts: 6 ============================================================================== -- Open the main gate -- Move forward and kill the two lions, then watch the cinematic. Now you have to climb up the columns to the platform above and although there are a lot of columns you only have to concern yourself with the last two (the ones by the metal gate). Make your way down to them and hop onto the niche along the bottom of the right column. Jump up to the top and turn around to face the other column. Jump to it to catch the niche in the middle (you may have to recover). Jump up the niches (shimmy around as needed) until you reach the top (henceforth this position be referred to as 'TOP COLUMN'). From this position jump to the narrow ledge along the wall (note the artifact behind the spear gate). Then jump onto the next ledge and use the grapple to run along the wall to the platform on the other side. Continue throught he passage and you should now come to a rock portrait of a greek hero with a floor panel in front of it. The portrait has many shootable buttons which can be reset by stepping on the panel. You have to shoot a certain pattern of buttons in order to open the gate behind you. The following are the three possible combinations that will do something: 1) sword, medusa's eye = open the gate on the right (the one indicating the pattern). Typically you need to do this in order to find the second pattern but for the sake of this walkthrough you can skip it. 2) hand, lower-back, both feet = open the gate behind the portrait 3) sword, hand, medusa's eye, lower-back, knee, both feet = lower the spear gate with the artifact ** Artifact ** Use the third combination to lower the spear gate on the artifact you saw earlier and make your way back to retrieve it (#1). In order to advance in the level you need to use the second combination. Once you have the gate open enter into the area and pull off the rings on the sides of the golden sphere to free it. Roll it down into the area below and then follow it down (jump down to one of the columns or drop down the edge to avoid damage). Pull or push the sphere to the circular panel in the center of the area (if you have a rapid-firing weapon you can also shoot the globe into position). This will open the upper gate. Now make your way back to TOP COLUMN and jump to the platform to the upper gate. Enter through it and drop down to the area below (use the grapple on the ring on the left wall and drop down safely). * Optional * Use the grapple to swing to the ledge below to the left of the platform and retrieve the Small Medipack. Now flip the switch to open the metal gate. Go through the gate to the area with the columns and kill the two lions that attack you. Then shoot or drag the golden sphere over to the circular panel inside the gate to open the main gate (note the portrait on the ceiling just inside the gate which is the combination for the artifact). -- Go into the gate and follow the spiral staircase down. The next area is a large multi-layered area and is a bit complicated. The following diagrams show each level and their major landmarks. ============================================================================== Figure 6th (top) floor _______________________ | | | | | *| | | |__| |__| |__| |__| | | __ | | | | __ | | | | N |__| | | | | |__| | |S | | |___| | | S| W -+- E |__| | | |__| | | | |_________| | | S | | | | |__| _________ |__| | | | | | | |__|___|___ E ___|___|__| E = entrance S = switch * = to gate of Atlas Figure shows the top floor. This floor has switches to the east and west, which opens the gates for Hephaestus and Poseidon, respectively. You can also reach the gate of Atlas from this floor. Figure 5th floor ____________________ | | | ___________ | | | | | | | | |__| __|__| | N _|__ | __| |__ | |G| | | | __ |P | W -+- E |H|__| |__| | | |__| | | | | | | | S | |__| |__| | | __ | | | | | |________|_*|________| \ T / HG = gate of Hephaestus P = pillar T = shootable target * = to gate of Hephaestus Figure shows the fifth floor. The gate of Hephaestus is on this floor, as well as the way to reach it. There's also a collapsable pillar to the east which collapses onto the fourth floor and a shootable target to the south. Figure 4th floor __ ________|GA|________ | |__| | | ________ | | | | | | | L| |__|__ | N | | _|__| | | | | CP | W -+- E | | |_ __| | | __| __ __| | S | | | | | | | |__|_____|__| | | | |____________________| | P| |__| P = pillar CP = collapsed pillar L = ladder GA = gate of Atlas Figure shows the fourth floor. This floor the gate of Atlas to the north and a collapsable pillar to south which collapses onto the third floor. The collapsed pillar to the east leads to the switch for Hephaestus. The ladder (L) leads to the third floor. Figure 3rd floor _____________________ | | | ____ ___ | | | | | | | | |____| |___| | N | __|_ | | | |G| W -+- E | ______________ |__|P| | | | | | | | S | |__| __ |__| | | |__| |__| | | |CP| | |________|_*|_________| CP = collapsed pillar GP = gate of Poseidon * = to the gate of Damocles Figure shows the third floor. This floor has the gate of Poseidon to the east and the collapsed pillar to the south leads to the gate of Damocles. Figure 2nd floor ___________________ | | *| | | |__| | | | | _____________ | N | | | | | | | /| |__| |__| | W -+- E |S| | | | | \| | | | S | L|__ __| | | | | | | | | |__|_______|__| | | __ | |_______|__|________| |GD| S = switch GD = gate of Damocles * = to gate of Poseidon L = ladder Figure shows the second floor. The gate of Damocles is to the south and the north platform leads to the gate of Poseidon. The switch to the west opens the gate of Damocles. The ladder (L) leads to the first floor. Figure 1st (bottom) floor __G__ /K K\ ____/K K\_____ | __ | | |__| ____ | | | | | | | | |__ |__| |_|__| __| N | | | | | | | __ __ | | W -+- E | | | | | | | | | | | |__| |__| | | S | | ____ | | | | / \ | | | |__/ \__| | | | |_________S__________| K = key holes G = exit gate S = switch Figure shows the first floor. This floor has a switch to the south which opens the gate of Atlas. It also has the four key holes for the four keys and the gate out of the level. ============================================================================== What you need to do here is open the gates to the four areas (Hephaestus, Poseidon, Atlas, and Damocles) and retrieve the key from each area. Here's a basic breakdown of the four areas, where their switches and gates are, and which floor to access them from: Area Switch location Gate location Accessed from ---- --------------- ------------- ------------- Hephaestus Sixth floor Fifth floor Fifth floor Poseidon Sixth floor Third floor Second floor Atlas First floor Fourth floor Sixth floor Damocles Second floor Second floor Third floor The rest of the walkthrough for this level will guide you through the most optimum path through the level. -- Open the gate of Poseidon -- From the entrance jump to the central platform and head north along the right path. Use the grapple to pull out the platform on the north wall and jump onto it. Then jump to the platform on the left and jump again to the alcove beyond. From that jump onto the verticle pole on the north-west corner and swing off to the platform on the west wall. Flip the switch to open the gate to Poseidon. -- -- Open the gate of Hephaestus -- Now jump back to the central platform and shoot the bats. Drop down to the level below (5th floor) and use the grapple to pull down the column along the east wall. Drop down to the fourth floor (or just jump straight onto the fallen column below) and get onto the fallen column. Run across it to the alcove on the other side and get onto the left ledge. Then turn around and jump to the right ledge (opposite the left ledge) and climb up to the ledge at the top. Shimmy around to the right and jump up the ledges to the platform on the east wall. Flip the switch to open the gate of Hephaestus. -- -- Get to the gate of Hephaestus -- Jump back onto the central platform and shoot the bats that appear. Drop down to the fifth floor again and you should see a target to the south wall. Shoot it and it will push out a ledge. Jump onto the ledge and go onto the platform with the target. Now hang down the edge of the platform (just to the right of the ledge that was pushed out) and shimmy over right. Jump up to the ledge above and then jump to the alcove to the right and climb up into it. Now jump to the horizontal pole on the south-west corner and swing off to the ledge on the west wall. Shimmy over to the right and then jump off to the right and grab the ledge below the gate (normally you're supposed to drop down and crouch through the crevice to get to the gate but this way's faster). Climb up and you'll be at the gate of Hephaestus. -- -- Retrieve the Key of Hephaestus -- Enter the passage and you'll come to an iron gate with a switch beside it. Forget about using the switch (the gate is broken and it will fall off before you can reach the hole at the top) and instead use the ledges on the wall to the right of the entrance. Climb up the ledges and shimmy over right at the highest ledge. Then jump backwards to the hole above the gate and climb through. Drop down the other side and continue through the passage until you reach an area with an electric sphere on the roof and panels on the floor. The sphere occasionally sends down an electric zap on the panels and each of the panels moves up or down after each zap. This trial isn't all that difficult. The sphere only zaps the panels which are raised at that time. Therefore, to avoid getting zapped you just stand on the panels that are not raised (if you find yourself standing on a raised one quickly jump off to the stone pavement on either side or to a panel that is not raised). In order to lower the spear gate you have to lower the four panels at each corner (you have to stand on them until they lower completely so don't walk off too soon). When all four panels are lowered the gate will lower. In the next area you should be able to see the Key of Hephaestus behind a spear gate. There should also be a bust of Hephaestus, a stone block, and a big hammer with a panel below it. First, grab the bust of Hephaestus and move it into one of the small circular depressions in the room. Have the bust face the diamond in front of the depression. Then drag the stone block into the panel below the hammer. The hammer will hit the block to reveal a second bust. Move it into another depression and turn it to face the diamond. Now go to the hammer panel and bring down the hammer by running over the panel. For best results run right over the panel to the other side (do NOT run in the direction of the hammer and do NOT stop over the panel). When the hammer comes down jump onto it and on top of it. When the hammer starts to go back up quickly jump off to the platform on the right side of the hammer (there's a Big Medipack on the other side which you can retrieve using the same method). Now jump to the horizontal pole and swing to the platform above the key. ** Artifact ** Turn left into the alcove and pick up the artifact (#2) on the left side. Jump onto the second horizontal pole and swing to the raised platform, then drag the stone block off the platform. It will smash against the floor and reveal the third bust. As with the others move it to the remaining depression and turn it towards the diamond. The hammer panel should now be raised (if not try to fix the direction of the busts some more). Bring down the hammer one more time and the gate to the key will lower, allowing you to retrieve the Key of Hephaestus. -- Now make your way back through the electrified panels to the gate. The following stunt requires quite a bit of timing. Flip the switch beside the gate and jump onto the gate. Hold on as it moves up, then when it starts to go down quickly jump and catch the ledge above. The best way to do this is to listen to the thudding sounds. Jump at the fourth thud and you should be able to make it every time (henceforth this maneuver will be referred to as the 'GATE TRICK'). Drop down to the other side and continue along the passage and you should be back at the entrance. -- Get to the gate of Poseidon -- Now move out onto the extended ledge and from there make a precise jump to the south-west corner of the fifth floor platform and grab the ledge. Shimmy around to the right, then drop down to the lower ledge (recover!). Shimmy a bit to the right and climb onto the fourth platform. Now turn to the south wall and pull down the column (this will make it easier to reach Damocles later on). Go towards the ladder and climb (and drop) down to the third floor. Drop down again to the second floor and then face the north wall. Use the grapple to pull the platform out then jump onto it. From that platform jump to the ledge on the right. Jump two more ledges to the right and then jump two ledges up. Climb into the alcove and jump up the stone ledge to the right. Roll through the narrow passage and you'll arrive at the entrance to Poseidon. -- -- Retrieve the Key of Poseidon -- Enter the passage and at the gate use the GATE TRICK to get past it. Kill the rats on the other side (there's a Small Medipack behind the far right column) then dive into the pool and swim down. Open the gate using the lever and swim through to the other side and climb out. You'll now be in a water-filled area with three levels (you start out in the middle level). The first thing you have to do is get to the top level so climb up the central column to the top level (jump onto the back of the column and make your way up the ledges). At the top go towards the platform with the small block and the stone fish statue. Then pull the block back from the fish statue's mouth which will raise the water level to the top. Now swim across to the platform on the other side (the one with just the block on it) and once you're there push the block over the edge and into the water. Now dive into the water and swim down to the central column to the side facing the entrance and pull the lever. A wooden block will be released. ** Artifact ** Swim around the opposite side of the column and dive deeper and you'll find another lever. Pull it to lower the gate to the artifact and retrieve it (#3). Now swim to the top and go back to the fish statue again. This time push the block back over the fish statue's mouth to make the water level drop to middle level. Dive down to mid-level and go towards the platform with the fish statue. The block you just dropped should be there so use it to block the fish statue's mouth and lower the water level to the bottom. Then make your way down (there are ledges to the right of the entrance for a safe landing) and use the grapple to pull the wooden block counter-clockwise around the central column. Pull it all the way around until it hits the debris and can't move any more. Now go back up to the middle level (use the ledges to the right of the entrance) and pull the block back from the fish statue's mouth to raise the water level to mid-level again. Make your way to the platform on the other side (where there's a Small Medipack) and use the grapple to pull the wooden block towards you (but not completely -- position it so that it is between the two stone bridges above you on the top level). After that's done climb back up the central column to the top level and push the block away from the fish statue's mouth to raise the water level to the top again. The wooden block should now be in a position that will allow you to reach the alcove to the left of the spear gate (if not then maneuver the block until it allows you to reach it). Once you've reached the alcove jump to the ledge on the right and shimmy around it, then jump to the hole above the gate. Climb through and drop down and retrieve the Key of Poseidon. -- Use the switch to lower the gate and make your way out of the area via the entrance. Swim all the way back and go to the gate. Use the GATE TRICK to get to the other side and you'll be back at the entrance to Poseidon. * Here I want to do something a little bit different. Normally you would go down to the groud level and pull the switch for Atlas, then climb all the way back up to the top, do Atlas, climb down from Atlas to the switch for Damocles, go down to ground level again, climb back up to the third floor and then do Damocles. However, the switch for Damocles can also be reached by jumping from the north-west platform on the third floor (you'll take a little damage from the fall though). If you do this you can flip both the Damocles and Atlas switches back-to-back and then do Atlas and Damocles on the way down. My calculations suggest that you can shave off about 20 seconds of time by doing this. -- Open the gate of Damocles -- From the gate platform jump to the north-east pillar of the third floor and grab the ledge. Shimmy around right and jump to the platform on the right. Now jump off the west side of this platform to the switch on the second floor (you'll take a little damage). Flip the switch to open the gate of Damocles. -- Open the gate of Atlas -- Hang off the side of the ledge and drop down to the ground floor. Now head south up the steps and flip the switch on the south wall to open the gate of Atlas. -- Get to the gate of Atlas -- Now begins the arduous task of climbing all the way back up to the top. Jump onto the platform beside the north-east pillar and from there jump onto the platform beside the north-west pillar. Jump up to the ledge on the pillar and shimmy around right, then jump to the ladder on the right and climb up. You should now be on the second floor. Hop onto the small platform beside the north-west pillar and jump to the ledge on the north-east pillar. Shimmy all the way around to the right and jump up to the ledge above. Shimmy around to the right and then jump to the platform on the right and climb up. You should now be on the third floor. Jump to the platform to the south and jump onto the ledge on the south-east pillar. Shimmy around right. Jump to the ledge above and jump to the ledge on the left. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy a bit to the right and climb up. You should now be on the fourth floor. Hop onto the block beside the south-east pillar and jump onto the ledge along the pillar. Jump up again to the platform above and climb up. You should now be on the fifth floor. Jump to the platform to the north-west and jump onto the ledge along the north-west pillar. Shimmy around left and jump up twice to reach the top floor. You should now be standing on the left path of the upper platform. Jump or walk across to the right path and then jump to the platform on the north wall (the one with the * in figure Jump to the ledge in the alcove to the right. Drop down to the ledge below and hang down the edge of it. Now drop down to the sloping edge below and immediately jump off to the ledge in front (hit jump as soon as you land). You mustn't miss this jump as you'll slide to your doom otherwise (normally you're supposed to shimmy along the ledges and drop down at the top of the slope but this way it's faster). Shimmy around left and then drop down to the ledge below and climb up the platform. You will now be at the entrance to Atlas. -- Retrieve the Key of Atlas -- Go into the passage and use the GATE TRICK to get past the gate (you can also use the ledges on the side). Go through the passage on the other side and you'll come across a turnable wheel and a huge chasm beyond it. This trial is probably the most dramatic challenge of all and, at least to me, the most fun. Grab hold of the wheel and turn it counter-clockwise to close the gap over the chasm. Quickly run (and jump) across to the other side before the gap opens up again. Next find the ledge to the left along the sloping pathway and climb up to the platform above. Drop down to the lower platform to the left and flip the switch. Now comes the fun part. Drop down to the sloping pathway and run up to the top. When you get close enough shoot at the targets beside Atlas. When you shoot both the sphere will fall and roll down the pathway. Immediately head down the pathway and run for your life (use the swan dive to increase your speed). When you're at the chasm jump onto the horizontal pole and immediately jump off to the other side (now that's classic Tomb Raider for ya ;-) ). When you've finished catching your breath spin the wheel again to close the gap and go over to the other side. Go all the way up the sloping pathway and retrieve the Key of Atlas. Then make your way down and go towards the broken pillar to the left. Jump onto it and climb onto the platform above. ** Artifact ** Climb onto the platform to the left and retrieve the artifact from among the rocks (#5). Flip the switch to close the gap over the chasm. Drop down quickly and go across the chasm to the other side. Make your way back to the gate (you can't use the GATE TRICK this time) and flip the switch. Cling onto the gate as it moves up and at the very top jump to the horizontal pole behind. Use it to swing to the hole above and get out. Then make your way back to the entrance of Atlas. ** Artifact ** Go over to the left side of the entrance and hang down the ledge. Drop down to the lower ledge and shimmy over to the left, then jump over to the ledge on the left and shimmy over left. Now jump backwards to the pole and swing to the alcove beyond. Climb up the ledge to retrieve the artifact (#6). -- -- Get to the gate of Damocles -- From the gate platform jump to the north-east pillar of the fourth floor and grab the ledge. Drop down two ledges below and shimmy over to the right, then jump to the platform on the right (you should be on the third floor). Now jump to the platform to the south and hop onto the fallen column. Run along it to the other side and then jump up the ledge to the left. Grab hold of the cage and push it in gently (tap the forward button). Next jump to the other ledge and this time pull the cage forward gently (tap the back button). * Optional * To get the Small Medipack on the other side of the cage hang off the ledge and jump to the ledge on the right. Do the reverse to get back. Now jump onto the cage and then turn around and jump to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy around to the left and drop to the lower ledge. Then shimmy left and jump to the wall and then drop down to the platform below. Now hang off the ledge and drop down to the lower ledge and then shimmy around right and drop into the platform below. Slide down the slope to reach the entrance of Damocles. -- -- Retrieve the Key of Damocles -- Go through the passage and you'll come to a gate like all the others. However, this one requires a special method to get through. The gate's too weak to support Lara's weight so you have to find another method. Look above the gate and you'll notice that the passage at the top is blocked by a large stone. Use the grapple to take it out and then push it close to the gate. Now flip the switch to raise the gate and jump onto the block. Wait until the gate is raised suffiently enough (a good indicator is when bottom of the gate reaches Lara's knee) and then jump onto it. Then immediately jump off it and grab the ledge above. Climb up and drop down the other side. * Here's a hint from Ashley for those people who are having trouble with this gate * If people are having trouble with that (because I was) just when you pull down the switch, run over and grab the rock and once the gate is high enough, push the rock forward until it hits the spears on the otherside. That should stop the gate from falling all the way down, and you can climb the rock, and you can hop on to the gate from there to the opening. :) Go down the passage and step on the panel to open the gate. Just run right through the first area and retrieve the Key of Damocles on the pedestal in the room at the end. -- Move off the pedestal to avoid the falling swords (collect the two 50 mm ammos and the Small Medipack scattered about in the room). Now run up the sloping platform on the far side of the room (opposite the way you came in) and use the grapple to swing across to the platform high above (look to the ring to avoid missing it). From there jump to the squarish platform above the altar (henceforth this position will be known as 'UPPER PLATFORM') and take the path to the right. Once you get to the end (jump over the gap on the way over) jump to the platform on that side and pull the lever to lower the blades in the other room. Now drop to the ground and enter the next area.Refer to the following ASCII drawing for the next part. Figure ______ __| |__ | TS | |____________| _______| |_______ | S S | | S S | | S S S | | __ __ __ __ | | ||C8|^^|C7|^^|C6|^^|C5|| | | ||__|^^|__|^^|__|^^|__|| | |^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^| |^^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^| | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ | | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ | | ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ | | __ __ __ __ | | ||C1|^^|C2|^^|C3|^^|C4|| | | ||__|^^|__|^^|__|^^|__|| | | _ ^^ | | (C) ^^ S | |_________ _________| | P1 |M|_ _|M| P2 | |____| | E | |____| E = entrance (from the other room) S = sword placements C = low column C1 - C8 = tall columns P1 - P2 = platforms M = marble column TS = turning switch Enter the area carefully because a sword will fall to the entrance. Go along to the passage to the right until you get to the moving blades. Watch the pattern of the blades carefully. You'll notice that the blades on the red floor panels come up quickly while the blades on the white floor panel stay down longer. What you want to do is stay on the while floor tiles when you go through the area. Step on the first white tile when the blades go down and wait until the next white tile is free, then jump to it (avoid running and do not touch the blades on the side). Do this repeatedly until you get to the other side. There will be a lot of swords on the other side (they're marked by an S on figure so walk around carefully to avoid serious injuries and go all the way around to the low column (C). Jump onto the column and then jump to the ledge on the wall. Shimmy over left and then jump up to the ledge above and shimmy around left. Then climb onto the platform above (P1) and flip the switch to lower the blades on the right side of the room, as well as the blades on the opposite side of the platform. ** Artifact ** Drop down to the ground and make your way back to the UPPER PLATFORM (to be faster jump from the column over the blades). Take the left path this time and jump to the platform at the end to pick up the artifact (#4). Now jump onto the marble column (M) on the side of the platform and climb up. Then jump sideways onto the high column (C2). From there jump to the column to the right (C3) and then jump to the other marble column (M) and get onto the other platform (P2). Now jump to the column in front (C4) then jump to the wall and climb up the ledges. Now use the grapple to run along the wall to the left and jump off to the left to the high column (C5). Jump across the columns on that row one by one (C6 - C8) and then jump to the ledge on the wall at the end. Jump to the ledge on the right and continue going right all the way to the platform above the main gate. Use the turning switch to open the gate fully, then quickly drop down and exit the area. Use the GATE TRICK at the gate to get to the other side and go back out the passage to the entrance of Damocles. * Here's a tip from ReverendTed if you have the infinite health cheat In the Damocles section of St. Francis Folly, if you have the infinite health cheat you can bypass most of the sword-dodging by doing a swan dive over the sword panel to the left as you exit the key room. This puts you right below the second lever. In fact, I don't think it's even necessary to pull either lever, as you can simply climb from this point to the columns and over to the rotating switch to open the door, effectively bypassing the entire challenge. -- Open the gate at the bottom -- Drop down to ground level and make your way over to the four key slots at the bottom and enter each one of the keys in there to open the gate and end the level. -- --------------------- Greece - The Coliseum --------------------- Section 5.2.2 ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is one of the simpler levels in the game (it was much simpler than I expected; I expected it to be much bigger from my experience of Tomb Raider 1). It's relatively straight-forward but has a lot of enemies in it. You'll also be introduced to a new powerful enemy: the gorilla. Time Trial: The time trial should be more-or-less straight-forward although you might want to bring a powerful weapon for battling the lions and gorillas (as usual the Golden Shotgun works wonders here). The jumping and climbing on the upper level might also be a bit tricky so be extra careful around them. Time Trial Time: 11 mins Relics: 0 Artifacts: 1 ============================================================================== Go down the long passage until you get to the room with the rats. Shoot then and then jump onto the ledge to the left of the entrance and climb up (there's a Small Medipack on top of the piller to the left of the entrance). Jump to the platform on the right, then jump up again to the platform at the end and climb up. Kill the rat and then run to the other side of the platform and drop down into the area beyond the debris. Now dive into the water and swim through the passage (take the path with the debris). You'll now arrive at a room with a lot of cages. Swim out and kill the bats and rats then hop onto the small cage to the right of the pool. * Optional * Jump onto the ledge on the wall and jump right across all the ledges to the big cage and pick up the Large Medipack. Jump onto the ledge and jump to the vertical pole behind. Then jump onto the ledge over the pool and shimmy all the way around to the left until you're against the wall on the opposite side. Then jump backwards to the ledge on the wall and jump to the vertical pole behind. Climb up the pole and then jump on top of the large cage. Finally, jump from the large cage over the wooden fence to the other side. Now head up the passage and you'll arrive at the battle grounds of the Coliseum. -- Open the animal holding area -- Fight the two gorillas and then make your way over to the collapsed ledge (don't miss the Shotgun Ammo around the edge of the battle area). Jump from the debris onto the collapsed ledge climb up to get to the audience area. Now make your way over to the column directly above and shoot the bats. Then jump onto the groove along the column, shimmy over to the left, and jump to the niche above. Circle around until you're directly behind the rock platform and jump to it. Now jump to the platform beyond and slide down the other side. Look to the left and jump onto the flat stone platform there. From here jump to the marble platform (henceforth this position will be referred to as 'MARBLE PLATFORM') and make your way over to the switch (you can go through the passage or jump over the low ledge). Flip the switch to open the gate leading to the animal holding area. -- -- Retrieve the Balcony Key -- Now drop down either side of the marble platform and into the battle area to do battle with the animals that come out (if you want to be cheap jump back onto the ledge into the audience area and shoot them from above). Once all the animals are dead go down into the holding area. The key that you need is on top of a large cage to the left of the entrance (there's Shotgun Ammo to the right of the entrance). Make your way into the adjoining area and use the grapple to pull down the small cage from above the big cage. Then push the cage above the slanted wooden boards to the other side. When it's over the boards use the grapple to pull the small cage over to the big cage (you can also push or pull with your hands). Jump on top of the small cage and onto the top of the big cage to retrieve the Balcony Key. -- -- Get to the balcony -- Now go back up the passage and you'll meet lions. Kill them and then make your way back to the MARBLE PLATFORM and use the Balcony Key to open the gate and climb onto the balcony. -- Once on the balcony go to the left side and jump to the platform over the gap. Now run over to the other side of the platform (if you want you can drop down the side to retrieve the Small Medipack on the platform below) and use the grapple to swing across to the platform on the far side. ** Artifact ** While hanging on the grapple rope lower yourself down and swing over to the other hook underneath the platform on the far side. Lower yourself all the way and then position yourself towards the alcove with the artifact and swing forward at full strengh to reach it (#1). * Optional * Once you've swung over hang down the other side of the platform and shimmy over right. Climb up at the end to retrieve the Dual 50 Caliber Pistols. Now take a precise jump from the other side of the platform to the low pillar to the left and grab onto the groove (recover!). Once you're on the pillar shimmy over to the right and jump backwards to the ledge behind. Shimmy over to the right and then jump up onto the platform. Then jump down to the platform on the other side and jump onto the groove in the pillar to the right. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy over left (until your back is directly facing the flat ledge behind) and jump backwards to the ledge. Now jump from this platform to the platform with the two statues and then jump down to the platform on the other side. Finally, turn around and jump into the marble area. Head down the passage (take the left path -- it's the only one really) and go all the way down (shoot the bats along the way). Continue forward to end the level. ---------------------- Greece: Midas's Palace ---------------------- ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is a complex level and is filled with some unique challenges. The basic goal in this level is to find three lead bars and then transmutate them into three gold bars so you can fit them onto the statue of Midas. Perhaps the most striking and challenging aspect of this level is the fire trial. Here the designers took what was a simple speed test in Tomb Raider 1 and turned it into a real monster! What's even worse is that one of the relics (this level alone has two relics) is located within the trial, making it that much more difficult to acquire. In general, this level is quite interesting and challenging. BTW, for those who've played Tomb Raider 1 I hope you still remember what happens if you climb onto the hand of Midas ;). Time Trial: I highly recommend having two cheats with you when you do the time trial for this level: 1) the Golden Shotgun and 2) the infinite health cheats. The Golden Shotgun is essential for taking out the many gorillas in the level and the infinite health cheat makes the fire trial a breeze (you can also grab the Griffin-Head Protome relic if you didn't acquire it before and if you can spare the time). Time Trial Time: 16 mins Relics: 2 Artifacts: 1 ============================================================================== Section 5.2.3 Head into the palace and gorillas will attack you. Fight and kill them and then climb up the fountain to the right of the entrance and jump to the ledge on the wall. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy around left, then climb up the platform. Flip the switch to open the far gate. -- Retrieve the first lead bar -- Head into the gate and go through the passage and at the end you will come to another dangerous-looking obstacle course. Refer to the following ASCII drawing for this next area: Figure ___ | R | _____________ ____|___|_ | |P1 |^^|P2| | | |____|^^|__| ^^ | | __ | | __ |C8| | | |C2|^^ ^^ |__| | | |__|^^ __ | | |C3| ^^| _| |__| __ ^^|___ | ^^ ^^|C7| | | | __ __ ^^|__| | | P| |C1| |C4| | B | | |__| |__| | | _| __ |___| | ^^ ^^ |C6| ^^ | | ^^ __ __ |__| ^^ | | |C9|^^ |C5| | | |__|^^ |__| | | | | __ ^^ | | ^^|C0|^^ __ ^^ __^ | | ^^|__|^^|P3|^^ |P4| | |____________| |___|__|____| | A | E |___| E = entrance P = platform (from where you start off) P1 - P4 = platforms C0 - C9 = columns A = artifact R = relic B = lead bar From the entrance go to the passage on the other side and pull back the wooden block to the right of the stairs. Go into the area beyond and flip the switch to open the gate. Now go up the stairs and you'll arrive at the main platform (P in figure Now flip the switch to bring all the columns up. Jump to the column in front (C1), then jump to the column to the left (C2). Shimmy around the column and jump backwards to the sloping platform on the other side (P1). As you slide down jump to the protruding platform (P2) and then jump to the column to the right (C3). Jump up to the top (if not already there) and shimmy around to the right until your back is facing the next column (C4). Jump on top of the column and then jump off it to the sloping platform (C5) and jump again to the protruding platform (P3). ** Artifact ** Jump to the column on the right (C0) and then to the ledge to retrieve the artifact (#1). Jump to the next protruding platform to the left (P4) and from that jump to the column on the left (C6). Shimmy around left and then jump backwards to the niche on the next column (C7). Climb up and then jump to the platform on the right to retrieve the Lead Bar. -- *** Relic *** To retrieve the relic you have to place the box (the one beside the stairs in the passage opposite the entrance) to the broken area below the column facing the ledge (C8). When you're on the last column (C7) jump to the column facing the ledge (C8) and jump onto the ledge to retrieve the Athenian Owl Figurine relic. Another method is to simply jump from the protruding platform beside it (P2). If you jump right at the edge you'll be able to reach the ledge. Now drop down to the ground and exit the way you came. Fight off the gorillas on the way back and once you're back at the room with the Midas statue climb up the statue (use the ledges on the left side of it) and flip the switch on the back of the statue. -- Retrieve the second Lead Bar -- Make your way down to the ground and head into the passage that the switch opened. When you get to the end of the passage you'll arrive at a room with three fenced-in columns. Head straight for the basement and kill the gorilla and lion (head back up the stairs if they get too feisty). Now pull on the three rings around the pillar to make it collapse and retrieve the Lead Bar that falls down. -- Head back upstairs and you'll see that the room is now a mess (I guess Lara's reputation for wreckless archeology isn't an understatement). Now head back to the entrance and turn left up the stairs. Kill the bats that appear and jump onto the stone block on the right. Jump up two more blocks and jump to the ledge in the wall (jump to the left to retrieve the Big Medipack). Now jump to the ledge on the right and shimmy over right. Then jump to the right and use the grapple to run along the wall to the far ledge. Keep on jumping right across the ledges until you're directly behind the rope. Jump backwards to the rope and turn around ninety degrees to the left until you face the column. Slide down a bit and then swing on the rope to full strength and jump towards the grooves on the column. Drop down to the lowest groove (if not already there) and then jump to the right and onto the platform below. Then jump onto the ledge along the wall to the left and jump up to the ledge above. Shimmy over to the right and then jump to the ledge to the right. Jump up and climb onto the platform. * Optional * Turn right and use the grapple to run along the wall and jump off to the right towards the stone block. From there you can jump to the ledge to retrieve the Small Medipack. Turn right and use the grapple on the ring and lower yourself down to the platform below. Run along the passage and kill the two gorillas at the end, then flip the switch to open the gate to the fire room. -- Retrieve the third Lead Bar -- Drop down to the ground and climb up the state of Midas again and head into the passage that the switch opened. Follow along until you come to the fire room. The room is mapped out in the following diagram: Figure ___________________________________________ | B | | | | | | __ __ __ __ | | | | | | | | | | | |____|__|____|__|___________|__|____|__|____| / / \ / ____ \ \ | / \ \/| | / P5 \ | | | /\ | | | | | | | | | | \/ | | | \ / | | \____/ | | | | | | ___ | | / \ | | | P4 | | | | | ___ | | \___/ / \ | | | P3 | | _____|__ | | ____ __|_____ | | | \___/ / \ | | | | |__| / P2 \ |__| | |S |/ \ | /\ | | S| | |\ / | | | | __| | | | | | \/ | | | | |_____|__| \ / |__|_____| | ___ \____/ | | / \ | | | P1 | | | | | | | \___/ | | | | | | ___ | \ /\ | P | /\ / \ _/LP_\ ___ |___| ___ /_RP\_ / |_____| | | | | | | |_____| |_____|____|___|_____| |_____|___|____|_____| |_____| |_____| | | | | |___________________ ___________________| | E | E = entrance S = switches P = fire switch platform P1 - P5 = fire platform LP = left platform RP = right platform Although some of the fire is easy to dodge others are quite difficult (especially on platforms P4 and P5). Try to maneuver yourself between the bursts of fire but you're going to take some damage now and then so be ready with med packs. Step on the fire switch platform to get the fires going. Now dive into the water and swim to fire platform 2 (P2). In the water around the area will be a crocodile. When it gives chase quickly swim back to the right platform and get out of the water. Shoot the crocodile dead and enter the water again. Find the lever in the water below fire platform 2 and pull it. Now get out of the water and get onto fire platform 1. Don't be afraid to get on top of it (as long as you stay on the edges you won't get burned) and then jump to fire platform 2. Hang onto the side until the fire passes by and then get up and run to the groove on the central pillar. Quickly jump up the grooves and on the top groove shimmy over to the left. Jump backwards to the ledge behind and pull the lever. That will raise fire platform 3 out of the water. *** Relic *** In order to retrieve the second relic you must first flip a switch on the back of fire platform 5. Go to the end of the platform you're on and turn right (you should see the ring icon). Jump and use the grapple to run along the wall and jump to the ledge on the far side (you may have to recover). Jump down to the sloping platform and when you're close to the bottom jump to the ledge on the wall. Jump to the ledge on the right and jump again to the ledge above. Now jump backwards to the sloping edge behind and then jump onto the horizontal pole. Swing onto the second pole and then move over to the left until you're parallel to the stone column. Jump onto it, then jump to the ledge on the right. Jump to the sloping edge on the left and then jump off it to reach the platform behind fire platform 5. Flip the switch and the relic will be temporarily available on fire platform 5. Now you have to get to it in the shortest time possible. Swim back and climb out of the water, then make your way back to fire platform 2 and continue as directed below. Now jump down to the second fire platform and jump to fire platform 3 that was just raised. Then jump to the ledge on fire platform 4 and shimmy around left all the way around, and then jump up the three ledges to the top. Now jump to fire platform 5 (if you've flipped the switch for the relic and have gotten here fast enough then you should be able to pick up the Griffin-Head Protome relic here). Now jump up the grooves in the central pillar of fire platform 5 (move between the bursts of fire) until you're directly behind the platform with the Lead Bar. Jump backwards to the platform and climb up, then pick up the Lead Bar in the center. * If you have trouble acquiring the relic due to the fire then skip it for now and try again when you have the infinite health cheat. -- -- Open the underwater gate -- Now go back to the entrance and back to the room with the statue of Midas (kill any gorillas that oppose you). Use the three Lead Bars on the hand of Midas to turn them into three gold bars and place them on the notches on the statue to open the underwater gate and exit the level. -- ------------------------ Greece - Tomb of Tihocan ------------------------ ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is the final level of Greece. It isn't as complicated as it looks (it's certainly not as complicated as its equivalent in Tomb Raider 1), but it contains one of the more interesting boss battles. You will acquire the second scion after this level. Time Trial: There's no real trick to the time trial, although the infinite breath cheat can help in the water and it might also be good to have a powerful weapon for the boss. As always, make sure you know where to go beforehand and go through the level properly. Time Trial Time: 13 mins 20 secs Relics: 0 Artifacts: 2 ============================================================================== Section 5.2.4 Dive into the water and take the middle passage. When you come to the branch take the right path (the one with the light streaming down) and take a breather (your air will probably be close to zero). Dive back down and take the other path all the way to the end. Once you're out of the water push the wooden block inward into the next room. Kill the rat and continue pushing the block to the switch on the left wall. Stand on top of it to flip the switch and then drop into the hole to the area below. Kill the rats and then move out into the large area. This next area is a bit complicated, although pretty easy to solve. I will be making a map of it as pure textual descriptions are a bit confusing. -- Move the two wooden crates down -- The first thing you need to do is move two wooden crates down to the area below. At the beginning of the path turn right and jump to the horizontal pole. Swing off it and use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy left around the ledge and then jump backwards to the ledge behind. * Optional * Shimmy all the way right and drop down, then drop down to the ground to pick up the 50 Caliber Ammo. Then jump onto the ledge on the opposite side and jump to the ledge on the right. Climb up and pick up the Mini SMG Ammo. Shimmy around left and then use the grapple to run along the wall to the platform on the other side. I found the next jump to be a little bit difficult ('Samantha S' suggests that having Lara's guns drawn will allow her to flip over the gap with ease so this could be a sure-fire way to get across). Anyways, after you get across continue along the broken path to the opposite side of the room (jump aross the gaps as necessary). Once you're at the end jump across the two horizontal poles to get to the platform with the first wooden crate. Push it off the platform and then jump onto the ledge on the wall to the right. Jump up to the higher ledge, shimmy over left, then jump onto the horizontal pole and swing off it to the platform on the other side. On the platform jump onto the ledge on the wall to the right and from there jump to the two horizontal poles and swing off to the ledge on the wall. Shimmy around left and jump to the ledge behind. Shimmy left and climb up to reach the platform with the second wooden crate. Push it off the edge like the first one. -- -- Place the two crates on the panels -- Now make your way down to the area below. The fastest way to do so is to jump into the pool of water from the bridge. Once you're in the water climb out quickly and kill the two crocodiles (don't miss the Small Medipack in the corner of the area). Move the wooden crate that you just dropped into the pool of water. Now run along the water's edge to the fallen path on the other side of the area and hop onto it. Jump onto the ledge to the left and drop down to the other side. Turn the turnable switch clockwise to drop the water level in the area below. Run around the fallen stone pathways (there's a Big Medipack on the opposite side of it) and drop down into the area with two sloping paths and a gate beyond them (henceforth this position will be referred to as 'WATERGATE'). Now jump up the ledge on the other side, kill the crocodile, and then move into the area and find the first crate that you dropped. Drag it over into the (now empty) pool just like the second crate. Drop down into the area yourself (drop onto the platforms on the sides to avoid damage) and drag the two crates over the two panels (the ones with the circle and cross on them). One will release a wooden platform and the other will lower the gate above. -- Now head to the left of the gate to the sloping platform. Jump onto the block beside it and then jump onto the platform itself. Jump as you slide down and use the grapple to run along the wall to the platform on the other side. Jump onto the ledge on the wall shimmy around left. Jump to the higher ledge and then jump back to the horizontal pole and swing to the other side. Shimmy left all the way around and once again swing off the horizontal pole behind to the other side. When you're on the other side shimmy around left and pull yourself up the platform. Slide down the slope to the left and as you do jump to the ledge and climb your way back to the top. You'll now be back at the circular switch. Spin it counter-clockwise (the reverse of what you did before) to fill the pool below with water again. Now stand on the ledge above WATERGATE and pull the wooden platform towards one of the water-filled paths. Then drop down into WATERGATE and pull it all the way into the path. Now it's time to get back to the top. Head back in the direction of the circular switch and climb up the ledge beyond (use the platform beside it). You'll now be back to the area where you dropped the second crate. Now head towards the fallen path by the column and walk up along it. Jump up to the ledge and jump up to the ledge above. Shimmy to the left and jump onto the horizontal pole above. Move to the right side of the pole and swing off it to the platform to the left. Jump up the ledges and once you're at the top jump towards the column again. You should just manage to catch the ledge (you'll most likely have to recover). Now climb up and jump to the ledge on the left. Shimmy around left all the way and jump up to reach the top. To the right will be another circular switch. Spin it counter-clockwise to make the water rise to the top. Swim over to where you left the wooden platform and climb on top of it. ** Artifact ** Dive into the water and along the column above the WATERGATE should be a lever. Pull it to pull back the spear gate protecting the artifact and retrieve it (#1). * Optional * Dive into the water and retrieve the Shotgun Ammo inside one of the grates, as well as the 50 Caliber Ammo along the ledge if you didn't retrieve it earlier. Jump onto the platform around the wooden platform and use the grapple to maneuver it around until it's in a position where you can reach the platform in the center above it. Now jump onto the wooden platform and onto the center platform and in the area beyond dive into the pool. Follow along the tunnel until it drops you into the next area. Dive into the water and swim through the underwater passage and you should now be in the waters around the Tomb of Tihocan. ** Artifact ** Swim all the way to the left side of the temple and dive into the water. Swim through the underwater passage to get the artifact (#2). * Optional * Swim over to the platform by the wall and pick up all the ammo. Swim over a bit to the left of the temple (from the center) and there should be a passage underwater. Swim into the passage and at the end swim out and flip the switch to open the tomb doors. Swim back and climb out and then enter the tomb. Head into the tomb to end the level. Keys for the cinematic: down, right Boss: Centaurs This battle isn't as difficult as many would have it. When the battle starts shoot them until their rage meter maxes out. When that happens they will do one of two things: 1) stare at you and turn you to stone or 2) charge at you. The first one's pretty easy to dodge; just stop targetting and look away. The second, which is the one you want, is also pretty easy to deal with, provided you know how to use the adrenaline dodge. When the centaur gets close and the arrows appear perform the adrenaline dodge and shoot it in the head. Then quickly pull the shield off the centaur with your grapple. Do this to both centaurs (only the centaur with a shield will rush at you so don't worry about a de-shielded one coming at you). When both shields are off make your way to where the shields are and shoot the centaurs to max out their rage meter (try to actually be over one of the shields when that happens). When they perform their stoning move (which is the only rage move they have left) quickly pick up one of the shields and the move will reflect back on one of them and turn it to stone. In that situation they are highly vulnerable to damage so shoot the stoned one with a vengeance. One or two stonings and the subsequent gunshots should be enough to take down each of the centaurs. Of course you should be watching your health all throughout and healing yourself as necessary. When they throw their fireballs there will be a small indicator to tell you where they will land, making it easier to dodge them. Use the shotgun or the 50 caliber pistols to max them out faster and to quickly kill them when they're stoned. « Secret Weapon Strategy » There are two ways to fight these bosses with the secret weapons. The first is to pound them into submission using the Golden Shotgun. They can take quite a beating with their shields on but you can eventually wear down their health and kill them. The other is to fight them properly and kill them in their stoned form. Either weapon is good for the second method (for best effects use the Silver Mini SMG to rage them out and use the Golden Shotgun to kill them in their stoned form). ------------------------ Egypt: Temple of Khamoon ------------------------ ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is the first of the Egypt levels. Like all the levels in Egypt it's quite expansive and contains a good amount of challenges. The first part of this level is comprised of a set of jumping and swinging challenges and at the end there will be a puzzle to solve (probably the first genuine puzzle in the game). Like all introductory levels this level will introduce you to the new scenery (e.g., obelisks), enemies (e.g., pumas, mummies, centaurs), and obstacles (e.g., the beetle ledge) that you'll face throughout Egypt. Time Trial: There's not much to say about the time trial, although you might want to take a good weapon along with you (those mummies and pumas can be a real pain in the ass sometimes). Also, make sure you know how to solve the puzzle at the end. Time Trial Time: 20 mins 30 secs Relics: 1 Artifacts: 3 ============================================================================== Section 5.3.1 Move forward and drop down into the area below. * Optional * Pull on the stone block in the corner of the left wall and retrieve the Shotgun Ammo and Small Medipack. First, use the grapple to pull on the bottom blocks of the two crumbling columns to the left and right and make them fall. Now jump onto the debris from the left column and jump to the ledge on the left wall. Jump to the ledge on the left and shimmy around left and jump to the ledge on the left. Jump up to the top ledge and then shimmy over left and jump to the horizontal pole. Swing off to the sloping platform on the other side and when you've slid down almost all the way jump to the ledge on what used to be the right column. Shimmy around left and then jump back and swing across the two horizontal poles to the ledge on what used to be the left column. Climb up and then jump to the two ledges on the right wall. Finally, jump to the ledge on the right and climb up. * You'll now come across your first beetle ledge. These ledges have the property of sliding down when you grab onto them so for every one of them you must jump off them as soon as possible (usually to the ledge immediately above). Remember this every time you come across these ledges. In the next area jump onto the beetle ledge and jump to the ledge above. Run along the path to the next obstacle. When you get there slide down the sloping ground and jump to the horizontal pole. Swing off the pole to the beetle ledge and up to the ledge above. Continue along the path and you'll now arrive at a small sand pit where you'll meet your animal opponent in this area: a puma. Slide down into the pit and kill the puma (don't forget to pick up the Shotgun Ammo) and then jump onto the ledge on the other side and slide down. You'll now be introduced to your new enemies: the mummified Atlantean creatures (I will refer to them as simply 'mummies' for short). Kill the two mummies and then head for the broken column beside the Sphynx. * Optional * Dive into the pool of water and retrieve the Small Medipack. -- Get into the Sphinx -- Hop onto the low platform and jump onto the column. Shimmy around left and jump to the higher ledge and then shimmy around left all the way and jump back to the column behind. Jump straight up the ledges (move a little bit to the right on the third one to prevent yourself from falling) and climb up at the top. Once on top jump across to the platform and shoot the target to extend the vertical pole. Jump onto the pole and swing off it to the other side (do this quickly before the pole retracts). Run along the platform to the end and jump onto round platform. Jump down onto the column below and then jump to the platform with the ladder beside the Pharaoh's head statue. Go up the ladder and once you're at the top jump to the left onto the head. ** Artifact ** Go into the square alcove and jump up the ledge to the right to find the artifact (#1). From the right side of the Pharaoh's head use the grapple to swing across to the column. Then jump onto the platform and use the grapple on the two hooks along the wall to run along the wall to the other side (catch one hook and then the other). Run along the platform to the other side and jump down to the area behind the Sphinx's head. * Optional * Roll under the hole in the sloping platform and retrieve the Small Medipack. Flip the switch behind the Sphinx's head to open the passage and slide down the other side to the ground. -- Enter the Sphinx and run along the passage until you get to the room with the six large statues. Run between the statues to the other side. Kill the pumas that come at you (to be cheap jump onto the platform of the statues using the block near the entrance and fire down on them) and then flip the switch to bring the statues closer together. You probably won't have time to reach the other side and climb up the statues since the pumas will attack you so kill them first (go into the right cell and pick up the Small Medipack) and then flip the switch again. Now make your way down to the entrance area and jump onto the block. Then climb up onto the first statue on the right. Jump across to the second one on the right, then jump across to the second one on the left. Then finally jump to the third one on the left. Wait until the statue pulls back, then use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the far wall. Drop down to the lower ledge and shimmy over right. Then jump to the beetle ledge on the right and jump to the ledge above. Shimmy over right and jump to the ledge on the right and then shimmy all the way to the right and climb up onto the platform. Move forward through the corridor and you'll come to a pit with a sloping edge. Drop down and kill the rats and then drag the stone block from beside the sloping edge to the other side of the pit (there's a Small Medipack in the alcove where the block was). Jump onto the block and up onto the platform. Follow along the corridor on the other side and you'll soon come to your next challenge. * Optional * Drop down into the area below and pick up the Shotgun Ammo. Time yourself so that you grab the horizontal pole when it's out and swing off it to the other pole. Then swing off to the beetle ledge (recover!) and jump up to the ledge above. Climb up and you will now be on a platform above an area with a pool and a cat statue. Drop down into the area and fight the crocodiles (you can jump onto the ledge to the left to shoot them in safety). * Optional * Head into the passage where the first crocodile came from and retrieve the Small Medipack. -- Open up the panels below the cat statue -- Now make your way over to the pool and dive in. Dive straight down to the passage below and pull the lever to open the gate at the end of the passage. Quickly swim through before the gate closes and you'll arrive at the next challenge. * Optional * Swim down to the far right corner of the central platform to retrieve the Big Medipack Climb out onto the central platform and jump onto the beetle ledge. Then jump up to the ledge above and jump again to the platform on the right. Climb up and then quickly run over to wall with the beetle ledge before the platform slides into the walls (jump to prevent it going in too fast). Jump onto the platform below the beetle ledge and then onto the beetle ledge itself. Quickly jump to the higher ledge and then jump to the platform on the right. Climb up and enter the area to the left. Latch onto the vertical pole to the left and climb up. Jump off the pole to the beetle ledge and jump up to the ledge on top. Jump up again and then jump backwards onto the vertical pole. Jump to the alcove to the left and flip the switch. * Optional * Jump to the verticle pole to the left (facing away from the switch) and latch to it, then jump to the platform on the other side to pick up the Big Medipack and 50 Caliber Ammo. Now drop down and go back down to the sliding platform (the block that was dropped will now prevent the platform from sliding into the wall). Drag the block over to the other side of the platform and place it on the edge of the wide platform (position it so that you can jump to the ledge on the wall over the gap). Now climb up the block and jump to the ledge. Jump to the ledge above and then jump back to the platform behind. Climb up the platform and jump over to the other side of the platform and then onto the beetle ledge beyond (do this quickly before the platform slides into the wall completely). Immediately jump to the higher ledge, then to the beetle ledge to the right and jump again to the ledge above. Now jump to the ledge on the left and then jump back to the horizontal pole and swing off to the platform. Turn left to the wooden gate on the other side. Use the grapple to bring down the gate (use the grapple while you're standing) and then use the grapple again to swing through the gate (use the grapple while jumping forward). Do this quickly before the gate closes. Now flip the switch on the other side to open the roof, then move out and jump onto the right panel of the roof. Jump up higher and then jump back to the horizontal pole. Swing off the pole to reach the other panel and then jump up to the platform above. Finally, flip the switch to open up the panels around the cat statue. -- ** Artifact ** Move out onto the platform and turn left. Use the grapple to swing across to the hidden ledge on the other side. Jump back and use the grapple to latch onto one of the hooks on the ceiling. You should be able to see two more hooks so latch onto them in turn and on the last one swing to the top of the stone platform (above the cat statue) to pick up the artifact (#2). Move out onto the platform and dive into the pool of water below. Get out and jump onto the platform with the cat statue and shoot the crocodiles. Now drop down into the area below the cat statue and follow along until you come to the pit (remember to pick up the two 50 Caliber Ammo to either side of the entrance). Shoot the puma in the pit from above the platform and then drop down into the pit. Kill all the pumas (there's a Big Medipack where they came from) and then flip the switch beside the gate by the central column and kill the two pumas that are released. Now jump onto the ledge to the left of the cage where the pumas were. Jump up to the ledge above and then jump to the beetle ledge on the right. Immediately jump back to the ledge on the central column and jump to the ledge above. Now jump to the free-hanging ledge on the right and wait for it to turn. When the ledge finishes moving jump to the ledge on the wall to the left then jump again to the higher ledge and finally jump backwards onto the platform. * Optional * Turn left (in the direction of the way you came) and shoot the target on the wall to lower a ring on the ceiling. Use the grapple on the ring to swing across to the ledge with the target and collect the Large Medipack and 50 Caliber Ammo. You can also use the ring to swing across to the ledge you came from (if you didn't grab the 50 Caliber Ammo before you can do so now). Now go along the path on the platform to the passage on the other side. Kill the puma at the end and you'll arrive in a room with two ledges. Jump up the ledge (which one? the one you can reach :p) and then climb up the ladder to the top. Kill the mummy at the top and then head into the next room (you'll come back to this room very soon) and climb up the ladder. Move forward and flip the switch at the end. The six statues will now move together allowing you to jump across the ledge above them. Jump your way through them in a zig-zag fashion (first right, first left, second left, second right, third right, and onto the platform on the other side). Do it quickly before the statues move back again. When you get to the other side flip the switch at the end. Now make your way back over the ledges, going back the way you came before, and when you get to the other side move down the ladder and return to the room below. This room has a number of thin stone pillars and a large beetle figure on the wall. This next part is a little difficult to describe by text (I'll make a map in a future version). Anyways, move up the sandy area to the stone blocks on top. Jump on top of them and then face along the wall with the fence (the wall should be on your right side). You should see a ring icon so use the grapple to run along the wall to the other side and jump to the left onto one of the stone pillars. ** Artifact ** Jump from this pillar to the one next to it (towards the direction of the stone blocks you jumped from) and then jump from that to the ledge on the next pillar. Drop down to the ledge below and shimmy around right, then jump to the ledge on the pillar behind. Shimmy around right and jump to the ledge on the pillar to the right. Jump up to the higher ledge then shimmy all the way around and jump to the ledge on the pillar to the right. Your back should now be facing the wall (if not then shimmy to the right until you are). Jump backwards to the ledge behind, then jump right and use the grapple to run along the wall and onto the platform beyond where you can acquire the artifact (#3). From the pillar jump to the ledge on the wall and shimmy to the left all the way. Then jump left to the horizontal bar on the beetle's wing tip (recover!) and hold on until the entire wing moves down. Drop down into the hole that opens up and you should be back to the room with the two ledges, except now the other ledge is reachable. Jump up that ledge and follow the passage to the room with four pillars. The drawing below shows the room and its adjacent areas: Figure ________ ________ | | | S | | | | | ________ |__ __| |__ __| ________ | | | | G |P | | | | 5 | _____|__|_____---------_____|__|______ | | |__ __| | |D | |A | | |__ __| | | | |__| |__| | | | | | | | | | | |____|___ __ __ ___|____| | | | | / \ / \ | | | |_______|___| | A | __ __ | D | |___|_______| | \__/ / \ / \ \__/ | | | B | | C | | ____ | \__/ \__/ | ____ | |__|___ ___|__| | | P |B | |C | | | __|___| |___|__ | |____| | | |____| | | | | | __ __ | | | | | | | |_____|__|______ ______|__|______| | | | E | | | __| |__ | | __| |__ | | | | |S | | | | | | | |5_______| | | |________| E = entrance G = gate S = shotgun ammo 5 = 50 mm ammo P = puma A - D = pillars and their associated panels What you need to do to open the gate is to first raise the four pillars around the gate and then turn them in the right direction. To raise the pillars you have to pull back the white blocks on certain locations. Figure shows what those locations are (e.g., in order to raise pillar A pull back the block marked with an A). When the panel beneath the block is exposed the pillar should rise up (if there's a puma behind the block quickly jump onto the block after you pull it out and shoot down at it). In order to open the gate you have to turn each block to a certain pictogram. The correct pictogram is shown in the room beyond each block (e.g., the pictogram for pillar A is shown in the area beyond block A). When all four pillars are showing the correct pictogram the gate will open. Enter the gate to end the level. *** Relic *** When all four pillars are raised go to block A and pull it a bit towards the gate. Now jump on top of the block and jump to the niche on the block above the panel. Jump up to the niche above and shimmy right all the way around. Jump back to the ledge on the wall behind and from it jump to the niche on the block to the right. Shimmy around and jump up, then jump backwards to pillar D. Jump to pillar C, B, and A, then jump to the niche on the block on the other side. Shimmy around right and drop down to the lower niche, then shimmy right and climb up into the passage to retrieve the Mummified Cat relic. -------------------------- Egypt - Obelisk of Khamoon -------------------------- ============================================================================== Synopsis: This level's changed significantly from its original in the first game but the basic goal remains the same. You have to lower the four bridges of the obelisk and acquire the four Ankhs. Of course this is easier said than done and this is particularly true in this level as some of the challenges can be quite daunting. All I can say is to prepare yourself for a lot of difficult jumping and climbing (particularly if you want to obtain the artifacts). This level also contains some of the most challenging obstacles in the game, including crushing blocks (particularly those above vertical columns) and vertical and horizontal spinning blades. This is one of the most challenging levels in the game so good luck. Time Trial: The time trial can be quite challenging due to the difficulty of some of the obstacles in the level (some of the jumping and climbing can be difficult as well but I assume by this point in the game you're used to them). The only thing I can recommend is to practice going through the obstacles and find effective ways of getting by them. Enemies aren't really an issue as they are few in number and you can easily cheap them (it doesn't hurt to bring a good weapon but it's not necessary). Time Trial Time: 18 mins 15 secs Relics: 0 Artifacts: 4 ============================================================================== Section 5.3.2 -- Lower the bridge to the Eye of Horus -- Move into the passage beyond the gate and flip the switch on the right wall to lower the first bridge (there's a Small Medipack on the other side of the right column). Then run across the bridge you just lowered and grab the Eye of Horus. -- -- Lower the bridge to the Ankh of Isis -- Now jump off the bridge to the right and dive into the water below (you can take the ladder down as well but this is much faster). * Optional * Climb onto the platform on both sides and pick up the 50 Caliber Ammo and Small Medipack. Climb out of the water into the passage on that side (to the right of the bridge you jumped from). You'll now come across the main obstacle in Egypt: the crushing blocks. Time yourself and run through the blocks when they pull apart. When you reach the room at the end run up the stairs to the right and jump onto the switch (there's Shotgun Ammo below the switch). Then jump off the switch backwards and run over to the lowered platform behind (do it quickly before it rises up again). When the platform rises up jump to the horizontal pole on the left and swing off to the ledge on the wall. Jump up two ledges above, then jump to the platform behind. Quickly jump your way across this platform before it disappears and jump to the platform beyond. Now turn right and jump over to the center platform and turn right again and jump over the gap to the other side. ** Artifact ** Turn left and jump to the platform on the other side. Go over to the switch and flip it. This will push out a pole at the very top which you need in order to get the artifact (it's on a timer so you must climb up fast). Jump back to the center platform to continue. Now jump up to the ledge on the stone column and jump again to the ledge above. Shimmy around right and jump backwards to the ledge on the column behind. Shimmy all the way around right until you're directly behind the next column. Jump backwards to it and then shimmy around right and jump to the ledge above. From that ledge jump to the ledge on the wall to the right and then jump to the horizontal pole and swing off it to the platform beyond. Now move down to the other side of the platform and jump up the two ledges on the wall. Then jump backwards to the platform behind and climb up. Quickly run across it before it disappears and jump to the narrow central platform. Hang off the edge of the platform and shimmy over right, past the first stone column. When you can't shimmy any more climb up, then hang off the opposite side of the platform and shimmy over left. Now jump up to the ledge on the second stone column and shimmy around left. Then jump backwards to the ledge on the stone column behind and drop down to the lower ledge. Shimmy over right and climb up onto the platform. Now jump from the platform to the ledge on the right wall over the gap. Shimmy left and jump up to the ledge above, then shimmy left over to the wall. Then jump backwards and use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy over left and jump over the gap and continue shimmying left until you're directly behind the stone column. Jump backwards to the column then shimmy around until you're directly behind the next stone column. Jump backwards to it then shimmy around right and jump up twice to the top. Now jump to the platform on the right. ** Artifact ** If you've pulled the switch for the artifact and have arrived here in time jump onto the horizontal pole to the right and swing over to the other side to pick up the artifact (#1) behind the rock. Jump onto the horizontal pole to the left and swing across to the platform on the other side (remember to pick up the Large Medipack beside the left column). Go up the pathway and kill the mummy, then go over to the pit and jump onto the horizontal pole. Swing off to the second pole and swing off that to the beetle ledge. Jump up to the ledge above then shimmy over left and jump to the passage on the left. * Optional * Drop down into the pit and retrieve the Small Medipack and Shotgun Ammo. Run up the steps and go through the passage (time yourself like before to get through the crushing blocks) until you get to the end. You'll now be on a high platform above the bridge. Turn right and jump onto the ledge on the right wall. Jump to the ledge above and shimmy over left and then jump over the gap to the ledge on the left. Then drop down to the lower ledge and jump backwards to the horizontal pole. Finally, swing off it to the platform and flip the switch to lower the bridge to the Ankh of Isis. -- -- Lower the bridge to the Seal of Anubis -- Go back the way you came and when you reach the platform you started at go to the other side and jump onto the ledge on the wall. Shimmy over right all the way to the platform at the end and go into the passage. You'll now come to some new traps. For the first one time yourself to go through when the spinning blades have moved into the walls. Do a similar thing with the second; jump onto the horizontal pole when the blades are in the walls and swing off to the other side. Continue along and you'll arrive at a large pit with a long sloping path. Slide down into the area below and kill the mummy (there's a Small Medipack in the rectangular passage and another one up on the ledge beside the closed gate). Next climb onto the ledge beside the sloping pathway and flip the switch there. Now pull the small block out (there's a Small Medipack where the block was) and jump on top of it. Jump up the ledges on the wall and then jump to the left and use the grapple to run along the wall to the beetle ledge on the far wall. Jump up to the ledge above, then jump to the platform on the left side (climb on top of the stone blocks to the right and pick up the 50 Caliber Ammo and the Small Medipack). Now go over to the wall where the spinning blade is and head to the right to the ledges on the wall. Jump up the ledges and shimmy over to the left and then watch the spinning blade behind. When it moves into the wall jump backwards and use the grapple to run along the wall to the beetle ledge on the other side. Jump up to the ledge above, then watch the spinning blade on the wall to the left. When it goes into the wall jump to the left and use the grapple to run along the wall to the left, then run back to the right and jump onto the ledge above the one you were on. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy over to the right wall. Again, watch the spinning blade behind you and time yourself so that you run along the wall when the blades are in (note that there is another blade on the other side). When you get to the ledge on the other side shimmy right and climb up. Now you have to perform two series of grapple maneuvers to get to the ledge on the opposite corner of the room. Look to the ring on the wall beside you and jump forward, then use the grapple on the ring to run along the wall to the far wall. Then jump off the wall to the right and use the grapple again to run along the wall to the platform in the corner. ** Artifact ** On the second jump stop swinging and lower yourself to the platform below to retrieve the artifact (#2). Jump up the ledges on the wall, then jump to the platform on the left and climb up. Go into the passage and flip the switch at the end to lower the bridge to the Seal of Anubis. -- -- Lower the bridge to the Scarab of Osiris -- Now go back through the passage at the end use the grapple to swing across to the ledge on the opposite wall. Shimmy around right drop down to the ground. Now you have to go back down so drop down the stone ledges below all the way to the area at the bottom. This time go through the open gate into the passage beyond and you'll arrive at the next trap. This one's a little bit challenging but with a bit of luck and good timing you should be able to get by it relatively easily. Go past the crushing blocks when they pull apart and jump onto the first pillar. When the blades along the second pillar recede into the walls jump to it, then jump to the third pillar when the crushing blocks pull apart. Quickly jump off the third pillar to the ledge on the other side. Continue along the passage and then go onto the bridge and retrieve the Seal of Anubis. Now swing on the two horizontal bars to the right of the bridge entrance and onto the platform on the other side (there's a Small Medipack on the far column). Now go over to the opposite side and swing on the two horizontal bars to the platform on the other side. Run onto the bridge and retrieve the Ankh of Isis. Now head into the passage and you'll come to the next series of traps. Crouch below the spinning blades and then jump onto the pillar and onto the platform beyond. Go past the first crushing blocks when they pull away and then jump onto the pillar when the blocks pull away and quickly jump to the other side. Now you'll come to another deep pit area. Turn left and jump down to the platform to the right of the stone steps and make your way down the ledges to the ground. Once on the ground fight the three mummies (you can jump onto the stone platform to the left of the dog statue to play it safe). Now jump up the stone ledges below the doorway and climb up to it. ** Artifact ** Turn right and jump up to the ledge on the wall. Shimmy left until you stop then drop to the lower ledge. Shimmy left again until you stop then jump to the ledge above and continue shimmying left and climb up to the platform above. Jump up the low platform and onto the ledge on the wall. Shimmy over left and jump over the gap to the ledge on the left (henceforth this position will be known as "HIGH LEDGE"). Shimmy left a bit then drop down to the ledge below (recover!). Shimmy around left and then climb up into the alcove to retrieve the artifact (#3). ** Artifact ** Go back to HIGH LEDGE but jump up to the platform this time. Then jump up the ledge to the right and climb onto the platform above. Run up the sloping passage and jump up the two ledges on the wall. Then jump backwards to the platform behind and climb up. Now look to the right and you'll see the ring for the grapple (there is a Large Medipack and Shotgun Ammo on the platform on the other side -- use the grapple to retrieve them if you want). Use the grapple to run along the wall and at the top of the arc jump off the wall to the right and grab the platform (you may have to shorten the grapple rope a bit in order to do this). Turn to the right and jump onto the ledge on the wall and jump to the horizontal pole. Swing off it to the platform on the other side to retrieve the artifact (#4). It's a little difficult to go back down from here so my recommendation is to just quit and resume at the last checkpoint (since the artifacts you collect are permanently kept). * Here's a tip from Lennart van Nuil for this part: In part 5.3.2, on the artifacts (#3 and #4), you say it's difficult to get back down easily. I just jumped on the platform to the right of the one with artifact #4 on it, and got down without any loss of health. It is even easier to get both artifacts this way, because you can get number four, backtrack to the HIGH PLATFORM and then continue down for artifact #3 and continue along your way, saving you some time. Continue through the passage and you'll come to the most challenging series of traps yet. The first one is quite difficult to get past without getting injured. The best way seems to be to swan dive over the low ones as they're coming towards you (do it when they're about halfway over to you) and then roll under the high ones. The next challenge involves jumping across three pillars with crushing blocks. When the first pillar is free jump to it, and then quickly jump across the next two and onto the ledge on the other side (do it fast before the crushing blocks catch up with you). Climb up to the passage above (time yourself so you avoid the spinning blade) and then go into the passage and flip the switch to lower the bridge to the Scarab of Osiris. -- -- Open the gate below the obelisk -- Now it's time to head back through the traps again. This time you have to pause between each pillar jump. Jump to the first pillar when it's free and then jump to the second after the crushing blocks beside it move in and pull back. Do the same with the first one and then jump to the ledge on the other side. Climb up (avoid the blade) and move into the passage and get past the four blades using the same method as before (the low ones move a bit slower on this side so jump when they're a bit past the halfway mark). When you reach the end drop down and climb onto the platform to the left of the dog statue. Turn left and use the grapple to swing across and then jump left off the wall to the platform on the other side and pull yourself up. Jump up the ledges all the way to the top and then head back through the passage. * The golden lever above the stone steps turns the area into a field of spinning blades but other than that it seems to serve no other purpose -- does anyone know why it's there? * Here's a response from Vince Forrington about what the golden lever does * Regarding the question you asked in section 5.3.2 - about the purpose of the golden lever other than starting the spinning blades? It does provide one other function - it rotates the ledge just below it so Lara can grab onto it and shimmy over so she's alongside the first two oncoming blade ledges. When you pull the lever, the camera pulls back to a wide shot and you can see the ledge (at that point, just below Lara's feet) clearly rotating. I tried to access the ledge without pulling the lever and Lara wouldn't move around the corner - after the lever was pulled, she accessed it with no hesitation. * Note that using the golden lever allows you to avoid going through the tedious climbing you would otherwise have to do to get to that ledge. * Here's some other bit of advice from Rachel Golding. I'm not sure if it hasn't already been covered or not but anyways ... In the Obelisk of Khamoon there's that room where if you jump onto that thing that goes down and all the blades come out. Well I've found a way to get around it! You just go down where the mummies are, shoot them, then go through that room to pull the leaver down, come back, and to your left there's a block of stone that you climb up, shimmy left, drop down, shimmy left, jump up and up again. Then you clib onto the wall jump left, climb up and go through that hall part, climb arpund the wall, and your back to where you started from! But I have to say, if you do that, when you climb out of the water and into the room with the six staues, two panthers come at you when you climb out so, just shoot them. Go past the obstacles the same way you did before when coming here. When you're back at the bridge jump to the left bridge (or swing over the horizontal poles to the left of the entrance) and retrieve the Scarab of Osiris. When you've retrieved the last item the underwater gate below the obelisk will open. -- Dive into the water below and swim through the open gate and into the underwater passage. When you reach the other side climb onto the platform and flip the switch. Climb up the ladder and you'll now be back to the area with the six statues. Go to the right and take the long passage back to the area with the Sphinx. Kill the centaur and insert each of the four items into the central structure to end the level. ------------------------------ Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion ------------------------------ ============================================================================== Synopsis: Another classic Tomb Raider 1 makeover, this level features the giant sphinx statue that was so prominently featured in the first game. It also has the large pool of water with the two large statues in it (when I saw that scene in the first game I was absolutely overwhelmed by it). This level is not nearly as complex or difficult as the previous one, although there are still significant challenges in it. Strangely, this is the only ending level (the last level in a certain location) that doesn't have a boss in it. You fight a bunch of normal enemies in the end and, although the battle is tough, it's no substitute for a real boss. Kind of a bummer :(. Time Trial: No real trick to the time trial, although being familiar with the level helps. For example, it might be a good idea to memorize the optimum path for the panel and pillar challenges as well as the jumping sequences for the pillar room at the end. Furthermore, since the battle at the end can be kind of tough I suggest you bring a good weapon (the Silver Mini SMG can be good for taking down the flying creatures in the first part of the level and the Golden Shotgun can deal effectively with the enemies at the end). Time Trial Time: 28 mins 50 secs Relics: 1 Artifacts: 2 ============================================================================== Section 5.3.3 Run up the stairs and kill the two mummies. -- Raise the column to the upper level -- At the top you'll come across four turnable pillars like in the first level in Egypt. What you need to do is turn them so that the pictograms on their side match the pictograms on the wall. However, turning one turns the other two beside it so it's not as simple as it sounds. Without going into too much detail the fastest way to do this is to turn the first one on the right (from the direction of the stairs) two times to the left, then turn the second one on the left two times to the left. If you've done it right a stone column should rise from the center of the four pillars. -- Climb up the column and use the ledges and ladder along the walls to climb to the top (climb up the ledges and jump backwards to the ladder). Follow along the passage and you'll come to a pit with some more of those cushing blocks. Jump onto the platform when the blocks pull back and quickly jump to the ledge on the wall to the right. Jump to the ledge above and then jump to the beetle ledge to the right. Jump backwards to the beetle ledge behind and jump again to the ledge above. Shimmy left and jump to the ledge on the left when the blocks pull back. Shimmy along left and jump backwards to the platform. -- Get to the entrance to the first Ankh Key -- Go forward through the passage and you'll come to a large area with a very large Sphinx statue. You'll arrive on a plaform behind the statue and there will be platforms to the left and right (inaccessible at the moment), as well as ladders leading down on the left and right. Although you can head down either way I recommend going down the ladder on the left (so you can pick up the 50 Caliber Ammo and Shotgun Ammo on the ground on that side). Once on the ground head to the area in front of the Sphinx. Run up the stairs opposite the Sphinx statue and climb up the ladder in the center. At the top jump to the ledge on the left and shimmy over to the left. Jump left onto the bit of broken staircase and then jump to the main staircase. Head up the stairs and hop onto the low block, then jump onto the two higher blocks. Now face the sloping edge and slide down. Jump to the platform as you slide down and climb up, then follow the sloping path to the top. Once at the top turn left to the column with the grooves on it and jump to it. Latch onto the groove and jump to the higher one. Shimmy around left and jump up again to the one above. Now position yourself so that you're directly behind the next column and jump backwards to it. Once on the second column jump to the higher groove, then shimmy around until you're behind the third column and jump to it. Shimmy a bit to the left and jump up to the groove above, then maneuver yourself so that you're one arm's length away from the right side (move all the way to the right side of the groove and shimmy left until Lara crosses hers arms over once). This position has to be very accurate for her to catch the ledge on the wall behind (just one arm's length to either side will cause her to miss the ledge, which means either Lara taking damage or falling to her death). Jump backwards and catch the ledge on the wall, then climb up the ledges until you get to the top. From there jump backwards to the platform and climb up. Shoot down the two flying creatures and then go towards the two horizontal poles on the other side of the platform. Slide down the slope a bit and jump to the poles and swing on them to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy all the way around to the left and then jump backwards to the platform. Go to the other side of the platform and jump down to the ledge on the wall beyond the gap. Continue dropping down until you reach the ground and flip the switch to raise the bridge to this platform. -- -- Retrieve the first Ankh Key -- Now enter the passage and there will be some crushing block traps. Jump through the first one and jump and crouch for the second (jump to the platforms and crouch to avoid getting crushed). At the end of the passage you'll come to a room with four pillars. It should look something like this: Figure _____ ________| S |_________ | | | | |____________ | | __ __ | | A |A | |B | | B | |__| |__| | | | | | |____ |____| | | | |____| | |_| __ __ |____| C ||C | |D | |____D | ||__| |__| |____| | | ______|____| | | | | |____|___----|___ _| G | E | E = entrance S = switch A - D = pillars (in boxes) and their associated panels G = gate On the wall opposite each pillar is a movable panel which moves down when you hang onto it. The panels raise their respective pillars up and what you have to do is raise all four pillars. From the top platform move to the ledge on the wall and jump to it. Jump across the ledges to the right, then onto the ladder. Climb down the ladder and when you reach the broken part jump to the ladder on the left. Climb down until you stop and then jump back to the ladder on the right. Continue down until you're level with the horizontal pole to the left. Jump onto the pole and quickly swing off all four poles to the ledge on the other side (don't stay on too long as each pole will slide down when you grab it). Drop down to the ledge below, then shimmy left and jump to panel D. As it moves down jump up to the highest ledge on it and hold on until the beetles move in to fix the panel in place. Now drop down into the water below and swim over to the platform beside pillar C. Climb out and then run onto the fallen slab and jump onto panel C. Jump all the way up like before and hang on until it moves down completely and is fixed in place (you should do this for every panel hereafter). Now jump back from the panel to the pillar behind (pillar C) and jump up to the ledge at the top. Then jump backwards to the platform behind (above the panel that you just lowered) and climb up. Now jump to the ledge on the wall to the right and then jump to panel A. Once that panel is secure jump backwards to pillar A and jump up to the top. Now shimmy around (left or right, it doesn't matter) and jump to the long platform in the middle. Climb up, then turn left and go over to the wall this platform is attached to. Look to the right and you should see the ring icon. Use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the far wall and then jump to panel B. Now you need to get back up to the top. From the panel jump backwards to pillar B and jump up the ledges to the top. Shimmy around the pillar and jump onto the middle platform. Run over to the gate and turn right. Now jump onto the horizontal poles and swing off them to the ledge on the far wall (if you grab close to the inside of the poles you'll jump onto the ladder). Jump to the ladder on the left and climb up (do the reverse of what you did when coming down). Once at the top jump to the ledges on the wall to the left and jump onto the top platform. Make your way down the stairs to the switch and flip it to open the gate. Now you need to get onto the middle platform to enter the gate. You can either hang off the edge from above and drop down (you'll take a little damage) or dive into the water below and climb back up using pillar C. Either way get onto the middle platform and enter the area beyond the gate. Kill the mummy, then pick up the first Ankh Key. -- The door will now open and the iron gate at the bottom will slide down. Get out of the room and dive into the water below (remember to retrieve the Small Medipack in the water beside pillar A) and pull yourself up into the opened passage. Follow along and you'll be brought back to the area with the giant Sphinx. -- Get to the entrance to the second Ankh Key -- Go back to the area in front of the Sphinx and kill the centaur, then go back to the ladder above the stairs opposite the Sphinx statue. Climb up and this time jump to the right and grab the ledge there. Shimmy over right and swing across the two horizontal poles to the platform beyond. Move up the stairs and climb up the ladder. * Optional * Climb up the ledge to the left of the stairs and retrieve the Shotgun Ammo, then onto the ledge right to retrieve the Large Medipack. Turn right and run up the platform and jump to the ledge along the wall over the gap. Shimmy over right and jump up to the ledge above, then jump to the platform on the right and climb up. Now turn right and jump to the lower platform and then turn right again to the column with the rubble along the bottom. Climb up the column using the grooves, shimmying as needed, and pull yourself up to the platform at the top, then fight the two flying creatures. * Optional * From where you climbed up from look in the direction of the Sphinx and you should see the ring icon. Use the grapple to jump onto the ring above and then climb down the rope a little bit (not too much or you'll collide with the platform behind while swinging). Now, just to the left of the Sphinx head you should see another ring on the ceiling. Turn towards that ring and swing to full strength, then jump off at the highest point in the arc. You won't be able to latch onto the next ring automatically but you should be able to do so just as you're arcing down from the jump (look to the ring as you're falling down and as soon as you see the ring icon shoot the grapple at it). With any luck you'll have latched onto the ring and from here you should be able to swing to the top of the Sphinx head where you can pick up the Dual Mini SMGs (you may have to climb up a bit to avoid collide with the head). To get back down inch your way towards the side of the Sphinx's head and drop onto its shoulder (you might take some damage from the fall). Then carefully move down the shoulder and arm. Now move towards the other side of the platform and jump to the horizontal pole. Swing off it to the platform beyond (recover!) and run across the platform to the other side. Jump to the wall and drop down the ledges and flip the switch. -- -- Retrieve the second Ankh Key -- Now make your way into the passage. The next challenge is a bit tricky. The front pole moves in and out so you have to time yourself carefully. Jump onto the first pole when it's out (and when the first set of blocks have pulled back) and then swing on it until the second set of blocks closes in and pulls away before jumping to it. Swing off it to the platform on the other side and move down the passage. You'll now come to an area similar to to the area in figure Here's an ASCII drawing of this area: Figure _____ ________| S |_________ | | || | | _____|___| | | | __ |___| __ | A | |A | |B | B | | |__| |__| | |____| | |____| | |____| | |____| __ __ | C____| |C | |D | D |____| |__| |__| | | |______ | | | | |_ ____|---_________| | E | G E = entrance S = switch A - D = pillars (in boxes) and their associated panels G = gate From the top platform jump to the ledge on the wall to the left and jump again to the one next to it. From that ledge jump to the ladder to the left and climb down. When you reach the broken part jump to the ladder on the right and climb all the way down (until you stop). ** Artifact ** From the ladder jump to the ledge above the gate to the right. Shimmy over and around to the right drop down to the platform below to retrieve the artifact (#1). Jump to the ledge on the wall to the left and shimmy left a little bit. Then drop down to the ledge below and jump onto panel D to the left. After the panel is fixed jump backwards to pillar D and climb up to the top. From the top ledge jump backwards to the ledge above panel D and climb up. Now jump to the ledge on the wall to the right and jump up to the ledge above (back to the ledge you jumped from). Then jump backwards to the horizontal pole behind and swing across all the poles to the ledge on the other side of the wall. Jump to the right from this ledge onto panel C. When the panel is fixed drop down into the water and swim over to the ledge between pillars A and B. Turn towards pillar A and to the right will be a nearly sunken pillar. Jump onto it and then onto the ledge on the wall. Jump up to the higher ledge then jump to panel A on the left. After fixing the panel in place jump backwards onto pillar A and climb up to the top. Shimmy around the top ledge and jump onto the middle platform. Turn left and go to the wall and then look to the right. Jump onto the horizontal bar and swing off it to the ledge on the other side. From this ledge jump to panel B to the right. Now you have to go back to the top. Jump backwards to pillar B and climb up to the top. Shimmy around the top ledge and jump onto the middle platform. Run over to the gate and turn left. Jump onto the horizontal bars and swing off to the ledge on the wall. Jump up the ledges and shimmy over to the right at the top ledge. Then jump backwards to the ladder on the wall and climb up. When you get to the top of the right ladder jump to the left ladder and climb to the top. Then jump to the leges on the wall to the right and onto the top platform. Move down the stairs and flip the switch to open the gate. Get onto the middle platform any way you can (once again you can hang down and drop to the platform below for a little sacrifice in health) and go into the room beyond the gate. Kill the mummy and pick up the second Ankh Key to open the gate door and lower the iron gate on the platform between pillars A and B. -- -- Enter the Sphinx statue -- Once again, dive into the waters below and into the passage that just opened up. Go through the passage and you'll be brought back to the area with the giant Sphinx. Once again head out into the area in front of the Sphinx and kill the two centaurs. Now head up the stairs in front of the sphinx statue and use the Ankh Keys to open the entrance to the Sphinx statue. -- Enter the passage beyond move all the way down to the flooded area (you can push or shoot the boulder down to crush the rats or just shoot them). You'll now be brought to a platform above a large flooded area with two statues (for simplicity's sake the two statues will be referred to as Wolf Statue and Bird Statue, on the left and right, respectively) (remember to pick up the Small Medipack on the platform). Now dive down into the flooded area. Head straight down between the two statues to the lever at the bottom and pull it to make the water go down. Now swim towards the bottom platform of Wolf Statue climb onto it. Jump onto the platform on its right foot and onto the ledges along its shin. Then jump backwards to the horizontal pole and swing off it to the ledge on its left shin. Shimmy around right, then jump to the right and use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the other side. Climb up the ladder and then jump back to the ledge on the wall. Jump to the ledge above, then shimmy left and jump over the gap to the ledge on the left. Then jump to the ledge above and shimmy around left. Now drop down and stand on the platform with the beetle panels (henceforth this position will be known as "BUG PANELS"). Shoot the beetles on the wall to match the pattern on the floor and the gate above it will open. Jump up onto the platform and flip the switch to raise the water level a bit. Now drop down onto the platform with the beetle panels and jump onto the ladder. Climb up and jump to the ledge on the right. Shimmy around right and jump to the ledge above and continue jumping across the ledges to the right all the way to the wall. Then jump backwards to the horizontal pole and swing off it to the ledge on Bird Statue. From that ledge jump to the ring on the right (henceforth this ring will be known as "GATE RING") and hold onto it as it moves down. This will lower the iron gate at the bottom of the Bird Statue (but only for a limited time). Drop down into the water and quickly swim over to the bottom of Bird Statue and enter through the open gate (notice the bug panels on the floor below). Swim to the top on the other side and climb out to the top. *** Relic *** Drop down to the platform where the stone block is (to the front of Bird Statue) and carefully maneuver it into the water (be careful not to fall into the water yourself). To do this grab onto the side of the block and pull it towards the water, then go over to the other side and do the same. Then go to the back of the box and push it over. Now dive into the water and go back to the lever between the two statues and pull it to lower the water level again. Go back to BUG PANELS using the same method as before and climb up the ladder (do NOT flip the switch this time). Make your way to the GATE RING using the same path as before and use it to lower the gate again. Now drop down into the water and swim over to the bottom platform of Bird Statue and climb out. Jump onto the block that you pushed into the water and jump through the open gate to the platform with the bug panels. Now jump up the ledges and climb up to the top. Drop down to the platform in front of the state again (where the block had once been) and hang off the edge. Shimmy all the way to the right and then drop down and Lara will catch onto the ledge along the statue's left shin. Shimmy around to the right and jump to the ring along the wall to lower the gate at the shoulder of Bird Statue. Now start back from the beginning and get back to where you were before the relic scenario. Now shoot the bugs along the wall according to the pattern of the bug panels on the floor of the area below (the pattern is up, left, right, down going left to right, top to bottom). Then jump up to the platform and flip the switch to raise the water level even more. Now swim over to Wolf Statue and dive into the area where the switch is. At the switch swim up and climb onto the platform above. Jump onto the beetle ledge to the right and jump again to the ledge above. Jump backwards to the horizontal pole and swing across the poles to the ledge on the wall on the other side. Shimmy around left and climb up. You should now be on the right shoulder of Wolf Statue. Jump up the ledges on the right wall and climb all the way up to the platform above (shimmy around right at the top ledge). Now jump onto the ring between the two statues to raise the water level right to the top. *** Relic *** If you've done the relic scenario then swim down to the left shoulder of Bird Statue and retrieve the Horus Idol relic. Climb onto the platform between the two statues and make your way down the long passage to the column-filled room at the end. A major battle will now erupt here as you do battle with two mummies and two centaurs. Nothing special here, just jump around a lot and shoot at them, healing as necessary (try to use the adrenaline dodge to kill them faster). The next part involves a lot of climbing, shimmying, and jumping. To make it easier I've drawn this map: Figure _______________________ | |_S| |S_| | _| | |A| (B) (C) (D) (F) | | | | (G) (H) (I) (J) | | | | (K) (L) (M) (N) | | | | (O) (P) (Q) (R) | | | | (T) (U) (V) (W) | | | | | |_________ _________| | E | E = entrance A = artifact S = platform with the scion holes other letters = columns -- Recover the third Scion -- First latch onto the groove on column V and climb up all the way to the top groove (shimmy around as necessary). Once at the top shimmy all the way over to the left, then drop down to the groove below. Shimmy around until Lara's back faces column Q and jump to it. Jump up to the highest groove on column Q, then shimmy around until her back faces column R and jump to it. Jump up to the highest groove on column R and then jump off to the right. Use the grapple to run along the wall and jump off the wall to column J. Jump up to the highest ledge on column J (shimmy around as necessary) and position her so that her back faces column F. Then jump to column F and climb up to the very top (there's a small groove at the very top). From this groove jump to column D (recover!) and and climb to the very top. On the top groove shimmy all the way left and drop down to the groove below. Shimmy around until Lara's back faces the platform for the scion and jump backwards to it. Insert the second scion into the hole, then drop down and go back to column V. Go back up to column Q using the same method as before but this time shimmy over to the left on the top groove. Now jump off to the left and use the grapple to swing across to column H. Shimmy around until Lara's back faces column C and jump to it. ** Artifact ** Jump to the second groove on column C and shimmy around left until Lara's back faces column B. Jump to it and jump to the top ledge (shimmy around as necessary). From the top ledge position her so that her back faces the ledge with the artifact and jump backwards to it and retrieve it (#2). Climb to the very top groove of column C and shimmy over to the right. Jump off to the right to land on the platform for the scion and place the first scion into the hole. The gate should now lower. Move into the area beyond to retrieve the third Scion and end the level. -- Keys for the cinematic: right, up, down --------------------------- Lost Island - Natla's Mines --------------------------- ============================================================================== Synopsis: This is the first of the Lost Island levels. As in the original game you start off without your weapons and one of your primary goals is to find them again (or at least the Dual Pistols so you can shoot something). The basic goals of this level are: find three fuses, retrieve the Dual Pistols, and get inside the Great Pyramid. The level itself isn't that complicated although there's some tricky jumping involved in the lava pit area as well as in the area with the spiky pillars at the end. Time Trial: One of the things you should practice on for the time trial is the pillar jumping trial at the end of the level. Although you can probably wing it it'll help if you know exactly where to go. You can also use the infinite health cheat to significantly cut down on time. With it you can retrieve both the green and blue fuses at the same time (just drop down to the level below the green fuse to retrieve the blue fuse). Time Trial Time: 17 mins Relics: 1 Artifacts: 4 ============================================================================== Section 5.4.1 Swim forward through the passage and head for the ledge behind the waterfall. Climb out and run up the passage to the top. Swing off the horizontal pole to the ledge on the wall and jump to the ledge beside it on the left. Jump to the rope behind and drop down to the crate. Now jump across to the other crate (jump to the crate on the right and pick up the Large Medipack) and jump to the hanging rope. Swing towards the ledge to the left of the waterfall jump off to it, then shimmy around the corner to the right. Jump backwards to the ledge and then move through the passage and you'll arrive at a large cavern. -- Retrieve the Red Fuse -- Turn left and follow along the railway tracks to the area with the cart and drilling machine (henceforth this place will be referred to as the "DRILL ROOM"). Make your way over to the cart (avoid the rats for now) and hop on top of it. Pick up the Red Fuse and then make your way back to the main cavern area. -- -- Retrieve the Green Fuse -- Run up the stairs to the control area (hereafter referred to as "CONTROL ROOM") and place the Red Fuse into place. Press the button to move the crate, then make your way down the stairs and go over to the boxed-in room on the opposite side (where your guns are located). Drag the yellow crate towards the side of the boxed-in room and use it to jump onto the top of it. Move around the large crate to the passage behind it. ** Artifact ** Turn to the right and jump onto the vertical poles. Jump off to the ledge on the wall and jump to the ledge on the left. Jump up to the ledge above and jump backwards to the horizontal pole and swing off to the sloping platform. Finally, jump off the sloping platform to the platform beyond and retrieve the artifact (#1). Note that you can also reach this artifact later on when you bring over the drilling machine. You can jump from the top of the boxed- in room to the top of the drilling machine and reach this ledge from it. Go into the passage and follow along to the end (jump over the gap as needed). Now drop down to the platform below and head left and grab the yellow crate at the end of it. Push the crate off the end of the platform and jump across to the next platform. Go to the end of the platform and then face right and jump to the ledge on the wall over the gap. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy over left. Now jump off left to the platform (recover!). Run along it and jump to the sloping platform, then jump off to the platform beyond. At the other end jump to the platform on the right and hang down the other side of the platform and drop down to the area below to retrieve the Green Fuse. * Here's a hint from Cees Middel on reaching both the green and blue fuses at the same time! (note that I could not get this to work on the PC version, but it should work on the XBOX 360 and other console versions) * In the Natla mines level you can save a HUGE amount of time right after you get the green fuse.When you jump of the ledge you find the green fuse on you can grapple the wall hook but instead of jumping off the wall and towards the ledge you can also do the following: Lower yourself down while attached to the graple point, Now with lara facing the wall walrun to lara's right you'll notice an Iron beam sticking out off the wall. Press the detach button when you are exactly over this beam (This does require some great timing) Lara will now land on the beam.then to lara's left you can see a sloping generator like machine. Jump on it and Lara will safely drop to the floor and be able to get the blue fuse without all the fuss!!! Now you can return to the Control Room enter the blue fuse and drop the crate trough the roof without ever having to go trough all the green fuse fuss. I tried this 4 times and It really works I believe it saves you more than 2 MINUTES! * For PC players he's also another hint on getting both fuses at the same time * Use the grapple on the hook and lower yourself down as far as you can. Now swing all the way to the right, then all the way to the left and drop down. If you do this correctly Lara will just manage to hang onto the ledge on the metal structure below. From there you can drop down to the ground and retrieve the blue fuse. -- -- Retrieve the Blue Fuse -- Now turn left and you should see the ring icon along the wall. Use the grapple to run along the wall and jump off the wall left to the ledge on the opposite wall. Jump to the platform on the right and climb up the ladder and jump left over the fence. You should now be back to the DRILL ROOM. Follow the tracks back to the main cavern and to the CONTROL ROOM. Insert the Green Fuse into place and press the button beside it, then press the button beside the red fuse. Go out of the CONTROL ROOM and jump onto the small crates at the foot of the staircase. From there jump to the large green crate and jump up to the top. Now jump to the large blue crate and shimmy around left (position yourself at about the center of the crate, with the concrete pipes facing towards you). Then jump onto the platform behind and head into the tunnel on the other side. Take the right path through the tunnel and climb down the two ladders. Go to the end of the tunnel and jump to the ledge on the other side. Drop down the ledges to the ground and then run over to the other side of the room and pick up the Blue Fuse (avoid the rat). -- -- Retrieve the Dual Pistols -- Now head back to the other side of the room and jump onto the sloping ground beside the pipe structure on the right. Immediately jump off the slope and you should be able to catch the ledge on the structure (the proper way to get there is to use the rotating platform on the other side but this method is much faster and easier). Shimmy over the corner to the right and jump backward to the pipe when the steam stops coming out. Climb up to the top of the pipe (wait for the steam to clear) and jump back onto the structure. Shimmy around the corner and over to the left and jump to the ledge on the wall behind. Shimmy over to the right and jump up the ledges to the alcove at the top. Now turn around and jump down into the passage that you arrived from. Climb up the ladders and take the left path back to the main cavern. Go back to the CONTROL ROOM and place the Blue Fuse into place. Now press the buttons beside the red and green fuses to move the large blue crate over the boxed-in room. Then hit the button beside the blue fuse and the crate will collapse the roof of the room. Make your way over to the small room and jump onto the yellow crate like before. Then jump onto the room and drop down to retrieve the Dual Pistols. Use the pistols to shoot the rats that are following you around and head for the DRILL ROOM. Shoot the glass panel in the room above (use the manuel aim), then jump onto the crate on the right side of the room and jump onto the ledge. Shimmy left and climb up into the room and then press the button on the panel to line up the drilling machine on the railway. Now drop down and hop onto the back of the drilling machine and activate it. Keys for the cinematic: up, up, up Make sure to pick up the Shotgun beside Larson's body. Now go up to the CONTROL ROOM and put the Blue Fuse in place again. Then press the button to raise the blue crate. *** Relic *** Go back to the start of the level and climb up the ledge behind the waterfall. Make your way through the passage to the top and shoot the first crate down. It'll open up when it hits the ground and you can pick up the Chalice of Torment relic in there. ** Artifact ** Go back to the start of the level (if not already there) and free the boat by shooting the rope. Hop onto the boat as it floats downstream and jump to the ledge on the wall to the left. Then jump to the ledge on the right and jump to the ledge above. Jump backward to the ledge behind and shimmy around right, then jump to the ledge to the right to reach the alcove with the artifact (#2). Note that if you the boat floats down too far then you won't be able to reach the ledge to get to the artifact. However, there is another way to get the artifact and that's by swinging off the free-hanging rope directly into the alcove. Make your way to the top and get onto the freehanging rope (if you've shot down the boxes then swing from the ropes onto it). Make sure to slide down to the very bottom of the rope before swinging. Now turn towards the direction of the alcove (target the right side of it) and swing to full strength. Swing off as you move forward (not at the top of the arc but just before it) you should land right into the alcove. Note that you can use this second method at the start of the level as well. Now go back to the drilling machine and activate it again. When it gets to the end of the passage the drill will spin and it will smash the wooden planks, allowing you access to the area beyond it. The next area looks quite formiddable but isn't that tough to get through. First, jump down to the platform to the left. * Optional * Hang down the right side of the platform and drop down to the ledge below. Then jump onto the beam sticking out of the lava to the left and jump to the platform beyond to retrieve the Dual 50 Caliber Pistols. Then jump back onto the beam and jump back to the ledge. Shimmy around right and jump to the pole behind, climb up, then jump onto the beam over on the right (continue from the beam onward). Jump onto the vertical pole and then jump to the sloping platform on the other side. As you slide down jump to the sloping platform in front and then onto the beam (you should be on this beam now if you retrieved the Dual 50 Caliber Pistols). Jump to the ledge on the left and shimmy around left. Then jump up to the ledge above and then jump to the platform behind. Now use the grapple to swing over the lava to the sloping platform and then immediately jump off it to the horizontal pole. ** Artifact ** Turn around on the pole and swing to the platform under the bridge (you should be able to just make it) to retrieve the artifact (#3). Use the beams to the right to get back onto the sloping platform. Now swing off the pole to the sloping platform and at about the bottom of it jump off to the ledge in front. Jump up to the ledge above and up to the platform at the top. Finally, jump to the other side and go into the next area. Jump onto the sloping rock to the right. Then jump off to the ledge and jump up the rock ledges until you're at the top. Now jump to the rock ledges on the other side and climb up, then jump back to the sloping edge on the other side. Jump as you slide down and you'll land on the platform beyond where Kold and Kid are waiting for you. Keys for the cinematic: down, up, up Make sure to retrieve the Dual Mini SMGs from Kid and then grab the yellow crate (the one close to Kid) and drag it over to the rock ledge (to the left of the slope with the spikes). Climb onto the crate and onto the ledge then climb the two ledges to the right to the top. Jump onto the ledge in front and shimmy around right and jump to the rock on the right. * Optional * If you turn the camera around you should see some power-ups in an alcove beside you. Jump down to the sloping area towards the side of the alcove and jump to it to retrieve the Big Medipack and the two Mini SMG Ammo. Jump up the ledges to the left up to the top. You should now be able to jump onto the spikes. What you need to do is jump onto every one of the spikes with the markings on the side (they will move down after you step on them so you'll know if you've been on the right ones). There's no particular strategy or pathway to use so just improvise and make your way around by jumping to the ones close to you. If you miss a spike then slide down and try again (there are no penalties or time restrictions so take as much time as you need). When you've stepped on all of them the lines on the platform will light up. Jump your way over to the platform in the middle the flip the switch to open the door below and end the level. ** Artifact ** To reach the artifact at the top of the opposite side you have to jump to the ledge beneath it from the spike that's closest to it. The only problem is that this spike is one of the spikes with the markings and it'll move down as soon as you land on it. This means you have to jump off it quickly before it moves down (jump to the right side of the ledge for the best chance of success). Unfortunately this also means that if you miss the ledge you won't be able to retrieve the artifact on this level. However, all the spikes will move back up when you open the door and you can retrieve it at the start of the next level (it will count as an artifact in the previous level so you don't need to worry). At any rate once you've reached the ledge shimmy around to the right and jump to the platform on the right, then jump to the top and retrieve the artifact (#4). Also make sure to pick up the Large Medipack at the bottom. ------------------------------- Lost Island - The Great Pyramid ------------------------------- ============================================================================== Synopsis: This level is probably one of the most difficult (and most frustrating) levels in the game. The key part of this level is the lava pit challenge. This particular challenge brings back some classic earlier Tomb Raider memories... but not in a good way. Because of the limited space on each platform and the restricted camera angles it's remarkably easy for Lara to fall off the platforms when fighting the flying creatures (Lara always had problems keeping her footing in her previous games). At any rate, this level also contains the memorable doppleganger (I still remember the doppleganger in the first game and the satisfaction I felt when I finally killed it) and contains some unique obstacles as well (such as the wall lasers and blades). Time Trial: As I mentioned in the synopsis, a major part of this level is the lava pit challenge and because it's so easy to fall off the ledges it's a major obstacle for the time trial. Fortunately the game gives you a lot of time so just work away at it until you pass it. It's also helpful to remember how to defeat the doppleganger and, since this level has some powerful enemies, you should bring along some a good weapon (the Mini SMG with infinite ammo is ideal). Time Trial Time: 16 mins 15 secs Relics: 1 Artifacts: 1 ============================================================================== Section 5.4.2 Head down the slope and go into the door that just opened. Run along the passage (pick up the Mini SMG ammo along the way) and you'll come to a large elaborate room (notice the pods along the walls). Go straight through the room to the passage on the other side and to the lava-filled pit beyond. -- Get to the lava pit -- After the cinematic do battle with the monsters. After killing them (make sure to pick up the two Mini SMG Ammo along the wall to the left at the entrance to the passage to the lava pit) run over to the other side of the room. Turn right at the end and go into the passage there. Climb up the ladder and head out onto the upper ledge where you'll have to do battle with two more flying creatures. Now run around the upper platform to the other side and make a right at the end. Head into the passage and you'll come to the lava pit. -- -- Get past the lava pit challenge -- Now you come to the lava pit challenge, the ultimate obstacle course. This challenge involves moving up a series of platforms to the top. Each platform has a shootable button to the right which is surrounded by symbols. When you shoot the button one of the symbols will light up. When you light up all the symbols the elements for the obstacle course for that platform will be revealed for a short time. When that happens you must quickly maneuver your way through the obstacle course and get to the next platform before time runs out. There are also flying creatures on every level which emerge when you light up the symbols. You have to fight them before attempting the challenge. Use your most powerful weapons and jump from side to side to avoid their attacks. * The lava pit challenge is the toughest challenge in the game. However, it's also one of the most frustrating, although not because of the obstacles. On every platform there are enemies but the platform has very limited space to move about and because there is a wall behind you (meaning the camera is up close) it's difficult to see where you are standing. Furthermore, when Lara is hit with the fireballs the flying creatures throw she tends to stammer back a significant distance and she can easily fall off the ledge by just one fireball. Making this worse is the fact that if you try to recover quickly she will move back some more and may end up throwing herself off the ledge (on the other hand if you don't recover she may not get up in time to avoid the next attack and may get thrown off by it so we have a classic catch-22 situation here). Adding to this is the fact that there are multiple targets in the area (the target to the right obviously but there may also be targets on some of the platforms below which she can point to) so it may be difficult to actually point at the enemy. The combination of all these factors mean that you will most likely fall off the platforms numerous times on your way up (making time trials on this level is particularly difficult). Anyways, on with the walkthrough. On the first platform shoot the target until the signs light up and kill the flying creature that appears. Light up the signs again and then jump to the ledge to the right of the platform. Shimmy around left and then jump back and use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the other side. Once on the ledge jump to the ledge above and then shimmy over to the left and jump to the platform behind and climb up. On the next platform light up the signs and kill the flying creature. Light up the signs again and jump to the niche on the column to the right. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy around the corner to the left, then use the grapple to run along the wall to the ledge on the other side. Jump to the ledge above, shimmy over to the left, then jump again to the ledge above and jump to the platform behind. Once again, light up the signs and kill the two flying creatures. This next one's a bit tricky and I suggest you look to where you need to go before doing it. Light the signs up again and jump to the sloping edge to the right of the platform. Immediately jump off to the first horizontal pole and swing to the second. Change directions on the second pole and swing off to the ledge on the column. Shimmy around to the left and jump to the horizontal pole behind. Swing off and use the grapple to run along the wall to the other side, then jump off the wall to the left and use the grapple again to swing across to the ledge on the other side. Shimmy over to the left and then jump to the platform behind. This next one isn't as elaborate as the previous. As before, light up the symbols and kill the flying creatures. Light the symbols up again then jump to the sloping ledge to the right and jump off to the horizontal pole. Swing off to the sloping platform and jump to the horizontal pole, then swing off to the ledge on the other side. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy around to the left, then jump to the platform behind. This is the last of the lava pit trials (you're almost there). Light up the symbols and kill the flying creatures. Light up the symbols again and jump to the sloping edge to the right of the platform. Jump off and use the grapple to run along the wall and jump off to the sloping edge on the other side. Jump off and use the grapple again to run along the wall to the ledge on the other side. Jump to the ledge above, shimmy around to the left and jump to the platform behind. -- ** Artifact ** Jump to the ledge on the right, shimmy around to the left, and climb up to retrieve the artifact (#1). Watch out for the flying creature when you get back to the platform. Once you're on the top platform head into the passage. The traps along the passage should be easy enough to get by; just time yourself and run through them (there's a big med pack by the shooting lasers if you're bold enough to get it). -- Defeat Doppleganger Lara -- Now you'll come to a pit and your next challenge: the doppelganger. Go down into the pit and kill all the atlantean creatures (don't fire at the doppelganger). Once they're dead (go around the area and pick up the two Mini SMG Ammo) head over to the hexagonal structure in the center. Turning this with doppelganger Lara will release ledges on either side of the room from which you can climb up to the two platforms above. One of the platforms has a door and a switch at the end (let's call this platform A) and the other has just a switch (platform B). Look up towards them to find out which is which. The first one that you need to go up is platform A. Turn the central structure all the way until the ledges come out and jump onto the one that leads up to platform A. Climb up the ladder to the top and jump to the ledge over to the right (look to the ledge before jumping to make sure you grab it when you jump), and then quickly jump off to platform A behind. Move along the path to the end (kill the flying creature that bursts out) and flip the switch to open the panel on the landing area of platform A (note that it will only stay open for a short period of time). Now you have to make doppelganger Lara jump into the open panel and into the lava below. Drop down to the area below and turn the central structure with the (doomed :-p) doppelganger again. Now jump onto the ledge for platform B and climb up. Jump to the ledge on the right and jump to platform B behind. The doppelganger will do the same on platform A and if the panel is still open it will fall into the lava. -- Now run along the path to the end (kill the flying creature when it bursts out) and flip the switch to open the door on platform A. Drop down again and turn the central platform (it'll turn slower now that the doppelganger is dead) and then jump to the ledge for platform A and make your way up like before (the panel should be closed by now so don't worry about sharing the doppelganger's fate). Go in through the door and go through the passage to the next challenge. -- Get to the Scion area -- The next area has a giant pit of lava and three octagonal blocks that move in and out on either end. The one on the left is probably easier to do and you can start with that one. There are two ways to get through this trap. You can either move along the ground (move past each block when it's in the wall) or you can jump across them when they shoot out. Either way get to the other side and flip the switch to extend the bridge to the door. Shoot the flying creature and then make your way back to the other side. Now go over to the right side. This is probably the more challenging of the two obstacles but shouldn't be too difficult to get by. When the blocks shoot out jump onto the one nearest to you and quickly jump to the middle one. Then jump off to the other side before the blocks move in completely. Flip the switch to open the door beyond the bridge. Kill the flying creature and go back to the other side (use the same technique as before). Now make your way over to the bridge. *** Relic *** On the bridge shoot the target above the door to make the platform fall. Drop down into the hole to the sloping edge below. Jump off the edge as you slide down and use the grapple to swing across to the other side. Go into the passage and climb up the ladder to retrieve the Torc of Embitterment. Jump through the hole to the left to get out. Run across the bridge to the room on the other side to end the level. ---------------------------- Lost Island - Final Conflict ---------------------------- ============================================================================== Synopsis: As the name suggests, this is the last level in Lost Island and the last level in the game. This is where it all comes together folks and you'll be utilizing all the skills you've acquired to beat this level. The level is loaded with enemies and has a lot of tough jumping and climbing elements as well. This is also the only level in the game that has two bosses. A worthy finale to a great game and, after beating it, you can pat yourself on the back on a job well done ;) Time Trial: The best advice I can give is to practice the level thoroughly. The lava pit is probably the trickiest part of the level but it shouldn't be all that difficult and you should be able to do it with a bit of practice and knowledge. Knowing how to beat the bosses is also useful and a powerful weapon doesn't hurt (the Mini SMG with infinite ammo is probably the best at this point). Time Trial Time: 23 mins 50 secs Relics: 0 Artifacts: 4 ============================================================================== Section 5.4.3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boss: Torso Although this boss looks intimidating it isn't all that difficult. The first thing you have to do make it fall over the edge. Stay close to the edge and shoot at it until it's rage meter maxes out. When it rushes at you perform the adrenaline dodge and shoot it in the head to make it topple over the edge. Shoot at its hand (you have to make it release all its fingers) until it jumps back up (unless you have the Golden Shotgun you probably won't be able to shoot fast enough to make it drop the first time). Now rage it out again and perform the adrenaline shot and this time it will get its finger stuck in the platform. Shoot at the finger until it breaks away (jump when it smashes the ground). Now make it topple over the edge again using the method earlier. Then shoot at its hand until it drops (you should be able to make it drop on the second try if you use the Mini SMG). « Secret Weapon Strategy » There's no separate strategy for beating this boss with the secret weapons. Although you can reduce the boss's health to zero with the Golden Shotgun it still won't kill him (it seems the only way he can die is by falling into the lava). At best the secret weapons can speed up the battle by raging him out faster and making him release his grip faster (the Golden Shotgun should make him release his grip immediately, although only after one of his fingers have been blown off on his hand). -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once you've defeated the boss head into the passage. When you get to the river of lava jump to the platform in the middle. Jump to the next platform on the right and then jump to the vertical pole (recover!). Jump to the next pole to the left and then jump to the platform over the lava (recover!). Kill the flying creature and flip the switch to make the other platform move closer. When it's all the way over jump to it and climb up. -- Roll back the underwater barriers -- Now go into the passage on the right and follow along until you get to the next area (note the artifact up on the ledge in the passage). Kill the centaur and run over to the switch on the other side of the room and flip it to open the door to the next room. Kill the flying creature and go into the next room. Kill all the creatures there (there's a Small Medipack in the area past the opposite doorway) then go to the area left of the opposite doorway and jump onto the structure on the wall (the one with the symbols on it). Cling on until it moves down all the way and then jump back from it and shoot the target behind it. This will open the first underwater barrier. Now go to the other side and then jump over the lava pit to the structure on that side. Jump back from it and shoot the target to open the second underwater barrier. Now dive into the water and pull the lever located to the left of the entrance. Get out of the water and climb onto the ledge that the lever pushed out (to the right of the entrance). Kill the creature that emerges (shoot it from above so you don't have to deal with it from the ground later) and then climb up into the passage. Now jump onto the ledge with the box and push it out. ** Artifact ** Jump to the ledge behind to retrieve the artifact (#1). Drop down after the box and drag it over to the column to the left of the closed door. Then use the box to get on top of the column. ** Artifact ** Jump to the platform above the closed doors and flip the switch to open them. Drag the box outside to the ledge with the artifact and use the box to climb up into the ledge and retrieve it (#2). Jump from the column to the ledges along the wall. These ledges spew out hot gas soon after you grab them so you have to move quickly and get off them as soon as possible. Quickly shimmy over left and jump from ledge to ledge until you reach the ledge by the corner. Shimmy around left, then jump backwards and use the grapple to run along the wall and jump when you get to the other side. As you fall down grab onto the ledge below (recover!). Shimmy over left and jump to the ledge above. Drop down to the area below and drop down again on the area beyond. Now turn around and on the wall should be another one of those structures with the symbols on it so do the same as you did with the others. When you shoot the target the third barrier should open up. -- Now jump up the ledges and drop down and you should be back in the room with the pool. Dive into the water and swim through the tunnel (all the barriers should be down) to the other side. Now you'll be in another lava-filled area. Run along the stone platform beside the river of lava and get onto the left side of it when you come to the lava pit. Look to the ladder on the right wall and jump to it (make sure not to hit the particles falling from above). Now jump to the ledge on the left (time yourself so that you grab it between the bursts of flame and quickly jump to the ledge above and shimmy right. Now jump to the ledge above and quickly shimmy left and jump to the ledge to the left. Shimmy over left and jump to the ledge to the left to the other side and then drop down to the ledge below (recover!). Drop down once more and shimmy a bit to the left until Lara has a foothold on the wall (don't go too far left or you'll jump back into the lava). Now jump backwards and catch the ledge on the far wall. Drop down all the way to the rock platform. Now look towards the direction of the lava river and jump across the two stone platforms. ** Artifact ** On the second platform turn to the right and jump onto the stone platform to the left of the lavafall. Jump into the passage and grab the artifact (#3). Jump from the second stone platform to the ledge on the wall. Jump up to the ledge above and shimmy over left until Lara's back is facing the stone pillar. Jump backwards to it and then jump onto the other pillar (time yourself so that you jump on it between the bursts of flame). Then jump onto the horizontal bar (recover!) and swing off to the platform on the far side. Quickly jump off to the platform in front and then turn left and jump to the platform beneath the ladder. Quickly jump onto the ladder and climb up to the top. ** Artifact ** Turn around at the top of the ladder and use the grapple to swing across over the gap to the platform on the other side. Head right and jump across to the platform with the Big Medipack and then to the alcove to the right to retrieve the artifact (#4). Go into the area beyond for the final battle. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Boss: Scorched Natla This boss has two phases. The first phase is pretty simple: just target her wings and shoot at them to take her down (avoid the missiles by hiding behind the columns or jumping to the side). The second phase is a bit more complex. You first have to rage her out then hit the green jewel on her back. I've found that the best way to do this is to dodge backwards (or directly away from her) with the adrenaline dodge. When Natla is raged out she will rush at you and attack with her wings. When she does she will spin around and expose her back so all you have to do is dodge her attack (dodging directly away from her will evade it every time) and shoot at her. When the green jewel is hit she will be dazed for a little while and that's when you can unload your shots into her. Do this repeatedly until her health runs out. * Here's an alternate fighting strategy from Mario Adinolfi During the second phase, when you said to do the "adrenaline dodge" straight back away from her, I found it works a whole lot better to do the "adrenaline dodge" straight toward her with the jump key (not the roll key). Lara will jump over her and target her jewel at which point she will be dazed. I was doing the dodge away and to the sides of her and she very rarely hit the jewel. « Secret Weapon Strategy » This boss can be a cinch with the secret weapons. Only one or two shots from the Golden Shotgun are needed to take her down during her first phase and one well-placed shot (on the gem obviously) can kill her during the second phase. The Silver Mini SMG can also work wonders against this boss; you can quickly shoot her down during her first phase and rapidly pummel into submission during the second. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Keys for the cinematic: up, down, down, up, left ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 6: Time Trial // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The time allotted for the time trial differs for each level. There is usually very little slack so you must complete the level in the shortest time possible. The walkthrough for the time trial is the same as the normal one; I designed it specifically to reflect the path you should take for the time trial (just ignore all the artifact, relic, and optional bits). The following are some basic tips for completing the time trials. - Avoid unnecessary battles - Try to avoid battles with enemies whenever possible (this is particularly applicable in the Lost Valley level). If you do battle enemies try to kill them as quickly as possible. - Avoid unnecessary items - Try to avoid picking up any unnecessary power-ups (especially those off the main path). You will always start time trials with at least two Small Medipacks and full ammo for available weapons so power-ups shouldn't be terribly important (particularly if you have the infinite health and infinite ammo cheats). - Practice makes perfect - Get familiar with the level before you do the time trial. If there's a particular obstacle that you have trouble with practice going through it a couple of times before you do the time trial. - Accelerate your movements - The 'use' key is your best friend in time trials. Always use it to accelerate your climbing and shimmying. Furthermore, make sure to jump off poles and ledges as soon as you can. - Accelerate your running speed - When running on straight paths use the swan dive to accelerate your speed (continually perform it as you're running). On average, you can run 20% faster using the swan dive. - Roll down edges to prevent Lara clinging on - Lara has a built-in safety mechanism where if she falls off a ledge she will turn herself around and grab onto the ledge. For those times when you just want to fall (without jumping) you can roll just as she is about too fall and she will fall clean through. This saves you the time of making her let go (it's especially useful if there are additional ledges underneath). - Draw your guns when jumping up low ledges - Lara has a particular habit of stumbling on low ledges (it seems she just has to climb onto all ledges, even if she doesn't need to). However, she can't climb if she has her guns drawn and therefore it might be a good idea to keep your guns drawn when jumping onto low ledges so that she can smoothly jump up to them. - Acquire good cheats - Cheats can make a real difference to the game, especially the more advanced ones acquired in Egypt and the Lost Island. The Golden Shotgun and Silver Mini SMGs are extremely useful for battles (especially against bosses) and the infinite health is great for jumping down high ledges, going through traps, and fighting tough opponents. - Don't rush - Perhaps the best advice of all is to not rush through the level. I know there's a tendency to do this during time trials but rushing will often set you back rather than help you. Trying to rush through a level will often result in accidents and mistakes and any advantages you might have gotten will quickly be lost. Instead, do the level properly and systematically. It's a lot costlier to rush, get youself killed, and start at the last checkpoint than it is to take your time and go through the level properly. Provided you don't do anything extremely unnecessary you will have enough time to finish the level playing at a normal pace so there's no need to rush. * My recommendation is to do the Lost Island first followed by Egypt. The rest of the game should be a lot easier with the advanced cheats acquired in those levels. * The replay level option is unlocked upon the completion of each group of levels (for those group of levels). However, I recommend that you complete the entire game before replaying the levels, as you won't acquire any cheats until you finish the game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 7: Rewards // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reward How to acquire it ------ ----------------- Special: Note To The Fans Available at the start Style Units Finish game Cinematics: The Awakening Finish Peru levels Introducing Natla Finish Peru levels Vilcabamba Finish Peru levels Wolf Attack Finish Peru levels The Tomb of Qualopec Finish Peru levels Unexpected Company Finish Peru levels A Heated Interrogation Finish Peru levels Late Night Reconnaissance Finish Peru levels Arrival at St. Francis Folly Finish Greece levels Business Banter Finish Greece levels The Tomb of Tihocan Finish Greece levels Pierre's Demise Finish Greece levels Shadow Figures 1 Finish Greece levels Shadow Figures 2 Finish Greece levels Arrival at Khamoon Finish Egypt levels Retrieving the Scion Finish Egypt levels The Banishment of Natla Finish Egypt levels Ambushed! Finish Egypt levels Motorcycle Pursuit Finish Egypt levels Island Arrival Finish Egypt levels The End of the Line Finish Lost Island levels Larson Dies Finish Lost Island levels Kold and Kid Finish Lost Island levels The Power of the Scion Finish Lost Island levels Doppelganger Demise Finish Lost Island levels A Tough Choice Finish Lost Island levels Time to Leave Finish Lost Island levels Final Confrontation Finish Lost Island levels Down But Not Out Finish Lost Island levels Island Escape Finish Lost Island levels Art Galleries: Origins of Lara Gallery Artifacts: Peru - Mountain Caves Box Art Gallery Artifacts: Peru - The Lost Valley Peru Artifacts: Peru - Tomb of Qualopec Kid Artifacts: Egypt - Obelisk of Khamoon Kold Artifacts: Egypt - Obelisk of Khamoon Egypt Artifacts: Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion Pierre Artifacts: Greece - St. Francis Folly Game Gallery Artifacts: Greece - The Coliseum Greece Artifacts: Greece - Tomb of Tihocan Lost Island Artifacts: Lost Island - Natla's Mines Doppelganger Artifacts: Lost Island - Final Conflict Natla Artifacts: Lost Island - Final Conflict Atlantean Creatures Complete Lost Island/finish game Items and Artifacts Complete Lost Island/finish game Other Characters Complete Lost Island/finish game Promotional Materials Gallery Complete Croft Manor TR1 vs. TR:A Peru Gallery Complete Peru - The Lost Valley TR1 vs. TR:A Greece Gallery Complete Greece - Midas's Palace TR1 vs. TR:A Egypt Gallery Complete Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion TR1 vs. TR:A Lost Island Gallery Complete Lost Island - The Great Pyramid Character Bios: Lara Croft Artifacts: Peru - City of Vilcabamba Larson Artifacts: Peru - Tomb of Qualopec Kid Artifacts: Greece - St. Francis Folly Kold Artifacts: Greece - The Coliseum Pierre Artifacts: Greece - Tomb of Tihocan Winston Artifacts: Egypt - Obelisk of Khamoon Natla Artifacts: Egypt - Sanctuary of the cion Doppelganger Artifacts: Lost Island - Natla's Mines Richard Croft Artifacts: Lost Island - Final Conflict Outfits: Anniversary Available at the start Legend Relic: Killer Whale Bottle Doppelganger Relic: Torc of Embitterment Camouflage Relic: Mummified Cat Golden Relic: Griffin-Head Protome Croft Manor Sport Relic: Athenian Owl Figurine Classic Relic: Kero Mug Wetsuit Relic: Chalice of Torment Catsuit Relic: Horus Idol Scorched Natla All Relics Relics: Kero Mug Peru - The Lost Valley Killer Whale Bottle Peru - Mountain Caves Griffin-Head Protome Greece - Midas's Palace Athenian Owl Figurine Greece - Midas's Palace Horus Idol Egypt - Sanctuary of the Scion Mummified Cat Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Torc of Embitterment Lost Island - The Great Pyramid Chalice of Torment Lost Island - Natla's Mines Music: TR: Anniversary - Main Theme Available at the start Croft Manor - Main Theme Complete Croft Manor Peru - Bat Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Bear Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Raptor Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Wolf Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Alternate Wolf Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Explorer's Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Waterfall Room Complete Peru levels Peru - Main Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - T-Rex Theme Complete Peru levels Peru - Cinematic Mix 1 Complete Peru levels Peru - Cinematic Mix 2 Complete Peru levels Greece - Rat Theme Complete Greece levels Greece - Gorilla Theme Complete Greece levels Greece - Lion Theme Complete Greece levels Greece - Ambience Complete Greece levels Greece - Poseidon's Theme Complete Greece levels Greece - Fire Room Complete Greece levels Greece - Centaur Boss Theme Complete Greece levels Greece - Cinematic Mix 1 Complete Greece levels Greece - Cinematic Mix Complete Greece levels Egypt - Main Theme Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Mummy Theme Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Crocodile Theme Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Alternate Crocodile Theme Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Ambience Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Tomb Ambience Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Cinematic Mix 1 Complete Egypt levels Egypt - Cinematic Mix 2 Complete Egypt levels Lost Island - Main Theme Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Atlantean Creatures Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Ambience Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Great Pyramid Theme Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Torso Boss Theme Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Natla's Theme Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Cinematic Mix 1 Complete Lost Island levels Lost Island - Cinematic Mix 2 Complete Lost Island levels Commentaries Croft Manor (Unlocked) Croft Manor Peru (Unlocked) Peru Greece (Unlocked) Greece Egypt (Unlocked) Egypt Lost Island (Unlocked) Lost Island Cheats Show Enemy Health Peru Time Trial Infinite 50 Caliber Pistol Ammo Peru Time Trial Infinite Shotgun Ammo Greece Time Trial All Weapons Greece Time Trial Infinite Mini SMG Ammo Egypt Time Trial Infinite Health Egypt Time Trial Silver Mini SMGs Lost Island Time Trial Golden Shotgun Lost Island Time Trial Textureless Mode Complete Game Infinite Breath Complete Game Sunglasses Complete Game ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 8: Contributions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Below are those who have contributed to this FAQ: Samantha S - Suggested a good way to get across the gap in Greece: Tomb of Tihocan Mario Adinolfi - Suggested a better way to fight Natla in Lost Island: Final Conflict Justin Silagan - Suggested that the gate in the garden maze could be opened with the Grapple Ashley - Suggested a different way to go through the gate of Damocles Cees Middel - Suggested a way to get both the green and blue fuses at the same time. Vince Forrington - Provided info on the golden lever in the Obelisk of Khamoon Lennart van Nuil - Suggested time-saving tip for section 5.3.2 ReverendTed - Suggested time-saving tip for the Damocles section in St. Francis Folly Jon "Top Hat" Jones - Told me about a large health pack in The Lost Valley Dasha - Told me about the shotgun in The Lost Valley Rachel "Bookworm" Golding - Suggested the twin Doppleganger and a trick to getting around the blades in the Obelisk of Khamoon Cassie Buckwalter - Suggested shortcut tip for Croft Manor ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 9: Fun Stuff // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The following are some fun, strange, or unique things I've found about the game. - Double sunglasses? - Enable the sunglasses cheat and play the first level (or play back the Wolf Attack cinematic). As you know Lara starts out wearing sunglasses but takes them off when she enters the cave. However, with the sunglasses cheat she seems to wear two pairs (notice at the end of the cinematic when she takes off her sunglasses she's still wearing a pair). - Playing as Classic Lara - As a fan of the original Tomb Raider I can't help but be fascinated by the classic Lara outfit. Playing the game with it really reminds me of the original game, especially during the cinematics (not only by the way she talks with her mouth closed but also by her running her blocky hands over things). It's also hilarious to watch primitive, polygonal Lara battling it out with highly detailed and realistic foes. - Plunging down - The infinite health cheat is great for fighting battles but it can also make you invulnerable to damage from falls (even really high ones). So here's something you can do for a thrill. With the cheat on go to an extremely high ledge (the multiplatform area in St. Francis Folly, the top of the Sphinx statue in Sanctuary of the Scion, and the upper platform in Obelisk of Khamoon are good choices) and plunge down to the ground (swan dive for best effect). - Twin Doppleganger - This was suggested by Rachel Golding: If you put on the Doppleganger's "clothes" and go into the room where she is, it's like looking at a mirror! Remember to kill the right one ;) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Section 10: Copyright Info // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The information contained in this FAQ has not been gathered from any outside sources. Everything in it is from my own experiences of playing the game and any contributions are credited to the contributor. You may use this FAQ for any non-commercial purposes. You may post it on your website as long as you retain its original contents and provide me with the website address. If you wish to contribute please e-mail me your suggestion and I will add it to the next iteration (and give recognition of course).