Tomb Raider: Anniversary (PS2) Artifact and Relic Guide by Prof1616 ( Version 1.0 July 28, 2007 Welcome to my first game guide! Tomb Raider is the game franchise that drew me back into gaming after I grew up and abandoned my NES. It is therefore appropriate that Anniversary should be the game that drew me into guide writing. Tomb Raider is a classic franchise and Anniversary is a brilliant way to both update the original game and pay tribute to it. One of the cool things about the original game was finding its secrets, some of which were nearly impossible to find, let alone get. For us TR veterans, those game guides came in handy and it’s nice to see that Anniversary is following suit with its hidden artifacts and relics. This guide is for those gamers like me who don’t want--or need--help with playing the game proper, but would like some guidance in collecting and unlocking the bonus stuff. Take note that this time around the game allows you to travel back to previous levels within the same region. This seems to allow you to collect the artifacts and relics in any order. At least this is true for the relics; I haven’t confirmed it for the artifacts. This is helpful, since it’s best to have played through a level before going for the hidden treasures. That way you know where you need to be going. I will however list them in the order in which you encounter them during normal gameplay. Also, this guide is specifically for the PS2 version of the game, but I doubt it makes a difference. Special thanks goes to Berserker’s walkthrough and Ulysses83’s relic guide on GameFAQs for help in finding some of these. I also want to specify that GameFAQs is the only site that I authorize to post this guide other than my Myspace blog ( This guide is for personal use only and may not be altered or used for commercial purposes without my written approval. And so we begin . . . --Prof1616 CONTENTS: Croft Manor [CM] Peru: Mountain Caves [PMC] Peru: City of Vilcabamba [PCV] Peru: The Lost Valley [PLV] Peru: Tomb of Qualopec [PTQ] Greece: St. Francis Folly [GSFF] Greece: The Coliseum [GTC] Greece: Midas’s Palace [GMP] Greece: Tomb of Tihocan [GTT] Egypt: Temple of Khamoon [ETK] Egypt: Obelisk of Khamoon [EOK] Egypt: Sanctuary of the Scion [ESS] Lost Island: Natla’s Mines [LINM] Lost Island: The Great Pyramid [LIGP] Lost Island: Final Conflict [LIFC] _______________________________________ [CM] Croft Manor--8 Artifacts--0 Relics 1. The first artifact is found easily in the library. After retrieving the pistols in the upstairs study, go back out to the balcony. Shoot the glass case to Lara’s right (above the Library’s door) and pick up the treasure. Artifacts 2, 3, and 4 are found in the garden maze. Using the map you got in the library is helpful here, but not necessary since they’re not too difficult to find. 2. From the center of the maze (where you find the grappling hook), head straight north (i.e. away from the house). You’ll hit a maze wall. Go right to get around to the other side of this wall. The artifact is in the center of this rectangular area. 3. From the center of the maze (where you find the grappling hook), head straight south (i.e. toward the house). Go through the gate you open with the hook and turn immediately right. Go around the corner and take the first left path. Take the first left turn and head to the left, going around the corner. Go around the next corner; the artifact is in the center of this area. 4. From the center of the maze (where you find the grappling hook), head straight south (i.e. toward the house). Go through the gate you open with the hook and turn immediately left. Go around the next two corners and you’ll hit a maze wall. Go left and you’ll come to an area with a statue. Head down the path next to the one from where you entered this area (you’ll be facing the house). At the end of this path, you’ll hit a maze wall. Head right (or left, it doesn’t matter) to get around to the other side of this wall. You’ll find another statue. The artifact is in the corner. 5. The fifth artifact is back in the library. Use the grappling hook on the chandelier and pull it down. A wall will open revealing an alcove under the stairs. The artifact is in the alcove. Artifacts 6 and 7 are in the gym. You should be able to find and retrieve them without too much difficulty, but here are some specific directions. 6. From ramp #2, jump and grab the crack in the rock face ahead of you. Jump up to the next crack and shimmy to the left. Jump backward to land on the post and jump to the next post. Jump and grab the small ledge in the wall ahead of you and shimmy left onto the rock face. Jump up to grab the next crack in the rock and shimmy all the way left around the rock face. Jump backward to the alcove in the wall and pull up to find the artifact. 7. After hitting all the switches in the gym, go to ramp #3. Jump and grab the crack in the rock face ahead of you. Jump up and grab the next crack and shimmy to the left. Jump up again to grab the crack on this side of the rock and then jump backward and use the grappling hook on the ring in the wall. With the camera facing the wall on which you’re running, wall run to the left. At the peak of the run, jump backward to land on the slope behind you. Immediately jump to the slope ahead of you and immediately jump to the bar ahead of that. The bar will turn toward an alcove containing this artifact. Turn around on the bar and jump to it. (n.b. I’m not sure if the game designers intended for you to get the artifact in this manner, but it’s the only way I’ve found of attaining it.) 8. The final artifact is in the tunnel linking the pools in the pool room and the gym. You can get it with or without turning on the water. It’s easier to get it without the water (no risk of drowning that way), but it’s up to you. In either case, you need to break through the wood covering the floor of the pool room by dropping the statue holding the decorative bow and to use the two switches that open the grates covering the tunnel. If you don’t know about the switches, there’s one at either end of the pool room, up by the diving boards. For the one by the entrance, you need to move the barrel of pipes over to the indentation near the spear-holding statue and turn it so that the pipe that’s sticking out at an angle points in the same direction as the spear that’s painted on the floor near it. Turn the spear-holding statue so the spear points in the same direction as the other spear painted on the floor (if you’ve played TR: Legend, this should be familiar). The other switch is activated by using the grappling hook on the globe that the statue on that side of the room is holding and moving it to the indentation before the diving board on that side of the room. Once the tunnel is open, go get your prize. ________________________________________________ [PMC] Peru: Mountain Caves--3 Artifacts--1 Relic 1. Once you’ve entered the caves and have passed by the darts, you’ll come to a series of steps and ledges you have to negotiate in order to proceed into the level. The first artifact is in this area. Head up the stairs to the right of the cave entrance and jump the gap to the left. Follow the ledge to the left and jump over to the wooden scaffold around the brick wall. Turn around and jump up to the ledge behind you. Jump to the next ledge straight ahead and then jump to the ledge off to the right at the end. Follow this little tunnel and jump to the ledge across from the end of it. There is a slope here that you’ll need to slide down, jumping before you fall off the edge. Grab the ledge ahead of you and pull up to find the artifact. 2. You’ll come across the second artifact during regular gameplay. As you proceed, you’ll enter a cavern where you encounter bats. There is a ring in the cavern ceiling that you use to swing across the cavern. The artifact is on a ledge on the left side of the cavern as you enter. To get there, swing from the ring to the small ledge in the far wall. Shimmy left and jump up to grab the small ledge above you. Shimmy left again and then jump to the small ledge behind you. Shimmy right, then drop and grab the small ledge beneath you and continue going to the right. At the end, jump and grab the ledge behind you. Pull up and grab the artifact. 3. Fans of the original Tomb Raider will be able to find the last artifact easily since it’s in the same location as one of the secrets in that game. In fact, you’ll find it quite readily during regular gameplay; it’s in an alcove under the second bridge in the cavern where you first fight the wolves. Getting it is a little tricky. Cross the bridge and enter the next room, where you’ll have to swing across a gap to continue. Below the gap is a cave with a bear. To get the artifact, you have to kill the bear (or run really fast, I suppose). Go into the bear’s cave to find a switch. Throwing the switch opens a door giving you access to the artifact. Relic--The relic is found at the very end of the level. You see those big doors that you have to unlock? The doors that mark the end of the level when you go through them? The relic is on a ledge right over them. But how do you get there? First, open the doors. Then go back to the locking mechanism to the right of the door and go through the motions of unlocking the door again. Here’s the tricky part: when you grab the bar that swings you to the mechanism, you have to immediately jump as soon as you grab it. If you manage it (and it’s not really that hard), you’ll grab a small ledge in the wall next to the door. Shimmy left and jump to the bar protruding from the doors (now you see why you had to open them). Swing-jump to the small ledge on the opposite wall, then jump and grab the small ledge above that. Jump backward to the bar behind you and swing-jump to the small ledge on the opposite wall. Jump and grab the ledge above. Pull up and claim your prize, the Killer Whale Bottle. ____________________________________________________ [PCV] Peru: City of Vilcabamba--1 Artifact--0 Relics 1. Come on, only one artifact? Talk about stingy. Anyway, from the hut where you find the moveable cage, push the cage outside. There is a pillar out here, across from the stairs; push the cage over to it. Now climb onto the cage and grab the pillar. Shimmy up the pillar and jump to the nearby ledge. Watch out for the bats! Jump and grab the bar up here and swing-jump to the next ledge. Use the grappling hook and jump to the small ledge across from you. Shimmy left and jump to the bar. Swing-jump to the next bar and then to the pool. More bats! Kill them and take the artifact. _________________________________________________ [PLV] Peru: The Lost Valley--2 Artifacts--1 Relic Shotgun--Okay, this isn’t an artifact or a relic, but it’s hidden so well it may as well be. In the area at the very top of the waterfall (where you find the second cog by the busted gears), turn to the bridge. Shoot the ropes holding the bridge up. When the bridge falls, you’ll see a ring in the rock ceiling. Jump and grapple it. Now slide down your rope and turn toward the left side of the waterfall: see the little cave in the wall? Swing and jump to the cave, then pull up into it. The shotgun is in here. To get back out, crouch through the cave opening; don’t worry, you’ll grab the ledge as you fall out. Jump to the slats of the broken bridge on Lara’s left and climb up. Relic, part one--There are two steps to getting the relic. Since you’re already in the area where you get the second cog, you might as well take care of step one while you’re there. From the platform where you get the cog, look to where you entered the area. To Lara’s left is a turning gear with a pole in it. Jump to the pole and then swing-jump to the small ledge ahead of you. Shimmy to the right then jump up and grab the small ledge above you. Shimmy around to the right again and again jump up and grab the small ledge above you. Now jump backward and grab the ledge behind you. Pull up and enter the little tunnel here. At the end is a switch: pull it. You’ve just opened a grate that leads to the relic’s location. You can’t get the relic until the end of the level, though, so carry on as before. 1. Getting this artifact is quite tricky and more than a little frustrating. After you’ve placed the second cog in the machine and have made it to the other side of the cavern you’ll come across a brick and wood structure that you have to climb. (You’ll fight a bear here, which will help you get your bearings, so to speak.) You can see the artifact pretty easily in an alcove across from the structure. Getting it is the problem. What you need to do is climb the structure and stand on the highest wooden platform. Looking down you’ll see a wooden slope near the ground. Now jump to the mid-right side of the slope and jump again before you slide off it. Hopefully, you’ll grab a small ledge on the side of the structure. Shimmy around to the left and jump backward to the alcove. 2. After defeating the T-Rex, you have to do a lot of jumping and climbing to return to the area from where you entered the valley. You have to cross a wooden bridge that is broken in the middle. On the other side you’ll have to climb a series of small ledges around a stone structure at the top of which is a long slope. Before sliding down the slope, jump across it to the platform on the other side. Make your way down to the artifact. Relic, part two--At the end of the level, when you dam the waterfall and open the exit, return to the top of the waterfall. Go to the area where you pulled the switch to open the grate. Dive into the water here--don’t worry, it’s safe now--and swim through the underwater tunnel to the cave containing the relic, the Kero Mug. ___________________________________________________ [PTQ] Peru: Tomb of Qualopec--2 Artifacts--0 Relics 1. The first artifact is easy to find and retrieve. From the central room (where you have to open the gates to get to Qualopec), make your way to the path on the right (the way you go to open the second gate). You’ll come to a pit with posts that you have to hop across to continue farther in. Drop down into the pit; the artifact is hiding in a corner. 2. The final Peruvian artifact is a little more difficult to find, but not too much so. After retrieving the previous artifact, you’ll enter the room where you flip the switch to open the second gate to Qualopec’s chamber. The floor falls out beneath you and you have to fight some wolves. The artifact is in the upper area (let’s call it a gallery, for lack of a better term) to the left of the switch. To get there, go through the motions of getting to the switch. Before jumping to the switch from the hanging pillar, though, shimmy up the pillar and jump to the gallery. That’s it for Peru! Except for the Scion fragment, of course . . . _______________________________________________________ [GSFF] Greece: St. Francis Folly--6 Artifacts--0 Relics Evidently to make up for the relative easiness of the previous levels, the game designers decided to give us an insane one. This level is actually quite a bit worse than the one in the original game, although that one had some hard to find--and access--secrets too. Most of the artifacts here (no relics, thankfully) are found in the central chamber where you have to get the "god keys." As such, you can get them in just about any order. Here’s the way I went . . . 1. This is actually found in the beginning of the level and you come across it in regular gameplay. It’s behind a gate in the upper area on your way to the "constellation." To access it, go to the wall where you have to shoot the "stars" and input the correct pattern, which is revealed inside the gate you open by moving the globe over the pressure pad (look over the big door with the switch). Simple, really; I guess the designers wanted to set us up with a false sense of security. 2. Artifact two for me is found in the Poseidon chamber. It too is deceptively easy to get. When you enter, swim behind the central pillar and pull the lever you find here. A gate will open above you allowing you to get the artifact. Voilá! 3. In the Damocles chamber (my least favorite, by the way), you’ll have to move across the checkered floor avoiding blades that shoot up at you. On the way out you’ll come to a broken pillar you have to climb which will take you to a lever. Next to the lever is a grille, behind which you can see the artifact. To get it, pull the lever, then drop back down to the broken column. Make your way back to the key room and in the back go up the fallen ledge that provides you with a ramp that leads to the ring in the wall. Grapple the ring, climb up your rope and wall run to the right. Make your way across the colonnades to the artifact. 4. When you’re outside the Atlas chamber, hang off the ledge to the right of the door. Drop and grab the crevice below and shimmy to the left. Jump and grab the crevice to the left and continue to the left, jumping backward at the end to grab the bar behind you. Swing-jump to the nook ahead of you, climb up and get the artifact. 5. Inside the Atlas chamber, after outrunning the killer globe, you’ll have to pull a switch to close the floor so that you can return to the entrance. Facing the switch, the artifact is on a ledge behind you. Climb up to get it. 6. Finally, in the Hephaestus chamber, when you have to stand on the pressure pad to bring the hammer crashing down so that you can climb on top of it, jump to the ledge on the right of the hammer. Jump to the nearby bar and swing-jump to the ledge above the key. Go into the alcove here and find the artifact to the left. ________________________________________________ [GTC] Greece: The Coliseum--1 Artifact--0 Relics Only one artifact again? What’s up with that? Dual .50 Caliber Pistols--Okay, I did this for the shotgun so I might as well do it for the pistols too. They almost make up for the lousy single artifact. Oddly, both the pistols and the artifact are found in the same area. After you climb to the balcony roof you have to make your way over to a ring in the ceiling. Jump and grapple the ring and swing over to the ledge ahead of you. When you land on the ledge, walk straight and drop off and grab the edge. Shimmy right around the large rocks and pull up. There they are. 1. After getting the pistols, return to that ring you just used. Hang from it and slide down your rope. Under the ledge where you got the pistols you’ll see another ring. Swing over and grapple it. Now straight ahead you’ll see the lonely artifact in an alcove. Slide down your rope, then swing and jump to the small ledge to the right of the alcove. Shimmy left and pull up. __________________________________________________ [GMP] Greece: Midas’s Palace--1 Artifact--2 Relics Okay, so this time we get only one artifact again, but two relics to make up for it. Woo-hoo! 1. Both the artifact and one of the relics are found in the spike room. If you walk to the edge of where the lever is and turn the camera to Lara’s right, you’ll see the artifact in the right corner. Getting it is pretty straightforward. From the lever, jump to the platform directly ahead and then jump and grab the spiked platform to the left of it. Shimmy around the right toward the slope. Jump to the slope and then to the platform you slide toward. From here, jump to the spike platform to the right and jump up to grab the upper edge of it. Shimmy around it until Lara’s back faces the wall where the artifact is (the lever alcove will be to her left and the lead bar’s alcove will be on the right). Jump backward to the platform behind you and then jump to the slope next to it. Jump to the platform in the wall ahead of you, then jump to the platform closest to the artifact. Jump to the alcove and take the artifact. Relic--As I said, the relic is in the same room as the artifact. As you stand next to the lever and look straight across the room, you’ll see the alcove housing the lead bar. Looking to the left corner of the spike room, you’ll see another alcove. That’s where the relic is. Before you can get it, you must first pull the lever to raise the platforms. If you look at the sloped platform that is closest to the relic’s alcove, you’ll notice that part of its corner has broken off. Do you remember seeing a wooden box blocking a switch? Drag that box to that broken corner and jam it in there. Now make like you’re going for the lead bar, but before jumping to its alcove, jump to that sloped platform and then to the crevice in the wall ahead (n.b. the camera will throw off your aim). Shimmy right and pull up to reach the relic, the Athenian Owl Figurine. The other relic--Go to the hellish fire room and raise all the columns. Now from the room’s entrance, look to the switch area on the right. Just past that you should be able to see a ring in the wall. That’s where you’re going, so return to that switch area. Grapple the ring and wall run (you may have to climb up the rope a bit) to the left. Jump to the small ledge, drop to the slope beneath you and jump to the small ledge ahead. Jump to the small ledge to the right, jump up to the small ledge above and jump to the slope behind you. Jump forward to grab the bar. Feel free to pause and catch your breath. Now swing-jump to the other bar and jump to the post ahead. Jump to the small ledge off to the right and then to the slope on the left and jump forward to the column to find . . . another switch. Having fun? Well, you’re not done yet. Pull the switch to reveal the artifact on the column above you. To get there, you have to run the fiery obstacle course again. Oh, and the relic is on a timer. Might I suggest saving the game after flipping the switch so you don’t have to run through the above again? Now go get that Griffin-Head Protome! ____________________________________________________ [GTT] Greece: Tomb of Tihocan--2 Artifacts--0 Relics 1. The first artifact is found in the large cistern area. It can clearly be seen under a grate in the bottom pit. To get it, you must fill the area completely with water. Now swim over to the central pillar in front of the room that leads to the tomb (presumably you’ve already taken care of the crocodiles, yes?). Dive down behind the pillar to find a lever. Pulling the lever opens the grate over the artifact. 2. The other artifact is found in the tomb area and should be familiar to players of the original game. Facing the tomb, swim down to the left to find an underwater tunnel. Swim into it to find the artifact. ____________________________________________________ [ETK] Egypt: Temple of Khamoon--3 Artifacts--1 Relic 1. When you come to the Sphinx area where you fight your first mummies, you’ll have to climb and jump your way around the area to continue on. When you jump to the sphinx to the right of where you entered, climb the "ladder" above its left shoulder and jump to Lara’s left. You’ll find what appears to be an empty alcove here above the sphinx’s head. Enter it and look up to the right to find a hidden area. The artifact is inside. 2. The second artifact is encountered during regular gameplay. It’s on top of the cat shrine and you pick it up after opening the floor around the cat idol. Use the rings to get over to it. 3. The final artifact is in a room you come to after leaving the cat shrine. You enter it by climbing a ladder and at the top you’re attacked by a mummy. There’s a large mechanical scarab on the wall. Climb the blocks in the back right corner from the ladder and jump to the ring in the wall to the door’s right (there’s a grate at the top covering a hallway with a switch). Climb up your rope and jump backward to land on a column behind you. Jump to the column to Lara’s left and grab a small ledge. Drop and grab the small ledge beneath you, shimmy all the way to the right and jump and grab the small ledge on the column behind you. Shimmy all the way to the right and jump and grab the small ledge on the column to the right. Shimmy all the way around the column and jump up and grab the small ledge above you. Jump and grab the small ledge on the column to the right. Once again shimmy to the right, then jump and grab the small ledge on the wall behind you. Jump and grapple the ring in the wall on the right and wall run to the ledge ahead of you. Jump to it and take the artifact. Relic--In the final room of the level, the obelisk chamber (accessed by dumping the sand outside its entrance), you’ll notice that the column to the right of the exit has cracks and crevices. Looking further to the right, you’ll see more cracks, crevices and ledges. These lead to the relic. First, raise the obelisks, then position a block next to the first column so that you can climb up to the cracks. Follow them to the tops of the obelisks, which serve as pillars that you can stand on. Hop across the obelisks to the alcove on the other side. Go into it and collect the treasure, the Mummified Cat. ______________________________________________________ [EOK] Egypt: Obelisk of Khamoon--4 Artifacts--0 Relics 1. In case you haven’t already surmised, getting the artifacts in this level sucks big time. The first artifact is a case in point. After getting the Eye of Horus, you’ll enter a tall vertical chamber that you have to climb. On your way up you’ll encounter a switch that extends a pole at the top of the chamber across from the exit (FYI, it’s on the other side of the room from the first retractable ledge). The pole leads to the artifact. The catch: it’s on a timer. Yeah, you’ll be doing this one a few times before you get it. 2. In the large room with the long slope that you convert to steps, make your way to the doorway at the top of the room. The artifact is on a block under the doorway. Hang from the ring here and slide down your rope to get it. 3. The final two artifacts are found in what I call the "jackal room." I call it this because there is a sarcophagus in the room with a statue of a jackal on it. You enter the room from the top and have to make your way to the bottom where you fight three mummies. You can see one artifact down in the bottom of the room from the far left corner from the entrance. There is a block here you can climb up; the artifact is found in an alcove over the sarcophagus. To get it, go over to the bottom doorway and jump to the ledge on the left. Jump up and grab the small ledge here and shimmy left. About halfway along, you’ll have to drop and grab the small ledge below, then continue left and jump back up. When you shimmy around the corner you’ll have to make a jump and grab to a small ledge over the sarcophagus. Continue left and pull up to the artifact. 4. The final artifact is at the top of the jackal room on a ledge at which you have to make a wall run and a backward jump (similar to artifact 7 in Croft Manor). As you make your way upward, you’ll go through a pseudo-tunnel. When you emerge, you’ll see some small ledges in the wall across from you. Climb them and then jump to the ledge behind you. Looking right, you’ll see a ring in the wall and a ledge on the other side of the room. Up above are a couple of ledges and a bar. Right, here’s the hard part: wall run to the right and jump backward at the peak of it to grab the upper ledge; you may have to climb up your rope a little bit to make it. Jump to the crack in the wall and then to the bar. Swing-jump to the ledge ahead and claim the artifact. Yeah, you’ll probably be repeating this one too. _________________________________________________________ [ESS] Egypt: Sanctuary of the Scion--2 Artifacts--1 Relic I have to admit, this level is much cooler than its counterpart in the original game. Note also that the Dual Mini Sub-Machine Guns are found on top of the sphinx’s head, which is a semi-homage to the original game. To get there, swing from the ring in the top of the cavern off to the sphinx’s right. Now getting down is a huge problem. The only way I could find that works is to drop to the sphinx’s shoulder and drop down its arm. Hopefully you won’t die. I make no guarantees. 1. The first artifact is in the puzzle room to the sphinx’s right (where you have to lower the upside-down obelisk to direct the light to open the gate). Stand on the central walkway that extends from the wall and face the room where you get the Ankh Key. Look to the right of the doorway and you’ll see the artifact. To get to it, jump to the bar on the left of the walkway and quickly swing-jump to the next bar. Swing-jump to the small ledges ahead of you and move up. Jump backward to grab the broken ladder and move down it as far as you can. Jump to the right to grab the lintel over the door and shimmy all the way to the right. Ta-da! Relic--The relic is found in the HUGE cavern where the two statues are. There is a convoluted process to retrieving it. Most of it though is necessary to get through the level. First, drain the water in the cavern and solve the scarab puzzle on the statue on the left (I think it’s Anubis). Raise the water level and make your way over to the other statue (Horus, I believe). Find the golden box and push it into the water. Go drain the water again and return to the box, pushing it over to the timed grate. Now make your way back over to Horus, opening the grate along the way, and use the box to climb past the grate. So far so good. Now climb up to the scarab puzzle but continue past it and drop down to a small ledge around the statue’s left calf. Shimmy to the right and jump and grab the switch on the wall to open a grate that leads to the relic. Continue through the level, raising the water to reach this new area and collect the Horus Idol. 2. The other artifact is at the end of the level where you have to make your way around the cracked columns to reach two switches to open the exit. It’s on the left side of the room as you face the exit point. Instead of jumping to the ledge with the switch on it, jump to the blue column on the left. Climb up it and jump to the alcove in the wall for the artifact. _______________________________________________________ [LINM] Lost Island: Natla’s Mines--4 Artifacts--1 Relic Relic--The relic is found in the very beginning of the level but you can’t retrieve it until after you re-arm yourself. It’s in one of the crates hanging from the cavern roof near the boat. You have to shoot it down to break it open. Inside is the Chalice of Torment. Lovely, isn’t it? Incidentally, there’s an artifact in this area as well, but likewise you can’t get it without weapons either. You have to untether the raft to get it and you only get one chance at it so we’ll deal with that when we get there. 1. Get on the roof of the little building that contains Lara’s pistols. Jump over to the post sticking up out of the ground. Hop to the next post then jump to the small ledge in the wall straight ahead. Jump and grab the small ledge on the wall to the left and jump up to grab the ledge above that. Jump backward to grab the bar behind you. Swing-jump to the slope ahead and jump from that to the ledge with the artifact. 2. Now that you have your pistols, go get the relic. While here, get on the raft and shoot the rope tethering it. The raft will float with the current over to a small ledge in the wall that you MUST jump and grab as you pass. If you miss it, you’ll have to reload a previous save file and try again. From the ledge, jump and grab the small ledge to the right and jump up to grab the one above that. Jump backward to grab the ledge behind you and shimmy around the corner to the right. Jump and grab the small ledge to the right. Shimmy right and drop down to get the artifact. 3. This artifact is in the lava area on a platform under the exit. Make your way across the platforms as usual. When you jump to a swinging bar, turn around on it to face the exit. Swing-jump to the artifact; you should just make it. 4. The final artifact is at the end of the level outside the pyramid. As you face the pyramid, look to the rock formation on the right side of it. The artifact is on the very top of it. You need to hop across the pyramid’s spires to get to it. Be aware though that you need to hop from the final spire before it sinks to be able to reach it. __________________________________________________________ [LIGP] Lost Island: The Great Pyramid--1 Artifact--1 Relic This is hands-down the most frustrating level in the entire game, so it’s probably for the best that it contains only one artifact and one relic. Moreover, these treasures are relatively easy to collect. This is good since you do NOT want to worry about looking for them when dealing with the super- freakin’-hard ascent up the pyramid (you know, the one which will have you cursing the names of the game designers and the demon spawn they call their children). Anyway . . . Artifact--At the end of the super-freakin’-hard ascent you’ll notice an alcove in the wall to the left of the doorway. The artifact is in there. The way to it is easy to see. Be aware, though, that on the way back you’ll have to fight one of those flying beasties. Relic--The game’s final relic is found, naturally, at the end of the level. Head across the extendable bridge to the exit but don’t enter the doorway. Just inside is a target in the ceiling. Shoot it. This will cause part of the floor to collapse. Drop into the hole and slide down the slope, being careful to jump and grapple at the end. Swing across the lake of fiery death and jump to a tunnel. Climb the ladder to collect the Torc of Embitterment. Boo-yah! _______________________________________________ [LIFC] Lost Island: Final Conflict--4 Artifacts 1. Locating the first artifact is pretty easy. After defeating the BUB (i.e. Big Ugly Bastard), you’ll come to a chamber with a pool of water in the middle of it (it’s refreshing after all the lava to find a liquid that won’t kill you --at least not immediately). You probably noticed an artifact in the corridor on your way here; don’t worry, we’ll get to that. In the water chamber you have to pull a switch in the pool to access an alcove in the wall where you find a cage. In that alcove is the artifact. Just turn around from the cage and jump to it. 2. Now for that artifact in the corridor. Simply push the cage from #1 to its alcove to get it. 3. This is a little more difficult, but not bad considering that it could be a lot worse. After the water chamber are the lava falls. Make your way to the bottom of this area, where you have to hop across some platforms that sink under Lara’s weight (come on, she can’t weigh that much!). On the second platform, turn toward the direction from which you entered this area. You’ll find another platform that takes you to the artifact behind the lava fall. 4. Finally, after you climb the ladder out of the lava falls area, turn around and look for the ring in the ceiling behind you. Jump and grapple from it to a ledge back the way you came (there’s a plume of fire that you can see shooting out over there). From here you can plainly see the artifact and the way to get it. So what are you waiting for? Seize it and do a little dance because you’ve gotten all the artifacts and relics! Woo-hoo! Now go kick some Natla booty! Thanks for reading my guide and thanks to Crystal Dynamics for making a very cool game. Thanks to Eidos for creating an awesome icon and making gaming fun again with the original Tomb Raider. --Prof1616 July 28, 2007