Star Ocean: First Departure Roddick (Ratix) Solo FAQ/Walkthrough Author: Star (Scott) Date: October 24, 2008 Last Updated: October 28, 2008 Table of Contents for Ratix Solo - What's this about? - Major Tips - Characters and Recruiting - Save Often - Item Creation and Special Items - Item Creation - Special Items - Suggested Skills and Hidden Talents - Sensibility Level 2 - Knowledge 2 and Technical 2 - Sense 3 and Technical 3 - Knowledge 3 - Customization level 10 - Suggested Killer Moves - Roddick's (Ratix's) Killer Moves - Roak (Present) - Kratus (Clatos) - Coule (Cool) - Metorx Mountain (Metox) - Calnus - Roak (Past) - Kraat - Haute (Hot) - Metox Mountian - Portmith - Velkhent Cave - Autanim - Tatori (Tatory) - Astral Cave - Astral - Tropp - Celestial Ship - Eckdart - Mount Eckdart - Ionis - Van - Trial Chamber - Silvalant - Old Race Ruins - Astral Emblem - Muah Emblem - Mt. Metox Secret Cave - Returning To Van - Inventing In Ionis - Purgatorium - Purgatorium Intersanctum - Demon World - Space-Time Laboratory - Fargett - Safe House - Fargett Field - Army Camp - Bio-Lab - Revorse Tower - Seven-Star Ruins - Gabriella - Legal Stuff - Big Thanks ----------------------------- What's this about? ----------------------------- This guide is a walkthrough and a couple of tips for anyone wishing to beat Star Ocean First Departure with using only Roddick Farrence (Ratix). Also, proving that you only need Ratix to win. First off, beating the game with only one character is almost an impossible feat, but I've done it and I'm willing to pass on my knowledge to how I accomplished this. I've beaten Star Ocean the Second Story with only Claude and that was hard, this will be harder because Ratix doesn't have a move like Energy Sword and Ripper Blast. I'd like to give a big thanks, tri-Ace for creating such a great game It's one of my favorites as well as Star Ocean 1 (Original), Star Ocean the Second Story, Star Ocean till the end of time, Radiata Stories and Star Ocean EX. Thank you tri-Ace for the Star Ocean Series. And Localization, I hate you for changing all the names and giving Ratix the stupidest name in the world. ------------------------------ Major Tips ------------------------------- Here's some tips and suggestions to make your Ratix Solo game a much easier experience. Pay careful attention to everything I list, it will be crucial when you go try it for yourself. Also, When I first name a character. I'll use their in game name. Example: "Roddick (Ratix)" And then after that I'll use the name that is in the bracket. So I will be calling Roddick, Ratix for rest of the walkthrough ------------------ Characters and Recruiting ------------------ First of all, your obviously only going to use Ratix in this game. There are four core characters total that you will have in your party. Ratix Farrence Millie Chilette (Milly) Ronyx J. Kenny (Ronixis) Ilia (Iria Silverstole) Also the character Dorne Murtough (Dorn Marto) will be there, but only for a short time. I also suggest that you do not recruit anyone, for obvious reason your can only hold one character on your reserves since you will always have Milly, Ronixis and Iria in your party. If you recruit more than one, someone will end up in your battles. A good reason not to recruit anyone is because there are a lot of scenes where you are forced to travel with people like Ioshua (Joshua), Cyuss (Cuis). In order for you to create a successful Ratix solo, you must put all of your characters in your reserves. - How do I switch out my characters? Press triangle to bring up your status menu, go to Tactics, click on Replace, and put Milly and Dorn in the last slots. The last slots are in the bottom right corner. ------------------ Save Often ------------------ I can't stress enough how important that is. If you've headed really far in the game, it's a good hint that you should go ahead and save. I save before and after every dungeon and long conversation with scenes. It can get very frustrating because with only one character, as soon as he's dead the game's over. ------------------ Item Creation and Special Items ------------------ Item Creation is necessary for you to beat the game since there are certain armors that are required for fighting certain enemy's and bosses and they will save your butt more than once. ----------- Item Creation ----------- (Ctrl + F: Inventing In Ionis) ------------ Special Items------------ Force Sword - An unaugemented blade Silvance - Augmented blade for those bosses that don't have strengths Reflecting Plate - Cancels out all magic and heals Light Damage Mithril Shield - Cancels out Paralysis Sylvan Boots - Best boots Sylvan Helmet - Best Helment Sylvan Mail - Cancels out Petrification tri-Emblem - Provides excellent stats Berserker Ring - Doubles Attack Power Ring of Flexibility - Prevents Petrification ------------------- Suggested Skills and Hidden Talents ------------------- You shouldn't start putting out points to skills until you get Sensibility level 2. Which allows you to get Determination that lowers the requires SP per skill. ------------ Sensibility level 2 ------------ At level 15 get your Determination to level 4. And then check your Status and see what Talents you don't have. For the ones you don't have, follow the advice to unlock more skill points. [Taste] Recipe 1 Knife 1 Keen Eye 1 - Now cook eggs and dairy randomly until the talent gets unlocked. [Design Sense] Sketching 1 Aesthetics 1 - Now use Magic Canvis's randomly until the talent gets unlocked, if you have enough money.. .. I didn't. If you're having trouble getting this. Save before hand. And raise your sketching and aesthetics to level 5 and try again. If you had one of these talents or both. Then you probably won't have enough skill points, so just distribute to the important ones which are Determination and Herbology. Everything Should have 1 Skill level except for Purity, and your combat skills If you get 100 extra points: Raise your Determination to level 6 Raise your Herbology to level 6 Raise Knife to level 4 Raise Power Burst to level 3 Raise Qigoug to level 2 If you got 200 extra points Raise your Determination to level 8 ------------ Knowledge 2 and Technical 2 ------------ Get all your skills, except for combat, to level 1. Now unlock three other hidden talents [Composition] Penmanship 1 - You can't unlock this unless you have Fountain Pens. You probably won't find any till later in the game [Nimble Fingers] Mineralogy 1 Eye for Detail 1 Aesthetics 1 - Use your crafting to craft anything randomly until it unlocks [Love of Animals] Whistling 1 Animal Training 1 - Buy Pet food at the store and then use Familiar in the field over and over again until it unlocks. At level 25 and Some of these unlocked you should Raise your Determination to level 10 Raise your Herbalogy to level 8 Raise your Power Burst to level 5 Raise your Body Control to level 7 Raise your Qigong to level 4 Raise your Godspeed to level 6 Save the Rest of your SP until you purchase more skills. ------------ Sense 3 and Technical 3 ------------ You should first make sure every skill has at least a level 1. That should unlock things like Music, Train and Customization Although customizing is a big thing, there's no way you're going to have enough skill points at this low of a level unless you visited the purgatorium already. Your main focus is to train and make sure to level up (effort) at least once before leveling up. It will lower your Exp needed, making leveling up that much quicker. Always train.. ALWAYS TRAIN. Unless you're fighting major bosses, You'll always need that extra exp. [Listening] Ratix cannot learn this.. ;[ [Blessing of Mana] Ratix can't learn this either. >;[ [Rhythm Sense] Performance 1 Music Knowledge - Compose a song and randomly play it with the conductors baton until you unlock it. [Animal Instinct] Danger Radar 1 - Constantly change the Scouting section making sure you exit the menu screen every time you change it. May take a long friggen time. Now level up fast by Raising your effort twice after every time you level up. One you get an Effort of 10. Just make your whole Train Skill a level 10 by leveling your Resilience to 10 Now you shouldn't have much skill points to work with now. But you should Focus on Raising your Customization to get yourself more powerful weapons. That means Raise your Aestethetic Design each time you level up or get skill points until it reaches 10 and finish off your Smiting to level 10, that shouldn't be too hard. ------------ Knowledge 3 ------------ Nothing really special here besides Compounding, Oracle and Alchemy. I mean if you're feeling lucky you can use those things, but they really don't help a whole great deal in a Ratix solo. Mainly now since we have all the skills we will be focusing on what you should level up by what level you are on. Make sure you get Customization to level 10 before you do anything else. ------------ Customization level 10 ------------ Once you get Customization level 10. Assuming you're around level 45. You should work on improving your Mental Science. Technology and if you wanna pickpocket. Now's a good time to build up your courage and pokerface. Other than that you can pretty much level up your skills to what you want to do. There's nothing really important to level up next. Just make sure you keep putting those points down ------------------- Suggested Killer Moves ------------------- The amount of good killer moves Ratix has is very limited. There's no real move that does wonders for you. You basically have to rely on items to heal yourself and your skills to protect you from enemies. I will list the killer moves and their functions and what level you get them. I also suggest that you use Firestorm Blade and Dragon Roar as your two main techs ------------ Roddick's (Ratix's) Killer Moves ------------ Shockwave Swirl Level: 3 MP cost: 3 Description: It creates a shockwave in 360 degrees. My Description: A useless attack, it's delivering time is slow and it's not that powerful Firestorm Blade Level: 7 MP cost: 5 Description: Deliver fiery attacks with a burning sword My Description: Probably Ratix's best attack, it's a great follow up after striking an enemy three times, It allows you to chain your moves together and create combos that keep bosses stunned. Lightray Blade Level: 11 MP cost: 5 Description: Fire off a barrage of glowing orbs My Description: Might be good against a lot of weak enemies, but completely pointless against bosses. Unless you got a lot of MP and you wanna focus on long range as much as possible Thunderclap Blade Level: 13 MP cost: 5 Description: Slash a sword charged with lightning My Description: VERY SLOW. It hits pretty hard, but I'd only use it if my enemy was stunned cause they have a large window to hit me while I'm charging Air Slash Level: 17 MP cost: 8 Description: Send a Shockwave racing across the ground My Description: More powerful than Lightray blade, but less accurate. I'd say it's a good long range move to have. Double Slash Level: 19 MP cost: 13 Description: Deliver two attacks in rapid succession My Description: It's like a unaugemented firestorm blade. And costs a lot more, It's worthless unless you plan on getting Omega Double Slash Spirit Strike Level: 25 MP cost: 10 Description: Fire off a burst of inner energy My Description: Not a bad long range attack. I'd use it more than Air slash Dragon Roar Level: 29 MP cost: 15 Description: Deliver a burst of inner energy in the shape of a dragon My Description: One of my favorite attacks, mainly cause it reminds me of Claude's Dragon Howl. Or it's exactly like it. Omega Thunder Clap Blade Use: Thunderclap Blade with Omega SFT skill MP cost: 25 Description: Throw a sword at the enemy, directing lightning towards it. My Description: Just as sucky as the first one Omega Lightray Blade Use: Lightray Blade with Omega SFT skill MP cost: 25 Description: Produce a ring of blazing light in a large 360-degree arc. My Description: A GREAT ATTACK. I Love it Omega Double Slash Use: Double Slash with Omega SFT skill MP cost: 27 Description: Somersault through the air while shooting out shockwaves My Description: It's an ok attack Dragon Slash Use: Spirit Strike with Four Beasts SFT skill MP cost: 25 Description: Summon the Azure Dragon My Description: Better than Dragon Roar, a great attack Phoenix Blast Use: Shockwave Swirl with Four Beasts SFT skill MP cost: 32 Description: Summon the Crimson Phoenix My Description: Good with a lot of normal enemies. Black, Red, and Bluewyrm thundersurges, cannot be learned in a solo without Ashlay. ------------------------------ Roak (Present) ------------------------------- Okay. This is where the main part of the walkthrough begins. I won't discuss the events that happen in the game because it will create spoilers as well more typing for me. I will tell you how to advance the story and how to get rid of characters so you don't have to recruit them. I will also go into depth on how to defeat bosses and common enemies with Ratix only. ------------------- Kratus (Clatos) ------------------- Welcome to Roak. This is the beginning of your fantastic space adventure. Allow me to guide you to success. First of all. Switch out Dorn and Milly, since they automatically decide to randomly appear next to you in a form of a party. Stick em to the reserves, cause you'll soon be attacked by bandits. Now run out of the house and over to the left screen. Climb the double stair case towards the weapon shop and Ratix's house. There you'll find a talisman in a chest. Equip it to Ratix as fast as you can before it melts. (lol, not really) This will improve your defense a lil bit. Your goal is to want to see zeros when enemies attack you. Now you can go around town and talk to people. But in order to advance the thingy. You must talk to Milly's dad who hides in his home to the right of the item shop. Then after talking to him go back up the stairs to the defense force headquarters. Fight the bandits. This shouldn't be too difficult. Even tho the bandits strike faster than you, just keep pressing X until you break through and strike them. Then go to the left screenie and finish off the bandits by the weapon shop. Be careful tho. The next battle with the boss of the bandits starts automatically. So you might have to heal yourself in battle. I have no idea how much HP these guys have since I can't get spectacles till I'm out on the field. The boss is a toughie, but if you take out his two minions first, there's a little ace in the hole. Go to your items menu and select the Flare bomb. Target him for 400 damage that kills him instantly. Cheap or not, it's three against one, all is fair in war After the scenes end. Dorn will find his way back into your party. Throw him back to the back with Milly again. Now the game gives you a little window to go out and explore. Go out of the village and cross the Metorx (Metox) bridge. And head for that town in the distance. As soon as you reach the town of Coule. Raid the first house to find a Necklace in a chest. Equip to Ratix as quick as you can You can go around getting other stuff like 200 fol and blueberries. After that exit the town where you came from and go out and train until level 9. Level 9 is when the Thieving Scums do ZERO damage to you. Which is beautiful. I love to see Zeros. Don't you love Zeros? Name: Thieving Scum Hp: 80 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Spectacles My Description: They are very quick strikers, and not easily avoided. If you have a defense of at least 41. They can't hurt you Name: Horned Wolf Hp: 160 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: None My Description: These things are a little bit stronger than thieving scums but they are rare. They provide a good amount of exp. Run the opposite direction if you see them glow. Name: Little Bunny Hp: 60 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Rose Hip My Description: Why are these things even my enemies. They are so cute and rare.. and weak. They do a little bit more damage than Scums and give more exp, but they are just so easy to kill After reaching level 9 or so. Go back to Ratix's house and take a nap in his bed. It's always good to be rested and try not to waste items as much as possible. In fact, just remove Milly and Dorn's weapons and try to sell them if you can. Now go back to the Defense HQ for another longerific scene with something about "my hair" and "is a bird". Doesn't the Captain's voice just sound so awesome.. HE SOUNDS LIKE A DUDE TRYING HIS BEST TO SOUND LIKE AN OLD MAN. LOL Dorn and Noel must be related.. No really. The eyes.. They never open.. who's Noel you ask? Well you better play Star Ocean 2 if you don't know Dorn's hair is a bird Milly's gonna run off and Dorn will join your party again. Time to throw him back in the back. Since he keeps wanting to get close to you for god knows what reason. ------------------- Coule (Cool) ------------------- Follow Milly all the way to Coule. You'll need to cross the Metorx bridge and watch Dorn fall to his knees. After getting to Coule you'll see Milly run into the second house. Now watch the scenes that are about to take place. Dorn: "Milly, I want you to know something. I...I... I LOVE YOU. *Croaks* (LOL MAJOR SPOILERS, SORRY >.< ) Someone's banging on your door, but it's more like Milly is banging on Dorn's heart by always going to Ratix for help XD I know it looks like Milly joined your party, but she stay's put in the reserves like a good girl Now go up and find Dorn to continue the story.. He's uhh.. yeah.. If you miss him you're blind XD ------------------- Metorx Mountain (Metox) ------------------- You'll need to head through Coule to get to it. Watch out for Fellworms, they make babies on you.. lmao XD As soon as you enter Metorx Mountain, You'll be warned again about the mysterious worm of sexuality. And if you continue a little ways you'll fight two of them. Name: Fellworm Hp: 200 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: Wind Drop: Iron My Description: They shouldn't pose any problem at your level. 3 strikes and they are dead. And they don't even strike fast enough to hit you, so I don't know if they can damage you a lot or not. Killing them shouldn't be too big of a deal. When you finish, you'll go a little ways through a winding path and under a ledge dealy. When you reach the water spring. Two more will come to meet their doom at the end of your blade. "DON'T TOUCH ME, MY HAIR IS A BIRD TRANSMITTED DISEASE!" After the scenes. Press X on the water to restore your health.. (If you even lost any) Herb's won't stop anyone from turning into stone? Has anyone tried Stone Cure yet? I mean, that would have been the first thing I done. Or maybe a medicine bottle. Maybe Milly can level up a bit and try condition cure XD. Oh well, Maybe this biological disease is more than even Milly, Rena and Sophia combined can handle. ------------------- Calnus ------------------- Once you regain control. Put Milly back in her place. Then save the game at the save point. Now it's time to walk around the ship and act like you've never been there before. FIRST. RUN down the moving walkway in the opposite direction. Cause it's funnnn and it's like a treadmill. And it annoys people when you do it in airports. Now travel to the 1st, 2nd, and 4th floors talking to everyone just cause I Have no clue what advances the story. Talking to Ronixis and Visiting the Air lock is all that I needed. Now head back to the elevator and go back to the 3rd floor to trigger a scene with the Fellwormies Babies ------------------------------ Roak (Past) ------------------------------- Congratulations. You made it through a bunch of long scenes to get here. Looks like the people from 4D space granted you permission to visit the past. Lol.. I can see Luther laughing right now. Data should behave as such! ------------------- Kraat ------------------- First off. They butchered the name of the village. WHY... WHYYYY????!!? Second off, you need to find Iria some clothes. You can either go to the shop owner and ask them for some. I'm sure that will be the best choice since you're a man shopping for women's clothing. OR.. you can do the funny thing and pull the wet clothes off the clothes line. Is this the right thing to do? Sure why not, nobodies looking XD.. Either way, I don't think Iria will like the clothes you give her. I can't be too sure tho, I only know two ways to get clothes Push your level 5 Iria to the reserve spot. If you've got the Resurrection Elixir. Go sell it, you won't be needed it for this walkthrough, or any reviving items. Since NO one will die. Heheheh.. cause if they do.. you lose >_< Once you exit the town. Save zee game. We wouldn't want to have to go through all those cut scenes again. It's annoying to have to keep pressing x over and over again. But it's good practice for Metal Gear Solid 1's torture scenes. "Just don't press select Snake.. Or Meryl will die" You: "For some reason the thieving scum are a little bit tougher?" Me: "NO! You just have no equipment. You're beating the baddies with your other other sword. Hurry up and get to Haute (Hot)" ------------------- Haute (Hot) ------------------- "That ain't true and you know it.. Stop screwing with me you bastard!" Ohhhh kayyy.. Now run over there and get your Sweet Syrup. YAY Sweet Syrup!!!! -__-.. Tell Ruddle "North of Here" Maybe he'll meet up with Rumina. NO! Seriously, he gives you something good I think. In Portmith (Portmis) Buy 20 eggs and dairy at the vendor cause it's cheap and smelly. No really, you'll need it later I promise. Now Go see Badam and go through all the scenes in the tool shop. Make sure you head left in the tool shop and see the Skill guild and buy everything. You should have enough money unless you buy too much crap. Consult my skill section to see how to distribute skills. (Ctrl + F: Suggested Skills) But you shouldn't distribute any until you have attained Sensibility level 2 Go see that sword smith that Cyuss (Cuis) was yelling at earlier Master: "HOW DOES THAT GRAB YOU, Eh?" Ratix: "Ewwwwwwwwww" Now head back to the tool shop. After Cuis joins. Steal all his armor and throw it on Ratix, cause it's fun. And then throw him to the back of the pack. Now we are ready to see if we are tough enough to solo onto the Metox Mountain. ------------------- Metox Mountian ------------------- What ever you do, Don't enter the secret cave, cause you'll die. I'm not kidding.. I SAID DON'T GO.. Okay okay. Anyway the secret cave is at the first part behind a rock. And you need to be at least level 50 to handle the monsters in their.. Much less solo.. ;[ So I'm guessing like level 60 for solo. Name: Killer Bee Hp: 160 Mp: 0 Strengths: Wind Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: Firestorm Blade! They didn't do any damage to me at level 11 with all of Cuis' armor on me. Name: Fellworm Hp: 200 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: Wind Drop: Iron My Description: They shouldn't pose any problem at your level. 3 strikes and they are dead. And they don't even strike fast enough to hit you, so I don't know if they can damage you a lot or not. Name: Horned Wolf Hp: 160 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: None My Description: Run the opposite direction if you see them glow. Name: Little Bunny Hp: 60 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Rose Hip My Description: Why are these things even my enemies. They are so cute and rare.. and weak. Name: Slime Hp: 420 Mp: 0 Strengths: Water Weaknesses: None Drop: My Description: Probably the tough's enemy here. And that's not saying much. If you see them getting a certain distance from you, they are about to shoot an orb. After you make it out of the mountain pass, You'll end up in a field that connects towards Portsmith. Now would be a great time to save, even tho there's probably nothing that can kill you out there. It's never bad to be safe. Name: Bushwhacker Hp: 200 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: My Description: Annoyingly strong.. And they don't give out much exp. It's not worthwhile to fight them. If you get caught between them, they'll bush whack you to death.. They brought my Hp down halfway. HOWEVER.. Long range Lightray Blade does come in handy. They seem to stop doing damage around defense of 80 Name: Horned Wolf Hp: 160 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: None Drop: 10 oz Steak My Description: They do no damage with a defense of 58 Name: Little Bunny Hp: 60 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Rose Hip My Description: If these things can hit you.. You're just playing around.. They do no damage around this level ------------------- Portmith ------------------- I was about level 15 when I entered the town. I'd say it's a good level to be around this time for this solo. You meet Ruddle in the town square at the top right. You get a Faerie Elixir Yay! I told you it'd turn out great. To the top left is the skill guild. Be sure to purchase Sense 2. If you don't have enough Fol, Go fight till you do. Now you should have Determination, And you'll be able to finally read my skill guide. (Ctrl + F: Suggested Skills) The weapon shop you need to visit, "Just like papa's," is in the upper part of town to the right. It's easy to miss, but once you get there the shop owner will give you Bunny. A giant bunny that's cute and cuddly and fubsy and whumsy, like two scoops of ice cream. Talk to the shop owner again and buy yourself a Saber, Padded Armor and Round Shield. You can then sell the extra stuff you don't need, except, keep the long sword Now run back to Haute and go see Badam again. After receiving your reward tell Cuis the third option in order to get him to leave for good. That's the last thing you need is more people in your party xD. Now check your party and throw Iria back to the pack. Also, all the armor you stole from Cuis is still on you. HAHAHAHH. SUCCESS. You are teh thief!! Go to the Harbor, Which is way to the left and at the northern docks talk to the sailor about destroying the thieves. ------------------- Velkhent Cave ------------------- Take the ship to the Pirates cave Name: Robber Axman Hp: 540 Mp: 0 Strengths: Fire Weaknesses: Water Drop: My Description: They will always get the first hit in like usual if you attack them head on. But that first hit is enough for you to get in there and hit them three times till they die. They shouldn't pose you too much trouble Name: Bushwhacker Hp: 200 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: My Description: They stop doing damage around defense of 80 Name: Bandit Hp: 200 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Spectacles My Description: They don't do any damage around this level. Name: Horned Wolf Hp: 160 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: None Drop: 10 oz Steak My Description: They don't do any damage around this level. Name: Kobold Hp: 280 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Fire Drop: Grains My Description: FIRE STORM BLADE! They shouldn't do any damage to you anyway. You'll make short work of them There isn't much of anything to the right when you enter the cave. Take the path to the left. Then hold circle over the slippery part to walk north and into the next room. Take the staircase down. Then go down a screenie again and take a right down the hallway and get your blueberries, blackberries, sapphire and lavender. Make you way back and go down. Head to the right and grab the necklace and flip the switch. Make your way back and go through the door way and down stairs to our lovely save point. Go up and right and slide you way across to the ressurection elixir. Make you way back and press circle to walk north through the door and onto our boss Name: Velkhent (Fake?) Hp: 2500 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, and Dark Drop: My Description: Quickly take out the blue Robber Axman cause he can cause you damage. Then just strike him and use Firestorm blade to produce combos. Should pose no problem. Leave. And go save the game. Go back the way you came where you saw the smoke thingys near the stair case. Equip the flint to Iria and press X near them. Run through and go down and down. Don't use the flint on those smoke things.. Instead go to the right and collect sacrificial doll and the syrup. Go back up and to the left. Grab the blueberries and continue down. The path is pretty linear from here on. You can follow a path to get a sweet syrup or just go through the door and get a resurrection elixir. Magic Canvis in the bottom right and save point on the top left. Name: Velkhent Chief Hp: 5000 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Dark Drop: My Description: Make sure you target the weaker one first, or you'll have a problem getting stuck between their attacks. After finishing off the small one it shouldn't be hard at all to get the big one down as long as you keep chaining your regular attacks and firestorm blade. "You're gonna wrap that rope all over me again, aren't you" Me: "YES LOL, RAEP" After meeting Pericci (Perisie) Go ahead and pick up the ocarina she dropped. It's not like it will hurt. You can only get perisie if you do a special PA with Milly and lots of people in your party in Kraat. Go to the Inn and rest, and then come back and tell the guy you wanna go to Astral. ------------------- Autanim ------------------- There you'll meet Phia Melle (Fear Mell). If you say thanks but.. She'll walk away leaving you alone! Go Across the ways to the left and buy 10 Iron and 20 Feather pens at the shop. Then make you way left through the town square and left again and purchase Knowledge 2 at the skill guild. You might wanna raise your Item Knowledge a lil bit, since it will help you sell things for more money. If you can find your way to the Weapons shop you can buy a Padded Helmet and Iron Greaves. SELL THE RAINBOW DIAMOND. You don't need it now, I promise you. Now leave the village and follow the road Name: Assassin Bug Hp: 280 Mp: 0 Strengths: Wind Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: Does no damage Name: Sandworm Hp: 360 Mp: 0 Strengths: Fire (Heal) Weaknesses: Water Drop: Crystal My Description: Just like a fellworm, not a hard battle at all Name: Robber Axman Hp: 540 Mp: 0 Strengths: Fire Weaknesses: Water Drop: My Description: A little annoying cause they come in large numbers ------------------- Tatori (Tatory) ------------------- First order of business is to go down the stairs and purchase Technical 2 and Combat 2. And visit my (Ctrl + F: Suggested Skills) Guide for info on which skills to upgrade next. Go to the Weapons shop and by the Sinclair. A much stronger sword. Now you can go to the Arena and test out your skills. There's no bad recourses for losing except 1 hp lol. So try to get as far as you can through the Arena Most of the Enemies in H rank are ones you've fought before.. G rank has some new ones, but nothing powerful enough to stop you. F's boss is just a bit stronger but still nothing worthy of the word challenge. E's boss is a lil bit scary cause she blocks your moves a lot and if you don't stop her, she'll cast a spell. D's boss is a bit tricky.. You might have to back off and use a few Syrups. In fact, every time you land two successful hits, back off and come back at him. You don't wanna get struck by him two much. C is where I died at the third monster, and I think you should wait till your higher to beat it. Now go to the Docks. Ashlay might confront you and try to join. Of course all you have to do is tell him you wanna go by yourself You can also go to Astral Cave instead of taking a ship. I'll write that part for you as well ------------------- Astral Cave------------------- The cave is pretty much straight forward. For the switch part just keep hitting the switch till the middle door opens up. There's not much good treasure in Astral Cave at all, Just some stuff you can sell. Make sure you keep all of Ratix's weapons, they will prove useful for customization later Name: Armored Knight Hp: 600 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Sinclair My Description: Not that strong of an opponent. Just watch out for it's glowing sword throw. If you see him move back from you a distance prepare for it Name: Cleric Hp: 360 Mp: 40 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Blackberries My Description: Just a healer, has no real purpose in battle except to heal enemies. Name: Cutie Bunny Hp: 260 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Artemis Leaf My Description: So friggen cute. Not much of a problem Name: Mandrake Hp: 360 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth and Water Weaknesses: Fire Drop: Mandrake My Description: Firestorm blade works great here. Be careful of their poisonous strike. Use Aquaberrys when afflicted Name: Ooze Hp: 660 Mp: 0 Strengths: Water Weaknesses: None Drop: Bubble Lotion My Description: VERY DANGEROUS. They can cause Paralysis. It's best to avoid fighting these all together. Unless you have an Amulet of Freedom ------------------- Astral ------------------- Go ahead and tell Iria you don't mind walking around town. The weapon shop has a new Ring Mail for some added defense. There really isn't much else of importance. Just go sleep at the Inn and follow the scenes. Buy a lot of ruby's and then raise your crafting to level 9. Try as hard as you can to make a berserker ring out of them. You only need one, and it will allow you to double your attack power in battle. ------------------- Tropp ------------------- Make your way back via Ship in Astral and then head towards the town between the mountain ranges and across the bridge. You'll meet this new enemy over there. Name: Stroper Hp: 520 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Earth Drop: My Description: Not hard at all When you enter the town Iria will tell you to go all the way back to the crash site near Kraat. Try finding a ship in Tropp to take you there. But first Go to the right and find an unidentified Cinderella glass in a chest. Buy a Knight Shield at the Weapon's shop. And then go to the pier and take the boat back to Portmith. ------------------- Celestial Ship ------------------- Just head the usual way towards Kraat and visit the Celestial ship.. It's way out of your way I know. But it's necessary I guess. Also make sure you talk to a little boy in Portmith Pier's.. He'll give you an item that heals from water attacks Don't even think about taking on the monsters in the secret cave on Mt. Metox yet.. They will tear you to shreds D;.. Especially if you're level 30 To 45 or less. Head back to Portmith and take a ship to Tropp. Once at Tropp you should be able to take a ship directly to Eckdart. "Lmao, You skipped having to visit the Purgatorium ( Parj Temple) Don't worry, you'll get your chance to visit it later. ------------------- Eckdart ------------------- As soon as you get to Eckdart you'll see Milly take off in a random direction.. Seems she doesn't appear in Silvrant if you don't have a lot of characters. You'll get Sense 3 and Technical 3 at the Item shop. Now's another one of those times to read my skill guide. Please visit (Ctrl + F: Suggested Skills) Go to the Inn to find Milly and have her join your party. Like all girls, she's once again attracted to stand by Ratix's side.. Put her back in her place. Make Sure you have Train on. If you're paying attention to my Suggested Skills you should know what I'm talking about. Then Raise your Effort 2x and Exit to the Field and fight as many monsters as it takes to level up. Then raise your Effort 2x again, until you've increased Five levels. Name: Pixie Hp: 1360 Mp: 60 Strengths: Earth, Wind, Water, Fire Weaknesses: None Drop: Blackberries My Description: If you have the Berserker ring you should be able to take care of them quickly without them casting a spell Name: Kabold King Hp: 1200 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Fire Drop: Seafood My Description: Firestorm Blade! Name: Lizard Axman Hp: 1620 Mp: 0 Strengths: Fire Weaknesses: Water Drop: My Description: Long Range Dragon Roar should solve your problems Name: Dire Wolf Hp: 1080 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: None Drop: 16 oz Steak My Description: Unbelievably scary in large groups. Their claw can hit you diagonally and with a gang of like 7 They can put you in a death trap. Try staying long range with Dragon Roar. Name: Savant Hp: 720 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Walloon Sword My Description: Their HP is to low to bother causing you any problem. One Strike and they are dead. You might also get lucky and get the Walloon Sword from them Name: Cleric Hp: 360 Mp: 40 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Blackberries My Description: Just a healer, has no real purpose in battle except to heal enemies. Once you've reached around level 38 and your Train skill is all the way at level 10. You can stop your mad training mission and just go about the rest of the story. ------------------- Mount Eckdart ------------------- There's a little spot in the mountain that allows you to find the place where Joshua spent his time with Foster. If you have Joshua in your party you are to exterminate the monsters here as a side quest. Hopefully you don't have Joshua and you can pass through here and visit the woods.. In the woods you'll find a lot of goodies, but Fine Shield is what you're looking for. You can sell any other items you find there Travel to the next town thingy.. It's hard to miss it. ------------------- Ionis ------------------- "Strawberry shake anyone?" "THIS IS MANGO.. I ASKED FOR STRAWBERRY XD" What does Rain Check mean anyway. I have no clue.. :/ PLEASE SAY: "Watch and see what happens" More than anything, I can't stand Mavelle.. I like Erys a whole lot more. Even tho they are the same person. Mavelle is just plain annoying argh! Well that's my opinion, someone might actually like dead people. Not me.. Now you don't have Marvel in your party and you have all your core members. BRILLANT. THIS ACTUALLY WORKS.. (*hasn't tested this theory until just now*) I honestly didn't believe it was possible to go through the game without Mavelle joining you (Joshua and Ashlay not being in the party of course). Once you regain control. Don't forget to put Ronixis back in his place. Seems he's pretty happy to be beside you. Now go to the tool shop and buy a bunch of fountain pens and unlock the composition talent via writing. Also buy a magical camera and some film. You'll need it later "What the heck is that!?" In the town's skill guild there's Knowledge 3. You can visit (Ctrl + F: Suggested Skills) but all it will tell you is to get Customization maxed out first. If you're ahead of me in the game as far as leveling. Just look to what you should level up by level 45 Now you should head across the bridge and around the bend of the continent to get to Van Name: Magician Hp: 680 Mp: 60 Strengths: Water Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: Omg! I DON'T CARE WHAT IT TAKES. Target her as fast as you can. If she gets a chance and casts off a spell. There's at least a 100% it will do a 800 point damage to you. And if you get stuck on a battle field with two of them and enemies that keep you pinned. You're screwed. So either run or target them first or flare bomb them. DO SOMETHING ------------------- Van ------------------- The Skill guild and Weapon shop in Van is kinda hidden from view. Just take a path to the left of the food stand and up a winding staircase. Buy Combat 3 and Plate Greaves Go to the King and face your trial of doom ------------------- Trial Chamber ------------------- Go to the right immediately and pick up the Amulet of Flexibility. It's a key necessary item for completing this solo quest. Do me a favor and go ahead and equip it, I don't feel like testing which monsters in here cause stone. Cause I know there are some in here that does, and there's no save points around here. Name: Magician Hp: 680 Mp: 60 Strengths: Water Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: Omg! I DON'T CARE WHAT IT TAKES. Target her as fast as you can. If she gets a chance and casts off a spell. There's at least a 100% it will do a 800 point damage to you. And if you get stuck on a battle field with two of them and enemies that keep you pinned. You're screwed. So either run or target them first or flare bomb them. DO SOMETHING Name: Wisp Hp: 1680 Mp: 60 Strengths: Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: Resurrection Elixir My Description: Not too hard of any enemy to fight. As long as Magician's aren't with them Name: Savage Hp: 1520 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Light, Dark Drop: My Description: They almost always hang out with Magicians. Pain in the butts. If you don't leave the battle with at least 66% of your HP gone, you're amazing (Lol, I left battle without getting hit at all once.) Keep going healing yourself along the way. There's a save point if you keep heading up. Then you'll come to an annoying room of a strange puzzle that I'll never understand. Okay.. After staring at this for centuries. I figured out that you don't need a specific order to opening this.. If you read the tablet. Just imagine everything reversed. Where dark is light. Light is dark And then Flip switches in doors number 1, 3, 5, and 6 Now go back in save cause there's a boss coming up. You might have to fight this one several times cause he causes Paralysis. And there's no Amulet of Freedom insight. A big pain. Name: Peryton Hp: 18400 Mp: 0 Strengths: Water, Wind Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: After getting stunned focus on his minions. First run as far from him as you can and take them out separately. Then once he's alone don't let up on your onslaught. Keep attacking him till he dies. Firestorm blade combos etc. Once you make it through all the cut scenes after beating him. You'll get the Four Beasts SFT. Level that up to level 10 and use Spirit Strike a lot to get - Dragon Slash Shockwave Swirl a lot to get - Phoenix Blast You'll have to travel to Silvalant. Just keep circling around the continent. Cross a bridge, and through a cave. You can stop by Durss and build snowmen to your hearts content.. *sniffle* I love you Remia I also reached level 45 around this time and completed my customization skill venture. If you want you. You should by a bunch of longswords in Durss and try practicing to come up with something nice. Make sure you save before hand. You can now visit (Ctrl + F: Suggested Skills) Name: Cuniculus Hp: 1100 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Lavendar My Description: They can cause poison, but I don't find them threatening. Name: Shaman Hp: 1000 Mp: 80 Strengths: Earth Water Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: My Description: It'd be good to have a Saint Elmo's Charm when battling these guys Name: Wisp Hp: 1680 Mp: 60 Strengths: Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: Resurrection Elixir My Description: Not too hard of any enemy to fight. Name: Scylla Hp: 3000 Mp: 80 Strengths: Water Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: FIRE STORM BLADE.. Nuff said Name: Petri Gerel Hp: 2400 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Earth Drop: My Description: Most likely causes Stone. Keep Amulet of Flexibility on you ------------------- Silvalant------------------- Go to the item shop and buy some Witch Powder, it might come in handy. Customize with Longswords and Irons until you get something like Sword of Stealth and Make sure you keep a Sword of Marvels so you can have an unaugemented weapon. Now it's time to train in the Ruins of the Old Race. YAY! It's really a good thing to do this cause it'll level you up a lot. And maybe we'll find some good items in there, maybe.. I'm writing this walkthrough as I go, so I have no friggen idea what's in there. So lets go find out. Shall we? Yay! The Ruins of the Old Race is pretty much a hidden cave way on the end of the ice peninsula. Just go East of Silvalant. Press Start to look at your world map. Keep pressing start until you see the big picture. If your Red Arrow is pointing east (Right) you're going the right direction. At some point it'll look like you're heading North Eastish.. It's at the edge of the ice. On the left side. Make sure you hug the left side of the mountains. Once you find the last mountain, go around the back of it and find an indented portion near the end you'll be there. If you can't find it.. Skip this next portion, it's not really that important that we go there ------------------- Old Race Ruins ------------------- Except for a Steel Helmet. I haven't found any impressive items yet. There is some good training in here tho, just make sure you keep the amulet of flexibility on at all costs. There's also some Silver Greaves. I've taken the path to the right of the Save point and come up with some good armor Also if you take the path to the left of the save point.. If you see a room with like four doors.. TURN AROUND AND DON'T COME BACK. There's a boss in that room, and he's hard enough with four characters. I wouldn't recommend challenging him unless you use the save point on the floor above. There is Steel Armor to the left of the save point. Another good thing to pick up. Make sure to Scout for enemies when you're training Name: Hound Spirit Hp: 2800 Mp: 0 Strengths: Light Weaknesses: Dark Drop: My Description: If you have Holy Sword equipped, you will heal them. Escape if necessary. You shouldn't need the Holy Sword anyway if you have the Sword of Stealth or the other I mentioned that I forgot the name of... Sword of.. uhhh MARVELS.. yes AND GREAT EXP FROM THEM Name: Berserker Hp: 2600 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Water Wind Fire Earth Light Dark Drop: My Description: Oh my god.. One Firestorm blade is enough to take out like three at one time.. God help them if you chain it Name: Drow Healer Hp: 1100 Mp: 80 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: My Description: What? Just waste them please Name: Dragon Axman Hp: 3900 Mp: Strengths: Fire Weaknesses: Water Drop: My Description: Pain in the butt...when combined with Witch Doctors Name: Witch Doctor Hp: 1200 Mp: 80 Strengths: Earth, Water, Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: My Description: Probably the only thing that will kill you in this dungeon Name: Vorpal Bunny Hp: 2800 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: My Description: Shouldn't be a problem If you reach level 70 and you have a death wish, or you're just friggen crazy like I am and wanna see if you can get your ass kicked. Turn off train, and stop scouting and reach that room with four doors. Name: Ancient Guardian Hp: 45000 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Water Fire Wind Light Dark Weaknesses: None Drop: ? Mineral (Orichalcum) My Description: If you're about level 70 or so. And you have an unaugmented weapon. Just keep attack him three times and then duck out. The battle shouldn't last long. If you're hp gets below half point use a blueberry. In the end he isn't as tough as I thought he would be, but at least you're leveled way up. There's not much for treasure as far as for Ratix. So once you're done looting the place just leave and Head back to Silvalant. ------------------- Astral Emblem ------------------- Head to Silvalant Once there, go to the pier and take a ship to any port in Astral. Make your way towards Astral city which is of course behind Tatori Once there speak to the king Go back to Tatroi and Try beating the Arena Rank C. Once you do you'll collect the Omega SFT. With that you should keep using the following skills to unlock First get Omega SFT to level 10 and use Lightray Blade until you get Omega Lightray Blade Thunderclap Blade until you get Omega Thunderclap Blade Double Slash until you get Omega Double Slash ------------------- Muah Emblem ------------------- Take a ship to Portmith and go visit the king.. He'll have a task for you to take care of.. NO NOT BUNNY XD If you fought in the Old Ruins like I asked you to. None of the monsters should be able to harm you at all If not. Here's what you're up against Name: Shadow Beast Hp: 3000 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Weaknesses: None Drop: Amazing Tenderloin My Description: Just like all the other pigs Name: Stirge Hp: 3300 Mp: 0 Strengths: Water Wind Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: Fire Storm blade Name: Mephisto Hp: 1500 Mp: 100 Strengths: Earth Water Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: Blackberries My Description: Gimme a break Once you reach the save point it's boss tiem. This one is Name: Succubus Hp: 54000 Mp: 50 Strengths: Earth Water Wind Fire Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: Ring of Happiness My Description: The battle starts off with a bunch of Shadow Beasts. IF the shadow beasts can damage you, I suggest you target them first. If they can't. Go ahead and focus on the boss. Holy sword works well here. And so does Omega Lightray Blade Strangely enough at level 72, she couldn't damage me either In the room ahead there's a Ring of Mental Power. It's a brilliant item to have if you keep being low on MP. You might not need it in a solo quest since your attacks are so powerful you don't need to spam killer moves to win. After you leave you'll get 200 Skill points. Yay! Pretty soon you'll be going to the purgatorium and be getting 300 more skill points Yay! You can either go to the Purgatorium now or head to Mt. Metox Secret Cave I'd also like for you to go to Ionis and pick up a bunch of supplies so after the Secret Cave go to the Van Continent and head for Ionis ------------------- Mt. Metox Secret Cave ------------------- As soon as you enter you'll go down a path and you'll find some dwarven boots in a chest if you go up. Then head back to the right. And go down. Then go left and up to find a Ankh shield Then head back down and to the right. There's a secret hole in the wall that leads to a blue area. Name: Untrained Assassin Hp: 3900 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Spectacles My Description: They can cause Petrification. Keep your amulet of flexibility ready Def of 505 they don't do damage Name: Shadow Flower Hp: 3600 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Water Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: Blackberries My Description: They can cause poison. Nothing else new Name: Acolyte Hp: 2100 Mp: 145 Strengths: Water Earth Weaknesses: Fire Drop: Blackberries My Description: Fire Storm Blade! Name: Ruffian Hp: 5400 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Leaf Pendant My Description: Not much trouble at all Name: Bloodworm Hp: 3900 Mp: 0 Strengths: Water Weaknesses: Fire Drop: Damascus My Description: Fire Storm blade Go down and around the bend to get an Dwarven Guard.. Then Head Right to the next room. You can go up again to get a Dwarven Mail. Now go back down and to the right. Save and then go up to fight the wabbit XD Name: Jabberwabbit Hp: 45000 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Vegetables My Description: LMAOOOOOO!!!! He didn't hurt me.. Once you collect your dues. Head out of the Dungeon and now on your way to Ionis ------------------- Returning To Van ------------------- Go to Portmith and take a ship to Eckdart. Go up the stairs and go to the item shop Gem in her eye and buy 5 Ruby's 5 Sapphires 5 Green Beryl's 20 Crystal's 10 Diamonds 20 Silver 20 Gold 20 Iron Take a ship to Silvalant. And behind a tree in the house that has a cat. There's Santa. Best time to use a Cinderella glass. Buy a Magical Rasp and Music Editor from him. And if you have enough get a tri-Emblem Head to Van from here and speak to the king. You'll learn about the Purgatorium to advance the quest. ------------------- Inventing In Ionis ------------------- Now go to Ionis. Once you get to Ionis. Go to the Inventors workshop and buy 20 Toolboxes 1 Lezard Flask Now it's time to INVENT. Welch would be proud of you. Go outside and save. And use Machinist to try your best at inventing [Machinist] Soldering Iron - Increases Crafting Ririca - Increases Replication Triangle Flask - Increases Alchemy Survival Kit - Increases Survival (Not necessary) Magician's Glove - Increases Pickpocket Graphic Tool - Increases Art Sterile Glove - Increases Compounding When you run out of Tool boxes' Sell the Extra stuff you don't need that you've invented more than one of. That should more than pay for you to buy more toolboxes until you get everything [Alchemy] You will cry if you try to use Alchemy with Ratix. You need a character that has blessing of Mana. Luckily for me Ronixis had it and I just gave him the SP needed to get a level 9 Alchemy Skill (This maybe a solo, but who said you couldn't use characters for item creation. You're just not allowed to let them participate in battle ;) ) Once you get the Lezard Flask and Triangle Flask. Use up your Irons to create as many Philosopher's as you can. I created like 15 in one shot You can create as many Philosopher's Stones as you want and sell them so you'll have enough money to buy a couple tri-Emblems from Santa. But in the end you should have 20 Mithrils 10 Philosopher's Stones 20 Meterorites 10 Orichalcums 10 Damascus 6 Rainbow Diamonds [Customization] When you have the Magical Rasp. Use a Mithril and a Sword of Marvels or a Sword of Stealth and try getting a Moon Falx Once you do save the game again and Use another Mithril to try getting a Mithril Sword This will be your strongest non elemental weapon until you get the Force Sword and create the Silvance [Crafting] Craft on Crystal to try making a lot of Ring of Resistance Ring of Fusion Since these items break a lot. It's good to have a lot of them.. You can also try replicating them [Blacksmithing] If you created Rainbow Diamonds like I said earlier you can increase your blacksmithing skill by two if you don't already have it at 10.. Due to inexperienced characters this is absolutely necessary. Equip two Rainbow Diamonds on all 3 sub core characters and leave it like that Use Hammers to Blacksmith on Meteorite to create Sylvan Boots Sylvan Helmet And try your best to create a Sylvan Mail for back up, since it prevents petrification for a sacrifice of 50 def Use Hammers to Blacksmith on Oricalcum to create Reflecting Plate (Strongest Mail) Use Hammers to Blacksmith on Mithril to create Mithril Shield (PREVENTS PARALYSIS: DAMN RIGHT SUCKA!) [Your Armor] Right now you should have this if you've done pretty much everything I said Weapon: Mithril Sword or Duel Sword Armor: Reflecting Plate or Sylvan Mail Shield: Mithril Shield Helmet: Sylvan Helmet Greaves: Sylvan Boots Accessory 1: tri-Emblem or Ring of Resistance Accessory 2: Berserker Ring or Amulet of Flexibility Alright. Now we are almost set to our perfect Equipment Selection. We are gonna head to the Purgatorium and show them that there is nothing this world has to offer that is able to destroy the devastating moving weapon you have become. Even Decus would kiss your feet, As for Claude he's already gone due to his game having bunny shoes -_- Just pray you have amulet of flexibility on when I tell you there are stoning monsters or all my praise will go to waste xD Now take a ship to Tropp. ------------------- Purgatorium ------------------- Head east across Astral's wastelands and North as the crow flies to the Highland Caves. Once you cross through you'll see the Purgatorium. Unfortunately you can't get right in through the front entrance, but you can get 50 SP. The back entrance is back on the field map but more North east of it. So basically hug the mountains and go towards the coast and then behind it You'll see a little scene and Ratix and Ronixis should move the boulder entering the way into the Purgatorium. If you've done the inventing I've asked, and you're around level 80. None of the monsters here can harm you. So I'm not even going to bother mentioning their names. Head left through the door and flip the switch. Then head right through the other door. You'll find a hallway with a little hallway to the right that will get you 100 SP Then go back and head up. Red - Enemy Blue - Door Orange - Back to Start Green - Chest (Froghead) Once you touch the blue thing and get the froghead or skip it. Go through the door and head left. Go down and left for 100 more SP Go back up and through this new door Red - Enemy Blue - Door Orange Back to Star Green - Chests (Ring of resistance and resurrection elixir) Head through the left door and up a lot to get a switch. Then go back and head through the right door and flip the switch.. Then touch the blue thing to escape to the save point The next room is a mind fuck Just screw all the chests here. There's nothing good. Touch the Orange one Touch the Orange one again Touch the Orange on the left Escape Win To the left is healing thingy and to the right is 100 sp. Ahead is the boss called Wolf Spirit. Make sure you don't have a light equipped weapon or attack. Other than that they are too low level to do you damage ------------------- Purgatorium Inner Sanctum ------------------- In this part. If your Defense is as high as mine was. The enemies can do you no damage which is pathetic. Well my Defense is around 825. I can't blame them for sucking so bad. I was actually hoping for these things to be stronger than that. Oh well. Just keep Omega Lightray Blade and Dragon Slash equipped. First go up the stairs Get your ?item (Sweet Syrup) and go to the left. Once you go around a linear path you'll come across a save point to the left Go up and to the right and pull the first two switches but save the last. No go back and left and collect your Sour Syrup and ?Mineral Go up and to the right. Down the stairs.. Then collect your sour syrup. Go up the stairs and to the left and Hit the switch. Go back the way we came towards the save point.. Collect your ?herb and go up the stairs. Go back through a linear path. Where you opened the chest earlier to get the (Sweet Syrup) Go underneath the bridge this time and go to a linear path that leads to a flare ring. Avoid all the red doors and go up towards a closed grey door. Press up against it and it will open up revealing a red room After the fight, talk to the computer to get an R-Card. Now all the red Doors open. Collect your useless treasure along the way, but make your way to the save point. And go back to that room with the three switches.. Pull the last one and go through the red door that closes Now go through the newly opened door to see a room full of blue. Fight the useless monster and talk to the computer getting the B-Card Now go up.. and down the blue stairs. Pull the switch and I have no idea what that just did... errr... OHHH Go back up the stairs. And to the right.. Down those stairs.. Unless you want a ring of lunacy don't go up the stairs. Instead go underneath the bridge and through a newly opened door. And collect uhh and Angel Statuette. Now go up for a scene Talk to the green switch.. Land of Searing Heat - Astral Land of the Falling Leaves - Van Land of the Frozen Wastes - Silvalant Land of Lush Greenry - Muah After a long scene and intense anger in your heart as you see Remia and all your precious snow men burn to a crisp. Take your rage and double it with a Berserker Ring and tri-Emblem go to Silvalant and take a boat to the Deserted Island ------------------- Demon World ------------------- It's time to kick some ass. Asmodeus has tread across the wrong heart. He's feeble attacks will only leave him helpless at the taste of your blade. Now. Onward. And fight Del Argosy Name: Del Argosy Hp: 57000 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Gale Earring My Description: Yes he's damaging me. Yes I'm scared. What really works here is long range Dragon Slash and try hitting him a few times. In the end I killed him before he could even get me down to half health. Name: Arachmeme Hp: 34950 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Fire Drop: None My Description: Not even a problem. Just like a normal enemy. She can damage you tho, so don't be careless Take a ship from Astral to Tatori and go outside and save your game [Customization] Take the Force Sword and Philosophers Stone and try making a Silvance. Take care tho.. The silvance does have an augment to three different elements. It might be wise only to use it for bosses that you know don't have strength to Light Dark and Wind Go back to the Deserted Island Via Silvalant and make your way through the demon world. Name: Killer Rabbit Hp: 5700 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Vegetables My Description: They damage me not Name: Little Devil Hp: 6100 Mp: 120 Strengths: Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: My Description: Omega Light Ray Blade Name: Raptor King Hp: 9150 Mp: 0 Strengths: Fire Wind Weaknesses: None Drop: My Description: Holy cow! Hit them twice and they die, but they will cause you damage. Name: Alraune Hp: 5700 Mp: 0 Strengths: Earth Water Weaknesses: Fire Drop: My Description: Omega Lightray blade Name: Deathteller Hp: 9750 Mp: 70 Strengths: Earth Fire Water Wind Dark Weaknesses: Light Drop: My Description: Omega Lightray Blade The whole thing is pretty linear. There are chests along the way but nothing really useful for Ratix. As soon as you get to the save point. The time space laboratory will be up ahead. This is where it will become more like a maze. ------------------- Space-Time Laboratory ------------------- Name: Angel Knight Hp: 9750 Mp: 175 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Dark Drop: Resurrection Elixir My Description: BE CAREFUL. These things cause Petrification.. If you're wearing the Amulet of Flexibility or the Sylvan mail, you'll be fine. Star Flare heals you if you have reflecting plate. Name: Otiph Hp: 7100 Mp: 0 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Earth Drop: Medicine Bottle My Description: BE CAREFUL. These things cause Petrification Go to the left underneath the bridge and follow the linear path to the left. Once you find the stairs again keep going left and pick up an amulet of Freedom. You may need this if you didn't get the Reflecting plate. Go up and up again to get a rainbow diamond.. Go back down and to the right. Keep going right and down until you're back where you started. Now go up the stairs and right the only place you can go Follow the linear path back down the stairs. Then go right down the walk way Go up for a Mithril. Here's where it gets tricky. Go back outside the door. And keep heading down. You'll end up in a secret path underneath the bridge Follow the linear path until it becomes divided. Then head up and to the right Now go up the stairs and through the door.. As you keep going make your first left under a bridge and towards a save point And then go up towards the computers for your boss fight. But make sure you have the Amulet of Flexibility on you Name: Dark Eye Hp: 49800 Mp: Strengths: Fire Wind Dark Weaknesses: None Drop: Meteorite My Description: Petrification: Interesting These Guys caused me no damage Name: Death Charona Hp: 15400 Mp: 185 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: None My Description: No damage either Now go back and save, cause if you lose against Asmodeus that fiend that destroyed Remia and Durss I'll shoot you in the face. Lol, not really. Now go up. And go Right up the stairs. Take the path down.. and to the left.. And up.. towards the door Before you enter the door.. Equip the Silvance and the Berserker Ring and tri-Emblem. Asmodeus has no strengths or weaknesses to elements and he doesn't petrify, so you're all set to spam attacks till he dies Name: Asmodeus Hp: 57000 Mp: 200 Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Faerie Tear My Description: If you're wearing the Reflecting Plate I don't think any of his magic attacks do jack squat for damage. But he does have a regular attack that knocks you back rather far. I'd stick with a long range Dragon Slash and try getting 7000 in each time.. In the end.. He doesn't stand a f*cking chance against your solo resolve ------------------------------ Fargett ------------------------------- As soon as you land on the planet head right.. You'll be attacked right away.. I say: "Let them come" Milly gets captured, Which I think is funny cause you don't have anyone in your party barely XD ------------------- Safe House ------------------- There's a guy near a door that will let you buy a bunch of items from him. You can buy a Silver Trumpet here too ------------------- Fargett Field ------------------- You can use the Silver Trumpet to learn the Devil's Aria And if you want to be reminded of how weak you are you can try fighting Gabriella solo What? You don't believe me? You think you're a god XD Just go ahead and play The Devil's Aria with someone who has Listening and Rhythm Sense with a Music of Level 10. She'll eat you for dinner D;... Trust me, I tried fighting her five times using different Tactics. Not only does she petrify you. Her regular attacks do 5000 damage each. It will be our goal to beat her Solo For now.. We have to Rescue Milly Go down towards that black looking Temple. ------------------- Army Camp ------------------- Don't even bother with the blue Switches. Head through the doorway Once through go through the bottom two doors and hit the green switch on both.. Once the done, go back to the center room and head up through the new doorway to find Milly Milly will Automatically join your party afterwards.. So be sure to throw her back ------------------- Bio Lab ------------------- As soon as everyone is done talking go down the Ladder. There's a linear path up ahead. Go up the ladder again and you'll be in Revorse Tower. You're final resting place to beat your solo ------------------- Revorse Tower ------------------- Name: Star Seraphim Hp: 14500 Mp: 230 Strengths: None Weaknesses: Dark Drop: Resurrection Mist My Description: Petrification watch out None of the other enemies should cause you any damage. Go down through the door way and head right 1F - Go up through the first door, keep going left around the bend. Once you're in a room with Five Doors. Go in the bottom right 2F - Left.. Left. Down around the bend.. Right.. Right Second door and go up around the bend. Left.. Down around the bend. Left 3F - Right through the last door. Right again. Up and around the bend to the left. Left 4F - Right and down around the bend. Left to a save point. Left again 2nd door and up and around the bend to the right. And Up 3F - Go Right and down and around the bend. Right 4F - Up and first door on your right 5F - Up and around the bend to the left. Left. Down and around the bend. Left 6F - Up and around the bend to the right. Right. Down and around the bend. First door on the left. Up and around the bend to the left. Left. 5F - Right and Down and around the bend. Left Left. Up 6F - Right 7F - Up and Up and Save.. Up ahead is your final boss. The one man that stands between you and a complete Ratix Solo. Don't let your guard down, this isn't over until Neo Revorse falls. First lets equip the Force Sword. Since Revorse has Strengths to all elements. Using the Silvance is not a good idea. Now Make sure you have your tri-Emblem and Berserk Ring equipped. He doesn't have petrification, so you can go all out on him. Name: Jie Revorse Hp: 55500 Mp: 250 Strengths: Earth Water Fire Wind Light Dark Weaknesses: None Drop: None My Description: He should be no problem at all. Just dodge his light ball attacks. Other than that his magic attacks do no damage to you. Name: Neo Revorse Hp: 94500 Mp: 300 Strengths: Earth Water Fire Wind Light Dark Weaknesses: None Drop: None My Description: What a freaking joke. If you're wearing the Armor I mentioned All his best magic attacks heal you. Seraphic Storm. - It will heal you a lot Sacred Law - It will heal you a lot So after he hits you a lot with his horn, he go ahead and restores you to full strength with a magic attack. So you best hope to dealing him damage is to wait until he casts a magic attack and jump in for three regular strikes. You can also try parrying his horn attacks and moving in, but the chance of success is about 30% In the end. I had more trouble fighting Asmodeus than him. What a joke XD The hardest boss in the game has to be Gabriella. ---------------------------- The Seven-Star Ruins ---------------------------- I was level 100 when I entered the Seven Star Ruins and the first monsters I fought gave me so much experience I leveled up to level 103. In fact I kept leveling three times all the way to level 109. and My best suggestion here Is to keep train on and LOOK FOR ENEMIES. Keep the amulet of Flexibility on. They aren't that strong fighting them but they give so much great exp. First go down the stairs and you'll be in a room with four doors each with a chest in them. Close the chest in doors 2, 3 and 4. Then the door will open. Go down the stairs and go down and down the stairs again. Now go right.. Up and then up throught the door to get the backstab skill Go left and down the stairs and you'll be at b7 At b9, this is very scary. You have to put all the ladies in the front of your party. But as soon as you reach b10. Rearrange them back to the pack and pray you didn't have a battle. Now go down and to the right. And down again down the stairs. Until you reach b12. Then if you go around the bend at the bottom. You'll find another stair case that leads you to b14. On this floor basically just move both sets of statues so the boy looks at the girl and the girl looks at the boy B15 is really tough cause you can barely find your way through the hidden holes in the walls. You'll find the first hole going down. And then the second hole on the left side of the new room. Don't try to go up. Instead keep going left until you reach a whole new room. Then go left again until you reach a room where you can go down. Get some treasure. Then go back to that room which was the second new room and go down to find a hidden path and head right to reach a room with stairs again. Go down You'll be at B16. Keep going down until you reach B18 Head to the right and ignore the man's warning and go up. Name: Demonic Eye Hp: 54750 Mp: 130 Strengths: Fire Wind Dark Weaknesses: None Drop: Ring of Lightspeed My Description: You start off the battle with 1 hp. So it would be a wise idea to start using two blueberries till you're healed up again. Then these fight just like regular monsters. Make sure you have Ring of Flexibility cause they do stone a lot. On B19. What one is the next one does not want to be. The first one is closed. So the second one should be open. Then the third one should be closed and the last one should be open B20 Head left through a hole in the wall. Then you'll see a room with a stair case leading down to treasure. You can get the treasure then go back up to the same room and head left through another hole in the wall. Then you'll see a treasure chest up and you can get it if you work your way up a bit. (It's the ring of infinity. You can level up people that are not in your party with it. Thus making it so you can level up people in a solo. I'm not sure if it levels them up or stops at 1exp. I'll have to test this theory.) Then go back in the whole and go left to the next room and head down the stairs. Keep going down until you reach B23. B24 is harder to master. I'll give you the right code. First Chest Fourth Chest Second Chest First Chest Third Chest Fourth Chest B25 is down through that hole in the wall. Then left in the next room. Then keep going left through the darkness and downt the stairs until you reach B27 Head Right to get Ratix's strongest weapon the Aurora Blade. Good thing that none of the bosses in the Seven Star Ruins are Strong against Light On b28 There's another two sets of Demonic Eye bosses. Don't worry they aren't strong against light damage. On b29 as long as two statues aren't looking at each other directly in the eyes then the door opens. B30 is where the boss is.. I was at level 167 when I beat it the first time and I had training mode on. Lmao. Name: Resphina Hp: 35300 Mp: N/A Strengths: None Weaknesses: Dark Drop: Resurrection Mist My Description: TAKE HER OUT FIRST. If you focus your damage on her instead of the slow bandit guys, then you'll stop her from using all her strong attacks like what Gabriella does, except her HP isn't that high so taking her out is only a few quick Omega Lightray blades. Then you can focus on the bandit kings who are deadly, but slow. She also causes stone Name: Bandit Kings 2x Hp: 117750 Mp: N/A Strengths: None Weaknesses: None Drop: Velvet Tear My Description: They are a pain in the butt when fighting them. But they are very slow and therefore if you have a good long ranged attack you can do damage to them from a distance without them causing you any pain and misery Collect your treasure but don't equip the ring of aborbtion yet. Also when you're getting out of the place you might start running out of blueberries. It would be a great idea to use Familiar with Love of Animals talent to go shopping for you. ---------------------------- Gabriella ---------------------------- I beat her solo like ages ago. I just hadn't gotten the chance to update my guide yet. I'll give you guys some suggestions on how to do it so you all stop sending me email suggestions. Rofl. Yeah the Ring of Absorbtion is a good bet. But it doesn't always work 100% of the time. Infact you have about a 40% chance of defeating Gabriella solo even at level 255. Here's my suggestion. Eqiup the Sylvan Mail and Mithril Shield since she can cause petrification and paralysis. You must use the Aurora Blade as your weapon. And your two accessories should be tri-Emblem and Archangel's Bracelet. The Archangel's Bracelet is the best Accessory in the game. It creates a shooting star effect when you hit an enemy so you keep them pinned down. Now for Fighting Gabriella. First you must use a sub character that has Listening and Rythm Sense. Not Ratix. And then get their Music up to Level 10. Play The Devil's Aria with the Silver Trumpet. Name: Gabriella Hp: 108500 Mp: N/A Strengths: None Weaknesses: Dark Drop: Archangels Bracelet and Resurrection Mist My Description: Basically her only attacks are this huge wheel she shoots and spins around Air Slash, Her body moving around like a magician, and Meteor Swarm and Something else that doesn't damage me. But other than that all her attacks do at least 4000 damage at level 255. Your best bet is to keep retrying until you can get in their and keep attacking her non stop with combos until she explodes. It's worth a try and a few body controls might save you. Other than that you're gonna have to keep healing yourself. ------------------------------- Legal Stuff ------------------------------- This Guide is Copyright (c) 2008 and 2009. Star or StarGGundam2 (Scott) Everything within this guide has been written by me. It may not be reconstructed, posted, or used at any site without my permission. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to ------------------------------- Big Thanks ------------------------------- I'd like to thank tri-Ace for making such a wonderful game, it's been a great enjoyment in my life. Also I give a big thanks to my friends for cheering me on Thank you readers for reading my faq, especially if your reading this line right now. Without you my guide is meaningless. And I thank Ratix for being one of my favorite characters of all time.