LEMMINGS (EU Release) Walkthrough/Strategy Guide v.0.81 INFORMATION: By: Leilei Pan aka. Liltrix Email: Leileipan(at)hotmail(dot)com Copyright: No one may copy or take away from this guide in any way without my permission. This guide is intended for private use only. Please Email me with any questions, comments, or recommendations label the email with lemmings as the subject title. This guide should only appear on Gamefaqs(DOT)com supercheats(DOT)com cheatcc(DOT)com Please let me know if you see it else where. COPYRIGHT 2006 LEILEI PAN. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Updates: V0.5: started on 15/5/06 just the basics and the stratgy guide for FUN levels V0.8: completed on 31/05/06 completed the stratgy guide for tricky levels too, started on taxing V0.81: completed on 31/05/06 forgot the table of contents, so i had to add that too ^^! ------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS: ~CONTROLS~ ~TOOLS~ ~ORGINAL LEVELS~ --FUN-- 1 Just dig! 2 Only floaters can survive this 3 Tailor made for blockers 4 Now use miners and climbers 5 You need bashers this time 6 A task for blocks and bombers 7 Builders will help you here 8 Not as complicated as it looks 9 As long as you try your best 10 Smile if you love lemmings 11 Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming 12 Patience 13 We all fall down 14 Origins and Lemmings 15 Don’t let your eyes deceive you 16 Don’t do anything too hasty 17 Easy when you know how 18 Let’s block and blow 19 Take good care of my lemmings 20 We are now at LEMCON ONE 21 You Live and Lem 22 A Beast of a level 23 I’ve lost that Lemming feeling 24 Konbanwa Lemming san 25 Lemmings Lemmings everywhere 26 Nightmare on Lem street 27 Let’s be careful out there 28 If only they could fly 29 Worra lorra lemmings 30 Lock up your Lemmings --TRICKY-- 1 This should be a doddle! 2 We all fall down (2) 3 A ladder would be handy 4 Here’s one I prepared earlier 5 Careless clicking cost lives 6 Lemmingology 7 Been there, seen it, done it 8 Lemming sanctuary in sight 9 They just keep on coming 10 There’s a lot of them about 11 Lemmings in the attic 12 Bitter Lemming 13 Lemming Drops 14 MENACING !! 15 Ozone friendly Lemming 16 Luvly Jubly 17 Diet Lemmingaid 18 It’s Lemmingentry Watson 19 Postcard from Lemmingland 20 One way digging to freedom 21 All the 6’s 22 Turn around young lemmings! 23 From The Boundary Line 24 Tightrope City 25 Cascade 26 I have a cunning plan 27 The Island of the Wicker 28 Lost something? 29 Rainbow Island 30 The Crankshaft ~FAQ~ ~CREDITS~ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CONTROLS~ SELECT BUTTON: (little one at the bottom) will allow you to open the following menu: Finish (permitted once enough lemmings have exited safely) Restart (quick way to end it and start again if you know its not going to happen) Quit (selecting this will give all the lemmings on the level a bomb and kill them off simultaneously) Continue (as this menu also pauses the game) START BUTTON: (next to the select) this is a nice way to pause the game while having access to scroll along the level and/or changing tools. LEFT/RIGHT TRIGGER: to scroll along the tools at the bottom of the screen TRIANGLE BUTTON: zoom in/zoon out CIRCLE BUTTON: fast forward X BUTTON: when the crossfire hairs are aligned with a lemming it will turn in to a box, this button “gifts” the selected lemming with whatever tool is selected at the bottom of the screen SQUARE BUTTON: to lock on to a lemming, this is useful when they are tightly bundled together and you need to know which way their going. DIRECTIONAL PAD: controls the crossfire hair/selector box ANALOGE STICK: scrolls the screen without moving the crossfire hair/selector box -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~TOOLS~ CLIMBER: looks like a lemming hugging a tree This one will give the lemming orange hair and the ability to climb vertical surfaces. FLOATER: looks like an umbrella If selected the lemming will receive an umbrella and be able to fall from a great height without splat-ing (read: dieing) BOMBER: looks like a blue cannon ball bomb with a wick (alight) The selected lemming will have a count down from five above his head, once the numbers reach one, he will clutch his head and cry and explode quite graphically in bite sized pixel chunks. BLOCKER: looks like a lemming doing the Egyptian This will turn the selected lemming in to a flow block, normally he can be considered as good as dead once in this state, however, if you mine next to said lemming he will stop blocking and just walk away. The blocker will only block a horizontal flow of lemmings, if he is situated on a steep slope (read: steeper than mine shaft) he may be ignored. BUILDER: looks like three bricks The selected lemming will be gifted with a yellow backpack and build a slow but sound staircase of precisely 12 blocks this goes about 6 lemmings wide (placed side by side with arms out) in a 20 degree incline upon laying his 10th block there will be a visual cue of “CHINK” this will remain till the last block upon which he will stand on and shrug, this is a visual cue to re-select said lemming to carry on building or he will simply walk over the edge of his structure and carry on. BASHER: looks like a lemming punching rocks This can only be gifted to a lemming situated close (read: 1 lemmings width) away from a near vertical surface. He will rotate his arms and eat away in a horizontal path though wood, rock and stairs built by lemmings. He can not plow though metal. He may take one chunk out of metal, but will turn around in disgust and walk away. This one chunk cannot be repeated. DIGGER: looks like a spade Selected lemmings will throw up dust with gusto and create a vertical shaft though wood, rock and stairs but not metal. If done on the “ground” of most levels they will likely unearth water and drown. However if done from a great height this will save them from dieing but does not mean the remain lemming coming though this vertical shaft will survive. MINER: looks like a pick/hammer Selected lemmings will acquire a yellow hard hat and a pick he will swing wildly at a near horizontal surface and create a downward incline of approx 20 degrees he can hack away though wood, rock and stairs again he may unearth water at the ground level and cause everyone behind him to drown. You are also given the option of increasing/decreasing the drop (read: birth) rate of lemmings with the plus and minus buttons however the rate cannon be decreased in a lot of levels. This is not an essential tool for winning but occasionally the allotted time will not be enough for all the lemmings to enter the level, and if you use this at the start completing the level in time becomes less of a nail biting ordeal. -----------------------------------FUN-------------------------------- ~ORGINAL LEVELS~ Title: Just Dig Fun: 01/30 Begin with: 10 Must save: 10 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 1/10 One should be able to duce even with the lowest perception level the lemmings must dig to survive the fall. So start at the closest point to the exit and dig away, select each lemming as they approach. Title: Only Floaters Can Survive This Fun: 02/30 Begin with: 10 Must save: 08 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 1/10 Again this is pretty straight forward just gift all the lemmings with the “floating” ability as they enter. Otherwise they will “SPLAT” once they fall it’s a brisk stroll to the exit. Title: Tailor Made For Blockers Fun: 03/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 05 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 Although you are allocated bombs there is really no need for them. As the lemming enter block to the right of the entry “drop” let them walk across the next platform drop to the smallest of the platforms block of the end of this platform, the lemmings will turn around and drop again. Block again in the middle of the second to last platform. Lastly block off the far side of the last platform this will send the lemmings cascading down to the exit but you’ll have to block again for the lemmings turn around to exit. Title: Now Use Miners And Climbers Fun: 04/30 Begin with: 10 Must save: 10 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 1/10 No strategy involved in this one, just mine thru the top platform. As the lemmings drop “gift” with “climbing” ability they should go straight up the wall to the exit. Title: You Need Bashers This Time Fun: 05/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 05 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 Provided with more than enough “bashers” this is a breeze. Smash through the pipe then the crystal encrusted rock wall walk over the first apex bash though the netting at the base of the first triangle the lemmings will leapfrog just carry on a relatively horizontal path to the exit. Title: A Task For Blockers and Bombers Fun: 06/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 10 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 Mark the first lemming to drop out with a bomb, it will explode somewhere along the top platform, creating a hole for the rest of the lemmings to fall thru. There is a wooden wall in the middle of the path. Set up a “blocking lemming” at the wall mark him with the bomb and wait till he explodes the rest of the lemmings will walk on to the exit. Title: Builders Will Help You Here Fun: 07/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 25 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 Here one will tackle common obstructions. We begin with a low wall; start your first set of steps just before the faint crease in the rocks below the low wall. This should mean you only have to build one set of steps. Next the “gap” start the steps at the edge of this well. The majority of the lemmings will cruise on to exit. However if you feel the need to rescue each and every last lemming you may feel like building a set of zig-zagging steps out of the well. (This is not necessary to succeed) Title: Not As Complicated As It Looks Fun: 08/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 95 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 1/10 Use the first lemming as a block, this will turn around the flow of lemmings into the exit, ignore the rest of the tools obtained. Title: As Long As You Try Your Best Fun: 09/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 90 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 There is a likely chance that one will lose a few lemmings here, but not to worry. Just bash your way thru the pillar towards the exit, there will be a few who turn around to wards the morbid exposed blades, just try to catch the first “turn around” lemming and use him as a block to turn the rest around. Even if you don’t manage this task you should be able to “succeed” Title: Smile If You Love Lemmings Fun: 10/30 Begin with: 20 Must save: 10 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 The lemmings have to far of a jump to reach the exit (and will go splat without assistance) so block off the right edge of the block you fall upon as far to the end as possible, this will give you the optimum working space, next gift all incoming lemmings with “floating” ability this should see them to the bottom with out a gruesome end and since they are faced the right way no other tampering is needed to guide them to the exit. Title: Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming Fun: 11/30 Begin with: 60 Must save: 50 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 A great big grey monolith stands between you and the exit, it’s marked with one way arrows, these stop you from burrowing though this from the direction you enter. Select your first two lemmings with climbing ability, then floating. They will climb over and land on the otherside of the blockage. Use the first one of the pair as a blocker and as the other one returns to the block bash your way though the block. Once he's a fairway though blowup your blocking lemming. On ward march to the exit with only one sacrifice. Title: Patience Fun: 12/30 Begin with: 80 Must save: 40 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 1: 3/10 - 2: 4/10 Here you have one of two options, METHOD 1) which I like better for its simplicity. As the lemmings drop in close succession select the first twenty with climbing ability, as soon as you’ve finished that process select the floating ability or else its all gone to waste. Wait a full lemming height between the last orange haired lemming climbs up the wall before bashing the wall down. Bash your way across select as many lemmings as you can to help… if their bashing they are not turning around and dieing. Once the remaining lemmings fall in to the well, build zigzagging steps out of the well and home safely, select the builder by checking which way he's facing with the square button METHOD 2) so this is harder and a little more work but good practice none the less. (you will need this skill) do the same to begin selecting the first twenty to be super lemmings, and the rest of the minions bashing their way across… once in the well instead of building a series of steps out, just before the last two orange haired lemmings exit, block the second to last one and the last one should turn around, as he does select the pick (mining) and line up your crossfire with the left edge of the horizontal block above and dig a tunnel so that its low enough for the lemmings to step up in to but not to low that he keeps digging though the floor. Once he starts digging blow up the blocking lemming quickly. A beginner might feel the need to pause between each step to find the correct space and tool. Title: We all fall down Fun: 13/30 Begin with: 10 Must save: 10 Time: 4 Min Difficultly: 1/10 It doesn’t get much simpler than this, select each lemming with the digging ability, but just make sure the lemmings reach as far as they can go before digging and falling otherwise you might find out you’ve run out of landing room. For some reason they don’t go splat if they’ve dug the hole. But this rule doesn't always stand true. Title: Origins and Lemmings Fun: 14/30 Begin with: 80 Must save: 60 Time: 8 Min Difficultly: 5/10 The trick is just to keep of track of what needs doing and weather its being done. So the first lemming to reach the first pillar is put on mining duty, make sure its mining, as bashing may cause lemmings to go splat. Once he's all the way though take him and his next in line to be climbers. The third in line will then be put on building task. Start a set of steps on the crease between the 3rd and 4th block (floor) as the steps are started the climbers will have reached the next step. Start mining away on the third pillar the second man will have turned around and started to head back towards the pack, but catch him before he climbs his way out of this section and get him to start mining too (away from the exit) the lemming mining the third pillar should next start a set of steps this time in the middle of the third block (counting away from the entry point) he will need two lots of stairs once he's finished he will climb in to the last section (elevated) make him a blocker and select another two climbers (make sure they are a fair amount of space apart and are headed towards the exit) the first guy will turn around at the blocker and start mining the second to last pillar, once he's started blow up the blocker the second guy should come along now and start mining the last pillar… there is a wee bit of thinking involved however this is a guaranteed way to not run out of time. Title: Don’t let your eyes deceive you Fun: 15/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 80 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 3/10 Time to practice the “long step, building technique”. So bash your way though the 3 pillars wait till the lemmings are at the top of the steps each time for obvious reasons. Once at the foot on the exit side of the 3rd pillar. Make the second lemming a blocker. Don’t worry their not going anywhere, the first guy will become very good at building consecutive steps (hopefully) seeing as he needs to build 4 one after the other without falling in. catch him before he walk downwards in to the crevasse but at the very edge. If you do it to early the steps will need to be to long which means to high which means lemmings go splat. Just make sure your cursor is always on him once he goes clink, clink, clink your crossfire will turn in to a aiming square and you can select him again, you have a fairly small margin of error. After building the fourth one, he will fall and start climbing the wooden (pre built steps) however there is yet another gap to fill this time over a hang-man (/lemming) device (which sucks up your oblivious lemming by the toes and cranks him over for a out of view splat) you will need two lots of steps to cover this gap start anywhere on the platform, the edge is the best but it doesn’t really matter. The steps will eventually meet up with the wooden ones, that lead up to the exit. Title: Don’t do anything too hasty Fun: 16/30 Begin with: 80 Must save: 50 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 4/10 Yet another steps building exercise. This time use the second in line as a blocker, make the first in line start building steps, make sure it’s at the very edge of the brick platform. Now as he's building go back to the drop point, where the third lemming out will have gone beyond the point where the lemmings fall out and on to the platform, make him a blocker too. You will make a little cache of “safe” lemmings here. As long as you have two lemmings blocking either side of the drop point your good to go. Once that’s done the step building lemming now has your undivided attention. He will need to build 6 set of stairs consecutively. Not an impossible task but a tough one with a bit of practice it should become second nature. As soon as his stairs overlaps the exit platform you can bomb your blocker. If your really skilled and want to get it over and done with quickly, you may wish to increase your drop rate you have plenty of waiting time between each step. Title: Easy when you know how Fun: 17/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 20 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 1/10 or 3/10 You can either just copout and rescue the twenty that is needed to complete or rescue the better part of the population with not much more effort. I’ll start with the copout. You have twenty floaters and you need to rescue 20, that seems nice and easy, and rightfully so it is. So simply bash your way though the pillar closest to the exit and float twenty down the drop which is to much, ignoring all the lemmings dieing down the bottom. Who cares? You only need the twenty anyways. But if you wish to save the other ones since you’re a humane kinda person, then build steps over the crushing device… you see the crusher is activated by a lemming stepping on the trigger pad beneath the pounding part. Once the steps are in place then plow your way through the three pillars away from the exit (leaving the last one intact) this will send all those lemmings in the opposite direction away from the exit, but not splatting them. They will then walk over the triggers and in to the exit. Title: Let’s block and blow Fun: 18/30 Begin with: 70 Must save: 50 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 The idea is that you block where you want your lemmings to fall by blowing up the blocker. Fairly simple task. However be cautious that you do it in that order, blocking then blowing…. Also being careful to not put two holes right under each other since the lemmings falling though both holes in one go will splat to their pixely death. Also to be cautious where you block, you don’t want to block to close to the vertical wall, you might find that radius of damage the bomb does is more than you had expected. So for that reason pick the middle of each empty space. Title: Take good care of my Lemmings Fun: 19/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 70 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 So I'm a tad pedantic when it comes to saving as many lemmings as possible, so therefore I will use the second and the third lemmings to drop as blocks and create a cache of nice safe little lemmings. (simply block either side of the attic doors…. I also recommend increasing the drop rate as you may find that you run out of time on this one. So once the first lemming reaches the last arc (closest to the exit) make him start building steps on the middle of the large block second one away from the centre brick with the pretty flower decal it’s the one almost the same size, this means you only need to build three sets of consecutive steps in order to make it to the door, and you wont be so high that the lemmings go splat. Once you have commissioned the third set go back and blow up the blocker closest to the exit. Title: We are not at LEMCON ONE Fun: 20/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 30 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 To make things less stressful, again make the cache of lemmings using the second and third lemmings out to block either side of the drop. But be wary to make sure that the exit side isn’t to close to the step builder. The first lemming will be the set up lemming. Build a set of steps to overlap the gap to the wooden structure and plow though the seven wooden poles be sure to have good timing, you don’t want him turning around because he's not coming back, if he does decide to make a run for it simply use him at a blocker in the little overlapping part of the steps built to bridge the gap. Build yet another set of steps to bridge the gap on the exit side, blow up the exit side blocker for the cache when your good and ready. Title: You Live and Lem Fun: 21/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 60 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 2/10 So the stage is set in the side section view of a dinosaur fossil, how clever. Lets not complicate things, you only need two bashers and one builder. That’s it, forget the rest. Bash your way though the spine (the first wall with bits of bone) of this creature walk out his tummy cavity to the ground floor, bash though his hand the second wall with bits of bone, atchung. There is a snap trap on the floor of this level below the jaw of this fossil. You will only see a little metal block and what looks like a giant staple. The sides of this device will spring up when stepped upon and snap your lemming in two. Simply build a set of steps over this device and walk on to the exit. Title: A Beast of a level Fun: 22/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 80 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 3/10 I'm going to suggest making a cache of lemmings using the second and third lemmings out to block either side of the drop but you can choose to only block on the side away from the exit, but you might find that this gets annoying when you start building steps. Anyhow, bash your way though the six tree (stumps) build a set of steps starting in the middle of the root towards the exit. You will hit the giant rock the exit sits upon. (about a little under halfway up) as the lemming turns around make him start another set of steps this time going away from the exit, you will need two consecutive sets in order to hit the tree as he turns around yet again (to face the exit) build three more sets of consecutive steps (making a zigzag of steps between tree and rock) this should lead you well over the edge of the rock. Quickly scroll back and blast your exit side blocker if you have two blockers. Title: I’ve lost that Lemming feeling Fun: 23/30 Begin with: 80 Must save: 20 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 3/10 You’ll find that this is a fairly simple level caching lemmings or not. I don’t bother since you only need to save twenty out of eighty. So use the first lemming to drop as a blocker (to turn your lemming around walking towards the exit) the second to bash his way though, the trick here is to wait till he's up in to the recess of the vertical wall, this way you will start a little higher and end up a little higher, so you have more room for error and don’t need to click on as many bashers. You will stop at holes in the “wall” but sometimes he will carry on bashing (depending on where he started) either way you will come to the second to last hole, this is a long hole where your lemmings may perish upon falling. So build a set of steps across this one, this can be tricky but you will need to learn this skill, as soon as he's about to run out of wall select builder the lemming will start building immediately, but before he hits the other side and turns around make him start bashing again the trick is to not have a gap here, even a small gap will lead the rest of the lemmings to their doom. Bash though to the last slot bash again to the exit. Title: Konbanwa Lemming san Fun: 24/30 Begin with: 30 Must save: 20 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 So we encounter the block with the one way bashing allowed. Seeing as the lemmings come out in quick succession it makes the level quite easy. Select one of the last lemmings to dig (but make sure he's going to land far enough before the one way block) he will land going the opposite direction of the pack here he can bash his way though the special rock and free the rest of the lemmings. Who will then cascade down to the next platform turn around and walk though a big crusher… but because your lemmings are in such close succession it doesn’t really matter the device can’t really catch enough lemmings to make you fail. They will lose about 3 or 4 then carry on to the ground floor where they will bump in to the wall turn around and exit. Title: Lemmings Lemmings everywhere Fun: 25/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 50 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 Again a trail lemmings in tight succession they will travel up the net and along the top here you want to make them bash their way at the big gaps (close to the spider web) then bash in to the vertical side of the spider web about halfway up as soon as they hit the bottom bash though towards the exit this should let them out to the exit if it doesn’t then dig your way out. Title: Nightmare on Lem street Fun: 26/30 Begin with: 2 Must save: 2 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 Well it’s really not complicated. There’s only TWO! So start both of them building steps as soon as they reach the edge of the platform they fall out on to. This flight of steps will take them onto the next platform. Get each lemming to build two consecutive set of stairs to the exit platform, they will march off the stairs and fall in to the exit. Title: Let’s be careful out there Fun: 27/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 25 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 First one out will be a blocker. Sending the stream away from the exit (weird I know, but you’ve only got 20 umbrellas and you have to save 25, you do the math) the second lemming out builds a set of steps from this platform to the leaning pillar. (for get about the ones falling to their doom, you only need to save half if your deathly concerned, start the steps as late as possible have the first step laid pretty much over the edge of the platform) once the first lemming is up to the top of the third pillar (on the block where there is some Greek(ish) writing) get him to block. The first one to bounce of him and turn around then to reach the second pillar again will start building the second set of steps (towards the exit) here there will need to be two consecutive steps, but you have more than enough building material so you as many as you can to save the lemmings (if you want to) just remember to save one! Once over they will walk across the top and down the other side and fall on to the pile of rocks on the opposite side of the exit. Here at the top of the mound make another blocker first one to the last rock starts building a set of stairs. Once it overlaps the ground floor your home safe. Title: If only they could fly Fun: 28/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 80 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 5/10 The first part is pretty obvious, dig your way out of the ladder like structure, just be sure not to dig in a straight line, I suggest digging in a zigzag pattern. Once at the ground level block each side of this structure. Make sure you have one lemming free to set up the rest of the level. When your under the floating platform with the cage contraption at the top. Start building a set of stairs. (in the direct centre of the pillar or even a little bit to the entry side) you will build 4 sets of consecutive steps you will reach the last platform before the exit. From here build a set of steps which start at the very edge of the platform away from the exit. If you don’t then you will find that the steps end under the exit platform once this set of stairs has been started go back and blow up blocker to free the rest of the lemmings. Title: worra lorra lemmings Fun: 29/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 60 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 5/10 So there might be an easier way out there, but seeing as there is plenty of time, my way works fine. So block the first on out. Turning the rest around bash though the first obstruction fall in to the tight well, select a lemming going towards the exit as a climber get him to climb over the wooden plank. Bash his way though the wide pillar and blocks. Go over the wooden steps when goes down the other side there will be a gap, wait till he's fallen onto the other side before building steps. Build the steps to reach the top of the next set of wooden steps (3set of steps whatever, remember more importantly it must end above the wooden plank. Here bash your way though the pyramid above the plank (hopefully as high as possible, but it really doesn’t make a difference). Once you reach the other side immediately start building some steps. Build until you hit the wall on the opposite side, as soon as you turn around start building another set of steps, you will zigzag about 5 times, to reach the top. When you’ve started on your fifth set go back to the beginning and find a lemming going in the direction towards the exit. Get him to bash though the wooden plank to free the cache. Title: Lock up your Lemmings Fun: 30/30 Begin with: 60 Must save: 40 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 Realistically you need two bashers and one digger, forget the rest. Bash the wall on the exit side of the space that the lemmings dropped in to. (your lemming will come out going the other way) be patient, if your not and you bash the wrong one, don’t fret, just use the basher as a blocker once he's finished. The trick here is to bash though the next tier’s blockage and then dig immediately. But not to dig straight away, since you’ll splat all the arriving lemmings. Make sure you dig with a lemming who is on the entry side of the exit and not the cauldron side. However if you bash the wrong side and go though in to the pillar, don’t fret just dig all the way down there is a metal block at the base of the pillar which gives you another chance. This time if you get it wrong again there is no mercy. ---------------------------------TRICKY---------------------------------- Title: This should be a doddle! Tricky: 1/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 50 Time: 6 Min Difficultly: 2/10 A obvious solution and abundance of tools, stop the second lemming a few steps away from the drop point, to cache the rest of the lemmings. Leaving the first lemming out to be your set up guy. Build 3 consecutive set of stairs over the gap. (while doing this incease the drop speed) at the boulder bash your way though as soon as that’s been started go and free the cache by blowing up your stopper. Title: We all fall down (2) Tricky: 2/30 Begin with: 15 Must save: 15 Time: 4 Min Difficultly: 1/10 Plenty of time and more than twice the number of tools need. In short this is effortless. Now if you wish to be really sadistic feel free to up the drop rate. It makes it more fun and challenging. So it’s the same as last time. Simply get them to dig… this will save them from splatting. They are facing the right way so once you selected the digger your safe Title: A ladder would be handy Tricky: 3 /30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 50 Time: 8 Min Difficultly: 4/10 There are lots of effective ways to do this level, but I prefer the following, seeing as consecutive stairs can get tedious to build. So I make the first three in line floaters and climbers and the fourth a stopper (a few steps out of the drop point. The first two will reach the bottom where there is a gap between the two logs. Bridge this, if you start at the very edge of the log you will only need one set of stairs each (they will all need to build) while this is happening, the rest of your lemmings will be falling in to a safe little cache on the other side of the mountain they are happy staying here for a while. Back to the setup team, the third in line will keep building steps all the way to the mountain wall but the other two will head up the side of the wall and to the exit. Block the first one just outside of the exit the next will spin round and start in the opposite direction (back to the drop point) get him to start mining somewhere in the white patch of rock, the builder will have hit the edge of the rock (and turned around once he reaches the opposite wall get him to start bashing to free the cache) and so you will know where your tunnel needs to be once your miner is horizontal to the steps start bashing your steps will lead in to the tunnel and out to the exit don’t forget to blow up your blocker before the crowd gets to him. Title: Here’s one I prepared earlier Tricky: 4/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 20 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 4/10 Make the first one a climber, he will get over the one way rock, at the base of the next rock get him to build some steps this will turn him around now he's facing the direction of the one way rock, get him to bash though it. Once he's though the other lemmings will be flowing freely, block all but one lemming. Get the set up lemming to bash though the little rock, get him to fall to the next rock floating in the water. From here build three consecutive steps to the next rock, from the next rock build four consecutive steps to the next rock, from here build one more set of steps to reach the final hill that the exit is on, blow up the blocker free the cache who have a clear road to the exit. Title: Careless clicking cost lives Tricky: 5/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 50 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 So you only need to save a fraction of what you’ve been allocated. So there’s no need to worry about the lemming in the wrong place at the wrong time. Bash though four rocks on wires you can bash though the rock, so the first one will be somewhere along the top and then the next three will be though the bottom of the rock, be careful to select the lemming close to the rock and not one underneath the rock if you do you’ll soon be drowning. Once though the lot of them build six consecutive stairs bridging the gap that has a crystal formation floating in water, to the platform with the exit on top. Title: Lemmingology Tricky: 6/30 Begin with: 5 Must save: 4 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 5/10 Plenty of resources here, there are many ways to get the job done but I like the following method. Bash though the first block between the drop and the exit, this will see the lemmings fall on a block at the next platform, and into the cavity, I suggest selecting one as a climber to set up the rest of the level, as he reaches the top of the block get him to build some steps to the next platform. Bash your way though the block on the opposite end of this platform. He will land on the last floating plank, closet to the exit. At this point you may wish to start building a set of steps out for the rest of the lemmings. The set up lemming will start building a set of steps spanning the height and width over the block and the gap to the exit. Title: Been there, seen it, done it Tricky: 7/30 Begin with: 75 Must save: 55 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 6/10 So its all about spacing. First lemming out blocks at the edge of the first pillar, next lemming in line will be setting up and building A LOT of steps. Third lemming should be a blocker a little on the exit side of the drop, make sure he's not to close to the step builder as that would be bad when you go to blow him up to free him from his duty. Now the trick to completing this level is that you want the steps to cover the gap and only the gap, but not for the lemming to bounce back in the opposite direction. So start a few lemmings width in from each edge, repeat this 6 times over to the last pillar, as soon as you can start digging without falling out the lip of the pillar do so, but only to the first orange line, here start bashing as soon as he's a few scoops over start digging again, this time aim to stop at the top of the green line, start bashing across, a few scoops and start digging, this time as far down as the last two and next start bashing to exit the pillar, you should be a decent way down the pillar (over half way down) as soon as your basher scoops out the last few pixels start building a set of steps to overlap the gap and onto the exit. At which time you can free the cache by blowing up the blocker between the drop point and the exit. Title: Lemming sanctuary in sight Tricky: 8/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 60 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 5/10 I know your given stoppers in your tool box but where are the bombs to free what their holding back? So here’s my suggestion. Forget about using the blockers. Bridge the gap of lava by building a set of steps, ignore the few lemmings that fall to their doom. The lemmings will reach the far brick wall and bounce back here build another bridge to meet at the top of the first set of steps, this will make an A shape above the gap and make sure no lemmings will die, no matter what. Next building a set of steps starting in the middle of the metal pillar beneath the floor, you will need two consecutive steps to hit the brick wall, when the lemmings turn around on the stairs start building from the middle you will need another two consecutive steps to overlap to the next level. You will have created an inverted y shape of steps, do the same again to bridge the next to platforms. So in depth start at the exit side edge of the drop point, hit the brick wall start about six steps down from the top (once they turn around) overlap to the next level, next start under the drop side of the exit once turned around start in the middle of this set of stairs (you may need two consecutive sets) next bridge the small gap between the floor and the brick wall, start close to the gap. Once they turn around start building at the first notch in the wooden floor plank, you will need two set of consecutive steps now the herd will flow to the exit. Title: They just keep on coming Tricky: 9/30 Begin with: 75 Must save: 70 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 The Lemmings fall out and head right to the dip in the floating platform, theortically you could go this way if you wish but I think that’s just asking for hard work. So I suggest blocking the first one a few steps out. Letting the second do all the set up and using the third to block a few steps away from the drop, so you have a neat little cache under the drop point you may speed up the drop rate anytime now. The set up lemming will then bridge the gap if your smart and have good timing you only need one set of steps, but don’t fret if your yellow school bus special, you have plenty of tools at your disposal. Next he will fall, not an issue, its not deep enough. He will hit the wall and spring back towards the exit, bash though the one way rock, and bridge the gap, here you might find it useful to start down the slope a little and use three consecutive stairs to cover it, once you’re half way on the stairs free the lemmings who have a nice clear path to the exit. Title: There’s a lot of them about Tricky: 10/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 94 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 6/10 Oh tricky, tricky… they’ve got two drops here, but you start with seeing the “wrong” one. As soon as it starts you need to scroll to the other side (right) and block the first one out before he falls. Next scroll back block the first lemming out of the drop point where you began before he falls over the edge (he will have walked along bumped in to the rock and turned around and walked some more. So you have plenty of time) Now catch the next lemming to be close to the wall to do some bashing on each side, so you now have two bashers going towards the same direction. At some point block the next lemming in line on each side. So you have two lemming caches either side of the exit. The two bashing lemmings will be though and then on to building some steps, be aware not to start last minute you need to be several lemming widths in from the edge on each side (more so on the left hand side of the exit) build two sets of consecutive stairs. They will reach the pillars on each side of the exit, here start another set of stairs, If you’re smart you’ll only need the one set. Once you’ve started on these free the cache by blowing up the blockers closest to the exit on each side. Title: Lemmings in the attic Tricky: 11/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 42 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 5/10 So its about placement, and knowing how to build a very long set of stairs (which is more or less timing and paying attention) so block the third lemming out after he's turned around and walked past the drop point, the first and second will keep wandering. Now block the first one as soon as he gets close to the edge (gap) the second will spring around and head back towards the drop point. Get him to start building some stairs I like to start anywhere between the “chink” in the ground and the exit side edge of the broken pillar (up top) you will need to build a very long set of steps, all the way to the wall above the drop point, and this is the reason why you’ve cached your lemmings in at the beginning… its so long and tall that once you get to a certain point (about half way) your lemmings will no longer just walk past the builder and plop back on the ground, they will splat… a lot of them… anyways once you’ve hit the wall bash your way though the two brick pillars on the way to the exit. Between the two bashing sessions you might like to free your trapped lemmings, its tempting just to blow up the blocker, but then they all fall down in to the abyss beneath the ground as is not very thick at all. So using the square button find a lemming that is going towards the blocker, start building a set of steps over the blocker by starting half a staircase out from the blocker. This will free your cache. Title: Bitter Lemming Tricky: 12/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 40 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 4/10 Its more a matter of patience than anything else. there are two ways to do this, the smart way and the normal way. Ill start with the normal way, select the first lemming out with the parachute and climbing ability (you might find pausing helpful) and all the subsequent lemmings with the parachute ability. As soon as the first one gets to the end of the platform, build a set of steps that overlap to the exit platform. (normally only one, but if you started to early you might need two consecutive stairs) as soon as you’ve started on the stairs scroll back and select each lemming going towards the exit with the climbing ability keep in mind there are lots of continually falling lemmings and each one needs to be floatable. Once the back log is cleared the rest is nice and easy rhythmic selecting to get the rest in shape for the end. Now if your not very patient and select the lemmings going the wrong way with the climbing ability you might like to bash half way though the brick on the opposite side of the well. Now the smart persons way is to select the first one with climbing and floating ability, the next with floating and wait till he turns around at the bottom at the well before selecting climbing and same with the third one, the second one becomes a blocker and the third builds a set of stairs at the foot of the blocker. Keep in mind the first on out will need to start building some stairs on the end of the platform as above and there will always be pesky little lemmings falling and needing attention too now as soon as your two steps are built you can clear the backlog (selecting the ones trapped in the well with climbing ability) and all you have to do from now on is make sure all the lemmings out have floating ability its not that much harder in fact I think its less work in total, its just a little bit more to begin with. Title: Lemming Drops Tricky: 13/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 70 Time: 11 Min Difficultly: 4/10 One could make this level harder for themselves but really its not that hard, if you believe in tough love. Make the first lemming out as a blocker, get the next to build three consecutive stairs heading away from the exit. Once he's at the same horizontal level as the drop point. Make him a blocker. Get the next in line to build in the opposite direction up and over the drop point to the floating steel pillar. Drop on to the pillar build another set of several consecutive steps to overlap the next floating pillar, which has the little wooden ledge sticking out the top. From here the lemmings will fall on to the floating wooden platform at the exit edge of this you will need to build another set of steps to bridge the gap. After this is done you might wish to speed up the drop rate to kill sometime. You will save between 72 and 80 with this method. If you wish to do so you may create a cache with the fourth out as a blocker, but beware that once you blow up the block you might find that you destroy the stairs and kill off more in one go than with my said method. There may also be a small cache of lemmings trapped in the well next to the drop. You can rescue them or not, up to you. Title: MENACING !! Tricky: 14/30 Begin with: 80 Must save: 70 Time: 8 Min Difficultly: 6/10 It’s a tedious level more than anything else. Start by bashing your way though the bone and then the block and the skull, by this stage the lemmings who have turned around will have reached to past the drop point where you can now use the first inline as a blocker. Continue bashing though the last bone and as the lemmings will walk over the next little mound of rock select the second in line to be a blocker on top of the mound, this saves any guess work as to weather the floor is thick enough or not to survive a blast. Use the set up lemmings as a basher and go though the rib cage next build a very long set of continuous stairs to bridge the gap. It must be four continuous sets be sure to on sloped rock bit (as usual) as far down as possible because you wont make it over the lip of the next platform with out going splat. Fall on to the next platform. As soon as you land start building another set of long continuous stairs about 7 continuous sets. Once you’ve gone over the claws you might like free your cache Title: Ozone friendly Lemming Tricky: 15/30 Begin with: 10 Must save: 6 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 2/10 This is much to easy. Select the first four out with bombs. They should in theory land in the same(ish) place. Make sure you have one bomb left, if you don’t you wont have enough left to clear the level. Its home safe for the last six. Title: Luvly Jubly Tricky: 16/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 40 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 4/10 Its about being smart with your very limited resources. The crystal on the roof between the pipe and the drop point is where you want to place your marker for a bomb, the lemming will be close to the pipe and blow up a little hole. At the crater select a basher he will bash along the pipe and though the rock. So use the remaining bombs to get your way in to the “netting” the best result is if you select them at the far wall (go up and over the exit door, and where they bounce back) and make sure each successor is a little closer to the exit than the first one, or else you’ll find them falling though the floor. Title: Diet Lemmingaid Tricky: 17/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 48 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 So it’s about spacing and knowing when to select the bomb. Okay so as they fall out, anytime select the first one. Next one is a little trickier. See the cage up top (part of the background) follow the exit side edge down and select here. This will get the lemming to blow up at exactly at the wooden wall. And let the rest of the lemmings out. Title: It’s Lemmingentry Watson Tricky: 18/30 Begin with: Must save: Time: Min Difficultly: 4/10 Dig your way down the very edge of the last pillar (exit side) make sure that once the digger gets past the lip the lemmings will end up falling out and free so start several lemmings in from the flat edge of the pillar. The second in line will walk over your new hole, so make sure he's got floating ability or else he will go splat. Once you get to the green line you can get the lemming to stop digging and free to walk to the exit by making him build. Title: It’s Postcard from Lemmingland Tricky: 19/30 Begin with: 50 Must save: 50 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 7/10 Its very confusing what your meant to do, there just ain’t enough tools you say? Well its not that hard once you know how, in fact the turn around trick is a good one and defiantly worth learning. So start with selecting the first one with climbing ability the second will then bash though the step (which is to high to walk over) the set up lemming will then fall down the well and up the other side, just before he gets to the exit get him to start digging. As soon as he's a little way down (about three quarters of a lemming height) get him to build some steps he will hit the side of his hole he just dug and spin around, volla, now start mining see the spirals pattern in the ground, start digging at the exit side of the fourth spiral. This will make the shaft end in the well, with a tiny step and the basher will end up in the same well which now leads to the exit. Title: One way digging to freedom Tricky: 20/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 95 Time: 6 Min Difficultly: 2/10 First one out bashes though the pillar, first and second out of the pillar make climbers. Be sure to block the one who has now gone past the drop point, to cache the lemmings. Go back to the set up pair. Block the first in line to the exit. But make sure to block where you can blow up with out making a gap where lemmings will fall. Use the free set up lemming to bash though the one way wall. Blow up the blocking lemming between the wall and the exit. Title: All the 6’s Tricky: 21/30 Begin with: 60 Must save: 44 Time: 8 Min Difficultly: 7/10 Well at least you have plenty of tools. So start bashing where the lemmings will other wise turn around, the higher up the inside the better, block the next one. Once the set up lemming is though get him to start building some steps to the next 6 you might need two set of stairs. To the wall now bash your way though to the inside. Fall down and walk across the inside of the middle 6. bash though the exit side same as the first time build another set of step to the final six (with the exit inside) bash though the final wall to reach the exit blow up the blocker holding back the cache. Title: Turn around young lemmings! Tricky: 22/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 90 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 So if you select two lemmings to blow up at the same location one will be a little further than the other. Ideally you will have a slightly slanted crater, one where lemmings will fall in and turn around at the far wall and walk right out again. So as the first two fall out select them as bombs (keep your cursor in the same place) if need be, place some stairs going back towards the exit to entice the lemmings to walk out of the crater. Title: From The Boundary Line Tricky: 23/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 60 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 8/10 So if you haven’t learnt the turn around trick you’d better do so now. Start by selecting the first 10 with climbing and floating ablitly (you might like to use the pause if your not lightning quick) now count another five select this next one with the square button, as soon as he reaches the wall get him to start bashing, and the guy next to him (or whatever you can get your cursor on) the “special group” with orange hair and umbrellas will be falling down the other side of the block and falling in to the well, at the same time as the “rest of them” the only difference is that “the special group” will climb out and in to the exit, before they all disappear catch the last one as close to the exit door as possible with the digging ability get him to turn around (by digging two thirds of a lemmings height and then building a ladder in the hole which will turn him around) line up your cursor with the inside edge of the block hanging above (middle of the wooden plank) get him to start mining from here he will then free the lot but die in the process. Title: Tightrope City Tricky: 24/30 Begin with: 80 Must save: 75 Time: 3 Min Difficultly: 6/10 Using the second and the third block each side of the drop point the second lemming wants to be as far as the end of the house in the back ground and the third one just doesn’t want to fall off the edge. Now the first becomes a set up lemming who will build two consecutive stairs to reach the final platform, he needs to start in the crease of the wood planks beneath him, (where the first plank meets the next). Here’s the trick because blowing up the blockers isn’t recommended, as all the lemmings will fall though the floor. So find a lemming (with the square button) going towards the exit, get him to start building his stairs, if you’ve marked the blocker at the exit side of the house in the back ground, make the building lemming start under the drop (on the exit edge). The cache will cascade over the blocker and walk in a tightly packed bunch to the exit. Be aware you don’t have much time so you need to execute the last set of stairs as soon as the set up lemming has started on the second lot of steps to the exit. Title: Cascade Tricky: 25/30 Begin with: Must save: Time: Min Difficultly: 4/10 Boo Hoo, there’s gonna be a lot of carnage. Well you only need ten. So select the first one with parachute, he will fall with no side effects (unlike the rest who will splat.) go up the next set of steps where once he reaches the top and starts building some steps to the next pillar the end of the line will be in site, so make sure to select the last 9 with floating ability. As your set up lemming reaches the next pillar get him to bash his way though when he reaches the end of this pillar make another set of steps to overlap the platform with the exit, don’t worry about the height, the lemmings that reach this point will all have umbrellas anyway. Title: I have a cunning plan Tricky: 26/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 100 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 3/10 Oh dear, there are the spinning blades and you must save 100% okay so the first one out will be a basher a little later on so let him go ahead, but from the second onwards get them to start building some steps. Get everyone until your step building tools run out. By the time you’ve run out to make builders your set up lemming will have reached the wall get him to bash, the rest will follow when their good and ready. Nice and safe in one piece. Title: The Island of the Wicker people Tricky: 27/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 90 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 5/10 The first one out must start digging the second one out will walk over the first and out his pit and get him to start mining (diagonally) once the first pit gets a fair way get him to bash across to the diagonial shaft, from here they will fall out, and normally one will fall out headed to wards the water, the rest towards the one way rock, select three (randomly) fairly spaced lemmings as climbers, get them to walk over the one way mountain, use the first in line as a blocker, select him on the skull and the other two will walk towards the exit, get the second one to build two consecutive stairs from the nose of the skull to the exit platform (above) and get the first (that turned around to bash though the one way mountain. The cache will be set free. Title: Lost something? Tricky: 28/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 90 Time: 7 Min Difficultly: 4/10 Well at first you kinda scratch your head and ask WHERE is the exit??!?! Well its quite obvious there are two rocks each on a metal platform one with an open eye pattern (far side) and one with a half closed eye pattern (closest to the drop point) the latter contains the exit, within the rock! Yes your going to have to bash your way though the rock to get to the exit. So here’s what I suggest as the plan. First lemming to go up the tree trunk pillar to the open eye rock will turn around and head back down the trunk. Catch him half way down the trunk and get him to start building. Build two consecutive stairs, make sure that the rest (headed back to the drop point) don’t fall in the water, just keep an eye out and make sure you block just after the drop point. As soon as your building lemming hits the rock on the other side get him to bash though the wall he will get to the middle and you will see the exit. The rest of the lemmings will get sucked right in to it, but you have the option of stopping the basher by getting him to build once he's unearthed the exit. Title: Rainbow Island Tricky: 29/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 99 Time: 6 Min Difficultly: 7/10 Its never easy to save 99%. And I'm sure there are a many methods to the madness of solving this level. But here’s the sure fire way. so you start with three drop points. Your camera begins on the bottom one, you need to scroll up to the highest the second one out must start digging after he takes a step or two, but the first one out will be a set up get him to dig once he gets over the block where the grassy bit is (ie, anywhere where he will land in the next “sector”) the rest of the lemmings will fall down the hole the second one dug and in to the first sector (and importantly not out) The set up lemming Who will need to dig a hole in the latter half of his sector he's in now (to the one next to the cache, this one has a spinning blade set inside) once he's in get him to build some stairs over the death contraption. I would suggest being safe and starting on the middle of the second block from the spinner and building two consecutive stairs, up and over. (however, it can be done with just one, you need to start on the crease of the block that the spinner is sitting half on, and your stairs will intersect the wooden pole that the blades are spinning on, this isn’t recommended if you just want to clear the level as it takes a fair bit of skill, but is sure is fun to do) Once he drops and walks a few steps get him to mine in to the sector beneath (this one has nothing in it) next get him to bash his way though to wall(s) on the exit side of this sector. As he does that bash your way though the exit side wall(s) back where the cache is. The set up lemming will need to bash though one final wall, to have a clear path to the exit. Title: The Crankshaft Tricky: 30/30 Begin with: 100 Must save: 90 Time: 6 Min Difficultly: 7/10 Time is scarce, that’s the main problem. Make the first two out as climbers and floaters, get the third to start mining once he reaches the pillar. The climbing pair, will be making their acsent over the second pillar, once they get to the third pillar get the first one to start mining, the second will walk in to the shaft to be and walk back out get him to mine on the opposite pillar. Meanwhile, the rest of the lemmings will have reached the down section, get the first lemming to the middle where there is a crease (he will be there before you start mining the third pillar) of this section get him to build two consecutive set of stairs. These stairs will meet up with the diagonal shaft made by the second climber. The first climber will be though to the next down section, get him to start building two consecutive stairs, again start from the crease in the centre, while he's building you want to increase your drop rate to highest setting. The next two in line can be made climbers and once they get to the far pillar (the one closest to the exit) get the first one to start mining and the second will turn around and mine the opposite pillar, which should meet up with the stairs, bear in mind to start as close to the wall as possible, but if you start mining the stairs, just start building, it will be in the wrong direction, but it wont matter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~FAQ~ Q: Are you going to write the rest of the levels?? A: yes i'm in the process of that, but it takes a bit of time expect it due sometime later this month. Q: Can i ask you anything? A: sure, but you wont find the most informative answer. your prolly better of looking at wikipedia --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CREDITS~ so far i've had no help from anyone else, thats right. im a genious!