_ ____ ____ ____ | |___ | __ | | . |___ |___ |__] |__| . _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ |__| |__| |__/ |__/ \_/ |__] | | | | |___ |__/ | | | | | \ | \ | | |__| | | |___ | \ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ \_/ |___ |__| |__/ [__ . | |___ | | | \ ___] . ____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ _ _ ____ | | |\ | |___ __ |___ | | | | |__/ |__| | \| |___ | |__| |__| | \ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- VERSION HISTORY --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.23 A couple more stages and some Replay GW Hats Version 0.20 Minor update. the first three stages of year 2, and a few list prices. Version 0.10 First upload. Year 1 1st playthough, some lists --------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explore Hogwarts(™) School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, learn spells, brew potions, and relive the adventures of the beloved series mixed with humor and customization unique to LEGO games! Based on the first four Harry Potter books and movies that tell the story of Harry’s first four years at Hogwarts™ School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 offers an engaging mix of magical gameplay and light hearted humor. (Taken from the official lego website http://videogames.lego.com) Lego Harry Potter (LHP) assumes that you have read the books/seen the movies. This guide will also assume this. If you haven't read the books/seen the movies, this game will not make much sense as it has no dialogue during cutscenes. This game is meant to be played twice. Once straight though playing the story, then again in free mode. Free mode is the ONLY way to get 100% in this game, so if you don't want to do the stages more than once, go play Metroid or something. This is my first FAQ so try and be nice, please ^.=.^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I BASICS (1.0.0) =================== 1. Controls (1.1.0) 2. Menu (1.2.0) 3. The Room of Requirement (1.3.0) 4. Spell List (1.4.0) 5. Collectables (1.5.0) 6. Abilities (1.6.0) II WAlKTHROUGH (2.0.0) ==================== (first # is First play though / Second # is replay mode.) YEAR 1 (2.1) (2.1r) ------------------------------------------------ 1. Privet Drive (2.1.1) (2.1.1r) 2. Gringotts Vaults (2.1.2) (2.1.2r) 3. Shopping in Diagon Ally (2.1.3) (2.1.3r) 4. Platform 9 3/4 (2.1.4) (2.1.4r) 5. Gryffindor House (2.1.5) (2.1.5r) 6. Transfiguration (2.1.6) (2.1.6r) 7. Flying Lesson (2.1.7) (2.1.7r) 8. The Trophy Room (2.1.8) (2.1.8r) 9. The Mountain Troll (2.1.9) (2.1.9r) 10. Incendio (2.1.10) (2.1.10r) 11. Potions Class (2.1.11) (2.1.11r) 12. The Quidditch Match (2.1.12) (2.1.12r) 13. The Restricted Section (2.1.13) (2.1.13r) 14. The Lumos Charm (2.1.14) (2.1.14r) 15. The Forbidden Forest (2.1.15) (2.1.15r) 16. The Forbidden Corridor (2.1.16) (2.1.16r) YEAR 2 (2.2.0) (2.2r.0) --------------------------------------------------- 1. The Burrow (2.2.1) (2.2.1r) 2. Borgin and Burkes (2.2.2) (2.2.2r) 3. Arresto Momento (2.2.3) (2.2.3r) 4. Collecting Ingredients (2.2.4r) 5. The Duelling Club (2.2.5) (2.2.5r) 6. The Polyjuice Potion (2.2.6) (2.2.6r) 7. The Slytherin Common Room (2.2.7) (2.2.7r) 8. The Revelio Charm (2.2.8) (2.2.8r) 9. Tom Riddle's Diary (2.2.9) (2.2.9r) 10. The Descendo Charm (2.2.10) (2.2.10r) 11. The Spider Hollow (2.2.11) (2.2.11r) 12. The Chamber of Secrets (2.2.12) (2.2.12r) YEAR 3 (2.3.0) (2.3r.0) ---------------------------------------------------- 1. The Hogwarts Express (2.3.1) (2.3.1r) 2. Care of Magical Creatures (2.3.2) (2.3.2r) 3. Banishing Boggarts (2.3.3) (2.3.3r) 4. Hogsmeade Village (2.3.4) (2.3.4r) 5. The Patronus Charm (2.3.5) (2.3.5r) 6. Pursuing Peter Pettigrew (2.3.6) (2.3.6r) 7. The Shrieking Shack (2.3.7) (2.3.7r) 8. The Time-Turner (2.3.8) (2.3.8r) 9. Freeing Sirius (2.3.9) (2.3.9r) YEAR 4 (2.4.0) (2.4r.0) ----------------------------------------------------- 1. The Quidditch World Cup (2.4.1) (2.4.1r) 2. The Summoning Charm (2.4.2) (2.4.2r) 3. Unlocking O.W.L. Revision (2.4.3) (2.4.3r) 4. The First Task (2.4.4) (2.4.4r) 5. The Prefects' Bathroom (2.4.5) (2.4.5r) 6. The Second Task (2.4.6) (2.4.6r) 7. The Third Task (2.4.7) (2.4.7r) III APPENDIX (3.0.0) ========================= 1. Golden Wizard Hats and Character Cards (3.1.0) 2. Red Bricks (3.2.0) 3. Characters and Abilities (3.3.0) 4. F.A.Q. (3.4.0) 5. Copyright (3.5.0) ============================================================================== BASICS (1.0.0) ============================================================================== CONTROLS (1.1.0) (Taken from manual, my comments in brackets) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Movement- To move your character use either the analog stick or the directional buttons. (I recommend using the analog stick for better control) [Circle] button- Cycle though highlighted characters/objects. [X] button- Interact with characters/objects. (X is your multipurpose button in this game, it's used to cast spells, and cancel casting spells.) [Square] button- Cast projectile spell (ie. blow stuff up) [Triangle] Button- Quick select character/use item. [L] Button- Cycle through silly spells. (ie. Red brick spells) [R] Button- Cycle through the characters in your party. (Not as useful as it sounds, [Triangle] is really all you need to solve puzzles) [Start] Button- Pause (Menu screen) [Select] Button- Map --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MENU (1.2.0) (Taken from manual, my comments in brackets) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Accessed by pressing [Start], manual calls it the Satchel.) From left to right: (use [L] and [R] to scroll though the menu) Quest Log: Lists details of current quests. (useful if you haven't played in a while) Party Select: Shows the characters you can currently play as and their abilities and spells. (Despite the name, you CANNOT select characters to use from here. You have to use [R] while playing.) Inventory: Shows any items or objects that you have collected. (I never look at this screen, so, meh) Red Brick Cheats: Allows you to toggle Red Brick Cheats. (If you don't feel like using [L]) Options: Allows you to adjust the volume for music and sound effects. (And quit the game) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE ROOM OF REQUIREMENTS (1.3.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The room of requirements is the hub area for the game. It is divided into two floors. Upper Floor: The bulk of this floor is devoted to the 4 doors that allow you to select what year you would like to play. As can be expected, you cannot play a later year until you beat the proceeding years. The left corner of the floor is the scene viewer, these are still images of key events in the story. Golden Wizard Hats are required for unlocking these. The right corner of the floor are two chairs and a table that can be destroyed for studs. Lower Floor: The lower floor is mostly filled with destroyable things and quite a few studs. There are two points of interest. Fred and George's shop (referred to as just the shop) is on the left side. This is where you buy all the unlockables. Red brick cheats, characters, and hints. This is also where you can watch any cutscene you've already watched in story mode. The left side of the floor is the character maker. I find this amusing, but not very useful. Select a charter to start, your custom character will have those abilities. Then you build a character out of any parts from characters you have unlocked. You can only use made characters in free mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPELL LIST (1.4.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Casting a spell requires you to press [X] when targeting an object with a glowing blue ring around it. Then you input the button command that appears on the screen. There are THREE exceptions to this rule. The first is Reducto, this spell just blasts things apart and is used by pressing the [Square] button. The second is Stupefy this stuns characters and most enemies, it is cast by rotating the analog stick a full circle. The third is Expecto Patronum, the Dementor killing spell. First you have to stun the Dementor by casting Reducto, then by casting this spell in the usual manner. ------------------------------------------------------ List of Spells: (In order learned)(Does not include red brick spells) Name of spell -- Button combo -- Where it's learned ---------------------------------------------------- Year 1 Spells -------------------- Reducto -- none -- Shopping in Diagon Ally Reparo -- [Circle][Circle][Circle] -- Shopping in DIagon Ally Stupefy -- none -- Shopping in Diagon Ally Wingardium Leviosa -- [Triangle][Triangle][Triangle] -- Griffindor House Transfiguration -- [Square][Square][Circle] -- Transfiguration Incendio -- [Circle][Triangle][Circle] -- Incendio Lumos -- [Square][Triangle][Square] -- The Lumos Charm Year 2 Spells --------------------- Arresto Momento -- [Square][Circle][Triangle] -- Arresto Momento Year 3 Spells --------------------- Year 4 Spells --------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collectables (1.5.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most basic collectables are the studs. The are found on the ground and as rewards for doing certain tasks. The stud counter is in the top left of the screen. Every stage has five Golden Wizard Hats (GW Hats) to collect. One is always granted for collected a certain number of Studs (The True Wizard Hat). This hat is easy to collect once the stud multiplier red bricks have been acquired. The full list is at the end of the guide. Every stage has two Character Cards to collect. These cards allow you to buy that character at the shop. The full list is at the end of the guide. There are 15 red brick to collect in the game. They allow you to buy funny spells and useful cheats. The full list is at the end of the guide. =========================================================================== WALKTHROUGH (2.0.0) =========================================================================== YEAR 1 (2.1.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Privet Drive 1st time(2.1.1) Playable characters: Harry (Casual), Dudley Dursley, Hagrid --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the tutorial stage. Collect the studs (the little lego pieces laying around) and talk to Vernon Dursley for your first quest, find the presents. Do as the caption reads and talk to Dudley. The character icon flashing in the lower left of the screen indicates he is now in your party. Go to the object blocking the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. It has a glowing red circle. This means you cannot use this object with this character (or you don't have the right spell). In this case Dudley's portrait appears at the top of the screen, indicating that Dudley can use this object. Press, [Triangle] to switch to Dudley (notice how the ring now glows green) and press [X] to grab the object and push the analog stick forward to move the block. There is the first present! Grab it and go up the stairs. All of the doors here are locked, so just talk to Mrs. Dursley and get the second present. Go back down the stairs and talk to Mr. Dursley to turn in your quest. Talk to him again to get the second quest, fetch the mail. Grab the letter by the front door, and wait for the cut scene to start. After the cut scene Tom tells you to talk to some people. They are the ones with the blue stars above their heads. They also appear as blue stars on the mini-map in the upper right of the screen. Once you talk to all three of them the door opens. Once outside switch to Hagrid, either manually or with [Triangle] it doesn't matter. Touch the wall and a mini-game starts. This mini-game is really easy, just watch the coloured blocks flash and input the same pattern again. It's only four blocks so you should get it on the first try. As soon as you get down the ally you are given another quest. Catch 6 rats. This can be kind of annoying but none of the rats are hidden. Just touch them to pick them all up and talk to the shopkeeper to get your reward, the first Golden Wizard Hat (GW Hat)! Walk farther down the ally and you'll see Griphook opening the bank. There is nothing else to do here but collect some studs, so go into the bank and talk with Griphook to see the funniest cutscene in the game IMO. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gringotts Vaults 1st time (2.1.2) Playable Characters: Harry (casual), Hagrid, Griphook --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right away Griphook gives you your goal, to get into the vault. Go down the hallway to the crank. Switch to Hagrid and rotate the analog stick in the direction of the glow (clockwise) to turn the crank. The next object is for goblins only, so switch to Griphook to start the Cog Turning mini-game. Just press the buttons as they appear and a bridge is built. Continue until you get to another crank. Again switch to Hagrid and turn the crank. Go all the way down the stairs to another Cog mini-game. Hop on the cart and it's off to the next area. Head left and turn the crank. Go left again and down the stairs that appear. Using Hagrid push both statues into the wall. Complete another Cog mini-game and head right and up the stairs that appear. Go straight across the platform and to the right to unlock the door. Grab the studs and open the chest, grab the studs and that come out (this will probably net you a GW Hat for full stud bar) and head for the exit. Grab the conveniently placed GW Hat and continue on up. Hop on the cart and that's it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shopping in Diagon Ally 1st time(2.1.3) Playable Characters: Harry (Casual), Hagrid, Harry (Hogwarts) Spells Learned: Reducto, Reparo, Stupefy --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down to the blue star and enter the wand shop. Talk to Ollivander touch the wand to pick it up. Press [Square] to blow yourself up and grab the next wand upstairs. Blow yourself up again and grab the last wand. Blow up the flower pot and talk to Ollivander to open the door. Head down to the next blue star, destroy the barrels and enter the shop. The shop keeper asks you to repair the book stacks. Move up to a stack of books with a glowing blue ring and press [X]. This brings up the casting wheel. Simply press the buttons that appear (3x [Circle]) and presto! Nicely stacked books. There are 4 stacks on the lower floor, and one on the upper. To access the upper floor, repair the stairs. Talk to the shop keeper and collect your books and unlock the door. When you get outside you face your first enemy. The book of monsters. Take Hagrid's advice and just cast Reducto to destroy them. If you get trapped, rotate the analog stick and stun them with Stupefy. There are 5 to kill, none are hidden. After that's done, head up to the blue star. repair the door and enter the shop. Talk to Madam Malkin, then go into the dressing room indicated. Poof into your robes then talk to Malkin again to leave. Outside Hagrid give you Hedwig. Pay attention to how it works, it's basically a hot-cold game. Stand in the glowing light and press [x] when Hedwig flashes. Shoot the barrel that appears for your first red block. Then head for the green arrow and the end of the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platform 9 3/4 1st time (2.1.4) Playable Characters: Harry (Casual), Ron (Casual) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The conductor give you a find the stuff quest, so lets find the stuff. The second garbage can you come across contains a Character Card, make sure you grab that. The second repairable cart contains a GW Hat. Go up the stairs to the other side of the platform. Repair the first object you can to get the lost luggage. Near the next repairable object is a pet spot. Play hot-cold to get the next GW Hat. Talk to the girl with a blue star to give her luggage back, then destroy the garbage can just below her to retrieve the ticket. Head all the way down to kill a monster book and get a third GW Hat. Go back up and give the blue star kid his ticket. Enter the door to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gryffindor House 1st time (2.1.5) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) Spells Learned: Wingardium Leviosa --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Percy asks you to introduce yourself to the others. An amusing thing to do is repair the stacks of books laying around then blow them up. In fact almost everything can be destroyed for studs on the lower floor. Anyway, talk to Lee Jordan (lightning bolt) to get a quest. Blow up the chest behind him, then repair the pile, then blow it up again to get the megaphone. Talk to Neville and head up the stairs. Destroy the chests in the bedroom to find the frog. Then spend a frustrating 2 min trying to catch the hoppy little bugger. Once you manage to catch him go give him to Neville. Talk to Percy to exit the area. Once out side a statue will start moving. Don't let him hit you and cast Reducto 5 times to kill it, or just stun him with Stupefy and kill him with one Reducto. Make your way down the hall, killing the red books as they appear, (there is nothing but studs in the destructible objects) and enter the door at the end of the hallway. Professor Flitwick will then teach you Wingardium Leviosa, cast the spell on the feather then on the two statues that appear. Stand on the platform and cast the spell again. Grab the baton and talk to Flitwick. Exit the room to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Transfiguration 1st time (2.1.6) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) Spells Learned: Transfiguration --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down the hall and enter the door marked by a green arrow. After getting scolded head to the right and touch one of the objects to start the transfiguration mini-game. It's pretty straight forward. Just play with the pieces until they all click into place. Once you done all three talk to McGonagall. Before leaving go back to the objects you changes. The chest will have four arrows in an X pattern. This means you can jump on it. Face the chest so that the arrows move then press [X] to jump. Do the same the the pillar, than the ledge. Transmogrify all three statues to reveal a red block. Grab it and exit the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying Lessons 1st time (2.1.7) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First go to the North-West corner of the map and transmogrify the three statues to reveal chest with a GW Hat in it. And next to the northern most statue is a Pet spot that reveals a chest with a Character Card in it. After doing that talk to Madam Hooch. Grab the broom, talk to her then mount your broom. Grab as many studs as you can before time runs out. Get off your broom, repair the ramp, then mount your broom and fly up both ramps. there is no trick to it, just go for it. Once on the roof, grab all the studs you can. After the short scene, try and get the Remembrall. After Malfoy steals it, mount up and ram the brat. You have to hit him three times to end the sequence. Head for the exit after the scene and your done. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trophy Room 1st time (2.1.8) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This stage is a pain in the ass. If you get caught you go back to the starting position but everything you've done (except collect the key) stays. Okay so first wait till filch turns away then destroy the bobbins on the other side of the cabinet to grab a GW Hat, then, from left to right, activate every blue spell point you can. it will make things much easier. After you've done that then head down to the jump point. Wait till Filch has turned to start walking back to the door, then quickly jump across the bookshelves. Until you reach the first floating platform. Wait there until he passes by again, then continue until you reach the key. Hop down then wait for him to clear out and head for the door to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mountain Troll 1st time (2.1.9) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This stage is mostly a big jumping puzzle. The lighter coloured sections will fall after you touch them so hurry along those. Starting at the first jump, make sure you destroy the objects in your way before you move, it will mean less back tracking when you fall. Destroy all of them to get a GW Hat.Going straight up the middle works quite well. When you see a platform on the right with a blue circle, jump onto it first, the raise it up to get a red brick. Then repair the object in your way and hop onto the solid floor. Move the pillar and transmogrify a set of stairs. Take the next section slowly, to avoid being crushed by Peeves. When he moves the key, make a ladder out of the pillar then move it into place. When he moves it again, just hop across to grab it. Watch the short scene then, shoot and avoid the troll until he destroys the next stall. Repeat for the last stall. (Note: you can't shoot the last heart out of him) Quickly repair the stall, then levitate it. Lure the troll under the club, and it's lights out for him. Talk to Hermione to finish the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incendio 1st time (2.1.10) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Hermione (Hogwarts) Spells Learned: Incendio --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You get attacked first thing, so quickly cast Stupefy and kill them both. After killing them, head right and enter the door way. Light the brazier, then the next two. After that, stand on the platform behind Flitwick and raise it up. Now light all three torches to reveal a GW Hat. There is nothing else to grab here now so head out to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Potions Class 1st time (2.1.11) Playable Characters: Hermione (Hogwarts), Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head right and light the two torches to get into class. After Snape scolds you, grab the foxglove from the only openable chest on the right. Talk to Snape. Head outside the classroom. Light the torch with the moth above it, talk to Snape. Get the bulb, talk to Snape. Now it's time to brew the potion. Potion brewing isn't hard, just annoying. Press the buttons as they appear on the screen. When the analog stick appears, move it in the direction indicated. LET ME REPEAT THAT, you must move the analog stick in the direction indicated. If it shows counter-clockwise, move yours counter-clockwise. Up and down? Move it up and down. When the big yellow arrow appears, press right on the analog stick. Right then, brew the potion and prepare to laugh. Man Snape is a jerk. Exit the room to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Quidditch Match 1st time (2.1.12) Playable Characters: Hermione (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destroy the barrels on the far side of the (unobtainable) red brick to receive a GW Hat. Jump across the gap and build a bridge with the pile of stuff. Form a barricade out of the next pile of stuff and move it to block the bludgers. Do the same thing for the next gap. Continue on, on the long stretch of tiles remember that the red ones will fall if you touch them. Don't cross the second set of brown tiles until, the bludger destroys them. Continue on until the camera shows three ropes. Burn the middle one to raise the platform. Enter the door. There is a prefect patrolling here, so careful not to get seen. Head to the left and move the bookcase. Move the chest and run towards it when the prefect isn't looking. Jump up and burn the rope. Jump down and go back to the entrance to grab the cog (the prefect has stopped moving). Put it in the lift and up we go. Start by destroying the book cart on the lower right side of the area to release a bludger. Touching the bludger kills you instantly, so don't touch it. Head to the top of the area and lure the bludger into destroying the pillar under the platform. Move the two boxes and destroy the book cart to release another bludger. Do the same thing with this platform, and head up the ladder to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Restricted Section 1st time (2.1.13) Playable Characters: Harry (Casual), Ron (Casual) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head downstairs and blow up the presents to get the invisibility cloak. While wearing the cloak you can't cast spells, or run. Use [Triangle] to pull it on and off. Head out the door. In this stage, the mini-map is your best friend. Head up to the corner put the cloak on and walk until you are out of range of Percy. Repair the clock, and run past him to the door. Put the cloak on right away and head to the opening behind and to the right of Filtch. Get out of site behind the bookcase and transmogrify the globe. Head up and to the right, burn the rope then quickly head down and grab the key. Move the cart that's to the left of the counter, kill the book, and enter the door. Run down the corridor and head down the stairs. After Filtch arrives put your cloak on, and walk north besides the stairs until out of view. Take the cloak off and make a clock out of the fireplace. Once Filtch is out of the way, run south, move the cart and see a short scene. Run past all the pillars, raise the chest and find the blue book. Go back and turn the globe into a ladder. Head north, repair the ladder, and continue until the gate that has a blue ring on it. Raise the gate, then the chest to get the red book. Jump across to the southern book case and repeat for the green book. Then hop to the next bookcase, repeat again for the yellow book. Head back to the pillars and place the books on them. Kill the red book, open the chest, repair the statue and use it to knock over a bookcase. Climb the bookcase and follow the path up. At the top light the two torches for a GW Hat. Continue on, then head down the ladder and though the door to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lumos Charm 1st time (2.1.14) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts), Hermione (Hogwarts) Spells learned: Lumos --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down the first set of stairs to the second. There light every torch (including the one you have to lift from the statue) to get a GW Hat. Go into the door. When the lights go out just press [X] and cast the spell. Once out in the hall, head up the stairs, kill the statues and boil the pot. Head right and repair the ladder for the second potion. Head left and up the stairs, kill the statue for the third potion. Talk to Flitwick. Go back into the class room and to the three torches behind Flitwick for another GW Hat. Leave and head back to the entrance of the stage to exit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Forbidden Forest 1st time (2.1.15) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Draco (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I love Fang's model, so cute! (snuggles the big slobbery puppy) Ah, ahem, sorry about that. So what were we doing? Ah, yes. Head north past the big sign. This place is a maze so I'll just list the direction. you have to cast Lumos on every screen, and deal with at least on red cap. Right, Left, Down, and Up. In the last area, a big rock will fall down, and four red caps will appear. Deal with them and collect the potion. You'll be taken right back to the start. Go left and use the potion on the plant next to the rocks. Jump up and over. Be careful of the white mushrooms, they explode. Trigger all three mushrooms, wait till they explode, and activate the pet spot for another potion. Use the potion on the plant in the river to get over. Go right and hop across the stumps. This part is kinda annoying because the bubbles are random. Once across continue until the game points out the plant. Cast fire on it, destroy the big plant and move on. Trigger the white mushrooms, then kill this plant the same way as the last one. There is a pet spot on top of the first stud on the left. Take the potion and use it on the plant to the south. Jump up and torch the bulb. Jump down and continue past the newly weakened plant to watch a cut scene, then leave the common room to finish the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Forbidden Corridor 1st time (2.1.16) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts), Hermione (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right away there is a running mini game. It's really easy. Just follow the studs. The obstacles are shown by arrows. Dodge Fluffy's (another super awesome model) bite and you'll be home free. I actually haven't failed this one yet so it's not that hard. The first test is to get the key. Jump onto the platform to the north and raise it up. Then jump over and press the button. Then jump South to the other button. Press it and get the broomstick. Mount up and ride until you find the flyer with the gold key. It's usually hanging out at the bottom. Touch it to get the key, then it's on to the next room. Head towards the blue star to start a question mini-game. The questions are easy but here is a list of the ones i've encountered. Q: Which of the following belongs to Neville Longbottom? A: The frog Q: Identify Transfiguration A: The swirly line Q: Which ingredient is used in the pompion Potion? A: The Moth Ron leaves your party and it's on to the next room. It's boss time!! Head over to the mirror to start the fight. Quickly run over to the brazier and light it to raise the cover. Then lure him onto the grate. Finally hide behind the weight so that he shoots it. Dropping the cover on his head. Rinse and Repeat until he goes down. Then touch the mirror to finish the first year. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR 2 (2.2.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Burrow 1st time (2.2.1) Playable characters: Harry (Casual), Ron (Casual) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to year two. Right away Arthur Weasley gets you to help him find a bunch of muggle stuff and put it away proper. Right beside you to the left is a microwave. To the right is an antenna onto of the table. Just above the antenna is where the microwave goes. Behind Mr. Weasley is the stairs. Upstairs to the right, move the bird cage and destroy the chair to get a garden gnome. Head outside, (the door is right in front of Mr Weasley). Place the gnome beside Mrs Weasley. Kill all the mushrooms to get a red brick. Hop onto the platform behind Mrs. Weasley and ride it up and hop onto the roof. Follow the roof to the left to grab a rubber ducky. Go north to find a ramp and a thing to ride up. Destroy the box and make a ladder. Once up, head to the left and place the antenna. Jump down into the yard and head back towards the door. Before going in grab the plunger that's just to the left of the door. Head in and go inside and put the duck in the bathroom (upstairs to the left) and the plunger next to the table downstairs then talk to Mr. Weasley. Then go outside and talk to Mrs Weasley for some gnome tossing. It's straight forward. Grab the gnome with [X], spin the analog stick clockwise and stop spinning and throw the gnome. When the mini-game is over, talk to Mrs. Weasley to get a GW Hat, then go inside to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dorgin and Burkes 1st time (2.2.2) Playable Characters: Harry (Casual), Hagrid --------------------------------------------------------------------------- First thing to do is repair the pile of wood next to the green pillar grab the ball and place it on the green pillar. Then head up the ladder next to the red pillar to grab a jar, thing. Then make a ladder next to the one you just climbed down. Follow the ledge all the way to the key, then head back to the starting area to find a door to unlock. Switch to Hagrid and push the crates out of the way as you wind your way though the area. At the end there is a chest with plimpy eyes. Run up the stairs and hop across the gap to get the skull. Go back to the main room and put the last two objects on the pillars to open the door. Once outside, head down to a ring of studs for a pet point and some bones. Head North and repair the pile of stuff. Then jump onto the box, and toy to get up to the ledge. Switch to Hagrid and push over the large object on the left. Head down the stairs and north. Destroy the box on the right to get some dried kelp and repair the object in the way. Head north until the short scene. Then break the barrels to get into the alleyway to the northeast. After pushing the box out of the way. Blow everything up then grab the two scarabs. Go back and talk to the creepy man. Go back the way you came. All the way to the bottom of the area to make a dragon dung potion. use it on the plant. Climb up to the GW Hat. Then go back to the locked gate to get Hagrid to blow it up. Transform both objects then hop up and move the block. Transform the broken cart and go through the archway to end the level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arresto Momento 1st time (2.2.3) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts) Spells Learned: Arresto Momento --------------------------------------------------------------------------- So after all the dialogue head out of the room and into the hall. Head down the north set of stairs and into the door way to start class. Cast the spell on barrel that the teacher summons then head towards the door, slowing the objects as they appear. Once at the door head south, slow the object and grab the first book. Head back the other way. Once at all the moving platforms, stay on the ground and freeze as many as you can (I can never seem to stop the fourth one). Jump up and grab the second book. Then jump across the next two platforms and grab the last book. Talk to Flitwick then leave the room and head back the way you came. After a short interlude, follow the spinning snake head down the stairs and into the door. Once again follow the head until you find Mrs Norris. Then after the scene, head down the corridor until you enter the door and end the stage --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collecting Ingredients 1st time (2.2.4) Playable Characters: Ron (Hogwarts), Hermione (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right off you get asked for a bunch of ingredients. Light the four torches in the room to get a GW Hat and leave the room. First run all the way to the bottom, and right along the walkway to a pet point to get the fertilizer. The destroy the trees to grab the four scarabs down here. Then use the potion on the plant and jump up. Stop the pillars and run down the path, destroying things as they come up until you get the last scarab. Head through the newly opened door. Kill the mushrooms, repair the blue mushrooms and head south. Grab the pet point just after the log to get a key. Run up the ramp and kill the two mushrooms. Go past the trees behind the wall to activate a pet point and get a character card. Follow the wall right, repair the mushroom, and unlock the gate. First repair the mushrooms, and grab the GW Hat that appears. Now, move the carrot and touch the watermelon. It'll jump into the ground and a new carrot will appear. Do this three more times. Then stand behind the watermelon and freeze it. Now you can pick it up. Head though the newly opened gate. Run all the way south, killing the redcaps as they appear. And look in the water where the blue star is. Grab the puffer fish and go back north to the pile of stuff. Repair both sections of the bridge and head across. Go straight and move the two stones into position. Jump across them. Stand in front of the blue star and grab the fish. Go back across the stones and head south. Freeze both stepping stones and hop across. Grab the last fish and wait for the screen to fade. Talk to the nurse to end the level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Duelling Club (1st time) (2.2.5) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, this stage involves a LOT of fighting. It can be frustrating if you are not very good at combat. So run around lots and try not to get hit. Now, first thing is to head north along the wall and light all the torches. Then head up onto the left platform to start the fighting. Press [x] twice to clear the hint and start blasting Malfoy. He'll call down a pillar and Crabbe and Goyle will show up. Shoot them then move the statue out of the way. Then he'll try and squish you with it. so shoot the statue to destroy it. then he'll jump across to fight on your platform. He casts a nasty homing fire attack. The goal is to make the fire ball hit malfoy. Once he is down to one heart he'll jump back to his own platform and summon stacks of books. Kill the books as they appear till they are all gone. Now you have to destroy the statue and the books at the same time. Once you kill both statues just talk to the snake then leave the room after the scene to end the level. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Polyjuice Potion 1st time (2.2.6) Playable Characters: Harry (Hogwarts), Ron (Hogwarts), Hermione (Hogwarts) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light all the torches to get a red brick, and talk to Hermione. To get the grass you have to lift it out of the ground. However the fire crab isn't going to leave you alone. You can't kill it so you have to work fast to get all the plants. The short scene end this part. Use the invisibility cloak to grab the leech in front of you and head clockwise around the lake grabbing leeches with the cloak on. When you are near a little island jump across and repair the mushrooms for a GW Hat. Grab the leech and continue clockwise until you have all the leeches. Talk to Hermione to start the next segment. First move the potion on the shelf to distract Snape. Run up the steps and to the right to get the key. Put the cloak on and walk past Snape into the locked door. Open the chest, then light the potion on fire. Walk past Snape towards the locked chest. Grab the key that Snape drops and open the chest. Then light the pot on fire from where you are. Once Snape is out of the way run for the exit. Now mix the potion to end the stage. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR 3 (2.3.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming Soon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR 4 (2.4.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR 1: Replay (2.1r.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- coming soon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR 2: Replay (2.2r.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAE 3: Replay (2.3r.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- YEAR 4: Replay (2.4r.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- coming soon =========================================================================== APPENDIX (3.0.0) =========================================================================== GOLDEN WIZARD HATS AND CHARACTER CARDS(3.1.0) --------------------------- (True Wizard refers to the hat you get for collecting enough studs in a stage) (unless mentioned, hat is gained during replay) YEAR 1 ============== Privet Drive 1. True Wizard 2. Collect 6 rats (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Gringotts Vaults 1. True Wizard 2. Sitting in the open (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Shopping in Diagon Ally 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Platform 9 3/4 1. True Wizard 2. Repair second cart (1st time) 3. Pet spot near repairable luggage (1st time) 4. Kill book on the platform (1st time) 5. Invisible Trolley near stairs 1. Destroyable object (1st time) 2. Invisible chest near book Gryffindor House 1. True Wizard 2. Repair hidden cannons 3. Find and light all torches on 1st floor, teacher stand. 4. Light all torches on stairs + 2nd floor 5. Lower chest to get ladder on right side of class. 1. Floating chest in common room 2. Pull out chest on ledge behind Flitwick Transfiguration 1. True Wizard 2. Teacher/Prefect stand in hall 3. Light all the torches in hall, talk snake 4. Unlock tranfigured chest 5. Pull chest off platform in SE of class. 1. Pull chest off platform in NW of class. 2. Pull chest off platform in NE of class. Flying Lesson 1. True Wizard 2. Transmogrify the three statues on the NW side. 3. Invisible crank on small island near gate. 4. Inside block that rises on the celing 5. Pull out every block in the stage, then the platforms that appear 1. Pet Spot near 3 statues 2. Inside block you physically pull out The Trophy Room 1. True Wizard 2. Destroy object closest to door (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Mountain Troll 1. True Wizard 2. Destroy all the stuff in first jump segment (1st time) 3. Pull chest out from behind first stature. 4. Pull chest out from behind second statue. 5. Light all torches in the hall. 1. Push in pillar below gas vent. 2. Destroy sink, and pull out platform. Ride it up. Incendio 1. True Wizard 2. The three torches behind Flitwick (1st time) 3. Light the torches in the right side of the hall. 4. Pull out platforms at top of class. Open chest. 5. 1. Light the torches in left side of the hall, and unlock the chest. 2. Pull out panel behind Flitwick Potions Class 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Quidditch Match 1. True Wizard 2. Barrels on far side of Red brick (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Restricted Section 1. True Wizard 2. Very top of the library behind a torch gate (1st time) 3. Lower first bookcase. 4. Use timeturner near blue book. 5. Ghost through gate near red book. 1. Hidden chest in front first locked door. 2. Push in two statues near exit. The Lumos Charm 1. True Wizard 2. Light all the torches on the spiral staircase (1st time) 3. Three torches behind Flitwick (1st time) 4. 5. 1. 2. The Forbidden Forest 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Forbidden Corridor 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. YEAR 2 =============== The Burrow 1. True Wizard 2. Reward for de-gnoming the garden. (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Borgin and Burkes 1. True Wizard 2. Use Growing potion at southern end of area. (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Arresto Momento 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Collecting Ingredients 1. True Wizard 2. Light torches in first room. (1st time) 3. Repair the blue mushrooms. (1st time) 4. 5. 1. Pet spot behind the trees at top of ramp. 2. The Duelling Club 1. True Wizard 2. Light all torches (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Polyjuice Potion 1. True Wizard 2. Repair Mushrooms on leech island. (1st time) 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Slytherin Common Room 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Revelio charm 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Tom Riddle's Diary 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Descendo Charm 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Spider Hollow 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Chamber of Secrets 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. YEAR 3 ======================= The Hogwarts Express 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Care of Magical Creatures 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Banishing Boggarts 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Hogsmeade Village 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Patronus Charm 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Pursuing Peter Pettigrew 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Shrieking Shack 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Time-Turner 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Freeing Sirius 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. YEAR 4 ======================= The Quidditch World Cup 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Summoning Charm 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Unlocking O.W.L. Revision 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The First Task 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Prefects' Bathroom 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Second Task 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. The Third Task 1. True Wizard 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Bricks (3.2.0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Brick -- Price -- Location 1. Engorgio Skullus -- 50k -- Story (Shopping in Diagon Ally) 2. Levicorpus -- 50k -- Transfiguration 1st time(Change all 6 statues) 3. Tarantallegra -- 50k -- The Mountain Troll 1st time (Ride a platform durning the first jumping puzzle) 4. Invincibility --500k -- The Quiddich Match, Pull out platform at beginning. 5. One Shot Spells 6. Melofors 7. 8. Vomitare Viridis -- 50k -- The Polyjuice Potion, light torches in bathroom. 9. 10. Heart Re-generation 11. Studs x4 12. Studs x6 13. Studs x8 14. Studs x10 15. Super Stun -- 3mil -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Characters and Abilities(3.3.0) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abilities- Magic - can use magic Strong - can turn cranks, and move objects Goblin - can use cog turners Teacher/Prefect - can use Teacher/Prefect pedestals Ghost - Can move though certain grates Pet - Can find hidden items (In order of the shop list) Character Name -- Price -- Location of Card -- Abilities ?? ?? Cedric Diggory (Triwizard) Dudley Dursley -- N/A -- First half of Privet Drive 1st time -- Strong Fred Weasley (Hogwarts) Fred Weasley (Casual) -- 40k -- Platform 9 3/4 (1st time) -- Magic ?? ?? Ginny Weasley (Hogwarts) -- 10k ?? Gregory Goyle -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Strength Griphook -- N/A -- Second half of Privet Drive 1st time-- Goblin Harry (Casual) -- N/A -- Starting Character -- starts with nothing Harry (Hogwarts) -- N/A -- Story -- Harry (Quidditch) -- N/A -- Story -- ?? ?? Hermione (Casual) -- 100k -- Shop Diagon Alley Replay -- Magic, Pet, Timeturner Hermione (Hogwarts) -- N/A -- Story -- Magic, Pet, Timeturner Moaning Myrtle -- ?? -- ?? -- Ghost Neville Longbottom -- 20k -- Gryphondor House replay-- Professor Lupin -- ?? -- ?? Ron (Casual) -- N/A -- Story -- Magic, Pet Ron (Hogwarts) -- N/A -- Story -- Magic, Pet Rubeus Hagrid -- N/A -- Story -- Strength, Teacher/Prefect ?? ?? ?? Amos Diggory -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Expecto Patronum ?? Anthony Goldstein -- 20k -- Flying Lesson replay Argus Filch -- ?? -- ?? -- Pet, Teacher/Prefect Arthur Weasley -- 100k -- The Mountain Troll replay -- Barty Crouch Jr -- 100k Barty Crouch Sr -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Expecto Patronum Cho Chang -- ?? -- ?? ?? ?? Crabbe Sr (Death Eater) -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Strength, Expecto Patronum Dean Thomas -- 20k -- Incendio replay -- ?? Draco Malfoy (Hogwarts) -- N/A -- Story -- Magic Draco Malfoy (Quidditch) -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Hannah Abbott -- 20k -- Incendio replay -- Magic ?? ?? ?? Katie Bell -- 20k -- Transfiguration replay Lee Jordan -- 20k -- Potions Class replay -- Lily Potter -- 100k -- The Restricted Section replay -- ?? Lord Voldemort (Ghost) -- ?? -- ?? ?? ?? ?? Madam Hooch -- 150k -- Flying Lessons 1st time Madam Malkin -- 8k -- Shop Diagon Alley Replay -- Madame Maxime -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Strength, Teacher/Prefect, Expecto Patronim ?? Madam Rosmerta -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Expecto Patronim Marcus Flint -- ?? -- ?? Marge Dursley Michael Corner ?? ?? Mr. Ollivander -- 40k -- Gringotts Vaults replay ?? Oliver Wood -- 30k -- The quiddich match replay -- ?? ?? Percy Weasley (Casual) -- ?? Peter Pettigrew Petunia Dursley ?? Professor Flitwick -- 150k -- Gryphondor House replay -- ?? Professor Quirrell -- 150k -- The Restricted Section replay -- Professor Moody -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic, Teacher/Prefect, Expecto Patronum ?? ?? Professor Trelawney Rita Skeeter Seamus Finnigan -- 20k -- ?? ?? Susan Bones -- 15k -- Collecting Ingrediants 1st -- Magic The Bloody Baron ?? The Grey Lady -- 75k -- The Mountain Troll replay -- Vernon Dursley -- 150(only) -- ?? -- Strength ?? Viktor Krum (Triwizard) -- 100k -- ?? -- Magic, Strength ?? Tom the Innkeeper -- ?? -- ?? -- Magic ?? ?? ?? ?? Vincent Crabbe (Casual) -- 10k -- Transfiguration replay-- ?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ F.A.Q. (3.4.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Questions to go here as they get asked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyrights (3.5.0) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do not own any part of the Harry Potter universe, or lego, or a game company. I do however own this guide. I have only posted it on GameFAQs and Cheat Code Central no where else. Question to be directed to Raiethstar (at) Yahoo (dot) com