Yuusha 30 / Half-Minute Hero ---------------------------- FAQ / Walkthrough v0.21 June 20, 2009 ExitMoose ____________________________ ==== TABLE OF CONTENTS ===== 1. Introduction.........................................................[0000] 2. Yuusha 30............................................................[Y000] 1. Quest. 01 - 勇者のたびだち - The Hero Sets Out..................[Y001] 2. Quest. 02 - 大陸へのかけ橋 - Bridge to the Continent............[Y002] 3. Quest. 03 - どうくつと森 - Caves and Forests....................[Y003] 4. Quest. 04 - 森の番人セシリア - Forest Guardian Cecilia..........[Y004] 5. Southern Route 1. Quest. 05-S - どうくつをぬけて - Through the cave..........[YS05] 2. Quest. 06-S - 海もこうの魔王城 - The castle beyond the sea.[YS06] 3. Quest. 07-S - あのころに戻って - Back to that Era..........[YS07] 4. Quest. 08-S - 海流をかえろ - Change the Current............[YS08] 6. Northern Route 1. Quest. 05-N - 魔の森をぬけて - Through the magic forest....[YN05] 2. Quest. 06-N - 勇気の山 - Mountain of Bravery...............[YN06] 3. Quest. 07-N - むげんさばく - Endless Desert................[YN07] 4. Quest. 08-N - ほろぼされる村 - The Ruined Village..........[YN08] 7. Quest. 09 - 美しき魔王 - Beautiful Dark Lord....................[Y009] 8. Quest. 10 - さんぞくの谷 - Valley of the Bandits................[Y010] 9. Quest. 11 - 海と陸のわかれ道 - Parting paths of sea and earth...[Y011] 10. Land Route 1. Quest. 12-L - ゆうひの勇者 - Hero of the Setting Sun.......[YL12] 2. Quest. 13-L - シスターと悪魔 - Nuns and Demons.............[YL13] 3. Nun's Route 1. Quest. 14-N - ミイラのさばく - The Mummy's Desert.....[YN14] 2. Quest. 15-N - まわる魔王城 - The Revolving Keep.......[YN15] 3. Quest. 16-N - 魔のカベをこわせ - Break the Magic Wall.[YN16] 4. Quest. 17-N - せいはいと魔王-Dark Lord and Holy Grail.[YN17] 4. Demon's Route 1. Quest. 14-D - ぎゃくしゅう魔王 - Dark Lord Counter....[YD14] 2. Quest. 15-D - ふたご谷 - Valley of Twins..............[YD15] 3. Quest. 16-D - こだいのいさん - An Ancient Bequest.....[YD16] 4. Quest. 17-L - なだれとうげ - Avalanche Pass...........[YL17] 11. Water Route 1. Quest. 12-W - 海をこえて - Cross the Sea...................[YW12] 2. Island Route 1. Quest 13-I - 竜の島 - Island of Dragons...............[YI13] 2. Quest 14-I - 小さな船たび - A Short Voyage by Boat....[YI14] 3. Quest 15-I - たそがれにさく花 - Twilight Bloom........[YI15] 3. Ocean Route 1. Quest 13-O - バトルオーシャン - Ocean Battle..........[YO13] 2. Quest 14-O - リザードマンの国 - Land of the Lizardmen.[YO14] 3. Quest 15-O - カイゾクの宝島 - Treasure Island.........[YO15] 4. Quest. 16-W - 雪国へ - A Snowbound Land....................[YW16] 5. Quest. 17-L - なだれとうげ - Avalanche Pass................[YL17] 12. Quest. 18 - しろき大地 - Land of the White Wood................[Y018] 13. Quest. 19 - 大平原の戦い - Battle of the Great Plain...........[Y019] 14. Quest. 20 - 水門パニック - Flood Gate Hustle...................[Y020] 15. Flood Gate Route 1. Quest. 21-F - 巨大魔王あらわる - The Huge Dark Lord Comes..[YF21] 16. Beach Route 1. Quest. 21-B - もたざるモノ - One Who Has Nothing...........[YB21] 17. Quest. 22 - 火の山をすすめ - Onward to the Volcano.............[Y022] 18. Western Route 1. Quest. 23-W - カメとせんにん - The Turtle and the Hermit...[YW23] 2. Quest. 24-W - ぬまと魔女 - The Swamp and the Witch.........[YW24] 3. Quest. 25-W - 孤島の魔王城 - The Solitary Island Holdfast..[YW25] 19. Eastern Route 1. Quest. 23-E - ゴーレムの谷 - Valley of the Golems..........[YE23] 2. Quest. 24-E - お宝ランド - Treasure Land...................[YE24] 3. Quest. 25-E - もうひとりの女神 - Another Goddess...........[YE25] 20. Quest. 26 - 大いなるつばさ - On Great Wings....................[Y026] 21. Quest. 27 - さらばアクドー - So long, Akudo....................[Y027] 22. Quest. 28 - 無限の武器魔王 - The Great Weapon Mistress.........[Y028] 23. Quest. 29 - 呪いと勇者 - The Curse and the Hero................[Y029] 24. Quest. 30 - ラストバトル - Final Battle........................[Y030] 3. Disclaimer...........................................................[D000] [0000] - Introduction Yuusha 30 or Half-Minute Hero, as it may some day be called in English speaking nations, is a curious game. The various Dark Lords have discovered a spell which can destroy the world in only thirty seconds. Finally, a game for those with extremely short attention spans! Luckily for you, the Goddess of Time empathizes with your plight, and has agreed to turn back the clock whenever you need, provided you pay in cash for the service, of course. This guide seeks to be both a translation guide and an FAQ/Walkthrough. You'll need to change your encoding to Shift-JIS to be able to read the Japanese words in this guide. Naturally, before you can even need the walkthrough, you have to know how to start a new game, so let's dive right in! Main Screen: はじめから - New Game つづきから - Load Game Mode Select: ストーリーモード - Story Mode 勇者通信 - Wireless Play オプション - Options 女神の部屋 - Goddess Room セーブ - Save ロード - Load データを消す - Erase Data Story Mode: 勇者30 - Yuusha 30 魔王30 - Dark Lord 30 王女30 - Princess 30 Difficulty: ノーマル:ふつう - Normal ハード:むずかしい - Hard Choose your mode and begin playing! [Y000] - Yuusha 30 Yuusha 30 is the main mode of the game. Each stage will feature a different villain who has just acquired the ハメツの呪文 (Hametsu no Jumon) or Spell of Ruin which will destroy the world in only 30 seconds. Your job is to stop the villain from finishing the spell. Most of the time, that you will do it by simply killing him, but that isn't always the case. You move your hero about on the main map, buying items from towns, slaying monsters for experience, and finally confronting the boss at his castle. Typical RPG fare. Battles are extremely simple. The hero will run to the right, the monsters to the left and when they collide they do damage to each other, over and over until one side wins. You can hold an item to use with the square button, and can run from battle with the L and R buttons. The × button causes your character to charge which depletes some HP, but is absolutely crucial to gain the best times. You can also dash on the world map. Most towns have a goddess statue, and for a small fee, the goddess will reset the clock for you. All experience and loot are kept, though the price will go up each time. If you die, you'll merely start back at the beginning of the stage with low HP, but the clock will still be ticking. From the main map はじめる will begin the stage, while 装備せんたく can be used to choose equipment. Using the right equipment might help you shave precious seconds off your time. I generally prefer equipment with good movement (the boot icon), low weight (重), and then offensive stats such as power (the sword) and critical hit ratio (the bullseye). This FAQ doesn't necessarily assume you'll finish the quests in this order. In fact, since you can use equipment from any lower-numbered quest, even if it is on a different path, it is useful to complete the stages in numbered order rather than path order. However, I felt it would be confusing to order them in this way for the FAQ. [Y001] - Quest. 01 勇者のたびだち - The Hero Sets Out Target Time: 1 min Titles: みちくさ - Loiterer After meeting the Time Goddess, allow your time to run out three times. Then beat the boss before your time runs out. わすれもの - Lost object At the beginning of the stage, move to the boat to the east of the castle to retrieve a herb. Reward: つぎはぎの服 (Patchy Clothes) Strategy: Naturally, this isn't a difficult stage. At first the king wants you to slay three monsters outside the castle. Walk around until you've slain the third, and don't worry much about your HP. Even if you die, you'll just start outside the castle again. After you've slain three monsters return to the king. He will congratulate you, but is interrupted by the local Dark Lord Hakkein, who wants you to know that the world is about to end in thirty seconds. Uh oh. Walk outside and build up some cash and experience, pick up the herb from the ship to the east and visit the weapon shop (marked by a sign with a sword on it) in the western town to purchase a ボクソード (Wooden Sword), which will automatically be equipped. Buy some やくそうラーメン (Medicinal Ramen) and fight outside until the time runs out. You don't have enough time to beat the boss, so don't bother. The Time Goddess will rescue you from certain death, and offer to reset the clock for you as long as you agree to pay her expenses. You don't have much of a choice. Say はい and you'll wake up in the castle. Fight around until you reach level 4, then go to the castle with a medicinal herb in hand to defeat the Dark Lord. Otherwise, you can let the time run out three times to gain the みちくさ title. Poor Hakkein. He was so close! [Y002] - Quest. 02 大陸へのかけ橋 - Bridge to the Continent Target Time: 45 sec Titles: ギリギリ - Just in time Finish the stage with a total time less than 30 seconds. ライクわかめ - Seaweed lover Defeat five or more seaweed monsters. Reward: バンブースピア (Bamboo Spear) Strategy: Dark Lord Bad Bat has learned the Spell of Ruin, and you only have 30 seconds to stop him! Sound familiar? The bridge is out, but a man in the eastern town will fix it if you can find his トンカチ (Hammer), which for some reason is in a cave being guarded by bats. From the beginning head straight north, past the town, fighting any monsters you encounter. Go around to the east to reach the cave, slay the bats and touch the chest to retrieve the hammer. Return the way you came, enter the town and talk to the man with a exclamation point above his head. Heal at the restaurant, pray at the statue, and leave the town. Go west, cross the bridge, and enter the town in the south. Buy the どうのつるぎ (Copper Sword) for 80g, the レザーシールド (Leather Shield) for 100g and a やくそう (Medicinal Herb). Leave town and enter the castle to confront Bad Bat. You shouldn't need to level at all for this encounter. If your HP runs low, use the herb. Getting under 30 seconds on this stage is tough but can be done with judicious use of the dash button (×). Move towards the cave normally, dash after you defeat the bats and back towards the town. Finish the level as described above, but dash through all battles including the boss, keeping an eye on your HP. You should be level 6 by the end. Two Dark Lords down! Who's next? [Y003] - Quest. 03 どうくつと森 - Caves and Forests Target Time: 30 sec Titles: どうくつ好き - Cave lover Go through the cave before finishing the stage. 虫好き - Bug lover Finish the stage without acquiring the Flyswatter Reward: こんぼう (Club) Strategy: Dark Lord Anifikis, who is also Queen of Insects, has decided she's tired of humanity and its disrespect for her insect brethren. That's okay, because she's about to join Hakkein and Bad Bat. You have two routes to approach the castle, through the cave or around the lake. The fastest route is to ignore the first town and quickly pick up a medical herb from the second. Go around the lake to the southwest, using the herb when needed, and pick up the ムシたたき from the man in the tent. Make a mad dash to the boss to the east and you should just edge in under 30 seconds. Play through the stage again at a more leisurely pace, picking up the レザーハット (Leather Hat) from the first town for 100g, the きのたて (Wooden Shield) from the second for 120g, and perhaps the うま (Horse) for 120g. Reset the time when you need to, and travel through the cave to defeat Anifikis again and claim a few titles. [Y004] - Quest. 04 森の番人セシリア - Forest Guardian Cecilia Target Time: 30 sec Titles: もりまもり - Protector of the Forest Finish the stage after defeating the thief in the cave だんじき - Fasting Finish the stage without eating food (Using herbs is okay) Reward: タルアーマー (Barrel Armor) **To unlock Northern route: Defeat the thief before finishing the stage. **To unlock the Southern route: Finish the stage without defeating the thief. Strategy: Dark Lord of Flame Yogarf doesn't like trees, so he plans to burn them all down and take the world with them. Fight around the first town until you have around 200g. Purchase a タルハット (Barrel Hat) for 150g and an herb. Travel to the next town, buy the いしのオノ (Stone Axe) for 120g. Heal at the restaurant, reset the clock and go due north past the flames to the cave. Inside is a young punk named Jado, who isn't very responsible with his camp fires. You should be around level 8 at this time, which is more than strong enough to beat him. Head back to the village and talk to Cecilia, the elf girl with the exclamation point above her head. She'll join you. Heal and head out. You should have around 20 seconds left on the clock. If not, reset the clock and go to the castle. You should be around level 10. Yogarf won't give you much trouble, but use the herb if you need it. This will unlock the Northern route. Play the stage again, following roughly the same steps, but don't go to the northern cave. Instead reset the time when it is near zero, fight some more outside the castle until your level is roughly 9 or 10 and you have around 15 seconds on the clock. Yogarf will be strengthened by the burning forest, and the battle will be a long and tough one, but you should be able to beat him. This will unlock the Southern route. Sorry, forest, but sacrifices must be made. Southern route: [YS05] - Quest. 05-S どうくつをぬけて - Through the cave Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ジイ様思い - Thinking of the old man Speak to the old man who lives on the western coast of the first area after you acquire the Rubber Boots. グルメ - Gourmet Eat both the Unagi Nabe (うなぎなべ) and Loach Nabe (ドジョウなべ) from the first town. Reward: いしのヤリ (Stone Spear) Strategy: Dark Lord Joded doesn't like the fact that unagi get more attention than loaches, and plans to destroy the world so he can make a new one where loaches get their proper respect. Or something. Who can understand the machinations of a fish lord? This stage can be finished in around 20 seconds if you have your timing down. From the start, go to the nearest town, buy an herb and walk due west, dashing though any battle you have. Talk to the old man in the cabin. Leave and walk east, dashing through battles and use your herb when necessary. You should have two battles and over 200g when you reach the cave. Go through when the timer is between 20 and 19 seconds. If you can't quite make it, reset the clock and go back and wait for the right time to enter. Flee any battle on the other side and enter the town. Buy some Ancient Food (エンシェントメシ), which will greatly boost your stats and go back through the cave, dashing through any battles. The cave will take you to the southern island, and the Dark Lord's Keep. From here, you can either go to the castle for a quick finish, or quickly go back through to go back north. If there are still 10 seconds on the timer, go through again to battle some clams for the old man's Rubber Boots (ゴムながブーツ). If not, go north, reset the timer and wait until the timer is under 19 seconds. Move south to the town, reset the timer and purchase the Straw Hat (むぎわらぼうし) for 150g. Go back through the cave again, speak to the Old Man, who let you have the boots. Eat from the restaurant in the first area several times to acquire that title, and then finish the stage. [YS06] - Quest. 06-S 海むこうの魔王城 - The Dark Lord's castle beyond the sea Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ゲットバッカー - Getbacker (?) 海のはしゃ - Ruler of the Sea Defeat at least one of each kind of monster before finishing the stage. Reward: ブロンズアクス (Bronze Axe) Strategy: Lady Beech seems to think that the Spell of Ruin summons a party or something. Here we go. To achieve the best time, walk south briskly, ignoring the first town. When you reach the southern town buy an herb and fight outside until you reach level 5, using the herb when necessary. Go back in the town, heal to full with herbs and get one to take with you. Buy a Sailor Suit (てきよセーラー) if you can. Walk briskly to the west past the cacti, and pace near the shoals to the south. When a land bridge forms at near 10 seconds left, cross and march to the castle, reserving your herb for the final battle. Level 7 should be fine. Enter the stage again for any titles or equipment you've missed. I've read that you can get the ゲットバッカー title by being pushed back by the ocean, but I haven't been able to confirm this. [YS07] - Quest. 07-S あのころに戻って - Back to that Era Target Time: 30 sec Titles: メガネっこ - Four Eyes Acquire the Mage's Glasses before finishing the stage. セピアマスター - Sepia Master Defeat a number of sepia monsters before finishing the stage. Reward: ファイターナイフ (Fighter Knife) Strategy: Dark Lord Douglas is a sucker for the old Gameboy games and so wants to change everything back to the way it used to be. And he wants to destroy the world too for some reason. I guess it's what Dark Lords do. Finishing the stage quickly is simple. Bypass the first town, go through the cave and fight outside the second town, entering to heal when necessary. At level 8 or so with 10 seconds left, enter the castle and dash at Douglas. Easy. Re-enter the stage, and march to the west past the first town and wait in the center of the cross of trees. When the sepia covers the cross, touch the north tree, the south tree, the east tree and then the west one in that order. Move around to the other two and touch the left tree and then the right, then the left and right again, and a cave will open in the center of the cross. Quickly dash there, and speak with the woman on the other side to acquire the Mage's Glasses (まどうしのメガネ). Cross back, march north and heal at the town. Fight a bit outside, then reset the clock, fight some more, heal and reset the clock again, then march for the castle and you should pick up both titles. [YS08] - Quest. 08-S 海流をかえろ - Change the Current Target Time: 30 sec Titles: カモねぎ - Sucker Eat all three parts of the Vile Set (あくとくセット) from the eastern town (must be done before you change the current). 金ピカ好き - Glittering Gold Lover Buy the Gold Shield (きんのスクデット) Reward: アイアンスピア (Iron Spear) Strategy: A big turtle named Crimudas wants to destroy the world this time, but also Jado is back with his gang, アクドウさんにんしゅう (The Bad Three). They've blocked the normal ocean current, starving the local town. If you want their help, you'll need to fix that situation too. Walk briskly north, enter the town and purchase a herb. Pace outside the cave to the west until you are level 5 and enter. Charge at Hido and use your herb until he's defeated. Dash directly back to the village, buy another herb and heal at the restaurant. Dash north to the castle and fight perhaps one battle. You should be around level 9 and if you charge during the boss battle and use your herb when you need to, you should be able to edge in under 30 seconds. To get the Shield, follow all the same steps except after you've defeated Hido, heal and march south to the town in the forest. Fight outside the town, returning north to reset the time when needed, until you have 2500g. Buy the Gold Shield, and you should be high enough level to simply finish the stage. To get the Sucker title, walk north to the town, but then double back after you buy an herb and fight in the forest. The first part is 200g, the next 400g and the last 800g. Reset the timer as necessary, and when you've gotten all three, defeat Hido as normal and finish the stage. It may be possible to get both titles, but by the time you've gotten the last bit of the Vile Set and have defeated Hido, the Goddess is taking 500g or more each time you reset the clock making it hard to get up to 2500g. Better to just get them separately. Northern route: [YN05] - Quest. 05-N 魔の森をぬけて - Through the magic forest Target Time: 35 sec Titles: ここうのたびびと - Loner Finish the stage without Richard joining you. さみしんぼ - Lonely Have Richard join your party in the first town, go to the second town, then finish the stage. Reward: けんこうサンダル (Spirited Sandals) Strategy: Dark Lord Mad Wood wants to kick all the invaders out of the forest. Unfortunately, he's going to use the Spell of Ruin he learned from someone to do it. Go north and fight one battle, dashing through. Buy the Lumberjack's Axe (きこりのオノ) for 130g and exit to fight one more battle. Go back and purchase an herb to heal yourself and another to carry and exit again. Fight three more battles, go back and heal with herbs and buy a Buckler (バックラー) for 130g, heal with the herb and buy another. You should be around level 6. Dash out and north, across the bridges and through any battles you encounter, using the herb when necessary. You should reach the second town with around five seconds left. Heal at the restaurant and reset the time just in case, then dash north to the castle and the final battle. You should be around level 8. You should be very close to 30 seconds at the end. Enter the stage again. Annoyingly, Richard and his dog won't join you for the boss battle, but you'll want to get them anyway for the title and for later. Go north and buy and herb from the town. Fight outside, using the herb when you need to, until you have 300g. Go back and hire Richard, and go back out and fight until you have 160g. Reset the time and fill up with herbs then march north. Bypass the second town, but before you can get to the castle, Richard will complain and ask you to drop him off at the second town. Go back and drop him off then finish the stage. [YN06] - Quest. 06-N 勇気の山 - Mountain of Bravery Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ゴージャス - Gorgeous Buy the Gorgeous Mail. へたれ - Good-For-Nothing Finish the stage at level 15 or lower. Reward: ブロンズランス (Bronze Lance) Strategy: Dark Lord Diface thinks that by blocking the route to his castle with a large boulder, he'll be safe. Let's disabuse him of that notion. Walk to the west bypassing the town and dash through the first battle. Round the mountains north and dash through the second battle and use your remaining HP to dash to the town. Heal with herbs and hold one back. Talk to the old man, who will have one of his tribe open the way east to Mt. Ordeals (しれんの山). Sound familiar? Dash all the way to the east, crossing the lava pit, and dash through the cave, claiming the Badge of Bravery (勇気のあかし). Dash back to the pit. A great fire spirit (火の大魔神) will tell you to leave the Badge behind and flee, but this is a test of bravery after all, so say "no" (いいえ). Charge into him and slay him with one shot. Use your herb after you cross and walk back to town dashing through all battles. Talk to the old man and heal, then go to the shrine above the town to clear the boulder. Dash towards the castle, perhaps slowing to take in one battle to bump yourself to level 10. Dash during the boss battle and use your herb and you should just squeak in under 30 seconds. To acquire the Gorgeous Mail (ゴージャスメイル), fight outside the first town, healing and resetting the clock when needed, until your level is around 11. Walk southeast into the grass until a huge bird appears. Don't charge, but just fight as normal. You'll get 2500g for your trouble, which should bump you above the 3000g you need. Finish the stage as normal. [YN07] - Quest. 07-N むげんさばく - Endless Desert Target Time: 45 sec Titles: ほうこうおんち - No Direction Sense Get lost ten or more times before finishing the stage. バードハンター - Bird Hunter Defeat the large black bird in the southwest before finishing the stage. Reward: クイックナイフ (Quick Knife) Strategy: The villagers didn't like Dark Lord Masnake's snakes hanging about, so they threw him out. They'll learn the error of their ways when he destroys the world though... Walk west to the first town and buy an herb. Walk around north between the rocks, dashing through any battles, then around south between the cacti. Keep south, past the first opening and go through the opening in the south, past the cactus to the second town. You should have around 15 seconds on the clock. Heal here, and reset the clock and fight a few battles to get up to level 7. Heal again, then go west between the row of cacti and north around the first opening, and approach the castle from the east. Level outside until around level 11, then enter. Charge during the battle, and use your herb when needed. You should beat him with a total time of around 35-40 seconds. Other options are to hang outside the first town and buy the てつのつるぎ (Steel Sword), or to hire Barbara at the second town, but neither will get you much lower than 40 seconds. Re-enter, and go as above, but exit the second area out of the northeast, instead of between the cacti. Do this ten times, buying the てつのつるぎ for 250g when you have it and healing and resetting as necessary. Go to the second town, hire Barbara for 400g, heal, and head southwest. Don't charge during battle when Barbara is in your party, or she won't keep up and you'll defeat the point of having her. Fight around the dead trees until the ダイカイチョー (Great Sea Bird) appears. If you are around level 15, you should have no problems. Finish the stage as usual. [YN08] - Quest. 08-N ほろぼされる村 - The Ruined Village Target Time: 30 sec Titles: 村をすくった - Saved the village After the village is destroyed the first time, reset the clock and finish the stage while the village is still standing (before the timer reaches 15"). You can reset the clock as many times as you need to do this. 心やさしき - Kind-hearted Cure the person in the southeastern tent with the medicine. Reward: パワーふんどし (Power Fundoshi) Strategy: Dark Lord Kyoaku has destroyed the bridge to his castle with his powerful lightning, so we'll have to find a way around. Go south along the mountains, charging through all battles, until you reach a tent. Talk to the girl with the ! mark, who will tell you her brother knows a secret way to the castle, but needs medicine. Leave and walk north and cross the bridge, and enter the tent on the island. Heal with herbs and reserve one for later. Search the tent for medicine. When you leave, Kyoaku will destroy the town in the center. That's not our concern right now, so just walk back to the girl and her brother. When you give him the medicine, he will show the secret path. Follow that path, dashing to avoid battles and charge through the fight in the cave. Dash to the castle and use the herb during the boss battle when needed. You should be around level 8 and should just edge under 30 seconds. To save the village, follow all the steps above, except after you've learned the location of the secret path, go to the village that was destroyed. Reset the clock and buy the レイピア (Rapier) for 300g. Finish the stage in the same manner, being sure to defeat the boss before the timer strikes 15 seconds. [Y009] - Quest. 09 美しき魔王 - Beautiful Dark Lord Target Time: 30 sec Titles: おそろしき力 - Terrible Power Defeat the Beautiful Dark Lord. カリスマ - Charisma Purchase the Charisma Wig. Reward: けがわのコート (Fur Coat) Strategy: The Beautiful Dark Lord is sick with grief over his missing lover, Millenia. Thinking it's those nasty humans who've taken her, he plans to cast the Spell of Ruin in revenge. Walk south to the first town, purchase an herb, then walk further south to the second town, charging through all battles. Pace outside the town, healing in the town if necessary, until your reach level 5. Heal in the town, then walk due west. Enter the small cabin across the river where Millenia is being held by a little man named ノワール (Noir). Defeat him to find out that Millenia has been cursed and turned into a little bat creature. Use your herb then dash across the river and north to the castle. The Beautiful Dark Lord will be so happy to see Millenia that he'll forget all about destroying the world, and the stage is finished. Re-enter the stage, playing the first part similarly, but this time continue pacing and leveling outside the second town until you reach level 30 or 31. Of course, reset the time and heal as necessary. Be sure to pick up the カリスマウィッグ (Charisma Wig) for 160g from the northern town. When you reach level 31, heal and go to the castle. Defeat the Dark Lord, using the herb as needed, and walk back to the southern town. Reset the clock, heal, and finish the stage as above, going first to the cabin, then back to the castle. [Y010] - Quest. 10 さんぞくの谷 - Valley of the Bandits Target Time: 35 sec Titles: さんぞくいちみ - A Bandit's Life Finish the stage with Donovan in your party. ゴーイングマイ - Go Your Own Way Finish the stage without Donovan. Reward: ウッドズック (Wooden Shoes) Strategy: Walk west and pace outside the first town, charging through battles, until you reach level 6. Enter the town and heal, buy and herb and reset the timer. Dash north avoiding battles and enter the cave, charging through the battle, and using your herb when needed. You should be level 10 after the battle, and Donovan will join your party. Dash back south to the town, heal and buy another herb, then dash west from the town, through the rocks, to the castle. Charge during the final battle, and use your herb when needed. You should edge in just under 35 seconds. Re-enter the stage. Buy an herb at the first town and walk north, this time around the cave towards the second town. You should be able to make it without using your herb. Heal at the second town then pace outside until you have 500g, resetting the timer as needed. Buy the シルバースピア (Silver Spear), heal, and then walk around south through the "Danger" zones. Charge the ガスデーモン (Gas Demon), and you will OHKO him. Do the same for the second zone, dashing all the time towards the castle. Finish the boss, using your herb if needed. [Y011] - Quest. 11 海と陸のわかれ道 - Parting paths of sea and earth Target Time: 30 sec Titles: マジギリ - Demon Slayer Finish the stage in under 30 seconds. 王者のツノ - King's Horn Defeat the Hercules Beetle. Reward: ブラックベルト (Black Belt) **To unlock Land route: Finish the stage without acquiring the boat. **To unlock the Water route: Acquire the boat and finish the stage. Strategy: Equip the ムシたたき (Fly Swatter) before you enter the stage. Dash south to the first town, avoiding all random battles for the rest of the stage. Heal here and buy an herb. Dash west from the town, around the mountains, using your herb to keep above 1hp. Enter the "Danger" zone and charge the ヘラクレスカブト (Hercules Beetle). You'll OHKO him and jump up to level 19. Heal at the town on the other side and buy the かわのよろい (Leather Armor) for 100g. Dash around the mountains south and then back north to the castle, and charge through the crabs to slay the boss. If you're quick, you can finish the stage in under 15 seconds. This will unlock the land route. Enter the stage again, this time with a different weapon (I took the Rapier), pace outside the first town until you are level 4 or 5. Enter, heal, and purchase an herb. March to the tower in the west, defeat ゲドー (Gedo), using the herb as needed and march back to the town with the Mast that the Bad Three stole from the town. Talk to the man with the !, who will give you use of his boat. Heal, reset the timer, and buy another herb. Sail south to the castle, and pace outside until you are level 10 or 11. Enter and slay the boss, using the herb as needed. This will unlock the water route. Land Route: [YL12] - Quest. 12-L ゆうひの勇者 - Hero of the Setting Sun Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ほあんかん - Sheriff Liberate the southwestern town and finish the stage. ねおきドッキリ - Caught Napping Defeat the Dark Lord while he is asleep. (Hit him before the timer strikes 10 seconds left) Reward: フロストスピア (Frost Spear) Strategy: This stage can be a bit difficult, as there is no way to purchase herbs until you've more or less finished the stage. Getting under 30 seconds requires a deal of luck, but follow these directions and you'll get the highest rank, even if you don't quite get under 30 seconds. Equip the Rapier, Black Belt, Barrel Hat, Rubber Boots, and Buckler before you begin. Every second counts, so be on your toes. Walk west a bit and pace back and forth, charging through fights, until you reach level 5. Enter the town, heal, and reset the timer, and walk north and around towards the cave, still charging through fights. Charge through the cave, then dash to the castle when you are on the other side. Charge up to the boss, but be careful not to use too much HP. Try and match it so your HP will be gone around when the timer hits 10 seconds. If you're lucky, the boss will drop right before 10 seconds hits and you'll just edge in under 30 seconds total and claim the ねおきドッキリ title. Enter again, pace outside the first town until your level is 5 or 6, heal, then pace some more until your reach level 9. Reset the timer, and walk south along the path. Try not to charge too much, as there will be no way to heal for a bit. When you arrive at the town, fight Hido and Jado, neither of which should be any trouble. You still can't heal here, but reset the timer and march back to the first town, conserving your HP. Talk to the people with ! above their heads. They'll go back to their town, and unlock the shops. Buy a horse for 120g, reset the timer again, and walk back to the second town. Talk (はなす) to the man in the armor shop. He will give you a バトルハンマー (Battle Hammer). Buy a テンガロンハット (Ten-gallon Hat) for 200g, and reset the timer. Walk west and then north to the castle and finish the stage. [YL13] - Quest. 13-L シスターと悪魔 - Nuns and Demons Target Time: 30 sec Titles: あまのじゃく - Anti-Social Finish the stage without the nun or demon's assistance. コレクター - Collector Acquire both the Dranium and the Demon's Egg. Reward: ソードナイフ (Sword Knife) **To unlock the Nun's route: Finish the stage without the assistance of the demon. **To unlcok the Demon's route: Finish the stage with the assistance of the demon. Strategy: Dash west to the first town, buy an herb then dash a bit south along the path, for about 10 steps. Stop dashing and walk the rest of the way, but charge through battles. Continue west to the next town and heal here. You should be level 5 at this point. Talk to the woman with the ! who will ask you if you seek the ancient power of demons. Say "yes" (はい) and she will tell you to seek the Demon's Egg from the western tower. Walk to the tower, charging through all battles. Use your herb when needed (it should be on the third floor), and you should just defeat the boss on the top floor before running out of HP. Dash out, grab the Egg, and dash back to town. Heal but do not reset the timer. Talk to the woman, who will reveal herself as a demon and tell you to meet her at the crossroads at dusk. Leave and dash north to the crossroads. She will give you power which will boost your stats, but tells you that your soul will be hers after three battles. Dash west to the castle and charge to quickly defeat the boss. Enter again, grab an herb from the first town, and walk north and west this time, charging through battles, until you reach the town. Talk to Elena, the girl with the !, who will ask if you are the Hero (say "yes"). She will agree to help you if you can retrieve the Dranium (ドラニウム) from the nearby cave. Heal. Fight outside until you are level 8 or 9, then heal in the town and reset the clock. Go west to the cave and charge through all these fights, using your herb when needed. At the first branch, you'll be asked if you want to go down a small side path. Say "no" (いいえ). Another fight and then you'll be asked again. This time say "yes" (はい). Yet another fight. Say "yes" again, then yet another fight. Finally, you'll reach an open area and claim the Dranium. Back to town and talk to Elena, who will join your party. Elena will heal you at the beginning of each battle, which is mildly useful, except that you're strong enough to slay everything on your own now. Reset the timer as needed and go south to the village from last time. Heal and reset. You can talk to the demon woman, but she won't help you as long as Elena is with you. Go to the tower and retrieve the Demon's Egg. Return, heal and reset, then finish the stage as normal for the Collector title. Enter one more time and fight until your level is around 20, healing and resetting the clock as needed. Go to the castle alone, and slay the boss for the Anti-Social title. Nun's Route: [YN14] - Quest. 14-N ミイラのさばく - The Mummy's Desert Target Time: 30 sec Titles: 剣士ガイド - Knight's Guide Talk to Dyne in the southern city after the castle appears. あわてんぼう - Impatient Search the wrong stone. Reward: はがねのヤリ (Steel Spear) Strategy: Walk north past the first village around the lake to the second. You should be level 4. Buy an herb to heal and another to hold here, and talk with Dyne, the man with a !. Walk out and north to the set of stone slabs. Touch the southwestern slab near the lake and the eastern slab next to the cactus. Go back to the town, and talk to Dyne, who will join you. Enter the castle, but don't charge during battle, otherwise Dyne won't be able to keep up. You'll finish the stage with around 5 seconds left. Enter again and fight outside the first town, healing as needed, until you have 300g. Purchase the スケールシールド (Scale Shield), and leave for the second town. Finish the stage as before, except this time, touch a third stone in addition to the first two. A giant mummy will appear, but you don't need to defeat him to get the "Impatient" title. Flee and finish the stage as above. [YN15] - Quest. 15-N まわる魔王城 - The Revolving Keep Target Time: 30 sec Titles: 城をとめし者 - Keep Stopper Stop the Keep from revolving before finishing the stage. 城をおいし者 - Keep Chaser Finish the stage without stopping the Keep. Reward: ドリルランス (Drill Lance) Strategy: Fight one battle outside the first town, then go in to heal at the restaurant. Move west and fight outside the second town until you have 380g and purchase a ジェラルミン (Duralumin Shield) for 350g and an herb. Walk due north to the next town, healing if needed, and fight outside until you have 370g for the バトルアクス (Battle Axe). There should be around 10 seconds left, and when the timer reaches 10, the castle will stop in the top position. Use your herb if needed and march to the castle. You should be near level 11. Charge the boss until he dies. Enter again, fight one battle outside the first town. Heal and walk west, enter the next town immediately and purchase an herb. Move north and buy a Battle Axe and heal at the restaurant. Walk south and around the south of the mountains in the center of the forest. Press the ○ button while facing north to enter a short battle. Then press it again after the battle is finished to reveal a small cabin. Search the cabin and select "yes" to stop the castle's movement. It should be to the east at this point. March to the castle and finish the boss as before. [YN16] - Quest. 16-N 魔のカベをこわせ - Break the Magic Wall Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ばくだん使い - Pyromaniac Use the Huge Bomb. たんけんか - Spelunker Search all of the caves. Reward: ウィングブレード (Wing Blade) Strategy: Pace outside the first town until you've fought twice. Go inside and heal at the restaurant, then dash to the west and then north to avoid battles. Enter the westernmost cave, charge through the battle and dash to the other cave when you exit, ignoring the tent. Talk to Baan to recieve the だいばくだん (Huge Bomb). Dash back out of this cave and back to the first town to heal. You should have around 10 seconds left and be around level 9 at this point. Dash north amongst the small mountains towards the castle. Dark Lord Walmoze is hiding behind a stone wall. Press □ to use the Huge Bomb on the wall, then charge to finish the boss. Enter the stage again. Begin the stage as before, except after you've acquired the Huge Bomb and returned to the first town, reset the time and heal, then walk east to the easternmost cave. Defeat the first two monsters and throw the bomb at the stone monster in the back. Move around to enter the central two caves you've missed, and return to the first town to heal and reset the timer. Go back to Baan to grab another Huge Bomb, stop off at the northern city to purchase a かがやきのたて (Radiant Shield) for 350g, and finish the stage as normal. [YN17] - Quest. 17-N せいはいと魔王 - Dark Lord and Holy Grail Target Time: 30 sec Titles: 名けいじ - Great Sleuth Defeat the Hido, Gedo and Jado in each of their three hiding spots. おしゃれさん - Stylish Acquire the Stylish Bandanna. Reward: アサシンダガー (Assassin Dagger) Strategy: Attack is key if you want the get the best times here. Equip the Black Belt, the Pirate's Hat, the Spike Shield, the Wing Blade, and the Battle Boots. You may have to finish some other quests to acquire these. From the start, walk north avoiding the first town, and not charging through the first few battles. Walk east at the junction dashing for a short distance (5 or 6 paces), to throw off the normal monster pattern. Fight your second fight somewhere near the bridge, and go north into the swamp, pacing in the trees. Jado will show up. Defeat him by charging and recieve the せいはい (Holy Grail). Dash to the nearby town and heal. Move out across the bridge to the south, dashing through battles, towards the lake. Walk out onto the pier in the lake and the Holy Grail will be blessed with the water. You should be about level 8 at this point. Dash across the swamp to the west to the first village and heal. Dash north to the castle. During the fight, wait until you've just reached the first monster, then use the Holy Grail and charge. You should just defeat her before she has a chance to summon enough monsters to push you back. Enter the stage again and begin as normal, but after your first battle, go east into the swamp and pace in the trees until Hido shows up. Don't charge, just beat him, then go north into the next swamp and walk northeast, staying in the trees. Gedo will show up. Defeat him the same, then cross into the swamp where you met Jado last time. Defeat him again, then go to the nearby town to heal. Fight outside until your time runs low, then go back in to heal and reset the timer. Go south towards the lake, and bless the Holy Grail. Pace near the small boat to the southeast until the timer is at 8 seconds left. Search the boat, and Hido, Gedo, and Jado will challenge you to another fight. When you beat them you will acquire the おしゃればんだな (Stylish Bandanna). Purchase the スピードギア (Speed Gear) in the first town for 300g, if you haven't yet, heal and finish the stage as normal. Demon's Route: [YD14] - Quest. 14-D ぎゃくしゅう魔王 - Dark Lord Counter Target Time: 30 sec Titles: フォレストガード - Forest Guard Change all the deserts back into forest before finishing the stage. アンラッキー - Unlucky Choose the correct whirlwing last for all four deserts. Reward: Nothing Strategy: With the Demon's help, you're already strong enough to finish the stage in under 30 seconds. Dash past the first town to the first set of whirlpools. Enter the one to the top and slay the ghost guarding it. The region will change back to forest. Walk east and enter the whirlpool in the center to defeat another ghost and change another region. Finally, walk north into the whirlwind on the right to fight a Skull Dragon. Defeat him, then go straight to the castle and defeat the boss. The Goddess thinks you don't need treasure since you're so powerful, and she'll hold on to it for you. Enter again, passing the first town as before. This time, enter the correct whirlwind last for all regions. Clear the three whirlwinds in the first region, then go east and clear those four. Walk to the east to the town in the mountains and reset the clock. Then walk west into the northwest region. The correct whirlwind is the northmost one, so enter that last. Go to the final region, being sure to enter the rightmost whirlwind last. When all regions are turned to forest, you should still have enough time to finish the stage, so do so. The Demon's help sure makes things easy, and all it cost you was your soul! [YD15] - Quest. 15-D ふたご谷 - Valley of Twins Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ウェストヒーロー - Hero of the West Grant all the requests of the western village. イーストヒーロー - Hero of the East Grant all the requests of the eastern village. Reward: Nothing Strategy: Dash as much as possible to avoid random battles. Go to the first town and purchase an herb. Go north to the western town and talk to all the people with ! marks, then leave and enter the cave on the left. Dash to the cabin and enter to give the old man his lunch, then leave and go into the cave on the right. Visit the grave, and dash back to the village. Talk to the two people with ! marks, then leave. Quickly dash to the town to the east and talk to the two with ! marks. Enter the cave on the left to draw water from the spring. Leave and enter the cave on the right. Search the boulder for some silver, then go back to the village and talk to those two people again. The protective shield should be down on both castles to the north. Rush quickly north, entering one castle and then the other, using your herb when needed. You should just edge in under 30 seconds. Enter the stage again and begin as before. After you've finished the first two tasks wait outside the western village until the timer is under 15 seconds. The caves to the left and right will change to take you to a forest and a hole, respectively. Search the forest for a beetle and the hole for a タイセツなもの (Important Thing). Go back to the town to finish these two tasks, heal at the restaurant and reset the timer. Go to the eastern town, finish the first two tasks as before, and talk to the two new people with ! marks. Go to the left cave to collect firewood at the cabin and to the right to exchange the silver for gold. Ugh. Finally, you can finish the stage as normal. [YD16] - Quest. 16-D こだいのいさん - An Ancient Bequest Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ざいほうゲッター - Treasure Seeker Find the secret treasure horde. ボムマスター - Pyrotechnician Destroy all the boulders with bombs. Reward: ゴールドラッシュ (Gold Rush) ボーンヘッド (Bone Head) アニマプレート (Anima Plate) (only if you gain the "Treasure Seeker" title) Strategy: Dash around north to the first village and talk to the man with the ! mark. He will give you a bomb you can use on the boulders. Dash due north to a boulder, but don't use your bomb on it. Merely charge at it until it's destroyed. Then wait still for a moment. At 19 seconds left, a falling rock will destroy the boulder on the left. Go to the hole on the other side to find a treasure chest with 500000g. Then exist and go back to where you destroyed the first boulder. At 16 seconds left, a falling rock will destroy the boulder to your east. Enter the hole on the other side for another 500000g. Go around to the north to the boulder standing between you and the castle. Destroy it with the bomb, and dash to the castle to finish the stage. You should have around 9 seconds left by the end. It is possible to get the Treasure Seeker and Pyrotechnician titles in the same run, but you have to be very careful. Critical hit ratio is crucial, so equip the best you have for that stat. I used the Patchy Clothes, Quick Knife, and Flower Coronet to get +73. Walk to the first town, fighting one battle, and get the bomb from Boon. Instead of going north, go east and use the bomb on the rock. Hopefully, you get a critical hit, otherwise restart, because if you destroy the rocks by attacking them, you won't get the Pyrotechnician title. Enter the cave, and fight Jado. Be sure not to touch the mole until you have only 22 seconds left. You need him to clear one of the rocks for you. Go outside and fight one battle on the way back to the first town. Then dash to avoid all battles. Talk to Boon who will move back to the center, now that the earthquakes have stopped. Dash to this town and talk to Boon again (he is in the house on the right) to get another bomb. Dash north to clear one of the bombs in front of the holes with treasure from earlier. Dash back for another bomb, then clear the other. You have to be very quick here, and there's little room for mistakes. Dash to both the holes, grabbing the treasure from each, then dash back to the area south of the cave Jado was in. On the right side of the southernmost crater here, there is a hidden cave that leads to a secret treasure. Leave the cave and quickly dash back to the village in the center. Reset the timer. Now you can go a bit more slowly. Destroy all the rocks one by one with bombs, being sure to retreat and come back with a new bomb, if you don't destroy them in one blow. Finish the stage as normal, and you should get both titles, and three pieces of equipment for your trouble. Water Route: [YW12] - Quest. 12-W 海をこえて - Cross the Sea Target Time: 30 sec Titles: せつない - Heartrending Acquire the Ship and visit Mary. フルセット - Full Set Acquire the Innertube, the Flippers, and the Goggles. Reward: てつのおの (Steel Axe) **To unlock the Island Route: Finish the stage without acquiring the Ship. **To unlock the Ocean Route: Acquire the Ship and finish the stage. Strategy: I found this stage quite difficult to get under 30 seconds. You need to focus on offense and movement and can't make a single mistake. My equipment was the Quick Knife, Power Fundoshi, Barrel Hat, Buckler, and Rubber Boots. Even then, you have to be lucky enough to get only battles with two or more enemies. Walk south past the first town to the second, charging all battles. Pace just south of the town until you reach level 5 or 6. Heal in the restaurant, then pace some more until you reach level 9. Buy the スイマーリング (Innertube) for 200g and heal again. Dash across the sea to the town in the southeast. Purchase one herb to heal and another to hold. You can also buy the スイマーレッグ (Flippers) and スイマーゴーグル (Goggles) if you wish, but you can pick them up next playthrough as well. Dash to the castle due west and charge until you've beaten the boss, using the herb if needed. Good luck! Enter again, and begin as previously. Try to reach level 10 if you can, but reset the timer when it gets low. Heal, buy the Innertube and swim to the next island as before. Pace outside this island healing with herbs until you reach level 15. Buy the rest of the swimming suit, if you haven't gotten the Full Set title. Swim back to the second town to reset the timer. Then swim north past the first island to a small hole in the water next to the mountains. Defeat the skeletons to claim a new ship. Sail to the first town and speak with Mary (the old lady on the right) to trigger a cutscene and get the Heartrending title. Finish the stage as normal. Island Route: [YI13] - Quest. 13-I 竜の島 - Island of Dragons Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ケチんぼ - Stingy Sell the Dragon's Egg, but finish the stage without acquiring the Dragon Lance. ノープラン - Brash Finish the stage without acquiring the Dragon's Egg or the Dragon Lance. Reward: ファイアーロッド (Fire Rod) Strategy: Dash south past the first village and west past the second to the cave. Acquire the Dragon's Egg in the cave and take it back to the second village. You must get it to the village before the timer hits 20 seconds, or it will hatch. Run from battles if necessary. Talk to the man in the tent, who will buy the Egg from you for 2000g. Walk north to the first village, fleeing from battles, and purchase the ドラゴンランス (Dragon Lance) for 2000g and heal. Walk west to the castle, and charge through the boss battle for a quick victory. To get the Stingy title, begin as above, but don't buy the Dragon Lance. Buy the くさりかたびら (Chain Mail) for 300g and fight outside the first town, healing as needed, being sure to reset the timer when it hits 10 seconds. When you are level 9 or 10, go to the castle, charge through the dragons in front and attacking the boss normally. Enter again, this time, ignoring the southern town and cave entirely. Pace outside until you are level 9 or 10 and defeat the boss as above. [YI14] - Quest. 14-I 小さな船たび - A Short Voyage by Boat Target Time: 30 sec Titles: タコキラー - Octopus Slayer Take the boat to the Dark Lord's island at noon and defeat the Kraken. 船大好き - Boat Lover Equip the swimming gear, and take the boat to the Dark Lord's island, return to the main island and repeat two more times. Reward: グラディウス (Gladius) Strategy: Equip the Dragon Lance and the Innertube. Dash to the first town, and purchase an herb. Then dash while swimming west through the western opening between the shoals and around the west side into the cave by the sea. Charge through the dragons, and enter the town on the other side. Purchase the さんごのかんむり (Coral Crown) for 200g, heal at the restaurant, and dash east over the water and south to the castle. Charge through the turtle minions and use the herb if needed to beat the boss. Equip the same equipment and begin as before. Instead of going to the castle, swim south to the town and purchase the シルバーハンマー (Silver Hammer) for 350g. Heal with herbs and hold one. Swim north and turn right at the shoals, taking the northern path and then the central path. Charge through the monsters here and you should exit at the northern island again. You should be level 15. Dash south to the first island, reset the timer, and heal. Talk to the man with the ! mark to rent the boat for 100g and pace outside the town until the timer reaches around 16 seconds left. Board the boat, and you should be attacked by the Kraken before you reach land. Charge at the Kraken, using your herb when needed to defeat him, then swim south to the first island. Reset the timer and take the boat twice more, defeating the boss after the third time and you should acquire both titles. [YI15] - Quest. 15-I たそがれにさく花 - Twilight Bloom Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ナンパ - Flirt Have Natalie join your party and finish the stage. コウハ - Wallflower Finish the stage without Natalie. Reward: ビーストキラー (Beast Killer) Strategy: Walk north and across the bridge, pacing just north of the forest. Dash through one battle then dash to the village in the forest and heal with herbs and buy one to hold. Dash into the center of the swamp and pace, fighting a few battles until the timer reaches 15 seconds. Go to the place that is shining and recover the ぬまの花 (Swamp Bloom). Use your herb and dash back to the forest village. Purchase the バトルブーツ (Battle Boots) for 250g and replace your herb. Dash back to the first village, and talk to the girl in the purple dress. She will join you now. Heal and then race across the bridge and then east along the forest until you reach another bridge. Cross it and enter the castle. Charge through the rats to defeat the boss, using the herb when needed. Alternatively, you can dash directly from the second village without Natalie for a quicker run. Do both to get both titles, but be sure to buy the モーニングスター for 350g from the first town and finish the stage at least once. Ocean Route: [YO13] - Quest. 13-O バトルオーシャン - Ocean Battle Target Time: 40 sec Titles: なみのりマスター - Waverider Ride the waves at least 5 times. カイゾクの仲間 - A Pirate's Life Take back the Pirate's Cove and finish the stage. Reward: ロングソード (Longsword) Strategy: Jump on your boat and sail due west, charging through the second battle, but fighting normally for the others. Your destination is the village on the other side of the second island. Heal with herbs and hold one back. Also purchase a なのコロネット (Flower Coronet) for 220g. Sail between the shoals to the west, north around the first opening, past the next, and south through the third. Go immediately west then south and over to the island with the castle. Enter the castle, and charge the boss, using your herb when needed. Enter again, but this time sail south and fight normally. Round the coast and enter the town to the south. There you will find a pirate named ハンク (Hank). He'll ask you to help take back his Pirate's Cove. Agree with はい and he'll join your party. As always, when you have a companion, don't charge during battle, or you'll leave him behind. Sail north again to the first town to heal and reset the clock then sail south between the islands, and enter the cave to the west. Fight the monsters in the cave, then sail around the south of the island to the town on the western tip. Heal here and purchase an extra herb. Reset the timer, and buy the なのコロネット (Flower Coronet) and ヘビーアーマー (Heavy Armor) for 400g if you haven't before. Enter the shoals in the same place you did before. This time, since Hank is with you, the spots that wash you back to the beginning are marked "Danger". Intentionally hit these spots at least five times total, resetting the timer when necessary, and finish the stage at normal. [YO14] - Quest. 14-O リザードマンの国 - Land of the Lizardmen Target Time: 30 sec Titles: トカゲ好き - Friend of the Lizards Save Rex from the northern tent. トカゲきらい - Lizardbane Finish the stage without saving Rex. Reward: トライデント (Trident) Strategy: It's quite hard to get under 30 seconds on this stage. You have to choose your battles wisely, and retreat often. The boat slows you down considerably but if you swap out armor for the Innertube, you're too weak to defeat anything. Sail north along the coast, retreating from the first two battles. The third, right as you approach the city on the north of the island should be a group of two fishmen. Charge them, and then land and heal with herbs and hold one back. Sail to the north, fleeing from all battles, and dash to the tent on the other island. Choose the central tent, and a lizardman soldier will come out. Don't charge him, as the time is not counting down. Use the herb if needed. Rex will join you after this fight. Search one or both of the remaining tents for more battles with lizardmen, depending on your HP. Dash back to the boat and sail back to the first island, fleeing from all battles. It's key to shorten the time you are in the water as much as possible, as you can't dash while on the boat. Dash to the castle if you have the HP or stop at the village to heal. Either way, talk to the king in the castle, then dash north back to the village. Heal and buy another herb. You should be level 5 or 6 at this point. Sail back and dash west to the boss's castle. Rex will order the red lizardmen to retreat. Wait until the final one is behind the boss, then charge, using your herb when needed. It may take your many tries until you get the timing down, but keep at it. Enter the stage again. Fight offshore near the first town until you have 320g. Purchase the こうてつのたて (Steel Shield) for 300g and heal. Sail north and you should reach the northern village with a few seconds left. Reset the timer and purchase the うろこのかぶと (Scale Helm) if you have enough gold. If not fight outside until you do. Heal and reserve a herb for later. Sail to the northern island and walk west to the village near the boss's castle. Reset the timer and fight in the nearby woods until your level is 13 or 14. Assault the castle, charging through the red lizardmen, and using your herb when needed. [YO15] - Quest. 15-O カイゾクの宝島 - Treasure Island Target Time: 35 sec Titles: グルメ王 - Gourmand Sample all the items from the first town's restaurant. カイゾク王 - Pirate King Find all the hidden seals, and retrieve the Pirate's Hat from the Hidden Cove. Reward: のこぎりアクス (Serrated Axe) Strategy: Why this stage gives you 35 seconds and the previous only gives you 30 seconds, I have no idea. Dash to the first town and purchase an herb. Walk out and pace vertically north of the town, and you should encounter a group of two monsters. Charge through them and return to the town to heal at the restaurant. Follow the path north from the town, fighting without charging, until you reach the town on the northern tip of the island. Heal here. Walk to the castle, charge the boss, using the herb when needed. Much easier than the previous stage. Enter the stage again, and immediately board your ship. Sail west around the town, being sure to fight at least one battle. Charge through the battle, then land your ship next to the town and enter. Buy the モーニン・さかなセット (Breakfast - Fish Combo) from the restaurant and an herb. Walk northwest to the lone tree on the cape, trying to get there before the timer hits 20 seconds. Search it for the first crest. Walk back to town and enter after the timer hits 20 to buy a さかな・ランチ (Fish Lunch) from the restaurant. Then sail your ship straight south and search the grave on the northeast island before the timer hits 10. Go back to your boat and sail due east, and search the boat to the south after the timer hits 10. Quickly sail back to the town and buy the さかなリッチディナー (Fish Dinner). Also purchase the うろこのサンダル (Scale Sandals) for 250g. Reset the timer and walk north along the same path as before. When you reach the castle, a cave will appear. Gedo is inside. Defeat him and claim the キャプテンハット (Captain's Hat). Now, when you go to the castle, the boss will recognize you as the King of the Pirates, and surrender. The Goddess will give you the option of keeping the Pirate Treasure and giving up your life of demon-slaying. Select はい to see the secret ending, but you'll have to play the stage again. Select いいえ to reject the treasure and continue the game. [YW16] - Quest. 16-W 雪国へ - A Snowbound Land Target Time: 30 sec Titles: お人よし - Good-Natured Save Karen and finish the stage. れいてつ - Cool-Headed Finish the stage without saving Karen. Reward: スパイクダーシュ (Spike Shield) Strategy: Walk to the first cave and charge through the battle. Dash to the town in the valley and heal with herbs and buy one to hold. Walk on to the northeastern cave, fighting one battle on the way. Charge through the scopions in the cave and use your herb when needed. Go back through the cave when you reach the other side and heal at the earlier village, buying an extra herb and the シルバーソード (Silver Sword). Go back through the cave and through the next, charging through the penquins. Charge during the boss battle, and use your herb when necessary. You should be high enough level that the Silver Sword will slice through the icebergs Freeza sends at you, and let you get at the boss. Enter again and begin the stage as before. After you've bought the Silver Sword, reset the timer and take the southeastern cave this time. Continue through the caves until you reach one with a female captive, Karen. The Silver Sword will make short work of the monsters in the cave. Rescue Karen, then go back to the village to heal. Finish the stage as normal. [YL17] - Quest. 17-L なだれとうげ - Avalanche Pass Target Time: 40 sec Titles: なだれストッパー - Avalanche Stopper Defeat the two Yetis in the cave and finish the stage. パンイチ - Birthday Suit Finish the stage after being caught in the avalanche. Reward: らいめいのヤリ (Thunder Spear) Strategy: Don't charge any of the battles, except the last. Walk east past the village, and around the mountains north. Take the western path off the grass. You should make it before the avalanche comes if you're quick. Walk straight to the castle and charge the boss. Simple. Enter the stage again and fight until your level is near 20, resetting and healing as needed. Get caught in the avalanche that occurs at about 23 seconds and walk back to the village. Purchase the スノーウォーカー (Snow Boots) for 300g, and talk to the girl standing on the left to recieve the あったかニット (Warm Woolen Hat). Reset the timer and proceed to the cave to the east of the avalanche site. Defeat the two Yetis here. You'll probably need to go back to the village to reset the timer, as the path to the castle will be blocked. If so, do so, and finish the stage as normal. [Y018] - Quest. 18 しろき大地 - Land of the White Wood Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ギリのたびびと - Heedless Finish the stage at level 10 or less. モンスターキラー - Monster Killer Defeat one of every kind of monster. Reward: カッパーメイル (Copper Mail) Strategy: There are no random battles in the main area, so we need to unlock where the monsters are as soon as possible. Dash directly north, into the cave and across. Acquire the カギ (Key) from the chest and walk south to the village by the lake. Heal with herbs and buy one to hold. Dash south and around the mountains through the cave to the east. Here, pace and fight until you are level 9 (Two battles should be sufficient). Dash out and back north, using your herb if needed. Heal at the lake village and buy another herb. Dash north around the eastern edge of the lake to the castle. Charge the boss, using your herb if needed. Enter the stage again and play as before, but try to spend as much time as feasible in the monster area. The southern village sells スケールメイル (Scale Mail) for 400g and the lake village sells the しんくのほうけん (Crimson Blade) for 450g. Between healing and resetting the timer, you'll probably never get enough money to buy both in the same run, so get one and then the other. You should get the Monster Killer title during both of these runs. [Y019] - Quest. 19 大平原の戦い - Battle of the Great Plain Target Time: 45 sec Titles: ギリタイム - Barely Made It Finish the stage in under 30 seconds. こどく - Solitaire Finish the stage without acquiring any allies. Reward: サイレントブーツ (Silent Boots) Strategy: Time is tight, so your moves must be flawless. Be sure to equip the Silver Sword before the battle for it's demon-slaying bonus. Dash east from the start, ignoring the town. Swing north after the lake, and attack the cannon there, charging through the battle. Dash to the town to the east, healing with herbs and reserving one. Also buy the うま (Horse), which is absolutely crucial on this map. Never stop dashing and charging from now on. Race north around the crater to the west and strike the cannon near the river. Dash due west and then south, ignoring the town. Go along the water to hit two more cannons. Then go south and then west betwen the mines to attack another cannon. Dash north, past the village and attack the cannon there. Go through the underground passage to the other side of the river and dash east from here. Attack these two cannons and you should end up at level 23. Go northeast for a bit and enter the town. You should have over 10 seconds remaining when you get there. If you don't, start over. Purchase the ナイトランス (Knight's Lance) for 450g, reset the timer, and heal. Exit, dash west and north to the castle. Charge the boss and use your herb when needed. You should edge in under 30 seconds, and claim both titles. Who needs allies? Go back through the stage to pick up the equipment you missed. There's a カイトシールド (Kite Shield) for 350g in the village that sold you the horse, and there's a あかいバンダナ (Red Bandanna) for 350g in the village where you bought the Knight's Lance. [Y020] - Quest. 20 水門パニック - Flood Gate Hustle Target Time: 30 sec Titles: トンネル大好き - Tunnel Lover Use the Tunnel more than 25 times. ナンセンス - Nonsensical Get permission to use the Millionaire's private beach but then close the Flood Gate anyway and finish the stage. **To unlock the Flood Gate Route Close the Flood Gate and then finish the stage. **To unlock the Beach Route Finish the stage without closing the flood gate. Flood Gate Route: [YF21] - Quest. 21-F 巨大魔王あらわる - The Huge Dark Lord Comes Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ねこへびキラー - Cat Snake Killer Defeat the Cat Snake in the southeastern forest みつぐクン - Gift-giver Finish the stage with more than 1500g. Reward: Beach Route: [YB21] - Quest. 21-B もたざるモノ - One Who Has Nothing Target Time: 1 min Titles: ロックブレイカー - Rock Breaker Complete the rock breaking job 10 times. バトルマスター - Battle Master Complete the monster slaying job 10 times. Reward: イビルブレイカー (Evil Breaker) [Y022] - Quest. 22 火の山をすすめ - Onward to the Volcano Target Time: 35 sec Titles: レスキュー - Rescuer Destroy the two boulders in the northwestern area. ふんか前 - Ante-Eruption Finish the stage before the eruption occurs (with more than 10 seconds left). Reward: **To unlock the Western Route: Rescue the town before finishing the stage. **To unlock the Eastern Route: Finish the stage without rescuing the town. [YW23] - Quest. 23-W カメとせんにん - The Turtle and the Hermit Target Time: 30 sec Titles: じきせんにん - Poor Hermit Defeat the Hermit before finishing the stage. どりょくがた - Hard Worker Finish the stage without meeting either of the Apprentices. Reward: エクゼキューター (Executor) [YW24] - Quest. 24-W ぬまと魔女 - The Swamp and the Witch Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ロマンス - Romantic After the Witch joins your party, go to the southwestern forest to meet the Hermit. うっかり - Careless Be stuck in the swamp at least 5 times. Reward: [YW25] - Quest. 25-W 孤島の魔王城 - The Solitary Island Holdfast Target Time: 30 sec Titles: 橋キラー - Bridge Killer Finish the stage with all the bridges destroyed. 橋が命 - Bridge Saver Finish the stage with at least one bridge still standing. Reward: プリンスクラウン (Prince Crown) Eastern Route: [YE23] - Quest. 23-E ゴーレムの谷 - Valley of the Golems Target Time: 40 sec Titles: アイテムゲッター - Item Master Acquire the Circlet and finish the stage. ウスノロゲッター - Usunoru Master Finish the stage with Usunoru in your party. Reward: [YE24] - Quest. 24-E お宝ランド - Treasure Land Target Time: 30 sec Titles: ミミッコハンター - Mimic Hunter Defeat the Mimics in the northeastern cave and the eastern cave. トレジャーハンター - Treasure Hunter Acquire the Hurricane Boots (はやてのくつ). Reward: [YE25] - Quest. 25-E もうひとりの女神 - Another Goddess Target Time: 4 min 30 sec Titles: 竜の力えし者 - Power of Dragons 神をこえし者 - Goddess Slayer Finish the stage alone. Reward: [Y026] - Quest. 26 大いなるつばさ - On Great Wings Target Time: 50 sec Titles: LV命 - High Level Finish the stage at level 30 or higher. 呪いのクツ - Cursed Boots Acquire the Dual Greaves (デュエルグリーブ). Reward: こおりのたて (Ice Shield) [Y027] - Quest. 27 さらばアクドー - So long, Akudo Target Time: 50 sec Titles: シルバー好き - Silver Lover Acquire the Silver Helm (シルバーサリット). ぶんしんキラー - Clone Killer Slay at least 10 clones of Dark Lord Jado. Reward: ライトアーマー (Light Armor) [Y028] - Quest. 28 無限の武器魔王 - The Great Weapon Mistress Target Time: 40 sec Titles: ソードコレクター - Sword Collector Acquire the Giant's Axe (きょじんのオノ) and the Merlord's Spear (かいおうのヤリ), and finish the stage. ソードブレイカー - Sword Breaker Finish the stage without acquiring the Giant's Axe or the Merlord's Spear. Reward: ホワイトホース (White Hose) [Y029] - Quest. 29 呪いと勇者 - The Curse and the Hero Target Time: 1 min 50 sec Titles: 真の勇者 - The True Hero Acquire the Hero's Blade (勇者のつるぎ). うそつき - Liar Slay the final zombie in the southern town. Reward: ロードメイル (Lord Mail) [Y030] - Quest. 30 ラストバトル - Final Battle Target Time: 2 min Titles: フルブレイブ - Full Brave Acquire all the Brave (ブレイブ) Gear and finish the stage. ポータブル - Portable Finish the stage with the Portable Goddess (ポータブル女神). Reward: None [D000] - Disclaimer The author reserves all rights and copyright of this work, though any use is authorized as long as this work is not reproduced for distribution, and proper credit is given. Only www.gamefaqs.com is authorized to host this FAQ for distribution. Some material in this guide such as title requirements was taken from the Japanese wiki site http://www.role-playing-game.net/, though I have translated these from the Japanese and tested them wherever possible. Please direct any questions or comments to the message board at http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/gentopic.php?board=956931. Thanks for reading my guide! Copyright 2009 ExitMoose