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All trademarks are property of their respective owners. No section of this guide can be used without my permission. This includes, but is not limited to posting on your site, making links to my guide, including parts of my guide in your own or making reference to any material contained within. Only GameFAQs has permission to post this guide. ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== 01. Introduction..........................................................GT01 02. Controls..............................................................GT02 03. Gameplay Overview.....................................................GT03 04. Track Walkthroughs....................................................GT04 05. Driving Challenges Walkthrough........................................GT05 06. Car List..............................................................GT06 07. Frequently Asked Questions............................................GT07 08. Version History.......................................................GT08 09. Credits/Contact Info..................................................GT09 Use Ctrl+F feature for easier navigation. ============================================================================== 01.............................INTRODUCTION...............................GT01 ============================================================================== Gran Turismo (Italian for "Grand Tourer", often abbreviated to GT), is a highly successful and critically acclaimed series of racing simulation video games produced for the Sony PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable gaming systems. All of the games are said to simulate the appearance and performance of a large selection of vehicles, nearly all of which are licensed reproductions of real-world automobiles. Since the franchise’s first entry in December 1997, over 50 million units have been sold worldwide for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 3. The appeal of the Gran Turismo series is due significantly to the graphics, the number of licensed vehicles, the extent and detail of simulation, and the ability to tune performance. Handling of the vehicles is modeled on real-life driving impressions, tuning is based on principles of physics, and the sound of the vehicle's engine is based on recordings of the actual vehicles. The game has been a flagship for the PlayStation console's graphics capabilities, and is often used to demonstrate the system's potential. Gran Turismo PSP is centered on completing driving missions in order to advance in the game, unlike Gran Turismo 4's open-ended map. The game uses a new trading system to allow players to acquire cars. Ad-hoc multiplayer is supported for up to four players. Gran Turismo also allows online play through a free downloadable PS3 application known as Adhoc Party for PlayStation Portable. During an interview at E3, it was revealed that tracks featured in the game are directly sourced from Gran Turismo 4 and Tourist Trophy, while the game's physics engine is based on Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. To sum it all up, this game is a must-buy for all the GT fans who happen to own a PSP. For the first time, a GT game has Lamborghinis, Ferraris, Jaguars and many more new vehicles. There are a total of 35 tracks that can be raced forward and reverse, nearly doubling their total number. The visuals of this game are top-notch, and the sounds of cars will leave every racing fan, at the very least, satisfied. Gran Turismo for PSP delivers unforgettable experience and lasting impression. Surely, without the career mode it's not the GT we wanted so badly, but let me assure you - this game is by far the best racing sim you can get for your PSP. ============================================================================== 02................................CONTROLS................................GT02 ============================================================================== _____________________________________________________________ ,' L ,' `. R `. /-----' .-----------------------------------------. `-----\ / | | \ / __ | | .-. \ / | | | | (/_\) \ | __ \/ __ | | .-. `-' .-. | | |__ > < __| | | ([ ]) ( O ) | | /\ | | `-' .-. `-' | | |__| | | ( X ) | | | | `-' | | .--. | | | \ ( ) | | / \ `--' '-----------------------------------------' / \-----. [Home] [Select] [Start] ,-----' `.____`.___________________________________________________,'____, GAMEPLAY CONTROLS .-------------------------------------------. |BUTTON | FUNCTION| |----------------------|--------------------| | L | Rear View | | R | Handbrake | | Analog Stick | Steering | | <- and -> on D-Pad | Steering | | Up and Down on D-Pad | Gear Up/Gear Down | | X | Accelerate | | Circle | Accelerate | | Triangle | Reverse | | Square | Brake | | START | Pause Menu | | SELECT | Change View | '-------------------------------------------' REPLAY CONTROLS .-------------------------------------------. |BUTTON | FUNCTION| |----------------------|--------------------| | L | Rear View | | Up and Down on D-Pad | Switch Target Car | | X | Switch Camera | | Square |Change Scr. Display | | START | End Replay | | SELECT | Change View | '-------------------------------------------' NOTES ----- 1. Viewpoints Press the SELECT button to toggle your viewpoint. You can switch between MAIN VIEW, INTERIOR VIEW, BONNET VIEW and EXTERIOR VIEW, in that order. 2. Pause Menu The following actions can be executed by pressing the START button during the race: Single Player Mode Ad Hoc Race Mode - Continue - Continue - Restart - AI Driver - Quit - Quit Remember that you cannot fully pause the game in Ad Hoc Mode race, as your own actions will stop, but the race will continue. ============================================================================== 03............................GAMEPLAY OVERVIEW...........................GT03 ============================================================================== After watching the intro movie, you'll be brought to the main menu of the game which features eight options: Single Player - Ad Hoc Mode - Car Dealerships - Driving Challenges View Records - Gran Turismo Theatre - Options - Manual The numbers in the top right corner of the screen show you the current in-game day and the amount of credits you have. Credits are the currency of GT games. You'll need them to buy new cars. With 100,000 credits from the start, you have more than enough money to buy yourself a good vehicle. The running line at the bottom of the screen shows you the current car dealerships. Only four of them are available per day. When participating in the first GT race ever, one may get confused with all the numbers/sensors at the race screen. Here's their explanation: .---------------------------------------------------------. | 1 2 3 | | | <- This is the | 4 | race screen | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 6 | | | | 7 8 9 10 11 | '---------------------------------------------------------' 1. Current Position 2. Number of Laps (current laps/total number) 3. Best Time (resets with every new race) 4. Current Lap Time 5. Button Explanation 6. Gear Display 7. Prize Credits (the number changes with your position) 8. Accelerator/Brakes 9. Speed 10. Revcounter 11. Current Time I recommend going to the "Manual" section first, if you're not familiar with how the Gran Turismo games work. Now, a detailed description of every menu subsection: 1. SINGLE PLAYER ---------------- This is the mode you'll be playing the most, probably. You can choose your car here, as well as the track, its layout and difficulty level. The first option is mode selection. There are three single player modes: Time Trial, Single Race, and Drift Trial. In Time Trail, you simply drive your car to get the best time om the track. The game will also store up to five records on the tracks you have driven. When choosing Single Race, you can set the number of laps (from 1 to 99) and set the car manufacturer limitations. In the left part of the screen you can also see how much credits you will get for finishing in the first, second or third place. And lastly, the Drift Trial. It's similar to Time Trial, but here you will get points for your drifting. You can also store you drifting records. When choosing you vehicle from the Car Selection screen, you can Add to/Remove the car from favourites with Triangle. Adding the car to favourites adds a Quick Tune option for the race. You can sort your vehicles by "Latesr 100 Acquired", "Recent 100 Driven", "From Favourites" and "By Manufacturer", in that order. The top right number also displays the number of cars you own. When you are selecting the track, you also choose its layout (Forward or reverse direction), the Driving Line (On/Off) and the AI Driver Level. Only certain types of cars can be driven on tracks with ice and dirt surfaces. In Drift Trials, you can also choose between Sectional or Full lap drifting. - Driving Line The driving line represents the most ideal driving path. Braking areas are red and everything else is displayed with a blue line. To become an advanced level driver, you should pay attantion to it. Once you've got the idea of the proper driving through corners, you can turn the driving line OFF through the track options screen. - AI Driver Level (Rank) There are 5 levels of the opponents AI: D, C, B, A and S. All tracks start out with the D Rank, but the more you race on them, the higher the rank gets. You will need to WIN the race once to get from D Rank to C Rank; win the race once to get from C Rank to B Rank; win the race twice to get from B Rank to A Rank; win the race thrice to get from A Rank to S Rank. Note that you don't need to win them, because the higher ranks will unlock even if you lose, but it's gonna take longer for them to appear. For example, to unlock C Rank, you can win the race once OR finish in second place twice, or in third place thrice. Time Trial ---------- Use this mode to improve your driving skills and learn the diferent nuances of each track. A ghost version of your car based on your best lap will appear. Watch this carefully, and use it as a guide to findind the ideal driving line, braking points, etc. By saving a ghost of you best lap on the Quick Menu after the time trail has finished, you can race against yourself later as a ghost car. Driving into the pit lane during a Time Trial will incur a penalty, and that lap's time will not be counted. Also, incurring a penalty just before the control line will cause the next lap's time to be void. Drift Trial ----------- Drifting is driving technique in which you deliberately allow you car to lose its grip and slide. In this mode, your drift skill is scored, and you compete with you total scores. In Sector Mode, only certain specified parts of the track are scored, and in Full Course Mode, all areas of the track are scored. It is possible to take continuous laps in Full Track Mode. Drift points are converted into credits and added to your prize money. To make your car drift, change your settings to get it slightly unbalanced. Try tweaking your car's performance using the driving options and Quick Tune. Equipping low-grip tyres on your rear and increasing the car's power can be effective on achieving drifts. Also, try turning off the driving assistance features, such as TCS, ASN, etc. 2. AD HOC MODE -------------- The WLAN-based Ad Hoc Mode consists of "Ad Hoc Race", in which up to 4 players can participate in 3 types of races, and "Share and Trade", in which you can share or trade cars with each other. Ad Hoc Race ----------- The following three modes are available for Ad Hoc Races: - Standard Race This is an orthodox race in which players simply rely on their skills alone to win. A Jackpot race is sometimes declared at random in the middle of the race. - Party Race This race mode compensates for differences in players' skill levels by utilising a delayed start. - Shuffle Race This race mode compensates for differences in players' skill levels by adjusting car performance. Each of these races has its own method of prizze money calculation. Changing the race mode will cause all scores up to that point to be reset. Share & Trade ------------- You can acquire cars not in your collection from other players (Share) and trade specific cars (Trade). Choose "Share & Trade" from "Ad Hoc Mode", then choose from the following 3 modes: - Give Cars When sharing cars, the player giving a car away must select this. In this mode you give cars from your garage to another player. - Receive Cars When sharing cars, the player receiving a car must select this. In this mode you receive cars from another player's garage. - Trade Cars In this mode you trade you own cars for another player's. Cars given to other players will disappear from your garage. 3. CAR DEALERSHIPS ------------------ You can visit the line-up of car dealers from "Car Dealerships". When visiting the dealerships, cars are divided by manufacturer and type, and you can view and purchase cars from each. Select a car to display the details screen. You can choose the colour of the car by pressing up and down buttons (some cars' colours can't be changed). Select "Buy" to purchase the car. You can view the car's specs and comments by selecting "Catalogue". The car selection changes on a regular basis, so if there is a particular car you'd like to purchase, visit the this menu regularly to see whether it has come into stock. The cars appear on the list in a "cycle". Each dealership cycle lasts for 70 days, and depends on the starting car you got. Car line-up changes every two days. The in-game days can be "passed" by simply going into the race or a driving challenge (you need to literally start the race) and going back to the menu. The day will change. Starting cars (you get one of them when you start the game): Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TWIN SPARK '02 BMW 120i '04 Honda FIT W '01 Mazda Protege '02 MINI Cooper Peugeot 206 Pontiac Vibe GT '03 Renault Megane VolksWagen Golf GTi Starting Car: Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TWIN SPARK '02 ----------------------------------------------- Day 1: Cadillac, Honda, Peugeot, Renaultsport Day 3: Bugatti, HKS, Seat, Toyota Day 5: Alfa Romeo, Bentley, Dome, Ginetta Day 7: Fiat, Mazda, Nissan, Toyota Day 9: Blitz, Daihatsu, Renault, Toyota Day 11: Alfa Romeo, Honda, Shelby, Toyota Day 13: Lancia, Lister, Lotus, Opel Day 15: Hyundai, Nissan, Plymouth, Suzuki Day 17: Chaparral, Honda, Mugen, Nissan Day 19: Audi, Mine’s, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 21: Mercedes-Benz, Pescarolo, Protomotors, TRD Day 23: Honda, Mazda, Pontiac, Spyker Day 25: Subaru, Suzuki, Tommy Kaira, Toyota Day 27: Buick, Chevrolet, Ford, Mazda Day 29: Callaway, Citroen, Nissan, Pagani Day 31: Mazda, Mitsubishi, Polyphony Digital, RUF Day 33: Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, Honda Day 35: BMW, Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 37: AC Cars, Infiniti, Mazda, Mitsubishi Day 39: Panoz, Subaru, Toyota, Vauxhall Day 41: Honda, Saleen, Toyota, Volkswagen Day 43: Audi, BMW, Isuzu, Mini Day 45: DMC, Honda, Lotus, Marcos Day 47: Lamborghini, Mitsubishi, Spoon, Subaru Day 49: Chevrolet, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 51: HPA Motorsports, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, TOM’S Day 53: Mazda, Scion, Toyota, Triumph Day 55: Trial, TVR, Volkswagen, Volvo Day 57: Acura, Gillet, Hommel, Lexus Day 59: Ferrari, Mitsubishi, Nismo, Nissan Day 61: Re Aemmiya, Cizeta, Jaguar, Nissan Day 63: Honda, Land Rover, Mazda, Mercury Day 65: Amuse, ASL, FPV, Jensen Day 67: Daihatsu, Eagle, Nissan, Opera Performance Day 69: Alpine, Mazda, Nissan, Peugeot Starting Car: BMW 120i '04 -------------------------- Day 1: Infiniti, Lancia, Mitsubishi, RUF Day 3: Honda, Mercedes-Benz, HKS, Nissan Day 5: Honda, Mini, Peugeot, Toyota Day 7: Chaparral, Honda, Lotus, Spoon Day 9: Amuse, BMW, Mazda, Renault Sport Day 11: Alfa Romeo, Blitz, DMC, Mazda Day 13: Audi, Land Rover, Lotus, VolksWagen Day 15: Honda, Mazda, Nissan, Suzuki Day 17: Mazda, Mitsubishi, Toyota, TRD Day 19: Buick, HPA Motorsports, Lexus, Mazda Day 21: Alfa Romeo, Mazda, Nismo, Pagani Day 23: Pescarolo, Pontiac, Scion, TVR Day 25: Gillet, Polyphony Digital, Subaru, Toyota Day 27: Cadillac, Marcos, Nissan, Peugeot Day 29: Mazda, Opera, Panoz, Plymouth Day 31: Alpine, Mine's, Nissan, Renault Day 33: Daihatsu, Eagle, Mitsubishi, Toyota Day 35: Honda, TOM'S, Toyota, Triumph Day 37: Cizeta, Suzuki, Toyota, Volvo Day 39: Hommell, Jaguar, Lister, Mercury Day 41: Dodge, FPV, Subaru, Toyota Day 43: Bentley, Fiat, Ginetta, Nissan Day 45: Chrysler, Ford, Honda, Isuzu Day 47: Callaway, Nissan, Tommy Kaira, Trial Day 49: Daihatsu, Jensen Healey, Nissan, Shelby Day 51: Bugatti, Citroen, Dome, Ford Day 53: Nissan, Toyota, Vauxhall, VolksWagen Day 55: Audi, Honda, Mazda, Nissan Day 57: Chevrolet, Nissan, Spyker, Subaru Day 59: Acura, Chevrolet, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 61: Honda, Lamborghini, Mazda, Mitsubishi Day 63: AC Cars, Hyundai, Mugen, Saleen Day 65: RE Amemiya, Honda, Mitsubishi, Protomotors Day 67: Ferrari, Nissan, Opel, Seat Day 69: ASL, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi Starting Car: Honda FIT W '02 ----------------------------- Day 1: Bentley, Bugatti, Chavrolet, Polyphony Digital Day 3: Toyota, TRD, Triumph, Volkswagen Day 5: Callaway, FPV, Honda, Mitsubishi Day 7: Renault, Subaru, Toyota, Volvo Day 9: Audi, Nissan, Toyota, Trial Day 11: Mazda, Scion, Toyota, Vauxhall Day 13: Citroen, Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Mercury Day 15: Eagle, Honda, Mini, Nissan Day 17: Dome, Lancia, Nissan, Pagani Day 19: Ferrari, Mitsubishi, suzuki, TVR Day 21: HKS, Land Rover, Mazda, Peugeot Day 23: AC Cars, Hyundai, Lexus, Mitsubishi Day 25: Honda, Nissan, Shelby, Toyota Day 27: Daihatsu, Jensen Healey, Mazda, Seat Day 29: Alpine, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Pontiac Day 31: Chaparral, Daihatsu, DMC, Ford Day 33: Mazda, Opel, RUF, Tommy Kaira Day 35: Ginetta, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota Day 37: Alfa Romeo, Honda, Lotus, Mitsubishi Day 39: Jaguar, Nissan, Opera Performance, Spoon Day 41: Blitz, Mazda, Mugen, Spyker Day 43: Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Toyota, Volkswagen Day 45: RE Amemiya, Buick, Honda, Plymouth Day 47: BMW, Nismo, Nissan, Panoz Day 49: Acura, Honda, Infiniti, Peugeot Day 51: FIAT, Nissan, Protomotors, Toyota Day 53: Dodge, Mine's, Pescarolo, Renault Sport Day 55: Cadillac, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi Day 57: Amuse, ASL Honda, Nissan Day 59: Chevrolet, Hommell, Mazda, Mitsubishi Day 61: BMW, Mazda, Saleen, TOM'S Day 63: Alfa Romeo, Chrysler, HPA Motorsports, Isuzu Day 65: Audi, Cizeta, Lotus, Mini, Honda Day 67: Honda, Lamborghini, Nissan, Subaru Day 69: Gillet, Lister, Mazda, Nissan Starting Car: Mazda Protege '02 ------------------------------- Will be added soon. Starting Car: Mini Cooper ------------------------- Day 1: AC Cars, Acura, Alfa Romeo,FPV Day 3: RE Amemiya, Chevrolet, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan Day 5: Mitsubishi, Nissan, Protomotors, Spoon Day 7: BMW, Dome, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 9: Ford, Honda, Mazda, Nissan Day 11: Blitz, Ferrari, Nissan, Renault sport Day 13: Audi, Hommell, Honda, Seat Day 15: Cizeta, Infiniti, Nissan, Peugeot Day 17: Isuzu, Saleen, Subaru, Suzuki Day 19: Buick, HKS, Marcos, Nissan Day 21: Nissan, Pontiac, Toyota, TVR Day 23: Alfa Romeo, Jaguar, Mazda, Mitsubishi Day 25: Cadillac, Land Rover, Lister, Mazda Day 27: Bentley, Ford, Mazda, Renault Day 29: Alpine, Lancia, Suzuki, TOM'S Day 31: Audi, Daihatsu, Lotus, Mazda Day 33: Citroen, Honda, Nissan, RUF Day 35: Bugatti, Jensen Healey, Lamborghini, Mazda Day 37: Amuse, Gillet, Mazda, Mine's Day 39: Honda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Shelby Day 41: Honda, Mazda, Scion, Spyker Day 43: DMC, Plymouth, Toyota, Trial Day 45: ASL, Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi, Triumph Day 47: BMW, Daihatsu, Dodge, Polyphony Digital Day 49: Chaparral, Honda, Opel, Toyota Day 51: Toyota, Vauxhall, Volkswagen, Volvo Day 53: Lexus, Peugeot, Tommy Kaira, Toyota Day 55: Chrysler, Eagle, Mazda, Nissan Day 57: Honda, Pagani, Panoz, Subaru Day 59: Callaway, Subaru, Toyota, Volkswagen, Nissan Day 63: Honda, Mitsubishi, Opera Performance, Pescarolo Day 65: Ginetta, Mini, Mitsubishi, Mugen Day 67: Chevrolet, Fiat, Toyota, TRD Day 69: Hyundai, Lotus, Nismo, Toyota Starting Car: Peugeot 206 ------------------------- Day 1: DMC, Mitsubishi, Mugen, Plymouth Day 3: RE Amemiya, Land Rover, Lotus, Mazda Day 5: Mazda, Nissan, Saleen, TRD Day 7: Honda, Lexus, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 9: Ferrari, Jaguar, Mazda, Peugeot Day 11: HPA Motorsports, MINE'S, Mitsubishi, Polyphony Digital Day 13: Audi, Mazda, Nissan, Shelby Day 15: Honda, Jensen Healey, Mitsubishi, Nissan Day 17: Alfa Romeo, Chevrolet, Dome, Honda Day 19: Hyundai, Pontiac, RUF, Toyota Day 21: Fiat, Mercury, Mitsubishi, TOM'S Day 23: Honda, Nissan, Toyota, TVR Day 25: Ford, FPV, Mazda, Nissan Day 27: HKS, Honda, Nissan, Protomotors Day 29: Audi, Citroen, Nissan, Toyota Day 31: Honda, Infiniti, Lamborghini, Mercedes-Benz Day 33: Alpine, Bugatti, Chaparral, Mitsubishi Day 35: Amuse, Bentley, Callaway, Lister Day 37: Mini, Panoz, Spyker, Tommy Kaira Day 39: Blitz, Buick, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz Day 41: Daihatsu, Hommell, Mazda, Nissan Day 43: AC Cars, Acura, Nissan, Pagani Day 45: Daihatsu, Honda, Lancia, Opera Performance Day 47: ASL, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Trial Day 49: Honda, Renault Sport, Spoon, Subaru Day 51: BMW, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Ginetta Day 53: Cizeta, Scion, Subaru, Suzuki Day 55: Isuzu, Mazda, Nismo, Renault Day 57: Alfa Romeo, Dodge, Honda, Peugeot Day 59: Ford, Lotus, Nissan, toyota Day 61: BMW, Mazda, Pescarolo, Toyota Day 63: Subaru, Toyota, Vauxhall, Volkswagen Day 65: Gillet, Marcos, Toyota, Triumph Day 67: Chrysler, Eagle, Opel, Seat Day 69: Suzuki, Toyota, Volkswagen, Volvo Starting Car: Pontiac Vibe GT '03 --------------------------------- Will be added soon. Starting Car: Renault Megane ---------------------------- Will be added soon. Starting Car: Volkswagen Golf GTi --------------------------------- Will be added soon. 4. DRIVING CHALLENGES --------------------- This is a mode in which you polish your driving technique while clearing the various challenges laid out for you. From the top menu, select "Driving Challenges" to view a full map. It goes from block A to block I, and each block has 6 individual challenges. Take on each course and clear them all. Some courses split part of the way through. In these cases, you can move forward by clearing one of the blocks. After you've cleared blocks A to I, another challenge map will open. It consists of blocks J to Q, and they are much harder. Remember that in order to gain the ability of listening to the custom soundtrack, you have to clear challenge block A or B. When the target time or goal rankings are achieved in each challenge, a trophy cup is awarded and the challenge is cleared. There are 3 grade levels to these trophies, with different prize amounts for each. When the higher level cup is attained, you automatically gain the award for the lower level cups. You can take on the same challenge as many times as you like, but once you've won the prize money for a certain cup, you can't win it again. Keep in mind that these challenges are a good source of money in the beginning of the game. Some of them are mad hard, some of them are not. Either way, you won't find easy peasy missions here. 5. VIEW RECORDS --------------- From the "View Records" menu you can check the cars in your garage and the prize money you've earned so far. You can check the status of the following items: - Number of cars owned - Total distance driven - Total prize money collected - Total victories (Single Race/Ad Hoc Race) - Driving Challenge success rate (including gold/silver/bronze cup number) - AI Driver Level of the Single Race mode You can also check the following information by clicking on the onscreen icons: - Garage Here you can check the cars you own. - Recent Events Here you can check the most recent 100 records of the cars you've shared, traded, or received, as well as Time Trial, Drift Trial and Driving Challenge records. Once 100 records have been reached, older records are deleted. 6. GRAN TURISMO THEATRE ----------------------- In "Gran Turismo Theatre", you can view replays of single races, time/drift trials and driving challenges, the opening movie and the ending movie (which is unlocked once you've beaten all the Driving challenges, i.e. gotten at the very least a bronze cup in all of them). The following modes are available: - Replays Here you can view the replays of single races, time trials and drift trials you've saved for each track. Up to 10 replays can be saved for each track. There are race replay files on which all laps are recorded, and those on which your best lap has been recorded. You can use best lap replay data to display a ghost car on Time Trial and Driving challenges. - Driving Challenge replays Here you can view saved replays of Driving challenges. - Opening Movie Here you can view the opening movie. - Ending Movie Here you can view the ending movie. 7. CAR SETTINGS --------------- Car tuning is very limited in this game in comparison to Gran Turismo 4. But it doesn't mean that you can't play with your car settings. In fact, you can, because some adjustments are necessary for winning certain types of races. The following options are available: - Transmission Here you can choose between an automatic (AT) or manual (MT) transmission for your car. - Front Tyres/Rear Tyres Here you can adjust the settings for your front and rear tyre types. There are 9 different types of tyres (excluding Dirt and Snow tyres). In order of grip power, from weakest to strongest, there are N1-N3 (normal tyres), S1-S3 (sport tyres), and R1-R3 (racing tyres). - TCS TCS (short for Traction Control) automatically prevents wheelspin. You can adjust TCS with this option. - ASM Here you can turn you car's ASM (Active Stabilit Management) ON or OFF. The drawback is that turning it ON may reduce your cornering speed. - Active Steering This can be used to adjust the strength of the active steering function, which automatically corrects oversteering when your rear end starts to slip. - Simulation This adjusts the accuracy of the simulation. Setting this to Professional will make for a much more realistic simulation, but will make your car difficult to control. Only try this setting if you have solid driving skills. Quick Tune ---------- Another option which may be available to the player is the Quick Tune option. To use Quick Tune, you must add the car you'd like to tune up to your "Favourites" list. On the "Single Player" or "Garage" car list, place the cursor on the car you want to add to your "Favourites" and press the Triangle button to register it. The following areas are adjustable through Quick Tune: - Power Adjust engine characteristics. Add to the numeric value to increase top end power and torque, but as a result power and torque in low to mid-speed areas will be sacrificed. Lowering the numeric value will decrease top end power and torque, but will make your car run more smoothly through low to mid-speed areas and your engine will become easier to handle. - Weight Adjust your car's overall weight. - Aerodynamics Adjust your car's body's front/rear wind resistance. Raising the numeric value will increase downforce and enhance cornering capabilities, but will lower the top speed. - Height (Front/Rear) Adjust you car's front/rear height. Lowering your car's height will enhance it's movement capabilitites, but lowering it too much will decrease suspension stroke and may causeyou car to bounce. Also, by adjusting your car's front and rear height, you can adjust it's weight as well. Lowering the front will cause it to oversteer, and lowering the rear will cause it to understeer. - Spring Rate Adjust the tightness of your car's front and rear suspension. The higher the numeric value, the tighter the spring will become, and postural change will be minimised. To lower your car's height or increase tyre grip, you'll need to tighten the car's spring, but overtighting will have a negative effect on your tyres' grip, so be careful. - Damper (Front/Rear) Adjust front/rear suspension damping force. The higher the numeric value, the better the spring movement will be controlled, and your tyres' road-gripping properties will be enhanced. However, raising it too much will cause your suspension to stiffen and lose grip, so be careful. - Toe (Front/Rear) Adjust front/rear susoension toe angle. Viewing your car from above, the tyres being open on the front is known as "toe out" and being closed is known as "toe in". Adding to the numeric value will increase toe in, and subtracting from it will increase toe out. - Negative Camber Angle (Front/Rear) Adjust front/rear suspension camber angle. Viewing you car from the front, the perpendicular line made by your tyres is known as the camber angle. Adding to the numeric value will increase camber angle and will enhance tyre grip when cornering, but increasing it too much can cause a negative effect on your brakes. By adjusting your car's front/rear tyre camber angle, you can change your car's front/rear grip balance when cornering. Keep in mind that some items cannot be changed for certain cars. 8. SOME BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT DRIVING IN GRAN TURISMO ----------------------------------------------------- "This info was taken from the GT3: A-Spec manual and some of my personal thoughts/comments were added." - The Goal The primary goal of a race driver is to cover the course, whether it's an oval or road course, in the minimum amount of time. Racing courses consist of straight-aways and corners. If we work on minimizing the time spent driving through corners and slowing down, we can come up with a plan for reaching our goal of being the fastest driver on the racetrack. - The Limit It is important to remember that a tyre is the only physical contact a car has with the road. And, at any given time, that tyre is only capable of 100% traction. When you accelerate, turn of brake, you begin dividing that traction between these three tasks. Under full acceleration, the tyre is using 100% of its traction to move the car forward. If you want to use 20% of the tyre's traction for braking, you will be left with only 20% traction for turning. Driving a racecar through a turn is a systematic compromise between these forces. How do we determine the maximum speed of a turn? This question is entirely dependent on the maximum radius of the arc or the turn. As a car travels faster around a turn, the tyres must work harder to maintain the line. If you increase your speed, but hold your steering input the same, the radius of the turn will increase. Therefore, as speed increases, the radius increases until the car is no longer able to stay on the road. At this point you have exceeded the maximum speed of the turn. There are Three Basic Problems to solve in Racing: 1. Driving on the best path (The Line) 2. Carrying speed away from the corners onto the straight-aways (Corner Exit Speed) 3. Efficiently showing the car at the entry of a corner (Braking) - The Line Simply defined, the line is the optimum path a racetrack. In corners, this path is usually the largest radius arc that can fit into the confines of the turn. The line can vary with track conditions and the type of racecar being driven. Of course, the driving line in GT PSP is visible, but its specs are changeable depending on the car you are driving. It is also known that the red braking areas sometimes don't show the exact ideal point where you need to brake, but rather a general point. Experimenting with braking in different positions may help you in finding the most suitable trajectory for cornering and saving as much time as you can. - Corner Exit Speed Corner exit speed is the speed at which a car is travelling at the track-out point of a corner and, consequently, the speed carried onto the following straight. A higher corner exit speed is critical to the time you can gain when accelerating down a straightaway. A higher exit speed equals a higher straightaway speed, which equals a shorter lap time! The maximum speed you can carry through a corner is determined by the tyres' traction and the line you drive through the corner. (Remember that the tyres are only capable of 100% traction.Devoting all your traction to turning will leave you with no traction for braking or accelerating.) At first, it would seem that the most efficient way through a turn would be to maintain the maximum speed that will allow the tyres to maintain cornering traction. You could then start accelerating at the end of the turn. Whereas this will produce fast lap times, it is possible to go even faster. Here's how: by entering the turn a few miles per hour slower, you will be able to devote a small amount of your traction to acceleration before you have exited the turn. This slightly earlier return to the the accelerator will give you a longer period of acceleration, and in turn result in a faster overall speed at the end of the straight. - Braking The third skill is learning how to slow the car for a corner and how to drive it from where the turn begins to the throttle application point. We call this phase of driving racecars "breaking and entering." Remembering that a tyre is only capable of 100% traction, it makes sense to do the majority of your braking in a straight line. This will get the maximum efficiency from the brakes. As you rapidly approach a turn, you should be holding the brake pedal at it's threshold - or braking at 100%. This means that if you brake at 101%, the tyre will lock up and skid. Skidding isn't good because you surrender control of the tyres' traction and increase the overall distance to stop. As the car approaches the entrance of the turn, if you want to continue to brake into a turn, you must relieve some of the braking grip so as to gain the ability to turn the car - remember the traction compromise? This is generally the most efficient way to enter the turn. It also smoothes out the transitions from braking to cornering to once again applying the throttle. - S-Turns or "Compromise Corners" So far, we've been looking at each corner as if they were the only turn on the course. You can't afford to make this assumption. In fact, not all corners are created equal. A particular corner's placement on the course, where it leads to, and what precedes it, may also affect the line you chose to drive through the corner. Taking into account all these different variables, you need to decide which one of these corners will gain you the greatest advantage on lap time. The exit speed is of paramount importance, so if you commit to the first turn, your car might not be positioned to take advantage of the second turn. It is very important to base your strategy on how you can exit the turn leading onto the straight with maximum speed. Often, this means you will have to sacrifice, or "compromise," the proper line of the first turn to be able to take full advantage of the second turn and exit onto the straight at highest possible speed. - Passing Passing may seem like nothing more than just putting your foot down and steering around the car ahead of you, but it's not that simple. The common method of passing is to out-brake your competitor into a corner. By going "deeper" into a turn, you can gain a lead over your competitor, but remember that this will change "The Line" the your car travels. You will now be on a different radius and you will need to adjust your driving to stay on the road. If you brake too late, you will need to remain on the brakes longer to still remain in control. This can often lead to the competitor passing you back on the exit of the turn, or your car leaving the course. When your opponent comes back and passes you right after you passed them, it is called "The Double Pass." You'll have to master passing if you want to be able to successfully race and win against fast racecars like Le Mans Prototypes or the F1 racecars. Passing is one of the main driver skills you'll be in need of when you're driving in Nurburgring or Circuit de la Sarthe. Large tracks with lots of turns mean more space for passing/overtaking, so try to experiment with your car's top speed, take risks when cornering alongside your opponent and use slipstream to efficiently take control of the race. ============================================================================== 04............................TRACK WALKTHROUGHS..........................GT04 ============================================================================== APRICOT HILL RACEWAY .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.40 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 83.7ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 28,500; Silver - 17,100; Bronze - 11,400 | | A Rank: Gold - 19,000; Silver - 11,400; Bronze - 7,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 14,250; Silver - 8,550; Bronze - 5,700 | | C Rank: Gold - 11,400; Silver - 6,840; Bronze - 4,560 | | D Rank: Gold - 9,500; Silver - 5,700; Bronze - 3,800 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This is one of the basic tracks that has some tricky curves and turns, but nothing too serious. Generally, it's a good course for testing fast cars (as well as Grand Valley Speedway). Forward Direction: Start off by gasing it to the end of the straight and reaching the highest speed you can get before making a turn. Stay at the right side of the track and brake to about 100 mph, drifting through the first turn. Keep drifting through the second one at about 50 mph. Keep your speed at 70- 100 mph while tackling the curves. The next hairpin is passable at about 80 mph. See that Dunlop Formula sign in the front? Throttle up the straight and slowly let go of the accelerator when you reach it and after driving through it, speed up to about 120 mph, but not too much, and cruise through the curve. Don't cheat here, or you'll lose control over the car. Keep speeding up to about 90 mph, go through the next turn without braking and you'll reach the end of the lap. Reverse Direction: Go through the first turn at about 90 mph. Try to tackle the curves close to the edge, but be careful with the kerbs here. Speed up until you reach the next turn, brake to about 50 mph and slowly drive through it. Lightly tap the brakes at the hairpin and advance further with the speed up to 100 mph. Don't get carried away, though, as you might get thrown off the track at the next curve. Go for the turn at about 50 mph, and stick to the west edge. Now just continue flat out down the road to the end. AUTUMN RING .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.83 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 98.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 21,750; Silver - 13,050; Bronze - 8,700 | | A Rank: Gold - 14,500; Silver - 8,700; Bronze - 5,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 10,875; Silver - 6,525; Bronze - 4,350 | | C Rank: Gold - 8,700; Silver - 5,220; Bronze - 3,480 | | D Rank: Gold - 7,250; Silver - 4,350; Bronze - 2,900 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Autumn Ring is notable for its knot turn (a sharp turn near the middle of the course) and other curves/hairpins that might be too complex for beginners. Forward Direction: The first hairpin can be hard to get through, so brake to about 40 mph accordingly. Exit the turn and immediately get ready for another one. Go through the curve, slowly tapping the brakes. Keep your speed at 70-80 mph. After exiting the curve, go along this little stretch right to another brutal turn and brake to 30 mph or so. Get around another turn at 65 mph and gas it to the next one. This hairpin is very narrow, so brake to about 40 mph or less to keep the car on the track and not lose the space at the same time. The upcoming curve is easy, just touch the edges when drifting through it. Exit the next turn while gaining speed and don't let go of the accelerator until the very end. Reverse Direction: The first curve is easy, so don't even think about braking. Turn to the left at 70-80 mph and after reaching the next curve reposition your car to the right while braking a bit. Keep in mind that the next turn is tricky, so don't accelerate when you go through it. Breeze through the next turn and brake to 45 mph at the next one. Now just tap the brakes and slide to get through the curves. The last hairpin is sharp, so brake to 40-50 mph at it. AUTUMN RING MINI .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 0.80 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 53.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 9,000; Silver - 5,400; Bronze - 3,600 | | A Rank: Gold - 6,000; Silver - 3,500; Bronze - 2,400 | | B Rank: Gold - 4,500; Silver - 2,700; Bronze - 1,800 | | C Rank: Gold - 3,600; Silver - 2,160; Bronze - 1,440 | | D Rank: Gold - 3,000; Silver - 1,800; Bronze - 1,200 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This is the smaller version of the Autumn Ring, and only includes the main curves of its larger version. The lap here is over before you know it. Forward Direction: Enter the turn at about 40 mph and exit the corner while gaining speed up to 90 mph, and brake to 40 again for the next corner. Watch how the next turn goes. Don't go too fast, or you may slide off the track. Now just waltz through the chicane at a moderate speed and bend around the last corner at about 65 mph. Reverse Direction: Gas it through the turn at 70 mph and pass the chicane at the same speed, only drop it to 50 mph in the last section of the chicane. Now maintain the speed at 70 mph and a quick turn to the left, continue around another turn until you reach the last portion where you just need to brake to about 40-45 mph. BEGINNER COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 0.48 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 3.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 5,250; Silver - 3,150; Bronze - 2,100 | | A Rank: Gold - 3,500; Silver - 2,100; Bronze - 1,400 | | B Rank: Gold - 2,625; Silver - 1,575; Bronze - 1,050 | | C Rank: Gold - 2,100; Silver - 1,260; Bronze - 840 | | D Rank: Gold - 1,750; Silver - 1,050; Bronze - 700 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Beginner Course is a short "roval" track with one chicane. That's it. I will make a single walkthrough for both directions, as they're mostly the same. Keep your finger on the accelerator button while taking the first turn. After the stretch, brake to 50 mph to enter the chicane and exut it without losing speed. Gas it to the larger turn and maintain moderate speed of 65 mph while driving through it. COTE d'AZUR .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.08 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 145.0ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 24,750; Silver - 14,850; Bronze - 9,900 | | A Rank: Gold - 16,500; Silver - 9,900; Bronze - 6,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 12,375; Silver - 7,425; Bronze - 4,950 | | C Rank: Gold - 9,900; Silver - 5,940; Bronze - 3,960 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,250; Silver - 4,950; Bronze - 3,300 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Cote d'Azur, often known in English as the French Riviera, is the Mediterranean coastline of the south eastern corner of France. The track here is called Circuit de Monaco. Circuit de Monaco is a street circuit laid out on the city streets of Monte Carlo and La Condamine around the harbour of the principality of Monaco. It is commonly referred to as "Monte Carlo" because it is largely inside the Monte Carlo neighbourhood of Monaco. The lap starts with a short sprint up to the tight St. Devote corner. You can watch direction markers to ease your way through the course. This is a nearly 90 degree right-hand bend usually taken in third or fourth gear. Then gas it uphill, before changing down for the long left-hander at Massenet. Out of Massenet, drive past the famous casino before at about 60 mph before quickly reaching the aptly named Casino Square. Then snake down the next short straight and brake to about 40 mph to avoid an enormous bump on the left of the track. This leads to the tight Mirabeau corner,which is followed by a short downhill burst to the even tighter Loews hairpin. After the hairpin head downhill again to a double right-hander called Portier before heading into the famous tunnel, a unique feature of a Formula One circuit. Out of the tunnel, the cars have to brake hard for a tight left-right chicane. The chicane is probably the only place on the circuit where overtaking can be attempted. There is a short straight to Tabac, a tight fourth gear corner which is taken at about 120 mph. Accelerating up to 140 mph, you reach Piscine, a fast left- right followed by a slower right-left chicane which takes the cars past the swimming pool that gave its name to the corner. Following Piscine, there is a short straight followed by heavy braking for a quick left which is immediately followed by the tight 180 degree right-hander called La Rascasse. This is another corner which requires full steering lock. The Rascasse takes you into a short, adversely-cambered, straight that precedes the final corner, Virage Antony Noghes. Hug it and brake to about 30 mph. It brings you back onto the start-finish straight, and across the line to start a new lap. CATHEDRAL ROCKS TRAIL I .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.19 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 114.8ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 26,250; Silver - 15,750; Bronze - 10,500 | | A Rank: Gold - 17,500; Silver - 10,500; Bronze - 7,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 13,125; Silver - 7,875; Bronze - 5,250 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,500; Silver - 6,300; Bronze - 4,200 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,750; Silver - 5,250; Bronze - 3,500 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Cathedral Rocks Trails comprise three different dirt courses, where you can test/compete with rally cars. This particular course also takes you on a little trip through the section of the El Capitan track. Supposedly, both El Capitan and Cathedral Rocks courses are situated near the Yosemite National Park, located on the north side of Yosemite Valley, near its western end. Forward Direction: Speed up to about 70 mph and brake to pass the bridge. Simply slide through another turn, which is not hard. On the pavement you can attempt to drift through the whole hairpin at about 70 mph and go flat out into the following straight. Drift around two other curves and get back in the dirt area. Drift through the curve at moderate speed. The next turn is sharp, so brake and slide if you're getting carried away. Drift the hell out of the last hairpin and steadily approach the hillocks so you won't lose control after the jumps. Reverse Direction: Start off by getting some serious speed and jump through the hillocks. Turn the car left a little during the second jump to get it into the drifting position for the nest section. Face the hairpin at about 70 mph, brake and slide. Get a good speed boost to drift through the two upcoming turns. Now just keep the car straight until you reach the pavement. Drift to the left side, and without reducing speed, attempt to slide through the hair- pin at 70-80 mph. Make the left-right slide and throttle down near the bridge. Afterwards just accelerate to the finish line. CATHEDRAL ROCKS TRAIL II .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.20 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 103.3ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 14,250; Silver - 8,550; Bronze - 5,700 | | A Rank: Gold - 9,500; Silver - 5,700; Bronze - 3,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 7,125; Silver - 4,275; Bronze - 2,850 | | C Rank: Gold - 5,700; Silver - 3,420; Bronze - 2,280 | | D Rank: Gold - 4,750; Silver - 2,850; Bronze - 1,900 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Forward Direction: Drift uphill at about 30 mph. After the jump, gas it to the end of the straight. Brake and slide. With braking tempo near 20-30 mph you're good to go. Another similar turn, and after it, a hairpin where you must slide at 50 mph. Follow the road to the end, drifting at about 70 mph. Reverse Direction: Gas it to 70 mph and jump. Slide through the hairpin at about 40-60 mph. Then again, maintain the speed at 30 mph and drift all the way. At the end of the straight, you can dive into the hairpin (not really recommended) or brake and drift through at minimum speed. CATHEDRAL ROCKS TRAIL III .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 0.50 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 47.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 6,000; Silver - 3,600; Bronze - 2,400 | | A Rank: Gold - 4,000; Silver - 2,400; Bronze - 1,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 3,000; Silver - 1,800; Bronze - 1,200 | | C Rank: Gold - 2,400; Silver - 1,440; Bronze - 960 | | D Rank: Gold - 2,000; Silver - 1,200; Bronze - 800 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This is an egg-shaped track, which consists mainly of the North-east hairpin and the wide turn in the south. Keep your speed at 70 mph (30-40 mph during drifts) and should be able to beat the lap within 25-27 seconds. CHAMONIX .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.00 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 196.8ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 24,000; Silver - 14,400; Bronze - 9,600 | | A Rank: Gold - 16,000; Silver - 9,600; Bronze - 6,400 | | B Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | | C Rank: Gold - 9,600; Silver - 5,760; Bronze - 3,840 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,000; Silver - 4,800; Bronze - 3,200 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Chamonix-Mont-Blanc or, more commonly, Chamonix is a commune in the Haute Savoie department in the Rhone-Alpes region in south-eastern France. Situated near the massive peaks of the Aiguilles Rouges, Chamonix shares both the summit of Mont Blanc and the title of highest commune in France with its neighboring commune, Saint-Gervais-les-Bains. Apparently, GT developers have decided to make a snow track in the Chamonix valley. Forward Direction: The dirt road stretch is ideal for building up some speed for subsequent drifts. Slide through the turns at about 60 mph. Speed up to 80 mph before the snowy area. Keep drifting all the way to the right, then turn the car to the left. Cross the smaller hairpin, and then the bigger one at 50 mph. You'll reach the highest elevation point of the track. From here, jsut slide down the curves with minimum acceleration. Keep sliding down the hill until you reach the end of the lap. Reverse Direction: The reverse is little harder. Start off by turning to the right and gasing it to the top, while sliding at the curves. Keep your speed at 50 mph during stretches and at 30 mph during drifts. Don't try to go too fast, or you'll end up bumping into the snow. From the apex speed up to 65 mph at the end of the stretch and cross the bridge after all the drifting. After passing the tunnel, speed up and dive into the curve at 60 mph. Again, do a few drifting turns and flat out to the finish line. CIRCUIT DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA RICARDO TORMO .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.49 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 65.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 30,000; Silver - 18,000; Bronze - 12,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 20,000; Silver - 12,000; Bronze - 8,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 15,000; Silver - 9,000; Bronze - 6,000 | | C Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | | D Rank: Gold - 10,000; Silver - 6,000; Bronze - 4,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Circuit Ricardo Tormo (also known as Circuit de Valencia and officially named "Circuit de la Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo") is a motorsport race track located in Cheste (Valencia, Spain) and built in 1999. The track is named after Spanish Grand Prix motorcycle racer Ricardo Tormo (September 7, 1952 - December 27, 1998). It was brought into GT PSP from Tourist Trophy. Get a good start and enter the turn from the far opposite angle. This will enable you to keep the most traction and exit the turn with high speed (over 80 mph) which is crucial for early overtaking. Remember to tap the brakes when making a close turn. Hug the next turn at 50 mph and stick to the left for yet another turn. Now change the position of the car to the right and enter the hairpin at 50 mph. If you're good enough, you'll exit it with rising speed (up to 80-90 mph). Make the left turn and gas it down the straight with a slight curve. Start braking early and hug the corner of the turn to enter the curvy line. Let go of the accelerator at first, then gas it until the end of the straight. The curve is almost non-existent here, so don't brake. Drive to the end of the bend, hug the corner at about 40 mph and speed up all the way to the finish. CIRCUIT DE LA SARTHE OLD .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 8.44 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 122.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 101,250; Silver - 60,750; Bronze - 40,500 | | A Rank: Gold - 67,500; Silver - 40,500; Bronze - 27,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 50,625; Silver - 30,375; Bronze - 20,250 | | C Rank: Gold - 40,500; Silver - 24,300; Bronze - 16,200 | | D Rank: Gold - 33,750; Silver - 20,250; Bronze - 13,500 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Circuit de la Sarthe, located near Le Mans, France, is a semi-permanent race course most famous as the venue for the 24 Hours of Le Mans auto race. The track uses local roads that remain open to the public most of the year. The circuit, in its present configuration, is 13.629 km (8.469 miles) long, making it one of the longest circuits in the world. Le Mans was most famous for its 6 km (3.7 miles) long straight, called Ligne Droite des Hunaudieres, a part of the Sarthe department D338 (formerly Route Nationale N138). The Targa Florio featured the even longer Buonfornello straight along the coast, though. As the Hunaudieres leads to the village of Mulsanne, it is often called the Mulsanne Straight in English, even though the proper Route du Mulsanne is the one to Arnage. Speeds on the straight reached over 250 mph during the late 1980s, and the combination of high speed and high downforce caused tyre failures. The Porsche Curves were named after Porsche. The track basically represents the old Sarthe version, without the two chicane obstacles, which were added in 1990 due to safety concerns. From the very start, build up some speed and enter the Dunlop curve without braking. Slide through its edge and let go of the accelerator (you may even touch the kerb a little). This will allow you to get full power earlier and flat out to the next section, the Dunlop chicane.The curve right next to it is called Esses, keep your speed at 70 mph here. Afterwards just speed up to the North-east, sharp turn at Tertre Rouge. Enter the turn, slightly braking, and stick close to the sandpit to speed up again. Make another slight turn, and you'll get to the Mulsanne straight, the longest straight in the course (and in the whole game). You can relax here for a while, just watching as your car reaches its top speed, or take advantage of the slipstream. The straight then turns to the right a bit, so be ready to brake at the end of the line (to save yourself some time, let go of the accelerator before the turn and then brake). Brake to 65-70 mph and get into another straight, which is far more narrow. Yet again, let go of the accelerator and let the car lose some speed this way (otherwise you may slide off into the sand), then brake and enter the sharp turn, Indianapolis. Drive through without flatting out, as the next turn, near Arnage commune, is near. Drive through it at 50 mph and speed up at the next stretch. The upcoming section is called the Porsche Curves, and it's dangerous at high speed, so don't go over the 130 mph mark in this part. Brake to about 50 mph at the Ford Chicanes and go flat out to the finish line. CIRCUIT DE LA SARTHE 2005 .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 8.48 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 122.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 102,000; Silver - 61,200; Bronze - 40,800 | | A Rank: Gold - 68,000; Silver - 40,800; Bronze - 27,200 | | B Rank: Gold - 51,000; Silver - 30,600; Bronze - 20,400 | | C Rank: Gold - 40,800; Silver - 24,480; Bronze - 16,320 | | D Rank: Gold - 34,000; Silver - 20,400; Bronze - 13,600 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Circuit de la Sarthe, located near Le Mans, France, is a semi-permanent race course most famous as the venue for the 24 Hours of Le Mans auto race. The track uses local roads that remain open to the public most of the year. The circuit, in its present configuration, is 13.629 km (8.469 miles) long, making it one of the longest circuits in the world. Le Mans was most famous for its 6 km (3.7 miles) long straight, called Ligne Droite des Hunaudieres, a part of the Sarthe department D338 (formerly Route Nationale N138). The Targa Florio featured the even longer Buonfornello straight along the coast, though. As the Hunaudieres leads to the village of Mulsanne, it is often called the Mulsanne Straight in English, even though the proper Route du Mulsanne is the one to Arnage. Speeds on the straight reached over 250 mph during the late 1980s, and the combination of high speed and high downforce caused tyre failures. Due to safety concerns two roughly equally spaced chicanes were consequently added to the straight before the 1990 race to limit the achievable maximum speed. In 1990 FIA decreed that it would no longer sanction any circuit which had a straight longer than two kilometres. The Porsche Curves were named after Porsche. From the very start, build up some speed and enter the Dunlop curve without braking. Slide through its edge and let go of the accelerator (you may even touch the kerb a little). This will allow you to get full power earlier and flat out to the next section, the Dunlop chicane.The curve right next to it is called Esses, keep your speed at 70 mph here. Afterwards just speed up to the North-east, sharp turn at Tertre Rouge. Enter the turn, slightly braking, and stick close to the sandpit to speed up again. Make another slight turn, and you'll get to the Mulsanne straight. This time around it has 2 chicanes about halfway through, so brake to about 60 mph before the turn, as it's crucial to get a good exit. The straight then turns to the right a bit, so be ready to brake at the end of the line (to save yourself some time, let go of the accelerator before the turn and then brake). Brake to 65-70 mph and get into another straight, which is far more narrow. Again, let go of the accelerator and let the car lose some speed this way (otherwise you may slide off into the sand), then brake and enter the sharp turn, Indianapolis. Drive through without flatting out, as the next turn, near Arnage commune, is near. Drive through it at 50 mph and speed up at the next stretch. The upcoming section is called the Porsche Curves, and it's dangerous at high speed, so don't go over the 130 mph mark in this part. Brake to about 50 mph at the Ford Chicanes and go flat out to the finish line. CITTA DI ARIA .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.11 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 384.8ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 24,750; Silver - 14,850; Bronze - 9,900 | | A Rank: Gold - 16,500; Silver - 9,900; Bronze - 6,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 12,375; Silver - 7,425; Bronze - 4,950 | | C Rank: Gold - 9,900; Silver - 5,940; Bronze - 3,960 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,250; Silver - 4,950; Bronze - 3,300 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Citta di Aria course basically takes you through the Assisi town of Italy in province of Perugia. The course is notable for its tight and narrow path, as well as close cornering limits. Forward Direction: Get a good start and drive through the first section, while slightly tilting the car left and right. Brake to 80 mph and enter the right turn. Brake to 40 mph after it and gas it down the road into the wide hairpin. Don't let your car go too far, of you'll end up losing the position. Speed up and drive through the arch without letting go of the accelerator. Just before you enter the buildings area, brake to 70 mph. Keep braking at the turns here to 40 mph. You'll finally come to the big stretch. Brake beforehand to about 50 mph and drive up the hill while tapping the accelerator button. The road may seem straightforward, but there's a sharp turn just before the finish line where you should brake to 30 mph. Reverse Direction: Let go of the accelerator button for most of the time, and make turns with the remaining speed. Brake to 35 mph at the north-west hairpin and add a couple of turns just before entering the long stretch. Brake to 40 mph at the end of it, or you'll smash your car into the building. Slightly tap the accelerator button and drive your car uphill. Another stretch that curves to the left. Hug the hairpin corner at 50 mph and gas it to the next turn. Brake to 60 mph and speed up to 120 mph to finish the lap. COSTA DI AMALFI .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.50 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 452.8ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 30,000; Silver - 18,000; Bronze - 12,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 20,000; Silver - 12,000; Bronze - 8,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 15,000; Silver - 9,000; Bronze - 6,000 | | C Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | | D Rank: Gold - 10,000; Silver - 6,000; Bronze - 4,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Costa di Amalfi course takes you through Capri, an Italian island off the Sorrentine Peninsula, on the south side of the Gulf of Naples, in the Campania region of southern Italy. This course is carries some similarities to Chamonix in terms of the track layout. Forward Direction: Follow the long straight and brake to 50 mph for turning. Gas down the next stretch, and make a similar turn at 50 mph. You can press the accelerator button during the turn to outsmartyour opponents and get a little speed boost. A couple of similar turns and you'll reach top elevation point. Let go of the accelearator while curving and drift through the next large turn. Don't speed up too much, as you're already going downhill. When you'll reach the lasttwo hairpins, brake to 30 mph. Do your best to quickly make turns and gas it down to the end. Reverse Direction: The first hairpin in your way might be deceiving - it may seem that you can make it at moderate speed, but heavy braking is essential at both turns. Hug the corners before exiting them. The upcoming two hairpins are easier to handle, so you can build up speed when exiting them. Keep your speed at 60 mph in the north-west turn, and follow the curvy path with the speed of 70-80 mph. At all the remaining hairpins brake to 40 mph. DEEP FOREST RACEWAY .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.24 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 148.3ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 27,000; Silver - 16,200; Bronze - 10,800 | | A Rank: Gold - 18,000; Silver - 10,800; Bronze - 7,200 | | B Rank: Gold - 13,500; Silver - 8,100; Bronze - 5,400 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,800; Silver - 6,480; Bronze - 4,320 | | D Rank: Gold - 9,000; Silver - 5,400; Bronze - 3,600 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' A nice course which requires minimum or moderate braking and high speeds in the straights. Forward Direction: The raceway begins with a short straight where you can build up speed to about 100 mph, and pass the hairpin with 70 mph speed. You can safely go through the curve without braking, just let go of the acceler. button at some points. Perform the next turn at 70 mph and the next one at 65 mph. There is another curve where you'll need to brake a little. Another major turns follows, go through it without braking and get on the curvy path to build up some speed. Throttle down to 80 mph at the turn, and gas it down to 120 mph on the straight. Lastly, exit the turn without braking and continue to the next lap. Reverse Direction: The first straight is connected with the second one by a slight turn, so drive through it without braking. You can follow the next section of the course at its left edge to make the fastest turns possible. The only time when you need some moderate-to-heavy braking (50 mph) is the central hairpin. Drive through the curve at 80-90 mph. Make the last turn at steady 70 mph and finish the lap. EL CAPITAN .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.98 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 206.7ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 35,250; Silver - 21,250; Bronze - 14,100 | | A Rank: Gold - 23,500; Silver - 14,100; Bronze - 9,400 | | B Rank: Gold - 17,625; Silver - 10,575; Bronze - 7,050 | | C Rank: Gold - 14,100; Silver - 8,460; Bronze - 5,640 | | D Rank: Gold - 11,750; Silver - 7,050; Bronze - 4,700 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' El Capitan is a 3,000-foot (910 m) vertical rock formation in Yosemite National Park (USA), located on the north side of Yosemite Valley, near its western end. The granite monolith is one of the world's favorite challenges for rock climbers. The course is situated in the Yosemite valley itself. Forward Direction: Get a good start and enter the hairpin at 75 mph. Follow the curve without braking and only brake at the next sharp turn. Approach the apex at 90 mph and drive downhill while letting go of the accelerator. Go flat out on the straight and brake to 60 mph near the hairpin. Keep the car at the speeed of 80 mph at this whole south section of the course. The last turn is sharp, so brake to 50 mph. Now make the S turn without reducing speed, at the turn let go of the accelerator and go flat out in the final straight. Reverse Direction: Gas it through the first straight and get your speed up to 120 mph, then drift through the curve at 80 mph. Keep doing the curves at 90 mph, the nbrake for the next sharp turn. The subsequent turn is also sharp, so reduce the speed to 60 mph. Then you can go flat out on the straight, but start braking early, or you'll be thrown off the track on the next turn. Don't increase speed in order to pass the next one. Now just build up clean speed, let go of the accelerator at the curves and brake to 75 mph at the northern hairpin. Then just drive to the end. FUJI SPEEDWAY F .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.84 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 88.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 33,750; Silver - 20,250; Bronze - 13,500 | | A Rank: Gold - 22,500; Silver - 13,500; Bronze - 9,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 16,875; Silver - 10,125; Bronze - 6,750 | | C Rank: Gold - 13,500; Silver - 8,100; Bronze - 5,400 | | D Rank: Gold - 11,250; Silver - 6,750; Bronze - 4,500 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Fuji Speedway is a race track standing in the foothills of Mount Fuji, in Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. The track had different layouts during the 60s-80s and 90s-2000s. This is the version of the new Fuji Speedway circa 2005. The course starts from the 300R section, slides through the hairpin, then through 100R and ends past the Coca Cola curve. With the reprofiling, as cars no longer run downbank, entry speeds have since been reduced, the hill at the exit making acceleration difficult. As part of the 2003 renovations, most of the old banked section of track was demolished. Only a small section remains to this day. 12 new corners were added since these renovations and are named after the radius of the corner in meters. The course is pretty difficult as it contains those blind curves and corners where you can easily lose control of your car and slide off the track. Speed up to 150 mph at the first straight. Don't go over that limit, as making a turn in time will become impossible. Brake early, because the first corner is very sharp, so in order to keep the most traction, you'll have to enter it from the opposite angle and go down to about 40 mph near the kerb. The track then curves slightly to the right, and you'll approach the Coca Cola corner 80R where you must brake to 70 mph and go flat out in the following straight. Don't let your speed go over 120 mph at this point or you'll end up driving off the track. Keep your speed at 100 mph at the next curve. The Hairpin corner 30R is near, so brake to 70 mph, and you'll reach the 300R line. Do not go too fast, or you won't be able to make the Dunlop turn in time. Brake to 40 mph, and turn the car in the N-W direction in order to gas it to the next turn. The key to keeping your position here is hugging the turns and not letting your opponents overtake you. You'll come to the last section, with the two turns, the Netz and Panasonic corners waiting for you. The Panasonic turn is another blind corner, where you can undeliberately lose control of the car and go off the track just before the end. Let go of the accelerator when going through this corner, and do a flat out run to the long straight (which is also good for slipstreaming). FUJI SPEEDWAY 90's .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.73 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 125.0ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 33,000; Silver - 19,800; Bronze - 13,200 | | A Rank: Gold - 22,000; Silver - 13,200; Bronze - 8,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 16,500; Silver - 9,900; Bronze - 6,600 | | C Rank: Gold - 13,200; Silver - 7,920; Bronze - 5,280 | | D Rank: Gold - 11,000; Silver - 6,600; Bronze - 4,400 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This track represents the former layout of the Fuji Speedway (1986-2004), and this version is far easier than the F version. It only has 6 key points, and everything else are straights. As with the previous track, speed up to 150 mph at the first straight. Don't go over that limit, as making a turn in time will become impossible. Brake to 40-45 mph. The track then curves slightly to the right, and you'll approach the Coca Cola corner 80R where you must brake to 70 mph and go flat out in the following straight. Don't let your speed go over 120 mph at this point or you'll end up driving off the track. Keep your speed at 100 mph at the next curve. The Hairpin corner 30R is near, so brake to 70 mph, and you'll reach the 300R line. The 300R curve continues here, but there's a small chicane to the right. Brake to 70 mph to drive through it, and to 50 mph before exiting it. Now just drive flat out to the straight, but remember to reduce the speed at the Panasonic corner of the stretch. GRAND CANYON .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.20 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 191.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 26,250; Silver - 15,750; Bronze - 10,500 | | A Rank: Gold - 17,500; Silver - 10,500; Bronze - 7,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 13,125; Silver - 7,875; Bronze - 5,250 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,500; Silver - 6,300; Bronze - 4,200 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,750; Silver - 5,250; Bronze - 3,500 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Grand Canyon is a steep-sided gorge carved by the Colorado River in the United States in the state of Arizona. It is largely contained within the Grand Canyon National Park, one of the first national parks in the United States. The course runs through the prairie roads and touches the edge of one of the Grand Canyon mountains. Forward Direction: Speed up for the first turn and drift through it at 50 mph. Then gas it through the curves, brake to 40 mph and drift again. Make a few upcoming turns by braking the same way. For the sharp turns, brake to 20 mph, and hug them to speed up for the curves. Slide through it, braking for the turns. When you'll reach the western straight, speed up, jumping on the hills. Drift through the curves at 50 mph. From the apex, just keep your speed at 40 mph, and drift all the way to the end. Reverse Direction: Gas it to the curve, drift through it, and brake to 20 mph, hug the turn and start the ascent. Then slowly make the necessary drifting moves and get the speed to 50 mph to slide through the curves. Gas it down the straight, and turn the car left while in the air. All following curve turns are made at the speed of 40 mph. Drift through the SE hairpin at 30 mph, and follow the curvy path, sliding at 30-40 mph. GRAND VALLEY SPEEDWAY .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 3.07 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 67.3ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 36,750; Silver - 22,050; Bronze - 14,700 | | A Rank: Gold - 24,500; Silver - 14,700; Bronze - 9,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 18,375; Silver - 11,025; Bronze - 7,350 | | C Rank: Gold - 14,700; Silver - 8,820; Bronze - 5,880 | | D Rank: Gold - 12,250; Silver - 7,350; Bronze - 4,900 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Grand Valley Speedway consists of 180-degree and 90-degree turns, curves and straightaway sections and is one of the original courses that were created in early GT installments. Forward Direction: The first section of the course is a wide straightaway that bends gently to the left and continues into a hairpin. Build up some speed, but start braking after the bend and brake moderately to 60 mph at the hairpin. Keep the speed at 120-130 mph to get through the next two bends, and brake heavily (50 mph) at the tight hairpin. Go flat out from there and make another turn; with letting go of the accelerator your speed should go down to 60 mph, but don't speed up, as you'll face another turn on the way. After the tunnel ends, hug the corner and go through another tunnel. Don't speed up, or you'll fail to keep the strong driving line. The bridge is where you can let your car get some speed. Brake lightly before the tunnel and perform the bend at 90 mph. Keep the speed at 50-60 mph at the next long chicane and finally drive through the final stretch(wuth a right bend, where you should brake) to the finish line. Reverse Direction: Get a good start and drop your speed to 130 mph just before the bend. Pass the chicane at 50 mph and go for the tunnel bend with 90 mph. Go flat out on the bridge, and remain at 90 mph in the tunnel. Go through both central turns at 60 mph, and keep that speed on the right-left chicane. After getting the hairpin out of the way, keep your speed in the 90-120 mph zone during the bends, and make the turn at the last hairpin at 70 mph. GRAND VALLEY EAST .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.86 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 57.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 21,750; Silver - 13,050; Bronze - 8,700 | | A Rank: Gold - 14,500; Silver - 8,700; Bronze - 5,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 10,875; Silver - 6,525; Bronze - 4,350 | | C Rank: Gold - 8,700; Silver - 5,220; Bronze - 3,480 | | D Rank: Gold - 7,250; Silver - 4,350; Bronze - 2,900 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Grand Valley East represents the smaller version of the GV Speedway and lacks the most sharp turns of its bigger counterpart. Forward Direction: The first section of the course is a wide straightaway that bends gently to the left and continues into a hairpin. Build up some speed, but start braking after the bend and brake moderately to 60 mph at the hairpin. Keep the speed at 120-130 mph to get through the next two bends, and finally brake slowly at the last bend, before making a hairpin turn at 50 mph. The turn after the tunnel is pretty sharp, and requires stronger braking. The next bendy turn is the same. After that, it's a straightaway to the finish line. Reverse Direction: Get a good start and drop your speed to 130 mph just before the bend. The next bendturn is performed at 80 mph. Speed up at the tunnel, but brake to 50 mph to enter the chicane. After it, go flat out through the bends, only letting go of the accelerator when you need to. Make the hairpin turn at 70 mph and speed up to the end of the lap. HIGH SPEED RING .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.49 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 27.9ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 30,000; Silver - 18,000; Bronze - 12,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 20,000; Silver - 12,000; Bronze - 8,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 15,000; Silver - 9,000; Bronze - 6,000 | | C Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | | D Rank: Gold - 10,000; Silver - 6,000; Bronze - 4,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' High Speed Ring is another suitable track for testing high-powered racecars. As it doesn't have sharp turns, one lap through this 2.5-mile course lasts no longer than one minute. Forward Direction: Build up some speed at the opening stretch and start making the turn without braking. Just move from left to right slowly during the turn (or let go of the accelerator if you're feeling you're going to bump into the wall). The second bendy turn is far more tight, so you'll actually need to brake here. Drop the speed to about 100 mph at the turn after the bridge and follow the curve with the speed of 90 mph. The last turn is similar to the 2nd one, so brake to 90 mph and drive flat out into the final straight. Reverse Direction: The first two bending turns are absolutely amazing, as you can safely keep the rising speed of 130 mph and higher when driving through them. Let go of the accelerator before the corner and make a gradual turn. Keep braking at the next corner, and drive through the last bend without the reducement of speed. ICE ARENA .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 0.64 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 0.0ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 7,500; Silver - 4,500; Bronze - 3,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 5,000; Silver - 3,000; Bronze - 2,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 3,750; Silver - 2,250; Bronze - 1,500 | | C Rank: Gold - 3,000; Silver - 1,800; Bronze - 1,200 | | D Rank: Gold - 2,500; Silver - 1,500; Bronze - 1,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Forward Direction: Get your speed uo to 70 mph, and make a wide drift at 40 mph through the first hairpin. Drift through the chicane at 30 mph. Keep the same speed through the tight hairpin and all subsequent bends in the track. Reverse Direction: Basically, all you need to do is keep the speed at 50 mph and drift at strong 35 mph, only speeding up before the last hairpin and sliding at 50 mph. INFINEON RACEWAY: SPORTS CAR COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.52 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 163.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 30,000; Silver - 18,000; Bronze - 12,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 20,000; Silver - 12,000; Bronze - 8,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 15,000; Silver - 9,000; Bronze - 6,000 | | C Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | | D Rank: Gold - 10,000; Silver - 6,000; Bronze - 4,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Infineon Raceway is a 2.52 miles (4.06 km) road course and drag strip located on the landform known as Sears Point in the southern Sonoma Mountains near Sonoma, California, USA. The course is a complex series of twists and turns that go up and down the hills. The standard road course at Infineon Raceway is a 2.52 miles (4.06 km) 12 turn course, however the track was modified in 1998, adding the Chute, which bypassed turns 5 and 6, shortening the course to 1.95 miles (3.14 km). The Chute was only used for NASCAR events such as the Toyota/ Save Mart 350, and was criticized by many drivers, who prefer the full layout. The raceway also has a quarter mile (400 m) drag strip used for NHRA drag racing events. The drag strip was originally located on part of the front straightaway of the course. Track changes completed in 2002 separated the road course from the drag strip. The GT version is specifically called the Sports Car Course, as it doesn't include the NASCAR route. The track has the first semi-blind corner right after the start of the lap, at the first hill. Brake to 60 mph and drive on the kerb to get a good exit for the next section. Keep a straight racing line before entering the next hill and brake to 60 mph again at this semi-blind apex corner, but don't speed up just yet, as the road bends to the right after the turn, making it easy to slide off the track. The next sharp turn is taken with 50 mph. Then you can finally build up some speed om the next stretch. While driving downhill on the hairpin, don't press the accelerator button too much, or you'll slide off the track in the lowest section of the hairpin. You can gas it down the straight, when you'll reach it. Throttle down well before the turn starts to bend. At the curves, remain at the speed of 120 mph and brake lightly when you need to. Perform the last hairpin turn at 70 mph and go for the final straightaway. LAGUNA SECA RACEWAY .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.24 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 180.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 27,000; Silver - 16,200; Bronze - 10,800 | | A Rank: Gold - 18,000; Silver - 10,800; Bronze - 7,200 | | B Rank: Gold - 13,500; Silver - 8,100; Bronze - 5,400 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,800; Silver - 6,480; Bronze - 4,320 | | D Rank: Gold - 9,000; Silver - 5,400; Bronze - 3,600 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca (previously known as Laguna Seca Raceway) is a paved road racing track used for both auto racing and motorcycle racing, originally constructed in 1957 near Monterey, California, USA. The current racetrack is 2.238 miles (3.602 km) in length with a 91 m elevation change. It has eleven turns, including the famous "Corkscrew" at Turns 8 & 8A. A variety of racing, exhibition and entertainment events are held at the raceway, ranging from superkarts to American Le Mans racing to music festivals. Start gaining speed while going slightly downhill and brake early for the upcoming Andretti Hairpin. Reduce the speed to 40 mph and turn the car until the end of the hairpin. The next turn should be done with minimum braking, as the stretch is too short to build up fast speeds. Brake to 70 mph at the next turn, find the proper apex to go flat out to the 5th corner. Brake to 50 mph here, as it's a 2nd gear turn. Make the following turn the same way and speed up at the Rahal Straight. Now brace yourself for a difficult upcoming turn - The Corkscrew. This is actually a double turn and it includes two points of braking. Switch to 2nd gear before the turn, steer the car to the right, and let it slide downhill on the remaining speed with minimum acceleration. Then you can finally speed up to the Rainey Curve. The curve is doable at about 70 mph, if you faster, you'll have to brake slightly. Perform the next turn at 75 mph and drop the speed to 30 mph at the final sharp corner. MIDFIELD RACEWAY .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.21 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 182.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 26,250; Silver - 15,750; Bronze - 10,500 | | A Rank: Gold - 17,500; Silver - 10,500; Bronze - 7,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 13,125; Silver - 7,875; Bronze - 5,250 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,500; Silver - 6,300; Bronze - 4,200 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,750; Silver - 5,250; Bronze - 3,500 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Forward Direction: You'll probably get your speed to about 120 mph at the opening stretch, but you should brake to 70 mph at the turn. Go through the curve at 90 mph, and speed up to 140 mph at the straight, then drop down to 60 mph at the U-turn. Keep curving at 3rd gear and make the fast turn at 80 mph before hitting the big straight. Reverse Direction: The first two chicanes are driven through with letting go of the accelerator, but brake heavily at the following hairpin. Accelerate into the next hairpin and go through it (as well as the next one) at 80 mph. After the straight, drift through the little curves and make the last 2 turns at 90 and 80 mph respectively. MOTORLAND .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 0.83 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 27.2ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 9,750; Silver - 5,850; Bronze - 3,900 | | A Rank: Gold - 6,500; Silver - 3,900; Bronze - 2,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 4,875; Silver - 2,925; Bronze - 1,950 | | C Rank: Gold - 3,900; Silver - 2,340; Bronze - 1,560 | | D Rank: Gold - 3,250; Silver - 1,950; Bronze - 1,300 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Motorland is another "Driving Park" course, but it differs greatly from the Beginner Course. Motorland consists of constant and consequent chicanes and turns, where you can't increase the speed too much. This course can be a big problem for fast, high-powered racecars. Forward Direction: Accelerate to the first turn, and keep thr speed of 65-70 mph while driving through it. Brake to 50 mph at the next bend, and don't accelerate too much until you're sure you're out of it. Keep your speed at 70-75 mph through the chicane, and make the final turn at about 55 mph. Reverse Direction: Perform the first turn at 60 mph, and be careful at the curves, maybe you'll even have to drift a bit. Drop the speed to 45 mph at the central spoon-like turn and keep this speed through the whole section. At the last large turn remain in the 70-80 mph range. NEW YORK .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.59 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 17.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 30,750; Silver - 18,450; Bronze - 12,300 | | A Rank: Gold - 20,500; Silver - 12,300; Bronze - 8,200 | | B Rank: Gold - 15,375; Silver - 9,225; Bronze - 6,150 | | C Rank: Gold - 12,300; Silver - 7,380; Bronze - 4,920 | | D Rank: Gold - 10,250; Silver - 6,150; Bronze - 4,100 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The New York course is one of those almost-straightforward city courses, where you mostly drive through consequent straights, braking in the small number of areas. Forward Direction: Accelerate to the end of the stretch; brake at the hairpin to about 40 mph. There's another long stretch where you can go flat out, but be careful with the upcoming sharp corner. Brake to 35 mph here. The following series of turns is done at 50 mph. After the last bend you'll get to the north straightaway. Catch a good turn-in point well before the start of the bend, and go through it at 60 mph. This will bring you to the final straight. Reverse Direction: You'll get a good start from the opening straight, but you will need to be careful with the semi-blind corner and the subsequent bend. Brake to 40 mph and keep at 50 mph through the bend. Flat out on the next straight and remain at 45 mph at the turns. You'll come to the second-to-last straightaway. speed up and brake to about 35 mph at the hairpin. NURBURGRING .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 12.95 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 984.2ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 150,000; Silver - 90,000; Bronze - 60,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 100,000; Silver - 60,000; Bronze - 40,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 75,000; Silver - 45,000; Bronze - 30,000 | | C Rank: Gold - 60,000; Silver - 36,000; Bronze - 24,000 | | D Rank: Gold - 50,000; Silver - 30,000; Bronze - 20,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Nurburgring, simply known as "The Ring" by enthusiasts, is a motorsport race track in Nurburg, Germany. It was built in the 1920s around the village and medieval castle of Nurburg in the Eifel, which is about 70 kilometres (43 miles) south of Cologne, and 120 kilometres (75 miles) northwest of Frankfurt. Nicknamed The Green Hell by Jackie Stewart, it is widely considered the toughest, most dangerous and most demanding purpose-built race track in the world. Originally, the track featured four track configurations: the 28.265 kilometres (17.563 miles) long Gesamtstrecke ("Whole Course"), which in turn consisted of the 22.810 km (14.173 miles) Nordschleife ("Northern Loop"), and the 7.747 km (4.814 miles) Sudschleife ("Southern Loop"). There also was a 2.281 km (1.417 miles) warm-up loop called Zielschleife ("Finish Loop") or better known as Betonschleife, around the pit area. Between 1982 and 1983 the start-finish area was demolished to create a new GP-Strecke, and this is currently used for all major and international racing events. However, the Nordschleife is still in use. In GT PSP (as well as in GT4), you have an opportunity to go through the near-13 mile Nordschleife, a cunning and giddy course. Nurburgring Nordschleife is not your average course where you simply follow the driving line, braking where necessary and accelerating to the max on the straights. It is a very complex track, so remember - if you made a mistake, it is very likely that you'll hit something. Don't try to be too smart on The Ring - in fact, you should act predictably, which means no sudden braking, jinking or going flat out all of a sudden (the most common mistake). In my own opinion, the biggest difficulties one has to face while driving through this track are: narrow road, constantly changing elevation difference and THE turns throughout the whole track. The turns are a different story: you can't be safe enough through most of the corners, as you can't see them, and that naturally restricts your speed. Take a few introductory laps through the Nordschleife in a calm-behaving car (Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe '54 comes to mind), this will help you in remembering the most fiendish curves and turns on the route. Your ultimate goal would be driving a Ferrari F2007 through a lap of Nurburgring in a fastest way possible (it was my ultimate goal, for sure), but in order to do that, you'll have to familiarize yourself with the course as much as you can. Now I'm going to "attempt" to give you a walkthrough and an overview of the course, but keep in mind that I won't be listing the speed requirements, as they are very obscure and depend on the car you have, so I'll just indicate the gears you have to be on while driving through a particular section of the Nurburgring. Nordschleife is 20 km long, and each kilometer has it's own name, so I'll be listing those names in order to make easier for you to keep track of Nordschleife's sections. Also, to familiarize yourself with this course even more, complete Driving Challenges P and Q, which I'm sure will help you. 1. Hatzenbach Left turn, right bend, left bend, left-right chicane, left-right chicane, right turn, left turn Make the turn at 1st gear, keep on 4th gear through the bends, drop down to 3rd-2nd gear at the curves, 3rd through the final turn of this section. 2. Hocheichen Straight, right bend, long straight with slight kinks 5th-4th gear at the straight, up to 6th gear at the long straight. 3. Quiddelbacher Hohe/Flugplatz Straight continued 6th gear at the flat straight, but go down to 3rd gear at the last blind bend to the left. 4. Schwedenkreuz/Aremberg Straight continued, bend, right turn, straight with slight curves Go down to 3rd gear at the last blind bend to the left. 2nd gear at the right turn, 5th-4th gear at the straight. 5. Fuchsrohre Curve, sharp bend, right turn, long curve, straight 4th-3rd gear through the curve, 2nd gear at the turn, 2nd gear at the tight curve, then go flat out onto the straight. 6. Adenauer Forst Straight, left turn Keep at 6th gear at the straight, slowly drop to 5th, then to 2nd at the left turn. 7. Metzgesfeld/Kallenhard Left turn, right turn, left bend, right bend, straight with right bend at the end Keep the 4th-3rd gear tempo at the turns and bends, then drop to 3rd gear at the last bend. 8. Wehrseifen Left-hand hairpin, straight, left turn, right turn 2nd gear at the left-hand hairpin, 4th gear at the straight, and 3rd at the turn. At the right turn stick to 3rd gear. 9. Ex-Muhle Straight, left bend, right turn You can go flat out again at the straightaway(5th-6th gear), but drop down to 2nd gear at the turn. 10. Bergwerk Straight with a bend to the left, right bend 5th-6th gear all the way. 11. Kesselchen Straight with slight kinks 5th gear, drop down to 4th to be safe at the bends. 12. Klostertal Straight, right bend, right-hand hairpin, straight 4th gear at the straight, then 3rd to 2nd at the hairpin, 4th at the short stretch. 13. Caracciola-Karussell Left-hand hairpin, straight, left bend, left bend 2nd gear through the tight corner, 3rd gear at the bends. 14. Hohe Acht/Wipperman Right bend, right turn, right-left chicane, right turn, right bend, left turn, left turn 4th gear through the bends/curves, 3rd gear at the turn to the right, 4th at following turns. 15. Eschbach Left turn, left turn, bending straight 4ht-5th gear after the turns. 16. Pflanzgarten 1/Pflanzgarten 2 Right turn, right bend, right bend, right bend 4th gear at the turns, then you can speed up to 5th gear, but it's risky. Stay in 3rd gear at the last bend. 17. Schwalbenschwanz Left turn, left turn, straight, right turn 3rd-2nd gear at left turn, go flat out in the straight, and go down to 3rd at the right turn. 18. Galgenkopf Right bend, straight Flat out run at 4th to 5th gear and beyond. 19. Dottingr Hohe/Antoniusbuche Long straight 6th gear to maximum speed here. 20. Tiergarten Straight with slight kinks, left bend, right turn, right turn, finish. Approximately 5th gear, 2nd gear at both right turns. OPERA PARIS .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.79 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 0.0ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 21,000; Silver - 12,600; Bronze - 8,400 | | A Rank: Gold - 14,000; Silver - 8,400; Bronze - 5,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 10,500; Silver - 6,300; Bronze - 4,200 | | C Rank: Gold - 8,400; Silver - 5,040; Bronze - 3,360 | | D Rank: Gold - 7,000; Silver - 4,300; Bronze - 2,800 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Opera Paris consists of a couple of straights with series of consequent turns, where you won't be able to go too fast. Nevertheless, this course provides you with more than enough space for overtaking your opponents. Forward Direction: Make the first turn to the right without braking, and the next one with low accelerating. Follow the short stretch and drop to about 50 mph at the turn. Now you'll get into another long stretch with a chicane in the middle, which you'll have to drive through at about 55 mph. The series of turns in the notrh corner is done at 35 mph. At this bending stretch, drop down to 120 mph when you're about to turn. The sharp turns afterwards are made at about 30 mph. Finally, make the hairpin turn at 55 mph. Reverse Direction: Go through the first couple of turns without braking, but brake moderatley at the last one. Go flat out at the straight and drop the speed to 105 mph when you're about to change the direction. Brake to 50 mph before the turn, and make a big turn at 2nd gear. At the next stretch with the chicane, brake to 55 mph. Then brake to 60 mph and after the final straight, pass the turns at 55 mph. SEATTLE CIRCUIT .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.37 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 141.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 28,500; Silver - 17,100; Bronze - 11,400 | | A Rank: Gold - 19,000; Silver - 11,400; Bronze - 7,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 14,250; Silver - 8,550; Bronze - 5,700 | | C Rank: Gold - 11,400; Silver - 6,840; Bronze - 4,560 | | D Rank: Gold - 9,500; Silver - 5,700; Bronze - 3,800 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Forward Direction: Get a good start and face the hairpin at 40 mph. Drop down to 70 mph at the next turn and go flat out at the uphill road. Throttle down to 60 mph at the sharp turn. Then just maintain the speed of 90-100 mph, braking where necessary. When you'll get to the big straight, bending right, speed up through it. Make the turn to the right at 70 mph and keep this speed throughout the chicane area. Brake to 50 mph at the next turn, and drift through the final one. Reverse Direction: Drop the speed to 65 mph at the first slight turn, and perform the next one at 55 mph. Don't speed up at the chicane, keep in the 75- 65 mph range. At the straight, drive through without braking. The next five turns are all performed in the 2nd gear. Go downhill and brake to 40 mph at the turn before the hairpin. Finally, make the hairpin turn at 45 mph and go flat out in the final straight. SEOUL CENTRAL .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.69 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 12.8ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 20,250; Silver - 12,150; Bronze - 8,100 | | A Rank: Gold - 13,500; Silver - 8,100; Bronze - 5,400 | | B Rank: Gold - 10,125; Silver - 6,075; Bronze - 4,050 | | C Rank: Gold - 8,100; Silver - 4,860; Bronze - 3,240 | | D Rank: Gold - 6,750; Silver - 4,050; Bronze - 2,700 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Seoul Central is similar to New York, here you'll be mostly driving through long straights and big speed reducements are also not needed (depends on the car, though). Forward Direction: The first stretch is a clean straightaway, where you get a good start. Speed up and drift through the spoon turn in the end. Go flat out at the next stretch, and brake to 45 mph at the turn to get into a narrower path. Brake to 50 mph, then start gaining speed and make the last turn with letting go of the accelerator, as the area is very wide and you'll quickly get back to the racing line. Reverse Direction: Get a good start and brake to 70 mph at the first turn. Then brake to 50 mph to fit the car into the narrow straight. Take the next two turns at 60 mph and go flat out in the straight. At the spoon turn, brake to 50 mph, and don't increase speed during the turn itself. Gas it to the finish line afterwards. SUZUKA CIRCUIT .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 3.61 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 131.2ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 43,500; Silver - 26,100; Bronze - 17,400 | | A Rank: Gold - 29,000; Silver - 17,400; Bronze - 11,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 21,750; Silver - 13,050; Bronze - 8,700 | | C Rank: Gold - 17,400; Silver - 10,440; Bronze - 6,960 | | D Rank: Gold - 14,500; Silver - 8,700; Bronze - 5,800 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Suzuka International Racing Course, Suzuka Circuit for short, is a motorsport race track located in Ino, Suzuka City, Mie Prefecture, Japan. Suzuka is one of few circuits in the world to have a figure 8 layout. Obviously, due to the danger of an intersecting track, the track doesn't actually intersect with itself; instead, the back straight passes over the front section by means of an overpass. Get a good start at the opening stretch and brake to 95 mph to go through the first turn. Once you're out of it, start going through the S-chicane in the 75-90 mph range. The next big Dunlop turn is excellent for overtaking; remain at 100-110 mph there. The Degner turn is a high speed corner, so drop down to about 85 mph at it. Reduce the speed to 75 mph at the following turn. Speed up for the hairpin turn, and slowly go through it at 35 mph. The 200R stretch is where you can go flat out again. The upcoming Spoon Turn is even nastier. Try to stay near the kerb while turning. Go too far from the inner edge, and you will lose precious time (and probably, even position). The Crossover stretch is another fine place for high-speed accelerating and slipstreaming. Drop down to 100 mph at the left-hand bend here. The 15-16 turn is another pain in the ass. Brake to 25 turn and steer the car with extreme caution here or the turn will throw you off balance and you'll lose the driving line. Build up speed at the Casio Triangle kink and go for the finish line. SUZUKA CIRCUIT EAST COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.39 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 110.2ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 16,500; Silver - 9,900; Bronze - 6,600 | | A Rank: Gold - 11,000; Silver - 6,600; Bronze - 4,400 | | B Rank: Gold - 8,250; Silver - 4,950; Bronze - 3,300 | | C Rank: Gold - 6,600; Silver - 3,960; Bronze - 2,640 | | D Rank: Gold - 5,500; Silver - 3,300; Bronze - 2,200 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This track is the east portion of the Suzuka Circuit, which consists of the pit straight to the first half of the Dunlop curve (turn 7), before leading back to the pit straight via a tight right-hander. Get a good start at the opening stretch and brake to 95 mph to go through the first turn. Once you're out of it, start going through the S-chicane in the 75-90 mph range. The Dunlop curve connects it to the opening pit straight, so brake to 65 mph at this new turn. SUZUKA CIRCUIT WEST COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.16 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 46.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 25,500; Silver - 15,300; Bronze - 10,200 | | A Rank: Gold - 17,000; Silver - 10,200; Bronze - 6,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 12,750; Silver - 7,650; Bronze - 5,100 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,200; Silver - 6,120; Bronze - 4,080 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,500; Silver - 5,100; Bronze - 3,400 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This track is the west portion of the Suzuka Circuit, which consists of the other part of the full circuit, with the pitlane located at the straight before the 130R corner. You start off from the stretch that goes into the 130R kink. The 15-16 turn is transformed into a connection to the Degner turn, but still brake to about 25- 30 mph to stay on the driving line (as the turn is still very sharp). The Degner turn is a high speed corner, so drop down to about 85 mph at it. Reduce the speed to 75 mph at the following turn. Speed up for the hairpin turn, and slowly go through it at 35 mph. The 200R stretch is where you can go flat out again. The upcoming Spoon Turn is even nastier. Try to stay near the kerb while turning. Go too far from the inner edge, and you will lose precious time (and probably, even position). From the Spoon Turn, just go flat out to the finish line. SWISS ALPS .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.05 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 183.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 24,750; Silver - 14,850; Bronze - 9,900 | | A Rank: Gold - 16,500; Silver - 9,900; Bronze - 6,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 12,375; Silver - 7,425; Bronze - 4,950 | | C Rank: Gold - 9,900; Silver - 5,940; Bronze - 3,960 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,250; Silver - 4,950; Bronze - 3,300 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Swiss Alps course is another Dirt and Snow track, albeit it's much less complex than the Chamonix and Grand Canyon tracks. It's pretty straightforward most of the time and has a few gentle bends/turns here and there. Forward Direction: Get a good start at the opening bending path, and drift through the first semi-turn at 80 mph. The next turn is pretty wide, so there should be no problems with handling it at 70 mph. Cross the bridge, then brake and slide at the next turn. The following turnaround is perfect for handbrake turning. At the downhill straight build up some good speed and do the same handbrake turn again, which is the fastest way of driving through this corner. The last hairpin turn is done at moderate 50 mph. Reverse Direction: Start making the hairpin turn at 65 mph, then make a hand- brake turnaround at the following corner. Keep following the stretch, do a little turn in the north corner. There's another handbrake turn just before the bridge. Keep in the 3rd gear through the following smooth kink. Get some speed at the straight, and brake to 60 mph at the sharp bend. Then you can just do a flat out acceleration to the end of the lap. TAHITI MAZE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Dirt and Snow | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.24 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 181.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 26,250; Silver - 15,750; Bronze - 10,500 | | A Rank: Gold - 17,500; Silver - 10,500; Bronze - 7,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 13,125; Silver - 7,875; Bronze - 5,250 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,500; Silver - 6,300; Bronze - 4,200 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,750; Silver - 5,250; Bronze - 3,500 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Forward Direction: You can get a good start from the pavement opening of the course, and brake to about 45 mph at the first turn. Then you'll get to three consequent hairpin turns. It's best to handrake through all of them. Then you will come to a bending straight. Remain in the 75-55 mph range throughout this section. At another double hairpin handrake for the first turn, and speed up through the second one. The last set of hairpins is generally driven through with handbraking at first hairpin; 45 mph at second; 50 mph at third; hand- braking at fourth. when you are on the pavement section again, drive through the last hairpin at about 60 mph and keep this speed until the end of the lap. Reverse Direction: Stay in the 60-80 mph range in the pavement area, then start driving through consequent hairpins by combining regular drifting and handraking. You can go flat out at the next stretch, but don't go over 90 mph, or you'll fail to handle the upcoming hairpins. Drift through these turns, and keep the 75 mph speed at the bending path. Slowly drift through the remaining turns at 50-55 mph. TEST COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 6.43 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 5.6ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 77,250; Silver - 46,350; Bronze - 30,900 | | A Rank: Gold - 51,500; Silver - 30,900; Bronze - 20,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 38,625; Silver - 23,175; Bronze - 15,450 | | C Rank: Gold - 30,900; Silver - 18,540; Bronze - 12,360 | | D Rank: Gold - 25,750; Silver - 15,450; Bronze - 10,300 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This course is very simple. It's meant to test your car's maximum speed, so you can safely gas through it without braking. This is also the best track for farming credits. One "Single Race" mode 2-lap race on S Rank gives 150,000 Cr. per victory. Winning on this track is very easy. Just use fast cars like Ford GT '05 or later, Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09 to shorten the time for each race. TOKYO R246 .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: City | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 3.18 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 76.1ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 38,250; Silver - 22,950; Bronze - 15,300 | | A Rank: Gold - 25,500; Silver - 15,300; Bronze - 10,200 | | B Rank: Gold - 19,125; Silver - 11,475; Bronze - 7,650 | | C Rank: Gold - 15,300; Silver - 9,180; Bronze - 6,120 | | D Rank: Gold - 12,750; Silver - 7,650; Bronze - 5,100 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Route 246 is a major highway on the island of Honshu in Japan. It originates in Chiyoda, Tokyo and terminates in Numazu, Shizuoka. The whole route is very long (76.2 miles), and this is only a small part of it, the Tokyo part. It is transformed into a circuit that leads you through the streets of Tokyo. Forward Direction: Accelerate hard form the center of the pit straight, but brake heavily at the first turn (to about 65 mph). This corner is pretty nasty as you can't shortcut it, and if you'll get a wrong turn-in point, you'll just lose the position. The next short stretch ends with a tight turn to the left that leads to a fast straight, which bends to the right. Remain at about 80-90 mph there. Another straight will lead you to another left-hand corner which you can and should take with minimum braking. You'll get to a longer straight that bends to the right, and then to the left a little. You'll crash there if you're going too fast, so brake lightly upon entry. Brake to 70 mph at the next turn to the right, and you'll get into a narrow bending stretch. Keep speeding up at it, slightly braking when you see it kinking to the left. The last turn can be taken at 80 mph, but be careful with not bumping into the left barrier. Then just go flat out in the final pit straight. Reverse Direction: You'll get a nice speed boost from the opening straight, but be extremely careful with the upcoming tight left-hand corner. Brake to 50 mph and go for the next stretch. Again, brake lightly when it bends to the right, and brake to 100 mph when it changes direction more sharply. At the tree-lined straight, take the bend with just lightly reducing your speed, and brake to 90 mph when you're about to turn to the right. Remain at the speed of 90 mph. When you are on the gentle left-hand bend, take the next turn with caution. Speed up at the straight, and brake to 65 mph at the final sharp, semi-blind corner. Go flat out at the straight. TRIAL MOUNTAIN .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Original | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward, Reverse | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.47 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 166.7ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 29,250; Silver - 17,550; Bronze - 11,700 | | A Rank: Gold - 19,500; Silver - 11,700; Bronze - 7,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 14,625; Silver - 8,775; Bronze - 5,850 | | C Rank: Gold - 11,700; Silver - 7,020; Bronze - 4,680 | | D Rank: Gold - 9,750; Silver - 5,850; Bronze - 3,900 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This is one of the Gran Turismo fans all-time favourite courses, that lies in the heart of a mountain chain, surrounded by thick forest areas. Forward Direction: You can take two starting bends without reducing speed, but you'll have to brake to 65 mph at the next turn to keep a proper racing line. At the next sharp turn, brake to 55 mph. The following three turns before the straightaway are taken with 65-75 mph. Go flat out at the straight, and brake moderately (to about 70 mph) at the hairpin turn. You can go through the first two bends without braking, but definitely brake at the last sharp bend to 60 mph. The V-turn is another place where you brake heavily, to 60 mph, and don't forget to reduce your speed to 100 mph before the final chicane. Reverse Direction: Go through the first chicane at 95 mph, and hug the next corner with heavy braking. Drive through all the consequent bends with braking where required, and brake to 65 mph before the straightaway. Brake to 80 mph at the end of the stretch and pass all the bends with moderate braking. Be careful with the final turns and go straight for the end of the lap. TSUKUBA CIRCUIT .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.27 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 17.4ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 15,000; Silver - 9,000; Bronze - 6,000 | | A Rank: Gold - 10,000; Silver - 6,000; Bronze - 4,000 | | B Rank: Gold - 7,500; Silver - 4,500; Bronze - 3,000 | | C Rank: Gold - 6,000; Silver - 3,600; Bronze - 2,400 | | D Rank: Gold - 5,000; Silver - 3,000; Bronze - 2,000 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' The Tsukuba Circuit is a famous race track located in Shimotsuma, a city next to Tsukuba, Japan. It is 2.070 kilometres (1.286 miles) long, has 32 pits and the longest straight is 437 metres (0.272 miles) long. The track has a large variation in corners ranging from wide sweepers to hairpins, testing drivers and their vehicles. Accelerate and hug the first corner, then you can go straight through the next chicane without braking and hug another tight corner. Brake to 70 mph at the bend and head for the spoon turn, where you should brake to 45 mph, as the turn is prett narrow. The following straightaway is very convenient, but it leads to a bending right-hand corner, so remain at 85-90 mph at this section in order to not slide off into the sand. TWIN RING MOTEGI EAST - SHORT COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.13 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 99.7ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 25,500; Silver - 15,300; Bronze - 10,200 | | A Rank: Gold - 17,000; Silver - 10,200; Bronze - 6,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 12,750; Silver - 7,650; Bronze - 5,100 | | C Rank: Gold - 10,200; Silver - 6,120; Bronze - 4,080 | | D Rank: Gold - 8,500; Silver - 5,100; Bronze - 3,400 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This course represents the east section of the 2.9-mile-long Twin Ring Motegi. Accelerate to the end of the straight, brake to 50 mph and hug the sharp turn. Brake to 50 mph again at the next couple of turns. Speed up at the straight and brake to 45 mph at the V-turn. Start accelerating through the bend and brake to 50 mph before the chicane. The next two sharp turns are performes at 50 mph. TWIN RING MOTEGI - ROAD COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 2.98 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 99.7ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 36,000; Silver - 21,600; Bronze - 14,400 | | A Rank: Gold - 24,400; Silver - 14,400; Bronze - 9,600 | | B Rank: Gold - 18,000; Silver - 10,800; Bronze - 7,200 | | C Rank: Gold - 14,400; Silver - 8,640; Bronze - 5,760 | | D Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Twin Ring Motegi is an automobile racing track located at Motegi, Japan. Its name comes from the fact that there are two race tracks at the facility: a 2.493-kilometer (1.549 miles) oval and a 4.8-kilometer (2.98 miles) road course. It was built in 1997 by Honda, as part of Honda's effort to bring the IndyCar Series to Japan, helping to increase their knowledge of American open- wheel racing. The road course is 4.8 kilometers long and is unique in sharing garage and grandstand facilities with the oval course, but being entirely separate otherwise. Accelerate to the first hairpin turn and brake to 50 mph. The next large turn is taken at 60 mph. Speed up at the straight and brake to 45 mph at the V-turn. Start accelerating through the bend and brake to 50 mph before the chicane. The next two sharp turns are performes at 50 mph. Go flat out at the long straightaway, and brake to 50 mph at the sharp corner. Drop down to 60 mph before the chicane and go flat out at the final straightaway. TWIN RING MOTEGI SUPER SPEEDWAY .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 1.50 Miles | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 9.8ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 18,000; Silver - 10,800; Bronze - 7,200 | | A Rank: Gold - 12,000; Silver - 7,200; Bronze - 4,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 9,000; Silver - 5,400; Bronze - 3,600 | | C Rank: Gold - 7,200; Silver - 4,320; Bronze - 2,880 | | D Rank: Gold - 6,000; Silver - 3,600; Bronze - 2,400 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Twin Ring Motegi is an automobile racing track located at Motegi, Japan. Its name comes from the fact that there are two race tracks at the facility: a 2.493-kilometer (1.549 miles) oval and a 4.8-kilometer (2.98 miles) road course. It was built in 1997 by Honda, as part of Honda's effort to bring the IndyCar Series to Japan, helping to increase their knowledge of American open- wheel racing. The oval course is the only one of its kind in Japan, and is only used once a year for racing. It is a low-banked, 1.549-mile-long egg-shaped course, with turns 3 and 4 being much tighter than turns 1 and 2. This course is pretty straightforward most of the time, and you only need to brake lightly at 3 and 4 (the northwest ones). TWIN RING MOTEGI WEST - SHORT COURSE .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. |Course Type: Real | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Layout: Forward | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Course Length: 0.93 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Elevation Difference: 10.2ft | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |1 Lap Prize Money: S Rank: Gold - 10,500; Silver - 6,300; Bronze - 4,200 | | A Rank: Gold - 7,000; Silver - 4,200; Bronze - 2,800 | | B Rank: Gold - 5,250; Silver - 3,150; Bronze - 2,100 | | C Rank: Gold - 4,200; Silver - 2,520; Bronze - 1,680 | | D Rank: Gold - 3,500; Silver - 2,100; Bronze - 1,400 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' This course represents the west section of the 2.9-mile-long Twin Ring Motegi. Accelerate to the first hairpin turn and brake to 50 mph. Drop the speed down to 60 mph before the tight chicane. You can speed up at the last section of it, but you'll have to brake to 55 mph again to stay on the driving line. ============================================================================== 05......................DRIVING CHALLENGES WALKTHROUGH....................GT05 ============================================================================== Note: If you're having trouble with any particular challenge, take a glance at the Voiced Demonstration for that challenge. It appears in the challenge menu. Those demonstrations are pretty helpful, as they not only show you how to complete the challenge, but also give you valuable advices. CHALLENGE BLOCK A: Learning Driving Basics ------------------------------------------ A-1: Stop 100 metres ahead! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Test Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Audi A2 1.4 '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'10.000 | 24,000 | |0'10.200 | 12,000 | |0'11.000 | 6,000 | '-------------------------------------' A-2: Stop 200 metres ahead! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Test Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Renault AVANTIME '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'13.000 | 26,400 | |0'13.500 | 13,200 | |0'14.500 | 6,600 | '-------------------------------------' A-3: Stop 400 metres ahead! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Test Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Subaru LEGACY B4 Blitzen '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'16.600 | 28,800 | |0'17.000 | 14,400 | |0'19.000 | 7,200 | '-------------------------------------' A-4: Stopping on a dime! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Test Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mitsubishi FTO Twin Turbo '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'15.800 | 31,200 | |0'16.000 | 15,600 | |0'18.000 | 7,800 | '-------------------------------------' A-5: Learn to brake in a real situation .-------------------------------------. |Course: Fuji Speedway F | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan March 12c 5door '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'25.000 | 33,600 | |0'26.000 | 16,800 | |0'29.000 | 8,400 | '-------------------------------------' A-6: Braking and steering simultaneously .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tsukuba Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda ACCORD Euro-R '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'13.500 | 36,000 | |0'14.000 | 18,000 | |0'16.000 | 9,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK B: Types of Corners ----------------------------------- B-1: Gradual curve .-------------------------------------. |Course: Beginner Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota VITZ RS 1.5 '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'16.900 | 28,000 | |0'17.000 | 14,000 | |0'18.000 | 7,000 | '-------------------------------------' B-2: Driving through gradual S-bends .-------------------------------------. |Course: Midfield Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EK) '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'12.400 | 30,800 | |0'12.500 | 15,400 | |0'14.000 | 7,700 | '-------------------------------------' B-3: Driving through hairpins .-------------------------------------. |Course: Autumn Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mazda Eunos Roadster '89 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'13.500 | 33,600 | |0'14.000 | 16,800 | |0'15.500 | 8,400 | '-------------------------------------' B-4: High Speed Corner .-------------------------------------. |Course: Fuji Speedway F | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota ALTEZZA RS200 '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'16.300 | 36,400 | |0'16.800 | 18,200 | |0'18.500 | 9,100 | '-------------------------------------' B-5: Driving on dirt surfaces .-------------------------------------. |Course: Swiss Alps | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.500 | 39,200 | |0'24.000 | 19,600 | |0'27.000 | 9,800 | '-------------------------------------' B-6: Tackling a large S-bend .-------------------------------------. |Course: High Speed Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Clio Renault Sport V6 24V '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'24.400 | 42,000 | |0'24.700 | 21,000 | |0'26.800 | 10,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK C: Mastering Difficult Situations ------------------------------------------------- C-1: Driving through consecutive S-bends .-------------------------------------. |Course: Suzuka Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota MR2 GT-S '97 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'21.000 | 40,000 | |0'21.500 | 20,000 | |0'24.000 | 10,000 | '-------------------------------------' C-2: High Speed Chicane Challenge: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Autumn Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Amuse S2000 Street Version '04 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'10.800 | 44,000 | |0'11.200 | 22,000 | |0'12.500 | 11,000 | '-------------------------------------' C-3: Dirt track high-speed braking .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tahiti Maze | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota COROLLA Rally Car '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'29.000 | 48,000 | |0'29.500 | 24,000 | |0'32.000 | 12,000 | '-------------------------------------' C-4: Mastering the technical section of Opera Paris .-------------------------------------. |Course: Opera Paris | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Jaguar S-TYPE R '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'33.300 | 52,000 | |0'34.000 | 26,000 | |0'36.500 | 13,000 | '-------------------------------------' C-5: Advanced combined dirt corners: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Canyon | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'30.000 | 56,000 | |0'30.600 | 28,000 | |0'34.000 | 14,000 | '-------------------------------------' C-6: Braking in unstable conditions .-------------------------------------. |Course: Midfield Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lotus Esprit V8 '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'15.300 | 60,000 | |0'15.600 | 30,000 | |0'18.000 | 15,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK D: Get to Know Your Corners ------------------------------------------- D-1: Banked corner .-------------------------------------. |Course: High Speed Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M3 '04 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.300 | 32,000 | |0'23.600 | 16,000 | |0'25.000 | 8,000 | '-------------------------------------' D-2: Box shaped corner .-------------------------------------. |Course: New York | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 '71 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'19.000 | 35,200 | |0'19.300 | 17,600 | |0'21.000 | 8,800 | '-------------------------------------' D-3: Looping Corner Challenge .-------------------------------------. |Course: Autumn Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda NSX Type S '01 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'12.700 | 38,400 | |0'13.000 | 19,200 | |0'14.500 | 9,600 | '-------------------------------------' D-4: Mastering an inclined S-bend: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Apricot Hill Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lexus SC 430 (US) '01 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'18.000 | 41,600 | |0'18.300 | 20,800 | |0'20.200 | 10,400 | '-------------------------------------' D-5: Inclined banked corners .-------------------------------------. |Course: Twin Ring Motegi East - S.C. | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mazda Roadster 1.8 RS '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'21.000 | 44,800 | |0'21.500 | 22,400 | |0'23.000 | 11,200 | '-------------------------------------' D-6: Combined corner .-------------------------------------. |Course: Trial Mountain Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec '94 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'14.000 | 48,000 | |0'14.300 | 24,000 | |0'16.000 | 12,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK E: Get to Know Your Cars ---------------------------------------- E-1: Tackling a tight S-bend .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Valley Speedway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: TVR Griffith 500 '94 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'21.300 | 36,000 | |0'21.800 | 18,000 | |0'24.000 | 9,000 | '-------------------------------------' E-2: Mastering the Chicane .-------------------------------------. |Course: Suzuka Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mazda SAVANNA RX-7 INFINI '90 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'22.200 | 39,600 | |0'23.800 | 19,800 | |0'26.000 | 9,900 | '-------------------------------------' E-3: Cone slalom challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Comunitat Valenciana R. Tormo| |-------------------------------------| |Car: Opel Speedster '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'18.500 | 43,200 | |0'19.000 | 21,600 | |0'22.500 | 10,800 | '-------------------------------------' E-4: Learning Differences in Drivetrains: FF .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tsukuba Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda INTEGRA TYPE R '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'17.800 | 46,800 | |0'18.300 | 23,400 | |0'19.500 | 11,700 | '-------------------------------------' E-5: Learning Differences in Drivetrains: 4WD .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tsukuba Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VII '01 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'16.800 | 50,400 | |0'17.300 | 25,200 | |0'20.000 | 12,600 | '-------------------------------------' E-6: Learning Differences in Drivetrains: FR .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tsukuba Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'17.200 | 54,000 | |0'17.600 | 27,000 | |0'20.500 | 13,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK F: High Speed Driving ------------------------------------- F-1: Long Corner .-------------------------------------. |Course: El Capitan | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Ford GT '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.000 | 48,000 | |0'23.300 | 24,000 | |0'26.000 | 12,000 | '-------------------------------------' F-2: S-bends on dirt surfaces .-------------------------------------. |Course: Swiss Alps | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Subaru IMPREZA 22B-STi Ver. '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'20.000 | 52,800 | |0'20.500 | 26,400 | |0'22.500 | 13,200 | '-------------------------------------' F-3: High Speed Chicane Challenge: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Autumn Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lotus Elise 111R '04 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'18.300 | 57,600 | |0'18.800 | 28,800 | |0'20.500 | 14,400 | '-------------------------------------' F-4: Controlling your speed .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Valley East | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo '95 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'25.600 | 62,400 | |0'26.000 | 31,200 | |0'29.000 | 15,600 | '-------------------------------------' F-5: Driving through a blind corner .-------------------------------------. |Course: Infineon Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Chrysler Crossfire '04 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.200 | 67,200 | |0'23.600 | 33,600 | |0'25.500 | 16,800 | '-------------------------------------' F-6: Mastering an inclined S-bend: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: El Capitan | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'26.800 | 72,000 | |0'27.300 | 36,000 | |0'28.500 | 18,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK G: Notorious Corners from World Circuits -------------------------------------------------------- G-1: The Carousel .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: RUF CTR2 '96 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'16.300 | 40,000 | |0'16.800 | 20,000 | |0'19.000 | 10,000 | '-------------------------------------' G-2: The descending "Corkscrew" chicane .-------------------------------------. |Course: Laguna Seca Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mazda RX-8 '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'19.300 | 44,000 | |0'19.500 | 22,000 | |0'21.000 | 11,000 | '-------------------------------------' G-3: The combined "Spoon Corner" .-------------------------------------. |Course: Suzuka Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Opera Performance 350Z '04 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'29.000 | 48,000 | |0'29.600 | 24,000 | |0'31.000 | 12,000 | '-------------------------------------' G-4: The uneven "Victory Corner" S-bend .-------------------------------------. |Course: Twin Ring Motegi Road Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda PRELUDE Type S '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'18.300 | 52,000 | |0'18.600 | 26,000 | |0'21.000 | 13,000 | '-------------------------------------' G-5: Consecutive combined corner on the Fuji Circuit .-------------------------------------. |Course: Fuji Speedway F | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota SUPRA RZ '97 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'33.700 | 56,000 | |0'34.200 | 28,000 | |0'36.000 | 14,000 | '-------------------------------------' G-6: The high speed "Porsche curve" .-------------------------------------. |Course: Circuit de la Sarthe 2005 | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan R390 GT1 Race Car '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'31.400 | 60,000 | |0'32.000 | 30,000 | |0'35.000 | 15,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK H: Overtake Your Opponent ----------------------------------------- H-1: Overtaking using slipstreams .-------------------------------------. |Course: Fuji Speedway F | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda NSX Type R '92 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 52,000 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' H-2: Overtaking using delayed braking .-------------------------------------. |Course: Fuji Speedway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda NSX Type R '92 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 57,200 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' H-3: European hatchback challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Autumn Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: MINI COOPER S '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 62,400 | |2nd | 31,200 | | | | '-------------------------------------' H-4: Japanese sportcar challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Trial Mountain Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan Fairlady Z Version S '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 67,600 | |2nd | 33,800 | | | | '-------------------------------------' H-5: American supersport challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Seattle Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Ford GT '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 72,800 | |2nd | 36,400 | |3rd | 18,200 | '-------------------------------------' H-6: European supercar challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Midfield Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Volkswagen W12 Nardo Concept '01| |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 78,000 | |2nd | 39,000 | |3rd | 19,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK I: Advanced Overtaking -------------------------------------- I-1: Volkswagen Golf GTI face off! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Motorland | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Volkswagen Golf GTI '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 64,000 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' I-2: Nissan Skyline sports coupe face off! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Apricot Hill Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan SKYLINE Sport Coupe '62 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 70,400 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' I-3: American supersport challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: El Capitan | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Dodge VIPER SRT10 '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 76,800 | |2nd | 38,400 | | | | '-------------------------------------' I-4: European hot hatch challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Opera Paris | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Alfa Romeo 147 GTA '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 83,200 | |2nd | 41,600 | | | | '-------------------------------------' I-5: Muscle car challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: New York | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Chevrolet Corvette Stingray '69 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 89,600 | |2nd | 44,800 | |3rd | 22,400 | '-------------------------------------' I-6: Performance car challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan GT-R SpecV '09 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 96,000 | |2nd | 48,000 | |3rd | 24,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK J: Mastering City & Dirt Courses ------------------------------------------------ J-1: Dirt track hairpin corners: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tahiti Maze | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lancia DELTA HF Rally Car '92 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'32.300 | 56,000 | |0'33.000 | 28,000 | |0'36.000 | 14,000 | '-------------------------------------' J-2: Special corners on the NY City circuit .-------------------------------------. |Course: New York | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Pontiac GTO 5.7 Coupe '04 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'24.000 | 61,600 | |0'24.500 | 30,800 | |0'27.000 | 15,400 | '-------------------------------------' J-3: Dirt track hairpin corners: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Canyon | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lancia DELTA HF Evoluzione '91 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'12.000 | 67,200 | |0'12.500 | 33,600 | |0'15.000 | 16,800 | '-------------------------------------' J-4: Master the jumping spot on the Seattle City course .-------------------------------------. |Course: Seattle Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Plymouth Super Bird '70 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'18.500 | 72,800 | |0'19.000 | 36,400 | |0'21.500 | 18,200 | '-------------------------------------' J-5: Mastering uneven dirt track S-bends .-------------------------------------. |Course: Swiss Alps | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Ford Focus RS '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'19.500 | 78,400 | |0'20.000 | 39,200 | |0'22.500 | 19,600 | '-------------------------------------' J-6: Take on the high-speed section with a tuned car .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Valley Speedway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mine's BNR34 SKYLINE GT-R '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.700 | 84,000 | |0'24.000 | 42,000 | |0'27.000 | 21,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK K: Mastering Supercars -------------------------------------- K-1: Master the Lamborghini Countach LP400! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Apricot Hill Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lamborghini Countach LP400 '74 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'13.700 | 60,000 | |0'14.000 | 30,000 | |0'16.000 | 15,000 | '-------------------------------------' K-2: Master a 90 degree turn on the NY Citu circuit .-------------------------------------. |Course: New York | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'44.500 | 66,000 | |0'45.000 | 33,000 | |0'50.000 | 16,500 | '-------------------------------------' K-3: Master the Saleen S7! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tokyo R246 | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Saleen S7 '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'12.000 | 72,000 | |0'12.300 | 36,000 | |0'15.000 | 18,000 | '-------------------------------------' K-4: Master the Cizeta V16T! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Infineon Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Cizeta V16T '94 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'15.300 | 78,000 | |0'15.500 | 39,000 | |0'18.000 | 19,500 | '-------------------------------------' K-5: Break in the Pagani Zonda C12! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Deep Forest Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Pagani Zonda C12 '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.800 | 84,000 | |0'24.000 | 42,000 | |0'27.500 | 21,000 | '-------------------------------------' K-6: Master the Enzo Ferrari! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Cote d'Azur | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Enzo Ferrari '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'35.000 | 90,000 | |0'36.000 | 45,000 | |0'41.000 | 22,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK L: Driving On Snow ---------------------------------- L-1: Snow-covered roads .-------------------------------------. |Course: Ice Arena | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Audi quattro '82 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'12.300 | 72,000 | |0'12.600 | 36,000 | |0'15.000 | 18,000 | '-------------------------------------' L-2: Difference between ice and snow .-------------------------------------. |Course: Chamonix | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Peugeot 205 Turbo Rally Car '85 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'27.500 | 79,200 | |0'28.000 | 39,600 | |0'32.000 | 19,800 | '-------------------------------------' L-3: Mastering snow-covered combined corners: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Ice Arena | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mitsubishi PAJERO Rally Car '85 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'24.000 | 86,400 | |0'25.000 | 43,200 | |0'28.500 | 21,600 | '-------------------------------------' L-4: Mastering narrow, snow-covered roads .-------------------------------------. |Course: Chamonix | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota CELICA Rally Car '95 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'28.000 | 93,600 | |0'29.000 | 46,800 | |0'33.000 | 23,400 | '-------------------------------------' L-5: Challenge a high speed S-bend in the snow! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Ice Arena | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota CELICA Rally Car '95 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'14.000 | 100,800 | |0'14.500 | 50,400 | |0'18.000 | 25,200 | '-------------------------------------' L-6: Mastering snow-covered combined corners: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Chamonix | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Citroen Xsara Rally Car '99 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'28.500 | 108,000 | |0'29.500 | 54,000 | |0'33.500 | 27,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK M: Advanced Combined Corners -------------------------------------------- M-1: Braking into blind corners .-------------------------------------. |Course: Infineon Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG '02 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'19.300 | 64,000 | |0'19.500 | 32,000 | |0'21.500 | 16,000 | '-------------------------------------' M-2: Combined corners on dirt .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Canyon | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Evo VI GSR '00| |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'19.300 | 70,400 | |0'20.000 | 35,200 | |0'22.000 | 17,600 | '-------------------------------------' M-3: Mastering repeating hairpins at the Amalfi Circuit .-------------------------------------. |Course: Costa di Amalfi | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA '65| |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'26.000 | 76,800 | |0'27.000 | 38,400 | |0'31.500 | 19,200 | '-------------------------------------' M-4: Mastering an inclined S-bend: 3 .-------------------------------------. |Course: El Capitan | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan Fairlady Z Version S '98 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'28.500 | 83,200 | |0'29.000 | 41,600 | |0'33.500 | 20,800 | '-------------------------------------' M-5: Advanced combined dirt corners: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Cathedral Rocks Trail II | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Mitsubishi Lancer Rally Car '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'33.000 | 89,600 | |0'34.500 | 44,800 | |0'38.000 | 22,400 | '-------------------------------------' M-6: Mastering repeating corners on the Italian City Course .-------------------------------------. |Course: Citta di Aria | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Fiat Punto HGT Abarth '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.500 | 96,000 | |0'24.000 | 48,000 | |0'28.000 | 24,000 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK N: Ultimate Challenge: Part 1 --------------------------------------------- N-1: Japanese racing car challenge: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Suzuka Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Spoon S2000 Race Car '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 68,000 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' N-2: Japanese racing car challenge: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: High Speed Ring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Nissan C-WEST RAZO SILVIA '01 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 74,800 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' N-3: Japanese racing car challenge: 3 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tokyo R246 | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Honda ARTA NSX '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 81,600 | |2nd | 40,800 | | | | '-------------------------------------' N-4: Japanese racing car challenge: 4 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Seoul Central | |-------------------------------------| |Car: NISMO Fairlady Z Z-tune '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 88,400 | |2nd | 44,200 | | | | '-------------------------------------' N-5: Tsukuba Circuit 1 lap challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Tsukuba Circuit | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Volkswagen Lupo GTI Cup Car '03 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 95,200 | |2nd | 47,600 | |3rd | 23,800 | '-------------------------------------' N-6: Grand Valley Speedway 1 lap challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Grand Valley Speedway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 102,000 | |2nd | 51,000 | |3rd | 25,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK O: Ultimate Challenge: Part 2 --------------------------------------------- O-1: GT racing car challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Twin Ring Motegi Road Course | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Toyota GT-ONE Race Car '99 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 92,000 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' O-2: Italian supercar challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Cote d'Azur | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Lamborghini Countach Anniv. '88 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 101,200 | | | | | | | '-------------------------------------' O-3: Endurance racing car challenge: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Infineon Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 110,400 | |2nd | 55,200 | | | | '-------------------------------------' O-4: Endurance racing car challenge: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Laguna Seca Raceway | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Dodge VIPER GTS-R Race Car '00 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 119,600 | |2nd | 59,800 | | | | '-------------------------------------' O-5: Prototype racing car challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Circuit de la Sarthe 2005 | |-------------------------------------| |Car: Audi R8 Race Car '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 128,800 | |2nd | 64,400 | |3rd | 32,200 | '-------------------------------------' O-6: High-powered touring car challenge! .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 | |-------------------------------------| |Position: | Prize Money: | |1st | 138,000 | |2nd | 69,000 | |3rd | 34,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK P: Nurburgring - The World's Toughest Course: Part 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------- P-1: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 1 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'46.500 | 76,000 | |0'47.000 | 38,000 | |0'52.000 | 19,000 | '-------------------------------------' P-2: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 2 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'42.000 | 83,600 | |0'43.000 | 41,800 | |0'48.000 | 20,900 | '-------------------------------------' P-3: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 3 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'29.000 | 91,200 | |0'30.000 | 45,600 | |0'35.000 | 22,800 | '-------------------------------------' P-4: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 4 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'28.000 | 98,800 | |0'28.800 | 49,400 | |0'33.000 | 24,700 | '-------------------------------------' P-5: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 5 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'25.000 | 106,400 | |0'25.500 | 53,200 | |0'29.000 | 26,600 | '-------------------------------------' P-6: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 6 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'33.300 | 114,000 | |0'34.000 | 57,000 | |0'37.000 | 28,500 | '-------------------------------------' CHALLENGE BLOCK Q: Nurburgring - The World's Toughest Course: Part 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Q-1: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 7 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |1'04.000 | 80,000 | |1'05.500 | 40,000 | |1'12.000 | 20,000 | '-------------------------------------' Q-2: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 8 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'45.500 | 88,000 | |0'47.000 | 44,000 | |0'54.000 | 22,000 | '-------------------------------------' Q-3: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 9 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'25.000 | 96,000 | |0'26.000 | 48,000 | |0'31.000 | 24,000 | '-------------------------------------' Q-4: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 10 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'23.000 | 104,000 | |0'23.500 | 52,000 | |0'27.000 | 26,000 | '-------------------------------------' Q-5: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 11 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'51.000 | 112,000 | |0'53.000 | 56,000 | |1'00.000 | 28,000 | '-------------------------------------' Q-6: The Unconquerable Nurburgring: 12 .-------------------------------------. |Course: Nurburgring | |-------------------------------------| |Car: BMW M5 '05 | |-------------------------------------| |Time: | Prize Money: | |0'40.000 | 120,000 | |0'40.500 | 60,000 | |0'44.000 | 30,000 | '-------------------------------------' ============================================================================== 06................................CAR LIST................................GT06 ============================================================================== This list includes all cars in the game, as well as their prices. 1 AC Cars 427 S/C '66 (423,200 Cr.) 2 Acura CL 3.2 Type-S '01 (32,180 Cr.) 3 Acura CL 3.2 Type-S '03 (32,240 Cr.) 4 Acura DN-X Concept '02 (750,000 Cr.) 5 Acura HSC Concept '04 (750,000 Cr.) 6 Acura INTEGRA TYPE R '01 (25,940 Cr.) 7 Acura NSX '91 (94,440 Cr.) 8 Acura NSX '04 (94,440 Cr.) 9 Acura NSX Coupe '97 (89,130 Cr.) 10 Acura RSX Type-S '04 (24,740 Cr.) 11 Alfa Romeo 147 2.0 TWIN SPARK '02 (30,590 Cr.) 12 Alfa Romeo 147 GTA '02 (48,040 Cr.) 13 Alfa Romeo 155 2.5 V6 TI '93 (1,250,000 Cr.) 14 Alfa Romeo 156 2.5 V6 24V '98 (40,230 Cr.) 15 Alfa Romeo 166 2.5 V6 24V Sportronic '98 (58,710 Cr.) 16 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint GTA 1600 '65 (113,010 Cr.) 17 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint Speciale '63 (62,040 Cr.) 18 Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V '04 (39,010 Cr.) 19 Alfa Romeo GTV 3.0 V6 24V '01 (49,060 Cr.) 20 Alfa Romeo Spider 1600 Duetto '66 (35,300 Cr.) 21 Alfa Romeo Spider 3.0i V6 24V '01 (51,190 Cr.) 22 Alpine A110 1600S '73 (60,200 Cr.) 23 Alpine A310 1600VE '73 (33,000 Cr.) 24 Amuse Carbon R (R34) '04 (250,000 Cr.) 25 Amuse S2000 GT1 '04 (250,000 Cr.) 26 Amuse S2000 R1 '04 (125,000 Cr.) 27 Amuse S2000 Street Version '04 (50,000 Cr.) 28 ASL ARTA Garaiya (JGTC) '03 (500,000 Cr.) 29 ASL Garaiya '02 (65,000 Cr.) 30 Audi A2 1.4 '02 (22,400 Cr.) 31 Audi A3 3.2 quattro '03 (42,490 Cr.) 32 Abt Audi TT-R Touring Car '02 (1,000,000 Cr.) 33 Audi A4 Touring Car '04 (1,000,000 Cr.) 34 Audi quattro '82 (90,360 Cr.) 35 Audi R8 Race Car (Audi PlayStation Team ORECA) '05 (4,000,000 Cr.) 36 Audi Le Mans quattro '03 (1,500,000 Cr.) 37 Audi Nuvolari quattro '03 (1,500,000 Cr.) 38 Audi Pikes Peak quattro '03 (1,500,000 Cr.) 39 Audi R8 LMS Race Car '09 (1,000,000 Cr.) 40 Audi R8 LMS Race Car (Team PlayStation) '09 (1,000,000 Cr.) 41 Audi R8 Race Car '01 (3,5000,000 Cr.) 42 Audi RS 4 '01 (41,380 Cr.) 43 Audi RS 6 '02 (117,060 Cr.) 44 Audi RS 6 Avant '02 (117,060 Cr.) 45 Audi S3 '02 (41,070 Cr.) 46 Audi S4 '98 (71,220 Cr.) 47 Audi S4 '03 (55,430 Cr.) 48 Audi TT Coupe 1.8T quattro '00 (47,700 Cr.) 49 Audi TT Coupe 3.2 quattro '03 (57,740 Cr.) 50 Bentley Speed 8 Race Car '03 (4,000,000 Cr.) 51 BLITZ ER34 D1 SPEC (D1GP) '04 (200,000 Cr.) 52 BMW 120d '04 (33,020 Cr.) 53 BMW 120i '04 (31,940 Cr.) 54 BMW 2002 Turbo '73 (56,800 Cr.) 55 BMW 320i Touring Car '03 (400,000 Cr.) 56 BMW 330i '05 (48,040 Cr.) 57 BMW Concept M5 '04 (1,500,000 Cr.) 58 BMW M Coupe '98 (78,900 Cr.) 59 BMW M3 '04 (74,560 Cr.) 60 BMW M3 CSL '03 (113,610 Cr.) 61 BMW M3 GTR '03 (341,020 Cr.) 62 BMW M3 GTR Race Car '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 63 BMW M5 '05 (116,650 Cr.) 64 BMW McLaren F1 GTR Race Car '97 (2,000,000 Cr.) 65 BMW V12 LMR Race Car '99 (3,500,000 Cr.) 66 BMW Z4 '03 (38,600 Cr.) 67 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 '09 (2,000,000 Cr.) 68 Buick GNX '87 (31,080 Cr.) 69 Buick Special '62 (58,000 Cr.) 70 Cadillac CIEN Concept '02 (1,500,000 Cr.) 71 Callaway C12 '03 (175,880 Cr.) 72 Chaparral 2D Race Car '67 (1,250,000 Cr.) 73 Chaparral 2J Race Car '70 (1,500,000 Cr.) 74 Chevrolet Camaro IROC-Z Concept '88 (500,000 Cr.) 75 Chevrolet Camaro LM Race Car (1,500,000 Cr.) 76 Chevrolet Camaro SS '69 (60,000 Cr.) 77 Chevrolet Camaro SS '00 (22,150 Cr.) 78 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 302 '69 (65,000 Cr.) 79 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 Coupe '97 (24,110 Cr.) 80 Chevrolet Chevelle SS 454 '70 (70,000 Cr.) 81 Chevrolet Corvette C5-R (C5) '00 (1,500,000 Cr.) 82 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible (C1) '54 (100,000 Cr.) 83 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe (C2) '63 (84,890 Cr.) 84 Chevrolet Corvette GRAND SPORT (C4) '96 (45,900 Cr.) 85 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray L46 350 (C3) '69 (71,500 Cr.) 86 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C2) Race Car '63 (750,000 Cr.) 87 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C5) '00 (53,570 Cr.) 88 Chevrolet Corvette ZR-1 (C4) '90 (82,000 Cr.) 89 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 (C6) '09 (184,800 Cr.) 90 Chevrolet Silverado SST Concept '02 (750,000 Cr.) 91 Chevrolet SSR '03 (44,560 Cr.) 92 Chrysler 300C '05 (34,780 Cr.) 93 Chrysler Crossfire '04 (35,670 Cr.) 94 Chrysler PT Cruiser '00 (16,390 Cr.) 95 Citroen 2CV Type A '54 (21,000 Cr.) 96 Citroen C3 1.6 '02 (18,130 Cr.) 97 Citroen C5 V6 Exclusive '03 (42,830 Cr.) 98 GT by Citroen '08 (2,000,000 Cr.) 99 Citroen Xantia 3.0i V6 Exclusive '00 (30,370 Cr.) 100 Citroen Xsara Rally Car '99 (750,000 Cr.) 101 Citroen Xsara VTR '03 (21,850 Cr.) 102 Cizeta V16T '94 (636,660 Cr.) 103 Daihatsu Copen Active Top '02 (15,000 Cr.) 104 Daihatsu Copen Detachable Top '02 (14,980 Cr.) 105 Daihatsu Cuore TR-XX Avanzato R (J) '97 (11,140 Cr.) 106 Daihatsu Midget II D type '98 (5,740 Cr.) 107 Daihatsu MIRA TR-XX Avanzato R '97 (11,140 Cr.) 108 Daihatsu MOVE Custom RS Limited '02 (15,720 Cr.) 109 Daihatsu MOVE CX '95 (10,690 Cr.) 110 Daihatsu MOVE SR-XX 2WD '97 (11,590 Cr.) 111 Daihatsu MOVE SR-XX 4WD '97 (12,590 Cr.) 112 Daihatsu SIRION CX 2WD (J) '98 (10,380 Cr.) 113 Daihatsu SIRION CX 4WD (J) '98 (11,830 Cr.) 114 Daihatsu SIRION X4 (J) '00 (13,900 Cr.) 115 Daihatsu STORIA CX 2WD '98 (10,380 Cr.) 116 Daihatsu STORIA CX 4WD '98 (11,830 Cr.) 117 Daihatsu STORIA X4 '00 (13,900 Cr.) 118 DMC DeLorean S2 '04 (42,440 Cr.) 119 Dodge Charger 440 R/T '70 (75,500 Cr.) 120 Dodge Charger Super Bee 426 Hemi '71 (80,000 Cr.) 121 Dodge RAM 1500 LARAMIE Hemi Quad Cab '04 (37,930 Cr.) 122 Dodge SRT4 '03 (20,640 Cr.) 123 Dodge VIPER GTS '99 (78,000 Cr.) 124 Dodge VIPER GTS R Concept '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 125 VIPER GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car '00 (1,500,000 Cr.) 126 Dodge VIPER GTS-R Team Oreca Race Car '00 (1,500,000 Cr.) 127 Dodge VIPER SRT10 '03 (84,880 Cr.) 128 DOME-ZERO Concept '78 (500,000 Cr.) 129 Eagle Talon Esi '97 (15,740 Cr.) 130 Enzo Ferrari '02 (1,000,000 Cr.) 131 Ferrari F2007 (8,000,000 Cr.) 132 Fiat 500 F '65 (20,770 Cr.) 133 Fiat 500 L '69 (18,580 Cr.) 134 Fiat 500 R '72 (15,700 Cr.) 135 Fiat Barchetta Giovane Due '00 (24,060 Cr.) 136 Fiat Coupe Turbo Plus '00 (48,110 Cr.) 137 Fiat Panda Super i.e. '90 (14,600 Cr.) 138 Fiat Punto HGT Abarth '00 (30,030 Cr.) 139 2000 Ford Falcon XR8 (1,250,000 Cr.) 140 Ford Escort Rally Car '98 (750,000 Cr.) 141 Ford Focus Rally Car '99 (750,000 Cr.) 142 Ford Focus RS '02 (41,410 Cr.) 143 Ford Focus ST170 '03 (32,750 Cr.) 144 Ford GT '02 (1,000,000 Cr.) 145 Ford GT '05 (149,880 Cr.) 146 Ford GT (No Stripe) '05 (149,880 Cr.) 147 Ford GT LM Race Car (1,500,000 Cr.) 148 Ford GT LM Race Car Spec II (1,500,000 Cr.) 149 Ford GT40 Race Car '69 (2,000,000 Cr.) 150 Ford Ka '01 (12,920 Cr.) 151 Ford Mustang GT '05 (25,950 Cr.) 152 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra R '00 (57,300 Cr.) 153 Ford RS200 '84 (74,220 Cr.) 154 Ford RS200 Rally Car '85 (1,000,000 Cr.) 155 Ford SVT F-150 Lightning '03 (35,050 Cr.) 156 Ford Taurus SHO '98 (27,510 Cr.) 157 FPV F6 Typhoon '04 (46,740 Cr.) 158 FPV GT '04 (48,640 Cr.) 159 Gillet Vertigo Race Car '04 (1,500,000 Cr.) 160 Ginetta G4 '64 (48,000 Cr.) 161 HKS GENKI HYPER SILVIA RS2 (D1GP) '04 (200,000 Cr.) 162 Hommell Berlinette R/S Coupe '99 (47,360 Cr.) 163 Honda 1300 Coupe 9 S '70 (12,800 Cr.) 164 Honda ACCORD Coupe '88 (26,000 Cr.) 165 Honda ACCORD Coupe EX '03 (27,480 Cr.) 166 Honda ACCORD Euro-R '00 (25,330 Cr.) 167 Honda ACCORD Euro-R '02 (25,300 Cr.) 168 Honda ARTA NSX (JGTC) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 169 Honda BALLADE SPORTS CR-X 1.5i '83 (12,700 Cr.) 170 Honda BEAT '91 (13,800 Cr.) 171 Honda BEAT Version F '92 (13,880 Cr.) 172 Honda BEAT Version Z '93 (14,500 Cr.) 173 Honda Castrol MUGEN NSX (JGTC) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 174 Honda CITY Turbo II '83 (12,380 Cr.) 175 Honda CIVIC 1500 3door 25i '83 (11,890 Cr.) 176 Honda CIVIC 1500 3door CX '79 (9,570 Cr.) 177 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '91 (16,200 Cr.) 178 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '92 (16,200 Cr.) 179 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '93 (16,380 Cr.) 180 Honda CIVIC SiR-II (EG) '95 (16,980 Cr.) 181 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EK) '97 (19,980 Cr.) 182 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EK) '98 (19,980 Cr.) 183 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EP) '01 (22,000 Cr.) 184 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EP) '04 (23,310 Cr.) 185 Honda CIVIC TYPE R (EP, EU) '01 (22,000 Cr.) 186 Honda CR-X del Sol SiR '92 (17,100 Cr.) 187 Honda CR-X SiR '90 (15,470 Cr.) 188 Honda DUALNOTE Concept '01 (750,000 Cr.) 189 Honda ELEMENT '03 (25,900 Cr.) 190 Honda FIT W '01 (12,600 Cr.) 191 Honda Gathers Drider CIVIC Race Car '98 (400,000 Cr.) 192 Honda S2000 (EU) '99 193 Honda S2000 (EU) '03 194 Honda S2000 Type V (EU) '00 195 Honda S2000 Type V (EU) '01 196 Honda HSC "The 37th Tokyo Motor Show Concept Car" '03 (750,000 Cr.) 197 Honda INSIGHT '99 (21,000 Cr.) 198 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '95 (22,280 Cr.) 199 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '98 (23,580 Cr.) 200 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '99 (25,160 Cr.) 201 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R (DC5) '03 (25,900 Cr.) 202 Honda INTEGRA TYPE R Touring Car (400,000 Cr.) 203 Honda JAZZ 1.4 DSi SE Sport '01 (12,600 Cr.) 204 Honda LIFE STEP VAN '72 (8,800 Cr.) 205 Honda LOCTITE MUGEN NSX (JGTC) '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 206 Honda Mobil 1 NSX (JGTC) '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 207 Honda MUGEN MOTUL CIVIC Si Race Car '87 (400,000 Cr.) 208 Honda N360 '67 (36,000 Cr.) 209 Honda NSX '90 (80,030 Cr.) 210 Honda NSX '93 (83,070 Cr.) 211 Honda NSX '95 (84,570 Cr.) 212 Honda NSX '97 (91,070 Cr.) 213 Honda NSX '99 (92,070 Cr.) 214 Honda NSX '01 (92,070 Cr.) 215 Honda NSX Type R '92 (97,070 Cr.) 216 Honda NSX Type R '02 (119,570 Cr.) 217 Honda NSX Type S '97 (103,570 Cr.) 218 Honda NSX Type S '99 (103,570 Cr.) 219 Honda NSX Type S '01 (103,570 Cr.) 220 Honda NSX Type S Zero '97 (98,570 Cr.) 221 Honda NSX Type S Zero '99 (98,570 Cr.) 222 Honda NSX-R Concept '01 (500,000 Cr.) 223 Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Race Car (1,250,000 Cr.) 224 Honda NSX-R Prototype LM Road Car (489,000 Cr.) 225 Honda ODYSSEY '03 (28,650 Cr.) 226 Honda PRELUDE Si VTEC '91 (22,050 Cr.) 227 Honda PRELUDE SiR '96 (21,830 Cr.) 228 Honda PRELUDE SiR S spec '98 (22,930 Cr.) 229 Honda PRELUDE Type S '96 (26,530 Cr.) 230 Honda PRELUDE Type S '98 (24,930 Cr.) 231 Honda RAYBRIG NSX (JGTC) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 232 Honda S2000 '99 (33,800 Cr.) 233 Honda S2000 '01 (34,300 Cr.) 234 Honda S2000 '03 (35,000 Cr.) 235 Honda S2000 (EU) '01 (34,300 Cr.) 236 Honda S2000 (US) '99 (33,800 Cr.) 237 Honda S2000 (US) '01 (34,300 Cr.) 238 Honda S2000 (US) '04 (35,000 Cr.) 239 Honda S2000 LM Race Car (400,000 Cr.) 240 Honda S2000 Type V '00 (35,600 Cr.) 241 Honda S2000 Type V '01 (36,100 Cr.) 242 Honda S2000 Type V '03 (37,000 Cr.) 243 Honda S2000 Type V (US) '00 (35,600 Cr.) 244 Honda S2000 Type V (US) '01 (36,100 Cr.) 245 Honda S500 '63 (62,500 Cr.) 246 Honda S600 '64 (60,000 Cr.) 247 Honda S800 '66 (58,000 Cr.) 248 Honda S800 RSC Race Car '68 (250,000 Cr.) 249 Honda TAKATA DOME NSX (JGTC) '03 (1,250,000 Cr.) 250 Honda TODAY G '85 (6,700 Cr.) 251 Honda Z ACT '70 (15,800 Cr.) 252 HPA Motorsports Stage II R32 '04 (100,000 Cr.) 253 Hyundai Clix Concept '01 (500,000 Cr.) 254 Hyundai HCD6 Concept '01 (500,000 Cr.) 255 Hyundai Coupe FX '01 (33,020 Cr.) 256 Hyundai Tiburon GT '01 (33,020 Cr.) 257 Hyundai Tiburon Turbulence '99 (14,080 Cr.) 258 Hyundai Tuscani '01 (33,020 Cr.) 259 Hyundai Tuscani CCS '03 (500,000 Cr.) 260 Infiniti FX45 Concept '02 (500,000 Cr.) 261 Infiniti G20 '90 (22,840 Cr.) 262 Infiniti G35 COUPE '03 (33,900 Cr.) 263 Infiniti G35 Sedan '03 (30,720 Cr.) 264 Isuzu 117 COUPE '68 (24,650 Cr.) 265 Isuzu Bellett 1600 GT-R '69 (42,000 Cr.) 266 Isuzu PIAZZA XE '81 (38,900 Cr.) 267 Jaguar E-TYPE Coupe '61 (50,930 Cr.) 268 Jaguar S-TYPE R '02 (92,130 Cr.) 269 Jaguar XJ220 '92 (749,140 Cr.) 270 Jaguar XJ220 LM Race Car (1,750,000 Cr.) 271 Jaguar XJR-9 LM Race Car '88 (3,000,000 Cr.) 272 Jaguar XKR Coupe '99 (128,000 Cr.) 273 Jaguar XKR R Performance '02 (118,450 Cr.) 274 Jensen Interceptor MkIII '74 (84,700 Cr.) 275 Lamborghini Countach 25th Anniversary '88 (182,000 Cr.) 276 Lamborghini Countach LP400 '74 (216,600 Cr.) 277 Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Evoluzione '91 (54,500 Cr.) 278 Lancia DELTA HF Integrale Rally Car '92 (750,000 Cr.) 279 Lancia DELTA S4 Rally Car '85 (1,000,000 Cr.) 280 Lancia STRATOS '73 (133,970 Cr.) 281 Lancia STRATOS Rally Car '77 (1,250,000 Cr.) 282 Land Rover Range Stormer Concept '04 (500,000 Cr.) 283 Lexus GS 300 '91 (47,400 Cr.) 284 Lexus GS 300 '00 (44,200 Cr.) 285 Lexus GS 300 Vertex Edition (J) '00 (45,500 Cr.) 286 Lexus IS 200 '98 (20,700 Cr.) 287 Lexus IS 200 (J) '98 (24,00 Cr.) 288 Lexus IS 300 Sport Cross '01 (27,600 Cr.) 289 Lexus IS 200 GT-1 Race Car '04 (400,000 Cr.) 290 Lexus SC 300 '97 (35,000 Cr.) 291 Lexus SC 430 (EU) '01 (60,000 Cr.) 292 Lexus SC 430 (US) '01 (60,000 Cr.) 293 Lister Storm V12 Race Car '99 (1,500,000 Cr.) 294 Lotus Elan S1 '62 (57,710 Cr.) 295 Lotus Elise '00 (41,060 Cr.) 296 Lotus Elise 111R '04 (54,400 Cr.) 297 Lotus Elise 111S '03 (51,680 Cr.) 298 Lotus Elise Sport 190 '98 (65,270 Cr.) 299 Lotus Elise Type 72 '01 (52,470 Cr.) 300 Lotus Esprit Sport 350 '00 (126,240 Cr.) 301 Lotus Esprit Turbo HC '87 (48,550 Cr.) 302 Lotus Esprit V8 '02 (116,520 Cr.) 303 Lotus Esprit V8 GT '98 (97,430 Cr.) 304 Lotus Esprit V8 SE '98 (116,870 Cr.) 305 Lotus Europa Special '71 (38,470 Cr.) 306 Lotus Carlton '90 (81,490 Cr.) 307 Lotus Motor Sport Elise '99 (100,000 Cr.) 308 Mini Marcos GT '70 (25,500 Cr.) 309 Mazda 110S (L10A) '67 (74,000 Cr.) 310 Mazda 110S (L10B) '68 (68,800 Cr.) 311 Mazda 787B Race car '91 (3,000,000 Cr.) 312 Mazda Atenza Concept '01 (500,000 Cr.) 313 Mazda Atenza Sports 23Z '03 (23,500 Cr.) 314 Mazda Atenza Touring Car (400,000 Cr.) 315 Mazda Autozam AZ-1 '92 (14,980 Cr.) 316 Mazda BP FALKEN RX-7 (D1GP) '03 (200,000 Cr.) 317 Mazda Carol 360 Deluxe '62 (38,500 Cr.) 318 Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10A) '67 (74,000 Cr.) 319 Mazda Cosmo Sport (L10B) '68 (68,800 Cr.) 320 Mazda DEMIO GL-X '99 (14,660 Cr.) 321 Mazda DEMIO SPORT '03 (14,500 Cr.) 322 Mazda efini RX-7 Type R (FD) '91 (38,500 Cr.) 323 Mazda efini RX-7 Type R (FD) '93 (39,100 Cr.) 324 Mazda efini RX-7 Type RS (FD) '96 (36,650 Cr.) 325 Mazda efini RX-7 Type R-S (FD) '95 (38,900 Cr.) 326 Mazda efini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '92 (40,150 Cr.) 327 Mazda efini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '93 (43,500 Cr.) 328 Mazda efini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '95 (39,600 Cr.) 329 Mazda efini RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '96 (39,750 Cr.) 330 Mazda Eunos Roadster (NA Special Package) '89 (17,000 Cr.) 331 Mazda Eunos Roadster J-Limited (NA) '91 (19,000 Cr.) 332 Mazda Eunos Roadster J-Limited II (NA) '93 (20,300 Cr.) 333 Mazda Eunos Roadster SR-Limited (NA) '97 (18,980 Cr.) 334 Mazda Eunos Roadster S-Special Type I (NA) '95 (19,950 Cr.) 335 Mazda Eunos Roadster VR-Limited (NA) '95 (20,800 Cr.) 336 Mazda Eunos Roadster V-Special Type II (NA) '93 (24,000 Cr.) 337 Mazda Familia Sedan Sport 20 '02 (18,980 Cr.) 338 Mazda KUSABI Concept '03 (500,000 Cr.) 339 Mazda Lantis Coupe 2000 Type R '93 (19,920 Cr.) 340 Mazda 323F '93 (19,920 Cr.) 341 Mazda Furai Concept '08 (1,000,000 Cr.) 342 Mazda2 '03 (14,500 Cr.) 343 Mazda6 5-door '03 (23,500 Cr.) 344 Mazda6 Concept '01 (500,000 Cr.) 345 Mazda6 Touring Car (400,000 Cr.) 346 Mazda Mazdaspeed Atenza '05 (500,000 Cr.) 347 Mazda MX-5 (NA) '89 (17,000 Cr.) 348 Mazda MX-5 1.8 RS (NB, J) '98 (22,950 Cr.) 349 Mazda MX-5 1600 NR-A (NB, J) '04 (20,500 Cr.) 350 Mazda MX-5 1800 RS (NB, J) '00 (23,280 Cr.) 351 Mazda MX-5 1800 RS (NB, J) '04 (23,500 Cr.) 352 Mazda MX-5 J-Limited (NA, J) '91 (19,000 Cr.) 353 Mazda MX-5 J-Limited II (NA, J) '93 (20,300 Cr.) 354 Mazda MX-5 Miata (NA) '89 (17,000 Cr.) 355 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1.8 RS (NB, J) '98 (22,950 Cr.) 356 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1600 NR-A (NB, J) '04 (20,500 Cr.) 357 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1800 RS (NB, J) '00 (23,280 Cr.) 358 Mazda MX-5 Miata 1800 RS (NB, J) '04 (23,500 Cr.) 359 Mazda MX-5 Miata J-Limited (NA, J) '91 (19,000 Cr.) 360 Mazda MX-5 Miata J-Limited II (NA, J) '93 (20,300 Cr.) 361 Mazda MX-5 Miata SR-Limited (NA, J) '97 (18,980 Cr.) 362 Mazda MX-5 Miata S-Special Type I (NA, J) '95 (19,950 Cr.) 363 Mazda MX-5 Miata VR-Limited (NA, J) '95 (20,800 Cr.) 364 Mazda MX-5 Miata V-Special Type II (NA, J) '93 (24,000 Cr.) 365 Mazda MX-5 SR-Limited (NA, J) '97 (18,980 Cr.) 366 Mazda MX-5 S-Special Type I (NA, J) '95 (19,950 Cr.) 367 Mazda MX-5 VR-Limited (NA, J) '95 (20,800 Cr.) 368 Mazda MX-5 V-Special Type II (NA, J) '93 (24,000 Cr.) 369 Mazda MX-Crossport Concept '05 (500,000 Cr.) 370 Mazda Protege '02 (18,890 Cr.) 371 Mazda Roadster 1.8 RS (NB) '98 (22,950 Cr.) 372 Mazda Roadster 1600 NR-A (NB) '04 (20,500 Cr.) 373 Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '00 (23,280 Cr.) 374 Mazda Roadster 1800 RS (NB) '04 (23,500 Cr.) 375 Mazda RX-7 GT-LIMITED (FC, J) '85 (16,900 Cr.) 376 Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC) '90 (24,860 Cr.) 377 Mazda RX-7 GT-X (FC, J) '90 (24,860 Cr.) 378 Mazda RX-7 LM Race Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 379 Mazda RX-7 Spirit R Type A (FD) '02 (40,000 Cr.) 380 Mazda RX-7 Type R Bathurst R (FD) '01 (33,980 Cr.) 381 Mazda RX-7 Type RS (FD) '98 (37,780 Cr.) 382 Mazda RX-7 Type RS (FD) '00 (38,480 Cr.) 383 Mazda RX-7 Type RS-R (FD) '97 (36,250 Cr.) 384 Mazda RX-7 Type RZ (FD) '00 (39,980 Cr.) 385 Mazda RX-8 '03 (24,000 Cr.) 386 Mazda RX-8 Concept (Type-I) '01 (500,000 Cr.) 387 Mazda RX-8 Concept (Type-II) '01 (500,000 Cr.) 388 Mazda RX-8 Concept LM Race Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 389 Mazda RX-8 Type E '03 (27,500 Cr.) 390 Mazda RX-8 Type S '03 (27,500 Cr.) 391 Mazda SAVANNA RX-7 GT-Limited (FC) '85 (16,900 Cr.) 392 Mazda SAVANNA RX-7 INFINI III (FC) '90 (27,040 Cr.) 393 Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II '91 (67,910 Cr.) 394 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Coupe '54 (237,690 Cr.) 395 Mercedes-Benz A 160 Avantgarde '98 396 AMG Mercedes 190 E 2.5 - 16 Evolution II Touring Car '92 (1,250,000 Cr.) 397 AMG Mercedes CLK-GTR Race Car '98 (3,500,000 Cr.) 398 Mercedes-Benz CL 600 '00 (177,850 Cr.) 399 Mercedes-Benz CLK 55 AMG '00 (147,770 Cr.) 400 Mercedes-Benz CLK Touring Car '00 (1,250,000 Cr.) 401 Mercedes-Benz E 55 AMG '02 (105,330 Cr.) 402 Sauber Mercedes C9 Race Car '89 (3,000,000 Cr.) 403 Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R129) '98 (168,090 Cr.) 404 Mercedes-Benz SL 500 (R230) '02 (127,620 Cr.) 405 Mercedes-Benz SL 55 AMG (R230) '02 (125,000 Cr.) 406 Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R129) '98 (210,270 Cr.) 407 Mercedes-Benz SL 600 (R230) '04 (177,700 Cr.) 408 Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG (R230) '04 (190,700 Cr.) 409 Mercedes-Benz SLK 230 Kompressor '98 (42,130 Cr.) 410 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren '03 (610,000 Cr.) 411 Mercury Cougar XR-7 '67 (47,280 Cr.) 412 Mine's BNR34 SKYLINE GT-R N1 V-spec base '00 (200,000 Cr.) 413 Mine's LANCER EVOLUTION VI '00 (150,000 Cr.) 414 MINI COOPER '02 (22,190 Cr.) 415 Mini Cooper 1.3i '98 (18,320 Cr.) 416 MINI COOPER S '02 (26,790 Cr.) 417 MINI ONE '02 (19,620 Cr.) 418 Mitsubishi 3000GT MR (J) '95 (39,800 Cr.) 419 Mitsubishi 3000GT MR (J) '98 (39,790 Cr.) 420 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '95 (29,910 Cr.) 421 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '96 (29,980 Cr.) 422 Mitsubishi 3000GT SL (J) '98 (29,980 Cr.) 423 Mitsubishi 3000GT SR (J) '95 (29,910 Cr.) 424 Mitsubishi 3000GT SR (J) '96 (29,980 Cr.) 425 Mitsubishi 3000GT SR (J) '98 (29,980 Cr.) 426 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 (J) '98 (43,230 Cr.) 427 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) '95 (43,230 Cr.) 428 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) '96 (43,230 Cr.) 429 Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 Turbo (J) '98 (43,150 Cr.) 430 Mitsubishi AIRTREK Turbo-R '02 (22,950 Cr.) 431 Mitsubishi COLT 1.5 Sport X Version '02 (14,950 Cr.) 432 Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac '01 (500,000 Cr.) 433 Mitsubishi CZ-3 Tarmac Rally Car (750,000 Cr.) 434 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE GT '95 (21,420 Cr.) 435 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE GT '06 (25,000 Cr.) 436 Mitsubishi ECLIPSE Spyder GTS '03 (26,780 Cr.) 437 Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R '97 (21,600 Cr.) 438 Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R '99 (21,600 Cr.) 439 Mitsubishi FTO GPX '94 (22,870 Cr.) 440 Mitsubishi FTO GPX '97 (22,870 Cr.) 441 Mitsubishi FTO GPX '99 (23,330 Cr.) 442 Mitsubishi FTO GR '94 (18,870 Cr.) 443 Mitsubishi FTO GR '97 (18,870 Cr.) 444 Mitsubishi FTO Super Touring Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 445 Mitsubishi GALANT 2.0 DOHC Turbo VR-4 '89 (27,810 Cr.) 446 Mitsubishi GALANT GTO MR '70 (21,800 Cr.) 447 Mitsubishi GTO SR '95 (29,910 Cr.) 448 Mitsubishi GTO SR '96 (29,980 Cr.) 449 Mitsubishi GTO SR '98 (29,980 Cr.) 450 Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo '95 (43,150 Cr.) 451 Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo '96 (43,230 Cr.) 452 Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo '98 (39,790 Cr.) 453 Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo MR '95 (39,800 Cr.) 454 Mitsubishi GTO Twin Turbo MR '98 (43,230 Cr.) 455 Mitsubishi HSR-II Concept '89 (500,000 Cr.) 456 Mitsubishi i Concept '03 (500,000 Cr.) 457 Mitsubishi Lancer 1600 GSR '74 (14,200 Cr.) 458 Mitsubishi Lancer 1600 GSR Rally Car '74 (750,000 Cr.) 459 Mitsubishi Lancer EX 1800GSR IC Turbo '83 (26,790 Cr.) 460 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution GSR '92 (27,380 Cr.) 461 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Super Rally Car '03 (800,000 Cr.) 462 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution II GSR '94 (28,980 Cr.) 463 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution III GSR '95 (29,680 Cr.) 464 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV GSR '96 (30,000 Cr.) 465 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV Rally Car '97 (750,000 Cr.) 466 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution V GSR '98 (32,480 Cr.) 467 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR '99 (32,480 Cr.) 468 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR TOMMI MAKINEN EDITION '00 (32,780 Cr.) 469 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI Rally Car '99 (750,000 Cr.) 470 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI RS '99 (25,980 Cr.) 471 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI RS TOMMI MAKINEN EDITION '00 (25,980 Cr.) 472 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GSR '01 (29,980 Cr.) 473 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII GT-A '02 (33,000 Cr.) 474 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VII RS '01 (25,180 Cr.) 475 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII GSR '03 (32,980 Cr.) 476 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII RS '03 (31,600 Cr.) 477 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII MR GSR '04 (33,980 Cr.) 478 Mitsubishi LEGNUM VR-4 Type V '98 (28,500 Cr.) 479 Mitsubishi MINICA DANGAN ZZ '89 (10,180 Cr.) 480 Mitsubishi MIRAGE 1400GLX '78 (9,220 Cr.) 481 Mitsubishi MIRAGE CYBORG ZR '97 (19,080 Cr.) 482 Mitsubishi PAJERO Evolution Rally Raid Car '03 (750,000 Cr.) 483 Mitsubishi PAJERO Rally Raid Car '85 (750,000 Cr.) 484 Mitsubishi STARION 4WD Rally Car '84 (1,000,000 Cr.) 485 MUGEN S2000 '00 (50,000 Cr.) 486 NISMO 270R '94 (45,000 Cr.) 487 NISMO 400R '96 (120,000 Cr.) 488 NISMO Fairlady Z S-tune concept by GRANTURISMO (Z33) '02 (50,000 Cr.) 489 NISMO Fairlady Z Z-tune (Z33) '03 (150,000 Cr.) 490 NISMO GT-R LM Road Going Version '95 (500,000 Cr.) 491 NISMO Skyline GT-R R-tune (R34) '99 (125,000 Cr.) 492 NISMO Skyline GT-R S-tune (R32) '00 (90,000 Cr.) 493 Nissan 180SX Type X '96 (24,980 Cr.) 494 Nissan 200SX '96 (24,980 Cr.) 495 Nissan 200SX (S14) '96 (25,950 Cr.) 496 Nissan 240RS Rally Car '85 (750,000 Cr.) 497 Nissan 240SX '96 (24,980 Cr.) 498 Nissan 240SX (S14) '96 (25,950 Cr.) 499 Nissan 240ZG (HS30) '71 (55,000 Cr.) 500 Nissan 300ZX 2by2 (Z32) '98 (43,980 Cr.) 501 Nissan 300ZX 2seater (Z32) '89 (39,500 Cr.) 502 Nissan 300ZX 2seater (Z32) '98 (39,900 Cr.) 503 Nissan 350Z (Z33, EU) '03 (33,000 Cr.) 504 Nissan 350Z (Z33, US) '03 (33,000 Cr.) 505 Nissan 350Z Concept LM Race Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 506 Nissan 350Z Gran Turismo 4 Limited Edition (Z33) '05 (36,000 Cr.) 507 Nissan 350Z Roadster (Z33, EU) '03 (36,000 Cr.) 508 Nissan 350Z Roadster (Z33, US) '03 (36,000 Cr.) 509 Nissan Be-1 '87 (12,930 Cr.) 510 Nissan BLUEBIRD 1600 Deluxe (510) '69 (25,700 Cr.) 511 Nissan BLUEBIRD Hardtop 1800SSS (910) '79 (12,680 Cr.) 512 Nissan BLUEBIRD Rally Car (510) '69 (500,000 Cr.) 513 Nissan CALSONIC SKYLINE (JGTC) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 514 Nissan CALSONIC SKYLINE GT-R Race Car '93 (1,000,000 Cr.) 515 Nissan CUBE EX (FF/CVT) '02 (14,420 Cr.) 516 Nissan CUBE X '98 (14,180 Cr.) 517 Nissan C-WEST RAZO SILVIA (JGTC) '01 (500,000 Cr.) 518 Nissan EXA CANOPY L.A.Version Type S '88 (14,810 Cr.) 519 Nissan Fairlady 2000 (SR311) '68 (55,000 Cr.) 520 Nissan Fairlady 240ZG (HS30) '71 (55,000 Cr.) 521 Nissan Fairlady Z 280Z-L 2seater (S130) '78 (38,000 Cr.) 522 Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX (Z31) '83 (32,000 Cr.) 523 Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX TwinTurbo 2seater (Z32) '89 (43,980 Cr.) 524 Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX Version R TwinTurbo 2by2 (Z32) '98 (39,500 Cr.) 525 Nissan Fairlady Z 300ZX Version S TwinTurbo 2seater (Z32) '98 (39,900 Cr.) 526 Nissan Fairlady Z Concept LM Race Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 527 Nissan Fairlady Z Roadster (Z33) '03 (36,000 Cr.) 528 Nissan Fairlady Z Version S (Z33) '02 (33,000 Cr.) 529 Nissan Fairlady Z Version ST (Z33 Option Wheel) '02 (36,000 Cr.) 530 Nissan FALKEN GT-R Race Car '04 (500,000 Cr.) 531 Nissan GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R '01 (125,000 Cr.) 532 Nissan GRAN TURISMO SKYLINE GT-R (PaceCar) '01 (100,000 Cr.) 533 Nissan GT-R Concept (Tokyo Motor Show 2001) (1,000,000 Cr.) 534 Nissan GT-R Concept LM Race Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 535 Nissan GT-R SpecV '09 (157,500 Cr.) 536 Nissan LOCTITE ZEXEL GT-R (JGTC) '00 537 Nissan March 12c 5door '03 (10,950 Cr.) 538 Nissan March G# '99 (13,080 Cr.) 539 Nissan MICRA '03 (10,950 Cr.) 540 Nissan mm-R Cup Car '01 (50,000 Cr.) 541 Nissan MOTUL PITWORK Z (JGTC) '04 (1,250,000 Cr.) 542 Nissan OPTION Stream Z '04 (200,000 Cr.) 543 Nissan PAO '89 (15,400 Cr.) 544 Nissan PENNZOIL Nismo GT-R (JGTC) '99 (1,000,000 Cr.) 545 Nissan PENNZOIL ZEXEL GT-R (JGTC) '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 546 Nissan PRIMERA 2.0Te '90 (22,840 Cr.) 547 Nissan PRIMERA 20V '01 (23,900 Cr.) 548 Nissan PRIMERA 20V (EU) '01 (23,900 Cr.) 549 Nissan R390 GT1 Race Car '98 (3,500,000 Cr.) 550 Nissan R390 GT1 Road Car '98 (1,000,000 Cr.) 551 Nissan R89C Race Car '89 (3,000,000 Cr.) 552 Nissan R92CP Race Car '92 (3,000,000 Cr.) 553 Nissan SILEIGHTY '98 (22,880 Cr.) 554 Nissan SILVIA (CSP311) '65 (45,000 Cr.) 555 Nissan SILVIA 240RS (S100) '83 (72,200 Cr.) 556 Nissan SILVIA K's (S13) '91 (20,390 Cr.) 557 Nissan SILVIA K's (S13) '88 (18,860 Cr.) 558 Nissan SILVIA K's AERO (S14) '93 (25,340 Cr.) 559 Nissan SILVIA K's AERO (S14) '96 (25,590 Cr.) 560 Nissan SILVIA Q's (S13) '88 (15,560 Cr.) 561 Nissan SILVIA Q's (S13) '91 (16,210 Cr.) 562 Nissan SILVIA Q's AERO (S14) '93 (21,190 Cr.) 563 Nissan SILVIA Q's AERO (S14) '96 (21,750 Cr.) 564 Nissan SILVIA spec-R AERO (S15) '99 (20,700 Cr.) 565 Nissan SILVIA spec-S AERO (S15) '99 (25,600 Cr.) 566 Nissan SILVIA Varietta (S15) '00 (27,980 Cr.) 567 Nissan SKYLINE 1500Deluxe (S50D-1) '63 (36,800 Cr.) 568 Nissan SKYLINE 2000GT-B (S54A) '67 (23,800 Cr.) 569 Nissan SKYLINE 2000GT-R (KPGC110) '73 (85,000 Cr.) 570 Nissan SKYLINE Coupe 350GT '03 (33,900 Cr.) 571 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R32) '89 (44,500 Cr.) 572 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R32) '91 (45,100 Cr.) 573 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R33) '95 (47,850 Cr.) 574 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R33) '96 (48,250 Cr.) 575 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R33) '97 (48,850 Cr.) 576 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R34) '99 (49,980 Cr.) 577 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R (R34) '00 (50,480 Cr.) 578 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R M-spec (R34) '01 (59,500 Cr.) 579 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R M-spec Nur (R34) '02 (63,000 Cr.) 580 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 (R32) '91 (43,050 Cr.) 581 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R N1 (R33) '95 (59,900 Cr.) 582 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Midnight Purple II (R34) '99 (49,980 Cr.) 583 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R Midnight Purple III (R34) '00 (51,480 Cr.) 584 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R32) '93 (52,600 Cr.) 585 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R33) '97 (53,900 Cr.) 586 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R33) '95 (52,900 Cr.) 587 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R33) '96 (53,300 Cr.) 588 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec (R34) '99 (55,980 Cr.) 589 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II (R32) '94 (52,900 Cr.) 590 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II (R34) '00 (57,480 Cr.) 591 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II N1 (R34) '00 (60,980 Cr.) 592 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec II Nur (R34) '02 (61,000 Cr.) 593 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec LM Limited (R33) '96 (53,900 Cr.) 594 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec N1 (R32) '93 (50,900 Cr.) 595 Nissan SKYLINE GT-R V-spec N1 (R34) '99 (59,980 Cr.) 596 Nissan SKYLINE GTS25 Type S (R32) '91 (24,430 Cr.) 597 Nissan SKYLINE GTS-R (R31) '87 (34,000 Cr.) 598 Nissan SKYLINE GTS-t Type M (R32) '91 (26,610 Cr.) 599 Nissan SKYLINE GTS-t Type M (R32) '89 (23,850 Cr.) 600 Nissan SKYLINE Hard Top 2000 RS-X Turbo C (R30) '84 (27,750 Cr.) 601 Nissan SKYLINE Hard Top 2000 Turbo RS (R30) '83 (25,180 Cr.) 602 Nissan SKYLINE Hard Top 2000GT-R (KPGC10) '70 (80,000 Cr.) 603 Nissan SKYLINE Sedan 300GT '01 (32,500 Cr.) 604 Nissan SKYLINE Sedan 350GT-8 '02 (36,600 Cr.) 605 Nissan SKYLINE Sport Coupe (BLRA-3) '62 (320,000 Cr.) 606 Nissan STAGEA 25t RS FOUR S '98 (32,600 Cr.) 607 Nissan STAGEA 260RS AutechVersion '98 (45,000 Cr.) 608 Nissan XANAVI HIROTO GT-R (JGTC) '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 609 Nissan XANAVI NISMO GT-R (JGTC) '03 (1,000,000 Cr.) 610 Opel Astra Touring Car (Opel Team Phoenix) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 611 Opel Calibra Touring Car '94 (1,250,000 Cr.) 612 Opel Corsa Comfort 1.4 '01 (17,960 Cr.) 613 Opel Speedster '00 (44,690 Cr.) 614 Opel Speedster Turbo '00 (49,550 Cr.) 615 Opel Tigra 1.6i '99 (29,140 Cr.) 616 Opel Vectra 3.2 V6 '03 (36.530 Cr.) 617 Opera Performance 350Z '04 (100,000 Cr.) 618 Opera Performance S2000 '04 (125,000 Cr.) 619 Pagani Zonda C12 '00 (388,720 Cr.) 620 Pagani Zonda C12S '00 (450,040 Cr.) 621 Pagani Zonda C12S 7.3 '02 (1,000,000 Cr.) 622 Pagani Zonda LM Race Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 623 Panoz Esperante GTR-1 Race Car '98 (3,500,000 Cr.) 624 Pescarolo Courage C60 - Peugeot Race Car '03 (4,000,000 Cr.) 625 Pescarolo C60 Hybride Judd Race Car '05 (4,000,000 Cr.) 626 Pescarolo Courage - Judd GV5 Race Car '04 (4,000,000 Cr.) 627 Peugeot 106 Rallye '03 (12,630 Cr.) 628 Peugeot 106 S16 '03 (18,810 Cr.) 629 Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 '85 (78,400 Cr.) 630 Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Evolution 2 Rally Car '86 (1,000,000 Cr.) 631 Peugeot 205 Turbo 16 Rally Car '85 (1,000,000 Cr.) 632 Peugeot 206 CC '01 (26,520 Cr.) 633 Peugeot 206 Rally Car '99 (750,000 Cr.) 634 Peugeot 206 RC '03 (29,090 Cr.) 635 Peugeot 206 S16 '99 (23,070 Cr.) 636 Peugeot 307 XSi '04 (27,940 Cr.) 637 Peugeot 406 3.0 V6 Coupe '98 (45,000 Cr.) 638 Peugeot 905 Race Car '92 (3,000,000 Cr.) 639 Plymouth Cuda 440 Six Pack '71 (58,360 Cr.) 640 Plymouth Super Bird '70 (42,440 Cr.) 641 Polyphony Digital Formula Gran Turismo (5,000,000 Cr.) 642 Pontiac GTO 5.7 Coupe '04 (34,490 Cr.) 643 Pontiac Solstice Coupe Concept '02 (500,000 Cr.) 644 Pontiac Sunfire GXP Concept '02 (500,000 Cr.) 645 Pontiac Tempest Le Mans GTO '64 (52,600 Cr.) 646 Pontiac Vibe GT '03 (21,120 Cr.) 647 Protomotors SPIRRA 4.6 V8 '04 (80,000 Cr.) 648 RE Amemiya AMEMIYA ASPARADRINK RX7 (JGTC) '04 (500,000 Cr.) 649 Renault 5 Maxi Turbo Rally Car '85 (1,000,000 Cr.) 650 Renault 5 Turbo '80 (74,500 Cr.) 651 Renault AVANTIME '02 (52,570 Cr.) 652 Renault Megane 2.0 16V '03 (26,390 Cr.) 653 Renault Megane 2.0 IDE Coupe '00 (26,600 Cr.) 654 Clio Renault Sport 2.0 16V '02 (29,700 Cr.) 655 Clio Renault Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car '00 (400,000 Cr.) 656 Clio Renault Sport V6 24V '00 (45,500 Cr.) 657 Clio Renault Sport V6 Phase 2 '03 (53,720 Cr.) 658 Lutecia Renault Sport 2.0 16V '02 (29,700 Cr.) 659 Lutecia Renault Sport Trophy V6 24V Race Car '00 (400,000 Cr.) 660 Lutecia Renault Sport V6 24V '01 (50,520 Cr.) 661 Lutecia Renault Sport V6 Phase2 '03 (53,720 Cr.) 662 RUF 3400S '00 (77,730 Cr.) 663 RUF BTR '86 (112,480 Cr.) 664 RUF CTR "Yellow Bird" '87 (236,630 Cr.) 665 RUF CTR2 '96 (297,110 Cr.) 666 RUF RGT '00 (143,250 Cr.) 667 Saleen S7 '02 (419,130 Cr.) 668 Scion xA '03 (16,000 Cr.) 669 Scion xB '03 (15,780 Cr.) 670 Seat Ibiza Cupra '04 (24,980 Cr.) 671 Shelby Cobra 427 '66 (530,550 Cr.) 672 Shelby GT350R '65 (106,110 Cr.) 673 Shelby Series One Super Charged '03 (184,630 Cr.) 674 Spoon CIVIC TYPE R (EK) '00 (75,000 Cr.) 675 Spoon FIT Race Car '03 (50,000 Cr.) 676 Spoon INTEGRA TYPE R (DC2) '99 (75,000 Cr.) 677 Spoon S2000 '00 (85,000 Cr.) 678 Spoon S2000 Race Car '00 (200,000 Cr.) 679 Spyker C8 Laviolette '01 (254,660 Cr.) 680 CUSCO SUBARU ADVAN IMPREZA (JGTC) '03 (500,000 Cr.) 681 Subaru IMPREZA Coupe WRX typeR STi Version VI '99 (30,090 Cr.) 682 Subaru IMPREZA Premium Sport Coupe 22B-STi Version '98 (50,000 Cr.) 683 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car '99 (750,000 Cr.) 684 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car '01 (750,000 Cr.) 685 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car '03 (800,000 Cr.) 686 Subaru IMPREZA Rally Car Prototype '01 (750,00 Cr.) 687 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi '94 (27,780 Cr.) 688 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi (Type-II) '02 (28,950 Cr.) 689 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi spec C (Type-II) '04 (33,920 Cr.) 690 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version (Type-I) '00 (31,980 Cr.) 691 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version II '95 (27,480 Cr.) 692 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version III '96 (28,850 Cr.) 693 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version IV '97 (28,990 Cr.) 694 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version V '98 (29,190 Cr.) 695 Subaru IMPREZA Sedan WRX STi Version VI '99 (29,190 Cr.) 696 Subaru IMPREZA Sport Wagon STi (Type-I) '00 (29,980 Cr.) 697 Subaru IMPREZA Sport Wagon WRX STi Version VI '99 (29,190 Cr.) 698 Subaru IMPREZA Super Touring Car (500,000 Cr.) 699 Subaru IMPREZA WRX STi Prodrive Style (Type-I) '01 (31,450 Cr.) 700 Subaru LEGACY B4 2.0GT '03 (27,300 Cr.) 701 Subaru LEGACY B4 2.0GT spec.B '03 (28,800 Cr.) 702 Subaru LEGACY B4 3.0R '03 (28,500 Cr.) 703 Subaru LEGACY B4 Blitzen '00 (30,000 Cr.) 704 Subaru LEGACY B4 RSK '98 (25,880 Cr.) 705 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon 2.0GT '03 (28,800 Cr.) 706 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon 2.0GT spec.B '03 (30,300 Cr.) 707 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon 3.0R '03 (30,000 Cr.) 708 Subaru LEGACY Touring Wagon GT-B '96 (29,330 Cr.) 709 SUBARU 360 '58 (36,000 Cr.) 710 Suzuki ALTO LAPIN Turbo '02 (12,400 Cr.) 711 Suzuki ALTO WORKS RS-Z '97 (12,200 Cr.) 712 Suzuki ALTO WORKS SUZUKI SPORT LIMITED '97 (11,150 Cr.) 713 Suzuki Cappuccino (EA11R) '91 (14,580 Cr.) 714 Suzuki Cappuccino (EA21R) '95 (14,600 Cr.) 715 Suzuki CONCEPT-S2 '03 (500,000 Cr.) 716 Suzuki ESCUDO Dirt Trial Car '98 (1,500,000 Cr.) 717 Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01 (500,000 Cr.) 718 Suzuki Kei WORKS '02 (14,140 Cr.) 719 Suzuki MR Wagon Sport '04 (12,800 Cr.) 720 Suzuki WAGON R RR '98 (12,820 Cr.) 721 Tommykaira ZZII '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 722 Tommykaira ZZ-S '00 (59,500 Cr.) 723 Tom's X540 CHASER '00 (50,000 Cr.) 724 Toyota 2000GT '67 (160,000 Cr.) 725 Toyota ALTEZZA AS200 '98 (20,700 Cr.) 726 Toyota ALTEZZA Gita AS300 '01 (27,600 Cr.) 727 Toyota ALTEZZA RS200 '98 (24,000 Cr.) 728 Toyota ALTEZZA Touring Car (400,000 Cr.) 729 Toyota ARISTO 3.0V '91 (47,400 Cr.) 730 Toyota ARISTO V300 '00 (44,200 Cr.) 731 Toyota ARISTO V300 Vertex Edition '00 (45,500 Cr.) 732 Toyota au CERUMO Supra (JGTC) '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 733 Toyota bB 1.5Z X Version '00 (15,780 Cr.) 734 Toyota CALDINA GT-FOUR '02 (27,100 Cr.) 735 Toyota CARINA ED 2.0 X 4WS '89 (17,350 Cr.) 736 Toyota Castrol TOM'S SUPRA (JGTC) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 737 Toyota Castrol TOM'S SUPRA (JGTC) '01 (1,000,000 Cr.) 738 Toyota CELICA 1600GT (TA22) '70 (23,900 Cr.) 739 Toyota CELICA 2000GT-FOUR (ST165) '86 (29,760 Cr.) 740 Toyota CELICA 2000GT-R (ST162) '86 (20,770 Cr.) 741 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR (ST205) '98 (33,020 Cr.) 742 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) '95 (750,000 Cr.) 743 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST205) '95 (750,000 Cr.) 744 Toyota CELICA GT-FOUR RC (ST185) '91 (31,710 Cr.) 745 Toyota CELICA GT-R (ST183, 4WS) '91 (22,100 Cr.) 746 Toyota CELICA SS-II (ST202) '97 (21,360 Cr.) 747 Toyota CELICA SS-II (ZZT231) '99 (21,810 Cr.) 748 Toyota CELICA XX 2800GT '81 (23,230 Cr.) 749 Toyota COROLLA LEVIN BZ-R '98 (18,900 Cr.) 750 Toyota COROLLA LEVIN GT-APEX (AE86) '83 (15,360 Cr.) 751 Toyota COROLLA Rally Car '98 (750,000 Cr.) 752 Toyota COROLLA RUNX Z AEROTOURER '02 (20,080 Cr.) 753 Toyota DENSO SARD SUPRA GT (JGTC) '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 754 Toyota GT-ONE Race Car (TS020) '99 (3,500,000 Cr.) 755 Toyota ist 1.5S '02 (16,000 Cr.) 756 MINOLTA Toyota 88C-V Race Car '89 (3,000,000 Cr.) 757 Toyota MR2 1600 G '86 (16,910 Cr.) 758 Toyota MR2 1600 G-Limited Super Charger '86 (21,000 Cr.) 759 Toyota MR2 G-Limited '97 (23,600 Cr.) 760 Toyota MR2 GT-S '97 (27,130 Cr.) 761 Toyota MR2 Spyder '99 (19,800 Cr.) 762 Toyota MR2 Spyder (6MT) '02 (21,800 Cr.) 763 Toyota MR-S S Edition '99 (19,800 Cr.) 764 Toyota MR-S V Edition (6MT) '02 (21,800 Cr.) 765 Toyota PRIUS G (J) '02 (22,800 Cr.) 766 Toyota PRIUS G Touring Selection (J) '03 (25,700 Cr.) 767 Toyota RSC '01 (500,000 Cr.) 768 Toyota RSC Rally Raid Car (1,000,000 Cr.) 769 Toyota SERA '92 (18,810 Cr.) 770 Toyota SOARER 2.5GT-T '97 (35,000 Cr.) 771 Toyota SOARER 430SCV '01 (60,000 Cr.) 772 Toyota SPORTS 800 '65 (32,000 Cr.) 773 Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO BZ-R '98 (18,900 Cr.) 774 Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX (AE86 S. Shigeno Version) '00 (52,500 Cr.) 775 Toyota SPRINTER TRUENO GT-APEX (AE86) '83 (15,360 Cr.) 776 Toyota STARLET Glanza V '97 (14,300 Cr.) 777 Toyota SUPERAUTOBACS APEX MR-S (JGTC) '00 (500,000 Cr.) 778 Toyota SUPRA 2.5GT Twin Turbo R '90 (32,740 Cr.) 779 Toyota SUPRA 3.0GT Turbo A '88 (40,510 Cr.) 780 Toyota SUPRA RZ '97 (43,900 Cr.) 781 Toyota SUPRA SZ-R '97 (34,000 Cr.) 782 Toyota Tacoma X-Runner '04 (24,520 Cr.) 783 Toyota 7 Race Car '70 (1,500,000 Cr.) 784 Toyota VITZ F '99 (9,800 Cr.) 785 Toyota VITZ RS 1.5 '00 (14,530 Cr.) 786 Toyota VITZ RS Turbo '02 (18,880 Cr.) 787 Toyota VITZ U Euro Sport Edition '00 (12,880 Cr.) 788 Toyota VOLTZ S '02 (17,880 Cr.) 789 Toyota WEDSSPORT CELICA (JGTC) '03 (500,000 Cr.) 790 Toyota WiLL VS '01 (20,500 Cr.) 791 Toyota WOODONE TOM'S SUPRA (JGTC) '03 (1,250,000 Cr.) 792 Toyota Yaris F (J) '99 (9,800 Cr.) 793 Toyota Yaris RS 1.5 (J) '00 (14,530 Cr.) 794 Toyota Yaris RS Turbo (J) '02 (18,880 Cr.) 795 Toyota Yaris U Euro Sport Edition (J) '00 (12,880 Cr.) 796 TOYOTA MODELLISTA CELICA TRD Sports M (ZZT231) '00 (25,500 Cr.) 797 TRIAL CELICA SS-II (ZZT231) '03 (125,000 Cr.) 798 Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74 (17,200 Cr.) 799 TVR Cerbera Speed 12 '00 (259,970 Cr.) 800 TVR Cerbera Speed 6 '97 (79,980 Cr.) 801 TVR Griffith 500 '94 (58,730 Cr.) 802 TVR T350C '03 (74,850 Cr.) 803 TVR Tamora '02 (70,840 Cr.) 804 TVR Tuscan Speed 6 '00 (94,800 Cr.) 805 TVR V8S '91 (59,400 Cr.) 806 Vauxhall Astra Super Touring Car '00 (1,000,000 Cr.) 807 Vauxhall Calibra Super Touring Car '94 (1,250,000 Cr.) 808 Vauxhall Corsa Comfort 1.4 '01 (17,960 Cr.) 809 Vauxhall Tigra 1.6i '99 (29,140 Cr.) 810 Vauxhall Vectra 3.2 V6 '03 (36,530 Cr.) 811 Vauxhall VX220 '00 (44,690 Cr.) 812 Vauxhall VX220 Turbo '00 (49,550 Cr.) 813 Volkswagen Beetle 1100 Standard (Type-11) '49 (40,000 Cr.) 814 Volkswagen Bora V6 4MOTION '01 (38,910 Cr.) 815 Volkswagen Golf I GTI '76 (15,000 Cr.) 816 Volkswagen Golf IV GTI '01 (31,800 Cr.) 817 Volkswagen Golf IV R32 '03 (43,240 Cr.) 818 Volkswagen Golf V GTI '05 (32,750 Cr.) 819 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia Coupe (Type-1) '68 820 Volkswagen Lupo Cup Car '00 (50,000 Cr.) 821 Volkswagen Lupo GTI '01 (24,160 Cr.) 822 Volkswagen Lupo GTI Cup Car (J) '03 (50,000 Cr.) 823 Volkswagen Lupo1.4 '02 (15,490 Cr.) 824 Volkswagen New Beetle 2.0 '00 (25,980 Cr.) 825 Volkswagen New Beetle Cup Car '00 (75,000 Cr.) 826 Volkswagen New Beetle RSi '00 (94,050 Cr.) 827 Volkswagen Polo GTI '01 (26,720 Cr.) 828 Volkswagen W12 Nardo Concept '01 (1,500,000 Cr.) 829 Volvo 240 GLT Estate '88 (15,920 Cr.) 830 Volvo S60 T-5 Sport '03 (35,580 Cr.) ============================================================================== 07.......................Frequently Asked Questions.......................GT07 ============================================================================== 1. - When was this game released? - It was released in US, Europe, Australia and Japan on the same day - October 1st, 2009. 2. - Who is the developer/publisher of this game? - The developer is Polyphony Digital, and the game was published by Sony Computer Entertainment. 3. - Does PD make any other games that are not Gran Turismo? - Pretty much no. But they did release Tourist Trophy, a GT-like game that is all about motorbikes, and Omega Boost, a Sci-Fi action game for PSOne. 4. - How many tracks/cars are in this game? - 35 tracks and 830 cars. 5. - So the majority of the tracks are taken straight from GT4? - Yes, mostly. Some of the GT4 tracks were not included (Hong Kong, George V Paris, Special Stage Route 5), but some other tracks like Cathedral Rocks Trail III and Circuit de la Comunitat Valenciana Ricardo Tormo were brought in to the game. 6. - Are there any license missions/driving missions? - There are only Driving Challenges (similar to license missions in GT4). 7. - How many days does a dealership cycle last? - 70. 8. - How many car dealerships are available per day? - 4. And the dealerships change every 2 days, not 1. Their sequence also depends on the starting car you got when you started the game. 9. - I waited 70 days, but -insert car name here- didn't show up? What's wrong? - You just missed it. Each of 830 cars is available at some point of the cycle. 10. - Can I have multiple saves and play them how I want? - No, it's only ONE save per memory card. You can copy it to your PC, though, delete it from your memory card and start a new one. 11. - I've heard that saves in this game are PSP-locked? What does it mean? - It means that the save you created will only work on your PSP (in which it was created), and it won't work on another PSP. 12. - Where is the career mode? - Not in this game, that's for sure. 13. - What the hell? What's the point of playing, then? - It's all about collecting cars. You can transfer them to GT5, when it comes out. But, to each his own. 14. - Ok, so any efficient ways of earning money that you now of? - 2 laps of Test Course on S Rank bring you 150,000 Credits. 15. - What is the best car for farming credits? - Bugatti Veyron 16.4. There are others, too, like Ford GT '05 (it's fast and very cheap). 16. - Which car is better - Polyphony Digital Formula Gran Turismo or Ferrari F2007? - Ferrari F2007, IMO. 17. - Is Daihatsu Midget in this game? - Yep. 18. - What are some good Le Mans Prototypes? - Audi R8 Race Car '01/'05, Bentley Speed 8, Sauber Mercedes C9 '89. Your choice. 19. - WTF? Only 2 Ferraris? 2 Lamborghinis? - That's right. 20. - Suzuki ESCUDO Dirt Trial Car's in this game, right? - Yes, but due to tuning limitations we no longer can make it a monster it used to be. It's a great car, still. 21. - What is the most expensive (cheap) car? - Ferrari F2007, which costs 8,000,000 Cr., is the most expensive car in the game, while Daihatsu Midget II D type '98 is the cheapest one (5,740 Cr.). 22. - Over 50 Skylines? 20 MX-5s? - Each car has slight nuances about it that make it different, and each generation of Skylines/MX-5s/Lancers has its enthusiasts. Besides, it's a japanese game, so what did you expect? We still have over 700 other cars to drive. 23. - Does this game have vehicle damage? - No. ============================================================================== 08.............................Version History............................GT08 ============================================================================== November, 1 (2009) - Version 0.1 - Skeleton of the Faq is created. November, 2 (2009) - Version 0.3 - First three sections and the FAQ section were added. November, 3 (2009) - Version 0.4 - Gameplay Overview finished. Dealership cycles are 50% completed. November, 4 (2009) - Version 0.5 - Car list completed. Track Walkthrough section started. Added some things to Gameplay Overview section. November, 5 (2009) - Version 0.5 - Track walkthroughs added. November, 6 (2009) - Version 0.6 - Walkthroughs for 19 tracks are added. November, 8 (2009) - Version 0.7 - Walkthroughs for 13 more tracks are added. November, 9 (2009) - Version 0.75 - Track Walkthroughs section completed. November, 11 (2009) - Version 0.95 - Driving Challenges section completed. Peugeot 206 Dealership cycle was added. ============================================================================== 09..........................Credits/Contact Info..........................GT09 ============================================================================== THANKS TO: - You, my dear reader, for using this guide. I'm very glad if it helped you. - SBallen who runs www.gamefaqs.com - Polyphony Digital for making my favourite racing series and bringing it to the PSP console - Sony for making PSP - Wikipedia.org and GTPlanet.com for the info about the GT series and real- life circuits - Da Hui for his ASCII - All the users from the Gran Turismo PSP message board on GameFAQs, from whom I learned a thing or two This guide is copyright (c) Damage_dealer 2009. It is only meant to be posted on www.gamefaqs.com I am aware this guide is incomplete in terms of some content, but I will try to update it every now and then. Send any questions, corrections, suggestions or feedback to damagedealer@ukr.net (especially if you can submit dealership cycles). You will be credited for your contributions to this guide. ##X2aBM #ZXXSSBr #MMMMMM@WWMi MBZZZ0M SMMMWMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMS MMMMMMMB7# @MMMMaSXXX7Z MMMM@ #M0BM LMMM ###2 M0aWM MMM MMMM MMMM SM0 MW0MM M8a@8 MM