============================================================================== ______________________ ______________________ | | | ________________ | ________________ | | | | | | | | | |________________ | |________________ | | | ________________ | ________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____| |_____| __________ __________ __________ | | | | | | |____ ____| |____ ____| |____ ____| || || || || || || ____||____ ____||____ ____||____ | | | | | | |__________| |__________| |__________| ============================================================================== Secret Dungeon FAQ ============================================================================== ***************** TABLE OF CONTENTS ***************** I. Intro II. What is it? III. How to obtain IV. The Dungeon V. The Enemies VI. The Iron Giant VII. The Classes 1. Freelancer 2. Warrior 3. Monk 4. White Mage 5. Black Mage 6. Red Mage 7. Thief 8. Ranger 9. Knight 10. Scholar 11. Geomancer 12. Viking 13. Dragoon 14. Dark Knight 15. Evoker 16. Bard 17. Black Belt 18. Magus 19. Devout 20. Summoner 21. Sage 22. Ninja 23. Onion Knight VIII. Frequently Asked Questions ======= I.Intro ======= Hello, and welcome to my first ever FAQ. I am gackmiffs, and this is my Secret Dungeon FAQ. The purpose about this FAQ is to help you complete the Secret Dungeon (known in-game as the ??? Dungeon) as well as defeat the elusive Iron Giant. The reason I picked this topic as my first FAQ is because one, I love the game Final Fantasy III, for its versatility and replayability. Secondly, I find the Secret Dungeon incredibly hard (well, namely the Iron Giant). Thirdly, I was surprised that GameFaqs had no FAQs specific to the Secret Dungeon, so I figured that I might as well go ahead and make one. Enjoy! ============== II.What is it? ============== The Secret Dungeon is just its name: a dungeon that is not obtained through normal gameplay. It is actually quite a short dungeon, seeing as it only has one floor. However, residing in this dungeon are an endless supply of some of the most powerful non-bosses in the game! Yes, these are the Coloured Dragons. If these incredibly tough monsters weren't enough, it has one of the toughest super-bosses on any Nintendo console Final Fantasy game. It is, the Iron Giant. I'll cover more on him/her/it later on in the FAQ, but first... ================= III.How to obtain ================= To unlock the Secret Dungeon, you must first set up your DS with a Wi-Fi network. Then you must find a friend with a DS, as well as a Final Fantasy III game. They must also be hooked up to Wi-Fi. Then, you must start exchanging mail with them via Mognet (by exchange, I mean send them mail. They don't have to return the favour). Once you have sent them a bunch of messages (I think the total required is 7), start exchanging mail with the 4 Old Men. You can do this as soon as you get the Levigrass shoes form Delilah. Keep doing that until you've gotten 4 letters back (which is 4 letters sent). From here, continue with the game until you beat Garuda in Saronia. Now you are able to exchange mail with Prince Alus. Send mail to Prince Alus 4 times. You will only be able to receive his 4th letter after you receive the 4th letter from the 4 Old Men. After you receive Alus's 4th letter, use the Nautilus and fly down to just west of the Dalg continent. You should see a fairly large shadow in the water. Dive down, and you will see some sort of coral reef. Head to the most northern area of the reef, and you will suddenly enter somewhere. What? What is this place?! Here you are, in the Secret Dungeon. ============== IV.The Dungeon ============== When you enter the dungeon, you'll see a straight rocky path. On either side of this path are breathtaking waterfalls. What a work of art this place is. Here's what the dungeon pretty much looks like. E=Entrance I=Iron Giant QQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQ QQQ QQ QQ Q II Q Q II Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQ QQ Q Q QQ QQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q QQQ QQQ QQQQ QQQQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQEEEEQQQQQQQQQQQQQ Pretty straight forward, right? ============= V.The Enemies ============= Well, as I mentioned earlier, this place is chock full of very tough enemies. These three enemies are the Yellow Dragon, Green Dragon, and Red Dragon. Here are their stats: <<<<<<<<<<<<< Yellow Dragon >>>>>>>>>>>>> HP: 79 999 Spells: Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Special: N/A Attack: 107 Defense: 40 Weakness: N/A EXP: 30000 Gil: 12000 Drop rate: 100% Drops: Elixir (in Onion Shield order from Onion Helm least to Onion Sword (VERY RARE) most rare) <<<<<<<<<<<< Green Dragon >>>>>>>>>>>> HP: 89 999 Spells: Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Special: N/A Attack: 129 Defense: 45 Weakness: N/A EXP: 45 000 Gil: 13 330 Drop rate: 100% Drops: Elixir (in Onion Shield order from Onion Gauntlets least to Onion Sword (VERY RARE) most rare) <<<<<<<<<< Red Dragon >>>>>>>>>> HP: 99 999 Spells: Blizzaga Firaga Thundaga Special: N/A Attack: 150 Defense: 50 Weakness: N/A EXP: 60 000 Gil: 14 666 Drop rate: 100% Drops: Elixir (in Onion Shield order from Onion Armour least to Onion Sword (VERY RARE) most rare) Needless to say, you will be doing a LOT of leveling up in here. It will be your best option for leveling up from level 75 and up. Also, since you have about an 85% chance of winning an Elixir for every dragon you fry, you'll be up to 99 Elixirs in no time. These will probably come in handy for the big battle. From personal experience, I can tell you that you will be running into more Reds than anything, and more Yellows than greens. This can be good, because they give large quantities of experience, which is better than any other non-boss, anywhere. ================= VI.The Iron Giant ================= Alright, so you're ready to face the big guy himself. I assume that you are in your upper 90s, unless you're doing a low level, in which case you probably won't need my help. Here are his stats: <<<<<<<<<< Iron Giant >>>>>>>>>> HP: 199 999 Spells: Meteor Special: Swipe Attack: 255 Defense: 150 Weakness: N/A EXP: 99 999 Gil: 99 999 Drop Rate: 100% Drops: Metal Card As you can see, this guy's stats are off the charts. He has about 80 000 more HP than Cloud of Darkness, 105 more Attack than Red Dragon, and a huge defense. That's just insane! Well, how do you beat him? To start, this guy gets 4 turns per round. One of them is usually spent casting Meteor. And this guy's no King Behemoth, as his Meteor actually does quite some damage. However, this is the move you WANT him to make! Why? Because his physical attack is just plain high! He'll use at minimum 3 turns per round using his physical attack, which is just plain bad. Okay, so you've gotten off to a great start, are finding the perfect balance between healing and damaging Mr. I.G. You've done a great job in dealing 150 000+ damage. You think you have it made, because you have those four Chocobo's Wraths just waiting to deal that final 49 999 damage to this big guy and finishing him for good. All of a sudden, he does this huge spin and hits your whole party for twice his physical attack. WHAT?!!! This, my friends, is Swipe. This is the single most damaging attack you will ever endure. This is the kind of attack that will require constant Elixir/Curaja use. The home stretch is always the hardest in this game. Feel accomplished when you send this guy packing. =============== VII.The Classes =============== So which classes are best for fighting this piece of scrap metal? Let's take a look at each of them individually to figure that out. ********** Freelancer ********** The freelancer is not really the best choice for fighting the Iron Giant. While it has many equipment options (namely armour), as well as the best swords in the game, their overall stats for fighting this guy are just too low. However, it can have its perks. If you equip all of the best intellect- boosting weapons, you can grab a big 40 intellect boost! However, doing such would result in a massive drop in defense. These guys certainly aren't the worst Iron Giant hunters, but I'd probably skip'em. Overall Rating: 6/10 ******* Warrior ******* I'm not quite sure about the Warrior. On one hand, the only way that they can get moderately good physical damage on the Iron Giant is through Advance, but doing such halves your defense. On the other hand, the warrior can use dual- wield the Ultima Weapon and the Gigantic Axe, for a whopping 310 attack and a 35 strength boost. Coupled with Advance (which does 2.4x damage at Job Level 99), this class is without a doubt the single best for physical damage on the Iron Giant. They're not the best overall, but I'd certainly take one of these guys along if you prefer to take a more physical route. Overall Rating: 8/10 **** Monk **** The Monk isn't very good for this particular scenario. While their base damage at max levels is very high, along with their strength (assuming you're wearing Shura Gloves), these guys don't seem to deal that much damage (or at least not enough). Retaliate isn't very useful either for multiple reasons. One, the Iron Giant might not hit you, which would make it a wasted turn. Secondly, Retaliate can only work if the iron giant does hit you, and the Monks aren't entirely fit to being slaughtered with a huge iron blade. Thirdly, there are better ways to damage the Iron Giant physically than with Retaliate. If that wasn't enough, this class has very low magic defense, so those constant casting of Meteor with really wear down on you. Overall Rating: 4/10 ********** White Mage ********** First off, let's ignore the fact that Devouts are superior in every way. Let's pretend that the White Mage is our best choice for now. Our White Mage has an above average Mind stat, which can be further enhanced by the Angel Robe. It can be maxed out. This makes all of our healing spells work to the best of their abilities (because if you have an Angel Robe, you're obviously at Job Level 99). Also, at level 99, you will have 18 castings of Curaga and 10 castings of Curaja. This totals to 28 high level healing spells. That is certainly sufficient for a boss battle like this, IF nobody dies. But unfortunately, we're facing the Iron Giant, and yes people likely WILL die. In that scenario, they will likely have to stay dead, unless you get lucky and get a Pheonix Down off before a party-spread Curaja and Curaja off before Meteor. This is all BEFORE Swipe. During Swipe, your Curaja will probably cancel out the Swipe damage, and the damage from his physical attacks will eventually add up. Anyway, as you can probably tell by now, the White Mage isn't all that great. Overall Rating: 6/10 Oh yeah! I forgot! Let's head back to reality where amazing healers like Devouts DO in fact exist! Overall Rating: 3/10 ********** Black Mage ********** Alright now, let's do the same thing that we did with White Mages, because otherwise this section would be about two lines long. The Black Mage is now the only one of its kind. The Magus is no more. I'll start by saying that rather than the 26 high-leveled spell charges that the White Mage had, the Black Mage has 66. WOW! The reason he has so many more is because his top three spells are all in different, lower categories. These spells are the -aga spells, Blizzaga, Thundaga, and Firaga. Much like the White Mage, the Black Mage can easily max out its Intellect (with the Lilith Rod, Omnirod, and Black Robe). All of these spells can (at max levels) do some average damage to the Giant. And unlike the White Mage, you have no chance of running out of spell charges (even if, for some impossible reason, you do, you've still got 10 Drains/Quakes). Now for the bad news. Because the Iron Giant has an above average magic defense, these spells are going to do considerably less than if you're in the mood for frying Goblins or zapping Wolves. So you're not doing as much damage as another class, such as the Geomancer with Ice Pillar. While a decent damage dealer, I'm afraid this guy doesn't quite live up to the expectations required for hunting pieces of metal. Overall Rating: 5/10 With Magi, this guy's useless. Overall Rating: 3/10 ******** Red Mage ******** These guys are sort of like Freelancers when it comes to fighting the Iron Giant. The Red Mage has a pretty good Vitality stat, which helps its beat- taking skills. This Vitality stat can be bumped up by 30 if you equip the Ultima Weapon, Excalibur, and the Crimson Vest (this would actually up all of your stats by 30. So overall, the Red Mage is pretty good physically, coming short of a Warrior but surpassing the Monk. However, these mages also get to use magic (hence the *mage*). At level 99, they can use 11 Curagas without replenishing. They can also cast Blizzaga a couple of times if you see fit. However, these spells aren't quite as useful as if a White or Black Mage were to use them. So magically, this guy doesn't quite live up to the potential required. Overall, if you discount magic, you basically just have a strong Freelancer. If you're in that king of mood, sure, take one along. I'm just not (Although this class is 2nd best out of the original classes). Overall Rating: 6.5/10 ***** Thief ***** There are few classes whose abilities are less useful for fighting the Iron Giant. Nah, who am I kidding? Ability-wise, the Thief has Steal and Flee as its abilities. The Iron Giant has no items, so stealing is absolutely useless, and you can't run away from him, PERIOD, so don't even try to use Flee! That's pretty useless if you ask me. However, the Thief does have its uses. The Thief will have a maxed out Agility stat at level 99, even when completely naked, therefore will act first in battle 99% of the time, pretty much. So if you have a character with 692 HP sitting there, and you know Swipe is coming, you can almost guarantee that you'll get an Elixir in and heal them. So, if you need a pinch healer, and you have 99 Elixirs, you can put this guy in. It's really not necessary, though. Overall Rating: 5.5/10 ****** Ranger ****** This guy has problems. If you continued to use a Ranger after, say, Goldor's Manor, then you understand what a pain this guy is. First off, let's look at his stats. He has the lowest maximum defense for any job in the entire game! His best armour is the Ribbon (which everyone can equip, so he's not special), the Protect Ring (again, everyone can), and the Black Garb, which you receive in Amur, therefore is not that protective. His only saving grace defense-wise is that he can reach moderate to high Vitality later on in the game, which reduces his damage taken. Now let's look at his attack. Considering he's a melee class, his base attack is actually quite low. Leave this to the fact that the attack of Arrows never tops 40. Also his Master Item, the Artemis Bow, has the same attack as a Dual Haken, a weaker, non-mastery weapon. So overall, the best attack he can ever achieve is 162. That's 78 less than the Thief's top physical attack. When you are fighting the Iron Giant, and you shoot the guy with your Ranger, just imagine that instead of a Ranger, you really just have a Black Mage with Mastery equipment attacking it. Barrage doesn't help either. You'll waste 4 Arrows, and get 1.6x better attack. Considering his base damage is still so low, he's still outclassed by just about every other melee class (except the Monk). Overall Rating: 4/10 ****** Knight ****** Ahh, the Knight. The natural upgrade to the Warrior in every way. And since the Warrior was so great, this guy must be way better! Well, let's compare them. The Knight has a much higher magic-defense, reducing the Meteor (and possibly Swipe, I'm not sure) damage. Also, the Knight has a much higher Vitality than the Warrior, which can be further enhanced with the Ultima Weapon and the Save the Queen blade. So the Knight is much better designed for taking hits. However, if you want someone for taking hits, you'll want the Viking. So let's now compare his damage to the Warrior. Well, with their best equipment equipped, the Warrior has 15 more attack than the Knight. Also, the Warrior is far more versatile, seeing as it can use four different kinds of weapons, to the Knight's one. Also the Warrior can use pretty much every weapon the Knight can, minus the Excalibur and Save the Queen. If that wasn't enough, the Warrior can also Advance the Iron Giant, something the Knight can't. Overall, the Warrior is simply a better job for this scenario. Don't write this guy out of the picture, though! If you are very good with using a Knight, you could probably still find a place for it in your Top 4. Overall Rating: 7/10 ******* Scholar ******* Well, let's start with the negatives. You've noticed me talking about how a high Vitality helps reduce damage. Well let me introduce you to the Scholar, the misfit whose max Vitality is 38, and can only be enhanced by the Protect Ring (which only increases it by 2!). This could be excusable if you had some Crystal or Genji Armour to back you up, but unfortunately with the Scholar, you don't. You have the same max defense as a Black Mage. So the Giant will absolutely murder you if you don't have Protect on the plus constant Madura Harp use. Now here's the good news. The Scholar, as you may of heard from those creepy old men in the Inn can double the effectiveness of any item used. So if that White Musk should've done 5 000, it will now do 10 000. This is really useful come Swipe when you really want the battle to end quickly. Here's the downside to this strategy: These items are very rare. I think you get 8 Chocobo's Wraths during the game, and possibly 9 White Musks. If you want any more, you'll have to go hunting the depths of Eureka, at something like a 0.6666667% drop per battle. This is really too much work for what it's worth. In the end, the Scholar may seem nice, but has far too many drawbacks for my liking. Overall Rating: 5/10 ********* Geomancer ********* How I wish this was taking place in Eureka. I don't know if it's just my luck there, but I find myself using numerous Shadowflares there. Might just be a coincidence... Anyway, the Geomancer is not fit for fighting the Giant. Since the Secret Dungeon is underwater, the Geomancer will use the same Terrain effects as they would in the sea, or maybe in the Temple of Time. These moves are not very useful. Aside from Shadowflare, which has something like a 1/50 chance of happening, your best move is Ice Pillar. This is pretty strong. You can also use Wind Slash, which is less powerful but still effective. However, if you're unlucky, you might just keep getting Whirlpool. This ineffective attack has a chance of killing all enemies on the screen. However, since the Iron Giant is a boss, it never works. There's not much to say about this guy. If you must use him, at least don't make it Luneth or Ingus, as they look really bad in the outfit. Overall Rating: 3/10 ****** Viking ****** The best class thus far, and one of the best overall picks for your Top 4 to take on the Iron Giant. For one, these guys (once again) have a very high Vitality, allowing them to take hits better. Secondly, the can equip Crystal equipement, which further boosts their defense. Thirdly they can equip the Aegis Shield (which, when equipped with the Crystal Shield, has high defense). Finally, since they're so good at absorbing blows, they can direct every single attack at them (at Job Level 99)! This is with their invaluable Provoke ability. This allows attacks to be directed away from other classes that are great for fighting the Iron Giant, just come up short in defense (i.e. Bard, Devout, etc.). At Job Level 99, there is a 100% chance of having the Iron Giant hit you all 3-4 times. These guys will take like 300 damage per hit, and won't take ANY status, due to the Aegis Shield. The only thing that they could use is a Protect spell as well as an Elixir in the first round to help them survive. Take one of these guys if you want to win (but never more than one). Overall Rating: 9.5/10 ******* Dragoon ******* Dragoons are sort of a mixed bag. They can Jump for high damage, 2.4x if you're at high levels. This is especially useful during Swipe, when damage isn't distributed based on the number of party members around. The same can be said for the weaker Meteor. However, this has a downside. In doing such, you are opening up back-line mages or low defense other classes like the Ranger. Also, unlike other strongmelee classes (like the Knight, Dark Knight, and even the Monk), the Dragoon has Freelancer worthy Vitality, with little means of increasing it. The good thing about lower Vitality is that those stats are spread amongst Strength and Agility. And since you might not even be on the ground to take hits, these stats are far more useful. So in the end, you can take one of these guys along, you just have to use a little more luck. Overall Rating: 7/10 *********** Dark Knight *********** If this were the normal game, I would not hesitate to bring one of these guys along for the ride. These guys are my favourite melee class. I absolutely love this guy. He has high Strength, Vitality (which, as you know, is infinitely useful), and good Agility when equipped well. They can equip amazing equipment, such as the Crystal equipment as well as the Ultima Weapon, Ragnorok, and Murakamo. These guys are just perfect in every way. However, when it comes to fighting the Iron Giant, their usefullness goes down a bit. Part of this is because physical attacks just aren't quite that great vs. the Iron Giant. Also, their Mind stats are average to below average (although, if you have the Ultima Weapon equipped, you'll be fine), so their tolerence for Meteor will be relatively low. This isn't to say that they'reuseless, though! Their Souleater ability is still useful. This is because it doesn't matter what the enemy's stats are, just yours. At max Job Level, HP, and high attack, Souleater is very useful. You can hang out in the back row while Souleating the Iron Giant to pieces. Just have a White Mage/Devout using Curaga/Curaja across the party to ensure maximum damage. Take one of these guys along if you so choose. They're awesome in the normal game, and decent vs. the Giant. Overall Rating: 7.5/10 ****** Evoker ****** This is the worst class you could possibly take into the fight with the Iron Giant. They have so many bad points that it's just impossible to name them all. However, I'll give it a try: This class has the second lowest Vitality in the entire game. They are suceeded only by Scholars in Vitality lowness. This means they're a contender for the worst at taking hits. Secondly, this class has a fairly low defense. They have defense just above that of an average Mage, which does NOT make up for their pathetic Vitality. Thirdly, their special ability is just garbage. The summon is only useful if executed with a Summoner. The Evoker's magic is ALWAYS random, so you don't know if you'll get the desired effect. For example, if you use Icen, Spark, Leviath, or Bahamur, you have a 50% chance of inflicting a negative status effect, that is always 100% ineffective. With Hyper, you can deal average damage to the Iron Giant, which is entirely outclassed by the Black Mage's -aga- spells. Heatra might cast Curaja on the party, which while useful, is much better executed by a Devout, or cast Firaga on the enemy. Catastro will either cast Reflect on the party (which works against you), or hit the enemy for low damage. Chocobo is... well, about as useful as using Poisona on the Iron Giant. As you can see, there is no reason to ever use this class when facing the Iron Giant. If you do, well, you're in for an adventure (and not a fun one). Overall Rating: 1.5/10 **** Bard **** Get ready for a change in pace. You just read about the worst class for facing the Iron Giant, now prepare to read about the best. The Bard is without question, the best class for facing the Iron Giant. Why? Let me count the ways... For one, these guys have great Magic Defense. Seeing as they can equip the Protect Ring, Bard Vest, and the Ballad Crown, they can achieve very high magic tolerence. Secondly, their Mastery item, the Ballad Crown, has stat boosts identical to that of the Knight's Mastery item, which means that they get a large Mind and Vitality boost, the two stats that reduce Magical damage and damage respectively. Thirdly, and most of all, their Sing ability is the best ability in the game. The sole reason for this: the Lamia Harp. This harp has the ability to reduce the enemy's HP by 10-20% per song. It has been said many a time that this ability is uesless. Let's see what they think when the first move of the first round deals 30 000 damage to the Iron Giant. Yes, these guys damage the Iron Giant like there's no tomorrow. Their other harps aren't quite as useful, as the Protection/Hastening/Healing/Magic Defense enhancing aren't that great. However, their damaging skills make them the best class for facing the Iron Giant. Bring it along, though you might choose to bring two. They're just that great. Overall Rating: 11/10 ********** Black Belt ********** These guys have one great use for fighting the Iron Giant, your leveling before-hand. They have the best Vitality in the game, which means that your HP for fighting the Iron Giant will be very high. This class is actually the only class that can reach 9 999 HP, so if high HP seems useful to you, then level up with these guys. However, when it comes to the actual fight, they're not that useful. Remember the Monk? Well, it's basically the same story. Their base attack is immense at high levels, yet it still seems to have little effect on the Iron Giant. Also, Boost is a worse ability than Retaliate. You can take 3 turns using 2 Boosts followed by an attack for 3 turns worth of damage, or you could attack 3 times for 3 turns worth of damage. It's the exact same! Therefore, it has no place. Even though this class has high Vitality, they're surprisingly bad at taking physical attacks. Overall, this class is great for before the battle, not so great during the battle. Overall Rating: 5/10 ***** Magus ***** The Magus has often been shadowed by the Summoner and the Sage. This is because for the Summoner, you can do the same amount of damage to multiple targets rather than the one with the Magus, and with the Sage, you can cast both Black and White magic. Normally, this is true, but when fighting the Iron Giant, such is not always the case. Since there is only one Iron Giant, it doesn't matter if you'd do the same damage to all enemies. You can cast a Thundaga spell for roughly the same as a Judgement Bolt with Spark. So they're basically the same as a Summoner in that context. The same goes for Flare and Bahamut. Compared to a Sage, in terms of Black Magic, the Magus is way better. The Magus has a guaranteed 99 Intellect at level 99, while the Sage has only 85 (granted, it can be increased). However, the Magus has four more Flare casts than the Sage would. This brings the Magus up in that context. However, the Magus does fall short of the Summoner, eventually. By level 99, the Summoner will have a couple more Bahamuts than the Magus will have Flares, and a whole load of Leviaths. So, in the end, the Magus would be good if not for the Summoner, but with, falls a bit short. Overall Rating: 6/10 ****** Devout ****** The Devout is absolutely essential to fighting the Iron Giant. I'm almost tempted to rate them above the Bard (but I didn't). The Devout can heal the party better than any other class ever. There's not much to say about this class. With constant Curaga/Curaja use, you'll be healing 4000-6000 HP every turn. They can also use Protect, which is exceptionally necessary if you have a Viking with Provoke. They can also use Arise, which is infinitely better than Pheonix Down/Raise. You will not have a very easy Iron Giant battle without the Devout. Bring one along- no questions asked. Overall Rating: 10/10 ******** Summoner ******** If you were going to bring and offensive minded Mage to face the Iron Giant, this would be the one to take. No other class of its kind (i.e. Black Mage, Evoker, Magus, Geomancer, and even Sage) has anything on the Summoner. Why? Let's check them out... To start, these guys have very high magical stats. They have 85 Intellect and 85 Mind at level 99, both of which can be enhanced by the incredible Astral Bracers. The Summoner also has moderately high physical defense. Once again, the Astral Bracers prove strong, with a big 47 defense. That's 16 above Crystal Gloves! Thirdly, and most importantly, the Summoner can use many high damage spells/ summons. You probably won't find a whole lotta use for the first six, but Leviathan and Bahamut are devastating. Bahamut is actually the best damage spell in the entire game (above Flare, Meteor, and Holy). You can spam these attacks against the Iron Giant and do a lot of damage. While not essential to an easy victory against the Giant, these guys help. The Summoner comes strongly recommended. Overall Rating: 8/10 **** Sage **** The Sage is sort of a jack-of-all-trades when it comes to magic. For starters, they can cast every White Magic spell in the game, including Curaga/Curaja, and Arise. They can cast every Black Magic spell in the game, including Flare and Meteor. Finally, they can use all summons, including Bahamur. This sounds too good to be true! Well, it is. If you care to hear about the Sage's summons, just read the Evoker section. It is pretty much the same deal. About the Black Magic, the Magus is way better. This is because the Magus has more casting for Flare, Firaga, and Thundaga, whereas the Sage has those same castings for Blizzaga, Fira, and Thunder. This just doesn't compare at all. Even worse, the Summoner can cast many high level summons that completely leave the Sage in the dust. Finally, when it comes to White Magic, the Devout is 99% better. Really, if you want to cast mass healing spells on your party, just use a Devout. In the end, the Sage's stats may look classy on paper, but in reality, they're not that good. Overall Rating: 5.5/10 ***** Ninja ***** I like these guys. Not as much as the Dark Knight, but I do nonetheless. I like them because they can use Dark Swords. Any class that can use these amazing blades are always one of my favourites. Now to get back on track. The Ninja is a fairly good choice for fighting the Iron Giant. I say this because their signature attack, Throw, does damage based on your own attack, NOT your opponent's defense. So you can fire Shurikens at them all day long, and you can pretend that you're throwing them at a Goblin. It's the exact same. The Ninja does have one downfall, though. Its magic defense. Meteor will wear away at you Ninja quicker than most. So to have a Ninja in your party, you pretty much NEED a Devout. Otherwise, your Ninja won't sustain very long. Overall, unlike the Sage, this job isn't too good to be true. Just make sure you play smart. Overall Rating: 7.5/10 ************ Onion Knight ************ Oh, boy. These guys. I think that they take a lot of the fun out of the game. To have a class as perfect as them just isn't that fun to me. Hey, if you want to sit in the back row and spam Flare on the Iron Giant, be my guest. I just don't find it that fun. Sure, use them if you want. I'm not going to rate them, because I wouldn't be impartial. Anyway, do what you want. Overall Rating: ?/10 ******************************** VIII. Frequently Asked Questions ******************************** Q. Isn't there another Dragon enemy simply named Dragon? A. Yes, there is. These are found in the Temple of Time. They're not nearly strong enough to pose a problem to a Dragon hunting party. Also, the Yellow, Green, and Red Dragons all look exactly like each other, while the Dragon looks like Bahamut. Q. Why don't you like the Onion Knight? A. Well, honestly, I think that they take a lot of the fun out of the game. If I wanted to just decimate everything with no effort, sure, I'd use an Onion Knight. I just don't. Q. What is the best party for facing the Iron Giant? A. There's not really one best party for facing the Giant. I'd recommend taking a Viking, Bard, and Devout, at least. The other spot could be filled by either a Warrior, Summoner, or any other class that you like (such as a Knight, Dark Knight, Ninja, or Dragoon). ******************* IX. Version History ******************* Version 1.0 (2011-08-24): Basic Walkthrough, Jobs, and Monster Info. Minor editing. ********** X. Credits ********** penguin-knight: For his great Job Stats FAQ, for it helped me a lot. Seferaga: For his FAQ/Walkthrough for Final Fantasy III. arkfullofsorrow: Also for his FAQ/Walkthrough. Square Enix: For making such great games. GameFaqs: For posting this guide. You: For reading this FAQ. ************* XI. Copyright ************* This document may not be reproduced in any way other than for personal use. You may not make this FAQ your own. This document may not be posted on any public website without my permission prior. Any violation of copyright laws concerning this document are entirely unlawful. Copyright 2011: gackmiffs Thanks for reading! :)