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If the link does not work you can contact me by cloud668@square-online.info or cloud668@mg-alliance.com and ask for a new link. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4)Demo Version Walkthrough KEWlt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ |Level 1|KELV1|____________ | Mission: | |_Learn The Basic Controls_|___________________________________________________ First, simply run and jump over that hole, for the next one, you should do the same thing, however just in case if you misses, you should stand next to the wall and press up. Then you reaches the ladder, press up and our friend Mr. Esc will climb up, then go over for the rope, and press down. Then you should climb over the 'pop-up floor' like I wouldn't know who got a good grade in art for such thing in a building. Next you should climb over the taller one again with the up button. Then you reaches another one even taller! just jump with X button and then press up. Next up you need to get to the lower level with no stairs or ladders or rope! You need to press the down button of the D-Pad and and down again, and you will find yourself with fire! You should get the fire extinguisher and put it off. Then you need to open the door and push the crate, both by pressing O button while being next to it. Then climb up, and jump up then climb on the platform, you should next grab the axe then crawl through the narrow space, then knock down the wall and leave here! _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ |Level 2|KELV2|____________________ | Mission: | |_Learn To Control your companions_|___________________________________________ First pick up the ladder, and then put it on that narrow space or you can't leave after saving a certain person, you can then climb then and go over and help him or he will just say HELP! So go help him and he will give his thanks to you for saving him, then climb back up with the Right Button pressed, this will have you both go to the right side of the ladder, next jump over the small indoor luxury spa and press O to roll that barrel into the water, and so that your companion can jump over easily. Next have your companion stay there, and then you will dive into the pool and go to the other side of the pool, you can submerge by pressing X and then swim to the right with the usual right button, when you are up there you can walk to the one-way door and open it and pick up the wood panel and form a bridge for him. Next walk to the right and jump over to the platform, you will then see a wood crate, don't push it, tell your companion to stay there and you yourself will press down and then down again so you will fall, you will see a level 1 fire, put it off with the fire extinguisher that you pick up, then use your anglog to point to your companion and press triangle, then point to the wood crate and press triangle again. He will then push it and so you can get back up, with another fire extinguisher. After you put the fire off you should tell him to come over here by pressing L, then you will reach a metal crate, that you can't push, tell your companion to push it with the previous method taught, and then you should go over and push it yourself with the O button. Then you are done with this level! _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ |Level 3|KELV3|________ | Mission: | |_Save your companions_|_______________________________________________________ Without hesitation, you should run and jump over all the open space and catch the platform popped out, that's because there's fire down there, you will get killed if you don't do so, next climb up the ladder and then climb up the platforms, then just fall into the water and you will then reach your companion he will give his thanks, and you should swim over the luxury pool, then jump up to the platform, and another one, and finally the climb over the barrel, then push it to the right, and then go back and open the door, then you two will leave the scene. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ |Level 4|KELV4|_______________ | Mission: | |_Save all of your companions_|________________________________________________ Well you will find your first companion right in the beginning, he is stronger than you, so have him to push that crate for you, which makes me wonder why don't he do so himself, after that jump over and climb over the crate, then save the companion and have all of them climb back over and have them push it, then order one of them to climb up for the axe. Then switch items with him by pressing square, then crush the wall and leave the scene. _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________ |Level 5|KELV5|_______________ | Mission: | |_Save all of your companions_|________________________________________________ Well leave the items alone, then go right and ride the elevator and save your first companion, the blue guy which is weaker than you, after that go back up and pick up the ladder, you can then climb then, and get the fire extinguisher, then you shouldn't the fire off, instead climb back up and put that one out, then you can get the rope. After that you should have the rope being put over there put don't do anything like going down, next you should have put the wood panel to form a bridge, and tell the timid stay there, you should go down and swim through the spa, then save the yellow companion, he's strong and can climb ropes, have him go up, then to the metal crate and have him push it, after that have blue guy come down through the rope, and have them follow you and leave the scene! Congratulations, you beat the demo! You can buy the full game to support the developers and the PSP format, the game is not available in the North America nor Europe, but you can import it via importers(Damn Sony for Lik-Sang) like Play-Asia.com, the game is available for 4800 yen + tax & S+H. _______________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5)Version History KEVer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 =========== 10/31/2006 HALLOWEEN! Well, all done.... Version 1.01 ========== 8/22/2014 Minor typo fixes and released under CC-BY-SA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6)Credits KECer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloud668.........................Me for writing this guide Jeff "CJayC" Veasey..............For creating this wonderful website, GameFAQs GameSpot.com and GameFAQs.com....For hosting this if accepted. Sony Computer Entertainment......For PSP and closing Lik-Sang.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7)Legal Information KELeI ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this guide, excluding trademarks and copyrights owned by their respective owners, are licensed under United States Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA); its terms may be viewed in the URLs: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en_US http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode You may freely share or adapt this guide, except this section, under the conditions that you must attribute the work in the manner specified (Cloud668), but not in any way that suggests that I endorse you or your use of our work, and that if you alter this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. In the case that you build upon this work, you must also clearly label your changes. Prior to version 1.01, this FAQ cannot be hosted outside the website below: http://www.neoseeker.com http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.gamespot.com This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this FAQ are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.