======================================================================= Dragon Ball Evolution FAQ & Walkthrough by Leyviur v 1.00 ======================================================================= Disclaimer This walkthrough may only be used for personal use, and may be used electronically as long as it remains unaltered. Latest updates of this FAQ can be found at GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com). This guide is copyright Abraham Liu. Please do not repost it without permission; if you ask, I will likely consent, so please spare the five seconds needed to ask! Send any questions, comments, corrections, or death threats to leyviur@gmail.com Last update was on Sunday, August 24, 2008. ======================================================================= Table of Contents ======================================================================= 1. Introduction [BLInt] 2. Controls and battle system [BLCon] 3. Story Mode [BLSto] 4. Movelist [BLMov] 5.1 Goku [BLGku] 5.2 Bulma [BLBlm] 5.3 Roshi [BLRsi] 5.4 Yamcha [BLYmc] 5.5 Gohan [BLGhn] 5.6 Chi Chi [BLCci] 5.7 Fu Lum [BLFlm] 5.8 Oozaru [BLOzr] 5.9 Mai [BLMai] 5.10 Piccolo [BLPcl] 5.11 Neo Piccolo [BLNpc] 5. Version History [BLVer] 6. Credits [BLCre] ======================================================================= I. INTRODUCTION [BLInt] ======================================================================= This is the official game for the Dragon Ball Evolution movie, which I think is a crime against humanity. However, the game itself is a passable, at best, fighting game. In the interests of completionism, I've written a FAQ/Walkthrough on it. ======================================================================= II. CONTROLS AND BATTLE SYSTEM [BLCon] ======================================================================= The default controls are as follows: Rush Attack - Square Smash Attack - Triangle Special Attack - Circle Guard - X Charge Ki - L Aura Burst - R ===================================================================== IV. STORY MODE [BLSto] ======================================================================= -------------- ACT 1, SCENE 1 -------------- Goku vs. Gohan The best appraoch to combat is always to use combo attacks to down the enemy, then charge ki while you have the chance. Once you accrue enough you'll be able to use your ultimate attack to hit for lots of damage. When your opponent is near death, use a full burst and then your ultimate attack to win the fight. -------------- ACT 2, SCENE 1 -------------- Gohan vs. Mai Mai is quick, so strafe in order to dodge her attacks. Then run in to hit her with a combo. When she gets up, stay beside her and pummel her then use your ultimate attack. -------------- ACT 2, SCENE 2 -------------- Gohan vs. Piccolo Piccolo is very strong. Don't get hit by his attacks. Rush in when he finishes an attack and combo him, then use an Ultimate. Repeat. -------------- ACT 3, SCENE 1 -------------- Goku vs. Bulma Like Mai, Bulma is quick. Again, strafe, combo, Ultimate. When she's near death, use a Full Burst and Ultimate to finish her off. -------------- ACT 4, SCENE 1 -------------- Goku vs. Roshi Roshi runs around and is hard to hit, but keep rushing at him and you can land some hits to knock him down. While he's down, charge your ki and you can land an ultimate. -------------- ACT 5, SCENE 1 -------------- Goku vs. Chi Chi Like all female fighters before her, Chi Chi is quite fast. The usual tactics will work just fine here, though you should be careful not to let her quick combos hit you too much. -------------- ACT 5, SCENE 2 -------------- Goku vs. Yamcha Yamcha has a Dragon Punch like ability that can damage you quite a bit. Be sure to look out for it. Its weakness is that it has a long recovery time, so you can use that period to combo him. Two Ultimates should be enough to take him out. -------------- ACT 6, SCENE 1 -------------- Goku vs. Fu Lum As it looks like, it is strong, but not too fast. Combo it before it can hit you, and use an ultimate after ki charging. It's not too difficult. -------------- ACT 6, SCENE 2 -------------- Yamcha vs. Mai Mai's as easy as the last time you fought her. She's still fast but doesn't do too much damage. You can pretty easily defeat her with an Ultimate or two. -------------- ACT 6, SCENE 3 -------------- Bulma vs. Mai Bulma is just as fast as Mai and can use guns, too. So Mai's even less trouble than before. As always, comboing, and then charging ki before unleashing an ultimate attack is a reliable strategy. -------------- ACT 7, SCENE 1 -------------- Chi Chi vs. Mai This is a bit harder as Mai has ranged attacks while Chi Chi does not. Strafe to avoid her ranged attacks, then rush in and pummel her. When you use an ultimate be sure to be almost next to her because it has a rather short range. -------------- ACT 7, SCENE 2 -------------- Goku vs. Chi Chi Chi Chi's fast, but she has no real ranged game, as you could see from the last fight. Combo her, charge ki, retreat back, and use your ultimate. While she's down, continue the process over again. It should be a very easy victory. -------------- ACT 8, SCENE 1 -------------- Chi Chi vs. Chi Chi This is ridiculous. You can literally just mash your way through this fight as you're surely better at using Chi Chi than the computer is. Use her Ultimate and then a FUll Burst Ultimate for a quick and easy win. -------------- ACT 8, SCENE 2 -------------- Goku vs. Chi Chi Again? Well, this fight isn't different from the second fight of the first act, so using the same tactics will win the fight for you once again. -------------- ACT 9, SCENE 1 -------------- Goku vs. Piccolo Unlike the others, Piccolo is fast AND strong. So you'll want to dodge attacks then run in when you have an opening to pummel him. Charge ki, Ultimate, repeat. When he's near death, as always, use your Full Burst Ultimate to secure the win. --------------- ACT 10, SCENE 1 --------------- Yamcha vs. Oozaru Oozaru isn't too fast, and Yamcha can get around it prety easily, so just keep using the same tactics as before. The strafe ability is your friend in this fight, be sure to use it accordingly. --------------- ACT 10, SCENE 2 --------------- Bulma vs. Oozaru The fight may look to be stacked against you, but in truth this fight is really easy, since Bulma is incredibly fast and agile, while the Oozaru is not. Again, the same combo-charge-ultimate cycle will win the day for you. --------------- ACT 10, SCENE 3 --------------- Roshi is like a stronger version of Gohan, so this fight isn't too different from that one. For comical effect, abuse your ultimate and watch piccolo get sucked into a bottle only to break out. Wasn't the point of sealing him into the bottle not to let him out? Oh well. --------------- ACT 11, SCENE 1 --------------- Goku vs. Oozaru The Oozaru is nowhere near as fast or strong as Goku, so the same combo charge ultimate strategy will work great here. --------------- ACT 11, SCENE 2 --------------- Goku vs. Piccolo Goku is pretty much the strongest character in the game, so the same tactics you used before can easily wipe the floor with Piccolo this time. Keep on using the same cycle for the win. --------------- ACT 11, SCENE 3 --------------- Bulma vs. Mai Not much changed from previous Mai fights. She sure is tenacious, though... again, the same cycle strategy will work fine. --------------- ACT 12, SCENE 1 --------------- Goku vs. Piccolo Unlike before, Piccolo will barrage you mericlessly this time. Spare no time in comboing him, then using your ultimate in order to take out a chunk of his life. Use your Full Burst Ultimate to end the fight and beat the game. ======================================================================= V. MOVELIST [BLMov] ======================================================================= In this walkthrough I will use the following terminology in order to designate direction: 789 4*6 123 and the following terminology for the other buttons: R - Rush Attack U - Special Attack S - Smash Attack G - Guard C - Charge Ki A - Aura Burst So if I were to write 6B, it would mean to press forward + B at the same time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1 Goku [BLGku] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRS 3. RRRR6S 4. RRRS 5. RRS 6. R4RRS 7. RS 8. 6RRRR 9. 6RRR4RS 1O. 6RRRSS 11. 6RRSSS 12. 6RSS 13. 4RRRR 14. 4RRRS 15. 4RRS 16. 4R6R 17. 4R4RR 18. 4R4RSSS 19. 4RS 20. 66R 21. SRRRR 22. SRSSR 23. SSSS 24. 6R 25. 4SR 26. 4S6R 27. 4S4R 28. 4SSS 29. 4S6S 30. 4S4S 31. 8S 32. 2S 33. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4UUUU6U 4. 8UU +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 Bulma [BLBlm] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRS 3. RR4SR 4. RRRS 5. RRS 6. 4S4S 7. RS 8. 6RRRR 9. 8S 1O. 6RRRSS 11. 6RRSS 12. 6RSSS 13. 4RRRR 14. 4RRRS 15. 4RRS 16. 4R6RRR 17. 4R6RRS 18. 4R6RS 19. 4R4RRR 20. 4R4RRS 21. 4R4RS 22. 4RS 23. 66R 24. SRRRR 25. S4RR 26. SSS 27. 6S 28. 4SR 29. 4S6S 30. 4S4R 31. 4S4R 32. 4SSS 33. 4S6S 34. 2S 35. 2S 36. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.3 Roshi [BLRsi] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRR 2. RRRS 3. RRS 4. R4RRS 5. RS 6. 6RRR 7. 6RRSSS 8. 6RR4SSS 9. 6RSS 10. 4RRRR 11. 4RRRS 12. 4RRS 13. 4R6R 14. 4R4RSSS 15. 4RSSS 16. 66R 17. SRRR 18. SRSRR 19. SSSS 20. 6S 21. 4SR 22. 4S6R 23. 4S4R 24. 4SS 25. 4S6S 26. 4S4S 27. 8S 28. 2S 29. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.4 Yamcha [BLYmc] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRS 3. RRRS 4. RR4RR 5. RRS 6. RS 7. 6RRR 8. 6RRSS 9. 6R6RRS 1O. 6R6RR4S 11. 6RSSS 12. 4RRRR 13. 4RRRS 14. 4RRS 15. 4R6RR 16. 4R6RSS 17. 4R4RR 18. 4R4RS 19. 4RSSS 20. 66R 21. SRRRS 22. SRRS 23. SSSR 24. SSSS 25. 6S 26. 4SRR 27. 4S6R 28. 4S4R 29. 4SS 30. 4S6S 31. 8S4S 32. 8S 33. 2S 34. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5 Gohan [BLGhn] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRSSS 3. RRRS 4. RRS 5. RS 6. 6RRRR 7. 6RRRSS 8. 6RRSSS 9. 6RSR 1O. 6RSS 11. 4RRRR 12. 4RRRS 13. 4RRS 14. 4R6RR 15. 4R6RS 16. 4R4RR 17. 4R4RS 18. 4RS 19. 66S 20. SRRR 21. SSSR 22. SSSS 23. 6SSS 24. 4SR 25. 4S6R 26. 4S4R 27. 4SS 28. 4S6S 29. 4S4S 30. 8S 31. 2S 32. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6UUU 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.6 Chi Chi [BLCci] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRS 3. RRR6R 4. RRRS 5. RRS 6. RS 7. 6RRRR 8. 6RRRS 9. 6RRSSS 1O. 6RSR 11. 6RS4R 12. 6RSS 13. 4RRRRR 14. 4RRRRS 15. 4RRRS 16. 4RRS 17. 4R6RRR 18. 4R6RRS 19. 4R6RS 20. 4R4RS 21. 4RS 22. 66R 23. SRRR 24. SRRS 25. SSSSS 26. 6S 27. 6SR 28. 4S6R 29. 4S4R 30. 4S6S 31. 4S4S 32. 8S 33. 2S 34. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.7 Fu Lum [BLFlm] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRS 3. RRRS 4. RRS 5. RSS 6. 6RRRR 7. 6RRRSS 8. 6RRRSS 9. 6RR6S 1O. 6RRSS 11. 6SS 12. 4RRRR 13. 4RRRS 14. 4RRS 15. 4R6RR 16. 4R6RSSS 17. 4R4RR 18. 4R4RRS 19. 4R4RS 20. 4RSS 21. 66R 22. SRRR 23. SRSS 24. SSS 25. 6S 26. 4SR 27. 4S6RRRS 28. 4S4R 29. 4SS 30. 4S6SS 31. 4S4SS 32. 8S 33. 2S 34. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4UUU 4. 8UU +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.8 Oozaru [BLOzr] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRR 2. RRRS 3. RR4RRS 4. RRS 5. RS 6. 6RRR 7. 6RRSS 8. 6RSS 9. 4RRR 1O. 4RRS 11. 4R6R 12. 4R4RR 13. 4R4RS 14. 4RS 15. 44R 16. SRRR 17. SR6RRS 18. SSSS 19. 6S 20. 4SRR 21. 4S6R 22. 4S4R 23. 4SS 24. 4S6S 25. 4S4S 26. 8S 27. 2S 28. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. UUUUU 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.9 Mai [BLMai] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRRR 2. RRRRRS 3. RRRRS 4. RRR4RS 5. RRRS 6. RRS 7. RS 8. 6RRRR 9. 6RRRSS 1O. 6RR4R 11. 6RRSSS 12. 6RSR 13. 6RSS 14. 4RRRRR 15. 4RRRRS 16. 4RRRS 17. 4RRS 18. 4R6RRR 19. 4R6RRS 20. 4R6RS 21. 4R4RR 22. 4R4RS 23. 4RS 24. 66R 25. SRRR 26. SSSS 27. 6S 28. 4SR 29. 4S6R 30. 4S4R 31. 4SS 32. 4S6S 33. 4S4S 34. 8S 35. 2S 36. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. UUUU 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.10 Piccolo [BLPcl] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRRR 2. RRRRS 3. RRRS 4. RRS 5. RS 6. 4RRRR 7. 6RRRSS 8. 6RRSSS 9. 6RSR 1O. 6RSS 11. 4RRRR 12. 4RRRS 13. 4RRS 14. 4R6RRS 15. 4R4RR 16. 4R4RS 17. 4RS 18. 66R 19. SRRR 20. SSSR 21. SSSS 22. 6S 23. 4SRR 24. 4S6R 25. 4S4R 26. 4SS 27. 4S6S 28. 8S 29. 2S 30. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.11 Neo Piccolo [BLNpc] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++ NORMAL ATTACKS ++++++++++++++ 1. RRRR 2. RRRS 3. RRSS 4. RRS4S 5. RS 6. 6RRRR 7. 6RRRS 8. 6RRSSS 9. 6RSS 1O. 4RRRRR 11. 4RRS 12. 4R6RRS 13. 4R4RR 14. 4R4RS 15. 4RS 16. 66R 17. SRRR 18. SSSR 19. SSSS 20. 6S 21. 4SRR 22. 4S6R 23. 4S4R 24. 4SS 25. 4S6S 26. 8S 27. 2S 28. 66S +++++++++++++++ SPECIAL ATTACKS +++++++++++++++ 1. U 2. 6U 3. 4U 4. 8U 5. 2U +++++++++++++ MISCELLANEOUS +++++++++++++ 1. RG (Throw) 2. AC (Full Burst) 3. AG (Aura Burst Guard) ======================================================================= VII. VERSION HISTORY [BLVer] ======================================================================= +++ 1.0 +++ -First Version -Finished Movelist and Walkthrough ======================================================================= VIII. CREDITS [BLCre] ======================================================================= -GameFAQs, for making this site, which I use a lot. -Gamefly for a great service and letting me rent this game for a month. This game should never be bought. By anyone.