______ _________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ( __ \ \__ __/( ____ \( ____ \( ___ )( ____ \( ___ ) / ___ ) | ( \ ) ) ( | ( \/| ( \/| ( ) || ( \/| ( ) | \/ ) | | | ) | | | | (_____ | | | (___) || (__ | (___) | / ) | | | | | | (_____ )| | ____ | ___ || __) | ___ | _/ / | | ) | | | ) || | \_ )| ( ) || ( | ( ) | / _/ | (__/ )___) (___/\____) || (___) || ) ( || (____/\| ) ( | ( (__/\ (______/ \_______/\_______)(_______)|/ \|(_______/|/ \| \_______/ ------------------------------------------------- Written and composed by Cory Feliciano (C0RY_07) Contact at - Cory.000(at)hotmail(dot)com Version - .5 ------------------------------------------------- Version History Version .5 June 8th, 2007 Guide is sitting at the halfway mark. Chapters 1 - 6 written. Crime list complete. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___ _ _ | _.|_ | _ _ _|_ / _ ._ _|_ _ ._ _|_ _ |(_||_)|(/_ (_) | \_(_)| | |_(/_| | |__> Introduction------------ Intr Walkthrough------------- Wlkt Episode 1--------------- 1.01 Episode 2--------------- 2.01 Episode 3--------------- 3.01 Episode 4--------------- 4.01 Episode 5--------------- 5.01 Episode 6--------------- 6.01 Crime list-------------- Crml Contact info and legal-- Cont _____ _______________________________________________________________________ /------\---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Intr | Introduction \______/______________________________________________________________________ Welcome to my guide for Disgaea 2. This is my first guide for GAME FAQ'S. I've always looked up to the authors of this site, they are really what make it run. So I am going to try and add to the growing community of authors. So sit back and enjoy my guide. _____ _______________________________________________________________________ /------\---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Wlkt | Walkthrough \______/______________________________________________________________________ This walkthrough will take you throughout the course of the game and provide strategies as to how to get past all the stages and will contain minimal spoilers. Don't read ahead though because no guide is totally spoiler free. At the beginning of every Episode I will outline a brief outline on what you would need to comfortably go into the battles. They will still be challenging, but you should not be getting killed as long as you follow the strategy. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | 1.01 | Episode One | 1.01 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ The very first battles to take place are simple tutorials. Absolutely nothing to worry about, just simply follow the instructions and you will be fine. It is a tutorial after all. After you have dealt with the tutorials, before jumping to the next segment in the story, go back to the town and heal your characters. You can do this by paying a fee on how badly your characters are injured, talk to the lady with the heart above her head. You can also go check out the shops and sell any items you may have picked up but don't need for some cash, or better known as hel. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- | Reflection Pond | \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------o | Prinny - 4 Lv. (1) | o Prinny - 1 Lv. (2) o | | o-----------------------o The first level is very easy, pretty much just another round of tutorial battle. The only real problem is the enemy boost panel in effect. Move Rozalin up and then have someone throw her over toward the geo symbol to take it out first turn. After that just beat down on the Prinnies. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- |Psycho's Hideout| \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------o | Petite Orc - 4 Lv.(2) | o Mothman - 1 Lv.(3) o | | o-----------------------o Another fairly easy level. Start by throwing the geo panel with exp. 50% onto the blue space nearby. There is a treasure chest far off, which is almost impossible to get to before they destroy it, don't worry about it though. Just keep the enemies on the blue spaces for the exp. bonus and take them down. Try to get everyone involved to spread the exp. around. Be sure to go back to town and heal up and upgrade your armor and weapons as best as possible before tackling the next stage. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- | Dead Tree Field | \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Fighter - 3 Lv.(2) | o Lady Fighter - 2 Lv.(3) o | Healer - 1 Lv.(3) | o Axel Lv.(4) o | | o-------------------------o Ok the difficulty just stepped up a tad bit. A lot of fighters grace the area here. Don't even worry about Axel, as long as you don't get within his range, he won't come after you. Instead focus on gaining up on one fighter at a time, cut them down one by one. Keep your healer and skull away from danger, they will prove useful. Once you have taken all the fighters out, take time to heal up a little bit before confronting Axel. Your healer should be able to cast shield by now, cast this on someone like Adell or your fighter then move them into range, you have to bait Axel out. Then just unleash everyone's strongest attacks. Use their special moves and all you got. It's not that hard, just attack quick and hard. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | 2.01 | Episode Two | 2.01 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ As always, go upgrade your equipment, buy a couple of healing items if you need to and then be on your way. Also if you are dying to get some strong equipment, go to the Dark Assembly, you can access this by talking to the guy directly above the Dimesion guide, and try and pass the more expensive stuff bill. Beware though, unless you play back through some stages to get more hel, you won't be able to buy a lot of anything. Check the Dark Assembly Section for more info. I also encourage playing through the last stage from the previous episode a few times to gain some levels and skills before starting, you will appriciate the extra power. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- |Banquet Room | \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------o | Marionette - 4 Lv.(4) | o Ghost - 2 Lv.(5) o | | o-----------------------o A lot of enemies are in this room, fortunately there is a def. 50% panel in place. Rush your characters up to the 4 panels in the middle of the room and just destroy the enemies as they get close to you. Watch out for the ghosts though, they have a ranged attack that hurts like hell... It would be a good idea to go ahead and take them out first, as they have little staying power, a solid hit takes them down. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- |Sanction Room | \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------o | Tink Lv.(5) | o-----------------------o Here you meet a great addition to the story... A crazy little frog named Tink. He is your only opponent on this map too. Don't underestimate him though, his attack hurts quite bad. Not only that, but every turn you are sent to yet another space on the map. Hope you get lucky and land beside a Geo Panel, destroy it to take off the Enemy boost 50% and the warp. This is just another enemy in which you just need to hit hard and fast. When you can hit him that is. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- | Room of Despair | \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Thief - 7 Lv.(4) | o Lady Fighter - 3 Lv.(3) o | | o-------------------------o As the name suggests, despair is present here. A ton of enemies in this stage, while not really difficult, it is easy to become overwhelmed.Start with keeping your character close to the base and having them use the defend command. On the next turn the thieves will come down and attack. Once you have killed all the gun wielding thieves, make your way to the staircase to take on the lady fighters. They are standing in a line, so make use of Rozalin's Rose Thorns, or a group magic attack. /-----------------\---------------------------------------------------------- | Sealed Room | \-----------------/---------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Blue Skull - 1 Lv.(5) | o Red Skull - 2 Lv.(5) o | Green Skull - 1 Lv.(5) | o Warrior - 1 Lv.(5) o | Lady Fighter - 2 Lv.(5) | o Axel Lv.(6) o | | o-------------------------o Before taking this stage on, I highly suggest that you and your team are averaging out about lvl. 7 at least. Also your equipment should be the best you can buy if you haven't passed the more expensive stuff bill. With that in mind here we go. Ok, note the geopanel hell... Everyone that is on a green space recieves a 50% boost in defense, -1 movement, and the enemies are all boosted 50%. So to even it out, you really need to fight on the green to boost your defense as well. Try to pick them up off of it and throw them to a blank panel, where balanced fighting can take place. Take the skulls out first, as the spells hurt quite bad. Then just single out the other enemies. Keep your healer healthy, and try and cast shield on everyone. Once again the Axel, won't move unless you get within range, don't do that until you are ready. He has a new special attack, Shocking Soul, which hurts really bad, so stay away from him until you can get your entire team to gang up on him. If for some reason you do happen to screw up and Axel comes down to murder you before you are ready, have your fighter or Adell pick him up and launch him away to buy some time or allow you to get back out of range. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | 3.01 | Episode Three | 3.01 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ Before you start this chapter you need to pass some bills at the assembly. It will be important now to pass the more expensive stuff bill at least once. Also you may wish to create new characters. Another spell caster or fighter could help out. Make sure to at least spend 50 mana to start them at the average level. I would also spend some time to level any characters you make up to around what your party is at, or at least give your lower level characters superior equipment. Once your average level is around 9 go ahead and dive into episode three. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Poisonous Swamp | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Zombie - 7 lv.(6) | o-------------------------o Ok in this level right here, speed is key to victory. Seven Zombies are spread out over the map. They aren't that strong, but have a lot of HP. So send out two teams to dispatch of them quickly. Watch out for their special attack though, it can cause poison. The purple panels will continue to spread unless you defeat them quickly, if you are standing on one of the panels it will automatically at the beginning of your turn take one fifth of your health away. So take them down fast. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- |Dangerous Refuge| \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Messenger - 6 Lv.(6) | o-------------------------o Nothing Dangerous about this stage. A bunch of good panels though. Mana, Hel, and Experience, all plus 50%. Just single the monsters out and kill them one by one and reap the benefits. The panels will change every turn though, so don't expect a perfect stage. One interesting thing you can do, is throw someone over there to and destroy one of the Geo Symbols, this will result in a chain reaction and destroy all your enemies and make your bonus guage go almost all the way up. You don't get any experience, but it looks cool and you complete the stage with no effort. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Corpse Garden | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | War Slug - 3 Lv.(9) | o War Slug - 3 Lv.(10) o | Vodianoi - 1 Lv.(12) | o-------------------------o Ok in this level your enemies wield a ranged attack that has a cross shaped area that it damages. All the enemies have a lot of HP so you will need to attack them as a group, but unless you are attacking them, try and keep your characters spread out. Keep your healer healthy as well, use the magic wall spell to buff up their resistance to the magic they use. When you have killed all of them except the yellow one up top, it will then start moving and try and hurt you. It really doesn't possess a whole lot stronger attack, just has about double the HP. So don't worry too much, try and exploit elemental weakness to make it go down faster if possible. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Item World | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- Before you can progress any further in the story, you must attain a felony. You are issued a subpoena for Tink's exsistence, which is quite funny in my opinion. After you get your subpoena you must then go into the Item World and go to the court and recieve your criminal reward, or felony. Also note that just because Tink was issued the warrant, anyone who appears in court will recieve the felony conviction. Read the crimes section for more information on felonies. Once in the Item World, you are told that the court is on the 4th floor, you can't exit the Item World though until you reach the 10th floor. Unless of course you use the Mr. Gency Exit. You can't buy these anywhere and you only get them as a bonus item at the end of every 10th floor in the item world. All the levels are randomly generated, so I can't write you a strategy. You can go down a floor by either defeating all the enemies or by having any character step on a portal that automatically warps you to the next floor. This way will save you valuable HP and SP, as this is really an endurance challenge. The enemies get progressively harder every floor you go down, so save some strength for later floors. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Tragedyland | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------------o | Private Prinny - 10 Lv.(22) | o Etna Lv.(1000) o | | o-----------------------------o Wow... This is one of the easiest stages you will ever go to. You will simply get your ass handed to you. I mean honestly, Etna is on level 1000, her attacks hurt, really bad. Even the Prinnies can totally murder you. It is cool however to watch the special attacks that they can serve up. And now you will have a newfound respect for the Prinnies. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | 4.01 | Episode Four | 4.01 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ Once again the difficulty will take a step up. Try and pass some bills for more expensive stuff. Go and buy the best equipment you can. Go back to other areas for more training. Try and average your characters levels out around 11 for some added security. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Bloody Valley | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Petite Orc - 4 Lv.(8) | o Ghost - 2 Lv.(8) o | Orc Captain - 2 Lv.(9) | o Alraune - 2 Lv.(10) o | | o-------------------------o What looks to be rough, can be made easier and in your favor by having your fighter throw Adell or one of your strong characters over to where the No Range Attack symbol is. Destroy it and place the Exp. plus 50% in its place. Now have Adell sit there and not draw any attention to himself. Kill the enemies that come to him, but don't provoke the whole squad. Now send the rest of your party to the rescue. Have your strong characters go first to clog up the narrow passage and have your ranged characters in the back dealing out damage from a safe place. Just keep working your way forward. Beware the orcs in the back can unleash a pretty fierce combo, make them priority to take out over any other enemies. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Life Exchange | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Petite Orc - 2 Lv.(10) | o Petite Orc - 3 Lv.(11) o | Cockatrice - 2 Lv.(9) | o Cockatrice - 2 Lv.(10) o | Beast Tamer - 1 Lv.(10) | o Beast Tamer - 2 Lv.(11) o | Beast Tamer - 1 Lv.(12) | o-------------------------o A geo symbol will move back and forth adding an attack plus 50% on either the red or yellow symbols every turn, now this benefits you and your enemies, so you can either take it out for security, or leave it in place and hit harder too. Start by killing the first group of enemies in front of your base, note that the Cockatrice can inflict paralasis with their stone breath attack, it also covers a cross shaped area. Every Beast Tamer on the map possesses a powerful strike, so deal with them first. After you kill the first group, you can either proceed across the bridge with your whole team, or throw people across the water right above your base panel, splitting your team up allows you better deal with the enemy. If you do this, send 2 of your stronger characters across the river, and leave the rest to cross the bridge. As with all narrow paths, have a melee lead the way, and let your ranged characters light it up from the back. Watch out for the orc right in front of the last Beast Tamer, she has been using a buff spell on it and it will have a strong attack power. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Red Waterfall | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Nekomata - 7 Lv.(10) | o Beast Tamer - 1 Lv.(12) o | | o-------------------------o Ok things on this level could quickly begin to get bad if you don't do one of two things quickly. The geo symbol in place is a enemy level plus 10%, so every level they will gain levels. So you need to either quickly clear out the enemies, or make a stack of characters and throw someone way up the hill and destroy the geo symbol. The Nekomatas attack is pretty fierce, so try to gang up on them as to not be overwhelmed. You could wait until they get pretty strong and use this as a training stage, considering their health doesn't increase as they gain levels, but don't wait too long or you will have something you can't deal with on your hands. Just wait until they are at the desired level then have someone destroy the geo symbol. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Dragon's Mouth | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Rogue - 3 Lv.(12) | o Thief - 2 Lv.(10) o | Heavy Knight - 2 Lv.(12)| o Togabito - 2 Lv.(12) o | Axel Lv.(14) | o-------------------------o More of a puzzle than anything, this map is loaded with bad geo panels. You can't go past the yellow panels in front of you due to the no entry symbol in effect. You have to take care of this problem. If your magic user is pretty strong, you can just throw him across the river and have him destroy all the geo symbols you don't want in effect. If your magic user isn't very durable, then throw a fighter over there with him. You have to destroy the Invincible geo panel that is effect on the red panels underneath Axel's feet. It's hard to damage an invincible foe. Carefully pick off your opponents one by one as you work your way to the bridge that will take you to Axel. Beware the Togabito, they have incredibly low defense, but their attack makes up for it. On the Other hand the Heavy Knights, have a decent attack score, with a really high defense. Once only Axel is left, pretty much just use the same strategies as before, keep your characters healthy, and attack as a single unit. Your strongest attacks one after another. You may even want to combo him by stacking all your characters. Anything strong. Hit him hard, hit him fast. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | 5.01 | Episode Five | 5.01 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ As always start by upgrading your equipment and restoration items. Visit the Dark Assembly to pass some bills or add some new characters to your team. The monsters once again take a small jump in power so going back and training isn't a bad idea, especially if Axel gave you some problems. An average level of about 15 will do. /-------------------\--------------------------------------------------------- | Glutton's Hideout | \-------------------/--------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Petite Orc - 4 Lv.(13) | o Orc Captain - 2 Lv.(13) o | Bogart - 4 Lv.(13) | o Alraune - 2 Lv.(14) o | Empusa - 3 Lv.(14) | o Head Orc - 1 Lv.(16) o | | o-------------------------o What starts out looking like a fairly straight forward battle, can progress to a complicated matter quickly. The panels at the back will spread every turn, giving your enemies a real advantage. The heal 20% will effect everyone, but the enemy boost 50% will really hurt you in the long run. So try and destroy as many of your enemies in a relatively quick fashion. I suggest trying to take out the enemy boost symbol as well when you get within range. Lastly, a new enemy appears here, the Head Orc, really just an advanced Orc version, it possesses a hefty attack and that coupled with the enemy boost can be devastating. Also has high HP and a respectable defense, so make this enemy number one on your priority list to down. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Eternal Oblivion| \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------------o | Petite Orc - 6 Lv.(14) | o Orc Captain - 6 Lv.(14) o | | o-----------------------------o You are pretty much pinned in a corner at the beggining with enemies baring down on you. You can turn the battle in your favor though by throwing someone over to the geo symbols and placing them on the purple panels to give the square surrounding your base an increase in attack and defense. Now just have someone lure the enemies back to your base and fight them from there. Or you can just say screw that and just go start fighting. You are on an even playing field, no complicated geo panels. Just be sure to not get surrounded from all sides. /-----------------\----------------------------------------------------------- | Shriek of Death | \-----------------/----------------------------------------------------------- o-----------------------------o | Enemies | o-----------------------------o | Cu Sith - 4 Lv.(18) | o-----------------------------o I guess Axel got tired of you beating him down and decided to help you out for once. The invincibilty panels keep the monsters safe from range attacks, so don't bother with that. Instead go down and destroy the no entry symbols and just face them head on. They are strong, but with the help of Axel you should be fine. Just take them down one by one. Note that they are immune to the wind element however. So don't waste your time with that. /-------------------\--------------------------------------------------------- | Dark Ruins | \-------------------/--------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Petite Orc - 6 Lv.(16) | o Orc Captain - 1 Lv.(18) o | Bogart - 2 Lv.(16) | o Alraune - 4 Lv.(16) o | Cu Sith - 2 Lv.(18) | o Cu Sith - 1 Lv.(20) o | | o-------------------------o Lots of narrow corridors are in place thanks to the no entry panels. This helps though, keeps you from having to face a large force out in the open, so be happy you can't go somewhere. I would split your party into two groups, have them go on each side instead of down the middle to prevent being surrounded. Start by killing each of the Petite Orcs on both sides of your base then have a melee character lead the way. Keep your characters in the back dealing out damage from afar and healing the fighter. The enemies here are pretty strong so keep eveyone healthy. There are 3 Cu Siths here, so keep your guard up. They have a powerful attack and are on a high level. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | 6.01 | Episode Six | 6.01 | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ As with most episodes it takes a slight step up in difficulty. By this point you should have a pretty diverse, strong team. Having about 7-9 characters with good equipment. If you haven't visited the Item World yet to power up your equipment, now would be a good time to start. Have your characters average level around 19 to 21. /-------------------\--------------------------------------------------------- | First Battle | \-------------------/--------------------------------------------------------- o-------------------------o | Enemies | o-------------------------o | Rogue - 2 Lv.(16) | o Acolyte - 1 Lv.(16) o | Blue Mage - 1 Lv.(16) | o Lady Warrior - 2 Lv.(16)o | Red Skull - 1 Lv.(16) | o Invincible Hero Lv.(18) o | | o-------------------------o No geo panels to deal with, just a straight forward duel. The opposing team has no direct weakness. They are all pretty strong, and all have good equipment. Only real strategy is just play it smart and take them down one by one. Shouldn't be a real problem. One thing to beware of though, the Acolyte in the back for some reason has an axe, and a lot of HP. Don't take her lightly, she doesn't heal a lot, just deals out pain. Also after this battle is over you won't be able to return to the town. You will have to stay at the Coliseum. No worry though, all the facilities are still in place, just a little more spread out. +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ | CRML | Crime List | CRML | +------+--------------------------------------------------------------+------+ There are multiple crimes you can commit to gain felonies. Ranging from becoming too powerful, gaining too much money, or in Tink's case, simply being alive. So check below to see the various crimes and there rewards. Below are the Felonies that any character can recieve after they reach a certain criteria or achieve the warrant. The rewards are infinite as long as you keep having new characters commit the crimes. o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | Crime | Warrant | Reward | Felonies | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | High LV. | LV. 20 | 50,000 Hel | 2 | o High HP o HP 500 o 50,000 Hel o 2 | | High SP | SP 250 | 50,000 Hel | 2 | o High ATK o ATK 200 o 50,000 Hel o 2 | | High DEF | DEF 200 | 50,000 Hel | 2 | o High INT o INT 200 o 50,000 Hel o 2 | | High RES | RES 200 | 50,000 Hel | 2 | o High HIT o HIT 200 o 50,000 Hel o 2 | | High SPD | SPD 200 | 50,000 Hel | 2 | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | Too High LV. | Lv. 200 | 2,000,000 Hel | 6 | o Too High HP o HP 5000 o 2,000,000 Hel o 6 o | Too High SP | SP 2500 | 2,000,000 Hel | 6 | o Too High ATK o ATK 2000 o 2,000,000 Hel o 6 o | Too High DEF | DEF 2000 | 2,000,000 Hel | 6 | o Too High INT o INT 2000 o 2,000,000 Hel o 6 o | Too High RES | RES 2000 | 2,000,000 Hel | 6 | o Too High HIT o HIT 2000 o 2,000,000 Hel o 6 o | Too High SPD | SPD 2000 | 2,000,000 Hel | 6 | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | Way Too High LV. | LV. 2000 | 500,000,000 Hel | 10 | o Way Too High HP o HP 50,000 o 500,000,000 Hel o 10 o | Way Too High SP | SP 25,000 | 500,000,000 Hel | 10 | o Way Too High ATK o ATK 20,000 o 500,000,000 Hel o 10 o | Way Too High DEF | DEF 20,000 | 500,000,000 Hel | 10 | o Way Too High INT o INT 20,000 o 500,000,000 Hel o 10 o | Way Too High RES | RES 20,000 | 500,000,000 Hel | 10 | o Way Too High HIT o HIT 20,000 o 500,000,000 Hel o 10 o | Way Too High SPD | SPD 20,000 | 500,000,000 Hel | 10 | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | Excessive Force | Get 1000 Dmg. Hit | Spirit Belt | 4 | o Geo Vandalism o Get A Combo of 500 o Astral Orb o 2 o | Being a Loser | Get Killed 20 Times | Spirit Muscle | 2 | o Friendly Fire o Get 20 Ally Kills o Heretic o 2 o | Pitching Prinnies | Throw 20 Prinnies | Prinny Staff | 3 | o Too Many Murders o Kill 1000 Enemies o Immortal Pill o 2 o | Reincarnating | Reincarnate 10 Times | Red Moon Bow | 12 | o Liking Guys o Create 10 Males o 500 Mana o 2 o | Liking Girls | Create 10 Females | 500 Mana | 2 | o Being A Breeder o Create 10 Monsters o 500 Mana o 2 o | Mastering Fists | Master Fist LV. 15 | Scroll - Fist | 12 | o Mastering Swords o Master Sword LV. 15 o Scroll - Sword o 12 o | Mastering Spears | Master Spear LV. 15 | Scroll - Spear | 12 | o Mastering Bows o Master Bow LV. 15 o Scroll - Bow o 12 o | Mastering Guns | Master Gun LV. 15 | Scroll - Gun | 12 | o Mastering Axes o Master Axe LV. 15 o Scroll - Axe o 12 o | Mastering Staves | Master Staff LV. 15 | Scroll - Staff | 12 | o Mastering Fire o Fire Magics LV. 15 o Exodus o 12 o | Mastering Wind | Wind Magics LV. 15 | Exodus | 12 | o Mastering Ice o Ice Magics LV. 15 o Exodus o 12 o | Mastering Star | Star Magics LV. 15 | Exodus | 12 | o Mastering Healing o Healing Magics LV. 15o Universal Orb o 12 o | Corrupting The Youth| Pupil At LV. 100 | 5000 Mana | 6 | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o This group of crimes can only be obtained one time, no matter what cycle of play. o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | Crime | Warrant | Reward | Felonies | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o | Second Round Play | Start 2nd Cycle | Noble Rose | 10 | o Being Too Rich o 100,000,000 o 10,000 Mana o 10 o | Playing Too Much | Clock Over 1000 Hours| Sundae | 10 | o Mastering Classes o Unlock all Classes o Twilight o 10 o | Political Unrest | 20 Bills By Force | Veggie Burger | 10 | o Kidnapping o Capture 15 Monsters o The Demon o 10 o | Murdering Baal | Kill Baal | Arcadia | 10 | o---------------------o----------------------o--------------------o----------o _____________________________________________________________________________ /------\---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CONT | Contact info and Legal \______/______________________________________________________________________ This guide is available only for personal use. No one has the consent to distribute this guide in any way. My guide will only be hosted on GameFAQ's. Do not attempt to recreate this guide and claim credit yourself. Do not take anything from this guide and use it in your own without first asking me. If you need to contact me about anything, or need help with something do so at Cory.000(at)hotmail(dot)com. Thank you for using my guide.