------------------------------------ Breath of Fire III Fishing FAQ Written by ElectroSpecter Final Version (4-19-07) E-Mail: ElectroSpecter26@hotmail.com ------------------------------------ o============o \ Contents / o========o - Introduction - FAQs - The Basics - Scoring - Fishing Ranks - Fish Data - Fish as Items - Fishing Locations - Rods - Bait - Manillo Shops o================o \ Introduction / o============o The fishing mini game in Breath of Fire III has always captivated me (for a while it was all I did, not making any progress in the game), and the thought that one could obtain a perfect score by catching the biggest of each type of fish occurred to me at some point. I was put off mainly due to the fact that I didn't know what the biggest of each type of fish was, or even, if there was a maximum. Luckily, one fateful day in the forums I decided to pose that very question: "Is there a maximum length for each fish, and is there a 'Perfect Score?'" Luckily, and to my amazement, someone (Terence) on the gameFAQs forums had the exact formula that the game uses to determine the score for the fish, and also confirmed my belief that there is a Perfect Score. Driven by this newfound data, I have created this FAQ to set in stone this information, and also to help those out who are just beginning. Although I will be glad to see this FAQ reach the light of day, I regretfully admit that I don't remember how some of people mentioned in the guide helped me. All I know is that they're all from the forums, and they gave me some sort of information at some point that was beneficial to the guide. If you find your name in here, and know exactly how you helped me, feel free to send an email. o========o \ FAQs / o====o Q. So... What's the point of fishing? A. Though certainly not necessary (with one plot-driven exception), fishing is quite a helpful deviation from the main quest (not to mention a fun one). Early in the game, you can sell the fish you catch for money, which will help with equipment. Later in the game, you'll want to catch the bigger fish (like the whales and spearfish) to use as items. Q. How come some fish just won't bite? A. Try switching to a different bait type. Each fish will always respond to a certain bait type. Also, you may need to improve your button tapping (for higher Tecs). For info on which baits to use and how to improve Tecs, look at the respective sections (Baits and The Basics). Q. Why can't I reach those fish way out there? A. You'll need to either wait until they come in range of your bait, or just wait until you get a better rod. Your best bet is getting a new rod. You typically can't reach those fish for a reason: Your rod can't handle them! You run the risk of snapping your line with a lower end rod. Q. Do I get anything for getting certain ranks? A. Yep. For reaching the rank of Rodmaster (2000 points), you'll be able to apprentice to Giotto. For reaching higher ranks (Master of Angling++ or The Fish), you'll receive the best rod and bait and a Fountain Pen. Check out the rod and bait sections for the specifics. Q. Why do I stink at Tecs?! A. I was terrible at getting good Tecs until I started playing piano and developed a better sense of rhythm. Not that I suggest you pick up piano, but I do suggest practicing until you get Tecs right. You'll probably be able to survive by pulling off Tec + 3s, as I did, but you'll have a much easier time if you learn the Tec + 4. If you memorize the pattern (not that hard) just tap your other finger to a continuous beat as you press (or don't press) the buttons for the Tec (I click my tongue to the beat, although anyone that catches you clicking your tongue at a game may think you're a bit strange). Q. Have you gotten the Perfect Score? A. Heck no, I haven't even gotten The Fish rank yet. I'm still a respectable (but desperately short) Master of Angling++ (9159 points). Q. What's the Shisu sidequest all about? A. It's actually a vital part of the storyline. While you don't really have to do all that well while making it, doing a good job nets you some nice items, the best of which is the Shaman's Ring. ZC Liu has sent me a recipe that will net you a Shaman's Ring when you make the Shisu dish: "Mackerel x 1 ; 68cm or better Shaly Seed x15 Vinegar x 5 Horseradish x 8 Knead x 2" Q. What's a Barandy anyway? I'll let ZC Liu field this one. A. "Just a bit of trivia... professional anglers and Australians probably already know this. The barandy fish-name was a mistranslation; either that, or a shortening of the original name due to too many characters. In the JP version, it was known as the "Ba-Ra-Mu-N-De-I", based on a real-life fish known in Japan as the Northern Barramundi (check out Gulf Saratoga in wikipedia). Additionally, you might want to click on the link to the Arapaima Gigas fish too!" o==============o \ The Basics / o==========o If you're just beginning the BoFIII Fishing mini game, this section is for you. Basically, it goes over what the game already tells you, but with my own input here and there. Finding a Fishing Spot ---------------------- Fishing Spots appear on the world map as a single fish jumping up out of the water repeatedly. They appear after different events in the game, so you can't access them all at once. Walk up to the spot and Press X to enter it. You'll find yourself in a new area. The Fishing Menu ---------------- In the new area, press the Square button to enter the menu. From here, you can select Gear, Data, or Rules. Gear lets you equip a rod and bait, Data lets you see information on the fish you've caught and your current ranking, and Rules goes over some basic info for fishing. Equipping a Rod and Bait ------------------------ Before you can fish, you'll have to have a rod and bait equipped. Do this by going into the Fishing Menu and selecting Gear. From here you can equip both a rod and bait from your inventory. Simple, no? Casting ------- Press X once to make a green bar appear. It moves back and forth until you press X again. The farther right the bar is when you press X, the closer your cast will be to the maximum distance it can reach. While the bait is sailing through the air, you can press left or right to move it around to control where it lands. Once the Bait is in the Water ----------------------------- Once the bait has hit the water, you can move it around with the left and right directional buttons. Each of these movements also bring the bait back closer to you. Tapping X will intermittently reel the bait in. Holding X will reel the bait in faster. Pressing the down directional button gives the bait a tug (although using the down button in excess leads to bait loss; it's not reccommended). Pressing Triangle will cancel the entire cast and return you to the shore. Some baits will slowly sink if you don't press any buttons, and rise again when you press X. Others sink when you press X, and float back to the top when you don't press anything. You can see the position of your bait relative to the bottom of the area with the meter on the bottom of the screen. Don't let your bait sink too low; you could lose it. Attracting a Fish ----------------- Fish are the dark shapes that swim about in the water (but I'm sure you've figured that out already). Typically, once a fish comes in close proximity with a bait that it likes, it will start to follow it until it bites. Some fish need more coaxing, however. Tapping the X button (or the left, right, or down buttons) rhythmically creates "Tecs." When used correctly, a Tec will dramatically increase the fish's desire to bite the bait in front of it. Sometimes, it will even attract a fish that would normally be too far away to notice the bait. I will attempt to display the 4 Tec rhythms here, but I strongly suggest looking at the live examples in the Rules section of the fishing menu. (Press X when it says X and wait a beat when it says -) 2 Count ... X-X- Tec + 1 3 Count ... XX- Tec + 2 5 Count ... XX-X- Tec + 3 7 Count ... XX--X-X Tec + 4 Reeling in a Fish ----------------- So, the fish has bitten! You'll need to hold X to reel it in, but there's a bit more to it than that. You'll notice something new at the bottom of the screen. A fish icon appears, as well as a bar. You can move the bar around with the directional buttons. The fish moves on its own. The goal is to move the bar so that it stays on top of the fish for the most part. This is called tracking. When the bar is on top of the fish, it will be green. When it's not on the fish, it will be orange. You'll also notice a red bar below the tracker and fish icons (well, you may not really notice it until you start tackling the harder fish). This is the stamina of the fish, and the higher it is, the more energy it will have to drag your line out to sea. The more you fight the fish, the more the stamina will drop. Sometimes, if your rod is just too weak, a fish will be able to fight even without stamina. At this point, you'll want to keep an eye on the distance that the fish has your line out. If it gets too high, your line will break. If you find that you were fighting the fish well, and keeping the bar green, it may mean that you simply need a better rod before attempting to tackle that specific fish. When the fish reaches the shore, you've caught it. Secret Fishing Tips ------------------- The following are a couple techniques I've developed from countless hours fishing. These secret techniques began as mere whispers in the darkest corners of subconscious thought, and as they manifested I noticed them and took note so that I could pass on this information to aspiring fishermen. Corny dialogue aside, I'll give you the following tips (and perhaps an inkling of disappointment after that pump-up speech): Tip #1: While reeling in the fish, it will sometimes break water. In this case, the fish icon will pause for a second or so. This always means that the fish is about to lose a lot of energy, and you should be ready to move the tracking bar to the left. This happens often, so learn to react! Tip #2: Sometimes the fish will put up such a fight that the fish icon will dart to the right side of the bar. The tracking bar normally "drags" the fish icon to the left, but it can't really get a good "grip" on the fish when it's crammed into the right side of the bar. My solution is to tap the right directional button as fast as you can. This seems to "dislodge" the fish icon from the right side of the bar, allowing the tracking bar to get a better grip. This method almost always prevents the fish from running away with your line. Heck, you can use the method to easily catch fish you normally couldn't catch with weaker rods. This is called the "Dislodge Technique," and yes, I just made that up. Quitting -------- When you want to quit fishing, press Triangle while at the shore. You can either change your mind and select Retry, or just quit to return to the world map. o===========o \ Scoring / o=======o Thanks to Terence for the following information on the formula and the maximum points for each fish (if you're not good with math, just skip ahead a little to the chart): "How fishing works: All fish have a 'target' length that you must meet to get the full number of points available for catching them. The Average Length is not part of this data; it's just a guideline. The Average Length is usually 75% of the Target Length, rounded *down* to the nearest 5cm (example: a fish with a Target Length of 50cm would have an Average Length of 50*0.75 = 37.5 which rounds down to 35). Just as there is a Target Length for each fish, there is also a maximum number of points available from each fish. How many points you get from a fish depends on what percentage of the Target Length you met. The formula used is: Points = [[10 * Catch Length / Target Length] * Max Points / 10] As an example, a MartianSquid grants 600 points maximum and has a Target Length of 80cm. If you caught one that had a length of 79, you'd get the following number of points: Points = [[10 * 79 / 80] * 600 / 10] = [[790 / 80] * 600 / 10] = [[9.875] * 600 / 10] = [9 * 600 / 10] = [5400 / 10] = [540] = 540 (Anything within square brackets must be rounded *down* to the nearest integer) Even if you catch a fish *over* the Target Length, you will not get more points than the maximum points allowed for that fish." Maximum Maximum Fish Length(cm) Score ---------------------------------------- Jellyfish 30 100 Pirana 40 150 Puffer 50 200 Trout 70 250 RainbowTrout 70 300 Red Catfish 80 400 Bass 40 400 MartianSquid 80 600 Black Bass 90 700 Barandy 200 900 Man-o'-War 30 100 Flying Fish 20 150 Blowfish 20 200 Sea Bream 40 250 Sea Bass 60 500 Black Porgy 60 400 Octopus 70 500 Angler 100 600 Devilfish 120 700 Spearfish 160 800 Whale 240 999 Mackerel 70 300 Manillo 200 500 "Note that the total number of points available adds up to 9999, and as such it is impossible to get higher than that, even if the game could display it." o=================o \ Fishing Ranks / o=============o As you move up in the world of fishing, you'll catch new fish, gain new baits and rods, and obtain higher scores and rankings. Thanks go to Youko (and to Ragnarok500, I believe he corrected an error) for the following chart: Required Ranking Score ------------------------------ Novice 0 Novice+ 100 Novice++ 200 Rodman 600 Rodman+ 1000 Rodman++ 1500 Rodmaster 2000 Rodmaster+ 3000 Rodmaster++ 4000 Master of Angling 5000 Master of Angling+ 7000 Master of Angling++ 9000 THE FISH 9500 There are a few rewards for reaching certain ranks in the game. For reaching the rank of Rodmaster (2000 points), you'll be able to apprentice to Giotto. For reaching the rank of Master of Angling++ (9000 points) and clearing the game, you'll receive the Master's Rod and Ding Frog by talking to the fisherman in the ? area on the peninsula west of Steel Beach (thanks to Gohanfan01 and DavidK5 for the correct info). Check out the rod and bait sections for the specifics. Finally, when you talk to the same guy that gave you the Master's Rod and Ding Frog after reaching THE FISH rank (9500 points) and clearing the game, you'll receive a Fountain Pen item. This works like Skill Ink, except you can keep using it to exchange skills (thanks AGAIN to DavidK5 for this info!). ZC Liu has sent more information regarding the Fountain Pen: "The Fountain Pen is a key item that goes under "Vtal" in your Items menu. It allows you to select "CHANGE" when going through your skills list without having to choose whether you want to use a Skill Ink at all. BTW, it's got the same description as that given to the Manly Clothes armor, just that this time the description is correct." o=============o \ Fish Data / o=========o Following each fish name is what type of bait it will snap at and also where to find each fish. Fish Preferred Bait Location(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jellyfish All but Coin West of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) East of Mt. Myrneg (Central Wyndia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pirana All but Coin West of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) SW of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) Northwest of the Plant (Eastern Wyndia) W of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Puffer Floating Type SW of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) SW of Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) Near Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) North of Mount Levett (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trout Worm and Fish Type SW of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) Northwest of the Plant (Eastern Wyndia) W of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) North of Mount Levett (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RainbowTrout Worm and Fish Type West of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) SW of Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) Northwest of the Plant (Eastern Wyndia) W of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Catfish Frog Type South of Dauna Mine (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bass All but Coin SW of Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) Northwest of the Plant (Eastern Wyndia) East of Mt. Myrneg (Central Wyndia) South of Dauna Mine (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MartianSquid Worm Type East of Mt. Myrneg (Central Wyndia) South of Dauna Mine (Dauna Region) Near Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Bass Worm and Fish Type Northwest of the Plant (Eastern Wyndia) North of Mount Levett (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Barandy Frog Type W of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Man-o'-War All but Coin Northwest of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) West of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flying Fish Floating Type South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) Northwest of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) West of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blowfish Floating Type South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sea Bream Worm and Fish Type Northwest of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) Southeast of Mount Zublo (Urkan Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sea Bass Worm and Fish Type West of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) Southwest of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Black Porgy Frog Type South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) Southeast of Mount Zublo (Urkan Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octopus Worm Type South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) West of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) Near Cliff (Rhapala Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angler Fish Type Southeast of Mount Zublo (Urkan Region) Near Cliff (Rhapala Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devilfish Worm Type Near Cliff (Rhapala Region) Southwest of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spearfish Fish Type Southwest of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whale Fish Type East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mackerel Worm Type Near Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manillo Coin SW of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) Southeast of Mount Zublo (Urkan Region) West of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) Near Cliff (Rhapala Region) Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o=================o \ Fish as Items / o=============o Any fish you've caught can be used as items. Some are healing fish, some cause status effects, and some are used as attack items. The fourth column describes whether you can use the fish in battle, on the field, or both. B means in battle and F means on the field. Restorative Selling Fish Description Price Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Man-o'-War Restores 1HP 5 Z B,F Jellyfish Restores 1HP 5 Z B,F Pirana Restores 20HP 25 Z B,F Flying Fish Restores 20HP 25 Z B,F Trout Restores 40HP 25 Z B,F Bass Restores 80HP 50 Z B,F Sea Bass Restores 80HP 50 Z B,F Sea Bream Restores 5AP 80 Z B,F RainbowTrout Restores 5AP 80 Z B,F Black Porgy Restores 20AP 200 Z B,F Black Bass Restores 80HP to party members 200 Z B,F Barandy Restores 240HP to party members 1000 Z B,F Spearfish Restores 240HP to party members 1000 Z B,F Whale Restores all members' HP&status 2000 Z B,F Blowfish Cures poison in party members 40 Z B,F Attack Selling Fish Description Price Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Devilfish Electric attack vs one target 500 Z B Puffer Flame attack vs one target 25 Z B Angler Earthquake(attack vs all targets) 200 Z B Red Catfish Earthquake(attack vs all targets) 150 Z B MartianSquid Induces blindness in one target 100 Z B Octopus Induces blindness in all targets 150 Z B Miscellaneous Selling Fish Description Price Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mackerel Fish 100 Z F* * The Mackerel isn't used from the menu. It's used once only as an ingredient when you are making shisu. o=====================o \ Fishing Locations / o=================o The fishing locations are listed in the order they become available to you. Also listed is where you'll find the fishing spot, when it becomes available to you in the game, the game's description of the spot, and the target fish at each. The number of each fish in each hole come courtesy of ZC Liu! Fishing Spot #1 - West of McNeil Village (Yraall Region) =============================================================================== Description: "There are lots of small fish swimming in the stream." Available: After defeating the Nue. Target Fish ----------- - Jellyfish x10 - Pirana x 6 - RainbowTrout x 4 Fishing Spot #2 - Southwest of McNeil Village, near the Farm (Yraall Region) =============================================================================== Description: "You see a familiar shape amongst the fish..." Available: After defeating the Nue. Target Fish ----------- - Pirana x8 - Puffer x8 - Trout x4 - Manillo x1 Fishing Spot #3 - West of Arena / SW of Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) =============================================================================== Description: "Hangout of the River Gang" Available: After Balio and Sunder bring you to Arena Target Fish ----------- - Puffer x6 - RainbowTrout x8 - Bass x6 Fishing Spot #4 - South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) =============================================================================== Description: "A famous spot where everyone catches the 'big ones'" Available: After passing through Mt. Boumore Target Fish ----------- - Flying Fish x12 - Blowfish x 4 - Black Porgy x 3 - Octopus x 4 - Manillo x 1 Fishing Spot #5 - Northwest of the Plant (Eastern Wyndia) =============================================================================== Description: "There are lots of different fish gathered here." Available: After agreeing to help Palet at the Coffee Shop Target Fish ----------- - Pirana x8 - Trout x4 - RainbowTrout x4 - Bass x4 - Black Bass x2 Fishing Spot #6 - East of Mt. Myrneg (Central Wyndia) =============================================================================== Description: "Something bizarre is swimming with the fish here..." Available: After defeating the Stallion Target Fish ----------- - Jellyfish x10 - Bass x 6 - MartianSquid x 4 Fishing Spot #7 - Northwest of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) =============================================================================== Description: "This is the best place to get fresh river fish!" Available: As soon as you cross the checkpoint bridge from Eastern Wyndia. Target Fish ----------- - Man-o'-War x10 - Flying Fish x 8 - Sea Bream x 4 Fishing Spot #8 - West of Rhapala (Rhapala Region) =============================================================================== Description: "A beach famous for good fishing" Available: As soon as you cross the checkpoint bridge from Eastern Wyndia. Target Fish ----------- - Man-o'-War x 4 - Flying Fish x 4 - Sea Bass x10 - Octopus x 4 Fishing Spot #9 - Southeast of Mount Zublo (Urkan Region) =============================================================================== Description: "Area famous for the 'big ones'!" Available: After passing through Mt. Zublo Target Fish ----------- - Sea Bream x12 - Black Porgy x 6 - Angler x 2 - Manillo x 1 Fishing Spot #10 - West of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) =============================================================================== Description: "The silence is almost tangible in this hushed place" Available: After fighting the Dragon Zombie and leaving the Mines Target Fish ----------- - Pirana x8 - Trout x6 - RainbowTrout x6 - Barandy x3 - Manillo x1 Fishing Spot #11 - South of Dauna Mine (Dauna Region) =============================================================================== Description: "They say that some unusual fish live in the colder areas upstream..." Available: After fighting the Dragon Zombie and leaving the Mines Target Fish ----------- - Red Catfish x 3 - Bass x10 - MartianSquid x 4 Fishing Spot #12 - North of Mount Levett (Dauna Region) =============================================================================== Description: "One of the most popular fishing spots, just full of big fish" Available: After fighting the Weretiger on Ogre Road Target Fish ----------- - Puffer x4 - Trout x8 - Black Bass x6 Fishing Spot #13 - Near Cliff (Rhapala Region) =============================================================================== Description: "Famous octopus fishing bed" Available: After passing through the Tidal Caves Target Fish ----------- - Octopus x12 - Angler x 4 - Devilfish x 4 - Manillo x 1 Fishing Spot #14 - Southwest of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) =============================================================================== Description: "The best fish in the world are said to be here in this bed..." Available: After talking to Beyd at Junk Town Target Fish ----------- - Sea Bass x12 - Devilfish x 4 - Spearfish x 2 Fishing Spot #15 - Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) =============================================================================== Description: "Tide pool formed by the Outer Sea and the Middle Sea" Available: After talking to Beyd at Junk Town Target Fish ----------- - Man-o'-War x3 - Flying Fish x3 - Blowfish x3 - Sea Bream x3 - Sea Bass x3 - Black Porgy x2 - Octopus x2 - Angler x2 - Devilfish x2 - Spearfish x1 - Manillo x1 Fishing Spot #16 - Near Maekyss Gorge (Central Wyndia) =============================================================================== Description: "The best ingredients for that Maekyss specialty, shisu, can be found here!" Available: After talking to the mayor of Parch Target Fish ----------- - Puffer x 6 - MartianSquid x 2 - Mackerel x12 Fishing Spot #17 - East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) =============================================================================== Description: "What kind of fish live here in this unexplored land?" Available: After using the Black Ship to reach the Lost Shore Target Fish ----------- - Man-o'-War x8 - Flying Fish x4 - Spearfish x2 - Whale x2 - Manillo x1 o========o \ Rods / o====o There aren't that many different rods in BoFIII, but that just means when you get a new one, it'll be a lot better. This chart describes each rod's capability: how far you can cast (Max Range), the size and speed of the Tracking Bar (the green/orange bar that you hover over the fish icon), and the strength of the rod (ease of pulling in fish). Max Tracking Tracking Rod Range Bar Size Speed Strength --------------------------------------------------------------- Wooden Rod 27m 1/4 Slow Weak Bamboo Rod 34m 1/4 Fast Weak Angling Rod 49m 1/3 Fast Weak Deluxe Rod 34m 1/3 Slow Average Spanner 34m 3/7 Slow Strong Master's Rod 49m 3/7 Fast Average Wooden Rod - You can pick this sucker up at the McNeil Item Shop or the Coffee Shop Item Shop for 40 Z. You might as well buy one at the beginning because the next upgrade isn't for a little while. Bamboo Rod - Find the Bamboo Rod in the Tower a little bit after Momo joins you. When you reach the room where you charge the platform, take the stairs up, and then take the next set of stairs up again. There should be a door here that leads to the chest with the rod in it. With better range and speed than the Wooden Rod, you won't want to miss it. Angling Rod - When your Faerie Village is running smoothly, set three Faeries to Merchants, and have them pursue the Handyman-Ability path. They get new items much faster if all three Faeries have full dark blue bars. If you go out and fight 4-5 battles, they'll have a new item. The Angling Rod will be the 4th item they put up for sale, and it costs 2,000 Z. Although this rod will allow you a much longer reach, it's not really all that great for pulling in the strong fish. Deluxe Rod - After killing Mikba and having Rei join you again, enter the nearby hut and pick the lock on the door to reach the rod. Although this rod doesn't have quite the reach that the Angling Rod does, I prefer it due to its superior strength. Spanner - You need to bring Momo with you into the Steel Grave because of her ability to blow through doors. When you enter the area, head northeast and go up the ladder and walk past a couple holes. Take the ladder down on the far left and blow through the breakable door. The Spanner is what you'll be catching most of your fish with due to its strength and large tracking bar. It's totally awesome. Master's Rod - Reach the rank of Master of Angling++ (9000 points) and clear the game to receive the Master's Rod by talking to the fisherman in the ? area on the peninsula west of Steel Beach (thanks to Gohanfan01 and DavidK5 for the correct info). I don't know about this rod. Granted, the Master's Rod has a longer reach than the Spanner, but... The added speed to the tracking bar is almost completely useless, because the Spanner's bar is just as long, and it really isn't that hard to follow a fish with such a huge bar. And it's just not as strong as the Spanner. Stick with the Spanner if you're fishing in general, and use the Master's Rod when you quickly wanna catch a Whale or Barandy or something. o========o \ Bait / o====o Bait is very plentiful in BoFIII, and can be obtained in a number of ways. There are four main bait types, and two special baits total. Typically, each fish will have a certain bait type preference, and though a fish will bite any bait that falls in that category, you'll usually have more luck with higher level bait. Worm Type Level Frog Type Level Other Level -------------------- -------------------- ------------------ Worm 1 Toad 1 Coin N/A Spirit 2 Baby Frog 2 Ding Frog TOP Caro 3 Frog 3 Heavy Caro TOP Fat Frog TOP Fish Type Level Floating Type Level -------------------- -------------------- Sinker 1 Old Popper 1 Float 2 Popper 2 Hanger 3 Top 3 Deep Diver TOP Dogwalker TOP =============================================================================== Level 1 bait locations Level 2 bait locations ---------------------- ---------------------- Worm Spirit - In a cabinet in Rei's house - Rhapala Item Shop (50 Z) - McNeil Item Shop (20 Z) - Urkan Tapa Item Shop (50 Z) - Wyndia Item Shop (20 Z) - Syn City Item Shop (50 Z) - Coffee Shop Item Shop (20 Z) - Manillo Toad Baby Frog - McNeil Item Shop (20 Z) - Rhapala Item Shop (50 Z) - Wyndia Item Shop (20 Z) - Urkan Tapa Item Shop (50 Z) - Coffee Shop Item Shop (20 Z) - Syn City Item Shop (50 Z) - Steal from Sleepy - Manillo Sinker Float - McNeil Item Shop (20 Z) - Rhapala Item Shop (50 Z) - Wyndia Item Shop (20 Z) - Urkan Tapa Item Shop (50 Z) - Coffee Shop Item Shop (20 Z) - Syn City Item Shop (50 Z) - Manillo Old Popper Popper - McNeil Item Shop (20 Z) - Rhapala Item Shop (50 Z) - Wyndia Item Shop (20 Z) - Urkan Tapa Item Shop (50 Z) - Coffee Shop Item Shop (20 Z) - Syn City Item Shop (50 Z) - Dropped by Goblin - Manillo Level 3 bait locations Level 4 bait locations ---------------------- ---------------------- Caro Heavy Caro - Parch Item Shop (200 Z) - Slippery cliff on Mt. Glaus - Kombinat Item Shop (200 Z) - Manillo - Manillo Frog Fat Frog - Parch Item Shop (200 Z) - Steal from Hopper - Kombinat Item Shop (200 Z) - Dropped by Sleepy - Manillo - Manillo Hanger Deep Diver - Parch Item Shop (200 Z) - Found in the Colony - Kombinat Item Shop (200 Z) - Manillo - Manillo Top Dogwalker - Parch Item Shop (200 Z) - Manillo - Kombinat Item Shop (200 Z) - Manillo Other bait locations -------------------- Coin - On the road to Mt. Glaus; In a hole under a rock, use Teepo's kick. - During the Contest of Champions; in a dresser in a locker room - After returning to Wyndia; while Nina, search a dresser near the Queen's room - A chest in the Lighthouse - A chest in the Tidal Caves - Inside a house in Parch Ding Frog - Become a Master of Angling++ (9000 points) and clear the game; you'll receive the Ding Frog by talking to the fisherman in the ? area on the peninsula west of Steel Beach o=================o \ Manillo Shops / o=============o Manillo is the fish guy that you pull up out of the water with Coins as bait. He's a merchant, but he won't sell you his items for normal money; he takes fish instead. The following list is where you can find each Manillo and what he sells at each location. Fishing Spot #2 - Southwest of McNeil Village, near the Farm (Yraall Region) .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | Fish 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Silver Knife | RainbowTrout X2 | Trout X2 | -- | | Iron Helm | Trout X1 | Pirana X2 | -- | | Waistcloth | Trout X1 | Puffer X1 | -- | | Spirit | Pirana X3 | -- | -- | | Baby Frog | Pirana X3 | -- | -- | | Popper | Puffer X3 | -- | -- | | Float | Puffer X3 | -- | -- | | Skill Ink | RainbowTrout X1 | Trout X1 | -- | | Bell Collar | Angler X3 | MartianSquid X3 | Sea Bream X5 | | Holy Mantle | Black Bass X3 | Bass X4 | Sea Bass X9 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Fishing Spot #4 - South of the Tower (Eastern Wyndia) .----------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | |----------------------------------------------------| | Chain Cap | Bass X1 | Blowfish X3 | | Crepe Cape | Black Porgy X1 | Flying Fish X4 | | Spirit | Blowfish X3 | -- | | Baby Frog | Blowfish X3 | -- | | Popper | Flying Fish X2 | -- | | Float | Flying Fish X2 | -- | | Skill Ink | Octopus X2 | -- | '----------------------------------------------------' Fishing Spot #9 - Southeast of Mount Zublo (Urkan Region) .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | Fish 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wisdom Ring | Angler X1 | Black Porgy X2 | Sea Bream X2 | | Lion's Belt | MartianSquid X2 | Bass X2 | Sea Bass X4 | | Ginseng | MartianSquid X1 | Octopus X2 | Sea Bass X3 | | Caro | Sea Bream X3 | -- | -- | | Frog | Sea Bream X3 | -- | -- | | Top | Octopus X2 | -- | -- | | Hanger | Octopus X2 | -- | -- | | Skill Ink | Black Porgy X1 | Angler X1 | -- | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Fishing Spot #10 - West of Northern Checkpoint (Dauna Region) .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | Fish 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Wisdom Ring | Black Bass X1 | RainbowTrout X5 | Trout X5 | | Lion's Belt | Angler X1 | RainbowTrout X9 | Trout X9 | | Ginseng | Bass X2 | RainbowTrout X5 | Trout X5 | | Caro | RainbowTrout X2 | Trout X3 | -- | | Frog | RainbowTrout X2 | Trout X3 | -- | | Top | RainbowTrout X3 | Trout X2 | -- | | Hanger | RainbowTrout X3 | Trout X2 | -- | | Skill Ink | MartianSquid X2 | RainbowTrout X1 | Trout X1 | | Katzbalger | Barandy X1 | Black Bass X2 | Red Catfish X1 | | Laurel | Barandy X1 | Black Bass X2 | Bass X1 | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Fishing Spot #13 - Near Cliff (Rhapala Region) .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | Fish 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Hawk's Ring | Black Bass X3 | Bass X5 | -- | | Artemis' Cap | Black Bass X2 | Angler X2 | Sea Bream X5 | | Speed Boots | Barandy X1 | Black Bass X1 | Devilfish X2 | | Soul Gem | Barandy X1 | Sea Bass X2 | -- | | Bell Collar | Devilfish X2 | Angler X3 | Sea Bream X9 | | Holy Mantle | Black Bass X3 | Bass X9 | Sea Bass X9 | | Skill Ink | Octopus X2 | Devilfish X1 | -- | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Fishing Spot #15 - Far west of Steel Beach (Urkan Region) .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | Fish 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Demonsbane | Spearfish X1 | Black Bass X2 | -- | | Aries Spear | Spearfish X1 | Sea Bass X9 | Sea Bream X9 | | Heavy Caro | Devilfish X1 | MartianSquid X1 | Octopus X2 | | Fat Frog | Devilfish X1 | MartianSquid X1 | Octopus X2 | | Dogwalker | Devilfish X1 | MartianSquid X1 | Octopus X2 | | Deep Diver | Devilfish X1 | MartianSquid X1 | Octopus X2 | | Skill Ink | Octopus X2 | Devilfish X1 | -- | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' Fishing Spot #17 - East of Kombinat (Lost Shore) .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Item | Fish 1 | Fish 2 | Fish 3 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Royal Sword | Whale X1 | Spearfish X3 | Barandy X1 | | Life Armor | Whale X1 | Spearfish X1 | Barandy X3 | | Cupid's Lyre | Whale X1 | Barandy X2 | Red Catfish X5 | | Shaman'sRing | Whale X1 | Spearfish X3 | Red Catfish X5 | | Ivory Dice | Spearfish X1 | Red Catfish X1 | Mackerel X5 | | Skill Ink | Spearfish X1 | Devilfish X1 | -- | '----------------------------------------------------------------------' =============================================================================== That about does it for this FAQ. If there's anything I've missed, any mistakes I've made, or anything you'd like to add, please E-mail me at: electrospecter26@hotmail.com Special Thanks (all from GameFAQs message boards): Terence Youko Ragnarok500 Gohanfan01 DavidK5 ZC Liu (man, I'm sorry... I totally spaced on the whole updating thing) This FAQ is copyrighted material and should not be modified or changed in any way. Do not claim it as your own, either. This FAQ should be posted only on GameFAQs and nowhere else.