___________ .__ __ \__ ___/______|__| ____ | | _____.__. ______ | | \_ __ \ |/ ___\| |/ < | |/ ___/ | | | | \/ \ \___| < \___ |\___ \ |____| |__| |__|\___ >__|_ \/ ____/____ > \/ \/\/ \/ Complete Guide through: Breath Of Fire III GEN00000001 ============================================================================= Introduction ============================================================================= Hello boys and girls. Welcome to this FAQ. I must note that this FAQ is an automated conversion into TXT for a FAQ that is originally written in HTML. Therefore this version may not contain the full setup the FAQ was written in. If I would have used some screenshots to make my point acros they will (of course) not be visible here. The reason you probably see this FAQ is because you accessed it from a site that does not allow to write FAQs in HTML. If you want to see the true version of this FAQ with everything shown as it should, please access the FAQ from http://faq.tbbs.nl First of all a quick note on how I write FAQs/Walkthroughs. I live with the idea that playing a game from start to finish constantly checking a walkthrough beside you is NOT gaming. Therefore I try to set up my FAQs that way that you only have to check my guide if you are hopelessly stuck (which happens even to the best gamers). For that very reason I index my FAQ pretty thouroughly. Please check out in the index which part of the game you are stuck in. Then take note of the number written behind the section. Open a search request (Ctrl-F in Windows and most Linux distros, Command-F (or Apple-F) if you like on MacOS X. If you use a Windows Keyboard on a Mac it's WindowsLogo-F). Put the number in there and search and you should hit the section the explanation of your problem is written in. Then a quick note on symbols much lines begin with in this FAQ - If you see this, it means you just entered a new room. Much RPGs and adventure games have their dungeons (and towns) divided in such rooms. You'll quickly pick up what I mean by "room". Some games (like Wild Arms 3,4,5 and Alter Code F) have their rooms numbered and shown for you to see. If this FAQ handles such a game I will use that number in stead so you can search your problem A LOT easier. = You will also see a lot that start with this mark = That that I'm just summing up what you must do in that room action by action. This way you have (in my humble opinion) the best view on what you must do. Basically that covers everything. ============================================================================= Index ============================================================================= General stuff Introduction ............................................... GEN00000001 General introduction to the game and this FAQ .............. GEN00000002 Characters Ryu ........................................................ CHR00000001 Teepo ...................................................... CHR00000002 Rei ........................................................ CHR00000003 Nina ....................................................... CHR00000004 Momo ....................................................... CHR00000005 Peco ....................................................... CHR00000006 Garr ....................................................... CHR00000007 NPC ........................................................ CHR00000008 Prologue Walkthrough Prologue - General Overview ................................ PRO00000001 Dauna Mines ................................................ PRO00000002 Cedar Woods - Pyjamas Round ................................ PRO00000003 McNeil - Getting your stuff ................................ PRO00000004 Yraall Road ................................................ PRO00000005 Cedar Woods - Breaking into Bunyan's house ................. PRO00000006 Road to Mt. Glaus .......................................... PRO00000007 Mount Glaus ................................................ PRO00000008 McNeil - Hail our heroes ................................... PRO00000009 McNeil Mansion - Front yard ................................ PRO0000000A McNeil Mansion ............................................. PRO0000000B Double Trouble ............................................. PRO0000000C Part One General Overview ........................................... EP100000001 Mount Myrneg ............................................... EP100000002 Wyndia - Prison ............................................ EP100000003 Wyndia - Underground graveyard ............................. EP100000004 Wyndia ..................................................... EP100000005 Eygnock Road ............................................... EP100000006 Genmel (Arena) ............................................. EP100000007 Mount Boumore .............................................. EP100000008 Tower ...................................................... EP100000009 Coffee Shop ................................................ EP10000000A Plant ...................................................... EP10000000B Dump ....................................................... EP10000000C Overview - Character switching ............................. EP10000000D The Contest of Champions ................................... EP10000000E Maekyss Gorge .............................................. EP10000000F Wyndia - Return of the lost princess ....................... EP100000010 Checkpoint (East) .......................................... EP100000011 Rhapala .................................................... EP100000012 Training Beyd .............................................. EP100000013 The Lighthouse ............................................. EP100000014 The Faerie World ........................................... EP100000015 Rhapala - Lighthouse fixed ................................. EP100000016 Mount Zublo ................................................ EP100000017 Urkan Tapa ................................................. EP100000018 Angel Tower ................................................ EP100000019 Part Two General Overview ........................................... EP200000001 Dauna Mine ................................................. EP200000002 Ogre Road .................................................. EP200000003 Mount Levett ............................................... EP200000004 Yraal Region - Tiger on the loose .......................... EP200000005 Syn City ................................................... EP200000006 Checkpoint (North) ......................................... EP200000007 Plant - Meet old friends ................................... EP200000008 Plant - "Something's wrong!" ............................... EP200000009 Plant - Underground facility ............................... EP20000000A Wyndia - Plant down ........................................ EP20000000B Angel Tower (II) ........................................... EP20000000C Tidal Caves ................................................ EP20000000D Cliff ...................................................... EP20000000E Deis ....................................................... EP20000000F Junk Town and its docks .................................... EP200000010 Steel Beach + Freighter .................................... EP200000011 WE GOT A BOAT!!! ........................................... EP200000012 Parch ...................................................... EP200000013 Shisu ...................................................... EP200000014 The Legendary Mariner ...................................... EP200000015 Boarding the black ship .................................... EP200000016 The Black Ship - Part 1 .................................... EP200000017 The Black Ship - Part 2 .................................... EP200000018 Kombinat ................................................... EP200000019 Steel Grave ................................................ EP20000001A Colony ..................................................... EP20000001B Relay Point A .............................................. EP20000001C Dragnier ................................................... EP20000001D Factory .................................................... EP20000001E Desert of Death ............................................ EP20000001F Oasis ...................................................... EP200000020 Caer Xhan - General Overview ............................... EP200000021 Caer Xhan - Ground Level ................................... EP200000022 Caer Xhan - Main Level ..................................... EP200000023 Caer Xhan - Drake Section (Orange) ......................... EP200000024 Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section ....................... EP200000025 Caer Xhan - Eden ........................................... EP200000026 Caer Xhan - Dream World .................................... EP200000027 Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section (II) .................. EP200000028 Caer Xhan - Connection tunnel .............................. EP200000029 Caer Xhan - Sample Section ................................. EP20000002A Caer Xhan - The Grand Finale ............................... EP20000002B Bosses Nue - Round 1/2 ............................................ BOS00000001 Nue - Round 2/2 ............................................ BOS00000002 Amalgam .................................................... BOS00000003 Balio & Sunder - Round 1/2 ................................. BOS00000004 Balio & Sunder - Round 2/2 ................................. BOS00000005 Mutant ..................................................... BOS00000006 Claw, Cawer and Patrio ..................................... BOS00000007 Emitai ..................................................... BOS00000008 Garr ....................................................... BOS00000009 Stallion Metamorphosis ..................................... BOS0000000A Zig ........................................................ BOS0000000B Gazer ...................................................... BOS0000000C Dolphin .................................................... BOS0000000D Gisshan, Scylla and Garibdis ............................... BOS0000000E Guardian at Angel Tower .................................... BOS0000000F Dragon Zombie .............................................. BOS00000010 Weretiger .................................................. BOS00000011 Mikba ...................................................... BOS00000012 Huge Slug .................................................. BOS00000013 Shroom ..................................................... BOS00000014 Gaist ...................................................... BOS00000015 Angler ..................................................... BOS00000016 Ammonite x2 ................................................ BOS00000017 Elder Jono ................................................. BOS00000018 Manmo ...................................................... BOS00000019 Chimera .................................................... BOS0000001A Arwan ...................................................... BOS0000001B Dragon Lord ................................................ BOS0000001C Myria ...................................................... BOS0000001D Mini-Games Chopping Firewood .......................................... MIN00000001 Lighthouse Chrysm Level .................................... MIN00000002 Machine Pulling ............................................ MIN00000003 Fetching water from the pit ................................ MIN00000004 The Crags .................................................. MIN00000005 Boost Counter .............................................. MIN00000006 Leading back the Ammonites ................................. MIN00000007 Dish Adjustment ............................................ MIN00000008 Backgrounds Bad Statusses .............................................. BCK00000001 PowerTips .................................................. BCK00000002 My parties in short ........................................ BCK00000003 My Technique in a nutshell ................................. BCK00000004 Hide-And-Seek .............................................. BCK00000005 Shops and Inns ............................................. BCK00000006 The Faeries ................................................ BCK00000007 Enemies .................................................... BCK00000008 Skills ..................................................... BCK00000009 Fishing .................................................... BCK0000000A Antiques Items ............................................. BCK0000000B Key Items .................................................. BCK0000000C Options .................................................... BCK0000000D Container Yard ............................................. BCK0000000E Story Backgrounds .......................................... BCK0000000F What are they yelling? ..................................... BCK00000010 Final Notes Copyrights and permissions ................................. END00000001 How do you contact me? ..................................... END00000002 GEN00000002 ============================================================================= General introduction to the game and this FAQ ============================================================================= Breath of Fire III was the first Japanese turn based RPG to ever reach my hands, and that made me fall in love with the genre instantly. The story line is great, though it suffers a bit from a weak dialog part. Gamewise this game offers puzzles on much occasions, but the game makers clearly didn't want to make the puzzles go overkill, leaving a good balance between puzzling and battling. During your quest you'll find lots of Mini-Games. These are mostly a pain, but they do give the game in general an extra twist. The combat system has an interesting twist. It's the basic turn-based combat system in which you fill out all moves and then the fastest goes first and the slowest last in turn execution. However if your agility doubles that of your enemies you can get an EX-turn for that character meaning he may do one extra blow in which the enemy may not do anything back (except for a possible automated counterattack). Now the challenge is what is best. The strong equipment will lower you agility, the weak equipment will raise it. Cut short you need to find out where to put more weight in while equipping characters as getting EX turns is not always an easy feat. When it comes to the way I wrote this FAQ in, and my playing technique. I admit, it's a strange one and not one you'd easily come up with. In fact this technique is the result of 4 or 5 stinking months of being bored and having nothing better to do than to play Breath of Fire III. After that a lot more plays to perfect the technique. I am known to some people as the BOF3Master, and when you take into account that my first FAQ of this game was written just by emptying my memory of this game and could still get a lot of praise because of its completeness, you can get the general idea how much I played this game. Far too much if you ask me :o) So if you want to criticize my way of playing, be my guest, but remember my backgrounds when it comes to this game. Every possible mistake you can make in this game, I've made before. I really scare myself when I look back on how I abused my playstation on this game. Fortunately I got a life now :) In my FAQs I always try to keep my explanations as brief as possible and I work a lot in summing your actions up. At the start of the game I may point to you several treasures and stuff, once you're past the prologue part I will only mention treasures that are noteworthy or required to finish the game, or if you need to do a twisted puzzle to get it. My FAQ focusses most of all that you only need to use it if you get stuck, or if you want to try my technique. However as this game is very linear and has no sidequests or optional bosses or multiple endings I didn't have to make a section on that crap so you can pretty much follow this FAQ from start to finish if you desire. When I say North, I mean the upper left corner of your screen, as the compass on your worldmap seems to use the same direction for that. At the start of all dungeons and bossfights, I name which characters I took with me and I noted the levels they had at that moment. You are in no way required to follow my levels. They are more there to tell you which levels I took things on. For starting players they can be a good guideline, experienced players shouldn't really bother them at all. There's not much grinding required in this game in general. You are always required to have Ryu with you as he's the main hero. In very much dungeons you need a certain character in order to get some things done. Whenever that happens, I mark that character with a "*". In other words, if I say: Ryu 30, *Momo 30, Garr 30 Then I took Ryu, Momo and Garr with me, they were all level 30, and solving the dungeon without Momo is imposible, Garr is up to you to replace if you wish. As I played this game a lot I can give you some alternate strategies if you took other people with you than I did. That cuts things a bit together. Well, let me relive this game one more time :) CHR00000001 ============================================================================= Ryu ============================================================================= Ryu is your main hero. He thinks to be a clumsy kid, but he's really a dragon, and apparantly the last of his kind. You are always required to take Ryu with you. He's your best healer, and that can make the game a bit hard as you also need your Mana for your dragon forms. Personal Action - Cut = Ryu can use his sword to cut small bushes. Sometimes they contain money and some of them contain even key items Abilties Ryu can learn: Attack: **: Accession = Transforms you into a dragon = Obtained when you complete Mount Myrnegg 36: BoneBreak = Strong attack on one target, after usage you need to wait at least 3 hours before using it again. Assist: 06: Protect = Raises Defense on one target 16: Shield = Raises Defense on ALL targets 26: Barrier = Raises your magic resistance Heal: 01: Heal = Minor healing on one character 04: Purify = Cures poison on one character 10: Rejuvenate = Major healing on one character 19: Raise Dead = Revives a dead character. This spell easily misses though. 20: Remedy = Cures all status changes 23: Vitalize = Major healing on the entire group 29: Restore = Critical healing on one target 31: Resurrect = Revives a dead character to full HP. This spell never misses. 34: Vigor Ryu's Gear: (When I say "Manillo" as location search the Manillo list (Fishing section) to see which Manillo has it and how much fishes he wants. When I say "St:" it means you can steal it from the enemy I name with it. When I say "Dr:" the weapon might drop when you defeat a certain enemy). Please note that all items that are not stolen, dropped or sold/traded are mostly likely from chest or so, and thus only available once :) The gear is sorted in order of Def or Pwr. (In case of same pwr/def the one with lowest weight counts as best). Also note, that it was impossible for me to make all gear lists 100% complete. The way Capcom made the gear is simply too complex for that. Weapon Pwr Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Bent Sword 2 5 St: Goblin Free Dagger 4 1 Game Start Free Melted Blade 6 1 Dauna Mine Free BallockKnife 6 1 Mt. Glaus Free >> McNeil 100 Zenny Bronze Sword 8 2 McNeil 240 Zenny >> Wyndia 240 zenny Silver Knife 12 1 Holy Manillo Broad Sword 15 3 McNeil Mansion - >> Wyndia 600 zenny >> Genmel 600 zenny Scramasax 23 2 Genmel 1200 zenny >> Contest 1200 zenny Moon Sword 32 4 Contest 2000 zenny Flare Sword 38 4 Flame Dock (Rhap) - >> Urkan Tapa 3200 zenny Claymore 43 8 Wyndia 2500 zenny >> Contest 2500 zenny >> Urkan Tapa 2500 zenny Feather Sword 48 1 Wind Dauna Mine - Ashura's Sword 50 4 Emb. Ashura Syn City 3600 zenny Deadly Blade 55 4 Crit rate up Tidal Caves - Ascension 70 4 Holy Black Ship - Heat Shotel 76 3 Flame Kombinat 9500 zenny Barbarossa 82 10 Thunder Junk Town 12000 zenny Piercing Edge 91 4 Kombinat 14500 zenny Helm Def Wght Prop Location Price ==== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Bandana 1 0 McNeil 30 Zenny >> Contest (Cabinet) Brass Helm 3 1 McNeil 120 Zenny Iron Helm 6 2 Manillo >> Wyndia 380 zenny Glass Domino 6 1 Wyndia (UG) Free >> Wyndia 450 zenny >> Genmel 450 zenny Knight's Helm 8 2 Contest 720 zenny Mithril Helm 12 1 Urkan Tapa 1100 zenny Lacquer Helm 21 2 Kombinat 5500 zenny Divine Helm 26 2 Prot. Death Dr: Gold Egg - Shield Def Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Bracers 1 0 McNeil 30 Zenny Cloth Shield 3 1 Mt. Glaus Free >> McNeil 150 Zenny Gauntlet 5 1 Wyndia 400 zenny >> Genmel 400 zenny BronzeShield 8 2 Wyndia 610 zenny >> Genmel 610 zenny Buckler 12 2 Mt. Boumore - >> Contest 1100 zenny Protectors 16 1 Res Status Black Ship - Mitril Shield 17 3 Lighthouse - Steel Gauntlets 21 1 Syn City 3000 zenny Flame Shield 25 3 Res Flame Dr: ?? - Spiked Gauntl. 28 1 Pwr +5 Kombinat 6800 zenny Lacquer Shield 33 3 Kombinat 6500 zenny Mind Shield 34 3 Int Up Ceer Xhan (Use: Drain AP) Dragon Shield 42 3 Absrb. Flame Caer Xhan - Armor Def Wght Prop Location Price ===== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Clothing 2 3 Game Start Free >> St: Zombie Free LeatherArmor 4 4 McNeil 180 Zenny Waistcloth 5 3 St: BossGoblin Free Ranger Garb 7 4 Wyndia 520 zenny >> Genmel 520 zenny Cuirass 12 6 Wyndia 620 zenny >> Genmel 620 zenny Breastplate 16 4 Genmel 1000 zenny >> Momo's tower - >> Contest 1000 zenny Light Clothing 16 1 Syn City 2700 zenny Scale Mail 21 Contest 1450 zenny Mitrhil Armor 26 6 Urkan Tapa 2100 zenny Silver Mail 32 8 Syn City 3900 zenny Magma Armor 38 8 Absorb Fire Dr: Vulcan - Lacquer Armor 57 8 Kombinat 8000 zenny Ryu's dragon ability Once you obtain the spell "Accession" you can transform into a dragon. The Dragon system is a very nifty one but one that is fun to exploit. Many fans of the Breath Of Fire series claim that the system BOF3 uses for dragon transformations in the best of the series. It works like this. Once you choose "Accession" you get a gene window. You may choose 1, 2 or 3 genes and the combination of genes you chose determines which dragon form you take on. The order of genes doesn't matter. So Fire+Defender has the same result as Defender+Fire. The stronger dragon you create the more AP it takes to transform yourself into the dragon. In the turns that follow you also need to pay AP to maintain the form which is half the cost of what you needed for your transformation. Below is a list of all genes in order that you can receive them. - Flame = Grants flame properties to your dragon = Handy to use with Defender, Eldritch, Force, Miracle = When combined with Frost and thunder you become a Trygon = Obtained when you complete Mount Myrnegg - Defender = Makes the defense of your dragon higher = Obtained when you escape Sunder at the top of Mt Boumore - Reverse = Turns flame to frost and vice versa = Turns radiance to shadow and vice versa = In a secret area near Momo's tower - Thorn = Found on the field where you land after the rocket crash - Frost = Grants frost properties to your dragon = Handy to use with Defender, Eldritch, Force, Miracle = When combined with Flame and thunder you become a Trygon = Found below the bridge at Maekyss River. Only obtainable after you beat Stallion - Thunder = Grants thunder properties to your dragon = Handy to use with Defender, Eldritch, Force, Miracle = When combined with Frost and Flame you become a Trygon = Found at the beach, north of Rhapala - Eldritch = Grants magic properties to your dragon = When used with Flame, Frost, Thunder, Radiance or Shadow you can gain an extra spell from that = At the top of the lighthouse - Miracle = Transforms the entire party in the Behemoth = Can take over elements from elemental genes = Combined with the ????? gene you become Mammoth - Shadow = Grants properties of death = Handy to use with Defender, Eldritch, Force, Miracle = Obtained when you defeat the Dragon Zombie in Dauna Mines - Fusion = Grants the Hybrid form (see Hybrid section below) = Obtained when you defeat the Dragon Zombie in Dauna Mines - Force = Grants you a fast and power dragon (Warrior, my favorite dragon) = Can take over elements from elemental genes = Combined with Trance you become the Myrmidon = Hidden in the underground section of the plant - Gross = Never found out a purpose for this one = Located in Tidal Caves - ????? (that's really its name) = When used with Mutant gene, you'll become a Pygmy = Used with Miracle you become Mammoth = Hidden in a house near Steel Beach - Mutant = Random Dragon form = When combined with ???? you become a Pygmy - Trance = When used with Force you become Myrmidon = At Yggdrassil at the Lost Shore region - Failure = Voids all genes it's combined with = When combined with Inifinity you'll gain control over the Kaiser form - Radiance = Grands holy properties to a dragon = Found at the Container Yard - Infinity = Grants Kaiser form = Need Failure to gain control over it. = You can get it after defeating the Elder in Dragnier Required in the next event: Ryu is your main hero and therefore he's required always, you simply can't leave him out of your group. There are two sections in Wyndia though in which he's unavailable. Hybrid forms When you pick the fusion gene, Ryu transforms into a hybrid according to how the party is setup to that moment. Please note, dead characters count as not in party. You can make more powerful hybrids by combining an extra gene, which differs per hybrid form Nina's Hybrid = Ryu + Nina = Ryu + Nina + Garr = Ryu + Nina + Peco = Upgraded when combined with Eldritch Momo's Hybrid = Ryu + Momo = Ryu + Momo + Nina = Ryu + Momo + Peco = Upgraded when combined with ?????? Rei's Hybrid = Ryu + Rei = Ryu + Rei + Nina = Ryu + Rei + Momo = Upgraded when combined with Force Peco's Hybrid = Ryu + Peco = Ryu + Peco + Rei = Ryu + Peco + Garr = Upgraded when combined with Shadow Whelp = Ryu + Garr = Ryu + Garr + Momo = Ryu + Garr + Rei = Garr has no Hybrid form. I don't know why. Then some secret Dragon Forms - Trygon = Flame + Frost + Thunder = A dragon having three elements - WildFire = Miracle + Thorn + Reverse = A whlep with low HP, but a terrible high defense. It has Charge making that defense even more useful. - Mammoth = Miracle + ????? = A behemoth with do def, but extremely much HP. - Myrmidon = Force + Trance = A warrior with all elemental strikes and "Aura Breath" - Tiamat = Trance + Shadow = Merges all party members into one big dragon with nice abilities and resistance against lots of things - Pygmy = ????? + Mutant = Funny little dragon. Cute, but not extremely useful. CHR00000002 ============================================================================= Teepo ============================================================================= Teepo is a young guy with a big mouth, but a small heart. He finds himself connected to Ryu somehow, though he can't explain it himself. He knows nothing about his own backgrounds and believes his parents abandoned him. Teepo is only available during the prologue of the game, but in the short time you have him at your disposal he's very useful. His normal attacks are strong and he also has powerful attack magic. Personal Action - Kick = Teepo can kick small rocks Teepo's Gear Teepo can wear anything Ryu can. As he's so short in the game, I see no point in working that out :) Abilities: Attack: 01: Flare = Fire attack on one target. 04: Frost = Frost attack on one target 07: Simoon = Strong Fire+Wind attack on one target (?)12: Fireblast = Fire attack on all targets Heal: - None Assist: - None CHR00000003 ============================================================================= Rei ============================================================================= Rei is a thief who looks after Teepo and Ryu who he considers as brothers. He's not extremely smart and may be a little tempered, but he'd do anything for his brothers. In combat Rei is most of all a Rogue, but he can also do thunder magic. He's quick, but easily hurt. I don't use him much, but he does serve some purpose. Personal Action - Lockpick = Rei can open locked doors that other characters may not be able to. Abilities Rei can learn Attack: **: Weretiger = Rei transforms into a violent tiger who has more agile and stronger than normal, but he's out of control and there's no telling who he'll attack. = You can control Rei's targets when you use the move "Influence" when he's in tiger form = Rei learns this move after you defeat Mikba at Checkpoint North. 05: Pilfer = Rei tries to steal stuff from his enemies. 09: Jolt = Strikes all your enemies with weak lightning damage ??: Lightning = Strikes all your enemies with major lightning damage 29: Death = May instantly kill one target (does not work on bosses) Assist: ??: Slow = Slows down one enemy ??: Silence = Silences all enemies ??: Speed = Speeds on one friend Heal: - None Rei's Gear Weapon Pwr Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Dagger 4 1 - Free Melted Blade 6 1 Dauna Mine Free Ballock Knife 6 1 Game Start Free >> McNeil 100 Zenny Bronze Sword 8 2 McNeil 240 Zenny Thief's Knife 36 1 Syn City 3200 zenny Shield Def Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Bracers 1 0 Game Start Free >> McNeil 30 Zenny Cloth Shield 3 1 Mt. Glaus Free >> McNeil 150 Zenny Steel Gauntlets 21 1 Syn City 3000 zenny Spiked Gauntl. 28 1 Pwr +5 Kombinat 6800 zenny Lacquer Shield 33 3 Kombinat 6500 zenny Armor Def Wght Prop Location Price ===== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Clothing 2 3 - Free >> St: Zombie Free Leather Armor 4 4 Game Start Free >> McNeil 180 Zenny Waitcloth 5 3 St: BosGobln Free Silver Mail 32 8 Syn City 3900 zenny Lacquer Armor 57 8 Kombinat 8000 zenny Required in next missions: - Checkpoint North = As soon as the fight with Mikba starts you will be forced to take Rei in your party - Caer Xhan - Artificial World section = Contains a door only Rei can open. CHR00000004 ============================================================================= Nina ============================================================================= After you lose Rei and Teepo, Nina is the first person Ryu meets who can call a friend, and she's a friend for life, so you don't have to be afraid she'll be forced to leave you :) As Breath Of Fire traditions go, Nina is the crown princess of Wyndia. As soon as she gets on the run because Balio and Sunder are after her she has a taste of adventure, and she wants more (against her mother's wishes). No matter how bad people speak of Ryu, Nina will always believe in him, and due to her determination, she'll be a very important character on your journey. In battle, well.... Nina is weak to basically everything. She cannot take a blow, not to mention her physical attacks suck. Nina is what Final Fantasy players would call a Black Mage. The majority of her spells hurt the enemy, and they hurt them bad. If your qualities in RPG games lie in using attack magic then Nina will be YOUR character. Personal action: Enchant Nina can use this ability to enchant objects causing them to activate some devices. Too bad you don't need this ability much... :( Nina starts the game at level 5, after Ryu has battled Balio and Sunder in Wyndia prison. Nina's abilities: Attack: 05: Cyclone = Weak wind attack on one foe 05: Frost = Weak frost attack on one foe 05: Jolt = Weak thunder attack on all foes 12: Iceblast = Medium ice attack on one foe ??: Lightning = Major thunder damage on all foes 28: Blizzard = Major frost damage on all foes Assist: 09: Blunt = Lowers attack power of one foe 10: Weaken = Lowers defense on one foe 13: Slow = Lowers the agility on one foe 15: Typhoon = Major wind attack on all targets 16: Lightning = Major thunder attack on all targets Heal: 18: Drain = Nina drains HP from the enemy to recover her own. 23: Leech Power = Nina drains AP from the enemy to recover her own. Nina's gear Weapon Pwr Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Pointed Stick 1 1 St: ManTrap Free Oaken staff 6 1 Game Start Free Mace 12 3 Wyndia 400 zenny >> Genmel 400 zenny Magician Rod 20 2 Int up Genmel 780 zenny >> Dr: Emitai - Wind Cutter 34 3 Wind Syn City 2200 zenny Thunder Rod 69 10 Thunder Junk Town 9500 Zenny Beryl Rod 61 4 Int Up Kombinat 7200 zenny Helm Def Wght Prop Location Price ==== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Glass Domino 6 1 Wyndia (UG) Free Gold Hairpin 14 0 Mt. Levett Free Laurel 15 0 Wyndia(Jail) Free Silver Tiara 23 1 Caer Xhan - Shield Def Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Bracers 1 0 McNeil 30 Zenny Gauntlet 5 1 Wyndia 400 zenny >> Genmel 610 zenny Buckler 12 2 Mt. Boumore - Protectors 16 1 Res Status Black Ship - Steel Gauntlets 21 1 Syn City 3000 zenny Spiked Gauntl. 28 1 Pwr +5 Kombinat 6800 zenny Armor Def Wght Prop Location Price ===== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Clothing 2 3 St: Zombie Free LeatherArmor 4 4 McNeil 180 Zenny LeatherArmor 4 4 Wyndia 180 zenny Waistcloth 5 3 St: BossGobl Free >> Manillo LeatherApron 6 4 Game Start Free Mage's Robes 9 3 Wyndia 610 zenny Light Clothing 16 1 Dauna Mine - Crepe Cape 19 2 ? - Required in the next missions: - Nina's service as a mage is only "required" in Momo's tower as you cannot solve the puzzles there without her, but then again, on the moment you start on it she's your only ally besides Ryu, so it doesn't matter. - Contest of Champions = As it was Nina who challenged Balio and Sunder to allow her into the contest you must take her with you during this event. - Wyndia = When you come in Wyndia after beating Balio and Sunder at Maekyss Gorge you must take Nina with you. - Rhapala = You need Nina to convince Beyd to become stronger - Faerie World = You need both Nina and Momo to do this place - Dragnier: = Somebody here will request to speak with Nina. CHR00000005 ============================================================================= Momo ============================================================================= Momo is a scatterbrained woman who loves nothing better than machines. She likes to tinker with them a lot, and she tries to find out how things went in an era she calls the "Techno Age". In battle Momo can serve a great purpose if you know how to use her. She can heal, though her healing is not as strong as Ryu's, her healing is significant, especially as she'll have to take over from Ryu when he's in dragon form. She has a lot of assist spells that can really work in your favor. Momo's physical attacks are the strongest of all, but her accuracy sucks. Cut short, she misses more than she hits. Therefore I don't use Momo on that department (unless she has nothing better to do), studying a few levels under D'lonzo does help her a bit but don't expect great things. Momo is your secondary healer and a great assistant and many battles can be won or be made A LOT easier when you have her around and use her powers as they are supposed to be used! Personal action: Shoot = Momo will shoot her bazooka = She can destroy weak walls with that to reveal secret passage = She can also destroy vases and barrels that might contain some money (mostly insignificant though) Momo starts the game at level 10 and joins your party when you meet her in her tower Abilities: Attack: ??: Quake = Magic attack on all targets. Does not hurt flying targets. 29: Ragnarok = Magic attack on all targets. Some enemies are hurt back, others are totally not impressed. You need to find out yourself how well this works. Assist: 10: Identify = Gives very global info on an enemy 10: Foretell = Returns "Great Luck" if the enemy is far too easy for you = Returns "Good luck" if you have an easy enemy = Returns "Fair luck" if the game thinks the enemy is medium = Returns "Bad luck" if the game thinks you got a hard enemy = Returns "Terrible luck" if you got a hard enemy (or so it should be) = Lucky color "Red" if at least one enemy is weak to fire = Lucky color "Yellow" if at least one enemy is weak to thunder = Lucky color "White" if at least one enemy is weak to holy = Lucky color "Blue" if at least one enemy is weak to frost = Lucky color "Grey" when there are no weakness at all 10: Protect = Raises defense on one friend 10: Silence = Causes Silence on all foes 12: Sleep = Puts all your foes to sleep. 13: Quake = Earthquake. Hurts all your foes except flying ones. 17: Speed = Speeds one character up Heal: 10: Heal = Minor healing on one friend 10: Purify = Cures poison on one friend 19: Rejuvenate = Major healing on one friend 24: Remedy = Cures all status changes 27: Raise Dead = Chance to revive a dead character. 33: Vitalize = Major healing on all characters 36: Restore = Critical healing on one character Momo's Gear: Weapon Pwr Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Ammo 58 1 Game Start - Flame Crysm 50 1 Flame Momo's Tower - >> Rhapala 500 zenny >> Junk Town 500 zenny Ice Crysm 50 1 Frost Momo's Tower - >> Rhapala 500 zenny >> Junk Town 500 zenny ShotgunShell 78 1 Junk Town 2200 zenny >> Syn City 2200 zenny Sleep Shells 80 1 Sleep Plant (UG) - Flash Shells 96 1 Blind Black Ship - Homing Bomb 78 1 Hit % up Kombinat - AP Shells 158 1 Kombinat 10000 zenny Shield Def Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Buckler 12 2 Mt. Boumore - >> Contest 1100 zenny Protectors 16 1 Res Status Black Ship - Spiked Gauntl. 28 1 Pwr +5 Kombinat 6800 zenny Helm Def Wght Prop Location Price ==== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Glass Domino 6 1 Wyndia (UG) - >> Game Start - Mithril Helm 12 1 Urkan Tapa 1100 zenny Silver Tiara 23 1 Caer Xhan - Armor Def Wght Prop Location Price ===== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Waitcloth 5 3 Manillo >> St: BossGoblin - Mage's Robes 9 3 Game Start - Breastplate 16 4 Genmel 1000 zenny >> Momo's tower - >> Contest 1000 zenny Scale Mail 21 6 Contest 1450 zenny Sage's Frock 53 3 Int Up Kombinat 9300 zenny Required in the next missions. Of all characters you'll need Momo's services most as there are a lot of dungeons you simply cannot complete without her. - Faerie World = You can only kill the Dolphin with both Nina and Momo in your party - Plant - Secret Areas = Contains computers that require secret codes. Only Momo understands how these computers work. - Dock near Junk Town = You need Momo to repair the ship's engine - Black Ship = You need Momo to operate the consoles at the bridge - Colony = One of the puzzles handles operating machines. Only Momo knows how they work. - Caer Xhan - Artificial World section = Only Momo can destroy the plant blocking the door if you give her certain ammo. CHR00000006 ============================================================================= Pecoros aka Peco ============================================================================= Peco is the result of a failed experiment. He seems to be a mixture of a plant and a mamal. He appears to be unable to speak so it's hard to determine his role in the story. In combat Peco is just plain useless, and please refrain from mailing me that he's not, as your wasting your time (and mine). In fact you were wasting time to find Peco's use in the first place :P Peco starts out as the weakest character in the group, with no equipment, and no abilities whatsoever. You need a lot of time and boring hours to get him somewhere, and by the time Peco's ready for action any other character could already have provided you what you need to get the hardest stuff in the game done. In fact I think that finishing the game completely ignoring Peco's presence goes even faster than getting Peco ready to get started. Still Peco had a purpose to me... yeah.... If you want spells from masters, Peco can be an excellent choice due to his lower levels. Only works on a few masters though as Peco's experience requirements to gain levels are the highest of all characters. Personal Action: Bump = Can be used to bump small rocks. Works exactly the same as Teepo's kick move. Peco joins at level 1 after you destroyed the Mutant at the dump Abilities: Assist: 10: Dream Breath = Peco tries to put all enemies to sleep. Weapon Pwr Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Rippers 10 1 Genmel 600 zenny Flame Talons 25 1 Flame Mt. Zublo - Raptor Claws 46 1 Kombinat 5800 zenny Required in the next missions: That's only one. You must take Peco with you for the gas-in-greenhouse puzzle in the plant during part 2. CHR00000007 ============================================================================= Garland aka Garr ============================================================================= Garland (whose name was shortened to Garr by the English translator due to the 5 letter limit on characters) is a strong fellow Ryu meets in the Contest of Champions. He appears to know a lot about the dragons and offers Ryu a hand in finding knowledge about his own kind. In battle Garr is the powerhouse of your group. His strength and defense are easily worked out making him an asset to your group. Downfall is that Garr's magic capabilities suck and that he tends to be very slow. Personal Action: Push = Garr can push large objects Garr joins at level 13, during the final showdown with Balio and Sunder. Abilities: Attack: 13: Pyrokenesis = Physical flame attack 13: Flare = Minor flame attack on one target 14: Fireblast = Major flame attack on all targets 21: Gambit = Very low hit rate but when it hits, always critical hit. 26: Kyrie = Chance to destroy all undead foes. 31: Inferno = Major flame attack on all targets Garr's Gear: Weapon Pwr Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Spear 16 2 Game Start - Long Spear 24 3 Urkan Tapa 1000 zenny Halberd 33 4 Urkan Tapa 2100 zenny Rood Spear 41 4 Rood Spear 2900 zenny Flame Spear 42 4 Flame Dr: FlyMan - Gale Javelin 68 4 Wind Kombinat 9100 zenny Gigantess 78 12 Junk Town 8800 zenny Aries Spear 88 4 Devil-Slayer Factory - Beast Spear 150 15 Drains Garr's HP every turn From Gaist's Remains. Shield Def Wght Prop Location Price ====== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Cloth Shield 3 1 Mt Glaus - Buckler 12 2 Mt. Boumore - >> Contest 1100 zenny Mitril Shield 17 3 Lighthouse - Spiked Gauntl. 28 1 Pwr +5 Kombinat 6800 zenny Lacquer Shield 33 3 Kombinat 6500 zenny Helm Def Wght Prop Location Price ==== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Brass Helm 3 1 ? ? Iron Helm 6 2 Manillo Mithril Helm 12 1 Urkan Tapa 1100 zenny Lacquer Helm 21 2 Kombinat 5500 zenny Armor Def Wght Prop Location Price ===== === ==== ==== ======== ===== Waitcloth 5 3 Manillo >> St: BossGoblin - Breastplate 16 4 Genmel 1000 zenny >> Momo's tower - >> Contest 1000 zenny Scale Mail Contest 1450 zenny >> Game Start - Mitrhil Armor 26 6 Urkan Tapa 2100 zenny Lacquer Armor 57 8 Kombinat 8000 zenny Required in the next missions - You MUST take Garr with you in the final fight against Balio and Sunder - If you don't have Garr with you in your missions in Angel Tower, the guards won't let you in - In Dragnier is somebody who wishes to speak with Garr CHR00000008 ============================================================================= NPC ============================================================================= The next persons play an important role in the plot during the game. Bunyan During the prologue Bunyan is worried about Ryu, Rei and Teepo, but Ryu in particular so it seems. He tries to get the three boys to give up thievery and go make a living with honest work. Honey Honey is a robot who's always with Momo. Strictly Honey has no gender, but the game addresser "her" as a female. Honey can't talk but she seems to be able to take a liking to people, and she's very intelligent and eager to warn her mistriss or friends for any sort of trouble. She also has some knowledge about ancient machines and that comes in handy several times in the game. Loki He's named after the Norwegian God of Mischief, and too bad he lives up to that name. He has a very fishy task for Ryu and his friends Balio & Sunder They are two morons that will annoy the crap out of you very soon. But that doesn't mean they aren't dangerous. They belong to a criminal trade organisation and will do anything to get rich, and they never give up. It will take the majority of the first part to get rid of those two. Queen Sheila A queen who cannot stand her daughter Nina to take matters into her own hands. She wants to lock Nina up in a golden cage, so to speak. Being protective over your little girl is one thing, but Queen Sheila is the living proof you can go too far. Beyd Bookkeeper of the porter's guild. He's in love with the guildmaster's daugher, Shadis, but he really doesn't dare to speak out he's feelings, especially because Zig seems to aim for her too. Zig A musclebound peabrain who tries to hunt for Shadis' hand, unable (or unwilling) to detect that Shadis doesn't like him. Later in the game Zig will show his true quality and become your own private sailor to bring you over all places on the inner sea. Palet Director of the plant that Momo's father build. He seems very fishy and unreliable. Geist A dragonslayer who ran away from battle during the big war against the dragons. Deis A mystical woman who was imprisoned because she sided with the dragons during the war. If you can release her and hear her out she might tell you what exactly happened during that war. Elder Jono How he did is unknown, but he survived the ages that passed since the dragon war. Jono is the dragon Elder hidden away since the war. He knows a lot of what happened. Seek him out. Will he help you? "God" Her true name is lost to the people who worshipped her as a god. She appears to have played the most important role in the Dragon Wars. Seek her out and hear her side of the story. ******* WALKTHROUGH - PROLOGUE ******* PRO00000001 ============================================================================= Prologue - General Overview ============================================================================= First of all you start in Dauna Mines. You may understand later what the trouble there is all about. After that you will be found by Rei and Teepo. The prologue focusses most of all on how Ryu develops a friendship with those two. This part focusses all on the Yraall Region of the worldmap and you may need to walk around a lot the place. Have fun PRO00000002 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Dauna Mines ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon is very straight forward. The scared miners will all try to kill you, but you can kill them all by casting "Whelp breath". In fact if they attack you you'll automatically use that spell to finish them off. ============================================================================= - = Kill Gary and Mogu by using Whelp Breath = Examine Mogu's corpse to obtain a "Molten Blade" = Make your way South = Exit South - = Say what you like when the guy asks if you are really a dragon. He'll flee anyway. = Go South = When you are stopped by an engineer and a miner, just kill them both with Whelp Breath = Proceed South = Ignore any stairways and proceed south = At the end go west = Exit West - = West = As soon as you can South = When you are stopped by a worker and an operator try to kill them with Whelp Breath. The dungeon ends here. Now you get some scenario. When you are on the train jiggle with your controller until the driver pushes you off. Another round of scenario and when you gain control over the game you'll be a little kid named Ryu in a hut in Chedar Woods PRO00000003 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Cedar Woods - Pyjamas Round ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 01 ============================================================================= Enemies: = None Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: Just a quick walk to get you to the village ============================================================================= - = Well on the cabinet is a diary. You can use that as a savespot. So examine it and save your game. = Exit downstairs - = Examine both cabinets to obtain a Vitamin and a Worm = Exit South - = Go around the house counter clockwise = Follow the road = Cross the bridge = Follow the road = At the T-Cross South = Exit South - = Follow the road = At the T-Cross South = At the next T-Cross West = Follow the road = Exit South at the end PRO00000004 ============================================================================= City: McNeil - Getting your stuff ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 01 ============================================================================= How to get there: South of Cedar woods. You can hardly miss it. ============================================================================= Overview: During the prologue this is the only town. Right now you won't be able to get much done with the people here as you are friends with Rei and Teepo and they are hated. That will change later. ============================================================================= - = Just sit out the scenario first. = As soon as you can move, go South = Speak to Teepo - Okay, now you'll automatically will get your equipment and Rei and Teepo will join the party. = Keep going South = Exit South ============================================================================= My Technique: Though I hate grinding I take my time here to have Ryu at level 5 (Rei and Teepo don't matter at this point). I try to steal WaistCloths from BossGoblins, which is during the prologue section the best armor you can get. I also steal PointedStick and Bent Sword even though those weapons are worthless, you need to have 15 different weapons in order to get Master D'lonzo later who is part of my technique. Copying Influence is also a good idea. It does not really matter which character manages to do that. ============================================================================= PRO00000005 ============================================================================= Yraall Road ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 05; Teepo 05; Rei 06 ============================================================================= Enemies: = BossGoblin = Goblin = Ripper Bosses: = None ============================================================================= How to get there: All the way South from McNeil ============================================================================= Overview: A very small field that only serves as a scenario hub. I cannot deem this a serious dungeon. ============================================================================= - = Go all the way South until Rei and Teepo start to explain a few things to you. = Rei points a place to hide. Go over there = Once you got onto the right spot you'll get more explanation = Once that's done go east and grab the bag for 40 zenny. = Go back west and get onto the road = Go North and exit this place North. PRO00000006 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Cedar Woods - Breaking into Bunyan's house ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 05; Teepo 05; Rei 06 ============================================================================= How to get there There are multiple entrances. For the good of this FAQ I recommend the east entrance. = From McNeal east = Get into the most eastern path North = First way West and you got your entrance ============================================================================= Overview: This is just some scenario and a step up to the first real mission. ============================================================================= - = Go forward and first way south = Follow the road = When you reach Bunyan's house put Rei in the lead as he's the only one who can open the door - Inside you'll automatically receive the plate. Keep it for now. = Go to the back of the house = Take the ladder to the cellar - = Search the cabinet to find a Beef Jerky and sit out the scenario that follows. = When you gain control over the game again, use the ladder to go up. - Exit the house. Now you'll be captured by Bunyan. Sorry, that's unavoidable. Now Bunyan will send Rei away, don't worry, you'll meet him again later. And you get to chop firewood. MIN00000001 ============================================================================= Minigame: Chopping Firewood ============================================================================= The object is simple. Teepo puts a block before you and you have to cut it. Cut too fast and you'll hit Teepo (and he doesn't like that), cut too slow and you miss the log. You need to cut at least 10 logs or so. If you cut less you got to do this over. The best way to get most logs done is to watch Teepo's hands. Immediatly after he removes his hands you got to push the cut button. Look well to those, as that's the key to do it. Please note Teepo's speed in placing the longs varies a little so don't interval your cuts. You must watch his hands. ============================================================================= - = When your done chopping firewood, follow the road and take the first exit you can find. PRO00000007 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Road to Mt. Glaus ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 05; Teepo 05 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Ripper = Man Trap Boss: = None ============================================================================= How to get there: North-East of Cedar woods. Game marks it as "?" on the world map. ============================================================================= Overview: This is just a small dungeon that works as a barrier not to proceed too fast in the game. No scenario, a few treasures, no bosses. Just needed to complete so you can pass it and access new areas of the world map. There are several dungeons like these in the game. ============================================================================= - = Go East = Cross the bridge = Go South = Let Teepo kick the little rock blocking the big one. = Go into the now drydocked river = Follow the path = Open the chest to get a Weather Vane = Go back to the spot where Teepo kicked the rock before = Proceed East from here = As soon as you can North = You may find a rock covering a hole. Let Teepo kick it to obtain a Vitamin = Proceed North = At the very end East = At the end you can kick another rock to obtain a Coin. Treasure that thing, you need it later :) = Open the chest a bit south for 80 zenny = Go North = Exit North to complete this mini-dungeon PRO00000008 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Mount Glaus ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 06; Teepo 06 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Eye Goo = Mage Goo = Puff Goo = Curr = Gonghead = Bat = Zombie Boss = Nue (in two rounds) ============================================================================= How to get there: From the previous dungeon, just proceed and you'll find it. Easy :) ============================================================================= Overview: This is the first REAL dungeon. Before you enter I suggest that Ryu should be at least level 4 so he can cast purify as there are some poisonous beasts out here, which includes the boss, btw. You will start the dungeon with only Ryu and Teepo. Rei will join halfaway. This is also the place where you'll meet your first boss. You'll already meet it halfaway, but it will flee and you'll meet it again later with a chance to finish it off. ============================================================================= - = Cross the bridge = As soon as you can go west = As soon as you can south = Follow the way = Grab the bag to get an antidote = Go back to the bridge = From here, head North = When you reach a side down, go East = You'll find a ramp. Go up the ramp. = Ok, on the top, you can get extra treasure by sliding down at the correct points. They are marked by dark spots, so you can easily find out how to go. This way you can obtain: Heavy Caro and Cloth Shield. = After all that make sure you're up the ramp again = Follow the road = Cross the bridge Now Teepo will suggest to call it a day and you'll automatically enter the hut to rest. - In here you automatically rest and Rei will rejoin the party. = When you are ready leave the hut. - Good Morning! BOS00000001 ============================================================================= Boss: Nue - Round 1/2 ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 06; Teepo 06; Rei 06 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Chlorine = If attack is succesful and does at least 1 HP damage, you have a chance to get poisoned - Nue Stomp = Strong attack on one target - Reprisal = Some physical attacks you do can lead to a counter attack ============================================================================= His attacks can be nasty, but don't be too aggressive to heal. Your AP and items are very limited at this stage of the game, and you're gonna need your stuff badly. If you want you can try to Pilfer the boss to get a Power Food if you place value in an item like that. Teepo's magic can deal some damage and there's no need to hold back on that with a rest point so close to you. When it poisons you, you don't want to have the poison on too long. Over time it does a lot of damage. After the boss has receveid some damage it'll get afraid of you and run away. That ends the battle. You won't gain EXP for it... too bad. ============================================================================= - Enter the hut - = Examine the bed to make your party rest = Leave the hut - = Examine the dragon statue and save your game with it = Go up the mountain on the right side of the hut = As soon as you can East = Follow the way = Grab the bag to obtain: Vitamins = Follow the way back = Enter the cave - You'll see a trail of blood, but ignore that for the time being. = Move forward = First way left (North) = Exit North - = Examine the bone heap to obtain a Bent Sword (it has a purpose, trust me) = Go back south = Exit south - = Go South = At the end East = First way North = Around the corner East = Exit East - = Follow the way (at some point the game says the blood trail stops) = Examine the skeleton to obtain 200 zenny = Go back and exit back to the previous room - = West = Around the corner South = At the end East = 1st way South = Around the corner west = Examine the skeleton to obtain a BallockKnife = Go back East = Around the corner North = At the end East = At the end South = Examine the skeleton to obtain a Talisman = Go all the way North = Exit North - Teepo will offer a theory. It doesn't really matter if you say he's right or not (though it's funny how Teepo gets mad when you say he's wrong). = Dive into the water - Follow the way and you'll find the Nue again. BOS00000002 ============================================================================= Boss: Nue - Round 2/2 ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 07; Teepo 07; Rei 07 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Chlorine = If attack is succesful and does at least 1 HP damage, you have a chance to get poisoned - Nue Stomp = Strong attack on one target - Reprisal = Some physical attacks you do can lead to a counter attack - Jolt = Magic spell that hits all targets with lightning ============================================================================= Well this time we can finish it off for once and for all. The start of the fight is exactly the same as before, so no need to explain it again. I had obtained the spell "Simoon" in the meantime though and that works pretty well on it. Be warned when the computer says "Nue howls with the fury". Then you must make sure everybody is full HP as from that moment you can expect the spell Jolt and it will hurt. After casting that once it's immediately out of AP, so it won't be able to cast it again (though it will try). Other than that this fight is the same as before. Oh yeah, you can try to pilfer it again for a power food. ============================================================================= - Examine the corpse of the Nue to access the next room - = Move forward = Examine the (dead) cubs in the nest = Leave - Go all the way west and exit west - When the game asks if you want to jump into the water say "Yes". And this ends the first dungeon. You'll automatically end up in Rei and Teepo's hut in Cedar woods. From there, just leave the Cedar Woods and go to McNeil PRO00000009 ============================================================================= City: McNeil - Hail our Heroes ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 07; Teepo 07; Rei 07 ============================================================================= Well, you are now heroes as you killed the Nue and as that beast was a treat to the village people (no these ones won't sing YMCA) you are now heroes and unlike last time you were here all villagers love you now. This means that the stores will now also be willing to sell their stuff to you. I suggest you buy at least a fishing rod in the itemshop, and try to check out if you can get better equipment. ============================================================================= My Technique First of all the fishing rod can be essential so you can get yourself to fishing. If you catch the right fish and a Manillo you can buy a Silver Knife (and equip it to Ryu). It's holy properties are handy for your next dungeon. Furthermore I suggest you spend all the money you have. After that you can visit Mygass who can be found at a "?" point North-West of McNeil. Become his pupil (this will cost you all your money, fun is, even when you have no money at all he'll accept you as pupil). You're gonna need the spells he can teach you (after gaining levels) very much in the parts that follow after you completed this prologue! ============================================================================= Okay, before you start to continue on this all, as soon as you engage the next mission you cannot leave it until it's been completed, and I warn ya, it's a pretty long run. - When you are ready to go: = Speak to the cloaked guy walking around in town (his name is Loki. The fact that he's named after the Norwegian God of Mischief makes I don't like him, but you must do business with him in order to proceed). = When he offers you a deal, accept it. = Now exit South - = Follow the road = As soon as you see a barn enter it - Now Loki will brief you on the task he has prepared for you. After that the game will skip to the evening PRO0000000A ============================================================================= Dungeon: McNeil Mansion - Front yard ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 08; Teepo 08; Rei 09 ============================================================================= Enemies: = None Bosses: = Pooch (mini-boss) = Rocky (Mini-boss) ============================================================================= Overview: This is the first part of Loki's mission. This part is more a big puzzle than a serious dungeon, but I made a separate section on it as it's a) long enough for it and b) the real dungeon begins later. Good to know is that McNeil's staff is underpaid. Not only his butlers and kitchen maids, but also his security guards, so some of them are serious to there work and others are just goofing off. CapCom did mark both groups clearly so here's the deal. The guards with the green skirts take their job seriously. When they catch you they'll kick you out of the front yard and you'll have to start over. The guards with the grey skirts are just goofing off. They won't kick you out of the castle and if you do them a favor they might even allow you to continue your robbery. All in all, this is a rather funny part of the game :) ============================================================================= - Follow the road and enter the barn - Take a Vitamin from the cabinet and leave the barn - = Follow the road East = As soon as you see Teepo at the front door, follow the wall to the left of him = After you came past Rei, go around the corner north = When you see a darker part of the wall examine it and you'll get in the front yard. - = Go into the sideway west = At the end is a thief, he'll bribe you for 50 zenny under condition you don't turn him in to the guards. = Go back to the entrance = Go north to the guard = Talk to him and pay the 50 zenny he demands = Proceed = Go up the stairs = Up there take the way left = Pick up the wallet hidden at the end of this way = Go back and speak to the guard up here. As you found his wallet, he'll let you through = Proceed = The next guard is one who still takes his job seriously. As soon as you stand in the light of his lantern he'll kick you out. Wait until he's facing away from you and go South (only the guy you control counts here. The other two will always get through undetected). = Go down the stairs = Keep going South = When you see a small tower, go up the ladder = When you have either Ryu or Teepo in the lead you can press triangle to ring the bell (the guard below will leave) = Go down the ladder = Go North-West = When you reach a higher platform, get yourself on it = Go to the smoking guard and he'll request you to fight the dog = Go South here = Kill the dog ============================================================================= Mini-Boss: Pooch ============================================================================= Abilities: - Snap = Attack that can lower you defense = Can be copied with "Examine" ============================================================================= This is just a simple fight, but you need to take note that with his Snap move he can lower your defenses and that can cost you dearly. For the rest this fight is easy as hell. You can try to Pilfer it to score a "Vitamin". ============================================================================= - = Go back North = When you reach the smoking guard turn east = Keep going East = When you see a guard in front of a barn, go south = At the very end west = A little North = When you see a man and a woman together speak to both of them. = Go back to the barn = Speak to the guard and he'll go away = Enter the barn - Now Teepo will steal some eggs, a useless key-item you'll carry around for the rest of the game, for a purpoes beyond me. Teepo's theft will actually alarm the Rooster and he'll attack you. ============================================================================= Mini-Boss: Rocky ============================================================================= Abilities: - Jump = Random damage on one target = Can be copied with "Examine" - Ovum = Transforms one target into an egg for three turns ============================================================================= In turn #1+#2 he'll Jump. If you want you can try to copy that move. In turn #3 he'll use Ovum to transform somebody into an egg for three turns. After that the fight gets pretty random, but I seldomly take enough turns for that Ovum spell to wear off :) ============================================================================= - Well you'll leave the coop now and there's a lot of chaos due to the chickens that are on the loose. This place is really in need of better staff :) = Go back to the smoking guard = From there go west = Take the stairway up = North = At the end go East until the game scenario takes over. PRO0000000B ============================================================================= Dungeon: McNeil Mansion ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 08; Teepo 08 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Guard = Roach = Volt Bosses: = Torast (mini-boss) = Kassen (mini-boss) = Galtel (mini-boss) = Doksen (mini-boss) = Amalgam ============================================================================= Overview: So early in the game, and already you face one of the longest dungeons this game has to offer. Once again you have to miss Rei, and that will be the case for 90% of this dungeon, only in the very last part of the dungeon you'll have him back. This mansion belongs to McNeil, he's the mayor of the town with the same name. Apparantly he could afford a large home, or maybe he just inherited that as he comes from a rich family. The mayor is very cheap and so a lot of his staff left. Maybe even his security staff. McNeil is very paranoid because of all of this and so he boarded most of the doors shut, meaning you got to take a long way around through the mansion. The mansion is also haunted. The spirits of McNeil's ancestors still wander through the mansion you'll meet four of them in the form of a mini-boss during your way here. The true boss of this game is also of their doing. Due to the long run through this place, there are two spots in this dungeon where you can rest and save. I suggest you USE those. All-in-all, you need some time to get this done. ============================================================================= - = Go to the steps North and you'll be dragged back = A spirit appears fight it. ============================================================================= Mini-Boss: Torast, the 5th McNeil ============================================================================= Abilities: - Sleep = Puts you to sleep ============================================================================= Torast has nothing better to do than to put you to sleep. You can cast healing spells on him to hurt him, but really it's better not to waste your AP like that. If you have a Silver Knife equipped you can strike him very hard too. ============================================================================= - Exit West (you can't see this exit, but it's there) - = Examine the cabinet at the far west to find a "Life Shard" = Go back East = Exit East - Exit East - Teepo will complain about feeling watched. Well you are watched, but that's not really important right now :) = Take the passway way south = Go to the stairs = Examine the East cabinet here to obtain a Vitamin = Exit upstairs - = Examine the cabinet to obtain a Magic Shard = Exit upstairs - = Examine the second crate from the North Wall to get Eye Drops = Examine the separate crate to get a Taser = Exit downstairs (x2) - = Follow the corridor = North north through the way right of the servant = Examine the North cabinet to obtain 120 zenny = South = Speak to the servant in order to rest and save your game = Go West = As soon as you can North = Exit West - = Go up the stairs north = Go East = Around the corner south = First way East = Go into the room North = In the NW corner is a cabinet. Examine it to get 40 zenny. = South and leave this room = Go back west = Go back to the top of the stairs = From here go West = Around the corner South = First way West = At the end go into the room south and examine the left cabinet to get "Gems" = Go all North = On the right side is a cabinet. Examine it to get a Vitamin = Keep going North ============================================================================= Mini-Boss: Kassen, the 3rd McNeil ============================================================================= Abilities: - Drain = Drains life from you to hurt you and heal himself - Leech Power = Drains AP from you to recover his own ============================================================================= Well, he tries to drain the hell outta you which is highly annoying. You can try healing spells on it, as it will hurt him, but save your AP and refrain from doing that. When you are equipped with a Silver Knife, this fight will be over in a jiffy. ============================================================================= - = Go East = At the end enter the room South = Examine the west cabinet to obtain a Panacea = Hit the stairs and you'll be stopped (yeah another one) ============================================================================= Mini-Boss: Galtel, the 12th McNeil ============================================================================= Abilities: - Blunt = Lowers your attack power - Weaken = Lowers your defenses ============================================================================= First he powers you down all the way, and after that he's gone because you defeated him already ============================================================================= - Hit the stairs - = Go West = Eximine the closet on your way to get a MultiVitamin and continue West = Hit the exit at the end - Hit the left door - = Go West = Examine the left cabinet on the north wall to get a Healing Herb = Continue West = At the end hit the stairs up - = Go all the way South = Examine the cabinet to get 600 zenny = Go back North = Go downstairs - Go all the way south until you meet another loser ============================================================================= Mini-Boss: Doksen, the 8th McNeil ============================================================================= Abilities: Depends on your actions ============================================================================= Okay, here's the way Doksen fights. He returns to you what you give to him. If you attack him with fire, he'll attack you with fire, you attack him with frost, he'll attack you with frost. Now here's the deal, when you attack him with "Holy" (by means of a Silver Knife) or if you cast a healing spell on him he'll keep healing you. So do either one of those, and after that put the game into autobattle. EEEEAAASYY! Well, the fact that he counters a lot has no more big deal :) ============================================================================= - = Continue South = Around the corner East = Press the elevator switch to use the elevator - Exit upstairs - = When the game asks if you want to rest say "yes" :) = Use the diary to save your game. = Exit up (the ladder) - Well, Teepo will mention smoke out of the chimney... Very good, but that is NOT the place you must go to, so forget about that = Go to the top of the roof = Go up the stairs North = Go down on the other side of this chimney = Go north (around the chimney of course) = Go up the stairs to the next chimney and get off it on the other side = Get yourself above the most north window = Drop off = Get the rope with grapple hook Now you'll get some scenario, and during this scenario Rei will rejoin the party. = Go all the way to the west side of this roof = All the way North = Grab the bag to get a Swallow Eye = Go up the roof = Go all the way south to the smoking chimney = Pick up the Broad Sword lying beside of it = Go North = Go up the northern chimney = Take the stairway down here - Go to the next room and it's party time BOS00000003 ============================================================================= Boss: Amalgam ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 11; Teepo 11; Rei 10 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Sleep = Yaaaawn.... :) - Astral Warp = Powerful blow on one target - Flare = Fire Magic on one target - Frost = Frost attack on one target ============================================================================= Most of the time this ghost thing tries to put you to sleep, highly annoying, but not so treacherous as it may appear. You must keep you HP up to par as its Astral Warp will hurt you dearly. Other than that this fight is not that hard. ============================================================================= With this victory the dungeon is over and you'll end up back in your hut in Cedar Woods. PRO0000000C ============================================================================= Ending Prologue: Double Trouble ============================================================================= - From the house go to the Farm - = Speak to Loki = Go into the barn as he says - After Bunyan spoke to you leave and go back to your house. - As soon as you get there you'll meet Balio and Sunder BOS00000004 ============================================================================= BOSS: Balio & Sunder - Round 1/2 ============================================================================= Difficulty: Impossible. Don't even try to win. ============================================================================= My Party: Ryu 11; Teepo 11; Rei 10 ============================================================================= Abilities Balio: - Lightning = Very strong thunder attack on all targets ============================================================================= Just allow them to wipe you out. You cannot defeat them NOTE! A lot of arguments lived on forums on that these two can be defeated here. Trust me, a friend of mine tried it with a GameShark-like device in my presence. After four hours the battle still took forth. There is really no way to beat them here. Don't bother to contact me sending in any strategies, you'll be banned for your trouble as I hate liars! ============================================================================= - After this fight you'll be in Bunyan's house. Leave the house - Leave Cedar Woods and there the Prologue ends and part 1 begins. ******* WALKTHROUGH - PART ONE ******* EP100000001 ============================================================================= General Overview ============================================================================= Well, it wasn't too bright was it. You made some friends, and now they are gone. Part one starts on looking for them, and as there's no Breath Of Fire without a Princess Nina, you are now about to meet her. Part one can be divided in two subparts. First of all Nina wants to help you to find Rei and Teepo back, alas that won't happen in part one, and on top of that you have to be on the run of Balio and Sunder all the time, because those two morons (which I nicknamed "The Frustration Foundation") will keep hunting you down. Thanks to Balio and Sunder your dragon powers will surface, and in the very first dungeon you are going to take on now. No Breath of Fire without dragon transformation, either, eh? As soon as you completed the next dungeon you will gain the spell "Accession" in which you can access the dragon powers. Well, as soon as you can get yourself rid of Balio and Sunder (sorry to give that away), Garr will join your quest and then the true story FINALLY begins, as Garr knows a lot about your dragon powers. Well, all in all, part one is the part in which it truly begins. On the FAQ I'll keep things even more brief as I did before. You should have learned by now how the game works in general. Of course you haven't yet learned how dragon forms work, but my section about Ryu has a lot of info on that. The party changing has also not yet been discussed, but I will when your 4th member joins the group. What I mean more is that I may use some lesser words, and that I may not mention every treasure you can find, as I did until now, until it contains something really noteworthy. One final note! As Rei won't return to you till part two (sorry for spoiling that) and Teepo won't return to your party at all, all skills they copied from enemies or learned from Mygas have automatically been dropped into the Skill Notes. You can use a Skill Ink to give those to Ryu or the friends he's gonna make in the upcoming part. ============================================================================= My Technique: Well before starting on the next dungeon, I had Ryu studying under Mygass. I basically trained Ryu out until Mygass teaches him "Typhoon". After that I always dismiss Ryu from Mygas' services and move on onto the next dungeon. Please note, you have to do this NOW, as after you past the next dungeon, you cannot go back to Mygas for a terrible long while. Very important is the spell Frost. Ryu should have it. If you had learned it from Mygass with either Rei or Teepo the spell is now in your skill notes. If that's the case you really should use a Skill Ink to give it to Ryu as you need it bad in the next dungeon. (The Manillo in these waters sell those, so you can earn one with fishing). If you didn't study under Mygass, well here's a reason to do so! ============================================================================= EP100000002 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Mount Myrneg ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 15 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Tar Man = Nut Trooper = Nut Mage = Ripper Boss: = None ============================================================================= How to get there: = Go to Yraall road (don't enter the place) = Head East from there. You can't miss it ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon can be a pain if you don't know the game very well. The setup is terribly confusing, in fact we may call this dungeon a maze, and even worse it's a maze in 3D and that makes it even harder. There are only two dungeons in which you have to play the entire place alone (and the second one is near the end of the game), and that can break you a little when you are either underlevelled or inexperienced, and most particular if you are both. Really must-have spells are "Burn" which you can copy from a Mage Goo and "Frost" which you can learn from master Mygass. The burn spell must be used on ALL enemies whose name start with "Nut", can't put it easier than that. The frost spell must be used on all Tar Men you'll encounter as it freezes their body, lowers their defense and they won't be able to fight back any more. Apart from that I can only hope you got a good sense of direction, and oh yeah, once more, when I say North, I mean the upper left corner of the screen :) ============================================================================= - = South = At the end East = Go up the ladder = East = 2nd ladder down = East = Grab the Protein behind the trees = Go back and go up the ladder you went down before = East = Go up the 1st ladder = Go up the next ladder = Follow the east path = Open the chest to get a Bat Amulet (don't sell it. You need it in a later boss fight) = Go back = Go up the ladder = North = At the end west = Drop off South = Continue South = 1st way west = When you see a ladder up, go to it and climb it = Follow the road = As soon as you find a ladder up, hit it = Go East = As soon as you try to sneak past Sunder a scenario part starts Okay, this scenario will bring you to Wyndia. Now Balio and Sunder are the first to discover Ryu's true race (which is Dragon). You may not be happy that profesional criminals found that one, but the good part is that this event teaches you the "Accession" move, so now your dragon transformations are available, and also your first Dragon Gene, which is "Flame". Now I won't go into the deep of dragon transformations now, as I did that in Ryu's section in the character overview. Anyway you'll end up in prison. EP100000003 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Wyndia - Prison ============================================================================= ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 15 ============================================================================= Enemies: = None Boss: = Balio & Sunder ============================================================================= Overview: Just a quick part for scenario reasons only. ============================================================================= - = Examine the door and when the game asks you to try to break it (do this twice) = Go into the cell where Balio and Sunder used to be = Use the diary to save your game = Go back into the corridor = Go South = As soon as you see a stairway hit it. - Follow the way until you get yourself in a fight with Balio and Sunder BOS00000005 ============================================================================= Boss: Balio & Sunder - Round 2/2 ============================================================================= Difficulty: Very very hard ============================================================================= ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 15 ============================================================================= Abilties Balio: - Lightning ============================================================================= You got two options. Option one is to let them slay you. If you take that route Nina will be able to escape them and save you with medicines so the game can continue. Of course a REAL adventurer will try to give the two a hard time. You cannot beat them in the sense that you can strike them down, but if you can give them a hard time you can force them to escape, and if you manage to do that you'll get 110 experience points. To do that, I suggest you make Ryu travel is light as possible. Get his Agility as high as possible by unequipping all armor, and making him carry the lightest weapon you have at your disposal (don't worry, you can put everything back on after the fight) you just need to make sure you get EX turns in this battle in order for this strategy to work. Here goes... Use Accession to turn Ryu into a dragon and let Balio and Sunder attack you. If they hurt you for less than 50% of your HP stay in dragon form and attack them (Don't use Breath attacks, as that will kill Nina, and I don't know what happens should she die, but it cannot be good). If they did hurt you more than 50% use "restore form" and turn into a dragon again. Should they kill your dragon form you'll just turn back into human form. Now turn into a dragon again and repeat this cycle. When you keep this up long enough (8 turns, not counting EX turns), Nina will awaken, she'll strike Sunder and run away. Now you can use your breath attacks on those two. Sooner or later Balio will see the entire battle as a waste of time and run away, as soon as that happens Sunder will go as well very soon. When that happens the battle counts as won. ============================================================================= No matter the outcome of this battle, Nina will now join your party. You can go back into jail to rest and save, when you are done come back to this place, go South and hit the stairway down. EP100000004 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Wyndia - Underground Graveyard ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 15; Nina 05 ============================================================================= Enemies = Zombie = Ghoul = Volt = Nut Trooper = Nut Mage Boss: = None ============================================================================= Quick note: Okay, before we begin a quick note about your new friend Nina. Nina will be available during this entire part, no more characters that leave. Though I must note that Nina is physically one of the weakest people to join you. Her magic may be needed for awhile though. Nina is by default equipped with a Soul Stone, if she dies her Soul Stone will shatter, but her HP will be back to full. As the Soul Stone shatters you only got this "wildcard" once, so don't waste it. I stronly recommend that you use the "Defense" form for the time being as that will raise both party members defenses significantly, and you need it. You can change your form in the "Tactics" menu. ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon is a shorty, but it can take a lot of time if you want the treasure. Therefore I'll put in a Quick Route, skips most of the dungeon, and a long route which gets you the treasure (Which is a light bangle, btw) :) The majority of the dungeon is the 7 words puzzle. If you press all GREEN WORDS on the graves you can claim the Light Bangle, which is optional. To continue to the exit you have to memorize all RED WORDS and at the key grave all words will be asked to see if you memorized all those. Let's get this show on the road. Please note, if you decide to skip the Light Bangle. You can NOT come back for it later!!! ============================================================================= OPTIONAL PART (for if you also want to score that Light Bangle) - = From the stairs, go straight South = Examine the first grave and press "secrets". = Go west past the great torch = Look at the two graves west of it and press "outside" and "that" = Examine the grave north of here and press "above" = Go west (and down the small ramp) = At the end drop off West = Hit the grave and push "You" = Drop off south = Hit the chest to get a Panacea = Go up the ladder = Examine the grave here and press "green" = Go west = Up the big ramp = Examine the eastern grave and push "not" = Leave the second grave here be, and drop off south = East = As soon as you can north = At the end east and as soon as you can north = When you see a long stone way going west hit it. = Examine the big grave = Push "7" and you'll fall into a bit that opens under you. - = Open the chest to get your prize, the Light Bangle. = South = Drop off = Go all the way East = When you see a ladder hit it - = Open the chest to get yourself a "Glass Domino". = Drop off south END OF OPTIONAL PART - = West (past the platform with chest) = Go down the little ramp west = Go down the little ramp south = Go up the big ramp = Examine the northern ramp Now push the next words: = red = climbing = I = is = look = beneath = this And now you'll fall down into the next room. - Move around in this room (a bit west will do) to fall into the next room - Okay, now Nina will learn of Rei and Teepo and offer her help in finding them. = After that go west = At the end exit west - Follow the corridor and exit west at the end. EP100000005 ============================================================================= City: Wyndia ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 15; Nina 08 ============================================================================= Overview: Well, welcome to Wyndia. Wyndia is the largest city of the game and the capital of the kingdom of Wyndia. There are tons of shops around, and I recommend most of all to seek out the three near the exit of the city. Well, when it comes to the game, you may remember that it was Teepo's dream to go to Wyndia someday. So that makes it very likely that this is the place he ran off to, or that he has at least been here. So your next job is to find a clue wether or not Teepo is here, or if he at least passed through it. ============================================================================= - = South = Up the stairs East = When you reach the square go south = Take the stairs west = As soon as you are at the last stairs (you'll see a lamp post down it when you reached it) go east beside the stairs = Speak to the kid in front of the fountain and he'll challenge you to a game of hide-and-seek Okay, here's a list to find those kiddo's = At the far south-east of town, in front of the innoculation store = Directly north of the city exit = East of the three stores, but west of the stairs to the square (close to the beggar) = Behind the southern tree on the big square Okay, as thanks for playing hide-and-seek the kids will now tell you about a robbery committed by a kid about Ryu's age. Of course, we don't have solid evidence that this was Teepo, but we got a clue to seek out now. When you are ready, leave the city. ============================================================================= My Technique: Well, as soon as you proceed to the next area you won't be able to get back to Wyndia for awhile and that while there's still some vital stuff to do here. First of all make sure you got all weapons you can get here. Not only can you be better of with them soon (if you have the silver knife, keep it on until I say to change it). Though it's expensive I do recommend to buy a "Midas Stone" and keep equip it on Nina. That thing pays itself back, trust me! A quick checklist of the weapons you should now have: 01 Dagger 02 Pointed Stick 03 Bent Sword 04 Melted Blade 05 Broad Sword * 06 Ballock Knife 07 Bronze Sword * 08 Oaken staff 09 Silver Knife 10 Mace 11 Claymore * The ones marked with a * can be bought in Wyndia, all others or not available at present time. If you missed one of those, nothing wrong. Oh yeah, make sure that that you have at least 2 copies of one of the weapons Ryu can wear and 2 copies of one of the weapons Nina can wear. The master D'Lonzo did put a high requirement, but I really go for that at this point. (you meet that master later). Speaking of masters, at the "?" spot between the city walls of Wyndia (from the world map) you can reach a hut where Durandal lives. He seems to be worthless, but don't be fooled. There are a few spots in the game where his "Backhand" move will come in handy. I always make Nina study under him as she's now lower in level, so that takes less time to work her out. DON'T LEAVE THE PLACE BEFORE "BACKHAND" has been learned. Very important When all that's in order, let's continue! :) ============================================================================= EP100000006 ============================================================================= Hub: Eygnock Road ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 16; Nina 12 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Eye Goo = Mage Goo = Nut Trooper = Nut Mage = Ripper ============================================================================= Overview: This is only a scenario hub. Please note, once you are past this you won't be able to return to Wyndia for awhile, so if you have anything left to do there, do that first ============================================================================= - Go to the mill and enter it - As soon as you enter you hear Nina screaming. If you want you vsn search the closets north (clothing, pah, junk). When you're done leave - You'll run into Balio and Sunder and they'll bring you to Genmel EP100000007 ============================================================================= Genmel (Arena) ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 16; Nina 12 ============================================================================= Overview: Dutch joke: "Welkom bij cafe de Fant. Hier is de barman zatter dan de klant!" This city's true name is "Genmel", but on the world map it's marked as "Arena" as this is the place where the Contest of Champions is held later in the game. You start at Fahl's tent and you have to escape from him, which will happen automatically (If you saw Fahl's name in the master list, yes it's the same guy, but you cannot get him as master at this stage of the game). You may also see Garr, but at this moment you are not interesting to him, so he'll simply ignore you. ============================================================================= Well just check out everything you need in this town and leave the city. ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: This is gonna be boring, but you'll be in need of cash now, so train for it and don't leave until you bought the Scramasax, Rippers and Magician Rod, for master D'lonzo soon. Be happy that this is the last city in which you have to open your wallet for this silly requirement! (Nobody can equip the Rippers yet as they are for Peco who hasn't yet joined the group, but that doesn't matter, you only need to have them, that's all). Once more the checklist 01 Dagger 02 Pointed Stick 03 Bent Sword 04 Melted Blade 05 Broad Sword 06 Ballock Knife 07 Bronze Sword 08 Oaken staff 09 Claymore 10 Scramasax * 11 Mace * 12 Rippers * 13 Magician's rod * 14 Silver Knife The * ones are still available at this point. For this to work you may only have missed 1 weapon. ============================================================================= EP100000008 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Mount Boumore ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 17; Nina 13 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Gonger = Nut Archer = Nut Trooper = Tar Man Boss: = None ============================================================================= How to get there: = West of Genmel (Arena) ============================================================================= This is not a long dungeon, but one with a lot of scenario. Halfaway the dungeon you cannot return to Genmel any more, so if you have anything you need from there, get it first. ============================================================================= New Dragon Gene: Defender You'll get this gene near the end of this dungeon. ============================================================================= - = West = Up the first ramp = Once up, take the east way BESIDE the ramp = At the very end north up the mini-ramp then East = As soon as you can North = Go as far north as you can and go up the closest ramp from here = Up the ladder = Go East = Talk to the guy in front of the hut - Now you'll get some scenario. = When the scenario is done hit the door east - The game will automatically make you rest. = After the rest try to exit west (to find out the "good" man locked you up). Now don't you worry about Sunder's presence. This is no "timed" event, so he cannot "catch" you because you take too long. All Sunder's actions are all part of the standard scenario and will therefore happen anyway. = Exit North - = Walk around the cable cart = Examine the panel Okay, now you'll get a lot of scenario and the game will take you to the second part of this dungeon. Here the Orc will be introduced and for that reason I suggest you equip Ryu with the Claymore now, and place him up front in the "Attack Form". - As soon as you get control over the game again, exit downstairs - Follow the way east (there are a few sideways containing treasure) until you reach a dead end. Now some scenario follows and this scenario causes you to earn the gene "Defender" (though the game won't make note of it). - The dungeon is now at an end. Just exit south to get back on the world map. ============================================================================= NOTE! Okay, before you get on the next dungeon, the Tower, you may want to go to the "?"-spot that's west of here. It contains the "Reverse" gene in the form of a purple crystal. From this point you can find crystals like these all over the place granting you a dragon gene which you can use to expand your dragon powers. Look well for them :) At the start of every dungeon I'll note it when a new gene can be found somewhere in the dungeon. ============================================================================= EP100000009 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Tower ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 17; Nina 14 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Orc = Protobot = Armorbot = Hyperbot = Lizard = IceToad Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: This is a long tower and one with a lot of puzzles. There are no bosses, but still you should be careful not to waste your AP on this long run. In a very early stage of this dungeon Momo will join you, from that moment you cannot leave the tower until it has been completed, but doncha worry, the dungeon DOES contain a room where you can rest and save. ============================================================================= New Dragon Gene: = Thorn ============================================================================= - = Go up the steps = Pass the water on either south or north side = Exit East - = Go East ============================================================================= OPTINAL PART As soon as you activate this puzzle a timer will countdown. (30 seconds). This puzzle must be solved within this timer. When you fail you can always try it again. And you can always come back for it in a later stage of the game. As long as the clock runs, you won't get any random encounters, so that helps. - = Have Nina to enchant the big crystal = Exit North - = Go south beside the stairway you came from = As soon as you can exit west - = Make all the way west until you reach the entrance of this dungeon = From there take the center stairway east = Hit all crystals with Nina's enchant move The water in the pond will go away and the clock will stop = Go back inside the tower from here - = Go all the way east = Go down the stairs west of the big crystal = Go West = Exit West - Claim your prize (which can be different each time you do this) and exit east - = Go all the way East = Go up the stairs END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= - Exit North - = Go South (not the stairs) :) = Exit East - = Go East = North up the stairs = Hit the East door - Use the beds to rest and the diary to save and exit West - = West = At the end North = Exit upstairs - Follow the corridor until you see an explosion coming from one of the rooms. Enter the room. - Well, here you meet Momo. You'll automatically rest and after Momo joined the party you'll be prompted to save the game. All all of that is done, leave this room. ============================================================================= OPTIONAL PUZZLE - Hit the next door - This puzzle is easy to understand. When you walk over the tiles they turn grey, or when they are already grey they'll turn brown. You may not hit the same time again without hitting another tile first. When you read the sign you start the puzzle. A B C D X = Grey tile 1 . . . . 2 . . X . 3 . X . . 4 . . X . Walk the next order: = B4 = A4 = A3 = A2 = A1 = B1 = B2 = C2 = C1 = D1 = D2 = C2 = C3 = D3 = D4 = Step off the puzzle = Exit East - Claim your prizes (Skill Ink, Flame Crysm, Ice Crysm) and exit this room - Exit South END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= - Go East and hit the stairs - = East = Follow the way = Hit the door - I'll number the cubes 1 left and 4 right = Hit cubes 2 and 4 = Go North = At the end West = Exit West - Follow the corridor and hit the door at the end - = Use the red switch = Cross the green bridge = North = Hit the door - Go East, exit east - Hit the chest to get Moon Tears and exit this room - Go West, exit West - = South = Cross the green bridge = Hit the red switch = Hit the blue one = West over the green bridge = Hit the door - = Go East = Hit the 2nd door - Open the chest to claim 800 zenny and leave the room - Go West, exit west - = Cross the purple bridge = Hit the stairs to the east - = South = Follow the corridor = Hit the stairs - = Go up the stairs west = Step on the platform to be transported North = Go up the stairs East = Use Nina to enchant the crystal twice = Step on the brown platform = Open the chest to get a breastplate = Drop off this platform = Up the stairs = Enchant the crystal six times (with Nina) = Step onto the brown platform = Open the chest to get a Ivory Dice (if you want to know what it does. If you use it on a single enemy the experience it gives is doubled). = Drop off West = Drop off south = up the stairs = Stand onto the grey platform = Up the stairs east = Have Nina to enchant the crystal ten times or more = Stand onto the brown platform = Hit the stairway North - South, follow the corridor and hit the exit - Ignore the door, the fishing rod it hides is SEE ARE AYE PEA, otherwise known as CRAP. = Follow the corridor and ht the stairs - Be careful here = Hit the crystal with Nina's enchant = Make sure everybody is past the cyrstal and make Nina hit it again = Make sure everybody is as close as possible without touching the blue beam and hit the crystal again = Proceed East = Hit the door - Examine the eastside of the desk and sit out the scenario (this is a bit funny) - A bit east here is the Thorn Gene. Pick it up and exit in any direction to get outta here. EP10000000A ============================================================================= Hub: Coffee Shop ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 18; Nina 15; Momo 11 ============================================================================= Overview: Is it my nationality or is it just odd that I cannot buy weed here? ============================================================================= - = Follow the road = When you see a path up the mountain follow it = As soon as you reach the coffee shop itself, you'll get some scenario in which you next target will be revealed ============================================================================= My technique Further up the mountain is D'lonzo. You should have 15 weapons by now. Weapons equipped don't count, but with a little improvising you can get it. I perosnally make Ryu and Momo study under her. ============================================================================= = Go down the mountain and leave the place. EP10000000B ============================================================================= Plant ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 18; Nina 15; Momo 11 ============================================================================= How to get there: See that small house on the world map when you left the Coffee Shop? That's the place to be. ============================================================================= Overview: This place is a maze of conveyors and stuff. Pretty annoying. ============================================================================= - = Go west past the greenhouse = Hit the switch and step onto the conveyor = Go north-east = Up the ramp = You see another conveyor. Step onto it = North = As soon as you can east = Up the ramp north = Step on the WESTERN conveyor (the red one) = Go west and step onto the next conveyor = Hit the switch and step onto the next conveyor = East = Down the red conveyor = Put Momo in the lead and make her talk to Palet = Go South = Go down the slide = East past the greenhouse = Exit south to leave the plant EP10000000C ============================================================================= Dump ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 18; Nina 15; Momo 11 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Rankweed = Painweed = Bomber = Slug = Eye Bulb = Fire Slug Boss: = Mutant ============================================================================= Overview: This is a quick dungeon, but still an AP demanding one. There's a boss here and you need your AP to do at least rounds of fire attacks on him. After defeating the boss Peco will join the party and so your party got 4 party members. As you may only have 3 characters in your party at a time this will mean you'll need to be switching. After this dungeon I'll go into the deep on how exactly that works. ============================================================================= - = South = Around the corner west = Around the corner North = First way East, then North = Hit the switch twice = Hit the chest North to score 1200 zenny = South = First way west ============================================================================= OPTIONAL PART! = South = Around the corners East and North = When you reach the dungeon entrance just keep going North = Up the ramp = Around the corner west = Second way South = Open the chest to score High Boots = Drop off west END OPTIONAL PART! ============================================================================= = North = Exit West - = West = At the end go south (down the ramp) = 2nd way East ============================================================================= OPTIONAL PART! = Hit the red button eight times = West = At the end north = 1st way East = When you step onto the conveyor you can see a ramp north-east of you. Hit it = After the ramp south = When you see a ramp down, ignore it and go west in stead. = Follow all the way and hit the chest to claim your prize (Artimis Cap) = Follow the way back until you have a ramp down to the right of you = Ignore that ramp and go North in stead = Down the ramp west and onto the conveyor = A little south, first way west = South = 1st way east END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Continue east = At the end around the corner south = Exit East - Boo! BOS00000006 ============================================================================= Boss: Mutant ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 18; Nina 15; Momo 12 ============================================================================= - Dream Breath = Puts all foes to sleep ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Attack Form - Ryu in lead Dragon: Flame + Defender -- Dragon ============================================================================= Well, the first turn it will always use "Dream Breath", if you fall asleep it only lasts shortly. Your problem is most likely his 250 HP regeneration each turn. Each time you do a fire attack on it the game will mention the mutant is in pain. Keeping that up a few times will disable his regeneration. If you turn Ryu into a dragon (I use Flame+Defender, but basically anything will do as long as you use the Flame gene in it. Well, and DON'T USE REVERSE!!!) Ryu should go crazy with "Flame Claw" and it will be dead in only a few turns. ============================================================================= - After the scenario hit the red switch Now Peco will join the party with that you got your 4th party member. I'll get into the deep in character changing as soon as you exit the dungeon. For now the game will let you have Ryu, Momo and Nina by default in your party and Peco on "the bench". Just keep it that way for now. - = West = At the end North = At the very end East = Hit the switch 4x = Go South and make your way to the exit EP10000000D ============================================================================= Overview - Character switching ============================================================================= Okay, as you know you may only have 3 party members in your active group. You must choose before you start on a new mission which character you want to take with you. You can only switch party members on the world map in the tacts menu or at the diary in camp. As Ryu is your main hero, you may not leave him out, you MUST take Ryu with you, always. For the rest, you are free to take with you who you want, but please note that there are sections you cannot get past without a certain party member. For example, when you need to operate a machine in order to complete a dungeon you may need to have Momo with you as she is the one who can understand them when the others cannot. At the start of each dungeon I'll name the party members I took with me. If you'd rather take another party fine with me, I've enough experience to cover a few things up. When I mark a character with a "*" you must take that character with you whether you want it or not, because either the game obligates you to in the character selection screen or because you cannot get past the puzzles you'll get yourself into without them. Be very cautious about the party members you pick, because as soon you enter a city or dungeon you cannot change party members anymore until you get yourself back on the worldmap (the final dungeon may be the only exception to this and even there your possibilities to that are limited). ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: Okay, before we go back to the plant to to the big tree south-east of the plant and make sure you take Peco with you. Peco can speak to the big tree (whose name is Yggdrassil). There are three trees like these in the game and this one acts like a master. If you got a Wisdom Fruit give him one and make Peco his apprentice. ============================================================================= When everything is done, go back to the plant, accept Palet's offer to rest and after a long piece of Scenario you'll be captured by Balio and Sunder. EP10000000E ============================================================================= Event: The Contest of Champions ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 18; *Nina 16; Momo 13 ============================================================================= Enemies: = None Bosses: = Claw, Cawer and Patrio = Emitai = Garr ============================================================================= Overview: You're in for it now. Balio and Sunder captured you and Nina challenged them to allow you into the contest. Oddly enough Balio accepts her challenge, and if you win you can win your freedom. As this is Nina's challenge you are obligated to take her in your party during this event. Balio will demand a hostage. I always chose Peco to be the hostage leaving Momo to be with me during the contest. If you are not happy about your party you can always come back to this room and speak to Sunder to change hostages. Balio is pretty sure about his business, he'll allow you to walk freely through Genmel and the Arena. In fact he'll even allow you to leave the arena so you can grind experience in training fields (though with the experience that gives you that's pretty useless). You cannot get past Meakyss gorge as Balio left his guards there, and you cannot escape over Mount Boumore as the the cable carriage is gone for the rest of the game. Now the contest itself. All you need to to is to win your way to the finals. Between the battles you can rest, save, buy supplies and stuff everything. The inn here is pricey, so I recommend to leave the arena and rest in camp. :) With that said, let's amuse the audience :) ============================================================================= - Leave Balio and Sunder's office - Go down the stairs and exit North - = North = First way west = At the very end, exit North - (The east way leads to some stores and stuff) = Hit the door with the sword carpet in front of it - = Check out the east closet to find a Coin = Speak to the girl in front of the door to start your first fight. BOS00000007 ============================================================================= Claw, Cawer and Patrio ============================================================================= Diffculty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 18; *Nina 16; Momo 13 ============================================================================= This is a bit of an odd battle, or better said a collection of battles. The party member front ranked in your battle form will first enter the arena. If he beats the first member of the opponent team you get to fight the next member, and then the third member, if you beat them all you win. If they kill you, then the second ranked party member will enter the ring, and if they kill that one too the third one, all three defeated means game over. Now as well you as your opponent are standing on a platform held up by a guy called a "Dodai". When you kill the opponent's dodai you instantly win the entire boss fight, however all three opponents will go for your Dodai when you attack theirs. When they kill your Dodai the game is over. The damage done to Dodai's is transferred over the fights, so if a Dodai was damaged up to 50% in the first round he will start the second at 50%. You still follow? Now your opponents themselves 1. Claw Claw is a Rogue. She excels in her ability to blind you. For that I recommend your character to be equipped with a Bat Amulet if you have one. Her attacks are weak though so you should have no problem at all beating her no matter who you place in your party 2. Cawer Cawer is a mage. He has some healing spells, powerup moves and a few attacking spells at his disposal. Funny thing is when you attack his Dodai he uses ALL his spells on yours and if you are lucky that includes powerup and healing spells (yeah, he's dumb), but it's risky as he might use "Frost" most and that is the weakness of both Dodais. 3. Patrio Patrio is a warrior, he has no special abilities, though he may have a critical hit sometimes (game calls that "Lucky Strike" when an enemy makes a critical hit). He may be demanding on your healing. Momo and Peco are completely helpless against him. Ryu might stand a chance in dragon form, and Nina should go straight for his Dodai by going crazy with "Iceblast". Now here's the way I go. I make my battle order Ryu+Nina+Momo (but normally I don't need Nina and Momo for this). This way Ryu enters the battle. When fighting Claw I just fight normally, but I use items in stead of spells for healing. When I fight Cawer I attack his Dodai for two turns to have a little advantage for later and he'll powerup mine. Oh, cool. Once again, no spells for healing, only items. When Patrio arrives I strip Ryu of all armor and make him carry the Scramasax (that balances damage and weight out fine). Then I use "Accession" and pick the Flame + Reverse Gene. This will turn Ryu into an Ice Whelp. After that it's easy, keep using "Frost Claw" on the opponents Dodai. You should get EX turns this way making things go faster (if you don't it's not a disaster, but if you do, it's better). This takes a long while and is VERY AP demanding, but it's the easiest way to win and also the way to get most experience out of this. (Gets me 2 or 3 levels all the time). ============================================================================= Okay, before you move, your battle form has been reset. Make sure you got it into the right setting (I recommend Attack form with Ryu in the lead) and proceed. - Leave the dressing room - = Take the path going east = Exit downstairs - = Go east (buy what you need at the vendors here) = Exit east - = North (up the stairs) = Up the stairs go east = Hit the door - Speak to the girl to start the next round (just sit out the pitiful scenario that follows). BOS00000008 ============================================================================= Boss: Emitai ============================================================================= Difficulty: Easy ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20; *Nina 16; Momo 13 ============================================================================= Abilties Golems: - Spirit Blast = Weaker attack, but it ignores all defenses = You can copy this move by using "Examine" ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Attack - Ryu in lead Dragon: None ============================================================================= Well are you in luck, having to fight a magician in the Null Magic hall, where magic doesn't work. Of course this means that you cannot use magic either, so you'll have to rely on your items for that. Ryu can turn himself into a dragon if you wish, but frankly, that's not the right way to go if you ask me. Emitai himself is powerless as a magician, so he won't do anything at all during the fight, he just hides behind his powered up golems and he lets them do the work and their moves are simple. One of them will always do a normal attack the other a spirit blast, and who does what switches every turn. The drill is easy. Just focus all your attacks on Emitai first, as soon as he's down (or nearly out of HP) his Golems get out of control and will start attacking each other in stead of you. Well, that's an easy cleanup here! ============================================================================= - After Sunder came to "cheer you up", leave the room - = West = Exit downstairs - Exit North - First exit west - Speak to the bunny girl to start the finals. BOS00000009 ============================================================================= Boss: Garr ============================================================================= Difficulty: Impossible ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Pyrokenisis = Physical flame attack on one foe - Flare = Flame spell on one target - Lucky Strike = Enemy version of Critical - Reprisal = Counterattack ============================================================================= Just allow Garr to strike you down. You cannot win, and even it you tried, if you sit it out longer than 7 turns, he'll say "let's finish this" and kock you out instantly. (Don't worry about this threat to kill you if you don't give it your all. That won't happen). ============================================================================= - Leave the room - Go South, exit South - Exit East - = Up the stairs = East = At the end south = Hit the exit - = West = As soon as you can south = Around the corner west = Once again South = Exit South - = East = Up the stairs = Hit the door to enter the office of Balio and Sunder - Garr will keep Balio and Sunder under control why Ryu releases the hostage and automatically leaves the room - = Down the stairs = Exit South - Go all the way south until you are out of the city ============================================================================= ONE HINT - (and important to my Technique) Go to the ? spot south of Maekyss Gorge and take Peco with you. Make him bump the tree beside the tent and you'll get a Flower Tiara. NEVER SELL THAT THING! YOU NEED IT LATER!!! ============================================================================= EP10000000F ============================================================================= Hub: Maekyss Gorge ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20; Nina 16; Momo 13 ============================================================================= Enemies: = None Bosses = 3 Bullies (mini-boss) = Stallion metamorphosis ============================================================================= New Gene: = Frost ============================================================================= Overview: This is just a scenario hub in which the final showdown with Balio and Sunder takes place. ============================================================================= - = Cross the bridge = Kill the bullies Balio and Sunder send to you. ============================================================================= MiniBoss: 3 bullies ============================================================================= Abilities Bully 1: Abiltiies Bully 2: - Flare Abilities Bully 3: - Blind ============================================================================= If you have Momo in your party, let her cast "Silence" if it works well Bully 2 will get harmless. Other than that this fight is basically just a hack-and-slash fight ============================================================================= After this fight Garr will join the party and with him you can kill Balio and Sunder for once and for all. You will be obligated to take Garr with you. Your 3rd party member is up to you to decide. BOS0000000A ============================================================================= Boss: Stallion Metamorphosis ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium / Hard ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20; *Garr 13; Momo 13 ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Attack - Ryu in lead Dragon: None ============================================================================= Abilities: - Barrier = Raises magic defense. = Stallion always uses this in the first turn - Jolt = Thunder attack on all goes - UtmostAttack = Mostly used when at low HP. Very strong attack hitting all targets, likely thunder based. ============================================================================= In the first turn he will always use Barrier. After that the true fight begins. I prefer not to use dragons here. Stallion can sometimes put up a big fight and you might need Ryu's healing spells bad, especially when you took Nina with you, you cannot risk much due to the fact her defenses aren't too well. Nina can still put up a fight here though. When she goes crazy with Iceblast, Stallion won't be happy. When you have Momo you have an extra healer, and you may need her for that too. If you really want to turn Ryu into a dragon (which is totally useless, but hey, it's your call) Momo is a must have. Garr should just focus on attacking. Pyrokenisis or normal attacks doesn't matter. When Stallion is near death he'll use "Utmost Attack", that move sucks and hurts baaaad! So keep you HP up as much as possible or you'll regret it ============================================================================= After the fight the game will automatically set the party to Ryu, Nina and Garr, but as there are no more fights coming up, that doesn't really matter. If you go down under the bridge you can find the Frost Gene hidden beside the house behind the bushes After that you can leave this place ============================================================================= My technique: I place great value in having Fahl as a master for Momo, and Garr does well under him too. He wants you to win 30 fights without resting. Speak to Fahl first, then pick those 30 fights and come back to him (without resting) to make him your master. Note that Fahl doesn't say anything about the difficulty of the fights. Picking out Eye Goos on the battlefields near McNeil will do :) I do take Peco with me on this as I want him to extract all spells from his master Yggdrasil, and due to his low level, this will do. Killing two birds with the same stone :) |'|'| |'|'|10 |'|'| |'|'|20 |'|'| |'|'|30 See these markings? I was counting my own 30 fights and I was too lazy to remove them :P Oh yeah, due to a bug in the game you must speak to Fahl before starting the 30 fights, or the game won't accept it. ============================================================================= When you are all set, then the road to Wyndia is free now that your pursuers are dead. Let's go to Wyndia. EP100000010 ============================================================================= City: Wyndia - Return of the lost princess ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20; *Garr 13; *Nina 16 ============================================================================= - = All the west east up the stairs until you reach the square = North = At the end west = First stairway north = Exit North - All the way north, until you reach the castlewall. Find the gate and let Nina speak to the guard. After a lot of scenario all party members save Nina will (temporarily) leave the party (yes, even Ryu will leave). Don't worry, this part doesn't involve fighting. :) - = Examine the cabinet. Since Nina's a princess she must have a lot of pocket money :) = Exit downstairs - = West = Go to the stairs, but don't use them = From there go all the way west = When you see another stairway, use it - = Go to the bed east and speak to the woman in it (Nina's Mother) = Exit downstairs - = East = Speak to the girl next to the broken plate = You'll see Honey, despite the fact that she runs of west, go EAST!!! = At the very east end of this room, go South = Exit Downstairs - = South-West = Exit Downstairs - Go west, exit downstairs - You need to do some camera turning. You know how it works. Hold R1 while using the directional buttons and voila :) = Find Honey and try to speak to her (once again, she'll run away) = Go back = Exit upstairs - = North-East = Exit Upstairs - = Straight North = Exit Upstairs - You should now be back in NIna's bedroom = Exit North - Exit West This concludes this part of the game. Your party will reunite and you'll end up on the worldmap. EP100000011 ============================================================================= Checkpoint (East) ============================================================================= How to get there: From Wyndia keep going east and you'll reach it eventually ============================================================================= This is only a scenario hub. Sit it all out and you'll end up in the Rhapala Region. ============================================================================= ATTENTION! To the north you see a house on the world map. Go there. Go down the stairs behind the house to find the Thunder Gene ============================================================================= ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE! I first use a training field to make sure Peco gets all levels he needs to get all Yggdrasil's spells. If you made him study under him from level 1 you need level 10 to accomplish that. As third character I recommend Nina as her lightning spells are invaluable here. After that I use a Skill Ink and set the skills to the next persons. (Skills I note with a * are essential of you want to do it my way. The other moves are cool, but not really important) - Ryu = Burn (copied from Mage Goo) = Frost (taught by Mygass) = Double Blow (copied from Nut Trooper) = Magic ball * (Taught by Mygass) = Thyphoon * (Taught by Mygass) = Backhand * (Taught by Durandal) - Nina = Meditation (Taught by Mygass) - Momo = Influence * (Copied from BossGoblin) = Sanctuary (Taught by Yggdrassil) = Shield * (Taught by Yggdrassil) = Last Resort (Copied from Orc) - Garr = Charge (Copied from Volt or taught by Fahl) Very extremely important is the Backhand move on Ryu, it's essential if you don't want the next part of the game to get long and boring! The Last Resort Move on Momo can be helpful during that move, but if you missed it, don't waste time going for it, as the advantage is not significant enough to make it worth it. ============================================================================= EP100000012 ============================================================================= City: Rhapala ============================================================================= Overview: Well, this is the town of the Porter's Guild. The quickest way to Angel Tower is the boat so this could be the place to get one.... I hope :) ============================================================================= - Make your way through town and find the inn and enter it - Exit downstairs - = Go north = Speak to the man at the Northside of the table and he'll tell you his daugher is in charge of selling you a ride on the ship. = Go South = Exit upstairs - Exit the inn - = Down the stairs south = East = 1st way North = Exit North - You are now at the docks = Go to the east side of the docks = Speak to the girl standing near the crates (and sit out the scenario that follows) = After that make your way back to town, you'll meet Shadis on your way apollogizing. Just exit South after she did that. - Go back into the inn - Exit downstairs - Speak to Sinkar (the guy you spoke before) and he'll tell you the Road is out of order. After that leave the inn and the city all together. Now you'll have some scenario in which Nina mentions Beyd and Shadis may be falling in love with each other and how she wants to help them find each other. After all that, go back into the Dock of Rhapala (you can get there directly from the world map. No need to enter the city again). - As soon as you arrive here the computer will automatically set your party to Ryu+Nina+Momo = Speak to Beyd (while Nina is in the lead) = After the the talk go back to Beyd again and speak to him. He'll agree to be trained. He'll give you 1000 zenny to buy him some equipment (I bought a Claymore (Wyndia) and a ScaleMail (Rhapala) for him) = When you got everything speak to Beyd to start the training EP100000013 ============================================================================= Event: Training Beyd ============================================================================= Okay, I got the ultimate training method for Beyd, but it does require the right setup. First of all, when anyone counters Beyd's attacks everything is messed up. Therefore take Nina and Momo in your party as those two never counter at all. Ryu alas does, but as you cannot change him.... Well Garr and Peco are not right also, so somebody bad had to be on the 3rd spot anyway. Now put yourself into attack form and put Momo in the lead. This will cause Beyd to attack Momo most meaning you minimize the risk for unwanted counterattacks. Next: Ryu should have the move Backhand which you can obtain from master Durandal. That move is the sole essence in doing thing. Momo can have Last Resort (copied from Orcs), but you can live without that move actually. Okay, now the basics on how the training works. You'll get in a fight with Beyd. The only thing Beyd can do is doing normal attacks on your, or defend if his HP is low. Each time Beyd receives damage you may permanently raise his MaxHP Each time Beyd deals you damage you may permanently raise his Attack Power Most importantly, each time Beyd gets hit by anything at all while he's guarding his defense will raise by 1 permanently. Here's the rub. Bring Beyd down in HP so he goes defending and keep hitting him with either attacks, healing spells, assist moves, anything you like as long as you don't knock him out. Keep that up for 20 turns and his Defense will be insanely high. Best way to do this: Have Ryu to use Backhand. Backhand is a normal attack that never kills. Perfect for this event as we don't want Beyd to get killed. So in turn one, let Ryu do Backhand on Beyd, if Momo has Last Resort, cast it, if she doesn't, then make her examine Beyd (to make her Defense as low as possible. Don't worry, Beyd won't kill her). Nina should just do nothing in the first round. Now in the second round Beyd guards, no keep using Backhand, in combination with Nina's powerdown spells. A few healing spells from Momo will also work her. Keep that up all 20 turns, and his defense should be raised with approx 40 points. That's more than enough for him to face what is to come Once you're done training Beyd, seek him out at the dock, if you are unsure about Beyd's fighting abilities you can train him again, but if you followed my technique above and kept it up the full 20 turns, you are ready to go to the next step. Force him to go to the Lighthouse. Zig will get mad and challenge Beyd to a duel. BOS0000000B ============================================================================= Boss: Zig ============================================================================= Difficulty: Depends on your training on Beyd ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20; Momo 14; Nina 16 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Lucky Strike = Enemy version of a critical hit ============================================================================= Okay, Zig and Beyd have to duel this out, meaning that if you do anything at all, Beyd will get disqualified meaning you lose this fight (this won't result into a "Game Over", you can just train more and challenge Zig again). Beyd and Zig will just use normal attacks on each other. Whenever Zig makes a "Lucky Strike" he'll become overconfident and start to wave to Shadis. If you want to quickly heal or assist Beyd that's the time to do it, but as soon as Beyd makes his next move Zig's attention will be back on the fight again, meaning that if you make any move then Beyd will be disqualified. So if you want to help Beyd in any way at all, make your fastest character do so. One important thing... NEVER and I repeat NEVER attack Zig, not even if he's waving to Shadis. Zig not the smartest guy around, but he's not stupid enough to realize it wasn't Beyd who attacked him, and thus it will lead into a disqualification. ============================================================================= After this fight, go to the docks and speak to Beyd. Dispite everything (hey Zig's strongest hit on Beyd in my game was 5 whole HP....) Beyd's injured and requests you to go to the lighthouse for him instead. He'll give you a Guild Badge. Go with this badge to the far end of the dock and the guard will let you pass. EP100000014 ============================================================================= Dungeon: The Lighthouse ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 20; Momo 14; *Garr 13 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Thunder = Bloodbat = Volt = Spectre = Ghost = Bombers Boss: = Gazer ============================================================================= Overview: I HATE this place. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! The frustrating part is that this dungeon is very AP damanding as you can and will get a lot of damage to heal. If that weren't bad enough, you get a boss, and it ain't an easy one, so you'll need your AP bad on him. And if even that weren't bad enough there are Spectres in this dungeon that burn you AP like crazy. A long story cut short, this is the most frustrating dungeon in the game. When it comes to puzzling, this dungeon has nothing to offer except a very small, but highly precise mini-game. This dungeon requires Fire Crysm to start up the mini-game. If you fail the mini game you'll need another one. You may have one (taken from Momo's Tower), there are three to be found in the dungeon itself (and I'll guide you to them) and if that's not enough, you can buy some more in the weapon shop of Rhapala, but it's pricey, so only use that option if you really need to. One final note. Take Momo with you. The route I take can only be taken with Momo. Strictly speaking you can do this without Momo, but I cannot be arsed to take the long way around as the dungeon is already AP demanding as it is. ============================================================================= New Gene: Eldritch ============================================================================= - = North = Take the stairway up = Proceed East = Have Momo to destroy the Barrels and proceed East = Go down the stairs = Continue South = Step onto the bridge west = At the end South = Cross the southern bridge to the east = When you cannot go east anymore hit the stairs North = At the NW corner of this platform you can find a Swallow Eye = Hit the ladder = North and upstairs = West and follow the way = When you see a door, hit it! - = South, down the stairs = East and then South = Go downstairs = Proceed West = When you see a switch North, hit it and continue west = Down the stairs = Exit West - Open all three chests (all contain Flame Crysm) and exit this room. - = Go east (not the stairway, the road beside that) = Open the chest to get a Dream Ring (WEAR THAT THING!!!! I chose Ryu for that) = West = North = Follow the road and hit the exit - Well, in this room you can breath as this is an encounter-free room. = Hit the ladder = Open the hatch of the strange machine and put in a Flame Chrysm = Operate the panel east of the machine MIN00000002 ============================================================================= Mini-Game: Lighthouse Chrysm Level ============================================================================= This is a very short go. You need to watch the line go. Each 4 loops, it will hit the right spot, and then the screen will light a few lines. You must press X at EXACTLY that moment. It requires a little practice. If you fail this, you need to put in a new Flame Chrysm. ============================================================================= If you succeed, exit North - = East = When you reach a switch, hit it = South = Hit the stairs East = South (chest north = Skill Ink) = Around the corner east = At the end north (party will stop to wonder what strange thing you just see here) = Continue North and you'll find out what it is. BOS0000000C ============================================================================= Boss: Gazer ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 21; Momo 14; *Garr 14 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Confuse = Confuses somebody - Eye Beam = Heavy attack on one target (believe it or not, this move can be countered) - = Physical attack to all targets ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Attack - Ryu in Lead Dragon: Flame - Whelp ============================================================================= His normal attacks hit the entire party, and that sucks. That he can confuse you sucks even more. A Protect or Shield spell does help here. Gazer is weak to flame, so using any sort of flame dragon and going crazy with "Flame Claw" works wonders. If you have Garr with you I strongly recommend to use "Pyrokenesis" unless the Spectres you met on your way here already burned all his AP. I strongly recommend to have Momo in this fight as she can take over the healing from Ryu when he's in dragon form. If you preferred Nina above Garr in this fight, she should go crazy with "Simoon". ============================================================================= - Proceed North, follow the way and hit the exit at the end - = First of all have Ryu to pick up the Eldritch gene here. = Now hit the switch to the west (and you'll encounter a pretty rude Faerie demanding you to come to the Faerie world. She'll give you a Faerie Tiara). = After all talk, exit dowstairs - = Follow the stairs down and go south (past the point where you fought Gazer) = Around the corner west = Hit the stairs north = Exit the building from here - = South, and follow the way = Down the stairs = Down the ladder = West and down the stairs = Cross the bridges west = Cross the northern bridge East = North up the stairs = West = Have Momo to destroy the barrels and proceed west = Down the stairs = Go South, exit South EP100000015 ============================================================================= The Faerie World ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 22; *Momo 15; *Nina 16 ============================================================================= Enemies = None Boss: = Dolphin ============================================================================= How to get there: Stand in any flower ring on the world map and press X. When the game asks to use the Faerie Tiara, say "Yes" ============================================================================= Overview: Just kill the monster the Faeries want you to kill. That's all (for now) ============================================================================= - Follow the road and enter the hut - At this point the game will automatically put Nina and Momo in your party (whether you want them or not). = Hear out the Faeries = Exit the hut - Go down to the beach and when the game asks if you want to wait for nightfall, say "Yes". (Don't bother changing party members on the world map. You can do that, but the game will force you back with Nina and Momo anyway). Now hear out the Dolphin that appears (and get a lesson in Australian in the process). After all that we gotta fight it. BOS0000000D ============================================================================= Boss: Dolphin ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 22; *Momo 15; *Nina 16 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Intimidate = Cancels your move = You can learn this ability with examine and suggest you do so if you didn't already learn it from D'Lonzo. - Tsunami = A big wave comes over and may cut all characters HP to half. = Believe it or not, but you can copy this one with examine. - Reprisal = This Dolphin may counter your physical attacks. ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Attack Form - Ryu in the lead Dragon: Thunder - Whelp ============================================================================= Before you turn Ryu into a dragon, first things first. The physical attacks this beast do are very strong, so casting "Shield" two times will do well. Especially Nina can die easily when not shielded. Next make sure that you copy "Intimidate" from it, if you didn't yet copy it from D'Lonzo (even if you happen to have D'lonzo as master. That saves you a lot of time). If you desire you may try to copy "Tsunami", but that ability is not as useful as it may seem, but hey, it's nice to have this copied as there are only three fights in the game that grand you the possibility to do so, but that's up to you. When all preperations are complete turn Ryu into a Thunder Whelp and once the transformation is done, make him go crazy with Thunder Claw. Momo should concentrate on the healing. Nina should just use the strongest thunder spells she has at her disposal. This fight is not as hard as it seems. ============================================================================= - Go back to the house - You'll now automatically have a rest (counts as an inn, so lost max HP will be recovered) After all that leave the house - Go back to the flower bad to exit the Faerie World. EP100000016 ============================================================================= City: Rhapala - Lighthouse fixed ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 22; Momo 15; Nina 16 ============================================================================= - Seek out Beyd at the docks, and he'll apologize for the fact that the boat still can't make it back. After that go to the inn. - Seek out Sinkar in the cellar and he'll give you permission to use the secret road through the volcano (Mt. Zublo). ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: First I visit D'lonzo. Ryu is still under her and should now be able to get all her moves. After that go to the "?" spot north of the coffeeshop and take Peco with you. Cut the bushes and have Peco to bumb the rock in the pond to make Meryleep appear. She wants her Flower Jewel (in the tree at the "?" spot near Maekyss Gorge. Peco can bump it out). Give it to her and make Ryu her pupil! ============================================================================= ============================================================================= BEFORE YOU GO TO MT. ZUBLO! Make sure everybody is rested and save your game now to make sure. After that go to the innoculation store and give the three characters you're gonna take into Mt. Zublo a Fireblock. (I picked Momo and Nina for Mt. Zublo). the price for this is the character's level * 10, but the money is worth it. Please note, the shots last until you rest, so rest first and take the shot afterward. ============================================================================= EP100000017 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Mount Zublo ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 22; Momo 16; Nina 16 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Lava Man = Vulcan Boss = Gishan, Scylla & Charibdis ============================================================================= How to get there: The mountain is located east of Rhapala. You need to wriggle yourself a bit over the worldmap to get there, but you can hardly miss it. ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon is not exactly small, and it does contain some strong monsters. Most of them are fire beasts and thus I advice (I can't stress it enough) to get Fireblock innoculations (you can do that in Rhapala) before entering this place. Saves you a lot of healing, not to mention, the boss is also fire based. There are no puzzles at all in the mountain, but the setup is not entirely logical and there are some traps around. Stay out of the hot air vents you can find at several places on the ground. They hurt you. When gas comes out of the wall you'll get yourself confused when it hits you. Though it's tempting, I advise not to let Nina go crazy with ice spells on the random encounters. She needs her AP to help you get rid of the boss quickly. This dungeon is pretty AP demanding the boss can ask even more of you, so be careful with your spells here! ============================================================================= New Gene: = Miracle ============================================================================= - = Go up the stairs = Don't enter the temple (that comes later) but go south in stead = Around the corner east past the guard = At the end go south and follow the route = Enter the cave at the end - Alright, NOW the fun begins = East = Around the corner South = Through the lava east (yeah I know, you'll get hurt) = Around the corner south (once again, more pain) = At the end east to score 800 zenny = West = When you get out of the lava heal immediately (if the game lets you as you easily get an encounter there). = West = Hit the exit North - = You can reach the chest without getting hit by the magma. = Open it to get an Asbestos Armor. = Make your way back = Hit the exit - = Straight west = Second way south = Hit the exit at the end - = East = Go south over the slide (most east), watch out for confusion here. = Around the corner east = Take the slide beside the stairs south (more confusion here). = Open the chest to get a Fire Ring. For now I equipped it on Nina. = Drop off = Make your way up the ladders (you may need to get yourself hurt in the magma. Try to mimize that). = At the very end go upstairs and exit East - = East = Around the corner South = Around the corner west NOTE! You will see the Miracle gene here. Ignore it for now. You need your AP to bad to waste it now. The boss is close now and after the boss you can rest and save and come back for it again, and for the good of this FAQ I will also travel that road. = Around the corner South = Follow the road = At the T-Cross keep going South = At the end go East = Follow the road until Gishan will stop you and summon his two monsters to aid him in battle. BOS0000000E ============================================================================= BOS: Gishan, Scylla and Garibdis ============================================================================= Difficulty: A challenge ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 22; Momo 16; Nina 16 ============================================================================= Abilities Gisshan: - Confuse = Confuses one of your party members - Sleep = Puts entire party to sleep - Vitalize = Heals himself and his minions Abilities Scylla & Charibdis: - Wall of Fire = Fire attack on one target. = Can be copied with "Examine". You need that move later, but if you missed it, don't worry. You'll get another chance before you need it. ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Attack - Ryu in lead Dragon: Frost - Whelp ============================================================================= This fight is challenging, and you need to have a good understanding of it. Most of the time Gishan won't do anything and leave the fighting to his minions. His minions do quite some damage, if you have any fire protection on you can reduce this a little. This fight gets irritating when Gishan actually does something as he mostly annoys you with sleep and confuse that can quite spook up your tactics a little. His ability to cast "Vitalize" is not really a problem. You can do far more damage than he can heal. First of all I turn Ryu into an Ice Whelp with the frost gene, and after that I make him go Frost Claw on the minions all the time. I let Nina go wild with Iceblast on the minions. Momo should concentrate on the healing as Ryu can't do that in dragon form. When she ain't needed for that you can try if Momo can copy "Wall of Fire" from the minions, but if you don't succeed getting that in this fight, there'll be a better chance later. I must note that you should go for one minion first and then the other. Don't try to take them all down in once. As soon as both minions are dead there's no more point in keeping Ryu in dragon form, so turn him back. Alone Gishan is not a big threat, though his confusion spells are nasty. His Vitalize only makes the fight last longer, but that's all there's to it then. And besides, he doesn't have enough AP to keep that up forever. This fight is easiest with Ryu, Nina and Momo, though you may want to switch Nina for Garr if you see fit to that. Garr has a higher protection against fire, but his attacks are not really helpful to get this fight down quickly, so he's not my pick for this one. ============================================================================= After this fight you can just keep moving forward to get out of this place. ============================================================================= The Miracle Gene: Okay, just exit the volcano at the north side after the fight with Gisshan, Scylla and Garibdis and rest and save. After that go back into the volcano and walk this way: - Exit West - = West = Follow the way = At the T-Cross North = As soon as you can East = Follow the road = As soon as the road stops in a ramp, go west (through the magma) = Pick up the gene Optional: You can go south through the lava to get yourself a weapon for Peco (Flame Talons) = Go back up the ramp North = Follow the way = At the T-Cross South = At the end east = Follow the road = Exit East - Exit East ============================================================================= EP100000018 ============================================================================= City: Urkan Tapa ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 24; Nina 21; *Garr 14 ============================================================================= Overview: Urkan Tapa is a city that is entirely devoted to God. All the citizens dedicate their life to her (yes, in this game God is a woman, you'll find out more about that later in the game). If you hear the people out you'll hear them talk about how to serve god and how to fight "Evil". If you can think a bit in a smart way you'll find out soon what "evil" means in their perspective. In this city is (not a big surprise) a master who can teach you the ways of God, his name is Hondara. In order to become his apprentice you need to have Durandel (near Wyndia) in your master list. I made Nina his apprentice hoping to get "Purify" from him. An extra person able to do this beside Momo and Ryu is always handy. The rest of his moves are pretty crappy in my opinion, though there is ONE boss for which is spell "Kyrie" works, but it's up to you to go for that, as its pretty time consuming. Believe it or not, Garr is one of the people from here. For this reason you need to take him with you in order to speak with the patriarch. Furthermore this city is a terrible maze and thank goodness you only need to be in the front buildings :) ============================================================================= - = East = Hit the entrance there - = Go north up the stairs = Exit up the ladder - = Go up the ladder = Make Garr push the rock in any direction = Enter the building - Now Garr will have a chat with Patriarch Sudama. After the chat, exit South (the way you came) - Go down the ladder and exit down the other ladder - Go South, exit south - Go West, exit south Now you'll be in camp and Garr will explain a few things to you. It's not yet enough to understand everything, but that comes later. EP100000019 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Angel Tower ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 25; Momo 20; *Garr 17 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Tricker = Lizard Man = Spectre = Phantom Boss = ????? (you'll see eventually) ============================================================================= Overview: This is the final dungeon of the first part of the game. After that we'll have a leap forward in time where part 2 begins. Taking that in mind you'd expect a rather hard dungeon, but actually Angel Tower is ridiculously easy. In fact it might even be the easiest dungeon of the game. The outside layout may be a big confusing, but the inside is pretty straight forward. There's only one puzzle. It's one of the easiest puzzles ever produced for an RPG and why so many people get stuck on that one and desperately try to rely on a bug in the game to get past it, is absolutely beyond me, as you don't need to be very clever to solve it. Oh well, that's what my walkthrough is for I suppose :) I didn't name the boss above, but that's because I'd spoil the story in a vital way by doing that. You'll see very soon what boss you get here and he's too easy also. Please note, upon completing Angel Tower the game takes you to a different place of the world and you won't be able to come back in this region for awhile. The best weapons and armor (for now and the next couple of dungeons) are for sale in the nearby towns Urkan Tapa and Junk Town. If you want them go for them first as by the time you get back here they may still be the best but not for long. Also note, you MUST have Garr with you. The only puzzle the dungeon has cannot be solved without him, and the guards at the entrance won't let you pass without him, anyway. ============================================================================= - = Go past the guards up the stairs = As soon as you can go south do so = Around the corner east = When you see another guard drop off south when you are directly beside him = Drop off once more and keep doing that until you are at the lowest level From here you'll see two stairways. The one leading down leads to an imprisoned naked woman, but you cannot do anything with her yet. Her part in this story comes later. So... Take the ladder up and hit the door :) - Exit downstairs - = Go down the stairs ============================================================================= OPTIONAL (MOMO REQUIRED) = North = When you see a crack in the wall let Momo shoot it. = Hit the exit that's now revealed - Follow the way and hit the exit - = Go South = Claim your prizes (Moon Tears, Diamond Ring) = Go North = Exit east - Follow the way and hit the exit - South END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = South = Take the stairway down = Take the other stairway up = East = Exit South - = Go East ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = Let Garr push the block West = When you see a small gap in the north platform push the block between that = Go west = Exit North - = West = At the end north, and immediately East = Up the stairs and then South = Hit the exit - = Go all the way north = Claim your prize: Mithril Helm = Go all the way south = Exit South - = North = South down the stairs = At the end the other stairway up = East = Exit south - All the way East END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Exit North - = North = Exit downstairs - Okay, this is the room of the big puzzle. You need to use the whole room in order to solve this (maybe that's the thing people overlooked rendering themselves unable to solve it. I really don't know). = Put Garr in the lead = Take the stairs south = When you see a block make Garr push it against the eastern platform (don't push too far or you'll destroy it) = Now push that block north so that it touches the edge of the platform = Go back to the entrance (don't use it!!!) = Take the eastern way south = Follow the way = Go down the stairs = Push the block west to the western platform (warning, if you push it too far the block will be destroyed rendering the puzzle impossible to solve. If that happens, leave the dungeon and come back here to reset the puzzle). = Now put anybody but Garr in the lead = Go to the northside of the block = Put Garr in the lead again and push the block south so it touches the west and south platform. = Go east and the very end go south = At the end west = First way north = Now push the block north all the way beside the next block TADAAAA! Puzzle solved. Really I don't see the big point,.... :-/ = West = Up the stairway and walk all the way over the bridge you created an hit the stairway down - Whoever went with you aside from Ryu and Garr, Garr will request her to leave and that request will be honored. = Go West = You see a pyramid with tablets beside it. Read the most western one "Guardian Garr - 299" BOS0000000F ============================================================================= Boss: Garr ============================================================================= Difficulty: Pathetic ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 25; ============================================================================= Abilities: - Pyrokenesis = Physical Flame attack - Fireblast = Magical Flame attack - Reprisal = Garr may counter your moves. ============================================================================= Cast protect over yourself a few times and you can easily heal through his attacks. There's no need at all to turn yourself into a dragon. In fact this fight is not worth mentioning even though it's so important to the scenario. ============================================================================= End of Part One. ******* WALKTHROUGH - PART TWO ******* EP200000001 ============================================================================= General Overview ============================================================================= The first thing you'll notice when you get control over the game again is that Ryu has become older now. This won't affect your statistics or abilities in any way though. The story will also now start to take the flow where it was supposed to go. To find out why the dragons were exterminated and to seek out that God of Garr's. During this part a lot more riddles about her will come to arise, so the story will now become really interesting. This part begins at exactly the same spot where the game itself began, in Dauna mine, and actually in the same room too. You will start out with only Ryu and Garr at your disposal but soon you'll meet your old friends again so that the party is once more complete. The majority of this part takes place in the same place as the first part, however new areas will now be revealed soon, so let's get this show on the road. EP200000002 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Dauna Mine ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; Garr 14 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Zombie = Zombie Doctor = Ghoul = Fireslug = Giant Roach Boss = Dragon Zombie ============================================================================= Overview: The object is simply to get outta here. The first areas are free of random enounters, you will only encounter them when you use the elevator to go to floor B2. As soon as you get on that floor there'll be a possibility to rest and save. This dungeon is not long, but as you cannot get out until you completed it don't go too crazy on things. Ryu is now your only healer, so be careful with dragon forms. The enemies are rather medium, the boss is very tough (though there's a cheesy method to kill him). ============================================================================= New Dragon Gene: = Shadow = Fusion ============================================================================= - = Say what you want when Garr asks forgiveness = Make your way south and exit south - Now Garr will rejoin the party. (And before you forget, set your form right. I chose Attack-Form with Ryu in the lead). = Go all the way South = At the end, exit west - = South = At the end west Now you reach an elevator. When you go to floor B1 you cannot get out of the mine, but you can reach a merchant to buy supplies if you desire. When you are ready to continue, go to floor B2 (and from that moment you can meet random encounters). - Exit East - Rest and save and exit back - Go south and you see a cart. It's loaded with explosives and it's your key to get this puzzle solved. Here goes: = Pull the switch next to the track = Follow the track east = Hit the switch = Go back to the cart = Let Garr push it = Follow the track south = Up the ramp = Follow the way and claim a prize: Feather Sword = Go all the way back to the track = Follow the track east = Let Garr push the cart back to its original position = Go a bit west hit the switch and from this spot and follow the track north = Hit the switch = Go to the cart = Push it! = Go to the cart = Push it again! BOS00000010 ============================================================================= Boss: Dragon Zombie ============================================================================= Difficulty: Depends... ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; Garr 14 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Bone Dance = Confuses all its foes - Rotten breath = Poisons everybody ============================================================================= Recommendations Form: Attack - Ryu in lead Dragon: Flame + Miracle - Behemoth ============================================================================= This guy is dangerous as he keeps on confusing both Ryu and Garr in once. Therfore the safe strategy is to transform into the Behemoth with the Miracle Gene. I also recommend to put the Flame gene with it. Now keep going crazy with Flame Claw. This should do this quickly. Cheesy method: For this you need either Garr to be extremely overlevelled, or to have been training for a long time under Hondara. Cast Kyrie.... You win! ============================================================================= After this fight you'll get both Shadow and Fusion Genes. After the scenario stops, exit East - = East = 1st way south = When you get a platform on your east get onto it = Exit East - Go South, exit West - South, exit East - Hit the switch 3x, and leave this room - Go South, exit South - You're out of the mine now. No more random encounters, here :) = Go east (and you'll hear the chief talking) = Proceed your way = Enter the house - In here you'll receive a reward for "removing the dragon" (if they only knew that dragon is now standing in front of them). = Leave the house - A little west and then exit south ============================================================================= IMPORTANT TIP! From now on you can play a subgame in which you can help the Faeries to build up a civilation. Doing so can make you have many advantages in the game, so I really suggest you go for that! To visit the faeries, stand in a flower ring and press X ============================================================================= EP200000003 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Ogre Road ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; Garr 18 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Tricker = Vagabond = Goo Titan = Slasher Boss: = Weretiger ============================================================================= There's not much to this. Just follow the road and you'll meet the Weretiger eventually. BOS00000011 ============================================================================= Boss: Weretiger ============================================================================= Difficulty: Not really hard ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; Garr 18 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Snap = Tries to lower you defenses ============================================================================= Cast shield to be a bit stronger and attack. Please keep in mind, he's fast so you need to think ahead when it comes to healing After attacking him a few times, he'll run away. ============================================================================= After the fight, exit South EP200000004 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Mount Levett ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; Garr 18 ============================================================================= Enemies: = BossGoblin = Blue Goblin = Goo Titan Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: A quick dungeon that is in your way. Nothing special. You only need to take it on all the time you want to travel between McNeil and Dauna and that's annoying. ============================================================================= - = East = South = East = South (you'll fall into a pit) - = Open the chest for a Gold Hairpin (good for Nina who'll rejoin the party soon) = Go west, exit West - = Drop off = Go East = At the end North = As soon as you can west = Take the northern slide down = Grab the bag for 800 zenny = Go down = Enter the cave - Follow the corridor and hit the exit - = South = Take the way east and around the corner south = At the end west = Follow the road to the exit EP200000005 ============================================================================= Yraal Region - Tiger on the loose ============================================================================= = On the world map go to McNeil (you need to enter Yraall road) and hear out the inkeeper = After that go to Cedar Woods and visit your house to meet an old friend. = After that go to McNeil mansion and Nina will rejoin the group. = After that you must go back (over Mt Levett) to the Dauna region to visit Syn City, EP200000006 ============================================================================= City: Syn City ============================================================================= Overview: This is the heart of the black market. Normally there are shops all over the place, but on this visit.... Well... see for yourself. ============================================================================= - Follow the road and hit the exit at the end - = Open the chest to obtain an Old Painting (save it for the antiques shop in your now upcoming Faerie village). = Speak to the guy sitting to the wall = Exit West - Go all the way back and leave the city Go to the checkpoint North EP200000007 ============================================================================= Hub: Checkpoint (North) ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; Nina 22Garr 18 ============================================================================= Overview: This is just a scenario hub in which Rei tries to settle a score with Mikba, the boss of the organisation Balio and Sunder belonged to. ============================================================================= Just move forward and the fight will ignite. Before the fight begins you can choose the party to fight Mikba. Please note that you are obligated to take Rei (who'll now rejoin the party) with you. Nina won't stand a chance against Mikba, so that leaves Garr as the only option. BOS00000012 ============================================================================= Boss: Mikba ============================================================================= Difficulty: Very extremely hard ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 26; *Rei 20Garr 18 ============================================================================= Abilties: - Venom Breath = Poisons everybody - Lucky Strike = Critical hit - Multistrike = Random ammount of strikes between 1 or 3 - Resist = Completely immune to any attack for the rest of the turn. ============================================================================= Recommendations: Party: Ryu, Rei, Garr - the only choice Form: Attack - Ryu in lead Dragon: None (forget your dragon forms, you need Ryu for healing) ============================================================================= This fight sucks. In fact it's the hardest fight in the game, so if you beat Mikba you can basically be a bit more relaxed as even the final boss isn't this hard. Mikba is physically very strong, and that's your problem. The obligation to take Rei with you sucks as Rei is basically weak to anything, not to mention that he starts the game dead, so you need to revive him first. When you do he'll automatically turn himself into a Weretiger and lose all control. Now he mostly attacks Mikba, but sometimes he'll attack you. Even worse, that it's impossible to get Rei's defenses up to par at this stage of the game, and Mikba counters nearly everything, not to mention that his attacks are very extremely strong. Cut short Rei's in for a rough ride. As Rei places himself out of control and Garr can't heal, it comes down to Ryu to heal and you'll be healing a lot. Turning yourself into a dragon is definitely not going to work, and besides the dragon you need to get this done is not available at this point, so forget about dragon forms. You simply can't affort it. Well, Garr is a pretty save course as his defenses are pretty high from his own, and it's pretty easy to make them even higher. As preperations I mostly stock up some ammonias before I start this fight. = Now I let Ryu open the fight with a shield and Garr as slowest can use an ammonia to revive Rei. Mikba will cast "Venom Breath" in this turn. = In the next turn I let Rei use an item to set his HP full. Immediately after he did that he'll turn himself into the weretiger. Garr can just attack Well, after that it's just a matter how things turn out and what Mikba will do. In general I let Ryu shield some more. Basically you cannot shield enough but I believe 5x is the maximum and that after that the spell simply won't work anymore, but I've never been able to confirm that. After that you should just attack and heal when needed. Be prepared that you may be forced to use group healing and the spell to do that "Vitalize" is pretty AP demanding. Good luck. One note, should Mikba knock Rei out while he's in weretiger form you can revive him again, and Rei will then be fully controllable and not turn himself into the weretiger anymore. The spell to use turn him into a weretiger at your command is not yet available (it will be after you win this fight). ============================================================================= Okay, the scenario here is done. Before you leave you might want to enter the building and open the locked door there only Rei can open. Behind it is a Deluxe Rod which will make your fishing a lot easier :) ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: North of the Dauna Mine you can find Emitai. If you pay him 10000 zenny he'll become your master. Make Nina his apprentice in order to make her magic even stronger than it already is :) ============================================================================= Now go to Eygnock road (Central Wyndia) and enter it. Here Nina will ask your help by investigating the Plant with her. With that your next mission is set. EP200000008 ============================================================================= Plant - Meet old friends ============================================================================= You still remember the way you had to walk before here. Good, as this goes exactly the same. I didn't name my party as it absolutely doesn't matter who you take with you as this section doesn't involve fighting. Just walk the way you walked before and you'll meet Momo. Momo will join the party and the game setup up the party Ryu + Nina + Momo automatically. Well after Momo has been updated about your situation and after she updated you about hers, leave the building and leave the plant Now go to Yggdrasil just East of the plant. There Peco will rejoin the party. Go back to the plant EP200000009 ============================================================================= Plant - "Something's wrong!" ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 27; Nina 22*Peco 10 ============================================================================= Well, this is just a quick puzzle and the only time in the game you need to bring Peco along in order to solve a puzzle. Well, go up the conveyors the way you used to until you find some rocks Peco can push and from the same place you can see a lot of chrysm gas in the greenhouses. The object is easy. Make Peco bump the rocks to break the glass of the greenhouses so that the gas can escape. You need to bump a rock onto the "X" drawn on the floor first. Next Peco must bump from a distance, or else it won't work. Please make sure none of your other characters are in Peco's bump line or the rock will be destroyed. Puzzle #1 = Push the block most north onto the X = Make Peco stand next to the switch = From here run onto the rock and Peco will automatically bump it into the greenhouse Puzzle #2 This one is a bit harder = Push the block east of the switch to the west until it's past the switch = Push it north twice from as short distance as possible (and make sure none of your other party members are in the way). = From here push the rock all the way east onto the X = Now stand beside the switch = From here go east and bump the rock into the greenhouse (this as to go in one fluent movement). Okay, if you have the party you want to enter the dungeon that will now follow with just enter the furance (you MUST take Momo with you). If not leave the plant set up your party, come all the way back and enter the furnace. EP20000000A ============================================================================= Dungeon: Plant - Underground facility ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 27; Nina 22*Momo 21 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Fly man = Giant Roach = Zombie Doctor = Toxic Fly = Big Bulb Boss: = Giant Slug = Shroom ============================================================================= Overview: This is one high-tech facility. It's completely filled with electronic locks only Momo understands, that's why you MUST take Momo with you as this dungeon is impossible to complete without her. This is my personal favorite dungeon. The enemies are not really hard but not too easy either, it has a nice architecture, and some cool bosses. Not to mention that my personal favorite dragon gene is hidden here. This dungeon is a long run, that's why the game has a rest and save spot in the dungeon. Basically there's a room with four computers. Each of them locked with a password opening a new part. I'll take on the dungeon by the same parts as the numbers on the computer screen. The first computer will open anyway for the others you need a password, and so keep it up until you unlocked all four computers. So each time you allow Momo to unlock a new computer in the central computer room I'll label what comes next as a new part. The rest and save room is just north of the computer room, so that makes it easy. I start this dungeon on the moment you enter the furnace of the plant. ============================================================================= New Dragon gene Force ============================================================================= - Have Momo to destroy the oven door with her bazooka and you'll automatically enter the dungeon. - = South = Exit up the ladder - = Take the Skill Ink hidden behind the haystack = Exit down - = South = At the end East = Hit the door - Examine the computer with the big "1" on it (with Momo) PART 1: - Go South, exit West - = West = As soon as you can North = Hit door "1" at the end - = West = Exit at door "1" - = Go down the stairs = Go West = Exit downstairs - This room is filled with Chrysm Gas, putting a time limit on it. There won't be a timer on your screen but when you're time's up, you'll just be teleported out of the room. = East = At the flower bed far East (hidden behind the ventilation tube) is a thing looking like Peco. Examine it to receive the next password Now go all the way back to the computer room exactly as you came and have Momo to enter the password at computer 2. PART 2: - Go South, exit West - = West = As soon as you can North = Hit door "1" at the end - = A bit west = Hit the door labelled "2" (had to see behind that ventilation tube, but it's there). - Hit the door east - = North = Hit the switch = Go back and leave this room - = North = Follow the corridor = Exit downstairs - = South = At the end East = Exit South - = Go up the ramp East (NOT the conveyor) = Up the ramp East - = Follow all the way East = Let Ryu pick up the Force Gene = West = Exit West - = Examine the card under the ramp to get your next password = Go up with the conveyor = Exit South - = Hit the chest to get Sleep Shells for Momo = Hit the conveyor = East = Hit the door - Let Momo enter the third password into computer 3 PART 3: - Go South, exit West - = West = As soon as you can North = Hit door "1" at the end - Hit door #3 - = Go to the north part of this room until a door opens before you leaking chrysm gass = Hit that door BOS00000013 ============================================================================= Boss: Huge Slug ============================================================================= Difficulty: Easy ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 27; Nina 23Momo 21 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Molasses = Slows you down - Syphon = Eats your HP to recover its own - Quake = Attack on all its foes ============================================================================= Recommendations Form: Attack - Ryu leads Dragon: Flame + Force --- Warrior ============================================================================= None of your attacks will harm it. Its defense is just too high. But never fear a weakness is here. When you cast fire, his protective coating will be destroyed and with that his defense is lowered. Technically speaking you can leave Momo out of this particular fight, but I assume you have her with you as it's too much trouble getting rid of her, and you need her after this fight anyway. Let's set up a few start up strategies. If you have Nina, let her cat Simoon to destroy the coating while Ryu transforms into the Warrior. If you have Rei, then you can best use a Molotov while Ryu transforms into a dragon, or just transform and try to destroy the coating with Flame Claw. If you have Garr, then let him cast Flare while Ryu transforms Should you be crazy enough to have Peco, then make sure his level is high enough to make him cast Firebreath. After that, let Ryu just go crazy with Flame Claw in this fight is over in a flash. ============================================================================= - Exit South - = West = Go up the stairs = Read the yellow folder lying here to gain the last password hint = Go all the way back to the computer room, the way you came. - = Let Momo examine computer #4 = Password: 1-3-2-5-4 (on page 2) PART 4: One important note. When you leave the dungeon the door will be locked again. This is solely to prevent that you kick Momo out of your party as the game makers do want to obligate you to make her witness the final even of this dungeon. - Exit North - Have a rest and save if you like and exit East - = North = Exit up the ladder - Hit door #4 - = East = As soon as you can North = At the end east = When you see a ladder down hit it. - Follow the way until you trigger the final event of this dungeon. BOS00000014 ============================================================================= Boss: Shroom ============================================================================= Difficulty: Not hard at all. If you know the secret ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 27; Nina 23Momo 21 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Ragnarok = Heavy attack on all party members = When you cast barrier on all party members the effect of this spells is completely nullified. - Head Cracker = Heavy triple attack on one character. Hurts bad - Lavaburst = Fire attack on all characters. = Barrier makes the effect of this spell less effective = You can copy this spell with "Examine". - Restore = Restores about 200+ HP - Blitz = Physical attack on all party members = Halves his own HP = This move is only used when near death. = You can copy this move with "Examine". ============================================================================= Recommendations Form: Attack - Ryu in lead Dragon: None ============================================================================= Well, the Shroom can put up a fight, and when you don't know the deal you'll easily wipe out on this one. The spell that be one big pain is "Ragnarok", but when you cast Barrier on all three party members the effect of the spell is 100% nullified. So the first thing Ryu should do is taking care of that. After that it's a good idea to have everybody shielded to make the effect of Head Cracker less harmful. Now you always have Ryu and Momo with you, as I had Ryu training under Meryleep he was quite fast. Two speed spells from Momo on him made him gain EX turns, and that makes this fight interesting. Now I never turn Ryu into a dragon for this, as the Shroom has some spells upon its sleeve that can require you a lot of healing and Momo cannot do that alone, so refraining from using dragon forms makes things easier. I had Nina in this fight, but she's actually not the best choice. She serves well in the random encounters and that's why I had her and I didn't want to leave the plant to swap her. Peco is not useful either here. Those two are nice if you like a challenge. Rei can be useful here, but I'm not too sure. Garr can take most of the damage, so I think he's best for this fight if you are inexperienced. ============================================================================= - = Turn off the machine with the big switch = Examine the North cabinet to get 400 zenny = Go up the ramps = Hit the ladder - = Step on the ventilation tube = South = At the end West = Exit south - Exit Down - Go south, exit west - Rest and save if you like, exit South - Nothing more to do in the computer room so, go south, exit west - = West = As soon as you can North = Second ladder up - Exit West PLANT - OUTSIDE - Leave the furnace west - = South = Go down the slide = East = Exit South. EP20000000B ============================================================================= City: Wyndia - Plant down ============================================================================= My Party:*Nina 23*Rei 20 ============================================================================= Upon arrival, the game will automatically switch to Nina and Rei and Ryu will temporarily leave the party. Well, nice to know is that one of the very few sidequests (if you can even name it that), can be started up now. The kids you played hide-and-seek with before, can be challenged for another game of hide and seek, but this time they'll hide all over the world. You cannot find them all yet, and you need to have been in Angel Tower later in order to complete the sidequest, but as it can be started up now I note it. You can earn the "Chain Form" with it, and I'll recommend that form a lot on the bosses that come next (nearly all of 'em, actually). See the backgrounds section for more information. Well if you are ready.... - Go to the north part of town and exit North - Go to the main gate of the castle and speak to the guard to enter - Well after Nina reports her findings of what happened in the plant, creditting Rei for helping her solve it, let's get moving. = From the throne room, go east = At the far east south and exit down - Nina will now tell Rei a few things. Having triggered Nina's story here is a requirement to get this done. ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = Go east, then south = Exit downstairs - = Have Rei to open the prison cell to claim the treasure in it (Laurel) = Leave the prison upstairs back into the basement END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= Exit upstairs - Go to the king and queen's bedroom. - = Let Nina speak to the queen = Exit downstairs - The next event will now trigger. When you get control over the game. TROUBLEEEEEE!!!! - South-west, exit downstairs - Go west in the kitchen and exit down stairs - Follow the way and hit the exit. Now go through the checkpoint (if you play Hide-and-seek, Lee can be found here. She's right at the other side of the wall). Pass through Mt. Zublo (the lava's been cleaned up so there's s shortcut to it) and go to Angel Tower. EP20000000C ============================================================================= Dungeon: Angel Tower (II) ============================================================================= The party setup doesn't matter and the fighting is the same as before. But it's minimal. You must take Garr with you and put him in the lead (or the guards will not allow you in). When you enter you get some scenario, sit it out and go down the stairs to leave Angel Tower. After that visit Urkan Tapa and make Garr talk to the patriarch. After that leave the city. ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: Before I do anything I finish the Hide-And-Seek sidequest. Bais is in Dauna Mines, near crystal dragon Lee is behind the big wall at the checkpoint between Wyndia and Rhapala Lang is behind a tobmstone in Wyndia Graveyard Wynn is behind a house in Junk Town Then I go to Wyndia and you I place Rei under Bais. By now Nina can be high enough to learn Barrier from Emitai (assuming you made him her master like I did). If you need to be in that region anyway, good thing to check out. ============================================================================= EP20000000D ============================================================================= Dungeon: Tidal Caves ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 28Nina 25Rei 21 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Sleepy = BarbBulb = Spiker = BombSeed Boss = None ============================================================================= How to get there: From Angel Tower all the way south and follow the coastline to the west and you'll find it. ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon can be a bit frustrating. When the tide is high half of the dungeon is inaccessible. After a random number of random encounters the tide will lower so it becomes accessible, but then again, after another random amount of combats the tide will rise again. Don't worry though, to me it's never happened that the tide rose while I was on areas that would go underwater that way, and I don't think it will ever happen. The reason I chose Nina and Rei for this dungeon is because both of them have a fair hand with thunder magic, however most power must come from Ryu and it can only come when he's equipped with a Barbarossa. You can buy it in Junk Town nearby. Ryu can kill most enemies instantly with it as they are nearly all weak to lightning (which is the element the Barbarossa has). Put him up front in the attack form and you['re gonna rock. ============================================================================= New Dragon Gene Gross ============================================================================= - = West (tide will lower now, no matter what) = Hit the cave - = North = First exit east - = Follow the way as it leads north = At the T-cross West (or east for treasure) = At the next T-Cross North = At the next T-Cross take the south way = Exit South - If the tide is high, to back to the previous room and get yourself into fights until the sea level lowers again and come back. = East = Down the ladder = Go East = Follow the way and take the Thunder Ring from the chest. = Go back to the ladders = Take the ladder down = East = Get on the pier = Step on the raft ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = Step on the raft again = Go east = Exit South - = Up the hit to claim the Deadly Blade = Go back = Exit North - = West = Step onto the raft END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Exit West - Exit up the ladder - Go South, exit South - Go all the way west (pick up the Gross gene while you are on your way) and exit the dungeon. EP20000000E ============================================================================= Dungeon: Cliff ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 28Nina 25*Garr 20 ============================================================================= Overview: This is the city of Drop-Outs. Everybody who lives here, does so because they have nowhere else to go. The village may look confusing, but it's very small and easy to navigate through. It's here you'll find Gaist, however you won't be able to deal with him unless you take Garr along with you. The third party member is completely up to you as he/she is only there because you must have 3 party members :) ============================================================================= - Go to the far north end of the village and enter the cave there - Now Garr will ignite the talk with Gaist. You'll get to speak to Gaist alone. When he requests you to leave, do so. - Now talk to Garr. It doesn't matter what you say to him, it's only funny to see his reaction when you say you don't care. Now prepare youself and enter Gaists house again. - = Speak to Gaist and tell him you want to know the truth. = Obey when he requests you to stand between the two torches (the spot is marked) Now Gaist will request you to fight him. BOS00000015 ============================================================================= Boss: Gaist ============================================================================= Difficulty: Easy ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 28 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Sanctuary = Dispells all supportive magic - Howling = Confuses you - Corona = Strong fire attack ============================================================================= Recommendations: Dragon: Frost + Force --- Warrior ============================================================================= First thing to do is to turn yourself into a dragon with the Frost and Force Genes combined. In the process you'll notice that the two torches cast Flare on Gaist healing him. Just use Frost Claw on both of them to cut of this healing supply. After that just go crazy with Frost Claw on him. Should he kill your dragon form you'll just turn back into a human. Just turn into a dragon with the same gene splicing again and keep using "Frost Claw". ============================================================================= - = Sit out the scenario. = Examine what remains of Gaist to obtain a Beast Spear (Garr can use it, but that thing will be hell on your healing spells, so I STRONGLY recommend AGAINST it!!!!) = Leave the room - Leave the city. EP20000000F ============================================================================= Scenario: Deis ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 28Nina 25*Garr 20 ============================================================================= - Enter Angel Tower - = Go up the stairs (as always the guards will not allow you if you don't have Garr with you) = Take the way south as soon as you can = Follow the way = At the very end drop of all the way to the ground level = Exit downstairs - Now Deis will automatically break out of her imprisonment hear her out and after she leaves, exit upstairs. - = Go up the stairs toward the entrance of the tower itself, but DON'T enter = Go west = Drop off west = From here all the way down = Exit the tower - Go to the front of Mt. Zublo and enter from there - Enter the temple at the frost side of it - Let Ryu examine the seal and sit out the scenario that follows (Game will switch party to Ryu+Nina+Garr after that). - Leave Mt. Zublo EP200000010 ============================================================================= City: Jumk Town - Docks ============================================================================= - = When you arrive in Junk Town go all the way west = You'll see Beyd. After he leaves follow him and exit the city west ============================================================================= OPTIONAL: The ? spot to the west contains the ???-gene. END OPTIONAL PART. ============================================================================= - Go to the docks west of Junk Town (and take Momo with you) - = Go west and hear Beyd out = Let Momo talk to him (and she'll offer him her services, meaning she'll temporarily leave the party) - Momo will give you a Memo containing all parts you need. Leave the machine room. - Exit South - = Get off the boat = Exit East - Go to Junk Town - Enter the house to the north, second from the west - = Speak to the guildmaster (the man behind the table) = Leave this building - Leave Junk Town EP200000011 ============================================================================= Steal Beach + Freighter ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 29Rei 21*Garr 20 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Bolt = Bolt Archer = Bolt Mage Boss = Angler Mini-Game: = Machine Pulling ============================================================================= How to get there: When you exit Junk Town on the west side Steel Beach to the north ============================================================================= Overview: It's a mini-game a boss and a quick dungeon in one section. Not too much deal. ============================================================================= New Gene: Mutant ============================================================================= - Go north, when the guard lets you pass north - = Go North-East of the beach to pick up the Mutant Gene = Put Garr in the lead = Have him to talk to the foreman (next to the guy with the flags) MIN00000003 ============================================================================= Mini-Game: Machine Pulling ============================================================================= First of all you must sit out the tutorial round, wether you like that or not. The tutorial is pretty clear but still some pointers. = When the white flag's up the foreman will pull alone = When the red flag's up only you must pull = When both flags are up the foreman will pull and so should you. Now it did go wrong lots of time on me because the white flag was up. Here's a quick way to prevent it (or try to prevent it as it's not 100% waterproof). = When you are allowed to pull pull as hard as you can, but once you get close to 1.4m pull slower and when you get in red, you must pull when your flag is up, but pull then as slowly as you can. Mostly that works, unless the red flag's up too long, but that's a rarity if you time things well. = Try at least to have less meters left than the foreman. That way you lower the chance to get it mess up because the white flag's up too long. = When the ammount of meters show in red and you got less meters than the foreman, pull as SLOWLY as you can, if it's red and you have more pull for your life. And some quick final notes = First round is always white so for the foreman = Second round is always red so for you. = When you get below 5m or so, the minigame will be complete ============================================================================= BOS00000016 ============================================================================= Boss: Angler ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 29Rei 21*Garr 20 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Bone Dart = Attack on one target that confuses you = Can be copied with "Examine" - Venom Breath = Poisons everybody - Thunder Clap = Thunder magic on one target = Can be copied with "Examine" ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form with Nina: Defense Form with Rei: either Defense, or Attack with Ryu in the lead Dragon: Force --- Warrior (but don't transform too quickly. ============================================================================= I first of all recommend to cast "Shield" and "Barrier". After that you may change into a Warrior if you wish, but keep in mind that Momo is unavailable. Of course if you worked out Peco he can replace her, though I personally rather go for items in stead of using Peco. Now it's tempting to let Rei use the "Weretiger", but I recommend against it UNLESS you refrain from turning Ryu into a dragon. So either a dragon or a weretiger, but never both. There's little Nina can do in this fight, if you took her with you, though as she can use items is pretty agile she can serve as a healer when Ryu's in dragon form. As she's physically weak in both offense and defense you may need to shield her up as well as you can. Though I beat this boss countless times using Nina, and it's not that hard either. ============================================================================= Once the boss is down you can start gathering the parts Momo needs. I often prefer to kick Garr out of the group now, and go with Ryu + Nina + Rei. Also important. Ryu should have the spell "Magic Ball" you could learn from Mygass. You need it here as all enemies you're going to meet now are best killed with that spell. - = Pick up part A from behidn the foreman = Go south and pick up part H (you need to turn the cam to see it) = Go west = Pick up part G, directly west of the entrance = Go north = Pick up part F from behind the welding man beside the freighter = Enter the freighter - = North = At the corner pick up part D (hidden NE of it) = Around the corner SOUTH = Go downstairs (from the moment you do you won't get random encounter until you get back up here) = Down both ladders = North = Down the ladder = Use the switch to the south twice = Pick up Part C = Go to the west side of the room = Pass the bar = Pick up part D = Hit the switch twice = Pick up part H behind the bar = North = Hit the switch twice = Pick up Part G directly behind the mechanism that holds up the bar = To the west you can find part C pick it up (you need to turn the cam to see it). = Go around the east crate = On the east side of it is a Robe of Wind. Pick it up ============================================================================= My Technique: Now you can put it on Nina for the time being, but this robe has more purposes than just being a piece of equipment. Using it as an item will result into casting speed. Free of charge. And you can do that unlimmited times. So treasure that robe. :) ============================================================================= = Go south throught the center of this room = Go up the ladder east = Cross the bridge to the east = Pick up the part here = Go North and keep following the way. = Pick up part C at the end That covers all parts you need (you can see one more north of you from here, but that would be your second one, and you needed only one of those). One last quick overview: - Part A (needed 2x) = Behind the foreman on the beach - Part C (needed 2x) = Far south area in the freighter. = East of west crates in freighter - Part D (needed 2x) = Far west area in the freighter = At corner near entrance inside freighter - Part F (needed 1x) = Beside freighter behidn welding man - Part G (needed 2x) = Directly west of entrance (need turn camera to see it) - Part H (needed 2x) = Behind mountain east of entrance (need turn camera to see it) = Hidden behind center bar inside freighter Not needed parts (we must keep this all complete here) :P - Part B = At far north inside freigher, close to the locked door = Junk heap on the beach - Part E = Behind the crates North in freigther When you got everything you need go back to the dock to turn in that parts to Momo. EP200000012 LINE Scenario: WE GOT A BOAT!!! ============================================================================= Once you gave Momo all the parts she asked for, she'll repair the ship. - When you get control over the game go down the ladder and go to the deck - Talk to Nina Now you'll end up in Rhapala ============================================================================= My Technique: I often train out Rei enough now and claim "Chain Form" from Bais that way. After that I give Rei Bunyan as master, for what good it may do :) ============================================================================= - When you are ready board the ship and make your way to the bridge - = Talk to Zig = When he asks "Ready?" say "Yes". = When Zig suggests to talk it over to everybody, go down the ladder - = Talk to both Garr and Rei = Exit down - = Speak to Momo = Exit up - Go to the deck - = Speak with Nina = Go back up to the bridge - = Speak to Zig = Say "Yes" when he asks if you are ready - Sail with the boat straight North. The attempt will always fail, but it will make the scenario proceed. - Now speak to Zig EP200000013 ============================================================================= City: Parch ============================================================================= How to get there: You can only reach it by using the boat. Parch can be found in the North-West of the Inner Sea. ============================================================================= Overview: This city is a fishermen's city. It can only be reached by boat. ============================================================================= - = Get of the pier = All the way East = Enter the house here - = Speak to the Mayor (the guy who's sitting) = Leave the house and leave the entire city EP200000014 ============================================================================= Shisu ============================================================================= Mini-Game: Fetching water from the pit ============================================================================= Okay, we need to feed the Mayor of Parch shisu to cheer him up (what makes me think that Japanese delecacy "Sushi" was the inspiration to this?) Before you can gather the ingredients you must first speak to the woman in the hut at Maekiss Gorge and she'll tell you what you need. Let's take on the four ingredients: - Shaly Seeds = You need Peco to get this ingredient. = Bump the tree behind the house at Maekyss Gorge to obtain the seeds - Mackerel = Getting this main ingredient will be Ryu's job = As soon as you spoke to the woman in Maekyss Gorge, a fishing spot will become available south of that spot. It's the only place in the entire game where you can find the fish you're looking for, and even if you hate the fishing game you don't have to worry, as it's very terribly easy to catch one. Make sure you got a rod. (Deluxe Rod is best. Rei can get it from the Checkpoint near Syn City). And make sure you got some bait (any bait except the Coin will do). - Horseraddish = You need Ryu for this one, so that's easy. = They can be found at Ogre Road. There are three of them in the north. Ryu must cut them to obtain them. = You need 4 of those, so you need to leave Ogre Road and come back to get some more. - Vinegar = For the last ingredient you need Garr = Go to the coffee shop = up the mountain past the shop on the south side is a cloacked figure. Speak to him with Garr in the lead MIN00000004 Well, first sit out the tutorial I hate this mini-game, but the basics are easy. = Keep hitting [triangle] to lower the bucket and count how many times you need to press [triangle] before you hear a splash = Now use the directional button and you hear the bucket filling up. When the sound stops the bucket is full. = Now hit X as many times as you pressed [triangle] before and the mini game is completed. ============================================================================= - When you got all four ingredients, go back to Maekyss Gorge - = Here the woman out = Say "Thanks for everything", when she offers her recipe accept her offer. = Now go all the way back to Parch - Now talk to the man standing next to the curtain and you can start making shisu. Mix the next ingredients in these quatities. = 1 Mackerel = 2 Vinegar = 4 Horseraddish = 8 Shaly Seed = Kneed it twice. IMPORTANT NOTE! I've received some comments before that you can get better reward out of this if you make better balances depending on the size of the Mackerel you caught. I've never been able to confirm this, in fact, all my attempt into this resulted into failure. So either the story is a lie, or the calculation is very extremely complex. With the recipe above you know at least for sure you won't fail! Now the Mayor will tell you about the Legendary Mariner and give you Sea Charts EP200000015 ============================================================================= Scenario: The Legendary Mariner ============================================================================= First of all a quick explanation how to get there (it's easy if you followed the Mayor's explanation, but an old friend of mine was stuck for 2 months on this part). = Follow the the border between the inner and the outer sea. = At the end go between the two rocks here to find a "?" spot. MIN00000005 ============================================================================= Mini-Game: The Crags ============================================================================= You get 25 seconds to reach the platform where you can find the mariner. From the start, take the left route and turn left as soon as you can and then all the way straight on. You may need several attempts to do this ============================================================================= EP200000016 You'll end up at the bridge of the boat after your talk with the Legendary Mariner - Go to the deck of the boat - = Speak to Momo = Go back to the Bridge - Speak to Zig - Now ram the blach boat from behind. - Go to the engine room - Check on Momo Now you can board the black ship. EP200000017 ============================================================================= Dungeon: The Black Ship - Part 1 ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 29Nina 26*Momo 23 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Bolt = Bolt Archer = Bolt Mage = Bolt Lord = King Toad = Sleepy Boss = None ============================================================================= Overview: This is the first part of the dungeon (which contains two parts), the object is to find the bridge and to start the engine so the journey can begin. Momo is the only one who understands the computers used to control the ship, so that obligates you to take her with you. There is some puzzling in this part. No bosses yet, but there is a boss in part 2, so I hope you're properly prepared. As for combat. I recommend to be in Defense form for now. Mostly you only get Bolts or variants to it, so you'll be relying a lot on magic here. ============================================================================= - = Step onto the deck of the black ship = Hit the door - = Exit downstairs = Follow the corridor to the North = Hit the door at the end - = Go to the east and hit the panel = Choose program P3 = Hit the platform 3x - Exit South - = Use the panel to switch the crane ON = Exit North - Hit the platform - = Hit the platform one more time = Hit the panel east = Program P4 = Hit the platform x2 = Hit the door North - Remove the card from the panel at the end and exit south - Hit the platform - = Open the chest to get a Skill Ink = Hit the platform - = Keep hitting the platform until you are at the south side of this room again = Exit South - = Go South = Exit upstairs - Hit the door North - Now, this puzzle is easy when you did those stupid crane games at carnivals before. Hit the button and keep it pressed until you got as much east as you want it. Now press it more and keep it pressed until you got it as far north as you want it. This way you must get the crates in order to make a bridge to the other side of this room. This is tricky and may require some practice. Keep a good note on the cross on the floor. That cross is your friend as it marks where the crane is. The forth crate is optional and will grant a bonus. For that bonus I'll make the crates 1 to 4, most west one is 1 most east one 4 1 = Protectors (can be used as a shield) 2 = Ascension (sword for Ryu) 3 = Light Bangle 4 = Wisdom Fruit = Once you created the bridge, cross it ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = Hit the door - Exit north - = Make your way over the crates and claim the "Flash Shells" = Go back = Exit south - Exit west END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = South = Ignore the stairs, just follow the way = Exit South - You can hit the switch for a shortcut back. = Exit upstairs - Ok.... ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = West = Hit the door - At the end is a chest with Skill Ink. Take it and exit South END OPTIONAL PART = North into the corridor = Exit upstairs - Hit the panel to operate the lift - Exit upstairs - Let Momo operate the machine MIN00000006 ============================================================================= Mini-Game: Boost Counter ============================================================================= - Exit Downstairs - Operate the elevator - Take the first door on the eastside from the north - = Hit the panel and wait for it to reach 60 = Then leave and you'll hear beeps count them (and best to start with 61) = Exit this room - Go all the way back to Momo and keep counting the beeps - When you reach 100 speak to Momo ============================================================================= Now the game will have some intermezzo. After that it automatically switches to Ryu + Garr + Rei. Go to the bridge and speak to Momo and Part 2 will begin. EP200000018 ============================================================================= Dungeon: The Black Ship - Part 2 ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 29Nina 26Momo 23 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Bolt = Bolt Archer = Bolt Mage = Bolt Lord = Giant Crab Boss = Amonite (x2) ============================================================================= Overview: Choose your group. I chose Nina and Momo, but it's up to you who you take. Having Momo with you is not longer an obligation, but I prefer her for this go anyway. As you cannot get off the ship you can change party members at the bridge and at the savespot. You got a place to rest too near the start. The dungeon is not short (not that long either), but you have to rely on magic a lot as you'll meet Bolts most of the time. But keep track of it as this time you have a boss, and not the easiest one either. For the dungeon itself I recommend Defense Form, for the boss Chain Form, led by Ryu. ============================================================================= - After choosing your party members you'll automatically go down the stairs - Use the elevator - Exit Downstairs - Okay, this room as a few side rooms = Left #1 - contains the save spot (and you can also change party members there) = Left #2 - contains a bed, but you must use a MALE character up front in order to rest there (though the female characters will rest with you, so don't worry) = Right #1 - is the boost counter and serves no more purpose = Right #2 - contains a bed, but you must use a FEMALE character up front in order to rest there (though the male characters will rest with you, so don't worry) That all put aside proceed south, at the end west and hit the door - Go North, exit North - = Take the road east = At the end North (South = Ivory Dice) = Down the ladder = Follow the way = Hit the door - = Go east up the stairs = Follow the way = OPTIONAL: straight on at the stairs to claim a treasure (Soul Gem) and get back to the stairs = Go down the stairs = South = Exit downstairs - = Down the ladder = South = Up the ladder onto the crate = North = Hit the door - Up the ladder - = Put up your form into the form you wish to use for the boss (I prefer Chain form. If you missed that form, attack form can do well. In both cases Ryu in the lead). = Go forward and the boss will appear before the fight begins a Minigame first MIN00000007 ============================================================================= Mini-Game: Leading back the Ammonites ============================================================================= You can just use the directional button "right" to go to backwards. Only move when the bosses don't, as soon as they move stop moving yourself and as soon as they stop, move backwards If you fail you get to fight the Ammonites without any bonusses, if you succeed the board cannon will see the Ammonites as a threat and aim to them. ============================================================================= BOS00000017 ============================================================================= Boss: Ammonite x2 ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium / Hard ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 29Nina 26Momo 23 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Multistrike = 1,2 or 3 weak attacks on one targets = This move can be copied with Examine - Confuse = Tries to confuse one party member - Blizzard = Major frost damage on all party members - Tsunami = Tries to half all characters HP = This move can be copied with Examine ============================================================================= Recommendations: Form: Chain Form - Ryu in lead if you misesd Chain form: Attack Form - Ryu in lead Dragon: If you got Barbarossa: Force --- Warrior If you didn't get Barbarossa: Force + Thunder --- Warrior ============================================================================= Well, if you won the mini-game the main cannon may sometimes attack the bosses. The damage it does is pathetic, but it costs the boss a turn, and that's worth a lot. If you fail you may sometimes see that half your party is outside the screen, that's normal, it's not your TV being too small sized. For basically any party setup goes is that you should first shield up your group first, and if you have Nina in it, a few more shields can do fine. It also works a lot to cast Barrier on every one. After that Ryu should turn into a dragon, however if you got the Barbarossa you should just use the Force Gene and use normal attacks after your transformation. If you don't have the Barbarossa equipped you should combine Force with Thunder and go crazy with Thunder Claw after the transformation. If you are in Chain form (with Ryu trained under Meryleep), use speed on everybody but Ryu and you should get EX-Turns. If you have a different form then don't bother. After you did your preparations your basic strategy depends on your party. Ryu + Nina + Momo is best. Momo can take over healing, and Nina can be a killer with her Lightning spells. Ryu + Rei + Momo is second best. Momo can take over healing and Rei knows lightning spells too, though Nina is stronger with them. Ryu + Momo + Garr is less powerful, but a good combo if you want to play it safe. In that case Garr should attack and Momo can heal. Ryu + Rei or Nina + Garr is not bad. Rei/Nina can can do a lot of damage with lightning and Garr can strike too, but you lack a healer then when Ryu's in dragon form and that's why I don't prefer this combo. ============================================================================= - Exit down the ladder and that will conclude this dungeon. EP200000019 ============================================================================= City: Kombinat ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 30Momo 24Garr 21 ============================================================================= Overview: This town is basically, well, see for yourself. This is the first place were the weapons you could buy in Junk Town is seriously outclassed, so it does well to go shopping here, though it's very pricy, it's worth the money. The inn here is overpriced, but as you can reach the faerie world from here, if you got an inn there, better use that if you need to recover lost max HP. Outside this town is the last new Fishing Spot, once you're past this point there are no more NEW fishing spots. Well, I know you want to see this town. :) ============================================================================= - Take a look around in town and as soon as you did all your stuff here, exit the town north OPTIONAL: Should you find a robot saying "Viguadeviubidebuvau, Debuiaviuvuvvaguguu, Oubideauivvuii", say "Vuguguuoubidea" back and you'll receive a Homing Bomb. A weapon for Momo. Upon leaving Kombinat you'll get some scenario in which Rei, Nina and Momo seem to get confronted with their own feelings. When you get on the world map you can see Yggdrasil first. Go there to get the Trance Gene. After that your next target is Steel Grave. ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: I good idea now is to hunt for Multibots if you don't yet have "Wall of Fire". Multibots just copy what you put on them. If you attack them with flame they'll use Wall of fire on you. If you heal them, they will heal you. This info should help getting that spell from them :) ============================================================================= EP20000001A ============================================================================= Dungeon: Steel Grave ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 30Momo 24Garr 21 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Trasher = Audrey = Assasin = MultiBot Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: This junkyard is only a connection dungeon you need to pass through to unlock the next dungeon. There are no bosses, but you *can* get lost here. ============================================================================= - = North = Around the corner East = Up the ladder at the very end = Open the chest to score "UV Glasses" and go back down = South = Up the ladder = East ============================================================================= OPTIONAL (Momo required) = Exit down the ladder - = Let Momo shoot the door = Exit North - = Hit the chest at the north of this room to get the "Spanner" (best fishing rod in the game) = Exit South - Exit up the Ladder - Okay, that's all :) END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = South = At the end east = Follow the way = At the T-Cross North = Exit North ============================================================================= MY TECHNIQUE: I always take this time to rearrange my skills with a skill ink. At least I make sure I got the next skills on the next characters: - Ryu: = Burn (Copied Mage Goo or Goo Titan) = Steal (Taught by D'Lonzo) = Double Blow (Copied from Nut Trooper) = Magic Ball (Taught by Mygass) = Typhoon (Taught by Mygass) = Charm (Taught by Meryleep) = Shadowwalk (Taught by Meryleep) = War Shout (Taught by Meryleep) - Nina: = Meditation (Taught by Mygass, though you can do without) = Resist (Taught by Fahl. This one's important) - Garr: = Charge (Copied from Volt, or taught by Fahl) = Purify (Taught by Hondara) - Momo: = Influence (Copied from Boss Goblin) = Sanctuary (Taught by Yggdrassil, not the most important one) = Shield (Taught by Yggdrassil. Very important) = Barrier (Taught by Emitai. Very important) = Wall of fire (Copied from Multibot. Very important) = Intimidate (Taught by D'Lonzo. You need it) For the rest it all doesn't matter. When there's anything out of reach at this moment, don't worry, very soon you will be able to visit your masters again or access enemies that are now out of reach. ============================================================================= EP20000001B ============================================================================= Dungeon: Colony ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 30*Momo 24Garr 21 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Thrasher = Codger = Toxic Man = Assassin ============================================================================= Overview: This is probably what remains of an old city. The setup is very confusing. In fact, this may be the easiest dungeon to get lost in. The start of the dungeon already suggests that you need Momo, and you do. You cannot complete this dungeon without her. The enemies may appear hard to inexperienced players, but the truth is that they are very terribly easy. If you got "Initmidate" it's a good idea to have it on any of the characters you take with you in this dungeon. You can easily cancel Codgers with that. ============================================================================= New Gene: = Failure ============================================================================= - = All the way North up the stairs = Exit North - = Pick up the key from the the teleporter pad = Exit South - = West = At the end of the stairs North = Drop off at the drop-off spot = West, North, West = Pick up the Failure Gene = South (west of the stairs) = Hit the doorway at the end - Go east, exit South - Go up the stairs - = Up the stairs = Open the chest to get a Wisdom Fruit = Drop off west to fall into the next room - = Let Momo access the panel and hear out her explanation. = Move the most southern plate once = Move the eastern one three times = Use the switch to fire the laser (and activate the teleporter) = Exit West - = Up the stairs = Take the way east = Follow the way = When you get by two stairways to the east, hit the most southern one Okay, the teleporter will get you into the next dungeon immediately, so if you want to rest and switch characters (the next dungeon has no obligations at this point) do it now. When you are ready, enter the building and hit the teleporter. EP20000001C ============================================================================= Dungeon: Relay Point A ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 30Momo 24Garr 21 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Codger = Tank Bot = Reaper = Insector = Dragonfly Enemies Sub-Part: = Bolt = Bolt Archer = Bolt Mage Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: Well, don't worry about the spot you got yourself to. You DID make progress, trust me. The dungeon itself contains no bosses, still it can be AP demanding so don't go crazy out here. There are also some puzzles and they can be tricky. A good point is, you won't get encounters in the room where there's a puzzle :) As there are no escape spells in this game, you need to go the entire way down, so once more, don't go too crazy on your AP! ============================================================================= New Gene: = Radiace ============================================================================= - From the teleporter room, exit south - You'll see Honey running off. Follow her and hit the ladder - Follow the way and exit south - Okay, now the party will make a shocking discovery. After that choose your party and exit North (the door is open now) - Go North, exit down the ladder Okay, now the REAL work begins ;) - = West = At the end South = Around the corner west = Second stairway North = North = Exit North up the stairs - = South, east, south, downstairs = Hit the blue switch = Hit the cycan switch = Hit the brown switch (The order is really important here) = Go under the bar east (red) and hit the stairs = Cross the bridges (red - Cyan - Blue) = Pass under the bar north (Brown) = Exit North - Just a pass-through room, the exit is South-West (South west hidden behind a wall you can find 4k zenny) - Let's see . X . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . = Step on the NE platform from the East = Step on the NW platform from the North = Step on the SW platform from the West = Step on the SE platform from the South = Step on the NE platform from the Eest = Step on the North-Center Platfrom from the North and you reach the center = When you step on the platform again the door will open = Hit the door East - = North, up the stairs = East = Up the stairs = North-west (so not he stairs) and follow the way = Hit the exit - = West = Follow the way = Exit West - South and hit the other door - Follow the way and hit the next door - = Up the ladder = Hit the panel MIN00000008 ============================================================================= Mini-Game: Dish Adjustment ============================================================================= This is a little listening game. Turn the dish with the directional button until you hear a clear tone without any distortion. When the top of the screen is 12 o' clock, the dish needs to be turned to 10 o' clock. ============================================================================= = Down the ladder = Hit the door - Follow the way and hit the next door - = Make your way East = Exit East - = All the way east = When you find stairs down hit them = Go down the other stairway as well = Exit West - = Go to the west side of the puzzle = Exit downstairs - = Go North-East = Exit downstairs - = Pass under the bar (brown) = Make your way over the bridges (Blue -- Cyan -- Red) = Down the stairs = Pass under the bar (red) = Up the stairs = Follow the way North = Exit Downstairs - = South = At the very end East = At the very end North = Hit the door North - Set the teleporter to "Container Yard" and step on the teleporter - Pick up the Radiance Gene and set back onto the teleporter - Set the teleporter to "Dragnier" and enter the teleporter. EP20000001D ============================================================================= City: Dragnier ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 31Momo 26Garr 23 ============================================================================= This may well be the most important town you'll set foot in during the game. And the townspeople will very soon explain why. Due to all of this you'll be here for a long time :) Take a good notice of everything the townspeople, all of them have to tell you, as every word, every letter they say is important to the plot and to what comes next. ============================================================================= - Leave the teleporter room - Well, a big welcome committee, and a long but important part of scenario. Take good note of it all. When you get control over the game Ryu is alone in a tent. = Leave the tent - Rei will pop up and go with you. = Go to see Garr, he's on top of the building far north. Talk to him. = After Griol tells you the Elder wants to see you, I suggest to go outside and put Nina and Garr in your party. You need them for what comes next. = Go to the center of the village and go down into the pit. - = Go down the ladders = Go up the ladder a the North side of this room = Exit North Upstairs - Pass the mural and exit East - North, third exit East - = Here you'll meet Elder Jono. When he requests to speak with Garr, put Garr in the lead and make him talk to Jono = When Jono requests for a pretty girl, put Nina in the lead and let him speak to her (Well, you can try Momo, but that will only end up in Jono insulting her). = You can say what you like when Nina consults you about kissing the Elder. = When Nina is done with him, leave Dragnier to set up the party because you'll have to fight him next (when Nina and Garr is fine, you don't have to leave of course, but I don't give Nina much chances. BTW, I chose Momo and Garr). = When you are ready to fight, let Ryu approach Jono BOS00000018 ============================================================================= Boss: Elder Jono ============================================================================= Difficulty: Seems harder than it is. ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 31Momo 26Garr 23 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Myollnir = Critical Lightning Damage on one target - Inferno = Major fire damage on all targets - Bad Back = Just a wasted turn - Sirocco = Major explosion damage on everybody ============================================================================= Recommendations Form: Chain - Ryu leads Dragon: Cannot be used here ============================================================================= Preparations: = Have everybody equipped with a Balance Ring = Make sure you have the spells "Shield" and "Barrier" from masters Yggdrasil and Emitai and put them on anybody but Ryu (I chose Momo) = Make sure you pocess a Robe of Wind. Not equipped having it in your inventory suffices. It can be found in the freighter at Steel Beach. = I trained Ryu under Meryleep exactly of this battle and all the next boss battles that are to come! = Have Chain Form. ============================================================================= Well, if you depended on your dragon powers for everything, this fight may seem terribly hard as your Brood powers are blocked here, in other words "Accession" is disabled and thus you cannot turn yourself into a dragon. Dispite all that, it's astonishing how EASY this battle can be come if you just took the right preparations. Just just the first turns to cast Shield a few times, and make sure everybody is under the effect of the Barrier-spell. With Garr I used the Robe of Wind to speed everybody up and due to the Chain Form in combination with being trained with Meryleep, my whole group gained EX turns. YIPEEE!!! After that I cast "War Shout" to up everybody's attack power, and man, after all that, this fight is a pushover! One note. Though I recommend against it. Only Ryu's Dragon powers are blocked. If you wish you can still turn Rei into the Weretiger, though that doesn't have my vote. ============================================================================= - After the fight, Jono will die, leaving behind the Infinity Gene. And by picking up this gene you should now have them all. If you don't please check Ryu's section for an overview to find them all. Leave the room and go back into the village - Griol will now instruct you to go to the Desert of Death to find Myria and Horis will go with you (not as a playable character). When you're done here, leave the city and head for the Factory.Ê EP20000001E ============================================================================= Dungeon: Factory ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 31Momo 26Garr 23 ============================================================================= Enemies = Boss Goblin = Hobgoblin = Pipe Bomb = Egg Gang = Gold Egg = Giant Orc Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: Before you begin, this dungeon connects directly to the next dungeon "Desert of Death". You can go back even if you started there, but that's quite hard to do, so if you have anything left to do before you start on that (and I warn you, the desert is a very time consuming dungeon). And even if you get out of the desert, you'll have to go the entire way back through this dungeon to get at a merchant. When it comes to this dungeon. Well, this dungeon contains a lot of hard enemies, but frankly this dungeon is pretty fun. It contains some nice puzzles and the enemies offer a challenge. If you love level grinding (meh), then this dungeon is one of the best places to do so. And also one of the dungeon in which you can make most money. The dungeon starts a bit maze-like, but will soon get more linear. Fun thing are the Egg Gang enemies. They turn you into an egg, but if you survive that your HP and AP is completely full. Though it's risky, you can "abuse" that. :) Have fun with this brilliant dungeon ============================================================================= - = East = Around the corner south = Second way East = First way south and east = Around the corner west = At the T-Cross keep going west = First way south, then east = Hit the entrance at the end - = Ignore the stairs and go into the corridor North OPTIONAL! (Only valuable if you value Peco for reasons beyond me) = Hit the door - = Go to the east side of the laser blocked part = Go down the ladder here - Get the Rockbreaker and go up the ladder - Exit South - END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Take the way west from the doorway = Follow the way ============================================================================= OPTIONAL (Good weapon for Garr. Momo required) = At the T-Cross continue North = Around the corner east = When you see a crack in the North wall, let Momo shoot it = Hit the entry that's now appeared - Pick up the Aries Spear for Garr and exit south - = Go all the way back to the last T-Crossing END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = At the T-Cross go East = Exit upstairs - = IGNORE THE SWITCH = Hit the door - = North Okay this is an interesting puzzle. It's a timed one, so read before you act. = Pull the switch = Get pas the first lowered platform to the second switch but don't touch it yet. = Wait for the platform to rise = Pull the second switch and quickly go to the first one and hit it too = Pass the puzzle Made it? = Go down the stairs = Hit the door - = East = Around the corner South ============================================================================= OPTIONAL: = First way West = Hit the exit - = Follow the way = Claimn the Sage's Frock = GO back = Hit the door EnD OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Follow the mainway South = As soon as you can exit South, do so. - = East = Hit the switch = Further east = Hit the second witch (only works if nobody is on the platform that will now move. = Get on the blue platform and hit the panel ============================================================================= Workbot: Quick Overview: All characters except Garr can use the Workbot. If you got Garr in the lead put somebody else in. The Workbot will walk in the same direction you do if it can. When you press triangle the workbot will move out a mechanic arm. You can set switches that way. Here goes: = 1x west = 2x South = 2x East = 3x North = Press Triangle = 1x South = 2x West = 1x North = Press Triangle = 1x West = 4x South = 3x East = 2x North = 2x West = Turn your face North = Hit Triangle = Get off the platform PUZZLE SOLVED ============================================================================= = West = Go up the ladder = East = Around the corner North = At the very end East = Hit the door North - = All the way up the stairs = Have either Momo to shoot, Peco to bump or Ryu to hack the device left of the North door = Hit the door to complete this dungeon. EP20000001F ============================================================================= Dungeon: Desert of Death ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 31Momo 27Nina 28 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Cacti = Scorpion = Magmaite = Drak Boss: = Manmo ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon works completely different from all other dungeons in the game. Horis will instruct you how it works. READ WELL, I can't stress it enough. This desert has the nickname "Desert of Misinformation" simply because people did NOT READ THE INSTRUCTIONS PRECISELY. There is no misinformation at all here, all instructions are correct. Important to know are the next things. - You navigate by the stars. = The North Star is always at the North at the same height. You should always take a look at that. = The False North Star is mostly in the North-East, but that can change, so ignore that star. = The Evening star is mostly west of you, is a blue star and it can move. Now Horis instructions. READ THEM CAREFULLY!!!! = First, follow the North Star to the North = Then, when you can see the "Evening Star" directly to the West, head EAST (this one is often misread, so read this one 1000x) = Keep going East until you can no longer see the "Evening Star", = and then head North again Next you need water. You can get water from the water jug next to Horis' tent. You can get 16 servings. When the game says you need water, use ONE serving (it will serve your entire party). Neglecting to do so will first only get you HP damage, after that temporary HP damage, and if you keep it on too long your HP will go down PERMANENTLY!!!! Your ammount of servings is with 16 very little so ONLY DRINK WHEN THE GAME TELLS YOU SO. The game will make difference in day and Night. When it's day you mustn't walk. When you walk and you see it become day, keep going until the game says it's become day. You can rest at any spot in the desert, but doing so will turn day to night and vice versa. This FAQ assumes you only rest when the game tells you to do so. At fixed intervals the game will force you into a training field. These are the same as the training fields you find on the world map. Leave those as soon as you can, there's not much point in grinding levels here. The enemies here suck on that point. For combat I prefer Ryu, Nina and Momo here, as most enemies here are pretty weak to Nina's ice spells. At level 28 Nina learns Blizzard and that spell is helpful here. If you have the resist skill, it should be on Nina as she dies easily without it. For the boss I prefer Ryu, Momo and Garr, and I'll warn you when you approach it. Very important is when you leave a training field you'll be facing in a random direction. So reposition yourself by checking the stars before continueing. This also counts when you break camp. When the game goes into camp I'll quote what all party members say in camp. This way you can check if you are as far in the desert as I am. Lastly, there's a popular cheesy method about following the FALSE North Star. Don't ever risk that method. The false North Star may change position making you end up on the wrong spot. This is a very unreliable method! Okay, and very last, but not least. If you mess up in the desert, go to camp. "Speak" to the rakda and it'll bring you back to the start. Ready to rumble? ============================================================================= - At Horis' camp: = Get water from tbe big jar = Save your game = Put in the party members you want, and exit in any direction. NIGHT #1: = Just keep following the North Star until the game tells you to camp because it's day. CAMP QUOTES: NINA: We're supposed to head North, right? As long as we can see the stars, we should be alright... MOMO: Whew! It's so hot I'm panting like a dog! REI: Don't this just beat all? Everywhere you look, sand! How're you supposed to know which way you are going in this? GARR: It's a long trip ahead... Better preserve water as much as possible... PECO: Pusuuuu NIGHT #2: = Until the first battles you mostly just need to follow the North Star = When you get back in the main part after a battle field keep going North but look west every now and then to check the position of the Evening Star. = When you're following the North star and press LEFT 4x you are looking directly west. If you see the Evening start right above you, turn around and go EAST!!!! (ONCE MORE GO EAST!!!!! EAST!!!! EAST!!!! NOT WEST!!!! EAST!!!!!) = Now keep going East until you must rest again CAMP QUOTES: PECO: Pusuuuu NINA: Whew... No wonder they call it the Desert of Death! MOMO: I wonder just how big this desert it? REI: I wonder what all the monsters here in the desert eat... Probably people like us, out for a walk in the desert, eh? GARR: Don't forget to check the direction of the stars when you break camp... NIGHT #3: = Go East until the game tells you to make camp CAMP QUOTES: Same as previous night NIGHT #4: = Once more go East After a long hike you'll see something happen Horis didn't tell you. Two stars in a diagonal row will appear at the horizon. These stars are unofficial in navigating this one, but are helpful here. In the next night, though :) = Keep going East until the game tells you to rest CAMP QUOTES: PECO: Pisupisu.... pisu (He looks like he's having trouble sleeping... Maybe the heat's bothering him?) NINA: I'm alright... I think we're going to make it, Ryu! MOMO: Me? I'm fine! You should be worried about what's-his-name, the one wearing the fur coat! REI: I'm holding up OK... But I think our little engrineer might be having a rough time of it... GARR: Is God testing us...? (How sweet, Rei and Momo seem worried about each other, even though they can't stand each other) :) NIGHT #5: Okay, now we got our last night going East. The official method requires that you keep checking the west to see if the Evening Star finally disappeared behind the horizon, but I got a cheesy method which works. One note, you can see the Oasis North-East. DON'T GO THERE! It's a trap to confuse you! = Go East until you see three stars at the horizon = When you see the third star immediately go North (that's very shortly after the Evening Star disappears behind you, and you got a little margin here). = Keep going North until the game tells you to rest CAMP QUOTES: PECO: Pisupisu.... pisu (He looks like he's having trouble sleeping... Maybe the heat's bothering him?) NINA: Are you sure we're walking the right way? ..........Sorry.... We're OK, I'm sure we're doing OK REI: Garr and I are fine! Don't worry-- Leave the fighting to us! GARR: Is this God's way of saying... that we are not supposed to meet with a god? (Say Rei, I can decide that for myself, thank you) :P NIGHT #6: Okay all you got to do is the follow the North Star until the game tells you to camp. Once again, don't be fooled by the Oasis you see here. It's once again confusing you, just KEEP FOLLOWING THE NORTH STAR!!! (the REAL one) CAMP QUOTES REI: Doesn't this just beat all? GARR: Why would God whish to create such a place as this!? PECO: Upupu? MOMO: Why... why do we have to go through all this? NINA: We're almost there, right? Aren't we? NIGHT #7: This is the final night and also the night where the boss will come. = Keep going North until the first battlefield = Now switch party members to create the party you wish to take on the boss with (I prefer Ryu, Momo and Garr), you need to do this in camp. ONE NOTE: DON'T REST! And if you rest, make camp and rest again to make it night again) = Keep going North until you reach the boss BOS00000019 ============================================================================= Boss: Manmo ============================================================================= Difficulty: Not hard, but he can put up a fight ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 33Momo 29Garr 23 ============================================================================= Abilties: - Feign Swing = Does nothing at all - Reprisal = Most attacks you do will get countered - Quake = Strong magic attack on all targets - Focus = Next turn = 2x physical damage - Howling = Confuses all targets ============================================================================= Well, your problem is most likely your defenses, it attacks a lot and strikes hard and he counters nearly everything. Best course of action is to shield 2 or 3 times. I was in chain form after having trained Ryu like crazy under Meryleep at the time, which made me pretty fast in the entire party. I only needed one speed spell (or Robe of Wind) to gain EX turns. Don't waste on on Ryu though, after 2 or 3 turns you can best turn him into the warrior and that nullifies all assist moves including speed. Once Ryu is in dragon form (Warrior will do best), just let him keep on attacking. I had Garr with me and made him attack too. Momo can act as a healer. If you have a diffrent party setup than I chose the fight can get significantly harder. Neither Nina nor Rei nor Peco are likely to survive his hits, so you'll be needing to invest a bit more in the shielding spells. This boss is weak to ice, but to exploit that properly you need Nina, the stronger you can make her frost magic the weaker her defenses, so it doesn't have my vote. I basically deem Rei completely useless in this particular fight. Oh yeah, whoever you take, it's wise to have them all equipped with a "Balance Ring" which you can buy at item shops at the Faeries. Due to the "Howling" move it'll make the fight a lot easier. ============================================================================= Okay, a little subscenario. The hard work is done now. Just annoying you cannot use the savebook at this moment. Oh well. - Leave the tent - = Hear out Rei = Kill the rakda (just use the cut action for that) = Enter the tent Now you'll get some scenario and end up at the Oasis. EP200000020 ============================================================================= City: Oasis ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 33Momo 30Garr 23 ============================================================================= Overview: This city is nothing more than a scenario hub gamewise. It's the very last city you'll set foot in before entering the final dungeon. This city only offers an inn should you need one, but don't worry there are some vendors (odd as it may seem) in the final dungeons for stocking your final gear and supplies. ============================================================================= When you are ready to go, exit the city North ============================================================================= Okay, one note. You are in a far outpost of the world. The only quick way to get outta here in order to see your masters (should you need to do so), is by going into the container yard. If you want to work out the fearies you need to take the same way as there are no flower rings in this part of the world. In the container yard (which is the "?" spot east on the world map) is a teleporter connected to Relay Point A. The first time you go in there you need Garr to destroy the crate blocking the way. Be warned though, in 90% of the times you'll only encounter a Tankbot there, but the hardest enemies of the game also reside there. Even the hardest boss in the game is a pushover compared to them (see the container yard section for more information). ============================================================================= EP200000021 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - General Overview ============================================================================= Caer Xhan is what remains of a very hi-tech city. But today not a single living soul can be found. There are two shops that are still open, but they are run by robots. Caer Xhan is not a single dungeon, but a collection of 7 dungeons in total forming one big complex. Due to this the game makers saw it to put in two rooms that act as a camp. Resting, saving, changing party members, everything can be done there. There are also two rooms recovering you completely by just passing through them. Even with it's complexibility Caer Xhan is still a pretty straight-forward set up dungeon. I deem it very unlikely you get lost in it (unless your sense of direction is really terrible, and trust me, this terrible is pretty unlikely). You basically pass everything in a set order, so no random order. You start at the ground level. It's completely free of encounters and bosses. Once you completed that you'll get in the aerial part of Caer Xhan. There the random encounters begin in the main level. From there you have to unlock 3 subdungeons and that all goes in order, and then there are 2 very subdungeons, but you'll understand those once you get yourself into them. Except for the "Dream World" section of Caer Xhan you can always come back down to restock supplies at the stores. Being well geared and supplied is pretty important here, as you can guess that the strongest enemies of the game (not counting the Container Yard ones) can be found here. EP200000022 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Ground Level ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 33Momo 30Garr 27 ============================================================================= Enemies: = None Bosses: = None ============================================================================= Overview: The ground level is enemy free, but it does contain some traps you should be aware of. The building directly to the east when you enter contain two vendor-robots. I do advice you to shop there before you continue. (Be sure to get yourself at least three Mind Shields. Can be used to drain AP from the enemy, which is a very useful feature. You can do that in either equipped or unequipped form). Let's roll. ============================================================================= - = North = Turn in the east road beside the stores = Hit the second door North - Go North, exit North - Okay, watch out here. There are invisible lasers that can hurt you. = North = DON'T GO TO THE CHEST YET!!! = Pass as far east as you can to the North = Down the stairs = Hit the door - = Hit the switch = Exit west - Now you can see the lasers = Go East (chest = Moon Tears) = At the end go North trough the second laser puzzle. = Hit the exit at the end - Hit the door North - = North = Use the panel to unlock the way to the next dungeon within Caer Xhan (and say "yes" and "OK" when the computer prompts you so) = Exit South - = Go West = Drop off South = All the way west until you get yourself onto a road = North = hit the door east - = Use the panel to open the door = Go up the stairs and go to the next room - Step onto the big platform to get to the main level. EP200000023 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Main Level ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 33Momo 30Garr 27 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Nightmare = TankBot = Death Bot = Adept = Armor = Death Bot Boss: = None ============================================================================= Overview: Okay, now the fighting part begins. This is a quick dungeon and it connects to the other dungeons here. The enemies here are not ultra hard, and not very AP demanding either. This one is very straight forward and I expect no trouble here for you. Please note that upon completing the Desert of Death your form will be reset to normal, so put it back in your favorite form if you haven't already done so (I chose Chain form - Ryu in the lead). ============================================================================= - The main door is locked, so you won't get in that way (for now) :) = Pass through the arch to the west = Exit downstairs - = South = Around the corner East = Hit the stairs up - = Hit the switch = Exit downstairs - = Hit the elevator panel ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = Set destination to "Arrival Platform" - = Claim the Wisdom Fruit from the chest = Hit the elevator panel END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Set the destination to "Maintenance Deck" - = Follow the way and hit the other elevator panel = Set destination to "Worker's Area" - = West = Hit the door - Exit North - = East = At the very end North = Hit the stairs up - = Hit right panel = Say "yes" to open the lock on the main entrance door = Hit the left panel = Say "Yes" to turn the lasers off = Exit downstairs - = South = Around the corner West = At the very end North = Hit the door to the East - This is a locker room. Here you can rest (counts as an inn) and Save and do other stuff you can normally do in camp. When you are ready exit this room. - = North = Exit Upstairs - Go East, exit South - = Go East = Follow the ORANGE path = Hit the door to enter the next dungeon. EP200000024 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Drake Section (ORANGE) ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 34Momo 30Garr 27 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Red Drake = Ice Drake = Clone = Newt = Hopper Boss: = Chimera ============================================================================= Overview: I called this the "Drake Section" after the Drakes you can (and probably will) encounter a lot here. The section is not big, but if you want to go too fast you may have to do parts over. The enemies are significantly stronger here than on the Main Level section, so watch out. It contains one big puzzle, and it's a nasty one (in fact I wrote a program myself in Turbo Pascal to figure the puzzle out on my first playthrough. I was too lazy to solve it myself. Handy when you can code a little) :) At the start is a room that recovers all HP, AP and bad statusses, just by passing through it. Neat, huh? ============================================================================= - = Step onto the conveyor = Exit East - You'll be recovered in this room = Exit North - Go North, exit East - = All the way North = Exit North at the end - You can now see the next boss, but you cannot reach it from here. = Hit the terminal to remove the sleep gas from the boss' room (yes you really have to, alas) :( = Exit South - = South = Hit the first door East - = Examine the left terminal = Make the first line of the left screen like this: ...----+. and press X or Triangle = Examine the right terminal = Make the first line on the center screen like this: ...++++.. and press X or Triangle = Exit West - = South = First door East - = Examine the panel = Make the first line on the right screen like this: ..-++++.. and press X (triangle NOT allowed this time) = Move into the electric field = Make your way North without touching any sparks = Hit the elevator down at the end. - = Go into the corridor West = Exit West - Follow the way and hit the door at the end. - = Around the corner North = Hit the door East - Use the panel to get onto the elevator - Hit the door North BOS0000001A ============================================================================= Boss: Chimera ============================================================================= Difficulty: Medium. Easy if well prepared. ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 34Momo 31Garr 28 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Inferno = Major fire damage on entire party = Use Ring of Fire, that works :) - Sirocco = Major explosion damage on entire party = Use Ring of Fire, damage gets entirely nullified - Myollnir = Critical thunder damage on one party - Blizzard = Major frost damage on entire party - Paralyzer = Attack that paralyzes you. Take care of that, as the game is over if all characters are either dead or paralyzed. - Howling = Confuses everbody ============================================================================= Preparations: = Ryu trained under Merileep = In Chain Form Ryu in lead = Everybody equipped with Balance Rings (Hoppers drop them and can be bought at item shops in Faerie World) = Everybody euqipped with Ring of Fire (Can be stolen from Red Drakes) = Have Mind Shields either equipped on in your inventory ============================================================================= First of all its normal attacks are plain killers. Strong enough to kill you even at full HP. Casting Shield a few times can prevent a lot of damage here. His normal attacks are his strongest attacks though, mostly he goes for magic which is not nearly as strong and when you cast Barrier over everybody it even gets pathetic, and when equipped with Ring of Fire, this becomes even funny. When trained under Meryleep and standing in chain form, getting EX turns is very easy with just one speed spell. For the rest this fight is pretty straightforward, and it's up to you if you want to use dragon forms or not, but I'm not for it. The battle won't get easier in dragon form, you may only do more damage, but I cannot say the battle becomes quicker in that. IF YOU DECIDE TO USE DRAGONS NEVER GO FOR THE BEHEMOTH, MAMMOTH OR TIAMAT. The paralyzer move makes such dragons out of the question here!!! When you're getting nearly out of AP, use your Mind Shield as an item to drain AP from the boss to you. Works pretty well and you can do that unlimmited times. ============================================================================= - You can pick up the keycard if you wish, but it leads to absolutely nothing at all. The real money you needed to do this for is a bit further on. = Hit the elevator the boss was standing on. - Go west, Exit West - = Open the chest to get special ammo Momo needs in the next sub-dungeon of Caer Xhan ============================================================================= OPTIONAL (Rei Required) = Exit South - = Let Rei open the door West = Claim your prizes... They are very cool (best Helm+Shield for Ryu and best shield for Garr) = Exit North END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Exit East - Hit the elevator panel to exit up - Exit South - Exit down with the elevator - Exit West - Go East, exit East - Follow the way and hit the door at the end - = East = At the end North = Hit the elevator - = South through the shockfield (that is now completely deactivated) = Make your way West = Exit West - = South Ê = Hit the door East at the end - Go South, Exit South - The rooms recovers you. After that, exit East - = Step onto the conveyor = Exit South This concludes this part. Now you know how to find a room to rest and save, do so, and take Momo and Rei in your party. You MUST have them both in your party because you cannot get through the next subdungeon without them. From the main hall, follow the GREEN path and enter. EP200000025 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 36*Momo 34*Rei 26 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Plant 42 = Foul Weed = Wraith = Goo King Boss: = See Overview section ============================================================================= Overview: You won't see it from the start, but very soon you'll see why I named this section the artificial world section. This section contains no puzzles of any sort, but the setup is confusing so if you have a bad sense of direction getting lost is possible here even though the way is more straightforward than it looks. Your party is decided from the start, both Momo and Rei must be taken with you. Strictly speaking Momo is only required to open the door at the start, so if you desire you can change her right after that. Rei however has an important key role in the part that comes next in the scenario, and thus the game makers put in a door only Rei can open and that will always be locked otherwise. Cut short taking this dungeon on without Rei is impossible (yes even if you come back here later) The enemies appear a bit weaker than in the Drake section, but that doesn't make them less dangerous. Not to mention that the Goo King can be encountered here. If you think he's weak because he's a Goo, well.... you're in for a surprise then and not a pleasant one. This section itself contains no bosses at all, it's only a connection dungeon to connect to the sections "Eden" and "Dreamworld". As soon as you enter Dreamworld you can expect two bosses and not very simple ones, I can tell ya. One note, as soon as you reach Dreamworld you cannot get out until both bosses have been defeated. Especially the second boss requires a good preparation, so be aware of that. Please note, the first boss has to be taken on by Ryu alone, and for the second boss you may choose a party prior to the start of the battle. In other words, if you hate either Rei or Momo in that fight, you are NOT obligated to have them with you, however as soon as both bosses are defeated the game will put those two in your party. With that all said... Let's rock ============================================================================= - = Go up the escalator = Exit North - Allow this recovery room to heal you up and exit North - = Equip Momo with the HE shells = Let her shoot the plants blocking the door (when you are equipped with the HE Shells the plants will be destroyed) = Put your regular Ammo back = Exit North - = East = Around the corner North = Get onto the hill and get off it to the west (on the North side) = You can open the chest for a magic shard = You see that hill leading to the west? Get on it! = Get off the hill on the other side = At the far west side, go South = Get on the hill = Take the ROAD to the North = Follow the road = Use Rei to open the door at the end - Go around this room counter-clockwise and hit the door at the end - = West ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = Get on this hill = Leave it North = Exit North - = North-East = Get the Spear for Garr out of the chest and go back = Exit South - = South = Over the hill West END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Take the stairs on the northside (they lead east) = All the way east = Hit the door North EP200000026 ============================================================================= Dungeon; Caer Xhan - Eden ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 38 Momo 34*Rei 27 ============================================================================= Enemies: = All enemies of the "Goo" family = Wraith ============================================================================= More a scenario hub (and an important one) than a serious dungeon. The enemies here are mostly easy (as when I say "All enemies of the "Goo"-family" mean ALL of them. Even the Eye Goo can be encountered here), but be warned you can also meet the Goo Kin here, but that's a rarity. Anything I say more about this place spoils the game, so let's get started ============================================================================= - = Go North = Hit the elevator panel - Eden - = Go North = Cross the bridge over the "river" Now you'll get some important scenario. As soon as it ends you'll be teleported into the Dream World EP200000027 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Dream World ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 38 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Vile Weed = Thanothos = Mad Gong Bosses: = Arwan = Dragon Lord ============================================================================= Overview: This dungeon is supposed to show you the "true selves" of the people you travelled with. You will see images of them telling their part of the story. You can read that if you want but it gets a bit annoying soon actually. As Ryu has to take on this place alone, meaning you gotta watch yourself a bit. There is one point where you can save and recover (and that will also recover the rest of your party even though they are not with you at the moment). The enemies are a lot weaker than in the rest of Caer Xhan, but as you are alone they are still dangerous. The first boss you meet here must be taken on alone. After that you get the second one immediately, but you have a full group there and you can decide who you take with you. ============================================================================= - = North = Hear out Nina, and continue North = Hear out Nina once more and examine the dragon statue = Go back south and you'll be teleported to the next section - = Hear out Rei = The statue is a recover & save spot - Use it! = Go North OPTIONAL You can skip this, but please note that you cannot get back here once the place has been completed. = Examine the tablets to reveal treasure chests = Try to get to the chest to the west (and you'll fall into a pit) - = Speak to the dragon statue = Say "Yes" when he asks if you really wanted what was in that box = Proceed west (watch out for the spikes, they are poisonous) = Open the chest to get a Shaman's Ring = Go back East = Step in the teleporter - = East = First way North END OPTIONAL PARTS (The other two chests come later) ============================================================================= = Examine the statue = When it says "Bow down and pray before me... I will show you the path when your heart and mind are as one", hold still for a couple of seconds and the way will open = Continue North = Hear Momo out and continue North ============================================================================= OPTIONAL = First way East = Around the corner south = Pick up "Gems" from the chest = Back to the spot North of where Momo was talking = Go West = Around the corner South = Pick up "Hourglass" from the chest = Go back to the spot where I started this part END OPTIONAL PART ============================================================================= = Proceed North = Momo will have another short story, after that continue North = Step in the teleporter - This place is a maze, but there's a shortcut :) = First way West = Around the corner north, then west = First way South = First way East = Follow the way = Hit the yellow symbol on the floor - = First way East = Follow the way = Hear Garr out = Continue your way = Hit the purple symbol on the floor North - = North = When you can East = North = Hit the green symbol - = Wow, Peco will finally speak. Hear him out. = Proceed North = Hit the blue symbol - = Okay, now you will hear yourself talk (and really that's a lot of boulderdash he tells there. CRAP in capital letters) = Proceed North BOS0000001B ============================================================================= Boss: Arwan ============================================================================= Difficulty: Not that hard ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 38 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Sleep = Puts you to sleep - Chill = Ice attack = Slows you down - Blizzard = Ice attack ============================================================================= If you have a "Dream Ring" then wear it. For the rest, use the Force Gene to turn yourself into the Warrior and beat the crap out of him (NOTE! DON'T EVER USE "AURA"!!! The AP it costs is too great and you don't need to do that). ============================================================================= Now you get the boss immediately after. Choose your party (I chose Momo and Garr) and your Form (I chose Chain Form) and let's get ready to rumble! BOS0000001C ============================================================================= Boss: Dragon Lord ============================================================================= Difficulty: When well preapared, EASY! ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 39Momo 34Garr 29 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Howling = Confuses everybody = Have Balance Rings, I beg ya! - Inferno = Fire attack on everybody - Blizzard = Ice attack on everybody - Sirocco = Explosion attack on everybody - Triple Blow = Strikes somebody three times = You can copy this move with "Examine" ============================================================================= Preparations: = Balance Rings. This fight is fucking hard without those. Equip them on everybody = Ring Of Fire. This fight gets sooooo easy with them on = Ryu trained under Meryleep = Chain Form - Ryu in lead = Some Mind Shields ============================================================================= First of all, if you had the previous preparations done, forget about dragon forms. This fight is easier without them. Second shield everybody as his physical attacks are strong, and speed everybody up. If you followed my advice here, this should get you EX turns. If you have everybody equipped with Balance Ring his "Howling" is void. If you have everybody equipped with Ring of Fire (Ryu doesn't need to when he got Dragon Shield or Dragon Helm) the "Inferno" spell will heal you and his "Sirocco" spell is void. And so we got three dangerous spells of his voided reducing the difficulty greatly. From that point just attack and keep an eye on your HP and you'll do fine. You can use "Mind Shield" on him to drain AP so you can keep your AP up easily. When you did this all, this fight is a plain pushover! ============================================================================= After this fight the game will put in Rei and Momo in your party. Whether you want to or not. - = Pick up the Key Card = Hit the elevator - Go South, exit South EP200000028 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section (II) ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 36*Momo 35*Rei 28 ============================================================================= - = West = Down the stairs = East = Hit the door - Go around this room clock-wise and hit the door at the end - = Follow the road = Up the hill = Off the Hill East = North-East = Up the hill East = Off the hill East = Up the other hill and leave it South = Follow the road = Exit South - Go West, Exit South - Allow the room to recover you and exit South - = Go down the escalator = Exit South Okay you're back on the main level. Directly below is the door that leads to the final sections of the game. If you want to change party members, do it now, and when you are ready to go, use the key card slot to open the door and go for it. EP200000029 ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Connection tunnel ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 40Momo 36Garr 31 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Revenant = Vampire = Mist Man = Night bat Boss: None ============================================================================= This is only a quick connection tunnel that connects the main level to the sample section. It's very extremely short, and there's no puzzles or bosses (yet). This is the first of the three (short) sections that lead you to Myria. There's no recovery room in here like in the Drake and Artificial world sections. There is a savespot at the end of the sample section, though. This section may be short, but the strongest normal enemies (not counting the ones at Container Yard) can be found here, so be well prepared. ============================================================================= - = North = At the end East = First way North = At the West = Around the corner North = Hit the door to enter the sample section EP20000002A ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - Sample Section ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 40Momo 36Garr 31 ============================================================================= Overview: Well, this is a pretty fun section. There are multiple ways to do this, and I am going to explain them all, just pick your way to do this. There are no random encounters here, in stead of that you will find in some rooms enemies called "Sample XX" in which "XX" is a number from 1 till 12. All of these samples are actually nothing more than copies of bosses you met before, and mostly they are even as strong as the variant you fought back then, considering the fact that your level and gear is much higher by now these fights are a joke. Just pick your way and let's go. ROUTE #1:Difficulty: *... - Exit North - Exit North - = North = Hit the door East ============================================================================= Sample 8 - Rocky Abilities: Air Raid, Ovum Amount: 5 ============================================================================= This battle is very very easy, especially if you brought Momo. Let Momo cast Sleep in the first turn... TADAAAAA! Now you can finish them off easily. Garr can do this in one shot with Pyrokenesis. With other characters it's not that hard either. ============================================================================= - Exit East - Exit East once more ============================================================================= Sample 10 - Ice Stallion Sample 11 - Fire Stallion Sample 12 - Thunder Stallion Abilties: Barrier, Lightning, Fireblast, Iceblast, Utmostattack, Resist ============================================================================= These seem hard but are so damn fucking easy, that you may feel pretty silly if you had trouble on these before. You should have 2x Ring Of Fire and 3x Ring of Ice. All 3 must be equipped with a Ring of Ice. Ryu should be wearing either a Dragon Shield or Dragon Helm, the others a Ring of Fire. You can get the Rings by stealing from IceDrake and RedDrake, and the shield and helm for Ryu can be found in the Drake section too behind a locked door Rei can open. If you could get your hands on the Thunder Ring, equip it on Ryu, but you can do this without that. In the first turn all three of them will cat Barrier on the one with least HP, if you didn't attack any of them yet, they'll cast it on the Ice Stallion. After that they will only use the level 2 spell of the element they represent, which means the Ice Stallion will only cast IceBlast, the Fire Stallion will only cast Fireblast and the Thunder Stallion will only cast Lightning. If you took on my ring advice you'll see that only the Thunder Stallion poses a thread and not even a big one, but he's the one you should take down first. When a Stallion is nearly out of HP they will stop doing that and use either normal attacks or "Resist" or "UtmostAttack". That move can hurt, but not nearly as bad as when you fought the regular Stallion formed out of Balio and Sunder. Altogether this fight is a plain pushover. :) ============================================================================= - Exit North - And that's the end of Route #1, hope you had fun :) ROUTE #2 Difficulty: **.. - Exit North ============================================================================= Sample 1 - Nue Abilities: Jolt, Nue Stomp, Chlorine Amount: 3 ============================================================================= You can try to use Momo to put them asleep, but no guarantees it works. If you have Garr with you, just use Pyrokenesis and they die instantly. With other characters this fight may also form not problem at all. ============================================================================= - Exit East - Go East, Exit East ============================================================================= Sample 3 - Mikba Abilities: Venom Breath, Resist, MultiStrike, Reprisal, Lucky Strike Amount: 2 ============================================================================= Remember that I told you that Mikba might be the hardest boss in the game? Well these counterparts of him do not nearly as close to that. Well, they are as strong as Mikba was before, but you on the other hand are MUCH stronger now. Still you should be aware of their counters (Reprisal) and the fact they'll easily make critical hits (Lucky Strike). Therefore a few Shield spells might be in order. Their Venom Breath is also annoying, but really, if you came this far in the game, these guys mean little. ============================================================================= - Now you can pick two ways. The ladder up is a shortcut to skip Sample 9, if you want to do this route in full you should exit East - Exit North - Exit West ============================================================================= Sample 9 - Gaist Abilities: Howling, Corona, Sanctuary Amount: 1 ============================================================================= Well, Gaist was originally a boss Ryu had to fight alone, so now that he's stronger and has some friends with him this boss will die in only 2 turns or so. Still you need to be well prepared. He can do Howling and that can get you really here, so I really recommend all characters to be equipped with the Balance Ring. His Corona can also hurt you bad, but if you got all characters equipped with a Ring of Fire... no problem. ============================================================================= - Take the Northern exit East - Take the Northern exit West - Thank you for taking on Route #2 :) ROUTE #3Difficulty: ***. - This route does split in two leading each to a different sample. So watch well. = Exit North - Exit East (x2) ============================================================================= Sample 2 - Huge Slug Abilities: Molasses, Quake, Syphon Amount: 2 ============================================================================= Well, cast any fire spell to destroy the protective coating and the rest is easy. ============================================================================= - Exit up the ladder - = East = Choose either left or the right door. LEFT DOOR: ============================================================================= Sample 5 - Angler Abilities: Thunder Clap, Venom Breath, Bone Dart Amount: 1 ============================================================================= If you want, shield a few times to make its attack weaker. For the rest just go for it. Please note, this one can still put up a fight, so keep a good eye on your healing, but hard... NAH ============================================================================= - Exit East - Exit Down the ladder to end the route RIGHT DOOR: ============================================================================= Sample 6 - Ammonite Abilities: Confuse, Multistrike, Tsunami, Blizzard Amount: 2 ============================================================================= Well, basically the tactics for this fights are exactly the same as before, though you don't need the Barbarossa that bad. In fact, this time you can even do easily without dragons. ============================================================================= - Exit North - Exit Down the ladder to end the route ROUTE #4 Difficulty: **** This route contains the hardest samples. So be well prepared if you want to go this way. - Exit North - Exit East - Exit North - Exit up the ladder - Now you can go two ways. The North door allows you to skip sample 4. I however trust that you are a REAL gamer, and if you want to take on the hardest route you should go for it for 100% so, exit EAST! ============================================================================= Sample 4 - Dodo Abilities: Evil Eye, Snap, Double Blow Amount: 1 ============================================================================= Since you did not meet this boss before (as the only sample you can find here) this one has no official name, but I always call it Dodo, because it looks like one. Its attacks are pretty strong, so you'll be relying a lot on healing here. It often likes to cast "Evil Eye" (which you can copy with "Examine") to paralyze you. Whenever it does that cure it IMMEDIATELY. Other than that you should be fine. Oh yeah, if you want to know... it's weak to fire :) ============================================================================= - Exit North - Exit East ============================================================================= Sample 7 - Manmo Abilities: Quake, Feign Swing, Reprisal Amount: 1 ============================================================================= This one is exactly the same as before. The fight is a little easier now because you are a bit higher level now and better geared, but as this is the most recent boss copied here, you still should be alert. The tactics are exactly the same as before though, so this should pretty easily ============================================================================= - Exit East - Exit down the ladder - End of Route #4 Whatever route you took, you should end up in the room with the diary. The door north leads to a room where you can rest. Pick your characters for the final part, and when you are ready go down the ladder. EP20000002B ============================================================================= Dungeon: Caer Xhan - The Grand Finale ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 41Momo 37Garr 33 ============================================================================= Enemies: = Revenant = Vampire = Mist Man = Night bat Boss: = Myria ============================================================================= Overview: This is the final part to reach Myria. Only the first part contains encounters. You'll hear a lot of bullshit here, and in the end you'll have to confront the Goddess. (Don't accuse me of spoiling, you KNEW that was going to happen!) ============================================================================= - Well when you enter Honey will run off, once more = Go South = Around the corner East = As soon as you can proceed East and hit the elevator - Ignore the girl that appears here, just go South and exit South - Ok, for now on, no more encounters, but a high-load of bullcrap :( = South = Hear out the crap on your way and continue South = Follow the way (and ignore the girl you see on your way) = Hear out the next crap the game puts on your way = Continue the way as it goes = One girl will appear and force you to listen to her (sigh) = At the T-Cross Straight ahead and keep following the way = Hit the elevator at the end. Now you meet her at least. Myria! Hearing her out can take 15 to 30 minutes at least, so that's a long (not to mention boring) run. After her story she'll kneel before you to give up you dragon powers. Before you do anything talk to all your friends and ask their opinion about this matter. When you spoke to everybody approach Myria and the game gives you two options. When you choose to give up your power, you'll be locked up in Eden for the rest of your life, and the game will end. When you choose to choose your own path, Myria will get mad and try to kill you. Choose your party members for the final fight (I chose Momo and Garr) and pick your form (I chose Chain Form with Ryu in the lead). Well, good luck BOS0000001D ============================================================================= Final Boss: Myria ============================================================================= Difficulty: Easy, really, trust me :) ============================================================================= My Party:Ryu 41Momo 37Garr 33 ============================================================================= Abilities: - Inferno = Fire attack on everybody = Use Ring of Fire to neglect this - Sirocco = Explosion attack on everybody = With Ring of fire this is completely void - Blizzard = Ice attack on everybody - Myollnir = Strong thunder attack on one target - Venom = Causes Poison, blindness and confusion on the entire party = Use Balance Rings to void the confusion part of this - Sanctuary = Voids all assist magic - Evil Eye = Paralyses one character = This move can be copied with "Examine" - Restore = Strong healing on herself - Holocaust = Strong holy attack on entire party ============================================================================= If you took my playing methods seriously Myria will be a pushover. A time-eating pushover, but still a pushover. The most vital part is that all characters are equipped with a Balance Ring. This fight is close to impossible without those. You should know by know that the faeries sell them in their item shops. Next you SHOULD have Mind Shield. This fight is AP demanding and using Mind Shield on her is a good way to keep your AP up to par (don't worry, you should push things really far if she runs out of AP). Since I had Ryu trained under Meryleep, and leading the chain form. This makes it easy to get the first move always. EX turns is unlikely. I mostly speed up Momo to have at least my healer/assistant in EX turns. More is useless as Myria can dispell everything in one spell, however she only does so when she's close to full HP. Since I had all my characters wearing a Ring of Fire her Inferno and Sirocco became void. That gets you a lot of extra possibilities I must say :) When she starts using Holocaust, which is a very strong holy attack on all targets, it means she's getting near death, well "near" is relatively speaking as she has 20,000 HP, but still a good sign. Now you can put on a few extra power up spells if you desire. When it comes to dragons, I prefer none. The battle is easier without them, with Momo and Ryu you got yourself two healer, and you need them both. If you insist, use the Warrior. And so we got ourselves a pretty easy battle. Good luck ============================================================================= BCK00000001 ============================================================================= Bad Statusses ============================================================================= You can get the next status changes. - Egg = For 3 turns unable to move = No defensive capabilities = Survive this status and all HP and AP are restored = You can not be hit by this status while in Dragon or Weretiger form. - Poison = Takes a certain % of your current HP = Poison never kills you directly, but it makes you easier to kill. = Poison remains after battle making you unable to run and lose 1 HP af fixed interval. - Confusion = You are unable to tell friend or foe apart and will attack at random = When under this status you WILL listen to the influence command = When hit physically the confusion will be broken = Confusion remains after battle and the directional controls are reversed until the status has worn off. - Sleep = You are unable to move = When hit physically you will awaken = This status wears off when the battle is over - Paralysis = You are unable to move for the rest of the battle unless you are cured. = When all characters are either dead or paralyzed the game is over. = This status wears off only when the battle is over. - Dead = Reached when you reach 0 HP or hit by an instant kill spell = When you did not get killed with too much HP you may recover to 1 HP depending on your willpower. = When all characters are either dead or paralyzed the game is over. = When the battle is over, you'll get yourself revived to 1 HP, but your MaxHP has gone down. You cannot restore that by resting in camp, you'll need to use an inn instead. BCK00000002 ============================================================================= Power Tips ============================================================================= Here are a few power tips in general. - Just because you can turn into a dragon, doesn't mean you have to. Sometimes battles are easier without them as you need Ryu for healing, or some enemies can be defeated more quickly without using dragon forms. Plus dragon forms are the most AP eating hobby the game provides. So only use dragon forms when you need to. - Looking for weaknesses is often a good idea and Momo's Foretell spell can help there. A few things you can mostly assumes. All plant monsters are weak to fire, for example. Most undead enemies can be hurt with healing, but you must really reconsider before using that weakness as it costs a lot of AP (and it doesn't work for all). Flying enemies are most often weak to wind. - Quake or other Earth attacks are always void against flying enemies - Pick your masters wisely. The game can be terribly hard, or patheticly easy depending on which masters you chose. - Take your time to set out your Faerie Village. - Never enter Caer Xhan without Balance rings. A lot of enemies and nearly all bosses like to throw around confusion. - When you get yourself in a new area on the world map, try out the training fields first. With the exception of the desert where you end the game nearly all monsters you fight there can be found in the dungeon you do here, so it gives a wonderful identification of what to meet next. - Pilfer and Steal often produce better results if you cast "Charm" (taught by Meryleep) first. - When you lose a battle against a boss, study well what he used against you. Quite often you can base a better strategy on the data of lost battles. - Levelling up eternally won't win you boss fights near the end of the game, and especially not the final boss. Coming up with good preparations DOES win you battles. - If you can't make your way through a dungeon with one kind of party, you can try a different setup. It's basically how I discovered which parties were best for which dungeon. - If you see a move of the enemy you really like, try to copy it with Examine. You'd be surprised which moves you can learn. - If an enemy uses an ability against you that one of your characters can learn simply by levelling up, you'll NEVER be able to copy it from the enemy, still some masters may still be there to teach you such a move. - If you don't feel like fighting the Berserker or Archmage in Container yard, you mostly CAN run away. BCK00000003 ============================================================================= My parties in short ============================================================================= Okay, here's the list of all dungeons and which parties I had there. When a name is between "*"'s you cannot do that dungeon without that character. I won't do that by Ryu as you always have him with you :) Prologue and part 1 Yraall Road Ryu * Rei * * Teepo * Cedar Woods (Bunyan) Ryu * Rei * * Teepo * Road to Mt Glaus Ryu * Teepo * Mt Glaus Ryu * Teepo * * Rei (joins later) * McNeil's Mansion Ryu * Teepo * * Rei * Balio & Sunder Ryu * Teepo * * Rei * Mt. Myrnegg Ryu Wyndia Balio & Sunder Ryu Wyndia Graveyard Ryu * Nina * Eygnock Road Ryu * Nina * Mount Boumore Ryu * Nina * Momo's Tower Ryu * Nina * * Momo (joins later) * Dump Ryu * Nina * * Momo * Contest of Champions Ryu * Nina * Momo Balio & Sunder Finale Ryu * Garr * Nina or Momo Training Beyd Ryu Nina Momo Lighthouse Ryu Momo Garr Dolphin Ryu * Nina * * Momo * Mount Zublo Ryu Nina Momo Angel Tower Ryu Momo * Garr * Part 2 Dauna Mines Ryu * Garr * Ogre Road Ryu * Garr * Mount Levett Ryu * Garr * Mikba Ryu * Rei * Garr Plant Underground Ryu Nina * Momo * Tidal Caves Ryu Nina Rei Gaist Ryu Angler Ryu * Garr * Nina or Rei Black Ship Ryu Nina * Momo * Steel Grave Ryu Momo Garr Colony Ryu * Momo * Garr Relay Point A Ryu Momo Garr Elder Jono Ryu Momo Garr Factory Ryu Momo Garr Desert of Death Ryu Nina Momo Manmo Ryu Momo Garr CX Main level Ryu Momo Garr CX Drake Section Ryu Momo Garr CX Art. World Section Ryu * Momo * * Rei * CX Dream World Ryu Dragon Lord Ryu Momo Garr CX Connection Tunnel Ryu Momo Garr CX Samples Ryu Momo Garr(1) CX Final tunnel Ryu Momo Garr Myria Ryu Momo Garr (1) Against the Amonite samples I prefer to use Nina in stead of Garr, of all other samples I use Garr s BCK00000004 ============================================================================= My Technique in a nutshell ============================================================================= In short. You could see that I used Garr and Momo most, but I'll explain a few more things than that. Ryu: - Study under Mygass first to get Frost, Magic Ball and Typhoon. He needs them bad during the first part of the game. - Study under D'Lonzo to gain a bit more accuracy and speed and obtain the move Steal from her. - Study under Meryleep right after beating the Dolphin and never release him from her service. I do this to make him lead Chain Form, and as Ryu is required in all dungeons, he's the best pick for it as he's always available. - Ryu can use Backhand (from Durandel) very well for: = Training Beyd = Putting enemies with breath attack as low in HP as possible if you want to steal things or copy moves without getting hurt too much. Nina - Study under Durandel to get Backhand and I transfer it to Ryu. I use Nina because of her lower level at this point. - Study under Emitai as soon as she can. She needs it bad to be strong enough for Desert of Death in particular. Rei - I mostly use him to obtain Chain Form from master Bais as I use Rei very little I have not much else for him in store. Peco - IGNORE!!!!! Momo - Study under Fahl because her defense sucks otherwise. - I give her "Shield" from Yggdrasil and "Barrier" from Emitai to make sure she can fully assist the group, and that's what I use her most for. Garr - Study under Fahl to make him hard to kill - Garr is basically used as my fighting machine. Items I hunt down terribly: - Balance Rings. You need them for ALL bosses in Caer Xhan (except Arwan). Faeries Item shops can provide them. - Ring of fire. Makes all bosses (except Arwan) much easier. Can be stolen from RedDrake. Forms: - In Prologue I always use Defense only. - When I need Nina, I still go for Defense - After the cable line in Mt. Boumore Always attack Ryu in Lead - On Black ship Defense form until the boss that's taken on in Chain form: Ryu in lead. - All fights after the Black ship - Chain Form - No exceptions. BCK00000005 ============================================================================= Sidequest: Hide-And-Seek ============================================================================= In part 2 you cans start up this sidequest. Remember the kids you challenged you to hide-and-seek, the first time you can in Wyndia city? They are still there but they are (of course) no longer kids. You can challenge them to hide-and-seek, but they will now hide themselves all over the world. - Bais Bais will hide himself in the Dauna mines in the same room where the great Chrysm Dragon can be found. - Lang Lang cen be found behind a tombstone in the underground graveyard of Wyndia. - Lee Lee is hidden behind the big wooden wall at the checkpoint between Wyndia and Rhapala. - Wynn And finally, Wynn hid herself behind a building in Junk Town. When you found all of them, go back to Wyndia and speak to Bais and make somebody study under him (I chose Rei for that, but that's up to you) so that you may learn the "Chain Form" when you are trained enough. The other three are also masters, but entirely useless. See the "Masters" section for more info on that. BCK00000006 ============================================================================= Shops & Inns ============================================================================= This is a list of shops and inns and what you can buy there. The shops are listed in the same order in which you can get to them. The letters behidn the prices indicate of whom I could confirm he or she could wear it. Forgive me if I missed some, I may correct that in updates. Teepo is not taken in the list as he's only part of the prologue, plus if Ryu can wear it, so can Teepo. When it comes to training Beyd, when you pick his weapon and armor, Beyd can wear it as long as Ryu can. One note, the Faerie shops are not noted here. Please read the section about those in the Faerie section. Item Price RRNMPG yeioea uinmcr aoor McNeil - Item Shop Healing Herb 10 zenny Croc Tear 5 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Molotov 10 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Wooden Rod 40 zenny Worm 20 zenny Toad 20 zenny Old Popper 20 zenny Sinker 20 zenny McNeil - Weapon Shop Ballock Knife 100 zenny RR.... Bronze Sword 240 zenny RR.... Leather Armor 180 zenny RRN..G Bracers 30 zenny RRNM.G Cloth Shield 150 zenny RR...G Bandana 30 zenny RRNMPG Brass Helm 120 zenny RR...G Wyndia - General Store Midas Stone 3000 zenny RRNMPG Talisman 500 zenny RRMMPG Life Sandals 500 zenny RRNMPG Molotov 10 zenny Dynamyte 200 zenny Weather Vane 200 zenny Taser 200 zenny Wyndia - Armor Shop Leather Armor 180 zenny RRN..G Leather Apron 330 zenny ..N... Ranger Garb 520 zenny R..... Cuirass 620 zenny R..M.G MAge's Robes 610 zenny ..NM.. Gauntlet 400 zenny RRNMPG Bronze Shield 610 zenny RR..PG Iron Helm 380 zenny RR...G Glass Domino 450 zenny RRNMPG Wyndia - Weapon Shop Bronze Sword 240 zenny RR.... Broad Sword 600 zenny RR.... Claymore 2500 zenny R..... Mace 400 zenny ...N.. Wyndia - Item Shop Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Worm 20 zenny Toad 20 zenny Old Popper 20 zenny Sinker 20 zenny Wyndia - Inn Rest 50 zenny Genmel - Downtown - Weapon store Broad Sword 600 zenny RR.... Scramasax 1200 zenny R..... Mace 400 zenny ..N... Magician Rod 780 zenny ..N... Rippers 600 zenny ....P. Ranger Garb 520 zenny R..M.. Cuirass 620 zenny R..M.G Breastplate 1000 zenny R..M.G Gauntlet 400 zenny RRNMPG Bronze Shield 610 zenny R....G Glass Domino 450 zenny RRNMPG Genmel - Downtown - Item Shop Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Dynamite 200 zenny Weather Vane 200 zenny Taser 200 zenny Momo's Tower - Merchant at entrance Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Toad 20 zenny Old Popper 20 zenny Mage's Robes 610 zenny ..NM.. Cuirass 620 zenny R..... Gauntlet 400 zenny Glass Domino 450 zenny Coffee Shop - Item Shop Healing Herb 10 zenny Croc Tear 5 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Molotov 10 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Wooden Rod 40 zenny Worm 20 zenny Toad 20 zenny Old Popper 20 zenny Sinker 20 zenny Coffee Shop - Inn Rest 100 zenny Plant - Inn Rest 30 zenny Plant - Store Mandrake 100 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Molotov 10 zenny Genmel - Contest Area - Inn Rest 100 zenny Genmel - Contest Area - Weapon Shop Scramasax 1200 zenny R..... Moon Sword 2000 zenny R..... Claymore 2500 zenny R..... Genmel - Contest Area - Armor shop Breastplate 1000 zenny R..M.. Scale Mail 1450 zenny R..M.. Buckler 1100 zenny R.NM.. Knight's Helm 720 zenny R....G Genmel - Contest Area - Item shop Vitamin 50 zenny MultiVitamin 300 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 500 zenny Firecracker 500 zenny Icicle 500 zenny Napalm 800 zenny Raphala - Weapon Store Flame Chrys 500 zenny ...M.. Moon Sword 2000 zenny RR.... Long Spear 1000 zenny .....G Quarter Staff 1100 zenny ..N... Spiked Claws 1300 zenny ....P. Breastplate 1000 zenny RR.M.G Scale Mail 1450 zenny RR.M.G Gauntlet 400 zenny RRNMPG Buckler 1100 zenny RRNMPG Glass Domino 450 zenny RRNMPG Knight's Helm 720 zenny R....G Rhapala - Item Store Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Spirit 50 zenny Baby Frog 50 zenny Popper 50 zenny Float 50 zenny Rhapala - Inn Rest 50 zenny Urkan Tapa - Weapon Store Claymore 2500 zenny R..... Flare Sword 3200 zenny R..... Long Spear 1000 zenny .....G Halberd 2100 zenny .....G Mithril Armor 2100 zenny R....G Mithril Helm 1100 zenny R..M.G Mithril Shield 1600 zenny R....G Urkan Tapa - Item Store Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 100 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Spirit 50 zenny Baby Frog 50 zenny Popper 50 zenny Float 50 zenny Urkan Tapa - Holy Well Rest 100 zenny Junk Town - Weapon Store Flame Chrysm 500 zenny ...M.. Ice Chrysm 500 zenny ...M.. Shotgun Shell 2200 zenny ...M.. Barbarossa 12000 zenny R..... Thunder Rod 9500 zenny ..N... Gigantess 8800 zenny .....G Junk Town - General Store Titan Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG High Boots 3000 zenny RRNMPG Wisdom Ring 3000 zenny RRNMPG Lion's Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG Dynamite 200 zenny Weather Vane 200 zenny Taser 200 zenny Belladonna 200 zenny Firecracker 500 zenny Icicle 500 zenny Junk Town - Inn Rest 100 zenny Dauna Mine - Manillo at floor B1 Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 20 zenny Ammonia 100 zenny Dynamite 200 zenny Weather Vane 200 zenny Taser 200 zenny Titan Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG High Boots 3000 zenny RRNMPG Syn City - Weapon Store Silver Knife 1400 zenny RR.... Thief's Knife 3200 zenny .R.... Shotgun Shell 2200 zenny ...M.. Rood Spear 2900 zenny .....G Light clothing 2900 zenny RRNMPG Silver Mail 3900 zenny RR...G Steel Gauntlets 3000 zenny RRN... Gold Hairpin 2200 zenny ..NM.. Syn City - Item Shop Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Spirit 50 zenny Baby Frog 50 zenny Popper 50 zenny Float 50 zenny Syn City - Sekine Ashura's Sword 3600 zenny R..... Manly Clothes 1000 zenny RR...G Cliff - Inn Rest 30 zenny Cliff - Merchant Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Spirit 50 zenny Baby Frog 50 zenny Popper 50 zenny Float 50 zenny Parch - Inn Rest 100 zenny Parch - Item Shop Vitamin 100 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Firecracker 500 zenny Icicle 500 zenny Caro 200 zenny Frog 200 zenny Top 200 zenny Hanger 200 zenny Parch - Weapon Store Bent Sword 20 zenny RR.... Basalard 6500 zenny R..... Flying Spear 5000 zenny .....G Ruby Sceptre 3200 zenny ..N... Tiger Claws 3800 zenny ....PG Silver Mail 3900 zenny RR.M.G Amber Breastplate 6100 zenny RRNMPG Kite Shield 4700 zenny R....G Platinum Helm 2800 zenny R....G Kombinat - Inn Rest 200 zenny Kombinat - Weapon store Heat Shotel 9500 zenny R..... Pierching Edge 14500 zenny R..... Beryl Rod 7200 zenny ..N... Gale Javelin 9100 zenny .....G Raptor Claws 5800 zenny ....P. AP Shells 10000 zenny ...M.. Sage's Frock 9300 zenny ..NM.. Spiked Gauntlets 6800 zenny RRNMPG Lacquer Armor 8000 zenny RR...G Lacquer Shield 6500 zenny R....G Lacquer Helm 5500 zenny R....G Kombinat - Weapon store Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Caro 200 zenny Frog 200 zenny Top 200 zenny Hanger 200 zenny Dragnier Damascus Sword 16000 zenny R..... Damascus Mail 11000 zenny RR...G Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny MultiVitamin 300 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Oasis - Inn Rest 30 zenny Caer Xhan - "Pi-gaga-rullll?" (Item shop) Healing Herb 10 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Antidote 12 zenny Eye Drops 20 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny Titan Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG High Boots 3000 zenny RRNMPG Wisdom Ring 3000 zenny RRNMPG Lion's Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG Caer Xhan - "Gugu-Gagagga?" (Weapon store) Seeking Sword 20000 zenny R..... Blessed Staff 11000 zenny ..N... Gunginir 22000 zenny .....G Brass Claws 11000 zenny ....P. Atomic Bomb 16000 zenny ...M.. Royal Armor 18000 zenny RR...G Force Armor 22000 zenny RR.M.G Protectors 11000 zenny RRNMPG Mind Shield 18000 zenny RRNMPG Sun Mask 7200 zenny RR...G BCK00000007 ============================================================================= The Faeries ============================================================================= Right on the moment that Part 2 starts you will be able to build the Faerie Civilization. Everywhere in the world (except the piece close to the final dungeon). Doing so is important as you can gain good bonusses with it (and the Balance Rings can be obtained here, and those are crucial in you fight against the final boss). When you talk to faerie Cadis she'll first call you a dummy and after that ask for your help. After that she is the one you can control the entire goings in the village. The basic idea is to build a village, hunt for food and assign jobs to the faeries that will benefit you greatly. Let's take a look at the things you can do. The basic things: - Line above = Contains all faeries that are not yet assigned, mostly newborns. They'll be bored so you gotta assign a job to them. Though it never happened to me, it seems they can die out of boredom, so assign them as soon as you can. - Hunt = Hunters take care of providing food. This is very important, when you don't have enough hunters the faeries will die and dead faeries are not easily replaced. = Don't go overkill on your hunters, just keep a look on your food, when it doesn't decrease over time you got enough hunters = The cap for the food meter is 99. = Faeries with a long RED bar are particulary good in hunting - Clear = Description "Tend to Crops" is incorrect. Probably an error by the English translator = With Clear you shape the mountain that way that new houses can be built. = When the message board says "Increased Village Size" you best dismiss all faeries on "Clear" and put them on build in stead. = Faeries with a large green bar are particulary good for this job - Build = Builders will build a house on the ground made available through "Clear". = When 2 new rooms have been built, you can best dismiss all builders and put them on clear = Exception to last pointer is when you are on 5 rooms already and have cleared the last part, then the builders can make 3 rooms. = The cap is 8 rooms, once you have that, you can no longer make your village grow by clear or build, so once you reached that, best to dismiss all faeries on Build and Clear and give them an other job in stead = Faeries with a large green bar are particulary good for this job Now you have the jobs Faeries can learn - Scholar = Scholars are needed to learn new things. See below = Faeries with a large CYAN bar are the best choice for Scholars. = Putting more faeries on this job will make the learning process go faster - Scholar - Job = Faeries on this one will try to find out new jobs to do. There are 10 jobs all together the faeries can learn this way. - Scholar - Culture = This one is easily underestimated, but very very important. The culture level decides how far the faeries can go in developping themselves. Certain jobs will simply not be learned when the culture level is low. Merchants will simply not get the merchendise you want when the culture level is low. So it's of vital importance. = The cap for culture level is 7, so once you've reached that there's no more point to have faeries on this job. - Merchant = Merchants have a shop. They start with one item and it will become more over time = Some items can only be sold at a certain culture level, so make sure you got a scholar on that. = Have more faeries in the same store will make the discovery of new merchandise go faster = Faeries with a large BLUE bar are the best choice for merchants. - Merchant - Weapons - Speed Pointed Stick 10 zenny ..N... Waistcloth 210 zenny RRNMPG Bronze Sword 240 zenny RR.... Buckler 1100 zenny RRNMPG Windcutter 2200 zenny ..?.?? Crepe Cape 1300 zenny ..NM.. Flame Talons 3300 zenny ....P. Laurel 1800 zenny ..NM.. Royal Dagger 6200 zenny RR.... Spiked Gauntlets 6800 zenny RRNMPG Ice Halberd 12500 zenny .....G Let's say that having this merchant is a waste of time, a room and faeries :) - Merchant - Weapons - Ability (My apologies, but this list's not yet complete) Pointed Stick 10 zenny Waistcloth 210 zenny Bronze Sword 240 zenny Crepe Cape 1300 zenny Amber Breastplate 6100 zenny Piercing Pike 7400 zenny Katzbalger 9200 zenny Protectors 11000 zenny - Merchant - Items - Speed Green Apple 5 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Panacea 100 zenny MultiVitamin 300 zenny Ammonia 500 zenny Talisman 500 zenny RRNMPG Life Sandals 500 zenny RRNMPG High Boots 3000 zenny RRNMPG Titan Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG Dream Ring 1000 zenny RRNMPG Balance Ring 1000 zenny RRNMPG - Merchant - Items - Ability (Incomplete, because I was so stupid to accidentally reset this one during the creation on this FAQ. Silly, eh?) Green Apple 5 zenny Vitamin 50 zenny Panacea 100 zenny Ammonia 200 zenny High Boots 3000 zenny Lion's Belt 3000 zenny Napalm 800 zenny Dream Ring 1000 zenny Balance Rings 1000 zenny This merchant is your fastest ticket to obtain Balance Rings. They are cool! Get them!!!! - Merchant - Handyman - Speed Berries 5 zenny Beef Jerky 50 zenny Clothing 50 zenny Flame Chrysm 500 zenny Napalm 800 zenny Bell Colalr 10000 zenny Angling Rod 2000 zenny Belladonna 200 zenny Royal Dagger 6200 zenny Holy Mantle 10000 zenny Soul Gem 3000 zenny - Merchant - Handyman - Ability (List yet incomplete, sorry) Berries 5 zenny Beef Jerky 50 zenny Taser 200 zenny Tiger Claws 3800 zenny ....P. Angling Rod 2000 zenny Lion's Belt 3000 zenny RRNMPG Bell Collar 10000 zenny RRNMPG Soul Gem 3000 zenny RRNMPG - Inn = The first faerie you assign will offer you an inn for 10 zenny = The second faerie will tell you: how long you've been playing, how many battles you fought and how much money you made so far. = The third faerie will tell you how often you, looked in people's dressers for items, treasures you found, went out fishing. - Gift = Can give you items for free = The longer you wait before visiting them again, the better your item *may* get. - Fortune = These faeries can give you play hints or sometimes provide background information = 98% of the things they tell you are pretty useless though. - Explorer = These faeries explore the world and give to you whatever they find. = Though the best items of the game can be found this way, explorers are hated among most BOF3 fans, AND for good reasons. A world full of monsters is a dangerous place for a tiny little faerie, so the chance they die during their travels is quite great. It's up to you if you wanna risk it. - Antiques = All items on which the explanation is "Appears Valuable" (except the Flower Jewel for Meryleep) can be sold here for better prices than in regular stores. = These shops only buy from you, they don't sell anything. - Music = Can bring you a jukebox feature full of all game music. = It begins with 1 or 2 songs, but if you give them time to develop they can make you hear all kinds of music. - Casino = Here you can gamble and maybe win or lose some money. = Like in a REAL casino you lose more than you win. = The exact rules of the game are beyond me. If you can explain them clearly to me, I'll take them with me in my next update. - Copy = Copies your items = This can go wrong and then your original items AND your copy will both be destroyed. Be careful with this. BCK00000008 ============================================================================= Enemies ============================================================================= This is an overview of the enemies you can meet in random encounters. Only random encounters are noted. Bosses, the McNeil spirits and other scenario only enemies are not in this list, as those enemies are explained in my FAQ in the sections you encounter them. The enemies are ordered by alphabet. I here name all places in which you can encounter them. This game has no monster album, but it can be handy to know where to encounter enemies if you want to copy skills from them. If the enemies have a specific way of fighting or requires I'll note it below them. If I don't note anything than you don't need specific knowledge to beat that specific enemy. * A * - Adept = Caer Xhan - Main Level Uses Meditation first to empower the effect of his Magic Shuffle, which can result into ANY spell. They are weaker than Codgers in HP, but since they can power up their magic they are more dangerous so get rid of them ASAP. - Archmage = Container Yard One of the strongest enemies in the game. See Container Yard section for more information. - Armor = Caer Xhan - Main Level Their defenses are absurdly high impossible to kill them quickly normally, HOWEVER, if you can succesfully deal it damage in a PHYSICAL attack at least twice, the armor will get cracked lowering their defenses to 0. The Warrior dragon (Force Gene) can be used to kill it even without getting its armor cracked, so that's the quickest solution. Watch out for their "Frost Strike" as it can put you to sleep. Dream Ring grants protection against that. - Armor Bot = Momo's Tower They normally only attack or charge. When hit by lightning they get confused. - Assassin = Lost Shore training Field = Steel Grave = Colony Tries to put you to one HP with "Disembowel", and to finish you off with "Target". Both moves can be copied with Examine. - Audrey = Steel Grave = Lost Short training Field Uses "Pollen" to blind the whole party and it will cast "Absorb" to heal itself. * B * - BarbBulb = Tidal Caves All they do is use Steriods to boost their attacking power. After that they do nothing but countering you. When Ryu is equipped with a Barbarossa and leading the attack form he might kill them in one blow. - Bat = Mt. Glaus They always defend the first turn after that they fight. No treat though. - Berseker = Container Yard See container yard section for more information. One of the strongest enemies in the game. - Big Bulb = Plant - Underground Facility They like to blind all party members in once with "Pollen", and they got high regeneration. You need people who can strike hard to kill them. - Bloodbat = Rhapala training fields = Lighthouse First turn they suck your blood, next turn they run away. They dodge nearly all attacks. Wind spells works best to get rid of them. If you have a group of them, cast "Typhoon". When you encounter them in the lighthouse, you'd better allow them to run away as casting spells like Typhoon costs more AP than you can afford there. - Blue Goblin = Mount Levett Mostly follows Boss Goblin's Influence, but they can also do Jolt. - Bolt = Freighter at Steel Beach = Black Ship Always attacks char with lowest HP. Can use frost strike to put you to sleep (can be learned) Dodges nearly all attacks. Magic Ball works best to get rid rid of it. - Bolt Archer = Freighter at Steel Beach = Black Ship Is very ultra fast, and can make critical hits a lot It can blind you, but as it already dodges everything making you need to rely on magic, no big deal. Dodges nearly all attacks. Magic Ball works best to get rid rid of it. - Bolt Mage = Freighter at Steel Beach = Black Ship It dodges nearly all attacks, and that makes the fact that she will silence everbody even more frustrating. Magic ball works best, but if you got yourself silenced that spell can't be cast. Having a few attacking items stocked is always a good idea. - Bomber = Dump = Lighthouse = Rhapala Training Field = Urkan Training Field It's got one special move, "Air Raid", which is a strong attack and it can cancel you. "Air Raid" can be copied btw. - BombSeed = Tidal Caves It does nothing at all unless you hit it several times, then it'll get angry and blow itself up in a try to reduce you to 1 HP. If you are crazy... That move "Sacrifice" can be copied with examine, though I recommend not to go for that. - BossGoblin = Yraall Region Training Fields = Yraall Road = Cedar Woods When teamed with other creatures it tries to boss them around with "Influence" (which you can copy with Examine). When it's alone it will always flee. It can do well to try to Pilfer it to get Waistcloth. During the prologue it's the best armor available, not to mention worth a lot of money. * C * - Cacti = Desert of Death Uses Pollen to blind the entire party and counters almost anything Frost spells are effective against it. - Cerebus = Angel Tower = Urkan Training Fields Somehow I think the translator messed up here and that the Japanese meant CERBERUS. Oh well, this beast goes crazy with "Howling" that confuses all party members. Kill it ASAP. - Codger = Colony = Relay Point A They mostly do "MagicShuffle" which can result into ANY magic spell the game has, as well offensive as defensive. You can easily cancel their moves with the Intimidate move (taught by D'Lonzo) and you can steal Rare Books from them, which sell well in the Antiques shop of the Faeries. - Clone = Caer Xhan - Drake Section Always attacks the one with least HP. They can do "Flame Strike" too. Quickest way to get rid of a load of 'em, is to let Momo cast "Ragnarok". - Curr = Mt. Glaus Poisonous. Get rid of them ASAP * D * - Death Bot = Caer Xhan - Main Level First casts "Barrier" on itself, then Protect, then Might, and by then they should already be dead. No threat at all. - Drak = Desert Of Death Always paralyzed so an easy kill. If you however cure it's paralysis without doing damage to it, examine it to learn the spell "Cure", best healing spell on one target in the game. - Dragonfly = Relay Point A Poisonous and weak to wind, but when trained under Meryleep and standing in chain form these are a laugh. * E * - Egg Gang = Factory They turn you into an egg, but you can use that in your advantage. If you survive the battle that way, or for 3 turns all HP and AP is restored. Cool, huh. You can steal Beads from them. That stuff sells well at the Faeries Antiques shop. - Eye Bulb = Dump They regenerate and silence you to prevent you from using their weakness (flame) against them. I prefer to have Ryu in front of the attack form equipped with a claymore to get this done. - Eye Goo = Yraall Region Training Fields = Cedar Woods = Mt. Glaus Weakest enemy in the game Using Pilfer on them can get you a Healing Herb. Valuable at the start of the game. * F * - Fire Slug = Dump = Dauna Mines Breaths fire on all its foes, but the damage it does is related to the ammount of HP it still has. When with a Giant Roach, the Giant Roach will cast "Douse" on you to give you a weakness to fire in order to make the Fire Slugs more dangerous. - Fly Man = Plant - Underground facility Master of fire. His Flame Strike can be copied. Its firebreath weakens by the HP it loses - Foul Weed = Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section Start asleep. When a Plant 42 is with them, that plant will attack them to make sure it awakens. They got a lot of nasty spells and they can be a true nuisance * G * - Ghost = The Lighthouse First turn they'll always turn you to sleep. If you have a Dream Ring (which can be found in the Lighthouse) have somebody WEAR IT!!!! - Ghoul = Wyndia - Underground Graveyard = Dauna Mines They try to confuse you with "Bone Dart" (can be copied). - Giant Crab = Black Ship Relatively easy to fight and kill, but beware their instant kill spells. - Giant Orc = Factory Very very strong and counter a lot. They even increase their attack power. They regain 122 HP every turn, and that makes it up for the Blitz they like to do a lot. The Warrior dragon is the safest way to get rid of 'em. - Giant Roach = Dauna Mine = Plant They normally only attack and jump. When they are accompanied by a fire slug or Fly Man they will use "Douse" on you in order to give you a weakness against their ally's fire attacks. The move "Douse" can be copied btw. - Goblin = Yraall Region Training Fields = Cedar Woods = Yraall Road When with a BossGoblin they allow themselves to be bossed by them. - Gold Egg = Factory This one gives VERY little EXP but a high-load of zennies. Problem is, when attacked physically the ammount of zenny they give will be reduced, terribly. The only way to get the full amount is to turn yourself into a Warrior dragon and use Aura. They run away easily, so you need a bit of luck. - Gonger = Mt. Boumore In the first turn it will use "Venom Breath" to poison all its foes. After that it will defend a few turns and flee. - Gooey = Yraall Region Training Fields Below level 60 they won't do anything at all. Above that level they'll come to life and try to kill you with Ebonfire. You can try to Pilfer them to get Marbles. When you have an antiques shop at your Faerie Village (later in the game) they can provide lots of money. - Goo King = Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section = Caer Xhan - Eden "Ah, just a tiny Goo" I hear you think... I tell ya... those are "famous last words". Mostly it only runs away, but if you steal from it, the Goo King wants the stolen item back and then he'll open his full arsenal of very very very nasty spells. And when I say nasty I mean really nasty. Like "Tornado", "Sirocco", "Ragnarok", that sort of thing. It's unlikely that you'll survive unless you use dragon forms like Behemoth. - Goo Titan = Ogre Road = Mount Levett = Meryleep's place = Caer Xhan - Eden = Dauna Region Training field - Gonghead = Mt. Glaus - Guard = McNeil Mansion Normally only attack. When they are below HP 30% they'll use a Healing Herb, recovering fully. They can do this unlimmited times. There are two ways to get rid of them. Either have Teepo to cast "Simoon", or do only one attack on him during turn #1, and make both boys attack him in turn #2. One warning, this only works when there are no counter attacks or critical hits during turn #1. * H * - Hobgoblin = Factory Very very strong, but also very slow. It's not hard to gain EX turns on it. Use them wisely. When teamed with a BossGoblin it will ignore Influence completely and kill the BossGoblin in stead before attacking you. - Hopper = Caer Xhan - Drake Section = Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section Strong attacks and they can try to confuse you. Low HP, and Ragnarok is effective against a group of them, but not effective enough to kill them. - HyperBot = Momo's Tower Heal to all magic and will become even more powerful They regulary use "Blitz" which halves their HP but hurt you bad After 2 turns they lose power and cannot use Blitz any more. * I * - Ice Drake = Caer Xhan - Drake Section Their frost breah is nasty but gets weaker as they lose HP. You can steal Ice rings from them. - Ice Toad = Momo's Tower Their Ice Breaths can be deadly, but gets weaker as their HP go down When hit by fire they'll flee - Insector = Relay Point A These are dangerous foes. They got all kinds of wind spells you cannot defend yourself against in any way. They can also cast Tornado (which can be copied) which can reduce all friends and foes to 1 HP They can be cancelled with Intimidate and have little AP. * K * - King Toad = Black Ship Will normally only use Icebreath which gets weaker as it loses HP When with Sleepy, it will allow the Sleepy to confuse you and cast Influence to make sure the confused party member will attack one of your group. * L * - Lava man = Mount Zublo - Lizard = Momo's Tower = Rhapala Training Field = Urkan Training Field = Mount Zublo Always attacks the one with the least HP at the moment it attacks. Occasionally they use blind. They are weak to lightning. - Lizard Man = Rhapala training fields = Urkan training fields = Mount Zublo = Angel Tower They counter nearly all attacks, so you need to be careful about your attacks. In the first turn they mostly try to shield all their allies with the "Shield" spell. When one of their allies is hurt they'll try to heal them, though they are unable to tell if that ally is undead or not, meaning that if that ally is undead they destroy it in the process. Occasionally they use Wind Strike. That move can be copied with "Examine". * M * - Mage Goo = Yraall Region Training Fields = Mt. Glaus = Caer Xhan - Eden I suggest you let Ryu examine them so he might learn "Burn" Using Pilfer on them can get you a Healing Herb. Valuable at the start of the game. - Mad Gong = Caer Xhan - Dream World The "Charge" it can perform is really strong. The Mad Gong is thus very dangerous. - Magmaite = Desert of Death Very powerful. If you have Nina and you did give her the "Resist" skill, she should USE it. Quickest way to kill it, is by using the Force Gene and beat the crap out of it. - Man Trap = Yraall Region Training Fields = Road to Mt. Glaus Starts the battle asleep. When hit by a physical attack it will wake up. They are very sensitive to fire magic (and it won't wake them up). I do recommend to Pilfer a Pointed Stick from them in order to obtain 15 different kinds of weapons for Master D'lonzo - Mist Man = Caer Xhan - Final Sections Basically the same as Armor. Hit it two times to get its armor cracked. In stead of sleep, this one will paralyze you. - MultiBot = Lost Shore Training Fields = Steel Grave Gives back what you give to him. Attack him with fire, it will use "Wall of Flame" (COPY THAT IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT ALREADY), attack it with lightning and it will cast "Thunder Clap" (can also be learned), heal it and it will heal you. * N * - Newt = Caer Xhan - Drake Section Their attacks are very strong. They can shield themselves, and cast "Simoon". Their normal attacks are what you must be most afraid of, though. - Nitemare = Caer Xhan - Main Level They can try to put you to sleep and cast some nasty spells on you. If you cast "Restore" on them, they'll die. - Nut Archer = Central Wyndia Training Fields = Mount Boumore Watch out! They are quick and they easily make a critical hit on you. They dodge nearly all attacks. Try to cast "Burn" (you can copy that from a Goo Mage) to get rid of them - Nut Mage = Central Wyndia Training Fields = Mount Myrneg = Wyndia - Underground Graveyard First turn they cast Flare, after that they are harmless. If you can get rid of them before they cast "Flare" you'll score a Molotov They dodge nearly all attacks. Try to cast "Burn" (you can copy that from a Goo Mage) to get rid of them - Nut Trooper = Central Wyndia Training Fields = Mount Myrneg = Wyndia - Underground Graveyard = Mount Boumore You can try to copy "Double Blow" from them They dodge nearly all attacks. Try to cast "Burn" (you can copy that from a Goo Mage) to get rid of them * O * - Orc = Mount Boumore = Momo's Tower They counter almost everything. In the first turn they might use "Last Resort" to lower their defenses and rais their attack power. This move can be copied with Examine, it can be handy in training Beyd. * P * - Painweed = Dump Heals to nearly all spells so physical attacks will have to do here. - Phantom = Angel Tower They can instantly kill you, but mostly you'll recover by willpower. They are weak to holy attacks and healing spells will hurt them. - Pipe Bomb = Factory First they'll shield up their allies. After that they'll attack and their attacks are strong. When dangerously low in HP they will cast "Sacrifce" to blow themselves up trying to get you to 1 HP. These fellows ARE dangerous. - Plant 42 = Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section When alone they try to blind you with Pollen When with a Foul Weed they will attack that one first in order to make sure it awakens. If it's worth anything to you. It's weak to fire. - Protobot = Momo's Tower They normally only attack. When hit by lightning they get confused. - Puff Goo = Mt. Glaus It will in the first turn always defend, and go crazy with reprisals if you attack it. After that it's no more big deal. * R * - Rankweed = Dump Counters nearly everything. If you let Nina cast "Simoon" on it, it's not very likely to survive. - Reaper = Relay Point A Will use focus and then Multistrike. Oddly enough Focus seems to weaken them in stead of making them stronger... They will be hurt by healing spealls, though I'd hate to waste my AP on that. - Red Drake = Caer Xhan - Drake Section Their Flame Breath gets weaker as they lose HP. Be sure to wear Balance Ring as they can do "Howling". Try to Steal "Ring of Fire" from them. Makes your life A LOT easier on the bosses that are to come. - Revenant = Caer Xhan - Final Part Can slow you with Chill. Pyrokenesis kills them instantly. - Ripper = Yraall Road = Cedar Woods = Road to Mt. Glaus = Mount Myrneg - Roach = McNeil Mansion * S * - Scorpion = Desert of Death Poisonous. Frost spells work well on it. - Slasher = Ogre Road = Mount Levett = Tidal Caves They are quick and lower you IQ, but are no threat at all. - Slug = Dump They are poisonous. - Spectre = Lighthouse = Angel Tower They will in the first turn always use Depress that burns your AP. After that they'll try to use Leech Power to gain enough AP to try it again. They are weak to holy and will be hurt by healing spells, but the latter is wasting AP to save your AP. Cut short it costs you more AP than they burn from you. - Spiker = Tidal Caves Master of poison attacks. When Ryu is equipped with a Barbarossa and leading the attack form he might kill it in one blow. * T * - Tank Bot = Lost Shore Training Fields = Relay Point A = Container Yard = Caer Xhan - Base level All they do is transfer AP to its allies (you can learn how to do that by examining it) When the bot or its allies are severely hurt it will cast Vitalize When its alone, or after it regains sanity from confusion (caused by lightning attack) it will use "Sacrifice" which destroys itself but might turn the whole party to 1 HP (that move can also be learned) - Tar Man = Central Wyndia Training field = Mount Myrneg = Mount Boumore Their defenses are terribly high and they can lower you attack, HOWEVER, if you cast any frost spell on them their bodies will freeze lowering their defense and render them unable to fight back. Easy win if you can do that. Ryu can learn Frost from Master Mygas for this job. - Thanothos = Caer Xhan - Dream World They like to drain your HP and AP - Thrasher = Lost shore training field = Steel Grave You mostly meet a lot of these in once. Typhoon can help getting rid of 'em. Watch out for their Timed Blow. Even though it brings their HP down to 1, that spell can do a lot of damage. Timed Blow can be learned btw. - Thunder = Central Wyndia Training field = Lighthouse They can only cast Jolt 3 times and then they are out of AP (and will then be completely harmless) When with friends they always cast the first Jolt spell over themselves, hoping to powerup any Volts that might be in their group. - Toxic Fly = Plant - Underground Facility Poisonous. But that's all there's to it. - Toxic Man = Colony There are 3 variants of these with identical names and looks in order to confuse you. The differences are most of all seen in defense and HP. They are poisoned themselves, but that's hardly an advantage. They will put all kinds of poison on you. - Tricker = Rhapala Training Field = Urkan Training Field = Dauna Training Field = Angel Tower = Ogre Road They are pretty fast and that makes them dangerous. Lots of time they try to "Blind" you, or to use "Flying Kick" on you in which their agility is their power. Both moves can be copied with "Examine". * V * - Vagabond = Ogre road Strong and slow. Not a true threat. - Vampire = Caer Xhan - Final Sections When with Night Bats he uses spells not too harmful, but he regains 500 HP every turn. when without night bats he gets flustered and loses his regeneration, but his spells get more aggressive and the EXP he gives is reduced significantly. Despite the fact he's undead he won't get hurt by healing spells. - Volt = McNeil Mansion = Wyndia Region Training field = Wyndia - Underground graveyard = Lighthouse Normally only uses "Charge" (which can be copied). When struck by lighting it will heal and cast Jolt on you once. This event will increase the experience you receive greatly. When with Thunder, the Thunder will always cast Jolt over it, forcing you to endure the Jolt of this Volt. - Vile Weed = Caer Xhan - Dream World It has a high load of destructive spells but too little AP to cast them. It still tries, wasting a lot of turns. Whooohooo! - Vulcan = Mount Zublo Live Long And Prosper.... Oh wait, this is another kind of Vulcan XD First of all they are completely immune to Lightning and wind, so if you have any weapons based on either one of those two elements, equip something else. First they only defend and are hard to hurt. When they are hit by fire they start to move. Their defense drops and they start to attack you, most of all with Lavaburst. That move can be copied with Examine BTW :) Having a Vulcan to move will also increase the EXP you get for it. When you are extremly lucky it drops a Lava Armor. Not only is it the strongest Armor, Ryu, Garr and Rei can wear before crossing the ocean, it also makes you heal when you're attack with the fire element. - Wraith = Caer Xhan - Artificial World Section = Caer Xhan - Eden They are resistant to EVERYTHING... HOWEVER.... If you cast an elemental spell on them the barrier against it will be destroyed. Another spell like that will most likely kill them. I personally let Ryu have "Burn" and Momo "Wall of Fire" (can be learned from Mage Goo/GooTitan and WOF from Multibot if you cast fire on them first). Ryu first to cast Burn, Momo to cast "Wall of Fire" to finish him off. * Z * - Zombie = Mt. Glaus = Wyndia - Underground Graveyard = Dauna Mines These fellows start the dungeon in confused status. They are very slow and easily killed by holy attacks. When you cast healing spells over them, they are very likely to die, though I suggest not to waste your AP on that. - Zombie Doctor = Dauna Mines This was a famous doctor before he died. His will to heal is still there and when he or his allies are wounded he still wants to heal them, however, if they are undead they will be destroyed and he'll destroy himself too. Tragic.... BCK00000009 ============================================================================= Skills ============================================================================= Since the first version of my FAQs on this game I received tons of questions about the Skill System over e-mail. Under "Skill" I name all abilities you can learn by either copying them from enemies with the "Examine" command, or by masters. What's the exact deal on learning them? Each skill can be learned only once by one of your party members. If one character learned the skill, nobody else can learn it any more. So in that sense it's pretty important that you pick the right characters to learn a skill. Of course if you feel the wrong character has learned a skill you are not completely helpless, but your possibilities are limited. When you feel a character has the wrong skill you can NOTE that skill. That means the character loses that skill and that it will appear on the "Skill Notes". Now if you have a Skill Ink (which is a rare item, so don't waste it) you can open the Skill Notes and you can make all characters take the skills from the notes you want them to have. Once again, only one character can have the skill, there's no way skills can be copied. You only need a skill ink to open the notes, once you're in the notes you can make unlimmited modifications to your skill setup until you leave the notes. Once you left the notes you need another skill ink to enter the notes again. Rei and Teepo will drop all their skills when they leave the party after your battle with Balio and Sunder in Cedar woods. For obvious reasons as Rei is out of the game for too long, and Teepo even leaves the party permanently. In order not to make you lose the skills you obtained with them this measure was taken. Now I got a mail in the past (about the GBA version though, but the problem and answer apply on the PlayStation version as well) stating that the game was bugged as "Pilfer" did not appear in the skill notes after Rei left the party in Cedar Woods. So let's quote myself: Under "Skill" I name all abilities you can learn by either copying them from enemies with the "Examine" command, or by masters. I think with that you already know why "Pilfer" didn't appear, as that's a move Rei learned by neither means he just has the spell by himself. Of course you realize that the same goes for Teepo's spells, unless he learned them from Mygass or enemies, they will not appear in the skill notes. Only abilities taught by a master or copied from enemies count here. BCK0000000A ============================================================================= Fishing ============================================================================= The Breath of Fire series has a long tradition when it comes to fishing. In fact ALL Breath Of Fire episodes (don't mail me saying I'm wrong as "Dragon Quarter" doesn't have fishing, as I refuse to recognize that piece of crap as part of the series) have a fishing game in which Ryu can fish. Breath Of Fire III is no different. In my opinion BOF3 has the best fishing engine of the series. Does fishing do you any good? Well, yeah, but don't expect miracles from it. You can use the fish you catch as items in battle. Most of them provide healing. There are fish that can even work as a spell to attack the enemy. The fish that can really do something significant are very hard to find and you don't need them anyway, so it's up to you if you want them. Now I'm not going to explain the game rules. The game provides a very detail in-game explanation on how the fishing game works, so no need for me to put it in this FAQ. What I must note though that you can get fishing levels. Those levels are significant. Some fish simply don't appear in your fishing beds when you are too low level. Now don't spend hours catching over thousands of fishes to grind fishing levels. That's simply a waste of time as your fishing level WILL NOT increase that way. It's not like fighting monsters where you get experience for each monster you slay. In fishing the levelling system is a bit more delicate. Each fish you catch can be worth points. The bigger the fish the more points it's worth. However ONLY the best score you get on a certain fish counts. So if you catch three Rainbow trouts. One worth 80 points, one 85 points and one 60 points, than only the one that scores 85 points counts, if you caught one before that scored less that lesser score is simply deleted. So the trick to go is to go all over the world and try to catch fish you didn't catch before. This is the quickest way to get to the "Master of Angling" level, which is not the highest level, but all fish can be caught when you reached that level. In the list below you can find all fishing spots of the game and what you can catch there. Please note, they are in alphabetic order so not in the order in which you can find them! = Central Wyndia - Near Maekyss Gorge NOTE!!!!!! This fishing spot will be available when you spoke to the woman at the house in Maekyss Gorge in order to make Shisu for the mayor of Parch. "The best ingredients for that Maekyss specialty, shisu, can be found here." = Puffer = Martian Squid = Mackerel - Central Wyndia - South West Meakyss "Hangout of the fishing gang" = Puffer = Rainbowtrout = Bass - Central Wyndia - Past Myrnegg "Something bizarre is swimming with the fish here" = Jellyfish = Bass = Martian Squid - Dauna Region - Near Emitai "They say that some unusual fish live in the colder areas upstream." = Red Catfish = Bass = Martian Squid - Dauna Region - Near Checkpoint North "The silence is almost tangible in this husband place." = Pirana = Trout = Rainbowtrout = Barandy = Manillo - Eastern Wyndia - Near Momo's Tower "A famous spot where everyone catches the "big ones"." = Flying fish = Blowfish = Black Porgy = Octopus = Manillo - Eastern Wyndia - Near bridge that was once guarded by Sunder There are lots of different fish gathered here. = Pirana = Trout = Rainbowtrout = Bass = Black Bass - Lost Shore "What kind of fish live here in this unexplored land?" = Man-o-War = Flying Fish = Spearfish = Whale = Manillo - Rhapala Region - Between Cliff and the Tidal Caves (Accessible once you became an adult) "Famous octopus fishing bed" = Octopus = Angler = Devilfish = Manillo - Raphala Region - Beach near master Giotto "A beach famous for good fishing" = Man-o'-war = Flying fish = Sea Bass = Octopus - Raphala Region - North of Big Bridge "This is the best place to get fresh river fish" = Man-o'-War = Flying Fish = Sea Bream - Urkan Region - Near crags of Legenday Mariner "Tide pool formed by Outer Sea and the Middle Sea" = Man-o'-War = FLying Fish = Blowfish = Sea Bream = Sea Bass = Black Porgy = Octopus = Angler = Devilfish = Spearfish = Manillo - Urkan Region - Past Steel Beach "The best fish in the world are said to be here in this bed" = Sea Bream = Devilfish = Spearfish - Urkan Region - On the way to the Tidal Caves Area famous for the "big ones" = Sea Bream = Black Porgy = Angler = Manillo - Yraall Region - Behind Farm "You can see a familiar shape amogst the fish" = Pirana = Puffer = Trout = Manillo - Yraall Region - Near Mygass "There are lots of small fish swimming in the stream" = Jellyfish = Pirana = RainbowTrout - Yraall Region - Between Mount Levett and Ogre Road (accisible one you became an adult) "One of the most popular fishing spots, just full of big fish" = Puffer = Trout = Black Bass Manillo ======= In several fishing beds you can find a Manillo. You can catch them when you use a coin for lure. When you have a coin lure the Manillo as shortly to the shore as you can before you allow him to catch it. As soon as he does pick up him. When you succesfully caught a Manillo you can trade with him. The stuff he has to offer you has to be paid with fish in stead of money. Below is a list of all Manillo traders, what they have and what fish they want for it. Near Syn City (Dauna Region) Wisdom Ring 1 x Black Bass 5 x RainbowTrout 5 x Trout Lion's Belt 1 x Angler 9 x RainbowTrout 9 x Trout Ginseng 2 x Bass 5 x RainbowTrout 5 x Trout Caro 2 x RainbowTrout 3 x Trout Frong 2 x RainbowTrout 3 x Trout Top 3 x RainbowTrout 2 x Trout Hanger 3 x RainbowTrout 2 x Trout Skill Ink 2 x Mart. Squid 1 x RainbowTrout 1 x Trout Katzbalger 1 x Barandy 2 x Black Bass 1 x Red Catfish Laurel 1 x Barandy 2 x Black Bass 1 x Bass Behind the Farm (Yraal Region) Silver Knife 2 x RainbowTrout 2 x Trout Iron Helm 1 x Trout 1 x Pirana Waistcloth 1 x Trout 1 x Puffer Spirit 3 x Pirana Baby Frog 3 x Pirana Popper 2 x Puffer Float 2 x Puffer Skill Ink 1 x RainbowTrout 1 x Trout Bell Collar 3 x Angler 3 x Mart. Squid 5 x Sea Bream Holy Mantle 3 x Black Bass 9 x Bass 9 x Sea Bass Near Momo's Tower (Eastern Wyndia) Chain Cap 1 x Bass 3 x Blowfish Crepe Cape 1 x Black Porgy 4 x Flying Fish Spirit 3 x Blowfish Baby Frog 3 x Blowfish Popper 2 x Flying Fish Float 2 x Flying Fish Skill Ink 2 x Octopus Before the Tidal Caves (Urkan Region) Wisdom Ring 1 x Angler 2 x Black Porgy 2 x Sea Bream Lion's Belt 2 x Mart. Squid 2 x Bass 4 x Sea Bass Ginseng 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus 3 x Sea Bass Caro 3 x Sea Bream Frog 3 x Sea Bream Top 2 x Octopus Hanger 2 x Octopus Skill Ink 1 x Angler 1 x Black Porgy After the Tidal Caves (Rhapala Region) Hawk's Ring 3 x Black Bass 5 x Bass Artmis' Cap 2 x Black Bass 2 x Angler 5 x Sea Bream Speed Boots 1 x Barandy 1 x Black Bass 2 x Devilfish Soul Gem 1 x Barandy 2 x Sea Bass Bell Collar 2 x Devilfish 3 x Angler 9 x Sea Bream Holy Mantle 3 x Black bass 9 x Bass 9 x Sea Bass Skill Ink 2 x Octopus 1 x Devilfish Between Inner Sea and Outer Sea. Near Steel Beach (Urkan Region) Demonsbane 1 x Spearfish 2 x Black Bass Aries Spear 1 x Spearfish 9 x Sea Bass 9 x Sea Bream Heavy Caro 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus Fat Frog 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus Dogwalker 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus Deep Diver 1 x Devilfish 1 x Mart. Squid 2 x Octopus Skill Ink 2 x Octopus 1 x Devilfish Near Kombinat (Lost shore) Royal Sword 1 x Whale 3 x Spearfish 1 x Barandy Life Armor 1 x Whale 1 x Spearfish 3 x Barandy Cupid's Lyre 1 x Whale 2 x Barandy 5 x Red Catfish Shaman's Ring 1 x Whale 3 x Spearfish 5 x Red Catfish Ivory Dice 1 x Spearfish 1 x Red Catfish 5 x Mackerel Skill Ink 1 x Spearfish 1 x Devilfish BCK0000000B ============================================================================= Antiques Items ============================================================================= A nice way to make money is by collecting treasure items and to sell them in the antiques shop you can open in your Faerie village. The antiques shop will give you more money for those items than regular shops would. Here's just a list of all items that I found so far, in the order you can find them during the game. - Marbles = Stolen from Gooey = Either ArmorBots or Protobots may drop them if you defeat them. Sell for 500 zenny in Antiques shop - Plate = Unique = Obtained when breaking into Bunyan's house Sells for 1 zenny in Antiques shop - Clay Vase = Can be dropped by Tar Man 100 zenny at Antiques shop - Gems = First one can be found in a cabinet in McNeil Mansion Sell for 200 zenny in Antiques shop - Tea Cup = Unique = Behind a house in Junk Town (right beside the spot where Wynn hides during Hide-and-Seek) Sell for 2000 zenny in Antiques shop - Old Painting = Unique = Found in room far behind in Syn City Sell for 6000 zenny in Antiques shop - Rare Book = Can be stolen from Codgers Sell for 4000 zenny in Antiques shop - Beads = Can be stolen from Egg Gang Antiques Faerie pays 3000 zenny for it. BCK0000000C ============================================================================= Key Items ============================================================================= Key Items (found under the "Vtal" tab in your inventory) only play part in the scenario and have no other value. A quick list of 'em - Wallet = Found in the frontyard in McNeil's mansion = You can use it to get past on of the guards in McNeil's frontyard - Eggs = When you get in McNeil's Chicken Coop, Teepo steals them = "Some things you can't get rid of". I never caught the joke of it, but they serve no purpose at all. - Passport = Obtained when you visit Wyndia Castle after killing Balio and Sunder = Needed to pass the Eastern Checkpoint = After completing Angel Tower this will become an "Old Passport" and then it won't work anymore. You can renew it when you visit Wyndia castle after completing the plant. - Guild Badge = Obtained from Beyd after you helped him beating Zig = Grants you access to the lighthouse - Guild Lettter = You'll get it from Sinkar after beating the Dolphin = Allows passage through the volcano parts of Mt. Zublo - Memo = Momo gives it to you when she starts repairing a boat. = Contains all parts Momo needs to fix the boat - Sea Charts = The mayor of Parch gives it to you when you feed him shisu = You need it to reach the Legendary Mariner - ID Card = Found on the Black Ship = You need it to operate the elevator to the ship's bridge BCK0000000D ============================================================================= Options ============================================================================= This is a global list of options you can acquire in the game, sorted by alphabet. This list may not cover all items, but it should do fine. * A * - Artimis Cap = Found in the Dump Raises your accuracy. This item could help Momo in particular. * B * - Balance Ring = Can be bought at the item shops at the Faeries if you worked them out fine. Voids all confusion statusses You want these! Really. The final boss is horrible without them, and with them, the fight is a pushover! - Bat Amulet = Found on the Mount Myrneg Voids the blind status if it's caused on you * C * - Coupons = Hidden in Dauna Mines. You need Momo to obtain them. Cuts all prices vendors ask. This does not affect inn costs or inoculations. * D * - Dream Ring = Found in Lighthouse = Can be bought at Faerie Item Shops if worked out. Protects the wearer from sleep.... completely. * H * - High Boots = Found in the Dump = Manillo on floor B1 Dauna mines sells them (3000 zenny) Raises your defense, but the game doesn't tell by how much :) * L * - Life Sandals = For sale in Wyndia for 500 zenny Raises defense agains status changes (or it's supposed to that is). - Light bangle = Bonus of the 7 words puzzle in the underground graveyard in Wyndia (cannot be obtained any more once that part is finished) Raises your defense against status changes. I can't say that I'm excited about how much that defense is raised, but hey, it does make a nice ka-ching! When you obtain one on the moment you can obtain one and wear it until you reach the final dungeon "Caer Xhan" you did make a lot of extra money in the end. - Lion's Belt = Dauna Mines When you die this belt gives higher chance you revive by willpower * M * - Midas Stone = Sold in a store in Wyndia for 3000 zenny It doubles the money you earn in battle. This basically means that if you made more than 6000 zenny while wearing that thing you earned it all back, having it for free. It's a lot of cash and it takes a long run to earn it all back, however, it does pay off, somehow. * R * - Ring of Fire = In chest in Mt. Zublo = Can be stolen from Red Drake in Caer Xhan Fire attacks will heal you in stead of harm you - Ring of Ice = Can be stolen from Ice Drake in Caer Xhan Frost attacks will heal you in stead of harm you * S * - Soul Gem = Nina starts the game with one When you die while wearing a Soul Gem, the Soul gem will be destroyed, but your death will be undone and your HP will be set to full. Of course as your Soul Gem gets destroyed this only works once, so don't waste this item as it's an expensive one. - Spirit Ring = Can be obtained at the Faeries. (A friend of mine did, but I'm not certain which job you need for that) Cuts AP usage in half. Does not apply to Dragon forms, but it does apply to all other abilities. * T * - Talisman = Found in the cave of Mount Glaus = For sale in Wyndia for 500 Zenny Protects you against instant kill. (Didn't work to me though) - Thunder Ring = Found in a chest in Tidal Caves When worn thunder attacks will heal you in stead of harm you. - Tital Belt = Garr starts the game with one equipped = Manillo on floor B1 Dauna mines sells them (3000 zenny) Raises your attack power BCK0000000E ============================================================================= Container Yard ============================================================================= Basically the container yard is nothing more than a teleporter hub to connect Caer Xhan with the rest of the game world via Relay Point A. Not required to make much fuss about you'd say, but the point is that the two strongest enemies you can find in the game are here. Even the final boss is a pussy compared to them (well the final boss wasn't that hard anyway, but still). In 99% of the cases you'll only encounter tankbots here. They are still dangerous as they will always use "Sacrifice" to put everybody to 1 HP, and that sucks. Sometimes you'll meet an ultra strong enemy here.. You can mostly run away from them, but you can decide to take them on. The two known enemies are: Berserker (as big robot) and the Archmage (Looks like Codger and Adept). Word has reached me of an advanced version of the Tricker/Assassin, but I was never able to confirm this, so I cannot make a strategy about those. Let's take these enemies out shall we? ============================================================================= Berserker ============================================================================= My preferred party: Ryu + Momo + Garr ============================================================================= Preparations: = Have 'Resist' I placed it on Garr (not on Ryu) = Have 'Influence' on the one who has not Resist and who is not Ryu. In my case Momo. = All party members should have Ring of Fire or another piece of equipment with the same effect. = Be at least level 30+ or so (with all party members) = Have both Flame and Force genes = Have Chain Form (I placed Ryu in the lead. Having him trained under Meryleep is essential for this). The strategy below only works when you match ALL these requirements. ============================================================================= Abilities: - Flame Whip = Flame attack of extreme strong kind = When you are not protected against fire for 100% you'll die. - Berserk = Ultra strong, can only do normal attacks from now on = Listens from this moment to "Influence" ============================================================================= Berserker attacks, you die. I can't put it easier than that. Attack it to get it out of the confused state. From now on the Berserker will nearly always use "Flame Whip" only. Have Ryu to turn into a Warrior Dragon with Force + Flame. You won't need the flame spells it gives you but as "Ring Of Fire" doesn't work in dragon form you are protected from Fire Whip this way. Now you can just keep on attacking it. If everybody is protected from fire you cannot be hurt at all. When it's nearly out of HP it will cast "Berserk". Now we got an interesting situation. Cast "Influence" on the person you gave "Resist", and make that person cast "Resist" every turn (except on EX turns if you have those, of course) and we have one funny effect. Finishing him off should be easy this way :) If you defeat the Berserker you might get a Rufad's Spear. Best weapon for Garr. ============================================================================= ============================================================================= Archmage ============================================================================= My preferred party: Ryu + Momo + Garr ============================================================================= Preparations: = Be at least level 35 with your entire party = You must have the Force Gene and Thunder Gene. = A few Soul Gems may do fine = If you have the Thunder Ring, equip it on anybody but Ryu. = Have Ryu trained under Meryleep for 10+ levels. (No somebody else won't work, not even if you normally use other people for speed. Ryu must get EX turns in dragon form. That's essential). ============================================================================= Abilities: - Mind Sword = Attacks (and mostly kills) one target - Myollnir = Thunder attack on one target (lethal at the power he puts into that) - Benediction = Tries to resurrect all party members - Regeneration (auto-ability) = Gains 1500 HP at the end of each turn ============================================================================= This strategy does not guarantee success, but it's the best you have. Turn #1: Turn Ryu into a Thunder Warrior (Thunder + Force Genes) (This way you are protected from Myolnir) Turn #1 EX turn: Let Ryu cast "Focus" Turn #2: Let Ryu cast Aura Turn #2 EX Turn: Let Ryu cast Aura again Hopefully he's dead now. If not he gains 1500 HP and you can start over. If you defeat the Archmage you'll get an Holy Avenger. Ryu can wear it, but there are better ones for him. For Rei it's the best weapon he can wear. ============================================================================= BCK0000000F ============================================================================= Story Backgrounds ============================================================================= Okay, if there are any unclear parts of the story, I'll try to explain them here. SPOLIER WARNING! I make no bones on my explanations here. If you don't want your story spoiled don't read this section! Why did Myria want to destory the Brood? ============================================================================= Myria is the mother goddess of the world, the goddess of life. She creates and protects all life on the world this story takes place on. She makes sure that all life can life in prosperity under her wing. She sets out your route and you can life hapily while she takes care of everything that could harm you to put you into trouble otherwise. She is in absolute control. The Brood however was very powerful. They simply didn't need the goddess as they were a lot more powerful as other lifeforms. When abused the powers of the Brood could be used to destroy the world, or at least so the Goddess believes. Myria simply fears what she cannot control and she couldn't control the Brood. She didn't care that the Brood was actually a very gentle race despite of their big powers. Because of their powers they were beyond her control and she considered that as a threat and thus she decided to exterminate the Brood. She simply couldn't let her "children" take their own responsibility. Her sister Deis did realize that mortals can take care of their own problems without gods, and that's the reason why Deis decided take the Dragon's side in the whole fight. What's Teepo's story? ============================================================================= Teepo is a very interesting case. There's a lot I don't know here, and what the story, alas, refuses to explain properly. We do know one thing. When Balio and Sunder thought they had killed you Teepo, who's actually brood himself, must have turned into a dragon. That saved his life, but it may be likely he was afraid he'd scare the crap out of Ryu and Rei if he showed himself in dragon form. And so he ran off. As it was his dream to go to Wyndia, he probably went there. Well the kids in Wyndya told you about a robber who broke into a house and was beaten the crap out by the owner of that house. I think it's safe to assume that this robber was indeed Teepo. Teepo never knew his backgrounds, you can see in one of the next questions why that is, but Teepo must have wondered where his ability to turn into a dragon came from. Myria must have been able to penetrate his mind as he also tried with Ryu at the start of the game. At Teepo she must have been succesful and she must have guided him to Caer Xhan, that's the only way he could have gotten there. Once he arrived the goddess must have brainwashed him and so he became so obsessed with how "evil" the brood had to be. As Teepo has been brainwashed so much he couldn't listen to reason, his death became unavoidable. A sad end for what was supposed to be brothership. Where do Ryu and Teepo come from? ============================================================================= Most likely that story is the same for both boys. In Dragnier in the dream vision the Brood tell you that some woman hid themselves underground after giving birth to a child and entered a long sleep with that child, so that that child might one day awaken and give a rebirth to the power of the Brood. Where Teepo has been during that condition is unknown, and also not really relevant, it's good enough to know that he awakened somewhere in the world. As his mother might still be in sleep or even be dead he believes to be abandoned. For Ryu we know that he was hidden in Dauna mines and that he was awakened when Gary and Mogu blew up the block of crysm he was sealed in. Taking everything I said into perspective, I am pretty certain of something the game doesn't tell, but it's not likely otherwise. You may remember the big crystal dragon in Dauna Mines. It's made of Crysm. The game explains clearly that if a magic being (and thus also a dragon) dies, it turns into crysm. That makes me think that the crystal dragon in Dauna Mines is none other than Ryu's mother, or what remains of her that is. This is even backed up by the voice telling Ryu not to kill the miners at the end of the prologue part of Dauna mines. No mother would want her child to become a murderer. The dragon woman that appears after you defeated the Dragon Zombie, who claims that Ryu is a true dragon giving him the fusion gene may be the spirit of Ryu's mother (as she looks a lot like Ryu's mother in Breath of Fire II), but I'm not sure about that. Myria called Peco Yggdrassil. Is he really? ============================================================================= No! And yes! In order to undestand this you must realize how Peco came to be, but the information about that is fragmented, and you need to pay a lot of attention to come to the right conclusion about this. In fact I needed multiple playthroughs myself to figure it out. For that the activities of Palet come to light. It seems only a sidestory to put a negative light on Momo's father Repsol, but fact is that that is completely irrelevant. What is relevant is that Repsol's formula to wake somebody from the dead (as both gentlement were trying to do) was the sole purpose of the plant and the crops they grew were just experimental junk that sold well as food. The formula was based on draining the life essense of the tree of wisdom Yggdrasil, and that essence was about to be used to wake Palet's mother and Repsol's wife back from the dead. Peco was born out of a failed experiment on this matter and is thus infused with the life essence of Yggdrasil and most likely that is the very thing that enables him to follow you around. In that sense he's not Yggdrassil himself, but part of Yggdrasil is in him and thus also his wisdom. What race is Garr exactly? ============================================================================= He's human, even though his appearance doesn't look like one, and even though he's over 400 years old. When Myria decided to eradicate the Brood she needed warriors strong enough to fight them. However nobody was strong enough to face one dragon, let alone all of them. And so some warriors from Urkan Tapa received supernatural powers from her in order to fight the Brood and so they were transformed into Guardians giving them the looks you know of them. And Garr was one of them. After the Guardians were succesful in defeating the Brood they returned their powers to Myria, that didn't turn them back in their old human form, but into a statue in stead, which is the so-called "Stone Sleep". Two Guardians however did not enter the Stone Sleep. Those were Garr and Geist. Geist didn't enter the stone sleep because he ran away from battle, Garr wasn't convinced that the Brood were truly eradicated. Their supernatural powers allowed them to survive the ages. After guiding Ryu to Myria so he could find out the truth about the dragon war, and to pay back his debt he felt he had to the Brood. After that he entered the Stone Sleep as he felt his purpose complete. What does the "XXX" mean, Momo talks about as a hostage? ============================================================================= If you make Momo the hostage during the contest you can talk to her and she'll say: "Don't worry about me... You can go on without me... Even though they said they'll do xx and then xx to me, and after that they'll xxx me... I don't think they'll kill me. But wat do xx and xxx mean, anyway?" Well I don't know, you can come up with whatever you want XD Why did Garr threaten Ryu to death during the contest? ============================================================================= Because Sunder was so stupid to tell Garr that Ryu was a dragon. With that Garr gained a personal interest in Ryu which also led to Garr joining you in the group and helping you to kill Balio and Sunder. But before Garr wanted to meddle in your business he wanted to confirm if Sunder spoke the truth when he revealed to Garr that Ryu was a dragon, so Garr tried to scare him to make sure Ryu would use his dragon powers against him. That's a bit of the story behind it. I don't know if the game makers intended to get into "Game Over" if Ryu would fall down in that battle without transforming into a dragon, but it doesn't happen, but that was the meaning of all of that. If you wondered why Garr ignored you when you escaped from Fahl earlier in the game. Simply because he didn't know back then you were a dragon and thus not interesting, and he wouldn't stop some innocent kids from trying to get away from Balio and Sunder. Garr knows well enough what kind of guys they are. If Garr knew that Balio and Sunder were criminals. Why would he affiate with them? ============================================================================= I don't think he participated in the crimes Balio and Sunder committed. I only think he participated in the Contest, and possibly Garr already did so before Balio and Sunder took it over from the rightful owner (yes Balio and Sunder overruled the true leaders of the contest unjustfully). I simply think Garr needed the cash he could win with the contest. After all he was a dragonslayer out of a job as there were no more dragons. Garr may be able to survive over the ages but he still needs to eat and sleep and get some stuff to make a living. A true answer is hard to find, but as Balio and Sunder seem to be afraid of Garr, it's pretty obvious who's in charge here :) What exactly is Honey? ============================================================================= Honey is a navigator. A special mini-droid developped to open special security locks. That is Honey's true purpose, and thanks to the fact that she's a navigator she could fire up the teleporter below Wyndia and open the security lock on the door leading to Myria. They were very commonly used in Caer Xhan when it was still a blooming city. It's not know how Momo could find her, but for sure is that she's completely clueless about Honey's true purpose. Now Honey's friendship with Momo, or whatever you can call it, may have triggered some feeling in her despite the fact that she's only a hi-tech tool. She must have taken a liking to Nina as she helped her escape Wyndia castle twice. The fact that she could make Nina land softly when she fell of the balcony shows that Honey has more tricks upon her sleeve. But her prime purpose is the opening of certain security locks on some hi-tech devices. How come people use machines that wash up at Steel Beach? ============================================================================= A few things here are inconsistent. Momo speaks a lot about the Techno Age, but she's the only one, so we cannot find out if the Techno Age really existed. Especially as all machines seem to come from Caer Xhan which is a pretty far away place from Momo's perspective. Long ago Caer Xhan must have been the center of the Techno Age if it ever was a true age. They developped all kinds of machines and so they could reach the peak of civilization. But according to Myria they fought and killed each other, and so the city was left in ruins. Myria didn't want to let all that technology that brought civilization at the peak of prosperity to go to waste, but she also wanted to make sure that humans didn't find out the true secrets of technology to make sure humans wouldn't make hi-tech weapons to repeat history. That's why she took over the machine production in Caer Xhan alone, and she decided which machines were good enough for humans to use and which not. Now the game doesn't tell how the goods come past the Desert of Death, but they were brought to Kombinat some how, and there they were loaded on the big ship you know as "The Black Ship". It sails over the ocean and drops the machines before the coast so that they may wash up at Steel Beach so that the humans would fish them out of the sea, fix them up a little and use them. Is Nina in love with Ryu? ============================================================================= Clearly. Nina is the one who always jumps into Ryu's defense whenever something bad is said about dragons. Already as a kid she shows a lot of affection to Ryu, and whoever thinks children cannot fall in love is terribly mistaken. Ryu on the other hand may also be in love with Nina. I mean, take at the way he attacks in the prologue. Not daring to watch while he hits, and how scared he is when defending. All of that is gone from the very moment Nina enters the story. He clearly wants to impress her. Not to mention his bravado when he attacks Sunder at the cable lift, and how his defensive dragon powers come to life when Nina decides she would rather commit suicide than to fall in Sunder's hands. As adults Nina shows her affection to Ryu several times. If you have Nina in your party while you release Deis at Angel Tower she'll get jealous because Ryu was blushing seeing Deis all naked. The best hint may also be the fact that she asks Ryu's permission to kiss Elder Jono. Did the two ever start a serious relationship? Hard to tell as the story has an open ending. Nina's parents don't seem to like Ryu anymore since they blame him for Nina's adventures outside the castle. On the other hand, Nina is clearly not the kind of girl who let's that stop her. Come on Nina, grab that guy, I know you want to and you may even reproduce new Brood in the process. How bad can it be? :D Is it just me, or is Nina dressed differently in the manual than she is in the game? ============================================================================= Yes. This is an error of the graphics designer. Nina is supposed to have naked legs and a red short dress with red boots. The clothes she wears may just have been colored wrong. The child version of Nina is also colored wrong as she wears a pink dress ingame. Her concept arts shows her in a red one. Not a big issue, but still.... Does Ryu actually WANT to find out about the dragons? ============================================================================= This is a question that arises as Ryu ever talks during the game (in which Breath of Fire was the game that kept up non-talking main characters longest than any other series so it seems), so you never know what he thinks of all other party members say. Sometimes you start to believe they want to find out about the Brood and stuff and that they just force Ryu to go with them as he is the dragon we're talking about. When it comes to some background information (partially from the manual), we can come to the conclusion that Ryu does want to find out about the history of his people and that he travelled to meet Myria because he wanted to and not because Garr wanted him to, but you really would believe Ryu hardly cared, and that's EXACTLY why I don't like non-talking main characters. What did the Dolphin say? ============================================================================= He said: Oi! What's got your goat, laying into me like that? No worries, mate, but it's your lookout... I was just minding the sheilas, but if you want to take it outside... What's with the lighthouse, anyway? Bloody nuisance, can't get a wink wit' it shining away all night. Get rid o' it, apples it ain't. Else we might have a bit o' a barney happenin'... And this appears to be Australian for: Hey! What do you think you're doing, hitting me like that? Alright... I was just being nice because the chicks here here. If it's just you I won't hold back. What's up with the lighthouse, anyway? When it's on the light gets in my eyes and I can't sleep. Turn it off already, will ya or else I might gonna be rough with ya! TRIVIA: Now it's funny to note that the game makers made a vital mistake here. The Dolphin complains that he can't sleep becauase of the light of the lighthouse. Point is, Dolphins never sleep, if they did, they'd drown. Of course in CapCom's defense we must say that this is not a real Dolphin, so he can have characteristics that are quite different from reality. What is Gisshan talking about when you meet him in Mt. Zublo? ============================================================================= Gishan is most like connected to the Brood, however I'm not sure if he's actually Brood himself since he doesn't seem to be able to transform into a dragon. "I owe it to all who sleep in the tower", he said and with that he refers to the Brood. Many dragons that were slain by the guardians were buried in Angel Tower. "I'll avenge them all", he also said, and that too refers to the fallen dragons. "The angry voices of the dead... They call out to me". He makes it sound like the dragons want him to take revenge for them. The music that sounds when you fight him and his minions is the same to almost all boss enemies that are connected to the Brood: Dragon Zombie (dead dragon spirit), Gaist (Dragonslayer), Jono (Dragon Elder) and Arwan (spirit summoned by Teepo, who is actually Brood). I honestly don't know what Gisshan's relation to the Brood is only that his presence in Mt. Zublo is connected to the Brood. TRIVIA: His minions Scylla and Charibdis got their names adopted from the ancient Greek myth of Odyseus. In order to get home he had to get past the big sea monster Scylla. After he made it past her (getting half his crew eaten by the monster), his ship and crew was swallowed by the maelstrom Charibdis, leaving Odyseus himself as sole survivor. What happened to Ryu in Angel Tower? ============================================================================= That's a toughie and I gave that a lot of thought. What we know is that the power of the Brood is simply incredible, and maybe too incredible for a little boy to contain. More importantly, Garr may have picked the wrong spot for his attempt to murder Ryu as that spot was practially a dragon graveyard. Even though the dragons chose to be exterminated they are still angry. Many dragon spirits want to be avenged despite this choice, as they only chose that path to prevent the world from being destroyed. The angry spirits know that Ryu is the only one who can avenge them and thus they try to call out to him, but as Ryu might be the only dragon alife, he is still a little boy so and thus not strong enough to keep himself under control and unable to resist the dragon's call, and thus his powers went berserk. The Kaiser form he takes on is a dragon form he could not yet transform himself into, but it was a power he already had, sleeping inside him, and since that power was called by the dragons in the tower he lost control and disappeared. The game tells nothing at all about what happened in the time after that. We know that Garr, Nina, Momo and Peco split up from there. Nina went back to Wyndia, Momo went to the plant with Peco hoping to study him more. Garr however knew that Ryu wasn't dead and went looking for him. Of course he knew that Ryu is not a bad person, but with his dragon powers beyond his control he could still be dangerous. Not to mention Garr starts to realize he was in error in slaying dragons. That Ryu would pop up once again in Dauna mines, the place where he was most likely born may have been the doing of the spirit of his mother whose body I believe to be crystalized in there. That's where Garr found him and knocked him out so that Ryu would become his old self again. This is all a bit vague, but this may be the only way to make a few things make sense on this one. What is this "evil" the people in Urkan Tapa talk about? ============================================================================= Isn't that obvious? Nobody was allowed to know the truth about what happened 400 years ago when the Urkan Guardians killed the Brood. So the people were taught to never speak the names of Myria and the Brood, and thus it became that the Urkans refer to Myria as "God" and to the Brood as "Evil". What does Checkpoint North lead to? ============================================================================= Nothing at all, it's just a scenario hub to grant a reason why Mikba would be there. Of course storywise there must be a large country beyond it, but it's completely irrelevant. How did Deis get herself imprisoned in the form of a naked woman? ============================================================================= In a flash back you see Deis getting scolded by Gaist because she spoke ill of the God of the Urkans. His life was the key to open the seal. So it's very likely it was Gaist who imprisoned Deis. Why she was in the form of a naked woman and not in her true form is beyond me. Why would the party members follow Ryu to meet Myria? ============================================================================= We all saw Teepo accusing everybody of being selfish and wanting the power of the Brood for themselves. What reasons would people have to join you on your quest to Myria? = Nina is obvious. She's in love with Ryu and would follow him anywhere. Of course in Ryu she had a good excuse to escape her mother (and I would do too if I were in her shoes). = Garr is also obvious. He's something to make up to Ryu and he wants to know the truth about his own actions. = Rei seems Ryu as his brother, and that's worth a lot to him. He also feared his own Weretiger power. He hopes to find out why there is such terrible power in the world. = Peco embodies a part of Yggdrasil, and since Yggdrasil chose the side of the dragons in the big war, Peco wants to watch Ryu to see what he'll become, and he wants to see if Ryu can make Myria see the error of her ways. It's very likely he simply didn't speak to hide his relation to Yggdrasil. One hell of an act he put up there. = Momo is very vague on this part. The first time you meet her she simply wants to guide Nina home, why she stuck with you after that. Maybe she liked Ryu and friends and decided to tag along. It's pretty late in the story when Momo realizes that going with Ryu allows her to solve the mysteries of the machines which is her life dream. Momo didn't have much reason to tag along from the start, but as the story comes closer to Myria her goal in this quest becomes more and more an issue. Elder Jono calls Ryu "My son"... Is he really? ============================================================================= Probably not. I mean real life priests used to call their male subjects also "my son" and females "my child" or "my daughter", or at least many stories make us believe so. I think that Jono addresses Ryu in the same manner. His "Blood of my blood" could refer to blood relation, but that doesn't automatically mean he's Ryu's father. He could also be his uncle or grandfather. I rather think that "Blood of my Blood" refers to the fact that both Jono and Ryu are Brood, and thus of the same race and thus of the same kind of blood. The story does really show that the Brood consider their fellow Brood as relatives, and thus Jono may regard Ryu in the same way. Do Rei and Momo love or hate each other? ============================================================================= That's totally up to you to decide. Both seem to take every opportunity to insult each other. In the same time they do seem to care about each other deep inside which can be made out in how they express (in an insulting way) their worries about each other in the Desert of Death. There is even fan art around that suggest the two became lovers. Frankly speaking I don't know, but I don't eliminate the possibilty. It's not uncommon for a man and a woman falling in love with each other insult each other as much as possible in order to hide their true feelings (and end up getting married in the end) and the way Rei and Momo do this really puts up this suggestion. The thing that refutes this possibility is the fact that Rei is a kid when the game starts, Momo is at that point already a grown-up woman. This makes it possible Momo is a bit too old for Rei, but then again, it wouldn't be the first time a relationship is formed between two lovers with a large age difference, and then I mean one formed on true love and not the money the older one may have (and I don't see Momo being rich actually). Who knows, the game creators left this totally up to your imagination and imagination there was, as there is some fan art around in which the drawer depicted Rei and Momo as lovers. As for me... I simply don't know the intend of the game creators, but funny it is :) Are the Breath Of Fire stories interalted? ============================================================================= Nope, definitely not. Much people believe them to be so, but there are too many inconsitencies here. 1: In Breath Of Fire I, Myria (back than falsely translated into "Tyr") was the goddess of desire. She was pure evil and didn't care about the world at all. BOF3 Myria however is kind and gentle and caring, she only was afraid of the Brood and thought that exterminating them would protect the rest of the world. Both goddesses share their name but appear is completely different persons in attitude and goals. 2: In BOF3 Deis is Myria's sister. In BOF2 and BOF1 Deis (who is there called "Bleu") has no relation with the goddes. In BOF4 Deis even used to be a mortal who became a god by the use of forbidden rituals, and it hopelessly went wrong making her get stuck in the armor "Ershin". 3: The dragons themselves are also refuting the interelation. In BOF3 the dragons already lost their power. The only reason Ryu could still transform into a dragon was by praying to old Dragon temples in which the dragon spirit still lived. In BOF2 however the dragons still have their powers. In BOF3 the dragons gave up their powers in order to calm Myria, something that would never happen in BOF1 as that wouldn't calm the goddess there. In BOF4 the dragons are even in a complete other perspective as Dragons are the remains of ancient gods in that game. 4: In BOF1 the dragon village is close to Wyndia (in BOF1 wrongly translated into "Winlan") and they got there after losing their powers. In BOF3 version of that village "Dragnier" is on the other side of the world. 5: Momo talks a lot about the Techno Age. If the stories were interelated the Techno Age had to be in full glory during those games or at least a civilation that could grow into that. Not a single trace of the Techno Age can be found in either games, at least not in the scale BOF3 pretends it to be. 6: The Guardians did not appear in BOF1 and BOF2 which is very odd if it were the same timeline. 7: How could Myria end up in Caer Xhan when she was slain in BOF1? Still you see a lot of things in multiple games of BOF. Like a dragon named Ryu and a winged princess named Nina. I think Momo formulates is perfectly when you meet her as a master in BOF4. "I have the feeling that I don't belong here. Like I've fallen into a parralel dimension or something". Maybe that answer that one :) That mural in Dragnier and the title screen clearly depicts BOF1, though! ============================================================================= Indeed it does, and that should confirm the interrelation, but due to the inconsitencies mentioned above I can only say that this mural on which Ox, Nina, Bleu, Bo and Ryu from BOF1 are clearly depicted is nothing more than a cameo. BCK00000010 ============================================================================= What are they yelling? ============================================================================= This is a question asked pretty often. What are they yelling when casting a spell. The answer is easy. The Japanese name of the spell. Below I'm trying to give an overview, but please note, I don't speak Japanese at all. I just try to write down what I hear, and if you start yelling at me because I got it totally wrong your mail will be deleted and you'll be banned from mailing me. If you have a friendly mail in which you provide me the correct information, then I'd greatly appreciate it! Also note that some characters say something else than what's said here. Spell/Ability: Yell: ============== ===== Barrier Hallia Blizzard Dilegolith Bone Dart Bondapoh (Suggested they are trying to say this in English but fail). Evil Eye Evil Eye (Said in English!) Flame Strike Fleytiki Frost Detha Heal Zidihu Jolt Varum Lightning Vebbur Might Gidatza Mind Sword Maidelaflohde Pilfer Ythelaki Purify Jakoli Quake Darabridah Ragnarok Sipulkuh Rejuvenate Hapidihu Restore Stopodihu Simoon Nina Speed Hadzaadza Tsunami Tsunami Typhoon Kitana Vigor Vidulahu / Ninaskave Vitalize Vidulahu / Ninaskave Wind Strike Epeugiti As said before I don't speak Japanese, I just tried to write down what my ears told me, as well as I could. Some friends of mine know a few words. I hope they can confirm some :) END00000001 ============================================================================= Copyrights and permissions ============================================================================= This FAQ is written and copyrighted by Jeroen P. Broks (aka Tricky aka Rachel) This FAQ has not been officially authorized by the game publishers nor to any other party related this game You are allowed to: = Read, Download and use this FAQ for personal purposes = Copy it to personal friends = Print this FAQ for your own purposes = Translate this FAQ, but only with my permission! You are NOT allowed to: = Modify this FAQ. Not even one single byte = Copy portions of this FAQ and put it into your FAQ without permission = Post this FAQ on your website unless your site is listed below or I granted you permission = Sell portions of this FAQ Some requirements that have to fit if you want permission to host my work = Your site must be a game site. Fan sites will only get permission if a certain level of profesionalism is seen, which will be for me to judge. Personal websites will NOT get permission! = I'll check your site with McAfee Site Advisor. Your site must have a green mark. When your site is yellow or red I'll always deny permission. Grey sites will have to wait until they got their official rating = Your site must be free of pop-ups. The page containing the FAQ may have a top banner, but the FAQ itself MUST be free of any sort of sort of advertising. = My FAQ must be accessible free of charge and may not require membership = The FAQ may not be modified. A few top HTML tags and showing the with "pre" is allowed if it comes from a php or sort-like script = No showing my FAQ in flash or semiliar stuff. Plain text!! (Or of course in exactly the same HTML code as the HTML version of this FAQ is written in). = When I see porn on your site, my FAQ may not be there! Sites with permission to host my work: = Any site currently administrated by me = GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com = SuperCheats http://www.supercheats.com Sites banned from hosting any of my FAQs: = Neoseeker http://www.neoseeker.com These terms are appliccable for ALL versions of this FAQ unless explicitly stated otherwise in that specific version END00000002 ============================================================================= How to contact me? ============================================================================= If you want to contact me I recommend NOT to use my e-mail address. It's there because GameFAQs and other FAQ sites hosting my FAQ require it, but as with all e-mail addresses shown to the public on a website. It's completely full of spam, and I can NEVER guarantee how long it will take to read your mail, if I ever see it at all. I tend to change that adress on a regular ocasion in order to bother spammers. And thus I recommend that you go to my own website at http://faq.tbbs.nl and use the contact system the site has in place there. It will ALWAYS send your mail to an active mail address. Furthermore there are some mails that I regulary get and to which I "cba" to respond to them. Here is what I got to say if you got to tell me this: MAIL: You know nothing of [game X] REPLY: Indeed, that's why I wrote a FAQ on it! You also got something INTELLIGENT to say? MAIL: Fix your English! REPLY: If I spoke my own language you probably couldn't read it at all. MAIL: Not to be rude, but your list doesn't cover even half of what it should cover REPLY: Such mails are worthless unless you give me the items I should add. I'l even credit you for your trouble MAIL: Hadsdajdkaskldandiwjoiudaojiwoidjowaijdw! REPLY: Me not understand! I only speak English and Dutch I will accept German, but I'll reply in English MAIL: I got the best viagra for sale REPLY: If I would actually NEED that stuff, I'd go to a pharmacy! Thank you for your trouble. MAIL: Your boss strategy doesn't work, dick! REPLY: Then send me yours, dick! MAIL: Some bosses you brand hard are easy. Some gamer you are! REPLY: On paper one's always more careful than in reality! I always take so-called "noobs" in mind when I write my FAQs. MAIL: You suck in levelling up! REPLY: You need to level up? Some gamer you are!There are two things I hate. Wasting time and cheating!Constant levelling up falls in both categories in my humble opionion Okay that's the kind of mail I don't wish to get, and which I already replied to by now. I do understand that you don't agree with me on some points, or that I forgot the cover parts. I'm human, errors are as much my nature as they are yours. If you find some errors, mail me in a civil way and I will update my FAQ (when I got the time) and credit you for your trouble. That's the way I work. No need to get offensive, is there? * END OF DOCUMENT *