Ragna=the=Bloodedge - Guide Note: The wall of Xs below is purely for my formatting reference. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX [79 Charlizards] Contents: About Ragna & The Guide Updates (Self reference) Numerical Notation Explained Pros & Cons Normals Specials Distortion Drives Combos and Combo Ideas Credits Copyright About Ragna & The Guide ================== Ragna is the poster boy for Arc Sys' latest fighting game, BlazBlue. As BlazBlue is a spiritual successor to Arc Sys' legendary Guilty Gear series, Ragna is a BB amalgation of GG's Sol and Order Sol, if you haven't already noticed. They look similar, play similar, and even have very similar moves. I intend for this guide to be a constant work-in-progress. Even as I play, I'm still constantly learning new things about Raggie, and refining my opinions about old things. As such, there may likely be inaccuracies within; I'll correct them as I learn more about the game, and Ragna. This guide assumes you already know BlazBlue basics, and general fighting game terms. This guide was last updated: 8th October, 2009. Updates ======= (Note: This section is more for self reference than anything else) I've decided to add in a little updates section just for fun, so the guide can look a little more professional. Ha. Anyways, I'm adding this in as of the 8th of October, 2009, so I already missed quite a few major updates. Whatever. 8th October 2009 - Updated move properties, cleaned up the normals section. Numerical Notation Explained ===================== It has come to my attention that some new players reading the guide might not understand the numerical notation used within, which is perfectly understandable. Well, fret not! I'll cover it right here, before you even begin reading anything with numbers in it. So, what is this numerical notations I speak of? If you scroll further down for a quick look, you'll find that I list move commands like 623D, or 6A, or 3C. To understand these commands, simply look to the number pad on the right of your keyboard, or look for a picture of one on the internet. It will look something like this: 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 The key to reading the numerical notation is to simply imagine the 8-way directional input system on any fighting game control or any of the standard console controllers today, onto the number pad. So, imagine that the numbers correspond to the different directions you can press. You should form a mental image that looks something like this: 7 8 9 \ | / \ | / \ | / 4 --- 5 --- 6 / | \ / | \ / | \ 1 2 3 (I'm aware that the diagram looks like crap =/) Well, if you can get past my crappy representation, then basically: 5 is simply neutral. Meaning you do not have to push your stick/d-pad in any directions at all (so in this case your character would be standing upright). 8 is neutral up. Meaning you push up on your stick/d-pad without any left or right directions. 4 is neutral back. Meaning you push back on your stick/d-pad without jumping or crouching. 6 is neutral forward. Meaning you push forward on your stick/d-pad without jumping or crouching. 2 is neutral downward. Meaning you push forward on your stick/d-pad without jumping or crouching. So with that in mind, a 7 refers to up-back, 3 refers to down-forward, and so on and so forth. Easy enough, yeah? Don't fret if it takes you some time to read it. Constant exposure will leave you reading it like a second language in no time. Pros & Cons ========= Pros: + Easy to pick up + Isn't particularly weak in any area (except maybe against Arakune/v-13) + Bread 'n' Butter combos are really simple to perform + Chipping normals Cons: - Isn't particularly strong in any area - Can get really boring after awhile (from experience, trust me) Normals ====== [-A-] 5A - Simple standing jab. JC-able. Raggie's fastest move in terms of start up (5 franes). Also one of his best on block (-2 frames). Use this for poking purposes. [Damage: 165] 6A - Short ranged uppercut. Raggie's standard AA. 6A's hitbox isn't particularly big, but it works ok most of the time. Launches on normal or CH. JC-able, both on block and on hit. 5B combos into this. [Damage: 620] 2A - Low jab. Fast poking tool, but lacks range. It starts up slightly slower than 5A (7 frames), but has the same on block (-2 frames). Your other choice of a quick poke. Use it to punish blocked moves which don't have much recovery for the opponent. [Damage: 150] j.A - Aerial jab. Again, an expected lack of range here. However, it's fast enough (7 frames) to use as a quick air to air poke, but don't expect much. [Damage: 180] [-B-] 5B - Simple standing kick. Standard ground combo starter or relaunch starter, and also excellent to poke with given its superb range. As said earlier, 5B combos into 6A. You can 5B, 6A for relaunching off certain moves (explained more below). For the times when 6A won't connect, you can 5B into Inferno Divider to finish relaunch combos. [Damage: 640] 6B - Overhead kick. You can mix-up with this, but it's rather slow; don't rely on this mix-up too often lest you become too predictable with it. Combos into 5C, then 6C, which you can then combo into any variation of an air BnB (crouching opponents only). You can also combo into any ground BnB. [Damage: 720] 2B - Crouching kick. Combos into 3C, making it a decent and quick low poke. Also used to relaunch opponent after a 3C, by using 2B, 5C (only the 5C can be JC-ed in this case). As a low poke, can be used when you don't want to get too near for 2A. [Damage: 480] j.B - Aerial kick. While it isn't great for air to air, the strange thing is that the move's hitbox actually extends to behind Raggie, which means you can cross up with j.B. Pretty useful at times. It's also faster than j.C, so use it in situations where j.C will be too slow to combo. [Damage: 560] [-C-] 5C - A downward sword slash that, for some reason, is capable of relaunching. Shrug. Weird, but very useful move. Can relaunch after 2D, and after 2B if you've downed the opponent with 3C. Combo into Hell's Fang from this if you think 5D will whiff. Note that 5C will ONLY be JC-able on hit. [Damage: 710] 6C - Raggie pokes low with the blade, then flicks it up to launch the opponent. JC-able and DC-able both on block and on hit. You can combo into this from 6B, 5C, then DC after the second hit, but note that 5C will only combo from 6B on hit. If you don't want to DC into 6A then air combo, just end with Gauntlet Hades into Keri Age after the second hit, or Hell's Fang into Tsuika after the first hit. [Damage: 640+760] 2C - Raggie does a low horizontal swipe with his sword. Mainly used as combo filler after 5B/2B. [Damage: 780] 3C - A low sweeping kick. You can combo into this from 5B/2B/5C/2C. After 3C, either pick them off the ground with 22C into extended ground combo, or relaunch with 2B, 5C. 3C itself can be JC'ed both on block and on hit. [Damage: 720] j.C - Aerial downward slash. Ragna's best jump in. Use it from a slight range though; it can be beaten out with AAs if you're too close vertically. [Damage: 680] [-D-] Note: Ragna's Drive ability goes by the funky name of "Soul Eater". This means that all D attacks steal life on hit. AKA: Chip on block. Yep, Raggie's got chipping normals. Although they don't steal much, they can and will kill people by eating at the opponent's one pixel life. D attacks are very useful when the opponent is low on life and playing defensively. 5D - Raggie lifts the sword high, then slams it down. Usually used as a combo filler before Hell's Fang/Gauntlet Hades. You can also combo 22C after 5D if the opponent is close enough. Also, certain combos only work if you cancel the first hit of 5D into specials. In Blood Kain mode, 5D can be looped by DC-ing after the second hit. 5D is DC-able on both hits, but the timing for DC-ing the first hit is very specific. For a good visual cue, try DC-ing when his sword comes back down for the second hit. [Damage: 680+950] 6D - Raggie jumps with his back and sword toward the opponent, then he flings the sword over his shoulder for the hit. 6D is usually used off a RC'ed Hell's Fang as it comboes directly into j.D (and only j.D), and then into 5B etc etc, or you can use 6D, then j.D on an airbone opponent when he's near the ground. [Damage: 750] 2D - Raggie stabs his sword downwards. Knocks down. You can combo into this from 5C, but only on a crouching opponent. Thereafter, you can relaunch after the KD with 5C into a JC'ed air BnB or a two-rep Hell's Fang loop. While not exactly spammable, you can throw this out at times to catch an opponent off guard in a blockstring, since on hit, you're guaranteed a free air BnB. The standard air BnB will usually work, but on smaller/lighter characters, might whiff. Try using j.A or j.B to start. On CH, 2D will ground bounce the opponent, eliminating the need for a 5C relaunch. [Damage: 750] j.D - An upward slice with his sword. With a good hitbox but slow startup (13 frames), j.D is more ideal for a premeditated air to air attack rather than on reaction. On air CH, you can quickly jump up for a quick air BnB. If you combo into this from 6D, regardless of whether on hit or on block, you gain jump and air dash options equivalent to you having landed this in a single jump (since 6D's airborne movement counts as one jump). [Damage: 720] Throws ===== B+C - Lifting the opponent upwards, Raggie stabs at them with his sword. Special-cancelable after the stab. You can combo into Gauntlet Hades, Keri Age, then 5B or 5C into the appropriate followup. [Damage: 1200] 4B+C - Grabbing his prey, Raggie slams 'em down ont he floor before giving them an uppercut over his shoulder. Special-cancelable after the uppercut. You can SJC into an air BnB after this or combo into Gauntlet Hades, Keri Age, 5B etc. [Damage: 1100] j.B+C - Raggie grabs 'em mid-air, before kicking them away. Can combo into Gauntlet Hades or Inferno Divider depending on distance to wall. [Damage: 1100] Specials ====== Note: Any command special performed with the D button will life-leech on hit/block. Moves with * before their names are follow-ups; they can only be performed immediately after using the move before them. Hell's Fang [214A] - AKA Order Sol's Rock It. Straightforward dashing punch thingy. Has very good range, so you can use it as a calculated poke. At -4 frames on block, this is Raggie's second safest non BK-ed special. If blocked, you can throw out a C-Inferno Divider if you think they will try to grab you; the ID will cleanly beat out the throw due to invincibility frames. Has a follow-up in... [Damage: 730] *Tsuika [214D] - Follow-up for Hell's Fang, Raggie scoops up a handful of dark energy off and hurls it at the opponent. A standard combo ender after Hell's Fang, unless Hell's Fang is used against the wall against an airborne opponent (discussed more below). Will obviously leech life on hit/block. [Damage: 950 (Blood Kain Mode - 1150)] Inferno Divider [623C/D](Can be performed in the air) - Like any self respecting main character in a 2D fighter, Raggie has his own Dragon Punch-esque move, the Inferno Dividaaa! Unlike Sol's DP, I believe that ID has a slower startup, making it more risky to use on wake-up. The D version life-leeches on hit/block, but the C version has more combo possibilites when used off the ground. More about this below. So use the D version for combo ending, and the C for beating out grounded stuff. Interestingly, ID has a bunch of follow-ups as well, namely... [Damage (C-version): 420+460 (both ground and air)] [Damage (D-version): 440+440 (Blood Kain Mode - 720+720) (both ground and air)] *Upper [236C after ID] - Just a single upward punch, which can be followed-up with... [Damage: 310] *Yoko Fukitobashi [236C after Upper] - AKA Sol's Sidewinder. Unlike Sidewinder, Yoko will always "clean hit", or wall bounce on hit. This is the "more combo possibilities" I mentioned above; it is possible to relaunch after this, but only under specific circumstances. Read below please. [Damage: 400] -OR- *Kakato Otoshi [214C after Upper] - Downward kick after Upper, more or less identical to Sol's VV follow-up. Knocks down on hit, although probably due to game physics, Raggie will drop slower to the ground as compared to Sol after his VV follow-up. Standard air combo finisher, at any rate. You gain jump and air dash options just like you would in a single jump after this. [Damage: 480] Gauntlet Hades [214B](Can be performed in the air) - Actually, upon closer look at the mook, this move looks like an ultra fast Bandit Bringer (Raggie leaps up and punches downwards with energy, for non-GG players). Like the lovely Bringer, it hits overhead as well Use this after moves like 6C or 4B+C for extended comboing purposes, or simply as an overhead. Has a follow-up in... [Damage: 950 (Mid Air - 720)] *Keri Age [214D] - Raggie kicks upwards after Gauntlet Hades. Can be comboed into 5B, 6A when delayed. [Damage: 950 (Blood Kain Mode - 1150)] Dead Spike [214D] - Raggie swings his sword around and creates a mouth of dark energy thingy that roars at you while screaming "DEADTO SPIKAAAAAH!". The secret of Dead Spike is that it is the ONLY move in Raggie's ENTIRE arsenal that has + frames on block (+3 to be exact). Use it to end blockstrings whenever possible for frame advantage. [Damage: 700 (Blood Kain Mode - 400 x 3)] It's Not Over Yet! [22C] - Reaching downards, Raggie picks up a grounded opponent and socks 'em in the tummy, giving extended combo opportunities. 22C will only work at very close range. Interestingly, you can use this after the wallbounce off a grounded C Inferno Divider, but it's distance dependant (need to check more on this). [Damage: 800 (Blood Kain Mode - 1000+3800)] Distortion Drives ============ Carnage Scissors [632146D] - Raggie dashes at the opponent for a first hit with that sword of his, then unleashes more of his favorite dark energy thingy for a second hit. The second hit can be delayed by holding the D button, but if you hold D too long, the second hit will NOT come out at all. At any rate, Carnage Scissors has a tricky hitbox and will likely hit an opponent right above Raggie. [Damage: 1000+2100] Blood Kain [214214D] - AKA Dragon Instaaaaaall! from Sol. Enhances Raggie's normals with damage, larger hitboxes, and techable times. Raggie loses health while in Blood Kain mode. Lasts for about 10 seconds. Something interesting to note about Blood Kain, is that Ragna is completely invincible during the startup. So if you notice someone Bursting mid-combo, BK to negate their Burst and punish accordingly. Eater of The Dark [214214D in BK] - Raggie's hand changes into a red claw thingy while he grabs the opponent. He then unleashes a large amount of his dark energy thingy into them. When the Distortion ends, Raggie gains back a HUGE chunk of life, easily half life or slightly more. A vastly rewarding Distortion when you're desperate, because on hit, you've usually as good as won the match. [Damage: 6000!] Note: You'll need 100% Tension to hit Eater; 50% for BK and 50% for the Eater itself. Just thought I'd mention it. Astral Heat ======== Black Onslaught [214236C] - Following Sol and Order Sol's tradition of having really lame looking Instant Kills (or Astral Heats in this case), Raggie smacks the opponent once with his sword, stunning them, then his sword extends. He then smacks them again 6 times with the sword, then holds up the sword while it drains another 8 hits of life from them, before stabbing them in the gut (oh how original!) with the blade for a 16th, killing blow. [Damage: The mook says you die on hit. Aww.] Combos and Combo Ideas ================== Ok time to get this section going! While I'm going to post up some combos, I encourage you to explore your own combos. You're of course welcome to use these, but part of the fun of playing a fighter like BB is to explore the gatlings and work your way from there. As such, I'll try my best to explain some good gatlings to utilize. Note: I'm aware that I'll probably be repeating stuff from above, but *shrug*. - 5B will be a very standard combo starter because of it's range. 5B happily chains to 5C, which then goes into Hell's Fang + Follow-up. You can throw in a 5D in there, but only at closer ranges will a 5D connect; if you're starting it from further away, just drop the 5D to go into 214A straightaway. This is arguably Raggie's MOST basic BnB, so learn it. 'sides, it's ridiculously easy. - j.C will be your most utilized jump-in option. j.C will combo into 5B for his super easy BnB as listed above. - As far as air BnBs go, you should most often use j.C, j.D, JC, j.C, j.D as it does the highest damage. However, as air combos are usually more situational than ground combos, you can drop the second j.C, or begin with j.B/j.B, j.C instead. It's up to you to figure out which is going to work when; however, please, don't start with j.A. There's absolutely no reason to. - Relaunching may seem like a difficult concept, but it's pretty easy with Raggie. For relaunching off the ground, you only have 2B, 5C, or simply 5C alone. 2B, 5C works off a 3C, otherwise 5C will work off a 2D. Then go into any variation of the air BnB listed above. - For relaunching an aerial opponent (usually off a the wallbounce follow-up to his DP), use 5B, 6A, into any air BnB (or just 6A alone without the 5B). Alternatively, 5B into another Inferno Dividaaa! will work just fine. - 6B, being an overhead, is just begging to be used on crouching opponents. The thing with Raggie is, somehow, he's got combo options that ONLY work on crouchers, so these options will NOT combo on a standing opponent even if they look like they would. As far as 6B combos go, you really only have two variations to learn. 6B, 5C, then EITHER 6C or 2D. If you choose 6C, you DC after the second hit, run a little, then do an air BnB. You may run up and 6A them before the air BnB if you wish. If you choose 2D, then you relaunch them after the knockdown with 5C, then jump cancel and do an air BnB. Your choice, but I prefer 2D for it's easier input. 6C's DC takes some practice to get right, for some reason. If you don't wish to air BnB after the 6C you can simply do Gauntlet Hades + Follow-up. - 22C is a strange little thing on it's own. Use it after any combo into 3C, 2D, or 5D (these three options work as far as I know), then do another round of Raggie's ground BnB without any 5D. Note that you have to be close enough for 22C to work; otherwise, just relaunch using the above methods (I don't think 5D KD can relaunch though). - The C version of Inferno Divider, when used from the ground, can eventually be comboed into the wallbounce follow-up that can be relaunched with 6A/5B. If this sounds confusing, basically what I'm saying is that in most situations you cannot relaunch from the wallbounce follow-up even if you combo into it. The only situation I'm aware of currently is by beginning with a C-Inferno Divider on the ground. After that, DELAY BOTH the 236C follow-ups (Upper and the wallbouncing forward punch) for a bit. This is because, AFAIK, the opponent doesn't remain untechable for long once the punch is landed, so you want to use the wallbouncing punch as low to the ground as possible, so you can land quickly for the 6A or 5B/6A relaunch. [COMBOS] - Below are some combos you can start off with. 3C, 5D, 22C, 5B, 5C, 214A, 214D 5B, 5C, 3C, 2B, 5C, 5D, 214A, 214D 5B, 6A, 5C, 5D (1-hit), 214B, 214C, 5C, JC air combo 5B, 5C, 3C, 2B, 5C, JC air combo 4B+C, SJC air combo B+C, 214B, 214D, 5C, JC air combo CORNER - Far out 2D, 5C (for relaunch), 214A (NO FOLLOWUP), 5A, 5B, 5D/JC air combo CROUCHERS - 6B, 5C, 6C, 214B, 214D, 5B, 6A, JC air Combo CROUCHERS - 6B, 5C, 2D, 5C, JC air combo CROUCHERS - 6B, 5C, 2D, 5C, 214A, 5A, 5B, 5D, 214A, 214D. 623C, (delay), 236C, (delay), 236C, 6A, JC air combo CORNER - 6B, 5C, 6C, Blood Kain, sj.D, JC, delayed j.D, 5D, DC, 6D, j.D, JC, j.D, 623D, 236C, 214C Credits ===== - Final Ultima of DL.com for helping me identify the moves within the massive corner-only BK combo - Akane of Round1 for helping me check/confirm all move names - Edz of Round 1 for combo suggestions - Kiske of Round 1 for a whole bunch of useful move properties - The official Enterbrain mook (Arcadia Extra vol. 76) for BlazBlue, for move damages. Copyrights ======== This guide is copyrighted to the user force_edge on GameFAQs, and is currently only allowed to be posted in GameFAQs and Round1. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.