Ape Escape:On the Loose By Ryan Su i. Story ii.Characters iii.The Time Station iv.Walkthrough v.Collectibles vi.Gadgets vii.Monkey signs viii.Closing and Legal stuff ======================================== Story ======================================== A young monkey named Specter was bored of his cramped cage and the same sights everyday. One day, he discovered an old man who was taking notes from Specter's information board. But the old man had forgotten something, a shiny hat. The monkey reached out, there he grasped it, put it on, and screamed,"Finally, it is the time for the apes to rebel!" Right there, he charged at the bars of the cage. It burst open, giving the ape freedom. There, Specter ran around the amusement parks, freeing all of his fellow monkeys. "Quick! To the nearest building!" cried Specter. The nearest building just happened to be a laboratory of the man who created the helmet. The man, Professor, had been working for years on one project, the time station. Professor was a kind man, so he let two of Katie's friends (his grandaughter) be the first time travellers. He was waiting for a knock on the door, while rummaging around for his Peak Point Helmet. The Peak Point Helmet was designed for one purpose, raising the human IQ. But if put on a monkey, the results would be disastrous. He told his grandaughter to keep on searching, while he answered the door. He was expecting Spike and Buzz, his grandaughter's friends, but was surprised at the monkey army. "That's my... that's my...my hat! He's got my hat!" Professor exclaimed, as several apes rushed in, binding the Professor. Several more apes rushed in, binding Katie. Specter ran into the Time Station. Monkey's began following him. Suddenly, the door banged open. Spike and Buzz were in the doorway. "What the..Professor! Katie!" Buzz exclaimed, as he realised the situation. He ran over to free the Professor but - "No, Buzz!" the Professor warned as Buzz reached down to free him. "You'll get sucked into the vortex!" He was right. Buzz was getting sucked in, too. "Buzz! No!" Spike cried. He ran towards Buzz and reached out for him in a futile attempt to free him... "Buzz! Spike!" Katie yelled as they were both sucked into the vortex. The last monkey shrugged and leapt in too. There was a blinding flash of light and the vortex closed. Spike and Buzz are alone, trapped in time as Specter attempts to change history. Can you help them escape? =============================================== Characters =============================================== SPIKE - Sex - M. Age - 10. Height - 135cm. Weight - 32kg. Spike's hobby is mainly hanging around the Professor's laboratory to see what the Professor will come up next. When he learned the Professor had completed a time machine, he couldn't wait to see it, and maybe try it out! THE PROFESSOR - Sex - M. Age - 60. Height - 170cm. Weight - 80kg. When he was a child, he loved messing around with various gadgets. Now that he's older, he tends to a careless sometimes, leaving his experiments around for people to stumble across, such as the Peak Point Hat. He relies on Katie to make sure he doesn't get himself or others into trouble. Although he is a bit worried about Spike, he is clandestinely excited that his Time Station worked. KATIE - Sex - F. Age - 14. Height - 155cm. Weight - ?kg. Katie lives with her grandfather, the Professor and constantly tries to keep him out of trouble. She is really impatient, and is annoyed by the messes her grandfather makes, but not as much as Spike, who constantly gets in her way, but is still her friend. She is a genius with computers and both the Professor and Spike relies on her to keep the Time Station working, so that Spike and Buzz can return safely home. BUZZ/JAKE - Sex - M. Age - 10. Height - 138cm. Weight - 34kg. Spike and Buzz are friends, but that doesn't stop them from having a bit of rivalry. So it's not all surprising when they both want to be the first in the Time Station. But when Buzz tries to help the Professor, he gets sucked into the Time Vortex. Where can he be? just play the game. SPECTER - Sex - M (presumably). Age - 4 (human years). Height - 125cm. Weight - 28kg. Specter used to live in a cage at an amusement park. There, he would keep people entertained by doing tricks and doing mischief. All of that changed when he found the Professor's hat, Peak Point. Now, he is an evil ape planning to take over the world, and only Spike to stop him! =============================================== The Time Station =============================================== You will return to this area once you have cleared a stage. The Time Station is quite useful in some ways. You can load/save your game, view the Monkey Book, select a stage to enter, recap on the training and play some cool mini-games. I'll explain each one separatley. Load/save- just as the name describes, you load or save the game, just step on the red button Monkey book- view a file of all the monkey's stats Warp screen- just like a stage select, you can choose which stage you wish to play or you can do the stage in Time attack mode. Training- you can recap on the training scenario when you obtain a new gadget. =============================================== Walkthrough =============================================== Level 1: The Lost Land: Fossil Field: There are four monkeys, but you only need three to continue. All 3 can be caught with your net, except one on a cliff, who you'll have to catch when you get the propeller later in the game. Level 2: The Lost Land: Wetlands: 1st Monkey: Straight ahead over the bridge. 2nd Monkey: Then Dive in the water, and you'll see him when you pop up for air. 3rd Monkey: On the right cliff and go through the tunnel. 4th Monkey: Over the water, the opposite of the above cliff. 5th Monkey: Again, you need a propellerso get him later. He can be found on a cliff to the right before you go through the tunnel. 6th Monkey: Dive from the right cliff , and you'll go so far down you'll see the 6th monkey. Level 3: The Lost Land: Dinosaur Area: 1st Monkey: Near the waterfall 2nd Monkey: Behind the waterfall 3rd Monkey: Under the pterodactyl's eggshell. 4th Monkey: Disturb the dinosaur with the monkey on his back and he'll run towards you, causing the monkey to fall off. 5th Monkey: You'll have to come back once you get the slingshot Dart through the doorway and you'll be locked in a cage. Fire bullet at the switch to open cage, and then another at the ape riding the dinosaur. Level 4: Mysterious age: Thick Jungle: 1st Monkey: In the third wasp nest on the left. 2nd Monkey: Hanging from a tree. 3rd Monkey: Perched on a post. 4th Monkey: After rowing over to the pier, climb up the wooden post. 5th Monkey. Slap the wooden wheel with the oar to open a gate. The monkey's on the grass ahead. 6th Monkey: In the campsite at the top of the tree trunk bridge. You may have to come back later for the following, if you 't have the equipment. Then head for the door near the enterance. Use the bouncy platform to get across 7th Monkey: On the grass after the bouncy platform. Then jump in the river and swim up the tunnel without the post-markers. 8th Monkey: When trying to escape, hit him in the blimp three times with your staff. 9th Monkey: Use your slingshot to knock him from the tree to your right. 10th Monkey: Use your sky flyer to get into the cliffs. He's by the campsite. Level 5: Mysterious age: Mysterious Ruins 1: A large part of this level is blocked off unless you have the sky flyer. 1st Monkey: Waiting outside the circle. Go upstairs towards the building at the top. You'll find a brown square that drops you into water. Dive in and keep out of sight of the monkey. 2nd Monkey: Go to the bridge round the corner and sneek up on him from behind. Head back up the lift and leap across to the mainland and the big round building. 3rd Monkey: Past the little purple devils. Grab him, leap over the trapdoor and let the monkey drop you down below. 4th Monkey: On the opposite side of the moving platform. 5th Monkey: After some platforms. 6th Monkey: At the top of the slope. Bag him to get through to the main section. 7th Monkey: Waiting outside. The rest must be done once you have the sky flyer. 8th Monkey: Straight ahead 9th Monkey: Hop over the wall, with the propeller. Monkey in the middle. 10th Monkey: Working a wind generator in the big hall to the left. 11th monkey: On the thin ledge above monkey 10. 12th Monkey: At the building on the top of the floating columns. Fall off to the left of the top column. 13th Monkey: On a little platform. Level 6: Mysterious age: Mysterious Ruins 2: Leap over the barrels and push the block. 1st Monkey: Behind the gate Through the wall you can see a switch. Hit it with a pellet. Walk over the bridge which appears. Jump on the moving platform and shoot the switch to your left. 2nd Monkey: Across the next bridge. Head back and walk left over the bridge. Smack the switch on the right to open the door. 3rd Monkey: Hit the switch inside. 4th Monkey: Head back out and hit the other switch. 5th Monkey: Walk left to the cog, and hit it with your staff. The rest must be done once you have the sky flyer and RC Car. 6th Monkey: Drive the car through the gap in the green cage. Clamber up the pool across the water to the top Use the propeller to float across to the tower, for the last monkey. Level 7: Primative Ocean: Craggy Beach: Monkey's 1+2: On the beach Monkey 3: On a sun bed Monkey 4: In the Hammock Go through the enterance Monkey 5: Sitting on the other side of the bridge. Monkey 6: Over the metal bridge in a flying ship Monkey 7: Sitting on a high ledge on the other side of the bridge, so use the sky flyer You will need the dash hoop. Head through the door across the bridge and hit the wheel inside to open the door. Monkey 8: Spin the dash hoop through the croquet hoops. Level 8: Primative Ocean: Primitive Ocean: Monkey 1: Hit the monkey on the back of the shark, and catch him when he falls off. Swim through the gap on the right and hop onto the first platform and on into the beanstalks. Monkey 2: Holed up on the grass above. Jump back into the water.Go up the slope to your left and hit the wheel. Use the dash hoop to speed over the bridge and catch Monkey 3. Monkey 4: Jump back into the water to catch the swimming ape. Monkey 5: Keep on paddling straight and catch the monkey on the other side. Level 9: Primative Ocean: Garburin's Island Fire a pellet at the monster and go through the gaping mouth. Monkey 1: Up the ramp on the left. (Watch out for barrels) Jump off the ramp and through the door on the right. Whack the furry tonsil with pellets to turn on the lift. Use the lift to go to the canyon. Monkeys 2+3: Stun them with the slingshot. Standing on the switches in the opposite tunnel operates the doors, but you'll need the dash hoops to get through to bag Monkey's 4+5. Return later with the propeller and RC car. Use the propeller to get up on the ship, to find Monkey 6. Head back to the mainland and shoot through the door. Monkey 7: Round the corner. Head back into the monsters mouth. Monkey 8: Driver the car into the cube to lure it out. Monkey 9: Turn and jump into the cave. Monkey 10: Dangling from a hairy tonsil in the belly. Shoot with the slingshot. Level 10: The Ice Age: Ice Land: Monkeys 1+2: In the igloos. Spin round and jump on the pole. Monkey 3: Smash the Ice. Monkey 4: On the first mammoth. Head under the arch, up the slope and hit the big wheel at the top. Monkey 5: Jump on the lift and he's on a ledge to the right. Monkey 6: Hop back on the lift and jump to the other ledge. Come back later with the propeller Monkey 7: At the top of the Arch. Level 11: The Ice Age: Slide down the mountain: Hover over the drop. Monkeys 1+2: Sitting in a room at the table. Monkey 3: Hover to the top of the mountain. Go through the door and up the stairs and you'll see another Monkey. Monkey 4: Jump in the pool and get him. Monkey 5: On the platform to the right. Use propeller to reach. Jump down and head up the slope. Monkey 6: At the top of the slope. Take the dinghy across to the island. Monkey 7: Trying to escape on a flying ship. Shoot him down. Head over to the land on the left. Monkey 8: Same as before. Monkey 9: Across the thim walkway. Monkey 10: In a cave to the right, and you'll need to dive underwater to get him. Level 12: The Ice Age: Spa of Ape: Monkey 1: Down the gap beneath you. Monkey 2: Dive beneath the waterfall. Jump out of the water and up to the raised platforms. Hover to the top and use the dash hoop to run across the falling bridge. Monkey 3: On the other side of the falling bridge. Follow the path around. Monkey 4: Hover off the ledge on your left. At the bottom of the mountain, head through the door and kill the bears. Take firstleft and left again to get Monkey 5. Flick the switch and make two left turns for Monkey 6. Level 13: Civilisation: Wabi Sabi Temple: Monkeys 1, 2 and 3: Upstairs. Head through the door of the main building.. Monkey 4: By the table. Monkey 5: On the statue. Monkey 6: On the roof Monkey 7: Down the well. Climb up the cabinets on the right and hover to the walkways for Monkeys 8 and 9. Drop down the well again and jump across the pillars to the left until you reach the red switch. Smack it to open a hidden room with Monkey 10 in. Level 14: Civilisation: The Great Wall: Monkey 1: Use the moving platform and the first platform on your right. Follow the wall around to the door Monkeys 2,3 and 4: in the middle. Head through the double doors and hit the switch on your left with the catapault to get the lift to work. Walk round the wall at the top, double jump over the logs. Monkey 5: Drop off the tower onto the grassy platform. In the tower, hit the gong with your catapult to bag Monkey 6 in the flying ship. Hop down the hole, and down the pole for Monkey 7. Make your way back to the lift to find Monkey 8. The final one will be just outside the double doors ahead. Level 15: Civilisation: Crumbling Castle Stand by the fence near the cliff. Monkey 1: Drop off the precipice. Monkey 2: Around the corner Head up to the bridge. Go into the castle and whack the spinning tops. Monkey 3: Through the left hand door. The wheel on the left raises some pillars, so use stairs and propeller to get up. Dodge barrels by staying on right hand side, run to top of building. Monkey's 4+5: On the chandeliers, use sky flyer. Monkey 6: Behind the door Monkey 7: On the battlements Leave the castle. Monkey 8: Drop down to the grass below. Monkey's 9,10,11: Around there Go back to castle gates. Monkey 12: On the Chair Monkey's 13+14: On the Chandeliers again. Monkey 15: On the top of the fight hand staircase. Monkey 16: Use the sky flyer to get the other. Spin round and slide down to the left. Jump from halfway down will land you in a room of gibbons. Knock out the orange bird, Monkey 17: Slide down the slope to the ledge ahead. Slip down the rest of the slide and onto the bouncing platform Monkey 18 Spring up to a high platform. Dropping down leads you to the hall and a knight. Smack it 5 times. Monkey 19: In the pool Monkey 20: In a cell, flick the switch to let him out. Hop out of the water and onto the right-hand side of the wall. Leap over to the wooden platform, and jump the gap. Monkey 21: Leap the cogs, he's on the right. Continue to fight a boss. Level 16: Base of Spectre: Carion City New Gadget: RC Car Monkeys: 8/13 Spector Coins: 3 After completing the RC Car training, it's time to catch some more monkeys! Head up the steps and drive the RC through a hole in the cage to chase Monkey 1 out, then go and net him. Jump up the tree stumps to reach the cave with Monkey 2 in the boxing ring. Head to the left of the waterfall and smack the two onion men. Go under the pipe (you can't fly up there) and a large yellow robot will drop in. Avoid his rotating arms, then his laser bolt, and go and whack him with the Club. Quickly run away to avoid his arms again and keep repeating the process until you've blown him up. Now go and catch Monkey 3 just behind him - opening a hatch elsewhere. Head back past the tree stumps and up the long staircase. Drop down the hatch. Head down the stairs and kill the dividing pink creature. Don't bother trying to fly to the mesh ledge with the monkey - you can get him later. Drive the RC Car into the small cage at the far right, onto the floor switch to open the gate - at which point the monkey there will probably get away. Kill the pink creature there, then drive the RC Car into the cage to flush out Monkey 4. Catch him, then head up the steps to catch the armed Monkey 5. Continue to the top and head round to the right. Drive the RC Car up the slope, through a hole in the right fence, and down onto the floor switch. Now quickly jump up the platforms before they slide back in. Kill another pink creature, then drive the RC Car into the cage and round to the left, over a narrow bridge, to collect Spector Coin 1. Drive it onto the floor switch, then slide yourself down onto the mesh ledge (which you passed earlier) for Monkey 6. Drop down and use the RC Car to reopen the gate. Head up the steps and swim over the water to the large sewage pipe to enter it. Jump and fly over to the ledge by the cage (you can't get in there yet). Jump via a large barrel to the top of the cage for Spector Coin 2. Now slide down the slope (near the far middle) and fly off the end, onto the ledge with Monkey 7 and an Extra Life. Drop down and jump onto the lift, to take you up. Head back up to the top and fly over to the ledge by the cage. Jump and fly, via the barrels, to the next large pipe - if you fall onto the slope, just keep double-jumping and flying. Kill the pink creature, then swim/fly over to the low platform and jump up the rest to the high ledge, where there are two armed apes. Quickly net Monkey 8. Extras: Catch Monkey 9 where you caught Monkey 8. Dive down in the water there and swim through the tunnel to find Monkey 10 swimming around. Climb out and net Monkey 11 - the one you saw in the cage by the barrels. Swim back through the tunnel and head into the pipe with the sky flyer- use the Super Hoop to run past the rotating blades and smash the purple creatures. Swim to the left of the pool and fly up to the alcove with the Energy Chips. Jump outwards to fly up to the top for black-trousered Monkey 12. Drop back into the pool and swim through the hole opposite . You emerge at the top of the waterfall near the start of the level. Climb out and collect Specter Coin 3, then net Monkey 13 on the pipe - careful not to fall off! Level 17: Tool Factory Monkeys Required: 7/10 Spector Coins: 2 Go down to the tank and jump in it. Press R3 (push right stick in) to fire the cannon and blow up the striped wall behind. Then use the target view and press L3 to shoot down the flying saucer piloted by Monkey 1. Blow up the rest of the walls and the spinners, then head up the slope, blasting more spinners. Over to the left, Monkey 2 will jump into a gun turret when you approach. Just keep blasting the cannon at it to blow it up, then catch the cheeky monkey. Go past the turret and enter the sliding doors. Head up the steps and over to the opening sliding doors and go through. Ignore the monkey in the left cage and drive the RC Car around the transparent tunnel, as you walk along the top. Drive it onto the switch to make some steps appear, then jump up them and drop down the other side. Either bring the old car through, or drop by the sign and send another into the hole. Drive it over the moving ledges to the next switch, then jump up the steps to the other side. Call up a new RC Car and drive it into the next transparent tunnel and onto the first switch. Jump onto the sliding ledge which appears, then drive the car onto the second switch and run onto the second ledge to grab Spector Coin 1 (if you miss it, just drive the car back onto the switch). Sneak up the slope to catch green Monkey 3, watching out for his missiles. Put the RC Car on the floor switch to raise the gate, then go through. Return through the sliding doors and head right into the now opened doorway. Step onto the ledge and it'll start moving through the lava - move from side to side to dodge the spiked rollers. At the other end, drop down and rotate your Club on cog wheel 1, then 2 and 3. Quickly jump up the raised platforms to the top. Jump up at the Energy Chips for an Extra Life. Use the Super Hoop to quickly cross the conveyor belt, avoiding the hammers. Exit through the sliding doors. Shoot down the spaceship, then go and catch Monkey 4. Flick the lever to send the lift down, then fly down. Now hit the cog wheel to form the bridge up top - keep hitting the wheel until the lift is down, then quickly take it up and cross the bridge. Enter the sliding doors. Watch out - Monkey 5 will burst through the crates ahead, driving a missile-firing robot. Try to get behind it and hit its back with your Club. At this point it will jump and come slamming down to earth, so beware. Keep moving and, when it charges across the floor, go and hit its backside again. Eventually you'll destroy it and be able to net the dazed ape. Fly up to the large wall of crates and over to the far ledge to exit through the sliding doors. Rotate your Club to kill the spinner, then time your jump onto the semicircular ledge to avoid the first set of spikes. Move further along when the second spikes contract - keep jumping/flying like this all the way to the far side. Hit the cog wheel to drop the large pipe ahead, then jump into it. At the top, jump back onto the mesh ledge to catch Monkey 6. Jump back to the pipe, then fly to the top of the next one for Spector Coin 2. Return to the previous pipe, then jump/fly down to inside the second pipe. Use the cookie jar to replenish lost energy, then jump on the far conveyor belt. Run left (against it) and jump to the next one . Run left against it to jump to the next one. Repeat this process until you can jump to the small ledge (above a counter) with Monkey 7. Level 18: TV Tower Monkeys Required: 0/12 Spector Coins: 2 Another stage where there's no target number of monkeys, but you'll need a few to open a door. Head up the steps and through the doorway. Shoot down the blue floating security guns, then go and net Monkey 1 on the left. Go through the sliding glass doors on the far side. Shoot down another security floater, but watch out for the missile-firing Monkey 2 dropping out of the left passage. Once you've caught him (you may need to chase him round to the right), fly into that passage and hit the red button to drain the pool in the first room. Head back to the pool and drop down to enter the sliding doors. Shoot the two security floaters and follow the path round - watch out for gunfire from the ape hanging around below. Head down the slope and into the boat. Row it to the ledge with Monkey 3. He'll probably dive in the water and swim away, but if you get back in the boat he'll return. Once you've caught him (and opened the door back in the first room), paddle the boat to the tunnel and jump out. Use the Slingshot to shoot down Monkey 4 hanging around, then net him. Retrace your route up through the drained pool and enter the now opened three-monkeys door to find another tank. Get in and drive down the path, using the cannon to blow up the first two red tortoises. Drop down to the grass to capture Monkey 5. Back in the tank, drive it further along the path. At the top, blow up the two sets of grey crates to reveal a cookie jar (the red button just activates the lift back down the grass). Drive the tank up the next path and blow up the crates wall to reveal Monkey 6, who gets in a gun turret. Keep blasting it with the cannon to destroy it, then net the ape - opening the three monkeys door back down the path. Go back there and enter it. Cross over on the moving platform and you'll meet Spector and Buzz again, along with the Professor and Katie whom they've kidnapped. After the cut-scene, you're up against Spector's battlecruiser. It'll try to frazzle you with a thruster blast, so avoid getting underneath it. It'll then either fire missiles (jump/fly to avoid them) or drop a bomb (jump to avoid the shockwave). It'll then land and fire a couple of attacks: either flames or flying saucers. Stand to one side to avoid the flames; fend off the saucers by rotating your Club. When a green light is revealed on the middle of the ship, rush in with the Super Hoop to hit it. The pattern then repeats until you've hit the green light five times - note that you can also hit it when the ship swoops to drop a bomb. With his ship destroyed, Spector runs off to fight another day. Level 19: Spector Land Monkeys Required: 0/24 Spector Coins: 10 Once again, there's no target number of monkeys, but you have to catch some to open the main gates at the far end. Up behind the fountain is a cookie jar, so return there whenever you need health. Enter Western Land on the left. Use the Slingshot to shoot down Monkey 1 on the right roof, then quickly go and catch him. Shoot Monkeys 2, 3, and 4 through the opening shutters in the far building and catch them in turn. Exit and head up the steps to enter the Coaster. Head forward and down the stairs, then fly over to the right ledge. Ride the moving platform to the next ledge and down the tunnel to find Monkey 5 in the arcade. Retrace your route and head up the steps to the roller coaster. Get in and ride it along the track, jumping the barriers to avoid losing health. You can also jump for Energy Chips and an Extra Life. You need to roll over Spector Coin 1, but jump for Spector Coin 2. Get off at the end and head upstairs to find Katie trapped in a cage. Head through the doors and dodge the giant blade while whacking the spooks which appear. Go through the next doors and avoid the ghost to smash his urn. Continue straight along the path to find Monkey 6 in a cage - dash through when the door opens. Catch him, then step on the left button to create some platforms in the room through the bars. Put the RC Car on the other button and exit through the door. Return to the doors where you smashed the ghost's urn and enter the red doors on the left. Jump and fly straight up for Spector Coin 3. Jump along the platforms and through the doors. Whack the spooks and head down into the pit to catch Monkeys 7, 8, and 9 to release Katie from the cage. After the cut scene, get on the roller coaster back to the start, then exit. Enter the Specter Circus to find the Professor locked up. After the cut scene, head right and jump up all the bouncy platforms, killing the clown bombs on the ledges. Climb along the stripy poles and kill more clown bombs to find a cookie jar. Continue up more bouncy platforms to the top of the cage to find the clown boss. Avoid him running you over as you keep hitting him. He'll then start throwing bombs at you, so rotate the Club to destroy them. Keep hitting the clown when you have the chance and he'll eventually fall through the roof. Hover down to the floor and hit the clown, then jump/fly away to avoid him as he rolls. When he knocks himself out, hit him again. Repeat this process until he's defeated. After the cut scene, exit. Enter the Go Cart and go up through the arch. Buzz will attack for the third time, this time in his racing car. Unfortunately you don't get a car. Instead you have to fend off or avoid the remote control cars and missiles he fires at you. Stand on the red zone (turning it green) for a while, then Buzz will zoom towards you and smash into the side. Jump/fly to avoid him and quickly whack the green light at the back of the car. Eventually it'll blow up and the ejected Buzz will be knocked to his senses. Exit after the cut scene. Enter the now opened far gates to see another cut scene. Proceed along the path and down onto the metallic ledge. Fly right around the upper ledges to find Monkey 10. Slide down to the bottom and step on the switch to open the teleporter - jump onto its roof for Spector Coin 4 before entering. Take the lift up. Head right, collecting Spector Coin 5, and enter the right doors. As you head down the slope, a monkey will press the emergency button to start the machinery. Fly up the narrow ledges to the left of the blades. Head along the top ledge and shoot the right red button to open the hatch on the floor. Fly over for Spector Coin 6, then hover down. Drop down the opened hatch to catch Monkey 11. Head back up the slope to exit. Back outside you'll find two flying saucers have appeared. Use the Club (while standing on a podium) to knock them both down for Monkeys 12 and 13 - opening the central doors. Use the cookie jar before entering them. Head forward past the spinners and up the stairs. Head round to the left and enter the opening gate. Stand on one of the floor switches and drive the RC Car onto the other to open the next gate. Then use the Super Hoop to dash through it to the purple room. Enter the monkey's mouth and head up the slope. Go right, past the spinners, and drop down below the mesh. Head past the arches for the Extra Life and hit the cog wheel to extend the monkey eyes above! Head back through the speed arches and bounce back up. Head up the slope and fly via the eyes to the ledge. While you're here, catch Monkey 14 and use the RC Car to chase Monkey 15 out of the cage. Hit the red button to drop the forcefield back in the purple room. Head back there and up the stairs to enter the doorway. Hit the crystal for an Extra Life and head up the path to the cookie jar. Either kill the robot by hitting it repeatedly in the chest, or simply run past it. Continue past the spinners and drop down when the forcefield moves away, then up the other side. Head past the spinners and over the narrow walkway, collecting the Extra Life. Head round the red ledge, flying via the bouncy platform. Continue onwards and upwards, past another robot, lift, and conveyor belts. Jump on the blue platform to move to the green ledge and cookie jar. Head up the green path, past a robot and forcefield - collect the Extra Life below it. Bypass the spinners and robot to catch Monkey 16 on the purple ledge. Head up the gold path to exit through the doors. Get the Extra Life from the crystal and slap the spaceships. Fly up via the rollers for another Extra Life. Time your jump and flight past the spike ball, via a moving platform, to the purple ledge. Fly up to the green ledge and follow it round. Time for some more RC Car action: drive it into the transparent tunnel and onto the middle switch to raise the section. Move yourself to the left edge and drive the car onto the left switch to extend a ledge - then quickly jump and fly across. Grab and ride the moving bar (or fly over it) to the purple ledge. Head left and look up to see a button: shoot it, then quickly jump up via the sliding steps. Head over the narrow red ledge, then time your jump via the lined-up bouncy platforms. Hit either cog wheel to move the 'bat' to catch the white 'ball' platform, then quickly get on it and ride it up. Jump off at the other end and head up onto the lift. Jump off at the top and proceed towards the doorway - retreat when a green robot drops in. Shoot him from distance with explosive or triple shots. Go through the doorway and hit the red button to be transported to the next section. Drop down and kill the spinner, then get the Extra Life from the left. Head forward, riding the moving ledge to the other side. Exit through the doors, back to the first room. Turn right and go through the opened passage behind the Spector picture at the far end. Take the lift up. Grab the Extra Life from the crystal, then walk onto the lift to ride it up. Head right along the ledge and onto another lift. At the top, you'll get another cut scene with Spector before the big showdown. As soon as the target screen appears (with you in the distance), start moving to avoid the missiles. Keep running to avoid being targeted and run towards the gun at the front of the view to hit it. Watch out for when it charges up: get ready to jump and fly over the shockwave. Pick up any cookies to replenish your health and keep hitting the gun to eventually destroy it. After the cut-scene, you face Spector's giant robot. It has several different attacks to avoid. Watch out for the round drones which fire at you. Run to avoid the green shadows where the missiles will land. When it raises both its arms, jump/fly to avoid the shockwave from its thumping fists. Move to the opposite side to avoid the laser fire from its arm, then move in to hit the green light on the end of it. Repeat the same pattern, hitting the other arm. When you've hit each arm twice it'll fall off - collect any cookies left behind. When both arms are destroyed, head to either side: the torso will fire to destroy the area you're on, so get ready to fly back to the middle, then hit the green light. If the robot starts firing consecutive blasts, get in close, so can easily fly to the far side area, then to the middle. With just a few hits, the robot will explode. ======================================= Collectibles ======================================= These are all of the items that you can collect in the game: Cookies- Brown colored, and they replenish Spike's health bar. Some stages have infinite cookie-pots that you can smash with your stun club. Specter Coins- Silver colored, gather as much as you can to earn mini-games. Energy chips- Acts like coins, Triangle shaped, either hollow or filled. Filled gives you one chip, and hollow gives you 10. Collect 100 of them to gain an extra life. Monkeys- The goal of the game, chase and capture them. they look like normal apes, except with a hat on top. Their state is determined by their head lights and the color of their pants. T-shirts- Gives you one extra life. ======================================= Gadgets ======================================= In this order: location, description, and their use Stun Club Location: Starting Equipment Description: A light blue glowing stick of energy Use: Your main weapon of the game, to stun the apes as you capture them. There are some moves you can execute like the spinning attack, spin around and press the stun club -------------------------------------------------------- Time net Location: Starting Equipment Description: A glowing net Use: swing at an ape to capture it, but be careful, they can be tricky to get -------------------------------------------------------- Water net Location: Primordial Ooze stage Description: A small yellow net device Use: use it when you go underwater, to capture apes underwater, press R -------------------------------------------------------- Monkey Radar Location: Thick Jungle Stage Description: a movable radar used to detect monkeys Use: use the analog stick to point it in various directions, there will be a monkey sign over where you point it. press L to switch to the monkey camera -------------------------------------------------------- Slingshot Location: Before entering Cryptic Relics. Description: a slingshot like device that launch bullets Use: hit out-of range enemies, press x to change the type of ammo you want to use Normal- Normal bullets Flash- Sort of like normal bullets except they explode upon impact Guided- it follows the enemy around until it hit an obstacle or the enemy -------------------------------------------------------- Dash Hoop Location: Crabby Beach Description: yellow green stiped hula hoop Use: hula hoop it and you can go faster -------------------------------------------------------- Sky Flyer Location: Frosty Retreat Description: Stick with two green wings Use: rotate the analog stick to propel yourself higher and higher -------------------------------------------------------- Race Car Location: City Park Description: small car controlled by a remote control Use: sweeping monkeys down by running into them, trigger floor switches and to reach small areas -------------------------------------------------------- Magic Punch Location: received at the beginning of the first stage you try to enter after completing the Monkey Madness stage and seeing the Credits once. Description: red boxing punch on an extensible arm Use: knock down the flashing gates and blow open the glowing boxes -------------------------------------------------------- ======================================= Monkey Signs ======================================= Lights: Blue- calm and relaxed Yellow- alert, leave them to turn back to blue Red- has seen you and either run like crazy or attack you -------------------------------------------------------- Pants: Yellow- normal ape, no special abilities Light blue- cowardly, always try to run away, but can't run very fast Blue- same as Light blue, except runs faster Red- angry, and fierce, don't let them see you White- Alert, impossible to sneak up on, only capture option is to chase them around Green- Eyes like a hawk, can spot you from a distance, this is where stealth comes in Black- mean apes, armed and wear shades, they will attack as soon as they spot you. ======================================= Closing and Legal stuff ======================================= THIS FAQ IS COPYRIGHT TO RYAN SU. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED This guide can only be used on www.gamefaqs.com. If you ask nicely, I may grant you permission to use this FAQ. You can contact me at wolf_canine345@yahoo.com. Please do: use refer to this FAQ if you need help Please don't: copy any part of this FAQ without my permission I will add more to this guide when I have time, I know there are a few things missing, and I will update as soon as I get a chance I guess that's about it. *signs off*