============= P I T F A L L ============= Walkthrough v1.00 by JLV Created 29 August 2003 Full title: Pitfall! (Pitfall Harry’s Jungle Adventure) Original system: Atari 2600 Company: Activision Year: 1982 Programmer: David Crane This walkthrough may be reproduced without permission conditional upon it being done so in its entirety and without modification, whilst giving credit to the author. It was created as a result of reading other Pitfall walkthroughs available online and finding them to contain errors, inaccuracies, vagaries and ambiguities. It is based on a thorough and meticulous mapping and testing process and so confident in it am I that if anyone should find genuine logistical errors in the information provided I will send them $1000.00US. Email: jl7890@hotmail.com. --------------------- TREASURES (8 of each) --------------------- Money Bag: 2000 pts Silver Bar: 3000 pts Gold Bar: 4000 pts Diamond Ring: 5000 pts There are 255 screens in the game, meaning if you were to run in either direction and keep going aboveground (and time allowed it) you would, after 255 screens, end up back where you started from. Going through 1 underground screen is equivalent to 3 aboveground screens and every available shortcut has been taken advantage of in the method used here. Time is EXTREMELY LIMITED so best use must be made of it. This means never stopping unless necessary and generally making every second count. Tips for doing this include: - Grabbing ropes when they are there to be grabbed. - Running over closing pits even when late on the scene and jumping at the last moment to avoid death. - Whereever possible, crossing alligator pits in just one rapid sequence of moves while the mouths are closed. - Getting on and off ladders as early as possible- by holding the diagonal on the control, Harry will get on or off a ladder at the first opportunity. A perfect game will yield 114,000 pts (32 treasures + 2000 starting pts) but this is quite difficult to achieve, due mainly to contact with logs (the only other way of losing points is by falling down holes, -100). When the game is successfully completed, the clock will stop (usually with only a handful of seconds remaining) and action will simply cease. --- KEY --- R = Right (followed by number of screens to move). L = Left. Tunnel = Take ladder down. L to Exit = Left, past scorpions, taking ladder up. Continue through = Moving aboveground and keeping on going until the last of the listed treasures is gathered. ----- START ----- 1. R6 to GOLD. 2. R5 to Tunnel, L to Exit. 3. L7 to $BAG. 4. L3 to Tunnel, L to Exit. 5. R2 to RING. 6. L4 to Tunnel (beware deadend tunnel one screen early), L to exit. 7. L and continue through: $BAG RING RING GOLD GOLD 8. L6 to Tunnel, L to Exit. 9. L and continue through: $BAG GOLD SILVER RING $BAG GOLD SILVER GOLD SILVER SILVER SILVER 10. L2 to Tunnel, L to Exit. 11. R3 to $BAG. 12. L and continue through: $BAG GOLD RING RING SILVER $BAG $BAG RING SILVER SILVER RING 13. L4 to Tunnel, L to Exit. 14. R3 to GOLD. FINISH! ----------------- ALTERNATIVE ROUTE ----------------- While the above method allows for the shortest and quickest possible route through the game, there is an alternative path that may be taken at the start, the time difference between each method found to be negligible. 1. R6 to GOLD. 2. L6 to Tunnel, L to exit. 3. R1 to Tunnel, L to Exit. 4. L6 to $BAG. 5. Go to Step 4 above. --------------------- PITFALL-RELATED SITES --------------------- http://www.atariage.com/software_page.html?SoftwareLabelID=360 http://www.atariage.com/2600/archives/strategy_pitfall_map.html?SystemID=2600 http://www.atariprotos.com/2600/software/pitfall/pitfall.htm http://members.tripod.com/~PitfallHarry/ http://members.tripod.com/~PitfallHarry/PitfallManual/PitfallManual.html http://www.atariguide.com/0/032.htm