Boxing FAQ for the Atari 2600 Version 1.00 Last Updated on 5/3/03 Written & Compiled by TestaALT ================= Table of Contents ================= i. What's New I. Introduction II. Basics 2.1 - Controls 2.2 - Overview III. Strategies IV. Frequently Asked Questions V. Closing 5.1 - Credits 5.2 - Legal Disclaimer 5.3 - Contact Information ============================================================================== i. What's New ============================================================================== Version 1.00 (5/3/03): Initial version of document. ============================================================================== I. Introduction ============================================================================== Welcome to my guide on the ancient atari 2600. This guide will cover the game called Boxing which is very fun. Boxing has been done for some time now and is a gruesome sport. The two opponents meet in a ring to battle against each other with there fists. Some think of it as barbaric and some think of it as fun. Either way, the atari decided to make a game on it. And if you bought it this guide is here for you to help you. And that is my rant. ============================================================================== II. Basics ============================================================================== ============================================================================== 2.1 - Controls ============================================================================== Joystick: Move your boxer around the ring. Fire Button: Allows the boxer to extend his arm out. This is used to hit the opponent. ============================================================================== 2.2 - Overview ============================================================================== Basics ====== The Players ----------- Pathetically, the atari made one player with white and one with black. Talk about racial discrimination. But, you choose one or the other and face the computer. Or you can show what you know against your friend. Points ------ The game keeps track of each blow you and your opponent make on each other. If you hit in the head, that is. If you reach 100 the other opponent is KO'ed. If neither of you reach 100 then the person with the highest score wins. And if it is a tie then... it is a tie. Timer ----- The timer is set for two minutes. Once the time is up the opponent with the most points wins. The Boxing Ring --------------- This game has a boxing ring for the two players to fight on. This ring is square and has four corners (hence square). The boxing ring is the only place in the game you can fight and the only scenery you can see. It is green and wide enough for you and your opponent to walk around. Corners ------- The four corners of the ring. Good for trapping the opponent. Blocking -------- This game does not have a very good block technique. Hell, you don't even do anything to block. Your hands are on both sides of your body. If the opponent goes more up then down on the punch they will punch your hand. No damage is done here. Punching -------- Another basic term. In this game, you have to punch your opponent like in real boxing. What you do is press the fire button and your players arm will extend. This is how he punches. You then have to get close to the enemy without getting hit. Then press fire and you will hit your opponent. You might miss his face (which is the only target that does damage) or hit his hands (like a block). So, you need to aim well and at the same time, dodge your opponents attacks. Cornering --------- Another good tactic in this game is cornering. What you do is fight off the opponent to his side of the ring. Then you keep pressing punch why the opponent tries to get out of the corner you got him in. If you are experienced you can find the opponents pattern and right left him. Just don't be to obvious or the opponent will fight back at you! Aiming ------ Another aspect of this game is aiming for the opponents head which is the only damaging spot to hit the opponent at. Line up your fists with the opponents head and press the fire button. You will hit the opponent with luck. ============================================================================== III. Strategies ============================================================================== Cornering the opponent ---------------------- One of the most basic yet successful strategies in this game is cornering the opponent on one of the four sides of the ring. To do this, you need to gain the upper hand in the beginning of the fight. Throw random punches yet make sure the opponent does not have a good aim at your face. Then, walk up to the opponents face and punch him. The opponent will draw back. Keep doing it until you are at the side of the ring. Then, start the punches! Dictate the opponent -------------------- Another key aspect to this game is dictating what the opponent will do. How will he get out of your corner? Will he throw random punches or in some order? These are the questions you have to be thinking while playing this game. Try to look for a certain pattern like right left right left or et cetera and go with it. Break up the pattern and start the knocking away. Get your own patter going ------------------------- Patterns might be bad for the opponent, but not for you. If you do a simple pattern such as left right left right the opponent will get knocked down hard. Try to wait for the opponent to go into your aim range not you go into his. Patience is key. Block Punch ----------- Another thing that is cool about this game is the fact that you can wait for the opponent to try to hit you then punch at him. This is a very usefull technique. All that you need to do is wait for the opponent to attack. When he does, block his punch with your hands. Then, counter with your own strike. Easy yet devistating. Anti-Corner ----------- If you are in the corner and the opponent is whacking at you like you never seen him before you should stay calm and try to block his punches. Then you can either find his pattern and break it or just break the corner. Basically, wait for the opponent to punch at you. When he does, punch back at him then weasle yourself out of the corner that the opponent has put you in. First Punch ----------- When the game starts you might be able to get the first punch in. Why is this important? Well, you might start a pattern and show the opponent what you can do. Merely try to get the first punch at the beginning of the fight. Don't put your face in the enemies range. Wait for the time and punch away. Sucker Punch ------------ While you are in a pattern the enemy tends to give a sucker punch and break out of your corner. This can easiely be avoided if you block his punches. Don't think that just because you cornered him that he is going to keel over and give up! ============================================================================== IV. Frequently Asked Questions ============================================================================== Q: Your strategies are hard to pull off, anything to help make them easier? A: Practice practice practice. That is the only way. Q: I hit the opponent but I do not get a point, why? A: Because you hit him in his hands. Q: How many points until a KO? A: One Hundred. Q: How long do I have in the ring and how many round are there? A: Two minutes and only one round. Q: Do you have records for KO'ing an opponent? A: AboveAverage has compiled a topic which now had over 100 KO records. Q: Would you recommend this game to me? A: Yes, it is a heap o' fun. ============================================================================== V. Closing ============================================================================== ============================================================================== 5.1 - Credits ============================================================================== What is the Golden Rule of FAQ writing? "Provide credit where it is due." This is what Ceej says on a daily bases. It will be done here. - CJayC for creating GameFAQs. - Trace, Chad, Brian, Seth, David, and others for being great people which inspire me to write. They are also very intriguing people that make great guides. And well, I talk to them all the time. Also the FAQ Contributor Board for being a place to go to. ============================================================================== 5.2 - Legal Disclaimer ============================================================================== This document is Copyright © 2003 Andrew "TestaALT" Testa. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be reproduced or retransmitted in any form and under any circumstances without the complete consent of the author. It may not be sold, altered, or published in any way without the advance permission of the author. All sources, which have contributed to this document, are cited and/or credited in some form. The only sources you can see this document at are GameFAQs ( & IGN ( If you see this document at any other sources email me telling so as I will not allow this document to be published at any other sources. Please do not ask me, as it is very annoying. These terms have become binding once the recipient (or reader) opened this document. Violation of these terms is strictly prohibited and will result in a lawsuit. Please do not take these terms as threats and/or not read them as they are all very much true. I can sue you for an act of plagiarism and will not hesitate to do so. Thank you for reading this legal disclaimer and have a nice day! "Don't Steal, just ask!" - Breath of Fire III ============================================================================== 5.3 - Contact Information ============================================================================== This section will tell you how to contact the author regarding work that he has done. If you have a valid question my email address is I will not respond to your email if the answer can be found in this file. If the version for this guide is marked "Final" then this means that the author thinks the game is covered completely. If you have a question that cannot be found in this file do not hesitate to email me. If it is of any use for the guide it will be added in the next update. I will try my best to respond to your question. Thank you for reading this information. Did you like this guide? Rate my guide then see some of my other work at: -> <- Thank you for reading this file and have a great day! +- End of File -+