WWF WARZONE SONY PLAYSTATION TRIPLE H: HUNTER HURST HELMSLY BY J-DOG j_dog1000@hotmail.com jdog@chocobo-island.com VERSION 0.1 COPYRIGHT INFORMATION +++++++++++++ This FAQ is copyright (C) 2000 J-dog, all rights reserved. You may use this FAQ for nonprofitable and nonpromotional purposes with the condition of that I, the author of this guide, J-dog, am informed of the use. If you would like to use this FAQ for any other reason, IE profitable publishing, printing, etc. etc. you must have the expressed written permission of J-dog. I can be reached at the E- mail found at the top of this FAQ. WWF is is Copyright (C) 2000 Titan Sports, Inc. WWF Warzone is published by Acclaim. FAQ VERSION HISTORY VERSION 0.1 FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2000: Well, everything here is new. Added In something for each section, the entire FAQ is in this version unless noted in other version history entries. ++++++++++++++ THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ++++++++++++++ 1. INTRODUCTION 3. INFORMATION ON HHH 4. HHH'S COMPLETE MOVE LIST 5. A HISTORY OF HHH'S CAREER IN THE WWF 6. CONCLUSION 7. CREDITS WWF WARZONE HHH CHARACTER GUIDE WRITTEN BY J-DOG HHH IS THE GAME!!!!! ++++++++++++++ 1. INTRODUCTION ++++++++++++++ This is my first FAQ. I've tried numerous times to put one together, but It never went too well. This FAQ is a character guide for the Game, Triple H, because he is that. damn. good! This FAQ includes everything from Triple H's moves to his biography and history in the WWF. I wanted to do austin guide, but there's already one. Boohoo. Ah well, hope the FAQ helps you in whatever you need it for. If you have questions, concerns, suggestions, comments, etc. please feel free to E-mail me at the address found at the very top of this document. AND PLEASE READ THE LEGAL SECTION!!!!!! ++++++++++++++ 3. INFORMATION ON HHH ++++++++++++++ NAME: HUNTER HURST HELMSLY NICKNAME: HHH FAVORITE QUOTE 1: I AM THE GAME FAVORITE QUOTE 2: Because I am that. damn. good! FINISHING MOVE: THE PEDIGREE ORIGINALLY FROM GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT 4-time WWF CHAMPION 2-time INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION 3-time EUROPEAN CHAMPION HEIGHT: 6'4 WEIGHT: 246 LBS PERSONALITY IN GAME: HEEL PERSONALITY WHEN GAME " RELEASED: FACE CURRENT PERSONALITY: HEEL ATRIBUTES STRENGTH: 8 TOUGHNESS: 6.5 SPEED: 5 RECOVERY: 5 CHARISMA: 4.5 WWF.com biography for HHH Triple H's career took a dramatic upward swing when he enlisted the services of his female bodyguard, Chyna. The duo joined forces with Shawn Michaels to form D-Generation X and change the face of the World Wrestling Federation forever. After Shawn took time off for injuries, Triple H asserted himself as a premier superstar by taking over as leader of the faction. But one year later, Triple H went from one of the most popular superstars in the Federation to one of the most hated in a matter of seconds when he turned his back on DX and aligned himself with the Shane McMahon. Whether or not fans support Triple H, there¹s no denying that his career really took off after he left DX. Like a lead singer that leaves a band for a solo career, Triple H made a statement that he wasn¹t content merely to be a frontman. Triple H¹s actions since he went solo have not made him popular, but they have made him successful, culminating with him capturing the Federation Championship. Now, married to Stephanie McMahon, Hunter is back together with his old DX mates, more poised than ever to achieve his goals and prove that he is "The Game² ++++++++++++++ 4. THE COMPLETE MOVE LIST FOR HHH ++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ ABBREVIATIONS BLOCK = X KICK = square PUNCH = triangle tie-up = circle MOVE COMMAND ++++++++++++++ MOVES WHILE BOTH WRESTLERS ARE Standing +++++++++++++++++ OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX: left right tie-up VERTICAL SUPLEX: right down tie-up WHIP TO ROPES: right right block ARM RENCH: right right punch CLOTHESLINE: right down punch DDT: right down kick DROP TOE HOLD: down down kick HAMMERLOCK: up up triangle JAPANESE ARMDRAG: down down punch KNEEBREAKER: left up kick KNEE TO FACE: right right square NECKBREAKER: right up punch FISHERMAN'S SUPLEX: left up tie-up SLEEPER: right right tie-up INSIDE FOREARM: down punch PUNCH: right punch or left punch KICK: down kick WILD PUNCH: punch QUICK KICK: kick TIE-UP: tie-up MOVES WHILE TIED UP ++++++++++++++ OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX: lef! up kick DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX: down up punch POWERBOMB: left up tie-up FISHERMAN'S SUPLEX: right kick GUTRENCH POWERBOMB: right punch NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX: left tie-up HAMMERLOCK: kick NECKBREAKER: punch SHOULDER BREAKER: tie-up WHIP TO ROPES: block MOVES WHILE BEHIND OPPONENT ++++++++++++++ SHOULDER NECKBREAKER: right up up tie-up ATOMIC DROP: right right kick PUMP HANDLE SLAM: right right punch COBRA CLUTCH: punch MOVES WHILE STANDING AT FALLEN OPPONENT'S SIDE ++++++++++++++ FALLING HEADBUTT: down kick FISTDROP: punch LEGDROP: kick PIN: tie-up MOVES WHILE STANDING AT FALLEN OPPONENT'S HEAD ++++++++++++++ CHOKE: right down left punch ARM RENCH: right right punch REAR CHINLOCK: left right punch KNEE TO BACK: down up punch FALLING HEADBUTT: down kick FISTDROP: punch PICKUP TO STANDING: tie-up MOVES WHILE STANDING AT FALLEN OPPONENT'S FEET ++++++++++++++ FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK: right up right kick TEXAS CLOVERLEAF: down up kick STEPOVER TOE HOLD: right right kick HALF CRAB: left right kick FALLING HEADBUTT: down kick FISTDROP: punch MOVES WHILE OPPONENT IS DAZED IN CORNER ++++++++++++++ BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX: right right kick TOP ROPE DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX: right right punch TOP ROPE SUPERPLEX: right right tie-up CHOKE WITH BOOT: kick CHESTCHOP: punch CHARGING SHOULDER: tie-up MOVES WHILE OPPONENT IS RUNNING ++++++++++++++ POWERSLAM: up tie-up DROP TOEHOLD: kick BACK BODY DROP: punch CLOTHESLINE: tie-up MOVES WHILE RUNNING AT OPPONENT ++++++++++++++ RUNNING DROPKICK: kick RUNNING CLOTHESLINE: punch CROSSBODY BLOCK: tie-up MOVES WHILE RUNNING AT FALLEN OPPONENT ++++++++++++++ RUNNING FISTDROP: kick KNEEDROP: punch MOVES WHILE ON TURNBUCKLE WITH OPPONENT ON MAT ++++++++++++++ SOMERSALT SENTON: up up punch+kick DOUBLE FOOT STOMP: kick+block DRIVING ELBOW DROP: punch+tie-up KNEEDROP: punch MOVES WHILE ON TOP TURNBUCLE WITH OPPONENT STANDING ++++++++++++++ CROSS BODY PRESS: up right tie-up+block DIVING CLOTHESLINE, kick+block SHOULDER TACKLE: punch/tie-up AX HANDLE SMASH: punch MOVES WHILE OPPONENT IS ON TOP TURNBUCKLE +++++++++++++ KNOCK OFF: punch PULL OFF: tie-up ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 5. A HISTORY OF HHH'S CAREER IN THE WWF ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This section contains all of the highlights of Triple H's career starting at Wrestlemania XV. APRIL 25, 1999: Triple H defeated X-pac at WWF Backlash. MAY 23: 1999: Triple H defeats The Rock at Over the Edge. July 25, 1999: Triple H wins the Fully Loaded Strap Match to get title shot at Summerslam. August 22, 1999: Triple H loses to Mankind in the triple threat title match at Summerslam. August 23, 1999: Triple H wins the WWF title from Mankind. September 16, 1999: Vince McMahon defeats Triple H for the WWF title. September 26, 1999: Triple H wins the 6-pack Challenge to become the WWF champion. October 18, 1999: Triple H defeats Stone Cold Steve Austin to retain the WWF title. November 14, 1999: The Big Show defeats Triple H and The Rock to become the WWF champion. November 27, 1999: Stephanie McMahon and Triple H are married in secret. November 29, 1999: Triple H reveals to the world he married Stephanie. Vince is enraged. December 12, 1999: Triple H defeats Vince McMahon when Stephanie hits her father with a sledgehammer. Triple H and Steph leave together. Have I mentioned I love Steph?? January 3, 2000: Triple H defeats The Big Show to become the WWF champion. January 23, 2000: Triple H defeats Cactus Jack in a streetfight to retain the WWF title. February 27, 2000: Triple H defeats Mick Foley in a hell in the cell match to not only retain the WWF championchip but force Mick Foley, supposedly, out of retirement. April 2, 2000: Triple H defeats The Rock, The Big Show, and Mick Foley is a 4-3orners elimination match to retain the WWF title. This was the first time a heel ever won at Wrestlemania. April 30, 2000: The Rock defeats Triple H to become the WWF champion. May 21, 2000: Triple H defeats The Rock in a 60-minute Iron Man match to regain the WWF title. and Triple H is still the WWF champion today. I'll update this section of the game once every six months or is from anything new develops. ++++++++++++++ 6. CONCLUSION ++++++++++++++ WWF Warzone is a great game, and Triple H is one of the best characters I think. He uses the DX gimic with Shawn Michaels prier to Wrestlemania XIV. He was not a main eventer in the game, but he sometimes lurks around the upper IC or lower WWF title ranks in the game. He is a great character, and I'm glad he's not been done already on Gamefaqs as a character guide so I could have the pleasure of doing the gam. Why? Because he is just that. damn. good! ++++++++++++++ 7. CREDITS ++++++++++++++ Well, here we go. www.gamefaqs.com: For hosting this FAQ. The WWF: For being one of the best forms of entertainment around. WWF is King! ACCLAIM: For making the game that brought back the pro wrestling genre to life. Steve McFadden: Who inspired me to give FAQ writing one more shot. Triple H: For being the game. AND BEING SMC¹S 2ND FAVE WRESTLER! ++++++++++++++ Well, that's my first FAQ. I hope it's good. Bye all. Look for my other FAQ'S at www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3834.html -J-dog