Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 23:24:21 -0400 ************************************************************************************** Secret Moves FAQ version 1.0 These are all the moves that aren't included in the actual in game movelists for the regular characters. The key is as follows : R - Right D - Down L - Left U - Up p - Punch (Triangle Button) tu - Tie Up (Circle Button) k - Kick (Square Button) b - Block (X Button) || means 'or' (example - The Hurricanranna - R,L,U,k || L,R,U,k Positioning Keys : S - Ready position (both standing) B - Behind opponent (both standing) GF - At opponents feet, opponent on ground GH - At opponents head, opponent on ground TS - On turnbuckle, opponent standing TG - On turnbuckle, opponent on ground CF - Opponent trapped in turnbuckle, facing you CB - Opponent trapped in turnbuckle, back to you WR - Move done while running AR - Move done while opponent is running T - While tied up *F - Finishing move - Opponent has red life meter The directions are not interchangable, like in most fighting games. If it says R,L,p, it's right left punch whether you are facing right or left. Easy enough. *************************************************************** * Table of Contents * *************************************************************** 1. Triple H 2. British Bulldog 3. Bret "The Hitman" Hart 4. Owen Hart 5. Shawn Michaels 6. Headbanger Mosh 7. Headbanger Thrasher 8. Rocky Maivia 9. Faarooq 10. Ken Shamrock 11. Stone Cold Steve Austin 12. Goldust 13. Undertaker/Kane 14. Mankind 15. Ahmed Johnson 16. Finishing Moves List ************************************************************** * 1 - Triple H * ************************************************************** Figure Four Leglock - L,U,L,k || R,D,R,k (GF) Choke - L,D,R,p || R,D,L,p (GH) Neck Breaker - L,U,U,tu || R,U,U,tu (B) Powerslam Running - U,tu || D,tu (AR) Flying Body Press - U,L,(tu+b) || U,R,(tu+b) (TS, opponent facing you) Flying Moonsault - U,U,(p+k) (TG) The Pedigree - R,D,L,(p+tu) || L,D,R,(p+tu) (*F,R) ************************************************************** * 2 - The British Bulldog * ************************************************************** Gorilla Press - U,U,D,tu || D,D,U,tu (R) Hanging Suplex - D,U,U,p (R) Boston Crab - L,D,R,k (GF) Camel Clutch - L,U,R,p (GH) Top Rope Suplex - U,D,L,k || D,U,R,k (CF) Belly 2 Back Suplex - L,U,R,tu || R,U,L,tu (B) Running Crucifix - (p+tu) (WR) Powerslam Running - U,tu || D,tu (AR) Flying Moonsault - U,U,(p+k) (TG) Flying Clothesline - L,R,(tu+b) || R,L,(tu+b) (TS) Running Powerslam - D,U,D,(p+tu) (R) U,D,(tu) || D,U,(tu) (T) ************************************************************** * 3 - Bret "The Hitman" Hart * ************************************************************** Painkiller - L,U,D,p || R,D,U,P (GH) Flying Kamikaze - L,R,(p+k) || R,L,(p+k) (TG) Flying Body Press - U,L,(tu+b) || U,R,(tu+b) (TS, opponent facing you) German Suplex - L,L,U,(tu) || R,R,U,(tu) (B) Running Crucifix - (p+tu) (WR) Powerslam Running - U,tu || D,tu (AR) Sharpshooter - L,L,U,(k+b) || R,R,U,(k+p) (*F,GF) ************************************************************** * 4 - Owen Hart * ************************************************************** Hurricanranna - L,R,U,k || R,L,U,k (R or CF) Indian Deathlock - L,R,U,k || R,L,D,k (GF) Reverse STF - U,L,U,k || D,R,D,k (GF) Corner Suplex - U,R,D,p || D,L,U,p (CF) German Suplex - L,L,U,tu || R,R,U,tu (B) Running Hur. - (k+b) (WR) Shooting Star Press - U,U,(k+tu) (TG) Flying Wheel Kick - L,L,(k+tu) || R,R,(k+tu) (TS) Sunset Flip - (p+k+tu) (TS) Sharpshooter - L,L,U,(k+b) || R,R,U,(k+p) (*F,GF) ************************************************************** * 5 - Shawn Michaels * ************************************************************** Hurricanranna - L,R,U,k || R,L,U,k (R or CF) U,k || D,k (AR) (p+tu) (WR) L,U,(k+tu) || R,U,(k+tu) (TS) Figure Four Leglock - L,U,L,k || R,D,R,k (GF) Top Rope Suplex - U,D,U,tu || D,U,D,tu (CF) German Suplex - L,L,U,tu || R,R,U,tu (B) Shooting Star Press - U,U,(k+tu) (TG) Sweet Chin Music - R,D,U,(k+b) || L,D,U,(k+b) (R) ************************************************************** * 6 - Mosh * ************************************************************** Wishbone - L,U,D,k || R,D,U,k (GF) German Suplex - L,L,U,tu || R,R,U,tu (B) Hurricanranna - L,R,D,k || R,L,D,k (CF) L,R,(k+tu) || R,L,(k+tu) (TS) Sidewalk Slam - L,p || R,p (AR) Flying Moonsault - U,U,(p+k) (TG) The Mosh Pit - L,R,U,(tu+b) (*F,TS opponent facing you) ************************************************************** * 7 - Thrasher * ************************************************************** Hurricanranna - L,R,U,k || R,L,U,k (R) U,k || D,k (AR) L,U,(k+tu) || R,U,(k+tu) (TS) Boston Crab - L,D,R,k || R,D,L,k (GF) Corner Suplex - L,D,R,p (CF) Belly 2 Back Suplex - L,U,R,tu || R,U,L,tu (B) Shooting Star Press - U,U,(k+tu) (TG) The Stage Dive - L,U,U,(p+k) || R,U,U,(p+k) (*F,TG) ************************************************************** * 8 - Rocky Maivia * ************************************************************** Hurricanranna - L,R,U,k || R,L,U,k (R or CF) (p+tu) (WR) U,k || D,k (AR) Swinging DDT - L,R,U,p || R,L,U,p (R) STF - U,D,D,k || D,U,U,k (GF) Top Rope Suplex - L,U,R,p || R,U,L,p (CF) Belly 2 Back Suplex - L,U,R,tu || R,U,L,tu (B) Super Splash - L,L,(p+k) || R,R,(p+k) (TG) Flying Body Press - U,L,(tu+b) || U,R,(tu+b) (TS, opponent facing you) Rock Bottom - L,L,U,(p+tu) || R,R,U,(p+tu) (*F,R) ************************************************************** * 9 - Faarooq * ************************************************************** Body Press Slam - D,D,L,tu || D,D,R,tu (R) Choke Slam - L,L,U,p || R,R,U,p (R) Boston Crab - L,D,R,k || R,D,L,k (GF) Camel Clutch - L,U,R,p || R,U,L,p (GH) Belly 2 Back Suplex - L,U,R,tu || R,U,L,tu (B) Sidewalk Slam - L,p || R,p (AR) Flying Foot Stomp - U,L,(p+k) || U,R,(p+k) (TG) Flying Shoulder Ram - L,U,(tu+b) || R,U,(tu+b) (TS) The Dominator - U,U,U,(tu+b) (*F,R) ************************************************************** * 10 - Ken Shamrock * ************************************************************** Hurricanranna - L,R,U,k || R,L,U,k (R) U,k || D,k (AR) (p+tu) (WR) L,U,(k+tu) || R,U,(k+tu) (TS) Reverse STF - U,L,U,k || D,R,D,k (GF) Ankle Lock - L,U,R,k || R,U,L,k (GF, note - not *F) Painkiller - L,U,D,p || R,D,U,p (GH) Fuji Arm Bar - U,L,U,p || D,R,D,p (GH) Top Rope Suplex - U,D,U,tu || D,U,D,tu (CF) Belly 2 Back Suplex - L,U,R,tu || R,U,L,tu (B) Super Splash - L,L,(p+k) || R,R,(p+k) (TG) Ankle Lock Finisher - L,R,U,(k+tu) || R,L,U,(k+tu) ************************************************************** * 11 - Stone Cold Steve Austin * ************************************************************** STF - U,D,U,k || D,U,D,k (GF) Painkiller - L,U,D,p || R,D,U,p (GH) Reverse DDT - L,R,D,tu || R,L,D,tu (B) Powerslam Running - U,tu || D,tu (AR) Super Splash - L,L,(p+k) || R,R,(p+k) (TG) Flying Shoulder Ram - L,U,(tu+b) || R,U,(tu+b) (TS) Stone Cold Stunner - L,L,U,(tu+b) || R,R,U,(tu+b) (R) L,L,tu || R,R,tu (T) ************************************************************** * 12 - Goldust * ************************************************************** Crotch Headbutt - L,U,R,k || R,U,L,k (GF) Reverse DDT - L,R,D,tu || R,L,D,tu (B) Back Drop Running - U,p || D,p (AR) Flying Moonsault - U,U,(p+k) (TG) Flying Shoulder Ram - L,U,(tu+b) || R,U,(tu+b) Curtain Call - L,D,D,(tu+b) || R,D,D,(tu+b) ************************************************************ * 13 - Undertaker/Kane * ************************************************************ Leg Lock - L,R,L,k || R,L,R,k (GF) Top Rope Suplex - U,U,D,k || D,D,U,k (CF) Side Slam - L,L,U,tu || R,R,U,tu (B) Spinebuster Running - L,tu || R,tu (AR) Flying Elbow Drop - L,R,(k+tu) || R,L,(k+tu) (TG) Flying Forearm - L,R,(k+tu) || R,L,(k+tu) (TS) The Tombstone - D,D,D,(p+tu) (*F,R) D,U,tu || U,D,tu (*F,T) ************************************************************** * 14 - Mankind * ************************************************************** Indian Deathlock - L,R,U,k || R,L,U,k (GF) Side Slam - L,L,U,tu || R,R,U,tu (B) Powerslam Running - U,tu || D,tu (AR) Flying Moonsault - U,U,(p+k) (TG) Flying Forearm - U,U,(tu+b) (TS) The Mandible Claw - L,R,U,(tu+b) (R or GH) L,R,tu || R,L,tu (TU) ************************************************************** * 15 - Ahmed Johnson * ************************************************************** Wishbone - L,U,D,k || R,D,U,k (GF) Hurricanranna - L,R,D,k || R,L,D,k (CF) Pearl River Plunge - R,U,L,(k+b) || L,U,R,(k+p) (*F,R) ********************************************************************** * 16 - Finishing Move Sheet* * ********************************************************************** Triple H (Pedigree) - R,D,L,(tu+b) (R) British Bulldog (Running Powerslam) - D,U,D,(p+tu) (R) U,D,(tu) (T) Bret "The Hitman" Hart (Sharpshooter) - L,L,U,(k+b) (GF) Owen Hart (Sharpshooter) - L,L,U,(k+b) (GF) Shawn Michaels (Sweet Chin Music) - R,D,U,(k+b) (R) Mosh (The Mosh Pit) - L,R,U,(tu+b) (TS) Thrasher (The Stage Dive) - L,L,U,(p+k) (TG) Rocky Maivia (Rock Bottom) - L,L,U,(p+tu) (R) Faarooq (The Dominator) - U,U,U,(tu+b) (R) Ken Shamrock (Ankle Lock) - L,R,U,(k+tu) (GF) Stone Cold Steve Austin (Stunner) - R,R,U,(tu+b) (R) R,R,tu (T) Goldust (Curtain Call) - R,D,D,(tu+b) (B) Undertaker/Kane (Tombstone) - D,D,D,(p+tu) (R) U,D,tu (T) Mankind (Mandible Claw) - R,L,U,(tu+b) (R) R,L,U,(tu+b) (GH) R,L,tu (T) Ahmed Johnson (P. River Plunge) - R,U,L,(k+b) (R) Dude Love/C. Jack (Mandible Claw) - R,L,tu (T) R,L,U,(tu+b) (GH) (Double Arm DDT) - R,L,U,(tu+b) (R) Sue (Sharpshooter) - L,L,U,(b+k) (GF) Pit Scorpion Moveset (Sharpshooter) - L,L,U,(b+k) (GF) Collossus Moveset (Choke Slam) - D,U,D,(tu+b) (R)