======================================================================= http://www.gamefaqs.com --------------------------------- Final Version ======================================================================= __ ____ _______ \ \ / /\ \ / / ___| \ \ /\ / / \ \ /\ / /| |_ \ V V / \ V V / | _| \_/\_/ \_/\_/ |_| ____ _ _ / ___| _ __ ___ __ _ ___| | ____| | _____ ___ __ \___ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ __| |/ / _` |/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \ ___) | | | | | | (_| | (__| < (_| | (_) \ V V /| | | | |____/|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\__,_|\___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_| ____ _ _ ____ _ _ / ___|___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | ___| |_ ___ / ___|_ _(_) __| | ___ | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \ __/ _ \ | | _| | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ | |__| (_) | | | | | | |_) | | __/ || __/ | |_| | |_| | | (_| | __/ \____\___/|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|\__\___| \____|\__,_|_|\__,_|\___| |_| ============================================================================== WWF Smackdown! (PSX) ============================================================================== ******************************************************************************** WWF Smackdown! Complete Guide Final Version By: DaLadiesMan Steve Saunders http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/2134.html http://www.reviewcritique.cjb.net E-mail: webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com I have all messengers, see below for my user names on them Date: April 18, 2000 Last Updated: January 3, 2001 Number of Updates to Guide: 15 ******************************************************************************** .------------------------------------------------------------------------------. | This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Steve Saunders a.k.a. DaLadiesMan. The only | | sites allowed to use this FAQ are: | | | | 1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) | | 2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com) | | 3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com) | | 4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com) | | 5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com) | | 6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com) | | 7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com) | | 8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com) | | 9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com) | | 10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com) | | 11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts) | | 12. http://www.psxcodez.com | | 13. http://www.hype.se | | 14. http://www.supercheats.com | | 15. http://www.psxgamer.com | | 16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html) | | | | If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy. So, if you | | happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. | '------------------------------------------------------------------------------' ============================================================================== CREDITS ============================================================================== -THQ for making such a wonderful game. -Sony for publishing the game -Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully) -Me, for writing this guide. -Al Amaloo, and VG Strategies, for posting this guide (hopefully) -To all the great writers at GameFAQs -The usual suspects (you know who you are) -Red Phoenix (red_phoenix_1@hotmail.com) for making the best Smackdown! guide on the net, and letting me use it for this guide! A lot of appreciation goes out for that! I got the following things from him: Move lists for Chris Jericho, Christian, Chyna, Edge, Faarooq, Gangrel, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Mankind, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, ³Mr. Ass² Billy Gunn, Paul Bearer, Road Dogg, The Rock, Shane McMahon, Steve Blackman, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Val Venis, and Vince McMahon. I also got the Game Modes and Tips section from him. And finally, I got his copyright info, since he uses the same sites that I use :) -Double H: hhuie1@uic.edu: for letting me use the Smackdown Preseason Mode Guide for my guide. Much appreciation! -andy591: andy591@hotmail.com for letting me use his Create a Wrestler guide for my guide. Much appreciation! -Author: Andy Yang (RagnaroK) E-Mail: Quasar10@yahoo.com: for letting me use his game shark codes guide for my guide. Much appreciation! - Sephiroth X (danman42@hotmail.com) ­ For the pre season mode guide, well the 2nd one. This guide would be nothing without Red Phoenix, Double H, andy591, Sepiphorth X and Quasar10, so they are definitely awesome people! ============================================================================== UPDATE COUNTER ============================================================================== Wrestlers Move Lists Done: 36 Wrestlers Move Lists to Go: 0 Sections Done: 10 Sections to Go: 0 Percentage Done: 100 ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== I. Introduction II. My WWF Smackdown Review ***FINISHED*** III. List of Wrestlers in the Game ***FINISHED*** IV. Complete Move List for every wrestler Al Snow ***FINISHED*** Big Boss Man ***FINISHED*** Big Show ***FINISHED*** Bradshaw ***FINISHED*** Buh Buh Ray Dudley ***FINISHED*** Chris Jericho ***FINISHED*** Christian ***FINISHED*** Chyna ***FINISHED*** Debra ***FINISHED*** D'Lo Brown ***FINISHED*** D-Von Dudley ***FINISHED*** Edge ***FINISHED*** Faarooq ***FINISHED*** Gangrel* ***FINISHED*** Godfather ***FINISHED*** Hardcore Holly ***FINISHED*** Jeff Hardy ***FINISHED*** Kane ***FINISHED*** Ken Shamrock ***FINISHED*** Mankind ***FINISHED*** Mark Henry ***FINISHED*** Matt Hardy ***FINISHED*** "Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn ***FINISHED*** Paul Bearer ***FINISHED*** Road Dogg ***FINISHED*** The Rock ***FINISHED*** Shane McMahon ***FINISHED*** Steve Blackman ***FINISHED*** Stone Cold Steve Austin ***FINISHED*** Test ***FINISHED*** Tori ***FINISHED*** Triple H ***FINISHED*** The Undertaker ***FINISHED*** Val Venis ***FINISHED*** Vince McMahon ***FINISHED*** X-Pac ***FINISHED*** V. Create A Wrestler Guide and Finisher Guide ***FINISHED*** VI. Secrets ***FINISHED*** VII. King of Ring Guide ***FINISHED*** VIII. Game Modes and Tips ***FINISHED*** (provided by Red Phoenix) IX. Pre Season Mode Guide ***FINISHED*** X. Game Shark Codes ***FINISHED*** XI. Credits, My Other Works, Revision History ***FINISHED*** XII. Closing ***FINISHED*** ============================================================================== I. Introduction ============================================================================== Hello, and thanks for reading my guide to one of my favorite wrestling games, WWF Smackdown. I wrote a lot of character guides for this game, but I decided I needed a challenge, so I decided to write this complete move list to WWF Smackdown. Well, if you have any comments please email me, otherwise enjoy the guide! This guide is yet not complete, but I am slowly going to be working on it in the weeks ahead. I have finally decided to sit down and finish this guide, which means it will be undergoing a lot of changes in the future. A new format and lots of new move lists being added are just some of my plans for the future. It is almost finished now, although I have not completed it as of yet. Make sure to check the revision history for the latest updates, as well as my useless babbling about stuff that does not really matter. -----DaLadiesMan (King of the WWF Smackdown character guides) ============================================================================== REVISION HISTORY ============================================================================== Final (January 3, 2001): Well, I added the final two move lists, so the guide is done. I might go back later and fix the line break errors, but with such a huge guide, I am not guaranteeing anything. v0.9 (January 1, 2001): I added 2 more move lists, Matt Hardy and Mr. Ass Billy Gunn, so I only need to get 2 more done to finish this guide up. v0.8 (December 16, 2000): I have decided to finish updating this guide and make it final, since I am almost done with it. I got Steve Blackman¹s move list up, which means I only need four more to go before this guide is done. Expect them done within the next few days if I get motivated enough. v0.75 (October 27, 2000): Well it is my first update to this guide in twelve days so I figured I would make it count. I changed around the format of a lot of the move lists to make them easier to read, all I have to do now is add Red Phoenix¹s format to every move list in order to complete the format change. Look for me to get that done in the next update, which will probably focus on just that. I also fixed a LOT of errors and updated some wrestler biographies. Finally, I got done Mankind and Mark Henry¹s move lists and biographies. This means I have 31 wrestler move lists done and only 5 more to go. I have now completed about 88 percent of the guide. I have included a counter on the top of the guide now to keep track of how much I have done. That concludes this update. v0.7 (October 15, 2000): I am back for yet another update. I actually got more done with this then I expected. I got done another preseason mode and added a secrets section. I also got another character¹s move list done, this time it was the Road Dogg¹s move list that I got done. This means I have gotten done 29 wrestlers move lists and only have 7 more to go. I am a lot further with this then I would have ever dreamed, and I wish I could update this every day. I may update this guide tomorrow but I do not know. For now, I am about 85 percent done with the guide. I also formatted the top part of the guide and the table of contents so it doesn¹t look as messed up as it did before. v0.65 (October 11, 2000): Well folks, I am back for another update. I don¹t know when I will do my next update, but here I am with this update. I got three guides up, thanks to various writers. Thanks to the three writers who allowed me to use their guides in mine. I got game shark codes, create a wrestler, and pre season mode guides up now. I will work on some of the move lists tomorrow probably, and will probably update this guide again in a few days. For now, I need to do some schoolwork. I was going to do Shane McMahon¹s character guide now but then I realized that I needed to do this project. I may still do his move list later, though... OK, I spoke too soon. I ended up getting Shane-O- Mac¹s move list done before I went to do schoolwork. So now I have completed 28 wrestlers move lists, and only have 8 more to go. Yay! It appears that I am getting closer and closer to finishing this guide... Oh yeah, I also updated the introduction and added new information to the top of this guide. v0.6 (October 9, 2000): I am off today so I figured I would come in and do an early morning update to this guide. It is only 11:30 AM, so I still do have time to do another update later if I wanted to. Anyways, I got a total of 27 wrestlers move lists up now. I has 23, but I added the move lists for Gangrel, Kane, Ken Shamrock, and Paul Bearer. I now only have 9 more move lists to put up, so I should be done with this guide sometime within the next few days. I do not really want to do a create a wrestler guide from scratch, so I will probably ask one of the authors of a CAW guide if they will let me use theirs in my guide. Otherwise this guide will probably not feature a create-a-wrestler guide. I still need to finish this guide as soon as possible, as I have already completed my Parasite Eve guide, and it is safe to say I am getting the job done so far. v0.55 (October 8, 2000): I am back for yet another update. Know how I said I was going to watch football? Well, I was going to, then I realized that the only game on right now is absolutely stupid. I do not want to watch it, so I figured I really needed to update this guide again, so I did. I am now getting closer to finishing this guide, as I now have a total of 23 wrestlers move lists up. I had 19, but I added the move lists for Christian, Chyna, Edge, and Faarooq. As you may have seen, I have done this in a rather odd way, as all of the wrestlers in the middle when it comes to alphabetical order are not finished yet. But all of the ones from A-F and T-Z are finished. It¹s just the G-S that I need to work on. Strange, huh? Well, I will probably be back later tonight around midnight, or tomorrow afternoon to update this guide some more. I may want to add about 10 move lists tomorrow, mainly because I need to finish this guide as soon as I possibly can. v0.5 (October 8, 2000): I am back for another update. I got the Chris Jericho move list done finally, which means I am now done with 19 move lists. I am getting closer to my final goal. I also decided to update the entire format of this guide. It is not finished yet, but I am slowly getting towards updating the entire format completely, which includes the outdated format I used to use for my move lists. Wish me luck. I updated the finishers move guide and King of the Ring guides, as well. It is only 11:00 in the morning, but today is NFL football day, which means I will probably not update this guide at all for the rest of the day. I am off tomorrow though, so I will update some more tomorrow. It will probably be a pretty major update, as tomorrow will be the last time I have a good chance to update this guide. I also started working on my Smackdown 2 guide today, which means I need to finish this guide as quickly as I possibly can, so when Smackdown 2 does come out, I can concentrate on that guide, as opposed to this guide. v0.45 (October 7, 2000): I am back for another update, with some good news. Yesterday I said that I would probably be forced to lose my internet access. Well, I am now on borrowed time, as the internet here will be shut down on November 18th. So, I will be done with this guide before then. Now onto the update for today. I may work on this guide some more later but this is what I got done so far today. Thanks to Red Phoenix, I was able to get done 3 more wrestlers move lists. He gave me permission to use move lists from his guide in mine, so I decided to use them. I got done the move lists for Val Venis, Undertaker, and Vince McMahon. I also forgot to mention I had Tori¹s move list done. So the total wrestlers move lists now equals 18. I also added copyright information and a game mode/tips section, both thanks to Red Phoenix. I updated Test¹s move list, as well. Well, this is the update for now. I do have to mention something. The move lists will look weird, because some of them are done in my format, and some are done in Red Phoenix¹s format. I may go back one day and make them all look the same, but for now they will look different. V 0.4 (October 6, 2000): After a one day break, I am back. Some bad news, I am probably going to be losing my home internet access soon. So unless I find a way to send this guide from somewhere else, this may be the last posted update for a while. However, I will still update this guide, and when I get my access back I will post the final version. Now what did I update here today? Well, I added the move lists to the Big Show and Bradshaw. I am slowly getting done those move lists. I also added the updated finishers descriptions for all of the wrestlers move lists I currently have done. Total wrestlers move lists now done totals 14. V 0.35 (October 4, 2000): Thought I had forgot about this guide, eh? Sorry for the lack of updates, but I am back and ready to finish this guide. The format is still not perfect, but I am working on it. I added line art to separate the wrestlers names on the move list, I think it looks a lot better than I did before. I also updated the entire top part of the guide, you can see the added line art, new format to the information section, and the fact that the table of contents now lists every wrestler under the move list. This is simply because I want to keep track of how many wrestlers I have finished, so far I have completed the move lists for 12 wrestlers. There were 11 before, but I did the move list for Big Boss Man today. I still may add more to the guide later, but rest assured I am going to complete this guide before the end of the year, with an all new format and more! V 0.3 (May 28, 2000): Updated Smackdown review, added King of the Ring Guide. I may put off on updating this guide, since I am rather bored and overwhelmed with the concept of manking a huge guide. I may come back to work on it later, but for now I will take a little break from it. When I get some more experience in FAQ writing, I will come back and work on this guide some more. Wish me luck! V 0.2 (May 27, 2000): Added finishing move guide, am now working on some wrestlers move lists. Guide will be complete by end of summer. I hope. If it is not done by summer, it will be done one day. I promise. Really. :-) V 0.1 (April 18, 2000): First version of the guide, with several characters done. I got 10 wrestlers done, and still need to add the rest of them. Also, the format could be improved, so I will work on the format at a later update. I know this is probably never going to be the best WWF Smackdown! Guide on the internet, but I am at least going to attempt to make a decent guide. ============================================================================== II. My Smackdown Review ============================================================================== I may update this review soon enough, as it has a lot of spelling errors, and hell, it can definitely be worked on.. Well... wasn't this game hyped enough? Every time I read a magazine I heard about this new WWF game coming out for Playstation, and quite frankly I was excited. How could I not be? I am a huge WWF fan, and the game seemed so cool, what with the nice graphics and the best dang storyline mode ever. So when the fateful day (March 2nd) finally came, I was the first one in line at Target to buy it. When I got home and finally got to play the game I so anxiously awaited, I was excited about how cool the game seemed. It had a ton of modes, and the charcater enterance videos were worth the game to me right there. But I did notice after a while that the game had its flaws. The game featured a ton of modes, but the gameplay during matches wan't all there. I much preferred the gameplay in Wrestlemania 2000, because the special finishing moves were easier to pull off. Overall, WWF Smackdown! is everything that I expected, but I couldn't help but feel a little dissapointed. Graphics (8.9/10): The graphics in WWF Smackdown! are very good, especially for a wrestling game. They are definetly the best graphics I've ever seen in a Playstation wrestling game, bar none. The charcater models are superb, almost all of the wrestlers look exactly like they do on tv, with the exception of Test, who looks like his hair is all braided and stuff. Its too sad since Test is my favorite WWF wrestler, but thats life. All the other charcater models are really good though, ranging from the demonic Undertaker to the Big Red Machine Kane. The ring models are quite good as well, and I prefer the graphics to Attitude because the game does not use motion capture charcater models. This makes the gameplay move much quicker, and makes the collision detection much better. Now the punches actually look like they hit the guy instead of missing. Finally, the charcater enterances are unreal. They have them down to a T. X-Pac does his little jump, Kane raises his arm in the air and the fire shoots off, the Big Show raises his hand... its all good. Plus the charcater enterance videos are the authentic ones, and most of them are the newer ones (like the new Chyna one). Definetly worth the price of admission right there. Overall the graphics are very well done. Music/Sound (8.3/10): The music and sound are top notch which is to be expected from a CD-based console like the Playstation. The charcater enterances feature authentic theme music, which is absolutely awesome. Everything from ''No Chance'' (Vince and Shane's Music) to ''Red Power'' (Kane's music) is done perfectly. The gameplay is a different story, the music is good but there's only about 4 of the 6 tracks that I actually like. The game features no commentary whatsoever, which I actually happen to like, mainly because the commentary in all of the other wrestling games, were, shall we say, lackluster. Especially in Thunder, I still remember ''He kicked out'' Anyways, like I was saying, there's no commentary, and the music is good. There are no crowd chants but all of the other sound effects are very well done and sound very good. I like the music, the sound effects are good. The only music I really didn't like was the music that plays in story scenes. Just not my cup of tea. Overall though the music and sound effects are top notch Gameplay/Control (9.4/10): The gameplay in Smackdown! is rivaled only by WWF Wrestlemania 2000 in the fact that the moves are very easy to pull off. The collision detection is right on and the gameplay moves much faster than any other wrestling game ever seen on Playstation. The game features over 30 WWF wrestlers, but a lot of the wrestlers featured in WWF Wrestlemania 2000 are not in WWF Smackdown! The reason for all of the wrestlers from Wrestlemania 2000 not being in WWF Smackdown! is very simple and understandable: the programmers simply did not have enough space to include everyone's enterance videos, so they simply left them out instead of jsut having them enter without a video. This is also the reason that there is no commentary, there wasn't enough space to include commentary due to all the space the charcater movies took up. The gameplay in this game had an unique feature that was so very heralded, and thats the unqiue story mode. It seemed so cool, until I played it. First off, there's only one show a month. What's up with that? Also, the matches seem a little mixed up and some of the matches seem very poorly thought out (like Road Dogg vs Vince McMahon, wtf?) Also, the story scenes are nothing more than ''So and So seems focused for their match tonight against So and So'' As a matter of fact, in my story mode, I keep on getting the women's matches to be Chyna vs Tori vs Debra for some reason, and the only story scenes Im getting are ''You know, I wonder what the Dudleyz are talking about'' Even though I am Test and feuding with Billy Gunn, I shouldn;t have to worry about what the Dudley Boyz are talking about. The story mode is cool, but a little on the weird side. The create a wrestler mode is absolute filth compared to the create a wrestler mode found in other wrestling games. First off, you can only choose from a pre-selected wrestlers body. What's up with that? Also, the create a wrestler is very confusing, I just gave up after a while because there was so much options. The only thing better in Attitude than Smackdown!, in my opinion, is the create a wrestler mode. The create a wrestler mode in Attitude was a lot more user-friendly and it didn't use pre selected bodies and heads and stuff. Oh well, a game can't be perfect, right? The create a wrestler mode is terrible. So how does this game compare to other wrestling titles? Well, in my opinion its the third best wrestling game ever made. Only Wrestlemania 2000 and WWF European Rampage for the Amiga are more fun to play, in my opinion. This game I expected to be so cool turned out to be very cool, but not quite what I expected. It absolutely kills Attitude, Warzone, and In Your House, but I enjoy WWF Wrestlemania 2000 a lot more. Oh well, this game is very good and is a recommended purchase anyways. Replay Value (High): Im still playing it, trying to put every belt on the wrestlers I picked. Its taking a while, but it will be cool when I get the Hardcore Belt on Hardcore Holly, the women's belt on Tori, the IC belt on Jericho, the WWF title on Test, and the Tag Titles on Kane and Undertaker. I havent completed my goal yet, but I will be very happy when all of those wrestlers have the selected belts on them at the same time. Challenge (Medium): The only challenge really is winning all the belts, trying to create a wrestler, and trying to pick up a weapon/doing your finishing move. Overall (9.3/10): WWF Smackdown! is a very good game, but it was far from what I expected. The create a wrestler was terrible and the story mode was not as good as what I expected. Still, it is the best wrestling game on Playstation, and the charcater enterance videos are worth the 40 bucks you have to shell out, in my opinion. ============================================================================== III. List of Wrestlers In the Game ============================================================================== Al Snow Big Boss Man Big Show Bradshaw Buh Buh Ray Dudley Chris Jericho Christian Chyna Debra D'Lo Brown D-Von Dudley Edge Faarooq Gangrel* Godfather Hardcore Holly Jeff Hardy Kane Ken Shamrock Mankind Mark Henry Matt Hardy "Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn Paul Bearer Road Dogg The Rock Shane McMahon Steve Blackman Stone Cold Steve Austin Test Tori Triple H The Undertaker Val Venis Vince McMahon X-Pac *Gangrel is trademark of White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. ============================================================================== IV. Move List ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Basic Move List ============================================================================== ------------------- Facing the Opponent ------------------- Irish Whip to Ropes Circle Front Grapples Up and Circle Right and Circle Down and Circle Left and Circle Striking Attacks X Up and X Right and X Down and X Left and X ------------------------ Facing a Groggy opponent ------------------------ Stronger Grapples Up and Circle Right and Circle Down and Circle Left and Circle --------------------- Behind the Opponent --------------------- Irish Whip to Ropes Circle Rear Grapples Up and Circle Right and Circle Down and Circle Left and Circle --------------- Rope Attacks --------------- Knock Over/through Ropes X Dive through Ropes Directional Button and X Jump over Ropes Directional Button and X ----------------- Opponent on Mat ----------------- Raise Opponent-Front Circle Raise Opponent-Behind Circle and Circle Pin Opponent Down and Circle Ground Striking Attacks X Up and X Right and X Down and X Left and X UPPER BODY Ground Moves Up and Circle Right and Circle Left and Circle LOWER BODY Ground Moves Up and Circle Right and Circle Left and Circle ----------------- Top Rope attacks ----------------- OPPONENT STANDING Aerial Attacks X Left or Right and X Up or Down and X OPPONENT ON MAT Aerial Attacks X Left or Right and X Up or Down and X ------------------- Turnbuckle Moves ------------------- FACING OPPONENT Irish Whip to Ropes Circle Turnbuckle Moves Left and Circle Right and Circle Up and Circle Down and Circle BEHIND OPPONENT Irish Whip to Ropes Circle Turnbuckle Moves Left and Circle Right and Circle Up and Circle Down and Circle OPPONENT SITTING IN LOWER TURNBUCKLE Irish Whip to Ropes Circle Turnbuckle Moves Left and Circle Right and Circle Up and Circle Down and Circle Running Attack Triangle, X or Circle --------------------- Running Attacks --------------------- FACING OPPONENT Running Moves Circle Left and Circle Right and Circle Up and Circle Down and Circle Running Attacks X Left and X Right and X Up and X Down and X BEHIND OPPONENT Running Moves Circle Left and Circle Right and Circle Up and Circle Down and Circle ----------------------------------------- Running Counter Attack (Opponent Running) ----------------------------------------- Counter Attacks Circle Left and Circle Right and Circle Up and Circle Down and Circle ----------------------- Finishing Moves ----------------------- Facing Groggy opponent L1 Behind Groggy Opponent L1 Opponent in Turnbuckle L1 Opponent on Mat L1 On Top Rope L1 NOTE: Some finishing moves require your opponent to be standing or laying on the mat. For others, he needs to be in the turnbuckle, or you need to climb the top rope. When the Smackdown! Meter appears, press the L1 Button to execute your superstar's finisher. ------------------------ Special Referee Moves ------------------------ Count Out L2 (press for every count) Referee Taunts Directional Button and L2 ============================================================================== Wrestlers and their Finishers ============================================================================== NAME: Al Snow FINISHER: Snow Plow NAME: Big Boss Man FINISHER: Boss Man Slam NAME: Big Show FINISHER: Showstoppa Chokeslam NAME: Bradshaw FINISHER: Clothesline from Hell NAME: Buh Buh Ray Dudley FINISHER: Jackknife Powerbomb NAME: Chris Jericho FINISHER: Double Powerbomb NAME: Christian FINISHER: Impaler NAME: Chyna FINISHER: Pedigree NAME: Debra FINISHER: DDT NAME: D'Lo Brown FINISHER: The Lo Down NAME: D-Von Dudley FINISHER: Jackknife powerbomb NAME: Edge FINISHER: Downward Spiral NAME: Faarooq FINISHER: Dominator NAME: Gangrel* FINISHER: Inverted DDT NAME: Godfather FINISHER: Pimp Drop NAME: Hardcore Holly FINISHER: Falcon Arrow NAME: Jeff Hardy FINISHER: Senton Bomb NAME: Kane FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver NAME: Ken Shamrock FINISHER: Shamrock Ankle Lock NAME: Mankind FINISHER: Mandible Claw NAME: Mark Henry FINISHER: bearhug NAME: Matt Hardy FINISHER: Northern Lights Suplex NAME: "Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn FINISHER: Fame-Asser NAME: Paul Bearer FINISHER: DDT NAME: Road Dogg FINISHER: Pumphandle Slam NAME: The Rock FINISHER: The People's Elbow NAME: Shane McMahon FINISHER: test Diving Elbow NAME: Steve Blackman FINISHER: Fisherman Suplex NAME: Stone Cold Steve Austin FINISHER: Stone Cold Stunner NAME: Test FINISHER: Diving Powerbomb NAME: Tori FINISHER: Tori Suplex NAME: Triple H FINISHER: Pedigree NAME: The Undertaker FINISHER: Tombstone Piledriver NAME: Val Venis FINISHER: Money Shot NAME: Vince McMahon FINISHER: Mac Stunner NAME: X-Pac FINISHER: X-Factor ============================================================================== IV. Complete Move List for Every Wrestler ============================================================================== _ _ ____ / \ | | / ___| _ __ _____ __ / _ \ | | \___ \| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / / / ___ \| | ___) | | | | (_) \ V V / /_/ \_\_| |____/|_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/ ============================================================================== Wrestler Stats: Al Snow ============================================================================== Real Name: Al Snow Height: 6'0" Weight: 234 lbs. From: Lima, Ohio Finishing Move: Snow Plow Career Highlights: Hardcore Champ, Tag Champ (w/Mankind) Favorite Quote: "What does everybody want?" ============================================================================== Wrestler Bio: Al Snow ============================================================================== (bio from Prima Games) Right after, "Do you smell what the Rock is cookin?" the question World Wrestling Federation fans most like to hear has to be, "What does everybody want?" The answer of course, is Al Snow's inanimate sidekick, HEAD. There is no doubt that Al Snow and HEAD are a wildly entertaining duo, as many of their "conversations" have to be considered Federation classics, but the most disturbing thing about HEAD is that most people focus on it so much that they take the person behind it for granted. Lost in the shuffle of the euphoria that HEAD provides is the fact that Al Snow is one of the most talented Superstars on the roster. With Snow Plows, Hurracaranas off the barricade, and enough hardcore ability to fill a killer whale, Al Snow is an amazing athlete to watch. And let's not forget that Al Snow is definitely not right in the, well, head (as if carrying around a mannequin did not tell you this already). He has got no problem with fighting in a dress, beating himself over the noggin with a chair, or dragging his opponent outside to fight in a blizzard. No matter what the conditions are- a Hardcore match, a comedy routine, or a spin on the psychologist's couch - Al Snow is definetly a good person to have on your side. ============================================================================== My Two Cents: AL SNOW ============================================================================== What does everyone want? Al Snow! Al Snow has got to be one of the most popular superstars in the World Wrestling Federation, as well as being one of my most favorite. The addition of Steve Blackman and a formation of a team called "Head Cheese" has only added to Al Snow's popularity. ============================================================================== Key ============================================================================== O circle T triangle X Button X S square Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it would appear as Left, O on the move list here. ============================================================================== Moves ============================================================================== ------------------- Facing the Opponent ------------------- Irish Whip to Ropes O Scissors Sweep Down, O Scoop Slam Left, O Suplex Up, O Shoulder Breaker Right, O Snap Jab X Shuffle Side Kick Down, X Toe Kick Left, X Boss Man Uppercut Up, X Chop Right, X -------------------------- Facing the Groggy Opponent -------------------------- Jack Knife Powerbomb Down, O DDT Left, O Piledriver Up, O Hurracanarana Right, O ------------------- Behind the Opponent ------------------- Irish Whip to Ropes O Diving Reverse DDT Down, O Back Drop Left, O Reverse Brainbuster Up, O Bulldog Right, O --------------- Opponent on Mat --------------- ----------- Upper Body ----------- Raise Opponent O Mahistrol Cradle Up, O Mounted Punch Right, O Mounted Punch Left, O Angry Stomp X Elbow Drop Left, X Elbow Drop Right, X Leg Drop Down, X Leg Drop Up, X ---------- Lower Body ---------- Raise Opponent O Kick to Leg Up, O Knee Stomp Right, O Texas Cloverleaf Left, O ---------------- Turnbuckle Moves ---------------- --------------- Facing Opponent --------------- Irish Whip to Ropes O Choke Left, O or Right, O Frankensteiner Down, O or Up, O --------------- Behind Opponent --------------- Irish Whips to Rope O Super Back Drop Left, O or Right, O Super Backdrop #2 Up, O or Down, O ------------------------------------ Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle ------------------------------------ Raise Opponent O Choke Left, O or Right, O Choke #2 Up, O or Right, O Clothesline Triangle, X ------------------ Turnbuckle Attacks ------------------ ----------------- Opponent Standing ----------------- Double Axe Handle X Double Axe Handle Left, X or Right, X Double Axe Handle Down, X or Up, X --------------- Opponent on Mat --------------- Elbow Drop X Diving Moonsault Left, X or Right, X Diving Moonsault Down, X or Up, X --------------- Running Attacks --------------- Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here to do a move. ---------------- Facing Opponents ---------------- Neckbreaker O Spear Left, O or Right, O Spear Down, O or Up, O Clothesline X Shoulder Block Left, X or Right, X Shoulder Block Down, X or Up, X --------------- Behind Opponent --------------- School Boy #1 X School Boy #2 Left, X or Right, X School Boy #3 Down, X or Up, X --------------------------------------- Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running --------------------------------------- Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you. Monkey Toss O Shoulder Back Toss Left, O or Right, O Shoulder Back Toss Up, O or Down, O ============================================================================== Finisher ============================================================================== (press L1 when Smackdown meter appears) Snow Plow: One of the best (and best named) finishers in the World Wrestling Federation today. Finishing Move Name: Snow Plow Posistion to Do the Move: In Front My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9 Description of the Move: Al Snow goes for a vertical suplex then crushes the opponent with a facebuster. One of my favorite finishing moves in the game, the Snow Plow is really quite a dangerous move. ____ _ ____ __ __ | __ )(_) __ _ | __ ) ___ ___ ___ | \/ | __ _ _ __ | _ \| |/ _` | | _ \ / _ \/ __/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ | |_) | | (_| | | |_) | (_) \__ \__ \ | | | | (_| | | | | |____/|_|\__, | |____/ \___/|___/___/ |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |___/ ============================================================================== Wrestler Stats: Big Boss Man ============================================================================== Real Name: Ray Traylor Height: 6¹6² Weight: 355 lbs. From: Cobb Country, Georgia Finishing Move: Boss Man Slam Career Highlights: Tag Team Champion (4 times), Hardcore Champion (4 times) Favorite Quote: "You are gonna serve hard time!² ============================================================================== Wrestler Bio: Big Boss Man ============================================================================== (bio from Prima Games) If you want to trace the evolution of the World Wrestling Federation over the past 15 years, there is perhaps no better subject to analyze than the Big Boss Man. During his first run with the World Wrestling Federation, a much heftier Big Boss Man relied heavily on his gimmick (a ³good² cop looking to put away the ³bad guys²) to get over with the fans. When he returned to the World Wrestling Federation, a physically fit Big Boss Man knew it was going to take more than a gimmick to make it this time. Slimmed down, toned up, and much more agile, the Georgia native showed aspects of his ability that no one had ever seen before. The most obvious of these were his ³hardcore talents². When competing for, and winning, the World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Championship, the Big Boss Man took part in some of the most incredible matches the division had ever seen. With a number of healthy title reigns, the Boss Man has become one of the most successful World Wrestling Federation Hardcore Champions the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. Outside of the ring, the Boss Man displayed many new abilities as well. Developing into the consummate entertainer, the Big Boss Man had you laughing out loud as he cooked Al Snow¹s dog Pepper, but had you seething with anger during his run as Mr. McMahon¹s ³head of security². We do not know about you, but we are looking to make friends quick with anyone who is over 300 pounds, loves to get hardcore, and always carries around a nightstick. ============================================================================== My Two Cents: Big Boss Man ============================================================================== The Big Boss Man has always been an enigma in my eyes. On one hand, I respect his ability as a veteran and proven World Wrestling Federation superstar. On the other hand, I think his time has run up. Regardless, he gave many years to the World Wrestling Federation, and if the WWF has a hall of fame, they should put him in it one day. ============================================================================== Key ============================================================================== O circle T triangle X Button X S square Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it would appear as Left, O on the move list here. ============================================================================== Moves ============================================================================== ------------------- Facing the Opponent ------------------- Irish Whip to Ropes O Manhattan Drop Down, O Headlock and Punch Left, O Eye Rake Up, O Side Buster Right, O Toe Kick X Boss Man Uppercut Down, X Chop Left, X Double Axe Handle Up, X Austin Punches Right, X -------------------------- Facing the Groggy Opponent -------------------------- Jack Knife Powerbomb Down, O Rib Breaker Left, O Stomach Breaker Up, O Pendulum Backbreaker Right, O ------------------- Behind the Opponent ------------------- Irish Whip to Ropes O Atomic Drop Down, O Back Drop Left, O Sleeper Hold Up, O Diving Reverse DDT Right, O --------------- Opponent on Mat --------------- ----------- Upper Body ----------- Raise Opponent O Sleeper Hold Up, O Reverse Chinlock Right, O Camel Clutch Left, O Angry Stomp X Elbow Drop Left, X Angry Stomp Right, X Elbow Stomp Down, X Elbow Drop Up, X ---------- Lower Body ---------- Raise Opponent O Kick to Leg Up, O Toss Right, O Kick to Groin Left, O ---------------- Turnbuckle Moves ---------------- --------------- Facing Opponent --------------- Irish Whip to Ropes O Mudhole Stomping Left, O or Right, O Foot Choke Down, O or Up, O --------------- Behind Opponent --------------- Irish Whips to Rope O Super Back Drop Left, O or Right, O Super Backdrop #2 Up, O or Down, O ------------------------------------ Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle ------------------------------------ Raise Opponent O Choke Left, O or Right, O
Choke #2                            Up, O or Right, O
Shoulder Block                      Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Double Axe Handle                   Left, X or Right, X
Double Axe Handle                   Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X or Right, X
Elbow Drop                    Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker                         Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker                         Down, O or Up, O
Clothesline                         X
Back Elbow Attack                   Left, X or Right, X
Back Elbow Attack                   Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
Bulldog #1                          X
Bulldog #2                          Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog #3                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Big Boss Man Sidewalk Slam          Left, O or Right, O
Big Boss Man Sidewalk Slam          Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Big Boss Man Sidewalk Slam: I actually do not really like this move too much,
is just your average sidewalk slam. I do not condone the usage of a sidewalk
slam as a finishing maneuver.

Finishing Move Name: Boss Man Slam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: This finishing move is pretty stupid, in my
opinion. I have seen the Big Show do the same exact move a lot harder,
and use it as a setup. The Boss Man uses his as a finisher. I could
probably kick out of this move.

 ____  _         ____  _
| __ )(_) __ _  / ___|| |__   _____      __
|  _ \| |/ _` | \___ \| '_ \ / _ \ \ /\ / /
| |_) | | (_| |  ___) | | | | (_) \ V  V /
|____/|_|\__, | |____/|_| |_|\___/ \_/\_/

Wrestler Stats: Big Show
Real Name: Paul Wight
Height: 7¹4²
Weight: 500 lbs.
From: Tampa, Florida
Finishing Move: Showstopper Choke Slam
Career Highlights: Tag Champ, WWF Champ
Favorite Quote: "It¹s Showtime!²

Wrestler Bio: Big Show

(bio from Prima Games)

Although being 7¹4 and 500 pounds has many advantages (dunking a basketball
without leaving the ground, never losing your lunch to a school bully), it also
has a downside. Other than having a difficult time finding a loner ball at the
bowling alley, the problem with being so huge is that you have to figure out a
way to make all of your appearances ­ especially your first one ­ as
as your size.

Armed with the knowledge of how strong first impressions can be, World
Federation officials and the Big Show have spent many a night trying to figure
out the best way to introduce him to the fans when he finally debuted in the
Federation a little less than a year ago. And then bang! What better way to
burst onto the screen, then to burst onto the screen?

So all the Big Show did on his first night was break through the canvas, pull
himself up through the ring, and throw a Stone Cold Steve Austin fastball right
through the steel cage. Big Show did not stop there; in the coming months he
lifted the entire ring because he was having one of those days, choke slammed
the Undertaker straight to hell, and flipped a car that nearly ended Hardcore
Holly¹s days as a super heavyweight. And did we mention that he won the World
Wrestling Federation Tag Team Title and World Wrestling Federation

If the Big Show¹s first year as a World Wrestling Federation Superstar is any
indication of how the rest of his career will go, it appears he is going to
a lot of really heavy things... and win even more WWF gold in the process!

My Two Cents: Big Show
Big Show came back and shocked the world when he turned on the Undertaker and
helped Shane out. It kind of made sense, but I am sick of tired of all of the
heel and babyface turns that the Big Show is doing. It really takes away from
his overall character, because one month he is in an emotional feud with Big
Boss Man about his father dying and Boss Man not caring, and the next month he
is feuding with the Rock. Now he has completely disappeared from the WWF.
Hopefully when he comes back the WWF will keep him with one character. I am
sick of seeing him switch characters.

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Choke Toss                          Down, O
Hard Scoop Slam                     Left, O
Pendulum Backbreaker                Up, O
Side Buster                         Right, O
Chop                                X
Clothesline                         Down, X
Big Boot                            Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Body Punch                          Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Jackknife Powerbomb                 Down, O
Strong Head Butt                    Left, O
Body Press Drop                     Up, O
Bearhug                             Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Atomic Drop                         Down, O
Full Nelson Slam                    Left, O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
Turn Facing Front                   Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Camel Clutch                        Up, O
Darkness Choke                      Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X
Angry Stomp                         Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Boston Crab                         Up, O
Kick to Leg                         Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                O
Choke                              Left, O or Right, O
Mudhole Stomping                   Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke                          Up, O or Right, O
Shoulder Block                      Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Front Dropkick                      Left, X or Right, X
Front Dropkick                      Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X or Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker	                        Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker	                        Down, O or Up, O
Shoulder Block                      X
Drop Kick                          Left, X or Right, X
Drop Kick                          Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2                       Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Finishing Move Name: Show Stopper Chokeslam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: It is just another normal chokeslam basically, but the
cool thing about this move is the fact that the Big Show actually pauses for a
few seconds, choking the opponent and setting him up for the huge landing.
Better than the average chokeslam.

 ____                _     _
| __ ) _ __ __ _  __| |___| |__   __ ___      __
|  _ \| '__/ _` |/ _` / __| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / /
| |_) | | | (_| | (_| \__ \ | | | (_| |\ V  V /
|____/|_|  \__,_|\__,_|___/_| |_|\__,_| \_/\_/

Wrestler Stats: Bradshaw
Real Name: John Leyfield
Height: 6'6²
Weight: 290 lbs.
From: Texas
Finishing Move: Clothesline from Hell
Career Highlights: Tag Champ
Favorite Quote: "I need beer money!²

Wrestler Bio: Bradshaw

(bio from Prima Games)

It is no secret that throughout his illustrious World Wrestling Federation
career, Bradshaw has worn many different hats. Although his physical appearance
may have changed a bit over the past few years, the one thing that has remained
constant is that he is a definitive ass-kicker.

Try and explain the concept of sports-entertainment to one of Bradshaw¹s
opponents and he will show a dozen bumps and bruises and lumps that prove a
different theory. Never one to hide his love for getting physical, Bradshaw has
made a career of ³looking for a fight². There is no doubt that as long as he is
in the World Wrestling Federation, Bradshaw has always threatened to rip your
head off with each clothesline and tear a hole in your chest with each forearm,
but it was not until he teamed up with Faarooq that fans started getting behind

And the reason for this is simple.

Alongside Faarooq, Bradshaw spent a lot of time hanging out at bars and picking
fights with random strangers. He was finally given a forum where he could take
advantage of his above-average ability to cut a promo. Put in a setting that
familiar to him (and one that always wins fan support) ­ the bar ­ Bradshaw
had to be himself. Given that opportunity, there was no doubt the fans would
start taking notice.

After a couple of brutal pub scenes, the fans started to watch for Bradshaw
anticipation. How many bar patrons could he possibly beat up in one night?
when he stepped into the ring, there was a newfound interest ­ could he
a fellow Superstar as easily as he did the drunken locals?

As much fun as it is to watch, we all know that drunken locals are much, much,
much easier to fight than a World Wrestling Federation Superstar.

My Two Cents: Bradshaw
Bradshaw, along with Faarooq, is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters
in the World Wrestling Federation. I especially remember one Sunday Night Heat
when they had a contest to see who could bounce the members of Kaientai the
highest. It was funny, because Kaientai had bounced a check on the Acoyltes, so
the Acoytles wanted to return the favor. Bradshaw¹s constant reminder of beer
being accepted as a form of payment was also hilarious.

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Fall Away Slam                      Down, O
Hard Scoop Slam                     Left, O
Eye Rake                            Up, O
Side Buster                         Right, O
Chop                                X
Clothesline                         Down, X
Toe Kick                            Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Snap Jab                            Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Jackknife Powerbomb                 Down, O
Pendulum Back Breaker               Left, O
Rib Breaker                         Up, O
DDT                                 Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Pump Handle Drop                    Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
Full Nelson Slam                    Up, O
Bulldog                             Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Knee Smash                          Up, O
Camel Clutch                        Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp                         X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X
Angry Stomp                         Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Boston Crab                         Up, O
Leg Lock                            Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                O
Shoulder Thrusts                   Left, O or Right, O
Superplex                          Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke                          Up, O or Right, O
Power Clothesline                   Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Flying Clothesline                  Left, X or Right, X
Flying Clothesline                  Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker                         O
Spear                               Left, O or Right, O
Spear                               Down, O or Up, O
Power Clothesline                   X
Shoulder Block                      Left, X or Right, X
Shoulder Block                      Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
Bulldog                             X
Bulldog                             Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog                             Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Powerslam                           O
Powerslam                           Left, O or Right, O
Monkey Toss                         Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Finishing Move Name: Clothesline from Hell
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: On TV this move is probably the one that looks
like it hurts a lot most. In WWF Smackdown, the move really goes by too
quickly to be noticed, but it does get the job done on the opponent.

 ____        _       ____        _       ____
| __ ) _   _| |__   | __ ) _   _| |__   |  _ \ __ _ _   _
|  _ \| | | | '_ \  |  _ \| | | | '_ \  | |_) / _` | | | |
| |_) | |_| | | | | | |_) | |_| | | | | |  _ < (_| | |_| |
|____/ \__,_|_| |_| |____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_| \_\__,_|\__, |
 ____            _ _
|  _ \ _   _  __| | | ___ _   _
| | | | | | |/ _` | |/ _ \ | | |
| |_| | |_| | (_| | |  __/ |_| |
|____/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___|\__, |

Wrestler Stats: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Real Name: I dunno
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 275 lbs.
From: Dudleyville
Finishing Move: Dudley Death Drop
Career Highlights: Tag Champ
Favorite Quote: "We are the D..D...D..Dudley Boyz!"

Wrestler Bio: Buh Buh Ray Dudley

(bio from Prima Games)

Just about everyone went to school with that one kid who had the unfortunate
distinction of being "the kid who talks funny". Regardless of the speech
impediments this poor child from, life was very difficult. Not only because of
the problem, but also because this kid was usually small, shy, and weak. There
was always a bully ready to point out this kid's shortcomings...as if everyone
didn't already notice them.

Rather than waste the day hiding in the corner, Buh Buh Ray probably spent most
of his time beating the crap out of anyone stupid enough to pick on him. Maybe
it was thanx to having to constantly teach the schoolyard bully that you should
not mess with the kid with the speech impediment that Buh Buh Ray became one of
the toughest competitors in all of sports entertainment.

While competing in another promotion, Buh Buh Ray Dudley solidifed his love of
extreme fighting and getting a rise out of the crowd with some shocking
Now that he's a superstar in the World Wrestling Federation, Buh Buh has got to
take those talents and prove he belongs in the big time!	

My Two Cents: Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Let's go Dudleyz!! I must admit I did not like the whole Dudleyz thing when
first came to the WWF but now they are one of my favorite tag teams! I really
liked them as heels, but they are still pretty cool as bad ass babyfaces, which
is what they have become as of late. Which is pretty neat, because they are way
over as babyfaces, especially when Buh Buh Ray tells D¹Von to ³get the table!²

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Eye Rake                            Down, O
Scoop Slam                          Left, O
Manhattan Drop                      Up, O
Belly to Black Flip                 Right, O
Body Punch                          X
Clothesline                         Down, X
Toe Kick                            Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Overhand Punch                      Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Piledriver                          Down, O
DDT                                 Left, O
Body Press Slam                     Up, O
Bearhug                             Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Back Side Slam                      Down, O
Bulldog                             Left, O
Pumphandle Slam                     Up, O
Back Drop                           Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
Knee Smash                          Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X
Elbow Drop                          Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Toss                                Up, O
Leg Lock                            Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Super Plex                          Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Choke #2                            Up, O or Right, O
Clothesline                         Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Front Dropkick                      X
Double Axe Handle                   Left, X or Right, X
Double Axe Handle                   Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X or Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker                         Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker                         Down, O or Up, O
Clothesline                         X
Shoulder Block                      Left, X or Right, X
Shoulder Block                      Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
Bulldog #1                          X
Bulldog #2                          Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog #3                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Whirl Sideslam                      Left, O or Right, O
Whirl Sideslam                      Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Jacknife Powerbomb: Yeah, the same exact one that every other big man uses

Finishing Move Name: Jackknife Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: No, the 3D is not in the game, and yes, the
Jackknife Powerbomb is the same move that Kevin Nash uses. The finisher
is okay, but I would have loved to see the true Dudley Boyz finisher.

  ____ _          _           _           _      _
 / ___| |__  _ __(_)___      | | ___ _ __(_) ___| |__   ___
| |   | '_ \| '__| / __|  _  | |/ _ \ '__| |/ __| '_ \ / _ \
| |___| | | | |  | \__ \ | |_| |  __/ |  | | (__| | | | (_) |
 \____|_| |_|_|  |_|___/  \___/ \___|_|  |_|\___|_| |_|\___/

Wrestler Stats: Chris Jericho
Real Name: Chris Irvine
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 225 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Walls of Jericho
Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champion x3, European Champion, WWF
Favorite Quote: "It will never, e..e..e..ever be the same agayne!²

Wrestler Bio: Chris Jericho

(bio from Prima Games)

On August 9, 1999, Chris Jericho made one of the most anticipated debuts in the
history of the World Wrestling Federation. After showing his face to an
watching around the world and receiving a rambunctious ovation from the fans
were live in Chicago, Jericho rambled on and on about how he was the hero the
World Wrestling Federation so desperately needed. He had no doubt in his mind ­
³Y2J² was ready to save the day!

The only problem was that the World Wrestling Federation definitely did not
³Y2J¹s² help! If Jericho were a baseball player, he would hit the
home run when his team was up by six runs. If he were a businessman, he would
take over a billion-dollar company and promise to bring it back to prosperity.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about ³Y2J¹s² unnecessary call-to-action
is that he has the full support of all the Jerichoholics around the world. They
know that even though he does not need to be playing the role of ³superhero²,
the ³Ayatollah of Rock and Roll-a² delivers every time he appears on Federation
television or in front of a live audience. If he does not deliver with his
unparalleled technical ability or high-flying aerial maneuvers, he delivers
outstanding skills on the microphone.

There are not many Superstars who can talk as much smack as Chris Jericho and
have the ability to back it up when the time comes. No matter what his goals
the future are, there is no denying that Chris Jericho truly is a Superstar for
the millenium!

My Two Cents: Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho has quickly won the heart of millions of World Wrestling
Federation fans, but I am not buying into all the hype. The only thing I like
about him is the fact that he is one of the most entertaining people I have
seen when it comes to wrestling matches. His last man standing match with
H at Fully Loaded is a prime example of this. I do not like his constant boring
microphone work, however.

Striking Moves
Snap Jab- X
Spinning Back Kick- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Middle Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Reverse Suplex- Up + O
Jumping Arm Breaker- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Snapmare- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Reverse Brainbuster- Up + O
School Boy (Pin)- Right + O
Reverse Pin- Down + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Fisherman's Suplex- Up + O
Small Package- Right + O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down + O
Double Arm Backbreaker- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Austin Elbow Drop- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Austin Elbow Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Reverse Chin Lock- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Overhead Toss- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Walls of Jericho- Left + O **Trademark**

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Rolling Clutch Pin- Left or Right + O
Rolling Clutch Pin- Up or Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
Face Crusher - Behind- O
Face Crusher - Behind- Left or Right + O
Face Crusher - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Mudhole Stomping- Left or Right + O
Superplex- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Missile Dropkick- X
Spin Wheel Kick- Left or Right + X
Spin Wheel Kick- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Diving Headbutt- X
Diving Headbutt- Left or Right + X
Diving Headbutt- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Double Powerbomb - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Double Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Again, the Walls of Jericho would have been a cool
addition to the game, but it is really no huge loss because Jericho uses this
move a lot too (though not as much as he used to)

  ____ _          _     _   _
 / ___| |__  _ __(_)___| |_(_) __ _ _ __
| |   | '_ \| '__| / __| __| |/ _` | '_ \
| |___| | | | |  | \__ \ |_| | (_| | | | |
 \____|_| |_|_|  |_|___/\__|_|\__,_|_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: Christian
Real Name: e-mail me if you have his real name (I think it¹s Jason Reso)
Height: 6¹0²
Weight: 215 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Crucifix
Career Highlights: Light Heavyweight Champ, Tag Champ (w/Edge) x2
Favorite Quote: "It totally reeks of awesomeness!²

Wrestler Bio: Christian

(bio from Prima Games)

It is easy to forget that Christian has been in the World Wrestling Federation
for almost two years now. And that mysterious aura is only part of what makes
him such an amazing superstar.

He was brought in as the third member of the Brood, and some worried that
Christian would get stuck in the shadows because Edge and Gangrel (the other
members of the original Brood) had their own unique qualities that made them
stand out to Federation fans and officials. However, it does not take long for
Christian to win over legions of his own fans with his astounding athleticism
and silent power.

When problems arose between the other members of the Brood, sides had to be
chosen. It did not take long for Christian to side with his brother, Edge. The
young duo decided to be less focused on forcing their Gothic lifestyle on the
fans and more focused on success in the ring.

Now dedicated to the tag team scene, Christian quickly established himself as
one of the most talented Superstars on the roster. His performance in the
unforgettable No Mercy￾ Ladder Match solidified his future as a major player in
the World Wrestling Federation.

Although it seems that singles success is imminent, it would be nice to see
Christian join Edge in achieving their childhood dream ­ winning the World
Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles together!

My Two Cents: Christian
When I first saw that Edge was teaming with Christian, I was kind of pissed, to
say the least. Edge was my favorite wrestler, and it saddened me to see him
saddled with a less than talented performer that was just holding him down.
However, I really like Christian¹s new attitude, and Edge and Christian has
quickly become one of my favorite tag teams in the World Wrestling Federation.

Striking Moves
Austin Punches- X
Drop Kick- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Suplex- Up + O
Side Buster- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
German Suplex Pin- Right + O
Reverse Pin- Down + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Northern Lights Suplex- Up + O **Trademark**
Sambo Suplex- Right + O
Stomach Crusher- Down + O
DDT- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Leg Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + O
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Smash- Up + O
Mounted Punches- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Reverse Chin Lock- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Overhead Toss- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Spear- Left or Right + O
Spear- Up or Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Clothesline- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Mudhole Stomping- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Front Dropkick- Left or Right + X
Front Dropkick- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Impaler - While Facing the Back of a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Impaler
Posistion to Do the Move: From Behind
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move, although it doesn't look like it
hurts that much. Basically, Christian flips the opponent around then slams him
to the ground with a facebuster. It really looks cool, and is one of my
finishing moves.

  ____ _
 / ___| |__  _   _ _ __   __ _
| |   | '_ \| | | | '_ \ / _` |
| |___| | | | |_| | | | | (_| |
 \____|_| |_|\__, |_| |_|\__,_|

Wrestler Stats: Chyna
Real Name: Joanie something
Height: ??
Weight: ??
From: Killer Kowalski¹s Training School
Carrer Highlights: IC Champ x2, 1st woman to enter KOTR and Royal Rumble
Finishing Move: Pedigree (just like HHH)

Wrestler Bio: Chyna

(Biography from Prima Games)

In one of the world¹s most toughest professions, Chyna stands out as a
revolutionary. The first woman to have ever participated in the Royal Rumble
the King of the Ring Tournament, she more than holds her own against the World
Wrestling Federation¹s most brutish competitors, whether in the ring or
the back of Triple H. Trained by the legendary Killer Kolawski, taught by a
grueling life on the road, she ranks as a virtual equal to any athlete in
entertainment today.

The Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, the Great Barrier Reef, and Chyna. An object
earns the title ³wonder of the world² because it is something that cannot be
duplicated, a sight so awesome that one is often left powerless in its
When Chyna first entered the World Wrestling Federation, most people could not
believe what they were seeing. How could she be so intimidating? Some, very
foolishly, cast her off as nothing more than that ­ an intimidating sight ­ and
they were very quickly proven wrong.

Thanks to her incredible phsyique and technical skill, it is so hard to forget
that Chyna is a female. But we have to keep that in mind to fully appreciate
what she has been able to accomplish so far in her World Wrestling Federation
career. She was the first woman to qualify for the Royal Rumble, the first
to qualify for King of the Ring tournament, the first female to ever hold a
major World Wrestling Federation championship, and a major player in De
Generation X and the Corporation. Forget about this man/woman stuff ­ anybody
would consider themselves lucky to enjoy a career as successful as

What is so great about Chyna is that instead of just complaining about being
branded as ³just a woman², the Ninth wonder of the World went out and forced
everyone to take notice. Destroying any obstacle thrown in her way, Chyna
to everyone that they had better reevaluate their view on ³the battle of the
sexes² because if they do not, one day the battle of the sexes will battle the
hell right out of them.

³Just a woman? Try me Triple H.² 6 days before Summerslam, and I had finally
realized that Chyna had outgrown the shadow of HHH. A former IC champion, and a
former #1 contender to the WWF title, Chyna has definetly had a storybook
career. Could the WWF title be in the future? For now, she is just hanging out
with Chris Jericho and Too Cool.

My Two Cents: Chyna
³Just a woman? Try me Triple H.² 6 days before Summerslam, and I had finally
realized that Chyna had outgrown the shadow of HHH. A former IC champion, and a
former #1 contender to the WWF title, Chyna has definetly had a storybook
career. Could the WWF title be in the future? For now, she is just hanging out
with Chris Jericho and Too Cool. Now she is with Latino Heat, in one of the
interesting angles currently on television.

Striking Moves
Austin Punches- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Toe Kick- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Chop- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Snap Mare- Right + O
Club To Neck- Down + O
Snap Mare- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Low Blow- Up + O **Trademark**
Turn Facing Front- Right + O
Low Blow- Down + O **Trademark**
Turn Facing Front- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Stomach Crusher- Up + O
Rib Breaker- Right + O
Piledriver- Down + O
Arm Wrench- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Camel Clutch- Up + O
Mounted Punches- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Stomp- Up + O
Kick To Groin- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Kick To Groin- Left + O

While Running
Spear- O
Spear- Left or Right + O
Spear- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block- X
Big Thump- Left or Right + X
Big Thump- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left or Right + O
Choke- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
The Pedigree - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Pedigree
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Well, she doesn't use this move on TV anymore, but the
Pedigree is still my favorite finishing move in the WWF, even if I do prefer
HHH version more.

 ____       _
|  _ \  ___| |__  _ __ __ _
| | | |/ _ \ '_ \| '__/ _` |
| |_| |  __/ |_) | | | (_| |
|____/ \___|_.__/|_|  \__,_|

Wrestler Stats: Debra
Real Name: Debra McMichael
Height: ????
Weight: ????
From: Austin, Texas
Finishing Move: DDT
Career Highlights: Women's Champ
Favorite Quote: ????

Wrestler Bio: Debra

(bio from Prima Games)

When the time comes to look back on Debra's career in the World Wrestling
Federation, there is no doubt that we will point to Rock Bottom (the December
1998 Pay per View) as a monumental event. That was the night she figured out
what was going to send her straight to the top, and fast. As Debra started to
pay up on a bet and take off her clothes, the sold-out arena crowd went

During these intense moments, the thousands of males in attendance were on
feet and ready to obey Debra's every whim. And if the fans were hypnotized by
her incomparable figure, why wouldn't the rest of the male-dominated World
Wrestling Federation be?

Although Debra never completed the action that night, she learned a valuable
lesson: showing off her body would get her exactly what she was after -

The most ingenious part of Debra's master strategy was that she tried her
hardest to never appear to be more than a body. You never heard her utter
anything such as "I want people to see past my looks and find out who I really
am", or "behind my exterior is a fascinating and intelligent woman." She never
uttered such statements.

The fact of the matter is that Debra is really, really hot and most guys would
hand her the world and more even if she wore only oversized T-Shirts and sweat

But aren't we all extremely lucky and happy that Debra does not want to take
that chance?

My Two Cents: Debra
King: Puppies!

JR: Puppies!

Me: Puppies!

King: Puppies!

Me: Puppies!

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Club to Neck                        Down, O
Snapmare                            Left, O
Arm Wrench                          Up, O
Snapmare                            Right, O
Slap                                X
Middle Kick                         Down, X
Toe Kick                            Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Chop                                Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Suplex                              Down, O
Snapmare                            Left, O
Arm Wrench                          Up, O
Snapmare                            Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Reverse Pin                         Down, O
Turn to Face                        Left, O
Reverse Pin                         Up, O
Turn to face                        Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
Knee Smash                          Right, O
Knee Smash                          Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Angry Atomp                         Down, X
Angry Stomp                         Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Knee Stomp                          Up, O
Leg Lock                            Right, O
Leg Lock                            Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves

	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Thrusts                    Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whip to Rope                  O
School Boy                          Left, O or Right, O
School Boy                          Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Choke #2                            Up, O or Right, O
Shoulder Block                      Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Double Axe Handle                   Left, X or Right, X
Double Axe Handle                   Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Knee Drop                           X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker                         Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker                         Down, O or Up, O
Shoulder Block                      X
Shoulder Block                      Left, X or Right, X
Shoulder Block                      Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
Bulldog #1                          X
Bulldog #2                          Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog #3                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

DDT: well it's a DDT.

Finishing Move Name: DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 2
Description of the Move: Okay, this finishing move really sucks, and I
have seen about 20 wrestlers use this move before. And furthermore,
Debra is weaker than the other wrestlers. So this move wouldn't really
hurt at all.

 ____  _ _            ____
|  _ \( ) |    ___   | __ ) _ __ _____      ___ __
| | | |/| |   / _ \  |  _ \| '__/ _ \ \ /\ / / '_ \
| |_| | | |__| (_) | | |_) | | | (_) \ V  V /| | | |
|____/  |_____\___/  |____/|_|  \___/ \_/\_/ |_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: D-Lo Brown
Real Name: A.C. O'Connor
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 268 lbs.
From: Chicago, Illonis
Finishing Move: Lo Down
Career Highlights: Tag Champ, Euro Champ, IC Champ
Favorite Quote: "You Better Recognize!"

Wrestler Bio: D'Lo Brown

(bio from Prima Games)

If you ask any World Wrestling fan or official to name the five Superstars who
will have the biggest impact in the next few years, there is no doubt that D'Lo
Brown would appear on each of those lists. An intelligent and articulate young
man, D'Lo possesses the athletic ability that most people dream about.

With the Sky High and Lo Down, D'Lo gets the action going above the canvas...
he is more than willing to show off his technical prowess and grind it out on
the mat. You can liken his overall abilities to the "bobble head" that he has
made famous on his walks down to the ring. You are never sure where it is going
to go next, and you are transfixed at the mere sight of it.

A former certified public accountant, there is little question that D'Lo has
brains to propel himself to the next level. Using the precise preparation
tactics that C.P.A.'s are famous for, D Lo never enters a contest without a
detailed strategy.

Everyone knows what D'Lo achieved while serving as the European champion, but
what remains to be seen is whether or not he can put all his tools and talents
together to become as dominating a Superstar as everyone expects.

My Two Cents: D-Lo Brown

D-Lo is the real deal. Hopefully he will become a huge babyface star and win
some WWF gold in the near future! But now it appears that he will be a heel for
now on, because right now he is feuding with his former tag team partner, the
Godfather. I am glad of this too because I was not a huge fan of Dlo Brown and
Godfather being a tag team in the first place. Now, I am mad at the World
Wrestling Federation again, because they have stuck him with yet another loser
tag team. Called Lo Down, DLO Brown and Chaz is the epitome of all that tag
wrestling should not be. I do not care if they were childhood friends or what
not, Chaz sucks. I have never been a big fan of Chaz and never will be, even if
he does come out to the coolest theme music in the World Wrestling Federation
today. Yes, I do think Dlo Has the cooolest theme music. I think for now on the
World Wrestling Federation writers will keep him heel, which would be cool as
long as he gets pushed as a potential WWF world title contender, because he has
a lot of talent and should have a bright future in the World Wrestling
Federation, more so than teaming with his loser childhood friend. He has the
coolest entrance, the coolest entrance theme, the coolest finishing move (well,
one of the coolest) and the biggest feud he has been in yet has been with Jeff
Jarrett over two belts? Please. The World Wrestling Federation needs to wake up
and push this guy before he strolls over to WCW. And that is true!

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Piledriver                          Down, O
Hard Scoop Slam                     Left, O
Suplex                              Up, O
Side Buster                         Right, O
Snap Jab                            X
Jumping Calf Kick                   Down, X
Austin Punches                      Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Shuffle Side Kick                   Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Running Powerbomb                   Down, O
Whirl Side Slam                     Left, O
Sky High                            Up, O
Pendulum Backbreaker                Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Atomic Drop                         Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
School Boy                          Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Knee Smash                          Up, O
Mounted Punch                       Right, O
Sleeper Hold                        Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
D'lo Leg Drop                       Down, X
D'lo Leg Drop                       Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Leg Lock                            Up, O
Kick to Leg                         Right, O
D'Lo Texas Cloverleaf               Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                O
Frankensteiner                     Left, O or Right, O
Shouler Thrust                     Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke                          Up, O or Right, O
Shoulder Block                      Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Spinning Wheel Kick                 X
Front Dropkick                      Left, X or Right, X
Front Dropkick                      Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Twisted Body Attack                 X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	Drop                    O
Rolling Clutch Pin                  Left, O or Right, O
Rolling Clutch Pin                  Down, O or Up, O
Dropkick                            X
Clothesline                         Left, X or Right, X
Clothesline                         Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2                       Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Whirl Sideslam                      Left, O or Right, O
Whirl Sideslam                      Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Lo Down: he does a cool looking frog splash off the top rope

Finishing Move Name: Lo Down
Posistion to Do the Move: Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Okay, this finishing move on television looks
really cool. But in the game something seems missing due to the lack of
animation. It just moves too fast for my liking, just like all the other
"off the top rope" moves in the game.

 ____     __     __            ____            _ _
|  _ \    \ \   / /__  _ __   |  _ \ _   _  __| | | ___ _   _
| | | |____\ \ / / _ \| '_ \  | | | | | | |/ _` | |/ _ \ | | |
| |_| |_____\ V / (_) | | | | | |_| | |_| | (_| | |  __/ |_| |
|____/       \_/ \___/|_| |_| |____/ \__,_|\__,_|_|\___|\__, |

Wrestler Stats: D-Von Dudley
Real Name: I dunno
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 240 lbs.
From: Dudleyville
Finishing Move: Dudley Death Drop
Career Highlights: Tag Champ
Favorite Quote: "Thou shalt not mess with the Dudleyz!"

Wrestler Bio: DVon Dudley

(bio from Prima Games)

Throughout the entire sports-entertainment world, the Dudley Boyz have a
reputation for being two of the toughest competitors. And D-Von does more than
his fair share to keep the hype!

Before arriving in the World Wrestling Federation, the Dudley Boyz honed their
skills in the extreme arena. Known for a stiff offense and even stiffer
language, the Dudley Boyz earned a lot of respects from their peers at the

However, they had to prove themselves in the "big time". Having to leave some
their old tactics behind. D-Von and Buh Buh Ray brought their unique style of
sports entertainment over to the World Wrestling Federation and quickly earned
the respect they had in other arenas. Although there is nothing funny about
them, D-Von is quick to dispel any laughter that his tag team partner may have
stirred up among the fans.

After Buh Buh is able to get out whatever it is he is trying to say, D-Von is
quick to jump in and take the hard line with their opponents.

D-Von wants everyone to know that "Thou shalt not mess with the Dudleyz!"

My Two Cents: D-Von Dudley
Let's go Dudleyz!! I must admit I did not like the whole Dudleyz thing when
first came to the WWF but now they are one of my favorite tag teams! I really
liked them as heels, but they are still pretty cool as bad ass babyfaces, which
is what they have become as of late. Which is pretty neat, because they are way
over as babyfaces, especially when Buh Buh Ray tells D¹Von to ³get the table!²

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
DDT                                 Down, O
Snapmore                            Left, O
Suplex                              Up, O
Club to Neck                        Right, O
Austin Punches                      X
Suffle Side Kick                    Down, X
Chop                                Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Toe Kick                            Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Piledriver                          Down, O
Fall Away Slam                      Left, O
Manhattan Drop                      Up, O
Pendulum Backbreaker                Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Atomic Drop                         Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
Diving Reverse DDT                  Up, O
Bulldog                             Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Camel Clutch                        Up, O
Knee Smash                          Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X
Elbow Drop                          Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Toss                                Up, O
Kick to Leg                         Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Super Plex                          Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Choke #2                            Up, O or Right, O
Clothesline                         Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Double Axe Handle                   Left, X or Right, X
Double Axe Handle                   Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Diving Headbutt                     Left, X or Right, X
Diving Headbutt                     Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker                         Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker                         Down, O or Up, O
Clothesline                         X
Diving Shoulder                     Left, X or Right, X
Diving Shoulder                     Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2                       Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Whirl Sideslam                      Left, O or Right, O
Whirl Sideslam                      Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Jacknife Powerbomb: Yeah, the same exact one that every other big man uses.

Finishing Move Name: Jackknife Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: No, the 3D is not in the game, and yes, the
Jackknife Powerbomb is the same move that Kevin Nash uses. The finisher
is okay, but I would have loved to see the true Dudley Boyz finisher.

 _____    _
| ____|__| | __ _  ___
|  _| / _` |/ _` |/ _ \
| |__| (_| | (_| |  __/
|_____\__,_|\__, |\___|

Wrestler Stats: Edge
Real Name: e-mail me if you have his real name
Height: 6¹4²
Weight: 240 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Downward Spiral and Spear
Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champ, Tag Champ (w/Christian) x2
Favorite Quote: "It totally reeks of awesomeness!²

Wrestler Bio: Edge

(bio from Prima Games)

What is not working in Edge¹s favor these days? The young Superstar is beloved
by every type of World Wrestling Federation fan, and his ability in the ring is
recognized as among the best.

One of the most amazing things about Edge is his broad appeal. At sold-out
arenas all over the world, women scream for his long blond locks and larger-
than-life smile. They are drawn in by his strong presence that demands
attention, even though he never asks for it.

Men are into edge because of his coolness factor. The sunglasses, long trench
coat, great theme song, and uncanny entrance all add to this. Plus, Edge has a
dark side to him that is sadistic and uncontrollable. It is an aspect of human
nature that many men have, but few are brave (or insane) enough to ever let
surface. Men everywhere can live that side of their souls vicariously through

During a number of singles matches over the past few months, and especially
while competing in the Terri Invitational at No Mercy￾, Edge had the
to display the skill in the ring that has most Federation officials salivating
at the thought of his future in the industry.

With a wave of momentum like this, is there anyone or anything that can stop
Edge from reaching the top?

My Two Cents: Edge
When I first saw that Edge was teaming with Christian, I was kind of pissed, to
say the least. Edge was my favorite wrestler, and it saddened me to see him
saddled with a less than talented performer that was just holding him down.
However, I really like Edge and Christian¹s new attitude, and Edge and
has quickly become one of my favorite tag teams in the World Wrestling

Striking Moves
Snap Jab- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up + X
Elbow Smash- Right + X
Drop Kick- Down + X
Chop- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Reverse Suplex- Up + O
Scoop Slam- Right + O
Scissors Sweep- Down + O
Snap Mare- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Electric Chair Drop- Up + O **Trademark**
Face Crusher- Right + O
Full Nelson Slam- Down + O
Back Side Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Stomach Crusher- Up + O
Rib Breaker- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Spinning Back Drop- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Leg Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Smash- Up + O
Short Arm Scissors- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Overhead Toss- Up + O
Knee Stomp- Right + O
Pin w/ Bridge- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Spear- O
Spear- Left or Right + O
Spear- Up or Down + O
Spinning Wheel Kick- X
Drop Kick- Left or Right + X
Drop Kick- Up or Down + X
Face Crusher - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up or Down + O
Frankensteiner- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Missile Drop Kick- X
Diving Spear- Left or Right + X
Diving Spear- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Downward Spiral - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Downward Spiral
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: Edge used to be my favorite wrestler, the thing I
most about him was this stupid finisher. Thankfully he uses the spear as a
finishing move now. I think the Downward Spiral hurts Edge more than it hurts
the opponent.

|  ___|_ _  __ _ _ __ ___   ___   __ _
| |_ / _` |/ _` | '__/ _ \ / _ \ / _` |
|  _| (_| | (_| | | | (_) | (_) | (_| |
|_|  \__,_|\__,_|_|  \___/ \___/ \__, |

Wrestler Stats: Faarooq
Real Name: Ron Simmoms
Height: 6¹7²
Weight: 270 lbs.
From: Tallahasee, Florida
Finishing Move: Dominator
Career Highlights: Tag Champ, WCW Champ
Favorite Quote: "We need beer money!²

Wrestler Bio: Faarooq

(bio from Prima Games)

Most finishing maneuvers in the World Wrestling Federation are given names that
reflect their characters¹ personality. The names must also be intimidating and
catchy. The Pedigree, The Rock Bottom, and the Showstopper Chokeslam all meet
these criteria. But there is perhaps no name throughout the industry more
fitting than Faarooq¹s ³Dominator².

³Dominator² ­ the move ­ describes Faarooq¹s modified powerbomb that drops his
opponent face first on the canvas. ³Dominator² ­ the man ­ describes the
Superstar performing the move.

Ever since being an all-American stud at Florida State, Ron Simmons has been
used to dominating his environment and the competition that surrounds it. When
Ron made the transition to sports-entertainment, he found that dominating
opponents in the squared circle came just as naturally to him as destroying
on the gridiron.

There is no doubt that Faarooq achieved a great deal of success in the early
days of his career, but as a member of the Acoytles, he has really elevated his
game to an all-time high.

Emerging out of the Ministry of Darkness, Faarooq and Bradshaw have both made
the most of the opportunity that the Acolytes have provided. Spending his time
on screen much the same way he spends his time off it (drinking beer and
ass), Faarooq is not only enjoying his latest achievements in the ring, but he
is having a great time doing it!

My Two Cents: Faarooq
Faarooq, along with Bradshaw, is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters
in the World Wrestling Federation. I especially remember one Sunday Night Heat
when they had a contest to see who could bounce the members of Kaientai the
highest. It was funny, because Kaientai had bounced a check on the Acoyltes, so
the Acoytles wanted to return the favor. Bradshaw¹s constant reminder of beer
being accepted as a form of payment was also hilarious.

Striking Moves
Austin Punches- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Rib Breaker- Up + O
DDT- Right + O
Bearhug Front Slam- Down + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Full Nelson Slam- Up + O
Abdominal Stretch- Right + O
Atomic Drop- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Body Press Slam- Up + O
Spine Buster- Right + O **Trademark**
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down + O
Rib Breaker- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Camel Clutch- Up + O
Sleeper Hold- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Boston Crab- Up + O
Kick To Groin- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Spear- Left or Right + O
Spear- Up or Down + O
Clothesline- X
Diving Shoulder- Left or Right + X
Diving Shoulder- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Lower- O
Bulldog - Lower- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Lower- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Powerslam- O
Spine Buster- Left or Right + O **Trademark**
Spine Buster- Up or Down + O **Trademark**

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left or Right + O
Choke- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Flying Clothesline- Up or Right + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Diving Headbutt- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Dominator- While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Dominator
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Faarooq is one nasty son of a gun. And this move looks
like it could seriously kill some one. Faarooq picks up the opponent then slams
him to the ground HARD. One of my favorite finishers in WWF Smackdown.

  ____                            _
 / ___| __ _ _ __   __ _ _ __ ___| |
| |  _ / _` | '_ \ / _` | '__/ _ \ |
| |_| | (_| | | | | (_| | | |  __/ |
 \____|\__,_|_| |_|\__, |_|  \___|_|

Wrestler Stats: Gangrel
Real Name: David Heath
Height: 6'0²
Weight: 234 lbs.
From: Texas
Finishing Move: Impaler
Career Highlights: I believe he was hardcore champion once
Favorite Quote: "Come over to the dark side!²

Wrestler Bio: Gangrel

(bio from Prima Games)

Show me a man who rises through a ring of fire on his way to the ring, has
instead of teeth, and spits out a mysterious, red viscous liquid, before his
matches, and I will show you someone with a long future as a World Wrestling
Federation Superstar!

Gangrel encompasses all that the World Wrestling Federation has come to stand
for over the past couple of years. He has an entrance unlike any other, and you
are just as excited to see Gangrel make his way to the ring as you are to see
him finish his opponent off with a devastating Impaler DDT.

Capitalizing on the ³Goth² culture that is all the rage with young adults
the country, Gangrel is the consummate showman who has attracted a varied fan
base. Teenage girls dressed all in black, guys who like it hardcore, and
grandmas who like to remain young at heart have their own reasons for being on
Gangrel¹s side.

Already logging time with Edge, Christian, and the Hardy Boyz, Gangrel has
associated with some of the best young talent the World Wrestling Federation
to offer. If it was his backstage wisdom that helped propel these four
Superstars along, you would have to believe it will not be long before Gangrel
has a couple of pals rising up through the stage with him again.

My Two Cents: Gangrel
I have never really been the world¹s biggest fan of Gangrel (to say the least),
but I will admit that he does have some wrestling talent. It has been a shame
that he has been kept off television a lot lately. Because he would really fit
in well with the World Wrestling Federation as it stands now. I hope he returns
soon to cause more chaos, maybe with a few friends (Tazz and Raven?)

Striking Moves
Chop- X
Shuffle Side Kick- Up + X
Body Punch- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
DDT- Right + O
Manhattan Drop- Down + O
Gangrel Suplex- Left + O **Trademark**

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Right + O
Pumphandle Slam- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Manhattan Drop- Right + O
Piledriver- Down + O
Gangrel Suplex- Left + O **Trademark**

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Double Knee Drop- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X
Double Knee Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Smash- Up + O
Mounted Punches- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Sleeper Hold- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Kick To Groin- Up + O
Overhead Toss- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker Drop- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker Drop- Up or Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Clothesline- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Mudhole Stomping- Left or Right + O
Tornado DDT- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Flying Clothesline- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Inverted DDT - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Inverted DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 6
Description of the Move: I really don't like these DDTs that they change a tad
bit then make it seem like a whole new move. But Gangrel's version of the DDT
okay, but still, it is a DDT.

  ____           _  __       _   _
 / ___| ___   __| |/ _| __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __
| |  _ / _ \ / _` | |_ / _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | (_) | (_| |  _| (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |
 \____|\___/ \__,_|_|  \__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|

Wrestler Stats: Godfather
Real Name: Charles Wright
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 320 lbs.
From: Red Light District
Finishing Move: Pimp Drop
Career Highlights: IC Champ
Favorite Quote: "It's time once again for everybody to come aboard the HOOOOOO

Wrestler Bio: Godfather

(bio from Prima Games)

Although it isn't easy, he knows he ain't the only one up in this joint!

We're fairly certain that the Godfather isn't saying that there are business
competitors of his out in the audience, but that he's confident that there are
other people present who enjoy having a good time in the company of some fine
lookin' hos!

The most amazing thing about the Godfather is that he's able to concentrate
during his matches. Knowing that there are a handful of hotties outside of the
ring waiting to jump on him the minute the match ends, it's a wonder the
Godfather doesn't look to finish all his matches in less time than it would
a 18-year old to.... Well, let's just say we're surprised he does not try to
finish as fast as he can.

We do not know about you, but the Ho Train sounds like something we want to get
hit with as much as possible. With the 330-pound Godfather as the conductor,
however, it does not sound as much fun as it should be.

From the outside looking in, it appears that the Godfather is always having a
good time, but it might be smart to stay out of his way if you can. After all,
he can not relieve all his tensions with the hos!

My Two Cents: Godfather
Papa Shango. A weird voodoo guy that used to come to the ring with skulls
attached to his outfit and stuff.

Kama Mustafa. A member of the Nation of Domination who shaved his head and was
known for beating people senselessly.

Godfather. Pimpin aint easy. Take a ride on the ho train.

It's easy to say that Charles Wight has had a lot of gimmick changes over the
years. I liked all of his previous gimmicks, but the Godfather gimmick is by
the best.

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Manhattan Project                   Down, O
Hard Scoop Slam                     Left, O
Club to Neck                        Up, O
Suplex                              Right, O
Austin Punches                      X
Shuffle Side Kick                   Down, X
Chop                                Left, X
Clothesline                         Up, X
Overhand Punch                      Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Piledriver                          Down, O
Pendulum Backbreaker                Left, O
Headlock and Punch                  Up, O
Fallaway Slam                       Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Atomic Drop                         Down, O
Russian Leg Sweep                   Left, O
Diving Reverse DDT                  Up, O
Bulldog                             Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Short Arm Scissors                  Up, O
Sleeper Hold                        Right, O
Camel Clutch                        Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X
Elbow Drop                          Right, X
Leg Drop                            Down, X
Leg Drop                            Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Leg Lock                            Up, O
Kick to Leg	                        Right, O
Knee Stomp	                        Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Shoulder Thrusts                    Left, O or Right, O
10 Punch                            Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke #2                       Up, O or Right, O
Ho Train Attack                     Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Shoulder Block                      Left, X or Right, X
Shoulder Block                      Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Elbow Drop                          Left, X or Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Rolling Clutch Pin                  Left, O or Right, O
Rolling Clutch Pin                  Down, O or Up, O
Diving Shoulder                     X
Ho Train Attack                     Left, X or Right, X
Ho Train Attack                     Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2	                  Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Samoan Drop                         Left, O or Right, O
Samoan Drop                         Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Pimp Drop: One of the best (and best named) finishers in the World Wrestling
Federation today.

Finishing Move Name: Pimp Drop
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Come get on the ho train with this fantastic
finishing move! Godfather picks his opponent up and throws his opponent
around his shoulders. Then he twirls the opponent around and slams him
to the ground hard! I love this move!

 _   _               _                      _   _       _ _
| | | | __ _ _ __ __| | ___ ___  _ __ ___  | | | | ___ | | |_   _
| |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` |/ __/ _ \| '__/ _ \ | |_| |/ _ \| | | | | |
|  _  | (_| | | | (_| | (_| (_) | | |  __/ |  _  | (_) | | | |_| |
|_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|\___\___/|_|  \___| |_| |_|\___/|_|_|\__, |

Wrestler Stats: Hardcore Holly
Real Name: Bob Holly
Height: 6'6"
Weight: well over 400 pounds
From: Mobile, Alabama
Finishing Move: Falcon Arrow
Career Highlights: Tag Champ, Hardcore Champ
Favorite Quote: "Hey....Big Shot!"

Wrestler Bio: Hardcore Holly

(bio from Prima Games)

For years Bob Holly struggled to find his niche in the World Wrestling
Federation. Handed unsuccessful gimmicks and less than stellar storylines, the
Alabama native was locked in a mid carder's prison - mediocrity.

This would not have bothered a lesser man, but Holly knew that he was capable
bigger and better things. So when the time came to put up or shut up, he
to throw out the rule book and earn his respect the hard way - in the Hardcore

Using anger as his fuel, Holly put on some of the most astonishing contests the
division had ever seen. After earning everyone's respect with an unbelievable
victory over Al Snow in the Mississippi River, Hardcore Holly was ready to move
up the Federation ladder. And what better way to do this than aim for the top
and work your way down?

Showing an incredible tolerance for punishment, Hardcore made a weekly habit of
strutting to the ring and callin out any big shot who met his minimum weight
height requirements. These strict rules usually left out everyone except
superstars such as Kane, The Big Show, The Undertaker, Viscera, and other

He might not have always beaten those giants, but Hardcore Holly certainly
learned some valuable lessons. Now, whenever this super Heavyweight steps in
ring, his opponents and fans all know that you'd better be a big show if you
want to measure up to Hardcore Holly.

My Two Cents: Hardcore Holly
Let's go Hollys!! I must admit I did not like the whole Hollys thing when they
first came to the WWF but now they are one of my favorite tag teams! They are
not a tag team anymore, so I think Hardcore Holly deserves a push. I mean, he
has now been an employee of the WWF for a long time! Just push the damn guy

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Club to Neck                        Down, O
Snapmare                            Left, O
Arm Wrench                          Up, O
Scoop Slam                          Right, O
Austin Punches                      X
Clothesline                         Down, X
Chop                                Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Toe Kick                            Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Jackknife Powerbomb                 Down, O
DDT                                 Left, O
Piledriver                          Up, O
Manhattan Drop                      Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Atomic Drop                         Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
Diving Reverse DDT                  Up, O
Bulldog                             Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
Knee Smash                          Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Double Knee Drop                    Down, X
Double Knee Drop                    Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Toss                                Up, O
Kick to Leg                         Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves

	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Frankensteiner                      Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Thrusts                    Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whip to Rope                  O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Choke #2                            Up, O or Right, O
Shoulder Block                      Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Front Dropkick                      X
Double Axe Handle                   Left, X or Right, X
Double Axe Handle                   Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Spear                               Left, O or Right, O
Spear                               Down, O or Up, O
Dropkick                            X
Shoulder Block                      Left, X or Right, X
Shoulder Block                      Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
Bulldog #1                          X
Bulldog #2                          Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog #3                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Powerslam                           Left, O or Right, O
Powerslam                           Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Falcon Arrow: an okay finisher, its like a jackhammer

Finishing Move Name: Falcon Arrow
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Another fantastic finishing move from an
underrated wrestler. Now called the Holycaust, Holly picks up the
opponent into a vertical suplex, then slams him to the ground with a
huge facebuster!

     _       __  __   _   _               _
    | | ___ / _|/ _| | | | | __ _ _ __ __| |_   _
 _  | |/ _ \ |_| |_  | |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` | | | |
| |_| |  __/  _|  _| |  _  | (_| | | | (_| | |_| |
 \___/ \___|_| |_|   |_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|\__, |

Wrestler Stats: Jeff Hardy
Height: 6'1
Weight: 222 lbs.
From: Cameron, North Carolina
Finishing Move: Senton (or Swanton) bomb
Career Highlights: Him and Matt defeated Acoyltes to win Tag Titles

Wrestler Bio: Jeff Hardy

(bio from Prima Games)

When Michael Jordan dominated the basketball court, one sight became very
familiar in arenas throughout the country. Every time "his Airness" got the
in his hands, tens of thousands of fans got their cameras ready. There was a
very good chance that they were about to witness history. You never knew what
expect from number 23, and you always had to be ready to capture the moment

The thinking also applies to Jeff Hardy when he is in competetion. Will it be a
"Senton Bomb" from the top rope or some other indescribable flying manuver? It
doesn't matter which he chooses, you'd better have that camera in front of your
face and your finger on the button.

Some days it seems that Jeff is more of an "aerial artist" then he is a
"grappler". Attempting - and pulling off - moves that 99% of the athletes in
business don't even dream about, the younger Hardy is always ready to leace a
crowd with their jaws on the floor.

Of all he is able to pull off in and around the squared circle, the scariest
thing about Jeff Hardy is how far he might be able to go in his career as a
World Wrestling Federation Superstar. Barely old enough to legally consume
alcohol, Jeff has already worn Federation gold and competed in one of the best
matches in WWF History.

My Two Cents: Jeff Hardy
No Mercy, October 1999. Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian. Ladder match for the
#1 contendership to the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships. And
let me tell you, that one was one heck of a match. Anyways, Jeff Hardy has
always been one of my favorite tag team wrestling specialists. So I used him a
lot in Smackdown. After putting the WWF title as well as the tag team titles on
him, I noticed that he played a lot in Smackdown as he was in real life.
Therefore, I recommend using him, if not for the deadly senton (or swanton)

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Arm Wrench                          Down, O
Snapmore                            Left, O
Suplex                              Up, O
Scoop Slam                          Right, O
Chop                                X
Dropkick                            Down, X
Snap Job                            Left, X
Shuffle Side Kick	                  Up, X
Austin Punches                      Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Knee Smash                          Down, O
DDT                                 Left, O
Huuracanrana                        Up, O
Gangrel Suplex                      Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Diving Reverse DDT                  Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
Back Side Slam                      Up, O
German Suplex Slam                  Right, O

Opponent on Mat

      Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Knee Smash                          Up, O
Sleeper Hold                        Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Double Knee Drop                    Left, X
Double Knee Drop                    Right, X
Flip Smash                          Down, X
Flip Smash                          Up, X

      Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Toss                                Up, O
Kick to Leg                         Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves

	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Shoulder Thrusts                    Left, O or Right, O
Frankensteiner                      Down, O or Up, O

      Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

      Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke #2                       Up, O or Right, O
Spinning Wheel Kick                 Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Missile Dropkick                    Left, X or Right, X
Missile Dropkick                    Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Twisting Knee Drop                  X
Diving Moonsault                    Left, X or Right, X
The 450                             Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Spear       	                  Left, O or Right, O
Spear                               Down, O or Up, O
Spinning Wheel Kick                 X
Back Elbow Attack	                  Left, X or Right, X
Back Elbow Attack                   Down, X or Up, X

	Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2	                  Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Powerslam                           Left, O or Right, O
Powerslam #2                        Up, O or Down, O


Senton Bomb  (just go on top of ropes when your opponent is on the mat
and when you smackdown meter is filled and press L1. Badda Bing Badda Boo)

Finishing Move Name: Senton Bomb
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: The Senton Bomb is my second favorite finisher
(behind the Pedigree) on the real television WWF, but it just doesn't
look as good on WWF Smackdown. Still, you got to love the athleticism
that Jeff Hardy shows while doing this incredible move off the top rope.

 _  __
| |/ /__ _ _ __   ___
| ' // _` | '_ \ / _ \
| . \ (_| | | | |  __/
|_|\_\__,_|_| |_|\___|

Wrestler Stats: Kane
Real Name: Glen Jacobs
Height: 7¹0²
Weight: 326 lbs.
From: The Depths of Hell (aka Tennessee)
Finishing Move: Tombstone Piledriver or Chokeslam
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champ, Tag Champ x5
Favorite Quote: "You may think you are that damn good, well I am that damn

Wrestler Bio: Kane

(bio from Prima Games)

It¹s no wonder that when Kane entered the World Wrestling Federation, he did so
in such an angry manner. If your brother tried to kill you when you were a kid,
and the only person you interacted with in the last 20 years was Paul Bearer
(who turned out to be your father), odds are you would be ready to tear through
a steel cage, too.

Although Kane¹s arrival was no surprise ­ Paul Bearer had been promising it for
weeks ­ the world was left speechless at the first sight of him. Not only was
a monstrous, fearsome sight, but also behind the mask hid the pain of two
decades of psychological torture.

Since Kane was unleashed on the world, his emotional growth has been
immeasurable. If you are able to ignore his unbelievable size, you will realize
that he is much like a young child going through the early stages of
development. Learning as he goes, the Big Red Machine has been taught many hard
lessons since allowing himself to become vulnerable to human emotions.

But don¹t be fooled. Kane may be learning the value of interpersonal
relationships with friends and loved ones, but he has already mastered the art
of interpersonal annihilation. The owner of an incredible physique, Kane also
has the ability to incorporate high-flying maneuvers into his offense ­ an
unexpected component to his dominating power.

My Two Cents: Kane
Kane is one of my favorite wrestlers in the World Wrestling Federation right
now, even if he does have a rather odd character at the moment. The WWF writers
decided to turn him heel, which I was all happy for. But since he choke slammed
the Undertaker through the ring a month or two back, he has really done nothing
to establish himself as a top heel. Some would say his biggest feud since then
has been with another top heel, Chris Benoit. So, I hope that if Kane does
remain heel, he does more to ensure himself as being remembered as a heel.

Striking Moves
Body Punch- X
Kane Throat Thrust- Up + X
Big Boot- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Chop- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Lifting Choke Hold- Up + O
Side Buster- Right + O
Stomach Crusher- Down + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Full Nelson Slam- Up + O
Back Drop- Right + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down + O
Reverse Brainbuster- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Whip Opponent into the Ropes- O
Spine Buster- Up + O
Manhattan Drop- Right + O
Tombstone Piledriver- Down + O **Trademark**
Pendulum Backbreaker- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Camel Clutch- Right + O
Darkness Pin- Down + O
Darkness Choke- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Stomp- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Kick To Leg- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker Drop- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent into Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Choke- Left or Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Right + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Flying Clothesline- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Chokeslam - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Chokeslam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 4
Description of the Move: Yes, that is it, the Chokeslam. Not the "Fiery Tombs
Doom" Chokeslam, just the chokeslam. And where's the Tombstone Piledriver? Im
disappointed, THQ!

 _  __            ____  _                                    _
| |/ /___ _ __   / ___|| |__   __ _ _ __ ___  _ __ ___   ___| | __
| ' // _ \ '_ \  \___ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| '__/ _ \ / __| |/ /
| . \  __/ | | |  ___) | | | | (_| | | | | | | | | (_) | (__|   <
|_|\_\___|_| |_| |____/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|  \___/ \___|_|\_\

Wrestler Stats: Ken Shamrock
Real Name: Ken Shamrock
Height: 6¹1²
Weight: 235 lbs.
From: Sacramento, CA
Finishing Move: Anklelock Submission
Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champion, 1998 King of
the Ring
Favorite Quote: "I¹m in the zone!²

Wrestler Bio: Ken Shamrock

(bio from Prima Games)

ABC Television does not call you the ³World¹s Most Dangerous Man² for nothing.
You have to do a little something to earn that distinction. We think that
becoming the Ultimate Fighting Champion (UFC) by defeating some of the toughest
men in the world counts as a ³little something².

To become a champion in the UFC, it takes more than strength and mental
awareness. You also need intensity, an unrelenting desire to be the best, and a
lack of concern for your own personal safety. As you might have guessed,
Shamrock possesses all those qualities and more ­ which helped make him a
transition into becoming a World Wrestling Federation Superstar.

In a very short time, Shamrock developed his game from a bad-ass into a bad-ass
who could also entertain us outside the ring, one who could compete in a match
tied up in a straightjacket, yet play the role of Mr. McMahon¹s personal
enforcer. Kenny won over just as many fans with his consistent ³snapping²
he would tear the area surrounding the ring and maybe even suplex a handful of
World Wrestling Federation officials if we were lucky!) as he did with his
memorable victory at the 1998 King of the Ring tournament.

One of the greatest things about Ken Shamrock is that there isn¹t only one
fighting arena that he feels comfortable in... he feels right at home in all of
them! An octagon, an iron circle, the catering room, the dressing room, and oh
yeah, even the ring.

My Two Cents: Ken Shamrock
Ken Shamrock has always been one of my favorite wrestlers in the World
Federation, mainly because he kicks so much ass on a consistent basis. I
especially likes it when he snaps, because then his true ass kicking skills
out to play. Some would say his King of the Ring 1998 win was a fluke, but I
think not. I cannot wait until Ken Shamrock returns to the World Wrestling
Federation, so he can kick more ass!

Striking Moves
Low Kick- X
Body Punch- Up + X
Back Elbow Smash- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Middle Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Dragon Screw- Up + O
Hurracanrana- Right + O
Belly To Back Flip- Down + O
Club To Neck- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Back Side Slam- Right + O
German Suplex Pin- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Flipping Arm Bar- Up + O
Fisherman's Suplex- Right + O
Rolling Leg Lock- Down + O
Knee Strikes- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Knee Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Knee drop- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Arm Bar- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Stomp- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Ankle Lock- Left + O **Trademark**

While Running
Spear- O
Spear- Left or Right + O
Spear- Up or Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- O
Spinning Wheel Kick- Left or Right + X
Spinning Wheel Kick- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Hurracanrana- Left or Right + O
Hurracanrana- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left or Right + O
Superplex- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
While Running - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Shamrock Ankle Lock - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Shamrock Anklelock
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: If I am not mistaken, this is one of only two
submission finishers in the entire game. And I would not want to be put in this
move by Shamrock, that is for sure!

 __  __             _    _           _
|  \/  | __ _ _ __ | | _(_)_ __   __| |
| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \| |/ / | '_ \ / _` |
| |  | | (_| | | | |   <| | | | | (_| |
|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__,_|

Wrestler Stats: Mankind
Real Name: Mick Foley
Height: 6'3
Weight: 287 lbs.
From: Long Island, New York
Finishing Move: Mandible Claw
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion, Tag Champion w/5 other
wrestlers, Hardcore Champion
Favorite Quote: ³And that is final!², ³Have a nice day!²

Wrestler Bio: Mankind

(bio from Prima Games)

Take a walk over to your World Wrestling Federation Home Video Library and take
out a tape from two years ago. Look at Mankind. Listen to what he says.
how he acts. Compare him to the Mankind you see now. Notice the differences.

Mick Foley has allowed his Mankind character to come full circle. Once a
disturbed psychopath with a love for self-mutilation, Mankind how has become a
lot of ³fun². Dressed in his usual sweatpants, mask, shirt, and tie, Mankind is
armed with an arsenal of hilarious one-liners every time he shows his face. His
ever-present cotton sidekick, Mr. Socko, has quickly become one of the most
popular inanimate objects to ever appear on television.

But do not get too comfortable with Mankind. Do not ever forget who he is.
Although he makes it appear that his top talent these days may be as a comedic
entertainer, Mankind will not hesitate to take a steel chair to his opponent¹s
skull, get hardcore, and kick it old-school style. Windowpanes, 2x4¹s,
thumbtacks, Mankind does not care... he will use them all! The ring? That will
never be able to hold his extreme style!

To say Mankind is unique is perhaps the greatest understatement you could
How many people do you know who spend one day falling off a steel cage or
multiple chair shots to the head, only to wake up the next morning (with a bad
headache) to find out his autobiography has hit number one on the New York
bestseller list?

My Two Cents: Mankind
Mankind has always been very respected by me, mainly because of his admirable
work ethic and his ability to entertain the fans. One of the things I have
respected most about him over the years is the fact that he is always willing
put his body on the line to keep the fans entertained and happy. This is
definitely an admirable quality, however one would say that it severely made
life less happier since he retired. He is still on WWF television, however,
time serving as commissioner for the World Wrestling Federation.

Striking Moves
Austin Punches- X
Body Punches- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Scoop Slam- Right + O
Manhattan Drop- Down + O
DDT- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Diving Reverse DDT- Up + O
Back Drop- Right + O
School Boy Pin- Down + O
Face Crusher- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Pulling Piledriver- Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Right + O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down + O
Double Arm DDT- Left + O **Trademark**

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Leg Drop- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X
Leg Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Mounted Punches- Up + O
Sleeper Hold- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Camel Clutch- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Leg Lock- Up + O
Overhead Toss- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
Face Crusher - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
10 Punch- Left or Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Front Dropkick- Left or Right + X
Front Dropkick- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Mandible Claw - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Mandible Claw
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 6
Description of the Move: Yes, this move is cool, but he doesn't put Socko on
hand before doing the move, so the Mandible Claw loses some of its mystique.

 __  __            _      _   _
|  \/  | __ _ _ __| | __ | | | | ___ _ __  _ __ _   _
| |\/| |/ _` | '__| |/ / | |_| |/ _ \ '_ \| '__| | | |
| |  | | (_| | |  |   <  |  _  |  __/ | | | |  | |_| |
|_|  |_|\__,_|_|  |_|\_\ |_| |_|\___|_| |_|_|   \__, |

Wrestler Stats: Mark Henry
Height: 6'1
Weight: 380 lbs.
From: Silsby, Texas
Finishing Move: Bearhug
Career Highlights: European Champion

Wrestler Bio: Mark Henry

(bio from Prima Games)

Some people think that Mark Henry has a serious issue he needs help with, yet
others feel that the only problem is that there is only so much of him to go

A former Olympian, ³Sexual Chocolate² ¹s love for physical intimacy is as great
as his need for competition. Claiming that he thinks about women and sex ³all
the time², Henry¹s desires have caused him a number of problems in the past. A
session of intense physical torture at the hands of Terri and a lifetime of
emotional trauma thanks to Chyna have been consequences of Mark¹s overactive

Whether it¹s the squared circle or the love arena, one thing is for certain ­
³Sexual Chocolate² got game! A big man with a baby face and impeccable smile,
Henry¹s poetic artistry has been known to win over a few of the ladies. Between
the ropes, Mark relies on the power that earned him a successful showing as
power lifter in the 1996 Summer Olympics as a means to dominate his opponents.

Although Mark Henry captures the Tag Team Titles with D¹Lo Brown on a number of
occasions, and even enjoyed a run as the European Champion, many World
Federation insiders feel ³Sexual Chocolate² has not even come close to tapping
his enormous potential.

My Two Cents: Mark Henry

I have never really been a fan of Mark Henry since he left the Nation of
Domination, although I will admit that he does have a lot of talent, most of
which has not been seen yet by most World Wrestling Federation fans. The World
Wrestling Federation has sent him to Ohio Valley Wrestling, which is probably
the best thing for his struggling career right now. The angle with Mae Young
old the second it started, and I do not like his current gimmick, so I hope he
will come back with a new attitude, sort of like the one he possessed with the
Nation of Domination.

Striking Moves
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Overhand Punch- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Club To Neck- Up + O
Side Buster- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Full Nelson Slam- Up + O
Atomic Drop- Right + O
Back Side Slam- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Body Press Slam- Up + O **Trademark**
Side Buster- Right + O
Front Body Press Drop- Down + O
Pendulum Backbreaker- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Camel Clutch- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Boston Crab- Up + O
Overhead Toss- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block- X
Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Clothesline- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Choke- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down +
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Bearhug- While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Bearhug
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: I really don't like Mark Henry, and this finishing
is a dud too. All he really does is picks up the opponent and hugs them. And
trust me, it hurts!

 __  __       _   _     _   _               _
|  \/  | __ _| |_| |_  | | | | __ _ _ __ __| |_   _
| |\/| |/ _` | __| __| | |_| |/ _` | '__/ _` | | | |
| |  | | (_| | |_| |_  |  _  | (_| | | | (_| | |_| |
|_|  |_|\__,_|\__|\__| |_| |_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|\__, |

Wrestler Stats: Matt Hardy
Real Name: Matt Hardy
Height: 6'1
Weight: 227 lbs.
From: Cameron, North Carolina
Finishing Move: Twist of Fate
Career Highlights: Tag Team Champion
Favorite Quote: ³Fear is only a four letter word!²

Wrestler Bio: Matt Hardy

(bio from Prima Games)

Can you really refer to a Superstar that who is not even in his mid 20¹s as the
veteran leader of his team? Ninety-seven percent of the time, the answer to
question is a resounding no, but when you are talking about Matt Hardy we all
know what the answer is.

Growing up in North Carolina and awed by the allure of the big time, Matt was
driven to land in the World Wrestling Federation. Alongside his talented
brother, Jeff Hardy, Matt was able to achieve his initial goal, but he could
have imagined how far he would take it.

After only a few short months, they were veterans in the World Wrestling
Federation, and Matt guided the brothers to a lifelong dream ­ capturing the
Tem Titles in their home state! When they were younger, the Hardy Boyz spent
after day role playing this scenario, and in July of 1999 it came to fruition.

As the elder statesman for the most athletic tag team to come along in years,
Matt Hardy has been forced to grow up at a much quicker pace than your average
World Wrestling Federation rookie. When they are in the ring, Matt and Jeff
share the responsibility of amazing the crowd, but behind the curtain, Matt
takes control. And what a great job he has done.

The result of an honorable upbringing and tireless practice, Matt Hardy is on
the fast track to the top!

My Two Cents: Matt Hardy
No Mercy, October 1999. Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian. Ladder match for the
#1 contendership to the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championships. And
let me tell you, that one was one heck of a match. Anyways, Matt Hardy has
always been one of my favorite tag team wrestling specialists. So I used him a
lot in Smackdown. After putting the WWF title as well as the tag team titles on
him, I noticed that he played a lot in Smackdown as he was in real life.
Therefore, I recommend using him, if not for the deadly leg drop/splash combo.

Striking Moves
Snap Jab- X
Rolling Wheel Kick- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Drop Kick- Down + X
Back Elbow Smash- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Suplex- Up + O
Scissors Sweep- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
German Suplex Pin- Right + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Stomach Crusher- Up + O
DDT- Right + O
Rib Breaker- Down + O
Falling Neckbreaker- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Austin Elbow Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X
Elbow Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Smash- Up + O
Reverse Chin Lock- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Pin w/ Bridge- Up + O
Leg Lock- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker Drop- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Diving Forearm Smash- X
Power Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Power Clothesline- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Samoan Drop- Left or Right + O
Samoan drop- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Mudhole Stomping- Left or Right + O
Tornado DDT- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Spinning Wheel Kick- Left or Right + X
Spinning Wheel Kick- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Senton Bomb- X
Diving Moonsault- Left or Right + X
Diving Moonsault- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Northern Lights Suplex - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

 _ _ __  __           _            _ _   ____  _ _ _
( | )  \/  |_ __     / \   ___ ___( | ) | __ )(_) | |_   _
 V V| |\/| | '__|   / _ \ / __/ __|V V  |  _ \| | | | | | |
    | |  | | | _   / ___ \\__ \__ \     | |_) | | | | |_| |
    |_|  |_|_|(_) /_/   \_\___/___/     |____/|_|_|_|\__, |
 / ___|_   _ _ __  _ __
| |  _| | | | '_ \| '_ \
| |_| | |_| | | | | | | |
 \____|\__,_|_| |_|_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: ³Mr. Ass² Billy Gunn
Real Name: Monty Sopp
Height: 6'4
Weight: 270 lbs.
From: Austin, Texas
Finishing Move: Fame-Asser
Career Highlights: Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, IC Champion, 1999 King
of the Ring
Favorite Quote: ³You can kiss my royal ass!²

Wrestler Bio: ³Mr. Ass² Billy Gunn

(bio from Prima Games)

It has been said time and again that Bad Ass Billy Gunn may be the best all
around athlete the World Wrestling Federation has ever seen. His imposing
physique adds an enormous amount of power to an offensive repertoire, which ­
thanks to his athleticism ­ is as diverse as they come.

A problem that Mr. Ass has run into has to do with his natural athletic
It is not always his most dominating feature. Equipped with an ego large enough
to fill most of the contiguous 48 states, Mr. Ass never has a difficult time
finding enemies. The problem is not that he is good, the problem is that he
knows he is good and loves to talk about it!

As a member of the New Age Outlaws, Mr. Ass was part of the most successful tag
team the Federation had ever seen. Not only have he and the Road Dogg won the
World Wrestling Federation Tag Team titles on numerous occasions, but they also
share a special chemistry that has made them one of the most entertaining and
beloved duos in history. And let us not forget Mr. Ass¹ contribution to D-
Generation X, the most influential and controversial group in history.

When the time came for Mr. Ass to separate from his partner and fellow De
Generates, singles success was not hard to come by. The 1999 King of the Ring
also enjoyed a run as the Hardcore Champion and several near misses at the
Intercontinental Title.

In the ring and out of it, Bad Ass Billy Gunn is one superstar who has done it
all and succeeded!

My Two Cents: ³Mr. Ass² Billy Gunn
I still remember when Billy Gunn was nothing more than a guy who had to
one line in what is my opinion, one of the most overrated tag teams ever. Then,
Vince Russo suddenly got a brain freeze and decided to push this guy to the
with little buildup. The result was Billy Gunn winning the King of the Ring,
over more deserving guys like X-Pac, Kane, or even Road Dogg. Four months
he was back trying to remember his one line. And now he is back after injury
has a new gimmick, thanks to the Right to Censor. I do not like Billy Gunn
now, hope he turns cool soon.

Striking Moves
Snap Jab- X
Drop Kick- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Brainbuster (Jackhammer)- Up + O **Trademark**
Club To Neck- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Headlock and Punch- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Back Drop- Up + O
Russian Leg Sweep- Right + O
Atomic Drop- Down + O
Bulldog- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Body Press Slam- Up + O
DDT- Right + O
Piledriver- Down + O
Falling Neckbreaker- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Austin Elbow Drop- Up + X
Knee Drop- Right + X
Austin Elbow Drop- Down + X
Knee Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Camel Clutch- Up + O
Rear Chin Lock- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Kick To Leg- Up + O
Overhead Toss- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Rolling Clutch Pin- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Right + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Drop Kick- Left or Right + X
Drop Kick- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left or Right + O
Tornado DDT- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Diving Fame Asser- Left or Right + X
Diving Fame Asser- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Fame Asser - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

 ____             _   ____
|  _ \ __ _ _   _| | | __ )  ___  __ _ _ __ ___ _ __
| |_) / _` | | | | | |  _ \ / _ \/ _` | '__/ _ \ '__|
|  __/ (_| | |_| | | | |_) |  __/ (_| | | |  __/ |
|_|   \__,_|\__,_|_| |____/ \___|\__,_|_|  \___|_|

Height: ?????
Weight: ?????
From: The Dark Side
Carrer Highlights: Jenny Craig
Finishing Move: Pulling Piledriver

Wrestler Bio: Paul Bearer

(Biography from Prima Games)

Paul Bearer, the rotund manager of the Undertaker, first made his macabre
presence felt in World Wrestling Federation in 1990. As the manager of the
Undertaker, he was the guiding force behind the Man from the Dark Side when he
captured his first World Wrestling Federation Championship in 1991 and has
helped make the Ministry of Darkness the most demonic force in sports
entertainment- 8 years later! In 1997, Bearer turned his back on the Phenom-
attempted to destroy him with Mankind, and later, the Undertaker¹s own brother,
Kane. In another bizarre twist in this macabre family tale, it was soon
that the ³Big Red Machine² was the manager¹s son! However, their father/son
relationship would quickly deteriorate, leading Bearer to abandon Kane for the
Corporate Ministry!

Throughout his illustrious career with the Undertaker, Paul Bearer served as
perfect compliment to the Phenom.

Tall, muscular, silent, and mysterious, the Lord of Darkness has dominated much
of the Federation roster for the past few years. And usually in his corner was
the short, overweight, boisterous Paul Bearer. Equipped with a voice that could
shatter a windshield, Bearer never seemed to keep quiet. That would not have
been so bad, but it also meant that we had to look at his rather large and
disturbing face. But weird as they may be, there is no doubt that some of
Bearer¹s facial expressions rank right up there with the best of them!

As the co-mastermind behind many of the Undertaker¹s vicious schemes, Bearer
in the forefront of the World Wrestling Federation for some time. But when the
Undertaker was forced to step away for a short time, Bearer went with him.

But now the duo is back... and what a changed man Paul Bearer is! Of course his
intentions are still pure evil, but he has shed a considerable amount of
so the nickname ³Fat Man² cannot be thrown his way again!

My 2 Cents: Paul Bearer
Paul Bearer is a big fat guy who I hardly ever used in Wrestlemania 2000 or WWF
Smackdown. In TV, Paul Bearer has reformed with Kane. But he has never wrestled
on TV, and one look at him and you can probably figure out why that is trueŠ
Currently, he is off television, and I hear that when he returns he will not
side with either Kane or Undertaker. Only time will tell, however. He is still
not back on television, even though Kane and the Undertaker back. He may come
back to side with Tazz, Raven, Gangrel, and/or Kane.

Striking Moves
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Austin Punches- Right + X
Body Punch- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Club To Neck- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Snap Mare- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Reverse Pin- Up + O
Turn Facing Front- Right + O
Reverse Pin- Down + O
Turn Facing Front- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Scoop Slam- Up + O
Club To Neck- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Snap Mare- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Knee Smash- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Overhead Toss- Up + O
Leg Lock- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Choke- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
DDT - WHile Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 2
Description of the Move: Yeah, like this move really hurts. Like I said before,
it is just a DDT. So what is the point of the move itself? I mean, I hate the
DDT as a finisher.

 ____                 _   ____
|  _ \ ___   __ _  __| | |  _ \  ___   __ _  __ _
| |_) / _ \ / _` |/ _` | | | | |/ _ \ / _` |/ _` |
|  _ < (_) | (_| | (_| | | |_| | (_) | (_| | (_| |
|_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__,_| |____/ \___/ \__, |\__, |
                                      |___/ |___/

Wrestler Stats: Road Dogg
Real Name: James Armstrong
Height: 6¹2²
Weight: 236 lbs.
From: Nashville, Tennessee
Finishing Move: Pumphandle Slam
Career Highlights: Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, Intercontinental
Favorite Quote: "Oh, you didn¹t know? Your ass better calllllll somebody!²

Wrestler Bio: Road Dogg

(bio from Prima Games)

There is a very slight chance that in 50 years you might somehow forget the
Dogg¹s face. But there is absolutely no chance you will ever forget his voice!

If you have ever been to a World Wrestling Federation live event or watched one
of the programs (we are assuming you have), then we are certain you will agree
that the Road Dogg¹s trademark entrance is one of the most entertaining parts
the show. With his unforgettable voice and enough charisma to win the
of the United States, the D-O-Double G always gets the crowd up on its feet and
singing along with him.

Of course, these fun and games would all be meaningless if the Road Dogg
couldn¹t back up his showmanship with a bit of brawling. An accomplished
hardcore competitor, Road Dogg is all business once he steps in the ring. With
numerous Tag Team title reigns, an Intercontinental Title reign, a Hardcore
Title reign, and starring in some of the Federation¹s most memorable vignettes,
the Road Dogg had solidified his place as one of the most accomplished all-
around Superstars to ever compete in the World Wrestling Federation.

My Two Cents: Road Dogg
The Road Dogg has always been one of my favorite wrestlers to watch in the
Wrestling Federation. He has an explosive personality, and his wrestling
are decent enough to make him an entertaining wrestler. And being entertaining
is important in this day and age of the World Wrestling Federation. He was
in a tag team with X-Pac that went nowhere, and now hopefully he will be back
to par now that the tag team has broken up.

Striking Moves
Shake Jab- X
Shake, Rattle, & Roll - Must Connect five times- X (Rapidly) **Trademark**
Clothesline- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Body Punch- Down + X
Snap Jab- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Stomach Crusher- Up + O
Double Arm Suplex- Right + O
Jumping Arm Breaker- Down + O
Snapmare- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Face Crusher- Right + O
School Boy (Pin)- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Up + O
Fallaway Slam- Right + O
Piledriver- Down + O
DDT- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Shaky Knee Drop- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Shaky Knee Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Smash- Up + O
Sleeper Hold- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Leg Lock- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Rolling Clutch Pin- O
Neckbreaker Drop- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker Drop- Up or Down + O
Clothesline- X
Back Elbow Attack- Left or Right + X
Back Elbow Attack- Up or Down + X
Face Crusher - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
10 Punch- Left or Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Missile Dropkick- Left or Right + X
Missile Dropkick- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Pumphandle Drop - While Facing the Back of a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

 _____ _            ____            _
|_   _| |__   ___  |  _ \ ___   ___| | __
  | | | '_ \ / _ \ | |_) / _ \ / __| |/ /
  | | | | | |  __/ |  _ < (_) | (__|   <
  |_| |_| |_|\___| |_| \_\___/ \___|_|\_\

Wrestler Stats: The Rock
Real Name: Duane Johnson
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 275 lbs.
From: Miami, Florida
Finishing Move: People¹s Elbow
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion, Intercontinental
Champion, Tag Team Champion
Favorite Quote: "It Doesn¹t Matter!²

Wrestler Bio: The Rock

(bio from Prima Games)

You will not see anyone like The Rock ever again. You may think that it
is too bold a statement, but it just seems highly unlikely that a
Superstar will be able to reach the levels of in-ring success and out-
of-ring popularity that The Rock has attained.

The Royal Rumble certainly plays an important part in The People's
History. In 1998, The Rock was the last man Stone Cold Steve Austin
eliminated to win the Rumble. Despite the loss, The People's Champion's
performance impressed a lot of people. It was not only because he came
within inches of winning The Royal Rumble, but also because he finished
defeating Ken Shamrock in an Intercontinental Championship match minutes
before the start of the main event! The following year, The Rock (World
Wrestling Federation Champion at the time) assisted Vince McMahon in his
winning of the Royal Rumble and earned the hatred of Stone Cold Steve
Austin. In the 2000 event, The Rock was not the champion, but he was
obsessed with winning and knew he could start his quest that night. The
People's Champion put on an amazing performance at the Royal Rumble and
won by defeating the immovable Big Show!

He is simply elecrifying.

Combining immense amounts of athleticism and charisma, The People¹s Champion
the ability to stir thousands of fanz into a crazed frenzy with just one word
the raise of an eyebrow.

³The Great One² is the personification of ³cool². Good looking, well dressed,
and intelligent, The Rock always seems to come out on top. It is no wonder that
everyone walks around wanting to be like The Rock. And now with WWF Smackdown
your wise, you can turn on your Playstation.. hit the proper buttons.. choose
The Rock as the Superstar you will play with.. listen for his music (If ya¹
Smelllalala²).. but before you lock up with your competition.. take a good look
at that controller you are about to play with.. memorize where the buttons
get a good feel for it.. take out your little handkerchief.. shine it up real
nice, turn that sunbitch sideways and stick it straight up your opponent¹s

Does that line sound familiar to you? It doesn¹t matter if it sounds familiar
you! Just plug in WWF Smackdown, choose The Rock, and watch the millions and
millions of The Rock¹s fans cheer you on to the World Wrestling Federation

If ya smell what The Rock is cookin¹!

My Two Cents: The Rock
I think The Rock needs to turn heel for him to make any real impact now, since
am getting bored of his constant promos. I think a heel Rock would be good for
the WWF.

Striking Moves
The Rock Punches- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Elbow Smash- Right + X
Clothesline- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Club To Neck- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Russian Leg Sweep- Right + O
Atomic Drop- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Suplex- Up + O
Jump Swinging DDT- Right + O
Manhattan Drop- Down + O
Rock Bottom- Left + O **Trademark**

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Rock Stomp- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Rock Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Mounted Punches- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Sleeper Hold- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Overhead Toss- Up + O
Leg Lock- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Kick To Leg- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Clothesline- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin)- O
School Boy (Pin)- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin)- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Samoan Drop- Left or Right + O
Samoan Drop- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Shoulder Thrusts- Left or Right + O
Superplex- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
People's Elbow - While Standing at the Head of a Downed Opponent- L1

 ____  _                        __  __      __  __       _
/ ___|| |__   __ _ _ __   ___  |  \/  | ___|  \/  | __ _| |__   ___  _ __
\___ \| '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \ | |\/| |/ __| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \
 ___) | | | | (_| | | | |  __/ | |  | | (__| |  | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | |
|____/|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___| |_|  |_|\___|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: Shane McMahon
Real Name: Shane McMahon
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 230 lbs.
From: Greenwich, Connecticut
Finishing Move: Bronco Buster, Flying Elbow off top rope
Career Highlights: European Champion
Favorite Quote: ³That¹s Shane-O-Mac¹s way of life!²

Wrestler Bio: Shane McMahon

(bio from Prima Games)

Can you really blame Shane-O-Mac for being a little arrogant? Growing up in
Greenwich, Connecticut, as the son of Vince McMahon certainly lends itself to
the belief that you are better than everyone else. Could you imagine being a
good-looking teenage boy, driving around in a 100,000 dollar sports car while
all the girls chased you? Neither can we. OK, enough about that. We are
to get jealous.

Within months of appearing on World Wrestling Federation programming, there was
no doubt that Shane had the confidence, intelligence, and cold-heartedness of
his father, but the question was, could he put it all together?

The answer to that was a very big yes. With one leap off the top rope onto the
Spanish announcer¹s table, Shane McMahon proved that he had inherited more than
that ³wind-tunnel tested hairdo² from his father. Taking his cue from Vince¹s
amazing performances at Royal Rumble and Saint Valentine¹s Day Massacre, Shane
earned the respect he yearned for that day when he left concerns in the ring
came crashing down on Test outside of it.

With the ability to compete in the most thrilling of matches, a killer
and a million-dollar smile with the charisma to match, I have the feeling that
Shane McMahon is going to be around for a long time. Actually, seeing how he is
the owner, I have the feeling he is going to be around for a long time, even if
he did not have all of that going for him. But he does, so we do not have to
have that feeling.

My Two Cents: Shane McMahon
With the ability to compete in the most thrilling of matches, a killer
and a million-dollar smile with the charisma to match, I have the feeling that
Shane McMahon is going to be around for a long time. Actually, seeing how he is
the owner, I have the feeling he is going to be around for a long time, even if
he did not have all of that going for him. But he does, so we do not have to
have that feeling. Shane McMahon is one of the best wrestlers in the WWF, and
should be treated as such. I wish he would wrestle more, as he could outwrestle
a lot of the wrestlers currently in the World Wrestling Federation.

Striking Moves
Snap Jab- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Body Punch- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Scoop Slam- Up + O
Club To Neck- Right + O
Suplex- Down + O
Eye Rake- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
School Boy (Pin)- Up + O
Turn Facing Front- Right + O
School Boy (Pin)- Down + O
Turn Facing Front- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Hard Scoop Slam- Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Right + O
DDT- Down + O **Trademark**
Snap Mare- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Knee Smash- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Stomp- Up + O
Leg Lock- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Back Elbow Attack- X
Bronco Buster- Left or Right + O
Bronco Buster- Up or Down + O
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Mudhole Stomping- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Thrusts- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Dragon Attack- Left or Right + X
Dragon Attack- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Test Diving Elbow - While on the Top Rope and your Opponent is on the Mat- L1

Finishing Move Name: Diving Elbow
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Yeah, a diving elbow off the top rope, and it actually
looks somewhat realistic. Here's another move I wish Test would have had in

 ____  _                   ____  _            _
/ ___|| |_ _____   _____  | __ )| | __ _  ___| | ___ __ ___   __ _ _ __
\___ \| __/ _ \ \ / / _ \ |  _ \| |/ _` |/ __| |/ / '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
 ___) | ||  __/\ V /  __/ | |_) | | (_| | (__|   <| | | | | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__\___| \_/ \___| |____/|_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: Steve Blackman
Real Name: Steve something or another
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 245 lbs.
From: Annville, PA
Finishing Move: The Guillotine
Career Highlights: Hardcore Champion
Favorite Quote: ³It¹s party time!²

Wrestler Bio: Steve Blackman

(bio from Prima Games)

If silence were a weapon, Steve Blackman would be lethal. Hey, wait a minute..
he is the Lethal Weapon!

Some Superstars rely on heavy verbal assault as a way of getting their
opponent¹s attention. Blackman, on the other hand, takes the opposite route.
Never one to utter many words, the Pennsylvania native realizes his strong
points and takes advantage of them by attacking without making a sound.

In the amount of time most people take to get out a sentence, Blackman has the
ability to drop his opponent on the canvas and force them into submission. He
attacks with the efficiency of the martial arts expert that he is, and
Blackman¹s amazing control of his body allows him to use his extremities as
feared weapons.

But if that doesn¹t work, he¹s always ready to take out his kendo stick and
you silly with it!

My Two Cents: Steve Blackman
I have never really been a huge fan of Steve Blackman, but I do admire his work
ethic and his will to win. And he has always been a great and very entertaining

Striking Moves
Low Kick- X
Shuffle Sidekick- Up + X
Chop- Right + X
Drop Kick- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Scissors Sweep- Right + O
DDT- Down + O
Knee Kicks- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Atomic Drop- Up + O
German Suplex Pin- Right + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Shoulder Breaker- Up + O
Dragon Screw- Right + O
Piledriver- Down + O
Knee Strikes- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Smash- Up + O
Sleeper Hold- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Arm Bar- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Kick To Leg- Up + O
Knee Stomp- Right + O
Pin w/ Bridge- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Spear- O
Spear- Left or Right + O
Spear- Up or Down + O
Karate Kick- X **Trademark**
Diving Shoulder- Left or Right + X
Diving Shoulder- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Powerslam- Left or Right + O
Powerslam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Foot Choke- Left or Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Front Dropkick- Left or Right + X
Front Dropkick- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Fisherman's Suplex - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Fisherman's Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: Yeah, like this finishing move REALLY looks like it
hurts. And the move looks really bad in the game too. I would have preferred
"whack the opponent with a kendo stick" finisher better.

 ____  _                      ____      _     _   ____  _
/ ___|| |_ ___  _ __   ___   / ___|___ | | __| | / ___|| |_ _____   _____
\___ \| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |   / _ \| |/ _` | \___ \| __/ _ \ \ / / _ \
 ___) | || (_) | | | |  __/ | |__| (_) | | (_| |  ___) | ||  __/\ V /  __/
|____/ \__\___/|_| |_|\___|  \____\___/|_|\__,_| |____/ \__\___| \_/ \___|

    _             _   _
   / \  _   _ ___| |_(_)_ __
  / _ \| | | / __| __| | '_ \
 / ___ \ |_| \__ \ |_| | | | |
/_/   \_\__,_|___/\__|_|_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Real Name: Steve Williams
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 252 lbs.
From: Victoria, TX
Finishing Move: Stone Cold Stunner
Career Highlights: Federation Champion, Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team
Champion, 1996 King of Ring Winner, 1998 Royal Rumble Winner
Favorite Quote: ³And that¹s the bottom line!²

Wrestler Bio: Stone Cold Steve Austin

(bio from Prima Games)

If you take a step back and look at Stone Cold Steve Austin, you will
realize why he is one of the most popular Superstars to ever compete in
the World Wrestling Federation. When The Rattlesnake isn't busy stomping
a mudhole in one of his peers, he is usually drinking beer, flipping
someone off, or getting in the boss' face - and if you are really lucky,
he will be doing all three at the same time!

For Austin, the Royal Rumble has served as an extremely important event
over the years - especially in 1998 and 1999. With professed Stone Cold
fan "Iron" Mike Tyson watching from an executive suite, Austin outlasted
all his peers and finally eliminated The Rock to earn the win and the
trip to Wrestlemania. He eventually defeated Shawn Michaels to win his
first World Wrestling Federation Championship at the March pay per view.
The following year, The Rock got a measure of revenge on Stone Cold when
he helped Vince McMahon accomplish one of the biggest upsets in
Federation history. While Austin had his attention fixed on The People's
Champion, who was outside the ring, McMahon attacked Austin from behind
and threw him over the rope to win the 30-Superstar competition!

If you take a step back and look at Stone Cold Steve Austin, you will realize
why he is one of the most popular Superstars to ever compete in the World
Wrestling Federation. When the Rattlesnake is not busy stomping a mudhole in
of his peers, he is usually drinking beer, flipping someone off, or getting in
the boss¹ face ­ and if you are real lucky, he will be doing all three at the
same time!

Anyone who has ever worked a day in their lives has fantasized about beating
arrogance out of their boss with a steel chair, calling him a jackass, or
dumping a beer over his wind-tunnel-tested hairdo.

What makes Stone Cold Steve Austin the man he is, is that he does not fantasize
about doing these things (hell, the word fantasize has never even passed his
lips, probably) ­ he just does them. Many times, older men look at their
younger, single counterparts and say ³Go out and have fun, I love vicariously
through you.²

This is how the typical Federation fans views Stone Cold. They think, ³First, I
am going to destroy my adversary of the day (work). Then I am going to grab the
evil leader behind all my problems (my boss), and annihilate him with
uncontrolled fury. When it is all over and I am standing on top a victorious
man, I will celebrate with multiple beers as the world cheers me on.²

What we would not give to live one day in the life of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

My Two Cents: Stone Cold Steve Austin
If he learns to stay away from Steph, he will continue to be one of my favorite

Striking Moves
Austin Punches- X
Overhand Punch- Up + X
Toe Kick- Right + X
Clothesline- Down + X
Snap Jab- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Suplex- Right + O
Side Buster- Down + O
Scoop Slam- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Turn Facing Front- Right + O
Bulldog- Down + O
Back Drop- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Piledriver- Up + O
DDT- Right + O
Side Buster- Down + O
Stunner- Left + O **Trademark**

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Austin Elbow Drop- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Austin Elbow Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Mounted Punches- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Overhead Toss- Up + O
Leg Lock- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Kick To Groin- Left + O

While Running
Press and Knuckle- O
Press and Knuckle- Left or Right + O
Press and Knuckle- Up or Down + O
Power Clothesline- X
Power Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Shoulder Thrusts- Left or Right + O
Boot Choke- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Driving Elbow- X
Driving Elbow- Left or Right + X
Driving Elbow- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Stone Cold Stunner - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

 _____         _
|_   _|__  ___| |_
  | |/ _ \/ __| __|
  | |  __/\__ \ |_

Wrestler Stats: Test
Height: 6'2
Weight: 278 lbs.
From: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Finishing Move: Pumphandle Slam
Career Highlights: beat Big Boss Man to win hardcore Title

Wrestler Bio: Test
It's hard to believe that Test is still a newcomer to the World
Wrestling Federation. In the short time that Test has been with us, he's
served as a prominent member of the Corporation and had the romance of
the millenium with his almost-bride, Stephanie McMahon.

During the course of a few months, Test has had to overcome more
obstacles than one can imagine in his bid for Stephanie's love. Shane
McMahon, the Mean Street Posse, and the British Bulldog all stood in the
young couple's way at one point during their courtship, but Test found a
way to defeat them all. In doing so, the young Canadian impressed
legions of Federation fans (especially the ladies) and officials as

Showing a tremendous amount of skill in the ring and natural talent as
an entertainer outside of it, Test gave everyone associated with the WWF
another reason to be excited about the future.

When Stephanie turned her back on him, it might have sent his world
crashing down, but it certainly did not finish him off. The young
Canadian with a tremendous amount of athletic ability and impressive
physique has a very long future in the World Wrestling Federation!

A few months after breaking his nose in an attack by DX, Test returned
and soon found him a new woman: Trish Stratus. Test has since teamed
with Prince Albert to form a tag team T and A. Test's stock is only
increasing in value.

Rumor Killers
-Test was never a bodyguard for Motley Crue

-Test and Stephanie McMahon never went out.

-Test is going out with Tori.

My 2 Cents: Test
Test is my favorite wrestler in the World Wrestling Federation. He became that
while he was in the storyline with Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie and Test have
both gone heel, but Steph did it with HHH and Test did it with Trish Stratus
Prince Albert. This now leads to an interesting situation, as Test really hates
Stephanie¹s guts after she betrayed him. Therefore, the WWF writers (geniuses
that they are) now make Test into a whipped guy that follows Trish¹s commands.
Man, test was this close to being a superstar too!

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Falling Neckbreaker                 Down, O
Side Buster	                        Left, O
Stomach Crusher                     Up, O
Suplex                              Right, O
Chop                                X
Big Boot                            Down, X
Toe Kick                            Left, X
Clothesline	                        Up, X
Austin Punches                      Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Falling Power Slam                  Down, O
Falling Neckbreaker                 Left, O
Test Neck Breaker	                  Up, O
Small Package                       Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Full Nelson Slam	                  Down, O
Pump Handle Slam                    Left, O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
Pumphandle Drop                     Right, O

Opponent on Mat

      Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Camel Clutch                        Up, O
Mounted Punch                       Right, O
Mounted Punch #2                    Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp #2                      Left, X
Angry Stomp #3                      Right, X
Elbow Drop                          Down, X
Elbow Drop #2                       Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Leg Lock                            Up, O
Kick to Leg	                        Right, O
Boston Crab	                        Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves

	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
10 Punch                            Left, O or Right, O
Mudhole Stomping                    Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Backdrop                      Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke #2                       Up, O or Right, O
Power Clothesline                   Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Flying Clothesline                  Left, X or Right, X
Flying Clothesline #2               Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Test Diving Elbow                   X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop #2                        Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker Drop	                  Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker Drop #2                 Down, O or Up, O
Power Clothesline	                  X
Yakuza Kick	                        Left, X or Right, X
Yakuza Kick #2                      Down, X or Up, X

	Behind Opponent
Bulldog #1                          X
Bulldog #2	                        Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog #3                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Shoulder Back Toss                  O
Powerslam                           Left, O or Right, O
Powerslam #2                        Up, O or Down, O

Pumphandle Slam    (well its just a normal move function in
this game, meaning you don't have to have the Smackdown meter full to
execute it.)  Also, the Test Elbow Drop he sometimes uses in the game is
featured as well, but again it is just a regular move.

Finishing Move Name: Diving Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 4
Description of the Move: Like I have mentioned already, I would have much
seen the Pumphandle Slam or Test Elbow then this wussy powerbomb finisher. And
yes, I know the Pumphandle Slam and Test Diving Elbow are in the game as
moves! But I would rather them be finishing moves! That is all.

 _____          _
|_   _|__  _ __(_)
  | |/ _ \| '__| |
  | | (_) | |  | |
  |_|\___/|_|  |_|

Wrestler Stats: Tori
Real Name: ????
Height: ????
Weight: ????
From: De generation X
Finishing Move: Tori Suplex
Career Highlights: Women's Champ
Favorite Quote: ????

Wrestler Bio: Tori

(bio from Prima Games)

Enigmatic. Appealing. Mysterious. Powerful.

Sometimes looks can be deceiving. Although Tori is one of the more tantalizing
sights the World Wrestling Federation has to offer, you should never feel 100
percent secure in her presence.

Tori entered the World Wrestling Federation as a result of her extreme
admiration for one of its Superstars. Proving that she could do anything to
attention from the object of her desire, Tori never tired of her contstant

Later on down the road, Tori was locked in a number of legendary battles with
Ivory over the World Wrestling Federation's Women's Championship. "Evening
matches, hardcore rules, whatever the stipulation, she was always up for the

Then came her interesting realtionship with "The Big Red Machine", aka Kane
(Undertaker's brother)

Throughout all her turns in the road, Tori has displayed one quality that has
remained consistent - she is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her
goals. With her enticing physical appeal and an intelligence to match, Tori
ususally finds a way to get what she wants.

My Two Cents: Tori
I really did not know Tori as a wrestler too well until she got put into the X-
Pac/Kane angle. At first, I did not like her that much but once she joined DX
she became one of my favorite females in the WWF> I like to use her in WWF
Smackdown as well.

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Club to Neck                        Down, O
Snapmare                            Left, O
Scoop Slam                          Up, O
Snapmare                            Right, O
Middle Kick                         X
Dropkick                            Down, X
Slap                                Left, X
Double Axe Handle                   Up, X
Back Elbow Smash                    Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
DDT                                 Down, O
Suplex                              Left, O
Small Package                       Up, O
Suplex                              Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Reverse Pin                         Down, O
Turn to Face                        Left, O
Reverse Pin                         Up, O
Turn to face                        Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Sleeper Hold                        Up, O
Knee Smash                          Right, O
Knee Smash                          Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Angry Atomp                         Down, X
Angry Stomp                         Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Toss                                Up, O
Leg Lock                            Right, O
Leg Lock                            Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves

	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Thrusts                    Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whip to Rope                  O
School Boy                          Left, O or Right, O
School Boy                          Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Choke                               Left, O or Right, O
Choke #2                            Up, O or Right, O
Shoulder Block                      Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks

      Opponent Standing
Missile Dropkick                    X
Double Axe Handle                   Left, X or Right, X
Double Axe Handle                   Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Elbow Drop                          X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Rolling Clutch Pin                  Left, O or Right, O
Rolling Clutch Pin                  Down, O or Up, O
Dropkick                            X
Shoulder Block                      Left, X or Right, X
Shoulder Block                      Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
Bulldog #1                          X
Bulldog #2                          Left, X or Right, X
Bulldog #3                          Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Tori Suplex: sort of like a regular suplex

Finishing Move Name: Tori Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Oh my gosh, a women's finisher that actually is
decent? Tori's version of the suplex is actually the best version of the
suplex in WWF Smackdown.

 _____     _       _        _   _
|_   _| __(_)_ __ | | ___  | | | |
  | || '__| | '_ \| |/ _ \ | |_| |
  | || |  | | |_) | |  __/ |  _  |
  |_||_|  |_| .__/|_|\___| |_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: Triple H
Real Name: Jean Paul Levesque
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 246 lbs.
From: Greenwich Connecticut
Finishing Move: Pedigree
Career Highlights: 3 time WWF Champ, 2 time IC Champ, 2 time Euro champ, 1997
King of the Ring, enters WM2000 as WWF Champ.

Wrestler Bio: Triple H

(bio from Prima Games)

Perhaps when utilizing the Create a Superstar feature in WWF Smackdown!, you
should use Triple H as the mold. He embodies all that a World Wrestling
Federation Superstar of this era should be.

He is in peak phsyical condition and dedicates himself to the Gym so he remains
that way. His technical ability is up there with the best of them, but if a
match calls for him to brawl in the back with garbage cans and broomsticks-
bring it on.

As far as his ability to entertain the crowd is concerned, one minute he'll
you rolling on the floor in a fit of hysteria because he just led an attack on
cross-town live event. The next minute you'll be throwing things at the
television hoping that somehow, one of them will get through and hit him
he just got done insulting you before he screwed your favorite Superstar out of
a win. He's intelligent, articulate, witty, and armed with an immeasurable
amount of charisma.

And let's not forget the cool factor. With the rest of DeGeneration X by his
side, Triple H lives life in the World Wrestling Federation as a rock star who
isn't going to let any set of rules run his game. Life on the edge is what it's
all about for Triple H and his de-generate pals.

My Two Cents: Triple H
Triple H has been a very strange wrestler, in my opinion. First, he was a
spoiled brat from Greenwich, Connecticut. Now he's the World Wrestling
Federation champion. Featuring quickness, speed, agility, and overall ood mic
skills, Triple H has evolved from the man I loved to hate to one of the most
beloved superstars in the World Wrestling Federation. I have liked him more and
more ever since he reformed DX, and now that he has the love of my life by his
side, there is no stopping Triple H.

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Knee Smash                          Down, O
Scoop Slam                          Left, O
Eye Rake                            Up, O
Arm Wrench                          Right, O
Snap Job                            X
Clothesline                         Down, X
Toe Kick                            Left, X
Elbow Smash                         Up, X
Chop                                Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Rib Breaker                         Down, O
Jumping Arm Breaker                 Left, O
Reverse Suplex                      Up, O
Manhattan Drop                      Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Diving Reverse DDT                  Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
Dragon Sleeper                      Up, O
Turn to Face                        Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Reverse Chin Lock                   Up, O
Knee Smash                          Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Double Knee Drop                    Left, X
Double Knee Drop                    Right, X
Angry Stomp                         Down, X
Angry Stomp                         Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Figure Four Leglock                 Up, O
Kick to Leg	                        Right, O
Knee Stomp	                        Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Shoulder Thrusts                    Left, O or Right, O
Superplex                           Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke #2                       Up, O or Right, O
Jumping Knee Attack                 Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Flying Clothesline                  Left, X or Right, X
Flying Clothesline                  Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Knee Drop                           X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Spear       	                  Left, O or Right, O
Spear                               Down, O or Up, O
Jumping Knee Attack                 X
Clothesline                         Left, X or Right, X
Clothesline                         Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2	                  Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Left, O or Right, O
Shoulder Back Toss                  Up, O or Down, O


(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

Pedigree: One of the best finishers in the World Wrestling Federation today.

Finishing Move Name: Pedogree
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 10
Description of the Move: The best finisher in "The Game", Triple H stuns
the opponent with this glorified facebuster. And the move looks really
cool too, even if it doesn't have as much power as I would have liked to

 _   _           _           _        _
| | | |_ __   __| | ___ _ __| |_ __ _| | _____ _ __
| | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__| __/ _` | |/ / _ \ '__|
| |_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |  | || (_| |   <  __/ |
 \___/|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|   \__\__,_|_|\_\___|_|

Wrestler Stats: Undertaker
Real Name: Mark Calloway
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 328 lbs.
From: Death Valley
Finishing Move: Tombstone Piledriver
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champ (x3), Tag Champ (w/Kane,
Show, Austin)
Favorite Quote: "Your ass is grass, and I'm smoking it!"

Wrestler Bio: Undertaker

(bio from Prima Games)

What is it about the Undertaker that has kept him on top of the World Wrestling
Federation for more than a decade? He is dark, mysterious, and evil, yet
millions of fans around the world continue to be dedicated ³creatures of the
night² after all this time. In an age where everything seems to move at the
speed of light, not only has the Undertaker remained, he has thrived throughout
his illustrious career as a sports entertainer.

From the early days of the urn and Paul Bearer to the more recent Corporate
Ministry, the Undertaker has remained one of the most entertaining superstars
the roster. With an entrance that few can rival, a commanding aura that
surrounds his silence, and the maneuverability of a superstar half his size,
Undertaker is the perfect mixture of entertainment and athleticism. Who would
imagine a man taller than 6 foot 10 inches walking on the top rope as if he
the highwire act in the travelling circus?

Let us not forget about power. Whether it is a ³tombstone piledriver² or a
hellacious choke slam, the Undertaker has more than one way to ensure that his
opponent will ³rest in peace².

My Two Cents: Undertaker
The Undertaker has always been one of my favorite wrestlers, from the days of
the urn and Paul Bearer, to the more recent tag team destruction with the
Big Show. However, he has kind of fallen out of my good graces since returning
to the World Wrestling Federation. Do not get me wrong, I was very happy to see
him return, as everyone else was, but his gimmick is rather stupid to me. I
he goes back to the old Undertaker soon, because I am already tired of the
American Bad Ass gimmick.

Striking Moves
Throat Thrust- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Body Punch- Right + X
Back Elbow Smash- Down + X
Toe Kick- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Club To Neck- Up + O
Hard Scoop Slam- Right + O
Shoulder Breaker- Down + O
DDT- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Atomic Drop- Right + O
Pumphandle Slam- Down + O
Diving Reverse DDT- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Choke Slam- Up + O **Trademark**
Rib Breaker- Right + O
Jacknife Powerbomb- Down + O
DDT- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Knee Drop- Right + X
Leg Drop- Down + X
Knee Drop- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Mounted Punches- Up + O
Sleeper Hold- Right + O
Darkness Pin- Down + O
Darkness Choke- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Kick To Leg- Up + O
Knee Stomp- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Knee Stomp- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Running DDT- Left or Right + O
Running DDT- Up or Down + O
Flying Lariat- X
Diving Shoulder- Left or Right + X
Diving Shoulder- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Walk On The Ropes- Left or Right + O
Choke- Up or Down + O
Pick up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Right + O
Shoulder Block - While Runing- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left ot Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Flying Clothesline- Left or Right + X
Flying Clothesline- Up or Down

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Tombstone Piledriver - Facing a Standing & Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Tombstone Piledriver
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move too, and I hope the Undertaker will
use this move again now that he is back on television! At least the move is in
the game, because Kane doesn't use it.

__     __    _  __     __         _
\ \   / /_ _| | \ \   / /__ _ __ (_)___
 \ \ / / _` | |  \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| / __|
  \ V / (_| | |   \ V /  __/ | | | \__ \
   \_/ \__,_|_|    \_/ \___|_| |_|_|___/

Wrestler Stats: Val Venis
Real Name: Sean Morely
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 245 lbs.
From: Las Vegas, Nevada
Finishing Move: Money Shot
Career Highlights: Intercontinental Champion, European Champion
Favorite Quote: "There is nothing wrong with selective censorship!²

Wrestler Bio: Val Venis

(bio from Prima Games)

Anyone who owns a copy of WWF Smackdown will have no problem keeping the game
going all night long... but Val Venis does not have to plug anything in to keep
his game of Smackdown going all night long!

This is the essence of Val Venis. Armed with the virility of a mid-size army,
the Big Valbowski is ready to take on all comers. If sexual conquests were a
race, Val would be competing in the 40 yard dash.

Perhaps the most amazing thing about Val Venis though, is that he is always
getting the best looking ladies, despite the fact that he treats them like
The Big Valbowski has never hidden his lack of respect toward the fairer sex,
yet they still cannot seem to get enough of him. Val has had trysts with just
about every hottie that has ever appeared in the World Wrestling Federation
as if following a formula, he gets rid of them when he has had enough. And as
soon as he unloads one, another one is right along the corner!

Despite all of this extracurricular activity, Val Venis always has more than
enough energy for the squared circle. A skilled athlete, Val also has the power
and toughness to brawl it out with the best of them!

My Two Cents: Val Venis
I have always thought Val Venis was better at portraying the role as a
although he has always done better in his career as a heel. His biggest feud to
date was a feud with Mankind, in which he portrayed the Socko-hating heel that
refused to read Mankind¹s book. He ended up beating Mankind in which is his
biggest victory to date. Before long, he was a face again, and he toiled in
mediocrty. He then became a heel, got Trish Stratus, became Intercontinental
Champion, dumped Trish Stratus, then joined the biggest heel group since the
Corporate Ministry, The Right to Censor.

Striking Moves
Chop- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Elbow Smash- Right + X
Standing Clothesline- Down + X
Austin Punches- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Eye Rake- Up + O
Scissors Sweep- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
DDT- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Octopus Stretch- Up + O
German Suplex Piin- Right + O
Atomic Drop- Down + O
Russian Leg Sweep- Left + O **Trademark**

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Stomach Crusher- Up + O
Spine Buster- Right + O
Fisherman's Suplex- Down + O
Double Arm Suplex- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Elbow Drop- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Elbow Drop- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Reverse Chin Lock- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Mounted Punches- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Kick To Groin- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Pin with Bridge- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker Drop- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Back Elbow Smash- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Left or Right + O
School Boy (Pin) - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Pulling Walk Slam- Left or Right + O
Pulling Walk Slam- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Superplex- Left or Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Foot Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Foot Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Elbow Drop- X
Knee Drop- Left or Right + X
Knee Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Money Shot - While Standing on the Turnbuckle and Opponent is on the Mat- L1

Finishing Move Name: The Money Shot
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Another great off the top rope move that doesn't look
great when translated to a video game.

__     ___                  __  __      __  __       _
\ \   / (_)_ __   ___ ___  |  \/  | ___|  \/  | __ _| |__   ___  _ __
 \ \ / /| | '_ \ / __/ _ \ | |\/| |/ __| |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ \
  \ V / | | | | | (_|  __/ | |  | | (__| |  | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | |
   \_/  |_|_| |_|\___\___| |_|  |_|\___|_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|

Wrestler Stats: Vince McMahon
Real Name: Vince McMahon
Height: Unknown at this time
Weight: Unknown at this time
From: Greenwich, Connecticut
Finishing Move: Mac Stunner
Career Highlights: World Wrestling Federation Champion
Favorite Quote: "In this very ring...² and ³I guarantee it!²

Wrestler Bio: Vince McMahon

(bio from Prima Games)

Is it the over-exaggerated gulp? Or the stare that could burn a hole through
ozone layer? Perhaps it¹s the way his voice gets all scratchy when he screams,
³you sunuvabitch!² Odds are it is a combination of the three, along with all of
his other unique traits and abilities, that has earned Vince McMahon a
spot in the emotional vault of millions of fans around the world. Love him or
hate him, with arrogance, perseverance, and great facial expressions, the
distinguished owner of the World Wrestling Federation has become a central
figure on World Wrestling Federation television.

But do not let his dapper exterior or mental acumen trick you into thinking Mr.
McMahon is a pushover in the ring. Armed with an unbelievable desire to destroy
his opponents ­ in the business world and between the ropes ­ Mr. McMahon has
been involved in some of the most intense contests Federation fans have ever
witnessed. Unfortunately for the owner, he is usually on the receiving end of
much of this intensity!

Look over Mr. McMahon¹s competitive resume and you will see a Royal Rumble
victory, a fall from the top of the steel cage, a win (along with Shane
over Stone Cold Steve Austin in a handicap ladder match, and an unforgettable
war with Triple H. Every time Mr. McMahon steps in the ring you can be certain
that he will give his all to ensure that you are entertained.

The only question that remains is, where has Mr. McMahon kicked more butt... in
the office or the ring?

My Two Cents: Vince McMahon
Besides the Big Show, I do not think that a single wrestler or character has
undergone more character changes than Vince McMahon. He sometimes play a
babyface owner pushed around by unruly wrestlers, like Triple H, who do stuff
like marry his daughter. However, he is best well known for his role as a
manical owner that does his best to make sure things go the way he wants. His
feud with Austin will forever go down as a turning point in the World Wrestling
Federation, as the feud made the World Wrestling Federation what it is today.
always gives his all in the ring too, just to make sure that the fans are
entertained, and I admire that.

Striking Moves
Middle Kick- X
Double Axe Handle- Up + X
Toe Kick- Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Down + X
Chop- Left + X

Grappling (Front)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Club To Neck- Up + O
Eye Rake- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Eye Rake- Left + O

Grappling (Rear)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Turn Facing Front- Up + O
Turn Facing Front- Right + O
Turn Facing Front- Down + O
Turn Facing Front- Left + O

Grappling (Groggy)
Irish Whip into the Ropes- O
Club To Neck- Up + O
Piledriver- Right + O
Arm Wrench- Down + O
Side Buster- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Striking Moves)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Angry Stomp- X
Angry Stomp- Up + X
Angry Stomp- Right + X
Angry Stomp- Down + X
Angry Stomp- Left + X

Opponent on Mat (Near Head)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Sleeper Hold- Up + O
Knee Smash- Right + O
Pin- Down + O
Knee Smash- Left + O

Opponent on Mat (Near Feet)
Raise Opponent - Front- O
Raise Opponent - Behind- O + O
Knee Stomp- Up + O
Kick To Leg- Right + O
Leg Hook Pin- Down + O
Leg Lock- Left + O

While Running
Neckbreaker- O
Neckbreaker- Left or Right + O
Neckbreaker- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block- X
Shoulder Block- Left or Right + X
Shoulder Block- Up or Down + X
Bulldog - Behind- O
Bulldog - Behind- Left or Right + O
Bulldog - Behind- Up or Down + O

Opponent Running
Monkey Toss- O
Shoulder Back Toss- Left or Right + O
Shoulder Back Toss- Up or Down + O

Opponent in TB (Front)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Choke- Left or Right + O
Mudhole Stomping- Up or Down + O
Help up Opponent - Lower- O
Choke - Lower- Left or Right + O
Choke - Lower- Up or Down + O
Shoulder Block - While Running- /\, X, or O

Opponent in TB (Rear)
Whip Opponent to Opposite Turnbuckle- O
Super Back Drop- Left or Right + O
Super Back Drop- Up or Down + O

On TB (Opponent Standing)
Double Axe Handle- X
Double Axe Handle- Left or Right + X
Double Axe Handle- Up or Down + X

On TB (Opponent on Mat)
Knee Drop- X
Elbow Drop- Left or Right + X
Elbow Drop- Up or Down + X

Finishing Move
Stunner - While Facing a Standing and Groggy Opponent- L1

Finishing Move Name: Stunner
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10):
Description of the Move: Basically a one handed Stone Cold Stunner. I guess
Vince uses this move because of the big rivalry that Stone Cold and Mr McMahon
have had on WWF television.

__  __     ____
\ \/ /    |  _ \ __ _  ___
 \  /_____| |_) / _` |/ __|
 /  \_____|  __/ (_| | (__
/_/\_\    |_|   \__,_|\___|

Wrestler Stats: X-Pac
Real Name: Sean Waltman
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 212 lbs.
From: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Finishing Move: X-Factor
Career Highlights: European Champ, Tag Champ (w/Kane)
Favorite Quote: "Your ass is grass, and I'm smoking it!"

Wrestler Bio: X-Pac

(bio from wwf.com)

Don't blink. If you do during an X-Pac match, you might miss something
spectacular. At just over 200 pounds, X-Pac is almost always giving up
several pounds to his opponent. He makes up for that with lightning-fast
quickness. You can only beat him if you can catch him. His two-time reign
as European Champion proves that few superstars can.

When X-Pac (formerly the 1-2-3 Kid) made his return to the Federation
on March 30, 1998, no longer was he the fresh-faced, innocent-looking kid of
years past. This rebel now sports a beard and dark glasses and is one of the
members of D-Generation X. He's loud, obnoxious, and not afraid to rip into
someone at a moment's notice.

My Two Cents: X-Pac
X-Pac was in the World Wrestling Federation several years ago as the 1-2-3 kid,
and I had a lot of respect for him. Then he suddenly disappeared from the
World Wrestling Federation and went to World Championship Wrestling, as Syxx.
When he came back to the World Wrestling Federation, he added a new look and
lots of charisma, becoming a member of De Generation X as X-Pac. With lots of
speed and agility, he has a bright future.

Move List

O            circle
T            triangle
X            Button X
S            square

Moves: If a move was to be performed by pushing left then circle, it
would appear as  Left, O  on the move list here.


Facing the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Headlock and Punch                  Down, O
Snapmore                            Left, O
Eye Rake                            Up, O
DDT                                 Right, O
Middle Kick                         X
Spinning to Face X-Pac              Down, X
Snap Jab                            Left, X
Spinning Wheel Kick                 Up, X
Spinning Kick                       Right, X

Facing the Groggy Opponent
Piledriver                          Down, O
Spinning Back Drop                  Left, O
Hurracanrana                        Up, O
Fisherman Suplex                    Right, O

Behind the Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
Reverse Pin                         Down, O
Back Drop                           Left, O
School Boy                          Up, O
Turn to Face                        Right, O

Opponent on Mat

	Upper Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Knee Smash                          Up, O
Sleeper Hold                        Right, O
Mounted Punch                       Left, O
Angry Stomp	                        X
Angry Stomp                         Left, X
Angry Stomp                         Right, X
Leg Drop                            Down, X
Leg Drop                            Up, X

	Lower Body
Raise Opponent                      O
Kick to Leg                         Up, O
Kick to Groin                       Right, O
Knee Stomp                          Left, O

Turnbuckle Moves
	Facing Opponent
Irish Whip to Ropes                 O
10 Punch                            Left, O or Right, O
Mudhole Stomping                    Down, O or Up, O

	Behind Opponent
Irish Whips to Rope                 O
Super Back Drop                     Left, O or Right, O
Super Backdrop #2	                  Up, O or Down, O

	Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle
Raise Opponent                      O
Foot Choke                          Left, O or Right, O
Foot Choke #2                       Up, O or Right, O
Bronco Buster                       Triangle, X

Turnbuckle Attacks
      Opponent Standing
Double Axe Handle                   X
Spinning Wheel Kick                 Left, X or Right, X
Spinning Wheel Kick                 Down, X or Up, X

	Opponent on Mat
Knee Drop                           X
Knee Drop                           Left, X or Right, X
Knee Drop                           Down, X or Up, X

Running Attacks
Push Up and the direction you wish to run in. You will run off the
turnbuckle. As you approach the opponent, do a button combo listed here
to do a move.

      Facing Opponents
Neckbreaker	                        O
Neckbreaker                         Left, O or Right, O
Neckbreaker                         Down, O or Up, O
Flying Lariat                       X
Bronco Buster                       Left, X or Right, X
Bronco Buster                       Down, X or Up, X

      Behind Opponent
School Boy #1                       X
School Boy #2	                  Left, X or Right, X
School Boy #3                       Down, X or Up, X

Running Counterattacks-Opponent Running
Use this when your opponent is running off the turnbuckle towards you.

Monkey Toss                         O
Pulling Walk Slam                   Left, O or Right, O
Pulling Walk Slam                   Up, O or Down, O

(press L1 when Smackdown meter appears)

X-Factor: One of the best (and best named) finishers in the World Wrestling
Federation today.

Finishing Move Name: X-Factor
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 10
Description of the Move: The second, and final, finisher that gets a
10/10 from me, mainly because I love the look and strength of the move.


                        CREATE A WRESTLER

                                WWF SMACKDOWN! by Andrew Tso
                             Playstation   Create a wrestler Guide
                                 Last updated: 09/25/00

05/07/00- A BUTTLOAD OF CAWS FOR YOU TODAY! Check them out at the

05/10/00- I am such a bum. I got everything mixed up. Sorry about the
CAWs, because you will have to edit the CAW's appearance. I got mixed
up, because I mixed up the CAW numbers! And the CAWs are MUCH easier to
make because I added a description for the clothes and faces!
COOL MOVES SECTION! It really looks like the real double team!

05/11/00- Those damn Dudleys with their dirty flying headbutt to groin!
Go to the COOL MOVES section to do this! Thanks to Grandmaster APA and
now my FAQ does not lack INTENSITY, INTEGRITY and INTELEGENCE! Thank you

05/17/00- *GASP!* What is this? A BUTTLOAD OF COOL MOVES FOR YOUR

05/22/00- CAWS CAWS CAWS! Alot of CAWs for you!

05/30/00- Alright, it's been a while since I updated. Boy, I'm tired!
Well, I'm still slacking off and haven't read any mail for a few days
(sorry for the people who sent me something, I will read them ASAP), so
this is what I'm going to do. I have alot of untested CAWs from Andrew
McBride (thanks man!). There are too many CAWs, so I decided to send
them to you if you ask me to. And if you want, you can test them for me
and I would give you credit for helping out! :)
I'm off for 1 week, but I will try to make an update on Sunday! Come and
check my FAQ on Monday. Bye!

06/03/00- There, like I promised but just a few days late. And fredie1
also got a buttload (and I mean BUTTLOAD) of CAWs for you! Email me and
I will send them! Got some neat cool moves in the cool moves section so
check it out! I also have a nice "pimpin" Chris Jericho for you!

08/01/00- I'm back! Sorry for not replying to some mail but I was just
on a little break. I got alot of new stuff for you so check out the CAWs
section for a CAW of "Goodfather" and more! Also a cool move is added in
the cool moves section!

09/25/00- I don't think you people understand my purpose of the Hardy
Boyz Leg Drop. The point of it was that I wanted to do the leg drop in a
singles match. You guys are telling me how to do the "real" one, well I
do know. I made the cool move so that you actually LAND on the person's
back, not fly forward to hit someone else. Let me explain:

Hit something else and not the person who was on his knees

Hit someone while they are on their knees so you can do a leg drop on

You do a flying leg splash

You LAND on them creating the illusion that you are about to jump on
him, jump then do a leg drop.

So I hope you understand. Please do not send me anymore mail regarding
this. I have stopped updating, but expect my next FAQ for Smackdown! 2

   /                                    \
  |         CONTROL BOX                  |
  |CONTROLS IN THE CAS MODE              |
  |========================              |
  |X- Select                             |
  |Triangle- Go back                     |
  |Left/Right- Toggle through selections |
  |L2/R2- Turn your created wrestler     |
  |L1/R1- Get to another section         |

    Hello everyone, I'm andy591. This is my second FAQ! This is a create
a superstar guide which shows you all the costumes in the game, and all
the ability level you need to be able to do a certain move!

Press Ctrl+F on your Internet Explorer browser to search for the feaure.
(Example: Type "Fishsticks" and find sentences or headings with the
word, "Fishsticks".)

From here, you choose. Choose NO SECRETS UNLOCKED if you didn't get all
the outfits yet. And choose ALL SECRETS UNLOCKED if you have gotten
EVERY outfit there is in the game. Press Ctrl+f and type in the feature

      Table of contents
    Feature         Letter
|       Head       |    A   |-Complete!
|       Upper      |    B   |-Complete!
|       Lower      |    C   |-Complete!
This only works if you have all the outfits unlocked.

     Feature         Letter
|        Head      |    D   |*Complete!
|        Upper     |    E   |*Complete!
|        Lower     |    F   |*Coming soon!

     Feature          Letter
|   Moves/Ability  |    G   |*Complete!
|   Entrances      |    H   |*Coming soon!
|   Special notes  |    I   |*New notes
|   Creations      |    J   |*Coming soon!
|   FAQ            |    K   |*Ask me questions!

    COOL MOVES (they work, too!)
These are the moves currently available:
|1. FAKE 3D: Looks cool!         |
|2. FAKE 3D: A nicer one!        |
|3. FAKE 3D: I prefer this one   |
|4. Hardy Leg Drop               |
|5. Double People's Elbow        |
|6. Whip and spear               |
|7. THE WORM                     |
|8. Kaientai's doubleteam        |
|9. Dudley Boyz Headbutt To Groin|
|10. Electric Chair Fameasser    |
|11. Hip Hop Drop                |
|12. Head Cheese Leg Drop        |
|13. One on Two ass-beating      |
|14. Hardy Boyz DoubleGround move|
|15. The Stinky Face (weird name)|
|16. Good Worm!                  |
|17. Reverse doomsday device     |

Here is a list of things in the APPEARANCE option if you have every
outfit unlocked:

00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. Undertaker
02. The Rock
03. The Big Show
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock
06. Triple H
07. Kane
08. Val Venis
09. The Big Boss Man
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly
15. Test
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. D-Lo Brown
25. Mark Henry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman
33. Farooq
34. Bradshaw
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Mideon
37. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)
38. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)
39. Prince Albert
40. Gerald Brisco
41. Pat Patterson
42. Ivory
43. Jacqueline
44. Stephanie McMahon
45. Stone Cold Steve Austin w/ headband
46. The Rock w/ sunglasses
47. Viscera
48. Stevie Richards
49. Earl Hebner (I think)
50. Stephanie McMahon w/ different hair
51. Old man with big grey hair and sunglasses
52. Star mask
53. Girl with wacky hair and lips (Godfather's ho)
54. A Japanese girl/boy? (Godfather's ho)
55. A metal helmet
56. Japanese samurai helmet
57. THQ robot
58. Japanese samurai (Japanese-style hair)
59. T-Rex
60. Knight's helmet
61. The Blue Meanie!
62. Man w/ red mask and hair
63. Yellow mask with blue design
64. A Power Ranger mask?
65. Blue mask w/ eye, nose, and mouth revealed
66. Rey Mysterio mask w/ star on forehead
67. Goalie mask
68. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)
69. Glacier w/ grey hair (Sub-Zero look alike)
70. Man w/ blond buzzcut
71. Clown w/ blond buzzcut
72. Man w/ blond buzzcut and goatee
73. Man w/ blond buzzcut and sunglasses
74. Old man w/ goatee
75. Old clown w/ goatee
76. Old man w/ shower cap and fake eye?
77. Small man w/ yellow goatee
78. Scary robot
79. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's face)

(note: upper costumes with "C" beside them mean "chest", which means
that it isn't a costume)

00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. The Undertaker
02. The Rock (C w/ tattoo)
03. Big Show (C)
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock (C w/ gloves)
06. Triple H (C w/ elbowpads)
07. Kane
08. Val Venis (C)
09. The Big Bossman
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon (black suit)
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn (C w/ necklace)
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly (C w/elbow pad and wristbands)
15. Test (C w/ black wristbands)
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge (C w/ elbow pads)
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. Dlo Brown (plain black tank top)
25. Mark Jenry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho(C w/ wrist bands)
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon (what you usually see him wear)
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman (C w/ white wristbands)
33. Farooq (C w/ symbols)
34. Bradshaw (C w/ different symbols)
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Mideon
37. Prince Albert? (black tank top)
38. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's body)
39. Hairy body (C)
40. Red "buckle-up" shirt
41. WWF shirt
42. One side tanktop (Andre the Giant)
43. Black T-Shirt
44. Woman's light green suit
45. Stone Cold's Gym T-Shirt
46. The Rock's workout shirt (black shirt with stripes)
47. Viscera
48. Army colored shirt
49. Referee male
50. Referee female
51. Big red business suit with yellow tie
52. Kurt Angle? (blue tanktop with red and white stripes)
53. THQ tanktop (I want one!)
54. Women's blue tanktop
55. Black tanktop (unsure)
56. One side tanktop (unsure)
57. White shirt
58. Ripped tanktop (Chris Jericho wears before matches sometimes)
59. Old black and white Degeneration X t-shirt
60. Black tanktop (unsure)
61. White shirt 1 (seems wet)
62. White shirt 2 (it has a big stomach)
63. Blue shirt
64. Red shirt
65. Stone Cold Steve Austin jacket
66. Blue tanktop (attached to neck)
67. Red bikini
68. White armor chest plate
69. Samurai gear 1
70. THQ robot
71. Samurai gear 2
72. Colorful shirt
73. Sumo shirt
74. Tattoos all over body (C)
75. Hairy (C)
76. Skinny (C)
77. Colorful shirt 2
78. Stevie Richards (dark blue top)
79. Christian's old shirt (Gangrel's but without necklace. Bet you
didn't notice, huh?)
80. Referee male 2
81. Paul Bearer 2 (green tie)


00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. Undertaker (black pants)
02. The Rock
03. The Big Show
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock
06. Triple H
07. Kane
08. Val Venis
09. The Big Bossman
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon (grey pants)
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly
15. Test
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel (dark blue pants)
18. Christian
19. Edge
20. Chyna
21. Tori (silver pants)
22. The Godfather (green jeans)
23. Debra (short skirt w/ high heels)
24. D-lo Brown
25. Mark Henry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon (black pants)
31. Paul Bearer's baggy black pants (well baggy if you're skinny)
32. "Headcheese" Steve Blackman (black pants w/ red shoes)
33. Farooq
34. Bradshaw
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Mideon? (black pants)
37. Unknown(I did this with Gameshark and I got the Rock's tights)
38. Flame pants
39. Samurai pants
40. Black pants
41. Grey pants w/ red shoes
42. Pink flames?
43. Red short skirt
44. Light green short skirt
45. Jeans w/ running shoes
46. Black pants 2
47. USA short skirt
48. Army pants
49. Black pants 3 (w/ black shoes)
50. Black tights w/ green boots
51. Baggy greyish pants (is supposed to go with a red shirt)
52. Red shorts w/ red kneepads and black boots
53. Blue skirt
54. Blue shorts w/ blue kneepads and black boots
55. Green samurai pants
56. Japanese style
57. Japanese style 2
58. Jeans
59. Black short skirt
60. Dark blue pants
61. White pants
62. Red pants
63. Red pants 2
64. Big white pants
65. Black and grey pants
66. Cowboy pants (REALLY NICE!)
67. Cowboy pants 2
68. Clown pants w/ pink slippers
69. Polkadot long skirt
70. White long skirt
71. Black long skirt
72. Pink long skirt
73. Japanese style 3 (w/ Japanese wooden slippers)
74. Green shorts
75. Light blue shorts
76. Red shorts
77. Pink tights
78. Samurai pants 2
79. Samurai pants 3
80. Red and white pants (looks cool!)
81. Japanese style 4
82. Dragon design
83. Karate pants
84. Blue tights w/ tattoos (Perry Saturn shorts)
85. White tights w/ tattoos
86. Orange short jeans
87. Blue tights w/ white boots
88. Blue short jeans
89. Army shorts
90. Black and white striped shorts
91. Big Yokozuna style pants
92. Christian's old pants (fire pants)
93. Triple H's old pants
94. Funaki shorts (blue and white striped)
95. Baggy black pants
96. Armor pants


00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. Undertaker
02. The Rock
03. The Big Show
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock
06. Triple H
07. Kane
08. Val Venis
09. The Big Boss Man
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly
15. Test
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. D-Lo Brown
25. Mark Henry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman
33. Farooq
34. Bradshaw
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Earl Hebner
37. Stephanie McMahon with different hair
38. Old man with big grey hair and sunglasses
39. Star mask
40. Girl with wacky hair and lips (Godfather's ho)
41. A Japanese girl/boy? (Godfather's ho)
42. A metal helmet
43. Japanese samurai helmet
44. THQ robot
45. Japanese samurai (Japanese-style hair)
46. T-Rex
47. Knight's helmet
48. Man w/ red mask and hair
49. Yellow mask with blue design
50. A Power Ranger mask?
51. Blue mask w/ eye, nose, and mouth revealed
52. Rey Mysterio mask w/ star on forehead
53. Goalie mask
54. Glacier w/ grey hair (Sub-Zero look alike)
55. Man w/ blond buzzcut
56. Clown w/ blond buzzcut
57. Man w/ blond buzzcut and goatee
58. Man w/ blond buzzcut and sunglasses
59. Old man w/ goatee
60. Old clown w/ goatee
61. Old man w/ shower cap and fake eye?
62. Small man w/ yellow goatee
63. Scary robot

(note: upper costumes with "C" beside them mean "chest", which means
that it isn't a costume)

00. Stone Cold Steve Austin
01. The Undertaker
02. The Rock (C w/ tattoo)
03. Big Show (C)
04. Mankind
05. Ken Shamrock (C w/ gloves)
06. Triple H (C w/ elbowpads)
07. Kane
08. Val Venis (C)
09. The Big Bossman
10. X-Pac
11. Vince McMahon (black suit)
12. "Badd Ass" Billy Gunn (C w/ necklace)
13. "Road Dogg" Jesse James
14. Hardcore Holly (C w/elbow pad and wristbands)
15. Test (C w/ black wristbands)
16. Al Snow
17. Gangrel
18. Christian
19. Edge (C w/ elbow pads)
20. Chyna
21. Tori
22. The Godfather
23. Debra
24. Dlo Brown (plain black tank top)
25. Mark Jenry
26. Matt Hardy
27. Jeff Hardy
28. Chris Jericho(C w/ wrist bands)
29. Buh Buh Ray Dudley
30. Shane McMahon (what you usually see him wear)
31. Paul Bearer
32. Steve Blackman (C w/ white wristbands)
33. Farooq (C w/ symbols)
34. Bradshaw (C w/ different symbols)
35. D-Von Dudley
36. Prince Albert? (black tank top)
37. Red "buckle-up" shirt
38. WWF shirt
39. One side tanktop (Andre the Giant)
40. Black T-Shirt
41. Army colored shirt
42. Referee male
43. Referee female
44. Big red business suit with yellow tie
45. Kurt Angle? (blue tanktop with red and white stripes)
46. THQ tanktop (I want one!)
47. Women's blue tanktop
48. Black tanktop 2
49. One side tanktop 2
50. White shirt
51. Ripped tanktop (Chris Jericho wears before matches sometimes)
52. Old black and white Degeneration X t-shirt
53. Black tanktop 3
54. White shirt 1 (seems wet)
55. White shirt 2 (it has a big stomach)
56. Blue shirt
57. Red shirt
58. Stone Cold Steve Austin jacket
59. Blue tanktop (attached to neck)
60. Red bikini
61. White armor chest plate
62. Samurai gear 1
63. THQ robot
64. Samurai gear 2
65. Colorful shirt
66. Sumo shirt
67. Tattoos all over body (C)
68. Hairy (C)
69. Skinny (C)
70. Colorful shirt 2
71. Stevie Richards (dark blue top)
72. Christian's old shirt (Gangrel's but without necklace. Bet you
didn't notice, huh?)
73. Referee male 2
74. Paul Bearer 2 (green tie)
75. Armor plate

*Coming soon!

This section tells you what moves you can have if you boost one of your
abilities in a certain skill level. Press ctrl+f and type in the name of
the move you want.
Example: I want know what skill level I have to be at to do a powerbomb.
I press ctrl+f and type in POWERBOMB. It's that easy!
Skill Level: 1
Moves you get:
01. Elbow drop
02. Scoop slam
03. Hard scoop slam
04. Side buster
05. Atomic drop

Skill Level: 2
06. Reverse brainbuster
07. DDT

Skill Level: 3
8. Stomach crusher
9. Pendulum backbreaker
10. Bearhug
11. Test driving elbow
12. Rib breaker (similiar to backbreaker)
13. Fall away slam
14. Pulling piledriver (a piledriver where the enemie's head lands
15. Pump handle drop (Test's fav. move)
16. Piledriver
17. Diving elbow

Skill Level: 4
18. Dominator (Farooq's finisher)
19. Choke toss
20. Test neckbreaker
21. Diving powerbomb
22. Bearhug front slam (Kurrgans finisher)
23. Inverted DDT
24. Falling powerslam
25. Body press slam
26. Torture rack
27. Double powerbomb (2 powerbombs and a pin)
28. Body press drop FW (throw your enemy)
29. Body press drop
30. Pimpdrop
31. Stunner
32. Running powerbomb
33. Pumphandle slam
34. Jackknife powerbomb

Skill Level: 5
35. Strong lariat
36. Tombstone piledriver
37. Full nelson slam
38. Chokeslam
39. Show stopper
40. Stone Cold stunner


Skill Level: 1
01. Snapmare
02. Back drop

Skill Level: 2
03. Double arm suplex
04. Falcon arrow
05. Dicing reverse DDT

Skill Level: 3
06. Belly to back flip
07. Fisherman suplex
08. Gangrel suplex
09. Tori suplex
10. Brainbuster
11. Reverse suplex
12. German suplex pin

Skill Level: 4
13. Northern-light suplex
14. X-Factor
15. Sky high
16. Michinoku driver (Yes, Taka!)
17. Downward spiral
18. Hurracanrana
19. Electric chair drop (behind enemy, facedrop)
20. Jump swinging DDT (Layin' The Smackdown!)
21. Twisting knee drop
22. Dragon suplex pin
23. Impaler

Skill Level: 5
24. Spinning back drop
25. Tiger suplex pin
26. Senton bomb
27. The people's elbow


Skill Level: 1
01. Suplex

Skill Level: 2
02. Arm wrench
03. Jumping arm breaker
04. Shin breaker
05. Shoulder breaker
06. Hip toss
07. Falling neckbreaker (the old Austin 3:16)
08. Russian leg sweep
09. Back side slam
10. Abdominal stretch

Skill Level: 3
11. Dragon screw
12. Dragon sleeper

Skill Level: 4
13. Dragon attack
14. Doublearm backbreaker
15. Snowplow
16. Rolling leg lock
17. Sambo suplex (nice move!)
18. The 450
19. Diving moonsault
20. Octopus stretch

Skill Level: 5
21. Shamrock Anklelock
22. The Pedigree
23. The Rock Bottom
24. Fame Asser
25. Flipping arm bar
26. The Money Shot
27. The 'Lo Down


Skill Level: 1
01. Knee drop
02. Eye rake
03. Club to neck
04. Sleeper hold

Skill Level: 2
05. Headlock and punch
06. Strong head butt

Skill Level: 3
07. Diving headbutt (Off the top rope)
08. Lifting chokehold
09. Manhattan drop

Skill Level: 4
10. Double arm DDT
11. Knee strike

Skill Level: 5
12. Mandible claw
13. Low blow
14. Reverse death valley (Prince Albert's neat move!)

THAT'S ALL THE MOVES! Of course, there are more (running moves and such,
I will add them soon)


*Funaki's shorts are in the game. Check for the last few shorts if you
didn't get all outfits. Look for # 94 if you have ALL the outfits.
*Taka's moves are in the game. His Michinoku Driver and his face
dropkick is in there too!

Creations! Yes! Creations! Numbers marked with an "X" is the proper
number (head: 32/72) for NO SECRETS UNLOCKED. The ones without the X
marked is for the people who have ALL SECRETS UNLOCKED. Some here are
kinda crappy, so don't email me about how much they suck.
The "*" indicates the rating. If they have 3 ***, that means I gave them
3/5 points. If there is a name beside the creation, it is the person who
made the CAW.
Head: 8 (X: 8)(Val Venis)
Upper: 14 (X: 14)(Hardcore Holly)
Lower: 24 (X: 24)(D-Lo Brown)
Height: 60%
Weight: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Diving Headbutt
Favourite: German Suplex

Head: 15 (X: 15)(Test)
Upper: 28 (X: 28)(Chris Jericho)
Lower: 71 (X: ??)(long black skirt)
Height: 40%
Weight: 65%
Skin: 3

"NEW" TEST****
Head: 15 (X: 15)(Test, of course!)
Upper: 18 (X: 18)(Christian)
Lower: 32 (X: 32)(Steve Blackman)
Height: 80%
Weight: 45%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Test Driving Elbow
Favourite move: Pump Handle Slam (He does that move alot)

Head: 74 (X: 59)(Old man w/ goatee)Trust me it looks like him when you
change the skin color!
Upper: 37(X: 48)(Black tanktop)
Lower: 3 (X: 3)(Big Show)
Height: 0%
Weight: 65%
Skin: 3
Weapon: Anything you want, but the iron pipe fits him
Finisher: Octopus stretch (the closest Tazzmission)
Favourite move: Not too sure, I chose belly-to-belly suplex

COOL ROCK*** By KDawg665
Head: 2 (X: 2)(THe Rock)
Upper: 72 (X: 65)(Colorful shirt)
Lower: 64 (X: Just any white khakis)
Height: 75%
Weight: 30%
Skin: 2
Finisher: The Rock Bottom (This is a cooler finisher!)
Favourite move: Jump Swinging DDT (Layin' The Smackdown)

SLASH***** (my own wrestler ;)
Head: 70 (X: 55)(Man w/ buzzcut)
Upper: 5 (X: 5)(Ken Shamrock)
Lower: 49 (Black Adidas-style tearaways)
Height: 70%
Weight: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Reverse Death Valley (Hell's Drop)
Favourite move: Double Power Bomb (It's over, folks!)

RAVEN*** (Ron Carico)
Head: 6 (X: 6)(Triple H)
Upper: 36 (Unlock Mideon's clothes)
Lower: 88 (Short jeans)
Height: 10%
Weight: 50%
Skin: 1
Finisher: Evenflow DDT (Inverted DDT)
Favourite move: Drop toehold

KIDMAN****(Ron Carico's roommate)
Head: 26 (X: 26)(Matt Hardy)
Upper: 24 (X: 24)(Black tanktop)
Lower: 35 (X: 35)(Black pants)
Height: 0%
Weight: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: Shooting Star Press (450)
Favourite move: Sky High

THE CAT*** (no not Miss Kitty:) (Ron Carico)
Head: 0 (X: 0)(Stone Cold Steve Austin!)
Upper: 15 (X: 15)(Test)
Lower: 15 (X: 15 It really looks like him!)(Tiger shorts)
Height: 0%
Weight: 40%
Skin: 3
Favourite move: Karate Kick

AHMED JOHNSON**** (Ron Ririco)
Head: 0 (X: 0)(Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Upper: 0 (X: 0)(Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Lower: 5 (X: 5)(Ken Shamrock)
Height: 35%
Weight: 50 %
Skin: 4
Finisher: Pearl River Plunge(Diving Powerbomb)
Favourite move: Spinebuster

EARL HEBNER**** (Liam Paton)
Head: 49 (Earl Hebner's face)
Upper: 80 (Referee shirt)
Lower: 01 (The Undertaker)
Weight: 40%
Height: 25%
Skin: 2
Finisher: The 3 Count (Rock Bottom)
Favourite: The stunner
And the abilities! Thank you for sending the ABILITIES, too!

ABILITY         Power     Speed     Tech     Rough
SKILL LV          4         1         5        1
ATTACK LV         1         1         3        1
DEFENSE LV        1         1         2        1

RIKISHI PHATU ***(Andrew McBride)
Head: 46 (The Rock's sunglasses)
Upper: 32 (Steve Blackman)
Lower: 0 (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Weight: 80%
Height: 30%
Skin: 3
Finisher: Pump Handle Slam (Rikishi Driver)
Favourite: Stinky Face (Thump, while running)

SCOTTY TOO HOTTY****(Patrick Marques)
Head: 72 or 73 (Man with blond hair)
Upper: 6 (Triple H)
Lower: 26 (Matt Hardy)

GRANDMASTA SEXAY**(Patrick Marques)
Head: 13 (Road Dogg Jesse James)
Upper: 64 (Stone Cold Steve Austin jacket)
Lower: 46 (Black pants)

Head: 08 (Val Venis)
Upper: 08 (Val Venis)
Lower: 0 (Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Weight: You decide
Height: You decide
Skin: 2
Finisher: Awesome Splash (The Money Shot)
Favourite: Awesome Bomb (Jackknife Powerbomb)

Head: 28 (Chris Jericho)
Upper: 22 (The Godfather)
Lower: 12 (Badd Ass Billy Gunn)
Weight: 40%
Height: 50%?
Skin: 2
Finisher: Double Powerbomb

THE GOODFATHER***(Merlyn and Mike)
Head: 22 (Godfather)
Upper: 4 (Mankind)
Lower: 46 (black pants)
Weight: 30%-40%
Height: 30%-40%
Skin: 3
Finisher: Pimp drop

The following CAWs are made by Ginko. I didn't organize it though.

Head:8-(Val Venis)
Upper:64-(Stone cold Steve Austin Jacket)
Lower:0-(Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Weight:You decide
Height:You decide
Finisher: Running Powerbomb
Favourite:Jacknife Powerbomb
Upper:60-(Black Tanktop)
Weight:You decide but not too fat!!!
Height:The Tallest
Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb
Favourite: Big Boot

Lower:94-(White and Blue Stripped)
Weight:You decide but a skinnier fits Taka
Finisher:Michinoku driver

Lower:94-(White and Blue Stripped)
Weight:You decide but a skinnier fits Funaki
Favourite:You decide
====================Those CAWs were by Ginko.

Q: May I use your FAQ?
A: Of course! But you have to ask me and give me credit, mmkay?

Q: Mmkay. Can I trade CAWS with you?
A: Yes you may, but I must check if you got this from another FAQ or
not, or I might get into trouble if I posted them here. Give me your
CAWs, and I will post my creations too!

Q: When do you update?
A: At least twice a week!

Q: I'm getting impatient, when are the creations gonna be here?!?!?
A: Soon, maybe this week!

Q: Where were you?
A: Sorry everybody, I was really lazy and I had some projects assigned
from school! Everything should be fine now!

Q: Is there a cool move I can do that is not really considered a move?
A: Yes, kick someone in the groin IN THE CORNER. When he doesn't get up
from his knees in 1 second, run to him (triangle) and when you're on top
of him, press X. And what do you get? A flying Hardy leg drop!
NOTE: Anyone with a groin kick can do this move!

             THANK YOU!
The following people are people who helped me with my CAW guide. Thank
Brandon Buie
Mischief Matt

(Those names mentioned above were all the people who told me about
Brisco's name. Thank you all!)

Ron Ririco for the buttload of CAWs
KDawg665 for his cool creation of the Rock
Grandmasta APA for the buttload of Cool Moves
Liam Paton for the CAW
D. Webb for his CAW
Patrick Marques for his CAW
Ginko for sending the cool CAWs
Merlyn and Mike for sending their CAW
Everyone else for the cool moves!

1. FAKE 3D
Ok, make DVon do a regular suplex, and make Bubba run to D Von from
behind when D Von has the enemy lifted up in the air. When you run to
him, press O. Now don't flame me about how crappy this move is!
2. FAKE 3D #2
This is one that you probably wouldn't do. You need 3 human players.
Make one person on his knees. Choose someone else to run on top of him
and press O instead of X (IT WORKS!). Then use the Bubba Ray to run to
the one who is in the air and press O. It takes some time to time the
3. FAKE 3D (good one!)
Make a new wrestler. Give him the Somoan Drop. Then in a 2 on 1 match,
do the somoan drop while Bubba Ray runs and press O.

4. Hardy Leg Drop:
Choose someone with a KICK TO GROIN move. Do that move to someone when
they're in the corner. Then when he's on his knees for at least 1
second, run to him and press X. Since you can't fly any further, you
will drop on him! It sounds cheesy, but it is a cool move!

5. The Double People's Elbow:
This is easy! Choose someone with a normal elbow drop (Mankind has one).
Fight in a 2 on 1 match. Choose The Rock and someone with the elbow
drop. Now, when The Rock takes off his elbow pads, just do your taunt so
it'll look cool! Run to the ropes, and then jump over the enemy on the
ground (press L2 while running), when the Rock is about to drop, stop
and do a normal elbow drop. Cheesy move, but funny!

6. Whip and Spear
This is easy. Choose a person with a spear off the top rope (ie: Edge).
Whip the person to the corner while your partner does the spear!

7. This is funny! Make a wrestler with the following things:
"Stepping around" for the taunt
Falling Headbutt (not on the ropes)
Austin Elbow Drop or Dlo Leg Drop
-Step two:
First, set your opponent on the ground. Do you your stepping around
taunt. Do 3 falling headbutts and do either the Austin Elbow Drop or Dlo
Leg Drop! I choose Dlo's leg drop because before the leg drop, he does
this thing with his hands, and it looks like Scotty Too Hotty's!

8. Kaientai's doubleteam
OH! You gotta love this one! Make Funaki and give him a camel clutch for
one of his ground moves. Make Taka and give him a Senton Splash for one
of HIS ground moves and his "Hold Hands in Prayer" taunt. This is the
fun part:
Use Funaki and Taka in a 2 on 1. Make Funaki do his camel clutch and
then make Taka go to the enemy's camel-clutched face! After you do your
"Hold Hands in Prayer" taunt, do your senton splash and he will kick the

9. The Dudley Boyz Double Headbutt (From Grandmaster APA)
Get your opponent on the ground near a turnbuckle with their feet facing
it. Then have D-Von climb the turnbuckle and have another wrestler with
the pin with the bridge go to the opponents feet and pin them with the
bridge, then while he does this make D-Von do his diving headbutt. He
should connect to the groin.

10. Electric Chair Fameasser (From Grandmasta APA again!)
Fameasser in mid-air:Have a wrestler with the diving fameasser from the
rope, stand on theturnbuckle on the bottom left of the screen, then with
the opponent lookingat the rope on the left hand side have a 3rd person
who does the electric chair shock(i.e Edge) stand behind the opponent
and do the electric chairshock and as they have them on their shoulders
wait until he lifts him up toslam their face to the ground have the
person on the turnbuckle do the divingfameasser, if done correctly then
he will do a fameasser in mid air.

11. Grandmasta Sexay's Hip Hop Drop/Head Banger's double stage dive!
(from Grandmasta APA!)

Choose a person with a diving fameasser and the double powerbomb.
Again have someone with the diving fameasser stand on the bottom-left
turnbuckle, then have the victim near the person on the turnbuckle, butt
facing the rope on the right (easier when he's groggy) and have the
person with the double powerbomb do the double powerbomb. When he is
about to do the second powerbomb have the person on the turnbuckle do
thediving fameasser and it will look like the Hip Hop Drop/Stage dive!

12. Head Cheese Leg Drop (again, by Grandmasta APA!)
Choose a person with a diving fameasser and another with a pendulum
Have someone with the diving fameasser get on the turnbuckle then have
another person do the pendulum back breaker near to that turnbuckle and
as the opponents back is about to connect with the knee have the other
person do the diving fameasser. If done well it will look like the al
snow leg drop to neck.

13. One on Two ass-beating (by me!)
This is crappy, but oh well. Whip someone into the ropes, facing you,
NOT on the ground (the Bronco Buster position). Then quickly fling
someone onto the person in the turnbuckle. Run after him so he will not
have to time to run away and QUICKLY do a flying lariat! One of them
will fall outside the ring!

14. Hardy Boyz DoubleGround move (MERLYNDS3)
Hey, I thought of a pretty good one. In a two on one match, have one
persondo Kick to Groin. Before he lands the kick, have the other person
dosomething like D-Lo Leg Drop, of Shaky Knee Drop. They should both hit
at the same time.
15. Rikishi's Stinky Face (MERLYNDS3)
I also find a wierd way to do stinky face. It doesn't do damage, but it
is pretty funny. In a two on one match,(lets say my created Rikishi, and
the rock are fighting stone cold.) When stone cold is in thebronco
buster position, have the rock stand at the opposite turnbuckle.Then, my
created Rikishi would stand in front of Stone Cold. It looks funny!

16. Good Worm! (Bayou Joe)
a good way to do a fake worm is to create a player and give him the
following: Austin Elbow Drop, Taunt Edge, and Hold Up and Down
Hands(Taunt). After beating a guy up for a while, go across the mat to
where Scotty Too Hotty would start the worm after the steps and perform
Taunt Edge. When you get to your opponent, perform Hold Up and Down
Hands and then once done with that perform the Austin Elbow Drop. It
looks pretty good.

17. Reverse Doomsday Device (HarryPotter0989)
This move is pretty cool. Make someone (preferibly Kane) with a flying
clothesline from a top rope stand on a top rope. Make someone with an
electric chair drop stand in front of Kane/your partner. Pick your
opponent up from the ground, but don't make him face your partner. Do an
electric chair drop from behind and right before he falls, make your
partner do a flying clothesline.

Copyright stuff
Copyright 2000 andy591@hotmail.com All rights reserved. No part of this
FAQ may be copied by other FAQ writers without my permission. You can
copy this FAQ provided it is for personal use and I get the credit and
not for commercial uses.
* If you ask me nicely, I will certainly let you, BUT you can't do it
without asking!

                        Finishing Move Guide

Hello, and welcome to another one of my wonderful WWF Smackdown guides!
This time, I have decided to do a finishing move guide for the game. In
the game, I will explain how to do each finishing move in terms of where
you must be in relation to your opponent, as well as my description of
the move and my overall rating of the finishing move. This guide is all
but finished now, but if you have any questions or comments please send
them to the e-mail address above. Thanks, and enjoy my finishing move
guide for WWF Smackdown!

                               Al Snow
Finishing Move Name: Snow Plow
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Al Snow goes for a vertical suplex then crushes the
opponent with a facebuster. One of my favorite finishing moves in the game, the
Snow Plow is really quite a dangerous move.

                             Big Boss Man
Finishing Move Name: Boss Man Slam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: This finishing move is pretty stupid, in my opinion. I
have seen the Big Show do the same exact move a lot harder, and use it as a
setup. The Boss Man uses his as a finisher. I could probably kick out of this

                               Big Show
Finishing Move Name: Show Stopper Chokeslam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: It is just another normal chokeslam basically, but the
cool thing about this move is the fact that the Big Show actually pauses for a
few seconds, choking the opponent and setting him up for the huge landing.
Better than the average chokeslam.

Finishing Move Name: Clothesline from Hell
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: On TV this move is probably the one that looks like it
hurts a lot most. In WWF Smackdown, the move really goes by too quickly to be
noticed, but it does get the job done on the opponent.

                           Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Finishing Move Name: Jackknife Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: No, the 3D is not in the game, and yes, the Jackknife
Powerbomb is the same move that Kevin Nash uses. The finisher is okay, but I
would have loved to see the true Dudley Boyz finisher.

                             Chris Jericho
Finishing Move Name: Double Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Again, the Walls of Jericho would have been a cool
addition to the game, but it is really no huge loss because Jericho uses this
move a lot too (though not as much as he used to)

Finishing Move Name: Impaler
Posistion to Do the Move: From Behind
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move, although it doesn't look like it
hurts that much. Basically, Christian flips the opponent around then slams him
to the ground with a facebuster. It really looks cool, and is one of my
finishing moves.

Finishing Move Name: Pedigree
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Well, she doesn't use this move on TV anymore, but the
Pedigree is still my favorite finishing move in the WWF, even if I do prefer
HHH version more.

Finishing Move Name: DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 2
Description of the Move: Okay, this finishing move really sucks, and I have
about 20 wrestlers use this move before. And furthermore, Debra is weaker than
the other wrestlers. So this move wouldn't really hurt at all.

                                   D'Lo Brown
Finishing Move Name: Lo Down
Posistion to Do the Move: Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Okay, this finishing move on television looks really
cool. But in the game something seems missing due to the lack of animation. It
just moves too fast for my liking, just like all the other "off the top rope"
moves in the game.

                                 D-Von Dudley
Finishing Move Name: Jackknife Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: No, the 3D is not in the game, and yes, the Jackknife
Powerbomb is the same move that Kevin Nash uses. The finisher is okay, but I
would have loved to see the true Dudley Boyz finisher.

Finishing Move Name: Downward Spiral
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: Edge used to be my favorite wrestler, the thing I
most about him was this stupid finisher. Thankfully he uses the spear as a
finishing move now. I think the Downward Spiral hurts Edge more than it hurts
the opponent.

Finishing Move Name: Dominator
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Faarooq is one nasty son of a gun. And this move looks
like it could seriously kill some one. Faarooq picks up the opponent then slams
him to the ground HARD. One of my favorite finishers in WWF Smackdown.

             *Gangrel is trademark of White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved.
Finishing Move Name: Inverted DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 6
Description of the Move: I really don't like these DDTs that they change a tad
bit then make it seem like a whole new move. But Gangrel's version of the DDT
okay, but still, it is a DDT.

Finishing Move Name: Pimp Drop
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Come get on the ho train with this fantastic finishing
move! Godfather picks his opponent up and throws his opponent around his
shoulders. Then he twirls the opponent around and slams him to the ground hard!
I love this move!

                              Hardcore Holly
Finishing Move Name: Falcon Arrow
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: Another fantastic finishing move from an underrated
wrestler. Now called the Holycaust, Holly picks up the opponent into a vertical
suplex, then slams him to the ground with a huge facebuster!

                                Jeff Hardy
Finishing Move Name: Senton Bomb
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: The Senton Bomb is my second favorite finisher (behind
the Pedigree) on the real television WWF, but it just doesn't look as good on
WWF Smackdown. Still, you got to love the athleticism that Jeff Hardy shows
while doing this incredible move off the top rope.

Finishing Move Name: Chokeslam
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 4
Description of the Move: Yes, that is it, the Chokeslam. Not the "Fiery Tombs
Doom" Chokeslam, just the chokeslam. And where's the Tombstone Piledriver? Im
disappointed, THQ!

                                 Ken Shamrock
Finishing Move Name: Shamrock Anklelock
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: If I am not mistaken, this is one of only two
submission finishers in the entire game. And I would not want to be put in this
move by Shamrock, that is for sure!

Finishing Move Name: Mandible Claw
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 6
Description of the Move: Yes, this move is cool, but he doesn't put Socko on
hand before doing the move, so the Mandible Claw loses some of its mystique.

                                Mark Henry
Finishing Move Name: Bearhug
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: I really don't like Mark Henry, and this finishing
is a dud too. All he really does is picks up the opponent and hugs them. And
trust me, it hurts!

                                 Matt Hardy
Finishing Move Name: Northern Lights Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 5
Description of the Move: I have no problems with this finishing move, althought
THQ made another bad mistake by not including the twist of fate, which is one
the cooler finishing moves in the WWF today.

                            "Mr. Ass" Billy Gunn
Finishing Move Name: Fame Asser
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move, even if it is just a glorified
version of the Jaw Dropper. I like it when he points up in the air then does
move. One of my favorite moves in the game.

                                 Paul Bearer
Finishing Move Name: DDT
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 2
Description of the Move: Yeah, like this move really hurts. Like I said before,
it is just a DDT. So what is the point of the move itself? I mean, I hate the
DDT as a finisher.

                                  Road Dogg
Finishing Move Name: Pumphandle Slam
Posistion to Do the Move: From Behind
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 4
Description of the Move: This move is okay, and I wish that Test would have had
this as a finisher. Still, I don't like the move that much, although I do admit
is is better than the "Shake Rattle and Roll"

                                  The Rock
Finishing Move Name: The People's Elbow
Posistion to Do the Move: On the Mat
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: yeah, the move in WWF Smackdown does look pretty cool,
but I definitely like the Rock Bottom as a finishing move better. Mainly
this is just a friggin elbow. But I will admit that it is pretty effective in
this game, as it leads to the most knockouts.

                                Shane McMahon
Finishing Move Name: Diving Elbow
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Yeah, a diving elbow off the top rope, and it actually
looks somewhat realistic. Here's another move I wish Test would have had in

                                Steve Blackman
Finishing Move Name: Fisherman's Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 3
Description of the Move: Yeah, like this finishing move REALLY looks like it
hurts. And the move looks really bad in the game too. I would have preferred
"whack the opponent with a kendo stick" finisher better.

                              Stone Cold Steve Austin
Finishing Move Name: Stone Cold Stunner
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: If you have never heard of or seen this move, what
planet are you from? The second most recognizable finisher, only behind the
People's Elbow.

Finishing Move Name: Diving Powerbomb
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10):
Description of the Move: Like I have mentioned already, I would have much
seen the Pumphandle Slam or Test Elbow then this wussy powerbomb finisher. The
move borders on being okay, but I do not like the powerbomb as a finisher at
all, and it is a shame that my favorite WWF superstar is stuck with it as his
finisher in this game.

Finishing Move Name: Tori Suplex
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Oh my gosh, a women's finisher that actually is
Tori's version of the suplex is actually the best version of the suplex in WWF

                                    Triple H
Finishing Move Name: Pedogree
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 10
Description of the Move: The best finisher in "The Game", Triple H stuns the
opponent with this glorified facebuster. And the move looks really cool too,
even if it doesn't have as much power as I would have liked to see.

                                   The Undertaker
Finishing Move Name: Tombstone Piledriver
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 9
Description of the Move: I love this move too, and I hope the Undertaker will
use this move again now that he is back on television! At least the move is in
the game, because Kane doesn't use it.

                                     Val Venis
Finishing Move Name: The Money Shot
Posistion to Do the Move: Off the Top Rope
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 8
Description of the Move: Another great off the top rope move that doesn't look
great when translated to a video game. He uses a new version of the 360
powerbomb as his finisher now, and I hope it gets put into WWF Smackdown! 2, as
it would probably translate into a video game much better than the money shot.

                                    Vince McMahon
Finishing Move Name: Stunner
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 7
Description of the Move: Basically a one handed Stone Cold Stunner. I guess
Vince uses this move because of the big rivalry that Stone Cold and Mr McMahon
have had on WWF television. It does not seem to get as many knockouts as the
Stone Cold Stunner, which is why it gets a lesser grade.

Finishing Move Name: X-Factor
Posistion to Do the Move: In Front
My Rating of the Move (1-10): 10
Description of the Move: The second, and final, finisher that gets a 10/10 from
me, mainly because I love the look and strength of the move. Some of you may be
saying that it is unfair of me to give it a 10/10, but hey, I love the move,
it is pretty effective, so I am giving it the 10.



                       A. Move List Modifier

                       Credit to: Some Person

 Description: This code lets you change what moves you have in your
    movelist for your created character. You can, for example, put a
    Stone Cold Stunner or a Rock Bottom on your normal ready moves.
    There are 2 variations to this code. The first is the variation where
    you set the moves beforehand so when you create a character, the
    moves you hacked in, will already be inside the move slots for your
    new character. The second variation is for the Biography in the game.
    This variation will only work when you have a pre-made character.
    After you hacked the moves in, you have to go into the Biography
    part of create a character and check out his moves.

 Codes: These are the Move List Modifier codes (variation 2) for the
    all created superstars.Hopefull, I'll get Variation 1 very soon.
    [NOTE] _HUGE_ LIST!!


 Created Superstar - Slot #1

    Ready Moves
       80090080 ????
       80090082 ????
       80090084 ????
       80090086 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       8009008A ????
       8009008C ????
       8009008E ????
       80090090 ????

       8009009E ????
       800900A0 ????
       800900A2 ????
       800900A4 ????

       800900AA ????
       800900AC ????
       800900AE ????

    Running -Front
       800900EC ????
       800900EE ????
       800900F0 ????

    Running -Back
       800900F8 ????
       800900FA ????
       800900FC ????

    Running -Attack
       800900F2 ????
       800900F4 ????
       800900F6 ????

    Running -Counter
       800900FE ????
       80090100 ????
       80090102 ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       800900C8 ????
       800900CA ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       800900CE ????
       800900D0 ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       800900D4 ????
       800900D6 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       800900DA ????
       800900DC ????
       800900DE ????

    Aerial -Down
       800900E0 ????
       800900E2 ????
       800900E4 ????


 Created Superstar - Slot #2

    Ready Moves
       8009019E ????
       800901A0 ????
       800901A2 ????
       800901A4 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       800901A8 ????
       800901AA ????
       800901AC ????
       800901AE ????

       800901BC ????
       800901BE ????
       800901C0 ????
       800901C2 ????

       800901C8 ????
       800901CA ????
       800901CC ????

    Running -Front
       8009020A ????
       8009020C ????
       8009020E ????

    Running -Back
       80090216 ????
       80090218 ????
       8009021A ????

    Running -Attack
       80090210 ????
       80090212 ????
       80090214 ????

    Running -Counter
       8009021C ????
       8009021E ????
       80090220 ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       800901E6 ????
       800901E8 ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       800901EC ????
       800901EE ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       800901F2 ????
       800901F4 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       800901F8 ????
       800901FA ????
       800901FC ????

    Aerial -Down
       800901FE ????
       80090200 ????
       80090202 ????


 Created Superstar - Slot #3

    Ready Moves
       800902BC ????
       800902BE ????
       800902C0 ????
       800902C2 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       800902C6 ????
       800902C8 ????
       800902CA ????
       800902CC ????

       800902DA ????
       800902DC ????
       800902DE ????
       800902E0 ????

       800902E6 ????
       800902E8 ????
       800902EA ????

    Running -Front
       80090328 ????
       8009032A ????
       8009032C ????

    Running -Back
       80090334 ????
       80090336 ????
       80090338 ????

    Running -Attack
       8009032E ????
       80090330 ????
       80090332 ????

    Running -Counter
       8009033A ????
       8009033C ????
       8009033E ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       80090304 ????
       80090306 ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       8009030A ????
       8009030C ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       80090310 ????
       80090312 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       80090316 ????
       80090318 ????
       8009031A ????

    Aerial -Down
       8009031C ????
       8009031E ????
       80090320 ????


 Created Superstar - Slot #4

    Ready Moves
       800903DA ????
       800903DC ????
       800903DE ????
       800903E0 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       800903E4 ????
       800903E6 ????
       800903E8 ????
       800903EA ????

       800903F8 ????
       800903FA ????
       800903FC ????
       800903FE ????

       80090404 ????
       80090406 ????
       80090408 ????

    Running -Front
       80090446 ????
       80090448 ????
       8009044A ????

    Running -Back
       80090452 ????
       80090454 ????
       80090456 ????

    Running -Attack
       8009044C ????
       8009044E ????
       80090450 ????

    Running -Counter
       80090458 ????
       8009045A ????
       8009045C ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       80090422 ????
       80090424 ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       80090428 ????
       8009042A ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       8009042E ????
       80090430 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       80090434 ????
       80090436 ????
       80090438 ????

    Aerial -Down
       8009043A ????
       8009043C ????
       8009043E ????

 ?? = The slot where you can place a Value from the Move Value List.

 Move Value List: These are the modifier values for the movelist.
    Right now, I only have the Lv.4 and Lv.5 values as they are the
    most useful moves. To use these, just take a value like 13B1, and
    stick it onto a code in the ?? part, so for example, if you put
    80090080 13B1, you would have the Dominator on your Ready Moves.

    Powerful Specials Lv.4
       13B1 - Dominator
       13AE - Choke Toss
       13B4 - Test Neckbreaker
       13A3 - Diving Powerbomb
       13B7 - Bearhug Front Slam
       13B8 - Inverted DDT
       13B9 - Falling Powerslam
       13BC - Body Press Slam
       13C1 - Torture Rack
       13CC - Double Powerbomb
       13D9 - Body Press Drop FW
       13DA - Body Press Drop
       13A4 - Pimpdrop
       1388 - Stunner
       13AA - Running Powerbomb
       14BD - Pumphandle Slam
       1395 - Jacknife Powerbomb

    Powerful Specials Lv.5
       13EA - Strong Lariat
       138E - Tombstone Piledriver
       14B9 - Full Nelson Slam
       1389 - Chokeslam
       139B - Show Stopper
       139D - Stone Cold Stunner

    Speedy Specials Lv.4
       13CA - NorthernlightsSuplex
       138B - X-Factor
       13DB - Sky High
       13BE - Michinoku Driver
       13E8 - Downward Spiral
       1391 - Hurracanrana
       14BA - Electric Chair Drop
       1397 - Jump Swinging DDT
       0DE5 - Twisting Knee Drop
       14C4 - Dragon Suplex Pin
       14CC - Impaler

    Speedy Specials Lv.5
       13A8 - Spinning Back Drop
       14C5 - Tiger Suplex Pin
       0DE4 - Senton Bomb
       173E - The People¹s Elbow

    Technical Specials Lv.4
       0E1C - Dragon Attack
       13D6 - Double Arm Backbreaker
       13DE - Snowplow
       13BF - Rolling Leg Lock
       13CB - Sambo Suplex
       0DE7 - The 450
       0E1A - Diving Moonsault
       14C6 - Octopus Stretch

    Technical Specials Lv.5
       13D8 - Shamrock Anklelock
       138C - Pedigree
       138D - The Rock Bottom
       138A - Fame Asser
       139A - Flipping Armbar
       0DE0 - The Money Shot
       0DE3 - The Lo¹ Down

    Roughneck Specials Lv.4
       1398 - Double Arm DDT
       13C8 - Knee Strike

    Roughneck Specials Lv.5
       138F - Mandible Claw
       14BE - Low Blow
       14D3 - Reverse Death Valley


                      B. Characteristic Modifier

                      Credit to: ~ID~ and Myself

 Description: This code lets you change your characteristics after you
    have had them set at the end of the pre-season. For example, if you
    got your characteristics set as: Good Speaker, Acolytes+, and Wealth,
    you can change them to Sharp Tongue, Debra-, and Degeneration X- with
    this code. After you have hacked in the new characteristics, you can
    confirm them in the Biography mode. I have the codes for all 4 Created
    Character Slots and their accompanying values.

 Codes: These are the characteristic modifier codes for all 4 Created
    Character slots.

 Created Superstar - Slot #1

    80090020 ??xx
    80090022 ????
    80090024 ????
    80090026 05??

 Created Superstar - Slot #2

    8009013E ??xx
    80090140 ????
    80090142 ????
    80090144 05??

 Created Superstar - Slot #3

    8009025C ??xx
    8009025E ????
    80090260 ????
    80090262 05??

 Created Superstar - Slot #4

    8009037A ??xx
    8009037C ????
    8009037E ????
    80090380 05??

 ?? = Characteristics Mod Value. With this, you can change your Created
      character's Characteristics after they have been set through the

 xx = Victory Music Mod Value. Please refer to Section C, The Victory Music
      Modifier Section

 Ability Value List: These are the modifier values for the characteristics
    modifier code. The list is quite long, so be prepared with some
    scrolling. To use these, just stick a value like 02 + 55 into a slot.
    So, if you had 80090022 0255, your created character in slot #1 would
    have the Speed Attack and Injured Neck abilities.

    00 - Power Attack
    01 - Technical Attack
    02 - Speed Attack
    03 - Rough Attack
    04 - Power Def.
    05 - Tech. Def.
    06 - Spd. Def.
    07 - Rough Def.
    08 - Pwr. Skill
    09 - Tech. Skill
    0A - Spd. Skill
    0B - Rough Skill
    0C - Single Match
    0D - Tag Match
    0E - 3-Way
    0F - 4-Way
    10 - Battle Royal
    11 - Falls Anywhere
    12 - Hardcore
    13 - Cage
    14 - Royal Rumble
    15 - Tournament
    16 - "I Quit"
    17 - WWF Title
    18 - Tag Title
    19 - IC Title
    1A - European
    1B - Women's Title
    1C - Hardcore Title
    1D - Handicap
    1E - S. Referee
    1F - Lucky
    20 - Favorite
    21 - Good Looks
    22 - Sexy
    23 - Good Speaker
    24 - Somber
    25 - Pwr. Atk.+
    26 - Pwr. Atk.-
    27 - Tech. Atk.+
    28 - Tech Atk.-
    29 - Spd. Atk.+
    2A - Spd. Atk.-
    2B - Rough Atk.+
    2C - Rough Atk.-
    2D - Pwr. Def.+
    2E - Pwr. Def.-
    2F - Tech. Def.+
    30 - Tech. Def.-
    31 - Spd. Def.+
    32 - Spd. Def.-
    33 - Rough Def.+
    34 - Rough Def.-
    35 - Pwr. Skill +
    36 - Pwr. Skill -
    37 - Tech. Skill+
    38 - Tech. Skill-
    39 - Spd. Skill+
    3A - Spd. Skill-
    3B - Rough Skill+
    3C - Rough Skill-
    3D - Single Match+
    3E - Single Match-
    3F - Tag Match+
    40 - Tag Match-
    41 - 3-Way+
    42 - 3-Way-
    43 - 4-Way+
    44 - 4-Way-
    45 - Battle Royal+
    46 - Battle Royal-
    47 - Falls Anywhere+
    48 - Falls Anywhere-
    49 - Hardcore+
    4A - Hardcore-
    4B - Cage+
    4C - Cage-
    4D - "I Quit"+
    4E - "I Quit"-
    4F - Royal Rumble+
    50 - Royal Rumble-
    51 - Handicap+
    52 - Handicap-
    53 - S. Referee+
    54 - S. Referee-
    55 - Injured Neck
    56 - Weak Neck
    57 - Injured Waist
    58 - Weak Waist
    59 - Injured Elbow
    5A - Weak Elbow
    5B - Injured Knee
    5C - Weak Knee
    5D - Lucky Life
    5E - Unlucky
    5F - Funny
    60 - Smart
    61 - Sensual
    62 - Lady
    63 - Noble
    64 - Don Juan
    65 - Femme Fatal
    66 - Sharp Tounge
    67 - Teriffic Speaker
    68 - Bad Speaker
    69 - Fashionable
    6A - Unfashionable
    6B - Good Health
    6C - Bad Health
    6D - Loner
    6E - Cooperative
    6F - Roughneck
    70 - Rowdy
    71 - Fair
    72 - Betrayer
    73 - Tenderhearted
    74 - Stone Cold+
    75 - The Rock+
    76 - Triple H+
    77 - Mankind+
    78 - Ken Shamrock+
    79 - Al Snow+
    7A - Hardcore Holly+
    7B - Big Show+
    7C - Kane+
    7D - The Undertaker+
    7E - Test+
    7F - X-Pac+
    80 - Road Dogg+
    81 - Degeneration X+
    82 - Mr. Ass+
    83 - Gangrel+
    84 - Edge+
    85 - Christian+
    86 - Big Bossman+
    87 - Val Venis+
    88 - Godfather+
    89 - Chyna+
    8A - Tori+
    8B - Vince McMahon+
    8C - McMahon Family+
    8D - D'Lo Brown+
    8E - Mark Henry+
    8F - Matt Hardy+
    90 - Jeff Hardy+
    91 - Hardy Boyz+
    92 - Chris Jericho+
    93 - Shane McMahon+
    94 - Paul Bearer+
    95 - Steve Blackman+
    96 - Faarooq+
    97 - Bradshaw+
    98 - Acolytes+
    99 - Buh Buh Ray+
    9A - D'Von+
    9B - Dudley Boys+
    9C - Debra+
    9D - Stone Cold-
    9E - The Rock-
    9F - Triple H-
    A0 - Mankind-
    A1 - Ken Shamrock-
    A2 - Al Snow-
    A3 - Hardcore Holly-
    A4 - Big Show-
    A5 - Kane-
    A6 - The Undertaker-
    A7 - Test-
    A8 - X-Pac-
    A9 - Road Dogg-
    AA - Degeneration X-
    AB - Mr. Ass-
    AC - Gangrel-
    AD - Edge-
    AE - Christian-
    AF - Big Bossman-
    B0 - Val Venis-
    B1 - Godfather-
    B2 - Chyna-
    B3 - Tori-
    B4 - Vince McMahon-
    B5 - McMahon Family-
    B6 - D'Lo Brown-
    B7 - Mark Henry-
    B8 - Matt Hardy-
    B9 - Jeff Hardy-
    BA - Hardy Boyz-
    BB - Chris Jericho-
    BC - Shane McMahon-
    BD - Paul Bearer-
    BE - Steve Blackman-
    BF - Faarooq-
    C0 - Bradshaw-
    C1 - Acolytes-
    C2 - Buh Buh Ray-
    C3 - D'Von-
    C4 - Dudley Boys-
    C5 - Debra-
    C6 - Tournament+
    C7 - Title Match+
    C8 - Tag Title+
    C9 - IC Title+
    CA - European Title+
    CB - Women's Title+
    CC - Hardcore Title+
    CD - Wealth

    FF - Blank (No Data)


                      C. Victory Music Modifier

                      Credit to: ~ID~ and Myself

 Description: This code lets you modify the music that plays after you
    have won a match. Instead of the music that plays during your
    Titantron video, you can change it with this code. For example,
    during character creation, you have chosen D'Lo Brown's Titantron.
    Now, after you have won a match, D'Lo's music plays, but with this
    code, you can have it so that the Hardy Boyz's music plays instead
    of D'Lo's after you win.

 Codes: There are the codes for all 4 created character slots.

 Created Superstar - Slot #1

    80090020 ??xx

 Created Superstar - Slot #2

    8009013E ??xx

 Created Superstar - Slot #3

    8009025C ??xx

 Created Superstar - Slot #4

    8009037A ??xx

 xx = Victory Music Mod Value. Please refer to Section C, The Victory
      Music Modifier Section

 ?? = Characteristics Mod Value. Please refer to Section B.

 Music Value List: These are the modifier values for the victory music
    modifier code. They play instead of the normal theme that should
    play. So, if you had 80090020 ??10, you would hear The Rock's theme
    after you win a match with the created superstar you entered the
    music modifier code with. You should refer back to section B to fill
    in an ability for ?? because you are forced to do it if you use this
    music code.

    0E - Stone Cold Steve Austin
    0F - The Undertaker & Paul Bearer
    10 - The Rock
    11 - Big Show Paul Wight
    12 - Mankind
    13 - Ken Shamrock
    14 - Triple H
    15 - Kane
    16 - Val Venis
    17 - Big Boss Man
    18 - X-Pac
    19 - No Chance In Hell
    1A - Mr. Ass
    1B - Road Dogg
    1C - Hardcore Holly
    1D - Test
    1E - Al Snow
    1F - Gangrel
    20 - Christian
    21 - Edge
    22 - Chyna
    23 - Tori
    24 - The Godfather
    25 - Debra
    26 - D'Lo Brown
    27 - Mark Henry
    28 - Hardy Boyz
    29 - Y2J Chris Jericho
    2A - Steve Blackman
    2B - Acolytes
    2C - Dudley Boyz


                          D. Area Modifier

                          Credit to: Myself

 Description: This code lets you modify the area which you have a match
    at. Although, this code does not allow you to pin outside of the Ring
    area when there is a 4 player mode. Also, you are unable to go
    to other locations except your area where you put in the code for.
    Finally, this code will freeze the Royal Rumble when upon the entry
    of the 3rd-7th participant.

 Codes: There is one code which you modify the values to select a stage.

    Base Code: 8007ACAC 0???

 ??? = The Value that determines the area you wrestle at.

 Area Value List: These are the modifier values for the area modifier
     code. [NOTE] 105 keeps you at the Ring area, but you can now have
     weapons in every single match except Steel Cage and Royal Ruble.
     105 also makes the match move at a slower framerate when there
     are 4 people in the ring.

    104 = Entrance Ramp Area
    105 = Ringside (Weapons Anytime)
    106 = Corridor
    107 = Boiler Room
    108 = Kitchen
    109 = Parking Lot


                      E. Ranking Points Modifier

                        Credit to: shorty23345

 Description: This code lets you modify the amount of ranking points your
    created character has. Although the code only lasts while it is
    activated, and the points reset when the code is shut off, it is
    extremely useful if you just want to take that little cheap shot at
    the WWF Champ and take his belt when you're below the required rank.

 Codes: There is currently only the code for the first created character.

    Created Superstar - Slot #1

       80090CA8 ????

 ???? = The Value that determines the number of ranking points you have.

 There are really no values for this code. You can just stick in a HEX
 value between 0000 and FFFF, although the ranking points stop at 999.
 (HEX Value = 3E7)


                    F. Ranking Statistic Modifier

                     Credit to: Matthew Digilio

 Description: This code lets you modify the statistics in your ranking
    profile. You can change the amount of wins, losses, draws and the
    amount of matches you have wrestled. After you enter this code, you
    save and reset the game without the codes on. The next match you win
    or lose will change your ranking points. The points can vary from
    anywhere depending on what stats you picked (wins, losses, etc.) and
    if you win or lose the nextmatch.

 Codes: There are codes for all 4 characters for wins, losses, draws, and
    the amount of matches wrestled.

    Created Superstar - Slot #1

       Wins     - 80090C90 0???
       Losses   - 80090C92 0???
       Draws    - 80090C94 0???
       Matches  - 80090C96 0???

    Created Superstar - Slot #2

       Wins     - 80090CAC 0???
       Losses   - 80090CAE 0???
       Draws    - 80090CB0 0???
       Matches  - 80090CB2 0???

    Created Superstar - Slot #3

       Wins     - 80090CC8 0???
       Losses   - 80090CCA 0???
       Draws    - 80090CCC 0???
       Matches  - 80090CCE 0???

    Created Superstar - Slot #4

       Wins     - 80090CE4 0???
       Losses   - 80090CE6 0???
       Draws    - 80090CE8 0???
       Matches  - 80090CEA 0???

 ??? = The Value that determines the number of each stat you have.

 There are no set values for this code. You can just stick in a HEX
 value between 000 and 3E7. For example, if you put 3E7 for wins,
 you'll have 999 wins. 000 makes it so you have 0, so if you put 000
 for losses and draws, you'll have 0 of each. Finally, you need to
 match the amount of wins, losses, and draws to put a number of matches
 wrestled in. So, if you had 475 wins and 25 losses, you need to put
 1F4 to make the matches wrestled number, match the amount of matches
 you've wrestled. To convert a decimal number to HEX, such as 475 wins,
 if you have Windows 95/98/NT, go to the calculator program included.
 Go to view, pick Scientific. Now, enter 475 in the slot, and on the
 left, you should see "Hex, Dec, Oct, Bin." Select HEX, and the 475
 should transform into the HEX value. You can do this with any value,
 but make sure you are matching you game stats to equal 999 matches
 wrestled if you are going that high.


                       G. Miscellaneous Codes

                          Credit to: Various

               1)      INFINITE CREATION POINTS
                           Credit: CMGSCCC

 Description: This code does exactly what its name says. It gives you
    infinite creation points to start a created character with. The only
    problem with this code, is that it only works when you're creating a
    new character for the first time, but not when you're modifying your
    character's Ability Points in Season

 Codes: There is only the code for any of your new created characters.

       D00ED41A 0000
       100ED41A 00FF

 There are no values for this code. Just a plain, simple code.

Continue Royal Rumble
Just wait until another wrestler comes into the ring with their name bar where
your wrestler's name was located. Top left for player one. Top right for player
two. Bottom left for player three. Bottom right for player four. And select.
will now control that wrestler.

Contributed By:garman90
Verified By: Krazz
Source: Self

Extra Weapons!
When you are in a Fall Anywhere match you can get more objects by whipping
wrestlers into things. For example, in the parking lot, whip your opponent into
the ambulance to get a stretcher. Whip someone into the fire extinguisher box
the wall to get the extinguisher. In the back room after the stage whip someone
into the soda machine to get a soda/beer can out of it.

Contributed By:garman90
Verified By:Krazz

Go to New Arena Rooms
Approach the entrance to the ring area in the arena in a hardcore or falls
anywhere match. Press circle to irish whip your opponent in to the entrance.
two wrestlers will then move to the hallway. Repeat this process through
doorways to move from room to room.

Contributed By:J-dog
Verified By:Shady
Source:Cheat CC

New Wrestlers
To unlock:

Steven Richards: Lose to Steve Blackman in July in pre-season mode on the
difficulty setting.

The Blue Meanie: Lose to Chyna in July in pre-season mode on the normal
difficulty setting.

Stephanie McMahon: Lose to Triple H at Wrestlemania in pre-season mode on the
normal difficulty setting.

Contributed By:garman90
Verified By:BlueJigga

Season Mode Bonuses
Complete the following years on the season mode with any wrestler to unlock the
following bonus.

                      # OF YEARS BONUS
                      1 IVORY
                      2 PRINCE ALBERT
                      3 JACQUALINE
                      4 VISCIRRA
                      5 80 ABILITY POINTS
                      6 MIDEON
                      7 JEROLD BRISCO
                      8 PAT PATTERSON
                      10 90 ABILITY POINTS
                      20 100 ABILITY POINTS

Note: You must create the hidden wrestlers, they are not actual wrestlers that
are pre programmed.

Contributed By:J-dog
Verified By:Shady
Source:Cheat CC

Unlock D-Generation X- Characteristic
To unlock DX-, follow this win/loss pattern in Pre-Season:

                      April: Win/Lose
                      May: Lose
                      June: Lose
                      July: Win/Lose
                      Aug: Win
                      Sept: Win/Lose
                      Oct: Win/Lose
                      Nov: Win
                      Dec: Win/Lose
                      Jan: Lose

In February, X-Pac will talk to you. Tell him to Shut Up. Later, The New Age
Outlaws will attack you backstage. At the end of the card, ''D-Generation X-''
should appear.

NOTE: Characteristics are unlocked at random. You may have to do this a few
times for this to work. You should save at the start of February, so you can
keep trying if this doesn't work.

Contributed By:MTRodaba2468
Verified By:spidey rules

Unlock Stephanie McMahon
First, go to Pre-Season mode, then lose every match including the Royal rumble.
Lose the fight after Royal Rumble, then at Wrestlemania you will be in the main
event and tagged with Vince McMahon. During the show each McMahon will speak to
you, agree to all of his sayings. Win the match with Vince McMahon and
McMahon will be available.

Contributed By:DTurner
Verified By:DanFookes

To win the King of the Ring, you have to win three matches in a row. Think of
as a mini tournament. If you treat each match like a singles match and not one
of three single matches, then you should do fine. Just don't get too
overconfident because your wrestler does get tired, especially in the final

King of the Ring
Make your way through a bracket-style tournament to become the King of the
When you begin, all eight opponents are listed and will be controlled by the

Q: Who would be the best wrestlers to use in the King of the Ring Mode in WWF

A: Well, there are a lot of wrestlers to choose from. But in the King of the
Ring mode, you will want a wrestler that has a lot of speed and endurance. I
would use a wrestler such as Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Chris Jericho, X-Pac. Here
are the ten best wrestlers to choose from in the King of the Ring mode.

1. Chris Jericho: High speed and endurance. He is also lightning quick, and has
high endurance and stamina. His moves are unparalleled and he has great
technical ability. He will not tire out on you in the middle of the match,
makes him my top choice for King of the Ring.

2. X-Pac: Lightning quick moves, and his speed and endurance are second to
He has all the attributes needed to advance far into the King of the Ring, and
you can win the mode with him as your wrestler.

3. Billy Gunn: Yes, another DX guy, and hell he won King of the Ring before. He
has been hailed as the best athlete in the World Wrestling Federation, and you
need to be an athlete to win King of the Ring.

4. Rock: As much as I don't like to use him in the game, I have to admit he is
good when it comes to the King of the Ring mode. The fact that he has high
endurance and stamina definitely helps, as he can go through long matches over
and over again. He will not tire out on you.

5. Jeff Hardy: He could go through 2 rounds without breaking a sweat. He has
high stamina and endurance, and he is one of the best athletes in the game. I
love using his swanton bomb, as that takes out your opponents if you get them
down on the mat. The fact that he can make matches quick definitely helps.

6. Edge: Speed, endurance, and he has been through it all. I would choose him
be the King of the Ring mainly because he should have won it for real by now.
Anyways, enough babbling. His finisher is rather disappointing, but has a high
knockout rate. And he will not get tired easily.

7. Road Dogg: Oh you didn't know? Your ass better callllll somebody! Seriously,
Road Dogg is one of the better wrestlers to use in the King of the Ring mode.
You may think it is rather surprising, but it is definitely the case. He has
high endurance.

8. Stone Cold Steve Austin: Mainly because he can take a beating and still get
up. Just think about it, what is one of the main attributes needed in the King
of the Ring? The ability to take a beating. And he will not stay down for long,
which means he will not get tired as easily.

9. Kane: Think about it. Who's not going to be intimidated by this guy? He may
not be the quickest, or have the highest endurance, but the fact is he can make
matches quick, and he can take a beating. I would definitely use this guy if
want to go through the King of the Ring as quickly as possible.

10. Godfather: He is great for a big guy. He has high speed and endurance, and
since he is so large he can definitely take a beating. He has the ability to
last through every round of the King of the Ring, without a shadow of as doubt
in my mind.

Q: Who would be the worst wrestlers to use in the King of the Ring mode in WWF

A: Well, you don't want to use a big fat guy. Think Viscera in real life. Here
is a list of the 5 guys I wouldn't use in the King of the Ring mode

1. Mark Henry: Big, fat, ugly, and stupid. Not a good combination. The biggest
problem with him is his lack of stamina. He will go maybe five good minutes in
one match of the King of the Ring, then he will turn around and completely bomb
the next match.

2. Paul Bearer: At least Mark Henry is a wrestler. This guy is not a wrestler
all, which means he is probably going to end up getting his butt kicked time
time again. I would only recommend using him if you really want a challenge, as
it is next to impossible to win the King of the Ring with this guy. His stupid
finisher definitely does not help.

3. Debra: Just because she uses the friggin DDT as a finisher. It is not the
fact that she is a woman, because Tori has always come up big for me in the
of the Ring. It is just that she tires quickly and is often overmatched in big

4. Bradshaw: Call it what you will, but I never win the King of the Ring with
this guy, he always seems to get tired very quickly. I am a big fan of Bradshaw
as a wrestker, but for some reason I find it quite difficult to win the King of
the Ring with him.

5. Big Boss Man: Enjoy your fifteen minutes, Boss Man. They're running out.
guy is just plain old and stupid, and one of the worst wrestlers in the game.
The fact that his top match, the hardcore match, is not in the King of the
makes it even worse.

VII. Tips and Game Modes

***     This section was provided by Red Phoenix     ***


Game Modes and Matches

Season Mode
Do you have what it takes to take on the most gifted Superstars in
sports-entertainment? From the People's Eyebrow to the Stunner, each Superstar
will use every move at their disposal to stop your roody-poo, candy @$# from
getting ahead. So put on those elbow pads Jabroni, select SEASON or PRE-SEASON,
and prepare to Layeth the SmackDown!ô

Select either NEW GAME to begin at the start of the season, or CONTINUE to go
back to your previously saved game. You can only use your created Superstars in
the Season Mode after they've proven themselves in the Pre- Season Mode.

New Game
First determine which Superstar you will control. Four players can play through
the same season together.

Press L1 or R1 to cycle through the list of talent. Your created characters
appear at the end of the list.

Use the Directional Buttons to highlight the character you want to control.
Select CP and press the X Button

Now choose 1P, 2P, 3P, or 4P for a human controlled Superstar, or choose CP to
give control to the computer.

You can exclude up to four Superstars from competing in the Season mode.
Highlight the Superstar to remove and press the X Button.

Select RANDOM for WWF SmackDown!ô to decide which Superstars will not
participate in your season.
Next, select DECISION and press the X Button. Now you can view the current WWF
Superstar rankings, check out the current title holders, or begin a match.

Match - Begin the next match in your quest for the title.

Title Holder List - See who needs to be defeated for each belt.

Ranking List - Find out who the number- one contender is for the World
Federation Title. Select a Superstar and press the X Button to view individual
season statistics.

Exit - Return to the Season Mode screen.
Multi-Player Season
By adding two or more created Superstars to a new season, you can create your
own groups or allies. After selecting DECISION from the Season Mode screen, you
will continue to the Group Menu.

Solo - Each created Superstar will begin the season on their own.

A Group of Two People - Two created Superstars will be allied will be allied
with each other. Any other created characters will begin on their own.

A Group of Three People - Three created Superstars will join as a group. If a
fourth created character is involved, he will begin the season alone.

A Group of Four People - All four created Superstars will begin as a solid
to romp through the Season Mode together.

Two Groups of Two People - The four created Superstars can split off and go
through the Season Mode in pairs.
Note: You will have to battle your allies in certain matches, like the Royal
Rumble where it's every man for himself.

Return to a previously saved Season. By selecting continue, your saved season
will automatically load for you to resume where you left off.

In the Pre-Season mode, you can take your Superstar through a full year of
matches in the World Wrestling Federation. Being victorious here has it's
advantages - you will be awarded points to add to your Superstar's abilities.
Having more abilities will unlock more moves to use in the ring. Try to win as
many matches as you can - you can only enter this mode once per Created

Pause Menu
While laying the SmackDown!ô, press START at any time to Pause the action.
While paused, you can access the following options.

Return to Game - Press the X Button to get back to the action!

Exit Game - End the current match and return to the Main Menu.

Entrance Movies - Choose between ON or OFF.

Moves Name - Toggle the display ON and OFF.

Camera Angle - Select ON to view the television style camera angles.

Player's Indicator - Select ON to view different colored icons beneath each
Superstar. The icon will have a different colored arrow pointing towards the
opponent you are focused on.
Create A PPV
Create the ultimate Pay- Per- View event, building each card before playing
through all six matches.

Audience Ranking
The crowd ultimately decided who the most popular Superstar in the ring is, and
the fate of those less fortunate. Check out which matches have tallied the
loudest crowds in the Pay-Per-View events, and which matches have been the
loudest overall. Use the Directional Buttons to highlight an option, then press
the X Button to confirm.

Create A PPV
Build each card of the Pay-Per-View event by selecting CREATE A P.P.V. from the
Pay-Per-View menu.

The Card
The Card is made up of a group of matches for a single event and shows the
of match, the combatants, and which title (if any) is on the line. SmackDown!ô
gives you complete control to customize each match on a Pay-Per-View card.

Toggle Matches - Press L1 or R1 to select a different match in your event.

Mode - Press the X Button to change the type of match.

Select Superstar - Highlight a Superstar to change and press the X Button to
select a replacement.

Player Control - From the Select Superstar area, press RIGHT on the Directional
Buttons to highlight the Player/CPU controlled characters. Press the X Button
change control from Player to CPU.

Title - Select a belt to put on the line for the title shot.

Completion - Press the X Button and choose either MATCH or SKIP. By selecting
SKIP, the match will be simulated, with the outcome of the match shows on the
screen. Select MATCH to begin the Pay-Per-View event.

Title Holder List - View the current champions for each title.
Single Match
Go head to head against a CPU opponent or a friend in a Single Match. Select NO
MANAGER to brawl without the aid of a valet, or WITH MANAGER to have an ally
enter the ring with you.

Tag Match
Whether by yourself or with up to three friends, you can pit four opponents
against each other in a No-Holds Barred Tag Team Match.

Think you can take on more than one opponent at a time? Select HANDICAP to find
out! Or, if you need a little help taking on the opposition, wrestle with one
two partners against a top-ranked opponent.

One on Two - Just you against two not-so-friendly opponents.

One on Three - An all-out bash as three Superstars try to take you to the mat!
Battle Royal
Participate in an all-out brawl against three other opponents, all trying to be
the last man standing. Eliminate all the other opponents to win!

Royal Rumble
One of the greatest spectacles ever created, the Royal Rumble consists of up to
32 Superstars competing for the right to be called the best in
sports-entertainment. The event begins with four in the ring. As an opponent is
eliminated, a new Superstar enters the fray! The only way to be eliminated is
to be thrown over the top rope!

King of the Ring
Make your way through a bracket-style tournament to become the King of the
When you begin, all eight opponents are listed and will be controlled by the

Hardcore Match
Think you can handle the punishment? Each Hardcore Match is a free-for-all with
no rules and plenty of weapons. You can even take the fight backstage by
throwing your opponent up the ramp! Begin the fight backstage by choosing a new
area on the Pre-Game Menu!

Anywhere Fall
Similar to the Hardcore Match, Anywhere Fall allows you to fight backstage by
sending your opponent up the ramp. Perform a finishing move on the concrete for
a KO, or try to pin your opponent after throwing a trash can at him!

Cage Match
There's no escape from the punishment in the Cage! The only way to win is to
survive. The only way to survive is to climb out of the ring. If your opponent
is climbing over the top, shake the cage and send him falling back to the mat!
Make sure he's too tired to fight back, then start climbing for the top

Survival Match
Anything goes in a Survival Match! A combination of the Handicap and Hardcore
Matches, the Survival Match puts up to 4 opponents in the ring in a no-rules
fight to the finish.

Special Referee
The most unique game mode to make its way to the PlayStation. Special Referee
allows you to assign a Superstar as a referee in your match. What makes it
interesting is that the Referee will count fast or slow depending on who he
likes or dislikes in the match. If you don't like the way the Ref is calling
your match, bodyslam him to the mat! Up to three people can play in this mode,
with the third person controlling the Ref. You will need a Multi Tap to control
the Special Referee when three people are playing.

I Quit
Try your luck in a contest of skill where the only way to win is to make your
opponent give up! Take the fight up the ramp, or anywhere else, and pummel your
opponent until you are able to put the finishing submission move on him.


I always seem to get some mail from folks who can't seem to be able to win in
particular match types. I definitely understand what they're going through.
match types are certainly more difficult than others. So, I decided to shine a
little more light into these areas to help out those who just can't quite seem
to win a Hardcore Match or whatever match type you are faced with.

Single Match

A Single match is the easiest of all the matches in SmackDown!ô. You're put
together with one other opponent to fight without weapons to either a
submission or pinfall combination to win the match.

At the set-up screen, you're given the choice of either "No Manager" or
"Manager." I've been asked quite a bit which one is the best one to choose.
Well, to be honest, it's a personal opinion. If you want the true WWF feel of
the game, choose "Manager." Your opponent's manager will get involved in the
match, which can really hurt your chances of winning at times, especially if
your Difficulty Setting is on Hard, for example.

If you have a manager outside the ring, clothesline your opponent over the
ropes in his direction for a little punishment.

If possible, don't let your opponent get many shots in. The faster you can get
to a SmackDown!ô, the better chances are for you to do your finisher and win

If you have to content with a persistent manager from the opponent, don't
hesitate to perform your finisher on him, if possible at the moment.

Speaking of the manager, when he comes down the ramp to the ring area, engage
your opponent (not the manager) in a continuous number of grappling maneuvers.
When you are grappling, you are basically untouchable. Once the manager is
outside the ring, you can carry out the match as normal.

One of the easiest ways to wear down your opponent is ground attacks. If have
your wrestler's move combinations down, you can pull off a series of moves
which can, and often do, make the opponent give up. Use either a Leg Lock or
some kind of Arm Bar when you want him to submit, if you believe he's endured
enough punishment.

Remember, there are no weapons in this match, so you must resort to the basics
of good sound wrestling.

Tag Team Match

This is another basic match put into all wrestling games. You get a partner and
you face two other folks. No weapons in this match, just like a Single Match.

The biggest tip I can give here is to pin your opponent as close to your own
corner without getting a "Rope Break." If you don't, your opponent's partner
will run in and break up the pinning combination. However, if you pin him in
your own corner, your partner will often cut off the other partner and DDT him
or something to delay his arrival to the pinning combination.

When the opponent is tagging out and the other guy is coming in, don't hesitate
to use a Clothesline here. A favorite of mine is a Power Clothesline, while
running at them. At times, I will knock both guys down at the same time, so
they both don't come at me once the tag is made.

An obvious strategy would be to stay out of your opponent's corner. If you are
too close to the fella on the apron, he'll sometimes punch you.


A Handicap Match seems to be one of the most difficult matches to win.

This match requires you to be on the move a lot. If you do a hit- and- run
attack, you could do well. You have to stay away from attacks as much as

If you stand at one corner, while two guys are battling in the corner across
from you, run at them and do a Power Clothesline, for example. Sometimes you
can knock both of them down. If one of the guy has his back turned to you, run
at him and do a Bulldog.This type of match will require you to perform a
Finisher if you plan on winning. Using Finishers, however, increases the
chances of a Knock Out. Knock Outs, I'm told, don't give you as many points as
a pinfall in the rankings. If this is true, then don't use too many finishers!

I love doing Flying Clotheslines off the Top Rope in the corner closest to the
action. You can often knock all the guys down with one move! The reason being
they are all fighting and close together, allowing for someone to attack them
from above.

Battle Royal

Believe it or not, but this is one of my favorite matches. You are put in a
ring with three other Superstars and you must battle it out until one guy is
remaining. There is NOT just one pin in this match, so each wrestler has to be
pinned to win the match. Use the strategies from the Single Match for this
match, because that's basically what this is.

Try to separate yourself from the others. Walk around the ring floor. Enjoy the

Don't use your Finisher until you really have to. Sometimes it isn't necessary
because everyone has been beat up pretty well.

Royal Rumble

Ahh, the biggest spectacle in the industry. You are put into a ring with up to
32 guys, only 4 at a time. The whole object in this match is to knock everyone
over the top rope, and have both feet touch the ground.

The most obvious tip would be to stay in the middle of the ring. If you get too
close to the ropes, you can either get tied up in them and punch and kicked
the top rope, or you could get the Irish Whip and flip over the top.

If you're knocked down, don't be in a hurry to get up. Being on the mat doesn't
leave you susceptible to being tossed over the topes.

Use either a chop of a punch to knock the guys over a tied up wrestler. I've
used Power Clotheslines, but they don't always work. Also, when you are about
to knock a guy who is tied up in the ropes, make sure you are facing him
correctly. If you're to the side of him, you will probably not knock him over,
but rather knock him loose of the ropes and he'll be free to run around in the
ring once again.
King of the Ring

Hmmm...not much to say here. It's just a tournament set up as Single Matches,
so use the earlier tips for this.

Hardcore Match

This is a match for those of you who love weapons! Press R1 to pick up or drop
a weapon and X to use the weapon.

There really isn't much to say for strategies for this type of match. The
weapons can be blocked rather easily.

Falls Count Anywhere

This is a great match because it allows you to see all the backstage areas
crafted by THQ, which were done pretty well. I am glad we didn't have the
pathetic walls of WCW Mayhem!

A few things you may want to know deal with the kitchen. If you throw your
opponent into the stove, a flame will burst out; if you throw him into a sink,
water will splash; if you throw him into the area with the plates, you will get
a plate to fall to the ground, which can be used as a weapon; if you throw him
into some boxes, a watermelon will fall down, which will be used as a weapon.
Overall, the kitchen is a neat little place for hidden things to occur. There
are other places with these kinds of things. The parking garage, for example,
will net a fire extinguisher, when you slam him into the fire extinguisher
hanging on the wall, plus a car's horn and lights will go off if you slam him
into one.

Don't forget to use the weapons!

Cage Match

This is a great match in theory. Pain is usually the first thing announcers
will mention when referring to this match, although most of us know that on TV,
some kind of interference is almost always going to happen.

Use your Finisher!

Survival Match

If you want to win, break up every other pin!

As soon as someone beats up another guy, and the guy hits the mat, pound on him
with some gound attacks. Knee Drops and Leg Locks will help boost your
SmackDown!ô meter.
Special Referee

This is the mode SmackDown!ô was advertised for. It is a first in the industry.
I love this match in real life, especially, because the deck is often stacked
against you.

Don't hit the damn referee! If you do, he will attack you during the match and
may not count for you in the end.

If you and your opponent are both attacking the referee, make sure your
is the last one to hit the referee. The referee's AI lacks a long-term memory.
The referee will go after the last attacker.

If you're the referee, don't count for the guy you don't like. You could also
use your Finisher on him and cause him to lose!
I Quit

I love this match as well. You must grab a microphone and make him submit to
win this match.

Use submission moves a lot in this match.

I recommend using your Finisher once or twice. I've won without using it, but
it just speeds things along.

When you decide to go for the microphone, make sure he is thoroughly beaten. A
minute and a half into the match usually isn't the best time to go for the mic!


Double H:  hhuie1@uic.edu
Version 1.2
Revised June 2, 2000
This document Copyright 2000


* Thanks to Zeke III first for buying me the game and all the hours
  of playing.  Kindred rule!

* Sherm for his wealth of wrestling knowledge

* Wil and Way for the hours we have played and the hours yet to come

* Can't forget the folks at www.wrestline.com and wrestling.ign.com

* Sephiroth X for responding to my e-mail, which finally made me
  decide to send this FAQ in myself.

* To the guys at the EB at Chicago Ridge, heard you liked the FAQ.
  Thanks for the kind words.

* Rafael for the "Five Dollars!  Get outta here!?!"

* Philip Peters for the kind words.

* Any one I forgot, forgive me and email me ASAP

* Thanks to all who sent e-mails with questions and comments, especially
  to those noted below.  I'll try to include vital information in updates
  especially it pertains to underdeveloped sections.

Any suggestions, ideas, additions, changes, etc. feel free to email me
at the above address.  As I mentioned above, I will now incorporate any vital
information into future updates.  Don't worry, I will give proper
acknowledgements, but if you don't wish your information to be documented,
please say so in your e-mail.  Thanks.

6/02 RagnaroK's (Andy) and whomever assisted in documenting his codes,
     specifically for unlockable CHARACTER traits (see OBTAINING NEW

6/02 GroovMstaX's (Tyson) Royal Rumble notes on how to succeed without the
     use of cheating (see January's Royal Rumble)

6/02 Zer0X's observations regarding Title holders, and the "unknown" gender
     (see SEASON MODE)

6/02 Calendar's (Oliver) Addendum to the "Madcatz" question (see January's
     Royal Rumble)

6/02 Kjklinx's (Jordan) Observations on the Mahistrol Cradle (see PROFILE,
     Section V.)

6/02 Sting12086's Notes on Handicap Matches.  (see Match #04, Match #25,
     Match #26, and Match #08)

6/02 NDW1007's (Nicholas) Observations on the Appearance/Injury CHARACTER
     trait debate (see APPEARANCE, Section II.)

5/15 Added a few notes to the Tag Team sections under Preseason Scenarios
     (see Match #01, and Match #06)

5/15 Section on moves I forgot to add as I rushed Version 1.0 (see end of
     FAQ under Cool Extras)

5/15 Response to William Glover's "Madcatz" question (see January's Royal


Having logged hours upon hours on THQ's new game Smackdown, I can honestly
say that it is the best wrestling game I have played to date.  The reason...
PRESEASON mode!  I looked far and wide all over the internet for any in-
depth FAQs about the Smackdown preseason mode, but often found little or
no info whatsoever.  Anything that I did find was mostly repeats of other
sites/FAQs, so with the help of my friend Zeke, I have managed to figure
out many of the scenarios that deal with the create-a-superstar Preseason
mode.  This FAQ will generally cover how to get the most out of creating
a Preseason wrestler, and how to reach the top in Season Mode.


A) Although the cheats and hints on how to unleash hidden wrestler
   appearances, etc. via completing a handful of Preseasons and the 20+
   Seasons are not listed here, I suggest unlocking those goodies first
   before attempting to make a "final" version of your wrestler.  Those
   tidbits of information may be found elsewhere on this and other sites.
   Overall the most important thing to unlock is the option to allot 100
   points to your create-a-superstar from the start.

B) The major observation regarding increasing the difficulty (other than
   facing opponents that truely fight back) is that a higher rank can be
   achieved at the end of Preseason mode if consistently played on a higher
   level.  I have noticed that continually playing on "Easy" throughout
   Preseason and Season modes will often leave your create-a-superstar in
   the lower ranks (below #20), thus unable to compete for any major belt
   other than Tag Team and Women's champion.  Provided that you win matches
   with the difficulty set at Hard/Difficult, you can break through the
   #20 ranking and climb to the top and one day surpass even Stone Cold
   himself.  Sounds impossible at first, but after several seasons, it can
   be done.

C) As far as saving your create-a-superstar, I suggest using two separate
   memory cards (you'll see why later).  Use the first memory card to unlock
   "CHARACTER" traits through practicing/playing through endless preseason
   modes, and the other to store your final create-a-superstar(s).  I prefer
   using two cards, but one will have to do if that's all you have.


   If you are only creating a "phoney" wrestler to run through Preasons for
   purposes of unlocking more "CHARACTER" traits, then the easiest thing to
   do is keep things set on default.  Make four copies of your wrestler
   under the OPTIONS menu and run Preason after Preseason.  If this is your
   intent scroll on down to section III.


i) First of all you will have to create a PROFILE for your create-a-
   superstar.  This menu option allows you to give your create-a-superstar a
   real name (let's say John Doe for the rest of this FAQ), a nickname
   (Bruiser) and other personal stuff to flesh out your wrestler.  It is
   important to note that everything being entered under the PROFILE option
   can not be changed once your create-a-superstar is "completed", so choose
   carefully.  Things like spelling should be double checked and others like
   entrance video, or favorite wrestler selections should be thought out
   carefully before a final decision is made.

ii) When choosing an Entrance video, make sure you select one that fits your
    wrestler, or team of wrestlers.  It makes no sense to create a big
    musclebound power dude and give him Debra's video (it just wouldn't make
    sense, unless it's the puppies that you want to see!).  Or let's say you
    are planning on creating two wrestlers for a tag team combo, they can
    have individual videos, or better yet have similar videos like the
    Hardyz so that their entrances are the same.  Remember once your create-
    a-superstar is "completed" the Entrance Videos may not be changed.  For
    John Doe, I will just keep the default video of Stone Cold.

iii) Favorite Wrestler is VERY important.  This wrestler will be your friend
     throughout SEASON mode and come to your aid from time to time via a run
     -in appearance.  Although it is highly unlikely that you will not make
     friends with other wrestlers throughout Preseason, your selection of a
     Favorite Wrestler is crucial, so choose wisely.  (My opinion on a good
     suggestion would be any wrestler with a ground based finisher with the
     exclusion of "The Rock"... this will be explained later in the FAQ).
     Once again, for my wrestler, "Bruiser" I will use the default favorite
     wrestler, Stone Cold.


i) APPEARANCE is the next thing you have to decide for your create-a-
   superstar.  The main things you need to worry about is selecting a Head,
   Torso, and a pair of Legs for your wrestler.  Pretty simple and self
   explanatory when you scroll through the many faces and body types.  This
   part will depend on your personal preference.  In the case of Bruiser, I
   will stick with the default Stone Cold appearance.

ii) Whether certain body types affect your create-a-superstar's movement,
    speed, resistance to injury, etc. I am not sure.  However, through my own
    gameplay, I have created "phoney" create-a-superstars with either Stone
    Cold's Legs, or Triple H's Legs and was more prone to unlock the "Knee
    Injury" CHARACTER trait.  Since both sets of Legs wear a knee brace, this
    may be the reason why, but it could also have been a random occurrence.
    Just something to be aware of when selecting body parts.

UPDATE:  As observed by NDW1007, possible confirmation of the above...
         After creating a superstar with Stone Cold's facial appearance,
         he managed to unlock the "Neck Injury" CHARACTER trait.  Coincidence?
         Only time will tell.

iii) After selecting body parts, then you are given an opportunity to adjust
     height and weight.  Height ranges from about 6 feet tall to 7 feet plus.
     It is a shame though that shorter wrestlers can't be created for female
     valets or like a luchadore cruiserweight.  As far as weight, I assume
     the bulkier the wrestler, the slower he/she moves.  Strength may also
     change with excessive size.  One thing to note though, shorter wrestlers
     of course will have shorter arms, from my observations will affect the
     distance that you can grapple successfully.

iv) Next you can select a skin tone.  The only thing I noticed for this, is
    that certain uniforms may change color to compliment changes in skin

v) To finish off your create-a-superstar's APPEARANCE, you have to select a
   weapon for him/her.  Your weapon of choice is what your wrestler begins a
   "Hardcore" match with in his/her hand.  There are many to choose from, yet
   other objects do exist backstage and at ringside.  Again a choice to be
   made based on personal preference, but a longer weapon like a bat or a
   kendo stick because it has reach.  Short weapons like Paul Bearer's urn,
   "Head", or even Big Boss Man's nightstick often force your wrestler to
   move extra close to opponents just to score a hit.


i) Aaaahhhh, this is where the real fun begins.  Deciding on a PERSONALITY
   for your create-a-superstar is where you can select wrestling moves,
   finishers, and all the other little things not mentioned above.

ii) First of all you must decide on a STYLE for your wrestler.  Selecting a
    specific Style will affect how ABILITY points may be allotted as your
    wrestler gains experience throughout the Preseason (see #iv below).

    1) A wrestler with an "Average" style learns all types of moves at
       similar rates.

    2) A "Speed" style reminiscent of luchadores/cruiserweights like X-Pac
       allows a wrestler to learn "Speed" type moves easier, but at the
       expense of learning "Power" moves.

    3) A "Power" style reminiscent of brutes like Mark Henry allows a
       wrestler to learn "Power" type moves easier, but at the expense of
       learning "Speed" moves.

    4) A "Technical" style reminiscent of ex-WWF star, the "Excellence of
       Execution" himself, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, allows a wrestler to learn
       "Technical" type moves easier, but at the expense of learning
       "Roughneck" moves.

    5) A "Roughneck" style reminiscent of bruisers like Farooq, allows a
       wrestler to learn "Roughneck" type moves easier, but at the expense of
       learning "Technical" moves.

iii) After selecting a wrestling Style, you may now opt to select your first
     "CHARACTER" trait.  Of course you may be wondering, "What the heck is a
     CHARACTER trait?".  Well simply put, a CHARACTER trait is an attribute
     that may either help or hinder the evolution and gameplay of your
     create-a-superstar.  There are over 100 to choose from for your first
     Character trait, but it is not necessary that you select any.  The game
     starts with a default amount of CHARACTER traits (about 20-30 to select
     from) with the remainder to be unlocked as you progress through
     Preseason after Preseason.  Once a new CHARACTER trait is unlocked it
     will be available for use when creating new wrestlers.  However, make
     sure you "SAVE" the game options, because if you don't any new CHARACTER
     traits that were unlocked since the last "SAVE" will be lost.

     1) While wrestling through Preseason, your create-a-superstar will
        obtain up to 6 Character traits to contribute to his/her
        distinctiveness (5 if you fill one of the slots during the create-
        a-superstar mode).  They are obtained via interaction with opposing
        wrestlers backstage, or after winning or losing specific types of

     2) Again, you are not required to select a CHARACTER trait to begin
        with, but if this is for your "Final" create-a-superstars(s) that
        you want to save and use, then I suggest selecting one of the
        Skill/Attack/Defense pluses.  If you are just creating a "phoney"
        wrestler to run through a phoney Preseason just to unlock more
        CHARACTER traits, then I suggest against selecting one so that you
        have the 6 possible slots to fill and unlock more goodies.

     3) What I did was create a phoney wrestler, copy him to the other three
        slots and ran a Preseason for each, unlock a whole bunch of stuff,
        then "SAVE".  Then I deleted the four phonies and repeated the
        process to unlock more CHARACTER traits and game options.

     4) Are you still confused about CHARACTER traits?  Well here are
        examples of some of the 100+ CHARACTER traits, both good and bad:

        a) Tag Team+:  This Character trait means that your wrestler is very
                       good at Tag Team confrontations.

        b) Chris Jericho+:  Similar to your selection for "Favorite
                            Wrestler" in your wrestler PROFILE, this means
                            that the Ayatollah of Rock and Rollah is likely
                            to run from back stage to aid you during a
                            singles match.

        c) Knee Injury:  Unlike the two above, this is a negative attribute
                         that most likely means that any of your opponent's
                         attacks that affect the leg (Figure 4, Dragon Screw)
                         are likely to force your wrestler to submit more

        d) Sexy:  A physical trait that can work to your advantage.  I
                  believe Tori has this because once I saw a cut scene where
                  she got referee Earl Hebner to overturn a Women's Title
                  decision in her favor by strutting around him in a "Sexy"

        e) Degeneration X-:  A good Character trait to select if you want
                             to start off the bat as an enemy of that group
                             of degenerates.  But better WRESTLER PLUS
                             Character traits await you such as individuals
                             (Jeff Hardy+) or tag teams (Acolytes+).

        f) Cage Match-:  Basically, you suck at Cage Matches, after
                         Mankind beats you in the Wrestlemania Cage Match
                         scenario.  Hopefully you will beat him and earn
                         the Cage MATCH PLUS instead.

        g) Hardcore Title+:  Not only are you good at Hardcore Matches, but
                             you are at your best when competing for the
                             Hardcore Title itself.  I will refer to these
                             as TITLE PLUS.

        h) Power Skill+:  The best type of Character trait to select in my
                          opinion.  I will refer to these as ABILITY PLUS...
                          Character traits like Power Skill+, or Speed
                          Defense+ give your wrestler a head start in ABILITY
                          levels/points (see iv. below).   I would chose this
                          for my John Doe wrestler.

     5) So in order of importance (in my eyes) ABILITY PLUS, then TITLE PLUS,
        then MATCH PLUS, then WRESTLER PLUS, then any other leftovers like
        Good Mic Skills, Healthy, etc.

iv) After selecting (or not selecting) a CHARACTER trait, it's on to
    distributing points amongst your create-a-superstar's ABILITY sections.

    1) There are 12 abilities a wrestler may improve upon.  Basically three
       abilities under each of the four wrestling Styles.  They are described
       as follows:

       a) SKILL:  This ability determines which wrestling moves a create-a
                  superstar is allowed to add to his/her repetoire.  The
                  more points allotted to a SKILL, the wider the variety
                  of moves that a wrestler may acquire.  Thus, if you have
                  a high POWER SKILL, then you will have more Power moves
                  from which to choose, like Clothesline, or finishers like
                  the Stone Cold Stunner.

       b) ATTACK:  This ability determines how damaging your moves are as
                   well as how quickly your Smackdown (Finisher) bar
                   replenishes.  It is also my assumption that wrestlers
                   with a certain ATTACK level in their specific wrestling
                   Style have a slightly higher attack strength than that
                   of a wrestler with similar ATTACK level from a different
                   wrestling Style.  Confused?  Let me re-explain.  Let's
                   say you create a high flyer whose Style is SPEED, and
                   he/she has a level 5 SPEED ATTACK, when he uses a SPEED
                   move like Dropkick, it will do slightly more damage than
                   let's say a wrestler whose Style is TECHNICAL, who also
                   has a level 5 SPEED ATTACK also doing a Dropkick.  Whether
                   this is true or not is hard to tell.  It certainly would
                   make sense for complimentary Styles like SPEED vs. POWER,
                   or TECHNICAL vs. ROUGHNECK.

       c) DEFENSE:  Finally the all important DEFENSE!  How well your create-
                    a-superstar is able to shake off the effects of moves,
                    and/or not tap out for a submission hold.

    2) To begin with, every create-a-wrestler knows the basics, thus each of
       the abilities is set at level one as a default.  To increase these
       abilities, the wrestler is allotted 70 points (100 if you run through
       the 20+ Seasons in Season mode and unlock the extra 25 points) with
       which to distribute.  Each ability is kept track of with a colored
       bar, and filling up a bar once will increase that particular ability
       one level.  The bar "MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED" for it to count, what
       this means is that a wrestler with a level 2 TECHNICAL ATTACK is no
       worse than another wrestler with a slightly more than level 2 (but
       not yet level 3) TECHNICAL ATTACK.  So remember when allotting points,
       decide carefully.

    3) How points are allotted depend upon what specific wrestling Style
       you selected earlier (see ii. under the PERSONALITY section).
       Remember however, NO ABILITY MAY EXCEED LEVEL 5.

       a) A wrestler is PROFICIENT in abilities of his/her specific Style,
          DEFICIENT in abilities of his/her complimentary Style, and AVERAGE
          in abilities of the other two Styles.  The following chart will

          Style      Proficient  Deficient  Average
          -----      ----------  ---------  -------
          AVERAGE    NONE        NONE       ALL

       b) PROFICIENT abilities increase at the following rate:

           2 points for one level
           6 points for the second level
          12 points for the next level
          20 points for the final level

       c) DEFICIENT abilities increase at the following rate:

          10 points for one level
          18 points for the second level
          28 points for the next level
          40 points for the final level

       d) AVERAGE abilities increase at the following rate:

           6 points for one level
          12 points for the second level
          20 points for the next level
          30 points for the final level

    4) The only other thing to note here is that choosing certain CHARACTER
       traits (noted in iii. under the PERSONALITY section) may increase the
       starting level of a particular ability.  For example, if you selected
       POWER SKILL as your first CHARACTER trait, then you will begin with
       one extra level of POWER SKILL ability before allotting points.  So
       instead of the default 1 in POWER SKILL ability, you will begin with
       a 2 in POWER SKILL ability.  Pretty good, but not quite as good as
       unlocking POWER SKILL+ in Preseason mode and selecting that as your
       initial CHARACTER trait.  POWER SKILL+ allows you to begin with a
       level 3 in POWER SKILL abiltiy versus a level 2 with from selecting
       the POWER SKILL CHARACTER trait.

       a) If you are lucky in Preseason mode, you may even unlock other
          ABILITY PLUS  CHARACTER traits to enhance your create-a-superstar
          even more.  The only drawbacks, are the loss of CHARACTER trait
          slots and "extending past the ceiling" of a particular ABILITY.
          For example, if you are midway through Preseason and let's say your
          TECHNICAL DEFENSE ability is currently at level 4, but then you
          unlock the CHARACTER trait TECHNICAL DEFENSE+ , your level will
          only increase up to the maximum (level 5).  It's a bummer, since
          you basically waste all those points that could have been allotted
          to another ability.

       b) My first suggestion though would be to create a well rounded
          wrestler with most points going to the abilities in your specific
          wrestling Style.  Then opt for Defense, at least level 3 in each
          (more if you can spare it).

       c) Second, try to keep most abilities hovering around level 3 just
          in case you unlock an ABILITY PLUS  This will help to avert
          "extending past the ceiling" (see a.).  Keep doing this if you
          can until right before the "Royal Rumble", then you can focus
          those last 3 months worth of points to make your final adjustments.

       d) I have noticed that POWER SKILL+, POWER ATTACK+, POWER DEFENSE+ are
          more likcly to be unlocked than the other 9 ABILITY PLUS CHARACTER

       e) The safest choice for an initial CHARACTER trait selection would
          be any DEFENSE+ .  You can always use the defense and usually
          DEFENSE pluses are the hardest to unlock.  In addition try to
          select a DEFENSE plus from your DEFICIENT Style, so that you don't
          have to waste those "extra" points of increasing DEFICIENT
          abilities, that you could spend on your PROFICIENT or AVERAGE ones.

       f) Once a particular ABILITY PLUS is selected, it can not be unlocked
          on the same character again.  Thus you CAN NOT have two SPEED
          ATTACK+ thereby increasing a level 1 up to a level 5.  So once
          a particular ABILITY PLUS is selected then feel free to allot
          points to that specific Ability, since you will never "extend
          past the ceiling".

       e) Some last minute reminders on allocating points:

          * Decide on what Finishing move you really want and make sure you
            allot the proper number of points to acquire that move.

          * With those first 100 points, begin by focusing on your main
            Style, (remember the level 3 rule just in case you unlock an
            ABILITY PLUS) then spread the rest among the other styles.

          * Like in the movie "Double Team", "Offense gets the glory, but
            it's Defense that wins the game!"... so no matter how many
            different moves you know, no matter how flashy your moves are,
            it does no good when you can't shake out of a dizzy, or kick
            out of a pin.  Keep that DEFENSE high.

          * After taking care of Defense then focus on ATTACK.  Again,
            lots of flashy moves mean nothing if they don't hurt the

          * After every win (and certain losses) in Preseason, you will
            earn more points to allocate, but remember to use them or you
            lose them.  There is no storing of points to the next round

          * Your total amount of levels at the start will be equal to 12
            (a level 1 default per ability).  By selecting an ABILITY PLUS
            as your first CHARACTER trait, you will increase this to a
            total of 14.  From there you are on your own.  The best I could
            muster by the end of Preseason, was about 48-49.  That's about
            a level 4 average in each Ability!  Just something for you guys
            to shoot for (it can be done if you are anal and meticulous like

v) From there it's on to selecting actual MOVES for your create-a-superstar.

   1) Since you won't have many Ability points to allocate at the beginning
      of Preseason, you will have a limited amount of moves to choose from.
      If this is your first time playing, stick to a small set of basic
      maneuvers that you will remember.

   2) Figure out which Moves you would like your create-a-superstar to
      eventually have, as well as which Finishing Move (aka: FINISHER).
      From there keep track of what level you need to attain in order
      to acquire those specific moves.

   3) Questions you should be asking yourself are...

      a) What type of moves are used in each particular Style?

         * POWER MOVES:  Mostly body slams, clothesline, piledriver, DDT,
                         anything that seems to utilize brute physical
                         strength to execute.

         * SPEED MOVES:  A huge variety of kicks, quick takedowns, suplexes,
                         basically fast maneuvers with fast execution, and
                         a touch of technical expertise thrown in.

         * TECHNICAL MOVES:  Not all submission maneuvers, and some that
                             are quite speedy too.  Moves like Figure 4,
                             Texas Cloverleaf, Armbar holds, etc.

         * ROUGHNECK MOVES:  Brawler type moves basically.  Headbutts,
                             crotch attacks, etc.

      b) What basic moves should I select?

         * Technically, any moves you want to, but the smart thing to do
           is either have moves that target a specific body part, quick
           recovery types of moves, or a well rounded set of moves to take
           on any situation/opponent.

         * When targeting specific body parts, let's say for example, the
           leg... you would then have moves like Shin Breaker, Dragon Screw,
           Kick to Leg, Ankle Lock, and perhaps the Figure 4 as a FINISHER.
           All from different Styles, yet attacking the same body part for
           an easy victory.  Or if you are targeting the back, then have
           moves like Bearhug, Camel Clutch, Backbreaker, with a Walls of
           Jericho FINISHER.  Adopting this approach leads to quick
           efficient matches that take out an opponent in mere minutes.
           If for instance all your basic moves were leg specific and then
           your FINISHER aims for the Head, a less effective method (unless
           the opponent is severely dizzy) that may not earn you a victory.
           Going after the same body part really does work... I remember
           beating a weak Steve Blackman in under 45 seconds after applying
           the Figure 4 just a few times.  I was very surprised, and have
           yet to duplicate that quick a win.

         * Quick recovery moves, are maneuvers that after execution will
           allow your wrestler to slap on another move before the opponent
           can recover/react.  For example, moves like Knee Smash, Belly
           to Back Suplex, DDT, are quick recovery, but others like Full
           Nelson Slam, Piledriver, other suplexes, leave you open for
           seconds after they are used.  Often high damaging, powerful
           moves are slow to recover for obvious reasons.  And the reason
           you want Quick recovery maneuvers are to get through those
           Handicap matches, 3-Way Dance, 4-Way Dance confrontations.  Try
           them all out and you will know what you like and dislike.

         * Variety though is the other way to go.  Having all POWER MOVES
           or all SPEED MOVES may work at times, but against certain
           opponents you will be helpless, as they block your every move.
           For example, Power moves like the Clothesline are great, but
           against brutes like Mark Henry, he will stop you.  It would be
           better to use Speedy or Technical submission holds to gain a
           victory against him since his Defense is weak to these particular
           Styles.  On the flip side, Speedy moves like Spin Kick, or a
           Drop Kicks are more likely to be blocked by folks like Edge
           and Christian, or the Hardyz.  So remember, a good combination
           of submission holds, knockout maneuvers, and constrictive pins
           will keep your create-a-wrestler ready for any situation.

      c) Should I stick to moves from my wrestling Style?

         * In theory I would say yes.  I figure since it's your forte,
           then there must be some unseen edge you have in performing
           these moves built into the programming.

      d) What type of pin moves should I select?... and other info about
         pinning an opponent.

         * Although the basic lay down pin works, almost all others work
           slightly better.

         * All other pin maneuvers either involve bridging the opponent or
           immobilizing a leg or legs to prevent a kick out.  These are
           the pin falls that are likely to succeed.  Moves like "Small
           Package", "Mahistrol Cradle", or "Fisherman Suplex" fit this
           bill and are very effective.

         * Their only drawback occurs when a "Rope Break" is called by the
           referee.  "Rope Break" occurs when either an opponent's arm or
           leg rests on/over/through the imaginary plane of a ring rope.
           Once that happens, the pin (and even an ordinary grapple) is
           automatically released.  The other thing that sucks after a
           "Rope Break", the opponent is back on his/her feet and no
           longer dizzy!

         * Best pin hands down is the "Pin with Bridge", can never have
           a Rope Break with this move.

UPDATE:  * According to "Jordan" the "Mahistrol Cradle" also never causes
           a Rope Break.  I have yet to test this, but if anyone can confirm,
           it would be nice.  I swear that I have gotten a Rope Break with
           this move before, but I could be wrong.

      e) What type of FINISHER should I select?

         * In my honest opinion, stick to any FINISHER that is a
           grappling move.  Although moves like the "People's Elbow",
           or "Senton Bomb" are really, really cool, they can't be
           used in any of the backstage matches, leaving your wrestler
           at a disadvantage.  You may still be wondering, why not?
           With out a rope to bounce off of, or a turnbuckle to leap
           from, the two above moves can't be executed.

         * Quick FINISHERS are also recommended.  Nothing sucks more
           to do a FINISHER with a long set up (like the "People's
           Elbow", or the Big Show's "Show Stopper") in a 4-Way Dance.
           Again you ask why?  For example, let's say you are the
           Rock in a 4-Way Dance getting ready to do the "People's Elbow"
           against Triple H, and all during the rope bouncing and set up,
           Stone Cold busts a "Stone Cold Stunner" on Mankind to squeeze
           in a victory.  It's happened before on my game and it can happen
           to you.

         * Other reasons why off the rope FINISHERS are advised against...
           the "People's Elbow" can be stopped by a grapple either in the
           initial frames of animation or near the end just as a wrestler
           is about to lay the Smackdown.  A REAL bummer cuz not only does
           your move get negated, but you also lose a green "SMACKDOWN"
           FINISHER dot.  Moves like the "Lo Down", "Money Shot", etc.
           take even more time to set up because not only do you have to
           dizzy the opponent, the opponent has to be lying face up on the
           ground and close to the turnbuckle.  And in a multi-wrestler
           match it can take a lifetime before you are lucky enough to even
           execute, especially as opponents consistently knock you down
           from the corners.  Other than that, I am not sure if other
           FINISHERS can be negated.  With more gameplay I will be able to

         * Also stick to a FINISHER that can either KO an opponent or cause
           a submission.  This will usually occur only when the opponent is
           severely dizzy.  And even it they don't get knocked out or give
           up, you can often pin them for the win afterwards.  However in
           Handicap or multi-wrestler matches you would opt for a non-pin
           victory.  One more thing, FINISHERS that also pin, like "Pulling
           Walk Slam" or "Northern Lights Suplex" can be both advantageous
           or work against you (in situations like above).

   4) Other things you may select under the MOVES menu:

      a) Entrance Moves:  How your wrestler walks down the ramp.

      b) Taunts:  Select from a long list of taunts.  Will your wrestler flip
                  the double bird like Stone Cold, or will he/she scream in
                  anger like Ken Shamrock?... you decide.  One more thing,
                  Taunts raise your FINISHER bar as well.

      c) Combo Move:  Four basic attack moves can be linked together as a
                      combination attack.

   5) Best moves in my opinion.

      a) Basic Attack:  The CLOTHESLINE, if time right can knock opponents
                        down from front or rear.  It can even take down
                        2 to 3 guys if line up properly.

      b) Front Grapple:  It's got to be the DDT.  Quick and efficient.
                         KNEE SMASH runs a close second in my book.  For a
                         pin I would choose SMALL PACKAGE.

      c) Rear Grapple:  FULL NELSON SLAM stands alone on sheer power, but
                        if you've got it, TURN FACING FRONT is much better.
                        It will cause instant dizziness and leaves opponents
                        "Dizzy Only" moves or a dreaded FINISHER from the
                        front.  SCHOOL BOY is the best pin to use here.

      d) Near opponent's head on Ground:  It's gotta be the Mounted Punch,
                                          or submission maneuver.

      e) Near opponent's legs on Ground:  FIGURE 4 definitely!  Not only
                                          is it a submission, but it also
                                          pulls opponents towards you and
                                          away from ring ropes (no "Rope
                                          Break").  WALLS OF JERICHO and
                                          the SHARPSHOOTER are also good,
                                          and Kick to the Groin.  The best
                                          pin in the game, PIN WITH BRIDGE.

      f) Aerial moves:  More for show than for effect, but the 450, and
                        DRAGONRANA, are my faves.  I miss Rey Mysterio's
                        Dragonrana, a move that still seems to defy the
                        laws of natural flexibility.

      g) FINISHER:  Hands down, STONE COLD STUNNER!  Compared to the regular
                    Stunner, the Stone Cold Stunner can just decimate an
                    opponent instantly.

      h) Other moves:  Sure there are other moves that are good, like
                       FLYING CROSS CHOP, MICHINOKU DRIVER, but you'll
                       have to experiment on your own.


i) You should now double-check everything about your character before
   saving to disk.  Make sure every detail is correct and then you'll be
   set to take on Preseason.

ii) If necessary make copies of your create-a-superstar to aid in maximizing
    the amount of points you can earn.


A) The basic idea, now that you have created a wrestler, is to have him/her
   participate in twelve months of grueling matches.  Beginning with a
   singles House match against Al Snow, you will proceed forth and wrestle
   in one match per month for a whole year, that culminates at the WWF
   spectacular Wrestlemania!  Also note that every January you will face the
   infamous Royal Rumble where you must toss out every other opponent and
   be the last man standing.  Can you do it?  Later on I'll explain how you
   can win each and every time.

B) The result of each match determines who or whom you will face the next
   month.  Though it may seem random at first, there is a distinct pattern
   of sorts that the game follows (a listing of possibilities will be shown
   further on in the FAQ).  Most matches will lead in two different
   directions.  If you win you will face one scenario the next month, if you
   lose you will face another.


i) Aaaahhh, the topic on everyone's mind.  Basically, all matches that are
   won will earn you points, although some matches that you lose may also
   earn you points.  As far as a draw is concerned (when the time limit is
   up), I believe it is treated as a loss in terms of earning points.

ii) Does difficulty setting affect the earning of points?  Well, yes and no.
    I can definitely say that to earn more points you need to have
    interaction from your opponent, and this happens more easily on higher
    difficulty levels.  However, you also have to put on a good show by
    using a variety of moves, bouncing of the ropes, using the corner,
    taking it outside, KO's, submissions, clean pins.  These all count
    towards higher points earned.  In my experience, quick wins, such as
    playing against opponents on easy difficulty are boring and often earn
    you less points.  A win with a FINISHER, and successful taunting does
    seem to add a few points here and there.  Overall, you'll have to
    experiment and see what does and doesn't work.

iii) Saving your create-a-superstar is the best way to maximize on points.
     How you may ask?  Well I'll try to explain next.  Okay, remember that
     there are four slots per memory card to save a create-a-wrestler.
     Let's say I copy my wrestler "Bruiser" onto each slot and begin my
     Preseason with "Bruiser" #1.  Bruiser #1 loses to Al Snow and gets no
     points... a bummer.  So onto Bruiser #2, but this time I win and get
     7 points.  An okay showing, but I know I can do better.  With Bruiser
     #3, I kick some serious butt and earn 13 points, EXCELLENT!  Finally,
     I play one more time with Bruiser #4 and get only 10 respectable points.

     So with that settled, it's obvious that I want to keep Bruiser #3, so
     before I move onto the next match against Ken Shamrock, I duplicate
     Bruiser #3 over the other three slots and repeat the process against
     Ken Shamrock thereby "maximizing" my ability to earn points.  Continue
     this method until the end of your Preseason and you will be guaranteed
     to got tons of points.


i) As mention before, additional CHARACTER traits are obtained by playing
   through a Preseason.  99% of the time you will be able to fill the 6
   total slots that are available to your create-a-wrestler.

ii) If a DRAW occurs after a time limit is reached, it is possible that
    certain interactions may not occur.  A DRAW from my experience is
    treated like a LOSS I believe.

iii) There are several ways CHARACTER traits are unlocked:

     1) Basic interaction with other wrestlers backstage will be the most
        frequent and easy way.  Show them respect and you may gain a
        potential ally for your career in Season mode, but diss them bad
        and you'll probably have hell to pay with a new enemy.

     2) Sometimes a wrestler may ask you for assistance to help beat up
        another wrestler.  For example, in one of the scenarios Chyna will
        ask you to attack Ken Shamrock backstage.  Whether you join her
        vengeful quest or not, you have a chance to make both a friend and
        an enemy in such situations.

     3) Besides wrestler interaction, there are any number of Special matches
        strewn throughout Preseason that can aid you in your quest to become
        a Superstar.  Doing extremely well in such matches can earn you a
        MATCH PLUS CHARACTER trait.  For example, defeat every other person
        in the annual Royal Rumble and you will surely obtain the ROYAL
        RUMBLE+.  Beat down Al Snow with a barrage of weapons in a Hardcore
        confrontation and you could get the HARDCORE MATCH+.  However, when
        you lose to the likes of Test in an Anywhere Falls Match, you may be
        slapped with an ANYWHERE FALLS-.  So try to do especially well in a
        Special match and you could one day be a specialty legend in the WWF.

     4) By far the hardest CHARACTER traits to unlock are ABILITY PLUS ones.
        Of the 12 possibilities, POWER SKILL+, POWER ATTACK+, and POWER
        DEFENSE+ pop up most frequently.  The other 9 are more rare and only
        a consistent demonstration of your wrestling ability can unlock these
        Ability enhancers.  Again the most I was able to obtain for any one
        wrestler was a total of three (one chosen from the start, and two
        earned while in Preseason mode).  A rarity to say the least.  One
        more thing though, lose too many matches and use too many poor
        tactics and you could be slapped with an ABILITY MINUS!

     5) Other than those mentioned above, any remaining CHARACTER traits are
        somewhat random.  CHARACTER traits like GOOD HEALTH, MIC SKILLS+,
        NECK INJURY, etc. are given anytime throughout a Preseason.  Remember
        though as I had mentioned in an earlier section, traits like KNEE
        INJURY, or SEXY might only be unlocked based upon the appearance you
        choose for your create-a-superstar so be aware.

iv) Again remember after running a Preseason where new CHARACTER traits
    have been unlocked, make sure you SAVE them to your memory card.  Make
    a backup copy on another card if necessary.

UPDATE:  Here is the complete list of CHARACTER traits.  It includes both
         the default ones and all the unlockable ones too.

    Power Attack          Technical Attack
    Speed Attack          Rough Attack
    Power Defense         Technical Defense
    Speed Defense         Rough Defense
    Power Skill           Technical Skill
    Speed Skill           Rough Skill
    Singles Match         Tag Team Match
    3-Way Dance           4-Way Dance
    Battle Royal          Anywhere Falls Match
    Hardcore Match        Cage Match
    Royal Rumble          Tournament
    "I Quit" Match        WWF Title
    Tag Title             IC Title
    European Title        Women's Title
    Hardcore Title        Handicap Match
    Special Referee       Lucky
    Favorite              Good Looks
    Sexy                  Good Speaker
    Somber                Power Attack+
    Power Attack -        Technical Attack+
    Technical Attack-     Speed Attack+
    Speed Attack-         Rough Attack+
    Rough Attackk-        Power Defense+
    Power Defense-        Technical Defense+
    Technical Defense-    Speed Defense+
    Speed Defefense-      Rough Defense+
    Rough Defense-        Power Skill+
    Power Skill-          Technical Skill+
    Technical Skill-      Speed Skill+
    Speed Skill-          Rough Skill+
    Rough Skill-          Singles Match+
    Singles Match-        Tag Match+
    Tag Match-            3-Way Dance+
    3-Way Dance-          4-Way Dance+
    4-Way Dance-          Battle Royal+
    Battle Royal-         Anywhere Falls+
    Anywhere Falls-       Hardcore Match+
    Hardcore Match-       Cage Match+
    Cage Match-           "I Quit" Match+
    "I Quit" Match-       Royal Rumble+
    Royal Rumble-         Handicap Match+
    Handicap Match-       Special Referee+
    Special Referee-      Injured Neck
    Weak Neck             Injured Waist
    Weak Waist            Injured Elbow
    Weak Elbow            Injured Knee
    Weak Knee             Lucky Life
    Unlucky               Funny
    Smart                 Sensual
    Lady                  Noble
    Don Juan              Femme Fatal
    Sharp Tounge          Teriffic Speaker
    Bad Speaker           Fashionable
    Unfashionable         Good Health
    Bad Health            Loner
    Cooperative           Roughneck
    Rowdy                 Fair
    Betrayer              Tenderhearted
    Stone Cold+           The Rock+
    Triple H+             Mankind+
    Ken Shamrock+         Al Snow+
    Hardcore Holly+       Big Show+
    Kane+                 The Undertaker+
    Test+                 X-Pac+
    Road Dogg+            Degeneration X+
    Mr. Ass+              Gangrel+
    Edge+                 Christian+
    Big Bossman+          Val Venis+
    Godfather+            Chyna+
    Tori+                 Vince McMahon+
    McMahon Family+       D'Lo Brown+
    Mark Henry+           Matt Hardy+
    Jeff Hardy+           Hardy Boyz+
    Chris Jericho+        Shane McMahon+
    Paul Bearer+          Steve Blackman+
    Faarooq+              Bradshaw+
    Acolytes+             Buh Buh Ray+
    D'Von+                Dudley Boys+
    Debra+                Stone Cold-
    The Rock-             Triple H-
    Mankind-              Ken Shamrock-
    Al Snow-              Hardcore Holly-
    Big Show-             Kane-
    The Undertaker-       Test-
    X-Pac-                Road Dogg-
    Degeneration X-       Mr. Ass-
    Gangrel-              Edge-
    Christian-            Big Bossman-
    Val Venis-            Godfather-
    Chyna-                Tori-
    Vince McMahon-        McMahon Family-
    D'Lo Brown-           Mark Henry-
    Matt Hardy-           Jeff Hardy-
    Hardy Boyz-           Chris Jericho-
    Shane McMahon-        Paul Bearer-
    Steve Blackman-       Faarooq-
    Bradshaw-             Acolytes-
    Buh Buh Ray-          D'Von-
    Dudley Boys-          Debra-
    Tournament+           Title Match+
    Tag Title+            IC Title+
    European Title+       Women's Title+
    Hardcore Title+       Wealth


Now that you know basically what to expect in Preseaon, the following will
be a list of the myriad of possible outcomes from month to month.  I will
number each match so that you will know which match to proceed to next.
Also, I will list the maximum number of points that I have been able to
achieve match per match.  Although it may be possible to earn more points,
I have yet to do so (I'll update when necessary).  In addition, since you
are a new wrestler to the WWF, you obviously start at the bottom of the
barrel.  Winning matches will increase your create-a-superstar's ranking
so that you can get title shots during the season.  Also, pay attention to
your surroundings, your opponent(s), and FINISHER bars.  Lastly, if a
match is really going bad for you, press both "Select" and "Start" at the
same time to REBOOT the Playstation.  This will give you another crack at
the match, but it must be done before you lose in anyway.  Once you are
down for the 3 count, KO'd, or submit, you won't be able to REBOOT.

 Remember to check out the difficulty setting before you start playing.
 On Easy your opponents will not fight back as much, but you will seldom
 achieve a rank higher than #30 by the end of Preseason.  On Medium or
 Hard, you will have a difficult time, and if you stay on the winning
 track you will definitely pave the way to contending for a belt.  Also
 note, difficulty level does not produce different scenarios.  All scenarios
 may be accessed whether on Easy, Medium, or Hard.

 At the beginning of each match you will notice a Heart next to each
 wrestler involved in the match.  This heart indicates how healthy/tired
 you are heading into the bout.  Each create-a-superstar begins with a full
 Heart and as he/she moves along the heart will fluctuate in level.  The
 more empty the heart, the more easily you can lose.  Prevent an opponent
 from touching you and you'll stay healthy month to month.  Get stuck in a
 long, drawn out brawl, and your health will surely decrease.  But remember
 this can also work to your advantage as well when facing more than one
 opponent.  Make note of which wrestler is lowest in health and go after
 him/her.  You'll be more likely to attain a win.

 Make sure the read the "Special Note" that is located before the listing of
 December matches.  It will describe how scenarios unfold following that

 Before you actually wrestle your first match, you will be greeted by the
 most power man in wrestling/sports entertainment today, WWF owner, Vince
 McMahon.  He will address you by your real name (John Doe in my case), and
 welcome you to your one year tryout.  Basically, good luck in the year
 ahead and hopefully you'll make it a career in Season mode (don't get
 nervous though, you always get into the WWF, even if you lose all your


 Aaaaahhh, the first month up and only one possible match you will encounter.

 -Match-        #AA
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Al Snow
 -Win-          Go to #00 (14 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #00 (0 points)
 -Interactions- None

 Tips:  Your first match is a basic Singles match versus Al Snow.  A simple
        jobber match really, and whether you win or lose it's on to Ken
        Shamrock in May.  If it's your first time playing, then test out
        your moves and learn how to wow the audience.  Beware of "count out"
        losses too.  Once you are outside of the squared circle, you'll have
        10 seconds to get back in.  Get that "W" and move on.


 May arrives and you have no choice but to face "The World's Most Dangerous
 Man"... Ken Shamrock.

 -Match-        #00
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Ken Shamrock
 -Win-          Go to #01 (16 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #11 (19 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Ken Shamrock will offer you some advice, but you won't
                be given an opportunity to answer back.

 Tips:  This is when the Preseason begins to get interesting.  Wins and
        losses truly begin to count now as the story unfolds.  Shamrock can
        be a formidible opponent if you let him get the upperhand.  He is a
        perfect example of a well-rounded wrestler.  His moves are quick and
        efficient and if he gets you in his ANKLE LOCK submission, you can
        bet that it will be all over.  The key to defeating an opponent is to
        out move and out think him/her by using maneuvers that they may be
        weak against.  In a singles match-up pound victims from behind as
        much as you can, and pray that you will get your FINISHER out!


 June is when matches begin to branch out.  Good luck and keep to a winning

 -Match-        #01
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         Tag Team
 -Opponent-     with Shane McMahon vs. The Acolytes
 -Win-          Go to #02
 -Loss-         Go to #12
 -Interactions- (Win) Shane will speak, but you won't be given an opportunity
                to answer back.
                (Loss) Jacqueline will speak, but you won't be given an
                opportunity to answer back.

 Tips:  Your first Tag Team match and wow!... against APA!  Although with
        practice you can singlehandedly score a win without Shane's help,
        I suggest you make tags and stay fresh.  You will get more used to
        competing in tag matches this way.  While in the ring, keep pounding
        on one guy if you can.  If necessary, prevent the fresh opponent
        from tagging in, by throwing the "legal" man into turnbuckles and
        keeping him away from his partner's corner.  Remember that since it
        is a match with multiple wrestlers, make sure your superstar's
        ATTENTION is aimed at the proper opponent (R2 button).  This is most
        easily done by keeping the PLAYER INDICATORs option on.  Also, if
        Shane is the "legal" man, make sure to help him out if possible.
        While you are in the corner you can still reach in and throw a quick
        punch/swipe if the opponent is nearby.  A couple more things while
        waiting in your corner:  You can still TAUNT, and even move back and
        forth around the turnbuckle post by pressing left and right on the
        control pad.  If the battle is taken out of the ring, then take
        advantage and build up that FINISHER bar (no pins allowed outside
        for this match).  But don't forget about a "count out".  Also note
        if a someone is being pinned, the computer will automatically send
        both wrestlers from the corners immediately into the ring, either
        to breakup the pinfall, or to make the save.  However, if by chance
        you are in the midst of reaching in for a tag, you will not be forced
        to enter the ring, so be alert and undo the reach-in).

 CAUTION:  When playing this and any other tag matches beware.  I've had
           the strange experience with the controllability switching from
           Controller #1, to Controller #2 after a tag is made.  I'll
           explain.  Let's say I was using "Bruiser" in the match.  I'm
           obviously using Controller #1 right!?!, then I tag Shane in but
           suddenly I'm controlling Shane.  After the next tag is made,
           it can switch back to normal.  Weird occurrence.

           In regular tag matches, I've used Controller #1, and tagged in
           my friend's wrestler on Controller #2, and we've reversed our
           controlability.  I don't know if it's a game glitch, or a
           Playstation glitch.  Just FYI, so you don't get caught off

 -Match-        #11
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     D'Lo Brown
 -Win-          Go to #02 (10 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #12 (12 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Prince Albert will speak, but you won't be given an
                opportunity to answer back.

 Tips:  With a loss against Ken Shamrock you won't have your first taste of
        tag competition.  I suppose maybe Shamrock was too much for you, so
        now you'll be pit against my hometown hero, D'Lo Brown.  Stick to
        your general singles tactics, and since D'Lo's FINISHER is the "Low
        Down", it will be difficult for him to use against you.  No matter
        though, he doesn't need it to pin you, so don't get cocky!  D'Lo
        should be no problem, so beat him to a pulp and move on to July.


 -Match-        #02
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Steve Blackman
 -Win-          Go to #03 (13 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #13 (13 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Stevie Richards will speak, but you won't be given an
                opportunity to answer back.

 Tips:  I treat Steve Blackman like I do Shamrock, with special care.  Since
        this is your fourth match, things begin to heat up and Blackman may
        react more than previous opponents.  Pay attention and you'll get
        the "W".

 -Match-        #12
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Chyna
 -Win-          Go to #23 (14 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #33 (11 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Blue Meanie will speak, but you won't be given an
                opportunity to answer back.

 Tips:  If you've reached Chyna, you've obviously lost some matches in the
        previous months.  No matter, you can still gain a victory against
        the WWF's "Ninth Wonder of the World".  Don't underestimate Chyna.
        She may be a woman, but her Roughneck skills can be more than a
        match for an inexperienced wrestler.  Her style is unorthodox so
        don't be surprised if she blocks some of your moves.


 -Match-        #03
 -Show-         Summerslam
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Road Dogg
 -Win-          Go to #04 or #14 (depending on previous outcomes, 19 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #14 (?? points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Tori will comment on the match you've just had and you
                will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Against one half of the New Age Outlaws you may have your hands
        full, but personally I think Mr. Ass is a much harder opponent to
        face.  However, the D-to-the-O-to-the-Double-G may still give you
        problems endurance-wise that previous victims may not have
        exhibited.  Hopefully you've been improving your ABILITY levels
        and with improved maneuvers in your arsenal you'll be successful
        in taking out the former "Roadie", or else he'll give it to you
        "Doggy style!".

 -Match-        #13
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Kane
 -Win-          Go to #14 (?? points)
 -Loss-         Go to #14 (?? points)
 -Interactions- You'll call Kane out to the ring before your match.

 Tips:  The first of two possible confrontations against the "BIG Red
        Machine", the Undertaker's "little" brother is all Power with at
        touch of finesse.  Use quick moves and submission holds to defeat
        him easily, otherwise you'll just be trading blows if you try to
        out-strength him. Be careful of a loss, you may get the MIC SKILL-,
        I did in my first-ever outing.

 -Match-        #23
 -Show-         Summerslam
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Big Show
 -Win-          Go to #14 (24 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #24 (11 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Big Show will comment on the match you've just had
                and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Unlike Kane above, the Big Show is brute power without the speed.
        He is slow, but very strong, so just out maneuver him.

 -Match-        #33
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Hardcore
 -Opponent-     Mr. Ass
 -Win-          Go to #14 (10 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #24 (0 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime after the match, you will meet Debra.  She'll offer
                you some advice so respond to her in kind if you wish.

 Tips:  Your first possible taste of Hardcore action!  Why against Mr. Ass?
        I'm not sure, but what I do know is that he is much better than his
        tag team counterpart, the Road Dogg.  At times it seems that Mr. Ass
        has endurance out the ears, so don't expect an easy pinfall unless
        he's tired.  Remember since it's a Hardcore match, stick to weapons
        with some reach... bat, metal rod, kendo stick, broom stick, etc.
        These will allow you to keep distance from Billy Gunn while still
        allowing contact through the weapon.

        Use R1 to pick up and drop objects and the SQUARE to throw them if
        necessary.  Don't forget that when you are holding onto something,
        you won't be able to grapple, so just keep pressing that X button
        and smack away.  Attacks work best when your opponent is already
        on the mat/ground.  Keep him down until he no longer moves, by
        then he's definitely ready to be pinned.  Remember though, NO
        COUNT OUTS, NO ROPE BREAKS and you can even be PINNED OUTSIDE so


 -Match-        #04
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Handicap
 -Opponent-     vs. Dudleyz
 -Win-          Go to #05 (14 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #05 (13 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Buh Buh Ray will comment on the match you've just had
                and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  The dreaded Handicap match.  Well, you were bound to face one sooner
        or later.  "Those Damn Dudleyz!" will sure give you a run for your
        money.  Different tactics can be employed in a match like this.  The
        first thing to note is which opponent has less health.  That will be
        the Dudley that you focus your attacks on.  Second, try to keep the
        two apart, either by throwing the healthier man out of the ring, or
        keeping them at opposite turnbuckles.  Third, make sure to keep the
        player indicators on so that you can properly alternate attacks
        against Buh Buh Ray and D'von... with "Quick recovery" moves you will
        keep them on the ground and neither will touch you.  Lastly, if I
        remember correctly, there are NO COUNT OUTS, but I think that ROPE
        BREAKS are on, and you MUST PIN IN THE RING.  With those ideas in
        mind, take the fight outside to build up for a FINISHER or two.
        Then toss the weaker man back into the ring for the victory.  KO'S
        work best in this match, since pinfalls are usually broken up by the
        fallen man's partner.

UPDATE: According to Sting12086, if one of your opponents gets a FINISHER
        Dot before you do, take him/her outside the ring.  It's impossible
        to be KO'd out there, so coax him/her into performing the FINISHER
        then, shake out of it and continue the match back in the squared

 -Match-        #14
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Test
 -Win-          Go to #15 (12 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #15 (?? points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Test will comment on the match you've just had and
                you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  One of three possible confrontations against the "Artist NOT formerly
        employed by Motley Crue", I treat Test like Kane, a power man with
        some speed to boot.  His height is an advantage, so beware of his
        long reach.

 -Match-        #24
 -Show-         House Show
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Godfather
 -Win-          Go to #15 or #25 (depending on previous outcomes, 19 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #25 (25 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) The Godfather will offer you some advice, but you
                won't be given an opportunity to answer back.

 Tips:  The Godfather (aka:  Kama Mustafa, aka:  Papa Shango), is one of
        the relatively quick mid-carders in the game.  Continue to use
        singles tactics against him and you'll chalk one up against the
        "Pimp Daddy", then you can sit back and roll up a Big Fatty.  Too
        bad his Digi-Hos aren't as voluptuous as those busty women in the
        Green Army Men commercial... plus no "dancin' with the hos" after
        a victory/loss.


 -Match-        #05
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Mankind
 -Win-          Go to #06 (18 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #16 (0 points)
 -Interactions- Not really an interaction, but before your match against
                Mankind, there will be a cut scene of you walking backstage.

 Tips:  If you thought Mr. Ass has endurance, check out Mankind's "Testicular
        fortitude".  The man just doesn't go down easily.  Work on limbs if
        you must, otherwise it will just be a brawl.

 -Match-        #15
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Mark Henry
 -Win-          Go to #26 or #46 (depending on previous outcomes, 7 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #36 (?? points)
 -Interactions- None

 Tips:  He didn't win any Gold Medals, but he can still kick your butt!  Mr.
        Mark Henry is all Power.  Use speed to your advantage or you'll
        lose in a flash.  Submission maneuvers work best against him, but
        you may end up with MARK HENRY- for your troubles.

 -Match-        #25
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         Handicap
 -Opponent-     vs. Hardyz
 -Win-          Go to #46 (19 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #56 (0 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Jeff Hardy will comment on the match you've just had
                and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Unlike the Dudleyz Handicap match, the Hardyz will both out-speed
        and out-maneuver you in an instant.  Remember that different tactics
        can be employed in a match like this.  The first thing to note is
        which of the two brothers has less health.  That will be the Hardy
        that you focus your attacks on.  Second, try to keep the two apart,
        either by throwing the healthier man out of the ring, or keeping
        them at opposite turnbuckles.  Third, make sure to keep the player
        indicators on so that you can properly alternate attacks against Matt
        and Jeff... with "Quick recovery" moves you will keep them both on the
        ground and neither will be able to touch you.  Lastly, if I remember
        correctly, there are NO COUNT OUTS, but I think that ROPE BREAKS are
        on, and you MUST PIN IN THE RING.  With those ideas in mind, take the
        fight outside if you can to build up for a FINISHER or two.  Then
        toss the weaker man back into the ring for the victory.  KO'S work
        best in this match, since pinfalls are usually broken up by the
        fallen man's partner.

UPDATE: According to Sting12086, if one of your opponents gets a FINISHER
        Dot before you do, take him/her outside the ring.  It's impossible
        to be KO'd out there, so coax him/her into performing the FINISHER
        then, shake out of it and continue the match back in the squared


 -Match-        #06
 -Show-         Survivor Series
 -Type-         Tag Team
 -Opponent-     with X-Pac vs. Edge and Christian
 -Win-          Go to #07 (13 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #17 (?? points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Edge will comment on the match you've just had and you
                will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  If you've made it to this match, then you've been lucky and stayed
        on the winning track.  You will have had some experience in a Tag
        Team matchup, but this time you're up against two speedy opponents,
        Edge and Christian.  Make note of which Canadian is weaker and keep
        the heat on him throughout the match.  If necessary, prevent the
        fresh man from tagging in, by throwing the "legal" man into
        turnbuckles and keeping him busy.  Remember that since it is a match
        with multiple wrestlers, make sure your superstar's ATTENTION is
        aimed at the proper opponent (R2 button).  This is most easily done
        by keeping the PLAYER INDICATORs option on.  Also, if X-Pac is the
        the "legal" man, make sure to help him out if possible.  While you
        are in the corner you can still reach in and throw a quick
        punch/swipe if the opponent is nearby.  A couple more things while
        waiting in your corner:  You can still TAUNT, and even move back and
        forth around the turnbuckle post by pressing left and right on the
        control pad.  If the battle is taken out of the ring, then take
        advantage and build up that FINISHER bar (no pins allowed outside
        for this match).  But don't forget about a "count out".  Also note
        if a someone is being pinned, the computer will automatically send
        both wrestlers from the corners immediately into the ring, either
        to breakup the pinfall, or to make the save.  However, if by chance
        you are in the midst of reaching in for a tag, you will not be forced
        to enter the ring, so be alert and undo the reach-in).  Speedy moves
        may not work as well against the Canadian duo, so use Power and
        submission tactics to your advantage.

 CAUTION:  When playing this and any other tag matches beware.  I've had
           the strange experience with the controllability switching from
           Controller #1, to Controller #2 after a tag is made.  I'll
           explain.  Let's say I was using "Bruiser" in the match.  I'm
           obviously using Controller #1 right!?!, then I tag Shane in but
           suddenly I'm controlling Shane.  After the next tag is made,
           it can switch back to normal.  Weird occurrence.

           In regular tag matches, I've used Controller #1, and tagged in
           my friend's wrestler on Controller #2, and we've reversed our
           controlability.  I don't know if it's a game glitch, or a
           Playstation glitch.  Just FYI, so you don't get caught off

 -Match-        #16
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         I Quit Match
 -Opponent-     Rock
 -Win-          Go to #07 (29 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #17 (?? points)
 -Interactions- Not really an interaction, but before your match, there will
                be a cut scene of the Rock walking backstage.
                (Loss) The Rock will comment on the match you've just had and
                you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  The first and only "I Quit!" Match in the game, but why against The
        Rock and not Mankind or Stone Cold, I'm not sure.  Anyway, the object
        of the match, force the Rock to give up, it's as simple as that.  How
        to do it?  First of all, there's a microphone at ringside and it
        must be obtained to gain a victory.  Second, duke it out until the
        Rock is down on the mat.  Run over, pick up the microphone and run
        back over the Rock and press the CIRCLE button.  If you are
        successful, he will submit... if not, press R1 to drop the mic and
        return to beating him down.  Eventually he will submit and you will
        be victorious.  There are NO COUNT OUTS, and I believe NO ROPE
        BREAKS, plus you may force the Rock to submit ANYWHERE.

 -Match-        #26
 -Show-         Survivor Series
 -Type-         Handicap
 -Opponent-     vs. Acolytes
 -Win-          Go to #27 (13 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #17 (0 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Farooq will comment on the match you've just had and
                you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  I'm pretty sure that this may be your first Handicap match so pay
        close attention.  APA will definitely take you to the brink of
        defeat, so here's what you'll have to do...  The first thing to note
        is which member of the Acolytes has less health.  That will be the
        man that you focus your attacks on.  Second, try to keep the two
        brawlers apart, either by throwing the healthier man out of the ring,
        or keeping them at opposite turnbuckles.  Third, make sure to keep
        the player indicators on so that you can properly alternate attacks
        against Ron "Farooq" Simmons and Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw... with
        "Quick recovery" moves you will keep them on the mat and neither will
        be able to stop you.  Lastly, if I remember correctly, there are NO
        COUNT OUTS, but I think that ROPE BREAKS are on, and you MUST PIN IN
        THE RING.  With those ideas in mind, take the fight outside to build
        up for a FINISHER or two.  Then toss the weaker man back into the
        ring for the easy victory.  KO'S work best in this match, since
        pinfalls are usually broken up by the fallen man's partner.

UPDATE: According to Sting12086, if one of your opponents gets a FINISHER
        Dot before you do, take him/her outside the ring.  It's impossible
        to be KO'd out there, so coax him/her into performing the FINISHER
        then, shake out of it and continue the match back in the squared

 -Match-        #36
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         3 Way Dance
 -Opponent-     vs. Val Venis and D'Lo Brown
 -Win-          Go to #27 (?? points)
 -Loss-         Go to #17 (?? points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Val Venis will comment on the match you've just had
                and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  The 3 Way Dance will be a true test of your wrestling skills.  It is
        somewhat similar to a Handicap matchup, but this time it's every man
        for himself.  Follow my suggestions and you will surely win.  The
        first thing to note is which opponent has less health.  That will be
        the man that you focus your attacks on.  Second, try to keep the two
        apart, either by throwing the healthier man out of the ring, or
        keeping them at opposite turnbuckles.  Third, make sure to keep the
        player indicators on so that you can properly alternate attacks
        between Val and D'Lo when necessary, but again since it is a 3 Way
        Dance, try to focus on the weaker individual.  "Quick recovery"
        moves are the key to victory.  Lastly, if I remember correctly,
        there are NO COUNT OUTS, but I think that ROPE BREAKS are on, and
        you MUST PIN IN THE RING.  With those ideas in mind, take the fight
        outside to build up for a FINISHER or two.  Then toss the weaker man
        back into the ring for the victory.  KO'S work best in this match,
        since pinfalls are usually broken up by the free standing opponent.
        Oh yeah, one more thing... be careful of using a FINISHER on an
        opponent and then allowing the fresh wrestler to slide in for the
        cheap pin.

 -Match-        #46
 -Show-         Survivor Series
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Jericho
 -Win-          Go to #27 (5 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #37 (?? points)
 -Interactions- (Win??/Loss) Jericho will comment on the match you've just
                had and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  A chance to face the "Ayatollah of Rock n' Rollah".  Beware of his
        variety of tactics.  Y2J is good both on the mat and in the air.
        His "Lionsault" can strike with terror from above, or when he knows
        you're tired he'll slap on the "Walls of Jericho" to make you submit,
        but if he gets his "Double Powerbomb" FINISHER on you, it may all
        come to a quick end.  Personally, I think Jericho is one of the best
        wrestlers out there right now.  His versatility is what you must
        defend against or it will cost you a victory.

 -Match-        #56
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Hardcore
 -Opponent-     Hardcore Holly
 -Win-          Go to #27 (8 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #37 (0 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime after the match, you will meet Steve Blackman.
                He'll offer you some advice so respond to him in kind if you

 Tips:  Another chance at Hardcore action!  They don't call him Hardcore for
        nothing.  Actually I've never played this match, because I've only
        used the "Skip" option on this one.  So as far as his wrestling
        style, I can't tell you what you can expect from Hardcore Holly
        (aka:  Bob "Sparkplug" Holly, aka:  "Sparky Plug").  My only advice
        is to remember since it's a Hardcore match, stick to weapons
        with some reach... bat, metal rod, kendo stick, broom stick, etc.
        These will allow you to keep distance from Bob Holly while still
        allowing contact through the weapon.  I sure wished that Crash was
        in the game don't you?

        Use R1 to pick up and drop objects and the SQUARE to throw them if
        necessary.  Don't forget that when you are holding onto something,
        you won't be able to grapple, so just keep pressing that X button
        and smack away.  Weapon attacks work best after you've knocked
        Hardcore Holly onto the mat/ground.  Keep him down until he can no
        longer move, by then he's definitely ready to be pinned.  Remember
        though, NO COUNT OUTS, NO ROPE BREAKS and you can even be PINNED
        OUTSIDE so beware.

  Please note that no matter if you win or lose any match in December, next
  month you will participate in the Royal Rumble.  Your success or failure
  in January will actually determine which scenario you will face in


 -Match-        #07
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Kane
 -Win/Loss-     Go to BB, (19 points/?? points) then...
 -Win Rumble-   Go to #08
 -Loss Rumble-  Go to #18
 -Interactions- (Win) Kane will comment on the match you've just had and you
                will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  What can I say about Kane?  Well, if you've faced him in August,
        then you'll already know what to expect from the "Big Red Machine".
        Otherwise, treat him as a Power opponent with some Speed on his side.
        Also beware of his long reach.  His height gives him the advantage
        of having long grappling arms.  Out-maneuver him and it will lead you
        to a win.

 -Match-        #17
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Hardcore
 -Opponent-     Test
 -Win/Loss-     Go to BB, (18 points/?? points) then...
 -Win Rumble-   Go to #18
 -Loss Rumble-  Go to #28
 -Interactions- (Win) Test will comment on the match you've just had and you
                will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Hardcore action, but this time against the "Wrestler that would've,
        could've, should've been Mr. Stephanie McMahon."  Oh well.  This may
        be your second opportunity to face Test, a mini-rivalry beginning???
        Perhaps.  Test is similar to Kane.  A good mixture of Power and some
        Speed.  His height is an advantage, so beware of his long reaching
        grapples and attacks.  Remember since it's a Hardcore match, stick
        to weapons with some reach... bat, metal rod, kendo stick, broom
        stick, etc.  These will allow you to keep distance between you and
        Test, while still allowing contact through the weapon.

        Use R1 to pick up and drop objects and the SQUARE to throw them if
        necessary.  Don't forget that when you are holding onto something,
        you won't be able to grapple, so just keep pressing that X button
        and smack away.  Attacks work best when your opponent is already
        on the mat/ground.  Keep Andrew Martin down until he no longer moves,
        by then he's definitely ready to be pinned.  Remember though, NO
        COUNT OUTS, NO ROPE BREAKS and you can even be PINNED OUTSIDE so

 -Match-        #27
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Gangrel
 -Win/Loss-     Go to BB, (17 points/?? points) then...
 -Win Rumble-   Go to #28
 -Loss Rumble-  Go to #38
 -Interactions- (Win) Gangrel will comment on the match you've just had and
                you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Gangrel, or "Mr. Vachon" as I like to call him is another one of your
        mid-card jabronis.  He's not too hard to defeat, so you'll be quickly
        on your way to the Royal Rumble.  He's got a cool opening, but other
        than that, there's not much else that's cool about pudgey.  Take him
        out and move on.

 -Match-        #37
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Singles
 -Opponent-     Godfather
 -Win/Loss-     Go to BB, (?? points/14 points) then...
 -Win Rumble-   Go to #38
 -Loss Rumble-  Go to #48
 -Interactions- (Win??/Loss) The Godfather will comment on the match you've
                just had and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Another crack at Papa Shango... I mean Kama Mustafa... oops my fault.
        The Godfather is back to take some more punishment at your hands.  A
        jobber like Gangrel, the Godfather shouldn't be too difficult to
        defeat.  Since it's a singles matchup you should have no problems by


 -Match-        #BB
 -Show-         Royal Rumble
 -Type-         Royal Rumble
 -Opponent-     All wrestlers
 -Win-          Refer to December results for next Scenario (38 points)
 -Loss-         Refer to December results for next Scenario (0 points)
 -Interactions- None

 Tips:  Well it's finally January.  A new year, and time for you to really
        shine!  But since it is January, it's time for the annual Royal
        Rumble.  30+ competitors and it's your job to toss them all out of
        the ring, shock the world, and show them all you mean business!

        How is the Royal Rumble set up?  It begins with 4 competitors in
        the ring at the same time, with you always being one of the initial
        four.  Your mission is to toss them out one by one (use the CIRCLE,
        Irish Whip), without being tossed out yourself.  Every time a
        wrestler is tossed out, a 10 second countdown will begin and then
        a new wrestler will run down the ramp to join the melee.  There will
        never be more than 4 wrestlers at a time, and hopefully you will
        always be one of them.

        First of all it's almost impossible to win the Royal Rumble even
        if it's set on the easiest difficulty.  The best I ever did on my
        own was defeat 25 opponents before being tossed out.  Well then, you
        may be wondering,"How is it possible to beat everyone?"  There are
        two methods to "Cheat":

        Method One

        If you've got a Multi-Tap, use it!  (Remember that the multi-tap
        must be plugged in before you turn on the system, or it may not work
        properly.)  Press "Select" on the three other controllers and the
        other three wrestlers will no longer be AI manipulated.  With them
        being controlled by a "Human", they will remain motionless, and you
        can toss them out one by one.  Everytime a wrestler joins, press
        "Select" on the appropriate control pad to take over.  After about
        15 minutes or so, it will all be over and you will be victorious.

UPDATE: In response to William Glover's question about the "Madcatz" multi-
        tap, it does not work.  I have a "Madcatz" brand multi-tap too,
        and it never ever worked.  It also doesn't work on certain other
        games like, Madden 2K, and NBA Live.  I assume it's because the
        games may be programmed to only work with official Sony licensed
        peripherals.  So sorry guys, gotta use the Sony multi-tap or you're
        just out of luck.

        According to "Oliver" from the UK, his Madcatz does work, so perhaps
        it's just a U.S. thing?  Strange huh?

        Method Two

        Don't have a Multi-Tap?  Well if you've got at least two control
        pads, then activate the extra one, and use it to your advantage.
        For example, controller #1 will be you, so stay alert... press
        "Select" on controller #2 to and use it as well (ask a friend if
        nearby to assist).  I usually toss the two left over AI controlled
        wrestlers out, then hide my create-a-superstar in the corner, while
        I use the controller #2 guy to throw folks out and keep them away
        from my real wrestler.  It takes practice but can be done.  Just
        keep the controller #2 guy by the ropes near the ramp, and as new
        competitors come in, just toss them out.

        Method Three

        If you decide not to cheat and tough it out just to see how you do,
        then you are on your own.  Stick to the middle of the ring as much
        as possible.  Use lengthy moves as much as possible to help keep you
        in the ring.  Remember that the other three wrestlers are almost
        always out to get you (look at their player indicators and you will
        see), they only go after AI wrestlers if you are really preoccupied.

UPDATE: I got an email from "Tyson" and he suggests the following:

        From the start, let the other three opponents duke it out.  Then
        take out those that are a bit dizzy and toss 'em.  Be careful when
        approaching any wrestlers though, because if you walk up to them
        when they have their backs to the ropes, you will be whipped over
        the top.  Stand back until he/she comes to you, or use a running
        attack against him/her.  If and when you are able to clear the ring,
        just stand back and wait for the next opponent to arrive.  Don't
        attack him/her immediately, he/she will reverse attack.  Step back
        then engage the opponent.  Keep this up, and with some practice
        you will succeed like "Tyson".  (As I mentioned, using similar
        tactics like those of "Tyson's" I managed to reach the mid twenties,
        so it looks like I need more practice.... naaaah, I'll stick to the
        multi-tap unless it's for real!)

        The Royal Rumble is truly the longest, most difficult match you will
        face, so good luck.


 -Match-        #08
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Handicap
 -Opponent-     vs. Rock n' Sock Connection
 -Win-          Go to #09 (15 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #09 (19 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you will meet Paul Bearer.  He'll
                offer you some advice so respond to him in kind if you wish.
                (Win with a positive response to Paul Bearer) The Acolytes
                will comment on the match you've just had and you will be
                prompted to respond.

 Tips:  By now you should have fought in a Handicap Match.  Whether against
        the powerful Dudleyz, the speedy Hardyz, or the brawling Acolytes,
        they are mere jobbers and up n' comers compared to the Rock n' Sock
        Connection.  The Rock and Mankind each have distinct styles that you
        must defend against, which is why this specific Handicap matchup is
        more difficult.  Stay alert against the Rock's speed, and watch out
        for Mankind's brawling endurance.  Mr. Socko is a force to be
        reckoned with, so make sure to stay away from Mankind if his
        FINISHER is ready.  With your preseason winding down, it's very
        important that you go out with a bang, so make these last two
        months count.

UPDATE: According to Sting12086, if one of your opponents gets a FINISHER
        Dot before you do, take him/her outside the ring.  It's impossible
        to be KO'd out there, so coax him/her into performing the FINISHER
        then, shake out of it and continue the match back in the squared

 -Match-        #18
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         3 Way Dance
 -Opponent-     vs. X-Pac and Ken Shamrock
 -Win-          Go to #19 (36 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #19 (6 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you will meet Chyna.  She'll ask
                you for some assistance to attack Ken Shamrock, help her if
                you wish.

 Tips:  Similar to a Handicap Match, this 3 Way Dance is just as troublesome.
        If you've faced Val and D'Lo in November, then you'll know just what
        to expect.  This time however, it will be against two distinct
        opponents, the speedster X-Pac, and the powerful submission expert
        Ken Shamrock.  It will definitely be a true test of your wrestling
        abilities.  Remember it's every man for himself, so follow my
        suggestions and you will surely win.  The first thing to note is
        which opponent has less health.  That will be the man that you focus
        your attacks on.  Second, try to keep the two apart, either by
        throwing the healthier man out of the ring, or keeping them at
        opposite ends of the ring.  Third, make sure to keep the player
        indicators on so that you can properly alternate attacks between
        X-Pac and Shamrock when necessary, but again since it is a 3 Way
        Dance, try to focus on the weaker individual.  "Quick recovery" moves
        are the key to victory.  Lastly, if I remember correctly, there are
        NO COUNT OUTS, but I think that ROPE BREAKS are on, and you MUST PIN
        IN THE RING.  With those ideas in mind, take the fight outside to
        build up for a FINISHER or two.  Then toss the weaker man back into
        the ring for the victory.  KO'S work best in this match, since
        pinfalls are usually broken up by the free standing opponent.  Oh
        yeah, one more thing... be careful of using a FINISHER on an
        opponent and let the other guy slide in for the surprise pin.

 -Match-        #28
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Hardcore
 -Opponent-     Al Snow
 -Win-          Go to #29 (24 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #29 (6 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, Al Snow will be attacked and you
                will come to his aid.  Shortly after, he will confront you
                backstage and offer his thanks, so respond in kind if you

 Tips:  If you thought Mankind was crazy, then you haven't fought against
        Al Snow in a Hardcore Match.  My only advice is to remember since
        it's a Hardcore match, stick to weapons with some reach... bat, metal
        rod, kendo stick, broom stick, etc.  These will allow you to keep
        distance from Snow while still allowing contact through the weapon.

        Use R1 to pick up and drop objects and the SQUARE to throw them if
        necessary.  Don't forget that when you are holding onto something,
        you won't be able to grapple, so just keep pressing that X button
        and smack away.  Attacks work best when your opponent is already
        on the mat/ground.  Keep Al Snow down until he can no longer move,
        by then he's definitely ready to be pinned.  Remember though, NO
        COUNT OUTS, NO ROPE BREAKS and you can even be PINNED OUTSIDE so

 -Match-        #38
 -Show-         Smackdown
 -Type-         4 Way Dance
 -Opponent-     vs. X-Pac, Mr. Ass, and Road Dogg
 -Win-          Go to #39 (34 points)
 -Loss-         Go to #39 (0 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you will meet X-Pac.  He'll offer
                you some advice so respond to him in kind if you wish.

 Tips:  Against DX in a 4 Way Dance!  Normally, you'd think impossible am I
        right?  Well, having an extra guy in the ring can sort of be a
        blessing in disguise when compared to the 3 Way Dance.  The same
        rules apply in a 4 Way Dance as they do in a 3 Way Dance.  The only
        difference as mentioned already, one additional opponent.  But this
        is good, because the extra man will allow you to pair off.  Things
        to remember... go for the KO or submission, go after the weakest
        wrestler, be aware of everyone's FINISHER bar.  Good luck, you'll
        need it.

 -Match-        #48
 -Show-         Raw is War
 -Type-         Anywhere Falls
 -Opponent-     Test
 -Win/Loss-     Go to #29 (If you help Triple H, 34 points/11 points)
 -Win/Loss-     Go to #49 (If you don't help Triple H, 34 points/11 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you will meet Triple H.  He'll ask
                you for some assistance to attack Vince McMahon, help him if
                you wish.

 Tips:  Your final confrontation with Test!  I just treat this match like
        a Hardcore Match.  The only difference is that you can't head
        towards the ring... and of course "Falls count anywhere".  So beat
        Test down backstage and pin him easily for the victory.


 -Match-        #09
 -Show-         Wrestlemania
 -Type-         Cage Match
 -Opponent-     Mankind
 -Win-          On to Season mode (61 points)
 -Loss-         On to Season mode (34 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you will meet the Undertaker.
                He'll ask you for some assistance to attack Stone Cold, help
                him if you wish.

 Tips:  Wrestlemania has arrived!  Your final match of the Preseason so make
        it good.  If you've basically got a perfect record, then the Cage
        Match is the perfect way to end your preseason career.  And with
        Curt Hennig (aka:  Mr. Perfect), or Sean Stasiak (aka:  The Perfect
        One) both at WCW, Mankind is definitely the perfect choice for your
        own personal "Hell in a Cell".  Aside for the Royal Rumble, the Cage
        match is arguably the most difficult match you will face.  How do
        you win?  Well first of all, there are no pinfall, KO, or submission
        victories.  The only way is over the top (there is a door, but it's
        always locked).  So begin by beating Mick to an inch of his life.
        When he is basically not moving anymore then it's time to start
        climbing.  Push your directional pad towards one of the cage walls,
        then press R1 to begin climbing.  Once you are on the wall, move the
        directional pad left and right and the climbing will begin.  Let's
        just hope you make it over before Foley wakes up.  If he does, he
        will definitely walk over to the cage and begin rattling it to knock
        you down.  Before he does, I suggest you hit the X button and perform
        an Elbow Drop on top of him.

        If by chance Mankind gets the upper hand and makes it onto the wall
        first, then do your best to wake from dizziness.  Afterwards head
        towards the side that Mick is climbing and begin attacking that wall.
        If your attack is too weak, he will not fall.  It works best when you
        are directly under Foley.

        The action will be fast and furious so keep it up until you are
        victorious.  Do well and you may even earn the CAGE MATCH+!

 -Match-        #19
 -Show-         Wrestlemania
 -Type-         4 Way Dance
 -Opponent-     vs. Stone Cold, Big Show, and The Rock
 -Win-          On to Season mode (53 points)
 -Loss-         On to Season mode (28 points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you'll see a cut scene of Mankind
                and The Rock discussing strategy backstage.  Shortly after,
                you will meet the Big Boss Man.  He'll ask you for some
                assistance to attack the Big Show, help him if you wish.

 Tips:  Wrestlemania has arrived!  Your final match of the Preseason so make
        it good.  You should know what to do by now.  As for who to go after,
        the weakest man of course!  Otherwise it's your choice, the roughneck
        brawler Stone Cold, the powerhouse Big Show, or the man with the
        "Most electrifying move in sports entertainment today!", The Rock.
        If you're a submission expert, I would definitely go after the Big
        Show, he is most susceptible.  Remember to watchout for FINISHERs,
        and remember that the "People's Elbow" can be stopped.  Just remember
        to change your player indicator to focus your attention on The Rock
        if you plan on negating him.

 -Match-        #29
 -Show-         Wrestlemania
 -Type-         Tag Team
 -Opponent-     with Triple H vs. Rock n' Sock Connection
 -Win-          On to Season mode (62 points)
 -Loss-         On to Season mode (?? points)
 -Interactions- Sometime before the match, you will meet Triple H.  He'll
                offer you some advice so respond to him in kind if you wish.
                Shortly after, Mr. Ass will offer some advice provided you
                reacted in a positive manner towards Triple H, respond to
                him in kind if you wish.

 Tips:  Wrestlemania has arrived!  Your final match of the Preseason so make
        it good.  My favorite of all the Wrestlemania matches, teaming up
        with "The Game" against "The People's Champ" and the man who many
        refer to as a God of professional wrestling.  Unlike previous Tag
        Team bouts, this is a clash between some of the WWF's top stars.
        With Triple H as your partner, you will at least have a seasoned
        veteran on your side.  If you've faced the Rock and Mankind before,
        you'll know what to expect.  Counter the Rock's speed, or Foley's
        brawling style and you will end up with your final win.  Tag
        often, especially if you are tiring out.  And use every little
        trick you have to succeed, cuz this is the end of a years worth
        of training.

 CAUTION:  When playing this and any other tag matches beware.  I've had
           the strange experience with the controllability switching from
           Controller #1, to Controller #2 after a tag is made.  I'll
           explain.  Let's say I was using "Bruiser" in the match.  I'm
           obviously using Controller #1 right!?!, then I tag Shane in but
           suddenly I'm controlling Shane.  After the next tag is made,
           it can switch back to normal.  Weird occurrence.

           In regular tag matches, I've used Controller #1, and tagged in
           my friend's wrestler on Controller #2, and we've reversed our
           controlability.  I don't know if it's a game glitch, or a
           Playstation glitch.  Just FYI, so you don't get caught off

 -Match-        #39
 -Show-         Wrestlemania
 -Type-         Special Referee Match
 -Opponent-     Triple H
 -Win-          On to Season mode (56 points)
 -Loss-         On to Season mode (?? points)
 -Interactions- (Win) Pat Patterson will comment on the match you've just had
                and you will be prompted to respond.
                (Loss) Stephanie McMahon will comment on the match you've
                just had and you will be prompted to respond.

 Tips:  Wrestlemania has arrived!  Your final match of the Preseason so make
        it good.  Nothing too special about this match aside from Shane
        McMahon as the Special Referee.  Just treat it like a singles match,
        but of course you're against one of the best... the man who dubs
        himself "The Game", cuz he's just "That DAMN good!", Triple H.
        The only thing you need worry about is accidently hitting Shane
        during the match.  If this happens, he will get a few licks on you
        before returning to a somewhat impartial state.  I wonder if you
        consistently attack Shane, will he foil you with a fast count?  In
        my opinion, the most boring and normal match of all the Wrestlemania

 -Match-        #49
 -Show-         Wrestlemania
 -Type-         Battle Royale
 -Opponent-     vs. Stone Cold, Vince McMahon, and Triple H
 -Win-          On to Season mode (?? points)
 -Loss-         On to Season mode (39 points)
 -Interactions- (Loss) Vince McMahon will comment on the match you've just
                had and you will be prompted to respond.
                Shortly after, Stephanie McMahon and Debra will offer some
                advice provided you reacted in a positive manner towards
                Vince McMahon , respond to each of them in kind if you wish.

 Tips:  Wrestlemania has arrived!  Your final match of the Preseason so make
        it good.  The Battle Royale, one of the two possible matchups where
        you can face Stone Cold, and the only one where you can lay a hand
        on your boss, Vince McMahon.  How does the Battle Royale work?
        Well, all 4 men begin in the ring at the same time.  Everytime a
        wrestler is pinned, KOed, or submits, he must immediately leave
        and the remaining wrestlers continue to battle until one man is
        left standing.  Personally, I would go after Vince first since he
        is the only "non-wrestler".  Hopefully while you're working on
        Vince, Stone Cold and Triple H will go head to head.  If you're
        lucky, by the time you finish with Vince, either Stone Cold or
        Triple H will be out of the match.  If not, then it's basically
        like a 3 Way Dance.  Your main focus is to beat on others and not
        allow them to lay a hand on you.  Remember, you need not be pinned
        to be eliminated.  Every little attack will count against you for
        a KO/submission loss.  After suffering enough damage, even a simple
        attack like a scoop slam could knock you out so beware.  Also note
        that any wrestler that is eliminated, will remain at ringside to
        grab at legs, tripping up active opponents, so stay avay from the
        ropes as much as possible.  Work on one man at a time, and you will
        emerge victorious.

 After your final match, you will again be greeted by the most power man in
 wrestling/sports entertainment today, WWF owner, Vince McMahon.  He will
 address you by your real name (John Doe in my case), and welcome you to
 the WWF as a permanent employee.  It doesn't matter if you even lost every
 match (the WWF needs jobbers too, like the Brooklyn Brawler for instance).
 Make your way to Season mode so that you can begin your run for a belt.
 Personal glory awaits you in the matches to come.


A) Now that you've finished Preseason, it's time to shine... literally.
   Your mission is basically to have gold around your waist, and once you've
   got it, never to relinquish it.  Well now the question is, "How can I earn
   a title shot?"  Actually running a Season, is the slow route to take.  And
   if you decide to play on Easy difficulty, then it's 99% guaranteed that
   you'll never break into the top 20 in rankings, so stick to the Medium
   difficulty.  Also note that interactions/cut scenes for your character
   will be limited throughout the Season mode, so don't expect to see your
   guy(s) that often.  So aside from playing through an infinite number of
   seasons, you can quickly earn a title shot by competing in "Exhibition"
   matches, or "Create-a-PPV".  Those two modes allow you to control both who
   you face, and in what type of match you will face him/her/them.

B) In order to compete for a belt though, you must qualify based upon your
   current ranking amongst all the wrestlers.  Ranking is determined by
   points, and points are earned through victory.  At the beginning of the
   Preseason, you will have 0 points and your rank is between 37 and 40.
   On Easy difficulty, a win will usually earn you 1 point, but on higher
   difficulty levels, more points can be earned per victory.

   Your ranking before heading into Season mode will thus depend on the
   difficulty level at which you played, and how well you did.  Success
   on Easy will most likely land you somewhere between a ranking of 20
   and 30.  On Medium difficulty, you will land somewhere between #10 and
   #20 if you are lucky.  But Hard difficulty will take you to the top
   rankings of #1 to #10!

C) Here are the ranking breakdowns in order to compete for each title:

   WWF Tag Team:          You may be any rank and any gender.
   WWF Women's:           You may be any rank and a female.
   WWF European:          Your rank must be #20 or higher and any gender.
   WWF Hardcore:          Your rank must be #20 or higher and any gender.
   WWF Intercontinental:  Your rank must be #10 or higher and any gender.
   WWF World Champion:    Your rank must be #5 or higher and a male.

   So as you can see, the easiest belts to acquire are the Tag Team straps,
   or the Federation Women's belt.  The rest, you'll have to work your way
   up to earn.

D) If you are anal like me, then you will have followed my advice to import
   your create-a-superstar onto a new memory card with no previously saved
   options.  This will allow the original Title holders at the beginning of
   the game to still exist.  If not, and you ran the 20+ Seasons, and
   countless Preseasons, then everyone's ranks will have changed, and belts
   will have changed hands as well.  Again, it doesn't really matter, but
   I prefer beginning with the original title holders:

    World Champion:             Triple H
    Intercontinental Champion:  Chris Jericho
    European Champion:          Val Venis
    Hardcore Champion:          Big Boss Man
    Women's Champion:           Tori
    Tag Team Champions:         New Age Outlaws

UPDATE: According to "Zer0X", by using the "?" unknown gender, all 6 belts
        may be acquired by one create-a-superstar.  Also if any create-a-
        superstar with belts is deleted, the straps will automatically
        revert back to the original holders listed above.


 The easiest way to earn a belt is utilizing the Exhibition Mode.  If you
 have a low ranking, you may immediately challenge the New Age Outlaws (or
 whomever the current Tag Champs are) to a Tag Title match.  Select a
 partner, and switch the option for a Title match.  If you created a female
 wrestler, then you have the added opportunity to compete for the Women's
 Championship.  Remember that Exhibition mode let's you compete in any
 one single event, which if SAVED can effect both ranking and even title
 holder status.  This is the most basic way to increase the rank of your
 wrestler, one match at a time, before officially entering into Season mode.
 But again remember, unless the difficulty is Medium or higher, your rank
 will almost never rise above #20.


 This is also one of the better things about the game.  Pay Per Views can be
 created out of thin air, so let your imagination run wild.  Each PPV
 consists of a 6 match card (basically enough for each belt to be exchanged).
 If SAVED, a PPV can also effect both ranking and title holder status.  Also
 if you've noticed, each match you participate in shows an "Audience
 Ranking".  These are kept track of through each PPV that you create, and
 there is even a list of the best PPVs ever created, and the best matches
 ever from a PPV.  Kinda cool, so check from time to time and see the results
 of your hard earned efforts.

 Here are some things to remember when setting up a Pay Per View:

 1) Start with Match #6 and work your way backwards.  You will often want
    your best belt on the line in this final match.

 2) More Title Matches on the line, mean huge ratings.  A PPV with all 6
    titles on the line will most likely do better in overall ratings that
    say having only 2 titles, or none at all being up for grabs.  Remember
    that in order for a title to be up for grabs, all individuals involved
    must qualify in rank and gender for the belt(s) in question.

 3) More Specialty Matches also mean better ratings.  Fans are often more
    interested in say a Cage Match for the World Championship than a regular
    singles match.  Matches have to be special for viewers to stay tuned.
    Boredom will set in if nothing spectacular is being offered, so give
    the audience what they want and they'll keep coming back for more.
    Remember that Tag Team belts can only be decided in a Tag Team Match,
    and the Hardcore belt can only be decided in a Hardcore Match.  Aside
    from those stipulations, the remaining 4 singles belts may be won in
    any other type of matchup.

 4) After selecting the types of matches, the participants involved (and
    let's hope you qualify), make sure to note that belts are on the line,
    and make sure to switch the wrestlers you want to control from COM to
    1P, 2P, 3P, or 4P.  I can't tell you how many times I forgot to do
    one of the above, thereby diminishing the ratings for match, or even
    preventing my own participation.  (If it happens to you and you wish
    to redo the PPV, then "Reboot" with the "Select" + "Start" during a

 5) If you wish to earn points quickly, then turn up the difficulty and
    put your self in each of the six matches.  Remember each victory means


 Okay after raising your superstar's rank, or earning some belts via PPVs or
 an Exhibition or two, then it's really time to enter the Season Mode.  There
 are a couple of things to keep in mind.  First, you will very rarely see a
 cut scene/interaction involving your created superstars... too bad, a flaw
 in the programming I guess.  Second, you may notice that you may face the
 same opponents over and over again.  My best guess is that this is similar
 to having an on-going feud with that/those wrestlers.  Don't worry though,
 after a while, it will change, but it will give you experience against
 certain fighters so that you can learn how to defend against their styles.
 Finally, just roll with the punches.  You will lose from time to time, so
 don't fret.  It's all part of sports entertainment.  Sometimes your wrestler
 may just be low on health so there's nothing you can do to stop the title
 change.  Just do your best, and if you lose a belt, you can always get it
 back.  That's what makes the game interesting and keeps it fresh.

 Other things to be aware of during Season Mode.  Unless you stay healthy,
 you will not compete month after month.  Even wrestlers need a break every
 once in a while.  So if you notice your "Heart" is almost depleted, then
 it's a good bet you'll be absent the next month.  The best way to stay
 healthy is obviously not to take a pummeling match after match.  Every
 month you are off, your rank is subject to drop as those below you may
 compete and surpass you in points.  The longer the "vacation" the more your
 rank will suffer.

 The Royal Rumble is an annual event in January, so follow the same advice
 from Preseason and you will be victorious.  Also, every June is the King of
 the Rings tournament.  The participants involved are generally chosen at
 random, but you can always bet that big stars are involved.  It begins with
 a total of 8 wrestlers in 4 brackets.  You will fight in three matches if
 you make it to the finals.  If you manage to be selected to participate,
 then do your best to win.  Winning 3 matches means major points.  If you
 are unable to participate in the King of the Rings, then be ready to take
 a blow to your ranking.

 Other than that, you're basically on your own.  After playing on medium for
 a while, and winning all the belts, it does get boring.  That's when you
 turn up the heat on maximum difficulty.  Then you'll really have to be on
 your toes and everything is on the line.  Good luck in your quest for some


 Since I was in a rush to get the original FAQ out earlier this month, I
 forgot to add a section on how to perform certain moves that aren't listed
 in the instruction booklet that comes with the game itself.  My friend Zeke
 was kind enough to point out my exclusion, so here it is:

A) Vaulting Body Press:  Took me a while to figure out how to do this move,
                         and afterwards, I couldn't believe how simple it
                         was to execute.  I had gotten it out by mistake
                         a few times and eventually learned how to do it.
                         First, your opponent has to be outside of the ring.
                         Second, line up against the ropes nearest the
                         opposing wrestler.  Third, bounce off the ropes
                         with the Triangle button, and then immediately
                         press the X button.  Instead of slingshotting off
                         the ropes, your superstar will leap over and out
                         of the ring and splash onto your victim!

B) Leap Frog, Slide, Duck:  I also figured out that while running, or
                            bouncing off the ropes, you could press the
                            Square button and a) Leap Frog your opponent if
                            facing his/her back, or b) Slide between the
                            opponent's legs if facing him/her, c) sometimes
                            the wrestler may even Duck and avoid an oncoming
                            attack.  Originally I thought it was (Square then
                            X) like the Baseball slide, but after some
                            experimentation I found out I was wrong, and only
                            needed to use the Square button.

C) Taunt off ropes:  While bouncing off the ropes, I also discovered that
                     if you press the Taunt button and a) your opponent was
                     basically on the mat, you would skip over him/her, or
                     b) if you had Irish Whipped your opponent and he/she is
                     coming towards you, you will lay down instead and he/she
                     will skip over you.

D) Tripping opponents:  As is often seen in the Battle Royal mode, when a
                        wrestler is outside the ring, he/she may press the
                        Circle button and grab the feet of anyone near the
                        ring ropes.  One grab will cause a trip, and another
                        will actually pull the opponent out.  I think this
                        also works backstage on the elevated platform located
                        in the kitchen.  Also, if an opponent is stuck on a
                        turnbuckle, you can run outside that corner, pull
                        the legs and injure the crotch.  Kinda cool, but hard
                        to pull off on your own because of the timing.  It's
                        easier in tag mode, or if the opponent is severely

E) Irish Whip near the seats:  If you've got the opponent outside and Irish
                               Whip as close a possible to the seats, your
                               superstar will actually grab the opponent by
                               the hair and headbutt him/her on the railing.
                               Zeke discovered this one by the way.

F) Irish Whip Reversal:  Though I haven't gotten this move fully discovered
                         yet, I have on occasion been able to reverse an
                         Irish Whip.  My only observations are:  a) if
                         you are dizzy and being Irish Whipped, then a
                         reversal may not be possible, and b) just as you
                         are about to be thrown, press Square (block) then
                         Circle to perform the reversal.  I'm pretty sure
                         this is correct, but if someone can confirm it
                         would be nice, since "blocking" moves is a timing

WWF Smackdown! Pre-Season Mode Faq Version 0.7
by Sephiroth X
Questions, Comments, and Flames go to danman42@hotmail.com

What's new in this version

0.7 - Completed characteristics listing, the first part of this FAQ to reach
100%, but far
      from the last. Also filled in the credits, with 3 guys I couldn't have
      it without. Can ya believe I forgot to credit them in the last version?

0.6 - New characteristics section. Easy mode matches added. Some Normal mode
gaps fixed.
      This FAQ seemingly is getting larger than expectation.


1) How the Story Unfolds
        a) Easy Mode (15% Unfinished)
        b) Normal Mode (5% Unfinished)
        c) Hard Mode

2) Getting the Hidden Characters
        a) Stevie Richards
        b) Blue Meanie
        c) Stephanie McMahon
        d) Alternate Stone Cold
        e) Alternate Rock

3) Getting Extra Abilities/Characteristics (Unifinshed)

4) Complete Characteristics Listing (Completed!!!)

5) Credits and Notes (Help Requested!)

1) How The Story Unfolds

A) Easy Mode

April House Show
        Opponent: Al Snow
        Match: Singles
        Win: Ken Shamrock
        Lose: Ken Shamrock

May House Show
        Opponent: Ken Shamrock
        Match: Singles
        Win: Acolytes
        Lose: Shamrock gives advice,(no interaction) D'Lo Brown

June Variable
        Opponent: Acolytes
        Match: Tag (w/Shane McMahon)
        Win: Steve Blackman
        Lose: Jacklyn comments on you, Chyna

        Opponent: D'Lo Brown
        Match: Singles
        Win: Steve Blackman

July Variable
        Opponent: Steve Blackman
        Match: Singles
        Win: Road Dogg
        Lose: Stevie Richards comments on you, you comment on Kane, Kane

        Opponent: Chyna
        Match: Singles
        Win: Big Show

August Summerslam
        Opponent: Road Dogg
        Match: Singles
        Win: Dudley Boys

        Opponent: Kane
        Match: Singles
        Win: Test
        Lose: Test

        Opponent: Big Show
        Match: Singles
        Win: Test

September Variable
        Opponent: Dudley Boys
        Match: One on Two
        Win: You comment on your next match, Mankind

        Opponent: Test
        Match: Singles
        Win: Mark Henry
        Lose: Test gives advice (no interaction), Mark Henry

October Variable
        Opponent: Mankind
        Match: Singles
        Win: Edge & Christian
        Lose: Rock comments on himself, Rock

        Opponent: Mark Henry
        Match: Singles
        Win: Acolytes
        Lose: Mark Henry comments on you, Val Venis/D'Lo Brown

November Survivor Series
        Opponent: Edge and Christian
        Match: Tag (w/X-Pac)
        Win: Kane

        Opponent: Acolytes
        Match: One on Two
        Win: Gangrel
        Lose: Farooq interaction, Test

        Opponent: Val Venis/D'Lo Brown
        Match: 3-Way Dance
        Lose: Val Venis interaction, Test

        Opponent: Rock
        Match: I Quit
        Lose: Rock interaction, Test

December Variable
        Opponent: Kane
        Match: Singles
        Win: Kane interaction, Boss Man/Shamrock/Al Snow

        Opponent: Gangrel
        Match: Singles
        Win: Gangrel interaction, Mr. Ass/Test/Christian

        Opponent: Test
        Match: Hardcore
        Win: Test interaction, Big Show/Kane/Val Venis
        Lose: Big Show/Kane/Venis

January Royal Rumble
        Opponents: Boss Man/Shamrock/Al Snow
        Match: Royal Rumble
        Win: Paul Bearer interaction, Mideon and Viscera beat you up
Rock & Sock
        Lose: Chyna asks you to beat on Ken Shamrock, X-Pac/Ken Shamrock

        Opponents: Mr. Ass/Test/Christian
        Match: Royal Rumble
        Win: Al Snow attacked (you make the save), Snow interaction, Al Snow

        Opponents: Big Show/Kane/Val Venis
        Match: Royal Rumble
        Win: Chyna asks you to beat on Ken Shamrock, X-Pac/Ken Shamrock
        Lose: Al Snow interaction, Al Snow

February Variable
        Opponent: Rock & Sock Connection
        Match: One on Two
        Win: Undertaker asks you to beat on Stone Cold, Mankind

        Opponent: Al Snow
        Match: Hardcore
        Win: Triple H interaction, Mr. Ass interaction (variable), Rock and

        Opponent: X-Pac/Ken Shamrock
        Match: 3-Way Dance
        Win: Boss Man wants you to attack Big Show, Big Show/Rock/Mankind
        Lose: Boss Man wants you to attack Big Show, Big/Show/Rock/Mankind

April Wrestlemania
        Opponent: Mankind
        Match: Cage
        Win: Ending
        Lose: Ending

        Opponent: Rock and Sock Connection
        Match: Tag (w/Triple H)
        Win: Ending
        Lose: Ending

        Opponent: Big Show/Rock/Mankind
        Match: 4-Way Dance
        Win: Ending
        Lose: Ending

B) Normal Mode

April House Show
        Opponent: Al Snow
        Match: Singles
        Win: Ken Shamrock
        Lose: Ken Shamrock

May House Show
        Opponent: Ken Shamrock
        Match: Singles
        Win: Acolytes
        Lose: Shamrock gives Advice (no interaction), D'Lo Brown

June Variable
        Opponent: The Acolytes
        Match: Tag w/Shane McMahon
        Win: Jaclyn Comments on you, Chyna
        Lose: Jaclyn Comments on you, Chyna

        Opponent: D'Lo Brown
        Match: Singles
        Win: Steve Blackman
        Lose: Prince Albert comments on you, Chyna

July Variable
        Opponent: Chyna
        Match: Singles
        Win: Big Show
        Lose: Blue Meanie comments on you, Mr. Ass

        Opponent: Steve Blackman
        Match: Singles
        Win: Road Dogg
        Lose: Stevie Richards comments on you, Call out Kane, Kane

August Summerslam
        Opponent: Big Show
        Match: Singles
        Win: Test
        Lose: Big Show interaction, Godfather

        Opponent: Mr. Ass
        Match: Hardcore
        Win: Debra interaction, Test
        Lose: Debra interaction, Godfather

        Opponent: Road Dogg
        Match: Singles
        Win: Test
        Lose: Dudley Boys

        Opponent: Kane
        Match: Singles
        Win: Test
        Lose: Test

September Variable
        Opponent: Test
        Match: Singles
        Win: Mark Henry
        Lose: Test interaction, Mark Henry

        Opponent: Godfather
        Match: Singles
        Win: Hardyz
        Lose: Godfather gives advice (no interaction), Hardyz

        Opponent: Dudley Boys
        Match: One on Two
        Lose: Dudley interaction, Mankind

October Variable
        Opponent: The Hardyz
        Match: One on Two
        Win: Chris Jericho
        Lose: Hardyz interaction, Steve Blackman interaction, Hardcore Holly

        Opponent: Mark Henry
        Match: Singles
        Win: Acolytes
        Lose: Mark Henry comments on you, Val Venis/D'Lo Brown

        Opponent: Mankind
        Match: Singles
        Lose: The Rock

November Survivor Series
        Opponent: Chris Jericho
        Match: Singles
        Win: Gangrel

        Opponent: Hardcore Holly
        Match: Hardcore
        Win: Gangrel
        Lose: Godfather

        Opponent: The Acolytes
        Match: One on Two
        Win: Gangrel
        Lose: Farooq interaction,

        Opponent: Val Venis/D'Lo Brown
        Match: 3-Way Dance
        Win: Gangrel
        Lose: Val Venis/D'Lo interaction, Test

        Opponent: The Rock
        Match: I Quit
        Lose: Rock interaction, Test

December Variable
        Opponent: Gangrel
        Match: Singles
        Win: Mr. Ass/Test/Christian
        Lose: Mr. Ass/Test/Christian

        Opponent: Test
        Match: Hardcore
        Win: Test interaction, Big Show/Kane/Val Venis

        Opponent: Godfather
        Match: Singles
        Win: Mankind/Hardcore Holly/Gangrel
        Lose: Godfather interaction, Mankind/Hardcore Holly/Gangrel

January Royal Rumble
        Opponents: Mr. Ass/Test/Christian
        Match: Royal Rumble
        Lose: X-Pac interaction, Mr. Ass/Road Dogg/X-Pac

        Opponents: Big Show/Kane/Val Venis
        Match: Royal Rumble

        Lose: Al Snow interaction, Al Snow

        Opponents: Mankind/Hardcore Holly/Gangrel
        Match: Royal Rumble
        Lose: Triple H asks you to beat on Vince, Test

February Variable
        Opponent: Mr. Ass/Road Dogg/X-Pac
        Match: 4-Way Dance
        Win: Triple H
        Lose: Triple H

        Opponent: Al Snow
        Match: Hardcore
        Win: Triple H Interaction, The Rock and Sock Connection
        Lose: Triple H interaction, Mr. Ass interaction (variable), Rock & Sock

        Opponent: Test
        Match: Falls Count Anywhere
        Win: (variable) Vince Interaction, (variable) Shane and Stephanie
             Vince McMahon/Stone Cold/Triple H

March Wrestlemania
        Opponent: Triple H
        Match: Special Referee w/Shane McMahon
        Win: Patterson and Brisco interaction
        Lose: Stephanie interaction

        Opponent: The Rock and Sock Connection
        Match: Tag w/ Triple H
        Win: Ending

        Opponent: Vince McMahon/Stone Cold/Triple H
        Match: Battle Royal
        Win: Vince and Stephanie Ending

        Vince will always come talk to you with someone else. The following
is of who
        he will come with, and how.

        a) Triple H - Tell Stephanie to "Shut Up!" in March.
        b) Stephanie McMahon - Tell Stephanie "Thanks." in February or March.
        c) Alternate Rock - Beat the Rock & Sock in April on Easy, or Normal.
        d) Alternate Stone Cold -
        e) Shane McMahon -
        f) Mankind - Lose the tag match against the Rock and Sock Connection in
March on Normal.
        g) Undertaker - Beat up Stone Cold w/Undertaker in April on Easy Mode.

C) Hard Mode

        Apparently, Normal mode and Hard mode have no differences, except for
higher odds of getting certain modifiers. If I am at all incorrect in this,
please e-mail me.

2) Getting the Hidden Characters

        a) Stevie Richards - Lose to Steve Blackman in July on Normal Mode.
        b) Blue Meanie - Lose to Chyna in July on Normal Mode.
        c) Stephanie McMahon - Lose to Triple H at Wrestlemania on Normal Mode.
        d) Alternate Stone Cold - Get the alternate Stone Cold ending.
        e) Alternate Rock - Get the alternate Rock ending.

3) Getting Extra Abilities/Characteristics

        There are a ton of different characteristics to choose from when you
create your character. But, a lot of them aren't available until you've
them (by recieving them) in Pre-Season. The following is a fairly well-started
list of hidden characteristics, with descriptions on how to get them.

        Power Attack +/- - Seems to come from using high level power moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
a minus.
        Technic Attack +/- - Seems to come from using high level technical
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
a minus.
        Speed Attack +/- - Seems to come from using high level speed moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
        Rough Attack +/- - Seems to come from using high level rough moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
        Power Def.  +/- - Seems to come from using high level rough moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
        Technical Def.  +/- - Seems to come from using high level rough moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
        Speed Def.  +/- - Seems to come from using high level rough moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
        Rough Def.  +/- - Seems to come from using high level rough moves
repeatedly in a match. Winning will get you a plus, normally, losing will give
        Power Skill +/- - Plus can be gotten in Royal Rumble by winning it.
Minus seems based on a loss while using low-level moves.
        Speed Skill +/- - Plus can be gotten in Royal Rumble by winning it.
Minus seems based on a loss while using low-level moves.
        Technical Skill +/- - Plus can be gotten in Royal Rumble by winning it.
Minus seems based on a loss while using low-level moves.
        Rouchneck Skill +/- - Plus can be gotten in Royal Rumble by winning it.
Minus seems based on a loss while using low-level moves.
        Talented/Bad Speaker - Win or lose the match in August against Kane on
        Special Referee +/- -Win or lose the Special Ref Match against Triple H
in March on Normal.
        Fashion +/- - Tell Debra "Thanks" or "Shut Up!" in August.
        Tag Match +/- - Win or lose to the Rock and Sock Connection in March.
        Wealth - Complete 1 pre-season.
        European Title + - Complete 2 pre-seasons.
        Women's Title + - Complete 3 pre-seasons.
        Tournament + - Complete 4 pre-seasons.
        Hardcore Title  + - Complete 5 pre-seasons.
        IC Title  + - Complete 6 pre-seasons.
        Tag Title + - Complete 7 pre-seasons.
        Title Match + - Complete 8 pre-seasons.
        Skip Pre-Season + - Complete 10 pre-seasons.
        (Character) +/- - These are totally random, based on who you fight,
you say to people during interactions, and the difficulty. They can be earned
through winning or losing a match, telling a person thanks or shut up, and
attacking or not attacking someone.

4) Complete Characteristics Listing

        All characteristics are listed here, beginning after the default ones,
which ends with Somber.

        Somber                    Power Attack +
        Power Attack -            Technical Attack +
        Technical Attack -        Speed Attack +
        Speed Attack -            Rouchneck Attack +
        Roghneck Attack -         Power Defense +
        Power Defense -           Technical Defense +
        Technical Defense -       Speed Defense +
        Speed Defense -           Rouchneck Defense +
        Roughneck Defense-        Power Skill +
        Power Skill -             Technical Skill +
        Tehcnical Skill -         Speed Skill +
        Speed Skill -             Roughneck Skill +
        Roughneck Skill -         Singles Match +
        Singles Match -           Tag Match +
        Tag Match -               3-Way Dance +
        3-Way Dance -             4-Way Dance +
        4-Way Dance -             Battle Royal +
        Battle Royal -            Anywhere Fall +
        Anywhere Fall -           Hardcore Match +
        Hardcore Match -          Cage Match +
        Cage Match -              I Quit Mtach +
        I Quit Match -            Royal Rumble +
        Royal Rumble -            Handicap +
        Handicap -                S. Referee +
        S. Referee -              Injured Neck
        Weak Neck                 Injured Waist
        Weak Waist                Injured Elbow
        Weak Elbow                Injured Knee
        Weak Knee                 Lucky Life
        Unlucky                   Funny
        Smart                     Sensual
        Lady                      Noble
        Don Juan                  Female Fetal
        Sharp Tongued             Talented Speaker
        Bad Speaker               Fashionable
        Unfashionable             Good Health
        Bad Health                Loner
        Cooperative               Roughneck
        Rowdy                     Fair
        Betrayer                  Tenderhearted
        Stone Cold +              Rock +
        Triple H+                 Mankind +
        Ken Shamrock +            Al Snow +
        Hardcore Holly +          Big Show +
        Kane +                    Undertaker +
        Test +                    X-Pac +
        Road Dogg +               Degeneration X +
        Mr. Ass +                 Gangrel +
        Edge +                    Christian +
        Bossman +                 Val Venis +
        Godfather +               Chyna +
        Tori +                    Vince McMahon +
        McMahon Family +          D'Lo Brown +
        Mark Henry +              Matt Hardy +
        Jeff Hardy +              Hardy Boyz +
        Chris Jericho +           Shane McMahon +
        Paul Bearer +             Steve Blackman +
        Farooq +                  Bradshaw +
        Acolytes +                Buh Buh Ray +
        D'Von +                   Dudley Boyz+
        Debra +                   Stone Cold -
        Rock -                    Triple H -
        Mankind -                 Ken Shamrock -
        Al Snow -                 Hardcore Holly -
        Big Show -                Kane -
        Undertaker -              Test -
        X-Pac -                   Road Dogg -
        Degeneration X -          Mr. Ass -
        Gangrel -                 Edge -
        Christian -               Bossman -
        Val Venis -               Godfather -
        Chyna -                   Tori -
        Vince McMahon -           McMahon Family -
        D'Lo Brown -              Mark Henry -
        Matt Hardy -              Jeff Hardy -
        Hardy Boyz -              Chris Jericho -
        Shane McMahon -           Paul Bearer -
        Steve Blackman -          Farooq -
        Bradshaw -                Acolytes -
        Buh Buh Ray -             D'Von -
        Dudley Boyz -             Debra -
        Tournament +              Title Match +
        Tag Title +               IC Title +
        European Title +          Women's Title +
        Hardcore Title +          Wealth

5) Credits and Notes:

-- Jesse Estrada, for Hard Mode info

-- Matt Rodabaugh, for Easy Mode help

-- M.R. Lingwood, for filling a bunch of Normal Mode gaps.

-- Chris Roberts, Nik Johnson, and OlyXV, whom I couldn't have finished the
   characteristics without.

-- If I missed anyone, please let me know right away!

First off, I want to thank everyone that e-mailed me. The comments were all
positive, and I'm very glad I wrote this. As for why, I wrote this FAQ out of
frustration that there were no decent FAQ's explaining how to get Stephanie
McMahon. Even after creating this FAQ, I still have no clue what the game sites
mean by "Stage 65/House Show ED8: Stephanie McMahon", so for all those who
didn't understand either, I hope this helps. Comments are always appreciated.
Also, this FAQ is GROSSLY incomplete, but due to the size of the storylines in
Normal Mode alone, it's a daunting task to catalogue all the outcomes. If
wants to help, just send me your pre-season details, preferably in the form
already used, but a simple "Match 2, lost to Shane, faced Test in match 3" will
do. Please do let me know the difficulty level you were playing at, of course.
Thanks for any help to add to this FAQ on probably the best wrestling game made
thus far.





                 __          ___          ________
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                   \ \/  \/ /   \ \/  \/ / |  __|
                    \  /\  /     \  /\  /  | |
                     \/  \/       \/  \/   |_|
   _____ __  __          _____ _  _______   ______          ___   _ _
  / ____|  \/  |   /\   / ____| |/ |  __ \ / __ \ \        / | \ | | |
 | (___ | \  / |  /  \ | |    | ' /| |  | | |  | \ \  /\  / /|  \| | |
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  ____) | |  | |/ ____ | |____| . \| |__| | |__| | \  /\  /  | |\  |_|
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   W W F   S M A C K D O W N   G A M E S H A R K   C O D E S   v.0.6

Author: Andy Yang (RagnaroK)
E-Mail: Quasar10@yahoo.com
ICQ: 5150739
Version: 0.6
Last Updated: 6/26/2000

 This Document is Copyright 2000 Andy Yang


 This FAQ is meant for private and personal usage only. It was written
 and is owned by me, Andy Yang (Quasar10@yahoo.com). It may only be
 reproduced in an electronic medium and can only be altered as long as
 CREDIT is given, and if the copyright notice above and this disclaimer
 is left intact and un-altered. This FAQ is not to be used for
 profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers
 of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines,
 etc. in *ANY* way. All copyrights and trademarks that are not specifically
 mentioned in this FAQ, are acknowledged.

 You may place this FAQ on your website as long as CREDIT is given to EVERY
 person that is mentioned in this FAQ, and if the copyright notice above
 and the disclaimer above is left intact and un-altered. You must also seek
 my permission first, and tell me the website address which will be hosting
 this FAQ. Permission is also required if you are to post this FAQ on a BBS
 (Bulletin Board System), Message Board and/or anything of the like.

WWF Smackdown! (SLUS-00927) is (c) of THQ (http://www.thq.com/smackdown),
Yuke's (http://yukes.co.jp), Jakks Pacific (http://www.jakkspacific.com),
and the World Wrestling Federation (http://www.wwf.com).

This FAQ, and the latest revisions of this FAQ can be found at:

 GameFAQs                                    (http://www.gamefaqs.com)


Version 0.6

     My very first attempt to write an actual FAQ! Please forgive all
 my newbie mistakes =) Otherwise, enjoy what I believe is to be the very
 first WWF Smackdown! Gameshark FAQ on the net!

                        <>TABLE OF CONTENTS<>




 4.   CODES

       A) Move List Modifier
            -Move Value List

       B) Characteristic Modifier
            -Characteristic Value List

       C) Victory Music Modifier
            -Music Value List

       D) Area Modifier
            -Area Value List

       E) Ranking Points Modifier
            -Ranking Value List

       F) Ranking Statistics Modifier
            -Ranking Value List

       G) Miscellaneous Codes
            -Infinite Creation Points



 1.                      <>REVISION HISTORY<>

 - Been getting a lot of e-mails saying the Infinite Creation Points
   don't work so I've replaced them with another version
 - Just wanted to announce that this FAQ will rarely be updated now as
   Smackdown's gotten old and boring for me. Plus, there are not much
   codes hacked anymore. Also, for those who have the PAL version of
   Smackdown, these codes were made on the North American version of
   Smackdown (NTSC)

 - Added a Ranking statistic modifier (Wins, Losses, Draws, etc.)
   Thanks to Matthew Digilio (mr_digilio@yahoo.com)

 - Fixed up the Show Stopper/Chokeslam values. Thanks to those who
   informed me. (fyaball@hotmail.com, DTruNinja2000@cs.com)

 - Added Move Modifier codes for CAW 2 (Variation 2)
 - Added Move Modifier codes for CAW 3 (Variation 2)
 - Added Move Modifier codes for CAW 4 (Variation 2)

 - Fixed some minor spelling errors.
 - Added Ininite creation points code in Part 4, Section F

First release of this FAQ.
 - Character Ability modifier codes
 - Victory music modifier
 - Maximum Ability Point Level modifier
 - Move List Modifier
 - Ranking Points Modifier

 2.                        <>INTRODUCTION<>

     WWF Smackdown! is the first WWF game from THQ released on the Sony
Playstation game console since the acquisition of the WWF license from
former developer, Acclaim. WWF Smackdown! is built on a modified version
of the acclaimed "Touken Retsuden" game engine by Yuke's. This game has
many great new features never before seen in a PSX wrestling game.
Examples of such are: Moving Hair, Moving Clothes, Allies and Enemies,
Mid-game Cutscenes, a new and improved (among other WWF titles) season mode,
Pre-season mode, improved I quit match, Special Referee mode, complex
interactive 3D backstage areas, true video quality Titantron videos,
moving lips, and wrestler size scaling. WWF Smackdown! was created Yuke's
and was published by THQ.

WWF Smackdown! was shipped on March 1st, 2000 and was available in stores
on March 2nd, 2000.


     You need a Gameshark or Gameshark Pro to use these codes. If you do
not know how, or where, to obtain a Gameshark (Gameshark Pro), just drop
by your favorite Videogame and/or Videogame Accessory store and pick one

     If a code does not work, it probably means you haven't typed the
code in properly, or that your Gameshark's software is too old. In the
case of the latter, you need to upgrade your Gameshark, or most likely,
obtain a new one.

     If you're reading a version of this FAQ that has been HTML'ized,
or whatever, please send all the inquiries to those people who
did the changes and not me, as they may have an older version or have
added their own corrections that I won't be able to help you on.

     The weapons match code will make the match a little slower when
there are 4 people on the screen. Also, this code will freeze the
Royal Rumble upon the entry of the 3rd-7th person.

 4.                         <>CODES<>

                       A. Move List Modifier

                       Credit to: Some Person

 Description: This code lets you change what moves you have in your
    movelist for your created character. You can, for example, put a
    Stone Cold Stunner or a Rock Bottom on your normal ready moves.
    There are 2 variations to this code. The first is the variation where
    you set the moves beforehand so when you create a character, the
    moves you hacked in, will already be inside the move slots for your
    new character. The second variation is for the Biography in the game.
    This variation will only work when you have a pre-made character.
    After you hacked the moves in, you have to go into the Biography
    part of create a character and check out his moves.

 Codes: These are the Move List Modifier codes (variation 2) for the
    all created superstars.Hopefull, I'll get Variation 1 very soon.
    [NOTE] _HUGE_ LIST!!


 Created Superstar - Slot #1

    Ready Moves
       80090080 ????
       80090082 ????
       80090084 ????
       80090086 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       8009008A ????
       8009008C ????
       8009008E ????
       80090090 ????

       8009009E ????
       800900A0 ????
       800900A2 ????
       800900A4 ????

       800900AA ????
       800900AC ????
       800900AE ????

    Running -Front
       800900EC ????
       800900EE ????
       800900F0 ????

    Running -Back
       800900F8 ????
       800900FA ????
       800900FC ????

    Running -Attack
       800900F2 ????
       800900F4 ????
       800900F6 ????

    Running -Counter
       800900FE ????
       80090100 ????
       80090102 ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       800900C8 ????
       800900CA ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       800900CE ????
       800900D0 ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       800900D4 ????
       800900D6 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       800900DA ????
       800900DC ????
       800900DE ????

    Aerial -Down
       800900E0 ????
       800900E2 ????
       800900E4 ????


 Created Superstar - Slot #2

    Ready Moves
       8009019E ????
       800901A0 ????
       800901A2 ????
       800901A4 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       800901A8 ????
       800901AA ????
       800901AC ????
       800901AE ????

       800901BC ????
       800901BE ????
       800901C0 ????
       800901C2 ????

       800901C8 ????
       800901CA ????
       800901CC ????

    Running -Front
       8009020A ????
       8009020C ????
       8009020E ????

    Running -Back
       80090216 ????
       80090218 ????
       8009021A ????

    Running -Attack
       80090210 ????
       80090212 ????
       80090214 ????

    Running -Counter
       8009021C ????
       8009021E ????
       80090220 ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       800901E6 ????
       800901E8 ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       800901EC ????
       800901EE ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       800901F2 ????
       800901F4 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       800901F8 ????
       800901FA ????
       800901FC ????

    Aerial -Down
       800901FE ????
       80090200 ????
       80090202 ????


 Created Superstar - Slot #3

    Ready Moves
       800902BC ????
       800902BE ????
       800902C0 ????
       800902C2 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       800902C6 ????
       800902C8 ????
       800902CA ????
       800902CC ????

       800902DA ????
       800902DC ????
       800902DE ????
       800902E0 ????

       800902E6 ????
       800902E8 ????
       800902EA ????

    Running -Front
       80090328 ????
       8009032A ????
       8009032C ????

    Running -Back
       80090334 ????
       80090336 ????
       80090338 ????

    Running -Attack
       8009032E ????
       80090330 ????
       80090332 ????

    Running -Counter
       8009033A ????
       8009033C ????
       8009033E ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       80090304 ????
       80090306 ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       8009030A ????
       8009030C ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       80090310 ????
       80090312 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       80090316 ????
       80090318 ????
       8009031A ????

    Aerial -Down
       8009031C ????
       8009031E ????
       80090320 ????


 Created Superstar - Slot #4

    Ready Moves
       800903DA ????
       800903DC ????
       800903DE ????
       800903E0 ????

    Ready Moves -Groggy
       800903E4 ????
       800903E6 ????
       800903E8 ????
       800903EA ????

       800903F8 ????
       800903FA ????
       800903FC ????
       800903FE ????

       80090404 ????
       80090406 ????
       80090408 ????

    Running -Front
       80090446 ????
       80090448 ????
       8009044A ????

    Running -Back
       80090452 ????
       80090454 ????
       80090456 ????

    Running -Attack
       8009044C ????
       8009044E ????
       80090450 ????

    Running -Counter
       80090458 ????
       8009045A ????
       8009045C ????

    Turnbuckle -Front
       80090422 ????
       80090424 ????

    Turnbuckle -Back
       80090428 ????
       8009042A ????

    Turnbuckle -Lower
       8009042E ????
       80090430 ????

    Aerial -Standing
       80090434 ????
       80090436 ????
       80090438 ????

    Aerial -Down
       8009043A ????
       8009043C ????
       8009043E ????

 ?? = The slot where you can place a Value from the Move Value List.

 Move Value List: These are the modifier values for the movelist.
    Right now, I only have the Lv.4 and Lv.5 values as they are the
    most useful moves. To use these, just take a value like 13B1, and
    stick it onto a code in the ?? part, so for example, if you put
    80090080 13B1, you would have the Dominator on your Ready Moves.

    Powerful Specials Lv.4
       13B1 - Dominator
       13AE - Choke Toss
       13B4 - Test Neckbreaker
       13A3 - Diving Powerbomb
       13B7 - Bearhug Front Slam
       13B8 - Inverted DDT
       13B9 - Falling Powerslam
       13BC - Body Press Slam
       13C1 - Torture Rack
       13CC - Double Powerbomb
       13D9 - Body Press Drop FW
       13DA - Body Press Drop
       13A4 - Pimpdrop
       1388 - Stunner
       13AA - Running Powerbomb
       14BD - Pumphandle Slam
       1395 - Jacknife Powerbomb

    Powerful Specials Lv.5
       13EA - Strong Lariat
       138E - Tombstone Piledriver
       14B9 - Full Nelson Slam
       1389 - Chokeslam
       139B - Show Stopper
       139D - Stone Cold Stunner

    Speedy Specials Lv.4
       13CA - NorthernlightsSuplex
       138B - X-Factor
       13DB - Sky High
       13BE - Michinoku Driver
       13E8 - Downward Spiral
       1391 - Hurracanrana
       14BA - Electric Chair Drop
       1397 - Jump Swinging DDT
       0DE5 - Twisting Knee Drop
       14C4 - Dragon Suplex Pin
       14CC - Impaler

    Speedy Specials Lv.5
       13A8 - Spinning Back Drop
       14C5 - Tiger Suplex Pin
       0DE4 - Senton Bomb
       173E - The People¹s Elbow

    Technical Specials Lv.4
       0E1C - Dragon Attack
       13D6 - Double Arm Backbreaker
       13DE - Snowplow
       13BF - Rolling Leg Lock
       13CB - Sambo Suplex
       0DE7 - The 450
       0E1A - Diving Moonsault
       14C6 - Octopus Stretch

    Technical Specials Lv.5
       13D8 - Shamrock Anklelock
       138C - Pedigree
       138D - The Rock Bottom
       138A - Fame Asser
       139A - Flipping Armbar
       0DE0 - The Money Shot
       0DE3 - The Lo¹ Down

    Roughneck Specials Lv.4
       1398 - Double Arm DDT
       13C8 - Knee Strike

    Roughneck Specials Lv.5
       138F - Mandible Claw
       14BE - Low Blow
       14D3 - Reverse Death Valley


                      B. Characteristic Modifier

                      Credit to: ~ID~ and Myself

 Description: This code lets you change your characteristics after you
    have had them set at the end of the pre-season. For example, if you
    got your characteristics set as: Good Speaker, Acolytes+, and Wealth,
    you can change them to Sharp Tongue, Debra-, and Degeneration X- with
    this code. After you have hacked in the new characteristics, you can
    confirm them in the Biography mode. I have the codes for all 4 Created
    Character Slots and their accompanying values.

 Codes: These are the characteristic modifier codes for all 4 Created
    Character slots.

 Created Superstar - Slot #1

    80090020 ??xx
    80090022 ????
    80090024 ????
    80090026 05??

 Created Superstar - Slot #2

    8009013E ??xx
    80090140 ????
    80090142 ????
    80090144 05??

 Created Superstar - Slot #3

    8009025C ??xx
    8009025E ????
    80090260 ????
    80090262 05??

 Created Superstar - Slot #4

    8009037A ??xx
    8009037C ????
    8009037E ????
    80090380 05??

 ?? = Characteristics Mod Value. With this, you can change your Created
      character's Characteristics after they have been set through the

 xx = Victory Music Mod Value. Please refer to Section C, The Victory Music
      Modifier Section

 Ability Value List: These are the modifier values for the characteristics
    modifier code. The list is quite long, so be prepared with some
    scrolling. To use these, just stick a value like 02 + 55 into a slot.
    So, if you had 80090022 0255, your created character in slot #1 would
    have the Speed Attack and Injured Neck abilities.

    00 - Power Attack
    01 - Technical Attack
    02 - Speed Attack
    03 - Rough Attack
    04 - Power Def.
    05 - Tech. Def.
    06 - Spd. Def.
    07 - Rough Def.
    08 - Pwr. Skill
    09 - Tech. Skill
    0A - Spd. Skill
    0B - Rough Skill
    0C - Single Match
    0D - Tag Match
    0E - 3-Way
    0F - 4-Way
    10 - Battle Royal
    11 - Falls Anywhere
    12 - Hardcore
    13 - Cage
    14 - Royal Rumble
    15 - Tournament
    16 - "I Quit"
    17 - WWF Title
    18 - Tag Title
    19 - IC Title
    1A - European
    1B - Women's Title
    1C - Hardcore Title
    1D - Handicap
    1E - S. Referee
    1F - Lucky
    20 - Favorite
    21 - Good Looks
    22 - Sexy
    23 - Good Speaker
    24 - Somber
    25 - Pwr. Atk.+
    26 - Pwr. Atk.-
    27 - Tech. Atk.+
    28 - Tech Atk.-
    29 - Spd. Atk.+
    2A - Spd. Atk.-
    2B - Rough Atk.+
    2C - Rough Atk.-
    2D - Pwr. Def.+
    2E - Pwr. Def.-
    2F - Tech. Def.+
    30 - Tech. Def.-
    31 - Spd. Def.+
    32 - Spd. Def.-
    33 - Rough Def.+
    34 - Rough Def.-
    35 - Pwr. Skill +
    36 - Pwr. Skill -
    37 - Tech. Skill+
    38 - Tech. Skill-
    39 - Spd. Skill+
    3A - Spd. Skill-
    3B - Rough Skill+
    3C - Rough Skill-
    3D - Single Match+
    3E - Single Match-
    3F - Tag Match+
    40 - Tag Match-
    41 - 3-Way+
    42 - 3-Way-
    43 - 4-Way+
    44 - 4-Way-
    45 - Battle Royal+
    46 - Battle Royal-
    47 - Falls Anywhere+
    48 - Falls Anywhere-
    49 - Hardcore+
    4A - Hardcore-
    4B - Cage+
    4C - Cage-
    4D - "I Quit"+
    4E - "I Quit"-
    4F - Royal Rumble+
    50 - Royal Rumble-
    51 - Handicap+
    52 - Handicap-
    53 - S. Referee+
    54 - S. Referee-
    55 - Injured Neck
    56 - Weak Neck
    57 - Injured Waist
    58 - Weak Waist
    59 - Injured Elbow
    5A - Weak Elbow
    5B - Injured Knee
    5C - Weak Knee
    5D - Lucky Life
    5E - Unlucky
    5F - Funny
    60 - Smart
    61 - Sensual
    62 - Lady
    63 - Noble
    64 - Don Juan
    65 - Femme Fatal
    66 - Sharp Tounge
    67 - Teriffic Speaker
    68 - Bad Speaker
    69 - Fashionable
    6A - Unfashionable
    6B - Good Health
    6C - Bad Health
    6D - Loner
    6E - Cooperative
    6F - Roughneck
    70 - Rowdy
    71 - Fair
    72 - Betrayer
    73 - Tenderhearted
    74 - Stone Cold+
    75 - The Rock+
    76 - Triple H+
    77 - Mankind+
    78 - Ken Shamrock+
    79 - Al Snow+
    7A - Hardcore Holly+
    7B - Big Show+
    7C - Kane+
    7D - The Undertaker+
    7E - Test+
    7F - X-Pac+
    80 - Road Dogg+
    81 - Degeneration X+
    82 - Mr. Ass+
    83 - Gangrel+
    84 - Edge+
    85 - Christian+
    86 - Big Bossman+
    87 - Val Venis+
    88 - Godfather+
    89 - Chyna+
    8A - Tori+
    8B - Vince McMahon+
    8C - McMahon Family+
    8D - D'Lo Brown+
    8E - Mark Henry+
    8F - Matt Hardy+
    90 - Jeff Hardy+
    91 - Hardy Boyz+
    92 - Chris Jericho+
    93 - Shane McMahon+
    94 - Paul Bearer+
    95 - Steve Blackman+
    96 - Faarooq+
    97 - Bradshaw+
    98 - Acolytes+
    99 - Buh Buh Ray+
    9A - D'Von+
    9B - Dudley Boys+
    9C - Debra+
    9D - Stone Cold-
    9E - The Rock-
    9F - Triple H-
    A0 - Mankind-
    A1 - Ken Shamrock-
    A2 - Al Snow-
    A3 - Hardcore Holly-
    A4 - Big Show-
    A5 - Kane-
    A6 - The Undertaker-
    A7 - Test-
    A8 - X-Pac-
    A9 - Road Dogg-
    AA - Degeneration X-
    AB - Mr. Ass-
    AC - Gangrel-
    AD - Edge-
    AE - Christian-
    AF - Big Bossman-
    B0 - Val Venis-
    B1 - Godfather-
    B2 - Chyna-
    B3 - Tori-
    B4 - Vince McMahon-
    B5 - McMahon Family-
    B6 - D'Lo Brown-
    B7 - Mark Henry-
    B8 - Matt Hardy-
    B9 - Jeff Hardy-
    BA - Hardy Boyz-
    BB - Chris Jericho-
    BC - Shane McMahon-
    BD - Paul Bearer-
    BE - Steve Blackman-
    BF - Faarooq-
    C0 - Bradshaw-
    C1 - Acolytes-
    C2 - Buh Buh Ray-
    C3 - D'Von-
    C4 - Dudley Boys-
    C5 - Debra-
    C6 - Tournament+
    C7 - Title Match+
    C8 - Tag Title+
    C9 - IC Title+
    CA - European Title+
    CB - Women's Title+
    CC - Hardcore Title+
    CD - Wealth

    FF - Blank (No Data)


                      C. Victory Music Modifier

                      Credit to: ~ID~ and Myself

 Description: This code lets you modify the music that plays after you
    have won a match. Instead of the music that plays during your
    Titantron video, you can change it with this code. For example,
    during character creation, you have chosen D'Lo Brown's Titantron.
    Now, after you have won a match, D'Lo's music plays, but with this
    code, you can have it so that the Hardy Boyz's music plays instead
    of D'Lo's after you win.

 Codes: There are the codes for all 4 created character slots.

 Created Superstar - Slot #1

    80090020 ??xx

 Created Superstar - Slot #2

    8009013E ??xx

 Created Superstar - Slot #3

    8009025C ??xx

 Created Superstar - Slot #4

    8009037A ??xx

 xx = Victory Music Mod Value. Please refer to Section C, The Victory
      Music Modifier Section

 ?? = Characteristics Mod Value. Please refer to Section B.

 Music Value List: These are the modifier values for the victory music
    modifier code. They play instead of the normal theme that should
    play. So, if you had 80090020 ??10, you would hear The Rock's theme
    after you win a match with the created superstar you entered the
    music modifier code with. You should refer back to section B to fill
    in an ability for ?? because you are forced to do it if you use this
    music code.

    0E - Stone Cold Steve Austin
    0F - The Undertaker & Paul Bearer
    10 - The Rock
    11 - Big Show Paul Wight
    12 - Mankind
    13 - Ken Shamrock
    14 - Triple H
    15 - Kane
    16 - Val Venis
    17 - Big Boss Man
    18 - X-Pac
    19 - No Chance In Hell
    1A - Mr. Ass
    1B - Road Dogg
    1C - Hardcore Holly
    1D - Test
    1E - Al Snow
    1F - Gangrel
    20 - Christian
    21 - Edge
    22 - Chyna
    23 - Tori
    24 - The Godfather
    25 - Debra
    26 - D'Lo Brown
    27 - Mark Henry
    28 - Hardy Boyz
    29 - Y2J Chris Jericho
    2A - Steve Blackman
    2B - Acolytes
    2C - Dudley Boyz


                          D. Area Modifier

                          Credit to: Myself

 Description: This code lets you modify the area which you have a match
    at. Although, this code does not allow you to pin outside of the Ring
    area when there is a 4 player mode. Also, you are unable to go
    to other locations except your area where you put in the code for.
    Finally, this code will freeze the Royal Rumble when upon the entry
    of the 3rd-7th participant.

 Codes: There is one code which you modify the values to select a stage.

    Base Code: 8007ACAC 0???

 ??? = The Value that determines the area you wrestle at.

 Area Value List: These are the modifier values for the area modifier
     code. [NOTE] 105 keeps you at the Ring area, but you can now have
     weapons in every single match except Steel Cage and Royal Ruble.
     105 also makes the match move at a slower framerate when there
     are 4 people in the ring.

    104 = Entrance Ramp Area
    105 = Ringside (Weapons Anytime)
    106 = Corridor
    107 = Boiler Room
    108 = Kitchen
    109 = Parking Lot


                      E. Ranking Points Modifier

                        Credit to: shorty23345

 Description: This code lets you modify the amount of ranking points your
    created character has. Although the code only lasts while it is
    activated, and the points reset when the code is shut off, it is
    extremely useful if you just want to take that little cheap shot at
    the WWF Champ and take his belt when you're below the required rank.

 Codes: There is currently only the code for the first created character.

    Created Superstar - Slot #1

       80090CA8 ????

 ???? = The Value that determines the number of ranking points you have.

 There are really no values for this code. You can just stick in a HEX
 value between 0000 and FFFF, although the ranking points stop at 999.
 (HEX Value = 3E7)


                    F. Ranking Statistic Modifier

                     Credit to: Matthew Digilio

 Description: This code lets you modify the statistics in your ranking
    profile. You can change the amount of wins, losses, draws and the
    amount of matches you have wrestled. After you enter this code, you
    save and reset the game without the codes on. The next match you win
    or lose will change your ranking points. The points can vary from
    anywhere depending on what stats you picked (wins, losses, etc.) and
    if you win or lose the nextmatch.

 Codes: There are codes for all 4 characters for wins, losses, draws, and
    the amount of matches wrestled.

    Created Superstar - Slot #1

       Wins     - 80090C90 0???
       Losses   - 80090C92 0???
       Draws    - 80090C94 0???
       Matches  - 80090C96 0???

    Created Superstar - Slot #2

       Wins     - 80090CAC 0???
       Losses   - 80090CAE 0???
       Draws    - 80090CB0 0???
       Matches  - 80090CB2 0???

    Created Superstar - Slot #3

       Wins     - 80090CC8 0???
       Losses   - 80090CCA 0???
       Draws    - 80090CCC 0???
       Matches  - 80090CCE 0???

    Created Superstar - Slot #4

       Wins     - 80090CE4 0???
       Losses   - 80090CE6 0???
       Draws    - 80090CE8 0???
       Matches  - 80090CEA 0???

 ??? = The Value that determines the number of each stat you have.

 There are no set values for this code. You can just stick in a HEX
 value between 000 and 3E7. For example, if you put 3E7 for wins,
 you'll have 999 wins. 000 makes it so you have 0, so if you put 000
 for losses and draws, you'll have 0 of each. Finally, you need to
 match the amount of wins, losses, and draws to put a number of matches
 wrestled in. So, if you had 475 wins and 25 losses, you need to put
 1F4 to make the matches wrestled number, match the amount of matches
 you've wrestled. To convert a decimal number to HEX, such as 475 wins,
 if you have Windows 95/98/NT, go to the calculator program included.
 Go to view, pick Scientific. Now, enter 475 in the slot, and on the
 left, you should see "Hex, Dec, Oct, Bin." Select HEX, and the 475
 should transform into the HEX value. You can do this with any value,
 but make sure you are matching you game stats to equal 999 matches
 wrestled if you are going that high.


                       G. Miscellaneous Codes

                          Credit to: Various

               1)      INFINITE CREATION POINTS
                           Credit: CMGSCCC

 Description: This code does exactly what its name says. It gives you
    infinite creation points to start a created character with. The only
    problem with this code, is that it only works when you're creating a
    new character for the first time, but not when you're modifying your
    character's Ability Points in Season

 Codes: There is only the code for any of your new created characters.

       D00ED41A 0000
       100ED41A 00FF

 There are no values for this code. Just a plain, simple code.

 5.                        <>CREDITS<>

 - Me (Quasar10@yahoo.com) for writing this FAQ and helping the
   WWF Smackdown! fans around! (Hopefully =))
 - ~ID~ (primecomics@mindspring.com) for creating many of the codes
   and values seen on this FAQ!
 - shorty23345 (shorty2334@hotmail.com) for creating the Ranking Points
   Modifier Code!
 - Some Person (UnknownGreatOne@aol.com) for creating the Movelist
   modifier codes and their values!
 - Matthew Digilio (mr_digilio@yahoo.com) for creating the Ranking
   Statistic Modifier!
 - Yuke's (http://yukes.co.jp/) for creating WWF Smackdown! and making
   it extremely enjoyable to please all the fans!
 - THQ (http://www.thq.com/smackdown/) for publishing WWF Smackdown!
   and making it the current best Playstation wrestling game of all time!
 - World Wrestling Federation (http://www.wwf.com/)for the years of
   entertainment you have brought me and everyone else!
 - Game Shark Code Creators Club Message Board
   (http://www.cmgsccc.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi) for the Smackdown!
   game hackers and their codes, which inspired me to write this FAQ.
 - YOU, for reading this FAQ!

 7.                      <>FINAL THOUGHTS<>

     Thank you for reading my FAQ. If you have any thoughts, questions,
or comments, please feel free to contact me at: Quasar10@yahoo.com and
put a WWF Smackdown related topic in the subject line or your question
will be ignored.

 This Document is Copyright 2000 Andy Yang


Name: Steve McFadden
E-Mail: mcfaddensteve@netscape.net, webmaster@wrestlingcolumns2000.com

My Web Pages Links: http://gamereviewers.cjb.net

GameFAQs Contributor Page Link:

GameFAQs alias: DaLadiesMan (formerly known as SMcFadden, I changed it
Yahoo Messenger: nicklacheysnightmare, mcfaddenvg or ilovestephmcmahon
(same account, different profiles)
AOL/AIM: McFaddenDaMan
MSN Messenger: neverforgotaboutdre@hotmail.com

TOTALS as of 11/27/00
Reviews: 379
FAQs: this was my 52nd, I now have 52.

Feel free to message me on any of my messengers.. just tell me you are
messaging me about my FAQ and I will definitely answer you as quick as I
possibly can!


   1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
   2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
   3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
   4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
   5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
   6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
   7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
   8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
   9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
  10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
  11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
  12. http://www.psxcodez.com
  13. http://www.hype.se
  14. http://www.supercheats.com
  15. http://www.psxgamer.com
  16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
  17. http://gamereviewers.cjb.net
  18. http://stephaniemcmahon.freeservers.com
  19. http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber
  20. http://www.psxpower.com
  21. http://smcfadden.freeservers.com/faqs
  22. http://www.neoseeker.com

if you see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know
ASAP, especially Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the
right to host these guides, especially after hosting some of my other
ones without my permission!

-THQ for making such a wonderful game.
-Sony for publishing the game
-Game FAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)
-Me, for writing this guide.
-Al Amaloo, and VG Strategies, for posting this guide (hopefully)
-To all the great writers at GameFAQs	
-The usual suspects (you know who you are)
-Red Phoenix (red_phoenix_1@hotmail.com) for making the best Smackdown! guide
the net, and letting me use it for this guide! A lot of appreciation goes out
for that! I got the following things from him: Move lists for Chris Jericho,
Christian, Chyna, Edge, Faarooq, Gangrel, Kane, Ken Shamrock, Mankind, Mark
Henry, Matt Hardy, ³Mr. Ass² Billy Gunn, Paul Bearer, Road Dogg, The Rock,
McMahon, Steve Blackman, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Val Venis,
Vince McMahon. I also got the Game Modes and Tips section from him. And
I got his copyright info, since he uses the same sites that I use :)
-Double H:  hhuie1@uic.edu: for letting me use the Smackdown Preseason Mode
Guide for my guide. Much appreciation!
-andy591: andy591@hotmail.com for letting me use his Create a Wrestler guide
my guide. Much appreciation!
-Author: Andy Yang (RagnaroK) E-Mail: Quasar10@yahoo.com: for letting me use
game shark codes guide for my guide. Much appreciation!
- Sephiroth X (danman42@hotmail.com) ­ For the pre season mode guide, well the
2nd one.

This guide would be nothing without Red Phoenix, Double H, andy591, Sepiphorth
and Quasar10, so they are definitely awesome people!



Reviews: 375     FAQs: 53

WWF Smackdown! 2 (PSX) Guides
Complete Guide

WWF Royal Rumble (DC) Guides
Complete Guide
Al Snow
Kurt Angle
Triple H

WWF ATTITUDE Character Guides
Al Snow
D-Lo Brown
Triple H

WWF Wrestlemania 2000 Character Guides
Big Show
Blue Meanie
Complete Guide
Gerald Brisco
Jerry Lawler
Jim Ross
Pat Patterson
Paul Bearer
Stephanie McMahon

WWF Smackdown Guides
Al Snow
Buh Buh Ray Dudley
Complete Guide
D-Von Dudley
Dudley Boyz
D-Lo Brown
Finisher Move Guide
Hardcore Holly
Triple H

Nintendo Entertainment System
Dragon Warrior
Fester's Quest
Yo! Noid

Sega Genesis
Phantasy Star 4 Shop Guide

Super Nintendo
Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 5 Boss Guide

Sony Playstation
Final Fantasy 6 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Complete Guide
Final Fantasy 9 Boss Guide
NHL '99 Complete Guide
Parasite Eve Boss Guide
Parasite Eve Complete Guide
WCW vs. the World Complete FAQ/Move List

My Guides will only be found on
The only sites allowed to use this FAQ are:

   1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
   2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
   3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
   4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
   5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
   6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
   7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
   8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
   9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
  10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
  11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
  12. http://www.psxcodez.com
  13. http://www.hype.se
  14. http://www.supercheats.com
  15. http://www.psxgamer.com
  16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
  17. http://gamereviewers.cjb.net
  18. http://stephaniemcmahon.freeservers.com
  19. http://www.geocities.com/ultimaweapon2k : Final Fantasy Chamber
  20. http://www.psxpower.com
  21. http://smcfadden.freeservers.com/faqs
  22. http://www.neoseeker.com

If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy.  So, if you
happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately. if you
see this guide on a site like Cheat Code Central, let me know ASAP, especially
Cheat Code Central, because they have not earned the right to host these
especially after hosting some of my other ones without my permission!


-Parasite Eve 2 (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-Legend of Legaia (PSX) Complete Guide
-Legend of Dragoon (PSX) Spoiler-Free Walkthrough
-WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) Complete FAQ and Move List
-Character Guides for WWF Smackdown 2 (PSX) and WWF No Mercy (N64)
-Updating a lot of my older FAQs, especially the WWF Smackdown Complete
guide, FAQ, and move list.

-Updating more of my review contest reviews
-Mario Tennis, Tales of Destiny, Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve 2

-Some here and there, not much though.

10.0 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------

Hello, everyone, and thanks for reading my guide to WWF Smackdown! I
know it really sucks right now, but I am going to update it a lot. I
just wanted to get it posted so I can work on it at my own pace without
worrying if it will be posted or not, you know?

The Shortest Copyright Line Ever

Unpublished Work Copyright 2000 Steve McFadden (SMcFadden)

|  This FAQ is Copyright 2000 Steve Saunders a.k.a. DaLadiesMan.  The
|  only sites  allowed to use this FAQ are:
|  1. GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
|  2. Game Winners (http://www.gamewinners.com)
|  3. Video Game Strategies (http://vgstrategies.about.com)
|  4. Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com)
|  5. Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com)
|  6. Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com)
|  7. Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
|  8. PlayStation Pit (http://www.psxpit.com)
|  9. X Cheater (http://www.xcheater.com)
| 10. Phat Games (http://www.phatgames.com)
| 11. The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/~twuyts)
| 12. http://www.psxcodez.com
| 13. http://www.neoseeker.com
| 14. http://www.supercheats.com
| 15. http://www.psxgamer.com
| 16. Game Castle (http://gamecastle.virtualave.net/main.html)
| If ANY other site has a copy of this FAQ, it is an illegal copy.  So,
if you happen to see this at another site, please notify me immediately.

 ____          _              _ _             __  __
|  _ \  __ _  | |    __ _  __| (_) ___  ___  |  \/  | __ _ _ __
| | | |/ _` | | |   / _` |/ _` | |/ _ \/ __| | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \
| |_| | (_| | | |__| (_| | (_| | |  __/\__ \ | |  | | (_| | | | |
|____/ \__,_| |_____\__,_|\__,_|_|\___||___/ |_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|

-Steve Saunders

------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.
This guide is copyright to the author, and may never be distributed for
Any purposes without the permission of the author, which must be gotten
directly from the author. All of the contents within this document were
Compiled by the author, or the respective contributors. If you wish too
You any of the information they have contributed separately, then it is
Up to them, but permission must still be received. This guide may never
Be altered in any way, and the following sites are banned forever from
The use of this guide: magegames.com, videogaming.net. No other type of
Magazine, book, publication or any other form of distribution will make
Use of this guide or its contents without the author's permission. Don't
Ever add a banner or advertisement to this guide, or change anything in
The credits, that is hereby forbidden with this disclaimer, which can't
Ever be removed from this guide either. Please abide by this copyright.

If you need to contact the author of this guide for any reason(s) which
Has something to do with this guide, please email me at the email that's
Shown at the top of the guide. Usually, if you have a question about it
And it isn't already in the FAQ, probably means that I don't know to, I
Will try to answer all questions to the best of my ability though. It'd
Be appreciated if all of the email regarding this game had Anthology in
The subject, so I will know what to expect. Also, when you send us them
Please try to make your question as easy and simple to read as possible
And t will help us to respond quicker. Last but not least, if you would
Like to contribute something to this guide, please feel free to send it
To either of us assuming it is correct.
------------------------------------- (C)2000-2001 All Rights Reserved.