Jeff Hardy Character Guide For WWF Smackdown! Sony Playstation Version: Final Created: July 4, 2002 Made by: TheGreatOne E-mail: Last Updated: Thursday, July 4, 2002 This FAQ is for private and personal use. It was written and owned by me, TheGreatOne ( It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This Document is copyrighted 2002 Tarrant Carter (TheGreatOne) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ's latest version can be found only at : GameFAQs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Latest Updates 2. How to Play 3. Moves 4. Credits 5. My Other Works ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Latest Updates ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Final(7/4/02), added How to Play section and move list. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. How to Play ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Control Legend) X: X S: square O: circle T: triangle L: left U: up R: right D: down R1: R1 R2: R2 L1: L1 L2: L2 (Basic Controls) X: Striking Attacks S: Reverse/Counter O: Irish Whip/Direction + O: Grapple Attacks T: Run/Slide into ring/direction + T: Climb Turnbuckle R1: Tag Partner/Pick-up, Put down weapon/Direction + R1: Climb in/out of ring/Climb turnbuckle R2: Change who you are locked on to L1: Use your special L2: Taunt your opponent/Direction + L2: Taunt your Opponent (Basic Moves) ------------------ Facing Opponent ------------------ Irish Whip to Ropes: O Front Grapples: U + O R + O D + O L + O Striking Attacks: X U + X R + X D + X L + X ------------------ Facing a Groggy Opponent ------------------ Stronger Grapples: U + O R + O D + O L + O ------------------ Behind Opponent ------------------ Irish Whip: 0 Rear Grapples: U + O R + O D + O L + O ------------------ Rope Attacks ------------------ Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X Jump over Ropes: Press T (and run toward ropes), When near ropes press S + X Rope Move: Press T + X by the Ropes Rope Move: Press any direction + O while Opponent is tied up in ropes ------------------ Opponent on Mat ------------------ Raise Opponent - Front: O Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O Pin Opponent: D + O Ground Sticking Attacks: X U + X R + X D + X L + X *Upper Body* Ground Moves: U + O R + O L + O *Lower Body* Ground Moves: U + O R + O L + O ------------------ Top Rope Attacks ------------------ *Opponent Standing* Aerial Attacks: X L or R + X U or D + X *Opponent on Mat* Aerial Attacks: X L or R + X U or D + X *Opponent Outside Ring* Aerial Attacks: X ------------------ Turnbuckle Moves ------------------ *Facing Opponent* Irish Whip: O Front Turnbuckle Moves: L or R + O U or D + O *Behind Opponent* Irish Whip: O Rear Turnbuckle Moves: L or R + O U or D + O *Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle* Lower Turnbuckle Moves: O L or R + O U or D + O Running Attack: T + X ------------------ Running Attacks ------------------ *Facing Opponent* Running Moves: O L or R + O U or D + O Running Attacks: X L or R + X U or D + X *Behind Opponent* Running Moves: O L or R + O U or D + O ------------------ Running Counter Attacks ------------------ *Opponent Running* Counter Attacks: O L or R + O U or R + O ------------------ Finishing Moves ------------------ Facing Groggy Opponent: L1 Behind Groggy Opponent: L1 Opponent in Turnbuckle: L1 Opponent on Mat: L1 On Top Rope- Opponent Standing: L1 *Note* To perform a finisher you must have at least one dot by your name and be in the position to do your finisher. ------------------ Tag Match Moves ------------------ Tag Partner: Press R1 while you are by your Partner ------------------ Royal Rumble Moves ------------------ Throw Opponent over the Top Rope: Press O, then press and hold the Direction you want to throw your Opponent ------------------ Hardcore and Anywhere Matches Moves ------------------ Pick-Up/Put Down Weapon: R1 Use Weapon: X Throw Weapon: S ------------------ Cage Match Moves ------------------ Get on Cage: R1 Climb Cage: Spin the direction buttons ------------------ Special Referee Moves ------------------ Count Out: Press L2 for every count Referee Taunts: U + L2 R + L2 D + L2 L + L2 ------------------ I Quit Match Moves ------------------ Pick-Up/Put-Down Mic: R1 Hit Opponent with Mic: X Throw Mic at Opponent: S Get Opponent to submit in Mic: Press O while opponent is lying on the mat ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Moves ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Facing Opponent ------------------ Irish Whip to Ropes: O Front Grapples: Suplex: U + O Scoop Slam: R + O Arm Wrench: D + O Snapmare: L + O Striking Attacks: Chop: X Shuffle Side Kick: U + X Austin Punches: R + X Dropkick: D + X Snap Jab: L + X ------------------ Facing a Groggy Opponent ------------------ Stronger Grapples: Hurracanrana: U + O Gangrel Suplex: R + O Knee Smash: D + O DDT: L + O ------------------ Behind Opponent ------------------ Irish Whip: O Rear Grapples: Back Side Slam: U + O German Suplex Slam: R + O Diving Reverse DDT: D + O Back Drop: L + O ------------------ Rope Attacks ------------------ Knock opponent over/through Ropes: X Baseball Slide: Press T (and run toward ropes), When near ropes press S + X Vaulting Body Press: Press T + X by the Ropes Press any direction + O while Opponent is tied up in ropes ------------------ Opponent on Mat ------------------ Raise Opponent - Front: O Raise Opponent - Behind: O + O Pin Opponent: D + O Ground Striking Attacks: Angry Stomp: X Flip Splash: U + X Double Knee Drop: R + X Flip Splash: D + X Double Knee Drop: L + X *Upper Body* Ground Moves: Knee Smash: U + O Sleeper Hold: R + O Mounted Punch: L + O *Lower Body* Ground Moves: Toss: U + O Kick to Leg: R + O Knee Stomp: L + O ------------------ Top Rope Attacks ------------------ *Opponent Standing* Aerial Attacks: Double Axe Handle X Missile Dropkick: L or R + X Missile Dropkick: U or D + X *Opponent on Mat* Aerial Attacks: Twisting Knee Drop: X Diving Moonsault: L or R + X The 450 U or D + X *Opponent Outside Ring* X ------------------ Turnbuckle Moves ------------------ *Facing Opponent* Irish Whip: O Front Turnbuckle Moves: Shoulder Thrusts: L or R + O Frankensteiner: U or D + O *Behind Opponent* Irish Whip: O Rear Turnbuckle Moves: Super Back Drop: L or R + O Super Back Drop: U or D + O *Opponent Sitting in Lower Turnbuckle* Lower Turnbuckle Moves: Raise Opponent: O Foot Choke: L or R + O Foot Choke: U or D + O Running Attack: Spinning Wheel Kick: T + X ------------------ Running Attacks ------------------ *Facing Opponent* Running Moves: Neckbreaker: O Spear: L or R + O Spear: U or D + O Running Attacks: Spinning Wheel Kick: X Back Elbow Attack: L or R + X Back Elbow Attack: U or D + X *Behind Opponent* Running Moves: School Boy: O School Boy: L or R + O School Boy: U or D + O ------------------ Running Counter Attacks ------------------ *Opponent Running* Counter Attacks: Monkey Toss: O Powerslam: L or R + O Powerslam: U or D + O ------------------ Finishing Move ------------------ Senton Bomb: Press L1 on turnbuckle while Opponent is lying on ground ------------------ Favorite Move ------------------ Hurracanrana: Press U + O in front of a groggy Opponent ------------------ Combo ------------------ Chop: Press X 4 Times Snap Jab: Snap Jab: Dropkick: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- GameFaqs, for posting this guide. The WWF, for providing great entertainment for years and years to come. Yukes, for making such a great game. THQ, for publishing the greatest wrestling game for playstation. Me, for typing this guide. You, for reading this FAQ. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. My Other Works ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To view my other works please go to the link below ( Faqs: 20(307 kb) Reviews: 3(8 kb) (as of 7/1/02) (Playstation FAQ's) NBA Live '98 MLB '99 WWF Smackdown! March Madness '98 (Playstation Character FAQ's) WWF Smackdown: Faarooq Character Guide Bradshaw Character Guide Matt Hardy Character Guide Mr. Ass Character Guide Paul Bearer Character Guide WWF Attitude Bradshaw Faarooq The Rock Mankind Owen Hart Kane Undertaker Shawn Michaels Goldust Brian Christopher Jerry (The King) Lawler (Playstation Reviews) NBA Live '98 MLB '99 March Madness '98 ------------------------------- My Guides will only be found on ------------------------------- : GameFAQs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This Document is copyrighted 2002 Tarrant Carter (TheGreatOne) -----------------------------------------------------------------------