============== W W F S M A C K D O W N (Playstation) =============== H a r d y B o y z ' s M o v e l i s t Writen by: GodHand (Kane@the-big-red-machine.com) http://www.godhand.net ======================================================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Contents 1.Updates & Version 2.Disclaimer 3.Hardy Boyz Info 4.Basic Moves 5.Movelist -Ready Moves -Behind -Ground -Turnbuckle -Rope Opponent -Aerial -Running -Others -Appealin' 6.Credits 7.Author Note ======================================================================= UPDATES ======================================================================= 12 Sept 2000 (Ver 0.5) -Correcting my new e-mail and website address. -Please note that the move below is only for Beta Version. -Fix Matt's finishing move. 23 March 2000 (Ver 0.4) -Finally, i have a connection.After a long 1 month.... I have check my mailbox... =_= duh..... -Arrange some layout 17 March 2000 (Ver 0.3) -Still dont have connection. Damn.... T_T -Making content, credits, bla bla... 15 March 2000 (Ver 0.2) -Correcting some mistakes on Matt. -Adding some moves. 13 March 2000 (Ver.0.1 Beta) -Start Writing ======================================================================= DISCLAIMER ======================================================================= No portion of this article can be used, edited, translated or modificated for other article ,websites , books, FAQ, or magazines without any permissions from Godhand. If you want to put this FAQ to your site, please do contact me first. Please keep in mind that unauthorized modification and duplication is illegal under copyright law. WWF SmackDown (c) THQ & World Wrestling Federation. 2000. This article (c) Stevanus Lioni. This article has no relation with the official stuffs. This article cannot be sold. This article is for personal use only. ======================================================================= HARDY BOYZ INFO ======================================================================= HARDY BOYZ From : Cameron, NC Matt's Finishing Move : Twist of Fate,Northenlightsuplex Jeff's Finishing Move : Senton Bomb ======================================================================= BASIC MOVES ======================================================================= D-Pad = Left, Right, Up, Down O = Grapple X = Attack T (Triangle) = Run S (Square)E = Block/Dodge L1 = Special Move L2 = Taunt / Counting (If you are being S-Referee) R1 = Climb Turnbuckle / Go out of the Ring / Swap(Tag Team) / Pick up weapon R2 = Change Facing to (Opponent/Ally). ======================================================================= READY MOVES ======================================================================= Fighting Pose : Wrestling --GRAPPLE-- *GH : Grapple the standing opponent from the front O = Irish Whip (Follow with any one of D-Pad to target) Matt Jeff Left + O = Scoop Slam | Left + O = Snapmare Right + O = Scissor Sweep | Right + O = Scoop Slam Up + O = Suplex | Up + O = Suplex Down + O = Arm Wrench | Down + O = Arm Wrench --DIZZY OPPONENT-- *GH : Grapple the dizzy opponent from the front O = Irish Whip (Follow with any one of D-Pad to target) Matt Jeff Left + O = Falling Neckbreaker | Left + O = DDT Right + O = DDT | Right + O = Gangrel Suplex Up + O = Stomach Crusher | Up + O = Hurracanrana Down + O = Rib Breaker | Down + O = Knee Smash --ATTACK-- *GH : Kick or Punch the standing opponent Matt Jeff X = Snap Jab | X = Chop Left + X = Back Elbow Smash | Left + X = Snap Jab Right + X = Chop | Right + X = Austin Punches Up + X = Rolling Wheel Kick | Up + X = Shuffle Side Kick Down + X = Dropkick | Down + X = Dropkick ======================================================================= BEHIND ======================================================================= --GRAPPLE-- *GH : Grapple the standing opponent from the behind O = Irish Whip (Follow with any one of D-Pad to target) Matt Jeff Left + O = Back Drop | Left + O = Back Drop Right + O = German Suplex Pin | Right + O = German Suplex Pin Up + O = Sleeper Hold | Up + O = Back Side Slam Down + O = Diving Reverse DDT | Down + O = Diving Reverse DDT ======================================================================= GROUND ======================================================================= --GRAPPLE-- Upper *GH : Grapple the upper body of the fallen opponent O = Raise Down + O = Pin Fall (Keep hold O until 3 counts) Matt Jeff Left + O = Mounted Punch | Left + O = Sleeper Hold Right + O = Mounted Punch | Right + O = Sleeper Hold Up + O = Knee Smash | Up + O = Knee Smash Lower *GH : Grapple the lower body of the fallen opponent O = Raise Down + O = Pin Fall (Keep hold O until 3 counts) Matt Jeff Left + O = Leg Lock | Left + O = Kick to Leg Right + O = Leg Lock | Right + O = Kick to Leg Up + O = Pin With Bridge | Up + O = Knee Stomp --ATTACK-- *GH : Kick or Punch the opponent on the ground Matt Jeff X = Austin Elbow Drop | X = Angry Stomp Left + X = Elbow Drop | Left + X = Double Knee Drop Right + X = Angry Stomp | Right + X = Double Knee Drop Up + X = Austin Elbow Drop | Up + X = Flip Splash Down + X = Leg Drop | Down + X = Flip Splash ======================================================================= TURNBUCKLE ======================================================================= --UPPER-- *GH : Grapple the opponent at the turnbuckle from the front. O = Irish Whip (Follow with any one of D-Pad to target) Matt Jeff Left + O = Mudhole Stomping | Left + O = Shoulder Thrust Right + O = Mudhole Stomping | Right + O = Shoulder Thrust Up + O = Tornado DDT | Up + O = Frankensteiner Down + O = Tornado DDT | Down + O = Frankensteiner *GH : Grapple the opponent at the turnbuckle from the behind. O = Irish Whip (Follow with any one of D-Pad to target) Matt Jeff Left + O = Super Back Drop | Left + O = Super Back Drop Right + O = Super Back Drop | Right + O = Super Back Drop Up + O = Super Back Drop | Up + O = Super Back Drop Down + O = Super Back Drop | Down + O = Super Back Drop --LOWER-- *GH : Grapple the opponent at the lower turnbuckle from the front. O = Raise the Opponent Up Matt Jeff Left + O = Foot Choke | Left + O = Foot Choke Right + O = Foot Choke | Right + O = Foot Choke Up + O = Foot Choke | Up + O = Foot Choke Down + O = Foot Choke | Down + O = Foot Choke --RUN-- *GH : Run and attack the opponent at the lower turnbuckle. Matt Jeff X = Bronco Buster (LV4/S) | X = Bronco Buster (LV4/S) ======================================================================= ROPE OPPONENT ======================================================================= --ROPE DOWN-- *GH : Attack the opponent at the rope. Matt Jeff O = Scissor Sweep | O = Scoop Slam --JUMP TO OUTSIDE-- *GH : Attack from the top of the turnbuckle to the opponent out side of the ring. Matt Jeff X = Diving Moonsault | X = Diving Body Press --JUMP DOWN OVER-- *GH : Rope dive to the opponent out side of the ring. Matt Jeff X = Moonsault | X = Asai Moonsault ======================================================================= AERIAL ======================================================================= --STAND-- *GH : Attack from top of the turnbuckle to the standing opponent in the ring. Matt Jeff X = Double Axe Handle | X = Double Axe Handle Left + X = Spinning Wheel Kick | Left + X = Missile Dropkick Right + X = Spinning Wheel Kick | Right + X = Missile Dropkick Up + X = Spinning Wheel Kick | Up + X = Missile Dropkick Down + X = Spinning Wheel Kick | Down + X = Missile Dropkick --DOWN-- *GH : Attack from top of the turnbuckle to the grounding opponent in the ring. Matt Jeff X = Senton Bomb | X = Twisting Knee Drop Left + X = Diving Moonsault | Left + X = Senton Bomb Right + X = Diving Moonsault | Right + X = Senton Bomb Up + X = Diving Moonsault | Up + X = Senton Bomb Down + X = Diving Moonsault | Down + X = Senton Bomb --RUN TO OUTSIDE-- *GH : Run and dive through the rope to the opponent out side of the ring. Matt Jeff X = Moonsault | X = Asai Moonsault ======================================================================= RUNNING ======================================================================= --GRAPPLE-- *GH : Run up to the opponent frontally and grapple. Matt Jeff O = NeckBreacker Drop | O = NeckBreacker Left + O = NeckBreacker | Left + O = Spear Right + O = NeckBreacker | Right + O = Spear Up + O = NeckBreacker | Up + O = Spear Down + O = NeckBreacker | Down + O = Spear *GH : Run up to the opponent in the rear and grapple. Matt Jeff O = Bulldog | O = School Boy Left + O = Bulldog | Left + O = School Boy Right + O = Bulldog | Right + O = School Boy Up + O = Bulldog | Up + O = School Boy Down + O = Bulldog | Down + O = School Boy --ATTACK-- *GH : Run up to the opponent and attack. Matt Jeff X = Diving Forearm Smash | X = Spinning Wheel Kick Left + X = Power Clothesline | Left + X = Back Elbow Attack Right + X = Power Clothesline | Right + X = Back Elbow Attack Up + X = Power Clothesline | Up + X = Back Elbow Attack Down + X = Power Clothesline | Down + X = Back Elbow Attack --COUNTER-- *GH : Grapple the opponent running up to you. Matt Jeff O = Monkey Toss | O = Moneky Toss Left + O = Samoan Drop | Left + O = Powerslam Right + O = Samoan Drop | Right + O = Powerslam Up + O = Samoan Drop | Up + O = Powerslam Down + O = Samoan Drop | Down + O = Powerslam ======================================================================== OTHERS ======================================================================== --SPECIAL MOVE-- (Matt) L1 = NorthenLightSuplex *GH = Opponent must on dizzy condition and facing to you. (Jeff) L1 = Senton Bomb *GH = Opponent must on ground and you are in the top of turnbuckle. --FAVORITE MOVE-- Matt : ??? Jeff : Hurracanrana --COMBO-- Matt Jeff 1. Snap Jab | 1. Chop (Reverse) 2. Snap Jab | 2. Snap Jab 3. Back Elbow Smach | 3. Snap Jab (Reverse) 4. Rolling Wheel Kick | 4. Dropkick ======================================================================== APPEALING ======================================================================== --APPEALING-- *GH : Attempt to excite the crowd You can also gain more points using this to grow up your SM gauge. Matt Jeff L2 = ??? | L2 = ??? D-Pad + L2 = Stepping Around | D-Pad + L2 = ??? --WINNING MOVE-- Normal --ENTRANCE MOVE-- *GH : The move when the titan-tron is playing. Normal --RING IN MOVE-- Normal --RING OUT MOVE-- Normal ======================================================================== CREDITS ======================================================================== THQ. For making the best wrestling game on PSX. Yuke's. For helping them. xp Godhand. For writing this FAQ. Adith and.. My little bro, Ferry Sutanto. As my sparring partner. Tough opponent. ======================================================================== AUTHOR NOTE ======================================================================== To release your pinfall lock, just tap any directional pad button like crazy.Dont always trust high level Moves, some mid-level-moves even more deadly, such as Piledriver, Ho Train Attack, etc.. they can sometimes causing opponent dizzied. Btw, I have receive an email from someone (still in my country) asking who is my favorite WWF star (duh)... The answer is ---> The bigredmachine, Kane. ENOUGH !! I dont want to waste your printer tint. Godhand Production.2000 http://www.godhandproduction.com Bekasi Selatan. Indonesia. 885-3868.