------------------------------------/ WWF Smackdown! CAW Moves FAQ \ by Erik Novak -- kire@mediaone.net \ ------------------------------------/ =================== WHAT IS THIS? =================== Quite simply, it's a product of my frustration in creating a character. This FAQ is for if you don't want to keep switching back and forth from the "Ability" and "Moves" menus. This is especially helpful if you already know what moves you need to have, and want to know how many points it'll cost you. To access different moves, you must fulfill that level or skill for the category. Speaking of points, here's the scale of points required for each level: Level 1 = 0 points Level 2 = 6 points Level 3 = 18 points Level 4 = 38 points Level 5 = 68 points Well, now that you see the relevence of point distribution, on to the moves! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **********************READY MOVES********************** ------------------ -----GRAPPLE------ ------------------ ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Eye Rake Club To Neck --LV2-- Headlock And Punch (followed by shrug) Strong Head Butt --LV3-- Lifting Chokehold (2 arm, throws down) Manhattan Drop (reverse atomic drop) --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Scoop Slam Hard Scoop Slam Side Buster --LV2-- DDT --LV3-- Bearhug Piledriver --LV4-- Choke Toss Bearhug Front Slam Body Press Slam Body Press Drop FW Body Press Drop --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Snapmare --LV2-- Double Arm Suplex Knee Smash (HHH) --LV3-- Brainbuster (jackhammer) Belly to Back Flip (suplex/takedown) Gangrel Suplex (double arm lock, overhead) --LV4-- --LV5-- Spinning Back Drop (head on leg, backflip, backdrop) TECHNICAL --LV1-- Suplex Small Package Scissor Sweep (scissor leg takedown) Neckbreaker (rolling) --LV2-- Shoulder Breaker Hip Toss Shin Breaker Falling Neckbreaker (more direct, like Rick Rude's) Arm Wrench Jumping Arm Breaker (Jarrett's single arm DDT) --LV3-- Dragon Screw (spinning leg whip) --LV4-- --LV5-- --------------------------- -----GRAPPLE (groggy)------ --------------------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Eye Rake Club To Neck --LV2-- Headlock And Punch Strong Head Butt --LV3-- Lifting Chokehold Manhattan Drop --LV4-- Knee Strike (Blackman's alternating knees) Double Arm DDT --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Elbow Drop Scoop Slam Hard Scoop Slam Side Buster --LV2-- DDT Spinebuster --LV3-- Stomach Crusher Pendulum Backbreaker Bearhug Rib Breaker Fall Away Slam Pulling Piledriver Pumphandle Drop Piledriver --LV4-- Dominator Choke Toss Test Neckbreaker Diving Powerbomb Bearhug Front Slam Body Press Slam Torture Rack Double Powerbomb Body Press Drop FW Body Press Drop Stunner Running Powerbomb Whirl Sideslam Side Walk Slam Jacknife Powerbomb --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Snapmare --LV2-- Double Arm Suplex Falcon Arrow Knee Smash (HHH) --LV3-- Reverse Suplex (fall forward) Belly to Back Flip (suplex/takedown) Fisherman Suplex Gangrel Suplex (double arm lock, overhead) Tori Suplex (powerbomb position, whip really hard over & behind your head) Brainbuster --LV4-- Northern Lights Suplex Michinoku Driver (Juvi Driver, whichever you prefer) Hurracanrana Jump Swinging DDT (The Rock's swinging crucifix into a DDT) --LV5-- Spinning Back Drop (head on leg, backflip, backdrop) TECHNICAL --LV1-- Suplex Small Package Scissor Sweep Neckbreaker --LV2-- Shoulder Breaker Hip Toss Shin Breaker Falling Neckbreaker Arm Wrench Jumping Arm Breaker --LV3-- Pulling Walk Slam (sit down spinebuster w/ pin) Dragon Screw --LV4-- Sambo Suplex Rolling Leg Lock Double Arm Backbreaker --LV5-- Flipping Armbar ----------------- -----ATTACK------ ----------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Austin Punches Toe Kick Slap Throat Thrust --LV2-- Mongolian Chop --LV3-- Kane Throat Thrust --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Body Punch Double Axe Handle Overhead Punch --LV2-- --LV3-- Overhead Chop Clothesline Big Boot --LV4-- --LV5-- Boss Man Uppercut SPEEDY --LV1-- Elbow Smash --LV2-- (none) --LV3-- Spinning Kick Spinning Back Kick Spinning Wheel Kick Dropkick --LV4-- Roundhouse Dropkick (back brain kick, enziguri) --LV5-- Spinning to FaceXpac (spinning kick, caught leg, follow through w/ othe leg) TECHNICAL --LV1-- Back Elbow Smash Snap Jab Chop --LV2-- Shake Jab Low Kick --LV3-- Middle Kick Sweep Shuffle Side Kick --LV4-- --LV5-- **********************BEHIND********************** ------------------ -----GRAPPLE------ ------------------ ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Sleeper Hold --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- Low Blow (Chyna's crotch shot) POWERFUL --LV1-- Atomic Drop Bulldog --LV2-- Reverse Brainbuster (like Scotty 2 Hotty's) --LV3-- Pumphandle Drop (Road Dogg) --LV4-- Pumphandle Slam (Test) --LV5-- Full Nelson Slam (The Patriot's Uncle Slam) SPEEDY --LV1-- Back Drop --LV2-- Diving Reverse DDT --LV3-- German Suplex Pin --LV4-- Electric Chair Drop Dragon Suplex Pin (german w/ full nelson) --LV5-- Tiger Suplex Pin (german w/ underhook) TECHNICAL --LV1-- Reverse Pin (backslide) School Boy (rollup pin) --LV2-- Abdominal Stretch Back Side Slam (Dino Bravo's Side Suplex) Russian Leg Sweep Facecrusher (Mankind's, bulldog w/ hands landing on 1 knee) --LV3-- Dragon Sleeper (in Owen's style) --LV4-- Octopus Stretch (Russian Leg Sweep first, then octo on the ground) --LV5-- **********************GROUND********************** ------------------------------ -----GRAPPLE (near head)------ ------------------------------ ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Knee Smash --LV2-- Darkness Choke ('Taker's, 1 handed) --LV3-- Mounted Punch --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Sleeper Hold --LV2-- Reverse Chin Lock Camel Clutch --LV3-- Darkness Pin ('Taker's R.I.P. hands over chest pin) --LV4-- --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- Mahistrol Cradle (luchadore's rollup) --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- * Short Arm Scissors --LV2-- --LV3-- Armbar --LV4-- --LV5-- ------------------------------ -----GRAPPLE (near legs)------ ------------------------------ ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Knee Stomp --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Toss (slingshot) --LV2-- Boston Crab --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Mexican Surfboard (Romero Special) --LV2-- --LV3-- D'LoTexas Cloverleaf Pin with Bridge --LV4-- Sharpshooter --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Leg Lock (weak looking elbow smash precedes lock) --LV2-- --LV3-- Figure 4 Leg Lock Texas Cloverleaf --LV4-- Walls of Jericho --LV5-- Anklelock ----------------- -----ATTACK------ ----------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Angry Stomp Rock Stomp (shaky leg) --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Austin Elbow Drop (forearm smash) Elbow Drop --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Leg Drop --LV2-- Double Leg Drop --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Knee Drop --LV2-- Shaky Knee Drop (Road Dogg) Flip Splash Senton Splash --LV3-- D'Lo Leg Drop --LV4-- --LV5-- **********************TURNBUCKLE********************** ------------------------ -----UPPER (front)------ ------------------------ ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Eye Rake Club To Neck Choke --LV2-- Mudhole Stomping Headlock And Punch Foot Choke --LV3-- Lifting Chokehold 10 Punch (very well done!) --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Side Buster Shoulder Thrust --LV2-- DDT --LV3-- Bearhug Piledriver --LV4-- Body Press Slam Body Press Toss Choke Toss --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Snapmare --LV2-- Double Arm Suplex Knee Smash --LV3-- Brainbuster (jackhammer) Belly to Back Flip (suplex/takedown) Gangrel Suplex (overhead double arm front underhook) --LV4-- Walk on the Rope (ends w/ forearm smash from top) --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Suplex Scissor Sweep (legscissor takedown) Neckbreaker (rolling) --LV2-- Shin Breaker Shoulder Breaker Hip Toss Falling Neckbreaker (more direct, like Rick Rude's) --LV3-- Dragon Screw Frankensteiner --LV4-- Tornado DDT --LV5-- Flipping Armbar ----------------------- -----UPPER (back)------ ----------------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Sleeper Hold --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- Low Blow POWERFUL --LV1-- Reverse Brainbuster --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Back Drop Super Back Drop --LV2-- Diving Reverse DDT --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- School Boy --LV2-- Back Side Slam Russian Leg Sweep --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- ---------------- -----LOWER------ ---------------- SPEEDY, TECHNICAL none! ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Choke --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Foot Choke --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- **********************ROPE OPPONENT********************** -------------------- -----ROPE DOWN------ -------------------- ROUGHNECK, SPEEDY none! POWERFUL --LV1-- Scoop Slam --LV2-- --LV3-- Boss Man Attack --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- Running Knee Strike --LV4-- --LV5-- ------------------------- -----JUMP TO OUTSIDE----- ------------------------- ROUGHNECK, POWERFUL none! SPEEDY --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- Diving Moonsault TECHNICAL --LV1-- Vaulting Body Press --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- **********************AERIAL********************** ---------------- -----STAND------ ---------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Double Axe Handle --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- Flying Clothesline --LV4-- Shoulder Block --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- Front Dropkick (landing on back) Missle Dropkick (traditional) --LV4-- Spinning Wheel Kick (like Vampiro) --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- Diving Spear --LV5-- Dragonrana Diving Fame Asser -------------- -----DOWN----- -------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Knee Drop --LV2-- --LV3-- Diving Headbutt --LV4-- --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Elbow Drop --LV2-- --LV3-- Diving Elbow Test Diving Elbow (longer pause, more dramatic) --LV4-- --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- The 450 Diving Moonsault Dragon Attack (flipping senton w/ half twist) --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- ------------------------- -----RUN TO OUTSIDE------ ------------------------- ROUGHNECK, POWERFUL none! SPEEDY --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- Dive Through Ropes Rope Flip --LV4-- Asai Moonsault --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Baseball Slide --LV2-- --LV3-- Fake Diving Attack --LV4-- --LV5-- **********************RUNNING********************** -------------------------- -----GRAPPLE (front)------ -------------------------- ROUGHNECK none! POWERFUL --LV1-- --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- Press & Knuckle (Luthez Press followed by punches) --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Neckbreaker (rolling) Neckbreaker Drop (drag out clothesline) --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Neckbreaker (rolling) Neckbreaker Drop (drag out clothesline) --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- Spear --LV5-- Running DDT ------------------------- -----GRAPPLE (back)------ ------------------------- ROUGHNECK, SPEEDY none! POWERFUL --LV1-- Bulldog --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- School Boy --LV2-- Facecrusher --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- ---------------- -----ATTACK----- ---------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Elbow Attack --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- Yakuza Kick --LV5-- POWERFUL --LV1-- Shoulder Block --LV2-- Clothesline Power Clothesline (goes down to one knee) --LV3-- --LV4-- Diving Shoulder --LV5-- Ho Train Attack (avalanche) SPEEDY --LV1-- --LV2-- Dropkick Diving Forearm Smash (flying forearm) --LV3-- --LV4-- Flying Cross Chop Jumping Knee Attack (HHH) --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Back Elbow Attack (jumping spinning elbow) --LV2-- --LV3-- Thump --LV4-- Flying Lariat (flipping) Karate Kick (kinda like sweet chin music) Spinning Wheel Kick --LV5-- ------------------ -----COUNTER------ ------------------ ROUGHNECK none! POWERFUL --LV1-- Powerslam --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- Whirl Sideslam (tilt a whirl) Side Walk Slam --LV5-- SPEEDY --LV1-- Shoulder Back Toss --LV2-- --LV3-- --LV4-- --LV5-- TECHNICAL --LV1-- Monkey Toss --LV2-- Samoan Drop --LV3-- Pulling walk slam --LV4-- --LV5-- **********************SPECIAL MOVE********************** ----------------------- -----SPECIAL MOVE------ ----------------------- ROUGHNECK --LV1-- Knee Drop Eye Rake Club To Neck Sleeper Hold --LV2-- Headlock and Punch Strong Head Butt --LV3-- Diving Headbutt Lifting Chokehold Manhattan Drop --LV4-- Double Arm DDT Knee Strike --LV5-- Mandible Claw Low Blow Reverse Death Valley POWERFUL --LV1-- Elbow Drop Scoop Slam Hard Scoop Slam Side Buster Atomic Drop --LV2-- Reverse Brainbuster DDT --LV3-- Stomach Crusher Pendulum Backbreaker Bearhug Test Diving Elbow Rib Breaker Fall Away Slam Pulling Piledriver Pumphandle Drop Piledriver Diving Elbow --LV4-- Dominator Choke Toss Test Neckbreaker Diving Powerbomb Bearhug Front Slam Inverted DDT (Gangrel's high angle DDT) Falling Powerslam (Test's sitting chokeslam) Body Press Slam Torture Rack Double Powerbomb Body Press Drop FW Body Press Drop Pimpdrop Stunner Running Powerbomb Pumphandle Slam Jacknife Powerbomb --LV5-- Strong Lariat ("flip 'em inside out" clothesline) Tombstone Piledriver Full Nelson Slam Chokeslam Show Stopper Stone Cold Stunner SPEEDY --LV1-- Snapmare Back Drop --LV2-- Double Arm Suplex Falcon Arrow (Holly's Special) Diving Reverse DDT --LV3-- Belly to Back Flip Fisherman Suplex Gangrel Suplex Tori Suplex (powerbomb position, flip up, toss behind head) Brainbuster (jackhammer) Reverse Suplex German Suplex Pin --LV4-- Northern Lights Suplex X-Factor Sky High Michinoku Driver Downward Spiral Hurracanrana Electric Chair Drop Jump Swinging DDT (Rock's wrap around crucifix DDT) Twisting Knee Drop Dragon Suplex Pin (german w/ full nelson) Impaler (Christian's Special) --LV5-- Spinning Back Drop (leg on head, backflip, backdrop) Tiger Suplex Pin Senton Bomb The People's Elbow TECHNICAL --LV1-- Suplex --LV2-- Arm Wrench Jumping Arm Breaker (Jeff Jarret's arm DDT) Shin Breaker Shoulder Breaker Hip Toss Falling Neckbreaker Russian Leg Sweep Back Side Slam Abdominal Stretch --LV3-- Dragon Screw Dragon Sleeper --LV4-- Dragon Attack Double Arm Backbreaker Snowplow Rolling Leg Lock The 450 Diving Moonsault Octopus Stretch --LV5-- Shamrock Anklelock Pedigree The Rock Bottom Fame Asser Flipping Armbar The Money Shot The 'Lo Down ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Points aren't relevant for rest of moves, which have already been mentioned. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000 Copyright Erik Novak. WWF and WWF Smackdown! are trademarks of World Wrestling Federation Entertainment.