_ _ __ _(_)___ ___ () ___ _ _ _| |_ \ \ /\ / | | _ \ / _ \ / _ \| || |_ _| \ V V /| ||_) | (/ /_| (_) | || | | | \_/\_/ |_| _/ \____| \___/\____/ |_| ******************| |*********************************************** ******************|_|*********************************************** **************** [Strategy Guide & Cheats for PSX's] *************** ***************************** [WipEout] **************************** ******************************************************************** By:The new guy with a computer,PAYCO. Introduction Hi! My name is PAYCO, I'm new here, so this is my first job,I'll do more in the future.Here are Strategies and cheats for one of the most exiting racing games in the PSX,WipEout.I'll give you some tips to handle every track and every vehicle in this game. I think that with this strategies you can qualify all the tracks and reach the Rapier class* without cheating. *Rapier class:The second class in the game,in this class the craft is faster and the tracks take new cooler looks. Now let's start with the basics: **************************************************************************** Handling the craft: The way all the tracks in this game go,you must know what awaits you every time or you'll always hit the walls.One thing you must know is that the racers control just like an airplane. When going down hills,press up on the D-pad to keep your max speed,this brings the ship's nose down.Same goes for going up hill,in this case you must press down to pull the craft's nose up. One thing that you must handle to the maximum in this game is the air brakes.There's nothing more embarassing than being first place in a race and hitting the wall in a closed turn because of not knowing how to use the air brakes. The best thing that you must know is to learn where is every turbo boost, specialy the doubles and triples. ***************************************************************************** This game has four Racing Teams,each with two different vehicles. Here is the Statistics of every craft: Team | Accel. |Top Speed |Mass |Turning Circle| ************************************************************* |AG Systems|------->7 |---->4 |---->4 |------>6 | | | | | | | |Auricom |---->4 |-->2 |------->7 |---->4 | | | | | | | |Quirex |-->2 |------->7 |------>6 |-->2 | | | | | | | |FEISAR |------>6 |-->2 |-->2 |------->7 | ************************************************************* ************************************************************* AG System: The second best car if you are not a begginer because you must know very well each track to get the maximum out of this baby. Auricom: Not too much to talk about this one,the only good thing is the acceleration and the turning circle,but if you are a begginer this is a good choice. Quirex: It's an animal! If you are a master in this game,I'm sure this is your craft.It's hard to handle but you better start with the easy ones to graduate to drive this wild thing. FEISAR: The best ship for begginers.It's great handling makes it perfect for the Venom class*. *Venom class:The easy class in the game,you better pass it to get to the majors,the Rapier Class. **************************************************************************** To beat this you can't just know how to race and drive at top speed, it sure helps,but you must know how to use the weapons to be No.1. Here they are: Shield : It protects you from getting beaten up by another craft,just for a couple of seconds. Turbo Boost: Ah! My favorite,this takes you above the maximum speed for a moment.(Try it when you are at the top of a tall hill, it's great!) Mines: If there's someone at your back and you have this,you better drop it because they slow down the affected craft with each hit and you can get lost from it. Shock Waves: When affected by a Shock Wave, the craft stall,shake and be difficult to control for a period of time. Rockets: This are the most difficult to aim because they fire only in a straight line.They slow down the craft on impact. Missiles: This are similar to rockets,but with the heat seeking capability.(Very cool!) **************************************************************************** Now let's get technical,here is each track with their respective characteristics,strategies and a little optional information about them: The first one,Altima VII... This track is the easiest,this one is to get you prepared for the next tracks.I recommend you to play this track for a week just to handle your vehicle to the maximum.For me,the best way to beat any track is to memorize every turn,Weapons grid and Turbos on the track.To beat every track just practice and practice every day. Facts about Altima VII: Location: Canada Length: 5.5 Km Max Height: 359 M (The highest,it has three big hills) Surface: R3600 Racing Std. **************************************************************************** The second one,Karbonis V... The only problem in this track is the tunnel and those darn rolling hills at the end of the track,but when you get the feel of the turns it gets easy.The best place to use a Turbo Boost is in the long straightaway in the track,just be prepared for the close left turn at the end.Like in all the tracks just learn where the weapons and turbos are to be the first. Facts about Karbonis V: Location: Japan Length: 3.4 Km (The shortest one) Max Height: 107 M Surface: Reclaimed Titanium **************************************************************************** The third track, Terramax... This track is so cool.I just love the part when you fly over the water.Like in almost all the tracks,the problem in this track is the tunnel.One thing that is crucial in this track is not hitting the wall at the start and at the end of the tunnel.If you can pass it at high speed without hitting the wall,you are starting looking like a pro.Another essential thing for winning is to hit the triple turbo boost and to gun down some of the leaders in the race.I'm sure that this and the practice will make you No.1. Facts about Terramax: Location: Germany Length: 4.1 Km Max height: 121 M Surface: F3600 Racing Std. **************************************************************************** The fourth track,Horodera... One of the longest tracks of the game.This track requires a lot of concentration and it's very difficult to remember.One thing that you must have in mind is that you must time very well each turn in this track to not hit the wall.In the second tunnel, (just after the two triple turbos)you must enter in a turning angle to hit the turbos and not hit the wall.One essential thing is hitting the two triple turbos,to do this hit the first ones in a slight right angle.The best place to hit a turbo boost is at the start of the second tunnel or if you want some excitment,hit it at the top of the big jump. Facts about Horodera: Location: Russia Length: 5.4 Km Max height: 210 M Surface: Carbonic Iron **************************************************************************** The fifth track,Aridos IV... The worst track for me,because this track is slow.It's full of super jumps,hills and lack of turbos.There's not much to tell about this track,but here I go...First,one essential thing is to take the right in the second split,this place is full of turbos and the computer almost never takes it and I'm sure you're going to advance one place every time you pass through it.Remember to pull up the nose of the ship to not loose speed.The best place to hit a turbo boost is in the satraightaway at the end of the track. Facts about Aridos IV: Location: USA Length: 6.04 Km (The second longest) Max height: 245 M Surface: Blasted sandstone **************************************************************************** The sixth and last track SILVERSTREAM... If you feel frustrated don't play on this track,because you're going to end crashing your T.V. and smashing your PSX,trust me. You must be a pro to beat this track and be a perfect with the air brakes.First of all,to beat this track you must studied first and make an easier rute for yourself,then you must start searching for timing in the turns and practice a lot with the air brakes,when you get the feeling of the turns and know your route and know where is every turbo,then you're ready for start practicing for the big race.The only thing that I can tell you is that the best way to win is with a flawless race and a perfect execution of the air brakes. Facts about SILVERSTREAM: Location: Greenland Length: 6.4 Km (The longest) Max height: 232 M (I just hate those blind hills) Surface: Artificial Crystal **************************************************************************** The secret track,Firestar... You must play in this track,It's so cool! I love this track because it's a little difficult,but it's very cool to play at the same time. The best thing of this track is that it has a lot of weapons grids, turbos and tall jumping hills.The strategy to beat this track is to get used to those turns with the air brakes,never loose the turbos (specially the doubles and triples) and make your own route to pass faster and easier.The best place to hit the turbo boost is in the straightaway in the end.(Like in almost all the tracks) Facts about Firestar: Location:Mars Length: 6.3 Km Max height: 198 M Surface: Unknown ***************************************************************************** Cheats ******** 1)Access Rapier class: Highlight "one player" Hold L2,R2,L,Start and Select.Then press X 2)Access Firestar(the secret hidden track): Highlight "one player" Hold L1,R1,Right,Start,Square and Circle.Press X Firestar should be at the bottom of the track list. 3)Turbo start: Is achieved by having the red rev bar on the second line from the end when the announcer says "go".Best way is to press accelerate as the orange light comes on(possibly slightly different depending on the vehicle)or in the middle of the announcer saying "one". 4)Infinite Racing: While crossing the finishing line,use air brakes to steer hard and do a 180,so that you cross it backwards. This will allow you to continue racing and catch up. ***************************************************************************** Well,I think this is all you need to know to beat all the tracks and be No.1. ***************************************************************************** Credits ********* PAYCO..................................strategy guide Warbird's PSX codes & cheats Rev.5.....cheats For questions e-mail me at: 103446,1526