¤ W C W N I T R O F A Q ¤ For Playstation By: paranoidxe Version: 1.0 Dated:1/1/00 Email:paranoidtsi@hotmail.com Disclaimer You cannot reproduce this in any other form other than electronically. You may print this FAQ for personal uses only! If you want to put it on your website you email me first and if I allow you to put it up on your site it must be in orignal form. This cannot be published in any publication! By Reading this FAQ you agree to those terms... =============================== T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S =============================== I. Quick Info About.. II. Basic Moves III. Signature Moves IV. Secret Character Signatures V. Codes Secrets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [QUICK INFO ABOUT...] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -[GAME CONTROLLER]- D-Pad: Moves your character the direction you want the player to go. Square: Punch Triangle: Chop X: Kick Start Button: Pause Select Button: No Function L1 Button: Quick Block L2 Button: Taunt R1 Button: Evade R2 Button: Tag a teammate -[GAME MODES]- One Player Tournment: This allows you to go into the tournment to get the WCW World Championship title. You must successfully defeat 10 opponents. One Player Exhibition: You get to select one computer opponent to fight. One Player Exhibition Tag Team: You get to pick two players to tag team with and you get to select two computer opponents. Two-Player Exhibition Tag Team: Both one player and Two player gets to select a tag team of their own choice and then duke it out in the ring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -[BASIC MOVES]- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Punching: Press Square Function: A standard punch is faster than a Kick, and it is good to start off a move. It doesnt do too much damage however. Kicking: Press X Function: When an opponent is too far away for a punch, try a kick, it may hit them. This move is too slow to be used all the time so use it wisely. Chopping: Press A Function: This has a slightly longer range attack than the punch, but if you miss you will be left wide open for an attack. Block: Press and hold L1 Button Release to stop Blocking Function: The Block will prevent any major damage tooken when an opponent attacks you. Taunt: Press L2 Button Function: The Taunt should only be preformed when your opponent is down, the Taunt will allow you to gain some Energy back. Evade: Press R1 Button Function: The Evade moves out of a range of an enemy attack. Tag: Press R2 Button Function: You must be in a tag team match and next to your ally. This will check the current player in the ring out and have the other one check in. Run: Press D-Pad Twice in any Direction Function: Useful for running away from an opponent. Pin: Press Circle Function: When an opponent is low on life and out on the mat use the pin to finishe the job. Kick out: Repeatedly press any buttons Function: When you are pinned use this to get out of the pin! Climbing In and Out of the Ring: Press the D-Pad towards the Rope + Circle Function: Gets you out of the ring away from opponent, or if you just want to do a move from the outside of the ring. Throwing into the Ropes: Back + Circle Function: You must have your back to the ropes, it will throw your opponent into the ropes giving you an oppurtunity to capitalize with a movement. Throw into the Turnbuckle: Back + Circle Function: You must have your back to the turnbuckle for this to work, it will throw your opponent into the turnbuckle stunning them, giving you a chance to heal up or to attack. Throw Through the Ropes: Back - X - O Function: Throws your opponent out through the ropes onto the outside. Elbow Drop: Square Function: Opponent must be on the ground. You will do an elbow drop onto opponent. Stomp: Down + X Function: Opponent must be on the ground. You will stomp at opponent, a little faster and more effective than the Elbow Drop. Leg Drop: Triangle Function: You will jump into the air and hit your opponent with the back of your leg. Knee Drop: X Function: You must have opponent on the ground. You will jump into the air and land on opponent with your knee, slightly faster than the Leg Drop is and does about the same amount of damage. Pick Up: Up + Circle Function: You must be by opponents head while they are on the ground, This will pick up opponent, Opponent will then be dazed giving a wide oppurtunity on all sorts of moves. Elbow: Square Function: You must have opponent in the Turnbuckle, You will hit opponent with your elbow. Splash: Down + X Function: Must have opponent in the Turnbuckle, Your character will run and jump flat onto opponent doing an incredible amount of damage. Knee: X Function: When opponent is in the Turnbuckle, you will give them a knee to the abs, taking about the same amount of damage as the Elbow does. Turnbuckle Punches: Forward + Square (Repeatedly pressing Square) Function: Your character will stand on the ropes and give opponent many blows to the head. Up to 10! Flying Elbow Drop: Square Function: Player must be on the top of the Turnbuckle, this will do as the name says, drop a flying elbow onto an opponent. Flying Knee Drop: Press X Function: Player must be on the top of the Turnbuckle, This will make the player jump off the turnbuckle and drive his knee into opponent. Flying Knee Kick: Down + X Function: Player must be on top of the turnbuckle, Player will jump and plant both feet into opponents face. Clothesline: Press Square Function: Opponent must be running towards you. Spin Kick: Press Triangle Function: When Opponent runs at you, you will lift up your leg and hit them in the face with it, harder to time than the Clothesline, but more effective. Frankensteiner: Back - Square - Triangle Function: When standing next to opponent, you will plant both knees around the head of your opponent and flip them over landing them on their head. Hip Toss: Back - Square Function: You grab opponents arm and flip them onto the ground. Powerbomb: Square - X Function: You will pick up opponent by the legs and throw them, making them land flat on their back. Drop Kick: Down - X Function: When by Opponent, this will make your character jump into mid air and hit them with both feet. Back Breaker: Down - Square - Triangle Function: Your character picks up opponent and drives them onto your character's knee. Body Slam: Up - Square - Square Function: Your character does a bodyslam to opponent. Head Scissors: Up - Square - Triangle Function: This will make your character grab opponents head with both legs, twist and knock opponent to the ground, this does a pretty fair amount of damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -[ SIGNATURE MOVES]- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ¤Hollywood Hogan¤ Knee Bash: X - Circle - Circle Location: Standing next to opponent Big Boot: Triangle - Triangle - Triangle Location: Opponent running at you Hollywood Leg Drop: Up - Square - Square - X Location: When the Opponent is on the ground ¤Ric Flair¤ Low Blow: Square - X - Square Location: Standing Next to Opponent Nature Boy Chop: Square - Square - Square Location: Opponent is running towards you ¤Sting¤ Reverse DDT: Triangle - Triangle - Circle Location: Next to opponent Stinger Splash: X - Circle - X Location: When the opponent is leaning against the turnbuckle Death Lock: Down - Square - X - Square Location: Opponent is on the ground ¤Lex Luger¤ Atomic Drop: X - X - Circle Location: Standing next to opponent Diving Clothesline: Triangle - Triangle - Triangle Location: Opponent is running towards you Torture Rack: Up - Triangle - Square - Triangle Location: When the opponent is next to you ¤Scott Hall¤ Side Head Butt: X - Square - Square Location: Standing Next to Opponent Snap Ab Suplex: Back - Triangle - Circle Location: Next to opponent Outsider's Edge: Up - X - O - X Location: Next to opponent ¤Kevin Nash¤ Side Suplex: Square - Square - Triangle Location: Next to Opponent Choke Lift: Up - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to Opponent Super Powerbomb: Up - Square - X - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent ¤The Giant¤ One Hand Pancake: Square - Triangle - Triangle Location: Standing Next to opponent Choke Lift: Up - Triangle - Square Location: Standing next to opponent Chokeslam: Up - X - Circle Location: Standing next to opponent ¤DDP (Diamond Dallas Page)¤ Reverse Side Suplex: Square - Square - X Location: Next to opponent Spinning Back Slash: Triangle - Circle - Circle Location: Next to opponent Diamond Cutter: Up - X - X - Circle Location: Next to opponent ¤Booker T.¤ Scissor Kick: Up - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Harlem Flip: Triangle - Circle - Triangle Location: Standing Next to opponent Back Hits: Down - Square - Square - Triangle Location: Next to opponent ¤Stevie Ray¤ Scissor Kick: Up - Triangle - Square Location: Next to opponent Harlem Flip: Triangle - Circle - Triangle Location: Next to opponent Back Hits: Down - Square - Square - Triangle Location: Next to opponent ¤Alex Wright¤ Reverse Arm Flip: Forward - X - Circle Location: Next to opponent Side Pancake: Triangle - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent German Suplex: Up - Square - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent ¤Chris Benoit¤ German Suplex: Square - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Double Arm Clothesline: Square - Square - Square Location: Opponent running towards you Flying Head Butt: Up - Square - Triangle - Triangle Location: Top of Turnbuckle ¤ Randy Savage ¤ Face Smash: Square - X - X Location: Standing Next to opponent Atomic Head Butt: Triangle - Square - Square Location: While opponent is on the ground Flying Elbow Drop: Up - Triangle - Circle - Triangle Location: On the top of the turnbuckle ¤ Eddy Guerrero ¤ Torso Flip: Back - X - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Spinning Head Scissors: Triangle - Square - Triangle Location: Next to opponent Frog Splash: Up - Triangle - Circle - Circle Location: When opponent is in the Turnbuckle ¤ Dean Malenko ¤ Back Pancake: Down - Triangle - Circle Location: Standing Next to opponent Snap Suplex: X - X - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Texas Cloverleaf: Back - Triangle - Square - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent ¤ Syxx ¤ Back Suplex: Up - X - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Powerslam: X - Circle - X Location: Standing Next to opponent Buzz Killer: Back - Triangle - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -[ SECRET CHARACTERS ]- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To access secret characters go to the Secrets Section in this FAQ. ¤ Eric Bischoff ¤ Cheap Shot: Square - X - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Harlem Flip: Triangle - Circle - Triangle Location: Standing Next to Opponent Flying Elbow Drop: Up - Triangle - Circle - Triangle Location: On the top Turnbuckle ¤ Chris Jericho ¤ Torso Flip: Back - X - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent Diving Clothesline: Triangle - Triangle - Triangle Location: Opponent running Towards you Death Lock: Down - Square - X - Square Location: Opponent on the ground ¤ Ultimo Dragon ¤ Dragon Flip: Back - X - Square Location: Next to opponent Spinning Head Scissors: Triangle - Square - Triangle Loication: Standing next to opponent Dragon Killer: Back - Triangle - Triangle - Square Location: Standing Next to opponent ¤ Rey Mysterio ¤ Torso Flip: Back - X - Square Location: Next to opponent Spinning Head Scissors: Triangle - Square - Triangle Location: Next to opponent Flying Head Butt: Up - Square - Triangle - Triangle Location: On the top of the turnbuckle ¤ Bones ¤ Skull Butt: X - Square - Square Location: Close to opponent Skull Slash: Square - Circle - Circle Location: Close to opponent Bones' Edge: Up - X - Circle - X Location: Close to opponent ¤ Santa Claws ¤ Santa Slash: Triangle - Circle - Circle Location: Close to opponent Santa's Treat: Up - X - X - Circle Location: Close to opponent ¤ Superfan ¤ Superslash: Back - X - Square Location: Next to opponent Fan Flip: Back - X - Square Location: Next to opponent Superfan Splash: Up - Triangle - Circle - Circle Location: From off the top turnbuckle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [ SECRETS/CODES SECTION ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To get a secret Character: You must beat it with a certain character to get one secret guy. If you win it again with the same character you get another one. If you win again with the same character you get a third/final secret character. Each Character can enable 3 new secret characters. You must win the Tournment mode with the Difficulty of Normal or Hard, Easy wont work. Big Head Mode: On the main menu press the following: R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R1, R2, Select. Swelling Head Mode: Press L1, L1, L1, L1, L1, L1, L1, L2, Select. Ring Select Code: When in the options menu press R1, R2, R1, R2, Select Button. Each time you press the select button the ring will advance one. Unpublished work copyright Skyler "paranoidxe" Boerens