--==Warcraft II: The Dark Saga (PSX) FAQ/Strategy Guide==-- Created by: morpheusjedi77 E-mail: HimuraKenshin779@aol.com Created: 10.14.02 Updated Last: 10.14.02 (c)2002 --==Table of Contents==-- I. Introduction II. The Human Alliance III. The Orcish Horde IV. Credits and Such. --==I. Introduction==-- This guide contains tables containing all of the available upgrades for the various units and buildings throughout the Warcraft II game. Several technologies have a second level of research that allows you to gain even more strength. These are marked with a (2). NOTE: In some missions not all research technologies will be available. --==II. The Human Alliance==-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade |Gold|Lumb|Oil |Location |Effect | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Upgrade to Keep |2000|1000|200 |Town Center |Upgrades into a Keep | |Upgrade to Castle |2500|1200|500 |Keep |Upgrades into a Castle | |Upgrade to Guard Tower |500 |150 |0 |Watch Tower |Upgrades into a G. Tower| |Upgrade to Cannon Tower |1000|300 |0 |Watch Tower |Upgrades into a C. Tower| |Upgrade Arrows |300 |300 |0 |Lumber Mill |Arrow damage +1 | |Upgrade Arrows (2) |900 |500 |0 |Lumber Mill |Arrow damage +1 | |Elf Ranger Training |1500|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Archers become Rangers | |Ranger Scouting |1500|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Elf Ranger: Sight:9 | |Research Longbow |2000|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Elf Ranger: Range +1 | |Ranger Markmanship |2500|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Elf Ranger: Damage +3 | |Upgrade Swords |800 |0 |0 |Blacksmith |Sword damage +2 | |Upgrade Swords (2) |2400|0 |0 |Blacksmith |Sword damage +2 | |Upgrade Shields |300 |300 |0 |Blacksmith |Armor +2 | |Upgrade Shields (2) |900 |500 |0 |Blacksmith |Armor +2 | |Upgrade Ballistas |1500|0 |0 |Blacksmith |Ballista damage +15 | |Upgrade Ballistas(2) |4000|0 |0 |Blacksmith |Ballista damage +15 | |Upgrade Cannons |700 |100 |1000|Foundry |Ship damage +5 | |Upgrade Cannons (2) |2000|250 |3000|Foundry |Ship damage +5 | |Upgrade Ship Armor |500 |500 |0 |Foundry |Ship armor +5 | |Upgrade Ship Armor(2) |1500|900 |0 |Foundry |Ship armor +5 | |Upgrade Knights to Pala.|1000|0 |0 |Church |Knights become Paladins | |Research Healing |1000|0 |0 |Church |Paladins learn Healing | |Research Exorcism |1000|0 |0 |Church |Paladins learn Exorcism | |Research Slow |500 |0 |0 |Mage Tower |Mages learn Slow | |Research Flame Shield |1000|0 |0 |Mage Tower |Mages learn Flame Shield| |Research Invisibility |2500|0 |0 |Mage Tower |Mages learn Invisibilty | |Research Polymorph |2000|0 |0 |Mage Tower |Mages learn Polymorph | |Research Blizzard |2000|0 |0 |Mage Tower |Mages learn Blizzard | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==III. The Orcish Horde==-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Upgrade |Gold|Lumb|Oil |Location |Effect | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Upgrade to Stronghold |2000|1000|200 |Town Center |Upgrades into a Strongh.| |Upgrade to Fortress |2500|1200|500 |Keep |Upgrades into a Fortres.| |Upgrade to Guard Tower |500 |150 |0 |Watch Tower |Upgrades into a G. Tower| |Upgrade to Cannon Tower |1000|300 |0 |Watch Tower |Upgrades into a C. Tower| |Upgrade Axes |300 |300 |0 |Lumber Mill |Axes damage +1 | |Upgrade Axes (2) |900 |500 |0 |Lumber Mill |Axes damage +1 | |Troll Berserker Training|1500|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Archers become Rangers | |Berseker Scouting |1500|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Troll Berseker: Sight:9 | |Research Lighter Axes |2000|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Troll Berseker: Range +1| |Berseker Regeration |3000|0 |0 |Lumber Mill |Bersekers regain health | |Upgrade Weapons |500 |100 |0 |Blacksmith |Weapon damage +2 | |Upgrade Weapons (2) |1500|300 |0 |Blacksmith |Weapon damage +2 | |Upgrade Shields |300 |300 |0 |Blacksmith |Armor +2 | |Upgrade Shields (2) |900 |500 |0 |Blacksmith |Armor +2 | |Upgrade Catapults |1500|0 |0 |Blacksmith |Catapult damage +15 | |Upgrade Catapults(2) |4000|0 |0 |Blacksmith |Catapult damage +15 | |Upgrade Cannons |700 |100 |1000|Foundry |Ship damage +5 | |Upgrade Cannons (2) |2000|250 |3000|Foundry |Ship damage +5 | |Upgrade Ship Armor |500 |500 |0 |Foundry |Ship armor +5 | |Upgrade Ship Armor(2) |1500|900 |0 |Foundry |Ship armor +5 | |Upgrade Ogres to Mages |1000|0 |0 |Ogre Mound |Ogres becomes Mages | |Research Bloodlust |1000|0 |0 |Ogre Mound |Ogres learn Healing | |Research Runes |1000|0 |0 |Ogre Mound |Ogres learn Exorcism | |Research Haste |500 |0 |0 |Death Temple|D. Knights learn Haste | |Research Raise Dead |1500|0 |0 |Death Temple|D. Knights learn R. Dead| |Research Whirlwind |1500|0 |0 |Death Temple|D. Knights learn Whirl. | |Research Unholy Armor |2500|0 |0 |Death Temple|D. Knights learn U. Arm.| |Research Death and Decay|2000|0 |0 |Death Temple|D. Knights learn Dea&Dec| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --==IV. Credits and Thanks==-- I would like to first of all thank CJayC, the owner of the best game help site on the net! This guide is (c) 2002 Thorne M. (HimuraKenshin779/morpheusjedi77/Aeon'sDestiny) Please do not use this guide, in either part or whole for any website without contacting me first. The only site with permanent permission to use this guide is www.gamefaqs.com If you see any mistakes, or have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at HimuraKenshin779@aol.com