This FAQ written exclusively for GameFAQs ( ======================================================================== V A N D A L H E A R T S I I _______________________________________________________ | A Game Script for Vandal Hearts II | | Written by Michael Yellott ( | | Final Version (06/14/04) | | Copyright 2003-2004 | ------------------------------------------------------- ======================================================================== I N D E X ======================================================================== 0 - U P D A T E S 1 - G A M E S C R I P T 1.0- How to read this script & Important Note 1.1- Introduction 1.2- Battle 1: Rosace Hill 1.3- Battle 2: Mastha Canyon 1.4- Battle 3: Yuta Plain West 1.5- Battle 4: Yuta Plain East 1.6- Battle 5: Danjou Forest 1.7- Battle 6: Kutao Mt. 1.8- Battle 7: Byron Manor (Part I) 1.9- Battle 8: Byron Manor (Part II) 1.10- Battle 9: Railroad 1.11- Battle 10: Luxar Village 1.12- Battle 11: Bahtar Plain 1.13- Battle 12: Fort Gusta 1.14- Battle 13: Kumenu Canyon 1.15- Battle 14: Porta River 1.16- Battle 15: Ghote Plain 1.17- Battle 16: Barm Mt. Range 1.18- Battle 17: Mine Level Three 1.19- Battle 18: Mine Level Four 1.20- Battle 19: Mine Level Five 1.21- Battle 20: Mine Corridor #27 1.22- Battle 21: Mohosa's Secret Chamber 1.23- Battle 22: Killea Bog 1.24- Battle 23: Ruins of Polata 1.25- Battle 24: Dybosa Ridge 1.26- Battle 25: Aposs Port 1.27- Battle 26: Tehapi Dunes 1.28- Battle 27: Liuki Checkpoint 1.29- Battle 28: Yuggor Station 1.30- Battle 29: East Railroad 1.31- Battle 30: Gabhul Castle (Part I) 1.32- Battle 31: Gabhul Castle (Part II) 1.33- Battle 32: Zopart Valley 1.34- Battle 33: Pava Sea (East) 1.35- Battle 34: Pava Sea (West) 1.36- Battle 35: Domingo Village 1.37- Battle 36: Nugasso Forest 1.38- Battle 37: Killaba Swamp 1.39- Battle 38: Erawaga Falls 1.40- Battle 39: Randahl Plain 1.41- Battle 40: Killaba Swamp 1.42- Battle 41: Domigo Ruins 1.43- Battle 42: Yuggor 1.44- Battle 43: Bazo Forest 1.45- Battle 44: Lagusta Ruins 1.46- Battle 45: Slate Convent (Part I) 1.47- Battle 46: Slave Convent (Part II) 1.48- Battle 47: Buhdo Mt. 1.49- Battle 48: Gardeau (Part I) 1.50- Battle 49: Gardeau (Part II) 1.51- Battle 50: Natra Palace 1.52- Battle 51: Nigran Cathedral (Part I) 1.53- Battle 52: Nigran Cathedral (Part II) 1.54- Battle 53: Nigran Cathedral (Part III) 1.55- Battle 54: Nigran Cathedral (Part IV) 1.56- Conclusion 2 - S I D E S C R I P T 2.1- Synopsis 2.2- History 3 - C R E D I T S ======================================================================== 0 - U P D A T E S ======================================================================== __________________________ | 02/02/03 - Version 0.1 | -------------------------- -First version of the Game Script. -Sections 1.0-1.2 complete -Sections 1.3-1.56, 2.1 incomplete __________________________ | 04/20/04 - Version 0.2 | -------------------------- -Added section 2.2 -Sections 1.0-1.10 complete -Sections 1.11-1.56, 2.1-2.2 incomplete __________________________ | 04/27/04 - Version 0.3 | -------------------------- -Sections 1.0-1.16 complete -Sections 1.17-1.56, 2.1-2.2 incomplete __________________________ | 05/02/04 - Version 0.4 | -------------------------- -Sections 1.0-1.28 complete -Sections 1.29-1.56, 2.1-2.2 incompete __________________________ | 06/13/04 - Version 0.5 | -------------------------- -Sections 1.0-1.46 complete -Sections 1.47-1.56, 2.1-2.2 incomplete __________________________ | 06/14/04 - Final Version | -------------------------- -All sections complete -No further updates ======================================================================== 1 - G A M E S C R I P T ======================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.0- How to read this script & Important Note ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I use multiple symbols to denote certain parts of the script for easier reference. Below is a key that describes each of these symbols and gives examples. If I am unclear at any part please let me know. ______________________________________________________________________ | Symbols | Use | Example | |---------------------------------------|------------------------------| | < > | Name of speaker | | | [ ] | Action in game | [Clive attacks the monster] | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If I have made an error then of course tell me, I want to be as accurate as possible. Only e-mail me if the error is in the actual dialogue, the actions that I add are to better understand the story and let the script flow better. NOTE- Vandal Hearts II has a total of 6 different endings and dialogue paths. For the sake of my sanity, I am only recording the best ending (in which everyone lives). In my opinion, this is the real ending. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.1- Introduction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Game opens with white text on a black screen.] In the Holy Year 986, Lagore, the King of Natra was assassinated by his wife, Queen Agatha and her lover, Cardinal Ladorak. Having installed the infant Prince Franz as the new king, Queen Mother Agatha appointed Cardinal Ladorak as the Premier. Together, they assumed control with an iron fist, eliminating all those in opposition. Ladorak's oppressive rule was enforced by an elite troupe of knights. Using torture, deception, assassination, and informants, the knights ruthlessly crushed all opponents. [Scene switches to a church burning. One of the towers falls and camera lowers to reveal the entire town burning and villagers being killed by men in black armor. An old man tries to escape but is killed, like all the rest. A boy tries to wake his dead father. The Lieutenant addresses a group of the soldiers.] Spare no one! The old, the young, kill them all! [The soldiers disperse and a fallen man gets up.] Ma-make them stop... The people are innocent! I've told you everything you wanted to know! If you must kill, then kill me! Humph... That's so very true. That was my very intention! [The Commander slices the man with his sword.] Wooarrgh! [The commander sheaths his sword and looks over the burning city.] We are merely setting an example of this village. It harbored a fugitive who dared to harm the Cardinal, so it must burn. It doesn't matter one bit if the villagers have nothing to do with you. You devil... Has God forsaken us? [The Commander walks back over to the dying man.] Fool! [Camera pulls away and the man is killed. Screen fades to black to reveal the words...] VANDAL HEARTS II HEAVENLY GATE [Prologue chapter opens with a black screen and white text.] In the Kingdom of Natra, far north of the capital, is the isolated village of Polata. I grew up on its hard, unforgiving land. As a child, I believed that the idyllic days would last forever. Little did I know of the great war that would engulf us all. If only... If only there had not been that chance encounter, my destiny perhaps would never have changed... [Scene switches to a boy on top of a house trying to sneak up on a butterfly. Three other children watch him.] Yeah! Just a little bit more! Be careful... Steady now! [The boy tries to grab it but if flies further out on the roof.] Ohhh! You almost had it! It's still close! [The girl at the bottom with the two other boys shakes her head.] Stop it! Come down before you hurt yourself! [The boy on top of the roof shakes his head and advances on the butterfly and catches it, holding it high for the others to see.] Yes! [The boy loses his balance and falls off the roof.] Whoa! Watch out! Noooo! [They all rush to the other side to see if he is alright. Camera shows the fallen boy surrounded by blackness.] ... Hey... Come on... Wake... ... No!... Open your... OK... He's breathing... Look! He's waking up! Ow-ow-ow-ouch! Are you all right? Are you cut anywhere? Huh? [He looks around at the three faces.] What happened to me? Where is this? & ! ! What is wrong with you? Maybe he hit his head the wrong way. ??? Maybe he's just confused from shock. Just relax and try to think. Can you remember your name? Name? My name? [Player is prompted to enter the name of the fallen boy. Throughout the rest of this game script he will be known as 'Joshua'.] [Joshua gets up on his feet.] Joshua... My name is Joshua. Good, at least you know who you are. How about us? Do you remember us? [Joshua looks around at the faces once more, then looks at the Brawny boy.] You're Clive. Your dad runs the tavern here. Bingo! [Joshua looks at the Slight boy.] The little guy is Yuri, the village genius. Good! You're beginning to remember! [Yuri looks away and downwards.] Thank you, Saint Nirvath, for your kind blessing. That's it! I remember now! I was trying to catch an aurora butterfly when I fell off the mill roof. Whew.... That was really stupid of you! [Girl shakes her head and raises her arms.] No butterfly could be careless enough to be caught by you! [Joshua turns and looks at the Girl.] Huh? [Girl is taken aback.] Wha-what? Why are you staring at me like that? ??? [Joshua shakes his head.] You... Who are you? & !! [Girl shakes her head once more.] You-you're joking, right? ??? [Girl puts out her arms once more.] Stop it! Stop clowning around! [Joshua suddenly falls on his knees and grabs at his head.] Urrghh! My head! It hurts! [All three approach and the girl shakes her head once more.] No! What's the matter? Urgh... What's wrong? Are you dizzy? Urgggh... Oh no! We have to get a doctor! [Joshua gets back on his feet as the Girl starts to walk away.] Urggh... (cough)... [Girl stops and turns around.] ? (Cough)... Urgggggh... [Girl approaches Joshua.] Joshua? Urrrrghh, pah! Bwahahahaha! Joshua... You... Hahahahahaha! Oh my, the look on your face, Adele! [Adele starts shaking her fists in rage.] You-you, you really had me worried! [Joshua turns and puts his arm on Adele's shoulder.] (Giggle)... Hey, sorry, sorry. [Adele shrugs him off, backs away and points at him.] What do you mean sorry! That was funny? Look, I'm sorry. I apologize. Your idea of funny is just sick! You're as stupid as an insect, so why not try to at least live honestly!? [Joshua puts his hand out.] Hey now, wait a sec. I don't deserve that. If I'm as dumb as a bug, you're about as smart as a slug! [Adele begins shaking her fists again.] WHAT? HOW DARE YOU! [Yuri steps in between them.] Cut it out, you two! Hey, if the princess here didn't mouth off... You're an idiot! Be that way your whole life! [Joshua turns away from Adele as she walks off the scene.] Well, there goes Adele. Boy, she's steamed. [Clive shakes his head and raises his arms.] It always happens when you two get together. It never used to be like that. [Joshua walks a little bit and crosses his arms.] It's because she's so snooty! I don't think so... She's the Governor's daughter, but she doesn't look down on us. It's true. The nobles are usually jerks, but Adele and her grandpa, Kossimo, aren't. [Joshua gets something from his pocket.] Huh? Joshua, is that... [Clive walks over to Joshua.] It's amazing you didn't crush it! [Joshua turns and reveals the butterfly in the palm of his hand.] Hey! [Yuri tries to get it but it flies away too quickly.] Why? After all the trouble you went through? (Darn it... I caught it because she said she wanted it...) Joshua? Big Brother! [A small girl enters the scene.] Rosaly. What's the big rush? You have to do something, Big Brother! Gigaslugs are attacking someone in the field! What!? [Clive shakes his head.] Not good. It's probably a stranger here. But, that's odd. He's far away from the road. We better go help. Rosaly, it might be dangerous. You wait here fur us, OK? [Rosaly nods.] OK! I'll stay right here! [The other three exit as Rosaly waits.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.2- Battle 1: Rosace Hill ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Scene shows a swordsman surrounded by gigaslugs. He slices one in half but it just turns into two more gigaslugs.] Damn! What are these things? [Gigaslugs advance on him and he slices another one, producing two more.] No! They keep multiplying! Hm? [Joshua, Clive, and Yuri arrive.] Oh my! Look at them all! He must be chopping them with a regular sword! Sir, don't fight them with your sword! What? But, what... We'll save you! Don't be stupid! Stay back! It's dangerous! They're weak against salt! We've got weapons made of rock salt, we'll be OK! [They kill all of the gigaslugs.] Whew... That takes care of them all. Yeah. That man, he didn't know you can only use a Sel-stick on gigaslugs. He must be a stranger here. Kiyaaah!! Help!! Rosaly? Let's go! --------------------------------VICTORY!-------------------------------- [Scene switches to the mill where Rosaly is corned by a monster.] Shaaaah! Noooo! Get away! [Joshua, Clive, and Yuri arrive.] Rosaly! Yikes, it's an eggworm! It must have been attracted by the gigaslugs! [Yuri shakes his head.] What'll we do? Salt doesn't affect it! [Swordsman appears.] Stand back. Sir! It's hopeless! Even ten men can't take it down! ... [Swordsman approaches and gets the monster's attention.] Kyoeeeeeh! [Monster advances Swordsman but he dodges and quickly slices it in half, killing it.] !! [Swordsman sheaths his sword.] Did you see that!? He killed that huge eggworm with just one blow! [Swordsman collapses to the ground.] Sir! [All gather around the fallen Swordsman.] Blood! He's hurt! Oh no! We have to take him to Dr. Bonnar right away! [Scene switches to doctor's house, where the swordsman is resting. Another man enters through the door.] How is he, Dr. Bonnar? Aye, Mayor... He'll be fine. He's in no danger of meeting his maker. There is something, though... A problem? This man, he was supposedly attacked by monsters. [Dr. Bonnar shakes his head.] But, the injuries he has, they were most definitely inflicted by swords. !... So he was hurt before he ran into the monsters. [Dr. Bonnar nods and turns away with his arms crossed.] I'm also concerned about where the boys met him. An ordinary traveler would never have taken such a dangerous route. That Joshua may have brought us a problem... [Dr. Bonnar turns back to face Kordif.] Come now, you shouldn't blame Joshua. St. Nirvath preached the virtue of extending help to those in need. [Kordif shakes his head.] But sheltering a fugitive is a state crime! The whole village will be held to blame. I can't allow that as the mayor. Aye, but we don't' know if he is a fugitive or not. We should ascertain the facts before jumping to conclusions. Fine. Please let me know when the stranger awakens. [Kordif exits where the four children are waiting outside.] How is he, Dad? ... He'll live. Thank goodness! See! What did I tell you? He is a great swordsman! He must be so fit, I bet he could even shrug off injuries! [Clive nods.] Yeah... He took care of that eggworm like that! It was fully grown too. [Kordif looks around at the children.] Kids, it's getting late. You go on home now. [They all nod and leave. As Joshua begins to leave he is stopped.] Joshua... I need to have a word with you. ? [Joshua closes the door to the outside and stands before Kordif.] You took Lady Adele from the Manor today again. [Joshua quickly shakes his head.] N-no! That little witch came out on her own! YOU FOOL! How dare you call the Governor's daughter a 'little witch'! !!... Now listen, Joshua. Lade Adele is a noble. The previous Governor Kossimo is an inordinately benevolent man. That is why he had been so kind as to allow you to consort with Lady Adele. [Kordif walks away and crosses his arms.] But, you're now 13. You should realize your place as a peasant. ... Hear me out, Joshua. God assigns us our roles. We are all brought into this world with a purpose and station in life. We peasants are to work the soil and thank the Lord for our lot. [Kordif turns back to face Joshua.] You too will one day take a wife, raise children and return to the soil here. But, Lady Adele is different. She is of a proud and noble lineage. One day, she will depart this land to fulfill her own role in life. [Kordif shakes his head.] You may have grown up with here, but she is of an entirely different world. [Joshua turns away and sighs.] I understand... [Kordif again turns away and shakes his head with his arms crossed.] That's not all. There is the matter of her father. Governor Graud, who took over from Lord Kossimo, is high on formalities. [Kordif walks over and puts his arm on Joshua's shoulder.] Things won't be the same as it was before. [Joshua shrugs Kordif off.] OK! I said I understand! [Joshua runs outside.] Joshua, wait! [Dr. Bonnar enters the waiting room.] Doctor... Aye, sorry, I couldn't help but overhear... Mayor, don't you think you're being a tad too harsh on the boy? Certainly, he is somewhat headstrong, and perhaps a bit over-zealous. But, you also won't find many as honest and caring as that child. [Kordif looks at the ground momentarily then back at the doctor.] I know that. It's not as if I dislike the boy. In fact, I'm hoping that he will marry Rosaly and take over my farm. [Kordif turns away and looks at the ground again.] That's why, when he does something rash, I can't hold my tongue. I don't want him to die like his parents over a squabble with nobles... [Scene switches to Joshua sitting at by a tiny stream. Rosaly enters.] Joshua? Big Brother? Rosaly... I was worried about you. You were gone so long. Supper's over! [Joshua shakes his head.] It's all right. I'm not hungry. ... Is it because Father got angry with you? [Joshua stands up and starts to walk off, shaking his head.] That has nothing to do with it! ... After all, I'm not his real son. He's not obligated to raise me. I don't have the right to be mad at him. [Rosaly approaches Joshua.] That... That's a terrible thing to say! Father and Mother, even me, we've always thought of you as family! ... Father is worried about you, Big Brother! He gets angry because he cares about you! ... [Rosaly goes back down to the stream.] It was me... I told Father that you met Lady Adele today. [Joshua turns around in shock.] ! I'm sorry... But I get so frightened. You're not yourself when it comes to Lady Adele! Even today, you fell off the windmill! You could have been killed! I'm really scared, Big Brother! I'm afraid you're going to get into terrible trouble by being around her! Wha... [Joshua runs down and faces Rosaly.] Don't be silly! I'm not going to get in trouble over that tomboy! Really? Of course! Really! I've decided, I'm not going to go near her again, she's trouble. I won't even talk to her anymore. After today, I've had enough. Look at the bump on my head here. [Joshua shows Rosaly.] Oh my goodness! That must really hurt! No, I landed where I have the least amount of brain. [Rosaly begins to laugh.] Big Brother! (Giggle) Hahahaha... Hey, laughing made me hungry! I thought so! I set your supper aside. [Joshua puts his arm on Rosaly's shoulder.] Now that's good thinking, my dear sister! Come on! I'll race you home! [Joshua runs off.] No fair! Wait, Big Brother! [Rosaly exits.] ------------------------------NEXT DAY---------------------------------- [The children enter hospital.] Good morning, Doc! Aye, good morning to you. Doc, how is that man? Hm. He's doing better. He's asleep now. Thank goodness. There is a problem. He's got wounds all over. I don't have enough ointment for preventing serious infections. Do you mean the ointment made from Muherb? Exactly. Yuri, the prodigy of Polata, is correct! You're quite the bright young lad! I must say I'm impressed, aye. I think it grows wild in Mastha Canyon. Then we should go pick some! That would be useful if you did. But, small monsters live in the canyon... We can take care of ourselves! Trust us, Doc! Hmmm... Aye, all right. Take this money and get yourself properly equipped at the shop before you go. Thanks, Doc! We'll be back! [Joshua and the others head out to find the Muherb.] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.3- Battle 2: Mastha Canyon ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Muherb is supposed to grow here in Mastha Canyon. Look at all the monsters, though! We'll have to get Muherb while fighting them. [They proceed to kill all of the monsters in the area.] I think this is enough Muherb. Let's hustle back to Dr. Bonnar's with it. --------------------------------VICTORY!-------------------------------- [Scene switches to Byron Manor. The Governor sits at his desk while a man stands in front. Adele is in the corner with her head down.] What is the meaning of this? The harvest has long been over, but our tax income is below projection. The farmers claim bad weather hurt their crops. Others are blaming an epidemic that kept them from working, sir. [The governor shakes his head.] I have no use for serfs who fail to produce! [He stands and puts his fist on the desk.] Those who cannot work should starve! There are no excuses good enough! [He sits back down.] If need be, use force to set an example of tax dodgers. Why certainly, sir. I only needed your blessing. But sir, would it really be OK? It wasn't that way with Governor Kossimo. He forbade us to punish the peasants unless they were truly bad. [Governor Graud stands up again.] The rules have changed. I am the governor now! Yes, sir. I shall do your bidding, then. [The tax collector leaves the room.] Now, Adele. Your tutor is very concerned about you. I understand you missed your lessons to carouse with peasants. ... [The governor walks over to Adele.] It is wrong to show pity or affection to peasants. They are no better than animals. They are greedy, stupid, and dangerous. If their greed goes unchecked, the world will degenerate into chaos. It is our duty as nobles to keep them in line for maintaining law and order. [Adele looks up and shakes her head.] But, but Grandfather Kossimo never said that! Nobles and peasants are equal in the eyes of God. All people are sacred. He said that only our roles in life are different... [The governor puts out his hand.] Quiet! Ignore the old fool's vacuous platitudes. You have no idea what peasants are really like. They are born without morals. They are criminals waiting to strike! [The governor crosses his arms and looks away.] That boy, who you appear to care for, must have his own dastardly reasons. [The governor walks towards the window.] After all, the peasants are adept at finding and exploiting our weaknesses. [Adele approaches her father and shakes her head.] That's not fair! You don't even know Joshua! And Grandfather is no fool! [The governor turns around!] Silence! I won't stand for your insolence! [Adele turns and looks at the flood. Governor Graud looks away and crosses his arms.] You are forbidden from leaving the Manor. Go to your room, and consider carefully what I have told you. ... [Adele quickly exits the room and the governor sits back at his desk to take a drink from his goblet.] Hmph! That child has yet to warm up to me... Excuse me, your Lordship. [A man in a purple robe enters and closes the door behind him.] Hm? Ah, it's you, Godard. You appear to be quite upset... [The governor stands up and looks out the window.] It is always, Kossimo did this, he did that... The old fool's retired! I'm in charge now! If not for me, his daughter would have had a child out of wedlock! But, I didn't become a Byron to be just a governor of this poor land. If only the old fool played smart over the war for Natra's throne... He chose to side with Julius, when it was clear Lagore would become King! [Godard shakes his head.] However, Lord Kossimo's loyalty won him kudos. Many still revere him as the model of loyalty for supporting Prince Julius. So, what of it? That won't keep a man fed. I have no intention of spending the rest of my life here in the country. [The governor turns to face Godard and raises his fist in a so stereotypically-evil way *smirk*] I will do whatever it takes to get me back to the capital. And, to do so, Adele will play a big role, however distasteful she may be. There are signs that your fortune will rise sharply. Your dream should soon become reality, your Lordship. A major turning point is imminent... Fuhuhuhuhuhu... [Scene switches to the party returning to the clinic of Polata village.] Doc, we're back with your Muherb! Ah, thanks. But... Hmmm... Is something the matter? The patient himself seems to have slipped out. But, he's not over his injuries is he? Getting better, but he's not out of the woods yet. He was here just a short while ago. He couldn't have gone far yet. How about you helping me find him? Sure! [Joshua and the rest of the party search the entire village but find nothing.] What's that ruckus over there? Let's find out. [Scene switches to a farmer's home where a crowd has gathered. The tax collector is holding a large bag and the farmer is on his knees.] Please, we can't survive the winter without that. When I get over my sickness, I will tender double the tax next year. Please! [The farmer reaches out to stop the tax collector.] Quiet! Unhand me, you worthless dog! [The tax collector kicks the farmer to the ground and a young woman emerges from the farmer's home.] Nooo! Father! Well, so you have a fine-looking daughter, do you? [The tax collector grabs the young woman and she struggles to escape.] Please! Let me go! Hehehe... You must be what 16, 17? Please, don't! Not my daughter, please! Shut up! You could sell her off to pay your tax! That's terrible... [Joshua and party walk forward among the crowd.] Make him stop! Why won't anyone stop him? We can't. He answers to Governor Graud... Peasants like us, we have no choice but to endure... But... Hehehehe. Come on sweetie, be a good girl now. If not for these peasants, I could show you a very good time... No! Please! Someone help me, please! Have pity! Please let my daughter go! [The tax collector lets go of the young woman.] That's enough, you worthless scum! [The tax collector kicks the farmer to the ground again.] That man is going to get killed! Damn, I can't watch this anymore! Wait, Big Brother! Look! [Swordsman walks onto screen.] What!? Who are you? Stop right now! You know very well that slavery is strictly forbidden by law! Watch it! Who do you think you're talking to? Mess with me and you'll have Governor Graud to answer to, get it? A Governor dishonoring the Kingdom is no noble! Big talk, you stranger! You can remit your tax with your blood! Die! [Tax collector pulls out a sword and charges the swordsman. The swordsman disarms him and claims his sword.] Waaah! Be gone, you pathetic worm! You, you're going to regret this ever happening! [The tax collector leaves, both the farmer and young woman bow their heads toward the swordsman. Joshua and Rosaly step forward from the crowd.] Yeah! Ah, you were one of the boys, who... That was amazing, sir! You're hurt and unarmed, but you still beat a man with a weapon. Awesome! This is not good... Yah, if the Governor hears of this... We have a serious problem now... [Joshua turns to the crowd, confused.] Wha-what's the matter? This man's a hero! ... [Kordif appears on screen, shaking his head.] You should never have done that... When the Governor hears of this, there will be serious repercussions. Dad? Even you? What are you saying? Please answer this for me. I have heard the previous Governor, Lord Kossimo, was a benevolent leader. I cannot imagine him allowing this cruelty even in retirement. You are correct. Lord Kossimo was a kindly man. He would never have allowed the tax collector to behave so abominably. However, he left six months ago to his retirement for curing his arthritis. Since then, Governor Graud has given free reign to the likes of the tax man. Of course, for us peasants, we must always abide by our noble masters. So, Lord Kossimo is no longer at the Manor. Whatever the case, I understand now that I acted without thought. However, since it was the act of a stranger, you should be absolved. I wish I could thank you for saving me when I had fallen... But it is best if you did not have anything to do with me. I will leave now. It would be best if you did, yes. Wait, no! He's not over his injuries yet! Somebody stop him! Mister! [The farmer looks down at the ground in shame.] ... Say somehting. Come on, he saved you! [The young woman turns and looks away.] I, I, I'm sorry... But... Sorry, and farewell. [The swordsman exit and scene switches to the town.] Joshua, he really left. What should we do? ... He saved Rosaly's life... We can't just let him go like that. We can still catch up. He's probably going through Yuta Plain. We can catch him if we hurry. Let's move it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.4- Battle 3: Yuta Plain West ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We have to hurry. We can't waste time on monsters! [They proceed to kill every monster in the area.] --------------------------------VICTORY!-------------------------------- [Scene switches to a road the party is walking on towards Yuta Plain West.] We're halfway there. We have to hurry. Wait! Someone's coming. [A group of knights wearing black march down the road with 2 in front.] You there. You peasant scamp. What? Who are you calling scamp? Me? You brat, your insolence will cost you! This great man is... That's enough, Jamir. But, Commander Jacob... Drop it. Boy, we have business with Governor Graud, but we seem to be lost. Poitn us toward the Governor's Byron Manor. It's about five miles from here to the west. You'll find Polata Village on the way, so you should ask there again. Good. Take this for your trouble, boy. [Commander Jacob tosses a gold coin onto the road near Joshua's feet.] What do you think I am? I don't need your loose change for giving you directions! [Joshua picks up the coin and gives it back to the commander.] You wretched upstart! Drop it, I said! Yes, sir... Heh, what a creep! Did you see his eyes? They were so dark... It was like seeing death, his eyes were so cold. And the soldiers too. They had the rancid smell of blood. Black armor and a blood red emblem... I remember now, they're the elite knights of Cardinal Ladorak! They're his secret police who hunt down his and the Queen Mother's enemies. They've been known to kill entire clans, from the oldest people to babies. People call them the Blood Knights! They slaughtered everyone in a village where a fugitive hid out. So that was COmmander Jacob, Cardinal Ladorak's hatchet man! Why would someone like that come out here? What are we doing here? We better get hustling! That's right, hurry! [Scene switches to Byron Manor, Adele's Room. Scene opens with Adele facing the window and the maid walking in with a tray.] Lady Adele, I brought you something to eat. ... It must be hard, but you mustn't get so down. ... I think Master's anger may be somewhat misdirected. However, I don't think it's right that you spend so much of your time outside. Especially now. Winter is coming so mosnters are busy foraging for food. I heard someone was hurt in a monster attack yesterday on Rosace Hill. Yesterday... On Rosace Hill? Yes, I think so. [The maid turns her back to Adele to place the tray on the table.] I heard it from someone, so I'm not clear on the details. Apparantly an eggworm attacked some children playing near a windmill. What I am saying is that it is unsafe to wander outside. If you were to be hurt, I would have failed your dear mother, Lady Sara. [The maid turns around to see Adele gone and the window open.] Lady Adele? [Scene switches to outside Adele's room where she has climbed down to the ground.] It couldn't have been Joshua who was hurt... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1.5- Battle 4: Yuta Plain East ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [Scene switches to party on the plains.] Oh no. Not monsters again. They're not going to go away by whining about them. [The party proceeds to kill all of the monsters in the area.] --------------------------------VICTORY!-------------------------------- [Scene switches to road with party walking.] I thought we would be able to catch up by now... [They all shrug and begin looking around.] Over there, look! [They run over to find the swordsman on his knees.] Sir! Boys. Hmph. All that big talk, but here I am now. This is humbling. You can't go onlike that! Come back with us. That's not an option. There is a place I must get to... Urrghh... [The swordsman collapses and all gather around him.] Sir! [Scene switches to a room with many boxes and the swordsman lying in bed with the party around him.] Feeling better? I think so... That medicine you brewed appears to be working. The pain is fading. This is our secret hideout. Grownups don't come here, so you can rest and relax. This is the second time that you boys saved me. My name is Nicola, and I thank you most sincerely. I'm Joshua, these are my friends, Yuri and Clive. And this is my sister, Rosaly. You don't have to thank us! We want to apologize for the village. You saved someone from the village, but they made you go away. The villagers have a legitimate complaint. No stranger has the right to cavalierly disturb the lives of the local people. And, I thank you for your hospitality, but I can't stay here forever. I must hurry. Urggh! [Nicola begins coughing.] Whoa! You can't push yourself like that yet. You should stay here until your wounds have healed. [Scene switches to Byron Manner where the Blood Knights stand before the Governor and his diviner.] Ah, my dear Sir Jacob! It is truly a great honor! It is a rare occasion that a young hero such as yourself visits the Byrons! Let's dispense with the formalities. We aren't here for a sightseeing trip. Ah, fine. May I inquire why you have come? A certain individual is headed for this region. We have orders to detain him. We intend to start our search tomorrow. We felt you should know as this is your jurisdiction. Ah, please feel free to search all you desire. However, I must say it is odd to see elites such as yourself out here. This man, he must be very important to warrent this kind of attention. That's none of your concern. Let me just say he is one who could seriously harm the kingdom. I see. I must be going. [The diviner opens the door for the Blood Knights to leave and closes it behind them.] Hmph. The Cardinal's hounds had to come... Those animals have no qualms against razing villages. The serfs can suffer, but that would be disastrous for our tax coffers... But Master, this could very well be a Godsend. Helping them could open channels for your return to the capital. I see! But, how could I help them? The tax collector was driven out of Polata. A stranger did that. Does he not sound suspicious? That's right, so he is! I had better inform them. There's no time to lose! [The Governor runs out of the room.] Fuhuhuhu... That's right, Master, dance for me... [Scene switches to outside Joshua's secret hideout as he and Adele run into each other... literally.] Owwwwww... Ouch! You should watch where... Joshua! You're safe! Safe? What are you talking about? Wait... Then was it Yuri or Clive who was hurt? ??? What are you saying? They're fine! There's nothing wrong with those two. Oh, really? Then who...? [Adele takes a step towards Joshua and he puts out his arm.] Oh yeah, don't step any closer! Closer? What do you mean by that? You heard what I said. I mean it, don't you dare take another step closer. I was planning to not oeven talk to you again. What on earth are you talking about? I can get as close to you as I like! See! [Adele runs at him and Joshua steps back.] Hey, whoah, stop that! Don't you think you're acting strange? I don't understand why the daughter of a noble would want to be with us. Nobles should act like nobles and hold fancy dances at their manors! [Adele turns away, hurt.] It's up to me to do what I want! No! We hate having you around! The others don't say it out loud, but they must feel the same way! !... The Ladyship should know what her father's doing. Even today, he used the tax collector to hurt people in the village. But the little Lady pretends as if nothing happened! [Joshua steps closer to Adele as she steps back.] You want to be our friend? Well, forget it! I'm not ever buying that! ... You... Are you being serious? You bet! I hate lies and nobles! ... I understand... Huh?... I'm sorry... I won't come back... [Adele runs off screen.] Wa-wait! [Nicola emerges from the hideout.] Is something the matter, Joshua? Oh, Nicola, sir. It, it's nothing! Here, I brought you something to eat. You shouldn't be getting up yet... [Scene switches to inside the hideout where Nicola is back in bed.] Really? There really is an animal that huge? It's true. The desert people tame them and ride them instead of horses. But, for sheer size, the whale-beer of the Kadal Mountains is its equal. Kadal Mountains! You went that far north! My Father's business took us all over the world. Wow... I'd sure like to see other countries. I'm sure there will be many opportunities. Your life, it's just begun. ... It's no use. I can never leave the village. My Father said that God decides our station in life and our destiny. My destiny is probably to live humbly right here for the rest of my life. Hm. An honest, pious life rooted in the land. A life that apperas easy, but one that is harsh and demanding... But, it is a life that stands for teh goodness and dignity of a man. ... But, if you feel that way of life is something you can't avoid, then you're completely wrong! ?!... I think that people can be whatever they choose. They can be saints who bring joy. Or they can be the darkest of sinners. People can do that because they have the power of their own will. If we are to only serve "destiny," God would have never given us our will. If we do have a role to fill, we have to use our will to earn it from God! I've never heard anyone say that before... But what you said, it... it makes me feel so much stronger! I think that's what people call their "dreams." Joshua, you must have a dream of your own too. My dream? I never thought about it but I want to... There's a girl who I like. I want to make her happy. That mustn't seem like much of a dream to you. It's so plain and small. That's not true at all. People so often waste their lives trying to chase wealth and status. There aren't many like you who realize the true value of something close by. It's nice of you to say that, but it's useless. I'm only a son of a serf. I don't have what it takes to make anyone happy. Is that right? You fell in love with the girl. It's not her status or belongings that you fell in love with. You yourself said that it's not necessarily wealth or honor that makes someone happy. You rejected them over your love for this girl. The problem isn't about wealth or status. It's about courage. Do you have the courage to be even reviled for the rest of your life for her? Honestly, I never thought about it that deeply. I said I wanted to make her happy, but I was only thinking about myself. But, I understand now. I don't care what happens to me. If that would put a smile on her face, then that would be reward enough. Then, Ihave nothing more to say. I will pray to God that you earn such a way of life... [The door opens and Yuri and Clive enter the room.] Joshua! There's bad trouble! What's the matter? We ran into Adele a little while ago. She acted odd. She had this determined look on her face. She went into Danjou Forest alone! And, when she left, she said, "Farewell." She usually says just, "Bye," or "See you!" The forest comes alive with monsters at night. She had better get out before nightfall... Let me join you.
No, you can't do that!

Don't worry.  I can use a healing spell.  With half a day's rest, I've
recovered enough.


We have to hurry.  It's not long until nightfall.

1.6- Battle 5: Danjou Forest

[Scene switches to Danjou Forest where the party and Nicola are looking
for Adele.]

It's before dusk but there are monsters out already!

We don't have a choice but to fight!

[The party proceeds to kill all the monstesr in the area.]

What'll we do?  We can't find Adele!

It's my fault.  I said terrible things to Adele.  I was a jerk!  If
anything happens to her, I...

Think later!  Once it gets dark, we won't be able to keep looking.  It's
dangerous, but we'll have to split up and search.  If you can't find her
in half an hour, return here.  Understood?


[Scene switches to Joshua roaming the forest, looking for Adele.]

Adele!  Answer me!  Adele!

[Joshua turns.]


[Adele is found overlooking a cliff.]


No!  Don't jump, Adele!  I'm coming right now!

[Joshua rushes up to Adele and loses his footing.]


[Adele runs to help Joshua but she is too late and he falls.]


[Scene fades and shows Joshua waking up with Adele kneeling over him.]


As clumsy as ever, I see.

I really thought you were going to jump.

Don't be silly.

[Adele walks back over to the edge of the cliff.]

I...  I just wanted to see the sunset from here.  I just noticed
something.  It's the first time in a while that you called me by my
name.  It's been "Lady" or "Princess" or something sarcastic.


[Joshua stands and shakes his head.]

Adele, I'm sorry about all those terrible thigns I said.  It's all my

It's OK.  I was insensitive, like you said.  But, you won't have to put
up with me much longer.  So, please forgive me.

What do you mean?

I'm leaving to the capital in the spring.


You know that the Byrons were once powerful nobles.  Father wants to
regain that status by having me marry an important noble.


It can't be helped.  It's my duty as a noble.  Do you remember?  How
Grandfather Kossimo would bring us here as kids?  I wish things were
that way again.  Why do things have to be so complicated?

Adele...  Let's get away from all this!


We'll elope!  Just the two of us!

[Adele steps back, stunned.]

Are you serious?

Who cares if you're a noble?  Someone told me that your destiny is
something you win by your own will...


We should go up to the northern frontier.  No one will find us there.
I'm still a kid, but if I work hard, we can do it!


[Adele looks at the ground for a moment, then back at Joshua.]

...  Yes.  I want you to take me with you!

Yes!!  That's settled!  Let's get going!

[Joshua starts walking off by Adele stays.]


Huh?  What's the matter, Adele?

...  Are you serious about leaving this instant?  We're not even
prepared to camp out right now!

Uh, yeah!

I can see someone has to do some planning...  Go home tonight and get
maps, food and whatever else we need to travel.  I'll get gems,
silverware and anything else valuable out of the manor.

But, but that's stealing!

What else are we supposed to do?  We're still kids!  We'll meet at the
bridge at dawn two days from now, OK?

Uh...  Yes, ma'am!

[Adele and Joshua walk away together.  Scene switches to world map.]

I...  I'm sorry I caused all this trouble...

Don't worry about it.  We're happy you're safe.  Look, it's getting dark.
You should go home.

Thanks, I'll do that.  Later, Joshua!

Wha- yeah!

So, she is Lady Adele...


Shelter me for one more night.  I must go.

Thanks for helping us, Mr. Nicola!

[The party travels back to Polata village.]

Joshua, are you all right?  You look pretty vacant.

....  You're my friends, so I have something to tell you.  I'm...

In love with Adele?


We knew it a long time ago, right, Yuri?

Maybe you weren't even aware of being in love?


It's a good match.  (I prefer Rosaly, but...)

It makes me feel a little jealous.

No, I wanted to tell you, at dawn, two days from...

Uh-huh, uh-huh.  See you tomorrow, lover boy!

Good night, Joshua.


[Joshua goes home to find it ransacked.]

Wha-what happened here?



Big Brother!  Where were you!?

Rosaly...  what happened?  Who did this?

Father was arrested by soldiers from the Manor.  They beat him terribly,
demanding to know where a man was hiding.

They were the knights we saw in Yuta Plain today.

You mean the Blood Knights?  Mom, I'm going.  Rosaly, stay with Mom!

Go?  Go where?  Joshua, wait!

[Scene switches to the town.]

Hey, Joshua!

Clive...  and Yuri.

We heard what happened.  This is terribly bad.

I'm going to the manor!

Don't be stupid, they'll arrest you too!

Maybe we should ask Nicola what to do.  I wanted to see him about
something anyways.

That's smart!  I'm sure he'll help us out!

[Scene switches to the hideout with Nicola and the three.]

...  So that's my story.  I know this doesn't concern you, but I needed
some advice.

Hmmm...  The former governor, Kossimo Byron.  You said he is at the
family retreat over the mountain?  Why don't you seek his help?
Actually, I came here in the hope of seeing him too.

That's good!  He outranks even the Blood Knights!

Then, let's get moving.

Wait!  There's something I want to ask Nicola.  Nicola.  Who are you?


Whoah, Yuri.  What are you saying all of a sudden?

I know I'm being rude, but this is important.  The way you fought, your
swordwork is too refined for a simple drifter.  And the healing spell
you used, that's only for royalty or a powerful cleric.  It's not
coincidence that the Blood Knights are here in the village.  It's you
that they're searching for, isn't it?

...  That's probably correct...


But, I can't reveal my identity to you.  But, I'm not a criminal or a
traitor.  Belive me.  I'm driven only to save this country from chaos
even if this costs my life!

I...  I believe you, Nicola!  It's because of Nicola that I decided to
follow my dream!

Thank you.  Belive me, I will get your father out.  But, we must hurry.
We have to reach Lord Kossimo at his retreat!

1.7- Battle 6: Kutao Mt.

[Scene switches to Kutao Mt.]

There's an eggworm among the monsters!

It still appears to be a larva, so be careful.

[The party proceeds to kill all of the monsters in the area.]


That takes care of that, I guess.

I think so.

Ssh!  Footsteps...

Is someone out there?

Lord Kossimo!

[Party rushes forward to find Kossimo with 2 attendents.]

I heard a racket, and who do I see?  Joshua, Clive and Yuri!  My, you
certainly have become fine young men!

Lord Kossimo, how is your health?

Better, better.  I can get around on my own again.  Come, let's take
this conversation to the house.  Bring me up to date!

[Scene switches to Kossimo's retreat.]

...  So that fool, Graud, has been a tyrant?  I had hoped that making
him the governor would make him grow up...  But, I misread him...  Leave
this matter with me.  I will look into it.  It's late tonight, but
tomorrow, I shall have a word with these knights.

Thank you!  THat's a great relief.

[Kossimo walks over to Nicola.]

Now, your Highness, it is so good to see you again.

So, you were aware.

As old as I may be, I could never forget you.  Children, behold, Nicola
Atkin Natra, the son of the exiled Prince Julius.  Had justice
prevailed, he would have succeeded the sacred throne of Natra.

 &  & 

[The three look at each other then back at Nicola.]

No, I am now but a drifter without even a home.

I heard of your father's death in Vernantze.  I am ashamed that I
continue to live in this frail and aged body...

No, say no more.  Father was grateful for the loyalty you always showed
him.  I have come because I wished to speak to you of a certain matter.

[Nicola looks at Joshua, Yuri, and Clive.]

If I may have your private company...

Your Highness, there are only these children here.  If it is a dark
matter not suited for children, I want no part of it.

My Father spoke highly of your integrity.  Fine, please hear me out...

[Scene fades to black and back to the retreat.]

...  So you will lead Vernantze's forces to breach the border, while I
am to raise troops within the country to take the royal city?  But, that
it high treason.

Treason?  To punish those who abuse their power?  If they were good
leaders as was Lagore before them, I have no complaint.  But, I cannot
abide while the people suffer under Agatha, that poison hag!  Lord
Kossimo!  Please, lend me your support!

Your Highness...  I am sorry, but I cannot take part in this.

!  Lord Kossimo...

Have you ever considered what a noble is?  He doesn't produce goods or
food.  He doesn't provide any service.  But then, is a noble merely a
parasite that feeds off the people?  It is a noble's duty to protect the
people who know only to work.  Only someone who puts the people above
himself is worthy as a noble.  That is why your father abandoned the
throne.  To stop harming the people.  What you proposed is only a
quarrel between nobles.  But the people suffer.

But, Agatha is conspiring with her homeland.  She plans to have Zora-
Archeo assimilate the kingdom of Natra!

So, you intend to let Vernantze invade Natra?  The country's name
doesn't matter.  The spirit of Natra will live on.

...  I understand your point.  But, I wonder how this person felt?

[Nicola hands Kossimo a piece of paper.]

Wha-what?  You intend to bring this out?

It depends.  If it is absolutely necessary...  I will await for your
reply.  HOwever, if I can't count on your help, I have no choice but to
consider others, less ideal means to resolve this matter.

[Nicola beings to leave the room.]

Joshua, I'm sorry but I had better return to the village before you.
Excuse me.

[He leaves and the scene switches to later that night with Kossimo

It's madness to bring that into a power struggle...

[The window suddenly flings open and the wind blows out the candles. 
Kossimo closes the windows but is surrounded in darkness.]

Hm?  Who's there?!

[Godard appears out of thin air.]


You're Graud's fortune-teller.  How did you...

I have come for the document from Nicola.

What?  Why do you know of it?

[Kossimo approaches Godard but is stopped by a spell.]


[He vanishes.]

Fuhuhu...  Exactly as I planned...

[Scene switches to the next morning at the retreat.]

I can't find Lord Kossimo anywhere.

That's odd, he wouldn't have left without us.  Did you really
understand what Nicola and Kossimo were talking about?

Erm...  I understand perfectly.

This is stuff that we can't do anything about.

Do you think so?

Well, talking about it isn't helping us any.  Let's go back to the

[They return to Joshua's home.]



Are you all right?  I'm so glad to see you.

They found the man they wanted, so they let me go.


I never expected him to be in your hideout.

You...  You told them where he was hiding?


You sold him out to save your own skin!

Joshua!  What are you saying to your father!?

Forget this happened!  It doesn't concern us.

Dad, the fate of this country is at stake!

It's the fate of teh nobles, not the country's.  IT's the blood and
sweat of us dirt-poor peasants who made this country.  The designs and
whims of a handful of nobles won't grow a grain of wheat.

All you're ocncerned about is eating and sleeping!  People...  People
have dreams, ideals, they have something bigger...

Stop!  Please stop!


Stop, Joshua!  You're only going to hurt yourself!

[Scene switches to the town.]

What should we do, Joshua?

Rescue Nicola from the manor!


They'll kill any intruder.  I'm going alone.

What, we're not good enough for you?

Of course we're coming too!

You two...

Still, we can't just march through the front gates.

We can sneak in through the manor's sewer.

1.8- Battle 7: Byron Manor (Part I)

[Scene switches to the sewers beneath Byron Manor.]

Look at the size of those rats!

They've been transformed into guard animals.  I didn't know the Governor
had a spell-caster that powerful, though.

That's nice, but they look mean and hungry!

[The party proceeds to kill all the monsters in the area.]


Whew, I guess that takes care of them.

Yeah, but we don't know what else could be ahead.

Yes, I'm also worried if our equipment is adequate.  What do you think,

Let me think...  We should keep going.  It's dangerous, I know, but
things could get ugly if we dawdle.

...  OK.  Let's not spend any more time in this dank and gloomy place!

Wait!  Over there!

[A group of giant rats approaches the party.]

Whoad!  Look at them all!

This bunch won't be easy to get rid of.

Look, Joshua, let us handle this.  You go on ahead by yourself!


Clive's right, Joshua.  We won't be able to get ahead like this.


If you don't hurry, someone might notice.  We'll be cooked if that

...  All right.  If it gets rough, just get yourselves out of here!

[Joshua leaves the other two and proceeds to the manor.  Scene switches
to Graud drinking in his office.]

Blast it all, this is not right!  Those bloody knights!  Not even a word
of thanks for finding their man...  And now they shut me out of their
secret meeting?  THis is my manor!

[Godard enters the room.]


What is it, Godard?

I was cleaning Lord Kossimo's old office.  I came across this, my Master.

[He shows Graud the document.]

This old paper?  So, what of it?

[He reads the document.]

...  WHAT!?  This, this can't be!

If the contents therein are indeed true, Master, you hold the trump card
for moving the country within your hand.

But, what, what should I do with this?

Played wrong, a strong card could bring doom.  But played at the right
time, it will bring Master vast wealth and honor.  Please allow me,
Godard, to offer you my humble advice, Master...

[Scene switches to Joshua roaming through Byron Manor.]

Well, I made it in, but now what?  !  Voices...

[Joshua listens to the other side of a door where the Blood Knights are
talking with Nicola.]

You should have informed us that you were coming.  We were sincerely
concerned when we heard Agatha sent assassins for you.

I lost all my men, and I was injured.  SO, have you gotten the
Cardinal's approval for my proposal?

Yes.  However, why did you enter the country?  Depending on your reply,
we may have to reconsider our position...

I've told you.  This is my final check before attack.

Hmph.  Fine, then we shall accept that story.  After all, we are
partners who share a common destiny!

!  Why is Nicola seeing the head Blood Knight?

[Jamir enters the hall and sees Joshua.]

Who's there?!


[Joshua tries to escape but is captured by the Blood Knights.]


[The door opens with Jacob and Nicola emerging.]

What is going on here?

I caught this spying whelp, sir!

!  Joshua, what are you doing here?

Nicola, I came to save you...

Ah, an acquaintance then, Prince Nicola?

He's just a child from the village.  Let him go.

After having heard us?  I think not.  If this gets out, not only you,
but the Cardinal will be endangered.  Throw the spy in the dungeon!

Yes, sir!

[Scene switches to Joshua in the dungeon.]

Damn...  What have I gotten into?  !...  Someone's coming.

[The door opens to reveal Nicola.]

Joshua, are you all right?


I've put the guards to sleep.  Get away now!

Wait.  I need you to explain something!  Why were you meeting someone
like that?

...  The joint rule of Queen Mother Agatha and Cardinal Ladorak is
coming apart...  Their relations have been cold since Agatha began
wooing the Twin Empire...

That's not what I asked!  The Cardinal is the other parasite beside the
Queen Mother!  Why are you with his henchmen?  Weren't you saving the

That's exactly what I intend!  If it wasn't necessary, I would never
have approached such scum.  But, without Lord Kossimo's cooperation, I
have to rely on the Cardinal!

So you'll turn a blind eye to injustice!  Then you're just like my
Father, Nicola!

You can't change the world by always being good...  You have to
understand that, Joshua!

[Nicola leaves.]

But...  Why did I come here?  To listen to this?  ...  Adele!  I can't
leave Adele here!  We'll get away from these dirty, scheming adults!

[Joshua leaves the dungeon and the scene switches to Joshua in a large,
dark room.]

Huh?  I ended up in another room.  The manor is just huge.

[Joshua notices Adele sitting in a chair at the end of a table.]


[He runs to see her but Godard appears out of thin air in front of him.]


Wha-who are you?!

I had been pondering how to dispose of the old man...  Just perfect, in
walks a child to be his killer.


Come hither, my puppet.

[Kossimo appears out of thin air.]

Lord Kossimo!

I will kill you.  I will kill you.  I will kill you.


Entertain him well, my puppet!

[Godard vanishes.]

What's the matter with you, Lord Kossimo?!

kill kill kill kill kill killkillkillkillkill...

...  I have to fight?!

1.9- Battle 8: Byron Manor (Part II)

Lord Kossimo, what's the matter?!  Stop!!

[Joshua critically wounds Kossimo.]

Urgggahhh!  Wh-what?  What happened to me?  Wh-what h-have I been


[Joshua kneels over a dying Kossimo.]

Lord Kossimo!  Hang on!

Joshua...  What...  Why...  ...  I...

[Kossimo dies.]

Lord Kossimo!




[Adele is standing now, apparently out of her trance.]


Adele...  I...

Joshua, you, you killed him?!

Killed him?  I...

Why?  Grandfather always treated you well!

Adele...  Please, listen.  I...

Did you use me to get close to Grandfather?!  Father was right, you are
just a peasant, a dirty criminal!

No, it's not true!  Adele, listen!

[Joshua tries to approach Adele but she backs away.]


What was that?

It was from the hall!  Come on!

Damn, someone's coming!  What should I do?  Come on, think Joshua,
think!  (If I stay here, they'll catch me for sure...  I didn't mean to,
but I killed Lord Kossimo.  They'll execute me.  Should I run?  If I
jump from the window, I should be able to make it to the river.  But,
what about Adele?  If I run, I may never be able to explain what 
happened.  Come on, think Joshua.  What's most important to you? ...  To
make her happy?  Yes, I wished for her happiness even in exchange for my
own demise!  What good will my dying do?  If I live, I may be able to
serve her one day!  Adele...  But whose happiness had I really been
praying for?...)

[Two guards enter the room.]

What is happening?  What?!  Look at this!

Capture that boy!  He killed Grandfather!

!...  I'm sorry, Adele.  I'll try to make amends one day!...

[Joshua jumps out the window while Adele and the guards run at him.
Scene fades to a black screen with the words...]

And thus, I made my escape.
But, what exactly did I run from?

From my pursuers, from Adele, from destiny, or from the damning truth
that I killed a man with my own hands?

Or, perhaps, I was trying to make my escape from them all.

Even now, I have not yet found the answer to what I had been running

I am even no longer certain if I really did manage to escape back then.
It is all but lost in the shadows of my memory...

[Scene switches to several days later in Adele's room at Byron Manor.
A servant enters her room while Adele is staring out the window.]

Your Ladyship, your carriage has arrived.

Yes...  I'm coming...

[The servant bows her head and leaves the room.]

No one came for me after all...  No one came to save me from this...

[She starts to cry and rubs her eyes.]

No...  I can't be crying about this...  I have to be strong.  Strong
enough to save myself!  If I can't escape my life as a noble, fine, I
won't run.  I will be proud.  I'm taking charge of my destiny!

[Scene fades to black with the words...]

                            Prologue -- End

In the Holy Year 989, Nicola Atkin Natra made his return to his homeland.
The orphaned son of Natra's Prince Julius, Nicola led a rebel army with 
the support of Vernantze Republic to challenge the rule of Queen Mother 

Cardinal Ladorak seized the opportunity to launch his own revolt agianst 
Queen Mother Agatha.  In just one week, the Queen Mother's army 
collapsed in utter chaos, leaving the capital, Yuggor, for Ladorak's 

Amidst the confusion, Franz, the puppet king, disappeared.  Nicola, 
stepped into the void, proclaiming himself the 46th King of Natra in a 
hurriedly organized coronation.

Queen Mother Agatha fled the royal city of Yuggor and found sanctuary in 
the fortress city of Gardeau.  Her safety assured, Agatha exhorted Natra 
to take arms against Nicola, the usurper.

Queen Mother Agatha found an ally in the Zora-Archeo Emperor.  He agreed 
to send troops in return for his third son, Gregor, marrying her 
daughter, Princess Minea, and becoming the King of Natra.

The Twin Empire's entry plunged Natra into a horrific civil war between 
two Kings, each with foreigners perched on his shoulder.  For eight 
tragic years, the war would ravage the Kingdom.

                         Chapter 1

                    Year 996 - Natra,
                      Walta Region

1.10- Battle 9: Railroad

[Scene opens with a train hurrying along the tracks with a guard and
merchant outside near cargo.]

Hello, sir!  I see they have you working!

Hey!  You idiot!  You're not supposed to be out here!  If the Captain
finds out I let a civilian on the army train...

But, sir, I can't stay cooped up forever.  I paid you enough money, let
me enjoy some air.  This is some train!  It's obvious Vernatze's
backing makes East Natra strong!

Humph, yes, you could say that.  The West, with the Twin Empire, is no
match for us.  But...

Oh?  You're worried about something?

The gang of bandits, Red Wolf.  You heard of them.  They never attack
ordinary people, only military units, both East and West.  Just this
past month, they hit three of our supply units.

That manY!  They must have one big organization.

I find it hard to believe, but no, there's just three!  The three of
them are easily the equal of one of our knight brigades!

Is that right?  There's a big of hokum, right?

It's true!  Each of them is supposed to be a terror.  There's Vlad, a
hulking giant who's nicknamed the Ox-killer.  The self-centered Pike,
the elusive, monkey-quick acrobat.


And their leader, the surgical swordsman...  Huh?...  What was it now...
Something about a blaze?  Anyway, he's supposed to be one tough

[Suddenly the train comes to a halt.]

Wha-wha-what's going on?

[Scene switches to the front of the train where 2 men are standing on
the tracks.]

I am Joshua of Red Wolf!  Turn over your supplies!  Nobody needs to get
hurt!  Do as we say, and get out alive!

[Scene switches back to the soldier and merchant.]

It's him!  He's the leader of Red Wolf, Joshua, the Blaze!  And over
there, that must be Vlad, the Ox-killer!

[Scene switches back to Joshua and Vlad.]

You fight, I destroy!  You better not fight!

[Scene switches back to the soldier and merchant.]

Oh, no!  We're in deep trouble!  Wait a second, there should be one
more, Pike, the Acrobat...

Self-centered, am I?

!!  No, it can't be!

[The merchant reveals himself as Pike.]

That's right, pal!  I'm Pike!

Aiyah!  Mercy!

[The soldier flees.]

That's a good boy.  Resistance if futile!  Oh?  What's this?

[Several soldiers and the captain exit one of the train cars.]

Fools!  You fell right into our trap!  Get them!

Tch!  If that's the way you want it...

[The party proceeds to kill all of the soldiers in the area.]


Humph.  We walked right into that trap.

Pike, you on train.  Why you not notice?

Hey, stuff happens.  Quit moaning, you oaf.

I not from here, so I not talk good...  But me, I lot smarter than you,
Pike.  You, lot more stupid!

Say that again, you...

Shut it, both of you!  Come on, let's check the train for valuables.

[Scene switches to a train car where an old man and woman are sitting.
The door is busted down and the party enters the car.]

Lookee here!  Here's an old fogey and a pretty lady.

Are you prisoners?  You look to be from the West.


You bandits!  Don't try anything funny!

Wait, Captain Lira.

But, Baron Pratau!

Baron Pratau?  You mean he's the leader of the White Dragons?  West
Natra's most powerful knight brigade?

I don't care who they happen to be.  They have nothing to do with us.
You people are free to go.  Come on, let's go...



I have heard that men like you work as mercenaries.  Would you care to
be hired by myself for a time?


The job is to escort the two of us to Fort Gusta.  The compensation
shall be 100000G.


Fort Gusta not far!  Good money for easy job!

Hang on, we agreed not to support the East or West.  And, Forst Gusta
belongs to the West.  They'll hang us if they catch us.

You can remain neutral by not fighting.  I will guarantee your safety at
Fort Gusta on my honor as a soldier.

Any trouble, Vlad make more trouble!  No worry!

That's pretty shifty logic!  Look, Joshua, we should take a vote on
this.  Those against going to Fort Gusta, raise your hand!


[Pike raises his hand.]

That's that!  We're on our way to Fort Gusta.

...  Pike, weren't you against the idea?

Don't sweat it.  We're talking 100000G!  And, what kind of a man walks
away from a pretty damsel in distress?

How dare you!  I can look after myself, you...

Oh boy...

[Scene switches to Luxar Village where the part enters the tavern.  They
are about to leave when something stops Pike.]

What the?  What's that racket outside?

I have bad feeling.  Maybe not good!

There's something wrong.  We better go.

1.11- Battle 10: Luxar Village

[The party leaves the tavern and finds bodies in the street.]

What's happening here?



Take that!

[Several bandits surround the villager and kill him.]


[Another villager is backing away from another bandit.]

Get away!

Bite this!

[The bandit fatally wounds the villager.]


[In another part of town, an old woman becomes cornered by a bandit.]

Please, I have money...

[The bandit kills her.]



[The bandits continue to kill and rape the villagers.  On the street one
of the bandits stands out from the rest.]

Fwahahaha!  Come on, boys, you can have your fun!  But, don't forget to
scoop up food and loot!

The beasts!

Tch, looks like our competitors are at work!

No!  We fight only army, not kill plain people!  You think we same?  You
even more stupid than you look!

Yeah, whatever.  We better not get sucked into this.  Joshua, let's
hightail it out of here!

Those animals!  I won't stand for this!

Wait, Baron!

[The baron and Lira run down the street.]

!  If they get killed, there goes our pay!  Damn!  Follow them!

What?  Who's that?  Boys, we got company!

Yeah, Boss!

[Dogra goes inside a building while the party kills many bandits.]

Their boss ran into that house.

I have this feeling I've seen him before.  We better get him before he
causes any more trouble.


[The party enters the house where Dogra is holding a child hostage.]

Stay back, or the kid's history!


Noooo!  Please!

You pathetic worm!

!  Well, if it isn't Baron Pratau!


Heh, so the big shot can't remember a soldier of his!

!  I know you!  We discharged you for looting occupied territory!

So, you finally remembered, did you?  I went through hell after that!
All because of you!

You wretch!  How dare you?  If it hadn't been for the Baron, you would
have been executed!

Shut it!  What's so bad about looting?  You make us kill, but want us to
be good when it's convenient for you?  Forget it!  I've always hated
that old goat's high and mighty ways!

I see...  You can have your way with me.  But let the child go.


Heh, the big man speaks!  But, all right, I've got a lot to thank you


On your hands and knees!  Lick my boots clean!

Why, you...


Heh, just as I thought!  You can't do it!  A high and mighty noble like
you isn't about to do that for a peasant!  There!  That's how much of a
big man you are!

[The baron gets on his hands and knees.]


What?  So, you're going to do it?

[The baron crawls over to Dogra's feet.]

Hehehe...  Now this is rich!  The big shot from the West is about to
lick my boot!  Would you believe that?

That's enough!

What?  Where?

[Pike breaks through a window next to Dogra and the child escapes.]

Right here, you scum!

[Pike fatally injures Dogra.]


[Scene switches to a room where Pike, Vlad, and Lira sit.]

Today was something.  The Baron sure surprised me!

He is that kind of an honorable man.

But, I heard he was a great military leader.  So it's surprising to see
him as a prisoner, then obeying a bandit...

How dare you speak badly of the Baron!

Wait, wait!  I didn't say it was bad or anything!

He just stupid!  He not mean bad things.  Please, Miss Lira, forgive

...  It's Queen Mother Agatha's doing...  She caused us to lose, and be
taken prisoner!  She stripped the command of the White Dragons from the
Baron, and put him in charge of green recruits!  She then put us on an
impossible suicide mission!

The Queen Mother must have a bone to pick.  I wonder why?

It's...  It's none of your concern!

Oh, all right.  No need to flip your lid.

[Scene switches to Joshua practicing outside by a fountain.]


[He thrusts his sword at the air.]

Ha!  Ha!

[The baron walks on scene.]

I'm impressed.  It's late, but you're still training.

I have no one to rely on except myself.

It is fine for those who can protect themselves.  This is the 7th year
of war.  The people are facing desparate times.  The powerless can only
curse their fate while they die off...

Humph.  You say it like you're a bystander.  It's people like you who
made things the way they are today!

...  You're absolutely correct.  I don't intend to make any excuses.
But, for the same reason, I'm dedicating my life to end this tragedy!

Ha!  I've heard that line too many times!  So, you're going to fight
until the West wins!  Just like the East is doing!

No.  Peace won't come from either side.

!  Then what...

You blame others without taking charge yourself.  You will never
understand.  However altruistic, a bandit is only a bandit.


Think it over.  Good night.

[Scene fades and the party travels to Bahtar Plain.]

1.12- Battle 11: Bahtar Plain

What are your plans once we reach Fort Gusta?

The White Dragon Knight Brigade is stationed there.  Baron Pratau can
assume command again and we'll take it...  !!

[A group of people walk into view.]

Stop right there.  You shall not pass by me!

Who are them?


Godeau?  Godeau, the Grief?  He's one of Queen Mother Agatha's Trio of

Baron Pratau.  You should have remained a guest of the East.  The Queen
Mother wishes you not to return.  I shall satisfy her wish.

?  Queen Mother not like Baron, but why kill?  Too much!

May I say something?  We only came along as guides for the Baron.  We
don't have anything to do with him, so leave us alone!

You're below contempt!

Pay him no heed.  Feel free to kill them all!

Here they come!

[The party severely wounds Godeau.]

Yooooowooo!  I will concede this battle today, but you wait, I will get
my revenge!


What the hell is going on here?  If you're from the West, why are you
being hunted by the West?


Stop it, Pike.  What's the point in asking?  We take them to Fort
Gusta, they pay us, and that's the end of it.

Yeah, I guess so, but...

Fine, then listen.

But, Baron!

It's fine.  It all started with my discovery of information that had
been hidden by the Queen Mother.  Yuggor, the capital, fell to the
East seven years ago.  The royal family escaped to Gardeau.  In the
chaos, the young King Franz disappeared.  Just recently, we heard that
he is alive and held hostage at the East's mining prison.  I immediately
reported this to the Queen Mother to attempt his rescue.  But, she not
only rejected my plan, she tried to destroy me!  Why?  Because it is
her, the Queen Mother, who had King Franz incarcerated!


But, why would she do that to her own son?

Agatha ultimately intends to join the Twin Empire.  She wanted to have
the Empire provide a king, but Franz was in the way.  That's why he had
to go, her own son.

Wow, that's scary.  That's royalty for you!

But, why are you telling us this?

Hm, well, I thought perhaps that you would...

Help you rescue King Franz?  Not on your life!  Let me tell you, it
might not be much, but I like the way I live!


We've wasted enough time.  Let's get moving!

[Scene switches to the West Natra city of Gardeau at the palace audience
chamber where the Queen Mother stands beside the King Gregor on the 
throne and an envoy kneels.]

...  These supplies and men are to arrive shortly.

That's all?  It is far less than I had asked for!  Such half-hearted
support has caused the war to drag on for seven years now!  Why will the
Emperor not commit the elite Imperial army units?  The Twin Empire's
main units should easily put an end to this war!

However, your Majest, that would be impossible.  Committing our major
units would weaken the Empire's ability to defend itself.

Silence!  Who is there to threaten the Empire?  THere are only
ourselves and the weak Church state of Nirvadia!  We must form an
alliance with the Empire to fight the other two countries!

Yes, it is our stated position that we...

Quit obfuscating!  Your Majesty!  Please, say something to this thick

Huh?...  Ah, yes...  We look forward to your support.

Certainly, your Majesty.

Dear mother, I am tired.  This should be enough.

...  Yes, your Majesty.

[Scene switches to a hall in the royal palace where two men talk.]

Well, well.  It's obvious who is in charge!

Indeed...  Rather than acquiescing quietly, the Queen Mother tore into
that Imperial envoy for lack of support.  She is one remarkable woman.

I concur.  She has the inner fortitude to be a true royal leader!

[The two ministers continue down the hall and it is revealed that the
king was hidden behind a pillar, listening.]

....  Damn!

King Gregor...

[A woman spots the king and approaches.]


Please, don't let idle tongues hurt you.

You heard, then?

Yes...  But it's not your fault!  It is all Mother's...  Queen Mother
Agatha's fault!


She is my Mother, but she is also a power-mad ogre.  When my brother
Franz became king, she did not relinquish power.  Worse...


No...  It's nothing.  But, please don't give up!  Don't give into cheap
critism!  I'm on your side!  Even though this was an arranged marriage,
I do love you...


[He holds her close to him and the scene fades.  The party travels to
Fort Gusta.]

1.13- Battle 12: Fort Gusta

[Scene opens with the fort under attack by Eastern soldiers.]

Oh dear.  The East's soldiers are closing in.  We are almost all out of
weapons and supplies too.  Maria, have you any possible solutions?

Hah, that's a laugh!  Didn't I always say we should just ditch this
fort and pull a retreat?  That buffoon of a commander says no, then gets
himself killed first!  There's nothing we can do now.  May as well go
down swinging.

That's so true.  If, instead of our late, incompetent commander, Baron
Pratau or 2nd Captain Agress were here, we White Dragons wouldn't be
facing extinction in this ignominious manner.  I can't understand how
the enemy could have avoided our security alert spells.  They should
have warned us to the approach of the large enemy unit.

Is that so?  So you're saying maybe the enemy already knew the code
spell to lift the security spells?  Somebody must really want us dead.

[The party arrives at the fort.]

Wha-what has happened here?

How do you like that?  The fort's about gone.

How could the White Dragons be so badly beaten?

The fort hasn't fallen yet!  Who is in command?

Reinforcements, do you think?

So now they arrive.  A bit late...  It's the Baron!

No!  Seriously?

It's Gilti and Maria!  They need our help!

[The party kills all of the Eastern soldiers.]


[The party meets up with Gilti and Maria at the fort.]

I'm sorry, Baron.  The White Dragons are...

Stop.  It's enough that you and Maria survived.

Whoo, the Baron sure has good-looking underlings!  That fellow there,
he's got this strange sexiness, and that honey there!

Who're you starting at shinehead?  What's the matter?  My looks got you
all hot and feeling frisky?  Try anything funny, pal, I'll split your
skull and feed it to dogs, get me?

Wha?  That's some vocabulary...

[Scene switches to a campfire that night with the party.]

Godeau, the Grief, is one of Agatha's trio of leaders.  There is no
doubt now that the Queen Mother ordered the Baron's assassination.  That
would mean the security code breach of Fort Gusta...

That is in the realm of conjecture.  However, this was an attempt to
prevent me from joining the White Dragons.

Then it could only mean Agatha is behind this!

Well, now what do you intend to do?  Without your big hope knights, even
you don't stand a chance.

Even so, we must save King Franz!  Unless we eliminate the foreign
powers, we will never see lasting peace.  The foreigners have no
interest in seeing the war end.  Rather than conquering Natra and
rebuilding it at enormous cost, they feel it would be more profitable
to let the war drag on.


But, you are right.  Without the White Dragons, I have no options left.
Joshua, please, may I count on your help?

...  Didn't I tell you already?  I todl you I like the way I live.  Yes,
we did help you save your fort, but that's the end of our charity work.
You probably can't afford to pay us 100000G.  We'll put that on credit!
Pay us when you can!  See you!

[Joshua walks away from the fire.]

Hey, wait up, Joshua!

I come too!  Wait!

[They both run after Joshua and the scene switches to the three at the
Luxar Village tavern.]

Well, this is just great.  We got used for squat.  It would be Vlad, the
oaf that got suckered by that ridiculous 100000G offer.

You vote yes too Pike, you!  That not fair!  I am get angry now!


Hello?  Why so glum?

Maybe I understand some.  Baron and them all good people.  Maybe we not
good not help them.  Maybe this too hard for you understand.  Pike not
care enough.

That's not true!  It was on my mind too!  Lira and Maria, they're a bit
much personality-wise, but looks?  Woo-hoo!

See!  You only think like sleazy rat, not care!

Who're you calling a rat!?

Hey...   Keep it down...

...  Sorry...


I hear they're going to be ambushed in the canyon.

Wasn't it hard to make a trap that complex?

Cash makes the impossible possible.  Still, I do feel a bit sorry for
this certain Baron Pratau...


Hey, fellas!

Pardon?  You!  You're Pike of the Red Wolves!  We're poor!  We have
nothing we can give you, but please don't kill us!

Relax, you know we don't pick on ordinary folks.  We just want to hear
more of that little story you were telling your pal.  

[The man informs Pike.]

Sounds like the Baron's lot is in deep trouble.  The guy said Kumenu 
Canyon...  What do you think, Joshua?


[The party leaves for Kumenu Canyon.]

1.14- Battle 13: Kumenu Canyon

Foolish, foolish, foolish!  You must be angry, Baron!

Damn!  I should have foreseen this!  This is the worst place to be

You should be ashamed!  A member of Agatha's Trio, Thorpe, the Gorgeous,
is too cowardly to fight us fairly?

Ahahahaha!  I won't fall for that silly ruse!  Intelligence is power,
darlings!  Hello?  Who are you to interrupt my party?

[Joshua, Pike, and Vlad arrive.]

It looks like they're still alive.

Here we are, after all!

I think Pike will say no, but Pike come!  Little bit, me think Pike not
so bad.

Stop that!  Getting praised by you is too weird!


[The party deals a critical blow to Thorpe.]

Aiyaaaah!  That hurt, you horrible person!  I've had enough of you
vulgar people!  Retreat!


I can't thank you enough for coming back.

Don't kid yourself.  I'm protecting my investment.  If all your plans
suceed, we want 200000G including what we're owed already.

Fine!  We have a bargain.

...  It's a bit low, don't you think, Joshua?

You be quiet!  Or Vlad pound you!

Before we agree, I need to know something.

And that is?

Even if King Franz returns, we dont' know if he will be a good king.
His long incarceration could have destroyed his mind.  If so, what do
you intend to do?

That won't happen.  It's impossible.  Even...


However, if indeed your worst fear is realized, then kill the King and

Fine.  Good enough.

Good, happy happy.  Now where we go?

We hope to reach Sady in the East, near the prison.

Let's not waste any time then!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Porta River.]

1.15- Battle 14: Porta River

The East's occupied territory is across the river.

That's nice and all, Gilti, but let's not forget our friends here.
These gents don't look like they want us to cross!

Not a single one of them gets across the river!

[The party successfully crosses the river.]

Everyone across?  Let's keep moving out!


[Scene fades to the West Natra city of Gardeau at Queen Mother Agatha's
Room where her three assassins kneel before her.]

You failed to kill the Baron twice...  I find this entirely out of
character, Doom, the Thunder.

Please forgive me for having failed you.

The Baron, he has new mercenaries with him.  They are surprisingly
strong, your Majesty.

They disrupted us at the last second.

Hmph.  There's nothing to be done now.  Having crossed the border, they
are beyond our reach.  The Baron has been branded a traitor for selling
out Fort Gusta to the enemy...  It is amusing to see how he can elude
both the East and the West...  For the time being, keep collecting
information on the Baron.

Yes, your Majesty.

[Doom rises and turns to the other two assassins.]



Most certainly.

[They exit, leaving Agatha and Doom alone.]

Doom, what is the "homeland" situation?

We have bulit forces over seven years.  We're ready.

Good...  My dream shall soon become reality...

[Scene fades and the party travels to Ghote Plain.]

1.16- Battle 15: Ghote Plain

[Scene opens with a group of bandits surrounded another, much smaller

Hehehe...  You have two choices.  Be killed and be robbed of your money,
or hand over your money and be killed!

In other words, you die either way!

Repent, sinners!  Any harm you bring upon a Church emissary is
blasphemy against God!  Have you no fear of hell?

Tell me another ripe joke!  If there's a God in heaven, why doesn't he
stop this war?  I have to do this because we've been burned out of our

I have to admit, I like this more than farming!

This is pointless.  Master Yuri, we will hold them back.  Please get
away yourself!

I can't just leave you.  Like you, I have been trained as a clerical
guard. I can handle myself against bandits.


[The party arrives on scene.]

Look!  Bandits attacking.  Somebody in trouble!

They appear to be envoys of the Church!

Don't tell me we have to save them too.

What did you think, you heartless slug?

That chief envoy...  Could it be?...

[The party kills the bandits.]


Thank you.  You saved us from certain death.  May the Lord's
benevolence shine upon you.

It is good to see that you are unharmed.

Yuri?...  It is Yuri!

?  No.  It can't be.  Joshua?

Look at you!  You look great!

Joshua, you too.  We thought we'd never see you again.  I'm happy to see
you're doing well!

Ah, an old friend?  We should go, however.  You may find it easier to
catch up on old times when we reach the town of Sady.

[Scene switches to a room in Sady where the party talks with Yuri.]

So Yuri, you were heading to the Mining Prison too?

Yes.  The Pope wanted me to evaluate holy artifacts.

Holy artifacts?

It's any artifact from before St. Nirvath's time.  They are occasionally
found underground, but the majority is junk.  On rare occasions, they
are real.  It's my job to determine authenticity.  The new discovery at
the Mining Prison is said to have a direct link to St. Nirvath.  So,
this is a very important job for me.

Whew, now that's something!

I understand you are going there as well?

Well, uh, um...

If you would like, I could help you get in.  You can pose as members of
my entourage for entering the Mining Prison.

!...  But, Yuri...

Baron Pratau, the West's top strategist, I presume.  I heard rumors you
turned your allegiance, but that apperas to be unlikely.  Not if you're
attempting to infiltrate the East's Mining Prison...

So, you have an inkling as to our intentions?

The Church has its own spies.  We have an idea.  Incidentally, I am also
not only here for evaluating holy artifacts.  My other mission probably
is identical to yours.  Let me assure you, we will refrain from any
action to your disadvantage.

Your mission, it pertains to Cardinal Ladorak?

I can't comment on that.

Baron, you're saying?

The Church places cardinals in various countries.  They serve as
representatives of the Pope.  A renegade, like Ladorak, who is meddling
in Natra's affairs, is a threat to the Church's neutrality.

But, that doesn't make sense.  Ladorak's excessive involvement in
Natra's government is nothing new.

The Church deliverately ignored it.  However, what if there is something
afoot in the Church that will no longer allow it?

Very astute.  I see why the Queen Mother feared you.  So!  Would you
like to join my entourage for the time being?

The Prison is an extremely well-protected fortress.  We had no way of
breaking in.  We would be happy to take you up on your offer.

[Scene switches to outside at the top of a tower where Joshua and Yuri

Hey, Joshua!

Hi, Yuri.

The Baron said we should be leaving...  Oh, wow, this view is 

Yeah...  It's strange, though.  Being here with you, all grown up, and
looking out on this view.  I never once expected this as a kid...

Yes, it's true...

But, boy, have you ever changed!  You were the village genius, so I
thought you might lead a different life than us, but a Church
emissary?  Now that is special!  The way you handled yourself like a
diplomat yesterday with the Baron?  Just perfect!

...  I have to play things close to my chest...  These little games of
intrigue, always probing each other's intent...

Wait, I wasn't being critical...

It wasn't always this way.  I entered the School of Theology on the
recommendation of the village priest.  It was my dream.  When the Pope
first spoke to me, I was elated.  But, the more I advanced in the
Church, the more I came to realize.  The Church is just like a monarchy.
It's nothing more than a political background for wealth and power!


I'm sorry.  I shouldn't subject you to this...  Oops!  I forgot,
they're waiting for us.  Let's go, Joshua!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Barm Mt. Range.]

1.17- Battle 16: Barm Mt. Range

How do you like that?  More bandits?  Are there only soldiers and
bandits in this country?

You're one to talk!  What do you think you were?  YOu keep lipping off
like that, baldy, I'll have to fix your attitude!

Yes...  I'm sorry...

[The party kills all of the bandits.]


[The party proceeds and enters the mining prison.]

1.18- Battle 17: Mine Level Three

[Scene opens with Yuri at the warden's office.]

...  So, we'll be with you a while, Warden Mohosa.

Emissary Yuri, as a devout Nirvathian, there is no greater honor than
being a host to an important Church mission.

Bless you.  Your generous hospitality is certain to earn divine approval.
Please, what can you tell us about the holy artifacts found here?

We have encountered a vexing problem.

Pardon me?

Please sir, allow me, Samhin, to explain.  There are presently 137 mine
corridors, large and small, here.  The artifacts were found in corridor
27, one of our deepest digs.  It's six levels deep, but right now, we
can only go as far as level two.  You see, several days ago, the crew
hit a nest of monsters on level five.  To keep the monsters from 
spreading, we sealed off the mine at level three.

Excuse me, you said the monsters are on level five.  Couldn't you simply
seal the nest at level five rather than sealing level three?

We should have, but we were too late.  By the time we noticed, the
monsters had already penetrated up to level three.

I see.  So, if the monsters are removed from the mine corridor, it would
become accessible again, is that correct?

Yes, but...  You're not going in there?

I can't very well leave emtpy-handed.  Of course, I will have to confer
with my colleagues about the monsters first.

Well, if that's the case, I can't stop you...  Warden, sir, what do you



...  So beautiful...



Eh?  Wha?  Oh, oh yes...  Monsters, you were saying?  Why yes,
certainly, we would be delighted if you could get rid of them.  But,
please be careful.  We don't want anyone getting hurt down there.

[Scene switches to a room with sofas and a fireplace.]

Please, do feel free to make yourself comfortable.

Thank you.

Shout if you need anything.  I must be going.

...  So, how did it go, Yuri?

Well, ...

[Yuri explains the situation.]

...  I see.  You wish that we exterminate the monsters plaguing the

Yes.  I may be able to offer something in return.  I will conduct my own
investigation and inform you of my findings.

That sounds equitable.  I agree to your terms.

Thank you.  Ah yes, I also arranged another matter.  You have full
access to prisoners, ostensibly for hearing their confessions.  I hope
that will help you gather information about this barbaric place.

That is indeed a great help!

[The party proceeds down into the mine.]

The guy was right!  These are just ants!

Aside from the fact that they're huge, yes.

[The party kills all of the monsters.]

That's all the monsters on level three.

We'll seal off what we can for now and return later.


[Scene switches to a hallway Yuri is walking down in the prison.  He
tries to open the door to the Warden's office to find that it is 


[Camera rotates to inside the office.]

Samhin, did you get a close look at that Yuri?  Befitting a Church elite,
he had such a sense of purity and class.  It would be wonderful if I
could use him for a ceremony...

Please restrain yourself, Warden.  If an envoy goes missing here, there
will be an outcry.  PLease, I, Samhin will find you all the young men of
your taste you need.

I know that!  My Mother never raised a fool!  Yuri may be desirable, but
he is filth compared to my beautiful Prince!

Yes, sir.

Now, I shall retire with my Prince for the day's session.  Make sure no
one bothers us.  Now, be gone.

[Samhin leaves to the hallway and looks down both ends to find that it
is empty.]

?  Must be hearing things...

[Scene fades and the party travels down to the fourth level of the mine.]

1.19- Battle 18: Mine Level Four

OK!  Here's to another fun day of bug stomping!

Can't you be serious about anything?

He just stupid.  Always like that, Lira.

[The party kills all of the monsters.]

That's it for level four.  Let's head back up.


[Scene switches to a part of the mines where a prisoner is trying to
escape Samhin.]

No!  Please!  Have mercy!

Be quiet!  You're only helping the Warden.

No!  If I go, I'll be killed!  No one's ever come back from helping the
Warden!  Ohma, Simam, they're dead!

I see you need persuading!

[Samhin pulls out a whip and starts to whip the prisoner.]


[The party arrives in the mine to witness the whipping.]

What's going on here?

!  You're with the Church!

[The prisoner runs over towards Joshua.]

Please, please help me...

What seems to be the trouble?

This con needed to be taught some discipline.

Liar!  He's going to sacrafice me to the devil!


Don't be ridiculous!  This boy, he's only been with us a while.  He's
just a little confused.  It's a misunderstanding.  You, hold yourself
together!  Excuse me.

[Samhin leaves the mine.]

Are you all right?

Thank you.  I owe you my life.

You mentioned the devil?

Warden Mohosa dabbles in black magic.  He sacrifices good-looking young
men for his blasphemous ceremonies.


Two a month, sometimes as many as five, are led away.  None come back
alive.  Several days later, they are found mutilated.  Mohosa conducts
his ceremonies in a hidden room deep in the prison.  He's supposed to be
helped by a divinely beautiful person of royalty.

Royalty?  Could it be...

[Scene fades and the party enters the fifth level of the mine.]

1.20- Battle 19: Mine Level Five

The one in the middle looks different!

It must be the boss!  We have to kill it!

[The party kills the boss ant.]

That's it.  We can reach the artifacts on level six.  We should tell
Yuri right away.


[The party travels back to tell Yuri.]

...  So, we cleared out those monsters.  Now, you can go to the 6th
underground level whenever you like.

Thank you, that is truly appreciated.  I finally found out about the
Warden's secret ritual chamber.

Then it's true?  The rumors of young men being killed to satisfy
Mohosa's depravity?

Yes.  Who knows where he learned those tricks?  His rituals are so poorly
conducted, they couldn't even summon lowly demons.  The number of
sacrifices is much more than the real thing, however.

So, a psycho killer who, on top of that, worships the devil.

There is also a noble said to be imprisoned there.  I think it is safe
to conclude it is King Franz being held captive.

Yuri!  So, you were...


Fine, I will come clean with you.  We aim to restore Franz to power and
expel foreign interlopers from Natra.  Now that you know, what do you
intend to do with that knowledge?

As I stated, I will no work to your disadvantage...  Please trust me.
Ah, there is another thing.  Thanks to you, I can finally see the real
holy artifacts.  I intend to go to the 6th level now.  Would you care to
join me?

[The party travels to the sixth level of the mine to find a holy 

Whoo, will you take a gander at that!  I was imagining something cozy,
but this is a whole temple underground.

Yes.  I've never seen anything of this size.  This may well be the
genuine article.

Funny writing.  Vlad not know this language.

Hm?  This is ancient Ruzze script.  Let's see...  Sog yoggoth...  With
me you shall arrive, and with me you shall fall...

[A deep rumbling is heard.]

!   What's that noise?  Waah!

[A small earthquake occurs.]

It seems to have quieted.  Hm?  Over there!

[At the end of the temple a dais rises with a tome on it.]

We've got some funny-looking company!

[Guardians materialize by the tome.]

Intruder alert.  Extermination mode on.

Oh, no!  I must have summoned the guardians!

1.21- Battle 20: Mine Corridor 27

[The party kills all of the guardians.]


That was the last of them.

[Yuri approaches the tome on the dais.]

This, this is written by St. Nirvath himself!

?  There seems to be some commotion above...

I have a bad feeling about this.  Let's go!

[Scene switches to the mining prison.]

What?  What is happening here!?

It's a riot!  The prisoners started rioting after the earthquake!

This could be our chance!  We can rescue King Franz in the confusion!

Your involvement could cause diplomatic problems.

I don't think I would be affected.  Mohosa held King Franz without the
government's consent.  If word of this gets out, even Mohosa should
realize it would be his downfall.  Anyway, we should hurry.  The rioters
may cause King Franz harm.  I will show you the way to Mohosa's secret
ritual chamber.  Please hurry!

[The party follows Yuri to the chamber.]

1.22- Battle 21: Mohosa's Secret Chamber

Ah, my esteemed guests, you are back safely!

Warden, there's something wrong!

Stand aside, vermin!  We are here to save King Franz from your wretched

Whaaaaat?  You were after my lovely Prince all along?  You'll have to
die for that!

[The party critically injures Mohosa.]

Arrgh!  I must retreat!  Samhin, take care of them!

What?!  Warden, that's impossible!

[The party fatally injures Samhin.]

What?!  Warden, that's impossible!


!!  Look!  The rioting prisoners are coming up behind us!

I'll go ahead and make sure the King is safe.  Everyone else should stay
here to keep our escape route secure!

!!  Wait!  The King is...  


[Scene switches to the private chamber of King Franz as Joshua enters.]

!  You, you're King Franz?


I'm Joshua.  I don't have time to explain, but I'm not your enemy.  I
came to rescue you!


I guess this is too much of a surprise for you.


?  Hello?


[Joshua waves his hand in front of King Franz's face.]

You are alive, right?



Your wish is my command, Master...

Wha-what's the matter?

[Baron Pratau enters the room.]

Ah, the King is safe!  Joshua, we have secured our way out!  We have to

Wait.  There's something wrong with the King.

I know.  But right now...

What?  What do you mean, you know?  Are you telling me you knew that the
King was like this from the start?


What the hell are you thinking?  What are you going to do with that,
that, zombie?

There's no time to explain!  We have to get out now!  Or do you wish to
just die here like a dog?

!...  But, what, why?...

[Scene fades to black with the words...]

As the chaos of the riot raged, I wielded my sword like a blood-soaked 
demon.  My only thought was to escape the forsaken dungeon.

I cut down all those who got in my way, be they prisoners or guards.

I couldn't think...  I couldn't let myself think.  It would have meant 
losing everything I believed to be true...

As I fought, the King stood mute, oblivious to the gory pandemonium.  
His eyes, dead and devoid of light, witnessed nothing...

                           Chapter 1 -- End

                              Chapter 2 

[Scene opens at Yuggor, capital of East Natra with Jacob of the Blood
Knights and Cardinal Ladorak, along with a messenger.]

The riot spread throughout the mine, shutting it down completely.  Major
equipment such as bores have been entirely destroyed.  It is estimated
it would take at least three years to get the mine back up.  Warden
Mohosa, the facility manager, is missing.

I don't care about that bungling fool!  Didn't the oaf realize how much
we depend on the mine for our war effort?


We must minimize this.  If the Western swine get wind of this, they will
seize the opportunity to attack us en masse.  Lay a strict gag order,
control information, and prevent leaks!

Yes, your Holiness.

[The messenger leaves the room.]

The mine was our lifeline...  If it is out for three or more years, we
would suffer the longer the war goes on.

It is distasteful having to borrow more funds from the leeches of
Vernantze.  We need to find a quick end to this war.  To do so, we'll
need royal approval.  Jacob, where is our delightful Majesty?

King Nicola is still ensconced in his bed.

What?  Wine and women already?  Pathetic.  With such a blighted leader,
we may not survive these trying times.

He certainly has changed in the past few years.  The spirit he had at
the time of E. Natra's founding has disappeared.  Perhaps, Cardinal, you
should become King in his place.  I, Jacob, am forever indebted to you
for saving me as a child.  If you so desire, I will be happy to lay down
my life for you.

Jacob.  Thank you.  Your words give me courage.  However, if it were
only so easy, I would have done it long ago.  'Royal lineage' is
absolute for winning the hearts of the masses.  However, things cannot
continue this way.  What to do...

[Scene switches to the party surrounded King Franz, who sits in a

Whoo, nope.  He's gone clear through and out.


Baron.  How about an explanation?

The King became this way probably before the war.  So, it happened
before Agatha and Ladorak's joint rule fell apart.  At the time, Queen
Mother Agatha ruled with King Franz as her puppet.  However, he began
exhibiting extraordinary talents as King.  Agatha felt threatened that
her power would erode as the King grew older.


However, though in name only, Franz was the King.  Also, as her only
son, she could not bring herself to murder him.  Instead, she killed him
in soul only by use of black sorcery and poison.

Whoo, nice story.  But, if the King was like this, wouldn't someone have

Agatha's spell is incredibly evil.  Watch.

[Baron Pratau approaches King Franz.]

Your Majesty, the coronation speech, please.

[King Franz rises out of his chair.]

I am the 45th Sacred King of Natra, Franz I!  I wish to extend my
welcome to the esteemed persons gathered here today.  I wish to thank 
you for joining me in my moment of coronation.  This shall be a 
memorable event not only for myself, but the entire kingdom...

That is enough.

[King Franz sits back down.]



Vlad surprise!  How you do that?

Though his soul is dead, he is a perfect mimic.  He can speeches from
memory.  Also, he is capable of much more.  He can be made to fight or
dance expertly.  He even speaks foreign languages.  Of course, he has to
be taught these things.  And, they have to be triggered.

So he's a soul-less clockwork puppet...  Perhaps his lack of a soul
enables him to act so precisely without passion.

His ability to learn is far beyond normal...

What the hell is the matter with you?  We went through hell to get that
pupper out!  What are you doing with him?  Are you going to be the 
puppet master instead of the Queen Mother?

That is exactly what I intend.  But, I will not be alone.  I will
establish a system in which all Natra people will control the country's 
destiny with King Franz as the symbolic leader.

I see, a constitutional monarchy.

Yes.  But we also need the King's support now.  If we were to simply
proclaim the explusion of foreigners and establish a true democracy,
how long will it take to get the message out?  And, even if they agree,
who would be willing to die for those beliefs?

To sway the masses, you need a simpler story...  So the triumphant 
return of a young King who had been jailed by his mother.

Does it disgust you?  If so, as I promised when you agreed to help us,
kill the King and I.



Without your help, we would have failed.  So, our fates rest with you.
Do what you feel is right.

...  It's too early to be making that decision.  I'll need to see how
real your ideals and commitments are for a while longer.

Whew...  We should be moving, then.  We should travel south to the port
of Aposs and find a ship.

Port have fish to eat!  Vlad happy!

...  (If this document from the mine is true...  But, then what have I
been believing in all this time?...)

What's wrong, Yuri?  You look pale.

Nothing.  Nothing's wrong.

Is that right?  That's fine, then.


Yuri, may I have a word with you?  I must ask you for your help with the


While we travel toward Aposs, we are likely to encounter trouble such as
enemy pursuit.  If we are forced to fight, we ask that you lead the King
to safety immediately.

I understand.  Yes, I will do that.

[The party travels to Killea Bog.]

1.23- Battle 22: Killea Bog

The East's soldiers!  They are after the rioters!

[The party kills all of the soldiers.]


[The party camps at Mastha Canyon.]

This area brings back memories.

Ah, then you're from these parts, Yuri?

Yes, a small, peaceful village named Polata.

So your childhood pal, Joshua's from there too.

Where Joshua?  He not here from while back.

He said he was going for a look around.

Joshua must have gone to Polata without knowing!

Is there something he should know?

The war destroyed the village just half a year after it started.  There
isn't anything left...

[Scene switches to Joshua arriving at the ruined town.]

!!  What...  What happened here?  Damn!!

[He collapses to the ground.]

Is someone there?


[Joshua gets to his feet and sees a woman.]

!  You, you can't be!


Princess!  Princess Adele!


Princess?  Adele?

[Another man arrives next to the woman.]

Here you are, we were worried...

I'm sorry Mahler.  I...

!!  Who's there?!

Adele?  Is it really you?

[The Friar puts himself between Joshua and Adele.]

Answer me!  Identify yourself!

Wait, Mahler, he is...

Look out!  There are monsters around!


[Several undead arrive in the town.]

Damn, monsters!

Princess!  Friar Mahler!

[Four more men arrive.]

Quickly, come here!  We're surrounded by monsters!  We will leap with
the princess!

Yes, Friar!

[The four men surround Mahler and Adele.]

!  Wait!  Mahler!

Ready?  Now!

[The four men teleport themselves, along with Mahler and Adele.]

What?  Where?

Hey, Joshua!

[The rest of the party arrives.]

Tch, monsters!  Joshua is surrounded!

1.24- Battle 23: Ruins of Polata

It's not bad to be rescued for a change, huh, Joshua?

Yeah...  I'm sorry everyone.  (It was Adele I saw, but...)


[Scene switches to the chamber of Graud where Godard stands by his side
as Friar Mahler kneels.]

You wretched fool!  What if the Princess had been hurt by your 

Please, forgive me, Master.  But, the Princess had long wished to see
what became of her birthplace.  And, I had felt so sorry that she has to
remain indoors all the time...

So you cast a spell to leap with her there.  Had you fouled up, she
could have been lost forever in time!

I beg for your mercy!  It will never happen again!

He seems repentant.  That will do, Godard.

But, Master Graud...

That is enough.  You can go.

Thank you, your Lordship.

[Mahler exits.]

I can understand why Adele wanted to get out.  Godard, how much longer
must we endure living in hiding like thieves?

Just a short while longer, Master.  When the time is ripe, we shall
present Princess Adele to the most suitable faction.  You, as her
guardian father, shall be rewarded with wealth and glory.

I've listened to that tripe for seven years already!  Even my patience
is wearing thin.  Was that old letter even true?  When I first saw it, I
was shocked.  I heeded your advice and disappeared.  But, that story is
too far-fetched!  Adele is the daughter of King Zekras?

Ah, but it is indeed genuine.  The King's handwriting has been verified
as true by knowledgeable followers.  Which means Princess Adele has a
rightful claim to Natra's throne...

Humph.  You fail to convince me.  Your creepy underlings don't appear
trustworthy.  You never mentioned you were the leader of some new 
religious cult while at the Byron Manor.

Not a new religious cult, Master.  The Kudur Cult is a 150-year old
off-shoot of the Nirvathian religion.  However, for predicting that the
world would end in the Holy Year 1000, the Pope at the time called us
heretics and made the Cult disband.

Well, there.  Your cult is disreputable!  Even you, the leader, you 
don't believe the wrath of God will smite us soon.

'The end of the world' and 'the wrath of God' are merely ideas used by
leaders to keep the ignorant masses under control.  Of course, those 
lies, repeated often enough, beget fanatics who are willing to die for
them.  Fanatics make the best soldiers!

Your crass religious views disgust me, you atheist.  I pity your
followers.  If they only knew you as a charlatan...

Hehehe...  Now, that is very harsh of you...

[Scene switches to outside Adele's room where she stands on the 

...  That man I saw in the old village...  Was it really Joshua?  But...

Princess, the night's chill is not healthy.

[Mahler joins Adele on the balcony.]

Mahler.  I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble.

Please, think nothing of it.  You are to save the Kudur Cult from
decades of unjust opression.  For you, Princess, I would gladly do

I am concerned about that, Mahler.  I don't think I am a person who has
that kind of power.  I know you mean well, but the teachings of your
Kudur Cult...  The prediction that the world will soon end seems so

It is the end for those who defy the Lord.  The world's evils will be
swept away, and you will lead us to the holy land.

Stop it!  I said I don't have any special powers!


You saw what happened to my village.  I couldn't fulfill any of my
obligations as a noble.  I could do nothing while the village burned and
the people died!


[Adele collapses on the floor.]

I have no power at all...  I'm here just because your people allow us to

[Scene fades and the party travels to Dybosa Ridge.]

1.25- Battle 24: Dybosa Ridge

What, more cannon fodder?  Haven't had enough yet?

[The party kills all of the enemies.]


[The party heads to Aposs Village.  Gilti enters a room where the entire 
party is standing, with the King sitting mindlessly.]

Good news, I have arranged for a ship.  The ship itself was easy.  A
black marketeer agreed to carry us for a fee.  But, because of tightened
security, the departure permit was hard to get.

Good work.

Where's our little cruise taking us?

The trading city of Naska.  We shall seek out the governor, Duke Lorentz
Kleuth, for protection.

Duke Kleuth?  Of the powerful Kleuth clan?  Isn't he one of the most
respected leaders of East Natra?

Yes.  The war forced us to take sides.  However, we have been friends
for decades from our school days.  I know him as a man of honor and
integrity.  I am sure that he will come to our help when hu understands
our intentions.  Also, three months ago, I sent 2nd Captain Agress of 
the White Dragons as an envoy and received his approval.

You had foreseen this situation three months ago?

I apologize, but I needed to keep it secret.  The Queen Mother moved far
faster than I anticipated to stifle me.  As a result, I ended up falling
prisoner and losing the White Dragons.  Forgive me...

Please, Baron.  It is your foresight that made it possible to rescue the
King and obtain Duke Kleuth's support.  Incidentally, Yuri, may I 
inquire as to your plans?

While examining the document from the mine, I discovered there are
artifacts nearby that may shed some light on St. Nirvath.  The closest
one is on Zabu Island.  I intend to carry on my survey there.

Zabu Island is on our way to Naska.  Yuri, you have provided us with so
much help for rescuing the King.  May we have the pleasure of escorting
you to Zabu Island?

That would be excellent!  Thank you!

That's perfect, then!

[Scene fades and the party leaves for Aposs Port.  Scene opens with the
party next to a ship and Gilti talking to the captain.]

Let me confirm just once more...  You are to deliver us to the trading
city of Naska by way of Zabu Island.  After we arrive at Naska, we ask
that you keep your silence about us.

Hehehe...  You have my word my man!  Hm?  Who the devil is that?

[Mohosa arrives with several soldiers.]

At last!  I found you!  My Prince!

Oh sheesh, it's that freak from prison!

He chased us all the way here?  That's tenacious!

What?  What is happening here, my man?  You never said anything about
being pursued by that lot!

Well, you never asked.

You must be joking!  If that's the way you want it, we're dropping out
of our end of the bargain.

You've already taken payment, you can't...

I'll show you what I can do!  Shove off, boy!

[The black marketeer pushes Gilti off the ship, leaving the King and 
Yuri on board.]


Come on, raise anchor now!


Wait!  Wait for them!

Not on your life!  The soldiers will catch us all!

[The ship begins to set sail.]

Damn!  Yuri!  Franz!


Baron, I promise!  I will keep Franz safe!

[The ship leaves the port.]

Ungwaaaaargh!!  Where do you think you're taking my Prince!!

Yow!  He's scaring even me!  What a freak!

I'll show you!  I'll get you to talk where my Prince went!  My delicious 
torture will make you talk long and loud!

1.26- Battle 25: Aposs Port

[The party critically wounds Warden Mohosa.]

Argwarggghaaaah!  I'll get you!  One day, I'll torture you good!

Wait!  Get him!

[Mohosa teleports away from battle.]


[Scene opens at a room in Aposs Village.]

It's my fault entirely!  If only I had never trusted such a corrupt

It can't be helped.  No one could have foreseen the persistence of
Mohosa.  We can only hope that Yuri will safely deliver his Majesty to
Naska.  We ourselves must devise a way of reaching Naska as soon as we

This is a tough one.  The way things are, we're not about to find
another ship.  But, an overland route's risky.

Why don't we try a totally different approach?  We first swing up to
Yuggor, then head toward Naska.

Whoo, are you feeline sane, Joshua?  Yuggor is the East's capital!  You
do know they're on the other side, right?

Joshua's idea is bold, but it is also sound.  The enemy won't be
expecting us to take a roundabout way, especially going through their
capital.  That will catch them off their guard.

So, we shall hide in plain site among the enemy.  Fine!  That idea will

[Scene switches to a road where Adele and Mahler are walking.]

What is it, Mahler?  Is something on my face?

Oh, no...  It is just that you seem happy today, Princess.

I'm looking forward to seeing the children.

The children of the orphanage?

Yes.  At first, I began helping there because I wanted to do something
for the children who lost their parents and homes.  But, I came to
realize it was I who was being saved by the children.  I felt needed.  I
felt like I meant something.  I feel grateful for it.

Princess...  ?!

What is it, Mahler?

Over there, Princess!

Smoke?  The orphanage!  The orphanage is over there!

[They run to find the orphanage destroyed by the flames with nothing 
left but a doll.]

!!  No!  This, this is terrible!

Blast!  It is probably the handiwork of bandits.

Why?  Hadn't these children suffered enough?  What more does God want?
Is there no mercy in his heart?


Never!  I don't ever want to experience this again!

[She collapses to the ground, crying.]

So long as the war goes on, tragedies will repeat.  It is because the
godless chose to fight over pride and greed...

I...  I want power.  I want the power to protect the people.  To rid
ourselves of war.  For that, I would sell my soul to the devil!

Princess!  I am deeply impressed!


[Godard arrives on scene.]

You are a true noble, willing to sacrifice yourself for the people!  I
long hoped your emergence as a true monarch!

[Adele gets back on her feet and faces Godard.]


[Godard kneels before Adele.]

Wield us as your sword, your Majesty!  The Kudur Cult shall give our
lives to the realization of your dream!

[Scene fades and the party travels to the Tehapi Dunes.]

1.27- Battle 26: Tehapi Dunes

What the heck are those?  Crab legs?

Yum!  I love crab!  Very delicious!

[The party kills the giant sand monster.]


[Scene switches to Zabu Island where Yuri is examining ruins with King

So these are the artifacts of Zabu island...  Your Majesty, as soon as I
finish, I will take you to Naska.  Please wait.


If I recite the holy script here...  Sog yoggoth...  With me you shall
arrive, and with me you shall fall...

[A mild earthquake occurs and a dais rises just as before with a tome
on it.]

That's it!

[He picks up the tome and begins to read.]

...  !...  ...  ...  It is the same.  But, this can't be...  St.
Nirvath was the destroyer of the world?

[King Franz grabs and his head and begins to collapse.]


Your Majesty?


[Yuri runs over to the King.]

Your Majesty!  What is the matter?  Please, calm down!


How interesting...

Who's there?!  Is anyone there?!

[Godard reveils himself.]


Who, who are you?

A Church emissary?  Yuri, you are...


And yoru mission...  Collect evidence of Cardinal Ladorak's meddling in
Natra's affairs to have him ex-communicated...  SO, Pope Pir 12 must not
have long to live...

You, you're reading my mind?


And resonating with me is King Franz?  Now, this is remarkable!

Stop!  Get out of my head!

[Yuri begins to cast a protective barrier around himself.]

Fuhuhu...  It's futile to resist.  Your absolute faith in St. Nirvath
has been shaken to the very foundations!  You cannot shield yourself
against my spells!

[Godard dispels Yuri's barrier.]


Fwahahahaha...  Farewell, Yuri.  I imagine we shall soon be crossing
paths again.  For I can see that your soul is already drawing closer to
the dark side!

That's not true!  Stop!


[Godard teleports away.]


[Scene fades and the party travels to Liuki Checkpoint.]

1.28- Battle 27: Liuki Checkpoint

A checkpoint here?  We never expected this.

We can't turn back now.  We'll have to take it.  We can make it appear
as if it was attacked by bandits.

[The party kills every soldier at the checkpoint.]


[Scene switches to a dark dungeon where Jacob enters.]

Manon, you captured Warden Mohosa?

I most certainly have, Sir Jacob.  Right this way.

[Mohosa is tied up and severely beaten.]


You deserted your duties at the Mining Prison!  You'll be tortured and
hung for your treachery against the state!

I...  want to... torture, but not... me...

Of course, you pathetic worm!


Why did you not report to us when the riot started?  Even a half-wit
like you must have known you cannot elude us for long.



Prince...  Get him back...

What are you saying?  Spit it out!

[Mohosa explains...]


King Franz is alive?

You worm, you kept that from us all this time?

I must inform the Cardinal in Yuggor.  This freak needs to answer many
more questions.  Don't kill him while I'm gone!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Yuggor.]

Hoo-hah!  It's great to be in a bit city again!  After all our time in
the wild, I'm raring to check out the city's wild side!

Can't you be a little serious?  We're deep inside enemy territory!  Try
to stay alert!

(You're alert enough for the both of us, lady.)

You were saying?

Huh?  Me?  (Uh-oh!) Um, no no, I didn't say anything.  Um, by the way,
Baron, how long are we staying in Yuggor?

I need to think before heading for Naska.  I need some time to check a
few matters.  You should catch some rest now.

[The rest of the party heads towards the inn.]

Good evening there, my good colleague, Joshua!

Uh-huh...  What's the matter with you?

Going we are to a pub.  Join us you will!

Pub?  A fact-finding mission?

My good chum, Joshua darling, you're off base.  A pub is where fine
gents such as ourselves vent a little steam.  And, my rigid pal, we are
not going to just any drinking establishment!


Arrrgh!  Would you believe how dense he could be?  What I'm saying is,
we're going to an adults only pub, the city's best!

But, but...  Pike, we're...

That's quite enough of that sort of quibbling.  The ladies have retired
for the night and the Baron has not returned.  I dare say this is an
opportunity begging to be taken advantage of.

What?  Even you, Gilti?

Joshua come.  We all vote yes, argue no more!

Blast!  I never expected this!  I had no inkling of King Franz's
incarceration at the mine!

If what Mohosa told us is true, Baron Pratau, the leader of the 
abduction gang, is thought to be hiding in the country.  I believe we
should capture them first.

We need to discuss matters with King Nicola...

[A soldier enters the room.]

Excuse me, your Holiness.

When will the King be down?

Unfortunately, I searched everywhere throughout the palace, but his
Majesty was nowhere ot be found.

He's not here?  This is a critical time!

[Scene switches to the adults only pub.]

So here I am after all.  Sorry, Adele...

Quit your moping already and have a good time!  You're so uptight, the
women have been saying maybe you swing the other way.

What?!  Who's been saying that?  ...  It's Maria isn't it?  That little

So Joshua, you can play the entire field?

No, no.  There's some kind of misunderstanding...

I dare say I would be happy to play with you.

Wa-wait.  Would you quit staring into my eyes?

[A crash is heard.]

Hey!  What are you doing!?

I...  I'm terribly sorry.  I...

Sorry won't cut it!  you ruined my clothes!  OH wait a second, aren't
you a pretty little thing?

I...  Um...  Ah...

Rosaly, you nitwit!  You again!  I am so sorry, sir!


No, no, no harm done.  It's nothing, my good man.

Hm?  Ah, well then, please do enjoy yourself.

So, my lovely, you're Rosaly?

Please, please stop!

Oh, don't be afraid.  I'm a wealthy soul!  Hm?  What is it?

Rosaly...  Is that you, Rosaly?


It's me, Joshua.

Joshua?  Big Brother?

Here, you.  It's very rude of you, she's spoken for.

Shut it!  Just shut up!


This, this can't...  Nooooooooooo!

Rosaly, wait!

[Scene switches to outside the pub where Rosaly is crying.]

...(sob)...  Big Brother...

[Joshua catches up to Rosaly.]

Rosaly...  Why did you run?  You are Rosaly, right?


Rosaly...  I...

No!  Please, stay away from me!

?!...  Rosaly...

I'm so ashamed...  You saw me at the pub...  You can guess what I do for
money, can't you...  I dont' just serve drinks to customers... I...

Stop it, I don't care about that, Rosaly!

Whoah, pal, that's enough of that.


[A man arrives on scene.]

Pal, you're not allowed to take our girls outside.  I'll just have to
teach you a lesson not to break our rules, pal.


No, don't!  Stop, Clive!

Clive?  You mean...

But, Rosaly, you know we have rules...

No, he, he's Big Brother.  It's Joshua!

What?...  Well, how do you like that?  It is our old friend, Joshua!


Hey, it's been years!

What the hell...


What the hell is the matter with you?


Stop it, Big Brother!

Weren't you in love with Rosaly?  You make the woman you love do this?
What kind of a man are you?

Heh...  Yeah, you can be high and mighty about it, Big Brother!


What do you know about us?  After Polata was razed, we had to struggle
on with nothing but the few crippled survivors!  How could you presume
to even know us?

Clive!  Please, stop!

Do you even know how your mother died?  YOu deserted your family and the
village to chase your selfish dream!  When your own family was in the
deepest trouble, where the hell were you?


Stop!  Don't say any more, Clive, please...

Damn it!  Do you think I enjoy having Rosaly do her job?

That's enough, Clive.  We better go back.  Big Brother, I'm happy you're 
fine...  Good bye...

Damn, damn...

[Clive and Rosaly leave together.]

...  I...  What have I been doing all this time...

Get out!  This isn't a charity, get out!

You insolent swine!  I, I am the King!

No king would try to dine and dash!  You lying oaf!  Keep that up and
I'll get the law to deal with you!

I do not lie!  Get back, you lowly swine!  I, Nicola Atkin Natra, am the
rightful King of Natra!


[Joshua turns to see Nicola on the ground outside the pub.]

Who's that there?  Shoo, I'm not a sideshow!


?...  !...  Why, you, you're, what was it now, Joshua!

[Scene switches to a bridge where Joshua and Nicola talk.]

You surprised me.  I never expected the King to be sneaking about among
the common people.

I may be royalty, but for the large part of my life, I was a lowly
drifter.  This is nothing new for me.


What's the matter?  Why so glum?  I remember you as a boy, you had much
more energy and enthusiasm.


But, then again, it was 10 years ago wasn't it?  It would be odd if
nothing changed about you...

...  I just had a horrible experience.  I'm still in shock...  I don't
know anymore.  I don't know what to believe in anymore...


10 years ago, I wanted to change my life.  I wanted to live for my dream
and ideals instead of being just swept along.  Even now, though my dream
has changed, I still have my ideals...  So, I believed it was right to
fight with my life...  But, when I see myself, all I see is a murderer
bringing only more misery.


Tell me...  What should I do?  You should know.  Because it was you who
taught me to believe in my dream!  Please, tell me.  Just like you did
back then.  That people can do anything if they have the will.  That we
should never abandon our dreams!

...  Naive...


So naive!  Still wet behind your ears!


You grew in size, but you haven't grown up!  What can one man do?
Nothing!  Change destiny?  Hah!  Don't make me laugh!


Look at me!  I swore I would save the country.  I did everything within
my power.  But, what happened?  The country is torn.  We are mired in a
war with foreigners feasting on our misery.  The masses die of war and
starvation.  And, worst of all, hatred has never burned brighter!
Whatever the justifications for war by the royals and countries, without
hatred, this war among ourselves wouldn't have reached seven years!  It
had to happen because of the implacable will of destiny!

...  crock...


That's a load of crock!  So, you're saying what happened here isn't your
fault?  It's the fault of the masses who continue to fight out of 
hatred?  No!  You've chosen a life of boozing without taking 
responsibility?  I won't accept that!

[Joshua draws his sword.]

You wish to kill me?  Fine, do as you wish.

[He puts his sword away.]

No.  A coward like you isn't worth killing.  I won't end up like you.
What I started, I will see through to the end.  To hell with destiny!  I
won't give up until my dying breath!  I'll fight till I can no longer

[Joshua leaves.]


[Scene fades to next morning in the city of Yuggor.]

Yo, Joshua, where did you disappear to last night?  You took off without
telling us.  You had us worried.

Sorry, it was nothing.  We better get focused.  We need to meet up with
King Franz and put an end to this war.

Hm?  You sound really fired up.

Yes, as if you came to terms with something.

I found a way to reach the city of Naska.

You're saying?

We don't have much time, so I will explain later.  But, we must leave
the capital immediately.

[The party leaves for Yuggor Station.]

1.29- Battle 28: Yuggor Station

I see, we're going to use the East's rail system.

The train to Naska should be leaving now.

Then we should just take over that train.  Huh?

[Jamir and many Black Knights appear.]

Hah!  You fools walked right into our trap!  Sir Jacob was right to
watch for you here!

[NOTE:  At this point there is a glitch in the game where it says
"Maria" for the dialogue but it has Pratau's image and the text bubble
appears to be coming from Pratau.  I have listed it as "Maria" though.]

But why?

When we lost your trail in Aposs, Sir Jacob realized that you may swing
up to Yuggor to throw us off the trail.  It looks as if Sir Jacob was
smarter than you!


This is perfect for me!  I shall make you tell me everything.  The
whereabouts of King Franz, your plans, all of it!

[The party proceeds to critically wound Jamir.]

Damn!  I'll let you go today, but never again!  The next time will be
your last!


[Scene switches to the party onboard a train.]

We're making good time.  At this pace, we should reach Naska in almost
no time.

Tch!  It might not be that smooth a ride...

[The party turns to see a train approach on a parallel track with Black
Knights onboard.]

Use our train for escape, will you?  How audacious!  I, Manon, the Ice,
shall teach you to never be so bold again!  By the command of Sir Jacob,

[The knights prepare to board the other train.]

1.30 Battle 29: East Railroad

[The party critically wounds Manon.]

How dare you insult me!  I will leave today, but I will never forget
this humiliation!


[Scene switches to a chapel where Mahler kneels before Godard.]

There was only one exception in the test.  Otherwise, all subjects, from
infants to the aged, responded.  And, that is how the test report ends,

Fine, find.  It is a satisfactory start.


Why the glumness?  You seem displeased by success.

Master...  Is such dreadful sorcery truly necessary for our salvation
and deliverance?  Its power is nothing short of calamitous.  It seems so
much like the devil's work.

Mahler, have you forgotten that judgment is imminent?  There is no
longer time to await the redemption of the depraved and corrupt!  For
the eternal continuation of mankind, we must not hesitate to rid 
ourselves of sinners by whatever means we have!


The Land of God will not arrive without sacrafice!  Throw away your
tears!  Do not be weighed by guilt!  Understanding this, your
extermination of sinners leads to the redeption of their souls!  Trust


[Scene switches to Adele inside a holy temple.]


[She practices casting a spell of flame on a nearby dead rat.]


Bravo, Princess!

[She turns to meet Mahler.]

Hello, Mahler, you were watching?

[He nods.]

I'm ashamed.  After all that effort, I could only manage a flame that

Oh no, mere mortals could never attain even that.  In just days of 
training you have managed to light a flame.  It is impressive.


[She turns to open a door and look outside.]

When I was a child, I hated being a noble.  I always thought of 
escaping, so I could live free as I chose.  But, something happened and
I realized the futility of that dream.  That day, I vowed to face my 
destiny without shirking.  I swore to live proudly as a noble as did my
Grandfather before me.


It's a vow I had forgotten I made...  But, the killing of the orphans
brought it back.  The noble's way of protecting the weak even at the 
price of death!  I will live that way.  I don't know how much I can do,
but I will do my best!  I will take pride in my royal blood and fight to
the end!

Princess...  (Fear not, Princess, please follow your ideals without
hesitation...  I, Mahler, shall be only too happy to be your shadow and
take all blame...)

[Scene fades and the party travels to Naska City.]

Well, here we are.  I hope we can find Yuri.

We should gather information on them.

[They travel to the bar to get information but are not successful.]

It's no good.  We haven't seen or heard about Yuri.  COuld they have
been attacked by pirates on their way here?

Excuse me, are you looking for Yuri?

Indeed, we are.  But, who might you be, sir?

I thought so!  I was told to look for a group of people who mutter a lot
to themselves.


Oh, excuse my manners!  I run an inn in town.  Yuri visited me several
days ago.  He asked that I look after his brother until his friends

!  Listen up, pal.  That brother, is he...

He appears to be mute.  Yuri said he lost his voice from the shock of
seeing his parents killed.  It's a shame that someone so young and
beautiful be so afflicted.

Indeed, that sounds like him.  Kind sir, would you take us to see this
young man?

Why, certainly.

[The party follow the Innkeeper to the inn.]

Right this way, please.

[The party enters a room to find it empty.]

Excuse me, but there appears to be no one here?

[The door shuts.]


[Joshua runs over and tries to open the door.]

No!  It won't budge!

Sir, what is the meaning of this?

Isn't it obvious?  I have only captured enemies who threaten our

Damn!  An East Natra lackey!

Bite your tongue!  I am Leon Kleuth, son of Duke Lorentz Kleuth!  East
Natra is the rightful power!

You're Lorentz's son?

What's up here?  Wasn't the Duke a friend of the Baron?  I thought he
was supposed to be helping us out.  So, why's his kid acting this way
against us?

Master Leon, there must be some kind of mistake!  Please confer with
your father, I am certain he could explain...

[Camera switches to the other side of the door.]

Silence!  How dare you foreigners, enemies no less, approach us Kleuths
for help!  Your impudence sickens me!

[Camera switches back to the party.]

Damn!  We were tricked!

You coward!  You stinking gigaslug-eater!

Wait, stop, Maria, don't provoke him...

[Gas starts to fill the room.]

?!  What the hell is this?

!!  It's some sort of gas!  Don't...  inhale...

[Scene switches a cell where Joshua and an old man are captive.]


Ah, you've awakened.

Who?...  Where am I?

We are beneath the Gabhul Castle.  I am...

!  Someone's coming...

[Leon enters the dungeon.]

How are you, Father?

Hm, you ask me that after locking me up here?  You want to know how I
feel, you blinkered fool?!

Father?  Then you must be...

Precisely, I am Duke Lorentz Kleuth.  It saddens me that I must welcome
you to Gabhul Castle this way...

Father, please bear with me just a while longer.  The royal knights will
arrive shortly from the capital.  As soon as the foreign enemies are
turned over, I will set you free.

Fool, to turn them over is to sell out the country!

You've got it all wrong!  We're not...

Silence!  You tried to take advantage of my Father's mercy to sully the
honor of the Kleuth name!  I won't allow it!


Father, please be assured, I have taken every effort to keep his
Majsety, King Franz, in comfort.

That's only expected, you fool!


Leon, listen.  No, please listen to me.  I know how you cherish and wish
to protect the honor of the Kleuth name.  But, if the country is lost,
what good are the royals or nobles?

We have argued that point to exhaustion...  I am disrespecting your
wishes, Father, but I know I am doing what is right.  I am certain that
you will eventaully appreciate what I have done today.

[Leon leaves.]

OK, I see what happened.  But, we're stuck.  THere isn't anything we can
do right now...

Not necessarily, not all hope has been lost.  We may still have a 

[Scene switches to a large room where King Franz sits and Leon


Your Majesty...  It is horrible, what your very mother inflicted upon
you...  But, have no fear, our King Nicola is a man of great stature.
It has been six years since I had the honor of meeting King Nicola.
However, I remain impressed to this very day of his wise and fair
demeanor.  I am certain that he would treat you, a blood relative, with
utmost care.


[A servant enters the room.]


Hm?  What is it?

[The servant whispers into Leon's ear.]


The royal knights have arrived from Yuggor?


Excellent!  Show them in right away!

[Scene switches back to the cell.]

So, Yuri delivered King Franz and just left?

Yes, he said he wanted to examine other artifacts.  He seemed strangely
agitated, as if he was worried about something.

Someone's coming...

[The rest of the party enters the dungeon.]

Ah, Joshua!  You're safe!

Gilti!  Baron and everyone else!

[Gilti releases Joshua and the Duke.]

It's been a long time, Duke Kleuth!

Ah, Baron Pratau.  Then, our friend?...

Yes, we were freed from our cell.  But, we must hurry to save King Franz.
The royal knights are already here.

[The party travels upwards to Gabhul Castle.]

1.31- Battle 30: Gabhul Castle (Part I)

[The party encounters Jamir and Manon, along with many Black Knights.]

Damn, not them again.

How did you get out of the dungeon?

No one gets past us alive!

We don't have the time to waste.  Hurry!

[The party critically wounds Jamir.]

Tch!  I got careless again!  I'm pulling out!

[The party critically wounds Manon.]

I'm retreating, but don't get cocky!  There won't be another fluke
victory for you!


[The party proceeds through the castle and the scene switches to a large
room with Franz, Leon, Jacob, and many Crimson Knights.]

!!...  Wha-what is the meaning of this?  Please explain, Sir Jacob!

I will keep it simple for you.  For the crime of murdering King Franz,
you will be punished by death.

But, I haven't...  You intend to kill King Franz?

We can't have that living corpse reappearing.


But...  The King!  Does even King Nicola wish that?

You are surprisingly slow on the uptake...  If this puppet was to
reappear, who stands to lost the most?  King Nicola!  This is also a
heaven-sent opportunity to be rid of the meddling Kleuths!

How, how dare you!

[Jacob signals one of the knights to hold Leon while he approaches with
a sword.]

That's enough talk, don't you think?  Time for both of you to die!

[A servant rushes Jacob and smacks him back.]

What?!  What do you think you're doing?


[The Servant reveals herself as the soldier, Agress.]

What?  Who are you?

[The rest of the party arrives.]

We made it!  Good work, 2nd Captain Agress!


[She nods towards the Baron.]

Agress?  Agress, the Swift?  THe second in command of West Natra's White
Dragon knight brigade?


[Agress and all of the Crimson Knights draw their swords.]

2nd Captain Agress was a woman?

You're not getting away with anything now!

You'll be nothing without Franz!

[Jacob attempts to cast a spell at Franz.]

Watch out, your Majesty!

[Leon runs in front of Franz and is hit by the spell, collapsing.]


Y-your Majesty...  Please, step back...

Yes.  I understand.  I will step back...

[Franz flees.]

Y-your...  Majesty...

[Leon fully collapses to the floor.]

Damn!  You'll pay for this!

1.32- Battle 31: Gabhul Castle (Part II)

[The party critically wounds Jacob.]

Arrgh!  I fouled up!  I'll have to put off sending you to hell until the 
next time we meet!  You wait for it!


[The party and the Duke surround the dying Leon.]


Leon!  Hold on!

Father...  I was a fool...  It, it is my fault...

Leon.  Don't say anything...

Father...  You are a great man...  I, I always respected, loved and took 
pride in you...  But, the greater you became, the less significant I 
felt...  I wanted to one day surpass you...  Bu-but, failing that, I 
always wanted to help you in any way...  But, I failed even that.  My
rashness has brought this upon us...  Urgggh!

That's enough, Leon!  It is over...

Fa-father...  It, is his Majesty...  safe?

Your quick action spared him from injury.  It was an act of great 
bravery...  I'm proud of you, Leon, my son!

I, I'm glad...  Majes...

[Leon dies.]


[Scene fades to black with the words...]

Silently, the wheels of history had begun turning.  Slowly but 
inexorably...  The Goddess of Fate, in her pitiless march, ground under 
all in her path,  impassive and implacable.  Before her, generations of 
ancient tradition, honor and glory meant nothing.  Destroying every 
remnant of the past, from the most sacred to the ugly and profane, the 
Goddess of Fate marched on...

                             Chapter 2 -- End

In the Holy Year 977, the eighth year of Natra's civil war, a third 
faction appeared to equally contest the deadlocked armies of East and 
West Natra.  The new faction was led by King Franz who had returned to 
history's stage.  It was formed by a coalition of powerful East and 
West Natra leaders including Duke Kleuth and Baron Pratau who 
established the capital in Naska.  As Central Natra, the new faction 
quicklky attracted the support of the masses.  Its success came from 
King Franz's charisma and the contempt the people felt toward East and
West for their inability to end the war.

                              Chapter 3

[The party travels to Zopart Valley.]

1.33- Battle 32: Zopart Valley

We finally finished getting Central Natra established, but all we do is
hunt down bandits.

Quit complaining, Pike.  We have to do this so we can concentrate on
fighting the West and East when the time comes.

You really think so?

Yes.  And the bandits we are after this time are particularly ruthless.
They operate out of their Daboll Mt. hideout.  We can't let them do as
they please anymore.


What's wrong, Agress?

...  enemy.


[Many bandits arrive.]

Yikes!  Central Natra knights!  If they're heading to Daboll Mt., they
must be after our hideout!  But, not if they can't reach it!

[The party proceeds to kill all of the bandits.]


[Scene switches to the hideout on Mt. Daboll where nearly all of the
bandits have been killed by Mahler and fellow cult members.]

Damn!  Who, who are you?

Sinner...  Face the wrath of God!

[The bandit is struck down.]


That was the last of them?


Good, for your first time, you have acquitted yourselves well!  But,
this is merely an extension of our training!  Our Crusade will demand
much more than hunting bandits!

Yes, Master!

[Adele walks out of a nearby building.]

I never realized how horrible war is...

Yes, but it cannot be avoided.  Those killed were vile sinners who were
beyond salvation...  Princess, you appear pale.  I should have not
brought you to witness this.

No, Mahler.  I asked to be here.  I have the duty to see what war is
with my own eyes.  I have to see it all, the tragedy, the ugliness, for
me to attain my dream...


[A surviving bandit sneaks up and grabs Adele with a bomb in his other



Don't move!

Blast!  There was a survivor!

Don't anyone move, or the girl dies!

[The party arrives.]

What happened here?  The bandits are all dead!

Who could've done this?

Over there!  Look!

There's some sort of a showdown happening.

What?  No!  It can't be!

[Joshua runs over to Adele.]

Wait!  Don't be so rash...

Release the Princess!  We will spare your life!

Liar!  You expect me to believe that?

[Joshua sneaks up behind the bandit and frees Adele.]


!  You, you're...

You swine!  How dare you!


Stop!  Don't provoke...

Damn you!!

[The bandit blows himself up with the bomb.  Joshua and Adele are
thrown from the top of the hideout from the blast.  The scene switches
to a cave where Joshua has made a fire while Adele rests.]


Are you awake?  Adele?

...  Where...  Where are we?

We fell down the canyon.  Nocturnal monsters are prowling outside, but
we should be safe here.

You, you're Joshua?

Yes...  I never expected to see you here.


[Adele backs away.]


Get away from me, you murderer!  I won't ever forget that you killed

...  I know that...  For eight years I hoped to one day make amends to

[Joshua unsheaths his sword, drops it into the ground, and turns his
back to Adele.]

Take that sword and kill me...



You think I can't do it, don't you?!

No!  It was me who took Lord Kossimo from you.  I know my life won't
make up for your loss, but that's all I can offer...


[Adele picks up the sword.]


[She drops the sword and Joshua turns to face her.]

What's the matter?

I won't do it, but it doesn't mean I've forgiven you!  I'm just 
returning the favor for saving me from the bandit!  Next time, I won't
hesitate to kill you!

[She goes to leave the cave but Joshua blocks her path.]


Wha-what is it?

Didn't I say it's unsafe outside?  It'll be dawn soon.  You should wait
at least until then.

It's better than being here with you!

Stop!  Urghh!

[Joshua collapses to his knees.]


[He falls completely to the ground and Adele backs away.]


[She walks over to check him.]

There's so much blood!

[Scene fades and Joshua wakes up in the cave some time later.]



!...  Did you dress my wounds?  But, why?  I'm your sworn enemy...

I don't know!  You devil!


Why did you bring me here?  You were horribly hurt.  Why did you do it?

I don't know why.  I just did.





Please tell me.  Why did you kill Grandfather?

It was...


[Joshua stands up.]

No, forget it.  It happened...  Anything I say now would be only self-
serving justification...

Stop that!  Don't you think I have the right to know?  Don't be a coward
and tell me!


[Joshua tells Adele what really happened.]

...  That's what happened?

Yeah...  But, I'm not even sure what really happened.  Maybe it wasn't
Lord Kossimo who was insane.  It could have been just me.

I feel a little better that you told me...


Grandfather's death has become more mysterious...  But, what you told me
has lifted some of the pain I harbored all this time...

But, what I told you could be a total lie.

It's all right.  I don't have the time to be caught up in my own
vendettas anymore...  As a noble, as a royal, I have a duty I must

A royal?  Adele, what have you...

I have to go!

[She turns to leave the cave.]

Joshua, please listen to me.  Please, leave the army.  I want you to
live freely somewhere unharmed by war!  If not, we could one day...


Joshua...  Farewell!

[She leaves the cave.]

Wait, Adele...  Adele!

[Scene fades and Joshua meets up with the rest of the party.]

Worried I was, very much!

I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter now.  It is good you are safe.

Who do you suppose slaughtered the bandits?

It's neither the East nor the West's standard units.

[The party travels to Gabhul Castle.  Scene opens one month later at 
Central Natra's HQ where the Baron and Duke are sitted at a table with
other generals and advisers.]

There are major uprisings among the masses who are seeking independence
from the East and West.  THey will join Central Natra.

We now have a third of Natra under our control.  Now that we have 
established a foothold, I believe we should strive for our ultimate
objective, the reunification of the Kingdom.  Objections?

How could there be any objection?  I have long dreamed of this day's

I concur.  We should move to the next step.  Who shall we strike first?
The East, or the West?

May I offer my opinion?  East Natra is guilty of imprisoning King Franz
for seven years.  We therefore should bring justice upon them in the
name of God!  By doing so, it coudl be shown that justice lies with
Central Natra.

That argument has merit.  However, the Queen Mother, who turned the King
over to the enemy, is equally guilty, if not more so.

Please stop for a moment.  Before giving thought to avenging the King's
honor, let me remind you that this is war.  We must focus on victory,
and what we must do in order to attain it.

Then, Baron, may I inquire as to your thoughts?  Which should we turn
to?  The East, or the West?

As you know, the Mining Prison was the East's lifeline.  It is reported
that it will take at least two years for it to reopen.  Also, because we
occupy the port of Naska, the East is cut off from its trading partners.
Our trade blockade should worsen its coffers.  Also, Vernantze's much-
needed financial support has become less generous.

That's typical of Vernantze's bean counters.  They must see the East as
a bad investment without its mine and trade.

Yes.  I believe so.  There is more.  The much-rumored debauchery of King
Nicola has become common knowledge among the masses despite the best
efforts of Ladorak.  The East has already begun collapsing from within.
It will fall on its own.

So, you propose we concentrate on the West.  Baron, I imagine you
already have a plan in mind.  Share it with us.

I propose that...

[The scene fades and switches to the rest of the party in another room
as Pratau enters.]

I see, Central Natra's main units threaten the border as a diversion
while our group sails behind the enemy lines.  We travel inland and
capture Fort Dantess to cut off the West.

Exactly.  The West depends almost entirely on funding from the Twin
Empire.  It has to, it has no natural resources or commerce.  By cutting
the West's lifeline, we will hasten our way to victory.


Heh?  Agress, did you say something?


Can you speak up?  I really can't hear you...

How dare you mock Agress!  I won't allow it!

No, I'm not joking, I swear!


[Agress approaches Lira and whispers in her ear.]

Yes, Agress?  Hm?  If this plan succeeds, we will be able to squeeze
Gardeau between ourselves and the Central Natra army.


Yes?  I see.  However, it also means we may be caught between the West
and the Twin Empire if things go wrong.


Yes, hm?  Whatever happens this is an important undertaking.  It is a
challenge worthy for us, the new White Dragons!

[Agress backs away from Lira.]

I could never have said it better myself, Agress!

Can you believe that?

[Scene fades and the party travels to East Pava Sea.]

1.34- Battle 33: Pava Sea (East)

Ahhhh!  I like sea!  Good feeling!

Heurgh...  I'm (urp!) seasick...

Hehehe!  The poor baby have an upset tum-tum?

Put a lid (urrp) on it, baldy!  Keep it urrrp, and I'll heave all over 


Is something the matter, Agress?


Really!!  But, I can't seem to find their ship anywhere...

...  down.

[Gilti looks over the ship to see pirates flying over the water.]

Oh!  How did they get there without our notice?

Next time, interrupt us if you see something!

[The party proceeds to kill all of the pirates.]


[Scene switches to East Natra Palace where Ladorak is talking to King 

What?!  After all that has happened, you wish to negotiate peace with
Central Natra?

Indeed, your Majesty.  It is regrettable, but we no longer have the
power to remain at war against the West or Central Natra.  No, to be
honest, we may not even have the means to hold the country together.

So, you propose we go to our enemies and beg for peace and for handouts?
Have you no shame?

Your Majesty, we have no use for vain pride!  And, unlike the West, we
share sufficient common ground with Central Natra.  They propose to
eliminate factions supported by foreigners.  Since we stopped receiving
Vernantze's support, there is no impediment to alliance.

We didn't stop receiving, they stopped giving.

Please, your Majesty.  Even if we sign for peace now, it is only for
weathering the crisis.  We should pretend to only be their ally, and
strike them from behind when we have recovered sufficiently.

[Nicola becomes enraged and approaches very close to Ladorak.]

Some shepherd of God you are!  How could you be...

It is all for you, your Majesty, and the kingdom.  Your Majesty, you 
will negotiate peace with Central Natra?



I will never be part of such a cowardly act!  Don't ever bring this
matter up with me again!

[Nicola turns to leave the room.]

Your Majesty, please!  Please wait!  Please reconsider my proposal!
It is our only hope!

Silence!  Quit repeating yourself!

[Nicola leaves the room to an empty hallway.]

What I started, I will see through to the end...  All I can do is to
play the devil's part and drag down the parasites of the East with me...
That is how I will settle accounts, Joshua...

[Scene switches to The Queen Mother's room at the West Natra capital of

Tch, how could I have misread matters so much?  I had underestimated
Baron Pratau.  I thought that even if he managed to free Franz, I 
thought he would never escape the pursuit of both the East and West.

I felt the same way.  We had no idea that he was well-connected to Duke
Kleuth, the power broker of the East.

And, Franz has become a puppet king again...  Me hesitation to kill him
has brought disaster upon us...


When I married into this family, I threw away my status as a woman.
When I killed my son's soul, I should have discarded my role as a 
mother...  But I could not make myself kill him...

Your Majesty...

[Camera switches to outside the room where Minea is listening.]

(!!  So, Mother did harm Big Brother Franz...)

[Scene fades and the party travels to West Pava Sea.]

1.35- Battle 34: Pava Sea (West)

Strange...  There wasn't a cloud in sight...

I've got a bad feeling about this.  !!

[A "ghost" ship appears next to the party's ship.]

Waah!  It's a haunted ship!

[Many Kudur Cultists appear out of thin air on the ship.]

Who's on board?  People?

[Mahler appears on the ship.]

Pay heed, White Dragons!  I am Mahler of the Kudur Cult, and a loyal
servant to the Lord!  I am here to visit divine justice upon you and
cleanse your sinful souls!

Kudur Cult?  You mean the religious nuts?

Indeed.  They claim the world will end in 1000.  They are a fanatical
lot who attack churches and wealthy merchants.

Mahler!  Since you are mere mortals, your claim to mete out divine
justice is laughable!  Why do you wish to bring harm upon us?

It is God's will!  There is no need for discussion!  Kill them all!

[The party critically wounds Mahler.]

Urggahh!  You infidels...


Give it up!  You're cornered!


Mahler, answer me!  Why does the Kudur Cult consider us a target?

Tell us truthfully, and we will spare your life.  Could it be that your
leader has ties with the West?


(That Mahler...  He was with Adele at the bandit hideout...)

Humph!  Don't think you've won!  Take that!

[Mahler casts a spell and hits a part of the ship, setting it on fire.]


You can drift until you die of thirst and hunger!

[Mahler teleports away.]

No!  He got away...

This is bad!  He destroyed the ship's rudder!

If we don't act now, we'll be washed out to sea.  We got to find the
nearest land!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Domingo Village.]

It took some doing, but we managed to land.  However, we have strayed
considerably farther west than we planned.

Wait...  There's something odd about this village...

It does seem too quiet.  Hm?

[Some villagers appear.]

Kill you kill you kill you kill you kill you...

Die die die die die die die die...

Kill kill kill kill kill kill...

Whoo, what is wrong with these people?!

It's obvious they are behaving abnormally.

(They're acting like Lord Kossimo that night...)

But, they appear to be ordinary villagers.  We can't harm them!

Die die die die die die die die...

[A man wearing armor appears.]

You there, don't hesitate!

[He kills one of the villagers.]


Kill them!  They'll feast on you if you don't fight!


1.36- Battle 35: Domingo Village

[The party kills all of the zombie villagers.]


What happened to those villagers?  Tell me, who are you?

There is no point in telling you my name.  But, heed this, beware of the
Kudur Cult!

The Kudur Cult?!

[The swarthy man leaves.]

Hey!  Wait!  Wait, I said!

[Scene switches to the Kudur temple where Mahler kneels before Godard.]

So, you did not see the Baron's party dead?

Please forgive me, Master.  However, without its rudder, their ship
could not have sailed on safely.

Ah, it won't matter.  I am almost ready to move.  Once I do, even the
White Dragons will not be able to end the war.  In fact, the war will
spread across the Rognant continent for the blood of sinners.


Incidentally, how is the experiment progressing?

Our latest test was held at a village on the coast of W. Natra.  There
were no exceptions this time.  All subjects began killing each other.
However, the scope of effectiveness is still limited in area.

Hmmm...  Continue with the experiments and refine the spell further.

Yes, Master.

[Scene fades and the party travels to Nugasso Forest.]

1.37- Battle 36: Nugasso Forest

!!  This must be a border patrol!

What?!  What are enemies doing here?

Our presence must not be known!  Don't let a single one escape!

[The party kills all of the soldiers.]


[Scene switches to Ladorak's office at the capital of East Natra where
a envoy is talking to the Cardinal.]

What?!  Pope Pir 12 is on his deathbed?

The specialists claim he has mere days left.

That can't be...  I wasn't informed of this!  I had no idea that his
Holiness had been sick for half a year.


You swine!  You deliverately kept this from me!  You thought that I
would try to do something while the Pope still lived!

Please.  His Holiness has not yet left us.

Don't make me laugh!  You only came to tell me after you were certain
that he won't survive!

You are free to believe whatever you wish.  However, if the Pope dies,
his successor will be chosen after six months.  At which point, a major
review of Pir 12's foreign policies is anticipated.  You may be summoned
back to Nirvadia if need be.  Be prepared.

[The Envoy leaves the office.]

(This is a calamity...  This cannot be...  Pope Pir 12, why have you
chosen to die now?  I have lived for your promise to be appointed your
successor if I merged Natra with Nirvadia...  I have worked so hard to
realize that dream...  Without your backing, my enemies in the Church
will come out in the open...  For my obeying your orders to rule Natra,
they will crucify me for subversion!  They may ex-communicate me from
the Church!)

A bleak situation turned worse, Cardinal...

?!  Who are you?

[Godard appears.]

The Nirvathian religion is dominant here.  To be expelled from Church
would be the same as being sentenced to die...

Who are you?  Guards!  Guards!  Come...

[Godard kneels before the Cardinal.]

Wait, Cardinal!  Have patience.  I bring you a gift that could save you
from your terrible predicament...


Please consider, this is the East Natra palace...  It would be simple to
have guards arrest me at once.  Also, had I wished to hide from you, I
would never have shown up here.

Fine, then.  Tell me what you have to say.  But, make one false move,
and I will call the guards to have you beheaded.

Fair enough.  I wish you to see this document.

[Godard hands Ladorak the paper and he reads it.]


Did you find the contents of interest?

You have King Zekras' daughter under protection?


Humph...  Quit wasting my time!


A document like this can be easily forged.  Did you believe for an 
instant that I would be tricked by this?

But, Cardinal!  The document is genuine!

There is no likelihood of it being authentic.  But, fine, for the sake
of argument, let us assume it is real.  How would it be useful?  What
good is the lost daughter of Zekras now?  Depose Nicole and install this
Princess Adele as E. Natra's ruling monarch?


That's ludicrous!  Is that your idea of a trump card?  In my
desperation, I gave my attention to the likes of you, but that is it.
Guards!  Come here and capture this scoundrel!


Guards!  Come here at once!  Answer me!  Guards!

Save your breath.

What did you say?

Save your breath, I said.  Shout all you like, but no one will come.
The guards have slept at my urging.

You, what have you done?

[Godard stands up and approaches the Cardinal.]

Minnows like you should defer to a higher power.  Your concerns are
merely trivial.  Have I not said this will benefit you?

[Godard emits a wave of energy and pushes the Cardinal back.]

Uggah!  Y-you exude intense spiritual p-power...  I-I don't know you
from among the powerful spellcasters of this continent.

Fufufufu...  You claim to not know me?  I think not.  You most certainly
do know of me...  Hear me, for I am...

[A white light fills the room and when it dissipates Godard is gone and
the Cardinal is on his knees.]

N-no...  That can't be...

[Scene fades and the party travels to Killaba Swamp.]

1.38- Battle 37: Killaba Swamp

[Scene opens with the swarthy man facing Kudur Cultists and Mahler.]

I found you at last, you Kudur devil!

Who are you?

I'm here to avenge the village of Lowitz!

Lowitz?  Ah, one of our first test sites.  So you must be the one who
failed to respond to the spell!

Yes!  I am Hammet.  You will die for destroying Lowitz!

Destroying?  We are not to blame.  It was the villagers who did the
actual killing amongst each other.  For all your self-righteousness, you
yourself killed then too.

I will atone for my sins after I see you in hell!

[The party arrives on scene.]

Look!  Some Kudur Cultists!

And that man we met before!

Ach, the White Dragons!  I thought you perished at sea, you 
blasphemers!  This time, we'll be sure to finish you, together with our
test failure!

[The party critically wounds Mahler.]

Beaten by infidels again!  It is God's test!  I will retreat today, but
I will be back!


How about telling us now?  Who are you, and how are you connected to
those people?

I am the sole survivor of one of these experiments.


The same as the one you saw when we last met.  They are testing a spell
that drives people into a killing frenzy.


I apepar to have a natural immunity to it.  While the others were still
afflicted, I somehow snapped back into sanity.  But, they have refined
the spell so there won't be exceptions like me.  But, it may be better
for the victims to not regain sanity.  So they won't have to realize
what they have done...  I killed my own parents before I...


But why would the Kudur Cult conduct these tests?  Do they intend to use
it on the field of battle?

They belive that by wiping out non-believers by the Holy Year 1000, the
world will be spared from destruction.  They must think that profane
spell will hasten the demise of sinners.

Religious nuts with weapons, just great!

We will have to keep the Kudur Cult in mind from now on, in addition to
our enemies of the East and West.

[Scene switches to outside the East Natra palace where Manon is leading 
Nicola up a series of stairs to the top of the palace.]

Manon!  Where do you intend to take me?

We are almost there, your Majesty.  The Cardinal is awaiting your
arrival at the top of the stairs.

What is the need for this secrecy and stealth?  We could have discussed
this in the palace!  Who does Ladorak think he is?

[Manon and Nicola continue up the stairs to the top.]

What is this?  There is no one here!

We have been waiting for you, your Majesty.

[Jacob and Jamir appear.]

Hm?  Ah, Jacob.  And Jamir too.  The three elite royal knights wish to
see me?  Whatever for?

[Jacob signals over to the edge of the roof and they walk over there,
cornering the King.]

Your Majesty, we are here for your life.

[They all unsheath their swords.]

What?  Have you lost your mind?

Take this!

[Jacob and Manon deeply cut the King.]

Ugwah!  Thi-this can't...  I-I won't...

[Jamir takes the final swipe and knocks the King off the edge.]


Not to worry.  The moat has been turned into a portal of time.  The King
will never return from limbo...


Is he dead?

[The Cardinal appears.]

Yes, Cardinal.  My men should be finished sanctioning the ministers who
refused to endorse your plan.

Good...  W-well done...

Cardinal, please forgive me, but was this truly necessary?  I feel this
is an extremely dangerous gamble...

Of course it is!  Do you question my decisions?!  It is not like you to
forget your place, Jacob!

Please forgive me, Cardinal.

Good...  W-well done...

[The Cardinal leaves.]

There is something wrong.

I beg your pardon?

Have you not noticed the Cardinal's behavior in the past few days?  He 
has been acting odd, as if he was terrified of something.

Is it perhaps because of his bold gamble?  However bad the King was, it
must have been hard deciding to kill him.

I wonder about that.  I have never seen him so worn out.  He remained 
calm even when he and the Queen Mother Agatha killed King Lagore, and
when he betrayed Agatha thereafter.  Also, the plan he devised is sloppy
and illogical.  It is so unlike him.  Why would he gamble on some woman
who is said to be the lost daughter of Zekras?

Could it be, he is being blackmailed by someone?

I don't know...  We need to investigate this...

[Scene fades and the party travels to Erawaga Falls.]

1.39- Battle 38: Erawaga Falls


Tch, Kudur fanatics again!

Traveling with you was a smart idea.  It gives me more opportunities to
slaughter these monsters!

Don't get reckless!  Here they come!

[The party kills all of the Kudur cultists.]


[Scene switches to a room where Adele and her Father are talking.]

Father, I have come to say good-bye.

Ah, Adele.  So, you depart for Yuggor, the royal city, today.

Yes.  Father, I will never forget your kindness in raising me, in spite
of our lack of blood ties.  Thank you.

It is all God's will.  As your father, there would be no greater joy if
you continued to work for the arrival of God's land.


As weak as I am, I too will pray for the hastened coming of the Day of
Cleansing.  Be strong.  You should go.

[Adele leaves and camera switches to outside the room in the hallway.]

...  (Father seems to have become a changed man in the last half year.
He's become gentle and pleasant, but he also seems oddly mechanical...)

[Godard walks down the hallway.]

Princess, is anything the matter?

Godard.  No, there is nothing.  Oh, wait.  I have heard rumors that 
Kudur Cultists are attacking churches and shops.

Fwofofofo...  It is probably the work of a handful of misguided fools
who got somewhat too exuberant.  Of course, I shall correct them.  It is
a trivial matter of no concern to you, Princess.


Today, Princess, is the glorious day that you take your first step as a
member of the royalty.  Your ascension will soon result in the freeing
of the masses from the horrors of the interminable war.  There could be
few days as this, so full of joy and historical significance.


Are you ready to depart?  The carriage from the royal city should soon

[Scene switches to the font line of the Central Natra Base where the
Duke and advisers are sitting at a table.]

Our forces have broken through in three areas.  The enemy has drawn back
20 miles today, and continues to retreat.

Our offensive has not stalled once yet.

It is remarkable.  Our main units were intended only to create a
diversion.  However, at this pace, we may be able to take the West's
capital ourselves!

No, complacency is fatal.  So long as their supply route exists,
reinforcements could arrive from the Twin Empire.  This is a critical
moment.  We must proceed with all caution.

Incidentally, the East appears to be in turmoil.  Cardinal Ladorak
apparently seized control by deposing King Nicola.

It's incredible he would mount a coup now.  It would only lead to chaos
within the country.  They just moved closer to complete collapse.  It
must be a desperately terrible situation.

[A messenger enters the room.]

There's serious trouble, sirs!

What is the meaning of this?

An enemy suddenly appeared among our ranks and wiped out the royal
guards.  The enemy entered King Franz's quarters...

[All at the table stand up.]

Impossible!  We are far removed from the front.

How many enemies did you say?

Just one man.  But, he appears to use spells!

Are you out of your mind?  Are you suggesting that the royal guards
could not stop one intruder?

Y-yes, sir.

We cannot allow any harm to befall upon King Franz.  We had better see
for ourselves.

[Scene switches to outside the King's quarters where many guards lay

Urrrghh...  It entered the King's quarters...

It tore through us on its own...  It's a monster!

[The Duke and advisers arrive on scene.]

Clear the way!

What?!  This, this is terrible!

Where is the enemy?

[All of the guards draw their swords.]

Here it comes!

[Mohosa exits the building carrying Franz.]

Hur-hur-hur...  My Prince!  I finally found you!

!!  This freak did this alone?

I looked so hard for you!  My darling Prince!

You abomination, unhand his Majesty!

Huh?  You really make me angry!  I'll show you the power Master Godard
gave me!

[He begins casting a spell.]


[A white flash envelopes the area and the scene fades.  The party 
travels to Kiskana where they have a meeting.]

Because of our damaged ship, we have been much delayed.  But, finally,
we are close to reaching Fort Dantess.  Our main units are winning at
the border area.  We have to do our share.

[Gilti enters the room.]

I'm sorry to be late, but I have amazing news!  The East's Cardinal
Ladorak deposed King Nicola in favor of a new leader!


That is amazing.  Who is the new leader?

Apparently, King Zekra's daughter by a mistress.


I can understand your surprise.  It had been thought that King Zekras
sired only two children, Julius and Lagore.  Apparently, the daughter
was born to the King's mistress, a Byron.

The Byron clan?

Yes, I believe the daughter's name is Adele.


Is something the matter, Joshua?


What could have possessed Ladorak to act so rashly?  The East is already
racked by financial problems and instability.  A coup now could only
cause confusion and resentment.

Maybe he just pitched a fit out of desperation.

Unlikely.  Ladorak has managed to maneuver his way around many crises
and remain firmly in the seat of power.  A wily schemer like him would
not resort to desperate measures easily.

I don't claim to understand politics, but there seems to be a little
more to this coup than meets the eye...

[Scene fades a the party travels to Randahl Plain.]

1.40- Battle 39: Randahl Plain

[A soldier walks onto the plain and looks around.]

I must have shaken the pursuit...  I've got to get these papers to
Baron Pratau.

Kukukuku...  You are wrong to assume you escaped me!


[Many soldiers surround him and Godeau reveals himself.]

You are so impudent to sneak so far into West Natra all alone.  You must
think us incompetent!  Take this to your grave!

[A spell is cast and strikes the soldier.]


[The party arrives on scene.]

Look!  Our soldier being attacked!  Bad trouble!

But, what is he doing here?

Ah-hah!  I chased a small fry, but it led me to you!  I never expected
to see such esteemed personages here!  It is your bad luck you faced me,
Godeau, the Grief!  I shall beat you thoroughly through and through,
then you shall tell me everything!

Damn, it's one of Agatha's trio of terror!

[The party critically wounds Godeau.]

Yooowch!  I won't forget this!



Hold on!  Don't give up!

Ba-baron...  Ta-take these or-orders...

[He hands a piece of paper to the Baron.]

What is this?

As, as s-soon as p-po-possible...

[He dies.]

Hold on!  Come on!

I'm sorry...  His wounds were too deep.

Baron, what does the document say?


[He reads it.]



We have been ordered to return home.

Are you kidding me?  Why now?  We're almost at Fort Dantess!  They want
us to give up and go home?



King Franz has been abducted by the East.


As a result, our main army has begun withdrawing.  Even if we were to
take Fort Dantess, we would be isolated on our own.  It is terribly
disappointing, but we have no choice but to retreat quickly.

But, if they kidnapped the King, they don't intend to kill him right
away, huh?  We should still continue fighting the West.

No, they were deviouis in abducting the King.  If the King was to be
killed, there would be confusion, but not to the extent of total chaos.
In fact, we would be able to unify the masses by seeking revenge.
However, what if the enemy revealed the King's true condition?


If the masses realized that we used the King as a puppet to rally their
support, they would never forgive us.  Even if we made that lie out of
our hope to bring peace to them...

I had always intended to reveal the truth to the people when this ended.
I also intended to kill myself for atonement.  However, if the truth is
revealed now, all my sins, all the sacrifices we made will be all for
naught.  We must avoid at all costs.

We can't act until their intentions are clear.

We had better return to the capital...

[Scene fades and the party travels to Killaba Swamp.]

1.41- Battle 40: Killaba Swamp

If it isn't the gaudy hag of the Trio!

You dare mock my style?  I shall teach you some lady-like manners, you
vulgar little harpy!  I will make you regret everything you said!

[The party critically wounds Thorpe.]

Aiyaah!  I remembered, I have an errand to run!  I must leave!


[Scene switches to Ladorak's office, where the Cardinal talks with

Bu-but, that kind of massive bloodshed...

Fwofofofo...  Afraid, are you?  But, have you any choice?  You are
facing excommunication, you do realize.  For your survival, you must
shatter the authority of the Church of Nirvath.

But, but...

[Jacob enters the room.]

That's enough!



Cardinal, I thought there was something wrong.  You, I don't know how
you blackmailed the Cardinal, but you don't frighten me!  To prevent
this from happening again, I am taking your head!

[Jacob unsheaths his sword and approaches Godard.]

Fwofofofo...  Now, you are amusing.

[The Cardinal backs away.]

N-no, Jacob!  Don't!

Fear not, Cardinal, this charlaton is no...

[Jamir and Manon enter the room.]

Ah, Jamir and Manon!  You chose a good time to arrive!  I was just
getting ready to rid ourselves of this scoundrel!

[They both face Jacob and unsheath their swords.]

!!  What is the meaning of this, you two?

Fwofofofo...  They have already been converted!


Please, sheath your sword, Sir Jacob.  We cannot permit you to show
disrespect to our Master.

Indeed, the wrath of God will befall upon you.

[Jacob puts away his sword.]

What are you two saying?  Snap out of it!

Fwofofofo...  It is no use, they are my converts now.

Master is right.  We have accepted the teachings of the Kudur Cult and
let divine joy into our souls, Sir Jacob.

Sir Jacob, we urge you to join us.

You are blessed to have such caring subordinates.

No!  I have my own free will!  I don't know what you did, but I will
never become your profane disciple!

Humph.  Your free will, you say?  Then, let me show you how weak and
frail your free will is.


In just two days I will have cleansed your soul.

(Forgive me, Jacob...)

[Scene fades and the party travels to the Domigo Ruins.]

1.42- Battle 41: Domigo Ruins

Our ship should be berthed up ahead.


Kukukuku...  We have found you!

This time, we shall have your heads!

Damn, the Trio again!  What?!  You!!

Fufufufu...  It's been a long time, Baron Pratau!  As the head of the
Trio, I, Doom, the Thunder, will not allow your escape!

[The party critically wounds Thorpe.]

I detest you vulgar cretins!  Retreat!

[The party critically wounds Godeau.]

Yeegahh!  I must get treatment!

[The party critically wounds Doom.]

Urrgh!  I underestimated the enemy...  Forgive me, Queen Mother I must


[Scene switches to the Zagin Ruins in West Natra where Yuri is
investigating more tomes.]

It is the same...  All three holy artifacts recount the same story...
But, that can't be...

But, that is the truth!

[Godard reveals himself.]

Pardon?  I, I met you on Zabu Island...  Who, who are you?

Like you, I discovered the truth many years ago.

Truth?  Then you claim this to be historical fact?  That St. Nirvath
wasn't a savoir, but the destroyer of the old world?

You should have realized that long ago...

It's a lie...  Why would St. Nirvath do something like that?

There is but one reason.  To become God.


The ancients developed their civilization to create heaven on earth.
The cities burned with light.  Food was plentiful.  Their civilization
stood on the brink of uncovering the very creation of life.  But, when
mankind reached for glory, a single fanatic destroyed it all.  His name
was Nirvath, the destroyer of the ancient civilization.


With only a handful of survivors, he set about to rewrite history as an
apostle of God.  History marked in Holy Years...

No!  God would never allow that!

God does not pass judgement on sins of mortals.  God is in heaven.  Only
those who can climb that high will hear his voice.  Only those who can
reach the gates of heaven will be blessed by God!


You are but one of few with that privilege.  Come with me!  We shall go
together to hear the true voice of God!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Naska City where they wait in the
audience chamber.]

Don't you think something is wrong here?  The King's abduction should
have caused more fuss than this.

Perhaps only the top echelon is aware.

Even so, this is decidedly odd...

Thank you for waiting, White Dragons.

[Cardinal Ladorak enters the chamber.]

What?!  You...

Cardinal Ladorak!


What, what are you doing here?

Stop that, Baron Pratau!

[The Duke enters and stands beside the Cardinal.]

Duke Kleuth!

Through God's will, the Cardinal is now our ally.


Indeed.  Through the marriage of our leaders!

[A curtain is raised to reveal Franz and Adele sitting on thrones.]





Bow down to King Franz and Queen Adele!

[All bow except Joshua...  Joshua finally bows.]



(Is, is this a nightmare?  Could it really be Adele before my eyes?)

[Scene fades to reveal the words...]

Those who sought freedom from their destiny...  Those who chose to fight
their destiny...  Their ardent designs came together by their power, but
that same power drove them apart...  We all pursued them, our beliefs
and convictions, making ever greater sacrifices...

                             Chapter 3 -- End

A coup in E. Natra placed Princess Adele, the illegitimate daughter of
King Zekras, on the throne.  Soon after, she married King Franz of
Central Natra.  Their marriage also meant the union of the factions 
they represented.

The formerly warring kingdoms of Central and East Natra were reborn as
United Natra.  Its combined army quickly lay siege to the outnumbered
West Natra.

In the autumn of Holy Year 997, only the final acts remained in the long
and bloody civil war of Natra.

                               Final Chapter

[The party travels to Yuggor where they have a secret meeting.]

I heard the news!  A major offensive against the West has been set to
start next week.

Yes.  If we win this battle, we will achieve our long held dream of
reunifying Natra.

Hm?  Where might Joshua be?

He said he was going out for some air.  I don't know though, I still
have trouble understanding this.  Why do we have to link arms with the
East now?  This kind of half-hearted compromise only leads to problems
later on.

That's why you're just a hot-headed ninny.  Think about it, there isn't
anything wrong with allying with the East.

Is that right?

Bet on it!  The problem with the East was that it was backed by 
Vernantze.  But, the East severed ties with Vernantze.  So, no more
problem.  Also, King Franz is going to rule over United Natra.  In other
words, the East became ours without a fight.


There's more.  By combining our army with the East's, we have double the
manpower of the West.  We'll win the war easily.  Having Cardinal
Ladorak stick around is bad, but since Duke Kleuth and the Baron will be
watching him, he won't be able to do as he pleases any more.

What you said is certainly true, but...

Is something bothering you, Baron?

It certainly is true that the re-unification of East and Central Natra
solved many problems neatly, all at once.  However, I can't rid the
feeling that this is too good to be true.  Also, have you not noticed?
Ladorak is acting very oddly.

Now that you mention it...

That's not all.  I hate to speak ill of an old friend, but Duke Kleuth
is also behaving oddly.  Although it is true that he was a devout
Nirvathian, he never used to openly talk about God.

[Agress draws her sword.]


Wha-what is it?  Huh?  Enemies?!

[Agress runs over to a window.]

What out!  There must be 30 of them!

[Lira goes to another window.]

We've been surrounded already!

Damn!  We got careless...

[A knock is heard at the door and all draw their weapons.  Scene
switches to another part of Yuggor where Joshua is alone by a fountain.]

(The civil war finally appears to be ending...  But...)


!!...  Adele...  Queen...

[Adele walks over to Joshua.]

I told you when we met to get out of the war...  Why won't you listen to

I can't do that.  Having thrown myself into the war, I can't just quit
without fulfilling my responsibility.


Tell me, Adele.  When I saw you at the bandit fort, you were traveling
with the Kudur Cult.  What is your relation to them?


You didn't use them to become Queen did you?

[Adele looks away.]

And so what if I did?  You can dream up fantastic ideals, but without
the power to put it into effect, they are wasted.  You can't change
reality by just proclaiming a grand vision of justice!  For me to 
fulfill my obligations as a sacred royal, I don't care what anyone
thinks.  I will use whatever and whoever I can!

[Joshua walks over to look her in the eye.]

Do you have any idea what you're saying?  The Kudur Cult isn't the nice
church group you seem to think they are!  Maybe it's you who's being

Stop it!  You wouldn't understand anyway!  Not for someone who can live
freely as they wished!

[Adele leaves.]

Adele, wait!

[Joshua turns to chase her but stops.]

That's quite enough!


[Mahler and several cult members teleport out of nowhere.]

You, you're from the Kudur Cult!

I, Mahler, won't let you confuse Queen Adele!  Acquiesce to divine
justice!  Then you shall meet your friends in hell!

What?!  You mean the Baron and others?

Enough talk!  Kill him!

Damn, there's too many of them...

[The rest of the part arrives on scene.]

Joshua, are you all right?


How could this be?  Our other group should have finished you all!

I can't die until I send every last one of you to hell!  Come on!

1.43- Battle 42: Yuggor

[The party critically wounds Mahler.]

Blast!  I must pull back!


The way they talked, I thought you were done.

It was a close thing.  When it all appeared hopeless, this couple led us
to safety.

[Clive and Rosaly arrive.]


Big Brother, you're safe!  I'm so glad...

Clive!  Rosaly!  You saved all my friends?

I was just following the Boss's orders.


[The "Boss" who is obviously King Nicola arrives.]


Let us thank you again.  But, who are you?

We have to leave.  We'll talk at our organization's hideout.


[Scene sitches to the palace of United Natra where Mahler kneels before
Godard and the Cardinal.]

Blast!  You let the whole lot of them slip away?

Forgive me, Master!  They received unexpected help!

Hmmmmm...  Perhaps I should have converted Baron Pratau.  But, the
process requires too much time and care.  And the resultant convert is a
lifeless drone...


Ladorak, have you wondered why you have been spared conversion?  It is
because you may yet serve a useful purpose.  However, the instant I know
this to be false, you will join the likes of Kleuth.  Of course, it may
be a blessing, a life of blissful ignorance...

Please, no!  Not that, Master!

Then show me how much you mean it.  I entrust you to find the White
Dragons and those who thwarted the assassination.  Find them, even if it
means combing grass!

[Scene switches to the Partisan Hideout.]

I imagine you already have an inkling of this.  Neither Duke Kleuth nor
Cardinal Ladorak are in command of United Natra.  The real leader is the
head of the Kudur Cult!

Just as we thought...  It's incredible that even Duke Kleuth would join

He was probably subjected to a process they call conversion.  They 
administer powerful drugs and hypnosis for days on end while attacking
the victim psychologically.  Even the strongest-willed succumb to it.

That is abominable.

We endured, because we thought the war would end.  But, if fanatics are
ruling us, peace will never come.  That's why we decided to fight.  We
decided to win our own freedom and peace!

So, you are working to defeat the Kudur Cult?

Yes, but that is only our first step.  We wish to dismantle our class
society and establish a democracy based on equality.

I understand what you stand for, but let me ask this.  Why are you so
familiar with the inner working of the Kudur Cult?

Humph...  I think you will understand when you see my face.

[He reveals himself to be Nicola.]



King Nicola!  We had no idea you lived.

I was saved in the nick of time from assassination.  Let me make this
clear.  I don't wish to become King.  I have lost the right.  But, I
want to put an end to the chaos I brought upon the country out of my own
stupid pride...  Until I do, I won't allow myself to die!


[A lookout enters the room and runs to Nicola.]

Sir, our Bazo Forest base is under attack!


Let us return your favor.  Leave this to us!

[Scene fades and party travels to Bazo Forest.]

1.44- Battle 43: Bazo Forest


Tch!  The place's been overrun already!

Damn!  We were too late!

[Jamir, Jacob, and Manon appear.]

Die...  Infidels...

No...  saving...  cursed souls...

Burn...  fire of purification.  Fear...  God...

There's something seriously wrong with them!

See their eyes.  They are under Kudur's spell.

No!  Even the Blood Knights?

[The party fatally wounds Jamir.]

Gwahh!  Where?  Why am I bleeding?

[The party fatally wounds Manon.]

Kiyeeaaahh...  Am...  I...  d-dying...

[The party fatally wounds Jacob.]

Urrrgh...  Wha-what am I doing...  Ca-Cardinal...


[Scene switches to the United Natra Palace where Franz sits motionless
and Adele approaches him.]

King Franz...


[Adele kneels before the King.]

I feel so awfully sorry for you...  Just because you were born a royal,
they took your freedom, will and emotions...


[She gets up and backs away.]

I'm sorry...  I had no right to say that.  I too am another exploiter
who is abusing your very dignity as a person...

Please don't cry...


[A small boy reveals himself in the corner of the room.]

Who are you?  How on earth did you get in here?

I heard something.

What did you hear?

I heard you crying.  You sounded so sad.  So, I tried to find where your
voice was coming from.  And, somehow, I just ended up here, so I can
cheer you up.

Is that right?  But, I'm fine.  I'm not crying.

That's strange.  I'm sure I heard it...

[A knock is heard at the door.]

Come in.

[A maid enters.]

Excuse me, your Majesty.  Supper is ready to be served.

Thank you.  I will be down in a moment.

[The maid looks around.]


Is something the matter?

I thought I heard you conversing with someone.

Yes, I was chatting with that boy...

[They turn but the boy is gone.]

Yes, I was chatting with that boy...

[Scene switches to the Partisan Hideout.]

So, our Bazo Forest base has been wiped out...

I'm sorry.  We weren't in time.

No.  You did the best you could for us.  However, without that base,
there is only this hideout left to us.  We have no choice but to seize
the initiative and go on the offensive now.

Where do you plan to attack?

I received word from a mole within their ranks.  The Kudur Cult leader,
Godard, has been found.  He is ensconced in a convent that the cult made
150 years ago in a huge cavern.  However, the convent is extremely well
proteted.  Could I count on the help of the White Dragons?

Of course, we'll help!  We can't let them get away with any more.

If we are to succeed, the time is now.  Most of their men are fighting
the West.  The convent's defended force should be thin.

[Scene switches to an old mill where Joshua, Clive, and Rosaly meet.]

Come back safely, both of you.

Of course!

We'll be all right.  Don't you worry.

Clive, I'll be waiting outside.

[Joshua leaves.]


Rosaly, are you sure about this?


You were in love with Joshua, right?


Don't worry about me, you do what you feel is right.

No.  It's all right.  I always looked up to Big Brother, but I...


No.  It's nothing.  Please be careful, Clive.

I will.

[Scene fades and party travels to Lugusta Ruins.]

1.45- Battle 44: Lagusta Ruins

Where are we?

Lugusta, said to be the tomb of St. Nirvath.  It has never been 
confirmed as the gates were sealed by the ancients.  It is said that
seven prisms hidden by St. Nirvath are the keys.

That's interesting.  But, I guess it has nothing to do with us right

I wouldn't say that.  For this shall be your cemetery!

What?!  !!  Yuri!

[Yuri reveals himself.]

Joshua, you will have to die for Master Godard!

Why is Yuri with the Kudur Cult?

Damn!  Have they converted you?!

Don't be absurd.  I decided to support the great man on my own free

A devout Nirvathian like you joined the Kudur Cult?

That is also not true.  The Kudur Cult is no more than a mere stepping
stone for Master's grand design.  The Cultists are pathetic fools who
dance to his tales of the apocalypse.

Then, what...

What good will that knowledge do you in death?  I think I've spoken

[Yuri casts a summoning spell and many minions appear.]

I have no desire to watch my old friends die.  I must be going.

[Yuri teleports away.  The party proceeds to kill all of the minions.]


[Scene fades to black to reveal the words...]

Meanwhile, United Natra's combined army launched a massive offensive at
the fortress city of Gardeau, West Natra's stronghold...

[Scene switches to the Palace Audience Chamber at Gardeau where a
messenger kneels before King Gregor and others.]

What?!  The United Natra forces breached our line of defense again?

Yes, your Majesty.  Regretfully, in this morning's battle, the Red Sheep
Knight Brigade was routed despite a valiant stand.  The enemy appears to
have further extended its penetration.

Urrrgh...  The bloody United Natra!  We had underestimated their
strength.  Who could have forseen this?

I doubt that they have the resources to take Gardeau.  However, left
unchecked, we may see defections to the other side.  We must somehow
break their momentum...

We have nothing left to fear!

[The Queen enters and approaches her son.]

Within mere days, the traitors will be smashed!

Dear mother, what ever do you mean?

A messenger arrived, promising our victory.

[She holds up a piece of paper.]

Behold this document!

[The King reads it.]

This is from Emperor Gorba four of the Twin Empire!  You mean?...

[Scene switches to a hill where Clive rests and Joshua approaches.]

Clive, we're moving out soon.

OK.  Joshua.  There's something I neglected to tell you.

And what might that be?

Rosaly and me, we've been living together.

...  I had this feeling you might be.

OK.  But, I only did it because you weren't there for her.  It tears me
up, but she still loves...

Don't say any more, Clive.



...  Hey?


[Clive gets up and approaches Joshua.]

If I get killed, take care of Rosaly for me.

Clive...  Forget it.  You make sure you survive so you can protect her.
That's what she's hoping too.

Yeah...  That's true!  I must be nuts thinking about dying even before
seeing the enemy.

We'll both survive and see a new era together!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Slate Convent.]

1.46- Battle 45: Slate Convent (Part I)

So, this is Kudur's headquarters.

By destroying this base, we can free the country from Kudur's infectious
grip!  Let's go!

[The party proceeds to kill all of the enemies.]

Their boss is up ahead?

I think so.  We should advance cautiously.


[Scene switches to deep inside the Slate Convent where Godard stands at
an alter and the Cardinal approaches.]

You called, Master?

Are you aware we have an interesting guest?


The supposedly dead King Nicola has come for me head.  Here, to Slate
Convent, which is known only to a handful of followers.

[The Cardinal begins to back away.]

Ma-Master, what are you suggesting?  I...

Oh please, spare us your act!

[Ladorak turns around.]

!!  Who are you?

[Yuri approaches Godard and Ladorak.]

I took the opportunity to investigate you.  I discovered you disobeyed
Master and saved Nicola from the brink of death.  I also determined that
you helped the enemy find Master.


[Godard begins walking towards Ladorak.]

So, Ladorak.  What have you to say in your defense?

[He tries to back up but runs into Yuri.]

Despite all I have done, I am still a Nirvathian!  Your plan is the work
of the devil!  What you intend is sacrilege!

Then die.

[Godard sets the Cardinal on fire with a spell.]

Wha-wha-what!  I-I'm on fire!!  Ugyaaaahhhhhh!!

[He dies.]

Humph!  Pathetic fool.

[Yuri kneels before Godard.]


Yuri, as we have planned, I shall remain here.

I understand.  I will return to Yuggor and prepare for resurrection.

[Yuri teleports away.]


[Scene fades and the party travels deeper into Slate Convent.]

1.47- Battle 46: Slave Convent (Part II)

Fwofofofo...  Ah, the worms have arrived.

In the name of the Lord, we bring justice, Godard!

Your bravado fings false, you abject wretch!  You too shall burn to
ashes like Ladorak before you!


Cardinal Ladorak?  Why?

He was corrupt, but not so much to sell his soul to the devil.  It was
he who kept us informed of the Kudur Cult.

So that's how...

Damn you!  You're not getting away with this!

[Joshua holds Clive back.]

Stay cool, Clive!  Rash decisions kill!

Will do!

Fwofofofo...  Who wishes to join Ladorak first?

[The party fatally wounds Godard.]

Ugwaaah!  Th-this is good!  It is all...  next step...


[Godard vanishes, supposedly dead.]


[The party travels back to town to talk.]

Thanks to your help, Godard was defeated.  I plan to return to Yuggor
with Clive to hunt down the Kudur Cult.

I see.  We will join you as soon as we defeat West Natra.

I wish you all good luck.

[Nicola and Clive leave.]

This doesn't feel right...

What is matter, Joshua?

Was that really the end of the Kudur Cult?  Yuri is still loose.  I've
got a bad feeling about this.

You do worry a lot, don't you?

[Gilti enters the room.]

Everyone, I just received troubling news!

What is it, Gilti?

Our worst fear has materialized.  Zora-Archeo, the Twin Empire, has sent
its army to support the West.


Worse, instead of entering the West from its border, the Imperial Army
has marched through Nirvadia, the Church State.

But, that would mean our main units would be trapped between the armies
of the West and the Twin Empire at the border!

First the Kudur Cult and now the Twin Empire...

If the United Natra army is defeated, Natra will be enslaved by the Twin
Empire forever.

We should go support the United Natra army now!

No.  Against the Imperial Army's main units, it would be impossible for
us to turn the tide in our favor.

Then what should we do?

It's a gamble, but we should enter the West as before and mount a
surprise attack on Gardeau to abduct King Gregor.  With him as the
bargaining chip, we will negotiate peace with the Emperor.


Are you sane?  You propose we sneak into their capital with this small
group?  There are easier ways to commit suicide.

I realize it is a reckless plan.  But, it is the best one available to

We don't have time to hink about it.  So long as there's a chance,
however remote, it's worth a gamble.

[Scene fades and the party travels to Buhdo Mt.]

1.48- Battle 47: Buhdo Mt.

What I don't understand is the Church State.  They claim to be neutral,
but they let the Twin Empire march on through.

I imagine it has to be the Pope.  Or more precisely, his reportedly
poor health has probably worsened.  Emperor Gorba four must have moved
when Nirvadia was incapable of responding.

No time to chat, we've got company!

Well, if it isn't our old friends!  We must be star-crossed to see each
other so often!

This is so vexing!  I never want to see you horribly rude and vulgar
people ever again!

[The party fatally wounds Thorpe.]

I won't forgive you!  I will haunt you forever!

[Thorpe dies and the party fatally wounds Godeau.]

Argyaaah!!  Time to die...

[Godeau dies.]


[Scene switches to a flashback where child laughter is heard and a girl
walks up to her mother, who is holding an umbrella.]

Mother!  Look, look!  Look at these pretty flowers!

[The girl holds up some flowers to the mother's face.]




[The girl turns and looks in the direction the mother is facing.]

That's Father...

[In the distance, a man is seen holding onto a woman, who is

Please, stop it!

Hehehe...  Do you really want me to stop?

Oh, you naughty man!  But, what if your wife notices us?  We should be
more discreet.

Who cares about that boring cow?  She was only useful for bringing the
Archeo throne into our fold.  Or course, I also was just a pawn for my
Father to form the Twin Empire...

Oh, your forlorn look makes you so attractive!

Humph.  Lies just roll off your pretty tongue.  How many men have you
toyed with, you vixen?

Oh, please, don't be so mean!

[Camera shifts back to the mother and daughter.  The mother runs away.]

Mother...  Wait, Mother!

[She drops the flowers and chases after her mother but can't keep up.]

Where are you going?  Don't leave me here!  Wait, Mother!  Mother!!

[The girl morphs into present day Agatha.]


Highness...  Your Highness...


[Scene morphs to Agatha's room where Doom stands.]

Is anything the matter, your Highness?

I must have dozed off.

You must be exhausted from your long hours.  The war appears to have
stabilized.  Perhaps you should take a rest.

Your concern is appreciated, but I can't stop now.  Not when my dream of
freeing Archeo from the Twin Empire is almost reality.

Without the Emperor and its army, the Twin Empire may as well be naked.
Tomorrow, our Archeo Liberation Army will start the rebellion.  We will
soon throw off the shackles imposed by the pigs of Zora in the Twin
Empire.  It has been a long and hard journey.

Once Archeo is freed from Zora, we have no need for Natra.  Have
arrangements been made for Minea and I to return to Archeo?

Yes.  All preparations are in place.

I can finally atone my sins to my daughter.  I plan to make amends to
her and Franz over the rest of my life...

Your Highness...

[Scene fades and the party travels to Gardeau.]

1.49- Battle 48: Gardeau (Part I)

So this is Gardeau, the West's stronghold.

Ooh.  It look hard.  Very defense!

There's no time!  We have to go in now!

[The party proceeds to kill all of the enemies.]


[Scene switches to Agatha's room where Princess Minea stands outside.]

Excuse me, Mother.

[She enters the room carrying a cup.]

Ah, Minea.  There seems to be some sort of commotion in the palace.
What is it?

I have no idea.  Mother, I brought you some hot tea.

[She hands the cup to Agatha.]

Thank you, that is considerate of you.

[She drinks the tea and Minea backs away.]


Minea, there is something important I must tell you.  I'm sorry I kept
silent about this, but...  Urggh!  What?!

[She drops the cup and begins grabbing at her neck.]


Urrghhaaaa!  I-I can't...  move...  M-Minea...  This tea...

Now!  Do it now, your Majesty!

[King Gregor enters the room with a dagger.]


Wha-what are y-you d-doing?

Hurry, your Majesty!

Mother!  Die!

[Gregor rushes at Agatha and stabs her.]


This is for all your sins!  I will never become your puppet!

N-no!  Not before Archeo's l-liberation...  I-I won't die!

[She pulls the dagger out of her stomach.]




Look out, Gregor!

[Agatha rushes at Gregor but Minea steps in front of him and the blade
goes through her instead.]


Uurgggh...  Mo-Mother...

No!  Noooo!

[Gregor runs out of the room and up the stairs, Doom walks down the hall
and enters the room.]

!!  What?!  Your Highness!

Doom...  I-I will not make it...  H-how is the liberation of Ar-Archeo?

Hold on, your Highness!  We received word that the Zora-Archeo capital
has been taken.  The uprising is a success!


We can return to our homeland!  You can't die now!

No.  Even though it was f-for Archeo's l-liberation, I-I committed too
many sins...  I b-betrayed the country and p-people...  I k-killed my
husband and harmed my s-son...  History will revile me as evil...

No!  That's not true!  Your Highness, you are the savior of all Archeo!
It would have never won liberation without you!

[Agatha gets closer to Minea, now dead.]

Th-thank you, Doom...  Fa-farewell...

[She collapses onto Minea.]

Your Highness!

[Scene fades and the party infiltrates the castle of Gardeau.]

It's strange.  I thought we would face stiff resistance.  But we've made
it a long way into the palace without any trouble.

There appears to be confusion among the enemy.

I can't imagine what could have happened, but this is a fortuitous break
for us.  We must find King Gregor while security is lax.  Hm?

[Gregor is seen entering the great hall.]

P-please!  H-help!!

King Gregor!

?  Something's wrong!

Help me!  He's going to kill me!  (Whimper)...

[Doom emerges from a corridor to the great hall.]

Silence!  Die, in the name of Queen Mother Agatha!

[Doom rushes at Gregor and slices him with an axe.]

Haaah!  Humph!


What is the meaning of this?

Ah, Baron Pratau...

Doom, the Thunder.  Why?  You are the head of the Trio.  Why did you
turn your sword on your own master?

The only master I had was Queen Mother Agatha.  With her gone, I no
longer feel any obligation to this life.  TO depart it in a shower of
our blood would be a fitting end...  En garde!

[Doom summons many minions.]

1.50- Battle 49: Gardeau (Part II)

[The party fatally wounds Doom.]

Urggufff...  This is it!


[The party gathers around the collapsed and dying Doom.]

What are we going to do now?  King Gregor's dead!  So much for holding
the King hostage for negotiating with the Emperor!  If the Imperial
Army can't be stopped, the United Natra army is cooked!

N-no...  Th-there's no d-danger of that...

What do you mean by that, Doom?

Queen Mother Agatha approached the Emperor for support, to denude the
Twin Empire of its Army.  The Archeo uprising has s-started in its
absence.  The Emperor is on his way b-back now...  Urggggh!  But,
it-it's too late.  The capital has already fa-fallen...

You are saying?

Y-you w-won...

[Doom dies.]


[Clapping is heard.]


[Yuri enters the great hall.]

Bravo!  And thus, Natra was re-unified.  Well done.

Yuri!  You...

Oh please, don't look so angry.  I bring good tidings to you today.


There is going to be a birth of a great man in Yuggor.  We are hoping
for an enormous celebration, so we'd like you to come.  For you, we'll
have a special reception to die for!  I'll see you soon!

[He teleports away.]

What did he mean?

I don't know.  But, I have a queasy feeling about this.  Let's return to
Yuggor now.

[Scene changes to Natra Palace where Adele approaches Franz, who is

King Franz, I have wonderful news!


We just received word of the West's capitulation.  Natra will once again
be united, and peace will finally arrive.


[She approaches Franz and kneels before him.]

Once things settle down, I will find you a doctor.  It may take time,
but I'm sure we can make you better!


Everything will turn out for the better.  There has been too much
tragedy already.  Things have to get better.

Uurrgh...  Uuurrggghh!


[Adele looks around to find the same boy as last time.]

You, you're that little boy!

It-it hurts...  P-please...

What's wrong?  What is it?

[The boy starts to fade in and out of reality.]

I'm...  being...  sent away...  He...

Wait!  I'll get someone!  Help!  Come quickly!  I need help!!

N-no...  It-it's too late...

Don't give up!  Hold on!

D-don't forget m-me when I'm g-gone...  M-my name is...  F-Franz...


[The boy completely fades away into nothingness.]

Wha-what just happened?


Your Majesty!

[Adele turns around to see Franz standing.]

That child was the vestige of Franz's soul...  Now that I have made this
body mine, the last of his soul has finally departed.

What are you saying?  Who are you?

[Mahler runs into the room.]

Queen Adele!  Is something the matter?

Ah, Mahler...

!!  The King!  But, you were catatonic!

It is convenient that you came.  I now have this new body.  I have no
need for that woman anymore.  She is yours to do as you wish.  You may
kill her if it so pleases you.

What?!  Who...

Mahler, don't tell me you don't recognize your own master.  Now, take
that woman away.

Be silent!  How dare you insult Queen Adele!  You demon!  I will drive
you out of the King's body!

[Mahler grabs his sword.]

Tch.  Disobedient fool.

[The King begins casting a spell.]


[It hits Mahler and he collapses.]



The fool.  A mere pawn, he was.  He couldn't distinguish his own

[The King morphs into Godard for a split second and then back.]

No...  You, you're Godard.

Ah, finally!  Enlightenment!  Yes, indeed.

How could you take over another body?  Who are you?

Humph.  Who could I be?  It has been already 150 years since I began
switching bodies.  Lately, even I have been getting confused of my true


But, I started as Kudur Rado Godard...

Kudur?  You mean...

Correct.  I founded the Kudur Cult after I was expelled as a heretic by
the Church.

[A flashback to 150 years ago occurs where an old man kneels before a
priest in a chapel.]

Plese, Father!  Please treat him before...

I cannot.  Today is the Sabbath.  We are forbidden to leave our homes by

But, but, my grandson is dying!

[Another man enters.]

What is the matter?

Cardinal Godard!

Who is this gentleman?

Please save my grandson!  He has been poisoned!

...  I see.  Please take me to see this child.

B-but, Cardinal Godard!  The Sabbath!

Human life comes before the Commandments.  Sir, let us go.

[Scene switches to Godard on trial.]

Answer this, Cardinal Godard!  Is it true you defied the Commandments
and the Sabbath?


...  The nerve...

Must be insane...

...  It is a blasphemy...

Why?  As a servant of the Lord, adherence to the Commandments is

If I did not go, a child's life would have been lost.

That is immaterial!  Or, do you feel the life of a single child is more
important than the divine Commandments?

The Commandments were made by God for mortals.  If the lives of people
are lost to uphold them, their true intent is defeated.

...  Nowhere does it say in the Scriptures...

The insolence of it all...

The impetuous young fool.  The next Pope?  Pah!

He is finished...

The Tribunal is ready to pass judgement!  The Tribunal finds Kudur Rado
Godard to be a heretic.  He shall be stripped of all religious powers
and ex-communicated forever!

[Scene switches to Godard out in the wilderness.]

I lost everything.  Was what I had done wrong?  No.  It was the correct
thing to do.  My status was far less important than the child's life!

[Scene fades to a black screen with the words...]

But, my ideals were only naive.  The child I saved, his grandfather,
both were killed by those who feared they would be tainted by the
expelled heretic.

[Scene switches back to Adele's room.]

No...  That is awful...

It was then that I abandoned my faith.  But, because of it, I found
something of true value.


Fufufufufu...  It won't be long now.  The world will sink in a sea of
blood, and divine bells will chime with joy!

[Scene fades, the party collects the seven prisms and travel to the tomb 
of St. Nirvath at Lugusta Ruins.]

We have the seven prisms, but will the gates open?

Look, over there!

[The doors to the tomb open and Joshua walks up the stairs.]

We may as well go inside.

[The party enters the tomb to find a massive super computer.]

How do you like that?  There's nothing here.

Wait!  What's that?

[A hologram of St. Nirvath appears in the center, evidently a recorded

Yikes!  It's a ghost!

No...  It doesn't appear that way.  It seems to be a three-dimensional
image.  It must have been made by the ancients.

Sssh!...  It's saying something.

I am Nirvath.  For my sins, I am condemned forever...

This is St. Nirvath!

Hear my confession for the sins I have inflicted...  Hear me, to not let
the world make the same mistake twice...  Hear me, to never again allow
the coming of a dawn awash in blood...

[Scene fades to black to reveal the words...]

That day, humankind stood on the brink of a glorious new era of
prosperity...  Unimaginable wealth, freedom from the fear of death,
flight into the stars...  The civilization of Mystics promised all this,
and more.  Their technology gave us the means to shed our limitations as
mortals and take flight as gods.  

...The LifeTree Project...  

LifeTree shattered the promise of our glorious future.  It brought only 
death on a colossal scale we had never before experienced.  What caused 
the dying?  Some claim an outbreak of a mutant virus.  Still others 
blame harmful magnetic waves.  There is no way of telling now.  What is
known is that half the world instantly died with the LifeTree silo at
the epicenter.  And, the circle of death continued to spread.  There was
but only one way to save the world from total extinction...  It was to
burn the poisoned regions with a huge, purifying fire.

That power of purification had been entrusted to me by an emissary from
another world.  I anguished...  I knew there were survivors in pockets
of purity in the poisoned badlands.  But, it was much too late.  I no
longer had the luxury of time to choose or to even hesitate.

...And so, I made the final decision...

[Scene switches back to the tomb.]


That was the truth behind the Story of Creation...

My children, know of my enormous sins...  Pay heed to the cries of those
in despair and anguish...  I confer upon you the power vested in myself
from another world.  The ultimate power of destruction and resurrection,
Vandal Hearts!  I pray it will bring joy and peace surpassing the blood
already spilled.

[The hologram vanishes and in it's wake lies the Vandal Hearts sword.
Joshua looks around at the party and they all nod.  He steps forward
and holds it high.]

This...  This is the ultimate power...

[Scene fades and the party travels to the Partisan Hideout.]

Joshua, everyone, thanks for coming back!

Clive, what is happening in Yuggor?  West Natra has collapsed and the
Twin Empire is no longer a threat.  But, there is stilla  high level of
tension here in the royal city.  Why?

Godard has been resurrected.

That can't be!  He was taken care of in the Slate Convent.  We made sure
of it.

He came back by taking over King Franz's body!

I don't understand what you just said.

I can understand that it's hard to believe.  But I'm positive.  The King
now has Godard's cold, cruel eyes.  And, he's already marshaling the
remaining Kudur Cultists into an army.  We were caught off guard, so
they took Nicola and many others as prisoners.

That's just peachy.

We better hurry.  Nicola could be in danger.  We have to break into the
Natra Palace as soon as we can!

[Scene fades and the party travels to Natra Palace.]

1.51- Battle 50: Natra Palace

It appears as if the Kudur Cult has taken over.

Those animals.  I will finish them this time!

[The party proceeds to kill all of the enemies.]


[Scene switches to inside the Palace as the party arrives.]

What was the rush for?  There's no one here.

Stay alert!  Getting careless could be costly!  !!

[The party notices Yuri sitting down, he stands and walks toward the

What took you so long?  I grew bored waiting.

Yuri.  Why?  Why did a devout Nirvathian like you become a follower of

[Yuri turns his back.]

You will never understand, Joshua!  The despair I felt when I discovered
Nirvath to be the world's destroyer!

What, that the Great Catastrophe in the Story of Creation was actually
caused by Nirvath himself?

[Yuri turns around in shock.]

!!  I'm surprised.  You knew?  That will make explaining easier.  He
committed that monstrous sin to leave his name in history as God.  For
revering such a man for 1000 years, we all deserve extermination!

Wait, Yuri!  You've made a terrible mistake.  Nirvath razed the world
not for gain, but because he had to!

Humph.  Now you're making up stories!

It's not a lie!  We confirmed it at the Lugusta Ruins.  Here, this is

[Joshua holds out the Vandal Hearts to show Yuri.]

Tha-that luster!  Are you telling the truth?

[The party explains the encounter at Lugusta Ruins.]

...  So that's what happened back then.

[Yuri backs away in disbelief.]

I-I misunderstood everything...  Not only that, I tried to kill you...

It's pointless to torture yourself with guilt.  Instead, always look
forward and think of how you should live tomorrow!


[Scene switches to the top floor of Natra Palace where Adele stands at
the edge.]

It's all over...  Everything...

[Joshua runs up the stairs to the roof.]


Joshua.  Did you come to mock me?  I must appear ridiculous.  After all
my bluster that I had due to my duty as a royal, you were right after
all.  I was just a puppet who danced on a string without knowing I was
being used.

Don't put yourself down like that!  It wasn't a lie that you sincerely
hoped for peace.

[She turns away from the edge to face Joshua.]

Yes, I did that...  But, that doesn't make up for what I sacrificed in
upholding those ideals.

[She backs up, getting closer to the edge.]

It also doesn't atone for all those people who died believing in me!

[Clive arrives.]

That may be so, but...  If you were to give up now, their deaths would
become truly meaningless.


[Yuri arrives.]

It's true, Adele.  We have all made mistakes.  If we don't overcome
them, we would never progress.

Come with us, Adele.  We need to cut a new start.  We need your help!

Everyone...  I, I understand.  I will try again.

[She steps back onto the roof, away from the ledge.]

Thank you...

[Scene switches back to inside Natra Palace.]

We freed Nicola and everyone else imprisoned!  But, no one has seen
Godard anywhere.

Godard departed with all his followers before your arrival.  They are
heading toward Nirvadia, the Church state.


Nigran Cathedral.  Sealed beath it is a test silo.  It was made by the
ancients using their most advanced technology.

So that is his destination...

We'll go after Godard!  Yuri, you stay behind with Nicola and help him
establish order in the country.

I'll do that.

[Scene fades and the party travels to Nigran Cathedral to confront

1.52- Battle 51: Nigran Cathedral (Part I)

[The party sees Mahler outside the Cathedral, surrounded by minions.]

Kill kill kill kill kill...

He's been turned into a killer by that spell...

...  He was exploited for his devotion and faith, and that is his
reward.  He is to be pitied...

[The party fatally wounds Mahler.]

Urrrgggh...  Qu-queen Adele...

[Mahler dies.]


[The party proceeds to enter the Cathedral.]

1.53- Battle 52: Nigran Cathedral (Part II)

[The party sees Mohosa, surrounded by many minions.]

Do you believe that?  That freak was still alive!

The Prince is mine!  You die now!

[The party fatally wounds Mohosa.]

M-my, P-Prince...

[Mohosa dies... finally.]


[The party proceeds down to the catacombs of Nigran Cathedral to find

1.54- Battle 53: Nigran Cathedral (Part III)

[The party finds Godard standing on a bubbling mass.]

Fufufufu...  You have chased me this far?  Your persistence is
remarkable.  It shall be rewarded.  For you shall witness the
resurrection of Lifetree!

Lifetree?  The one in the Story of Creation?

None other...  The pinnacle of the ancient civilization that was
destroyed by Nirvath.  It evolves our senses to the point of becoming
one with the universe.  To obtain its power, I had to see the Church
state fall and gain access...

So you used your followers to provoke the war...  And tried to control
Natra's rule.  All for the Lifetree silo.

Yes...  There is another reason.  I also needed to prepare the
environment for Lifetree's resurrection.


The same environment that prevailed 1000 years ago.  Lifetree needs the
energies of fear, despair, hatred and anger.  But, with the spell for
inciting killing madness, I can recreate it.

The spell that destroyed my village is complete?

Fufufufu...  An orgy of terror and killing will soon bloody the Rognant
Continent.  The spilled blood will let me be one with Lifetree to hear
the voice of God!

God damn you!  We won't let that tragedy happen!  Say your prayers!

[Joshua strikes down Godard with the Vandal Hearts.]

Ugggha!  D-don't think you've won...  Y-you're too late...  I already...

[Godard vanishes.]


1.55- Battle 54: Nigran Cathedral (Part IV)

[The party looks around.]

Is he dead?  But what did he mean about being too late?  What?!


[A giant creature emerges from the bubbling mass.]

Wha-what the hell?!

I feel it all!  See it, hear it, everything!  I had been in the dark
until now!  It is all revealed to me!

It can't be...  Godard?

Fwahahaha!  I am incomplete, but more than ready to kill you mortal
insects!  Before I depart to the land of God, I will see you dead!

[The party destroys all four of Godard's hearts.]

Gwwwaaaaaarrrrrhhhh!  It-it's d-disappearing!  E-everything!!

[The vile creature Godard burns in a holy flame.]


[Joshua looks around at the party.]

We did it...

Whoo, yeah...  He was something special.  ...  What was that?

[The catacombs begin to collapse.]


The Cathedral is collapsing!

We'll be buried under the rubble!  Hurry, we have to get out!


[A deformed Godard in Franz's body emerges from the bubbling mass.]

Waah!  It's still alive!

My dream...  thwarted by mere worms like you...  You're not getting

It's alive only by its force of will!

You are coming with me to hell!

[He begins casting a spell.]


[He launches a blue ball of energy at the party but Joshua holds it back
with the Vandal Hearts.]



[Godard continues to push the ball forward while Joshua pushes it back
with the Vandal Hearts.]


I'll hold him!  Get out while you can!


NOW!  Do you want to die here?!  Baron, get them out!  Hurry!!


Baron, please!

...  Fine.  Everyone, get moving!  Don't waste Joshua's sacrifice!

[The rest of the party leaves and emerges outside the cathedral.]

Is everyone safe?


Look, the Cathedral!

[The Cathedral begins sinking away.]

Nigran Cathedral is collapsing!

Oh no...



Joshua...  He let us get away...

Damn!  He had to be a hero to the end!


Aahh!  Aahh!  L-l-look!

Vlad, show a little respect.  Be quiet!

No!  Look!  Everyone!!

[The party turns in the direction Vlad is facing.]

What are you so excited about?  Aahh!

[Emerging from the rubble, Joshua slowly stumbles forward.]


You survived...

I'm sorry if you were worried about me.

How did you get out unharmed?

I thought that I was done for sure this time...  But, someone came to my

Help?  Like who?

[A flashback occurs where Godard and Joshua are standing off.]

Gwahahahaha...  There is no escape!


Fufufufu...  Are you satisfied that your death will be a fair trade for
my demise?  Think again!  Even if this body dies, I can always find a
new host for my soul!  So, while I will live again, you will die, all
for nothing!


That is your punishment for impeding me!  You can die in despair and
remorse, you lowly worm!  What?!

[Joshua begins pushing the ball of energy back towards Godard.]


[The ball completely vanishes with Godard in shock.]

Wha-what is the matter?  I-I can't move...

What is happening?

No...  Stop...  You...

[The soul of Franz appears.]

I won't let you go.  Your soul has traveled for too long.  It is almost
worn out.  It needs to rest...  Come with me...

No!  I won't!  Let me go!

Sir!  Take your sword!  Hurry!  While I hold him, destroy him!

Who...  Who are you?

[The boy transforms into the familiar body of Franz.]

Hurry!  He will get loose!  Now!!


Fool!  If he kills me, both our souls will be lost forever!

It doesn't matter!  I don't fear it any longer!  The only thing I fear
is to lose my pride!


Despite being born a royal...  I was too weak to fulfill any of my
sacred duties as a royal!  I can finally live up to my obligations!


Now, kind swordsman, hurry!  You tried to sacrifice yourself for your
friends!  You know how I feel!

...  I understand...

No!  Don't!  Stop!  Nooooooooooo!

[The flashback ends as Joshua raises the Vandal Hearts over his head to
strike down Godard.]

King Franz...

So, he got used all his life because he was born a royal.  People
destroyed his life, but still he kept his pride as the King to the very
end.  He's quite the hero.


...  This must be it, then.  With Godard gone, the Kudur Cult will fall
apart.  Peace will finally return to Natra.

I wonder about that.


You're saying?

It is true, Godard, the devil who sought to end the world, is gone.
However, God also fell.  The ruined Nigran Cathedral symbolizes the
death of God...


The Nirvathian Church's loss of authority means that the spiritual
foundations of this continent's history is also lost.  All the rules
governing morality, politics and everything else are gone.


Without the spiritual foundations, could people really moderate their
impulses and choose to live in peaceful harmony?

[Scene fades to black.]

1.56- Conclusion

In mere days after the battle in Nigran Cathedral, Baron Pratau's fears
came to be.  The Twin Empire and Vernantze, who had respectively
supported West and East Natra, went to war over Nirvadia after the
collapse of the Church.

Within the Twin Empire, Archeo's independence movement boiled over into
mass uprisings.  In Vernantze, Chancellor Vitzel, its wealthy
dictatorial leader, was assassinated by terrorists opposed to his rule.
His killing resulted in the nation's spiraling descent into a brutal
civil war.

In such ways, the feudal states that had held stable rule since the War
of Segregation saw their power and influence dwindle.  It led to the 
freeing of people and ideologies that had been under suppression.  It
threatened to ignite a massive war engulfing the entire Rognant

The black darkness of history became deeper still.  Dawn seems far in
the future, without even a glimmer of light...  Baron Pratau, who had
foresaged the coming of such a time, also had this to say...  A
caterpillar cannot become a butterfly without first becoming a cocoon.
People must also experience chaos and tragedy to advance to the next

Is war and fighting essential to history?  I have no answer to that.
One thing is clear, the time of gods and devils has come to an end.  The
long journey for humankind to throw open the gates of heaven has just

Baron Pratau
 Relying on his steely will and courage, the Baron helped queel the
 raging civil war.  He was stopped by his admirers from killing himself
 to atone for his failure at re-uniting Natra.  He dedicated the
 remainder of his life to the restoration of the ravaged country.  His
 efforts won him lasting recognition in the Rognant Continent.  He died
 at the hands of a fanatical terrorist several years later.

Lira, Lady Knight
 Upon the disbanding of the White Dragons, Lira discarded her sword.
 She gave herself to helping war refugees and orphans.  In her work,
 she fell in love with a young artist.  The artist gained fame in later
 years.  He became known for a painting entitled "An Angel in Dawn's
 Light."  The model of this masterpiece is said to be a young Lira.

Pike, Warrior
 After leaving the White Dragons, Pike remained a mercenary.
 Eventually, Pike discovered a fine business acumen that brought him
 great wealth.  However, his lack of maturity quickly asserted itself.
 In short order, he gambled his wealth away to utter destitution.  He
 was saved by his wife, a female warrior who once fought by his side.
 She was...

Maria, Lady Knight
 In a surprising turn of events, Pike's former antagonist chose to
 accept the wastrel's marriage proposal.  Because of his profligate
 ways, she was forced to endure crushing poverty.  Through hard work,
 she successfully launched a chain of taverns.  She passed away at an
 old age, having kept her husband firmly and always under her thumb.

 Even after the death of Godard and the disbanding of the Kudur Cult,
 the vengeful Hammet found no peace.  His inner demons compelled him
 onward.  On his own, he continued his hunt for the remaining cultists.
 His crusade ended when he saw a child clinging to a cultist he had
 killed.  In that instant, his stone cold heart welted, freeing him from
 his anger.  Several years later, he was purportedly seen living in an
 isolated mountain shack with on adopted child...

Vlad, Warrior
 A former slave who had been brought to the Rognant Continent as a
 child, Vlad earned his freedom through sheer determination and
 perseverance.  After helping quell the civil war in Natra, he returned
 to his island home.  There, he organized rebels to overthrow the
 oppressive colonial rule of Vernantze.  In later years, Vlad was hailed
 as the liberating hero who led the colonial islands to their 

Gilti, Knight
 Gilti sprinted through the civil war with his outstanding military mind
 and sword-fighting expertise.  In later years, he became to be known
 not as a warrior, but as a bard.  His poetry and songs became enduring
 favorites.  He married happily and was blessed with a loving family.  
 In his old age, he disappeared without notice to go on an aimless 
 journey.  He has not been seen since.

Agress, Lady Knight
 Despite her quiet demeanor, this knight became known throughout the 
 land for her bravery and skill.  However, she suddenly disappeared 
 after the battle in Nigran Cathedral.  In later years, there were tales
 of a silent, foreign woman who fought alongside Khan, the leader of 
 horse-riding nomads.  Together, they conquered the eastern continent.  
 But, there is no record identifying her as Agress...

Seven Years Later in Yuggor, the Capital of the Re-unified Kingdom of 

[Scene opens with Queen Adele and other nation leaders at a table in the

Now that we have attained a consensus among our esteemed national 
leaders, all we need is to sign our Peace Accord.

[An attendent hands a document to President Voller, he signs it.]

This should put an end to years of hostilities.

[The attendent hands it to Emperor Lanz three, who signs it.]

Indeed.  I never expected to be here with you.

[The attendent hands it to Grand Duke Paul, who signs it.]

Our meeting would never have taken place without the perseverance of 
Natra's Queen Adele.

Please, all I did was to serve as a bridge among you, my esteemed
friends.  I only pray for peace and prosperity on Rognant.

I believe that is possible, as long as a certain Emperor decides to
honor diplomatic agreements for a change.

You are one to talk.  Who keeps on building his army and routinely
violates our territorial space?

We must be strong to keep a hostile neighbor at bay!

Please, both of you!  This is a historical meeting in which we have
reached a peace accord.

Humph!  You pious tone is revolting.  After all, you hyenas got fat by
selling weapons to both sides in the civil wars!

I agree.  It is disgusting how conveniently you forget your part in
inciting unrest for your profit!  You have some nerve!

W-w-wait!  You have no evidence of this!

President, please!  Emperor, Grand Duke, we all need to calm down.

Well, anyway, now that we have agreed to the Yuggor Accord, any country
that contravenes it will face the wrath of others!

Of course, we understand that!

Perhaps you should take heed of your own advice!


[Scene switches to Adele outside on a balcony.]


Congratulations, your Majesty.

Joshua...  Premier.

[Joshua, dressed in royalty, approaches Adele on the balcony.]

I wish to express my sincere happiness for your diplomatic handling of
our esteemed guests.

[He kneels before the Queen and she walks over to him.]

Plese, stop it!  We agreed not to speak formally when we are alone.

[Joshua stands up.]

Oh, all right.  The Accord you reached today will finally bring peace to
this continent.  It's been a long time coming.

Peace, for the time being.


All the combatants were running out of war funds.  They were all seeking
a temporary cease-fire anyway when I came along.  When their economies
recover, and their vanity and greed take over...

It's still preferable to a war without end.  The peace might be
temporary, but in the meantime, the killing will stop.  What you're
doing isn't meaningless.  I'm proud to be serving you.


[He kneels before her again.]

Now, please, your Majesty.  We are ready for our banquet to celebrate
the Peace Accord.  We must...

I understand.

[She begins to walk inside and Joshua follows her but she stops.]


[She turns to face Joshua.]

Joshua, before I become the Queen again...


[They embrace each other and kiss.  Scene fades to black with the

Queen Adele, having re-unified Natra, established strong diplomatic ties
throughout the Rognant Continent to bring about lasting peace.  
Domestically, she was adored for her compassionate rule.  Her broad 
political reforms hastened the recovery of Natra from the war.  Upon her 
death, Natra abolished the monarchy and became a thriving democracy.  
Fearing 'royalty' would be used politically, she remained unmarried 
throughout her long life to ensure the royal lineage ended with her.

However, it is said that the Premier remained a faithful companion to 
Queen Adele throughout her rule...


2 - S I D E  S C R I P T

2.1- Synopsis

The following is found on the world screen menu and contains a recount of
every event.

EPISODE 1: Joshua and his friends from Polata rescued an injured
swordsman.  To obain Muherb, an herb needed for treating the stranger,
the party heads for Mastha Canyon.

EPISODE 2: Having defeated the monsters of Masthma Canyon, Joshua's
party obtained the Muherb.  They hurry back with their prize to Dr.
Bonnar in Polata.

EPISODE 3: On returning to Polata with the needed Muherb, Joshua 
discovers that the injured swordsman has disappeared.  At Dr. Bonnar's
request, they start a search for the stranger.

EPISODE 4: After stopping a wicked tax collector, the swordsman was
driven away by the villagers, fearful of the Governor's retribution.
Angry, Joshua decides to follow the stranger east.

EPISODE 5: Adele, the Governor's daughter, hurt by Joshua's angry words,
disappeared into the monster-infested Danjou Forest.  Joshua and his 
friends set off to rescue her with Nicola.

EPISODE 6: Having safely rescued Adele, Joshua secretly promised to 
elope with her.  He decides to return home for the night.

EPISODE 7: While Joshua was out, his adoptive father Kordif was taken by
the Blood Knights to the Governor's Manor.  Joshua decides to approach 
the fugitive Nicola for help.

EPISODE 8: The Blood Knights were pursuing Nicola, and had detained 
Joshua's father to find the fugitive.  The former Governor, Kossimo, 
appears to be Joshua's only hope.

EPISODE 9: Kossimo agreed to mediate the release of Kordif.  However, 
Kossimo mysteriously vanished overnight.  At a total loss, Joshua and 
company head home to Polata Village.

EPISODE 10: Joshua found his father at home.  However, Kordif had 
exposed Nicola to gain his release.  Enraged, Joshua leaves home and 
decides to break into Byron Manor to save the caputred Nicola.

Chapter 1
EPISODE 11: Having killed Kossimo, Joshua escaped.  Seven years later, 
after the outbreak of civil war in Natra, Joshua accepted the job of 
escorting Baron Pratau to Fort Gusta.

EPISODE 12: Baron Pratau had hoped to establish a new faction to end the 
civil war.  However, his vaunted White Dragon Knights were wiped out.  
Joshua refuses to join Pratau's movement.

EPISODE 13: Having parted ways with Baron Pratau, Joshua and his friends 
headed to a tavern.  There, they overhear that the Baron is to be 
ambushed at Kumenu Canyon.

EPISODE 14: After soul-searching, Joshua decided to support Baron 
Pratau.  The party heads for Sady to prepare for teh rescue of King 
Franz, said to be held captive in E. Natra.

EPISODE 15: En route to Sady, Joshua met his childhood friend, Yuri.  
A Church emissary, Yuri offered to help the Baron's cause.  With Yuri, 
the group heads for the Mining Prison.

EPISODE 16: At the Mining Prison, the party agreed to exterminate 
monsters that shut down the mine.  Yuri left the party to investigate 
the prison on his own.

EPISODE 17: Joshua's party defeated the monsters and reached an ancient 
shrine.  There, Yuri discovered a document of immense significance.  A 
riot opened the way to rescue King Franz.

Chapter 2
EPISODE 18: The rescued King Franz was found to be a mere puppet.  
However, Baron Pratau insisted on sticking with his plans with the King 
as a symbolic leader.  The party heads for Aposs.

EPISODE 19: Having reached Aposs, the party decided to travel by sea to 
Naska, a city ruled by Duke Kleuth, the Baron's secret ally.  Yuri, 
investigating ancient ruins, tags along.

EPISODE 20: Betrayed by the boat's owner, Yuri and Franz were separated 
from the group.  Forced to find an overland route, the Baron decided to 
head for Yuggor to evade pursuit.

EPISODE 21: On arrival in Yuggor, the Baron left to investigate the 
means of reaching Naska.  In the meantime, the group decide to take a 
well-earned break.

EPISODE 22: In Yuggor, Joshua came across his step-sister Rosaly, his 
childhood friend Clive and Nicola in less than happy circumstances.  
With new resolve, Joshua heads for Naska.

EPISODE 23: Upon arrival in Naska, the party and Duke Kleuth were 
imprisoned by Leon, the Duke's son.  Set free by a mysterious helper, 
the party comes to King Franz's rescue.

Chapter 3
EPISODE 24: With the help of Duke Kleuth, Central Natra is founded under
King Franz.  Joshua heads for Daboll Mountain to eliminate a nest of 
bandits who threaten the new state.

EPISODE 25: At the bandit's fort, Joshua met his childhood friend, Adele,
who departed with fanatical Kudur Cultists.  Filled with misgivings, 
Joshua turns back to Naska.

EPISODE 26: For reunifying Natra, the Baron proposed to first attack 
West Natra.  Joshua and the new White Dragons were ordered to take Fort 
Dantess, a key supply route of their enemies.

EPISODE 27: En route by ship to Kiskana, the party was attacked by Friar
Mahler and the Kudur Cultists.  Although victorious, the party was 
forced to land far from their destination.

EPISODE 28: The villagers of Domigo were turned into zombies by a 
mysterious spell.  While suspecting the Kudur Cult of this misdeed, the 
group has no choice but to hurry to Fort Dantess.

EPISODE 29: Before they could reach Fort Dantess, the party received 
word of King Franz's abduction by East Natra.  Alarmed, the Central 
Natra GHQ ordered the White Dragons to return.

Final Chapter
EPISODE 30: The marriage between Franz and Adele resulted in the 
formation of United Natra.  This turn of events was thought to finally 
bring about the end of the long civil war in Natra...

EPISODE 31: Godard, the leader of the Kudur Cult, failed to destroy the 
White Dragons.  The party, saved by partisans, heads for Bazo Forest to 
rescue the imperiled resistance.

[NOTE: There is a typo in the game for Episode 32 which I have 

EPISODE 32: By the time Joshua arrived, the partisan base had been 
overrun.  Realizing Godard to be the real enemy, the party heads for 
Slate Convent with Clive and Nicola.

EPISODE 33: Godard has been defeated.  However, the Twin Empire launched
a major invasion of Natra.  The White Dragons plot to infiltrate Gardeau
and take W. Natra King Gregor hostage.

EPISODE 34: W. Natra collapsed with the deaths of Agatha and Gregor.  
The Twin Empire has been forced to withdraw to quell home fires.  Yuri 
awaits the party in the royal city of Yuggor.

EPISODE 35: Godard has resurrected himself in the body of Franz.  
Emboldened, Kudur Cultists captured the partisan base.  To free Nicola, 
the party heads for Natra Palace.

EPISODE 36: By the time Nicola was freed, Godard had already launched an
offensive against Nirvadia.  To thwart Godard's catastrophic plot, 
Joshua rushes to Nigran Cathedral.

2.2- History

The following is found on the world screen menu and contains back-story
to the game.

Age of Myths
In the distant past, mortals stole the seed of the Lifetree from the 
Garden of God.  With it, they created a utopia where they reveled in the 
pursuit of sinful pleasures.

God, enraged, visited chaos and death upon the sinful masses.  At the 
same time, God conferred a holy sword upon Nirvath and commanded him to 
save only the devout and pure.

Nirvath wielded the holy sword to lead the survivors to a land of purity.  
The sword, spent of its power, shattered.  Its every speck is said to be 
found in all weapons.

Nirvath brought stability and peace among the races and tribes on the 
continent of Rognant.  The areas under his control later became the basis 
of the Church state, Nirvadia.

War of Separation
Nirvadia, the Church state founded by St. Nirvath, presided over 300 
years of peace.  However, invasions by foreign hordes and heretics 
within its own ranks eroded Nirvadia's power.

Empowered, local governors began squabbling over territory.  In the Holy 
Year 425, a regional dispute over theology spiraled into a war involving 
the entire Rognant Continent.

The War of Separation, as it came ot be called, ended with a peace 
treaty that dismantled Nirvadia.  Over 30 regions were recognized as 
independent nation states.

Subsequently, the nation states experienced wars and amalgamations.  
They eventually formed the four Powers of Natra, Nirvadia, Vernantze 
and the Zora-Archeo Twin Empire.

The once mighty Church state has been reduced to the weakest and 
smallest of the four Powers.  IT had shrunk over the ages by steadily 
conceding its territory to others.

However, although weak, the Church state stands as the keeper of the St. 
Nirvath religion.  Because of the religion's prevalence, Nirvadia can 
exert strong diplomatic pressure.

The Church leader is the Pope who, as God's representative on earth, 
retains the position until death.  His successor is chosen among 
Cardinals by committee.

Cardinals were appointed from across the continent.  However, because of 
an unwritten rule that only a Nirvadian could be Pope, the Church state 
managed to maintain neutrality.

Rep. of Vernantze
Said to have been founded by Giese, the mercenary king, who was given 
land by Nirvadia for driving out foreign invaders.

The land, across water from ap agan country, had been the setting of 
many battles.  As a result, Nirvadia was viewed to have given the land 
to Giese to serve as a breakwater.

However, Giese proved adept at not only warfare but also diplomacy.  
He established a thriving foreign trade and used its wealth to expand 
into the Rognant Continent.

In the Holy Year, 939, Vernantze became a republic.  However, only 
nobles are permitted into its congress.  It is now a de facto 
dictatorship under the Vitzel clan.

Zora-Archeo Twin Empire
The two nations of Zora and Archeo long fought over the norht.  The 
Emperor of Zora succeeded in securing the throne of Archeo through 
shrewd diplomacy and royal marriages.

In the Holy Year 974, Zora absorbed Archeo to form the Zora-Archeo Twin 
Empire.  It became the largest and most powerful of all nations on 
Rognant Continent.

However, because of long-running feuds, there is strong discontentment 
and mistrust among the races.  The Archeo side has been especially hard 
hit by major insurrections.

Kingdom of Natra
The hero's homeland.  Vast mineral resources, a fertile plain and 
thriving trade made the kingdom prosperous.  THe peace was protected by 
its famously courageous knights.

Among the four Powers, Natra had the longest history behind only 
Nirvadia.  Loyalty to the crown had been absolute until the outbreak of 
civil war over succession 10 years ago.

King Zekras, revered as a wise and benevolent rules, was to have been 
succeeded by Julius, his eledest son.  His younger sibling, Lagore, 
raised troops to contest the throne.

The war between the equally-matched siblings was expected to drag on.  
However, it ended abruptly when Prince Julius fled before a major 

Having assumed the throne, King Lagore presided over a period of 
stability.  However, just seven years after his ascension, Lagore was 
felled by a brief illness.

His infant son, Franz, became King.  However, the Queen Mother and 
Cardinal Ladorak were the de facto rulers.  Their brutality and their 
being foreigners caused resentment.

As a result, conspiracy and intrique are the order of the day in Natra.  
Those seeking to topple the rulers sit alongside those currying favor 
while foreign agents scurry...

Pre-separation Natra
The hero's homeland.  Vast mineral resources, a fertile plain and 
thriving trade made the kingdom prosperous.  THe peace was protected by 
its famously courageous knights.

Among the four Powers, Natra had the longest history behind only 
Nirvadia.  Loyalty to the crown had been absolute until the outbreak of 
war over sucession in the Year 979.

King Zekras, revered as a wise and benevolent rules, was to have been 
succeeded by Julius, his eledest son.  His younger sibling, Lagore, 
raised troops to contest the throne.

The war between the equally-matched siblings was expected to drag on.  
However, it ended abruptly when Prince Julius fled before a major 

Having assumed the throne, King Lagore presided over a period of 
stability.  However, just seven years after his ascension, Lagore was 
felled by a brief illness.

His infant son, Franz, became King.  Queen Mother Agatha and Cardinal 
Ladorak became the de facto rulers.  However, their alliance did not 
last long.

In the Holy Year 989, Nicola, the orphaned son of the exiled Prince 
Julius raised troops to challenge the throne.  This plunged Natra into a 
long and divisive civil war.

West Natra
In the Holy Year 989, Nicola raised an army to lay claim to the throne.  
Cardinal Ladorak, Queen Mother Agatha's partner, turned traitor and drove 
her out to Gardeau.

In the confusion, the infant King Franz disappeared.  Agatha prevailed 
upon the Zora-Archeo Twin Empire, her homeland, to provide troops for 
restoring her to power.

The Twin Empire agreed on the condition that Gregor, the Emperor's 3rd 
son, marry Princess Minea, the mission Franz's younger sister, and be 
crowned as the King.

The newly formed alliance became one side of the long civil war.  
Because of its location, it came to be called West Natra.

East Natra
In the Holy Year 979, Prince Julius, the righful heir to the throne, 
fled Natra with only his son, Nicola.  Subsequently orphaned, Nicola 
grew up in Vernantze Republic.

After the death of King Lagore, his uncle, he raised troops to challenge 
the rule of Queen Mother Agatha.  Supported by Vernantze, he began his 
offensive in 989.

Cardinal Ladorak, Agatha's partner in the governance of Natra, betrayed 
her and began cooperating with Nicola's rebel army.

With Ladorak's help, Nicola took the royal city of Yuggor in just one 
week.  Nicola immediately held a coronation to declare himself the 46th 
King of Natra.

His hopes of ruling over all Natra were quickly dashed, however.  Agatha 
struck back with the aid of Zora-Archeo.  The civil war slowed to a 
horrific, grinding stalemate.

Nicola's sphere of control was centered by the royal city of Yuggor.  
Because of its location, it came to be called East Natra.

Central Natra
King Franz had been missing and presumed dead since the start of the 
civil war.  In the Holy Year 997, the King suddenly re-emerged onto the 
stage of history.

Set free from imprisonment by W. Natra's Baron Pratau, Franz was made 
the King of a new faction supported by both Pratau and Duke Kleuth of E.

Promising to rid the forces of the East and West who were tainted by 
foreign influence and bring lasting peace, the new faction quickly 
became as powerful as the others.

The new faction chose Naska, the hub of trade, to be its base of power.
Because of its location, Franz's kingdom came to known as Central Natra.

United Natra
In the Holy Year 997, Cardinal Ladorak deposed E. Natra's King Nicola 
and installed Princess Adele, the lost daughter of King Zekras, as the 
new ruler.

Ladorak then approached Central Natra to propose a royal wedding between
King Franz and Princess Adele.  Their marriage resulted in the 
amalgamation of East and Central Natra.

United Natra, as the union came to be called, brought together a huge 
army.  Exploiting its military advantage, United Natra laid siege to 
the beleaguered West Natra.

The people were awed by the shrewd diplomatic acumen of Ladorak who 
forged the new alliance.  However, it was Godard, the Kudur Cult leader,
who pulled Ladorak's strings...


3 - C R E D I T S 


- Special thanks to Jarek Grochal for providing a list of battles, as 
well as side events, in his FAQ/Walkthrough.

- Thankyou to Tyrantking on the Vandal Hearts II message boards for
telling me how to get Map-13.

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