_____________________ ___ ___ ____ _ _ _ ___________________ \________________ _|/ _ \ | \ / ___|| | | || \ | ________________/ \_____________| | | | | | || || | | | __ | | | || \ | | |_____________/ \____________| | | | | | || _/ | ||_ \| | | || \| | |____________/ \___________| | | | |_| || | | |_| || |_| || |\ | |___________/ \__________|_|_|__\___/_|_|__ _\____/_\___/_|_|_\__|_|__________/ \___________________________||_________________________________/ __/\__ `, .` /.'`.\ ___ __ ___ ___ |- | |_| |-- /\ | \ / | | | | | | \ |__ / \ | \/\/ | |_ |__ =============================================================================== Top Gun: Fire at Will FAQ Date Began: August 19th, 2006 Date Completed: August 20th, 2006 (Last updated on August 11th, 2008) Version 1.15 Author: Jose "ffmasterjose" Escamilla Email: ffmasterjose (at) gmail (dot) com =============================================================================== .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction.........................................................[Intro] 2. Characters...........................................................[Char] 3. Controls.............................................................[Con] 4. General Tips.........................................................[Gen] 5. Missiles.............................................................[Miss] 6. Walkthrough..........................................................[FAQ] Miramar 1.............................................................[M1] Miramar 2.............................................................[M2] Miramar 3.............................................................[M3] Miramar 4.............................................................[M4] Miramar 5.............................................................[M5] Miramar 6.............................................................[M6] Cuba 1................................................................[C1] Cuba 2................................................................[C2] Cuba 3................................................................[C3] Cuba 4................................................................[C4] Cuba 5................................................................[C5] Cuba 6................................................................[C6] Cuba 7................................................................[C7] Korea 1...............................................................[K1] Korea 2...............................................................[K2] Korea 3...............................................................[K3] Korea 4...............................................................[K4] Korea 5...............................................................[K5] Korea 6...............................................................[K6] Korea 7...............................................................[K7] Korea 8...............................................................[K8] Korea 9...............................................................[K9] Korea 10.............................................................[K10] Libya 1...............................................................[L1] Libya 2...............................................................[L2] Libya 3...............................................................[L3] Libya 4...............................................................[L4] Libya 5...............................................................[L5] Libya 6...............................................................[L6] Libya 7...............................................................[L7] Libya 8...............................................................[L8] 7. Level Passwords......................................................[Pass] 8. Legal Information....................................................[Legal] 9. Version History......................................................[Ver] 10. Final Notes.........................................................[Final] .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | INTRODUCTION (Intro) Welcome to my first, and hopefully one of many FAQs. You might be wondering why I choose Top Gun. Well for my first FAQ I wanted to do something simple yet effective. And at the time, there were no FAQS for this game at all. So I figured I'd be helping out the site and myself. Hence why I dusted off my old copy of this game and got down to business. As for the game itself, Top Gun (With the subtitle, Fire At Will!) was released back in 1996 on the Playstation game system by the now defunct publisher Spectrum Holobyte. The game itself was never really a smash hit but is known for it's use of full motion video cut scenes, and actor James Tolkan being featured in many of these scenes. You play as Maverick, who is never shown in-game and whos relationship to the character from the film is unknown. Top Gun is one of the few flight simulators to be released on the Playstation. .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | CHARACTERS (Char) Maverick - Main character of the game, who you play as. Flying is in his veins as his father was a well-known pilot before being shot down. Merlin - Maverick's co-pilot who also serves as his friend. He gives advice to the player throughout missions. Stinger - Maverick's rival of sorts, who's cocky and arrogant. But to match his ego are his skills as a dogfighter. Raven - Also a skilled fighter, top of her class after Cougar retired. Has as much ability as Stinger. Amanda Moore - Reporter who serves to give Maverick information later in the game. Played by actress Julie Carmen. Commander Hondo - Maverick's tough-as-nails instructor who gives mission briefings to him and everyone else throughout the game. Nomad - Leader of a rouge group of fighter pilots who plays some sort of role in Maverick's past. The main antagonist. Cougar - Minor character who appears in the game's attract mode movie, he becomes spooked while on a routine run and is saved by Maverick and Merlin. He retires after that incident which opens up a spot for the two who saved him at Top Gun. .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | CONTROLS (Con) Start - Pause Game, view Objectives Select - Change to/out of cockpit view Right Analog Stick - No use Left Analog Stick - No use Square - Release Flare/Chaff X - Fires Machine Gun Circle - Fires missle type currently selected Triangle - Toggles missle types at the bottom of the screen R1 - Throttle Down R2 - Change Crt L1 - Throttle Up L2 - Cycle Targets D-pad up - Nose down D-pad down - Nose up D-pad left - Rolls plane to the left D-pad right - Rolls plane to the right .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | GENERAL TIPS (Gen) The following are simply tips to help you stay alive and shoot down your foes effectively, plain and simple. - While locked on to an enemy with a missile, shoot ahead of them. Otherwise a missle will have to catch up to a foe, it's much easier for one to move back on a foe. This will improve your accuracy greatly. - During missions while you're protecting a craft be sure to not fire at an enemy if it is close to the craft. Chances are you'll hit the craft you're protecting, as the game's target system tends to be spotty. - To avoid missles being lanched at you, don't be afraid to try a barrel roll, it may very well save you from being hit. - Avoid flying too low to the ground or too close to mountains. Chances are you'll crash, as the games graphics tend to blinker out. This gives you the impression that there isn't anything in front of you, when chances are there is. -Spam Chaff/Flare, you have an unlimited amount of them and it doesn't hurt. .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Missiles (Miss) This section serves to give you any and all information about the missles at your disposal in Top Gun: Fire At Will! Name: Standard Capacity: 50 (Little homing ability, normal missle type) Name: Surefire Capacity: 7 (Great homing ability, stronger than Standard) Name: MIRV Capacity: 7 (A pack of missles with homing ability) Name: AGM Capacity: 25 (Used for taking out ground targets) Name: Nuke Capacity: 1 (Used for devastation, pure and simple) Name: U238 Capacity: 7 (Tears through a plane and keeps going, homing) .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | WALKTHROUGH (FAQ) The game itself is divided into four different areas with a number after each level to signal how far along in a level you are. Miramar 1 (M1): ---------- This is your first mission and the most easiest. Simply avoid hitting the ground and shoot down the lone drone. This really only serves to introduce you to the basic controls, so make yourself used to everything. Miramar 2 (M2): ---------- This mission is basically the same as the first one. Except there are ten drones to shoot down instead of one. Enemies will fire missles at you but they are severly inaccurate and chances are you'll be able to dodge them easily. You are accompanied by an unamed escort but it won't help you much, nor do you need it to. Miramar 3 (M3): ---------- Basically the same as the first two, except with twenty-two drones to shoot and Raven has your back. Unlike your accomplice in the last mission she will actually shoot a few drones down by herself, plus her plane has great speed and armor so she'll take care of herself. The enemies still lack the capacity to fire a missle accurately at you, so don't worry too much about being outnumbered. Miramar 4 (M4): ---------- Now this may present some sort of a challenge to you. There are twenty-two enemies complete with seven ground units. The MIRV and AMG missle types are introduced to your aircraft, use the MIRV for large groups of drones and once they're gone switch to the AMGs (You can switch missle types by a simple press of Triangle in case you missed it earlier) to take care of the ground units. A large group of ground units are in the central area from where the mission started, in fact you should be able to get all but one. To find another one use the radar the AMG provides and seek out the yellow dots. Those are the ground units you're looking for. It should be mentioned that the drones in this mission have tougher armor and better accuracy. Miramar 5 (M5) : ---------- Not as difficult as the last mission but can be pain in your side. You face twenty simple drones but with a twist - you must protect a bomber from being shot down. This isn't exactly hard, as it will evade many missles fired at it but still be quick to shoot down enemy craft. If you see a drone fire at the bomber take it out right away. Just because their attention is on the bomber doesn't mean they still won't try to shoot you out of the sky so be careful. Miramar 6 (M6): ---------- This is the first of four boss fights in Top Gun, but it's also the easiest. Despite the fact that Stinger is flying the latest from Washington a few standard missles, coupled with an MIRV shot should finish him off. If not take him down with more missles or gun fire, show Stinger that you're the top dog in these parts! Cuba 1 (C1): ------- In this mission Raven escorts you on your way in defeating the thirteen enemies and six ground targets. I'd advise taking out the ground targets nearest the central area where Maverick starts, as to eliminate at least one source of firing projectiles! If you'll notice in this mission the Surefire missle type is equipped to your ship. As the name implies, these missles are highly accurate and good for taking out swift moving targets. Also introduced in this mission are stronger enemy types - stronger armor, greater speed and attacks that pack a punch to your plane, so beware amd don't get cocky. As with other missions, after you've defeated all of your air-borne foes switch to the AGMs and seek out the rest of the ground targets. Cuba 2 (C2): ------- Some F-18s escort you on this mission, though they don't do much to help shoot down the enemies as you'll most likely notice. During this mission you're expected to shoot down eleven planes and a single ground target. Even though it's not part of your mission objectives taking out the other ground units that launch missles at you is beneficial as it will eliminate another force trying to shoot you out of the sky. Cuba 3 (C3): ------- This is quite possibly the tougest mission yet. There are sixteen planes to shoot down, along with nine ground targets. I advise disposing of the ground targets in your immediate area, as they'll only become a nuisance as time goes on, plus the last thing you want is a missle on your six every few seconds (which is exactly what will happen). As you were warned of, you must take care of Bomber planes as well as individual air-craft. Bombers have tough armor and even tougher missle strikes, but they move slow so take advantage of your speed bonus. Bombers appear in practically every enemy group so take note of this. This mission is quite deceptive, as when you reduce the number of aircraft targets to one you will find that the "one" is actually about five or six, so keep some missles in reserve to prepare yourself. Cuba 4 (C4): ------- This is another mission where you protect a chopper from being shot down. This time only twenty fighter planes stand in your way, and this mission is a nice change of pace compared to the last one. Beware, as the numbers once again are deceptive and the last group of four is actually much more, but it's nothing you can't handle. Follow the General Tips and you should be alright. Cuba 5 (C5): ------- In this mission you face twenty-three planes and a grand total of nine ground targets. In this group several Bombers appear so I'd advise taking them out first before they get the chance to cause some real trouble. Cuba 6 (C6): ------- Maverick is escorted by two F-18s to take out thirty planes and eight ground targets. This mission can be very tricky, and it tends to prolong itself so make absolutely sure you conserve your fuel so when you take out the aircraft first you can still knock out the ground targets without a risk of running out of fuel. Also, beware of mountain-tops and try not to fly inbetween them as you may find yourself crashing into one before you know it. Cuba 7 (C7): ------- Ah, the final level of Cuba. This is also the most difficult mission this far. Thirty-two enemies are all that stand in your way, except the numbers are again deceptive and you'll end up fighting a little more than that. Conserve your MIRV and Surefire missles until the end, also attempt to take in as little damage as possible before the last foe shows up. When the number of enemies is reduced to one the boss of the level will make it's appearance. At this point get a good lock on the craft of the boss and fire away with the MIRV, allowing each of the missles to connect. Then follow up with a barrage of Surefire missles for good measure. If executed correctly this should be the curtain call but if not follow up with some gun-fire or standard missles. Evade the missles the boss launches as best you can, and if take damage to your wings prior to meeting the boss you might as well reload your game. Conquer the foe and you've cleared Cuba, congratulations! Korea 1 (K1): -------- If you thought you'd get a break from tough missions, think again! Korea 1 introduces many things. One to celebrate about, is the addition of the Nuke to your weapons arsenal. As you will find it packs quite a punch. Also, your number of MIRVs and Surefires have increased. You may also notice a new type of enemy aircraft with a red/orangish underside. They, along with the other craft, have tougher armor as well as other attributes. For the mission itself, it's a basic "shoot down anything that moves" type of thing. But it's not as easy as you'd like it to be. Don't believe the twenty-three foe count, as the number of enemies is again tricky, but it's only a few more than displayed. At the start of the mission you'll be surrounded by a large group of enemies. I advise going after the Bomber first (more Bombers will pop up later as you progress) just so you'll take that huge mass out early. As for the rest of them, just shoot them down as best you can. If you can catch a large group at once, fire an MIRV to thin their ranks. Do your best to avoid missles launched and of course, be careful not to fly too close to the sea, as you may accidentally crash your plane, which would be very unfortunate to say the least. Korea 2 (K2): -------- This mission provides some relief from the previous ones, but not by much. You square off against twenty-one "vet" targets, and this description may prove to be an understatement. Perhaps what makes them vets is the strength of their missles. You may notice one hit deals considerable damage to your aircraft. So do your best to avoid any and all missle strikes as best you can. The difficulty is somewhat deceptive though. You start of facing a decent size group of enemies but they're not too hard to shoot down. After that though, you'll soon notice that not only does it become more difficult to kill foe craft, but the number of enemies are again misleading. But as in most cases it's nothing you can't handle. The last group of enemies may be especially troublesome to overcome, but keep your cool Korea 3 (K3): -------- A refreshing change of pace is begun in this mission, if at least for a bit. For Korea 3 you have nineteen air targets to shoot down and 13 ground units. At the start I advise you launch your Nuke to wipe out the ground units below. This not only will eliminate most of the ground targets you need to get rid of, but it also reduces a source of missles being shot at you! The rest of this mission is really straightforward. Just evade the enemy's fire, by rolling out of the way or using Flare/Chaff (Which does help actually) and be careful not to fly too low, even though much of the aircraft will. Personally I think this is a tactic to get you to crash. The last group of enemies will be a bigger batch than what is showm, so just shoot down the extras and you'll be fine. Korea 4 (K4): -------- This mission keeps beat with the previous one. This time there are twenty-eight Migs to shoot down and eighteen ground targets. As with the last mission, use a Nuke at the start to take out most of the ground targets. There is really no change from the previous flight. Korea 5 (K5): -------- This also has a feel like the past two missions. The same basic strategy applies to this one as well. Except this time there are forty planes to shoot down and sixteen ground targets. But don't let that number intimidate you. Again, utililze the Flare/Chaff to help dodge the missles. Korea 6 (K6): -------- In this mission there are thirty-six bandits to shoot down over the sea...or ocean, whatever. This one is a typical hop consisting of Bombers every now and then, and of course there are more enemies in the area than are shown. But you don't need to shoot them all down, just the required number. This one is fairly simple. An interesting note, if you die you're treated to a cut-scene scolding your shortcomings...and must try again! Korea 7 (K7): -------- There are also thirty-six enemy aircraft to shoot down on this hop, along with fifteen SAM sites. The foes in this area are mostly light-armored craft that you can shoot down fairly quickly, there's also a Bomber occasionally and Cadre planes (The planes with the red-ish underside). For the ground targets, look for a large group of them from your initial starting point. Korea 8 (K8): -------- Forty-three MIGs stand between you and the next stage. In many ways this hop foreshadows what the rest of the game will be like. It is a fairly straightforward mission, as always use Chaff to help dodge missles fired at you. Korea 9 (K9): -------- Forty-four plans to shoot down with optional ground targets. I'd advise that you shoot down the ground targets near yourself though, just to eliminate an extra source of missles being shot at you. Stinger has your back in this one and will do more than his fair share of work taking out the enemy. Korea 10 (K10): --------- The final level of Korea is here. Forty plans are your obstacle, with one of them being the boss of the level. Conserve your best missles (Nuke, MIRV) for the end and use Standards and your machine gun to take down anything else. Use your Chaff to help avoid taking any hits, if this is possible. When the boss shows up (You'll be able to tell, her craft is different from the others) unload on her with everything, and try to dodge her dangerous projectiles. If all goes well, you'll see her explode in a desperado-esque fashion. Congratulations, you've cleared Korea! Libya 1 (L1): -------- For the first level of Libya you have to deal with a paltry twenty-two enemies that can be shot down easily. It is worth mentioning that the U238 missle type is introduced. So give them a try and see what kind of damange they can deal out. The enemies appear in large groups, and as the cut-scene prior to the mission mentions, their missles tend to affect your radar, which can totally suck if you're early on in the mission. Libya 2 (L2): -------- There's not much to say about the remaining levels of Libya. Twenty-four foes will try to shoot you down, with optional ground targets thrown in the mix, you should take out the ones nearest to you just for good measure. Libya 3 (L3): -------- Thirty-one planes and twenty ground targets are what you have in front of you. Raven and Stinger escort you on this hop, and will both take care of enemy bandits while you search for ground units to destroy. Make sure to conserve your fuel as it tends to take a while to find all of said ground targets. And chances are, you'll help take out the air targets first. Libya 4 (L4): -------- Thirty-three MIGs and a lone unit on the ground are what's stacked against you. Raven and an F-18 help you on this hop. Raven will do more work than her other silent counterpart. When the sky is clear, look for the single ground target amongst a large group of them, and fire your Nuke if you wish, just be sure to fly away from the blast instead of into it...or you'll be quite surprised. Libya 5 (L5): -------- Twenty-seven Cadres are on the hitlist for this mission. Two F-18s accompany Maverick on this one, but they won't do much to help besides be another target for the enemy to shoot at besides yourself. This is as simple as they come, use U238s to tear into multiple enemies that bunch themselves up, they'll regret that choice. Libya 6 (L6): -------- Almost finished with the game! This time your mission objectives are twenty- eight ground targets and one single ground target (Don't ask me why they decided to add just one in many of these latter missions, because I have no clue). Four F-18s got your back, but you won't need their services, and more often than not, they'll be in your way of gunning someone down. Libya 7 (L7): -------- Stinger escorts you on this hunt to take out thirty-four Cadres and three ground targets. This is another shoot-em-up type of mission. Use different missle types to make things go faster so you can move on to the next hop. Libya 8 (L8): -------- Thirty-four planes are what you have ahead of you for this final mission. As usual with boss fights, conserve your best missles for the final foe and when Nomad's craft shows up, let him have the works. Ignore everything else and of course, fire at will. With determination and luck, you'll have him beat. Congratulations, you completed Top Gun: Fire At Will! .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | LEVEL PASSWORDS (Pass) The following passwords need to be entered after selecting Restore Game in the main menu. On the left is the password that must be entered, on the right is the level it takes you to. Note: Using the following passwords, the player will begin with three lives in each level. Trainee Passwords: ------------------ 6,3,6,3,1 - Miramar 2 8,6,0,2,3 - Miramar 3 5,6,1,4,1 - Miramar 4 7,9,5,2,3 - Miramar 5 0,7,6,3,1 - Miramar 6 2,0,1,2,3 - Cuba 1 5,7,1,3,1 - Cuba 2 7,0,6,1,3 - Cuba 3 8,2,1,2,3 - Cuba 4 4,6,4,6,4 - Cuba 5 7,5,6,2,3 - Cuba 6 3,9,9,6,4 - Cuba 7 2,6,1,2,3 - Korea 1 8,9,4,6,4 - Korea 2 9,1,6,9,2 - Korea 3 1,5,0,8,4 - Korea 4 8,4,1,0,3 - Korea 5 0,8,5,8,4 - Korea 6 7,7,6,0,3 - Korea 7 9,0,1,9,4 - Korea 8 2,8,1,0,3 - Korea 9 4,1,6,8,4 - Korea 10 7,8,6,9,2 - Libya 1 9,1,1,8,4 - Libya 2 4,8,3,8,4 - Libya 3 0,2,7,2,6 - Libya 4 3,1,9,8,4 - Libya 5 9,4,2,3,6 - Libya 6 8,1,4,8,4 - Libya 7 4,5,7,2,6 - Libya 8 Pilot Passwords --------------- 0,5,1,4,1 - Miramar 2 2,8,5,2,3 - Miramar 3 5,5,6,3,1 - Miramar 4 7,8,0,2,3 - Miramar 5 8,4,6,1,3 - Miramar 6 4,8,9,5,4 - Cuba 1 7,7,1,2,3 - Cuba 2 3,1,5,6,4 - Cuba 3 2,4,6,2,3 - Cuba 4 8,7,9,6,4 - Cuba 5 7,4,1,2,3 - Cuba 6 3,8,4,6,4 - Cuba 7 6,1,7,1,3 - Korea 1 2,5,0,6,4 - Korea 2 7,9,1,0,3 - Korea 3 9,2,8,6,4 - Korea 4 2,6,6,0,3 - Korea 5 4,9,0,9,4 - Korea 6 7,6,1,0,3 - Korea 7 9,9,5,8,4 - Korea 8 4,0,9,7,4 - Korea 9 0,4,2,2,6 - Korea 10 3,3,4,8,4 - Libya 1 9,6,7,2,6 - Libya 2 8,9,8,8,4 - Libya 3 4,3,2,3,6 - Libya 4 3,0,4,8,4 - Libya 5 9,3,7,2,6 - Libya 6 2,7,9,7,4 - Libya 7 8,0,3,2,6 - Libya 8 Ace Passwords ------------- 8,6,1,1,3 - Miramar 2 4,0,5,5,4 - Miramar 3 7,9,6,1,3 - Miramar 4 3,3,0,6,4 - Miramar 5 2,0,2,1,3 - Miramar 6 8,3,5,5,4 - Cuba 1 5,5,7,2,3 - Cuba 2 1,9,0,7,4 - Cuba 3 8,0,1,1,3 - Cuba 4 4,4,4,5,4 - Cuba 5 7,3,6,1,3 - Cuba 6 .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Legal Information (Legal) All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective and copyright holders. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any other website besides http://www.gamefaqs.com/ or otherwise distributed publicly at all. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is prohibited, and a violation of copyright. I'm only granting GameFAQs permission to host this guide, so please refrain from requesting permission to host this anywhere else, as your request will be denied respectably. Copyright 2006-2008 Jose Escamilla. .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | VERSION HISTORY (Ver) 0.25 - August 20th, 2006. The initial FAQ 0.65 - August 25th, 2006. Updated the Walkthrough section to include the Cuba levels, as well as the passwords for the Cuba levels on the Pilot difficulty setting. Updated and merged the legal section. Added more to the General Tips section. Added the Final Notes and took away the Credit section, this altering the Table of Contents portion, so that was updated too. I also revamped the category displays, replacing the old plus symbols that looked tacky. Note from the author: This update was made on a special day. 0.67 - November 6th, 2006. Minor update to the Level Passwords section, also added a password to the Level Passwords section that was left out for some reason, in addition to the first of ten passwords for the Korea section on the Pilot difficulty. Plus, updated the Walkthrough section to include Korea 1. 0.75 - November 13th, 2006. Updated the characters section to include Cougar. Also corrected some grammatical and layout errors on the FAQ itself. Added Ace difficulty passwords for up to Cuba 3. Also updated the Walkthrough section up to Korea 5. Also added passwords on the Pilot difficulty setting up to Korea 3. Note from the author: this update was also made on a special day. 0.76 - December 14th, 2006. Added level passwords for the Ace difficulty setting up to Cuba 6. 1.00 - December 16th, 2006. Finally finished the FAQ/Walkthrough section. Also updated the passwords section. Still need to collect the rest of the passwords for the Ace difficulty section, but the meat and bones part of the FAQ is finished after much procrastination. Also added the "Missles" portion into the FAQ. 1.05 - March 2nd, 2007. Format edited and organized by 1337mangamaster. ASCII art by 1337mangamaster added. 1.08 - June 22nd, 2007. Added sub-sections to the Walkthrough portion of the FAQ for each level in order to make navigation easier and faster. 1.15 - August 11th, 2008. Removed an unnecessary part of the guide. Also updated some parts of the guide to the current format I use. .------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | FINAL NOTES (Final) I encourage feedback of any kind, and I can be reached at the email listed above. In addition to feedback, if you have errors or missing content to report I'll look into it, and if everything checks out credit will be given to you in a future update. Thank you for viewing my FAQ A special thanks to 1337mangamaster for editing the FAQ's format, and organizing the information. Also for the great work done on the ASCII you saw at the top of the page. ===============================================================================