0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678 Tomb Raider II Secret Guide By KFHEWUI Started August 7, 2007 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2007 Timothy Johnson. !Warning! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have any questions or you found a mistake then see the section Final Word on how to contact me. MAJOR WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS FOLLOWING GUIDE IS FOR USE ON AND ONLY ON www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.supercheats.com If you see this guide on any website that is NOT mentioned above then please contact me immediately and tell me. ^~^~^~^~^ |CONTENT| ^~^~^~^~^ 1. Read this first 2. Story 3. Controls 4. Guide The Great Wall Venice Bartoli's Hideout Opera House Offshore Rig Diving Area 40 Fathoms Wreck of the Maria Doria Living Quarters The Deck Tibetan Foothills Barkhang Monastery Catacombs of the Talian Ice Palace Temple of Xian Floating Islands The Dragon's Lair Home Sweet Home 5. Final Word ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ |1. Read This First| ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^~ First off, I would like to thank you for reading this guide. This guide will cover how to get every Stone Dragon, Jade Dragon, and Gold Dragon in Tomb Raider II. There are three secrets in the first 16 level, which means there are forty-eight secrets in the entire game. The Dragon's Lair and Home Sweet Home have no secrets. ^~^~^~^~^~ |2. Story| ^~^~^~^~^~ Legend has it that when you drive the Dagger of Xian into your heart, you acquire the power of the dragon. Literally. In Ancient China, the Emperor was the holder of this power and with his army alongside him, he was a force to be reckoned with. Thus empowered, he staked claim to the vast lands that are now China. His final battle however ended in defeat. While people fell into submission all around him, the warrior monks of Tibet would not relent and courageously fought against the evil. Knowing the power of the dagger, they succeeded in removing it from the Dragon Emperor's heart, reducing him and his army to carnage. The dagger was returned to its resting place within The Great Wall and safely locked up for all time... Now three parties hold the dagger close to their heart, and all for entirely different reasons. Lara Croft, forever the adventurer, is one of these. During her adventure, she will encounter the other two... ^~^~^~^~^~^~^ |3. Controls| ^~^~^~^~^~^~^ Up: Run Forward Down: Jump Back Right: Turn Right Left: Turn Left X: Action Square: Jump Triangle: Draw/holster weapon Circle: Roll R1 Button: Walk (when used with the up & down directional buttons) R2 Button: Side Step (when used with the left & right directional buttons) L1 Button: Look (when used with the directional buttons) L2 Button: Get/Throw Flare START Button: Pause/Unpause SELECT Button: Displays Menu Rings Somersault in Air: Right after jumping, press Circle Vaulting: While facing a climbable wall press Up + X SWIMMING CONTROLS Square: Swim X: Pick Up Items/ Fire Harpoon Gun Directional Buttons: Control Lara while swimming Triangle: Draw/Holster Harpoon Gun VEHICLE CONTROLS Press X next to vehicle to get on. X: Fire Weapon (if the vehicle has weapons)/ Speed Boost (if vehicle does not have weapons) Square + Left/Right: Get off Not mentioned in instruction booklet Swan Dive: Hold R1 + Up + Square Hand stand: When holding onto a ledge, press and hold R1 then press up. Running Jump: Walk to the edge (release R1) then press Down. Now run forward and jump. ^~^~^~^~^~ |4. Guide| ^~^~^~^~^~ Level 1: The Great Wall Stone Dragon Right at the beginning of the level, run forward and into the water. Follow the wall around a corner to the left. Climb up the ledge then run forward. Now you will have to jump to a platform to the left. Walk to the edge then press Square and jump forward. Turn slightly to the right and jump to the next ledge. Follow the wall along until you come to a ledge that you have to climb up. Turn around and hold down L1. Look straight forward and you should see the ledge that you have to jump to. But if you look closer you should spot another ledge farther back. That is where the first secret is. Now run and jump to the ledge. Climb up then walk over to the wall then turn right and walk to the edge. Do a running jump to get over the gap. On the ledge will be the Stone Dragon. Jade Dragon After you reach the gatehouse, you will pass through several rooms until you fall through a hole. At the bottom of the hole will be a long hall with a wall of spikes at each end. Quickly run to the other side of the room and climb through the hole in the wall. I suggest you save right now. After you decide whether to save or not, look down the hall. On the left side of the wall are three blades that will swing back then close. Also the floor will collapse. Run down the hall and dodge the blades. At the end of the hall is a corner. Right around the corner is the Dragon. Quickly grab the dragon before the two walls of spikes turn Lara into a shish kebab. Gold Dragon This Dragon is right at the end of the level, and is very easy to pass up. Right at the end of the level, you will come to a huge open cavernous area with a zip line. Walk over to the edge, under the zip line, and then turn around. Press down and hold X. Lara will grab the ledge, and you should spot a huge opening in the wall. Shimmy all the way to the left and drop down the ledge. Now vault up (up + X). Hold down X then shimmy all the way to the right. Climb up into the opening. Take a few steps forward then turn left and run down the hall. At the end of the hall, grab the climbable wall. Now climb to the right then climb down the very, very long wall. After climbing down, run forward and around a corner. Run forward until you come to a green room. Now turn right and run forward. While running forward, a T-Rex will charge towards you. Just keep on running. Do not stop to fight the T-Rex. At the other side of the room, is an opening, which contains the Gold Dragon. Now this dragon is guarded by two T-Rexes. The best way to fight them is to run forward to lure them towards you then down to jump back into the opening. The T-Rexes can not reach you in the opening. Their heads can fit right into the opening of the small room, but if you are back enough then they will not be able to touch you. Reward: small medi pack, two clips of Grenade Launcher ammo, and a Grenade Launcher. Level 2: Venice Stone Dragon After opening the door to the boat house, get in the boat and leave the boathouse. Turn right and go forward through the opening. Right after going through the opening get close to the right wall and stay by the right wall. In the right wall, there will be an opening. Get out of the boat and climb into this opening to find the Stone Dragon. Gold Dragon Right after getting the Stone Dragon, go and get in the boat again. Now go through the opening and follow the path until you go over a waterfall. Now stop the boat then get out. Dive all the way down to the bottom and search the ground for the Gold Dragon. Jade Dragon At the end of the level, there is a room that contains a switch that opens up the exit gate. Right across from the switch is two ramps: a small ramp and a long wall. Climb up the long wall. At the top of the ramp, is a small room. Turn slightly to the right and go forward then climb up onto the table and grab the Jade Dragon. Reward: 4 clips of automatic pistol ammo. Level 3: Bartoli's Hideout Stone Dragon After flipping the first switch in Bartoli's Hideout (this switch is guarded by three statues that swing their swords up and down), go back to the first room. To the left of the entrance, is a climbable wall. Walk over to the climbable wall. Now jump up and hold X until you grab the climbable wall. Now climb up and to the right. Go through the opening then run and jump to the red awning. Hold down X to grab the edge of the red awning. Shimmy all the way to the left then climb up and do a back flip. Turn left and do a running jump to the platform. Hold X to grab the edge of the platform then climb up. Run forward and jump to the red awning then quickly jump to the brown roof. Press and hold X to grab the ledge then release X to fall on a ledge below. Lara should take a little damage in the fall. Turn around and run forward then turn right. Run and jump to the opening. Go up the stairs and take care of the dogs that attack. At the top of the stairs, go through the opening into the next room. Take care of the man that attacks. Stop right after going through the opening. Turn to the left and run into the wall. Now look closely at the wall to the left. There is a hidden switch. Pull the switch then run through the opening that you used to enter the room. Take care of the man that attacks then go through the opening he came from. At the end of the opening, turn left and pick up the dragon. Gold Dragon When you reach the big room with three chandeliers, quickly kill the dogs and man. Run to the ledge to the left right after you enter the room. Climb up the ledge then shoot out the windows. Run forward and jump and into the water. Swim forward and look for an opening in the right wall. Swim through the windows. Shortly after swimming through the windows, watch for an opening in the floor to the left. Swim down and through the opening. Right after going through the opening, turn to the right and swim forward. Keep swimming forward until you spot an opening to the left in the wall. Swim through this opening. Keep swimming forward until you hit a wall. In the corner to Lara's left is some grenade launcher ammo and in the corner to Lara's right is the Gold Dragon. Jade Dragon At the end of the level, after passing through the library, you will come to the final area of the level. There is a huge building and on the ledge directly opposite of the building is a detonator. DO NOT USE THE DETONATOR. If you do, you will miss the last secret. Instead, climb the ledge to the left of the detonator and turn left then run forward and climb up the ledge at the end. Climb up to the roof and shoot out the windows. Run through the window and grab the Jade Dragon that is sitting on the bed. Reward: 4 boxes of shotgun ammo. Level 4: Opera House Stone Dragon After you open the hole in the stage floor, drop down through the opening in the stage floor. (The switch that opens the opening in the stage floor is located in the room to the right of the stage. Just climb up the ledges and follow the very straight forward path to the switch.) After you drop through the hole on the stage floor, you will land in water. Swim forward and go through the first opening to the left. Follow the short hall to the next room. Go left and around the corner. Go forward then swim through the door. Swim forward until you hit a wall. To the right will be an opening. Swim through the opening and follow the path until you hit the Stone Dragon and a dead end. Gold Dragon After fixing the relay box, you can use the elevator. Go around the corner to the left of the relay box to find the elevator. Pull the switch then wait for the elevator to go down. Wait for the elevator to go down some then hit the switch again. Now run forward and fall on to the top of the elevator. Once the elevator comes to a stop, climb up the ledge then walk forward to find the Gold Dragon. The Gold Dragon is surrounded by broken glass. The shards will hurt Lara if you do not walk through them. Jade Dragon In one part of the level, you will have to go through an air duct. Once you climb up the last ledge in the air duct, you will spot a room with a brown box. Turn around and look up. Jump to the ledge and climb up. At the end of the duct, are the Jade Dragon and a fan. If you get to close to the fan, it will kill Lara. So walk cautiously to the Jade Dragon then pick it up. Level 5: Offshore Rig Jade Dragon This dragon is very easy to spot. Right at the beginning of the level, there is a giant fan under the water. Behind the fan is the Jade Dragon. To get the Jade Dragon, pull the switch right by the fan to the left. Then go through the opening to the right of the fan. The only safe way to get by the fan is to turn around and swim past the two oil barrels on the ground. Then swim over to the wall and follow the wall to the opening. Follow this passage to a room. To the left is a lever. Pull the lever. Now follow the path until you until you come to a switch that opens up a hatch on the bottom of the plane. Jump into the water and go through the hatch. Climb up into the plane then run forward and hit the switch. Now leave the same way you entered. Swim all the way to the opening by the fan. Swim down through the opening and stop at the corner. Now swim through the opening in the floor. Follow the path to the Jade Dragon. Stone Dragon After you pass through the room with beds, you will come to a room with two gray blocks in the wall and a climbable wall. The only problem is that the climbable wall is blocked by fire. Pull both blocks out. Now go to the right side of the block on the right. Grab the block then pull it back. Now go into the opening behind the left block. Push the block forward once. Climb up onto the block then jump to the ladder and climb all the way up. At the top, follow the hall around a corner. Take care of the man. Then run forward and stop at the stairs at the end of the hall. On the left wall will be another climbable wall. Climb up the wall. At the top, turn around and jump to the dragon. Gold Dragon The Gold Dragon is located by the green pass card. After getting the green pass card, turn around and run forward. Stop at the edge then turn around. Now drop down (by pressing Down) to land right by the Gold Dragon. Level 6: Diving Area Stone Dragon Near the beginning of the level, you will come to a room with a huge slanted wall. Walk to the edge and look down. The dragon is in the opening below. Line Lara up with the hole then turn around and press Down to slide down and land right by the dragon in the hole. Jade Dragon After using the machine chip, you will come to a room with a pool of water in the middle of the room. In this same room, a man with a flamethrower and a few other enemies will attack. From the entrance of this room, run forward and follow the ledge to the left. While following this path, you should hear a clicking noise. Turn around and run forward and stop at corner. There will be a door to the left. Run through this door and hit the switch at the end. Turn around and run forward. Jump into the water and dive all the way down to the dragon. Gold Dragon This dragon is right at the end of the level. When you enter the last room, walk over to the edge and kill the two men. Now turn around and press Down. Press and hold X to grab the ledge. Shimmy all the way to the left. Drop down to the floor and go through the opening to the left to find the Gold Dragon. Level 7: 40 Fathoms Stone Dragon After you pull the switch (that drains the water), turn around and run forward. Run around the corner then run forward and around another corner. Now run over to the hole and drop down. Run over to the opening and climb up the ledge to reach the opening. Take a few steps forward then climb up the smaller ledge to the right. Turn to the left then look up. Now jump up to the ledge. Turn around and do a running jump to the platform. Once you land on the platform, vault up to the ledge. Run forward and drop into the room. Take care of the man then run over to the other side of the room by following the walls, but do not run through the middle of the room. The floor opens up once you run across it. Jade Dragon Shortly after the Stone Dragon, you will come to a hallway with several pipes on the floor. Take a few steps forward then turn to the left and run into the wall. Now look to the left for a switch. Pull this switch then turn around. Run down the hall and jump over the pipes along the way. At the end of the hall, go left and go through the opening. Run forward and fall through the hole. Swim down and follow the path until you leave the ship. Quickly swim to the left until you spot the dragon. Gold Dragon Later in the level, you will come to a vertical room that you have to swim to the top of. At the top of the room is a switch. Pull the switch then swim all the way back down to the bottom and go through the new opening. Right after you go through the opening to the right will be the Gold Dragon. Level 8: Wreck of the Maria Doria Stone Dragon Shortly into the level, you will land in a room where several men will start attacking you. After taking care of them, run through the opening. Stop at the entrance of the next room. Turn to the left to spot a chair. Jump behind the chair then look up to spot an opening. Jump up to the ledge then climb up. Run down the hall. Near the end of the hall a guy with a shotgun will attack you. Take care of him then drop down into the hole. Run forward to get the Stone Dragon. Jade Dragon Not too far after the Stone Dragon, you will come to a room with a collapsible floor. Take a step forward then jump back. The whole room should start shaking. A few barrels will roll past the opening on the other side of the collapsible floor. Now cross the collapsible floor then turn right and run up the ramp. At the top of the ramp, vault up to the ledge. Two barrels will start rolling towards you. Quickly press Down and hold X to grab the ledge. Wait for the barrels to pass by then climb up and run down the hall to the dragon. Gold Dragon Near the end of the level, you will come to the steering room. Right after the steering room, you will have to get in the water and swim outside. Once you get in the water, swim straight forward. Follow the path straight forward for a while until you hit a wall. Once you hit the wall, swim up and into an opening. Climb out of the water and grab the dragon. Level 9: Living Quarters Stone Dragon From the start of the level, swim forward through the opening then turn to the left and swim forward. Pull the switch then turn around and swim forward. Swim forward until you hit a wall. Swim up and climb out of the water. Run forward and take care of the man that charges you. Now run around the corner to reach the engine room. Run forward and climb up the ledge. Now vault up to the next ledge then run forward. Now run forward and fall down to ground level. Turn left and run forward until you reach a wall. Turn right and run through the opening. Fall down into the hole then take a step forward. Take care of the two men that attack. Run forward to the opening then stop. When you reach the opening, take a single step forward then press Down. A few barrels will come rolling by. Take care of the guy that appears after the barrels pass. Go through the opening then run down the hall to the left. Run to the ramp and stop about mid-ramp. Turn to the right. Now line Lara up for a running jump to the wall. You want to run and jump forward. Press and hold X so Lara will grab the ledge. Once you grab the ledge, shimmy all the way to the right. Once you shimmy all the way right, drop down and flip the switch. The switch will be to Lara's right, right after you drop down. After flipping the switch, vault up to the ledge then run forward. Turn to the right and run forward. Now climb up the wall. Turn right and run down the hall. At the end of the hall, will be a hole and a switch. Flip the switch then fall down the hole, and you will end up back in the engine room. Run forward and climb up the ledge then vault up the next ledge. Now turn to the left and jump to the platform. Now you want to jump to the next platform then jump to the third platform. Then jump to the last platform. Once you reach the fourth platform, walk to the edge and turn slightly to the right until you see a ledge with the dragon. Now line up Lara for a running jump. Once you all ready, do a running jump to the platform. Gold Dragon Near the middle of the level, you will come to an area where the floor is made of wood. In the first room with the wooden floor, there will be an opening in the right wall. A man with a wrench will come out of this opening and attack you. Run through the opening to the right, and you should spot a hole in the floor. Walk to the edge of the hole. Make sure that you have a wall to your left. If you line up on the other edge, you will miss the jump. Once you are at the edge, jump forward and hold X to grab the ledge. Climb up then run down the hall. At the end of the hall, will be a collapsible floor. Get on top of the collapsible floor and fall down. When you hit the ground, run forward to find the Gold Dragon. Jade Dragon Right after getting the Gold Dragon, walk down the hall. If you run you will take damage from the shards. At the end of the hall, climb up the ledge. Run down the hall then at the end of the hall turn right and run forward. Then turn right and run around another corner and run down the path until you hit another corner. This time turn left and run down the path. Lara will slide down a ramp. At the bottom, turn left and run to the edge of the small pool. Take care of the catfish in the water before you get in the water. Once in the water, stand on top of the collapsible floor and wait for it to collapse. After the floor collapses, swim down and swim through the small hall until you reach an open area. Once you reach the open area, swim straight down to spot the dragon. Level 10: The Deck Stone Dragon Shortly after the beginning of the level, you will come to an open area with a small raft sitting in the middle of the water. Jump into the water and dive down to the bottom of the floor then swim forward until you hit the dragon. Also do note that the water is full of sharks and scuba divers with harpoon guns. Gold Dragon Not to far after the Stone Dragon, you will get to the highest level on the deck. Run all the way to the front of the deck. Stop at the edge and look down. You should spot a pool. Turn around and press Down. Quickly press and hold X to grab the ledge. Now climb up and aim at the guy with the flamethrower. Once you take care of him, jump into the pool. You should notice that one of the walls in the pool is a lighter color. Swim towards the lighter colored wall and it should start to open. Quickly surface and climb out of the pool. Take care of the fish. A scuba diver will swim out from behind the lighter colored wall. Take care of the scuba diver then jump back into the pool. Swim through opening to find the dragon. Jade Dragon After you get the Gold Dragon, turn around and swim through the opening. Once out of the opening, swim straight up. When you surface, turn around and climb out of the pool. Now run forward and fall off the edge to land on the floor below. Now turn left and follow the path to an edge. Do not stop at the edge between the two rails. Instead go to the edge to the left of the railing. You should see a platform. Line Lara up with the platform then do a running jump to the platform. Now walk to the edge of the platform and line up for another running jump. Do a running jump to the next platform. Hold X so Lara will grab the ledge then climb up. Once you climb up, you should see an orangish roof in front of you. Do not jump to it. Instead turn to the right and walk to the edge. You should spot an opening with the dragon. Stop at the edge then line up with Lara opening then do a running jump. Press and hold X so Lara will grab the ledge. Shimmy to the right then climb up into the opening. Once you climb up hold R1 so Lara will walk and take no damage from the shards. Level 11: Tibetan Foothills Stone Dragon When you reach the shed, near the beginning of the level, take care of the enemies. Walk over to the snow mobile then turn to the south east and you should spot a gate. Run over to the gate. The dragon will be sitting in front of the gate. Jade Dragon After you have been riding the snow mobile for a while you will come to a huge open area with a ramp straight in front of you. There are two open areas. The secret is at the second huge open area. Get off the snow mobile then run over to the ramp. Walk over to the right edge of the ramp and you should spot a ledge. Do a running jump to the ledge. Run forward to find the dragon. Gold Dragon This one is located right near the end of the level. After you flip the switch in the shed, exit the shed and head left. Run through the opening. Follow the path around a corner and fall down into the next room. A guy driving a snow mobile will attack you. Once you have taken care of him, get on his snow mobile. Drive forward until you come to an opening. To the right is a pit, which contains the dragon. But first you have to cross the pit. To do this, drive the snow mobile along the left wall. Examine the left wall first, and you should spot a flat spot where you can drive the snow mobile onto. Once you do this, drive straight across the small ledge. Now once you have passed the pit, get off the snow mobile and turn around. Walk to the edge of the pit. Turn around and press Down. Hold X so Lara will grab the ledge. Now climb down the wall. At the very bottom of the pit is the dragon. DO NOT GRAB IT! Once you hit the ground hit jump and left to do a side jump. Wait for all the boulders to pass by before you attempt to get the dragon. Level 12: Barkhang Monastery Jade Dragon This dragon is very easy to pass by without even noticing. You will eventually come to a long trap filled hallway. The first trap will be fire. Walk over to the fire and it will go out. There are two spiked logs swinging back and forth. Quickly drop into the hole before you get hit. Now run forward until you hit a wall. DO NOT CLIMB UP. Instead do a back flip and you should land on the ledge behind you. Wait for the rolling blade to pass by then quickly jump forward. Now run forward then drop into the hole while dodging two more swinging spiked logs. Run to the end of the path. Do a back flip to land on the ledge behind you. Now wait for the rolling blade to pass then jump forward. Do not run into the next room. Here comes the hard part. First thing, save. Now pull out a flare. Turn around and wait for the rolling blade to roll past Lara then run through the opening to the right. Run down the hall and through the last opening on the left. Now save, again. Now you have to pass through a door that opens and close. If you hit the door, you will either take major damage or Lara will die. Time your run through the door so you will get through unharmed. Now turn left and you will spot another opening and closing door. You should also spot the dragon. Time your run through the door then grab the dragon. Stone Dragon Right after getting the Jade Dragon, run through the doors. Now the best way to get past the rolling blade is to wait for it to pass. Run down the hall and duck into the opening to the right. Wait for the blade to pass then quickly run towards the opening to the left. After you pass the blade, run into the next room. Turn left and run up the ramp. Follow the ramp until you come to a room filled with water. When you hit the water, turn to the north east and swim straight forward until you hit the wall. Look carefully and you should spot the opening in the wall. The opening is located directly in the north east corner of the room. Swim through the opening and follow the passage to the Stone Dragon. Gold Dragon This dragon is also another easy one to past up. Near the end of the level, you will have to climb on top of the giant statue. To get on top of the statue, go to the room with the statue. Run to the right wall and follow the wall. Pass by the first opening, but go into the second opening. In this opening, is a very, very tall wall. Climb up all the way. Now follow the path until you reach a ledge. Walk to the edge then do a running jump straight forward. Hold down X so Lara will grab the hand. Climb up onto the hand. Walk forward and to the edge of the hand. Turn slightly to the right and jump to the shoulder. Turn around and walk forward and climb up ledge. Now turn around and walk to the edge. Do a running jump towards the head. Hold down X so Lara will grab the edge then climb up onto the head. Walk forward until you reach the edge. Turn around and press Down. Hold X to grab the ledge then let go of X to drop down safely. Now turn to left and walk to the edge. For this next part, make sure you have a lot of health. Turn around and press Down. Press and hold X to grab the ledge. Now let go of the ledge. Lara will fall down to the ground and take quite a bit of damage. Now turn to the left and walk to the edge of the ramp. Jump towards the ramp. When you land on top of the ramp, turn right and climb up the ledge to find the dragon. Level 13: Catacomb of the Talian Stone Dragon At the beginning of the level, jump to the left of the stairs and run down the path to dodge the icicles. Now run through the door and stop. Turn to the left and run forward. Jump up and grab the ledge. Now shimmy all the way to the right and climb up. Run forward and drop down to find the dragon. Jade Dragon Near the end of the level, you will go into a building that is really dark and has about four or five yetis in it. After you flip the switch in the building, leave and you will be ambushed by three men. Take care of the men then run past the ramp that leads up to the closed door. Climb up to the ledge (that is to the left of the ramp) then jump to the opening in the wall. Climb up into the opening then run straight forward. After you pass through the opening, quickly side jump to the left and wait for the boulders to pass by. Once they have passed by, run across the bridge and walk over to the edge. Now do a running jump to the ladder then climb all the way up. Once at the top, run forward then jump up the slanted rock. Run forward and fall through the hole. Lara will drop down and land in water. Once you land in the water, turn to the left and swim through the opening in the wall. Wade through the swallow water then swim forward and go around the corner. Now surface then climb up onto the ledge to the right. Look up and look for the ladder. Now line Lara up under the ladder then jump up and hold X to grab the ladder. Climb up to the top then run forward to find the dragon. Gold Dragon At the end of the level, you will come to a room with two closed doors. You should notice that there are two tiles on the floor that look different. Run across the tile closest to the door on the left. The door will open. Quickly jump into the opening then walk forward. Turn to the right and walk through the spikes. Walk over to the wall and climb up the wall. At the top of the wall, turn to the right to find the Gold Dragon. Level 14: Ice Palace Gold Dragon This one is located in the first room of the level. In the first room, use the bounce pads to jump higher. Jump all the way to the highest level. Once you reach the highest level, pull the switch then jump down. This will have released several yetis. Take care of the yetis. Once you have taken care of them, turn to the right and look for an opening in the wall. Jump to the opening. A yeti will run towards you. Take care of him. Now run over to the wall and go to the spot directly across from the opening you just jumped through. Press X to grab the wall. If Lara does not grab the wall, you are most likely in the wrong spot. The part of the wall that she can grab is located directly across from the opening. Once you grab the wall, press Down to pull the block out of the wall. Let go of the block then run to the right side of the block and push the block forward to uncover a passage. Run through the opening and run forward. Do not worry about falling because the platform is invisible. So run straight forward and climb up the ledge to get the dragon. Stone Dragon Shortly after the first room, you will come to a room with a block to the left (which has flares on top) and several holes on the right side of the room. Run into the room then stop. A yeti will attack you from the opening on the other side of the room. After taking care of the yeti, climb up the ledge and run forward. Now turn to the left and climb up the ledge. Turn around and do a running jump forward. Now turn to the right and go through the opening. Follow the short path to the dragon. Jade Dragon The Jade Dragon is located in the last room of the level. When you drop into the room, Lara will land in front of a gong. Hit the gong then turn around. Now run towards the north west corner of the room. You should see a ladder going down the wall. Jump and grab the ladder then climb down. When you reach the bottom, turn to the right and press down to drop down over the ledge. Now press down twice to drop down over another ledge. Lara should land in front of a switch. Pull the switch then climb up the ledge then climb up the next ledge. Now climb up the ladder. Once you reach near the top of the ladder, do a back flip. Now turn around and take a few steps forward. Turn to the right and run straight forward until you see a small building to your right. Go through the door then jump to the Jade Dragon. Reward: 4 clips of Grenade Launcher ammo. Level 15: Temple of Xian Gold Dragon This one is located right at the beginning of the level. When you walk over to the dagger, the floor will give out. This will send Lara down and she will slide down a ramp. When Lara reaches the end of the ramp, she will fall and slide down another ramp. At the end of this ramp, will be another ramp. At the end of this ramp will be a waterfall, which Lara will slide down. When Lara hits the waterfall, jump then quickly press Circle to do a mid-air somersault. After Lara does the somersault, press and hold X. Lara will slide down to the end of the waterfall, and she will grab the ledge. Now shimmy all the way to the left then climb up to find the dragon. Stone Dragon Right after you get the Gold Dragon, jump into the water. The current will send you over a waterfall. Swim to the surface. Look for a ladder that runs up the wall. Swim over to the ladder and climb up the ledge. Now climb up the wall. At the top of the wall, run forward into the next room. Now walk to the edge and turn around. Press Down to jump back then press and hold X. Lara will grab the edge. Now climb down the ladder. When you reach the bottom of the ladder, release X then quickly press Up + X. Lara will fall a little and grab the next ledge. You should see the dragon below. Now shimmy left until you can climb up. Walk over to the edge. Turn around then press Down then press and hold X. Lara will grab the ledge. Now climb down the ladder. When you reach the end of the ladder, release X then quickly press and hold X. Lara will fall and grab the next ledge. Now climb up. Turn to the right and run forward. Once again turn right and run to the wall. Now turn to the right and walk to the edge. Turn around then press Down. Quickly press and hold X. Lara will grab the ledge. Now shimmy right until you can climb up. Climb up and grab the dragon. Jade Dragon Not too far after the Stone Dragon, you will come to a room with four swinging spiked logs. Carefully, make your way across the room. At the end of the room, flip the two switches beside the door. Quickly run through the opening and down the hall. When you reach the end of the hall, RUN. DO NOT STOP! Run until you get close to the end of the platform then hit Circle to roll. Quickly press Down and X. Lara will jump back over the ledge then grab the ledge. Wait for the boulder to pass then climb up. Now turn around and jump to the platform. Press and hold X. Lara will grab the side of the platform. Climb up and grab the item on the platform. Turn right and walk to the edge. You should see a ledge right next to the wall. Do a running jump to that ledge. When you land on the platform, turn left and climb up the small ledge. Run forward then climb up the next platform. Then run forward and climb up one more ledge. Now go through the opening then turn left and run down the hall. On the right wall, will be a switch. Hit the switch. Turn to the left and run forward. When you hit the wall, turn to the left and run forward. Now fall down the ledge. Keep on falling down the next ledge until you get to the lowest ledge. Once you reach the lowest ledge, walk to the edge then do a running jump to the next platform. Then do another running jump to the next platform. Turn to the left and walk to the edge. Line Lara up with the slanted ramp then do a running jump to the ramp. Lara will slide down the ramp. Quickly jump then press and hold X. Lara will jump forward and grab the ledge. Climb up the ledge. Lara will start sliding down the ramp. Jump forward to the next platform. Now turn to the right and walk to the edge. Do a running jump towards the next platform. Press and hold X. Lara will grab the ledge. Now climb up the ledge. Turn to the right and walk to the edge. Now do a running jump. Lara should land on the next platform. Now walk to the edge. Jump forward towards the bounce pad. Lara should jump forward and land on the ledge. Quickly press Down and hold X. Lara will jump over the ledge and grab it. Wait for the boulder to pass before you climb up. Once you climb up, turn slightly to the right and jump to the next ledge. Quickly do a back flip. Wait for the boulder to pass then jump back to the ledge. Now line up Lara with the next platform to the right. Jump to the platform. When you land on the platform, save. Now walk forward to the edge of the platform. Press up to fall off the edge. Lara will slide down the ramp and hit a bouncy pad. This will shoot her forward, and she will land on a platform. Turn to you right and walk to the edge. Now do a running jump. Press and hold X so Lara will grab the ledge. Now climb up and grab the dragon. Level 16: Floating Islands Jade Dragon This is located right at the beginning of the level. The dragon is located near the house, which has the second Mystic Plaque. Stand underneath the house. Turn to the left and look at the ledge with the tree. You can climb up onto that ledge. Walk over to the ledge with the tree then jump up and grab the ledge then climb up. Now turn around and jump onto the roof of the house. Take a few steps forward to find the dragon. Stone Dragon Shortly after the Jade Dragon, you will have to use both Mystic Plaques to open a door. After opening the door, run through the door and run to the right. Look closely at the tree. Behind the tree is an opening. Jump to the opening then follow the opening to the dragon. Gold Dragon The Gold Dragon (the last dragon of the game) is located right at the end of the level. To reach the final room, you have to climb up a wall. But this wall you can not just climb up to the top. Once you get high enough then you have to back flip then mid-air somersault then press and hold X to grab the wall and climb up the wall. You have to do this twice before you reach the top of the wall. At the top of the wall, a man will attack. Take care of him then walk to the edge. Turn to the left and jump forward. Lara will land on a platform below. Run forward then turn to the right and walk to the edge. Turn slightly to the right and jump forward to land on a platform. Turn around and walk to the edge. Now run and jump to the opening. Follow the opening to come to some ledges. Climb up the ledge then run forward and climb up the next ledge. Then climb up the third ledge. Take a few steps forward then turn to the right and run straight forward to find the final secret. Reward: 8 clips of Grenade Launcher ammo. Level 17: The Dragon's Lair Has no secrets! Level 18: Home Sweet Home Has no secrets! ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ |5. Final Word| ^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ !Warning! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you have any questions or you found a mistake then look below to see the information on how to contact me. MAJOR WARNING!!!!!!!!!!! THIS FOLLOWING GUIDE IS FOR USE ON AND ONLY ON www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com If you see this guide on any website that is NOT mentioned above then please contact me immediately and tell me. If you decide to e-mail then please do not e-mail any of the follow things listed below. 1. Chain letters 2. Porn 3. A virus 4. Any thing about a new diet pill or body enhancing pills (viagra for example) 5. A new appliance that is a must have E-mails you can send me 1. Ask a question about the guide 2. You found an error in my guide 3. YOU FIND THIS GUIDE ON ANOTHER SITE that is not listed at the list at the beginning of this guide. Credits I would like to thank Core, for making this game Sony, for making the PS1 My friends And a big thanks to CJayC for creating Gamefaqs. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2007 Timothy Johnson.