Tomb Raider - The Ultimate Guide 7th March 2003 (version 1.10) Ashley Jackson Version History: v. 1.00: completed and uploaded walkthrough, can now complete game, plan to add pickups, weapons list, enemy list etc in next version. v 1.10: added pickups list, general playing advice, enemy list weapons list and controls and moves list. Any other additions will be minor tweaks unless an significant error is found. v 1.11: added note concerning level 13. Final: Added plagarism note and copyright section. Hi and welcome to Tomb Raider - The Ultimate Guide. In this guide you'll find everything you need to know about the famous game featuring Lara Croft (you know her, right?). This guide's sole purpose is to guide you through the game step by step. READ BEFORE YOU READ! NB: This guide contains spoilers relating to Tomb Raider 1 for the Sony Playstation. If you want to find out everything about the game for yourself DO NOT read on! I am from England (UK) so some words are spelt differently. This guide was written down as I played the game and is therefore, in theory at least pretty accurate. if you have any questions or comments, good or bad, let me know by e-mail at the address above. This guide is only to be posted on the website and is copyright Ashley Jackson March 7th 2003. No part of this document may be used in any form without my prior permission (just ask nicely.) Before you get to the walkthrough, if you haven't a clue about Tomb Raider, read on for an introduciton to several aspects of the game and other basic information (pickups, weapons, etc) CONTROLS AND MOVES SUMMARY: Triangle: DRAWS YOUR SELECTED WEAPON. Circle: 180 ROLL, USEFUL TO TURN AROUND QUICKLY AND SHOOT ENEMIES Square: JUMPS IN ANY DIRECTION, PRESS A DIRECTION IMMEDIATELY AFTER PRESSING JUMP TO MAKE LARA JUMP IN THAT DIRECTION. X: FIRES WEAPON, GRABS, CLIMBS, SHIMMYS, ANYTHING INVOLVING LARA'S HANDS. SELECT: ENTERS THE INVENTORY SYSTEM WHERE YOU CAN SELECT OBJECTS YOU HAVE COLLECTED, USE MEDIPACKS, SELECT GUNS, ETC. START: PAUSES THE GAME. L1: HOLD BUTTON AND USE THE DIRECTIONS TO LOOK AROUND. R1: HOLD BUTTON AND USE THE DIRECTIONS TO WALK AROUND. LARA CAN'T FALL OFF LEDGES WHILE WALKING, USE IT TO SET UP FOR RUNNING JUMPS. L2: SIDESTEP LEFT, USEFUL FOR LINING UP WITH SWITCHES AND OBJECTS TO PICK UP. R2: SIDESTEP RIGHT, USEFUL FOR LINING UP WITH SWITCHES AND OBJECTS TO PICK UP. SWIMMING: IF A POOL IS DEEP ENOUGH, LARA CAN JUMP IN AND GO FOR A SWIM. USE SQUARE AND THE DIRECTIONS TO MAKE LARA SWIM IN THE DESIRED DIRECTION. CLIMBING: IF A SURFACE IS CLIMBABLE, JUMP UP AND PRESS X TO GRAB THE SURFACE. KEEP HOLD OF X AND USE UP OR DOWN TO MAKE LARA CLIMB, OR LEFT AND RIGHT TO MAKE LARA SHIMMY. SHIMMY: JUMP AND GRAB A CREVICE, KEEP HOLD OF X, AND USE LEFT OR RIGHT TO SHIMMY IN THE DESIRED DIRECTION. MOVING BLOCKS: GO UP TO A MOVEABLE BLOCK, PRESS AND HOLD X. LARA CROUCHES, PRESS FORWARD TO PUSH THE BLOCK AND BACK TO PULL THE BLOCK. USING KEYS OR PUZZLE ITEMS: POSITION LARA IN FRONT OF THE BOX OR OBJECT NEXT TO THE DOOR AND PRESS X TO BRING UP YOUR INVENTORY. ROTATE IT UNTIL THE ITEM YOU WANT TO USE IS SHOWING THEN PRESS X. USING SWITCHES OR LEVERS: POSITION LARA IN FRONT OF THE SWITHC OR LEVER AND PRESS X TO FLICK IT. GENTLE DROP: THIS IS A MOVE WHERE YOU DROP OFF A LEDGE AND GRAB THE EDGE THEN DROP TO THE GROUND. LARA CAN DROP FURTHER WITHOUT GETTING HURT USING THIS MOVE. EMENY LIST: AREA 1: PERU BATS: CAN BE KILLED WITH PISTOLS EASILY, YOU SHOULDN'T EVER HAVE TO USE ANOTHER WEAPON WOLVES: CAN BE KILLED PRETTY EASILY WITH THE PISTOLS, USE YOUR SHOTGUN AS AN ALTERNATIVE WEAPON IF THERE ARE MORE THAN 2 OR 3 OR IF YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO. BEAR: USE PISTOLS AND DODGE, IT'S NOT TOO EASY TO KILL A BEAR WITH YOUR PISTOLS, IF YOU'RE IN TROUBLE USE YOUR SHOTGUN. RAPTORS: USE YOUR SHOTGUN IF YOU HAVE ENOUGH AMMO, ESPECIALLY IF THERE IS MORE THAN ONE, OTHERWISE USE YOUR PISTOLS. AREA 2: THE MONESTRY CROCODILE (in water:) GET OUT AND USE YOUR PISTOLS TO KILL IT, THEY CAN'T DO ANY DAMAGE WHEN YOU'RE OUT OF THE WATER. (on land:) DIFFERENT STORY NOW! USE YOUR SHOTGUN, THEY ARE A LOT FASTER AND A LOT MORE DANGEROUS. GORILLA: USE YOUR PISTOLS DON'T LET IT HIT YOU, IF THERE'S MORE THAN 1 USE YOUR SHOTGUN. LION: USE YOUR PISTOLS AND DODGE IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE, USE YOUR SHOTGUN. RATS: USE YOUR PISTOLS, GO TO A HIGHER LEDGE FOR COVER IF YOU CAN AND THERE ARE MORE THAN 3 OR 4, BUT THEY CAN'T DO MUCH DAMAGE. AREA 3: EGYPT BLACK PANTHER: USE YOUR SHOTGUN TO KILL THESE UNLESS OTHERWISE INSTRUCTED, THEY CAN HURT YOU AND MOVE QUICKLY. MUMMY: THESE ARE DANGEROUS CREATURES, THEY ARE VERY QUICK AND CAN DO A LOT OF DAMAGE. USE YOUR MAGNUMS AT FIRST, THEN USE YOUR UZIS WHEN PROMPTED. DEMON PANTHERS: VERY DANGEROUS, QUICK AND THEY THROW FIREBALLS. USE YOUR MAGNUMS AT FIRST AND THEN USE YOUR UZIS WHENEVER YOU CAN. CENTUAR: USE MAGNUMS AT FIRST, THEN YOUR UZIS WHENEVER YOU CAN. JUMP FROM SIDE TO SIDE WHILE SHOOTING TO AVOID THE FIREBALLS. THESE ARE VERY DANGEROUS AND ARE QUICKER THAN THE DEMON PANTHERS. MUTANT: THEY COME OUT OF EGGS AND ARE VERY DANGEROUS, USE YOUR UZIS EVERY TIME YOU FACE ONE. OTHER ENEMIES obstacles and rare enemies (humans T-Rex etc): DARTS: THESE CAN'T DO MUCH DAMAGE, RUN THROUGH THEM. STEEP RAMPS: YOU WILL SLIDE DOWN THESE, SOME ARE GOOD, SOME ARE BAD, GET USED TO FACING THEM. SPIKES: YOU MUST WALK THROUGH THESE TO SURVIVE. BOULDER: AVOID THIS OR YOU WILL DIE, DANGEROUS IF YOU'RE NOT ON YOUR TOES. LAVA: THIS WILL KILL YOU INSTANTLY AVOID AT ALL COSTS. T-REX (Level 3 The Lost Valley): THERE'S ONLY ONE OF THESE IN THE GAME THANK GOD, USE YOUR COVER AS DESCRIBED IN THE WALKTHROUGH, USE YOUR PISTOLS TO KILL HIM. PIERRE (the Monestry): HE WILL CHASE YOU THROUGHOUT THE 5 LEVELS OF THE MONESTRY, USE YOUR PISTOLS TO KILL HIM WHEN YOU FIND HIM. LARSON: (Level 12 Sanctury of Scion): USE YOUR UZIS IF YOU CAN, IF NOT USE YOUR MAGNUMS. HE IS EASY TO KILL. GUY WITH MAGNUMS (level 13 Natla's Mines): KILL HIM LATER, USE YOUR PISTOLS, WATCH FOR PITS AND KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR HEALTH. SKATEBOARD KID WITH UZIS (level 13 Natla's Mines): USE YOUR MAGNUMS, HE IS ALSO QUITE EASY TO KILL. GUY WITH SHOTGUN (level 13 Natla's Mines): USE YOUR UZIS, HE IS QUITE EASY TO KILL. LARA IMITATOR (level 14 Atlantis): LURE HER INTO A TRAP, YOU CAN'T KILL HER. NATLA: FINAL BOSS. USE YOUR UZIS TO KILL HER, YOU HAVE TO KILL HER TWICE, AVOID THE FIREBALLS SHE THROWS AT YOU. WEAPONS LIST: PISTOLS: LARA'S FIRST WEAPON, THEY ARE POWERFUL ENOUGH TO KILL MOST ENEMIES EARLY ON IN THE GAME. SHOTGUN: THIS IS A POWERFUL WEAPON, IT IS NOT VERY ACCURATE, BUT IT CAN DO A LOT OF DAMAGE. MAGNUMS: A MORE POWERFUL VERSION OF THE PISTOLS, THESE ARE POWERFUL AND ACCURATE, THERE ARE 2 GUNS, A BULLET FOR EACH GUN, SO AMMO CAN DISAPEAR QUICKLY! UZIS: A VERY POWERFUL GUN, VERY ACCURATE, WHICH IS USEFUL FOR KILLING THE HARDER ENEMIES LATER ON IN THE GAME. AS WITH THE MAGNUMS, AMMO CAN DISSAPEAR QUICKLY! PICKUPS LIST: SMALL MEDIPACK: LARA CAN COLLECT ONE OF THESE, THEY LOOK LIKE CYLINDERS WITH A RED CROSS ON THEM, TO FILL UP HALF OF HER HEALTH BAR. LARGE MEDIPACK: THESE LOOK LIKE LUNCHBOXS WITH A GREEN CROSS ON THEM, THEY REFILL ALL OF LARA'S ENERGY BAR. SHOTGUN AMMO: A RED AND GOLD BOX, THIS GIVES LARA 2 SHOTGUN BULLETS. MAGNUM AMMO: A RED AND BLACK RECTANGLE, THIS GIVES LARA 20 MAGNUM BULLETS. UZI AMMO: LOOKS LIKE A TEETH BINDER, SILVER, THIS GIVES LARA 20 UZI BULLETS. PUZZLE ITEMS: THESE INCLUDE KEYS AND OBJECTS, THINGS YOU CAN PICK UP, AND CAN BE USED TO OPEN LOCKED DOORS, TRIGGER REACTIONS ETC. GUNS: YOU COLLECT 3 OF THESE, YOU'LL ALWAYS HAVE SOME AMMO FOR THE GUN WHEN YOU COLLECT IT. GENERAL PLAYING ADVICE: 1. ALWAYS DRAW YOUR GUNS WHEN GOING INTO A NEW AREA UNTIL YOU KNOW IT'S SAFE. 2. USE YOUR PISTOLS WHENEVER POSSIBLE, THEY HAVE UNLIMITED AMMO FOR SOME REASON. 3. DON'T RUSH THE GAME, YOU DON'T HAVE A TIME LIMIT. 4. TRY TO GET EVERY SECRET, THEY COULD BE THE EXTRA PICKUP YOU DESPARATELY NEED. 5. PRACTICE THE MOVES IN LARA'S HOME FIRST, THEN YOU CAN CONTROL HER WHEN YOU REALLY NEED TO. Walkthrough: N.B. THE SECRETS ARE IN CAPITALS SO YOU DON'T MISS THEM. AREA 1: PERU LEVEL 1: THE CAVES Follow the tracks in the snow forward to the pipes with holes in them. Darts! You can walk up to them and time your run past them or you can run and most of them will miss you. Go around the corner and Lara will look up to a ledge on the left. Let's get the first SECRET of the game. SEE THE ROCK IN THE FAR LEFT CORNER WHICH IS SLANTED? GO FORWARD TO THE WALL IN FRONT OF YOU, TURN AND JUMP UP IT. WHEN YOU START TO SLIDE JUMP AND GRAB. NOW PULL UP FOR SECRET 1 (a small medipack). Hang from the ledge and drop, this is a 'gentle drop'. Go back to where Lara looked up to the left and climb up blocks to the right. Go forward, draw your pistols and kill the bats (the first enemies of the game!). Let's get the second SECRET of this level. GO LEFT TO A ROOM WITH SNOW IN THE RIGHT CORNER. GO AS FAR AS POSSIBLE UP THE SNOW, THEN CLIMB AND PULL UP TO THE LEDGE. KILL THE BAT AND GET SECRET 2 (small medipack). Now drop to the ground again. Go forward to the end this time and turn left through the brick archway. Go all the way to the bottom to end up in a grassy cave. Drop down the gap, turn right and follow to the end to find a gate. Press X in front of switch to flick it and draw your weapons to kill the bat. There are blocks in the far left corner, climb up them and make your way to the rope bridges. Kill the wolves below then jump the gap to the left and go to the bridge furthest away from you. Go to the other side, and then turn left and go through the door. Kill the bear in the hole below (don't fall). Turn around, drop off the edge and grab it, then drop to the ground. That's a proper gentle drop. Go through the door down here, kill 2 bats and turn left. Step on the pressure plate to open the door which takes you back to the rope bridges. Climb the block next to the first bridge to get there again. Go to the far bridge again and through the door back to the hole where you killed the bear. Do a running jump across and get you first SAVE CRYSTAL of the game! If you die you start here again. Go to the left, and then forward to get a medipack. Now go down the stairs and shoot 2 wolves. Carry on down the stairs to a large room. Look at the left wall to see a door with a ledge sticking out. This is secret 3, so let's go get it. STRAIGHT FORWARD ARE BLOCKS TO CLIMB, CLIMB THEM AND FOLLOW THE LEDGE AROUND UNTIL YOU CAN JUMP TO THE GRASSY LEDGE, STAND JUMP AND GRAB. PULL UP AND GO IN TO GET SECRET 3 (large medipack). Do a gentle drop to the ground again. Go back to the stairs, notice the stairs on the right side of the room with a switch at the top? The door that opens when you flick the switch is on a timer. Climb the stairs and flick the switch then turn left. Climb up the block (where you went to jump for the secret) and go through the door. Follow the passage up the stairs, past 2 sets of darts. Draw your weapons and kill the wolf. Notice the floor panels that look different? These are collapsible tiles, you'll see a lot more of them in the game. You need to go down these tiles to fall onto a block. Notice the grey walls with holes in them, they are more darts. You need to flick a switch first before you go down there. Go to the right, then run and jump across to the other side of the hole-filled passage. Carry on, draw your weapons and shoot the last wolf of this level. Pick up the large medipack in front of you. Go all the way to the end, turn left to flick the switch. The door where the darts are is now open. Go back past the dead wolf, through any of the arches to the right. Now drop down into the dart filled pit. Make your way to the open door and EXIT this first level! YIPEE! PICKUPS: 5 SECRETS: 3 KILLS: 14 LEVEL 2: CITY OF VILCABAMBA Draw your weapons and go into the next room. Kill the 5 wolves, luring them one by one or jumping and firing (use pistols, not enough ammo for Shotgun without switching back to pistols later). There are lots of doors in this room, all of them ending up at the same place. Take the first hall on the left, then the first right to end up in a room with a pool in the middle and a wooden trough against a wall. Go to the trough on the far right wall, kill the bear that comes out of the stable. Enter the stable and climb on the wooden walkway above. Get the small medipack. Now go back to the pool room. Jump in the pool and go to the fork. Turn right here and keep going forward to enter a room with pillars. Go to the left wall, turn left and keep going to find a lever on the back of a pillar. Before you get the first SECRET of this level, go back for air, left at the fork this time. Now go back down to the right back to the pillar room and the lever. Now let's get the first SECRET of this level. SWIM TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE ROOM INTO THE BRIGHT AREA. PULL ANOTHER LEVER ON THE WALL AND GO THROUGH THE HATCH ABOVE TO GET SECRET 1 (small medipack). Pull the switch here to get back to the pool room. Go into the pool again, this time go left at the fork. Carry on to a room with pillars, carvings on the wall and serpent pillars. Now let's get the second SECRET of this level. FOLLOW THE ROOM AROUND, AROUND THE PILLARS. THERE SHOULD BE AN OPEN DOOR IN A DARK AREA IN ONE OF THE CORNERS. GO INTO IT TO FIND SECRET 2 (small medipack and Magnum Clips, you don't have the weapon yet, you get it later). Dive in the pool again and go back to the bear room, right at the fork. Look around when you get back to see a switch with a door next to it. Pull the switch and go through the door. Climb the wooden steps and go through the doorway to the edge. Run and jump to the room on the other side. Run across the cracked tiles and jump at the end to get the large medipack. Do a gentle drop back to the ground. In front of you there is a blue block you can move. Go up to it and press and hold X. Now press forward to push it forward or back to pull it back. Push the block forward 5 times to enter a new room. Draw your weapons and shoot a bat in the rafters. Go as far forward as possible (where the gold plates and urns are). From here turn left, go into the alcove to get a Silver Key. Now go into the other alcove on the other side to get a Golden Idol. Now climb onto the blue block you pushed in and climb up to the wooden walkway. Shoot 2 bats and get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Follow the walkway around and get the large medipack just visible next to the grey doorway. Climb in and do a gentle drop to the other side. Go back to the bear room. Go down the first hall on the left shooting the bats. Go up to the door. Go to the box to the right of it, stand in front of it and press X. Rotate your inventory until the Silver Key is showing and press X to use it. Go through the door and run through a hall full of darts into an area with 5 wolves (keep track of how many you've killed). Up some steps in front of you is a temple with a red roof. Go into the door on the left. Follow the passage to a room with steps and ledges on the walls as well as a pool. Go up the steps and do a standing jump and grab to the first ledge. Do a standing jump diagonally to the next ledge. Go up the steps to the top and kill a bat. Do a running jump to the ledge in front of you. Go up more steps and follow the passage around to an orange room with a switch and a small medipack in it. Get the medipack and pull the switch to open the temple's right door. Go through the other door to the edge. Look down to see some Shotgun Shells. Do a gentle drop to get them (you don't have the weapon yet, you'll get it later). Look down to see the red temple roof. Do a gentle drop onto it and get a small medipack. Do another gentle drop to the ground. You should now be outside the temple. Enter the right door. Go into a room with a pool and more ledges. GO TO THE LEFT SIDE. Climb to the first ledge. To avoid the tiles do a standing jump with a grab as soon as you are on the first ledge. Climb to the ledge above you and shoot a bat. Follow the steps around to another orange room with pillars. Go through them to find a switch. Pull the switch to open the middle door of the temple. Go out and get the SAVE CRYSTAL (did you need that!) Go to the right and do a gentle drop to the ledge (where you found the Shotgun Shells earlier). Do another gentle drop to the roof again. Now do a third gentle drop to the ground. You should be outside the temple again. Go through the middle door. Step onto the funny-looking tiles and time you run past the first blade. Run onto the next tile to see another blade. Time your run past the blade again. Now run past a third and final blade and pull the switch. You'll fall and land in a pool. Go forward then up to surface. DON'T GET OUT! You'll shoot the bear in a minute. From here look around to see an underwater tunnel below you. Follow it to an empty room. Climb out and climb the steps into another orange passage. Go to the left to find a switch. Pull it to open the gate in the pool room. Go through the pillars and look down to shoot the bear. Do a gentle drop to the pool room. Now it's time to get the last SECRET of this level. GO THROUGH THE PILLARS AND FOLLOW THE ROOM AROUND. GO UP THE STEPS TO A ROOM WITH A SWITCH. PULL IT TO TURN OFF THE BLADES. TURN AROUND AND FOLLOW THE PASSAGE FOR SECRET 3 (Uzi Clips, you don't have the weapon yet, you'll get it later). Go back the way you came to get back to the switch you pulled. Do a gentle drop back to the pool room. Go to the gate you opened earlier and use the Golden Idol in the box to the right of it. Go through the gate to finally EXIT this level! PICKUPS: 10 SECRETS: 3 KILLS: 15 LEVEL 3: THE LOST VALLEY Follow the passage and go right at the river. Go CAREFULLY down the rock with your pistols drawn. Shoot the 2 wolves in the cave below you. Opposite from the waterfall is a cave you can climb into. Go in and shoot the wolf. Go to the white cliffs. See the slanted rock in front of you? Climb to the flat part and continue climbing. Pick up a large medipack next to the skeleton. Go downwards carefully into the valley. Draw your pistols and shoot the raptor. Draw your Shotgun if you want and go forward to shoot another raptor. For this next enemy you need to roll when he appears (press ?), then go back the way you came and jump on the rock to the right. Now fill up your health and go forward to face the hardest enemy of the area. A T-REX!!! Draw your pistols and kill him as described above until he retreats. Go forward until he appears, roll and go back to the rock again. Keep repeating this method until he eventually dies! Carry on past a waterfall to an area with 2 waterfalls. Let's get the first SECRET of this level. THERE IS A LEDGE TO THE RIGHT OF THE WATERALL ON THE RIGHT. CLIMB IT AND FOLLOW THE ALCOVE TO SECRET 1 (Shotgun Shells). Time for SECRET 2. GO TO A CLIMBABLE ROCK BETWEEN THE WATERFALLS. CLIMB UP TO THE NEXT ONE THEN JUMP TO THE GRASSY LEDGE SLIGHTLY TO THE RIGHT. YOU SHOULD SEE A CREVICE TABOVE YOU. CLIMB TO IT AND KEEPING HOLD O FX SHMMY ACROSS TO THE WATERFALL. CLIMB UP AND CARRY ON FOR SECRET 2 (Magnum Clips and more Shotgun Shells). You'll get the Magnums later. Go to the edge of the waterfall and look down to see a pool. Swim forward and surface in another small pool. Climb out, draw weapons and shoot the raptor. Go back to the pool where you climb out and shot the raptor. Climb the ledges to the top and get Machine Cog 1 (a small grey gear) in a brick- lined passage. Climb down and follow the passage out to the valley. Turn right and carry on past the 2 waterfalls and to a temple with a bridge on the right. Kill the raptors (the last enemies of the level) and go into the temple. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL, you needed that!) Go to the right corner and dive into the pool. Go to the bottom and follow the tunnel to pick up Machine Cog 2. Now leave the tunnel and surface. Get out of the pool and leave the temple. Time to get SECRET 3, tricky, just follow these guidelines should be no problem. ON THE LEFT YOU'LL SEE 2 TREES. GO PAST THE FIRST AND STOP DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE SECOND. NOW TURN LEFT AND GO TO THE WALL. CLIMB THE FIRST LEDGE, THEN JUMP OVER THE SLOPE TO THE LEFT AND GRAB THE NEXT LEDGE. PULL UP AND NOTICE THE GRASSY LEDGE SLIGHTLY TO THE LEFT. TURN LEFT SLIGHTLY, JUMP GRAB AND PULL UP. NOW TURN SLIGHTLY TO THE LEFT AND JUMP GRAB AND PULL UP AGAIN TO THE GRASSY LEDGE. NOW DO A RUNNING JUMP TO THE TEMPLE ROOF TO FIND SECRET 3 (a large medipack, Uzi Clips, Shotgun Shells and Magnum Clips). Go all the way to the other side of the roof and do a gentle drop onto the slope to slide to the valley floor again. Stand in front of the temple then go to the right wall. You should see a cave. Climb into it and follow the passage to get the second SAVE CRYSTAL of the level! Follow the passage until you reach the broken rope bridge. Do a running jump and grab to the other side. Pull up and continue on to get Machine Cog 3. Go off the edge of this ledge to slide down to the valley floor. Turn right, go all the way to the end. Make your way past the 2 dead raptors and over the white cliffs to the river where you started this level. As you get out of the pool the way to go is over the cliffs to your right. Climb then and stop at the river at the top. Go straight forward to the end and do a running jump to the right over the river to the ledge. DON'T MISS THESE JUMPS! Now go forward and turn left, do another running jump. GO CAREFULLY HERE! Follow the passage and walk to the edge. Do a standing jump, then turn left and do another one. Now turn left and do a standing jump and grab to the next ledge. Follow the passage all the way to a rope bridge and a SAVE CRYSTAL! Cross it and look at the cogs. The Machine Cogs belong on the brown axels between them. Place them on in any order then pull the switch. A door moves changing the direction of the river! Stay next to the switch, it's time to get SECRET 4. TURN LEFT THEN ROLL. NOW BACK OFF THE EDGE AND GRAB THE CREVICE. SHIMMY LEFT ON TO THE WATER SECTION. DROP AND FOLLOW THE PASSAGE TO GET SECRET 4 (a large medipack). Jump into the water and swim left until you reach the dam (the wooden gate). Turn left and climb out onto the first ledge on the right. Here, you'll find a skeleton with a Shotgun lying beside him (your first weapon of the game!) Use it wisely! 0 Follow the passage downwards to the next room. Do a gentle drop down here. Turn right and go to the grey wall. Jump over it into the river which had the waterfall in it. The cogs you used earlier and the switch have changed the direction of the river, meaning a new passage is revealed where the waterfall used to be. Climb out here and go down the tunnel, through the door and follow the passage to EXIT this level. PICKUPS: 16 SECRETS: 5 KILLS: 12 LEVEL 4: TOMB OF QUALOPEC Follow the passage to the big room. There are exits to the left, right (locked door) and a tunnel ahead. Walk up the tunnel backward, when the boulder comes run back out and either left or right. Go back up the tunnel to see your first glimpse of the Scion (the artefact you're supposed to be collecting in this game). Also you can see the Tomb of Qualopec. Go back to the room and pull the switch (as you came in it was in the right corner). Kill the 2 raptors, use your Shotgun if you want. Walk into the room they came out of (the door to the right that was locked). Get the SAVE CRYSTAL and go through the door to the right. Here are carvings, a block with pictures on and a darker, moveable block opposite from the picture block. Push the moveable block twice, and then push the moveable block on the left once. Run to the switch ahead of you over the broken floor tiles. Pull it to open one of the 3 gates in the big room. Walk to the edge of the spike pit you revealed, do a standing jump and grab, then pull up. Go back to the room with the 3 doors (they have animal pictures above them). Go through the door on the right (the picture is a snail). Follow the passage to a room with a switch and a few alcoves. In the snail one slightly to the left there is a switch. Before you pull it draw your Shotgun. The switch is a trap, you fall into a room with 3 wolves. Shoot them then go up the ramp on the right. Pull the dark block above and between the 2 ramps. Now push it to the side and follow the new passage. Go up some steps and drop into a pit to get a small medipack. Climb out the other side and go up 2 ledges. Go up more steps, grab the medipack then pull the switch to open the second of the 3 gates in the big room. Now roll and do a gentle drop into the pit opposite the switch. Turn around and follow the passage to the room with the 3 doors with animal pictures above them. Go through the door with the bird above it (on the right as you came in). Follow the passage to a room with a switch and a room with bird blocks in it to the left. IGNORE THE SWITCH! Go into the room on the left. The room has 2 bird blocks and spikes in the far right corner. Turn left and follow the passage up lots of steps onto bird block 1. Turn right, jump and grab to enter the alcove. Climb up another ledge, and then climb up to the left. Climb forward and follow the passage down. Do a gentle drop after you hear the door open and carry on going down to bird block 2 in the bird block room. Turn right on the block and jump and grab then pull the switch to move bird block 1 closer to the spikes. Go back to the bird room. See the red ramp, leading to a passage? Go up the passage and flick the switch you ignored before. Turn left and follow the passage all the way up Turn left at the end and do a standing jump to bird block 2. Now turn on the block so you can do a running ump into the alcove over the spikes. Pull the switch to open the final gate in the big room. Go back to the red ramp and to the switch you ignored. Shoot the raptor then go down the passage to the right back to the room with the animal pictures. Go through the door without a red picture above it to the antechamber. Go through the passage which you finally opened to get a SAVE CRYSTAL (thank God!) Time your runs past the dart guns including the one of the stairs. Now it's time to get the first SECRET of this level. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DART GUN ON THE STAIRS IS A STATUE. CLIMB INTO HIS ALCOVE, A DOOR WILL OPEN. RUN ACROSS THE BROKEN TILES TO SECRET 1 (Shotgun Shells). Straight away, it's time for SECRET 2. TURN LEFT, DROP AND GRAB AND SHIMMY AS FAR TO THE RIGHT AS YOU CAN. DROP CAREFULLY BETWEEN THE SPIKES HERE AND GET SECRET 2 (Magnum Clips). Look around to see the exit above you. WALK through the spikes to the passage and climb up. Go past the statue and drop and go past the gun. Now you can carry on again. Go up the steps and follow the passage to a pedestal, the Tomb of Qualopec and a guard. Get out your pistols and shoot him until he dies. Stay where you are to avoid a tremor! Go through the gate and through the passage in front of you. This is where you started the level! Carry on and get the SAVE CRYSTAL. There's a guard who shoots you in the water and a secret to get here. Jump into the pool and stay at the bottom to avoid being shot. Let's go get SECRET 3 quickly. TURN RIGHT AND FOLLOW THE TUNNEL UNTIL YOU HEAR THE SECRET SOUND. SURFACE AND CLIMB ONTO THE LEDGE. GET SECRET 3 (a large medipack and Magnum Clips). Drop into the pool and go through the tunnel. Get out of the pool on the other side and draw your pistols to shoot Larson. He's the guy from the hotel in the first cut scene of the game. When he's dead you've completed the first area of the game!! PICKUPS: 7 SECRETS: 3 KILLS: 8 AREA 2: THE MONESTRY LEVEL 5: ST FRANCIS FOLLY Turn left or right and jump onto the ledge next to the wall. Shoot 2 lions with pistols. Go as far right as possible past the pillars and run into the trench with the block in it. Look at the Omegas (they look like upside-down light bulbs on a circuit), on the ground. You need to move the block onto these. Pull the block back once to open a door, then push it forward twice to open another door. Finally, push it forward one more time so you can climb on it later. Go to the end of the room. Climb up and enter the room to kill 2 gorillas. Pull the switch in front of you and go up the stairs on the right. Shoot another gorilla and pull the switch up here to open another door. Go outside and shoot Pierre who's hiding. Keep shooting him until he disappears, he'll be back a few times during this area unfortunately. Now jump onto the block in the trench you pushed earlier, then stand jump and grab to the column and pull up. Now jump to the column in front of you to get a large medipack. Turn left until you see a column diagonally in front of you. Do a running jump to it, and then jump to the doorway with a ledge sticking out. This is SECRET 1. JUST PAST THE DOOR IS A SLOPE ON THE LEFT. KEEP HOLD OF THE JUMP BUTTON DURING BOTH SEQUENCES OF JUMPS. JUMP FORWARD, THEN BACKWARD, THEN FORWARDS AND GRAB TO GET TO THE SHELF. BACK UP AGAINST THE WALL AND JUMP TO THE SLOPE, THEN JUMP BACKWARDS, THEN FORWARDS WITH A GRAB TO GET SECRET 1 (Shotgun Shells and a large medipack). Don't drop through the tile, drop to the sloped you just used then down to the ground. Well done! Go back to the ledge and jump to the column slightly to the right. Go back to the floor and back up the columns using the block to the one where you pickup up the large medipack. Now if you turn to the right you'll see a column diagonally. Do a running jump to it then do a running jump to the archway. Turn left and go to the end. Do a standing jump to the ledge then turn left and do another running jump to the next one. Do another running jump and keep repeating this to the end. Turn left and do a standing jump to the last ledge. Go through the door and follow the passage around to a slope. Here's the second SECRET of this level, very tricky too. YOU NEED TO SLIDE DOWN THE SLOPE AND KEEP THE JUMP BUTTON PRESSED WHEN YOU JUMP, THEN GRAB THE LEDGE. JUMP NEAR THE END, TO IMMEDIATELY JUMP OFF A SECOND SLOPE THEN GRAB ONTO THE LEDGE. PULL UP TO GET SECRET 2 (Shotgun Shells and a small medipack). Took me loads of goes! Well done! Ignore the hole. Shoot the crocodile in the water if you can, if not go into water and keep to the bottom. Let's get the third SECRET of this level. DROP INTO THE WATER AND SWIM UP THROUGH THE FIRST HOLE TO GET SECRET 3 (Shotgun Shells). Go back in and swim through the next hole to find a switch. Pull it to drain the water from the passage. Do a gentle drop into the now empty passage and go to the end with the steps. If you didn't kill the crocodile before, kill him now with the Shotgun. Try and kill crocodiles in the water, on land they are a lot faster. Go up them and get the SAVE CRYSTAL! You are now in a room with ledges at different levels and a door at the bottom with 4 bars across it. You need to open the 4 doors around this big room, go in them, get the Key at the end, then go down to the bottom and use the 4 keys on the locks to open the barred door. This will take a while. The doors are named after Gods. If anyone knows what Democles was God of, let me know. Anyway, draw your weapons (pistols) and do a running jump to the middle ledge to shoot 3 bats. BE CAREFUL! Go to the left side of the ledge you're on to the end. Now do a gentle drop to the lever below. Pull it to open the Thor door. To the right is a grey square. Jump over to the left side of it then wait here for a minute. Time for SECRET 4. Leave the Save Crystal at the bottom for later! THE DOOR AT THE BOTTOM IS TIMED. TURN RIGHT AND RUN OVER THE GRAY SQUARE (A PRESSURE PLATE). ROLL NEAR THE END, THEN DO A GENTLE DROP TO THE NEXT LEDGE. ROLL OVER, RUN TO THE END OF THIS LEDGE AND DO A GENTLE DROP TO THE NEXT LEDGE. TURN RIGHT, DO ANOTHER GENTLE DROP TO THE GROUND. RUN INTO THE DARK ROOM IN THE OPPOSITE CORNER OF THE ROOM FOR SECRET 4 (Magnum Clips and a large medipack). Leave the save crystal for later! Flick the switch on pillar next to the save crystal to open the Atlas door. Climb the stairs opposite from the SECRET door. Jump and garb the ledge above you. Carry on to the end and jump to the ledge with Magnum Clips on it. Kill the bat and get the clips. Jump back to the ledge and go across until you can jump to the centre ledge with the SAVE CRYSTAL on. Get it! Go to the left to find and pull a switch that opens the Neptune door. Turn right, do a running jump to the ledge and climb the stairs. Turn right, do a standing jump and garb to the ledge with the save crystal on. SAVE IT UNTILYOU GET OUT. Turn left between the pillars to enter the Thor door. Thor is the God of Thunder if you didn't know, and he had a hammer that he used to make the thunder. There's a big ball above you which fires lightning onto grey squares in a circle pattern. Stay around the outside and you'll be safe. Go to the right corner and approach the first panel. Check your health, make sure it's decent. Jump over the panel after a bolt then go to the next room. Here's Thor's hammer, cool! You need to walk over the Omega on the floor AND KEEP WALKING to make the hammer hit it. Running doesn't work, I've tried. A block falls from the heavens (if anyone figures out where it comes from, let me know). Look around to see a ledge with a block on it above you. Pull and push the block that fell to under this ledge and climb it to reach the block. Go to the block then to the other side of it and push it as far as possible. Climb onto it then to the ledge above you. Get the small medipack, turn left and do a running jump and grab to the next ledge. Now go through the door on the right to finally get the Thor Key! Exit this room through the pillar on the right. Run and jump over the panel on the right again and make your way around the outside of the panels to the exit. Go all the way out and get the SAVE CRYSTAL you left before! Drop down through the hole to the next platform then draw your guns and shoot Pierre (you kill him later in the area) until he disappears. Drop down to the ground, go up the stairs opposite the SECRET door to the end, then jump and grab the ledge above you. Now turn right and do a running jump and grab to the next ledge. Go through the pillars past the switch and jump to the stairs on the right. Now do a standing jump to get back to the Thor door ledge. Carry on and jump to the ledge in front of you, then to the stairs. Go all the way to the top and jump to the ledge leading to the Save Crystal, leave it for later. Drop down to the switch and pull it to open the final door Democles. Draw your guns and go down the stairs into the Atlas door. Kill the gorilla in here, go to the end and through the gate. Here is a slope to the right with a boulder at the top and a pit to the left. Go backwards up the slope until you hear the boulder, then run forward into the pit and back up against the wall to send the boulder over your head. Get the small medipack in here. Now go to the slope the boulder rolled down to see a ledge above you to the left. Grab it and follow the ledges up until you can go through a passage. Get the Atlas Key on the pressure plate. Retrace your steps to the slope then to the gorilla room and out of the Atlas door. Now you can get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Walk to the edge and jump and grab the ledge above you. Do a running jump to the stairs in front of you and follow them to the top. Kill 3 bats on the way. Do a running jump across to the ledge then another running jump to arrive at the Neptune door. Here is a very deep pool with a key at the bottom, a gate and a switch. DO THIS IN STAGES! Hold R1 and jump into the pool. This is a dive and will get you down to the bottom quicker. Go down to the bottom and into the passage above you to flick the lever. Now go up for air. Go down again and get the Neptune Key from the now open gate then go up again. Leave the pool and go to the outside again. Draw your weapons and start making your way to the ground using gentle drops. Shoot 2 lions from above with your pistols. When you get to the ground, get the SAVE CRYSTAL you left for later! Go up the stairs opposite the SECRET door to the top and grab the ledge above. Turn right, do a running jump and grab to the ledge. Go between the pillars and jump to the stairs. Go down and get the large medipack on top of the door before entering the room. This is the last key you need to collect. Don't worry about the swords above you yet, they won't hurt you until you go back. For now, go forward to a door and step on the Omega to open it. Go in and climb the block and get the Democles Key. Jump to the ledge above you and get the small medipack and the Shotgun Shells. Go down and BE CAREFUL from now on. Avoid the shadows and you MAY make it out alive. Approach the swords slowly then press back to dodge them. Go down the middle of the room, there is no other way to go. Eventually you can leave the room in safety. Go down the stairs as far as possible then do a gentle drop to the floor. Go to the door with bars on it and use the Keys on the locks in this order, from left to right. Neptune, Atlas, Democles, then Thor. Now you can EXIT this damn long level. I hate that one! PICKUPS: 18 SECRETS: 4 KILLS: 23 LEVEL 6: THE COLLOSEUM Go through the door, shoot the crocodile in the pool. Jump in, swim left and get out to kill 2 lions with your Shotgun, one to the left. Go into the temple with Shotgun ready and up the left stairs to shoot another lion. Go back out. Go around the left side where you shot the lion. Go to the end and jump up the slope to the left. Turn right and climb to the block. Turn right, do a standing jump to the ledge around the temple. Follow this all the way around to get a large medipack. Go back the way you came and climb onto a slightly sloped block. Turn around do a jump and a grab to the higher ledge. Follow this around doing a running jump, then do a standing jump diagonally right to a ledge in the rocks. Ignore the door, you'll be back here straight away, because now it's time for SECRET 1. TURN RIGHT AND WALK TO THE END DOWN A SLIGHT SLOPE. SLIDE DOWN THE SLOPE AND JUMP TO LAND ON A SMALL LEDGE. TURN DIAGONALLY RIGHT TO SEE A LEDGE STICKING OUT FROM A SLOPE. NOW DO ANOTHER RUNNING JUMP INTO THE PASSAGE TO GET SECRET 1 (Shotgun Shells). Drop down to the ground. Go to the left, past the temple and to the door you skipped earlier. You've just been there up the ledges, refer back if you're stuck. Go in the door this time and kill 2 crocodiles in a pit with your pistols. Drop in and get the small medipack. Use the ramp to climb out of the pit. Let's get the second SECRET of this level. TURN AND FACE THE RIGHT WALL. CLIMB INTO THE CREVICE AND SHIMMY ALONG UNTIL YOU CAN CLIMB UP. GO INTO THE SMALL CAVE TO GET SECRET 2 (Shotgun Shells). Go back to the crevice, turn around, drop and hang. Now carry on to the right until you can drop to the ledge. Go up the ramp until you can drop into the hole. Go to the right up the stairs to the Coliseum. Turn left and go along the ledge. Draw your pistols and shoot Pierre again. DON'T FALL, enemies to kill below first. When Pierre is gone kill 2 gorillas and a lion with your pistols. When they're dead, do a gentle drop into the arena. Go to the end and go through the door at the back of the arena (forward). Draw your guns and slide down the ramp to shoot 2 lions. Pull the switch to open a gate near some rocks. Turn around and pull the other switch to open the gate out of here. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Draw your pistols and jump up and down to shoot 4 lions, or get out and shoot them with your Shotgun. Go to the rocks at the other end and in between the big pile to the gate. Kill a last lion here and slide down the ramp. Go to the end and turn right to see a pressure plate in the corner. THE CELLS ARE ON TIMERS. Step on the pressure plate, roll over and go into the right cell and pick up the small medipack. Step on the pressure plate in here to get out again. Go to the far corner and step on the pressure plate to open both cells. Roll over and go into the left cell, pull the switch and go out into the right cell. Go through the gate that is hopefully still open quickly! When you finally do it pull the switch in here and go through the door. Step on the pressure plate and go through the gate to get back to the cell room. Go through the door and slide down the ramp to the spike pit. Turn left to get a SAVE CRYSTAL! Go through the passage to the rocks. Turn left and follow the ledges upwards. When you get to the top there will be a lighter coloured block in front of you which is next to another couple of blocks. From this block, turn right to see another rock pile. Do a running jump to the flat part on the left. Now climb up the small slope to the right to a sandy coloured block. Turn left and do a running jump and grab to the ledge. Draw your guns and walk into the bedroom to shoot 2 gorillas. You'll be going back here later, remember the way, guidelines to the way back here will be given. On the right side of the room is a big gate with a lock next to it, further forward past the gate are steps leading to a locked door and a block to the left. First of all, when the gorillas are dead, you may want to get the SAVE CRYSTAL, you'll be back here later, you could leave it until then. It would be better to get it later, if possible, then you're near the end of the level. Whatever you do, go around to the block and pull it twice. Now go into the tunnel you uncovered, pull the switch, then get the small medipack. Now leave the room and do a gentle drop to the arena floor (a slight loss of health). Go past the rocks and to the left to find a block in a corner. Climb it and go up the ledges and into the door on the right. Draw your pistols and shoot some bats. Go through the door ahead of you (the one you opened in the bedroom). In here there's a pit and a boulder. As before, run into the pit and back up against the wall to send the boulder over your head. Turn around, climb out and jump to the other side. Go up the ramp and around to find a switch. Flick it, then go into the dark passage to slide down into a room you should recognize from earlier. Go forward through the doorway. Draw your guns and go down the ledges to the brown walkway. Shoot a lion and Pierre again! Keep going forward, past the entrance on the left and climb the ledges. Draw your pistols and enter the door you see to kill 2 more bats. Go straight forward into a room with columns of different sizes and ledges high above. Here's SECRET 3, it's tricky, but definitely worth it! STAND FACING THE BLOCK WITH YOUR BACK AGAINST THE WALL, TALLEST PILLAR TO YOUR LEFT. RUN PAST THE PILLAR, JUMP ONTO THE BLOCK. AS SOON AS YOU LAND JUMP RIGHT, THEN IMMEDIATELY JUMP BACK, THEN LEFT, THEN FORWARD AND RUN VERY QUICKLY INTO THE DOOR! Get SECRET 3 (2 large medipacks, some Uzi Clips and a pair of Magnum guns!) Go out of the door, turn left, do a running jump and grab to get to the switch. Flick it, then do a gentle drop off this ledge, then another one to the ground again. Go out the door back to the long brown walkway above the arena. Turn around, go forward and around, past the rock ledges to the last corner of the room. Climb into the door, pull the switch, then drop into the pool. Swim down then forward into a room with a moveable block. Get the small medipack, and then push the block forward twice. Now pull it to the side to reveal a chamber with a Rusty Key in it. Get the key and swim back to the last room. Drop to the arena floor and kill a gorilla (where did that come from?) Now you need to go back to the bedroom. Here is the paragraph from before: Go to the rocks at the other end and in between the big pile to the gate. Kill a last lion here and slide down the ramp. Go through the door and slide down the ramp to the spike pit. Turn left to get a SAVE CRYSTAL! Go through the passage to the rocks. Turn left and follow the ledges upwards. When you get to the top there will be a lighter coloured block in front of you which is next to another couple of blocks. From this block, turn right to see another rock pile. Do a running jump to the flat part on the left. Now climb up the small slope to the right to a sandy coloured block. Turn left and do a running jump and grab to the ledge. Draw your guns and walk into the bedroom to shoot 2 gorillas. When you get there, use the key on the lock to the right. Drop into the pool, swim past the crocodile into the first opening. Pull the switch and kill the crocodile with your pistols if you can. If now swim down the tunnel at the end to EXIT this level! PICKUPS: 12 SECRETS: 3 KILLS: 23 LEVEL 7: PALACE MIDAS Swim to the surface and exit the pool. There are 3 exits, one left, forward and right. Dray your guns and go forward into next room to shoot 2 gorillas. At the end of this room are 2 doorways, go through the left door with Shotgun drawn. Shoot 3 more gorillas and go through to see a temple building. Pick up a large medipack and enter the door. Pull the switch first to open the garden gate, you go there at the end of this level. Now go and get the SAVE CYSTAL! Now go back through the left door and shoot 2 more gorillas. Return to the pool and turn left. Draw your Shotgun and go down the passage to shoot to shoot a crocodile. You'll be back here later as well, guidelines will be given then. Carry on to stairs on left, ignore them and go down the passage instead into a stable. Go to the end and turn right, then left to shoot a gorilla. Get some Magnum Clips then go out, draw your Shotgun and shoot 2 lions on the right when you go forward. Make sure you're pistols are selected, use inventory! Continue to the end of this room. Turn right and shoot 3 bats and go into the last alcove on the left to get a small medipack. You can't get to the stuff over your head yet so go back past the dead lions and right between the rocks to the steps. Follow the passage to get to the steps. Go up them and shoot 3 gorillas with your Shotgun. Now take a good look around this room. In here there are pillars, 4 doors around the outside walls and a big, white platform in the centre of the room. The doors have a combination of Omegas and Ys on them, a different one for each door. The combinations are clockwise from the door on the right wall: 1. Y,O,O,O,O (you hear a buzzing sound) 2. ?,O,Y,Y,O (red blotch covers first letter, you find out what that is) 3. O,O,Y,O,Y (you can see some spikes) 4. O,Y,Y,Y,O (underneath a smaller platform with a rail around it) You need to get to the centre platform so you can flick the switches to open the doors. Go to the right wall, carry on past a pillar to a bright orange pillar shorter than the rest. Climb it, turn around and do a standing jump and grab to the next column. Turn right and do a running jump to the next one, then a running jump and grab to the next one. Nearly there! Turn right, do a standing jump to the next one, then a running jump and grab to the last one. Now do a standing jump to the centre platform. Finally! Here are 5 switches, one for each letter above the doors. Y = Flick switch down O = Leave switch up Flick the first switch to make switch pattern one, down, up, up, up, up. Now drop into the pit and go down the steps to flick the switch to open the gate. Now go to the open door (on the right wall as you first came in). Get the SAVE CYRSTAL! You'll need to keep a very close eye on your health here, use a medipack whenever you need one. Going to the side of the torches does damage, but doesn't kill. The torches go out for a short time. Approach the torches, flames go out. Do a running jump to the next ledge in front of you, walk back as far as possible. Run jump and grab to the next one. Walk forward as far as possible and stand jump and grab to the next one. Get as far to the right as possible, then run jump and grab from both ledges to the end. Get the Lead Bar (it comes in use, believe me), and the SAVE CRYSTAL! Look down into the water and shoot the 3 big rats. Swim across to the stairs (stand at the edge and look across to see a faint outline). Get out and kill the rats if you didn't before. Follow the steps and blocks back into the big pillar room earlier where danger music plays. Go forward with guns drawn and shoot the gorilla in the passage to the left. The big room where the fire doors are with the funny signs. Turn around to see a big white block with the 5 switches at the top. To the left of the big white platform are some blocks and a gate. Go in the gate and climb the blocks to the top and the switches. Remember you way to the gate! Now arrange the switches for door 2: up, up, down, down, up. Door 2 opens, go down the pit and back out of the gate again. Now go to where you shot the last gorilla in the passage to the left. Stand facing this passage and turn left. Run into the corner to find door 2. This is a room with a massive pillar in the centre and lots of holes and broken pillars. Go through to the door at the back. Go through to find a staircase to the left leading up and a staircase to the right leading down. Go down the right one and pull the dark block in the wall to hear a massive thud and banging. Go back up the stairs and up the staircase opposite (the one to the left). Look what you did to the room, clumsy Lara! Look down and right to see a block next to a pillar. Jump to it then do a running jump to the central pillar. Notice a block similar to the one you just jumped from? Do a running jump and grab to this then do a standing jump into the doorway. Follow the rocky tunnel to the top of a pool with a big ledge around it. This is the top of where you shoot the lions earlier in the level. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL here! Walk to the edge and shoot 2 gorillas and 2 bats with you pistols. Do a running jump to the side of the poolside (the aqueduct). Go along it to the right and
shoot 2 crocodiles in the water. You may need to jump in to lure the
second crocodile out of the cave then get out and shoot him. Anyway,
when they're dead, jump in and swim under the rocks to a cave with a
ledge on the right.

Get out here and notice the medipack on the shelf on the other side of this
room. Let's get SECRET 1 first though. CLIMB UP THE SLOPED ROCK IN THE RIGHT
1 (small medipack and Magnum Clips). Now jump in the water and swim to the
Get out and walk along to the left to get back to where you jumped onto
here (should be some dead gorilla bodies). Time to get SECRET 2 now. FACING THE
small medipack and Uzi Clips). Jump out of the pit and kill a gorilla.

Go straight ahead and get a medipack from the dark alcove (the third one)
on the right. Go to the second alcove on the right and jump to the left to kill
2 more gorillas. DON'T FALL, YOU'LL DIE! Go to the second to last alcove
and kill a gorilla. Do a running jump and grab to the ledge with a large
medipack on it when he's dead. Get it then shimmy to the left as far as
possible then drop to the ledge. Shoot a bat then turn and do a running
jump to a door. Follow this very long tunnel up the sloped until you reach
collapsible tiles with a medipack on the right (if you fall down you'll end up
in the pool at the aqueduct). Run and grab the medipack then jump across
to carry on to the slope. Slide down it and carry on downwards until you
can go left and kill a lion on the ledge with you. Run to the right and
around to go through the door on the other side. Follow the tunnel until
you are on a ledge above the stable room. Do a running jump to the right to
land on another ledge and carry on through here until you reach a pool.
Jump in and swim near the bottom to avoid the crocodile, then swim up
and get out. Shoot the crocodile if you want to. Continue up to kill 2 bats
and then jump to the roof of the temple. Go forwards to get another Lead
Bar, take a few shots at the lions below if you can. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL
too! Shoot the lions and drop down from the edge of the roof using a
gentle drop. Go down the stairs and to the left to end up back in the room
where you shot loads of gorillas earlier. Go straight forward until you reach
the room with a pool in it. Now turn left and go through the passage past
the dead crocodile to the stairs. Go up them to get back to the switch
room. Remember your way here! Go to the big white structure in front of
you and to the left. Turn right now and the gate should be in front of you.
Go through the gate and follow the steeps upwards until you get back to
the switches. The pattern to open door 3 is up, up, down, up, down. Drop
down, stand in front of the white platform and turn left. Go forward as far
as possible and turn left again to see door 3 (spikes in it). The spikes are in
patterns. Go through the door on the right at ground level and go forward
to find a block to the left. Pull it twice. Climb the block and go into the
passage you just uncovered to find a switch. Pull it to hear a noise, then
exit and follow the ramp to a SAVE CRYSTAL! Follow the blocks doing a
standing jump to the first one, then do running jumps until you are on the
last one. From here do a standing jump into the room, and then jump
backwards onto the block again. Kill the gorilla then go in to pick up you
third and final Lead Bar. Now do a standing jump back to the block then do
a running jump off the right side of this block to get safely to the ground
again. Turn around and go back out the door to the switch room. The Lead
Bars need to be used in a minute behind the fourth and final door. Turn
right and follow the passage to the right down the stairs. Go past the
crocodile to the pool room. Go through the passage to the right of the pool
and shoot 2 gorillas down the stairs, then another 2 inside the garden gate.
Turn right to see a gate and a roof with a medipack on it. Climb the block to
the left of the gate and stand jump and grab to reach the roof. Go through
the dark passage up here until you see a hand with MIDAS next to it. Go to
the right corner and climb the blocks to get to the SAVE CRYSTAL! Now
drop down and use the Lead Bars on the hand to turn them to Gold! Go
back up the passage to return to the garden. Go to the gate, which is the
way back out, then to the right corner.

Behind the tree near the grassy steps is an invisible switch. This opens a
gate to the right, which is SECRET 3. This is tricky to find and tricky to get!
Flick the switch and look at the tricky situation. Let's go get SECRET 3
3 (Magnum Clips, Shotgun Shells and a small medipack behind the trees).
Now run and jump just before they open to clear both slicers and the pit.

Now exit the garden through the big gate and follow the stairs back to the
pool room. Now go through the door on the opposite side of the room in
front of you, past the crocodile, up the stairs back to the switch room. Go
to the left of the white structure to find the gate, follow this to get back to
the switches. Now set the switches for the final time to door 4, down, up,
up, up, down. Now do a gentle drop off the white structure and stand in
front of it. Turn left and head towards the corner of the room, to the right of
the platform with a railing around it. Turn left to find the final door. Draw
your guns and shoot a lion then climb the stairs to the top until you reach
the railing. Get the Shotgun Shells on the way around and the final SAVE
CRYSTAL of the level! Now head back down the stairs and through the
door on the right. Use the Gold Bars in the alcoves no the left of the door.
When it opens slide down the ramp to finally EXIT this massive level!



Draw your guns and drop into the hole to shoot the massive rat (there are
lots of rats in this level). Push the block in front of you forward twice and
once to the right to find a switch. Flick it and stay on the block to shoot 2
rats that come out of the open trapdoor. Go through the white door to get a
medipack then go through the open trapdoor in the block and switch room.
Go onto the walkway to see a big room and a pool below you. From here
shoot 2 crocodiles in the big pool and 2 rats below you. Now do a running
jump to the pillar to your right and immediately shoot a rat on the stairs.
Walk to the wall on the right and grab the crevice above you. Now shimmy
all the way to the left, drop onto a ledge to get Shotgun Shells. Turn to the
wall and grab another crevice, shimmy to the left until you can climb up.
Turn right and climb to the ledge above the crevice, go to the end of this
ledge to get your fist Rusty Key. Now go back to the ledge before you got
the Rusty Key. Look down to see a walkway below you. Do a gentle drop
off the left edge to this walkway. Follow the walkway to the right and climb
the pillar then get the SAVE CRYSTAL!! Do a standing jump to the right and
continue up the stairs.

Draw your guns and shoot sodding Pierre again who is to the right.
SECRET 1 (Shotgun Shells). Go to the edge, slide down the slope and jump
just before the end to get the Shotgun Shells on the ledge. Don't worry if
you miss you're still going the right way.
Go to the switch in the right corner over grid work and the small pillars, but
don't flick it. Instead go for a swim. Swim left around the pillar and through
the tunnel, staying deep to avoid the rats. Swim to the left once you're out
of the tunnel and go up the steps in front of you. Kill the damn rats if you
want to. Go to the top of the steps and do a running jump and grab to the
next ledge. Now run jump and grab to the ledge on the left side to get a
second Rusty Key. Go forward and hang from the ledge, shimmy left, drop
onto the ledge and kill the rats. Go forward and slide down the ramp to get
the SAVE CRYSTAL! Drop and turn left to see a walkway slightly to the
right. Do a running jump there then follow the crevices to the steps with
the dead rat on them and then to the bridge where you started this level
(ledge, first Rusty Key). Do a running jump and grab to the bridge then turn
right to jump to the net bit of bridge. Turn left and do a running jump and
grab to get to the door to use one of those Rusty Keys. Go in and turn
around to climb to a ledge above the door. Kill the gorillas then run and
jump to the next ledge and shoot Pierre on the ground. Do a running jump
and grab to the ledge with the medipack on it and pick it up. If you want
more Magnum Clips follow the next paragraph, if not, skip it and carry on.

There's a ledge above you and below it is a ledge about Lara's head height.
If you want the Magnum Clips do a running jump and grab to the next
ledge. Walk to the edge and turn around. Now walk one step forward then
do a backwards jump and hope you make it.

If you don't fancy it do a running jump and grab to the crevice above the
alcove and shimmy right to the ledge. Drop through the hole to your right
then slide down the ramp. Shoot the 2 crocodiles then slide down the ramp
to the right, back jump to it. Go into the passage with Shotgun ready to kill
a third crocodile then select your pistols and carry on to shoot a rat. Now
go forward to get a large medipack then return to the room with the 2
crocodiles. Climb the block in the corner and get the SAVE CRYSTAL!
Climb the next block then turn round and do a standing jump and grab to
the ledge. Don't fall from this high up, you'll die. Do a running jump and
grab to the next ledge then another one to the ledge on the right. Walk to
the edge and look down to see another ledge, do a standing jump to it.
Now shimmy along the crevice to the white door. Pull the switch, shoot a
rat then do a standing jump over the pit. Shoot another rat then drop into a
green hole. Shoot another rat then drop to the ground. Go through the
door and shoot yet another rat to your right, then climb the stairs to the
right of the golden door. Climb to the top and turn right, standing jump and
grab to the next ledge. Go to the end and do a running jump to the right
then climb up. Do a running jump then another one to the switch. Flick it to
open the Gold Door below then do a standing jump to the ledge in front of
you. Do a running jump to the end ledge then do a gentle drop off the left
side to land on the next ledge. Now do another gentle drop off the side to
get back to the ground again. Turn around to find the steps with the open
door to the left. Go in and get the Silver Key. Go out and run over the stairs
into the water to avoid Pierre. Swim around the passage until you can
surface. Kill the crocodile if you want to. This is the room which you'll
flood in a minute (that's why there's a lever on the wall). Look around until
you see another tunnel underwater and follow this all the way past some
ivy and surface in the big room. Now find the ramp you slid down with the
save Crystal at the top to the right past the doors. Climb up and face
forwards like when you got the save crystal. Turn right and do a standing
jump and grab to the walkway. Turn right, climb the pedestal, then turn left
and drop to the rest of the walkway. Follow this around and climb up to the
ledge above the crevices which had the Rusty Key on it. Follow this and
drop off the right hand side at the end to land on the steps with the rat on
them. Go to the wall and shuffle along the crevices as before. Drop down
the block to the walkway and follow it around. Climb the block, turn right
and do a standing jump and grab to the stairs where you met Pierre. Go up
the steps, do a standing jump over the water to the switch. Flick it to flood
the room with the lever in it. If you want to drain the room again flick the
switch. Make your way back to the entrance, drop to the walkway and swim
to a very small tunnel in the top right corner of the bottom pool. Follow the
tunnel as before to where you shot the crocodile with the Shotgun after
you dodged Pierre over the stairs. Surface here, get out to shoot 2 rats,
pick up 2 Shotgun Shells and a large and small medipack. Leave the Save
Crystal for in a minute, instead dive in and flick the switch under the ledge
to open an underwater gate with another Silver Key in it Now go back up
and get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Jump back in the water and go through the
gate you just opened to get back to the main room. There's a gate to your
right, go there and pick up your second silver key. The room is now a lot
easier to get around since it got flooded. Swim to the walkway quite a way
in front of you then to the right of the second locked door. Use the key and
swim down CAREFULLY past the spikes through the tunnel to your right to
a room with a medipack and a Gold Key. Take both and swim though the
gate back to the walkway.

Select your Shotgun then get out and shoot the crocodile fast. Time to get
IT, THEN SWIM LEFT, THEN DOWN TO FIND SECRET 2 (Magnum Clips). Now go back to
the surface the way you came.

Climb to the steps leading to a white door with a block next to it (to the
right of the walkway where you started this level). The block is to the left of
the door past the head on the left.

Push the block to find the room with SECRET 3 in it. There's a slope on the
left and a high ledge on the right. Hold down jump button for these jumps.
and a large medipack a gift!) Do a gentle drop down to the ground again then
leave and use the Silver Keys on the white door.

WALK into the next room. Climb the pillar to the right and look left to see a
lock over the door. Now get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Turn around to see a
walkway above and to the left. Climb to it, then do a standing jump and
grab and go to the end. Turn right, draw your guns (make sure they are
your pistols) and run jump to the ledge with the lock on it. Kill a gorilla, use
the Gold Key in the lock then fill your health and do a gentle drop to the
ground. Draw your Shotgun to shoot 2 lions. At the end of this room is a
switch which releases 3 more lions so leave it! Go to it, then to the right to
find a block to your left directly behind the fake switch. Pull the block
twice. Go to the small ramps on either side, turn around and look upwards
to see a ledge. This is where the block will help you get. Go back to the
block. Pull it from the wall once then go to the other side and push it 3
times. Climb it, turn around and do a standing jump and grab to the ledge
above. Take a large medipack and 2 Magnum Clips. Drop down to the floor
again with a gentle drop. Go to behind the switch and look down. Jump al
the way you've finally found the exit!



Go down and follow the tunnel forward until you reach more tunnels, one
going up and the other going down. Go forward and down then turn
around and pull the lever. Now go out of the tunnel and surface and climb
to the right. Pull the switch, get out, have your Shotgun ready and go
thorough the passage on the right. Shoot the crocodile and go through to
the room. Climb the steps on the left all the way to the block. Do a standing
jump to the ledge and climb the block. Watch the darts and go to the left
side of the block, run and jump to the ledge slightly to the left. Go up and
flick the switch to flood the entire room! Drop in the water and turn around
to see a small medipack which used to be covered by the white block.
Leave the tunnel and surface then turn around. Climb the white block and
enter the tunnel to take another swim. Go down the small tunnel and
through the opening below you to pull a lever in front of you. Go up out of
the tunnel for air before this next part. The lever activated a strong current,
jump in again and swim down the long tunnel with the current until you
can climb out and shoot a rat with your pistols. In this room is a moveable
block, pull it once. Climb the block then jump to the ledge above you. Turn
left and climb to the ledge above you. Climb up again and turn left, then do
a standing jump from near the wall to the pillar diagonally left. Draw your
guns and turn to your right to shoot Pierre (he disappears around the
corner, you get to finally kill him at the end of this level). Turn left and
land pretty near the save crystal using a running jump to avoid the blade. Get
the SAVE CRYSTAL while you're here! Turn around, walk close to the edge
and jump past the blade to the Shotgun Shells. Do a gentle drop to the
ledge below. Turn around, run straight forward to the wall then turn right.
Do a running jump over the hole then climb the ledge to the left. Climb up
again, turn left and jump to the pillar as before. Turn right then do a
standing jump and grab to the doorway. Get up, draw your guns and shoot
Pierre. Follow the stairs down to a slicer, run through it to a hole. Go down
and draw your Shotgun. Carry on to shoot a crocodile.

Go down the stairs to get 2 boxes of Shotgun Shells and some Magnum
Shells). Do a gentle drop to the floor.

Now go back up the stairs, past the slicer to the room where the swinging
blade is. From the door do a running jump to where the pillar is. Stand on
the pillar and do a running jump and garb to the ledge where you got the
Shotgun Shells. Walk to the edge and face the ledge you just jumped from.
Turn left slightly to see another passage. Jump back to the ledge on the
right and prepare for the jump. CHECK YOUR HEALTH! Walk to the edge,
and then quickly jump back. Run jump and grab to the ledge behind the
slicer. Go down the stairs to a high ledge. Shuffle along the crevice to the
right and go into the tunnel you find. Flip the switch at the end to flood the
room where you got SECRET 1 from and here as well. Jump in, swim to the
ledge in the right corner opposite the steps. Shoot a rat, then dive in the
water behind him. Go down, right, then upwards. Select your Shotgun and
surface. Get out and use your Shotgun to shoot a lion. Turn left and go to
the wall (you'll get the Save Crystal in a minute). Go past it down the stairs
to the right to find a lever in a tunnel. Pull it to open a gate for later. For
now go back to the lion room and climb the pillar to get the gorillas and the
SAVE CRYSTAL!! Do a standing jump with a grab to the ledge with the
gorillas on then jump over the spike pit to the crevice on the wall. Shuffle
right and climb up to the room. Go in and get the large medipack and the
Gold Key. Go back to the room with the dead lion and the tunnel with the
lever you puller earlier. Stand jump over the pit then do a gentle drop down
the one in front of you back to the room. Enter the door opposite the spikes
and use the Gold Key in the lock. Blocks appear in the water. Do running
jumps across all of them and get the small medipack to the right of the
doorway at the end. This room has a door with 2 locks in front of you and 2
doors on each wall, which are opened by pushing the block onto the
pressure plates. Always jump on the block after you open a door with a
pressure plate to kill anything that appears. Go to the left between the
pillars and find the block between them. Pull it twice onto the tile behind it,
jump on it and shoot the gorilla that comes out of door 1. Go between the
pillars and to the right to find door 1. Get the Magnum Clips and Shotgun
Shells then go back to the block. Continue pulling it in the same direction
as you did for door 1, stand in the same place and pull it twice. Climb it
again to shoot another gorilla. If you pulled it from the correct position
door 2 should be in front of you when you are stood on the block. Go
forward into the door to get the Shotgun Shells, watch the slicer! Go back
to the block, climb it and do a standing jump and grab to the door on your
right. Go in, run through the slicer and get the large medipack and another
Rusty Key. Go back through and go back to the block again. Face the
overhead door you've just come out of then pull the block from here twice.
Jump on it and shoot the last rats of the game with your pistols (yeah,
damn creatures!) Go off the block and turn left. Enter the door to get a
small medipack. Stand with the overhead door to your left and PUSH the
block twice onto the last panel. Go in the door, run to the alcove and get
the small medipack and the Key. Go out and between the pillars and left to
find a door with 2 locks on it.

Use the Rusty Keys look forward and get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Here's a
long ramp, go for SECRET 2 first. KEEP HOLD OF JUMP. JUMP TO THE
END UP IN AN ALCOVE WITH SECRET 2 IN IT (Uzi Clips and Magnum Clips).

Here are collapsible tiles. There's an alcove in front of you which you need
to get to. Stand with right arm facing the tile in front of you and jump in
this sequence, right, forward, right, right, right, backwards, right. Get the
Magnum Clips and Uzi Clips. Well done! Do a gentle drop to the ground
then turn around and climb out of the room back to the long slope
downwards. Slide down to a large pool, swim forward over the rocks to a
white ledge on the right. Get out quickly and use your pistols to shoot the
crocodile. Go through the tunnel on the white ledges and climb the blocks.
Slide down the small slope to the sand then climb the rock and walk to the
edge. There's a big sandy ledge in front of you with a small rock ledge
below it to the left. Slide down the slope and jump at the end to reach the
small ledge. Climb up to the big sandy one and flick the switch. If you miss
swim under the ledge to find another tunnel, over the rocks, through the
tunnel past the white ledge again, (refer back if you're unsure). Follow the
tunnel under the ledge to the right, then left, forward and finally down and
right at the white rocks to find a temple. Go to the right corner of the pool
to see a bright rock under the temple ledge. It looks a blue colour. Swim to
it, under it, then behind it to the left to find a tiled tunnel. Swim to the
right and down it to find a switch which opens then main door. Get the SAVE
CRYSTAL (the last one of the area!) Swim back down the tunnel, then down
and left, then upwards to find the water again. Turn around to find the
temple ledge, stand away from the door. Notice the 2 statues. The left one
comes alive when you approach him so run into the temple and stay away
from the door, to either side as far as possible. He shoots fireballs which
you need to avoid. Go between the pillars to the left, draw your pistols and
go through to shoot down Pierre. When he's dead be grateful he won't ever
chase you again!!! From his body get a pair of Magnum guns if you didn't
have them already, a Gold Key and the second piece of the Scion (the
artefact you're supposed to get!) Go up the stairs and climb the blocks to
your right, then do a standing jump with a grab to the ledge. To the left of
the block is a large medipack. Get it and use the Gold Key on the lock.
Drop to the ground using a gentle drop, then turn around and go down the
stairs to EXIT this level and the area! YES!!!
Cut scene: Lara reads the walls and talks about a person and has a vision
of the Scion.




Go forward into the pit using the block on the right. Turn to see a ledge
with a switch at the end, do a running jump and grab off the block to this
ledge. Pull the switch, do a gentle drop out of here to the ground and pull
the block in front of you 3 times. Climb it and enter the new passage to get
a small medipack and Magnum Clips. Go back to the block and climb up.
See the block above the one you just pushed in the corner? Pull it once,
then pull across the top of the block, pull it twice. Now go to the other side
of it, stand on the block in the pit and push it twice to the wall. Now climb it
and the block next to it then grab the crevice on the wall above you. Shuffle
to the right until you can climb up. Get your Shotgun and drop into the
cave. Shoot a black panther and notice the face (it's a sphinx), ahead in the
darkness. Keep your Shotgun drawn and go forward down the slope to
shoot the mummy. Watch when they blow up, don't be in the way, they're a
dangerous enemy. There's a pool of water on the right, the Obelisk of
Khamoon, there are blocks to the left and right (use the Sphinx's paws).
Dive in the pool and get 2 Magnum Clips, now get out on the grassy ledge
next to the palm trees. Use you Magnums from now on! Climb the block
here, then the ledge and do a running jump and grab to the pillar to get
some Shotgun Shells. Dive in the water and come out on the left. Find the
Sphinx's paws and climb the left one. Go to the block and climb to his
head then back off the left edge of his face. Shimmy left until you can climb
up. Get the Shotgun Shells and the Sapphire Key then the SAVE
CRYSTAL!! Go forward and do a gentle drop to the ground. Go left around
to the front of the Sphinx. Pull the block in front of you once and go behind
it to use the Sapphire Key to open the door. Go down the passage and
climb on the first ledge on the right to get to get a small medipack. Stand
jump to the ledge on this side of the room and shoot the panther with the
pistols. Drop to the ground and carry on to the gate in front of you. Turn
right, climb up, draw your Magnums and shoot the panther down this
passage. Carry on forward then left and shoot the crocodile using your
pistols in the room below. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Drop to the ground and
turn around to find a tunnel. Go down it to get a large medipack then

See the ramp in the middle of the room? Go up it and drop off the side just
before the white pillars. Time to get the first SECRET of this level. TURN
SECRET 1 (Magnum Clips and a large medipack). Now return to stand in front of
the boulder.

Go to the left of it to find a pool near the corner. Go in and turn around to
see a passage under a ledge leading to the right. Swim down it to find a
lever. Go through the gate and get out of the water to shoot the crocodile
with your pistols. See the green coloured gate in the water. Climb to the
ledge above this to find a gate and a moveable block. Look above to the
right to see a ledge. Push the block towards the stairs with the SAVE
CRYSTAL on them twice. Climb on it and stand jump and grab to the ledge.
Go forward to the wall, turn around and climb to the ledge above you. Flick
the switch to extend a gold bridge in the last room. Go back to the room
and get the SAVE CRYSTAL on the stairs! Look around to see a block on a
ledge above. See the black gate past the block on the ground? Push the
block forward twice. Jump to the ledge on the left where the gate is and
pull the block once. Now go to the other side and push it once. This is as
far as you can get it. Climb it and jump to the ledge where the block is
using a running jump and grab. Push the block up here once and get out
your Magnums. You're on the bridge where you shot the crocodile in the
pool below. Flip the switch in here to open a trapdoor in the ceiling above
the golden bridge. Go to the ledge with the block you just pushed. Pull it
twice then climb on it. Do a running jump and grab to get to the golden
bridge then jump and grab to get into the trapdoor. Pull the switch in here
to open a door under the statue on the ground. Head for the white bell
thing up here, turn left and jump to the bridge. Go to the end and do a
running jump and grab to the slightly sloped rocks. Turn right, go forward
slightly and drop down a step to some Magnum Clips. Turn left and slide
down the sloped. Get a small medipack when you stop. Do you see the
blue-green rock? Go to the right, run jump and grab to the slope then run
jump and grab from here to the roof.

Get the Magnum Clips, use the pistols to shoot a crocodile below. SECRET
Clips). Do a gentle drop to the ramp, turn around and go down the ramp.

Go to the right at the bottom to find the statue. Do a gentle drop to the
green ledge on the left then another one to the floor. Look around to see a
sandy room, which you should avoid and a tiled room to the left. The sandy
room's a trap! Go to the tiled room and get the Magnum Clips to the left
then go down the hole. Go left into the room to flick a switch which opens
a trapdoor in the main room and turns on the lights in here. Go down to the
Save Crystal and go left to the statue to get some Magnum Clips in an
alcove. Use the pistols to shoot 2 panthers below. Now get the SAVE
CRYSTAL!! Do a gentle drop to the floor and get out your Magnums. Go
forward, kill the panthers who come out of the door that opens. When
they're dead go to the right to find the door they came out of and get a
large medipack from inside. Go out and climb up the grey block on the
right then climb up to a rope bridge.

Go across it and use your pistols to shoot another 2 panthers from here.
RUNNING JUMP AND GET SECRET 3 (Shotgun Shells). Do a gentle drop back to the

Get the small medipack in the opposite passage to the one the panthers
came out of (to the left). Go back up the grey block (on the left this time) to
the rope bridge. Go through the passage to the right with Magnums drawn.
Follow it to shoot the mummy who leaps out at you. Go forward to a big
sandy room. Go to the right wall, then turn right again. From here go to the
corner to find a tunnel. Climb into it and follow it upwards to the next
sandy room. Climb the pillar near you and take the Sapphire Key. Go up the
sandy hill and stand jump across the right side ledges to get some
Magnum Clips. Stand jump to the ledge on your left, climb up to the switch
and flick it. Stand jump back across the ledges to the entrance of this
room. Do a gentle drop to the slope below (the sound you heard was sand
moving). When you've stopped, climb the block and go up the slope. Jump
into the room and use the Sapphire Key on the lock here to exit this level.
Well done!



Go forward through the door to your right down the hill. Climb the hill and
go to the left climbing into the passage. Go to the end and to the right to
find yourself in a room with 4 pillars and a moveable block under each.
Pillar 1 is in front of you as you come in, pillar 2 is to the left of pillar 1
and so on anti-clockwise round the room. Go To pillar 1 in front of you and pull
the block 3 times. When you see a panther in this passage roll and grab the
block. Go in and roll and grab block and use the pistols to kill it from here.
Look to your right to see a Gold Door above you. Push the block twice to
get it under there for later. Now go through the passage you revealed to get
a small medipack. To the right as you come out of this passage is pillar 2,
leave it unless you want to kill another panther. To the left of pillar 2 (on
your left as you came in) is pillar 3. Pull the block here once then draw your
Magnums and slide down the ramp. Shoot a panther and flick the switch
here to open a door. Go to the left of the switch. Climb up and get the small
medipack. Climb up the block to the top and do a running jump to the
Bronze door. Go to the right then behind the door to get some Magnum
Clips. Now drop down and go towards the block to get back to the pillar
room. Pillar 4 (the last one) is to the right of the block. Pull the block here
and dive in the water. Swim forward then through the small passage
slightly below you. Get out quickly and shoot another crocodile. When he's
dead jump in and get a small medipack and more Magnum Clips. Now get
out of the pool. See the white gong thing? Dive in and swim to the
opposite side, near the Save Crystal and look for a key near the bottom.
When you find it get the Sapphire Key then get the SAVE CRYSTAL from
the steps! Go to the gong and swim directly underneath it to find a tunnel
leading back to the pillar room. Now go back the way you first came in (to
the right o the Gold Door and the block) and use the Sapphire Key on the
lock to open the door in front of you and the Gold Door in the pillar room.
Go back to the pillar room and climb the block into the Gold Door, leave
the Save Crystal for now. Draw your Magnums and go forward and shoot
the panther coming up the stairs then go back and get the SAVE CRYSTAL!
Go up the stairs and as soon as you get through the door go left into the
alcove and flick the switch to drop a bridge to a column. Go out and face
the alcove again. Go into the one of the right and across the bridge you
dropped to get the Eye of Horus (may be slightly harder to see). Do a gentle
drop off the left side to the walkway to get some Shotgun Shells. Dive in
the water and get some Magnum Clips then surface on the outside ledge.
Go into the tunnel opposite the Gold Door leading back to the pillar room.
Draw your pistols and slide down the ramp. Stand here and shoot the 2
panthers in the room ahead of you. Go up the green blocks and climb to
the right all the way to the top, ignore the door on the slope. Do running
jumps and grabs to get to the top. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL at the top. Well
done! Draw your Magnums and stand jump to the ledge. Shoot the mummy
on the stairs. Now go down onto the green ledge and then onto the grassy
one to flick a switch that drops another bridge. Go to the left of the switch
into the gate area to get a small medipack and 2 Magnum Clips. Now go
back to the switch then up the stairs. Go around and do a gentle drop into
the pit. Get your Magnums out and kill a panther in one of the doorways
ahead of you. Get the Magnum Clips and go out. Go into the alcove just to
the left of the brown slope and flick a switch that turn the slope into stairs.
Go up, jump to the ledge on the left to get some Shotgun Shells. Jump
back to the stairs, go up then to the ledge on the left. Go forward and get
the SAVE CRYSTAL! Go back through the door on your left then stand
jump to the left of the big gate. Follow this around and across the bridge to
get the Ankh. Go back to the ledge and go up the stairs in front of you to
get a large medipack and flick a switch. Go back down to the ledge through
the doorway and up yet another set of stairs. At the top turn right and
notice the small crevice in the wall. Run jump and grab then shimmy right
until you can drop to a block. Drop to the white tunnel and go through the
pictured tunnel. Use the switch in here and go out and up another set of
stairs. Climb up and use your Magnums to shoot another mummy. Use the
switch by the Save Crystal to drop a third bridge, then get the small
medipack and the SAVE CRYSTAL!

Use the other switch by the door to open it then go down the stairs to the
medipack and Uzi Clips). Excellent! Check you health and fill it if you need to,
its time for SECRET 2 straight away and it's a long jump.

AND GET SECRET 2 (large medipack and 2 Uzi Clips). Well done! Now its time for

and Magnum Clips). Drop off the ledge and continue down the steps until you see
a room full of furniture below.

Drop to your right and shimmy to your right until you can drop off. Hold X
and back off the edge to grab the edge. Shuffle to the right until you can
drop off again. Turn around and do a running jump and grab to the ledge
with the SAVE CRYSTAL on. YES! Go to the gate on the left and left again
to flick a switch that lowers the final bridge. Do a gentle drop off the ledge
to the ground and draw your Magnums immediately. Use medipacks
whenever you need them and shoot the 2 mummies. Stand between the
chairs and climb the blocks to the left and the right, this is a useful
strategy. Reload to try this, you've just got a Save Crystal luckily. Climb up
then go down the steps to the right at the green ledge to find the bridges.
Cross the one in front of you to get the Scarab then jump to the bridge on
your left to get the Seal of Aribus and finally open the underwater door.
Drop into the water and swim round to the bright side of the pillar and the
door you just opened below. Long tunnel with lots of goodies, do it in
stages. Swim down past the first set of alcoves to the second set, get the
Magnum Clips in the left one. Go back up to get air again. Swim to the third
set, get a small medipack in the left and Shotgun Shells in the right alcove.
Go back for air again. Now go all the way past the alcoves and forward to a
pool and a mummy. Get out and shoot him with your Magnums. Dive in the
pool again and get a small medipack, Magnum Clips and Shotgun Shells
from the bottom. Now get 2 Magnum Clips from the shelf in the wall behind
the Save Crystal. Now go down and get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Find the stairs
in the corner to the right of this shelf and follow the passage. Kill a final
mummy with your pistols then drop down and go over the sand pile until
you find a large medipack. From the top of the sand pile run and jump to
the blocks on the right side of the room. Go up them, then down to arrive
at the Sphinx from the last level!!! Go to the left to find the pillar with the
object slots in it. Scarab first on in front of you, to the left clockwise is
Seal of Aribus, then the Eye of Horus then the last one. Go around the side of
the Sphinx to find the door that just opened. Go through to EXIT this long


Go through the double door ahead of you and pick up a Magnum Clip from
both sides of the stairs in the corner. Get your Shotgun out and go up the
stairs to shoot 2 demon panthers (very dangerous, Uzi's gained later in this
level help though). Go up the stairs and get a Magnum Clip to the right of
the pillar. Climb up and walk under the rock. The guy who shoots you is
called Larson (get to kill him at the end of this level). Go forward to the
sand, jump left and right while shooting with Shotgun to kill the demon
panther who throws fireballs. Go forward and look right to see a bigger
sphinx (or is it just me?) with a door between his paws. You need to open
that but it'll take a while. Go to his legs and get the Magnum Clips between
his legs. Stand with your back against the door. Go forward and slightly
left to find a white block you can climb. Climb it, stand jump to the right
then turn around. Stand jump and grab to get the Magnum Clips on the left.
Go back to last ledge and climb to the left. Run jump and grab to the next
block then do another running jump and grab. Shimmy right across the
crevice to the end then climb the block on the right. Go left and do a
standing jump to the block then another standing jump. Run and jump to
the Magnum Clips, get them then climb to the sloped block. Stand jump 2
more times then go forward to the Save Crystal, leave it for the minute.
Flick the switch, draw Magnums, turn around quickly and shoot the demon
panther flying your way. Ignore the Shotgun Shells ledge to the left of the
switch, you'll be back later. For now get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Do a safety
drop off the edge to the right of the switch and get the Magnum Clips. Do a
gentle drop to the ground, check health you'll lose a bit of energy). Go past
the left paw of the Sphinx and forward here to find a Magnum Clip past the
blocks. Pick it up then go through to the left and the door. Go to the slope,
grab the edge when you slide backwards. Shimmy left, drop to the ledge
and get the Magnum Clips. Turn right, climb up to the steps and turn left.
Go downwards into the water and pick up a Gold Key from the bottom of
the pool. Surface and get out on the ledge to the right. Go upwards
ignoring the pool on the right, going left to the pool with a bridge over it.
Slide down the slope, jump at the end to grab the bridge at the end. If you
miss get out at the ledge on the right, (refer back if you're stuck). Turn right
on the bridge and use the Gold Key on the lock to open the door on the
left. Turn around and draw your guns to shoot a horse riding, fireball
throwing demon (he can't leave the room thank god). When he's dead go in
to get a small medipack on the left and the first of 2 Ankhs on the pillar.
Now get the SAVE CRYSTAL!! Go out of here back to the bridge. Go into
the pool, get out at the ledge and go up the blocks. Turn right and slide
down the slope into pool with ledge to the left. Get out at a ledge similar to
the one in the other pool and climb the higher blocks. Turn right at the top
to go back through the door to the sand again. Turn right, go down the
alley to get back to the Sphinx. Go around to the door between his legs
(you need the second Ankh first to open it). Face the door, turn left and go
past the Sphinx's left paw. Go to the blocks in the dark area and climb the
one on the right. Run and jump to a dark block at the top of a slope, then
climb to the ledge above to the left. Do a running jump and grab to the
pillar then turn around. Do a running jump and grab to the tallest pillar then
jump and garb to the ledge above. Go forward and get the SAVE CRYSTAL!
Turn right, go through the slicer and get the small medipack. Walk around
this ledge to the edge, this way you don't fall down an almost invisible gap.
Stand jump and grab to the switch. Flick it, draw Magnums and shoot a
demon from the long ledge, stand jump there. Be careful, he may push you
off the edge! Go back through the slicer to the edge. Do a gentle drop back
to the pillar then run and jump to the medium sized pillar. If you miss you'll
land on the slope, hardly any damage will be lost. Now you need to go back and
get the Shotgun Shells that you ignored earlier with the Save Crystal. Here's
the paragraph from before. Jump back to the slope that you land on if you miss
and go to the Sphinx door.

Stand with your back against the door. Go forward and slightly left to find a
white block you can climb. Climb it, stand jump to the right then turn
around. Stand jump and grab to get the Magnum Clips on the left. Go back
to last ledge and climb to the left. Run jump and grab to the next block then
do another running jump and grab. Shimmy right across the crevice to the
end then climb the block on the right. Go left and do a standing jump to the
block then another standing jump. Run and jump to the Magnum Clips, get
them then climb to the sloped block. Stand jump 2 more times then go
forward to the Save Crystal, leave it for the minute. Flick the switch, draw
Magnums, turn around quickly and shoot the demon panther flying your
way. Ignore the Shotgun Shells ledge to the left of the switch, you'll be
back later. For now get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Obviously this time there
won't be a Save Crystal or panther demon so stand in front of the switch.
Turn left and run and jump to the Shotgun Shells on the left. Do a running
jump and grab to the ledge on the left and get the Shotgun Shells. Run
jump left again, then run jump and grab to the ledge on the right below
you. Climb up and jump into the passage. Climb up and jump right to carry
on climbing upwards to the left. When you see the SAVE CRYSTAL get it!!
Go into the room to the right to find a moveable block (the dark side of the
room). Push the block once then go around to the left side and climb on
the block. Climb up, draw your Magnums and shoot another fireball
throwing demon. Go to the right wall, when he fires jump left, that's a good
way to kill him. When he's dead go into a similar room as before and get
the second Ankh you need to open the Sphinx door. Get a small medipack
to the left too. Go down past the block to the ledge on the outside. Turn
right and slide down to the large medipack. Drop down to the Sphinx's
back. Let's use the 2 Ankhs we've got. Go to the right side to find a block.
Do a running jump and grab from here to a ledge in his right shoulder area.
Climb up to the back of his head. Use one of the Ankhs on the lock to the
left, then go around the front to use the other one.

The door opens and you can get the SAVE CRYSTAL! Let's get SECRET 1
(very important worth it big time!) GO TO THE BACK OF HIS HEAD TO WHERE YOU USED
(Uzi Clips and the Uzi guns!!!) Well worth it, not too hard either was it?
That's the last gun you'll get in the game. Use them from now on unless
otherwise stated.

Draw them immediately and turn right to shoot 2 flying demons (a
very useful and powerful weapon indeed against all these latest enemies).
Turn until you see a ledge which you can do a running jump to off this
invisible ledge. If you miss you land on the bigger ledge below taking some
damage. Make sure your health is full after killing the demons! Do a gentle
drop off this ledge to the ground taking slight damage. Turn around and go
left around to the open door. Check out the camera work. Cool!! Drop into a
very large well. Swim forward into the dark and get out at the ledge to get a
well-earned SAVE CRYSTAL!! Now you have the Uzis permanently. In this
very large pool are 2 statues, one with horns and one without. Swim to the
very bottom and to the statue with horns, between his feet to find a tunnel
leading to door. Pull the lever to the right of it and swim upwards and
forwards to a small water channel in a room inside the statue. Get out and
climb the pillar with patterns on it (the shortest one). Turn and do a
standing jump and grab to the next one. Turn to the right, do a running
jump and grab to the ledge. Follow it around to the edge and shot a demon
with your Uzis. Drop down to slide to a ledge, then do a  gentle drop to the
ledge below. You're on top of the statue with no horn's head now. The
water level seems to have dropped a lot. Turn left to see a rock sticking
out, notice a slightly hidden ledge behind it. Go to the corner, turn and
stand jump to this ledge using a diagonal jump. Turn right and do a
running jump to a ledge on the other statue like a pillar. Climb up to his
head and do a gentle drop to the ledge below on the other side of his head.
Now do a gentle drop again to find yourself in an alcove near his arm with
a switch. Flick it to open the door between the feet of the other statue
which is still underwater. Keep dropping to get into the water. Swim to the
other statue and surface in front of it to get some Shotgun Shells. Now dive
down to the door between his legs and swim through the hole to a ramp.
Be ready with your Uzis in a minute. Go up the ramp, seems to go on
forever, and pick up 2 Magnum Clips along the way. When you finally get to
the top there's a Scarab, a gate and a SAVE CRYSTAL for you which is the
last one of this area!! Get ready with your Uzis now. Pick up the Scarab in
front of the gate and draw your Uzis to shoot 2 panther demons and a
fireball throwing horseman. Run down the ramp if you need some space,
they won't follow you too far. When they're finally dead go to the other gate
and use the Scarab (d‚j... vu?). Get the large medipack and the Magnum
Clips and slide down the slope. Turn left immediately to see a doorway to
the left above you. Climb into it and pause for a minute to hear Larson
whining about a pain in his brain and a desire to shoot you. Fill your health
and draw your Uzis then drop down to this room and shoot him to hell.
When he's dead take his Uzis (if you haven't got them already, you should
have) and go to the right to find the exit. Go up the steps and take the final
piece of the Scion to EXIT Egypt! Now onto the final area, good work!!

Cut scene: Natla and her gang take the Scion from Lara and she takes a
nap on their boat after hitching an unwelcome ride.




You've lost your weapons, your employer Natla wants you killed and you're
underwater. It could be worse, you get your weapons back later. Swim
forward through the triangle shaped tunnel and get out to the right at the
boat near the big box. Note a waterfall to the left, you'll be there in a
minute. Go to the right of the box to find a tunnel leading to a track and a
pile of rocks in a corner. Behind the rocks is a crate, pull it one then go
behind it to find a gate. Go back through the tunnel back to the pool and
the boat. Look to your left to see a waterfall you can hear. Swim to it, then
under and behind it to find a passage. Follow it to find a switch on the left
which opens the gate behind the crate. You'll be back here in a minute, for
now go back to the pool and swim forward to the right of the boat. Go to
the right of the box then carry on. Go behind the crate to the gate and the
switch. Flick it to open a gate in the passage behind the waterfall. Go
through the tunnel back to the pool and behind the waterfall. Go left and go
up the slope this time to end up above the pool. Run and jump left to the
ledge with the red and white construction barrier on it. Follow this all the
way until you reach a room with a cabin over your head held up by a crane
and a control room on the left. This is the area where you'll spend a lot of
time in this level. Pick up the large medipack (its not a trap, trust me), and
go to the left of the control room. Climb into the open window and pickup
some Magnum Clips. Notice the 3 boxes, fuses are needed to lower the
cabin to the floor later on, you'll spend time collecting the fuses to come
back here later. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL while you're here! Go out and into
the tunnel to the left to see a crate and 2 cabins on the floor. Here is a
tunnel to the left, straight ahead down the track is another one and there's
also a crate. In the left tunnel there's a broken conveyor belt at the end with
a fuse on it. There's also a locked gate to the left here, ignore this tunnel
for now, you'll be back later. Take the tunnel straight ahead down the track.
A gate opens, stand jump over the read and white barrier into the pit. Climb
up and stand there, this will take a few goes. There's a slope to the right
with a boulder at the top, the boulder will roll down. You need to jump the
barriers and go right through the door on the slope before the boulder
crushes you. Here's the easiest way. Run and jump over the first barrier,
then turn right slightly and run and jump onto the slope. Dash forward and
to your right through the door quickly. You may need to reload a few times,
don't stop during this sequence. When you make it go forward and get
your first fuse and a badly needed SAVE CRYSTAL!! Dodge the boulders in
a minute. Go forward onto the slope then jump back to avoid the boulder.
Go to where the boulder stopped and face it. You need to dodge another
boulder. Go backwards up the ramp until you hear another boulder. Run
forward and to the right to dodge it. Go up the slope and do a gentle drop
through the hole to get back to the obstacle course on the track. Turn left,
jump barrier then go up the slope to the right. This is where the boulder
rolled from earlier. Stand jump over the gap and carry on upwards. Drop
through the hole you find to end up at the 2 cabins room again. Pull the
crate once towards the tires next to the cabin. Stay facing the crate, pull it
to the left twice. There's a hole above you, you will drop onto this crate in a
minute. Do a running jump onto the cabin roof with the barrier around it
and go into the corner. The tile collapses, follow the tunnel and turn right
to flick a switch that moves the boat. Follow the tunnel right, slide down
the slope then do a gentle drop down the hole to drop onto the crate you
moved there earlier. Turn around and go through the tunnel to get back to
the room with the hanging cabin. Follow the sloped passage upwards and
left to get back to the pool below you. Stand against the barrier in front of
you then press back twice. Now do a running jump to clear the barrier and
land in the pool. Surface and get out on the darkest part of the boat (the
middle). Do a running jump to get to the other dock in front of you (ignore
the Save Crystal, you get it later on). Go over the crate on the left to find a
room full of white crates with NATLA written on them. Go through, notice
the darker crate in front of you which appears to be damaged. Get some
Magnum Clips to the left of this crate first. Pull it once then push it to the
left (to where you got the Magnum Clips from). Go forward to find another
crate you can move. Pull it twice, then pull it to the right to reveal another
passage. Go down here and flick the switch to move the drill out of the
tunnel on the other dock. Go out of this room and climb the crate. Now you
need to get back to the other dock to the drill tunnel. Run and jump to the
boat, swim left to the other dock with the long box on it. Go to the right of
this box and follow the passage to get back to the drill room. Go into the
tunnel past the drill machine to find a NATLA crate. Push it forward twice,
then climb on it and jump and grab to the passage. Get some Uzi Clips and
flick a switch to open a gate by the conveyor belt with the fuse on it. Drop
down and go forward to the next passage. Go forward until you can see a
Fuse on the floor. CAREFUL! You need to WALK forward and get it then get
the hell out of there to avoid the guy who shoots you with your Magnums!!
When you've got the fuse you need to go back to the conveyor belt room
with the fuse on it. Leave and go left to find the boat and the pool. Swim
over to the waterfall and go behind it again. Follow the sloped passage
upwards and run and jump to the ledge with the barrier around it. Follow
this passage downwards past the control room to the 2 cabins room again.
Now go through the tunnel to the left. Follow this past the belt, through the
open gate to the switch on the left. Use it start the conveyor belt. Go to the
start of the belt to find a fuse waiting for you (that's the last one!!) Go back
through this room back to the 2 cabins room. Follow the passage to the
right and the control room. Go into the control room and use the 3 fuses to
send the cabin crashing to the ground! Go into it to finally find your
pistols!!! Select them from your inventory so they can be used as normal
from now on. Leave the cabin then jump and grab onto the roof of it, do a
running jump and grab to the passage. Go to the top of the first slope and
climb right.

Go forward to a gate which closes behind you and SECRET 1. STOP HERE
SECRET 1 (large medipack and Uzi Clips). There's also a switch that opens the
gate so you can leave again.

Go down to the trapdoor, turn left, jump up the slope and leave. Drop
through the hole and slide down to the 2 cabins room again inside the
control room. Follow the sloped passage upwards to the barrier again.
Jump the barrier into the pool, leave the Save Crystal for later and swim to
the dock with the long box on it. Go to the right of the box to find the drill
machine tunnel again. Go through the drill tunnel and get out your pistols.
Fill your health and go past the crate to shoot the guy with your Magnums.
Use medipacks, don't move there are pits everywhere. When he's dead
walk up to him and get your Magnums back! Walk forward to the lava pit
and go right into the corner, look down to see a Save Crystal. Position Lara
above it and do a gentle drop to it, then get it!! Turn left and look down to
see a rock over a slope which you can jump to. Do a running jump here. Go
to the end and grab the crevice. Shimmy along the crevice to the right until
you can drop to the ledge. Turn right to see another crevice, run jump and
grab to the rock above it. Now drop and quickly grab the crevice below,
shimmy right and drop at the end to the tunnel. Follow this, slide down the
slope and turn right to find a pool of lava. Stand jump to a block on the left
and look around. You need to get across using the blocks, some are
sharply slanted. Run and jump to the block on the right, then do another
one to the block in the middle. Look right to see a passage with a crate in
it, you need to push this quickly to avoid a boulder.

Run and jump to the passage and quickly push the crate once to avoid the
HOLE ABOVE. TURN LEFT TO GET SECRET 2 (large medipack and Uzi
Clips). This time, instead of turning left for the Secret, go straight forward
to find another hole that drops you onto the track the boulder rolled down.

Go down it and turn towards the boulder to get Uzi Clips a large medipack
and the Shotgun back!! Go back away from the boulder and climb into the
hole again. Go forward and jump over the hole, stand jump to the right. Go
up the slope and drop down the hole to find yourself back at the lava room
on the other side of the boulder. Run and jump to the pillar. Turn right and
run jump to the right pillar of the next 2. Run jump to a pillar in the middle,
then run jump again to the left pillar of the next 2. Drop to the ledge and go
forward to find a slope. Slide backwards down it so you don't fall into the
lava. Stand jump and grab to the ledge and carry on to find TNT crates in a
room. Go through to see rocks above which you can reach, there's also a
rocky passage above and to the left which you can't reach yet. Go out and
left to find a damaged TNT crate which is moveable. Pull it backwards
once, then pull it right once. Now pull it 5 times (as far as you can) then
stand jump and grab into the passage. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL!! Go up the
slope to a lava pit, jump to the ledge on the right, the left one is too steep.
Wait for a boulder to come down then run and jump right to where it came
from. Follow this all the way to find the switch you could never reach
before. Flick it to move the rocks (you'll see in a minute), then go back to
the lava pit, jump left this time then forward to the ledge. Turn left and go
back down the slope to the crate room (you're crates been destroyed by
the rocks moving). Turn left and climb and jump over the rocks. Get out
your Magnums and go forward into a white pillar room to shoot a punk of a
kid on a skateboard who's got your Uzi's!! Kill him and get your Uzis back!

Follow the track and pick up a few Uzi Clips, against a wall near some Uzi
Clips is a pit full of water and not lava. Here's SECRET 3. GO IN AND
FOLLOW THE TUNNEL TO GET SECRET 3 (large and small medipack and
get an Uzi Clip). Get some air first before this next part.

Go out to surface upwards in a passage above. When you get into this
passage follow it upwards to the chamber room again. Drop down and go
to the middle and then forward to find a tunnel with a SAVE CRYSTAL in it!
Grab it so you are now fully armed again!! Go forward, keep alert for the
boulders up this slope. Dodge to the right to avoid them, then watch a third
one roll across the room. Go up to the left and climb right. Turn right and
go forward to climb the pillar (you need to get to a hole in the ceiling). Turn
right and run and jump to the next pillar, turn around and stand jump with
a grab to the ledge. Turn left and stand jump and grab again to the pillar,
then do another one to end up at the hole in the ceiling. Climb right to end
up in an orange room with a moveable block (these rooms can be
confusing). Follow this to find Gold Doors too. Turn around to find your
first block. Push it twice then turn right and climb up in the corner. Push
this block twice. There's Gold Door 1 on the left and a hole on the right. Go
down the hole. Pull the block here once, then go back up past the door and
down the hole there. Push this block once to find Gold Door 2, a switch
and a Save Crystal for you, flick the switch to open Gold Door 1, you may
want to leave the Save Crystal, you'll be back here soon when Gold Door 2
opens. Turn around, ignore the passage on the right, go up the hole in
front of you, go to the block and turn left. Go through the passage here to
find Gold Door 3, you don't need to open it. Push the block, go left into the
second alcove to find the switch. Flick it to open Gold Door 2 then go back
up the stairs. Now you need to get back to Gold Door 2 again. Go left to
find the block, ignore the hole to the right of it. Go forward past the alcoves
and down the hole to the left. Go forward past the switch to finally get to
Gold Door 2. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL if you left it before!! Here are
buildings with doors on both sides and a pyramid structure in front of you.
Get out your Uzis and shoot the guy with your Shotgun, get it now if you
didn't get it before for some reason. The door on the right has opened,
ignore it, its Gold Door 3. Go to the pyramid at the end, notice the lock next
to the door is pyramid shaped. Climb onto the top of the door and look for
the darker ledges in the pyramid. Run jump left then stand jump left to the
top as far as you can go. See a ledge below and to the left in the pyramid?
Run jump left to the wall to slide down to it. Don't worry if you miss you
just use the door to get back up again. Turn left and go into the passage to
flick the switch. This opens the left building door. Go to the buildings (the
one on your right which is actually the left one). In here you'll find a large
medipack, Uzi Clips and the Pyramid Key round the corner. Cool! Go out,
turn left and go to the Pyramid. Use the Pyramid Key in the lock next to the
door and go through to finally EXIT this massive level!


Note on Level 13: Thanks to Angie for picking up at least 35 pickups in this
if anyone could list the extra pickups with a brief guide to where they are, I
be very grateful.


You'll notice first that it's quite dark so go forward to turn the lights on.
Stop when you get the Uzi Clips for a minute. In the following room are 6
eggs all with very dangerous mutants inside of them. You must be very
careful when fighting these enemies, always use your Uzis so have them
ready. Go in then back flip into the door so you can kill it, you will get hit
here. Go in again and the egg on the right will hatch. Use side jumps to
avoid the fireballs and keep shooting until its dead. Go down the centre of
the room and kill the mutant who comes out of the last egg on the left. Use
side flips as before. Now go to the end of the room and pick up the Uzi
Clips. Here you'll see 3 doors, one on the left, one on the right and one in
the centre in front of you. Go towards the door on the left and it will open
for you. Go in and go up the stairs to the top. The see-through flooring is
safe to walk on. Go in the room and pick up the small medipack in the left
corner. Notice the closed door on the other side of the room from where
you came in. Go towards the door and turn right to cross the walkway.
Draw your Uzis and kill the 2 mutants that hatch below. The one from
below who jumps comes up the stairs the flying one with fireballs should
be no problem, try to kill them both from up here if you can. When they're
all dead go across the walkway and get the Shotgun Shells in the middle.
Carry on and go to the far right corner of the room into a dark corner. Here
is a switch that opens the door you may have seen to the left. Go into that
door to find another switch that opens a door back at the other end of the
room. When you get to the other end of the room notice there are now 2
doors open instead of one. Notice the big wall in the centre of the room
with shapes on it? Go along the left side of the room and start going
across it with guns drawn to kill a flying mutant who hatches below. When
he's dead, cross the walkway and go right towards the doors again. If you
didn't kill the mutant before the egg below will hatch and it will come up
the stairs in the left corner through the door stay still and shoot it as it
approaches. Go down the stairs on the right to find a switch at the bottom
(if you go down the wrong stairs you'll be back in the room below where
the mutants came from). Remember the 3 doors in the room below? Flick
this switch to open the middle door at the end of the room. Carry on down
the stairs and go through the door that opens for you. You have just gone
through the door on the right of the 3. Go forward and then right to go
through the centre door you just opened with the switch.

Go forward with guns drawn and kill the flying mutant before you do
anything. Back off into the passageway if you need to. Now its time to get
HERE'S SECRET 1 (a large medipack, Uzi Clips and Magnum Clips). Continue
forwards and upwards until you come to an opening in the floor which drops you
into another tunnel.

At one end of the room is a ledge above the lava pool with a slicer. Ignore
both and go the other way. Here's a room with a lava pit below a bridge
with a gap in it. There is also an egg below with one of our friends in it.
Notice the crevice in the wall? Do a standing jump from the right side of
the bridge to grab it then drop and grab the doorway below. Pull up and
follow this tunnel to a switch that opens the red door on the other side of
the bridge. Continue upwards and pick up 2 Uzi Clips and do a standing
jump down to the bridge. Ignore the new door for now, don't worry about
the mutant who hatches mid-jump, do a running jump and grab to the other
side of the bridge and pull up quickly. As you pass the egg it hatches but if
you carry on and kill the mutant from the doorway it shouldn't be any
problem. Now running jump and grab back again and go through the new
doorway. Thank God there's a SAVE CRYSTAL for you!! Here is a room
with a pool of water, a tall pillar in front of you and a sloped ledge to the
left that is part of a pyramid you need to cross. There is also a ledge to the
right so you can climb out of the water if you fall in. At the other side of the
room there is a red door which is on a timer for later. Now let's get going.
Do a running jump and grab to the tall block in front of you. Watch out for
the boulders on the pyramid when you land on the safe spots. You need to
angle to the right so that when you run and jump into the flat spot ahead
you can jump again into the higher spot to avoid the boulder. Watch out for
another boulder in this next jump. Now side jump right to slide down the
pyramid then stand jump into the higher spot as before (or you can jump
left and slide into the water if you feel you won't be quick enough, then use
the ledge on the right as mentioned).

Either way when you've jumped onto the higher spot its time to get SECET
THE WALL. PULL UP HERE TO GET SECRET 2 (a large medipack and Magnum and Uzi
Clips). Exit the room and turn left to slide down to the red door.

Run and jump across the water to grab the low step, then run jump and
grab to the tall block. Take the large medipack then run jump and grab to
the next tall block. Pull up and go into the room on the left. Pick up 2 Uzi
Clips (in one pile) and pull the switch that alters the layout of the room
below so you can exit. In this next sequence you need to pull an
underwater lever that is opposite the block you just got the medipack from
and you will eventually cross the pyramid as you did before. Anyway, you
then need to swim to the low ledge and climb the block, run jump to the flat
spot in the pyramid, stand jump to the higher spot. Side jump right to slide
to the second flat spot, then jump to the higher spot again. Now side jump
right again to slide down to the door the same as after you got the secret.
Turn left and go through the door before it closes. When you get there you
will be in a room with 3 lava slides and a walkway, a switch that you can't
get to and another door which is closed. Face the low step and run jump
and grab to it. Go up the steps and go carefully along the walkway then
turn and stand jump left into the doorway. Get the SAVE CRYSTAL!! Follow
the passage upwards, jumping the spike pit until you reach a pool of water.
Swim down and forward to get the Shotgun Shells on the bottom and pull
the lever to open the door opposite. Go through the door and surface. Get
your Uzis out and go through the blades (they work once you go past
them) and shoot the flying mutant. You can go back through the blades if
you need to. When he's dead turn right and do a running jump and grab to
the ledge with the Uzi Clips on (2 in one pile again). Go through the
doorway and into the pool. Behind the first pillar on the right is a small
medipack. Get it and surface. This room has 4 eggs, 5 switches and 3
underwater doors. You need to pull 3 of the switches to open the
underwater doors. Stand with your back to the tunnel where the Uzi Clips
are, (facing the Save Crystal). Turn right and go into the corner to find a
switch that opens one of the doors and releases a mutant. Kill it then leave
the corner and go left to get the Uzi Clips in the tunnel you had your back
to. Now face the Save Crystal and the switches and go pull the switch
farthest to the left of the 3 to open the middle underwater door. Now pull
the centre switch behind the Save Crystal to open the outer door of the 3. If
you want to kill the mutants flick the other switches, (farthest right and on
the left as you entered), and approach the eggs carefully. Either way when
they're all dead or you've opened the doors get the SAVE CRYSTAL!! Now
swim straight forward between the pillars to find the underwater door exit.
Follow this passage and go right to flick a switch to open the door next to
you. Go through and pick up the 2 Uzi Clips in a pile and watch the boulder
block the doorway. There is a moveable block on the right which is a
different colour than the rest of the ramp. Pull it once then go to the right
and push it against the wall. Now it's in the path where the boulder rolled
before. Go out through the red tunnel with the pulsing walls and go
through the doorway that opens for you. When you get to the other tunnel
go left to flick the switch again. Go through the door and you'll notice that
this time the boulder gets stuck against the block. Go through the doorway
to get back to the lava room with the ledges again. Kill the flying mutant
who appears (use the doorway if you need to). Do a running jump to the
ledge on the right. Go forward to find another SAVE CRYSTAL for you!!
Enter the room slowly so you can kill each mutant from the doorway. When
they're dead make sure Lara is facing the red floor. Now slide down the
slope and jump at the end to clear the spike pit and land on the red floor.
Go up and get 2 Uzi Clips in a pile, some Shotgun Shells and a large
medipack. Follow the tunnel to emerge in a room with an egg on the left
and an uneven bridge leading forward. Draw your guns and go towards the
Uzi Clips. Kill a mutant that appears, go towards the entrance again if you
need to. Now you can go get the Uzi Clips. Jump to the ledge to the left of
the doorway then draw your guns and jump to the ledge next to the
incubator. Shoot the mutant (stand jump back to the doorway or the ledge
you just jumped from if you need to). Either way follow the ledge upwards
to the Uzi Clips (don't worry about the mutants you can hear yet, just get
the Uzi Clips first). Do a running jump onto the light coloured ledge in the
side of the bridge then turn around and shoot the 2 mutants in the cave
you heard. Don't move too much, run left onto the bridge to the slope and
fire from there. When they're dead face the other wall and go onto the other
brown ledge that sticks out from the bridge. Do a running jump onto the
flat ledge and go to the switch on the right picking up the Uzi Clips (in 1
pile) as you go. Flick the switch to open a door which you'll come to in a
minute. Turn around and follow the walkway, do a running jump over the
slope so you don't fall in the lava. Here you'll find a moveable block. Pull it
once to uncover the door you just opened. Follow the passage to the
slicer, jump through as the blades open to carry on. When you're through
turn right and do a running jump to enter the cave where the mutants were.
Follow the cave left and upwards until you can pick up a small medipack
and some Uzi Clips. Go forward with guns drawn to end up in the tall lava
room again. Kill a flying mutant from above (back off down the passage if
you need to). Do a running jump to the ledge on the right when he's dead.
Go through the door which kindly opens and then closes to find another
SAVE CRYSTAL!! This next area involves a lot of jumping between the
pillars you see after flicking a switch, not a problem now I'm sure. Go to
the end and do a running jump to get to the next ledge. Turn left and flick
the switch in this passage to change the height of the pillars as mentioned.
Go back out and turn right. Run jump back to the entrance then turn left
and run and jump to the pillar in front of you against the wall. Stand jump
to the pillar just to the right, then run jump to the pillar just to the right.
When you stand jump to the doorway hold X or Lara will hit her head and
die. Follow the passageway to a switch that alters the pillars again. Go out
and stand jump to the pillar on the left. Run jump to the pillar ahead, then
turn left and stand jump to the next pillar. From here do a running jump
into the doorway then follow the passage.

Take a few steps into the next room with guns drawn then back off into the
hallway to kill the 3 mutants (keep an eye on your health). Now its time for
IN TO GET SECRET 3 (Uzi Clips, Shotgun Shells and a large medipack). Leave the
room and continue through the red passage and the door.

Don't use the switch, all it does is cause lava to flow into the passage,
instead climb up into the opening in the ceiling just after the door you
came through. Carry on to yet again come out in the tall lava room (there is
no mutant this time). Do a running jump to the ledge on the right and pick
up 2 Uzi Clips in a pile. Get your guns out and carry on towards the Uzi
Clips in the next room. Shoot the mutant then get the Uzi Clips. Go to the
bottom the ramp and look at the trap (darts, slicer and boulder, aren't you
lucky). This actually isn't too hard. Go to the right of the ramp into the
corner (check your health, you may get hit by the darts). Now face the ramp
and climb onto it then jump back straight away to avoid the boulder. Now
carry on up the ramp, the slicer won't start again, just avoid the darts, they
won't do much damage anyway. When you get to the top get the SAVE
CRYSTAL!! Notice that the throne on the left (Natla's), is labelled with N, Q,
ant T, the initials of the Atlantis rulers. The bottom of the throne is a
moveable block, push it twice to access the new area behind it. Go to the
right to find 2 trapdoors each with a switch and a door between them. For
the one on the right go through using the switch, jump the lava pit and
then back flip to avoid the boulder. Jump over the pit and carry on forward
and left. If you want to go left throw the switch and back off the trapdoor.
Turn around and hang then drop and immediately jump the spike pit. Now
carry on and turn left. The right one is easier but the choice is yours. If you
went left go past the boulder and climb to the right to find a switch that
opens the door between the trapdoors or if you went right turn left and
climb right to find the switch. Either way flick the switch to open the red
door between the trap doors and carry on climbing to end up above the
throne room. Drop down and carry on forward then left to end up at the red
door between the trapdoors that you just opened. Draw your weapons, go
through the door and up the ramp. Go in and approach the egg. Jump to
the side or to the side and backwards to avoid the fireballs that the centaur
throws. When its dead (watch your health) pick up 4 Uzi Clips in 2 piles
either side of the entrance. Flick the switch to open the exit and get the
SAVE CRYSTAL!! You can skip the next 2 kills if you want and just carry
on, if you step on either of the ramps near the exit the 2 mutants hatch. You
can kill them from up here or slide down the ramp and kill them from there.
If you slide down the ramp kill the 2 mutants first (check your health before
you do anything), then kill the other 2 if you hatched them. Either way
when they're dead look at this fleshy creature. Don't shoot it 'cos it mirrors
your movements and will shoot you back. You need to kill it, but you'll
need to lure it into a trap. The door mentioned is on a timer but you don't
need to worry about that yet. This next passage details how. Make Lara
face away from the ramp you slid down and go right around the tall
column. Go up the ramp here and climb onto the block. Turn around and
do a standing jump onto the pillar, then do a running jump to the platform
(the bit that sticks out). You'll see a trapdoor, a switch and the exit door
here. You need to flick the switch then hurry up 'cos you need to lure the
creature into the trapdoor and its on a timer as mentioned earlier. Roll and
run next to the wall to slide to the ground. Run to the pillar ahead and
climb it, run and jump to the tall pillar slightly to the right, you can stop to
set up. Now run and jump forward to the platform and run right, the
creature will now be running into the trapdoor if you did everything right
and the exit door will open. Go round the pillar, up the ramp, onto the
block and the pillar and run jump to the switch as before. When you get
there go through the door and get the Uzi Clips in the next room. Draw
your guns and go around the corner to lure a centaur out. Jump from side
to side constantly while shooting to kill it. Get the Uzi Clips in the next
room then draw your guns again and go forward to kill the mutant on the
right. Now we have the final puzzle of this level. You need to raise the
bridge and open the door to exit this level, both are on timers so you need
to be quick. First, follow the walkway left and pick up an Uzi Clip. Don't use
this switch yet though. Now go back and around to the right end of the
walkway. Now flick the switch to open the door and run back to the left end
of the walkway. Flick this switch to raise the bridge. Roll and run back into
the centre then cross the bridge. Get the Uzi Clips and go up the short
ramp to get the final piece of the Scion and exit this bloody long level. Onto
the final level!!

Cut scene: Tihocan tires to kill Natla but Lara saves her, then Natla dives at
Lara after she pulls her guns out, but Lara survives and Natla falls into
what looks like oblivion.



You need to select your Uzis from your inventory and kill that big mutant
beast first obviously. One of the best ways to do this apart from jumping to
the corners and shooting is to drop and hang from the edge. Move to the
side or stay still and you shouldn't take too much damage. When he goes
back to the door get up and shoot him. Put your guns away then drop and
hang. Repeat the process until he dies, you could use the Shotgun too or a
combination of both Uzis and Shotgun to kill him quicker. When he's dead
he explodes (don't be too close), make sure you pick up the 6 Uzi Clips (in
4 piles) from each of the corners of the platform. Go through the door and
follow the passage to slide down the ramp. There's a moveable block in the
alcove but skip that and go down the ramp in front of you for now. At the
bottom you should be able to hear a slicer which you'll get to in a minute.
For now push the moveable block you find 3 times. Go up the ramp you
uncover and around the corner to another moveable block. This is the
block you skipped earlier. Push it once then go around to the right side
and climb on it. Turn around, stand jump and grab to the ledge and get the
SAVE CRYSTAL!! Go to the breakable tile and run through the blades as
they begin to open (watch them carefully first). Carry on to the ramp and go
right into the tiled corridor. Follow it down the ramp to the bottom and
push the block once. Go back to the top of the corridor and turn right. Go
down the ramp you skipped just now. At the bottom is the block you just
pushed (I bet you wondered why). There's a switch above you which you
can get to in a minute if you climb to the other side of the block and push it
twice. Let's go to that switch now. Turn around and go right up the ramp to
the top. Go right again down the ramp to stand on top of the block you just
pushed. Flick the switch to open a red door behind you. Go through to a
room with lava running down the centre and flat spots on sandy slopes.
You need to jump to these. Do a standing jump to the spot on the right
then another one to the next one.

Now run and jump onto the one ahead of you and get ready to go for
Clips and Shotgun Shells). Flick the switch twice once the bridge falls to keep
the bridge up.

Do a running jump to the other side of the bridge then do the 2 standing
jumps followed by a running jump as you've done twice before. Now turn
left and do a running jump to the other side to the right of the slope (watch
out for the lava). Go through the tunnel and turn right. There's a boulder at
the top of this ramp so you need to go backwards up it then run down and
go right to avoid it. Go up the ramp and then to the right up a short one.
This long ramp is another boulder trap it's just a bit faster. This time you'll
need to go left to avoid the boulder but use the same strategy as before.
Go up the ramp and follow it to a breakable floor tile. You need to run onto
it then back off of it to let it drop. Now turn around and do a gentle drop
into the next room. Turn around to see a SAVE CRYSTAL (get it in a minute
though). For now shoot the Scion you see, roll and run into the doorway to
get the SAVE CRYSTAL!! The tremor should be no problem, just carry on.
Go onto the bridge and check your health. Shoot the mutant on the right,
jump straight in the air to dodge the fireballs. Do the same for the mutant
on the left and, if you want to, go across the bridge to kill a third mutant.
Either way when they're dead go onto the black rocks and find the opening
near the wall (the wall should be in front of you as you dropped onto the
rocks). Ignore the tremor, gentle drop into the hole and turn left. Now you
need to grab the crevice and go right avoiding the darts as best you can.
Drop onto the slope and press jump immediately to jump onto the flat spot
behind Lara to avoid the lava. Turn around and carry on avoiding the darts
into the next room. Go through to see a swinging blade and a slope leading
to a lava pit. Get the Uzi Clips on the left then go to the right side of the
slope. Walk down it to set a boulder rolling down the slope into the lava
below the blade. Once that happens stand in front of the blade (check your
health). As it swings left stand jump past it to the flat spot. Walk through
the spikes and between the lava pits until you get to a flat spot where there
are 3 breakable tiles in front of you with spikes beneath them. Go to the top
of the ramp and then walk back one step. Now stand jump to the one of the
left, immediately side jump right then forward jump to land in the tunnel.
Go to the next room to find a lava pool with 3 sloped blocks in it.

There is also a ledge where you need to get so you can pick up the goodies. This
THE LEDGE TO GET SECRET 2 (3 large medipacks and some Uzi Clips). Go to the edge
and face the sloped block below.
You need to stand jump onto the block and then hold jump to back flip
onto the flat ledge behind where you'll find a nice surprise!! Turn around
and stand jump to grab the crevice. Shimmy right and drop onto the ledge.
Ahead is a horrible looking trap consisting of a boulder at the top of a
ramp, a lava pit, breakable tiles and a swinging blade. You need to grab the
crevice again, go as  far right as you can, drop onto the collapsing tiles,
then side jump twice right to avoid the boulder. Now go past the blade as
calm as you like. Now there's a boulder on the right and a slope on the left.
Ignore the medipack for now, just run down the slope and go right into the
alcove. Now stand jump between the boulder and the alcove (over the
boulder) to get the medipack then repeat to get back into the alcove again.
The next trap consists of a boulder behind, with lava pits at the bottom and
at either side and a swinging blade. Stand anywhere but centre (either side)
and slide down the ramp. Jump at the end to land on the block (grabbing it
will mean death). As the blade swings in front of you slide down to avoid it.
The next room has several lava piles in each side and a small medipack in
the centre. Just run towards the medipack and stop to pick it up (ignore the
lava it will miss you, just run down the centre of the room). Now stand
jump forward then carry on running into the doorway to avoid the rest of
the lava. Flick the switch to open the door. Go through to the right and pick
up the Uzi Clips in this passage. Turn round to face the boulder above.
Just run to near the edge of the lava pit you can see to avoid it. Stand jump
and grab to the lava pit but wait for the boulder to roll past then pull up. Go
into the next room (these torches aren't as hard as the ones in Palace
Midas). Stand on the left or right side of the pillar and line Lara up so you
can jump along the edges of the pillars. Do 5 standing jumps in a row to
get to the other end (if you fall in just swim back to the start and try again).
Once you've done it you need to walk to the edge of this next ledge and
take a look around.

Here we have a red and gold structure with a swinging blade with a
breakable tile in the middle and a cave beyond which is SECRET 3. THERE ARE 2
GET HIT BY THE BLADE). Welcome to SECRET 3 (large medipack and 2 Uzi Clips).
This secret may not register due to a bug but this is the official location
according to Eidos, this is it, believe me). Congratulations, you've got
every SECRET in the game!! (you get nothing for doing this apart from the
pickups of course). Here's the fun bit. You now have to stand jump into that
tiny pool below (I'm not joking). Walk to the edge, line up with the pool, stand
jump and hope to God you make it. When you land get an Uzi Clip from the bottom
then swim through the small tunnel ahead to surface. Turn around to get 4
Uzi Clips (in two piles) and the final SAVE CRYSTAL of the game!! Fill your
health and keep an eye on it, draw your weapons and go forward for the
final battle with Natla. She has wings and flies all over, jump to the side
and backwards while firing to kill her, try to lure her out into the open away
from the pillars. She goes down but she gets up again when you approach.
This time she stays on the ground and shoots at you. Keep an eye on your
health and side jump again to avoid the bullets. This time when she drops
down she really is dead!! If you want more ammo there's a tunnel in the
wall to the right as you come in with 6 Uzi Clips (in 2 piles). Natla counts as
2 kills on the stats screen including when you knocked her down the first
time. To get out of here you'll need to get to the top of the cave. Go back to
the entrance and face forward as you did when you came in. From here
turn left and go as far forward as you can. Run up the slope and do a
standing jump keeping hold of X to get into the doorway. Now you need to
do a lot of pillar jumping. It's best to turn around and drop through the
holes, then turn around and carry on, or else you could miss the pillars if
you just run into the holes. Follow this passage to a doorway, do a running
jump to the pillar in front of you, turn left and then do another one to the
pillar. Run jump again to the next pillar then stand jump to the one under
the doorway. Climb in and follow this passage to drop down a hole onto a
higher pillar. Run and jump to the pillar slightly to the left, then do another
one to the next pillar. Now do a running jump and grab to the next pillar
which is under a doorway. Climb in and follow this passage again to drop
down another hole onto the highest pillar in the room. You're almost there
now, turn around and run jump to the gold ledge in front of you. Climb into
the opening above and carry on to the top of the ramp. Start celebrating,
slide down the ramp to end the level and the game!! Congratulations!!

Final cut scene: Lara only just makes it out of the pyramid before it
collapses. She takes Natla's boat and goes speeding into the sea. Then the
top of the pyramid blows off and, finally, the whole island explodes.


e-mail submission from Jacqueline Craig concerning Democles (used with

Damocles wasn't a god, he was a peasant who asked king dionysius to give him
riches and happiness.
When he was in the palace with booze, food and girls, he noticed a sword hung
over his head held by
only a single hair that could break at any time. He was so frightened he
decided that riches and greed
couldn't bring happiness and fled back to his cottage. Ever heard the
expression, the sword of Damocles?
Constant fear that something could happen at any time to end your life!