Nov 2004 Tomb Raider In depth walkthrough on enemys by percy boi Let start the show...yeah!? Version History 1.0 I have completed my guide with all the enemys,cheats and bosses revealed 1.10: I have added my new email address Introduction to guide This guide you are reading is the key to defeating all enemys to Lara croft's Tomb raider . The enemys will be divided into two sections (one is bosses the other is enemys). I will include in each enemys file(looks,attacks,best way to kill and where this enemy is found). Introduction to the game (This is from my own knowledge of the story.) Thousands of years ago there was a anicent weapon called the sicon. This was a circle with ultimate power in the centre. It was forged from another world. Luckily, the scion was divided into three pieces and scattered around the earth. But, a evil outlaw from the planet that forged the scion travelled to earth to find it and rule the galaxy. Luckily the outlaw was caputured and frozen in time somewhere in mexico. But the outlaw's soul was'nt frozen and took the life of a woman named Natla. This evil woman has called upon lara croft (amazing explorer) to find the pieces of the scion for Natla. But Lara has no idea who she really is... not yet. Words of Notice I have some things to say about this walkthrough. Firstly, if this has affected you in anyway then email me, if it has helped, enraged or anything else to you then I want to hear about. If you spot a mistake, chat or even offend me then lets talk you loonies. Secondly, if you would like to use my information in this walkthrough then I expect credit in the FAQ made and an email about it. I would not want to give you a booking in court for copyright now would I? Contents 1a. Introductions 1b. Words of Notice 1c. Contents- The thing you are reading, dumbass 2. Walkthrough- the main thing 3. Legal stuff 4. About the author/other FAQ's wrote/copyright/thanks 5. The end- don't cry Walkthrough The enemys are listed as you encounter them not in alphabetical. If I have missed any enemys please let me know. On the 'found' area of a enemys file the number means the level it appears on. Enemys Name: Bat Looks: This creature is a tiny flying black bat Attacks: There are usually several of them when they attack, they fly towards you then bite and scratch How to kill: Just use one shot of your pistol to take one down, they can camoflage as they come from dark corners but to know if one is near by is to just listen for their flapping wings. Found: 1,2,3,4 Name: Wolf Looks: White grey four legged creature, looks like a dog Attacks: Runs quickly towards you, leaps and takes a bite from you. How to kill: Its numbers are random, sometimes they attack in a pack or sometimes in a one. But they are very fast so stay mobile. If you have a shotgun handy then use it. Try to stay of the ground if you are with your pistols. Found Level 1,2,3,4 Name: Bears Looks: Brown, fourlegged and about the same size as lara Attacks: Crawls towards you and scratches or eats you. How to Kill: They always attack in one. You could try to use two shotgun shells to bring it down but if you don't then no problem. Try to find a above ledge so you have the advantge as he can't reach you. From here you can safly shoot him without wasting bullets. You can also try this for creatures like wolves. Found: Level 1,2,3,4 Name: T-REX Looks: What the hell does a big green T-Rex LOOK LIKE! If you are that dumb please read this?! Attacks: It has many attacks such as swinging his tail at you, stamping on you and biting you. How to kill: Pull out your best weapon and stand as far away as possible, then just blast it like hell. If he is'nt dead when he reaches you roll so you back is facing him and start backfliping and shooting until you as far way as possible then shoot again. Repeat this sequence until he is dead. Found: Level 3 A tip from Tom Doolan said: For the T-Rex, you don't have to stay out in the open, where you can be shot to hell, there's a little opening in the rocks on the right of the valley, I think, and when you go in, if I remember correctly, there's a raptor, but once you kill it, the T-Rex will start walking around in front of the opening, it can't get you, but you can get it ;) Name: Raptor Looks: A black and orange patched dinosaur, about the height of lara Attacks: Runs at you really fast and bites you (I hope he dosent have scabies or nits). It attacks in packs How to Kill: Pull out a shotgun idealy as it takes just one shot to bring it down. Hurry up when doing this because if it is too close you may not get a shot. Like many animals in this game it can't reach high ledges so use pistols to save ammo if you have a shot from above. Found: Level 3 Name: Gorilla Looks: A gorilla the size of lara, black furred Attacks: Always come in packs, these guys can climb so you can't get a height advantage. These guys push you around everywhere How to Kill: A shotgun shell can quickly rid you of them but if you want to use your shotgun and you want to use your pistols then keep moving around and try to keep off the floor Found: 5-8 Name: Lion Looks: Just like a wolf but golden brown furred Attacks: Just like a wolf, they attack in packs How to kill: These are a little harder to kill than a wolf, they are faster with their reflexes and take much more damage. Try to have a higher ledge advantage. Use a shotgun but if ammo is short use a magnam. Try to keep a distance from these. Found: 5-8 Name: Crocodile Looks: A green reptile with four legs, they swim underwater as well as on land Attacks: Swim or crawls towards you and bites, he is quite slow when in the water but faster on land How to Kill: They can't climb so try to use above ledge like every creature and try to use uzi's or a shotgun to take care of this pest Found: 5-8 Name: Rat Looks: A small crawling black mouse Attacks: Crawls towards you legs and takes a bite How to Kill: Takes about 5 shots of your pistol to kill, easy Found: Unknown Name: Puma Looks: A bigger version of the lion, black furred Attacks: He looks tough he is tough. He has all the factors of a lion but much more advanced How to Kill: These guys are sometimes together and takes well more shells, clips or bullets to kill. Use the method I used to kill a lion on a puma Found: 9-12 Name: Zombie Horseman Looks: This horrible thing is covered in red pulsey flesh, it has a human head and a horses body Attacks: Fires fireballs with his hands. When killed he self destructs so stay away. How to kill: When he fires his flameballs dodge these by sidejumping as they are slow. Don't touch them or him as it takes about 1/6 of your health. I dislike these zombie creatures more than anyting else on the game (to be honest they give me the creeps). Just use your uzi's nothing else really works Found: 10-15 Name: Mummies Looks: Big creatures that look like humans. They are covered in bandages and jump everywhere, they are always on there own Attacks: He attacks like the zombie horseman How to kill: Kill them like zombie horseman Found: 9-15 Name: Zombie flyer Looks: A zombie horseman but with wings Attacks: Attacks just like a zombie horseman How this kill: Kill this creature the same you would a zombie horseman Found: Name: Zombie Mummy Looks: A cross between a zombie horseman and and a mummy Attacks: Attacks like a mummy and a zombie horseman put together How to Kill: Kill it like a zombie horseman and mummy put together Found: There are about eight bosses on the game so I though I'd mention em. Boss 1: Larson Looks: Wears blue trousers and a red top, looks like a cowboy Attacks: Runs around you shooting you until your dead. So keep moving to avoid this. How to kill: Use pieces of the terrain to your advantage like boxes and pillars. You can also use my above ledge method. If you are skilled at this game then you may only need a small medi pack to re-fill your health but if new keep a few large packs just in case. About 10-15 pistol bullets shells will take him down. If you are quick enough you may also try to run passed him, roll and get out a few shots while he turns around. Found: 4,12 Boss 2: Pieres Looks: Wears a red jacket, he is fast so you don't really see his looks Attacks: Runs around you shooting you until your dead. So keep moving to avoid this. How to Kill: Use pieces of the terrain to your advantage like boxes and pillars. You can also use my above ledge method. If you are skilled at this game then you may only need a small medi pack to re-fill your health but if new keep a few large packs just in case. About 10 shotgun shells will take him down. If you are quick enough you may also try to run passed him, roll and get out a few shots while he turns around. You don't actually kill him he just runs off Found: 5-9 Boss 3: Cowboy leader Looks: A man dressed in a cowboy suit Attacks: Runs around you shooting you until your dead. So keep moving to avoid this. How to kill: Use pieces of the terrain to your advantage like boxes and pillars. You can also use my above ledge method. If you are skilled at this game then you may only need a small medi pack to re-fill your health but if new keep a few large packs just in case. About 35 pistol shells will take him down. If you are quick enough you may also try to run passed him, roll and get out a few shots while he turns around. Found: 13 Boss 4: Skateboard Kid Looks: Wears a red cap and blue t-shirt, rides a skateboard Attacks: A teenager who rides around on his skateboard shooting you with uzi How to kill: Use pieces of the terrain to your advantage like boxes and pillars. You can also use my above ledge method. If you are skilled at this game then you may only need a small medi pack to re-fill your health but if new keep a few large packs just in case. About 15 shotgun shells will take him down. If you are quick enough you may also try to run passed him, roll and get out a few shots while he turns around. Found: 13 Boss 5: Bouncer Looks: Wears a big grey coat covering his body Attacks: A big dude who runs around you shooting a shotgun How to kill: Use pieces of the terrain to your advantage like boxes and pillars. You can also use my above ledge method. If you are skilled at this game then you may only need a small medi pack to re-fill your health but if new keep a few large packs just in case. About 70+ uzi bullets will take him down. If you are quick enough you may also try to run passed him, roll and get out a few shots while he turns around. Found: 13 Boss 6: Zombie Lara Looks: The zombie horseman and Lara croft looks put together Attacks: Attacks you by whatever you do. Eg shoot her with a pistol four times she shoots back four times How to kill: The room is symetrical. Go over the cliffy side of the room and jump the ledges to a switch, and a trap door. Throw the switch and she will be on the other side of the room doing excately the same. Throwing the switch opens a trap door next to you. You need to get her in that door. Hurry up though as it is only open for a minute before it closes again. So climb the ledges on the other side of the room and she will climb the ledges you were just at. Jump to the ledge that is symetricall to the trapdoor. Bad lara will now fall down the trapdoor into the lava. Found: 14 Boss 7: Zombie Giant Looks: A big zombie horseman Attacks: Swings it's veins at you taking about half your life off. Touching it takes half your life off and when its dead it explodes and if your near it will probaly kill you. How to kill: Run around the square platform firing your uzi's all around him rolling,jumping in all directions and running to avoid it. Collect all ammo for your uzi's. A good tip from other contributors of gamefaqs is to run behind it, stand still and fill it full of lead while it takes it's time to turn around and come at you. You will know it's dead from it's clucthing off stomach Found: 15 Final Boss: Natla God/ Natla Human Looks: A woman in a black skirt and blue top, she has zombie wings for arms Attacks: She lys around the room firing fireballs everywhere to dodge them just use pieces of the terrain to your advantage like boxes and pillars. This is the only tip you can use when she is flying because you can't use the above ledge method if she is flying or trying to shoot her from behind. After about 130 uzi bullets she will fall to ground. But will get back up and shoot you with magnums. You can now try some methods above to kill her or just keep a small medi pack spare, stand right in front of her and shoot each other. When your health is low just use the small medi pack and carry on shooting , she will definately die. Found: 15 Cheats If you don't think you can beat these enemys then hear is some cheats to lend a helping hand. You enter these cheats during the inventory (press select). These may not work because of your PS version. This is my version ... Level skip: L2,R2,TRIANGLE,L1,L1,O,R2,L2 All weapons and Ammo: L1, TRIANGLE, L2,R2,R2,L2,O,L1 Thats it for my walkthrough but there still a few things to get out of the way. Legal Stuff 1. This can only be posted on (THATS IT) 2. This should not be changed in any way shape or form unless you email me and ask. 3. More info is on Words of Notice on the top of the page. About the author (Hey that's me) Percy boi AKA Josh Pearce. I am 14 years of age and I am interested in sports and as you guessed games. I would describe myself as funny, silly and err really silly. I like punk/mod music. I would type more but I don't won't to lose track of anything else. Let me point out my other FAQs which are Robot Wars, Gran turismo concept and The simpsons road rage and of course tomb raider 2 PS: I do have a social life and I have friends etc. Thanks I like to say cheers to a ton of people such as my parents, my friends, gamefaqs for posting this guide, CORE for making the game, myself for being bothered to make this and YOU for reading it. Thanks for da help -PERCY BOI ,2004- The End Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls it is that time again. For me to close the curtains, shut the door or end the show. I hope this has helped you in someway. Cheers. Goodbye, bon voyage, Auf Weidersen or See ya later. Here is some nice advice. If you ever find yourself falling from a cliff remember to enjoy the view. Stop scrolling!