Threads of Fate One World, Two Adventures _________________________ **************************************************************************** Threads of Fate, One World, Two Adventures North American Version Walkthrough and FAQ Version 1.3 06/25/2002 Author: krystalklyr E-Mail: ICQ: 87324141 The latest version of this document is available at ***************************************************************************** ######################### ## ---Author's Note--- ## ######################### -Me and the FAQ- Hi! Actually this is my first walkthrough but I really want this to look good. The reason why I chose to make a walkthrough on Threads of Fate mainly is that because there are no walkthroughs that are specifically written for the North American Version as of August 7, 2000. Maybe, I also created this because Threads of Fate is a relatively short game (about 24 hours of game play). I also included paragraphs in almost all or all parts of the game that talks about the story of the game (enclosed by these - *story*). They are SPOILERS so I suggest that you should not read them unless 1) You have finished the game or that section already or 2) You did not understand the story at that part. -Others and the FAQ- Everyone is welcome to read and keep this document. This can also be sent or given to anyone without notice to me as long as it is NOT 1) used for commercial or profitable reasons 2) given for free in order to sell a product 3) altered or ripped off and that be sure that the author and especially all those who contributed in this document are credited (I really took time doing this and I deserve it [I think {sigh!}] and the ones that contributed too!) I am not perfect. I make mistakes somewhere here and somewhere there. I also miss a lot of things, specially hard to get items or side-quests that 1) requires you to go back to a dungeon you already finished or 2) requires you to talk to a person or to several persons in order to trigger the quest. Please correct me from my mistakes. Also, if you want to add/contribute something that I missed or miscellaneous tips, just E-Mail me and I will credit you. Spelling and grammar corrections will also be appreciated. I am also poor (sometimes) in understanding the plot or story of a game so if I am mistaken in writing about a certain story line, drop me a mail. If there are something you want to add such as the enemies stats, or game secrets or anything, please give it to me. I will credit anyone who contributes to this thing. Hey, don't forget to tell me where you read this document if you are going to e-mail me. You can also send me questions via E-Mail or ICQ me if I am available. ################### ## ---Warning--- ## ################### This FAQ/Walkthrough CONTAINS MAJOR SPOILERS and I STRONGLY suggest that YOU SHOULD NOT READ the walkthrough UNLESS you are STUCK or have FINISHED the game AT LEAST ONCE on BOTH CHARACTERS. But if you like to be spoiled, go ahead! ########################### ## ---Version History--- ## ########################### Version 0.00 - 08/06/2000 - got the idea on making this thing up Version 0.01 - 08/07/2000 - created the ASCII art (looks good right?) - placed the stuff about the author, copyrights and the version history. - written a few stuffs in the walkthrough section Version 0.02 - 08/08/2000 - fixed certain things. Version 0.05 - 08/10/2000 - added more sections - added more things in Mint's Walkthrough Version 0.09 - 08/12/2000 - added new sections and fixed some mistakes - fixed some sections - added more things in Mint's Walkthrough Version 0.15 - 08/14/2000 - added a new section called "Rental Manual" and the "Beastiary" which are both created by iamnothing [thanks!] (he let me use his FAQ) - added another section "Boss Strategies", "Cool Stuff" and "Game Quotes". - added more things in Mint's Walkthrough - fixed some of my mistakes such as: - the items that can be found at the docks and in the hotel (except for the Dream Stone) are acquired at random. - some grammatical errors - added more stuff in Magic List and Item List - included a sub-section at the Magic List, the Magic Effects - added Alundra 2 , Star Ocean 2: The Second Story, Alundra & Brave Fencer Musashi in the Copyrights and Legal Stuff section. - fixed a cut & paste error in The Town section. Version 0.16 - 08/15/2000 - added nothing really but added new places to find this walkthrough/FAQ Version 0.20 - 08/16/2000 - added stuff in Mint's walkthrough up to the Raging Mountain (Chapter 6 - Dragon Battle) Version 0.21 - 08/18/2000 - fixed the Author's Note section - explained the version numbers - fixed some things which I already know what to do but is written that I am asking what to do - strategy for the final boss Version 0.25 - 08/20/2000 - fixed the Thanks section - fixed some error in the Underground Ruins - continued typing Mint's walkthrough - new section: Transformation List - fixed and added more characters in the Character list - more stuff in other sections - more cool things to check out stuff Version 0.60 - 08/24/2000 - added more quotes and fixed the section - new section: Side Stuff - added more stuff in other sections - finished Mint's walkthrough (Yay!) - updated Rue's walkthrough Version 0.80 - 08/29/2000 - fixed the Yellow Magic - added the Normal and Wide - added the MP Consumption of Yellow - Trine - updated the Transformation List - added stuff at the Boss Strategies section - some minor stuff on other sections - fixed some errors - updated Rue's walkthrough Version 1.00 - 09/01/2000 - finished Rue's walkthrough - added stuff at the Boss Strategies section - fixed some errors - FINISHED THIS DOCUMENT Version 1.10 - 09/11/2000 - fixed some minor error - some clarifications in the puzzle before the battle with Psycho Master (thanks to chojin66) - another interesting stuff to check out and some storyline that I missed (thanks to PyRo MaNiA for this one) - some info for Mint's game and the whole game from grady Version 1.11 - 09/16/2000 - fixed from www.crosswinds/~rpgdreamer to Version 1.12 - 09/19/2000 - fixed up some minor errors - added some FAQs - now, its home of 7 sites in the web! (I didn't imagine this would spread quick) Version 1.13 - 09/20/2000 - its 8 now! (I really wonder how the hell webmasters find this document) - fixed the List of Characters Section - more FAQs - now added a spoiler space Version 1.14 - 09/26/2000 - changed my e-mail address - finally came up with a good name - fixed certain minor stuff Version 1.15 - 10/02/2000 - something weird about the Cloud Whale - changed my E-mail address! Version 1.20 - 10/22/2000 - finally confirmed when to get the Mysterious Statue together with 3 Silver Coins and a Star Stone (courtesy of Even Staves) - added an 'Asking for Help' Section - fixed the 'Spoiler Space' to lessen the KB. Version 1.21 - 12/11/2000 - added the costs of monster coins - put one cool stuff to check out - some alternatives things to do - (All thins above are courtesy of KTeoh) Version 1.30 - 04/22/2001 - removed the Boss Strategies to lessen KB - info regarding the Cloud Whale - new things in gameplay and a Gold Coin - new sub-section, Battling with Rod, check the "The Town" section - minor fixes Version 1.40 - 06/25/2002 - Clean-up (includes removal of certain text and the ASCII art) - minor fixes ########################### ## ---Asking for Help--- ## ########################### I suggest you use the GameFAQs message board. Just sign up and post on the game board of the game you want help on. You can also e-mail me for help but asking on the GameFAQs message board will be better as you might get replies faster. ############################# ## ---Table of Contents--- ## ############################# I. Introduction II. List of Characters III. You Need to Know These Stuff IV. Frequently Asked Questions V. Rue's Walkthrough VI. Mint's Walkthrough VII. Side Stuff VIII. So You've Finished the Game IX. The Town X. Rental Manual XI. Beastiary XII. Transformation List XIII. Magic List XIV. Item List XV. Cool Stuff XVI. Thanks XVII. Copyrights and Legal Stuff ######################### ## ---Introduction --- ## - I am going to fix this, it sounds stupid ######################### Threads of Fate is an action-RPG which is developed and released by Square. It is like Brave Fencer Musashi or Alundra 2 in terms of gameplay. Threads of Fate is 3D (just like Brave Fencer Musashi or Alundra 2) and has two playable characters namely Rue and Mint. Their story, just like that of Star Ocean 2 are somewhat alike, they aim for the same things, they have the same goal but different intentions. I considered Threads of Fate a fun game to play mainly because of Mint's dialogues but also that the game is really enjoyable. ############################## ## ---List of Characters--- ## ############################## Note: SPOILERS AHEAD! Rue - A mysterious boy. The lead male character in Threads of Fate. He has the power to transform into monsters. He suffers because he does not know who he is until Claire arrived in his life. He is searching for the [Relic] to revive Claire. Mint - A spunky girl. The lead female character in Threads of Fate. A somewhat immature princess that was supposed to be the successor to the throne but was replaced by her more *suitable* sister Maya. She journeys in order to get hold of a [Relic] so that she can beat up her sister, become queen and dominate the world. Claire - Rue's adopted sister. She was there to comfort Rue in his problems. She died trying to help Rue fight. Maya - Mint's younger sister. The successor of the East Kingdom throne. She holds the Book of Cosmos, which is an Aeon Relic. Doll Master - Also known as Ruecian. He is some evil guy at East Heaven. He also wants to get hold of Valen's relic for ... Blood - One of the two hoodlums. He is the tall guy. Smokey - One of the two hoodlums. He is the short and fat guy. Davis - The person at the docks. Klaus - An antique shop owner who has devoted his life in searching for [Relics]. He is the husband of Mira and Elena's father. Mira - The wife of Klaus. She talked Ms. Cartha into giving you free service at the inn. Elena - The daughter of Klaus and Mira. Hobbs - The owner of the [upgrade shop]. You can [upgrade] your skills at his shop. Tonio - The owner of the item shop. You can buy bracers or belts from him which will increase your (Bonus) Parameters. Jargen - The bartender in the tavern Annette - The waitress in the tavern. Ms. Cartha - The innkeeper. You can recover your HP at her inn and register (save your game). Doyle - The priest in the church. Talk to him if you want to pray and donate at the church in order to get coins. Marco - A boy who will tell some things about the game to you. Marcum - An old swordsman and is experienced. Talk to him sometime after finishing the Carona Forest and you can ask him about game basics. Neil - A salesman who is in town. He doesn't sell anything to you but he will tell you something about the [Cannon Orb] near the end of the game. Cadmon - The magician who lives in the Atelier in Carona Forest. Rod - A weapon smith and a swordsman, he wants to be the best weapon maker and swordsman in history. He also owns a vehicle called the Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega. Pleskin - The greatest swordsman in the world and is also Rod's father. You would not meet Pleskin [simply because he is dead] but at one time, Rod will tell you that he wanted to take his father's title but his father died before he had a chance to fight. Lucine - The woman that encourages Rod to make good weapons. She is the one that Rod hopes to come back to after marking a name in history. Johnny Wolf - Rod's dog, he sometimes helps Rod to beat you up (what a cheater :P). Elroy - The Grand Master Magician and an expert in creating mechanical dolls. In the past, he was also searching for Vale's [Relic] Belle - Fought a battle againt Mint a year ago. She also wants to get Valen's [Relic] and sell it for money. She is together with the Duke in getting the [Relic]. Duke - Belle's admirer and he travels together with Belle. Addresses Belle as Milady. He also wants to get Valen's [Relic] for money. Mel - Also known as Fancy Mel. Mint said that she looked like a some kind of frea(k). She is a magician who works together with the Poppul Purrels and she will help you in deciphering what the Cube was for if you help one of her Poppul Purrel friend (or helper or slave or something). Poppul Purrels - Tiny mushroom like creatures. Rue and Mint describes them as dwarfs. They help Mel in her tasks. You will also talk to them to play the (mini-games). Valen - The most powerful Aeon. He created the Valen's [Relic] (duh!) called Dewprism. He was capable of moving the stars and raising mountains. The reason of why he died or disappeared was still unknown ... Wylaf - An old stubborn dragon that is on the Raging Mountain. Known to have the power that can summon the flames of the earth. In history, he wiped out an entire army and destroyed the Dorian Kingdom. He is also a collector of rare gems and minerals. He will give you the Phantomite after proving that you have both spirit and power. Psycho Master - He is one of the Doll Master's henchmen. He has the power of telekinesis. Prima Doll - A mechanical doll created by the Grand Master Magician Elroy. Prima is the only one who can break the seal to summon Valen's Fortress which contains the Valen's [Relic] or Dewprism. Trap Master - One of the Doll Master's henchmen. The red spike-haired guy who looks like a porcupine according to Mint. He sets traps to trap you. Mode Master - Also known as Kirielle. One of the followers of Doll Master. She can change her appearance to fool Rue and Mint. She can mimic the skills of the characters that she is mimicking. Atenacius - The Aeon that created the Book of Cosmos and sealed his spirit within it. Ruenis - Another doll created by Valen whose purpose is to resurrect Valen. ######################################## ## ---You Need to Know These Stuff--- ## ######################################## +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ---Starting a Game--- + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just connect your Play Station on an electrical outlet, press the Eject button, put the CD in (the Threads of Fate CD), press the power button. You will see the Sony logo, then the Play Station logo. Then you will see something like this 'Published by Square' or something, then you will see the Squaresoft logo. After that you will be at the 'Press Start Screen' where in there is the Threads of Fate logo. At the press start screen, you can press L1 or R1 to see some kind of intro of the two main characters of the game, other characters and enemies. There are no FMV sequences in this game. [Why? Why Square? ... Why? ...] If you press start, you will be asked whether to start a 'New Game' or 'Continue' your game [that you already saved (duh!)]. Press 'X' to confirm. If you chose 'New Game', you can choose between the two playable characters in the game, either Rue [Tale of a Mysterious Boy] or Mint [Tale of a spunky girl]. Press the 'X' or confirm button to begin any of the two tales. ++++++++++++++++++ + ---Controls--- + ++++++++++++++++++ You can change the controls in the game . D-Pad - Character Movement. Up, Down, Left and Right. L1/R1 - Rotate Camera - applicable in certain places only. - See also Camera Movement section The different control settings: -Control Setting A- Triangle - Attack 2 (Rue) / Magic (Mint) Square - Transform (Rue) / Set Magic (Mint) X - Attack / Confirm Circle - Jump / Cancel -Control Setting B- Triangle - Transform (Rue) / Set Magic (Mint) Square - Attack 2 (Rue) / Magic (Mint) X - Attack / Confirm Circle - Jump / Cancel -Control Setting C- Triangle - Transform (Rue) / Set Magic (Mint) Square - Attack / Confirm X - Attack 2 (Rue) / Magic (Mint) Circle - Jump / Cancel -Control Setting D- Triangle - Attack 2 (Rue) / Magic (Mint) Square - Attack / Confirm X - Transform (Rue) / Set Magic (Mint) Circle - Jump / Cancel +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ---Camera Movement--- + +++++++++++++++++++++++++ You can change the game's camera movement in the game options. Access the game options from the menu. There are two types of camera movements, normal and reverse. The normal and reverse concept of this game is unlike other games and I believe that Square was mistaken in this one. Why?, because: The normal camera movement goes like this. When you press L1, the camera moves to the right and when you press R1, the camera moves to the left. [Isn't this supposed to be the reverse camera movement] The reverse camera movement goes like this. When you press L1, the camera moves to the left and when you press R1, the camera moves to the right. [This should have been the normal camera movement] +++++++++++++++++++ + ---Attacking--- + +++++++++++++++++++ Attacking in this game gives you a 3-Hit combo then there will be a brief stop. Attacking is also auto-aim, meaning that if you attack, even if the enemy is behind your back, your character will automatically face the other direction and whack the enemy. Also, if you attack, every time you hit an enemy your MP will restore depending on how powerful the enemy is (the stronger the enemy is the higher the restore of MP). For Rue, he has the 3-Hit combo together with Attack 2. Attack 2 in Rue's normal form can be best utilized when the enemies are hard to attack using Attack 1 like the Stingers. Attack 2 does not use MP and just like Attack 1, you can get MP if you hit an enemy with it. There is also the jump attack. The jump attack has twice the damage of an ordinary attack. Rue's jump attack is a spin while damaging the enemy on both directions. Mint's jump attack is a jump kick and deals damage from enemies that is below or in front of it. In some battles, the jump attack proves very useful. Eventually (at the Final Battle) Rue's Attack 2 will turn in to a defense posture. The damage you receive (I think) is minimized and you won't fall down or lose your ground if you receive a strong blow. +++++++++++++++++++ + ---Transform--- + +++++++++++++++++++ Rue needs monster coins in order to transform. Monster coins can be acquired by killing monsters (just like money) but it does not subtract anything from the monster coins that you can get for money and if you sell your monster coins, even if you can read 0 monsters for all, you can still transform into that monster as long as you have killed it. But even if it is like this, you can carry up to 4 monsters in your transformation inventory (you can see that at Rue's Status) at a time. In transforming as I said earlier, require monster coins, and only 4 monsters in the inventory. If you press the transform button, you can choose to transform into the 4 monsters or become Rue. Rue and the monsters have different abilities for Attack 1 and Attack 2. Sometimes attacks would use up MP, but sometimes it does not. Aside from difference of attacks, the way they look like (pretty obvious) and the way they move is also different. Sometimes the monster has the power to jump twice or float on terrain, others can run faster and jump further. See the Transformation List for extra details. +++++++++++++++ + ---Magic--- + +++++++++++++++ Mint uses MP when using Magic. Magic is divided into classes and type. Different magic classes are (Blue, White, Red, Green, Yellow, Black and Gold). Also, magic, just like attacks, is auto-aim. Mint automatically aims the magic to the enemy. Also magic attacks with different effects (like Wide, Normal, Super, Power, Hyper, Circle and Cosmos). You can gain classes or colors from certain events and the effects can be acquired from chests scattered in the game. If you press the 'Set Magic' button, you can change the color of the magic to the one you want to use by pressing the 'Left' or 'Right' direction button and by pressing the 'Up' or 'Down' button, you can change the effects of the magic. In the 'Set Magic' screen, the one in the center is the icon of the magic you want to use and the icon of the effect. On the top, you can see the magic's name, below it the MP and below of it, on the left is the effect of the magic and at the right is the description of the magic (though it is a very vague description for a magic attack but you can get ideas from it though). Also check out the magic list section. +++++++++++++++++++ + ---Game Over--- + +++++++++++++++++++ If your HP reaches below 0, you will be in the 'Game Over' screen (except for situations like fighting Rod or the fight together with the Trap Master). In this screen you will be asked to choose from three things, first whether to continue the game at that point, or to go back to town or to exit. If you chose the first 'Continue', you will be asked what is the coin you want to use: Bronze Coin - Full HP & 1/4 MP Silver Coin - Full HP & 1/2 MP Gold Coin - Full HP & MP Platinum Coin - Full HP & MP, +1 Base Strength & Defense If you chose to 'Go back to town', you will end up in town [where else?] and your parameters (Maximum HP, Maximum MP, Strength & Defense) will remain the same to the ones before you died, and NOT before your last save so it is all right. The monsters coins you have will also be the same at the time before you died so do not worry. The problem with this though is that the items you picked up at that place will be gone and you have to go back through that place again :(. If you chose exit, you will forfeit your chance of continuing, so if I was you, if you are planning on choosing this, reconsider and choose the 'Go back to town' option and 'Save' your game if you want to quit. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + ---Increasing Parameters--- + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In Threads of Fate, there are no 'Level Up' features, nor do you gain experience from fighting enemies. To increase your parameters, you need to do the following. Check out Hobbs' Shop and Item Shop in the The Town section. ___________________________________________________________________________ | Status of | How to increase | |--------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | Maximum HP | Buy from Hobb's Shop, Receive enemy damage. | | Maximum MP | Buy from Hobb's Shop, Cast magic | | Strength | Buy from Hobb's Shop, Buy bonuses on Tonio's Item Shop | | Defense | Buy from Hobb's Shop, Buy bonuses on Tonio's Item Shop | |--------------|----------------------------------------------------------| You can also increase your parameters in the tavern after giving the Legendary equipment to Jargen the bartender and giving him the right ingredients. _________________________________________________________________ | Dish | Enemies Required | Status Raised | |---------------------------------------------------------------| | Minced Fire Blobs | 50 Fire Blobs | +10 Maximum HP | | Mushroom Soup | 60 Fungies | +10 Maximum MP | | Pollywog Souffle | 50 Pollywogs | +2 Base Strength | | Gudon Liver Soup | 30 Gudons | +2 Base Defense | |---------------------------------------------------------------| Also, there is a nice tip, courtesy of KTeoh! (1) When fighting Rod, if he hits you a lot (usually if he wins), you will usually gain 2 hp (when your hp is not very high, i think below 150 or so). And the cost? Only 100 G. If you add it up,buying the +10hp from Hobbs costs 5000G, 10hp divided by 2hp is 5 (so 5 times). Battle Rod 5 times (and let him beat you up) - 500g only compared to 5000G (you shouln't buy that anyways). So its kinda good way especially when monsters don't quite help anymore. (2) The max hp/mp gain formula is simple. HP - As you lose HP, your max HP will increase. So its not a matter of how many times you get hit, its the amount of damage dealt. So a Pollywog may hit you 10 times and each hit gives you 1 damage - total is 10 damage. But a behemoth can hit you once and give you 20+ damage. So to say, its better to fight monsters that do more damage (being careful to get those blue potions to keep healthy). *Fighting Rod is a good way...see (1) MP - MP gain is counted by the number of times you use magic against enemies (better) OR just stand there with nobody around and 'waste' MP (works in a way, but takes more times). Since the formula doesn't care about MP cost, use magic/attack that uses very little MP. For Mint = White-Vulcan For Rue = Gargoyle's Sonic, Stinger's rolling spine*, etc... * I found this to be a good way early in the game. The king ant at the underground ruins is weak only to fire, so any other attack will deal only 1 damage. Since the stinger's rolling spine uses only 1 mp, and refilling MP is soo easy, just roll at the ant again and again, it won't die fast, but your max MP will go up ###################################### ## ---Frequently Asked Questions--- ## ###################################### Q. Where can I find the (something) and what does it do? A. Just try finding the item using the 'Search' or 'Find' feature in your word processor, whatever word processor you are using. Usually it is in the something bar, look under 'Edit'. Most of the time, you just have to press Ctrl-F for the 'Find' or 'Search' window to open up. Just type the item and just read the text near it and maybe they will lead you to something. ***************************************************************************** Q. Darn it, I need money, where can I get some? A. If you kill monsters, go to a shop and use the option 'Sell Monsters'. Note that if you sell, you will be selling all of them. Also, you can get money by selling items like stones, coins, or the rare but sellable equipment like the Legendary stuff and the like. ***************************************************************************** Q. Those blinking things around towns, I found out that they were items and you said that it appears at random, are you sure? A. No, I am not. Verify them if you like. Thanks! ***************************************************************************** Q. Can I ask you about other games besides Threads of Fate? A. Go ahead, I will entertain everything that is at my e-mail (well, except advertisements though) and I think I would love to do that. ***************************************************************************** Q. Can I buy items that restore HP and MP in dungeons? A. You can't. There are no such things in Threads of Fate. What you could do is to get the potions (blue to restore HP and red to restore MP), step on heal panels (to restore HP) or use Mint's blue magic (Blue - Restore) to gain HP. ***************************************************************************** Q. Why are the story parts near the end full of this (...)? (you can spoil the story for me) A. But some people doesn't want to and I think that you guys should find it out for yourselves. ***************************************************************************** Q. Do you retain all the items you have in New Game +? A. No, not all but you will retain all coins, all stones and other things except from other rare things that I am not really sure. For more info, check out the So You've Finished the Game section. ***************************************************************************** Q. I have finished one character and I am asking if I can play that character again (before playing the other one)? A. No, you can't but if you finished the other character, you will have the New Game + mode and you can play both characters alternatively and that would depend on you who to play at any given time. ***************************************************************************** Q. I am fighting Pollywogs at Carona Forest for a long time now but I still couldn't get a level up, what is wrong with this game? A. Mainly, there are no 'Level ups' in Threads of Fate. You can increase your maximum HP by taking damage, your MP by using MP consuming abilities, your Strength and Defense by buying upgrades from Hobbs, by buying items (bracers for strength and belts for defense) from Tonio. You can also increase your Maximum HP, MP, Strength and Defense by giving Jargen the 'Legendary Items' (Legendary Sword, Legendary Shield and the Legendary Helmet) and give him the necessary ingredients. Also, for more info, check out the You Need to Know These Stuff section pertaining to the Increasing Parameters. ***************************************************************************** Q. What is with this spoiler space? A. Just a warning that the walkthroughs contains spoilers [^_^]. ############################################################################# - Now let's get on with the walkthroughs! But first, spoiler space! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OK, that's enough. ############################################################################# ############################# ## ---Rue's Walkthrough--- ## ############################# ++++++++++++++++ ++ -Prologue- ++ ++++++++++++++++ *Story* You will see something black flying around the night sky. *Story* ******************** * 'Claire's House' * ******************** *Story* Rue will tell Claire that the sky looks beautiful and that he is going to go hunting for food tomorrow. Upon hearing that, Claire will say that she is cooking the food and it will be ready in a little while so that they can rest early tonight. *Story* Now that you are controlling Rue, talk to Claire and go talk to the bench. *Story* Claire will serve the food and suddenly, they will hear the sound of animals and Rue decides to check on the animals outside. Rue wonders what is happening because the animals seems to be very disturbed but there are no wolves or anything that might threaten them. Then a man wearing black, with a large claw and a gem on his forhead will attack Rue. Rue fights back but he will drop down so Claire went outside and attack the man with a hoe. Rue desperately wants to stand up and tells Claire to run away but the man attacks Claire with his claws [;_;]. Rue gets enraged and attacks the man wildly. After that, the man will be gone and Rue tries to wake Claire up but it is no use... *Story* ********** * 'Ship' * ********** *Story* Rue will be talking to himself and he will say that he hasn't found a [Relic] yet. Then, he will overhear two hoodlums talking about a [Relic] somewhere in the forest. Rue will decide to go there but a red thing will bump them and Mint will fall off the ship. *Story* You will arrive at the docks of the Town of Carona and *Story* Davis, the guy who watches the docks will welcome Rue to town and tells him to be careful with the two guys, the hoodlums who has traveled with him. *Story* +++++++ + END + ++++++++++++++++ ++ -Prologue- ++ ++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++ + Chapter 1 + ++++++++++++++++++ ++ -Beginning - ++ ++++++++++++++++++ ******************* * 'Town of Carona' ********* **************************** * Items: 2x Silver Coins * **************************** Go up and leave the docks. Town of Carona __________ | _ 1 _ | 1. Church ________|__|___|__|________ 2. Hotel | |__A__| | 3. Klaus' House |_____ |_| |_| _____| 4. Item Shop | = | | 5. Inn | 2 | = 3 | ________|____= |____|_______ =____B___ ___C____= A. Leads to the Docks |_____ _____| B. Leads to the Tavern | = = | C. Leads to the Grasslands | 4 | | 5 | D. Exit |____| _=====_ =____| |_________| D |_________| First things first so what you should do, if you like is to save. To save, go to the 'Inn' see #5 on Map. Enter the 'Inn' go to the counter and press confirm button at the log book (that is what it looks like for me), select register. (See Saving in 'You need to know these stuff' section. You can choose to go to the church. Talk to Doyle (the person in there), say that you like to pray, then he will ask you if you like to make a donation but since you only have 100 G so don't bother. There is nothing to do at the Hotel. Elena's House is locked. The store doesn't sell anything yet but the storekeeper will tell you about the antique shop. He will say that the antique shop is in another side of town and the shop's keeper Klaus is out together with his wife Mira to research about the [Relic] in the forest. He also will say that the antique shop is being run by Klaus' daughter, Elena [because Klaus is not there] but she isn't there because she has gone to the forest to go looking for her parents. You can talk to the people there and they will say some interesting things so try talking to them (specially to Marco). After that, proceed to B (see Map). ______________________ | x | 6 _| | Town of Carona (B) Map = |___|=| ____| | | | 6. Tavern | = 7 | 7. Hobbs' House | |___| | | x. Silver Coin (barrel) |____________________| Here, first check the barrel, it contains a Silver Coin. Go to the tavern if you like and talk to Annette (the waitress) many times and she will treat you to drink either 'Milk' or 'Root beer'. Milk restores 10% of your MP and the Root beer restores your MP 25% (so choose the 'Root beer'). There is also a sign beside the Tavern's door (leads you to the outside of the Tavern). There will be a fight at Grass Fields, the fighting fee is 100 G and the winners prize is 1000 G. Leave the tavern. Hobbs' Shop is locked so leave the place and go next to C (see Map). ______________=__ || | | Town of Carona (C) Map ||____|x | ||_PO_| | x. Silver Coin | | | | +. Sea |+++++++++++++++| PO. Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega | | |_______________| Here just examine the wall to get another silver coin. Leave the place. Maybe you would like to check out the docks because sometimes it contains random coins that can be found. Now you are back to the main town of Carona, if you like why not 'Save' again. Leave the place (D) and now head to Carona Forest. ******************* * 'Carona Forest' ******************************** ************************************************** * My Status: HP 60/60 STR 032 + 000 * * MP 15/60 DEF 016 + 000 * * Items: 4x Bronze Coin (1 to be found later) * * 2x Silver Coin (1 to be found later) * * 2x Moon Stone * * Enemies: Pollywog * * Saber Tiger * * Mandola * * Stinger * * Gargoyle * * Bosses: Blood & Smokey * * Nightmare * ************************************************** ________________________________________________ | __JJJJ__ E ______ ~ E x = J. Jump = | | E | | ~ E ________= E. Enemy |______| |_________| |___~____| x. 3x Bronze Coins Walk, then jump the three stumps, then your first battle. You will be fighting against the Pollywog, (see Fighting, and Increasing Parameters in 'You need to know these stuff' section) they are EASY, just whack them. The game will say that when you attack an enemy, your will gain MP. Also the enemies drop potions. The Blue Potion restores some of your HP and the Red Potion restores some of your MP. The restoration of your HP when picking up the blue potions or restoration of your MP by picking up red potions or attacking enemies physically depends on how strong the enemy is [If the enemy is pitiful, you will gain 1 or when it is strong, you will gain 2 or more]. The enemies keep coming back so after beating enough (two of them I think) advance to the place where you need to use magic to defeat the enemies (see Transform, 'You need to know these stuff' section). Get the Pollywog monster coin which has the power of float and use that so that you can easily cross the water (shallow water), take the 3x Bronze Coins in the treasure box (or whirling pink thingie) [would you mind if I call it box or chest or something and not whirling pink thingie]. Onto the next section. ______ ____ / \ | | _____/ ___ \ / \ = / \ \_____________/ \____ =_____/ \____ | | ____ J ____ = |_______________/ \_J_/ \_______| Just walk, fight, walk, jump, walk, fight, jump or something. Just reach the exit. Nothing special here except two new enemies, the Saber Tiger and the Mandola. The Saber Tiger is fast and deals 3-8 damage to you. You can kill it in about 3 hits. The Mandola attacks in long range, and can be killed within 3 hits. Before you leave the area, make your you have at least a 30 HP, you'll need it, trust me. _________________ | | 1 | | | |___h___| | 1. Nothing - just a skull or something. | | | | h. Go Home Plant - takes you back to town (cannot be = = accessed right now. | | |_______________| *Story* Here you will see the antique shop's daughter, Elena, together with Blood and Smokey. They are going to steal money from her. Rue will be hiding at the back of the rock and he decides to help her. But he needs to tranform so that he could go near and whack the bad guys. *Story* Transform yourself into a Pollywog. *Story* Rue, in a pollywog form, will approach the Blood and Smokey and attack them. Blood and Smokey will get mad and decided to kill the pollywog (which is Rue). *Story* Here is your first *BOSS* battle against Blood and Smokey. *Boss Battle- Smokey & Blood* Challenge: Easy What you do here is run until only one is at your back [try to trap one using obstacles]. When he is alone, just attack until he is defeated. *Story* Blood and Smokey will run away and Rue will turn back into his human form and Elena will be surprised and will call Rue Polly from now on. She will think that maybe you are a monster but for her she will tell Rue that it does not matter. Elena will ask Polly [^_^] to help her find her parents who are searching for the [Relic] and upon hearing this, Rue decides to help her. After that, Rue will wonder about maybe that he is a monster. *Story* ____________ _/ ______ \ / / | \\ | _______ 1. Deep Water ____| |__| 1 | |________________ | ____= _______|________|_______ LllllLLLL\_______| | L. Higher elevation \ Lllllllllll________| l. Lower elevation \ llLlLlLlll/ |_llllllllll| Just walk and jump till you get to the exit. Avoid (1), deep water, when you fall, you lose 5 HP. You will see Elena near the exit. Head for the exit. _______________ | | _|W|| | W. Walk or jump _|W| | = h. Go Home Plant (not yet accessible) _|W| | = =W| |____h_____| Here, you will talk to Elena's parents, Klaus and his wife, Mira. You will meet Rue here for the first time. *Story* Rue will ask Klaus, Elena's father if he can do something to find the [Relic]. He will tell you about the [Relics]. Since he has spent his life searching for ruins, he found out certain things. Klaus says that 100 years ago there was a magician that was also searching for the [Relics]. The magician lived in an Atelier (a magician's workshop) which has a key to somewhere that could probably lead to the [Relic] but the problem is that it is below the steep cliff Klaus tried going down but they both broke their ankles. Rue decides to jump down the cliff. *Story* (I am planning for a 3D look at this map but it is so hard) ____ |21| |4322|__ |5666666|_ _____|66| - Sorry about this it was hard. |8777776| - Just follow the numbers, then the letters. ___|9+++++7| - 123456789abcdefghij |bba||||||&| |bb|||||||&| ||ccdde|||&| |gffeee| |7| & It means that it is both 6 & 7. The ? is at 7 |hh++eee| |+| |hhi+++++| |iijjjjj| |||||jj| |jj|| |jj| =j| Nothing important, just a new enemy, the Stinger. It has high defense but only 3 HP, he also deals you 1 damage. It takes 1 hit to kill this guy. _________=_________ | G&G | | L | G. Gargoyle Statue | L sss| &. Crest (talk to this) and also L | OLG sSs| L. Steps (appears after defeating the Gargoyles. | sss| O. Obstacles | OOO | S. Spring (the one you should step at to restore HP | | s. Spring (just water) |_________________| Here, what you do is talk to the Crest (&) and it will say something about facing the Gargoyle & then you will fight the two Gargoyles. Defeat the gargoyles and get their coin and transform yourself into a Gargoyle and stand and face the Gargoyle Statue (G) which is beside the (L) on the map. After doing that, steps will appear. Go up to the next area. __________ / x \ / __h___ \ x. Silver Coin (get later) | | | | h. Go home plant (not yet accessible) | |_==_| | &. Bronze Coin (it is on the crest) (get later) | | s. Crest \ &ss / \_________/ *Interesting stuff to check out* Try running around the perimeter of the place and looking at your shadow. The shadow depends on the lighting of the place. Pretty cool huh! What you do here is to run around and after that enter the Atelier but ... *BOSS* battle, Nightmare. *Boss Battle - Nightmare* Challenge: Easy - Medium Just try running around, while evading the attacks and when Nightmare closes, jump away. Transform yourself into a Saber Tiger and use Thrust. Thrust its sides (don't go head to head). *Story* Klaus, Mira and Elena will catch up here and Klaus and Rue will go inside the Atelier while Mira and Elena will wait outside *Story* _____________________ | 1 | | ________=_______ | | | ____________ | | 1. Moon Stone | | | V | | | 2. Silver Coin | | |_ | | | | | _ \ | | | V. Vault (check it later) | | |\ \ | | | | |_| \ |2| | |________===________| First get the Moon Stone, it is at ground level, then get the Silver coin, on the second level. Enter the door that leads to the terrace (it is on the second level). ___________ | 1 | | | 1. Moon Stone |___|=|___| Get the Moon Stone (1) then go out the door. _____________________ | | | ________=_______ | | | ____________ | | | | | V | | | | | |_ | | | | | _ \ | | | V. Vault | | |\ \ | | | | |_| \ |_| | |________===________| Examine the Vault (V) *Story* Rue tries to open the vault by force but Klaus will examine it and he will push a switch. Then Elena will call Rue so Rue steps outside and Elena will tell him that Rue's friend is outside, a pollywog. *Story* Go back inside the Atelier. *Story* Klaus will tell Rue that they found something pretty important but someone will arrive and demand that you give it to her. Rue will ask for her name and she will say 'Princess' Mint. Rue and Klaus doesn't want to give up what they found so Mint will try to attack them so she jumps down but she will drop flat on the ground. She will leave and tell you that she will get it later. Klaus will ask Rue to carry what they have just recently found back to Klaus' house. *Story* You will automatically end up in town. ******************** * 'Town of Carona' * ******************** *Story* Mira, Klaus wife is talking to Ms. Cartha, the innkeeper. She asks Ms. Cartha to let Rue stay at the inn for free so now you can recover HP at the inn. Mira tells Rue to proceed to their house (Klaus' house). *Story* I suggest that you go to the inn first to save. Go inside the inn, talk to Ms. Cartha and she will ask you to Recover / Recover & Register / Go to your room. Choose Recover & Register then save your game [sadly, the inn only restores your HP]. After that, if you like, check out your room. Nothing really important, just talk to the bed and sleep [it doesn't replenish your MP either :(]. Leave the place and go check out Hobbs' place. Even though you can't buy anything here yet, just make a trip their to find out more stuff about the game. In Hobbs' place, you can choose to [upgrade] your base strength, base defense, maximum HP and maximum MP. Your base strength will increase by 1
and the same goes for the base defense.  Your maximum HP and maximum MP will 
increase by 10.  It costs 30,000 G for each one (base strength or base 
defense or maximum HP or maximum MP).  It is ultra-mega-hyper [ok, you 
probably understand already] expensive but if you give the Rare Wine to him 
later in the game, you can buy one for 5,000 G.

  Now you can go to the tavern and replenish your MP (but I suggest not to).  
Talk to the bartender and he will offer you Milk for 50 G (restores 10% MP), 
Rootbeer 120 G (restores 25% MP) and Tropical Delight 220 G (restores 50% 
MP).  Leave the tavern.

  Now to got to the shop.  At the item shop, talk to the shopkeeper, his name 
is Tonio.  First sell your coins (monster coins not the Bronze or Silver 
Coins).  Check out what he is selling.  At this point, he is selling

   Item Shop
    Item              Description           Cost
    Bronze Bracer  -  Bonus Strength +4  -  1,000 G
    Silver Bracer  -  Bonus Strength +8  -  3,000 G
    Bronze Belt    -  Bonus Defense  +4  -  1,000 G
    Silver Belt    -  Bonus Defense  +8  -  3,000 G

  If you have 3,000 G, go buy the Silver Bracer.  After that leave the shop.

  Now if you have confidence in yourself, try going to the Grasslands.  Here 
try fighting Rod.

    Here, Rod introduces himself and his dog Johnny Wolf.  He says that he is 
a weapon blacksmith and a swordsman.  Rod will challenge Rue because he saw 
the large weapon that Rue is carrying.  If you decide to fight, you have to 
pay 100 G (you will win 1,000 G if you beat him).  Pay the 100 G and do 

   *Boss Battle - Rod*
    Challenge:  Hard

    Approach him with caution.  Do not go near him when he is spiraling 
either the ground or jumping one.  Try leading him to the obstacle (in the 
middle).  He will stop spiraling so now run and attack him using a 3-hit 
combo, then evade his attack by jumping back twice.  After that attack again 
using a 3-hit then evade his attack by jumping back again twice.  Then run 
around until he does again the spiraling move (either the jumping one or 
ground one).  Repeat the above steps again till you win.

  If you win against him, you will get 1,000 G but if you lose then you 
wasted your money.  So after that, go back to town and go to Klaus' House.  
Go to the basement and talk to Klaus.

    He will tell you that according to the diary Rue found at the Atelier 
below the cliff, an Aeon [Relic] is sealed by a high order of magic, which 
even the magicians cannot break.  And according to the diary, the magician 
will go to the Atelier of the Master Magician Elroy.  Now you are instructed 
to go to Elroy's Atelier and get more info about the [Relic].  

+ END +
++ -Beginning- ++

+ Chapter 2 +
++ -Underground mystery- ++

 * 'Town of Carona' ******
 *  Items:  Dream Stone  *

  After that, go talk to Marco, the kid outside town.  Talk to him twice 
until he tells you about a something hidden in the stump in Carona Forest.  
So now, head for the Hotel and ask for a room (it costs 500 G).

|           |   
|       ____|    1.  Bed
|       |_1_|
|           |    x.  Dream Stone

  First get the bed and examine the bed to sleep.  You will dream about some 
monkey, jumping down the hollow stump.  [You might wonder that why did I let 
you sleep in the hotel if you could have just slept at the inn.  1) is that 
because you can get the Dream Stone here and 2) No you will not get the dream 
if you slept at the inn.]  After that leave the Hotel and go talk to Graham 
outside town for some tips in playing the game.  

  You need to buy the Silver Belt so if you don't have enough money, fight 
enemies at Carona Forest and while you are there, why don't you go search for 
the items that I listed that you should get later, get them now, the Silver 
Coin and Bronze Coin (outside the Atelier).

 * 'Carona Forest' *********
 *  Items:  Moon Stone     *
 *  Enemies:  Pollywog     *
 *            Saber Tiger  *
 *            Mandola      *
 *            Ootang       *
 *            Stinger      *
 *            Gargoyle     *

  Here, get a Mandola coin and go to the place where you always fight Blood 
and Smokey.  At that room, transform into a Mandola and use Bloom.  If it is 
near you and jumping at you, attack it using Seed.  Get its coin and 
transform into Ootang and climb the tree at the northeast.  You will be in a 
new area.
                   |_________|  |_______|  |_________| |_________=
  ___  ___ ___  ___  ___ ___        ___ ___ ___                  |
  |_|  |_| |_|  |_|  |T| |1|        |_| |_| |_|                  |

  T.  Trampoline Effect, it has a
  1.  Moon Stone

  Here, in the Ootang form, just make your way, jumping from one place to 
another.  On the (T), just jump when you are about to hit on the ground for a 
higher jump and get the (1) first, which is a Moon Stone.  Make your way to 
the exit (=).

  After this place you will just appear at the cliffs so go now to the place 
outside Cadmon's Atelier.

 /      x   \     
/   __h___   \     x. Silver Coin 
|   |    |   |     h. Go home plant
|   |_==_|   |     &. Bronze Coin (it is on the crest)
|            |     s. Crest
\    &ss    /

  Go get the coins and leave using the Go home plant.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  After that, go to the Underground Ruins.  

 * 'Underground Ruins' **************************
 *  My Status:  HP  103/103     STR  024 + 008  *
 *              MP  108/108     DEF  016 + 008  *
 *  Items:  Night Stone                         *
 *          Moon Stone                          *
 *          Rare Wine                           *
 *          5x Bronze Coins                     *
 *          Legendary Sword                     *
 *          Gold Coin                           *
 *          Tiara (will be stolen)              *
 *          Cube                                *
 *  Enemies:  Gudon                             *
 *            King Ant                          *
 *  Bosses:  Skull Beast                        *
 *           Duke                               *

   At the entrance, Mint will call Rue and ask him her name.  After that, she 
will ask Rue to work together because the Underground Ruins is full of 
monsters and she will say that Rue will probably last a minute in there.
|          |     
|    T     |   T.  Teleport here and arrive at (t)
|          | 
|____  ____|
    |  |
    |  |

|          |   
|     t    | 
|          |

  From (t) proceed to the door and you will come out at (A).  [This maps you 
will see will look like a straight line but in the game, it is truly not.  
But it was hard to follow the curves so this maps are quite alright and you 
can get to the place where you want to go with these.]

     | D | 
     |   |  /         -.  You can jump these
     |   |_/ C /      B.  Leads to (F)
     |        /       C.  Leads to (G)
     |   ____/        D.  Leads to (I)
  \  |---|     
 B \_|   |
\        |
 \____   |
     | A |

  Damn! the some passages does not lead anywhere, they will only confuse you.  
Just exit at (D).  The enemies here are Gudon (the red guy) and King Ant (the 
black insect).  The King Ant has high defense against attack so use Gudon - 
Flame on it.

     | H |            
 ____|   |            E.  Leads to ? (I forgot)
 G       |            F.  Leads to (B)
 ____    |            G.  Leads to (C)
     |---|            H.  Leads to (I)
     |---|  /
     |   |_/ F /
     |        /
     |   ____/
     | E |

  Just go to passage (H).  I forgot where E leads to can you please check and 
E-Mail me or every one of you have to wait till I replay the game with Rue or 
Mint again.

K        |
_____    |            I.  Leads to (H)
     |   |            J.  Leads to (L)
     |---|            K.  Leads to room where Mint is
     |---|  /
     |---|_/ J /
     |        /
     |   ____/
     |   |
     | I |

  If you want go first to (K), inside that room, you can talk to Mint and she 
will say something about underground river or something.  Then leave and head 
to (J)

(This map has a part that has a 3D look in it [cool huh! ^_^] - I made this 
look so good, I admire my work [somebody needs to thank me for this!])
L_______              _________/|
        \____________/         ||__________________
                               |/_______     _____=

  Just run along, beat the Pollywog and head for the exit at the right.

      | O |              M.  Leads to (0)
      |---|              N.  Leads to another place like the one above
      |   |  /           0.  Leads to (M)    
      |   |_/ N /        
      |        /         
      |   ____/     
      |   |
   \  |---|
  = \_|---|
 \        |
  \____   |         
      | M |

  You only need to go to (N).

=_______              _________/|
        \____________/         ||__________________
                               |/_______     _____=

  Again, just run along, beat the Pollywog and head for the exit at the 

      | 1 |              1.  Leads to (P)
      |---|              2.  Leads to a room with a Night Stone
      |   |  /           3.  Leads to (S)    
      |   |_/ 2 /        
      |        /         
      |   ____/     
      |   |
   \  |---|
  = \_|---|
 \        |
  \____   |         
      | 3 |

  First go to (2) and get the Night Stone then leave the room.  Go to (1) or 
(3), they both lead to the same place.

      | S |
   \  |---|             P.  Leads to (1)
  R \_|   |             Q.  Leads to the room where you can get a Moon Stone
 \        |             R.  Leads to (T)
  \____   |             S.  Leads to (3)
      |---|  /
      |   |_/ Q /
      |        /
      |   ____/
      | P |

  You can hear water running in this place.  Here go to (Q), enter the room, 
get the Moon Stone, then leave and enter (R).


  Go out using the left exit (duh!, where else do you want to do).

|         |
|         |       h.  Hole
|    h    =
|         |

  Jump down the hole.  [or fall down the hole or drop down the hole.  

/              \
|              |
|              |
|              |
|              |

  After the fall, enter the top door.

|  |
|  =
|  =
|  |

Enter the right door.

=         |
=____     |         p.  Damaging ground.  5 damage
     |ppp |         S.  Leads to room containing Platform 1
     | ppp|         
     |ppp |
     | ppp|
     |ppp |
=         |

  Jump on the boxes to avoiding the green part of the ground.  Head for (S), 
get the Icon there (the icon will appear at the room where you dropped at 
[but worry about that later] also there are 6 platforms), leave the room.  
Exit the room on the higher left exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump down at the center but don't do that or else you will be 
repeating the steps done above, instead, head for the right exit.

|           =
|    _______=       T.  Leads to the room containing Platform 2
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
|            =

  Again, avoid the green ground by jumping from one box to another.  Enter 
(T), get the second icon, then exit the room with the upper right exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump down at the center but don't do that or else you will be 
repeating the steps done above, instead, head for the left exit.

=         |
=____     |         
     |ppp |         U.  Leads to room containing Platform 3
     | ppp|         
     |ppp |
     | ppp|
     |ppp |
=         |

  Again, avoid the green ground by jumping from one box to another.  Enter 
(U), get the third icon, then exit the room with the upper right exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump down at the center but don't do that or else you will be 
repeating the steps done above, instead, head for the right exit.

|           =
|    _______=       V.  Leads to the room containing Platform 4
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
|            =

  Again, avoid the green ground by jumping from one box to another.  Enter 
(V), get the fourth icon, then exit the room with the upper right exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump back down but don't do that.  Head for the upper exit to get 
the sixth platform, leave the room, then exit using the right exit, but you 
need at least 108 MP if you want to go to the next room.  If your Maximum MP 
is less than 108, go play with your Gudon - Flame and when your MP 
runs low, go attack the King Ant at the previous room till your MP is full 
and play with Gudon - Flame again until you have 108 Maximum MP.  But if your 
Maximum MP is already 108 but you do not have 108 MP, go attack the King Ant 
till you get maximum MP.
______________|b       |   ICE.  Melt it using Gudon - Flame
=__ICE_a_ICEICE        |   a.  Platform 6
              |        |   b.  Rare Wine - DO NOT SELL THIS - give it to
              |________|       Hobbs
  First melt the ice (using Gudon - Flame) beside you then get the sixth 
icon, then melt the next ice, then the next ice.  After that get (b) the Rare 
DISCOUNT IN HIS SHOP (from a price of 30,000 G to 5,000 G! ^_^).  After that, 
leave the room.

__|  |__ 
  |   __

  Jump down, then walk then jump down, then again, and again, and again.  
Leave the area using the exit below.

/               \
|               |     1-6.  The six platforms (icons)
|  6         1  |
|    5     2    |
|      4 3      |

  Step on the platforms from 1 to 6.  They will move and rise to make it look 
like this.

/                \
|     5 6        |
|    4           |
|    3           |
|     2 1        |

  Jump to the ledge and head for the upper exit
|         |
|         |       h.  Hole
|    h    |
|         |

  You will be in another room with a hole so jump down the hole.  [or fall 
down the hole or drop down the hole.  Whatever.]

             _____                                          ______
|====|       | s |                                          |  h |
|    |_______|   |__________________________________________|    |
|        o                                              m b      |

s.  Starting point
r.  Rue
b.  Boulder
o.  Obstacle
h.  Recover HP point

  From where you dropped (s), go talk to Mint 3 times (m).

   Mint will say to Rue that there is something blocking their way.  But 
after that conversation, the boulder begins to move and will most likely 
flatten anything on its way.

  RUN!, NOW!, don't mind Mint getting flattened.  I think the debris that are 
dropping down the ceiling drops at random (I did it 6 times and I got 2 
patterns.)  There is a time that both ceilings will fall, jump to avoid it.  
Head for the place you started add and let the boulder crash and destroy the 

  Go step on the recovery spot if you want to replenish your HP, then head 
for the exit (there is only one exit here).

  On the next room,

   Mint will arrive without Rue noticing and she attempts to betray rue by 
kicking him and let him fall into the water.  Rue will notice that his shoes 
are untied and he ducks while Mints performs the jump kick.  Ironically, Mint 
will fall down and Rue will thought of something about hearing someone like 
|    |_x_|    |
|             |     x.  Legendary Sword
|   water     |     * - You are elevated, if you fall, you will fall directly
|   platforms |         into the water or the ground (there is a portion)
|    _____    |
|____| = |____|

  Here, first jump on the platforms and onto the ledge to get the Legendary 
Sword.  After that, step on the platforms.  You should step on the blinking 
one, and another blinking one, and another blinking one (in short step on the 
platform that is blinking).  You will end up last at the blinking platform 
with a star icon it would take you to the lower level.

|               jj   jj             |
|  j            jj   jj             |   j.  Jump / Step on these
|      j   j              j   j   e |   s.  Starting point
|  s            jj   jj             |   e.  End / Exit

  Go jump until the boss battle.

  *Boss Battle - Skull Beast*
   Challenge:  Medium

   During your fight, it will sometimes breathe fire.  If that happens, just 
jump to avoid it to another place.  After that, he / it (whatever) will be 
tired and he / it will be blinking and go pound him / it silly.  Sometimes it 
would be jumping, just do not go to that place and you won't take any damage.

  Go step on the platform with star icon at the right.

|              |
|              |     s. step on it
|       s      |
|              |

  Step on (s), examine it.  You will be teleported to a triangular room

       | |
       | |           W.  You will appear here
       / \           
      /   \          X.  Leads to room (AA)
     /  W  \         Y.  Leads to room (AB) 
    /       \        Z.  Leads to room (AC)
   / _______ \
  / /       \ \
 / /         \ \
/Y/           \Z\

  First go to room (AA) so go to (X)

Room AA
|a         b    |    a.  Bronze Coin
|               |    b.  Bronze Coin
|        c      |    c.  Tiara
|               |

  Go loot the room.  Get the two Bronze Coins (a) and (b).  Then grab the 
Tiara (c).  Then go back to the previous room and go to room (AB) so take 
path (Y).

Room AB
|a             b| 
|               |     a.  Bronze Coin
|               |     b.  Cube
|               |

  Get another Bronze Coin and the Cube.  Leave the room and go next to room 
(AC) so take path (Z).

Room AC
|               |
|              b|      a.  Bronze Coin  
|          a    |      b.  Gold Coin
|       r       |
|_______=_______|      r.  Recover HP

  First, recover your HP, then grab the Bronze Coin and the Gold Coin.  After 
that, leave the room.

       | |
       | |           W.  Examine to leave
       / \           
      /   \          X.  Leads to room (AA)
     /  W  \         Y.  Leads to room (AB) 
    /       \        Z.  Leads to room (AC)
   / _______ \
  / /       \ \
 / /         \ \
/Y/           \Z\

  Now that you are back at the triangular room, examine (W) to leave (you 
can't leave if you didn't yet take the Cube and the Tiara).

  After that you will see...

   Belle and Duke will demand from Rue to hand over the items he got from the 
Atelier, but Rue doesn't want to.  Because of that, Duke will want to fight 
you using his new act that he learned from a book called "Shadow Night" which 
is about the ninjas.
  *Boss Battle - Duke*
   Challenge:  Medium

   You can avoid his attacks by jumping aside.  Just use attack 1 to dispose 
of him.

   Belle will say "Good work" to Duke and she will steal the Tiara from Rue.  
After that they are going to leave and Rue will go after them.

  Back to the past room, it would seem like another boss battle with Skull 
Beast but now, it is invincible and it is stronger.  Try whacking it once and 
get the hell out.  Go to the left and step on the platform with the star 

  Now, run like hell to the top by taking the inner belt (the one closer to 
the center) and try avoiding the spiked iron balls by passing when you can 
get a good clearing (it is quite alright to take a hit or two).  Pollywog 
works great here so make sure you have one and you can jump over the iron 
balls too!

  It is a dead end, and the Skull Beast is close, Rue will take a side step 
so the Skull Beast will fall below.

  You will automatically end up in town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' House.

   In the basement, he will tell Rue that he now knows where the relic was 
and it is inside the Lake Ruins.  Also he will tell Rue that the Cube is 
somewhat like a key needed to enter the ruins in the lake.  Rue will say 
sorry because he lost the Tiara.  Klaus will say that it is ok because they 
do not know what the cube is for anyway.  He will then tell Rue that he knows 
someone that may know how to use the Cube so maybe you should ask Mel a 
magician and is living at her Atelier, but he doesn't want to go there so it 
is up to you to go there because of some reason.

+ END +
++ -Underground mystery- ++

+ Chapter 3 +
++ -Mel's Atelier - ++

  Now you can access Mel's Atelier and the Lakeside.

  Go first to Hobb's Shop. Here, you can give Hobbs the Rare Wine.  If you 
give it to him, he will give you a discount from 30,000 G to 5,000 G for each 
base status increase [YEAH! ^_^].

  After doing that, go to Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' *
|                    \________________
=                                     \  s.  Star
|________       __________          s /
         \_____/          \__________/

  In this place is Mel's Atelier (duh!).  Go walk and in the near half you 
will be in a ULTRA-WEIRD place [what an UGLY place].  Go step on (s) the 

 /     p \        H.  Mel's Atelier
|    s    |
(    H    )       p.  Poppul Purrel - will show up after knocking at the door
|  p   p  |       s.  Save here - will show up after knocking at the door
    | |

  Go knock at the door (where else are you supposed to knock, the roof? 
HELLOOOOOO!) of Mel's Atelier.

   Rue will notice that the place was very unusual.  Rue also now knew why 
Klaus did not want to go to this place.  Rue knocks at the door and she 
notices a strange sound after that, a dwarf-like creature appears and tells 
him that Mel is not home and he should play the games while waiting.

  [Ok, I don't want to play, can I just stand outside and wait for an hour or 
something. [No you can't, you have to play the DAMN game] ;_;].

  Go save first because you *may* reset and bash your CD because of this 
ultra-annoying mini-games [especially the Big Swings and Giant Balls].

  Go play the easiest first, Blow Trumpet.  Talk to the Poppul Purrels 
outside until you find the one that asks you to play Blow Trumpet.

  [Sorry no maps for the mini-games.  I was so annoyed that I can't do it.]

  The games here are timed, and if you hurry, you can get more time at the 
bonus game.  In the bonus game, if you reached or gone above the high score 
which is 500 points, you can get a Silver Coin, but if not, you can get a 
Bronze Coin.
  Here, wait for the waves or hurry up to avoid it.  The enemy here called 
the cockadoo is annoying.  Go blast it with anything you have, just kill the 
damn thing.  On the seesaw, it may seem like impossible to reach, but it is 
possible.  Another seesaw is like something I do not know what to call it 
[anybody knows?], first jump at the left side of it, then at the right side, 
then again at the left side, and again at the right side and do the following 
until you are confident enough to jump to the other side.  A little walk 
after that and you will be at the bonus game.  In the bonus game, you have to 
step on the trumpets to keep the cockadoo away.  If you blast many cockadoos 
at a time, you can get more points.  If the cockadoo lands on your head you 

  After this, go save and go to the Big Swings.

  Here, be careful in jumping because the enemies here, called the Imp has an 
attack that throws stars at you, try to be patient enough so that you don't 
get hit by it.  Also, careful in the swings too.  It is very easy to slip by 
a few centimeters and you will fall.  At the bonus game, you have to get the 
balls to earn points.  Do not get the black balls.  If you get balls of the 
same color in consecutive order, you can get bonus points.

  After that, save and now is the time that you go to the hardest one (for 
me), the Giant Balls.

  Careful in jumping again because of the Imps.  In jumping from a Giant 
Ball, make sure you don't jump late because you will fall off.  There are 
also cubes near the end where you can step on.  It will fall so jump to the 
next place as soon as possible.  The bonus game here requires you to beat up 
the fungies.  Strategy, avoid fungi build up, go all out, whack 'em all.

  After this, the cockadoo save point will be gone.  If you try to knock 
again at the door.

   Mel will arrive and Rue will be staring at her so she will ask and Rue 
will say that he was just looking at the fancy stuff all around her.  Rue 
will ask her for help.  Inside, she will discourage you to go get Valen's 
[Relic] (Rue wonders why the name Valen sounds familiar) because it has the 
ability to destroy the world.  Rue will say that he doesn't care because he 
has spent the 3 years searching for it.  After that, she will agree to help 
you but you should help her by finding the Poppul Purrel that she asked to go 
to town the other day.  Rue will agree to the deal and he will leave.  Mel 
will talk to herself about Rue, being a poor guy because he still doesn't 
have a clue.

  Now go back to town [what a relief!].

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  If you like, go to the Lakeside.

 * 'Lakeside' *
|         |
|    R    |      R.  Ruins
|   ___   |
|___| |___|
    | |
    | |

  Go near the shore.

   Here, Rue will wonder if the [Relic] is really inside the ruins.

  Leave the area.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  If you want, go talk to Marco.  He will tell you that Poppul Purrels likes 
to go to the forest.  Also, if you like go to the shop and talk to Neil and 
he will say that he saw the hoodlums at the forest.  Go to the Carona Forest.

 * 'Carona Forest' *

  Go to the place where you fought Blood and Smokey.

   Rue will see the Poppul Purrel being bullied by Blood and Smokey so he 
decides to help the guy out.

  *Boss Battle - Blood and Smokey*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   Just attack them till one of them is defeated.

   The hoodlums will run away and the Poppul Purrel will thank Rue.  Mint 
wanted to escort the Poppul Purrel but he said that he would be fine going 
alone.  Now, it would be late so Rue will head back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Before going to your room at the inn and sleeping, go to the Grasslands 
area and talk to Rod.

   Here, Rod will tell Rue something about his past.  He will tell Rue the 
reason why he is, both swordsman and weapon smith.  He then tells Rue about 
his father, Pleskin being the greatest swordsman in the world.  Rod wanted to 
challenge his father for the title but he did not have the chance to do so 
because his father died already.  So now, he seeks to become, just like his 
father, to be written down in history and excel as being the greatest 
swordsman and weapon smith.

  Now that you have done that, go back to the inn, proceed to your room 
talk to Ms. Cartha and say 'Go to your room') and sleep (examine your bed).

   Rue will have a dream wherein he is being called by Claire.  Rue will 
chase after Claire but Claire's body goes farther and farther and will later 
be attacked by the claws of the man who you fought.  Rue will tell Claire to 
run but it is too late.  When Rue wakes up in the morning, he will mumble 
about Claire to come back.

  Leave your room.

+ END +
++ -Mel's Atelier- ++

+ Chapter 4 +
++ -Rue's Memory - ++

  Go to Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' *
 *  My Status:  HP  122/122     STR  028 + 008  *
 *              MP  124/124     DEF  016 + 008  *

  After that, go leave the town and go to Mel's Atelier.  Enter the Atelier 
and in there

   Mel and the Poppul Purrel that Rue helped will thank him and Rue will 
inquire about the cube.  Mel said that all you need to know is in the report 
so she hands Rue Mel's Report and the Cube.

   After that, Mel will ask Rue the question that she was supposed to tell 
Rue.  She will ask Rue that is Rue human.  Rue will ask Mel why does she ask 
something like that to him and Mel will say that there is something odd about 
Rue's spirit, she can see Rue's spirit together with a shadowy one.  After 
that, she will say something that she is sorry if she has offended Rue, but 
Rue will say that it is all right and he will tell a story.

   Rue will say that five years ago, he woke up in some ruins and he can't 
remember anything.  He tries to remember what to do, who he is and where to 
go.  But suddenly, he fell down and Claire found him.  Even though he is a 
complete stranger, Claire welcomed him.  When she found out that Rue had 
nowhere to go and stay, she let Rue stay at her house.  He will say that he 
wandered so long and at that time he found a home and Claire that is like his 
sister.  But one night 'he' came and killed Claire, he looked like Rue, and 
he has a gem on his forehead.  Rue will say that he wanted to kill the guy 
and so he emitted light and the guy was gone and he came to Claire and asked 
her to open her eyes but she was dead.  Light emits on Claire's body and 
something came out and entered Rue's forehead, it was her spirit.

   Now, Mel has understood why Rue is so determined to get the [Relic] but 
still she asks Rue to think it over.  After that somebody will knock at the 
door and Rue will leave.

   Outside Rue will see Mint together with Elena.  Mint wanted to ask Rue 
what Mel told her but Rue doesn't want to tell so Mint is going to ask Mel.  
Elena will accompany Rue back to town.

   Rue will then explain to Elena that he is not a Pollywog but he can 
transform into one and Elena understood and apologized to Rue.  But suddenly, 
Elena will see a star moving and it is duke.  He demands to get Mel's report 
and the Cube from Rue but Rue does not want to give it.

  *Boss Battle - Duke*
   Challenge:  Medium - Hard

   Just try to avoid his attacks.  Just jump attack him until he falls and 
use attack 2 when he is flat on the ground.  When he is spinning, just try to 
avoid him.  After that, he has a finishing move that would deal 20 damage.

   Rue will demand to have the Tiara back but Duke jumps far away.

  Head back to town.

   You will see a cut scene with Doll Master talking to Psycho Master.  
Psycho Master will tell Doll Master about there is someone who is searching 
for the [Relic] and it is Rue.  Doll will say that they must keep it a 
secret from Princess Maya.  Psycho Master will also say that he prepared 
someone to watch what Rue is doing, and that guy will arrive to Carona 
tomorrow morning.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Back in town go to Klaus house and go talk to Klaus.

   Rue will give Klaus the report and the cube.  Klaus says that the Cube 
can be opened so they opened it and something came out of it, something which 
is not human but a mechanical doll.  It was written on the report that Grand 
Master Magician Elroy created the doll and the doll's name is Prima Doll and 
it is the one that can break the seal to Valen's Relic.  But since Prima Doll 
is still incomplete, Mint can't break the seal now.  Rue needs to get the 
parts for Prima Doll which is kept in the Ateliers of the apprentices of 
Elroy.  A pair of gauntlets, a pair of sollerets are kept in the Ghost Temple 
while the Earrings is at the Atelier in Gamul Forest and the final item, the 
Amulet can be created from a Phantomite.  Rue will say that he will go to the 
Ghost Temple and get the 2 pairs of items while Mint will go to the Gamul 
Forest to get the earrings.  

  Sorcerer Yordaf is the magician that stays at the Ghost Temple and Klaus 
will be doing research about the amulet and the phantomite.

+ END +
++ -Rue's Memory- ++

+ Chapter 5 +
++ -Haunted Temple- ++

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  After that, go check out the new stuff at the shop.

   Gold Bracer  -  3,500 G  -  + 12 Bonus Strength
   Gold Belt    -  3,500 G  -  + 12 Bonus Defense

  After buying those, go to the Ghost Temple.

 * 'Ghost Temple' ***********************************************************
 *  My Status:  HP  111/111     STR  032 + 012                              *
 *              MP  118/118     DEF  016 + 012                              *
 *  Items:  3x Bronze Coins                                                 *
 *          3x Silver Coins                                                 *
 *          Pair of Sollerets                                               *
 *          Night Stone                                                     *
 *          Moon Stone                                                      *
 *          Pair of Gauntlets                                               *
 *  Enemies:  Puppet                                                        *
 *            Specter                                                       *
 *            Saber Tiger                                                   *
 *            Gudon                                                         *
 *            Skeleton                                                      *
 *            Pollywog                                                      *
 *            Ootang                                                        *
 *            Stinger                                                       *
 *  Bosses:  Chimera                                                        *
 *           Chimera                                                        *
 *           Chimera                                                        *
 *           Duke                                                           *

   Rue will try knocking at the door but it would just suddenly open.  Rue 
thinks that there is something suspicious but he is still determined to get 
the stuff.  Rue will go in and he notices the place stinks.
 C          B      A.  Entrance / Exit (after getting through the place once)
/            \     B.  Leads to (D)
|            |     C.  Leads to (a)
|            |
|            |

  Check out any of the two doors and door (B) will open, open it.

| 2 |                          | 1 |     D.  will be locked
|___|____________   ___________|___|     E.  Leads to (F)
                |   |                    Z.  Locked until first run through
                |   |
     ___________|   |                    1.  2 Puppets
     D              Z                    2.  Puppet and Specter

  Upon entering, door (D) will close and will be locked.  As you go near the 
(X), Rue will see Puppets running around the place.  After that the room (2) 
is locked so go first to room (1), kill the Puppet and go to room (2), then 
exit at (E).

_________ _H_   _________
|      1| | |   |  1   2|      1.  Spike Ball (will drop)
|  _____| |_|   |_______I      2.  Statue & Real Puppet
|  |       G                   H.  Room with 2 Puppets and Saber Tiger
|  |                           G.  Room with 2 Puppets and Gudon
|  |                           I.  Room's exit, Leads to (J)
| F|

  Avoid the Spike Ball (1) and jump to the next floor.  On the next floor, go 
to the room (H) and get the Saber Tiger and Puppet coins and go back to the 
previous room and transform into a Saber Tiger and leap the large pit, again, 
avoid the Spike Ball (1).  At 2:

(2 looks like this)

___DOOR___     DOOR.  The exit, currently locked or (I), leads to (J)
|        |        S.  Statue of a Puppet
| S    P |        P.  Puppet that is not moving
|        |

  To open the door, attack the Puppet (P) which is not moving and stand on 
where it was standing and transform yourself into a Puppet in order for the 
door to open.  Proceed to the next room.

   As the door opens, a red sickle thing will come out.  Rue will move back 
to evade it and then he will look around and proceeds.  In the next room, he 
will see a suspicious looking chandelier in which he is thinking that it 
might fall if he steps on the floor below it.  Knowing this, Rue will 
cautiously move along the corners of the room but an enemy with the red 
sickle will arrive.

|           |     J.  Leads to (I)
|           |     K.  Leads to (L)
|           |
|           |

  *Boss Battle - Chimera*
   Challenge:  Medium

   Try to be careful because the Chimera moves fast and attacks you using the 
sickle.  Try evading it by jumping both back and aside.  You can attack it 
when it is standing still (it will stand still in a few seconds after 
charging you).

   After the defeat of the Chimera, Rue will pick up the Left Solleret.

  Now that you have the Left Solleret (which is dropped by the Chimera), 3 
items more to go, exit the room.

|M|                               L.  Leads to (K)
| |__________________________     1.  4 Skeletons
|______|___||_1_||___|_____2|     2.  Recover HP
            _____                 M.  Leads to (N)
            |   |
            |   |
            |   |
            |   |
            | L |

  In this room, jump to get to (1) but 4 Skeletons will arrive.  Fight them 
all but if you have a low HP, jump back, transform into a Specter and just 
use Magic to get rid of them.  After that, go to the left side and step on 
the Recover HP panel and go to the right side and exit the area using (M).
        |2|             |R|        |     O.  Room with 2 Puppets and Ootang
_____O__|2|P_       ____| |    ____|     P.  Room with 3 Skeletons
| ______|2|_| _____ |_____|    |  ||     Q.  Rm. with 2 Skeletons and Specter
| |     |2|   |__ |            |1 S      R.  Room with 3 Bronze and 3 Silver
| |     |2|     | |            |__||         Coins
|N|     |2|     |Q|                |     S.  Room's exit

  1.  see below
  2.  Mid-level Elevation
     - the places with the room exit is at high-level elevation
     - the places not belonging to any are at low-level elevation
       - the low-level elevation has both normal and damaging ground patches

  Upon your entrance, just move up and left then enter room (O) and get an 
Ootang coin.  Leave the room and hop to the place with a Skeleton and a 
Pollywog [the Pollywog form would make the jumping easier], get both coins.  
You can ignore other rooms except for room (R), wherein you can get 3 Bronze 
and 3 Silver Coins.  After that at (1)

(1 looks like this)

___DOOR___     DOOR.  The exit, currently locked or (S), leads to (T)
|        |        S.  Statue of a Skeleton
| S    P |        P.  Empty elevation
|        |

  Jump up to the empty elevation (P) and transform into a Skeleton to open 
the door.  Proceed.

|           |     T.  Leads to (S)
|           |     U.  Leads to (V)
|           |
|           |

  In the next room, there is a Chimera again.

  *Boss Battle - Chimera*
   Challenge:  Medium

    In this second battle, it will lose the ability to charge you fast and 
attack you with its sickle.  It has a new attack in place of that, it can 
cause bolts to fall from the sky [uhhh... roof actually].  You can avoid that 
attack by running around the place or running far from its starting point.  
Attack it when it is not moving or after he throws down his bolts.

  After the battle, it will drop the Right Solleret, grab it and proceed to 
the next room using (U).

(yeah!, 3D look for the elevation)

| ___|__/     \_____1=
| |
| |

  Beat up the 2 Specters and transform yourself into an Ootang so that you 
can jump the high elevation.  At (1):

(1 looks like this)

___DOOR___     DOOR.  The exit, currently locked or (I), leads to (J)
|        |        S.  Statue of a Skeleton that has fallen apart
| S    P |        P.  Skeleton that is not moving
|        |

  Attack the skeleton that is not moving and hop onto the place where it was 
standing, transform yourself into a Skeleton, then use the ability Fall 
Apart, the door will open, proceed.

|           |     W.  Leads to (X)
|           |     
|           |
|           |

  Another room with a Chimera.

  *Boss Battle - Chimera*
   Challenge:  Medium - Hard

   Now it has the combined attacks of the last two and new attacks.  Again to 
avoid the fast moving charge, just jump back and aside.  Also to avoid the 
bolts, just run far from the bolts starting point or run around the place.  
Fire Wall attack is one of its new attack.  Just stay away from it (it would 
encircle him and he won't move).  It can also throw fire now so just jump 
aside to avoid it.  You can attack and run back and just attack and run back 
again and again.

  Leave the room using (W).

____________ Y __     
|          1   1|     1.  Flame (extinguish using any Specter ability)
|   _______1_2_1|     2.  Spike Ball (will drop)
|   |                 Y.  Leads to (Z)
|   |
| X |

  In this room, door (Y) is locked and it can be opened if you extinguish the 
Flames (1).  You can extinguish them using any of the Specter's abilities [I 
suggest you use the one that costs more MP to cast].  Leave the room using 

  You will appear at (Z), remember it is the room where you previously saw 
Puppets moving and this door was locked.  Now the door (D) will be open so 
leave the area using that and you will come out at (B).

 C          B      A.  Entrance / Exit (after getting through the place once)
/            \     B.  Leads to (D)
|            |     C.  Leads to (a)
|            |
|            |

   Rue will wonder how come room (C) is open.  He will approach the door and 
notice that there are fresh footprints.

| __2__ |     a.  Leads to (C), will shut after ...
| |   | |     b.  Leads to (c)
| |   |3|     1.  Rue will notice someone moving  
| |________   2.  Rue will prepare to attack
|1________a   3.  Lever to open (b)

  In this room as you approach (1), Rue will notice someone moving, and as 
you approach (2), Rue readies in order to attack the one that is moving.

   Rue will prepare to attack the one that is hiding and the one hiding will 
come out and Rue will see Elena.  Elena will say that she just came to look 
for Rue because she thought that Rue needs a guide at the place even though 
she hasn't been there yet.  Elena will ask Rue to explore together but Rue 
wants Elena to go back to town and he will accompany her because the place is 
dangerous.  Elena will get convinced and as you go back to where you entered, 
the door will close and Elena and Rue cannot go back.  Rue decided to take 
her but asks her not to move unless he say so.  Elena agrees and both of them 
will go together.  Rue will says to Elena that he will transform more often 
and asks her if she would be all right.  She will say that she will be ok but 
asks Rue to transform into cute forms.

|  Note that you have to press the Triangle button if you want her to come. 
|It is just like a game (I don't like to say the title because I don't have 
|the time to add them to the Copyrights and Legal Stuff section anymore [but 
|if you like a clue, it is an Action game with a little bit of Role-Playing 
|and the words virus and zombies are involved]) wherein someone will follow 
|you and if you are pretty far from that person, you can't proceed to the 
|next room.  But the good thing is that Elena doesn't trip over or something.
|  Elena can get stuck at corners so just go near her and guide her.  Also, 
|you can't leave the room if she is far from you (Rue actually '_').

  Now, trip the lever and exit door (b).

 |   |      d.  Locked, leads to room with 3 Skeletons
 |1  |      e.  Locked, leads to room (f)
 |___|      g.  Locked, leads to room (k)
d_____e     1.  Hole (examine it), need to transform into Stinger, leads to 
 _____          (h)
 |   |
 |   |

  First jump from your position to where (d) and (e) is and if you examine 
them, they are locked so do the next jump and examine (g) and it is also 
locked.  After that, examine (1) and you will notice that there is a small 
hole and you need to transform into something in order to pass through.  Call 

   Elena will come and as she is standing at the position where doors (d) and 
(e) are, monsters will come out.  Rue will tell Elena to jump back and Elena 
will do that.  Rue jumps toward the place with the monsters.

  Kill all the monsters but there are still monsters inside the room and they 
are banging at the door.  Enter both rooms but go into (d) first.  At room 
(d), just kill all 3 Skeletons and exit the room.  Examine door (e) next.

|     2    4|     1.  3 Puppets
=  1  |  3  |     2.  Examine it to break through the wall
|_____|_____|     3.  Stinger
                  4.  Moon Stone

  Thrash all 3 Puppets then examine (2).  The wall will crumble and you can 
pass.  Kill the Stinger and get its coin so that you can pass through the 
hole at the previous room.  Grab the Moon Stone (4) before you leave.

  Now that you have the Stinger form, transform into it and pass through the 
hole (1).
   | ________i
   | |             g.  Leads to (j)
___| |             1.  Night Stone
|1_  |
   | |
   | |_______

  In a Stinger form, go left, then up, then left to grab the Night Stone (1) 
and go back right, then up then right to exit the place.

|     |     j.  Leads to (i)
j    1|     k.  Locked, Leads to (g)
|__ __|     l.  Locked, Leads to (m)
   k        1.  Lever, Unlocks door (l) and (k)

  Here, trip the lever and Elena will enter the room where you are using door 
(k) which is now accessible.  Exit the room using door (l)
|             |
|   _______   |     m.  Leads to (l)
|   |     |   |     n.  Locked, Leads to (o)
|   |     |   |     1.  Lever, Unlocks door (n)
|1  |     |  u|     u.  Appear only (by Teleporter (t))
|_ _|     |_ _|
  n         m

  Trip lever (1) and enter door (n).

   Elena will get locked at the previous room but Rue will tell her to throw 
the lever so that she can access the door.  Elena throws the lever and enters 
the room where Rue is.

|     |     p.  Teleporter that needs Puppet form, Leads to (s)
|p   1|     1.  Lever, opens door (q)
|__ __|     q.  Leads to (r)
   o        o.  You will enter the room through here

  Trip the lever (1) so that (q) will open, enter (q)

   The lever will broke and when Rue passes through room door (q) will shut 
so Elena will get stuck in the previous room.  Rue asks Elena to trip the 
lever but Elena will remind Rue that he broke the lever.  Rue will say to 
Elena to stay for a while and he will find another way to go there.

      |   |          s.  Appear only (using Teleporter (p))
      |___|          t.  Teleporter that needs Puppet form, Leads to (u)
                     v.  Leads to (w)
       3             1.  Room with 2 Skeletons and Saber Tiger
         3           2.  Room with 2 Puppets and Specter
      _____          3.  Floating Steps
      |   |
______|   |______
|     |   |     |
|t 2  =   =  1 s|
|_____|   |_____|
      |   |
      |   |
      |   |
      |   |
      |_ _|

  Go to room with (2) and Teleporter (t).  Defeat the enemies and get the 
Puppet coin.  Transform into a Puppet and step on Teleporter (t).

  You will appear at (u) so just trip lever (1) and enter room (n).

   When Rue enters the room where Elena is supposed to be, he will see that 
Elena is being grabbed by Puppets and they will teleport.

  Follow them by teleporting using (p) and you will appear at (s).  There 
teleport using (t) at the room to the right of where you appeared.  You will 
appear at (u) and there, go back to the rooms before that using door (m) and 
you will be at the room with a lever and a small hole you passed from (l) the 
door above, go out using (k) the door below.  You will be at the place where 
monsters are banging the door, enter the right door, which is (e).  

  Inside that room, kill the enemies (3 Puppets) and inspect the weak wall 
again.  The wall will crumble and you will see Elena inside together with 3 
Skeletons.  [Go forth , doth haveth the powereth, killeth 'em all] (well 
except for Elena ^_^).

   Elena will apologize to Rue for being a bother because of thinking that 
she would be a help to him.  Rue will say that it is ok as long as she is 
safe.  Elena will be all right now so they decided to go on.

  Go back to the room where there are floating steps (3) and the door (v).  
You will notice that the (3)s are spinning and moving around.  Just jump 
across them using Rue and after that, Elena has to cross.  Just press the 
Triangle button to make Elena jump.  You can also notice that one of them is 
also spinning slower than the other so it might be better if you let Elena 
step on that.  After doing that, enter door (v).

_x_         ___z___
| |_________|     |     w.  Leads to (v)
|____________    1|     x.  Leads to (y)
            |__w__|     z.  Leads to room with Mysterious Statue together 
                            with 3 Silver Coins and a Star Stone (cannot be 
                            accessed, come back later to get it)
                        1.  Lever

  You still can't enter room (z) right now so you have to come back later.  
What you need to do here is to hit the lever (1) and go left, then up and 
enter door (x).

  *Thanks to Even Staves for verifying to me that you can't get the 
Mysterious Statue, the 3 Silver Coins and the Star Stone right now.  And also 
for telling me the items that is together with the Mysterious Statue.
|         |
|         |
|         |

  In the next room

   Rue and Elena will see Duke battling with a Chimera.  Duke will 
confidently destroy the Chimera, grab the Right Gauntlet and talk to Rue.  He 
will say that he is going to get the other stuff from Rue and after that, he 
will also beat Rue up.  He will say that he has a new act from the book "Fist 
of Fire" and the new move is the 'Sunrise Uppercut'.  He will say that he is 
a little sleepy but his fist is powerful.  He will also ask Elena to stay 
back before the battle.

  *Boss Battle - Duke*
   Challenge:  Medium - Hard

   Avoid his fists and uppercut by jumping back.  Also when he lights up, he 
will punch the ground and will either do a circular attack or a straight one 
directional attack.  You can attack him when he finishes doing an uppercut 
and you can do that only twice because he has another uppercut which will 
follow.  Do not attack the obstacles because they will deal you damage.  You 
can also try to let him destroy the obstacles so that he will be the one to 
take up damage.

   After the battle, Duke cannot but desperately tries to get up.  Rue will 
say to him that the battle is over but Duke is still determined to get the 
stuff from you.  Elena will try to help Duke but Duke will refuse her offer 
because he does not need Elena's pity.  But Elena will say that she wants to 
help Duke so Duke will get up and say thanks.  After that, the Wall will move 
and there seems to be a trap mechanism and it would crush all of them.  Rue 
will try to open the previous door but it is locked.  Duke tries to stop the 
wall by pushing it and asks Rue to open the other door.  Rue will try to open 
the door but it is also locked and Duke will tell him to bash it, destroy it 
or something because he cannot push any longer.

  Just continually use Attack 1 and it will eventually open.  Or according to 

    At the final section, where Duke holds the moving wall as hard as
    he can, he will tell you to whack the door, right? Well, you can
    press Attack and waste your finger's energy, OR you can...

    ...just stand there and hear Duke's agony... (heh heh)

    Just when you think you're gonna die, Elena will say that the door
    is actually a SLIDING door, the door opens and everybody gets out.
    (I think thats one of those little times that Elena proves very
     useful ^_^)

   Elena will go out and say something about how good the sunlight feels and 
stuff.  She will also ask you to go back to town.  She will thank Duke but 
Duke will say that he just wanted to save himself.  Elena will tell Duke to 
stop pretending because she knows that Duke is a good guy.  Elena will tell 
Duke to take care of his injuries and then she will be going back to town 
with Rue.  Duke will stop you and give the Right Gauntlet, Rue will thank him 
but Duke will say that it is not for Rue but for Elena for worrying about 

   *Cut Scene*
    At the hotel, Belle is mad at Duke for giving Rue the Gauntlet and she 
will beat Duke up.  She will ask Duke to explain why he gave it after he 
worked so hard just to get it.  Duke couldn't explain because he will say 
that he was just help by Rue and Elena and when they were outside, he just 
got a strange feeling and gave it.  He will say that he is stupid and 
promises to beat Rue up next time and get the stuff back.  He will say that 
he can do that because he is psyched just like in the book.

    Belle will ask what book

    "'Fist of Fire', baby!!! Rue, I'm gonna like 'Fist of Fire' with you." - 
    "YOU MORON, (what was that all about?  Maybe he really is a nut case." - 

    Solin will arrive and asks them to pay up 2,500 G for their stay.  Belle 
will tell him that she is going to pay for it sometime tomorrow.  Now, Belle 
asks Duke to fix up Hexagon, their secret weapon and get money FAST!.
   *Cut Scene*

  Rue will be back at town and he will see Claire going into the alley that 
leads to the tavern and Hobbs' shop.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Follow where Claire went, the alley that leads to the tavern.

  There, you will not see Claire but talk to Marco.

   Rue will ask Marco if there was a girl in a purple robe and that is about 
his height.  Marco will say that he did not see anybody so Rue will wonder 
what he saw.

  If you check Rod out, he has a new weapon which is called the 'Golden 

  Go to Klaus' House.

   Mint will be there and tells Rue that Belle put her up to a tough fight at 
the forest.  After that, they will put the Pair of Gauntlets, Pair of 
Sollerets and the Earrings to Prima Doll.  Klaus will then ask the both of 
you to get the Phantomite at the Raging Mountains and somebody there named 
Wylaf is there and a collector of rare gems and minerals and he might have 
some.  Mint decides to go but Klaus will tell her that Wylaf is a powerful 
dragon so she will back down and pass the work to Rue.  Mint will also tell 
Rue that she will be the one that is going to confront Belle and Duke to get 
the Tiara which 'Rue lost'.

+ END +
++ -Haunted Temple- ++

+ Chapter 6 +
++ -Raging Mountain- ++

  Go sell your monster coins and buy Platinum stuff at Tonio's Shop.

   Platinum Bracer  -  4,500 G  -  Bonus Strength +16
   Platinum Belt    -  4,500 G  -  Bonus Defense +16

 * 'Ghost Temple' **************
 *  Items:  Mysterious Statue  *
 *          3x Silver Coins    *
 *          Star Stone         *

_x_         ___z___
| |_________|     |     w.  Leads to (v)
|____________    1|     x.  Leads to (y)
            |__w__|     z.  Leads to room with Mysterious Statue together 
                            with 3 Silver Coins and a Star Stone
                        1.  Lever

  Just follow the above Ghost Temple part until you get to the above 
illustrated room.  DO NOT HIT THE LEVER, just enter door (z).  Inside get the 
Mysterious Statue and the 2 other stuff.  After getting all of them, leave 
the room, hit the lever (1) and enter (x).

  *Thanks to Even Staves for verifying when to get this things in the Ghost 
Temple.  And for telling me the items that goes with the Mysterious Statue.

  *Interesting Stuff to Check Out*
   Notice that the camera view is different now and you will be facing Rue's 
front side instead of his back.  This is very confusing but it is quite fun 
after a while because you don't see the things that are in front of Rue.

  Just go back to the main entrance and you can leave through there but MAKE 
SURE YOU GET A SPECTER COIN if you do not have one.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Carona Forest if you have a Specter Coin but if not go to the Ghost 
Temple (again!) and grab one.

 *'Carona Forest' *************************
 *  Items:  The Last Hero                 *

  Walk at the lower part of the road.  Jump down the stump.

=_______  _____     |L&L| d  ___      ________J|    L.  Higher Elevation
       |__|   |____         /   |_____|             &.  The Last Hero & (L)
                  |________/                        J.  Jump (to the right)
                                                    d.  Whithered Plant

  There are two kinds of enemies here, the Stinger and the Mandola.  The 
Stinger is hard to hit so just measure the time when they are near your 
attacking range, hit them.  When you reach the whithered plant, blast it with 
your Specter - Water.  It will take a few hits and the plant will grow.  Now, 
step on the plant (just jump to get to it) then get on the higher elevation 
part (L) and take the (&) The Last Hero.  After that leave the area.  You can 
leave the area by going right until you reach the wall and jump towards the 

  You will end up at the other open stump of the Carona Forest.  Just proceed
until you get to the area outside the Atelier, talk to the Go home plant 

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to the Grasslands area and talk to Rod.  Rod will ask you if he could 
have the The Last Hero.  Go give it to him, he will tell you that it is abook 
about the life of a dragon slayer named Highwind.  He will say that he always 
wanted to read this and since you gave it to him, he will reward you into 
giving his 4 Strength Ups that he bought from Hobbs.  Your base strength will 
increase by 4 [yeah!, free stats].

  After that, leave the town and go to the Raging Mountain.

 * 'Raging Mountain' ****************************
 *  My Status:  HP  123/123     STR  036 + 016  *
 *              MP  119/119     DEF  016 + 016  *
 *  Items:  3x Silver Coins                     *
 *          Legendary Shield                    *
 *          Phantomite                          *
 *  Enemies:  Fire Blob                         *
 *            Ootang                            *
 *            Bubba                             *
 *            Pollywog                          *
 *            Gudon                             * 
 *  Bosses:   Belle with Hexagon and Duke       *
 *            Wylaf                             *

  ________________________________     b.  Boulder
              |pp|    |pfp|     b=     f.  Falling ledge
  ______   ___|pp|____|pfp|-----b=     p.  Pit

  First go straight and fight the enemies if you like (Ootangs and Fire 
Blobs) just go and jump the pits (p) and on the next place, just jump across 
(you may like to step on (f) but you better hurry or you will fall with it).  
At the next place, you will see it is blocked by a boulder (b) that you can't 
destroy so just jump down and fight the Bubba there, kill it and get its 
coin.  Use Bubba - Hammer or Bubba - Final Strike to destroy the boulder at 
your right.  Now go back again to the top and hop the pits (p) and go destroy 
the boulder (b) near the exit.  Go to the exit (duh!).

    / ___b__1_|  _____________      b.  Boulder
___/ /    ______/         _F__=     F.  Fissures
___  |___/ b______ F area |         1.  3x Silver Coins
   |______/      |________|

  Here just go up first and destroy the boulder (Bubba - Hammer or Bubba - 
Final Stirke) and get 3 Silver Coins (1) and then go back, now down and again 
destroy the boulder and in the (F area) just avoid the steam coming out of 
the ground because they would damage you.  Just go to the exit.
          |   _b__ r |           |   b.  Boulder
  LAVA    |___|  |___|   LAVA    |   r.  Restore HP
_____     ____ ___  ___ ___  ____|   LAVA.  Lava (5 damage)
=___|  O  |__| |_|  |_| |_|  |___=
       LAVA                      |

  You have to jump along the floating platforms (they move Up and Down).  
First go smash the boulder and Restore your HP (r), and then go back and just 
finish the place by going to the right exit.

___________________  ___  ________________
=         o       |pp| |pp|    o    o    =     o.  Obstacle
=_____o________o__|pp|_|pp|______________=     p.  Pit

  In this area, the winds sometimes blow, so avoid jumping too much.  You can 
use the obstacles (o) as cover when the wind blows so you can attack the 
enemies that are blocking your way and prevent you from blowing away.  Jump 
the pits only when the wind is not blowing or else you will fall or fall back  
(the Bubba is a major blockage on the way so take it out, even if you fall, 
it does not matter).  Just head for the exit.

_____  _____________  _____
|___|  |___________|  |___|


  Here you will see Belle and Duke.

   Belle will tell Rue that he knows what she wants so just hand them over 
but Rue will say that he needs it no matter what.  After saying that, Belle 
will call Hexagon and tells Rue that she found it at the Sea Coral Ruins and 
that it is their ultimate weapon.

  *Boss Battle - Belle with Hexagon and Duke*
   Challenge:  Medium

   Duke will do uppercuts but now they are not much of a problem but he is 
still annoying so go all out against him first.  Just beat up Duke using 
Attack 1.  After he is over, use your jump attacks at Belle with Hexagon.  Do 
not do that when you face to face with Hexagon and that you should only try 
using jump attack after it grabs air (since you are not there) or when you 
are at its back.  If you drained the life bar of Belle with Hexagon, Belle 
will jump down and fight you.  Just avoid her fire attacks and don't go near 
her when there are white spinning things around her and just keep watch 
because she will throw them at you.  Just attack her.

  They will leave after the battle and you will automatically go to the next 

   | |
   | |_______
   |______  |    
__________| |
|  _________|
|  |         ____
|  |_________|  |
|  |p|_____  ___|
|------      |__ ___ ___ _____    p.  Pit
|            | | | | | | | 1 |    r.  Restore HP
|_______    _| |_| |_| |_|___|    1.  Legendary Shield
=      |_____              r |

  Sorry for the map, it is not very accurate, but it is good enough.  First 
go straight for the (r), Restore HP then after that, go up and jump the 
ledges where the Fire Blobs are to get the Legendary Shield (1).  After that, 
go back then go up and move left, hop across the pit and go up again, then 
right and there will be a Fire Blob, then go up, then left and you will see 3 
Pollywogs and go up to the exit.

|             |
|             |   g.  Go Home Plant (will only be accessible after going  
|      g      |                      through this place.)
|             |

  At the mountaintop...

   Rue will call Wylaf and Wylaf will arrive and say something about how dare 
humans disturb him but he will say that Rue is not human.  Rue will apologize 
for the disturbance but he wants Wylaf's help.  Wylaf will read Rue's mind 
and say that he has a lot of Phantomite but he would not give it to Rue.  It 
is because that he can destroy the world in attempting to do, the reason why 
he wants to get the [Relic].  Wylaf will say that Rue is a selfish runt but 
Rue will say that you just want to save Claire and that he doesn't intend on 
destroying the world.  Wylaf will tell Rue that his words are meaningless and 
that it can only be proven with a weapon.

  *Boss Battle - Wylaf*
   Challenge:  Medium

   You can avoid getting damage and deal damage to Wylaf when WHILE he is 
swooping down at you, you use Attack 1 and slash the air until he gets near 
you and you will eventually slash him and he will go back into the air.  
Also, when he breathes a fireball, avoid the place where it will fall and 
avoid the (+) effect that it has (there would be a cross (+) in which the 
fireball is the intersection).  Avoid also the vortex when he casts one 
because it will throw you into the air.  When his life is below 1/2, the 
battle will be over.

PREPARE TO GET ROASTED, errr ... I mean meet the Game Over Screen.  Thanks to 
KTeoh for giving this to me, check the Cool Stuff section to see more about 

   Wylaf will say that your heart is true and splendid and he will give you 
the Phantomite.  Rue will thank Wylaf but Wylaf will say that there is no 
need because Rue deserves it.  Wylaf will say that Rue's heart is true 
(again!) and that he knows that Rue will not misuse the power of the relic 
and that a 1,000 year old knowledge guarantees it.  Wylaf will leave, (and 
maybe so for Rue too).

   *Cut Scene*
    You will see Belle and Duke at the tavern and blame each other because 
they failed.  Belle will say that they do not have enough money to buy food, 
they have not yet paid the hotel and that they have to repair Hexagon.  Duke 
will say that if they did not stay at the nice hotel, they could have had 
enough money.  Belle will punch him and say that unlike Duke, she came from a 
good family and she does not want to stay at a cheapo inn.  After that, 
Annette will ask them to leave because they are disturbing the other 
customers or they should just have to quiet down.  Mint will arrive and they 
she is going to talk to Belle and Duke about something...
   *Cut Scene*

  At the town, the hoodlums will arrive and give Rue a letter of challenge.  
Rue is challenged to fight Blood and Smokey at the usual place at Carona 
Forest.  The hoodlums will leave and tell Rue that they both hope that he 
will come.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Why don't you go and save your game at the inn and go to Carona Forest.

 * 'Carona Forest' *************
 *  Bosses:  Trap Master       *
 *           Blood and Smokey  *

  Go to the area where you always find Blood and Smokey.

   They will say that they have a new boss, and he is someone with a red 
spike hair and he will tell Rue that his name is Trap Master.  Trap Master 
will tell Rue that he was expecting some tough big guy but he will tell Rue 
that it doesn't matter because he is going to bash Rue.  Trap Master will 
tell Rue that Rue is on his trap and Trap Master will take Rue at his own 
battle field because he usually destroys the surroundings when he fighst 

  *Boss Battle - Trap Master*
   Challenge:  Easy

   All you have to do here is to stand on the center and use Bubba - Hammer.  
He will just die.  Just avoid jumping too much and stepping on blinking 
platforms.  You can die in this battle if you want.

   After that Trap Master will say that Rue was nothing and he can easily 
kill her in a few seconds but he cannot kill Rue yet.  The two, Blood and 
Smokey will fight Rue because Trap Master will go away.

  *Boss Battle - Blood and Smokey*
   Challenge:  Easy

   Just use Attack 1.  Just fight one of them for an extremely easy battle.

   Again, they will be beaten and they will run away.

  You will be automatically back at the town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  If your old coin is the Bubba coin, go back to the Raging Mountain and 
fight any monster and get its coin and fight a Bubba and get its coin, then 
leave the Raging Mountain.  

  Go back to Carona Forest.

 * 'Carona Forest' ***************
 *  Items:  Star Stone           *
 *  Enemies:  Pollywog           *
 *            Saber Tiger        *
 *            Mandola            *
 *            Ootang             *
 *            Stinger            *
 *            Little Bat [NEW!]  *
 *            Gargoyle           *

  Avoid killing any monsters so that you would not get their coins.  Just go 
to the cliff and kill a Stinger and get its coin.

|xx| |_R| |6|_
        __|66|     R.  Just a rock, nothing inside
     |&&&&776|     S.  A rock, destroy it using Bubba - Hammer or Bubba -
     |8+++++6|         Final Strike
  |gffeee| |7|     & It means that it is both 6 & 7.  The ? is at 7
 |hh++eee| |+|

  Here, go to the (6), the one at the left of a (+), from there, jump so that 
you would not fall at (7), and that you would step on (&).  there will be a 
rock there (S), destroy it using Bubba - Hammer or Bubba - Final Strike.  A 
tiny hole will appear and you need to transform into a Stinger and pass 
through the hole.

  Inside, there will be Little Bats, just follow the path until you get the 
Star Stone.

  Go back to town.

 * 'Carona Town' *

  Go to Klaus' house.

   Rue will give him the Phantomite and Klaus will be amazed that Rue got it.  
He will take it and will say that he will make the Amulet for Prima right 
away.  Rue will then tell Klaus that only the Tiara is left and you are going 
to get it from Belle and Duke but Mint will arrive telling Rue and Klaus that 
there is no need for that because she already got it from Belle and Duke.  
Rue will ask Mint how she got it but Mint would not say it.

   They will then put the Tiara on Prima Doll but ask what the Tiara is for.  
Prima will say that the Tiara is used for decision making and certain 
abilities, both mental and physical are on the Tiara which exceeds the 
current intelligence which is only a mere backup.  After a couple of small 
talk, Mint will get mad at Prima Doll and shows him the finger.  Also, after 
that, Prima Doll will bug Klaus to finish the amulet as soon as possible but 
he will suddenly stop.  All of them will wonder what happened so they have to 
talk to Mel to find out.

+ END +
++ -Raging Mountain- ++

+ Chapter 7 +
++ -Bond with Prima- ++

  After the talk, go check out the town and if I am not mistaken you can get 
2 Silver Coins and a Bronze Coin (I am not sure because I think that items in 
places appear at random).

  Go to Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' ******
 *  Items: 1x Gold Coin * 
 *  Boss:  Gorotan      *

  Talk to Mel.

   Rue will say that there is something wrong with Prima Doll.  Mel will say 
to her that it must be because of Prima Doll's energy being radiated after 
its long rest in the cube.  She will tell Rue that there might be a way to 
restore Prima Doll's energy and that you need Gorotan's power, some guy that 
can control the power of lightning.  She also will say that she is not sure 
whether it will work but it is worth the try and tells Rue to be careful 
because Gorotan does not like visitors.  Mel asks Rue to just find out where 
Gorotan leaves from one of her assistants.

  [Gold Coin info], contributed by Kele Kravelin (

"When going to Mel's Atelier as Rue when Prima is out of energy I found a gold 
coin on the pink petalled plant with blue leaves and the purple 'crown'."

  Go outside the Atelier and talk to the Poppul Purrel that you helped 
earlier.  I think it is the one near the back.

   He will say to Rue that he knows where Gorotan is and asks Rue if he wants 
to play with Gorotan now, say Yes and Rue will be in a room with a flying guy 

  Go talk to the flying thing and it will transform into a big cat.

  *Boss Battle - Gorotan*
   Challenge:  Medium
    Avoid the star thingies that are around him and it will just go farther 
away from him, leaving himself unprotected from your beating.  Go near him 
and attack him until he dies.

  Go back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' house.

   Rue, in a Gorotan form, will be blasting bolts to Prima Doll and Prima 
Doll will be charged up.  He should be ok now and he only needs to get the 
Amulet in order to break the seal.

  I am not sure but iamnothing went to the tavern after this so head for the 
tavern and maybe something will happen.

  After going there, go leave the town and head for the Lakeside.

 * 'Lakeside' *

  In the lakeside, you will see Mint together with Elena.  Go near them.

   Elena will tell Rue and Mint how she will feel after they get the [Relic].  
She will say that she will be lonely because they will leave Carona.  Mint 
will say to her that it doesn't matter because she will conquer the world and 
create a castle.  Mint will also ask the two whether they want to become 
ministers at her kingdom.  Elena will answer first and tell Mint that she 
wants to become the minister of house keeping.  Mint will ignore Elena and 
then ask Rue whether he wants to become a minister after getting the [Relic].  

  If you chose the option about Rue saying something like being a minister 
would be a great idea, Mint will tell Rue that she wants Rue to become the 
dog walking minister,  Upon hearing this Rue will say that he will change his 
mind and say that he just wants to stay home.

  But if you chose the other option which is about Rue saying something about 
turning down the offer, Rue will say that he will just have to stay home 
after getting the [Relic] and whisper to himself "... stay home (with 

  Anyway, after that, Mint will ask about how the amulet is doing to Elena 
and Elena will say that it would probably be finished after some time.  Mint 
will say that she can't keep THEM waiting.  Rue will inquire what Mint meant 
about THEM but Mint will say that she remembered something.  It was obvious 
that Mint is trying to hide something so Rue will wonder just what it was 

  Now that you are alone, go head back to town too.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' house.

   Klaus will tell Rue that the Amulet is near completion and he will ask Rue 
to take Prima Doll to the Lakeside. 

  Go leave the house and talk to Marcum, the fat guy that buys stuff from you 
and he will give you 50 G.  After that, I think there is a Bronze Coin 
somewhere (but since item appearance, I think is at random so maybe it is not 

  Interesting Stuff to Check Out (thanks to PyRo MaNiA for this one)

   Prima Doll is following you right, why don't you go to the Grasslands and 
talk to Johnny Wolf and he will follow Prima Doll, then talk to Rod, he will 
join the 'train' party.  Now, Rue will be followed by Prima Doll, which is 
followed by Johnny Wolf, and Rod will be behind Johnny Wolf.  You gotta see 
this, it looks silly. 

  Go talk to the gate and head for the Lakeside (again!).

 * 'Lakeside' *

   At the Lakeside, Prima Doll will be amazed at how good it feels to be out 
there.  He will tell that staying at the Cube did not gave him that kind of 
feeling.  Also, Prima Doll will challenge Rue for a race towards the Lake.
  A good way to win the race is to block his way and run while he is at your 
back.  You can also lose the race.

   Doesn't matter if you win or lose, it would be just small talk.  After 
that, Prima Doll will say something about him, that he is just a tool that 
would be used to unseal the [Relic].  Rue will comfort him by saying that 
Prima Doll is not a tool because Prima Doll is alive.  

   "As ling as you're alive, there's always a chance ... there's always 
hope."  - Rue

   Prima Doll will realize this and will thank Rue for the words.  After 
that, he will say that he wants to go back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  After that, go to Klaus' house.

   Here, Klaus will say that he has finished doing the Amulet.  Prima Doll 
will try it on and he will feel great wearing it.  Now they are ready to 
break the seal so Klaus gets up and tries to walk but his ankle still hurts.  
Elena will say that her father still needs to rest but Klaus will say that he 
can't stop now because his dream is only a few steps away.  Rue will ask 
Klaus to rest and that he (Rue) and Prima Doll will take a boat ride to the 

+ END +
++ -Bond with Prima- ++

+ Chapter 8 +
++ -Lake Ruins- ++

  In town, go to the Grasslands and talk to Rod.

   Rue will ask Rod about his machine that can travel fast on water.  Rod 
will say that he has one and its name is Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega.  He 
will tell Rue that it is powered by five Sorcerous Drivers that can make 
Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega move and travel fast on water.  Rod will tell 
Rue that he needs to get Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega ready and asks Rue to 
call the people who are coming with him.

  Go leave the grasslands and go back to Klaus' house.  Go talk to Klaus at 
the basement and say to him that you will depart for the ruins.

   Rue and Prima Doll together with Rod will be going to the Ruins together. 
Prima Doll asks you if you were going to ride that cool looking boat and Rod 
will say to him that it is not a boat but Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega.  
Prima Doll ignores it and still calls it a boat.  There, you will then ride 
the boat to the Lake Ruins.  After you see Rue, Rod and Prima Doll leave, 
Mint will arrive and say something that Rue thought that they can leave them, 
Mint together with Belle and Duke.

 * 'Lake Ruins' *

   At the Lake Ruins, Prima Doll tells Rue that he is ready to open the seal.  
While Prima Doll is reciting the words that are to be used to break the seal, 
Rue then speaks the latter part of the spell and he will then say that it 
came out naturally from him.  Well anyway, Prima Doll begins to recite the 
spell but Princess Maya will arrive, accompanied by Doll Master and Psycho 
Master.  Princess Maya will say that it is the East Heaven Kingdom's duty to 
protect the [Relic] from being unsealed for the past many years and she will 
say that Rue cannot be allowed to break it.  Rue will say that he has a good 
reason for breaking it so he doesn't want to stop the spell but Princess Maya 
will cast a spell to Rue using the Book of Cosmos.  Rue, for some reason, 
although he was a brought down by the spell, was latter able to conquer and 
resist the power of the Book of Cosmos, East Heaven's greatest [Relic].  
After that, Doll Master will cast a spell that would seal Rue's powers, so 
Rue got sealed.  Doll Master will then ask Prima Doll to open the seal but 
Prima Doll will petrify himself.  Mint will arrive, together with Belle and 
Duke.  Duke will use his "Fist of Fire" on Doll Master but gets psyched out 
by Psycho Master.  Belle will help Rue with the help of Hexagon.  After that, 
all of them (Belle, Duke, Mint and Rue) will get out of the place and Rue 
will promise to Prima Doll that he will save him.  Princess Maya will use the 
Book of Cosmos to create a tower so that they can fortify the Lake Ruins.

 * 'Town of Carona' *
   Upon their arrival to town, Rue will ask Mint why Belle and Duke is with 
her.  Mint will say to Rue that Belle and Duke is waiting for her at the bar 
and why don't Rue join them to talk about the stuff.
  Before you go to the bar, why don't you go talk to Rod first at the 

   Rod will encourage Rue to keep going because it is just his trial phase.  
He has survived his trial phase already and that was when he wasn't able to 
create good weapons.  He will say that 'his woman' kept him going.  She was 
the one that encourages him when he is down and tells him to stop moping and 
create a new weapon.  He will say that Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega was her 
only keepsake to him.  Rod will clarify that she, her name is Lucine and she 
is not dead but he can't go see her until he marked a name in history.  He 
will tell then to Rue that she just have to keep on going no matter what and 
do not give up because someone will be watching over Rue.  Rue will ask 
himself if Claire is watching him ...

  After that, go to the Tavern.

   Belle, Duke and Mint, will invite Rue in their table and they are going to 
talk about something.  Belle will ask Rue why he is fighting so hard and Rue 
will answer her that he is fighting because of Claire.  He will tell the 
story but [you] won't hear about it.  After that, Belle and Duke will say 
that now they understood what Rue has been going through and tell you taht 
Mint always tried to double-cross him.  Belle will say that once Rue got the 
[Relic], they are going to steal them from him.  Mint will defend herself and 
say that if it was not for her, Rue may have been dead by that time.  They 
will say that Maya is guarding the ruins and that they have to figure out a 
way to get the [Relic].

  I found a Bronze Coin somewhere above the town's spring.  [But since, I 
think, items appear at random, you might not find it there].  Now that most 
things are clarified, it is time for a good night sleep.  Head for the inn 
and ask Ms. Cartha to go to your room.  You will automatically sleep.

+ END +
++ -Lake Ruins- ++

+ Chapter 9 +
++ -Maya's Arrival- ++

  Go out the inn and take note that the left (Ms. Cartha's left) door is 
broken so you have to leave through the right (Ms. Cartha's right) door.

  First go check out Tonio's shop.  He is selling new stuff.

   Mythril Bracer  -  5,500 G  -  Bonus Strength +20
   Mythril Belt    -  5,500 G  -  Bonus Defense +20  

  After buying those stuff, why don't you go fight Rod, he has a new weapon 
called 'Black Tornado'.  If you don't like to fight him, go to the Lakeside.

 * 'Lakeside' *

   Here, Rue will wonder how to get the [Relic] and ...

   *Cut Scene*
    Doll Master will say to Princess Maya that he was surprised that Prima 
Doll was able to petrify his self so that Prima Doll can protect the [Relic] 
from being unsealed.  Doll Master will suggest to Princess Maya that they 
should get the [Relic] so that they can keep it and that it would not fall 
into the wrong hands.  Princess Maya will say that excessive power leads to 
destruction and that it is their duty to prevent the seal from being broken 
and they should never get into contact with the [Relic].  Princess Maya will 
leave and Doll Master will talk to Psycho Master that if Maya cannot be used 
to attain their goals, then they have to use Rue.
   *Cut Scene*

  You will automatically back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  It would be night again.  As usual, at night, go to the Grasslands and talk 
to Rod.

   Together with Rod, Duke is there and they will say that they fought a 
while ago and Rod won.  Rod will tell both Rue and Duke that he had a hard 
time fighting Duke because of his star outfit because it was a very thick and 
sturdy armor.  Rod will also tell Duke that he wants to borrow it because he 
will try to make a weapon out of it.  

  "Sometimes you even gotta make a fool of yourself to come up with a 
weapon." - Rod

  After that, Duke will change the topic and tell both Rue and Rod that how 
come there is nothing happening at the tower but Rod will say that they just 
need to rest and wait for the enemies move because it can be a trap.

  After that, go to the inn, talk to Ms. Cartha, go to your room.

   As Rue is sleeping, someone is calling him.  He looks outside and sees 
Claire and she is walking towards the alley that leads to the Tavern and 
Hobbs' Shop.  Rue runs out of the room and out of the inn.

  *Interesting stuff to check out*
   If you go to the Grasslands take note that Rod is sleeping.

  I found a Silver Coin beside the Hotel [but maybe the items are found at 
random].  Follow her so go to the place where Hobbs' Shop and the Tavern is.  
You would not see Claire there so go back to the main part of town.  You will 
see Claire go to the docks, follow her.  At the docks you would not see 
Claire anywhere, talk to Duke, he is somewhere below.  

   Rue asks Duke if he saw a girl in a purple cloak that is about his height.  
Duke says that he did not see anyone like that.

  Leave the docks.

   Rue will wonder what is going on.

  Go to the Grasslands and talk to Rod.

   Again, Rue will ask if Rod saw a girl in a purple cloak and that is about 
his height.  Duke will say that he did not see anyone because he was busy 
calming the Johnny Wolf because it seems like Johnny Wolf seen a ghost or 
something.  Rue will wonder about the word 'ghost' but he believes that it 
couldn't be.

  Leave the Grasslands.  You will see Claire enter the church, as usual 
follow her.

   Rue sees Claire walking towards Psycho Master.  Psycho Master lifts Claire 
using his psychic power or something so Rue demands from Psycho Master to 
bring Claire down but Psycho Master challenges Rue to fight.

  *Boss Battle - Psycho Master*
   Challenge:  Easy

   Careful not to attack him at his front or side meaning attack him ONLY at 
his back.  Just whack his back till he withdraws.  When he is hovering and 
following you, just run around the place or around him and make sure that he 
doesn't come into contact with you.

   After the battle, Psycho Master will teleport Claire and tells Rue that if 
he wants to rescue Claire, he needs to go the Lake.

+ END +
++ -Maya's arrival- ++

+ Chapter 10 +
++ -Claire's shadow- ++

  It will automatically be morning and what you do here is you leave town and 
go to the Tower of Maya (which was formerly the Lakeside).

  If you talk to Graham, he will tell something good.

  "Damn, you're way too eager.  You might end up dead if you don't take a 
deep breath and calm down.  Remember, the secret to longetivity is 
composure." - Graham

  Go to the Tower of Maya.

 * 'Tower of Maya' ******************************
 *  My Status:  HP  132/132     STR  036 + 020  *
 *              MP  126/126     DEF  016 + 020  *
 *  Items:  7x Gold Coins                       *
 *          2x Star Stones                      *
 *          Legendary Helmet                    *
 *  Enemies:  Wabbit                            *
 *            Pumpkin                           *
 *            Witch                             *
 *  Bosses:   'He'                              *
|        |
|  _==_  |
|__|  |__|
   |  |
   |  |

  Just go enter the top door.

   Inside, Trap Master will be there and tell Rue that Rue is on his trap.  
Trap Master will also say that Rue has nowhere to go but up.

  In the round room, just run up and...

   Trap will tell Rue that he left a surprise at the door and that Rue should 
not try to escape because he is trapped.

  Now, if you talk to the door, you will receive damage.  Now run up, fight 
the enemies you encounter such as Wabbits, Witches and Pumpkins.  All are 
easy to kill but you need to use Witch - Pumpkin Cannon to get rid of the 
witches that are on a platform, annoying you because you can't get them using 
physical attacks.

|1__________ \        1.  2x Gold Coins
            \ \
             \ \      +.  You will start there
             | |      =.  Exit
             = |
             | |
             / /
____________/ /

  Here just go get 2 Gold Coins (1) but pumpkins will bust through the door 
and you have to kill them all for it to open again, exit through the open 
door (=).
|               |    1.  2x Star Stones
|1_____________R|    R.  Restore HP
|_____| p |_____|    p.  Floating platform
|     |fff|     |    f.  Fall
|fffffffffffffff|    Moving Stuff - You can step on them
|    Moving     |                 - Only the ones turning Clockwise
|    Stuff      |                 - Or one that is moving.
|               |
|               |

  You have to jump across the moving stuff.  You can only step on the ones 
that are moving right to left or vice versa and the ones that are turning 
clockwise.  If you fall, the place below will be surrounded by force fields 
and you have to kill all the pumpkins in order to get out.  Kill the witch on 
the floating platform (p) and go get the 2 Star Stones and step on the 
Restore HP and leave the place using the top exit.

  In the next place, you have to hop on the big round thing in the middle and 
enemies (Pumpkins) will fall down and you just have to defeat them all until 
you get to the top.  At the top, from the round thing, go up the stairs and 
get out of the room.
    /          \
   /   ______   \    1.  3x Gold Coins
  /    |    |    \
  \    |____|    /
   \          1 /

  The room is actually round, but this is ASCII map, that is the best that it 
can be.  First go get the 3 Gold Coins (they are on the lowest level of the 
room and move a clockwise in order to see it.  After getting this, go up and 
exit the place.

|1__________ \        1.  2x Gold Coins
            \ \
             \ \      +.  You will start there
             | |      =.  Exit
             = |
             | |
             / /
____________/ /

  Again, just like the previous room, just go get the 2 Gold coins and if you 
pass through the door, pumpkins will come out and you have to defeat them in 
order for the door to open again.  Just exit through the door.

|    |r____L|    |
|                |    1.  Step on this first (deals 15 damage at end of ride)
|                |    2.  Step on this second (15 damage at end of ride)
|  3    2        |    3.  Step on this third
|                |    x.  You can step on this, but you need to hurry because
|  X    X     1  |        they will deal you 15 Damage
|----------------|    r.  Restore HP
|________________|    L.  Legendary Helmet

  First go step on (1) but if you fall you can step on the middle (x) to get 
back up.  After stepping on one, beat up the Wabbits first because they are 
blocking access to the other platform (2 and 3).  You have to step on (1) 
then (2) then (3), you can wait for (3) to stop unlike (1 and 2) because at 
the end of (3)s ride it will not throw you but it would wait for a few 
seconds.  Go get the Legendary Helmet (L) and step on the Restore HP spot.  
Go exit the place.

  Just enter the door and

  In the next room, Claire is there.

   Claire will then turn into Mode Master.  She will tell Rue that she envies 
Claire because Rue is willing to sacrifice for Claire.  Rue gets mad and 
charges to attack Mode Master but Mode Master will change into Claire so Rue 
stops.  Mode Master will leave and Doll Master will arrive.  Doll Master is 
going to reveal that he is the one with the large claw and he killed Claire.  
Rue gets furious and challenges Doll Master.

  *Boss Battle - 'He'*
   Challenge:  Impossible - N/A

   Just die in battle, I believe you can't win.  Also if you checked out the 
Message Board of GameFAQs, there is an article there that says that he 
replayed the game with stronger characters and he fought for a long time 
against Doll Master but it seemed that Doll Master has infinite HP.

   After the battle, Doll Master will again seal Rue's power and Maya will 
arrive then Doll Master will tell her that they don't need her anymore so 
Psycho Master takes the book and lifts it up to the air.  Doll Master will 
command Rue to tear apart the Book of Cosmos.  Rue will follow and he, using 
his somewhat like a psychic power, tear the book apart.

 * 'Book of Cosmos' ***
 *  Boss:  Atenacius  *

   Rue will wakeup somewhere and he is together with Princess Maya.  Princess 
Maya will heal Rue's injuries and tells him that they are inside the Book of 
Cosmos and the Book of Cosmos is a 'Gateway to the Cosmos'.  She will also 
tell Rue that Rue has tremendous power because he was able to destroy the 
book and that Doll Master can't do that.  Princess Maya will ask Rue to go 
see Atenacius, an Aeon that sealed his spirit inside the Book of Cosmos.  
Princess Maya tells Rue that maybe Atenacius knows something about Rue.

   Atenacius will come and he looks like a face that is merged with a book.  
Atenacius will ask Princess Maya about how did the book get destroyed but 
Princess Maya will tell him that it might have something to do with the stone 
that is on Rue's forehead.  Atenacius will get furious and says that he knows 
Rue, and he is Valen's servant.  Atenacius says that he gets disgusted seeing 
Rue and on the stone.  Atenacous will tell Rue that he (Rue) is evil and he 
is going to resurrect Valen and get the Dewprism.  Atenacius will say that he 
must kill you so that Valen won't get resurrected because the Dewprism can 
bring about disaster.
___________               ___________
|         |      ___      |         |
|         |  ___ |_| ___  |         |
|         |  |_| ___ |_|  |         |
|         |      |_|      |         |
|_________|               |_________|

  *Boss Battle - Atenacius*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   In this battle, attack the old man's beard.  He will counter attack or 
attack you using his beard too but if you are about my level, meaning you 
bought the Mythril stuff, it doesn't matter.  There are also 'Electric Beard 
Slice' [I made that up {^_^}] attack which also gives pitiful damage.  He 
will move from one large platform to another so you have to jump using the 
small platforms (note that sometimes, HP or MP up items appear there).  He 
also has something homing attack which you can't avoid.

   After the battle, Rue wonders what is going on.  A few moments later, 
Atenacius come back and say that it is his world and he just can't die.  He 
tells Rue how dare he tries to fight his sovereign power.  Doll Master 
arrives and laughs at Atenacius because of bragging about his power, he then 
attack Atenacius and absorbs his power.  So now, Maya's Book of Cosmos has no 
power.  Doll Master tells Rue and Maya a story.

   Doll Master says that Rue and himself's fate was pre-determined when they 
were born.  It was because when the Aeons still existed, one Aeon has the 
power to rival the gods, he made a [Relic] that embodies all the forces of 
the universe.  It is the purest form of crystal, it has life, space, time, 
logic and will.  It can control time and nature's creations, the ultimate 
power of the universe, the Dewprism.  It defines heaven, earth, time and 
life, simply a microcosm of the universe, meaning having it is having the 
universe.  Valen wanted to be a god so other Aeons where afraid of him and 
killed him.  Valen's body died but his spirit, together with the Dewprism was 
transported to another dimension.  Later, Aeons died except for one that 
sealed his spirit inside a book, which is Atenacius.  So now, Doll Master 
says that now the enemies are defeated, Rue and himself can now do their 
purpose, to resurrect Valen.  Valen cannot escape or can be set free from his 

   After telling that, Atenacius arrives and say that Valen's dolls can 
resurrect Valen.  Doll Master attacks him again and he tells Rue that Rue 
needs to serve his purpose.

   Continuing the story, Doll Master was the one that woke Rue up because 
they are brothers.  Rue had a gem on his forehead, a fragment of the 
Dewprism, a life stone.  Both Rue and Doll Master are to do resurrect Valen.  
Rue tells Doll Master that Doll Master is lying but Doll Master replies by 
saying that he is not, Rue just lost his memory.  Rue woke up only five years 
ago but he was awake for a hundred years so he retained all his memory and 
knows everything that he has to do.  The sad part is that he was a defect, 
his life stone is dead so he has no power.  He can't fulfill his duty so he 
needs Rue. He called Rue three years ago but Rue gets mad and asks why Doll 
Master killed Claire.  Doll Master replies by saying that he had no intention 
of killing Claire and it was just an accident.  Rue says that he hates Doll 
Master and that he is not help.  Doll Master tells Rue that it doesn't matter 
because with Atenacius power, he can de-petrify Prima Doll and let Prima Doll 
break the seal.

   After that, both Rue and Princess Maya awaken at the Tower.  Rue says to 
her that he needs to go to the Ruins but Princess Maya tells him that she 
can't help because the Book of Cosmos is gone.

   *Cut Scene*
    Something will be floating above the skies and forms a Fortress.

    Doll Master will be talking to the other 'Masters', his subordinates.  He 
will tell them that he and Psycho Master will go up to Valen's Fortress.  He 
asks Mode Master, he will call her Kirielle, together with Trap Master to 
stay and prevent anyone from going up Valen's Fortress.  Kirielle will say 
that she was proud to be with Doll Master.  Doll Master tells Trap Master, 
but he calls him Narcius, not to die for no purpose.  He will call Psycho 
Master, Karwyn and tells him that it is time to go.  Doll Master will be 
called Ruecian and they will say farewell to each other.
   *Cut Scene*

  Rue tells himself that he knows that his feelings may not be real but he 
knows his promise is, which is to revive Claire.  He will go get Dewprism, 
revive Claire and kill Doll Master.
  *Story* [That was the most detailed (although no descriptive elements for 
the setting) story I created for this walkthrough]

+ END +
++ -Claire's shadow- ++

+ Chapter 11 +
++ -Aim for the sky- ++

 * 'Town of Carona' ***********************************
 *  Item:  Platinum Coin (now, or later in the game)  *

  If you fight Rod, he has a new weapon called the 'Dark Hurricane'.

  Go to the tavern and you may like to give the Legendary Stuff to Jargen, 
the bartender.  He will offer you the following as dishes.
     |  Dish               |  Enemies Required  |  Status Raised     |
     |  Minced Fire Blobs  |  50 Fire Blobs     |  +10 Maximum HP    |
     |  Mushroom Soup      |  60 Fungies        |  +10 Maximum MP    |
     |  Pollywog Souffle   |  50 Pollywogs      |  +2 Base Strength  |
     |  Gudon Liver Soup   |  30 Gudons         |  +2 Base Defense   |

  You can only cook 10 times and the Legendary equipment will be overused but 
if that happens he will give you a Platinum Coin.  I suggest that you should 
either get the Pollywog Souffle and Gudon Liver Soup because you can get a +2 
Bonus for each of them.

  Go to Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' *

  Go talk to Mel inside the Atelier.
   Mel tells Rue that he has the ability to fly and lets Rue think of someone 
who can fly.  Rue thinks but cannot remember anyone so Mel tells him to go 
see Wylaf to get the Dragon Wings.  Rue thanks Mel and now he is going to the 
Raging Mountains.

  Leave Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  If you want, save and go talk to the town's gate and go to the Raging 

 * 'Raging Mountains' ***************************
 *  My Status:  HP  143/143     STR  038 + 020  *
 *              MP  131/131     DEF  016 + 020  *
 *  Enemies:  As usual                          *
 *  Bosses:  Trap Master                        *
 *           Mode Master                        *

  If you forgot the Raging Mountains, just consult the Raging Mountains 
section of the Rue's walkthrough.

  Get a Bubba coin and avoid fighting the other monsters if the Witch coin is 
still present in your Coin Inventory.  Just go to the area with steam coming 
out of the ground, you will meet Trap Master there.

   Trap Master tells Rue that he cannot go on any further and he is going to 
finish Rue now.

  *Boss Battle - Trap Master*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   Just stay at the center and hopefully you have the Witch coin or the Bubba 
coin.  Transform into any of the 2, preferably the Witch and use Pumpkin Shot 
if not use Bubba - Hammer.  If you don't have any of the two, it would be a 
hard battle.  Avoid stepping on the blinking platforms because they will 
explode and deal you damage.  Also, when a shadow is on top of you, move to 
another platform because a spiked ball will fall on top of you (but it really 
isn't necessary if you have Witch or Bubba).  

   Trap Master attempts to blow himself up but he got no power left and he 
promised Doll Master that he would not die in vane.  He tells Rue that Mode 
Master is up ahead.  Rue advances to the next room and Trap Master apologizes 
to Doll Master for being a failure.

  On the next area, step on the HP Restore if you received damage.  Advance 
to the next area and there will be another extra boss battle area.

   Rue will see Mode Master in a Claire's form.  Rue gets mad and asks Mode 
Master to change her form because it doesn't affect him anymore.  But she 
tells Rue to go to Doll Master and follow Doll Master because he is Rue's 
brother.  Rue says no and that he will never forgive Doll Master because he 
killed Claire.  After that Mode Master transforms into Rue and tells Rue to 
see who is better.

  *Boss Battle - Mode Master*
   Challenge:  Medium

   She is in a Rue form and she has the same attacks as you.  Just jump 
attack her.  When she sustained a lot of damage, she will begin transforming 
herself into different monsters, even monsters that Rue can't transform into 
(like the Behemoth).  Again just use jump attacks.

   After the battle, Mode Master, in Rue's form, asks Rue to finish her.  Rue 
charges her but Mode Master will transform into Claire's form.  Rue stops and 
Mode Master asks why he stopped because she thought that, as Rue said 
earlier, it doesn't affect Rue anymore.  She runs and tells Rue that you 
cannot defeat Psycho Master and if you did defeat him, you cannot defeat Doll 
Master.  She tells Rue that Rue couldn't stop them.

  Go to the area with the blowing wind, if you are very low on HP (below 
1/4), just attack the enemies there and get the stuff that they drop.  Finish 
the area and you will be at the Cliff area.  There will be a Restore HP there 
and go to the peak.

  At the peak ...

   Rue sees Wylaf and asks him for help.  Wylaf read Rue's mind and tells Rue 
that he needed his help in order to go to the Fortress.  Wylaf gives it to 
Rue and Rue will be surprised that Wylaf gave it easily.  Wylaf asks Rue why 
he looks troubled and Rue tells him that it is because Doll Master told him 
that his purpose was to resurrect Valen and not really to revive Claire.  Rue 
says that Doll Master can control him.  Wylaf stops Rue from underestimating 
his self and tells Rue that he (Wylaf) believes in Rue.  He believes that 
Rue's strength comes from will and not from duty and he can overcome it, Rue 
has the capacity to choose his will, to revive Claire, over his duty, to 
resurrect Valen.  Rue thanks Wylaf for the words.

+ END +
++ -Aim for the sky - ++

+ Chapter 12 +
++ -Soar into battle- ++

  You will automatically end up in town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to the Tavern.

   Belle and Duke is there and tells Rue that they are amazed that Rue was 
able to get the Dragon Wings from Wylaf.  Rue tells them that he was able to 
do it because of Klaus, Belle and Duke and everyone's help.  Belle tells him 
that why Rue is always so humble, very much unlike the immature one that is 
with her.  Duke assumes and tells that Belle is talking about Mint but Belle 
says that it was Duke.  Duke says that he might be immature but he is 
preparing a new act because Rue is his lifelong rival and that if he acts 
like Rue, he can beat Rue.  Belle asks Rue if he is going to go and Rue will 
say that he will go for Claire.  Belle and Duke will say that Rue is so 
selfless, willing to risk his life.  After that, in a serious manner, Belle 
will wish Rue good luck and Duke bids him with happy hunting.  Rue will thank 
them and that he hopes to see them again.

  If you have not yet destroyed the Legendary stuff yet, go beat up Pollywogs 
and Gudons [I suggest that you get Gudons because that is what I did] 
(remember to get only enough since the Legendary stuff will break after 10 
meals) [Don't waste time beating Fire Blobs and Fungies because +10 HP or +10 
MP is not worth it] after destroying it, the bartender will give you a 
Platinum Coin.

  After that, if you think you have missed something, go check out the 
section Side Stuff.  If you have done all of them go to the inn and register.

  Extra storylines [contributed by MahalLynx (]

 - "If you go see Mel after getting your wings from Wylaf (Rue's Story), 
there'll be another story line about Rue and his doubts.  She'll ask ya 
questions that u can answer any which way.  Good to prolong the story."

 - "With Rue, after getting your wings from Wylaf (or just some time before 
you go to Valen's) stop by the Hotel.  Marco should be standing in front of 
the hotel.  If u talk to him, he'll say something about hearing an 
arguement and about to girls with red hair.  Go up to the rooms and you'll see 
Maya and Mint. It's a funny lil story line.  Ahh, sibling rivalry!"
  Now examine the town's gate and go to Valen's Fortress.

 * 'Valen's Fortress' ***************************
 *  My Status:  HP  149/149     STR  038 + 024  *
 *              MP   16/133     DEF  037 + 024  *
 *  Items:  Magic Color [Gold Magic]            *
 *          Bronze Coin or  \                   *
 *          Silver Coin or   - (0 - 4x)         *
 *          Gold Coin       /                   *
 *  Enemies:  Behemoth                          *
 *            Shaolon                           *
 *            Fire Blob                         *
 *            Hellhound                         *
 *            Bubba                             *
 *            Jinn                              *
 *  Other Enemies/Bosses:  Pollywog             *
 *                         Saber Tiger          *
 *                         Mandola              *
 *                         Gudon                *
 *                         Witch                *
 *                         Pumpkin              *
 *                         Wabbit               *
 *                         Puppet               *
 *                         Skeleton             *
 *                         Specter              *
 *                         Nightmare            *
 *                         Chimera              *
 *                         Skull Beast          *
 *  Bosses:  Psycho Master                      *
 *           Doll Master as 'He'                *
 *           Valen                              *
 *           Valen                              *

   Rue will be at Carona Forest at the place where you first met Klaus and 
Mira.  He is preparing to transform and Elena will arrive.  Elena tells Rue 
that she is going to make pumpkin pie and she expects Rue to come over.  Rue 
promises to Elena that he will come back.  Elena asks Rue to be careful.  Rue 
then transforms into Wylaf and Mint will arrive and hops on Rue for a ride.  
Rue shakes her out and tells her that he has to go alone.

   At Valen's Fortress, Rue sees Prima Doll.  Prima Doll tells Rue that Doll 
Master threatened him that if he did not break the seal, Doll Master will 
destroy the town so he broke the seal.  Rue tells Prima Doll that it is not 
his fault and that it is Doll Master's.  Rue will ask Prima Doll to wait for 
him and Prima Doll tells Rue that he is impressed because before, Rue was 
passive and hesitant but now he is very determined and strong.  Rue promises 
to Prima Doll that he is going to beat up the bad guys and after that, Prima 
Doll turns back into a Cube and Rue promises that he will be back.

 * 'Arena I' *

|     |
|  B  |     A.  You will appear here
|__ __|     B.  3 Gargoyles, Teleports to (C)
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  A  |

 You cannot attack the Shaolons (you can use long range abilities though 
[like Witch - Pumpkin Shot or Specter - {ability}])with your attack so it is 
better to leave them alone.  Just jump attack or attack 3x then jump back 
when fighting the Behemoths. [But also it is a good idea to get beaten up 
here by the Behemoths because you can increase your Maximum HP].

                  |     |
                  |  E  |      C.  Teleports to (B)
                  | ____|      D.  Teleports to (F)
                 / /           E.  Teleports to (H)
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  D  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  C  |

  Go to (D) if you want to go somewhere with a Restore HP but if not go to 

|     |             F.  Teleports to (D)
|  F  |             G.  3 Gargoyles, Restore HP
|____ |
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \_____
         |     |
         |  G  |

  Step on (G) and beat up the 3 Gargoyles and step on the Restore HP, go back 
to (F) and step on (E).
|     |     H.  Teleports to (E)
|  J  |     I.  Teleports to (K)
|__ __|     J.  Leads to (L)
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  I  |
|__ __|
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  H  |

  Go step on (J).

  But if you have stepped on (I)
|     |
|  K  |     K.  3 Gargoyles, Teleports to (I)

  Step on (K) and 3 Gargoyles will appear.  Go thrash them all and step on 
(K) again and step on (J) this time.
  But if you followed me earlier and stepped on (J)
|     |
|  M  |     L.  You will appear here
|-----|     f.  Attack this to
   s             - begin time
     s           - pass through
  s         s.  Step on these
|--f--|     M.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to Arena II
|  L  |

  Here, you will notice that there is a time bar that is not moving.  Go 
attack (f) and jump across while stepping on the fast moving (s) and step on 

  If you stepped on (M) with
     Time           In addition to Restore HP until time runs out, you get
     75.0% - Up     Gold Coin
     50.0% - 74.9%  Silver Coin
     25.0% - 49.9%  Bronze Coin

 * 'Arena II' *
                  |     |     A.  You will appear here
                  |  C  |     B.  Teleports to (E)
                  | ____|     C.  Teleports to (D)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  B  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  A  |

  You will appear at (A), step on (C).
|     |
|  D  |     D.  Bubba, Teleports to (C)

  Step on (D) and a Bubba will appear, dispose of it, get its coin and step 
on (D) again and step on (B).
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     E.  Teleports to (B)
|  F  ______  E  |     F.  Rock, Teleports to (G)
|_____|    |_____|

  Destroy the Rock by using Bubba - Hammer or Bubba - Final Strike.  After 
that, go step on the teleporter (F).
                  |     |
                  |  I  |     G.  You will appear here
                  | ____|     H.  Teleports to (J)
                 / /          I.  Teleports to (K)
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  H  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  G  |

  Here, you cannot go back to (F) anymore so step first on (H).
|     |
|  J  |     J.  Hellhound, Teleports to (H)

  Step on (J) and a Hellhound will appear, defeat it, get its coin and step 
on (J) again and go to (H) and step on (I).
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     K.  Teleports to (I)
|  K  ______  L  |     L.  Teleports to (M)
|_____|    |_____|

  Step on (L).
                  |     |     M.  You will appear here
                  |  O  |     N.  Teleports to (R)
                  | ____|     O.  Teleports to (P)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  M  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  N  |

  Teleport using (N)

  If you stepped on (O)
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     P.  Teleports to (O)
|  Q  ______  P  |     Q.  Ice, Hellhound
|_____|    |_____|

  First melt the ice by using Fire Blob - Sparks and something like a 
teleporter will appear and if you step on it (Q) you will fight a Hellhound, 
after that, step on (P) and step on (N).

  But if you followed me and stepped on (N)
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     R.  Teleports to (N)
|  R  ______  S  |     S.  Fire, Leads to (T)
|_____|    |_____|     

  Use Hellhound - Ice Blow or if you still have, Specter - {ability} can 
extinguish the fire on on (S) and a teleporter will appear, step on it.
|     |     T.  You will appear here
|  U  |     f.  Attack this to
|-----|          - begin time
    s            - pass through
   i        s.  Step on this
  s         i.  Step on this but it will spew flame every few seconds
|--f--|     U.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to Arena III
|  T  |

  Another timed room, go attack (f) to begin time and step on the first (s).  
You will see that (i) is blowing fire so avoid it when it is blinking.  Step 
on (i), then jump on (s), and go to (U).  It depends whether what you will 
get again here on (U), and while there is still time, you can restore your 
HP, this (U) will lead to Arena III.

 * 'Arena III' *
                  |     |     A.  You will appear here
                  |  C  |     B.  3 Shaolons, Restore HP
                  | ____|     C.  Teleports to (D)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  A  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  B  |

  Here, go first to (B) and fight the 3 Shaolons and step on the Restore HP 
panel.  After that, go to (C).
|     |                    D.  You will appear here
|  F  |                    E.  3 Shaolons
|____ |                    F.  Teleports to (G)
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \____
        |     | 
        |  D  |
        |____ |
             \ \
              \ \
               \ \
                \ \_____
                 |     |
                 |  E  |

  Go to (F)
         |     |     G.  You will appear here
         |  H  |     H.  Teleports to (I)
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  G  |

  Step on (H)
|     |                     I.  You will appear here
|  J  |                     J.  3 Shaolons
|____ |                     K.  Teleports to (L)
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \_____
         |     |
         |  I  |
         |____ |
              \ \
               \ \
                \ \
                 \ \_____
                  |     |
                  |  K  |

  Go to (K)
         |     |     L.  You will appear here
         |  M  |     M.  Teleports to (N)
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  L  |

  Uh... um... go to (M) 
|     |                      N.  You will appear here
|  O  |                      O.  3 Shaolons
|____ |                      P.  Teleports to (Q)
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \_____
         |     |
         |  N  |
         |____ |
              \ \
               \ \
                \ \
                 \ \_____
                  |     |
                  |  P  |

  Step on (P)
                  |     |     Q.  You will appear here
                  |  S  |     R.  3 Shaolons
                  | ____|     S.  Leads to (T)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  R  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  Q  |

  Here, go (S)
|     |     T.  You will appear here
|  U  |     f.  Attack this to
|-----|          - start the time
  i              - pass through
    i       i.  Step on this but it will spew flame every few seconds
   s        s.  Step on this
  i         U.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to Arena IV
|  T  |

  You will appear at (T), attack the (f), be careful and jump to (i) only 
after the fire, step on (s), step on the (i) again, go step on (U).  Again 
the item you will get depending on the time and you can restore your HP until 
the time runs out.

 * 'Arena IV' *

_______    _______    _______
|     |____|     |____|     |     A.  You will appear here
|  B  ______  A  ______  C  |     B.  Teleports to (D)
|_____|    |_____|    |_____|     C.  Teleports to (G)

  Go to (B) first, actually you can start with any of the 2 but I want to go 
to (B) first.
|     |     D.  Teleports to (B)
|  E  |     E.  Behemoth
|__ __|     F.  Behemoth
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  D  |
|__ __|
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  F  |

  Go kill the Behemoths that are in (E) and (F), then go to (D) and step on 
|     |     G.  Teleports to (C)
|  H  |     H.  Behemoth
|__ __|     I.  Behemoth
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  G  |
|__ __|
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  I  |

  Again, dispose of the 2 Behemoths on (H) and (I) and go step on (G).
_______    _______    _______
|     |____|     |____|     |     A.  Behemoth, Leads to (J)
|  B  ______  A  ______  C  |     B.  Teleports to (D)
|_____|    |_____|    |_____|     C.  Teleports to (G)

  Now that you have killed all 4 behemoths, if you step on (A), a behemoth 
will fight you.  Defeat it and a teleporter can now be seen and is ready to 
be accessed, step on (A).

|     |     J.  You will appear here
|  K  |     f.  Attack this to
|-----|          - start the time
   i             - pass through
    i       s.  Step on this
  s         i.  Step on this but it will spew flame every few seconds
    s       U.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to the Inner
   s            Sanctum*
|  J  |       * - just copied what iamnothing called the place

  The last timed room, go attack (f) to begin the time and jump to the (s)s 
and to the (i)s, be careful about the flame again and after that, you can get 
a coin and restore HP and it will lead you to the Inner Sanctum.

 * 'Inner Sanctum' *
  |   |
  | = |       s.  Save Point
  |_ _|
   | |
   | |
   | |
   | |
___| |___
| s     |
|       |

  Go save at (s) and step on (=).

  In a bird's eye view, the entire area looks like this (below)
   /   / 1   \   \
  / 8 /____ __\ 2 \
 /\   /       \   /\
|  \ /         \ /  |
| 7 |           | 3 |
|  / \         / \  |
 \/   \_______/   \/
  \ 6 \   5   / 4 /
   \___\____ /___/

   Mint will arrive at room (1) and will wonder why the 2 center I don't know 
what they are called or [IDKWTAC] are lighted.

Room 2, 4, 6 & 8 is like a curved room that has enemies (Jinns and 
Hellhounds).  They can be used if you want to refill your MP or get their 
coins to gain the wind (Jinn - Tornado), fire and water (Hellhound - Ice Blow  
and Flame) elemental abilities.

__________________________________________________Objective Sheet____________
Here is what you should do:

  Your objective is to light the two [IDKWTAC] on the center.

  for example:
   I I I I
     \ /
   Light these two and keep the ones beside them unlighted.

  A rock will fall and you have to take them to room 1.  Note that you cannot 
attack / fight, even magic when you are carrying a rock.

  To clarify further, you have to do the following steps (steps [a] then [b] 
and so on) but you can do the rooms in any order.  [Thanks to chojin66 for 
this one]

__________________________________________________Objective Sheet____________

  Room 1: a. Use Hellhound - Ice Blow to extinguish the two lighted [IDKWTAC] 
              (2 and 3) 
          b. and use Hellhound - Flame or Fire Blob - Sparks on the two of
             them (2 and 3).  A red stone will drop.
|  1 2 3 4  |     1 and 4 - Unlit
|     s     |     2 and 3 - Lit
|    s s    |     s.  That is where the stones are to be placed
|____ s_____|

  Room 3: a. Use Hellhound - Flame or Fire Blob - Sparks on the two at the
              center (2 and 3)
          b. A rock will be floating on top of your head, take that to room
|  1 2 3 4  |     All [IDKWTAC] Unlit
|           |
|           |

  Room 5: a. Use Hellhound - Flame or Fire Blob - Sparks on (2) 
          b. and use Jinn - Tornado on (3).  
          c. Take the rock to room 1.
|  1 2 3 4  |
|           |     1, 2 and 4 - Unlit
|           |     3 - It has a low flame

  Room 7: a. Use Hellhound - Ice Blow on (1 and 4).  
          b. Take the rock to room 1.
|  1 2 3 4  |     All [IDKWTAC] lit
|           |
|           |

  After placing the rocks at room one, you automatically advance to the next 

   Rue will see Psycho Master and Psycho Master will say that he cannot allow 
Rue to go on further and disturb what the Doll Master is doing.  It is 
because that the Doll Master is taking the Cursed Crossways wherein you will 
face the fears of your past.  He also cannot allow Rue to go back and Rue has 
to end the battle there.  Also, he will say that his destiny is to serve his 
master, which is Doll Master and he will release his full power before 
fighting Rue because Rue is the brother of his master.

  *Boss Battle - Psycho Master*
   Challenge:  Medium

   Do not touch the invisible barrier because it will deal you damage.  Note 
again that you can only attack him at his back.  When he floats and chases 
you, run around the room (but avoid the invisible barrier) and around him.  
When he casts the blue floating things, just get hit by them, it is only 
cheap damage anyway.  Also he casts a circular attack that moves in all 
directions, just jump to evade that attack.

   After the battle, Psycho Master charges Rue but Rue will attack him.  
Psycho Master dies and Rue wonders why Psycho Master did it on purpose.  Rue 
proceeds to the Cursed Crossways.

 * 'Cursed Crossways' *
| |     | |     | |     1.  Pollywog, Saber Tiger, Madola
| |     | |     | |     2.  Nightmare
| |_____| |_____| |     3.  Gudon, Fire Blob, Bubba
|4_______ _______5|     4.  Chimera
| |     | |     | |     5.  Skull Beast
| |     | |     | |     6.  Puppet, Specter, Skeleton
| |_____| |_____| |     7.  Wabbit, Pumpkin, Witch

  Here you have to go through all the teleporters, beating the enemies at the 
place you will go to.  I also believe that there is some kind of order here 
but sadly, I can't remember.  Well anyway, the enemies here are pitiful so 
you can easily defeat them.  Also if you are low on HP in the degree of:  
                         Ultra low - Fight at 1 or 3
                         Low       - Fight at 3 or 7
                         Medium    - Fight at 6 or 7
  to regain health (by beating up enemies and getting the potions (the red or 
blue stuff that they leave behind).

  After beating all the rooms, the center will have a save point and (A) will 
become a teleporter which has a Restore HP, save and hop onto it.

   At the next room, Doll Master tells Rue that he was amazed at his brother 
for getting that far.  Rue still rejects him so he doesn't want to be called 
Doll Master's brother.  Doll Master tries to convince Rue about accepting his 
true purpose of resurrecting Valen and that Rue can't deny it forever because 
he can never escape.  It was fate that reunited them.  Rue tells Doll Master 
that he doesn't care about Valen and he only cares about reviving Claire.  
Rue could have accepted Doll Master if he just did not kill Claire.  Again, 
Doll Master says that it was just an accident and that if they got the 
Dewprism, they can just revive Claire.  Rue gets mad and says to Doll Master 
that he just toyed with Claire's life.  Even if Doll Master bring Claire 
back, he still won't forgive Doll Master.  He will tell Doll Master that he 
did not come for duty, and that his mind is set and there is no turning back, 
he is going to get rid of Doll Master and bring Claire back.  Doll Master 
says that if that is what Rue thinks, then they have to settle the fight.  He 
also tells Rue not to worry because he is not going to use the seal spell.  
He removes the Doll Master outfit and know he is the guy with the large claw.  
He tells Rue that he will kill Rue the same way he killed Claire.

  *Boss Battle - Doll Master *
   Challenge:  Medium - Hard - Impossible (Doll Master can cheat)

   He has a lot of attacks such as the 'Claw Swipe' and for that, you just 
have to jump back.  He has a 'White Magic Loop' which would lift you up and 
you will take damage and throws you aside, immediately jump because he will 
use another 'Claw Swipe'.  He has a 'Black Projectile' attack which you can 
avoid by running far away from its casting point (let it chase you to the 
other side of the screen) but it does pitiful damage so it doesn't matter.  
Also, he has the 'Charge Grab' and you know if its coming because he will 
stand and his body would emit stars, when you see that, run to the direction 
where Doll Master is facing (meaning if he is facing right, run right, if he 
is facing left, run to the left), if you get caught, you will suffer MAJOR 
damage.  After that attack, if you did not get hit, you can use a 3-hit combo 
against him.  Sometimes, you can jump kick him but it is not very advisable 
because Doll Master, just like Rod, can block attacks.  The cheat, sometimes, 
Doll Master cheats by using the 'White Magic Loop Infinity' [Wow, what a 
lousy name, I just made that up].  He uses it continually and you will just 
die from it [happened to me once].

   After that, Doll Master desperately wants to get up but Rue says to him 
that the battle is over.  Doll Master says to himself that he still needs to 
fulfill his duty and fight Rue.  Rue will tell him that as long as Doll 
Master is tied to the duty, Doll Master can't beat him.  Rue will tell Doll 
Master that he is unlike him because he fights not for duty.  Doll Master 
then asks what Rue is doing.  Rue answers him by telling that saving Claire 
is not a duty because nobody told him to do it, it was his will.  Rue tells 
Doll Master that he doesn't care about him being created by Valen and that he 
just would not follow orders.  Doll Master then mumbles to himself about him, 
sacrificing everything for Valen, everything in terms of will.  He will say 
that he was a fool and that if only wasn't a defect, he could have never 
killed Claire and that could kept Rue's will dormant.  He will die, Rue will 
remorse a little, and then he proceeds to the next room.

  At the next room, Valen tells Rue about Rue's loyalty.  Rue asks Valen if 
Valen was trapped in another dimension, how come Valen is there.  Valen 
answers Rue by telling him that when the Fortress was summoned his spirit was 
revived but still he doesn't have a physical body.  Rue will ask Valen on how 
can he revive Claire and Valen tells him that he can revive Claire by using 
the life stone on his forehead.  Since the life stone is a fragment of the 
Dewprism, it has the power to control it.  Rue then revives Claire but when 
Claire's body appears, it is not moving.  Then Valen enters Claire's body, he 
(or she [^_^]) will tell Rue that resurrecting Valen was not their only 
purpose, and that they should also provide a body.  So now, Rue provided 
Valen with a body.  Rue gets furious and demands that Valen leave Claire's 
body.  Valen gets mad and tells Rue about his disrespectful attitude towards 
his creator.  He will call Rue his slave but Rue will say that he is not a 
slave because he has will and then he again demands that Valen leave the body 
right now or else he is going to kill Valen.  Valen then tells Rue that 
broken dolls are to be purified and that can be done by shattering them, 
Valen will destroy Rue's body and will.  Rue cry out that Valen can never 
destroy his will.

  *Boss Battle - Valen*
   Challenge:  Medium

   In this battle, Valen, in Claire's body will be floating and moving 
around.  You can damage him (or her) if he is near you and you try to jump 
attack him (or her).  Also, Valen summons a big creature.  This big creature 
has three attacks.  First it can spin around and damage that comes along its 
path.  Try jumping when it is near and going to slice you.  Another one is 
when he is jumping, the ground shakes and when you are on the ground, you 
will receive damage.  Jump when the big guy is about to fall on the ground to 
avoid taking damage.  Also, he can restore Valen's HP.  He does this when he 
is like doing a stupid pose.  Just run towards it and attack it.  It is a 
good time to attack Valen if you kill this guy first (although he will summon 
this guy again).  You can also get restore HP or MP stuff from the big guy if 
you run out of HP (I don't think you will run out of HP).

   Valen is rejected by the body so he is on a spirit form again.  He tells 
Rue that he couldn't possess a human's body and only can possess a doll's.  
Valen then casts the bind spell on Rue and as Valen prepares to enter Rue's 
body, Doll Master arrives and unseals Rue.  Now, Valen knows that the two 
dolls that he created is fighting against him.  Doll Master will tell Rue 
that Rue's will can conquer anything but Valen shoots a spirit blast on Doll 
Master.  But after doing that, Valen's spirit is breaking down and he begins 
to fade.  Valen then tells Rue and Doll Master that he will become the light 
and say that he will pass through the Dewprism and Valen disappeared.  Rue 
goes to Doll Master and finally accepts him as a brother.  Doll Master, 
nearly dying, thanks Rue because that is the best thing that he heard in a 
hundred years time.  But suddenly, Valen arrives, as the light.

 *  My Status:  HP  157/157     STR  038 + 024  *
 *              MP  138/138     DEF  037 + 024  *

  *Boss Battle - Valen*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   Note that in this battle, Rue's attack 2 is already a defensive posture.  
Rue's defensive posture would prevent him from falling after an attack and I 
believe that he takes up less damage.  Here, the only time you can damage him 
when he is a bit red and that is after storming you with a rapid fire of 
White star-like stuff attack.  But before that, if you are low on HP, just 
grab the blue potions that randomly appear at the battlefield.  And, when he 
is flying, he will attempt to grab you so just run away from it and just run 
to some direction when it is going to blast you with the 2 barreled rainbow 
colored rapid star-like stuff attack.  When you are seeing an overhead view, 
it is preparing for the 'suck' maneuver.  Here, just run down and move left 
or right so you can avoid the shots and avoid getting sucked in.  

   Now, when he is hovering, he will storm you with a rapid fire of white 
stuff attack. When that happens, use Attack 2 so that you would receive small 
damage and you won't fall back.  After the storm, he will be blinking red and 
use a jump attack on him.  It will take 4 jump attacks to defeat the guy.

   After the battle ... will ... and ....  ... will ... and the ....  ... 
will ... but ... at the ... will be ... the ....  There would be ... and ....  
So ... and ....  ... will ... at the ....

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  You will be automatically in the inn and

   ... tells ... that ... hasn't ....  ...  ... and that ....  will ... to 
... and ... tell ... when ....

+ END +
++ -Soar into battle- ++

+ Chapter 13 +
++ -I'll see you soon- ++

  Here is what you do

  1)  Go out of your room
  2)  Leave the inn
  3)  Go to the Grasslands and talk to Rod
  4)  Go to the Tavern and talk to Belle and Duke
  5)  Enter the hotel, go upstairs and talk to Maya
  6)  Go to the church and leave
  7)  Enter Klaus' House
  8)  Leave Klaus' House
  9)  Outside, talk to Mint
 10)  Go to Klaus House
 11)  Leave the house again and ... 

  *Story for all of them*
   ... will be ... and ... are too.  ... will be ... and ... will be ....  At 
the ... will ....  At the ... and ... but ... so ....

+ END +
++ -I'll see you soon- ++

 Congratulations, you have finished Rue's story.  If you like to know, it 
took me 11:38 hours to finish Rue's game and that I did Rue's second (I 
played with Mint first).  It took me a long time because I wrote maps for the 
Ghost Temple and wrote on paper the story.

  If you have finished Rue's story only:
   - After the credits, you will see something like End of Rue's story.  You 
will be asked if you want to save the game which is Mint 0:00.  Save your 
game and you will see Rue's picture has a color now.  After that, you will be 
asked if you want to: - Play the Mint Episode
                      - Return to the Title Screen
                      - Return to the Save Screen
      do anything you want.

  But if you have finished Rue's and Mint's story, proceed to the section, So 
you've finished the game.

## ---Mint's Walkthrough--- ##

++ -Prologue- ++

   Mint's story begins as she runs in a hall and opens the door and enters 
the dining room.  Gramps will tell her that it is not yet time to eat and 
that she should go back to her room, but she said that she was very hungry so 
she tasted one of the foods.

 * 'East Heaven Kingdom - Castle - Dining Room' *

  Now that you can control Mint, press the confirm button on all the foods 
until you have tasted them all then press the confirm button on the chair or 
throne {whichever you want to call it}.

   After tasting, she then sits on the King's chair or throne, then Gramps 
will tell her not to sit there but Mint says that since she will be queen 
anyway, it is ok, but her younger sister arrives, namely Maya.  The Doll 
Master accompanies Maya {the weird looking guy}.  Maya and tells Mint that 
she is not worthy to be the successor of the throne and it is already decided 
by the High Council where in the King also approved that the successor 
wouldn't be Mint even if she was the eldest in the family.  Mint asks why 
that decision was made but Maya said many reasons such as she is childish, 
selfish, lazy and the list goes on.  Mint gets angry, shows Maya the 'finger' 
and charges her magic to attack her sister with but Maya was holding the 
'Book of Cosmos' the greatest Aeon [Relic] which is a powerful magic caster 
so Mint doesn't have a chance against her.  Mint asks if Maya was just joking 
but Maya was serious and attacks her using a pumpkin [Mint hates pumpkins].  
The pumpkin chases Mint out of the room.

+ END +
++ -Prologue- ++

+ Chapter 1 +
++ -World domination, baby- ++

 * 'Ship' *

  {You will see Rue, just passing by the ship's deck}

   It was already been two years but still there are many things going on in 
Mint's mind.  About her getting the [Relic] and beat Maya up, succeed in the 
throne and dominate the world.  She also thinks about making Maya her slave, 
let Maya clean the toilet and stuff.

   There are also two hoodlums, Smokey {small fat guy} and Blood {tall guy}.  
They thought about stealing your money but they didn't do it.  Then the ship 
bumps a red thing, you will fall down the ship and get rescued by Davis, the 
one who manages the docks.

 *'Carona - Docks'*

  Now, you go and climb the land elevation

    The two hoodlums will push you and you will fall down.  Mint gets angry 
and wanted to beat up those two and Mint heard that they are going to the 
forest {Carona Forest} so Mint decided to go there too.

   Now go back up and you will be in town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *********
 *  Items:  2x Silver Coins *

                                               Town of Carona
                |  _ 1 _  |                    1.  Church
        ________|__|___|__|________            2.  Hotel
        |         |__A__|         |            3.  Klaus' House
        |_____    |_| |_|    _____|            4.  Item Shop
        |    =               |    |            5.  Inn
        |  2 |               =  3 |
________|____=               |____|_______
=____B___                         ___C____=    A.  Leads to the Docks
        |_____               _____|            B.  Leads to the Tavern
        |    =               =    |            C.  Leads to the Grasslands
        |  4 |               |  5 |            D.  Exit
        |____|    _=====_    =____|
        |_________|  D  |_________|

  First things first so what you should do, if you like is to save.  To save, 
go to the 'Inn' see  #5 on Map.  Enter the 'Inn' go to the counter and press 
confirm button at the log book (that is what it looks like for me), select 
register.  (See Saving in 'You need to know these stuff' section.  You can 
choose to go to the church.  Talk to Doyle (the person in there), say that 
you like to pray, then he will ask you if you like to make a donation but 
since you only have 100 G so don't bother.  There is nothing to do at the 
Hotel.  Elena's House is locked.  The store doesn't sell anything yet but the 
storekeeper will tell you about the antique shop.  He will say that the 
antique shop is in another side of town and the shop's keeper Klaus is out 
together with his wife Mira to research about the [Relic] in the forest.  He 
also will say that the antique shop is being run by Klaus' daughter, Elena 
[because Klaus is not there] but she isn't there because she has gone to the 
forest to go looking for her parents.  You can talk to the people there and 
they will say some interesting things so try talking to them (specially to 
Marco).  After that, proceed to B (see Map).

|  x  |  6   _|      |      Town of Carona (B) Map
=     |___|=|    ____|       
|                |   |      6.  Tavern
|                = 7 |      7.  Hobbs' House
|                |___|       
|                    |      x.  Silver Coin (barrel)

  Here, first check the barrel, it contains a Silver Coin.  Go to the tavern 
if you like and talk to Annette (the waitress) many times and she will treat 
you to drink either 'Milk' or 'Root beer'.  Milk restores 10% of your MP and 
the Root beer restores your MP 25% (so choose the 'Root beer').  There is 
also a sign beside the Tavern's door (leads you to the outside of the 
Tavern).  There will be a fight at Grass Fields, the fighting fee is 100 G 
and the winners prize is 1000 G.  Leave the tavern.  Hobbs' Shop is locked so 
leave the place and go next to C (see Map).

||    |         |      Town of Carona (C) Map
||____|x        |
||_PO_|         |      x.  Silver Coin
|               |
|               |      +.  Sea
|+++++++++++++++|      PO. Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega (more on that later)
|               |

  Here just examine the wall to get another silver coin.  Leave the place.

  Maybe you would like to check out the docks because sometimes it contains 
random coins that can be found.

  Now you are back to the main town of Carona, if you like why not 'Save' 
again.  Leave the place (D) and now you will head to Carona Forest.

 * 'Carona Forest' ********************************
 *  My Status:  HP 60/60     STR  024 + 000       *
 *              MP 15/60     DEF  016 + 000       *
 *  Items:  4x Bronze Coin (1 to be found later)  *
 *          2x Silver Coin (1 to be found later)  *
 *          2x Moon Stone                         *
 *  Enemies:  Pollywog                            *
 *            Saber Tiger                         *
 *            Mandola                             *
 *            Stinger                             *
 *            Gargoyle                            *
 *  Bosses:  Blood & Smokey                       *
 *           Nightmare                            *
|      __JJJJ__   E     ______   ~ E         x =   J.  Jump
=      |      |       E |    |   ~  E  ________=   E.  Enemy
|______|      |_________|    |___~____|            x.  3x Bronze Coins

  Walk, then jump the three stumps, then your first battle.  You will be 
fighting against the Pollywog, (see Fighting, and Increasing Parameters in 
'You need to know these stuff' section) they are EASY, just whack them.  The 
game will say that when you attack an enemy, your will gain MP.  Also the 
enemies drop potions.  The Blue Potion restores some of your HP and the Red 
Potion restores some of your MP.  The restoration of your HP when picking up 
the blue potions or restoration of your MP by picking up red potions or 
attacking enemies physically depends on how strong the enemy is [If the enemy 
is pitiful, you will gain 1 or when it is strong, you will gain 2 or more].  
The enemies keep coming back so after beating enough (two of them I think) 
advance to the place where you need to use magic to defeat the enemies (see 
Magic, 'You need to know these stuff' section).  One hit will kill them, now 
cross the water (shallow water), take the 3x Bronze Coins in the treasure box 
(or whirling pink thingie) [would you mind if I call it box or chest or 
something and not whirling pink thingie].  Onto the next section

       ______                 ____
      /      \                |  | 
_____/  ___   \               /  \     
=      /    \  \_____________/    \____
=_____/      \____                    |
|                ____  J  ____        =
|_______________/    \_J_/    \_______|

  Just walk, fight, walk, jump, walk, fight, jump or something.  Just reach 
the exit.  Nothing special here except two new enemies, the Saber Tiger and 
the Mandola.  The Saber Tiger is fast and deals 3-8 damage to you.  You can 
kill it in about 3 hits.  The Mandola attacks in long range, and can be 
killed within 3 hits.  Before you leave the area, make your you have at least 
30 HP and 50 MP, you'll need it, trust me.

|   |   1   |   | 
|   |___h___|   |   1.  Nothing - just a skull or something.
|               |   
|               |   h.  Go Home Plant - takes you back to town (cannot be
=               =                       accessed right now.
|               |

    Here you will see the antique shop's daughter, Elena, together with Blood 
and Smokey.  They are going to steal money from her.  Mint thinks of this 
situation as she becoming a hero and settling the score with those two for 
knocking her down at the docks so she decided to beat the two up.  First, 
Mint kicks Blood on the face, then again.  Then Mint calls them dumb so Blood 
gets mad and attacks you.
  Here is your first *BOSS* battle against Blood and Smokey.  

   *Boss Battle- Smokey & Blood*
    Challenge:  Easy

    What you do here is run until only one is at your back [try to trap one 
using obstacles].  When he is alone, Set Magic to White - Vulcan.  Blast him 
until about 18 - 25 hits and the fight is over.

    Elena thanks Mint and Mint says that it is alright.  Mint asks her what 
is she doing in the forest and Elena says that she is looking for her 
parents.  Mint asks what her parents and Elena replies by saying that her 
parents are researching about the [Relic].  Elena asks Mint to accompany her 
in finding her parents, Mint agrees because she knew that this is an 
opportunity to find out more about the [Relic].
     _/    ______  \
    /   / |     \\ |                        _______  1.  Deep Water
____|  |__| 1   |  |________________        | ____=
_______|________|_______   LllllLLLL\_______| |      L.  Higher elevation
                        \  Lllllllllll________|      l.  Lower elevation
                         \ llLlLlLlll/

  Just walk and jump till you get to the exit.  Avoid (1), deep water, when 
you fall, you lose 5 HP.  You will see Elena near the exit.  Head for the 
   |             |
  _|W||          |   W.  Walk or jump
 _|W| |          =   h.  Go Home Plant (not yet accessible)
_|W|  |          =
=W|   |____h_____|

  Here, you will talk to Elena's parents, Klaus and his wife, Mira.  You will 
meet Rue here for the first time.

    Klaus, Elena's father already know what Mint is about to ask because 
someone has asked him earlier, it was Rue (Mint thought that Rue was some 
kind of weirdo ^_^).  He will tell you about the [Relics].  Since he has 
spent his life searching for ruins, he found out certain things.  Klaus says 
that 100 years ago there was a magician that was also searching for the 
[Relics].   The magician lived in an Atelier (a magician's workshop) which 
has a key to somewhere that could probably lead to the [Relic] but the 
problem is that it is below the steep cliff and Rue and Klaus tried going 
down but they both broke their ankles.  What Mint is supposed to do is to go 
down the cliff and get hold of the investigations and findings that the 
magician knows.  Without much hesitation, Mint crazily jumped down the cliff. 
 (I am planning for a 3D look at this map but it is so hard)
    _____|66|     - Sorry about this it was hard.
    |8777776|     - Just follow the numbers, then the letters.
 ___|9+++++7|        - 123456789abcdefghij
 |gffeee| |7|     & It means that it is both 6 & 7.  The ? is at 7
|hh++eee| |+|

  Nothing important, just a new enemy, the Stinger.  It has high defense but 
only 3 HP, he also deals you 1 damage.  It takes 2-3 hits to kill this guy.  

|       G&G       |
|        L        |    G.  Gargoyle Statue
|        L     sss|    &.  Crest (talk to this) and also L
|       OLO    sSs|    L.  Steps (appears after defeating the Gargoyles.
|              sss|    O.  Obstacles
|       OOO       |    S.  Spring (the one you should step at to restore HP
|                 |    s.  Spring (just water)

  Here, what you do is talk to the Crest & then you will fight the two 
Gargoyles.  If you kill only one of them, it will come back to life.  What 
you do is lure them both into a good position where you can attack them both 
at the same time and kill them in nearly the same time (about 1 or 2 seconds 
delay before one will again come back to life) [I haven't tried using White - 
Spread or Blue - Cutter, please try them and E-Mail me if it works fine].

  After defeating them both, the steps will appear leading you to the exit.

 /      x   \     
/   __h___   \     x. Silver Coin (get later)            
|   |    |   |     h. Go home plant (not yet accessible)
|   |_==_|   |     &. Bronze Coin (it is on the crest) (get later)
|            |     s. Crest
\    &ss    /

   *Interesting stuff to check out*
    Try running around the perimeter of the place and looking at your shadow.  
The shadow depends on the lighting of the place.  Pretty cool huh!

  Enter the Atelier but ... *BOSS* battle, Nightmare.

   *Boss Battle - Nightmare*
    Challenge:  Easy - Medium    

    Just try running around, while evading the attacks and when Nightmare 
closes, jump away.  After getting used to his pattern, beat it up to the 
finish by using White - Spread.  When you are low on MP, try attacking and 
evading attacks.

  After finishing the battle, proceed inside Cadmon's Atelier.

| 1                 |
| ________=_______  |
| | ____________ |  |    1.  Moon Stone
| | |     V    | |  |    2.  Silver Coin
| | |_         | |  |
| | _ \        | |  |    V.  Vault (check it later)
| | |\ \       | |  |
| |_| \        |2|  |

  First get the Moon Stone, it is at ground level, then get the Silver coin, 
on the second level.  Enter the door that leads to the terrace (it is on the 
second level).

|       1 |
|         |     1.  Moon Stone

  Get the Moon Stone (1) then go out the door.

|                   |
| ________=_______  |
| | ____________ |  |    
| | |     V    | |  |    
| | |_         | |  |
| | _ \        | |  |    V.  Vault
| | |\ \       | |  |
| |_| \        |_|  |

  Examine the Vault (V)

    Mint tries to attack the vault and kick it but it wouldn't open.  Klaus 
enters the Atelier and examines the vault.  He opens it using a the switch on 
the vault.  The vault will open and reveals a diary and a key.  Klaus tries 
to read the diary and it tells about the [Relic] which was created by the 
Aeons.  Aeons are the powerful magicians that can change the stars orbit or 
move landscapes but mysteriously all of them perished.  Now you should be 
heading back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' ******************
 *  Items:  Magic Color [Red Magic]  *

    Mira, Klaus wife is talking to Ms. Cartha, the innkeeper.  She asks Ms. 
Cartha to let Mint stay at the inn for free so now you can recover HP at the 
inn.  Mira tells Mint to proceed to their house (Klaus house).

  I suggest that you go to the inn first to save.  Go inside the inn, talk to 
Ms. Cartha and she will ask you to Recover / Recover & Register / Go to your 
room.  Choose Recover & Register then save your game [sadly, the inn only 
restores your HP].  After that, if you like, check out your room.  Nothing 
really important, just talk to the bed and sleep [it doesn't replenish your 
MP either :(].

  Leave the place and go check out Hobbs' place.  Even though you can't buy 
anything here yet, just make a trip their to find out more stuff about the 
game.  In Hobbs' place, you can choose to [upgrade] your base strength, base 
defense, maximum HP and maximum MP.  Your base strength will increase by 1 
and the same goes for the base defense.  Your maximum HP and maximum MP will 
increase by 10.  It costs 30,000 G for each one (base strength or base 
defense or maximum HP or maximum MP).  It is ultra-mega-hyper [ok, you 
probably understand already] expensive but if you give the Rare Wine to him 
later in the game, you can buy one for 5,000 G.

  Now you can go to the tavern and replenish your MP (but I suggest not to).  
Talk to the bartender and he will offer you Milk for 50 G (restores 10% MP), 
Rootbeer 120 G (restores 25% MP) and Tropical Delight 220 G (restores 50% 
MP).  Leave the tavern.

  Now to got to the shop.  At the item shop, talk to the shopkeeper, his name 
is Tonio.  First sell your coins (monster coins not the Bronze or Silver 
Coins).  Check out what he is selling.  At this point, he is selling

   Item Shop
    Item             Description          Cost
    Bronze Bracer  - Bonus Strength +4  - 1,000 G
    Silver Bracer  - Bonus Strength +8  - 3,000 G
    Bronze Belt    - Bonus Defense  +4  - 1,000 G
    Silver Belt    - Bonus Defense  +8  - 3,000 G

  If you have 3,000 G, go buy the Silver Bracer.  After that leave the shop.

  Now if you have confidence in yourself, try going to the Grasslands.  Here 
try fighting Rod.

    Here, Rod introduces himself and his dog Johnny Wolf.  He says that he is 
a weapon blacksmith and a swordsman.  Mint asks if she can see the weapons 
but Rod said that he only shows his weapon in battle.  Mint asks Rod for 
battle but Rod refuses because he turns Mint down.  Mint says to Rod that she 
will leave so she turns around but she kicked Rod.  Rod finds out that you 
are good so he decides to fight you for 100 G (you will win 1,000 G if you 
beat him).  Also, Mint hates being called 'baby' so she tells Rod her name.  
Pay the 100 G and do battle.

   *Boss Battle - Rod*
    Challenge:  Hard

    Approach him with caution.  Do not go near him when he is spiraling 
either the ground or jumping one.  Try leading him to the obstacle (in the 
middle).  He will stop spiraling so now run and attack him using a 3-hit 
combo, then evade his attack by jumping back twice.  After that attack again 
using a 3-hit then evade his attack by jumping back again twice.  Then run 
around until he does again the spiraling move (either the jumping one or 
ground one).  Repeat the above steps again till you win.

  If you win against him, you will get 1,000 G but if you lose then you 
wasted your money.  So after that, go back to town and go to Klaus' House.  
Go to the basement and talk to Klaus.

    He will tell you that according to the diary Mint found at the Atelier 
below the cliff, an Aeon [Relic] is sealed by a high order of magic, which 
even the magicians cannot break.  And according to the diary, the magician 
will go to the Atelier of the Master Magician Elroy.  Now you are instructed 
to go to Elroy's Atelier and get more info about the [Relic].  He also gives 
Mint something that he found at the Atelier, the Red class of Magic. (^_^)

+ END +
++ -World domination, baby- ++

+ Chapter 2 +
++ -Underground trap- ++

 * 'Town of Carona' ******
 *  Items:  Dream Stone  *

  After that, go talk to Marco, the kid outside town.  Talk to him twice 
until he tells you about a something hidden in the stump in Carona Forest.  
So now, head for the Hotel and ask for a room (it costs 500 G).

|           |   
|       ____|    1.  Bed
|       |_1_|
|           |    x.  Dream Stone

  First get the bed and examine the bed to sleep.  You will dream about some 
monkey, jumping down the hollow stump.  [You might wonder that why did I let 
you sleep in the hotel if you could have just slept at the inn.  1) is that 
because you can get the Dream Stone here and 2) No you will not get the dream 
if you slept at the inn.]  After that leave the Hotel and head for Carona 

 *'Carona Forest' *************************
 *  My Status:  HP 84/84  STR  024 + 000  *
 *              MP 89/89  DEF  016 + 000  *
 *  Items:  The Last Hero                 *
 *          Bronze Coin                   *
 *          Silver Coin                   *

  Walk at the lower part of the road.  Jump down the stump.

=_______  _____     |L&L| d  ___      ________J|    L.  Higher Elevation
       |__|   |____         /   |_____|             &.  The Last Hero & (L)
                  |________/                        J.  Jump (to the right)
                                                    d.  Whithered Plant

  There are two kinds of enemies here, the Stinger and the Mandola.  The 
Stinger is hard to hit so just measure the time when they are near your 
attacking range, hit them.  When you reach the whithered plant, blast it with 
your Blue Magic - Raindrops.  It will take a few hits and the plant will 
grow.  Now, step on the plant (just jump to get to it) then get on the higher 
elevation part (L) and take the (&) The Last Hero.  After that leave the 
area.  You can leave the area by going right until you reach the wall and 
jump towards the right.

  You will end up at the other open stump of the Carona Forest.  Now that you 
are here, time to go search for the items that I listed that you should get 
later, get them now, the Silver Coin and Bronze Coin (outside the Atelier).

 /      x   \     
/   __h___   \     x. Silver Coin 
|   |    |   |     h. Go home plant
|   |_==_|   |     &. Bronze Coin (it is on the crest)
|            |     s. Crest
\    &ss    /

* 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to the Grasslands area and talk to Rod.  Rod will ask you if he could 
have the The Last Hero.  Go give it to him, he will tell you that it is abook 
about the life of a dragon slayer named Highwind.  He will say that he always 
wanted to read this and since you gave it to him, he will reward you into 
giving his 4 Strength Ups that he bought from Hobbs.  Your base strength will 
increase by 4 [yeah!, free stats].

  If you have the money, go to the shop and buy the Silver Belt, but if you 
do not have enough money, go to the forest and beat the hell out of the 
enemies there until you gathered enough money to do so.

  In town, you can talk to Graham and he will give you tips in playing the 
game.  After that, proceed to the 'Underground Ruins'.

 * 'Underground Ruins' **************************
 *  My Status:  HP  103/103     STR  024 + 008  *
 *              MP  108/108     DEF  016 + 008  *
 *  Items:  Night Stone                         *
 *          Moon Stone                          *
 *          Rare Wine                           *
 *          [Super] - magic effect              *
 *          5x Bronze Coins                     *
 *          Legendary Sword                     *
 *          Gold Coin                           *
 *          Tiara (will be stolen)              *
 *          Cube                                *
 *  Enemies:  Gudon                             *
 *            King Ant                          *
 *  Bosses:  Skull Beast                        *
 *           Belle                              *

   At the entrance, you will see Rue, he will say that he heard from Klaus 
that Mint is going to the underground ruins so he decided to go too.  He 
heard that the enemies here are strong so Mint and him needs to work 
together.  He then jumps to the teleporter and Mint decided to hurriedly go 
to Atelier so that she would get more of the stuff inside, she then follows 
him . (why did Rue go ahead of Mint if they are to work together?)

|          |     
|    T     |   T.  Mint will teleport here and arrive at (t)
|          | 
|____  ____|
    |  |
    |  |

|          |   
|     t    | 
|          |

  From (t) proceed to the door and you will come out at (A).  [This maps you 
will see will look like a straight line but in the game, it is truly not.  
But it was hard to follow the curves so this maps are quite alright and you 
can get to the place where you want to go with these.]

     | D | 
     |   |  /         -.  You can jump these
     |   |_/ C /      B.  Leads to (F)
     |        /       C.  Leads to (G)
     |   ____/        D.  Leads to (I)
  \  |---|     
 B \_|   |
\        |
 \____   |
     | A |

  Damn! the some passages does not lead anywhere, they will only confuse you.  
Just exit at (D).  The enemies here are Gudon (the red guy) and King Ant (the 
black insect).  They have high defense against attack so use Blue - Droplets 
on Gudon and any magic on the King Ant (I suggest you use Blue - Droplets on 
him too so that you do not need to Set Magic again and again).  

     | H |            
 ____|   |            E.  Leads to ? (I forgot)
 G       |            F.  Leads to (B)
 ____    |            G.  Leads to (C)
     |---|            H.  Leads to (I)
     |---|  /
     |   |_/ F /
     |        /
     |   ____/
     | E |

  Just go to passage (H).  I forgot where E leads to can you please check and 
E-Mail me or every one of you have to wait till I replay the game with Rue or 
Mint again.

K        |
_____    |            I.  Leads to (H)
     |   |            J.  Leads to (L)
     |---|            K.  Leads to room where Rue is
     |---|  /
     |---|_/ J /
     |        /
     |   ____/
     |   |
     | I |

  If you want go first to (K), inside that room, you can talk to Rue and he 
will say something about underground river or something.  Then leave and head 
to (J)

(This map has a part that has a 3D look in it [cool huh! ^_^] - I made this 
look so good, I admire my work [somebody needs to thank me for this!])
L_______              _________/|
        \____________/         ||__________________
                               |/_______     _____=

  Just run along, beat the Pollywog and head for the exit at the right.

      | O |              M.  Leads to (0)
      |---|              N.  Leads to another place like the one above
      |   |  /           0.  Leads to (M)    
      |   |_/ N /        
      |        /         
      |   ____/     
      |   |
   \  |---|
  = \_|---|
 \        |
  \____   |         
      | M |

  You only need to go to (N).

=_______              _________/|
        \____________/         ||__________________
                               |/_______     _____=

  Again, just run along, beat the Pollywog and head for the exit at the 

      | 1 |              1.  Leads to (P)
      |---|              2.  Leads to a room with a Night Stone
      |   |  /           3.  Leads to (S)    
      |   |_/ 2 /        
      |        /         
      |   ____/     
      |   |
   \  |---|
  = \_|---|
 \        |
  \____   |         
      | 3 |

  First go to (2) and get the Night Stone then leave the room.  Go to (1) or 
(3), they both lead to the same place.

      | S |
   \  |---|             P.  Leads to (1)
  R \_|   |             Q.  Leads to the room where you can get a Moon Stone
 \        |             R.  Leads to (T)
  \____   |             S.  Leads to (3)
      |---|  /
      |   |_/ Q /
      |        /
      |   ____/
      | P |

  You can hear water running in this place.  Here go to (Q), enter the room, 
get the Moon Stone, then leave and enter (R).


  Go out using the left exit (duh!, where else do you want to do).

|         |
|         |       h.  Hole
|    h    =
|         |

  Jump down the hole.  [or fall down the hole or drop down the hole.  

/              \
|              |
|              |
|              |
|              |

  After the fall, enter the top door.

|  |
|  =
|  =
|  |

Enter the right door.

=         |
=____     |         p.  Damaging ground.  5 damage
     |ppp |         S.  Leads to room containing Platform 1
     | ppp|         
     |ppp |
     | ppp|
     |ppp |
=         |

  Jump on the boxes to avoiding the green part of the ground.  Head for (S), 
get the Icon there (the icon will appear at the room where you dropped at 
[but worry about that later] also there are 6 platforms), leave the room.  
Exit the room on the higher left exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump down at the center but don't do that or else you will be 
repeating the steps done above, instead, head for the right exit.

|           =
|    _______=       T.  Leads to the room containing Platform 2
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
|            =

  Again, avoid the green ground by jumping from one box to another.  Enter 
(T), get the second icon, then exit the room with the upper right exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump down at the center but don't do that or else you will be 
repeating the steps done above, instead, head for the left exit.

=         |
=____     |         
     |ppp |         U.  Leads to room containing Platform 3
     | ppp|         
     |ppp |
     | ppp|
     |ppp |
=         |

  Again, avoid the green ground by jumping from one box to another.  Enter 
(U), get the third icon, then exit the room with the upper right exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump down at the center but don't do that or else you will be 
repeating the steps done above, instead, head for the right exit.

|           =
|    _______=       V.  Leads to the room containing Platform 4
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
| ppp|
|ppp |
|            =

  Again, avoid the green ground by jumping from one box to another.  Enter 
(V), get the fourth icon, then exit the room with the upper right exit.

=__  __=

  You can jump back down but don't do that.  Head for the upper exit to get 
the sixth platform, leave the room, then exit using the right exit, but you 
need at least 115 MP if you want to go to the next room.  If your Maximum MP 
is less than 115, go play with your White - Vulcan magic and when your MP 
runs low, go attack the King Ant at the previous room till your MP is full 
and play with White - Vulcan again until you have 115 Maximum.  But if your 
Maximum MP is already 115 but you do not have 115 MP, go attack the King Ant 
till you get maximum MP.
______________|b      c|   ICE.  Melt it using Red - Burner
=__ICE_a_ICEICE        |   a.  Platform 6
              |        |   b.  Rare Wine - DO NOT SELL THIS - give it to
              |________|       Hobbs
                           c.  [Super] - Magic Effect

  First melt the ice (using Red - Burner) beside you then get the sixth icon, 
then melt the next ice, then the next ice.  After that get (b) the Rare Wine 
IN HIS SHOP (from a price of 30,000 G to 5,000 G! ^_^) and (c) [Super] magic 
effect.  After that, leave the room.

__|  |__ 
  |   __

  Jump down, then walk then jump down, then again, and again, and again.  
Leave the area using the exit below.

/               \
|               |     1-6.  The six platforms (icons)
|  6         1  |
|    5     2    |
|      4 3      |

  Step on the platforms from 1 to 6.  They will move and rise to make it look 
like this.

/                \
|     5 6        |
|    4           |
|    3           |
|     2 1        |

  Jump to the ledge and head for the upper exit
|         |
|         |       h.  Hole
|    h    |
|         |

  You will be in another room with a hole so jump down the hole.  [or fall 
down the hole or drop down the hole.  Whatever.]

             _____                                          ______
|====|       | s |                                          |  h |
|    |_______|   |__________________________________________|    |
|        o                                              r b      |

s.  Starting point
r.  Rue
b.  Boulder
o.  Obstacle
h.  Recover HP point

  From where you dropped (s), go talk to Rue (r).

   Mint will wonder how did Rue get there so fast.  Rue will say to Mint that 
there is something blocking their way.  But after that conversation, the 
boulder begins to move and will most likely flatten anything on its way.

  RUN!, NOW!, don't mind Rue getting flattened.  I think the debris that are 
dropping down the ceiling drops at random (I did it 6 times and I got 2 
patterns.)  There is a time that both ceilings will fall, jump to avoid it.  
Head for the place you started add and let the boulder crash and destroy the 

  Go steal from the dead (he is not actually dead but unconscious), talk to 
Rue's boots (he is still wearing it) to get a Bronze Coin.  Go step on the 
recovery spot if you want to replenish your HP, then head for the exit (there 
is only one exit here).

   Mint will say "Sleep tight, Rue" [^_^].
|    |_x_|    |
|             |     x.  Legendary Sword
|   water     |     * - You are elevated, if you fall, you will fall directly
|   platforms |         into the water or the ground (there is a portion)
|    _____    |
|____| = |____|

  Here, first jump on the platforms and onto the ledge to get the Legendary 
Sword.  After that, step on the platforms.  You should step on the blinking 
one, and another blinking one, and another blinking one (in short step on the 
platform that is blinking).  You will end up last at the blinking platform 
with a star icon it would take you to the lower level.

|               jj   jj             |
|               jj   jj             |   j.  Jump / Step on these
|      j   j              j   j   e |   s.  Starting point
|  s            jj   jj             |   e.  End / Exit

  Go jump until the boss battle.

  *Boss Battle - Skull Beast*
   Challenge:  Medium

   During your fight, it will sometimes breathe fire.  If that happens, just 
jump to avoid it to another place.  After that, he / it (whatever) will be 
tired and he / it will be blinking and go pound him / it silly.  Sometimes it 
would be jumping, just do not go to that place and you won't take any damage.

  Go step on the platform with star icon at the right.

|              |
|              |     s. step on it
|       s      |
|              |

  Step on (s), examine it.  You will be teleported to a triangular room

       | |
       | |           W.  You will appear here
       / \           
      /   \          X.  Leads to room (AA)
     /  W  \         Y.  Leads to room (AB) 
    /       \        Z.  Leads to room (AC)
   / _______ \
  / /       \ \
 / /         \ \
/Y/           \Z\

  First go to room (AA) so go to (X)

Room AA
|a         b    |    a.  Bronze Coin
|               |    b.  Bronze Coin
|        c      |    c.  Tiara
|               |

  Go loot the room.  Get the two Bronze Coins (a) and (b).  Then grab the 
Tiara (c).  Then go back to the previous room and go to room (AB) so take 
path (Y).

Room AB
|a             b| 
|               |     a.  Bronze Coin
|               |     b.  Cube
|               |

  Get another Bronze Coin and the Cube.  Leave the room and go next to room 
(AC) so take path (Z).

Room AC
|               |
|              b|      a.  Bronze Coin  
|          a    |      b.  Gold Coin
|       r       |
|_______=_______|      r.  Recover HP

  First, recover your HP, then grab the Bronze Coin and the Gold Coin.  After 
that, leave the room.

       | |
       | |           W.  Examine to leave
       / \           
      /   \          X.  Leads to room (AA)
     /  W  \         Y.  Leads to room (AB) 
    /       \        Z.  Leads to room (AC)
   / _______ \
  / /       \ \
 / /         \ \
/Y/           \Z\

  Now that you are back at the triangular room, examine (W) to leave (you 
can't leave if you didn't yet take the Cube and the Tiara).

  After that you will see...

   Mint will see her OLD enemy Belle together with Duke.  She is assuming 
that you are up to no good.  She is the one Mint beat up a year ago 
somewhere.  Mint calls her an OLD hag [:P] and she gets enraged but Duke 
tells her that she was only 30, for revealing her age, she whacks Duke (he 
became unconscious).  After that she will attack Mint.
  *Boss Battle - Belle*
   Challenge:  Easy

   Just beat her like silly.  But , if you want a flawless victory, avoid her 
when there are things that are circling around her until she throws them to 
you (avoid those too!).

   Mint is sure that it was a victory but it is not, she took the Tiara from 
you.  [After all that hard work [sniff] you [sniff] ... [sniff] ... you stole 
it [sniff] ... from ... [sniff] me. [;_;]].  Mint gets mad and she demands it 
back but Duke and Belle run away.  Then Mint goes after them.

  Back to the past room, it would seem like another boss battle with Skull 
Beast but now, it is invincible and it is stronger.  Try whacking it once and 
get the hell out.  Go to the left and step on the platform with the star 

  Now, run like hell to the top by taking the inner belt (the one closer to 
the center) and try avoiding the spiked iron balls by passing when you can 
get a good clearing (it is quite alright to take a hit or two).

  It is a dead end, and the Skull Beast is close, Rue will kill the Skull 
Beast and save the day [and your butt from being booted].  You will end up in 

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' House.

   In the basement, he will tell you that he now knows where the relic was 
and it is inside the Lake Ruins.  Also he will tell you that the Cube is 
somewhat like a key needed to enter the ruins in the lake.  Mint immediately 
says that since they have the key and know where the relic is, why don't they 
go now.  But sadly, Klaus says that he doesn't know how to use it so you 
cannot open the ruins.  He will then tell you that he knows someone that may 
know how to use the Cube so maybe you should ask Mel a magician and is living 
at her Atelier, but he doesn't want to go there so it is up to you to go 
there because of some reason.

+ END +
++ -Underground trap- ++

+ Chapter 3 +
++ -Fancy Mel - ++

  Now you can access Mel's Atelier and the Lakeside.

  Go first to Hobb's Shop. Here, you can give Hobbs the Rare Wine.  If you 
give it to him, he will give you a discount from 30,000 G to 5,000 G for each 
base status increase [YEAH! ^_^].

  Before you go to Mel's Atelier, go back to the Underground Ruins*.  

 * 'Underground Ruins' ************
 *  Items:  Magic Effect [Power]  *
  There, go back down to the room where you where chased by the Skull Beast.  
There, go down the circular stairs and examine the body of the Skull Beast 
and you will get a new Magic Effect [Power]*.  After that, leave the 
Underground Ruins.  You can leave using the Go Home Plant at the place where 
you fought the Skull Beast. 

 * Thanks to iamnothing for this one.
|               jj   jj             |
|               jj   jj             |   j.  Jump / Step on these
|      j   j              j   j   g |   
|               jj   jj             |   g.  Go Home Plant.

  Now that you are back to Town and head for Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' *
|                    \________________
=                                     \  s.  Star
|________       __________          s /
         \_____/          \__________/

  In this place is Mel's Atelier (duh!).  Go walk and in the near half you 
will be in a ULTRA-WEIRD place [what an UGLY place].  Go step on (s) the 

 /     p \        H.  Mel's Atelier
|    s    |
(    H    )       p.  Poppul Purrel - will show up after knocking at the door
|  p   p  |       s.  Save here - will show up after knocking at the door
    | |

  Go knock at the door (where else are you supposed to knock, the roof? 
HELLOOOOOO!) of Mel's Atelier.

   Mint will notice that the place was very unusual.  She also now knew why 
Klaus did not want to go to this place.  She knocks at the door and she 
notices a stupid sound after that, a dwarf-like creature appears and tells 
you that Mel is not home and you should play the games while waiting.

  [Ok, I don't want to play, can I just stand outside and wait for an hour or 
something. [No you can't, you have to play the DAMN game] ;_;].

  Go save first because you *may* reset and bash your CD because of this 
ultra-annoying mini-games [especially the Big Swings and Giant Balls].

  Go play the easiest first, Blow Trumpet.  Talk to the Poppul Purrels 
outside until you find the one that asks you to play Blow Trumpet.

  [Sorry no maps for the mini-games.  I was so annoyed that I can't do it.]

  The games here are timed, and if you hurry, you can get more time at the 
bonus game.  In the bonus game, if you reached or gone above the high score 
which is 500 points, you can get a Silver Coin, but if not, you can get a 
Bronze Coin.
  Here, wait for the waves or hurry up to avoid it.  The enemy here called 
the cockadoo is annoying.  Go blast it with anything you have, just kill the 
damn thing.  On the seesaw, it may seem like impossible to reach, but it is 
possible.  Another seesaw is like something I do not know what to call it 
[anybody knows?], first jump at the left side of it, then at the right side, 
then again at the left side, and again at the right side and do the following 
until you are confident enough to jump to the other side.  A little walk 
after that and you will be at the bonus game.  In the bonus game, you have to 
step on the trumpets to keep the cockadoo away.  If you blast many cockadoos 
at a time, you can get more points.  If the cockadoo lands on your head you 

  After this, go save and go to the Big Swings.

  Here, be careful in jumping because the enemies here, called the Imp has an 
attack that throws stars at you, try to be patient enough so that you don't 
get hit by it.  Also, careful in the swings too.  It is very easy to slip by 
a few centimeters and you will fall.  At the bonus game, you have to get the 
balls to earn points.  Do not get the black balls.  If you get balls of the 
same color in consecutive order, you can get bonus points.

  After that, save and now is the time that you go to the hardest one (for 
me), the Giant Balls.

  Careful in jumping again because of the Imps.  In jumping from a Giant 
Ball, make sure you don't jump late because you will fall off.  There are 
also cubes near the end where you can step on.  It will fall so jump to the 
next place as soon as possible.  The bonus game here requires you to beat up 
the fungies.  Strategy, avoid fungi build up, go all out, whack 'em all.

  After this, the cockadoo save point will be gone.  If you try to knock 
again at the door.

   Mel arrives and Mint will notice that she looks like a frea ... looks 
different, but Mel knows that Mint was trying to say that she was a freak.  
Mint will be invited into the house and Mint will ask her about the Cube.  
Mel will discourage Mint into getting the [relic] because it is very 
dangerous and Mint is a low class magician.  She says that many people tried 
to get the [relic] but they died.  She tells Mint that she is not just 
searching for an ordinary [relic] but she is searching for Valen's [Relic], 
Valen is the most powerful Aeon.  But since Mint is very determined, Mel will 
help you if you find the missing Poppul Purrel.  There was supposed to be 4 
of them but she asked one to go shop in town but it did not come home ever 
since.  If you help her, she will help you.

  Now go back to town [what a relief!].

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  If you like, go to the Lakeside.

 * 'Lakeside' *
|         |
|    R    |      R.  Ruins
|   ___   |
|___| |___|
    | |
    | |

  Go near the shore.

   Mint will talk aloud about how hard it was to get at this point.  She will 
say many things about Maya.

  Leave the area.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go talk to Marco.  He will tell you that Poppul Purrels likes to go to the 
forest.  If you like go to the shop and talk to Neil and he will say that he 
saw the hoodlums at the forest.  Go to the Carona Forest.

 * 'Carona Forest' *

  Go to the place where you fought Blood and Smokey.

   Mint will see Blood and Smokey threatening the Poppul Purrel to give them 
his money.  The Poppul Purrel doesn't want to and calls them dirty and stinky 
so the hoodlums gets mad.  Mint will kick Smokey twice so the hoodlums 
focuses their attention to Mint.

  *Boss Battle - Blood and Smokey*
   Challenge:  Easy

   Use Rapid Shot to kill any one of them.

   The hoodlums will run away and the Poppul Purrel will thank Mint.  Mint 
will say that a beautiful princess named Mint helped him and to tell that to 
Mel.  Mint wanted to escort the Poppul Purrel but he said that he would be 
fine going alone.  Now, it would be late so Mint will head back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Before going to your room at the inn and sleeping, go to the Grasslands 
area and talk to Rod.

   Here, Rod will tell Mint something about his past.  He will tell Mint the 
reason why he is, both swordsman and weapon smith.  He then tells Mint about 
his father, Pleskin being the greatest swordsman in the world.  Rod wanted to 
challenge his father for the title but he did not have the chance to do so 
because his father died already.  So now, he seeks to become, just like his 
father, to be written down in history and excel as being the greatest 
swordsman and weapon smith.

  Now that you have done that, go back to the inn, proceed to your room 
talk to Ms. Cartha and say 'Go to your room') and sleep (examine your bed).

+ END +
++ -Fancy Mel- ++

+ Chapter 4 +
++ -Starlight Duke- ++

  Go to Mel's Atelier.
 * 'Mel's Atelier' *
 *  My Status:  HP  122/122     STR  028 + 008  *
 *              MP  124/124     DEF  016 + 008  *

  After that, go leave the town and go to Mel's Atelier.  Enter the Atelier 
and in there

   Mel and the Poppul Purrel that Mint helped will thank her and Mint will 
inquire about the cube.  Mel said that all you need to know is in the report 
so she hands Mint Mel's Report and the Cube.

   After handing those to Mint, Mel will tell her interesting stuff.  Mel 
will say that the East Heaven Kingdom [this is where Mint came from], is a 
kingdom which the citizens are excellent magicians.  Also, the eldest 
princess ran away and rumor was nobody misses her [;_;] and that was because 
she was violent, indulged in luxury and a pain in the neck.  Mint understood 
that Mel was saying those things to her because she knows that Mel is 
pointing her out.  So Mint tells her story of world conquest to Mel.

  After that, leave the Atelier and you will meet Rue and Elena outside.

   Elena wanted to tell Mint some big secret about Rue, but Rue doesn't want 
to talk about it so she would not tell Mint.  Elena will say that she was 
just accompanying Rue to Mel's Atelier and would join you in leaving.  Mint 
wanted to squeeze the secret from Elena but Elena would see something moving 
somewhere, it is Duke, in a star costume.  Duke will tell Mint that he came 
to take away the cube and Mel's report but Mint will say no so...

  *Boss Battle - Duke*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium
   To damage him, you have to kick him until he lies flat or let him tire by 
making him jump high or after him spinning.  If he is lying flat, use White - 
Spread.  If he is spinning, just jump out of the way.  He has a final move 
which he executes when you drained his life to 0, it will take out 20 damage 
from you.

   Also, you can lose at this battle for something funny (according to grady, 
thanks grady!)

   You will see a cut scene with Doll Master talking to Psycho Master.  
Psycho Master will tell Doll Master about there is someone who is searching 
for the [Relic] and it is Mint.  Doll will say that they must keep it a 
secret from Princess Maya.  Psycho Master will also say that he prepared 
someone to watch what Mint is doing, and that guy will arrive to Carona 
tomorrow morning.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Back in town go to Klaus house and go talk to Klaus.

   Mint will give Klaus the report and the cube.  Klaus says that the Cube 
can be opened so they opened it and something came out of it, something which 
is not human but a mechanical doll.  It was written on the report that Grand 
Master Magician Elroy created the doll and the doll's name is Prima Doll and 
it is the one that can break the seal to Valen's Relic.  But since Prima Doll 
is still incomplete, Mint can't break the seal now.  Mint needs to get the 
parts for Prima Doll which is kept in the Ateliers of the apprentices of 
Elroy.  A pair of gauntlets, a pair of sollerets are kept in the Ghost Temple 
while the Earrings is at the Atelier in Gamul Forest and the final item, the 
Amulet can be created from a Phantomite.  Rue will say that he will go to the 
Ghost Temple and get the 2 pairs of items while Mint will go to the Gamul 
Forest to get the earrings.  Mint would not agree because she wanted to keep 
the [Relic] just for herself but Rue will say that he only need it once and 
he will leave it up to Mint and Klaus what to do about it later.

  Ginema is the magician that stays at Gamul Forest and Klaus will be doing 
research about the amulet and the phantomite.

+ END +
++ -Starlight Duke- ++

+ Chapter 5 +
++ -Upstream adventure- ++

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  After that, go check out the new stuff at the shop.

   Gold Bracer  -  3,500 G  -  + 12 Bonus Strength
   Gold Belt    -  3,500 G  -  + 12 Bonus Defense

  After buying those, go out the town's gate and Mira will arrive

   Mira will tell you that it would take 3 days on foot to get to the Gamul 
Forest, so you should ask Rod for a boat and ask him to take you there 
because Rod claims that he owns the fastest boat in the world.

  Go to the Grasslands area and talk to Rod.

   Rod will say that yes he has the fastest baby in the world but in order 
for you to ride it, he wants to fight you and this time, it is on the house.

  *Boss Battle - Rod*
   Challenge:  it depends

   For me, I have not fought him recently so he sucks.  I just whacked away 
at him and he lost.  

   Also, according to PyRo MaNiA you can also lose at this battle and he will 
demand 100 G from you in order for both of them to fight again.  If you lost 
again, Mira will arrive.

   (If you win)
   Rod will agree to take you to Gamul Forest but tells Mint that do not ever 
call his baby a boat, it is called Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega.  Mint calls 
his baby Pinto.  Rod will get mad at Mint but he will still take you there.

   (If you lost twice [according to PyRo MaNiA)
   Mira will arrive and asks Rod about why he is giving Mint a hard time.  
After some small talk, she will leave and Rod will say something that he 
couldn't stand up to Mira about an argument or something.

   (After those stuff)
   Mira will give Mint and Rod their lunch and now at the boat ride, Rod will 
tell something to Mint but Mint does not respond because she was eating hers 
and Rod's meatballs and leaves the pumpkin behind.

   After they arrive at the Gamul Forest, Mint will ask Rod to wait for her.

 * 'Gamul Forest' *******************************
 *  My Status:  HP  124/124     STR  028 + 012  *
 *              MP  125/125     DEF  016 + 012  *
 *  Items:  Magic Color [Green Magic]           *
 *          Brooch                              *
 *          Earrings                            *
 *  Enemies:  Gamulian                          *
 *            Ootang                            *
 *  Bosses:  Belle with Hexagon                 *
 *           Cloud Whale                        *
 |            |
 |         r  |    g.  Ginema's Diary
 |            |    r.  Restore MP
 |            |    w.  Wind device [I don't like to call it a windmill simply
 | g          |        because it is not a mill]

  First examine Ginema's diary (g) then check out the wind device (w) and run 
around until

   Mint wonders what to do since the earrings is hidden in a guardian's body 
but it escaped and destroyed the Atelier.  After thinking of that, Belle 
arrives and wants to fight you with her toy, Hexagon.

  *Boss Battle - Belle with Hexagon*
   Challenge: Medium

   Here just run around and avoid the hands of hexagon (by jumping aside) if 
it tries to grab you.  Just try to kick Belle until the floor rise and jump 
up the risen floor and from there, kick Belle (about 5 kick attacks).

  Since Belle is down, Mint will take 'steal' something from Belle, [Green 
Magic].  Now that you have the [Green Magic], which has a wind element, use 
it (Green - Wave)  on the wind device (w) until it turns fast and a lift will 
come down.

Area 1 Map
                         |  __ |
        ___________g_____|_|_| |                _______________w_____
        | _______     _________|                | ________________=l|
 _______| |____ |     |  | |___________g________| |____
 S______| |__ | |_____|  |___________     ______| |__ |
        | |_| |                     |     |     | |_| |
        |_____|                     |_____|     |_____|
   g.  Gamulian Tribe
   w.  Wind Device
   l.  Lift
   S.  Starting Point (most Lifts in the later part would go here)

  Here, if the Gamulian people would not attack you if you do not attack them 
(note that some Gamulians are fighting each other and if you get on their 
way, you will get hit).  The only reason they are there is that if you are 
low on MP, you can attack them.  Also, if you attack a Gamulian Tribe, all 
the other tribes will attack you.

  Use Green - Wave on the wind device (w) and ride the lift (l)(if you 
stepped on it too early, jump again and it will rise up).

Diamond Area Map
_______      | _____|A|     ___
|C|__ |      | |            |D|           g.  Go Home Plant (not there the
___ | |      | |            | |                        first time you visit)
|B| | |      | |            | |   ___     s.  Switch
| | | |     /  \            | |   |&|     c.  Cart
| |_| |____/ /\ \___________| |___| |
|_________  /  \ ___________________|     A.  Lift -leads to diamond switch
          \ \  / /                        B.  Lift -leads to the 2 switches
           \ \/ /                         C.  Lift -leads to the final switch
            \  /                          D.  Lift -go to the end
        ___ | |                           &.  Lift & Brooch - go to the end
        =g| | |
        | | | |
        | |_| |

  Go ride (c) and you will arrive at (A).

     ____  ___   __w_____g________
     | __--|p|---______  $  ______=    w.  Wind Device
     | |              |     |          g.  Gamulian Tribe
_____| |              |_____|          p.  Platform
|__ ___|                               $.  Special money area


[Special money area] contributed by Corp. Ted.Lance (

 "Now blast those two practising Gamulians to kingdom come so more will pop out  
 of their house. If you go to the point I marked with" {$} "in the above plan 
 (perhaps a little bit on the right of it...) and use the Fire Heart, all 
 enemies that pop out of the hut will be automagically roasted, and you do not 
 have to move to collect the powerups. In fact, if you hit the right spot, you  
 can glue down the appropriate Magic-button and go for a little coffee or 
 whatever... Provided you collect enough brown goodies. Thats the crucial 

 But now another nice effect kicks in: The 'Hyper' option seems to use
 up at least 100 MP at first glance. But this is wrong. If you use it
 about 20 times, it will eventually drop the limit to 80 MP. This is
 what you get for six brown goodies dropped by the Gamulians (~15 MP
 each), and while you are protected by the flames those six brown
 powerups show up almost everytime. if not, just hit those hobos twice
 to refill the missing MP's...

 It's no biggie, but it is easy and fast... And it does not require
 full attention... ^_^"

  Here, use Green - Wave on the wind device (w) then hop onto the platform 
(p) and hit the switch, then exit by going back and riding the (=).

  You will be back at place 1 so go to the exit (use Green - Wave on the wind 
device (w) and ride the lift (l)).

  Now you will be in the diamond area, hit the switch (s) until it is aligned 
to the left, ride the cart (c) and you will arrive at (B) in the 2 switches 

2 Switch Area Map
|       _l|     l.  Lift
|       |       e.  Left Switch (hit this one)
|e_____r|       r.  Right Switch (do not hit this one)

  Here, go hit the left switch (e).  Do not hit the right switch (r) or else 
you cannot get the Brooch in the end.  Exit where you came from.

  You will arrive at Area 1 so make your way again to the Diamond Area.

  Here, in the diamond place, if the switch is on the left, ride the cart (c) 
and you will arrive at (C), the Final Switch Area.

Final Switch Area - Diamond Switch Area Map

    | _________ ________________|
____|_|____   | |                             ____  ___  __w3___g________
_________ |   | |___w2_   ___  _______        | __--|p|--_____     _____l
    | |_| |   |________---|p|--___ __/|       | |            |     |
    |_____|                      |s1|||_______| |            |_____|
                                    |/__  ______|
   w1.  Wind Device 1
   w2.  Wind Device 2
   p.   Platform
   s1.  Switch 1 (hit this!)
  Diamond Switch Area, Final Switch Place Area
   s2.  Switch 2 (do not hit this!)
   p.   Platform
   w3.  Wind Device 3 (ignore)
   g.   Gamulian Tribe
   l.   Lift (exit here!)

  Just run along here and ignore the wind device 1 (w1), it is not important, 
just use Wind - Wave on wind device 2 (w2) and hop onto the platform (p) and 
attack switch 1 (the final switch), then jump/fall down [whatever] and IGNORE 
switch 2 (s2), or else, you will repeat the Diamond Switch area again so jump 
onto the second platform (p), ignore the third wind device (beat up the 
Gamulians to earn full MP) and go ride the lift (l).

  You will arrive at Area 1 and again, just exit the place, and you will be 
in the Diamond Area.  In the Diamond Area, flip the switch (s) to the right 
and jump on the cart (c) and you will go to the end area (&) not (D), get the 

  Final Area
_______________________________|c|--------f   c.  Cart
                                              f.  Fall

  Just run and you will meet Belle

   When Belle sees Mint, Belle will want to fight Mint.  Mint does not want 
to fight because there are too many Gamulians.  Both of them will then escape 
and ride the cart but the rail is destroyed so they will fall.

   After falling, Belle was determined to finish the fight but Mint's leg was 
hurt during the fall.  Belle will then cast magic onto Mint and Mint was 
afraid because she thought that it was an attack, but Belle cured Mint's leg.  
Belle would say to her that she cured her because she doesn't want to hear 
Mint crying.  They will both agree to leave the place together but the Cloud 
Whale arrives and devours Belle.  Mint remembered something about the 
earrings that are hidden inside the guardian's body who appears to be the 
whale.  Mint decided to get the earrings by fighting the whale.

  *Boss Battle - Cloud Whale*
   Challenge:  Medium

    To damage it, you can use White - Vulcan when its mouth opens (the blue-
green part) but in this way, it will take you in its mouth and spit you out 
(but it is all right as he only regains some HP).  If it creates a tidal wave, 
jump to avoid the water rushing from the source, to the raft, and to where you 
are standing.  You can also attack the red part when it is charging for a water-
spray attack.

   Mint will get the earrings and Belle will be thrown out from the whale's 
mouth but she has fainted so Mint will leave her alone and most likely 
proceed to where Rod is waiting.

   A cut scene, at the hotel, you will see Belle arrive and she smells.  Duke 
will say that he was beaten by Rue and likewise Belle was beaten by Mint.  
After that, Solin knocks at the door and asks them when they are going to pay 
their bill.  Since they do not have any money (but they would not say it to 
Solin) so they will say that they will pay it later.  Now, they will talk to 
each other and are now determined to get the [relic] and gain money.

   In the grasslands, after arriving to town from the trip, Rod will ask Mint 
to thank Mira for the food.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Exit the grasslands.

   Mint will see a red haired guy and she calls him a spike-haired weirdo.  
The man, named Trap Master overhears this and wants to fight you but he can't 
so he left a surprise to Mint in Klaus House, and he will leave.  Mint 
thought that the surprise is that something horrible happened to Klaus or his 
family so she rushes to the house and was greeted by Elena.  Mint will then 
get the surprise because two pumpkins would fall onto her head.

  *Interesting stuff to check out*
   You can push the pumpkins.  Move 'em around the house.

  Go down the basement.

   Mint will give the earrings to Prima Doll and you will see Rue give the 
gauntlets and sollerets.  So now you will have to get the Phantomite.  Klaus 
will say that the Phantomite is a mineral and somebody named Wylaf who lives 
in the Raging Mountain is a collector of rare gems and minerals, because of 
this Mint decides that she is the one who wants to go to the Raging 
Mountains.  Klaus will tell you to be careful because Wylaf is a powerful but 
stubborn dragon.  History recorded that Wylaf defeated a whole army that 
attacked him led by King Dorian.  Wylaf was said to have the power to summon 
the flames from the ground.

+ END +
++ -Upstream adventure- ++

+ Chapter 6 +
++ -Dragon battle- ++

  Go sell your monster coins and buy Platinum stuff at Tonio's Shop.

   Platinum Bracer  -  4,500 G  -  Bonus Strength +16
   Platinum Belt    -  4,500 G  -  Bonus Defense +16

  After that go to the Tavern and give the Brooch to Annette and she will 
give you a discount on the drinks.

  Milk              -  10 G  -  Restores 10% MP  -  (best deal)
  Root beer         -  30 G  -  Restores 25% MP  -  (expensive)
  Tropical delight  -  50 G  -  Restores 50% MP  -  (just x5 of Milk)

 * 'Raging Mountain' ****************************
 *  My Status:  HP  133/133     STR  028 + 016  *
 *              MP  ???/138     DEF  016 + 016  *
 *  Items:  Magic Color [Black Magic]           *
 *          3x Silver Coins                     *
 *          Legendary Shield                    *
 *          Phantomite                          *
 *  Enemies:  Fire Blob                         *
 *            Ootang                            *
 *            Bubba                             *
 *            Pollywog                          *
 *            Gudon                             * 
 *  Bosses:   Belle with Hexagon and Duke       *
 *            Wylaf                             *

  ________________________________     b.  Boulder
              |pp|    |pfp|     b=     f.  Falling ledge
  ______   ___|pp|____|pfp|-----b=     p.  Pit
       |__________b_X_|pp|______|      X.  Magic Color [Black]

  First go straight and fight the enemies if you like (Ootangs and Fire 
Blobs) just go and jump the pits (p) and on the next place, just jump across 
(you may like to step on (f) but you better hurry or you will fall with it).  
At the next place, you will see it is blocked by a boulder (b) that you can't 
destroy so just jump down and fight the Bubba there and jump to get the Magic 
Color [Black Magic] (X) and use the ability Black - Bomb to destroy the 
boulder at your right.  Now go back again to the top and hop the pits (p) and 
go destroy the boulder (b) near the exit.  Go to the exit (duh!).

    / ___b__1_|  _____________      b.  Boulder
___/ /    ______/         _F__=     F.  Fissures
___  |___/ b______ F area |         1.  3x Silver Coins
   |______/      |________|

  Here just go up first and destroy the boulder (Black - Bomb) and get 3 
Silver Coins (1) and then go back, now down and again destroy the boulder and 
in the (F area) just avoid the steam coming out of the ground because they 
would damage you.  Just go to the exit.
          |   _b__ r |           |   b.  Boulder
  LAVA    |___|  |___|   LAVA    |   r.  Restore HP
_____     ____ ___  ___ ___  ____|   LAVA.  Lava (5 damage)
=___|  O  |__| |_|  |_| |_|  |___=
       LAVA                      |

  You have to jump along the floating platforms (they move Up and Down).  
First go smash the boulder and Restore your HP (r), and then go back and just 
finish the place by going to the right exit.

___________________  ___  ________________
=         o       |pp| |pp|    o    o    =     o.  Obstacle
=_____o________o__|pp|_|pp|______________=     p.  Pit

  In this area, the winds sometimes blow, so avoid jumping too much.  You can 
use the obstacles (o) as cover when the wind blows so you can attack the 
enemies that are blocking your way and prevent you from blowing away.  Jump 
the pits only when the wind is not blowing or else you will fall or fall back  
(the Bubba is a major blockage on the way so take it out, even if you fall, 
it does not matter).  Just head for the exit.

_____  _____________  _____
|___|  |___________|  |___|


  Here you will see Belle and Duke.

   The two are waiting for Mint and they demand from Mint the stuff.  Mint 
will annoy Belle by calling her an old bag so she will call Hexagon and you 
will fight her and Duke together.

  *Boss Battle - Belle with Hexagon and Duke*
   Challenge:  Medium

   First go beat the hell out of Duke, he is so annoying, constantly doing 
uppercuts to you.  After he is done, concentrate on Belle and Hexagon.  You 
need to jump kick her.  Try doing that at Hexagon's back or after Hexagon has 
finished doing his grab attack (move / jump away).  After beating Belle out, 
she will jump down and fight you face to face.  Same strategy as before, just 
attack her normally but avoid her while she has the swirling white stuff 
around her until she throws it.  Also jump if she casts the fire attack.

  They will leave after the battle and you will automatically go to the next 

   | |
   | |_______
   |______  |    
__________| |
|  _________|
|  |         ____
|  |_________|  |
|  |p|_____  ___|
|------      |__ ___ ___ _____    p.  Pit
|            | | | | | | | 1 |    r.  Restore HP
|_______    _| |_| |_| |_|___|    1.  Legendary Shield
=      |_____              r |

  Sorry for the map, it is not very accurate, but it is good enough.  First 
go straight for the (r), Restore HP then after that, go up and jump the 
ledges where the Fire Blobs are to get the Legendary Shield (1).  After that, 
go back then go up and move left, hop across the pit and go up again, then 
right and there will be a Fire Blob, then go up, then left and you will see 3 
Pollywogs and go up to the exit.

|             |
|             |   g.  Go Home Plant (will only be accessible after going 
|      g      |                      through this place.)
|             |

  At the mountaintop...

   Mint will call for Wylaf.  The dragon Wylaf will then arrive and say 
something about a human dares to disturb him.  Mint will ask for a Phantomite 
but he doesn't like to give it because he will read Mint's mind and knows 
that you just want the relic for world conquest.  He will also sense a great 
spirit because Mint will say that if anyone tries to destroy the world she 
will beat them up because she is going to rule it, so he might reconsider. 
But he will say that spirit alone is not enough to tame the Aeon's powers so 
he will test Mint if she has power.

  *Boss Battle - Wylaf*
   Challenge:  Medium

   To damage him, you can use Blue - Icicle WHILE he swoops down at you (it 
will eventually hit him and would cause him to go back up).  If you are low 
on MP, try attacking WHILE he again swoops down.  He has other attacks that 
are quite easy to avoid.  Like if he breathes fire to the ground, just avoid 
the ground and a + radius.  The fire will remain there so avoid that too.  If 
he rapidly swoops down at you, just try to jump to other directions to avoid.  
When his HP is below half, he will withdraw from the battle.

PREPARE TO GET ROASTED, errr ... I mean meet the Game Over Screen.  Thanks to 
KTeoh for giving this to me, check the Cool Stuff section to see more about 

   He will say that he has underestimated Mint.  Mint then says that Wylaf 
needs to rest, he will treat it as mockery.  But as he promised, he will give 
Mint the Phantomite and he will trust Mint that she would not bring end to 
the world.  Mint will ask Wylaf if he would like to work for her when she 
rules the world but Wylaf will say that he will think about it.

   *Cut Scene*
    You will see Rue talking with Belle and Duke.  They will say something 
that Rue is carrying such a heavy load from his past so they decided to help 
him out just for the moral duty.  Rue will say that he does not need money 
and only needs to use the [Relic] once and after that Belle and Duke can keep 
it.  After that, they will agree to work together.
   *Cut Scene*

   Mint will be automatically back in town will be called by Blood, as 
always, together with Smokey (or the other way around).  They will challenge 
Mint for a battle at the forest.  They will leave a note telling you that.

  You will be automatically back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Why don't you go and save your game at the inn and go to Carona Forest.

 * 'Carona Forest' *****************
 *  Items:  Magic Effect (Circle)  *
 *  Bosses:  Trap Master           *
 *           Blood and Smokey      *

  Go to the area where you always find Blood and Smokey.

   They will say that they have a new boss, he is the one with the red hair, 
he will say that his name is the 'Trap Master'. Mint will call him porcupine 
head and he will get mad and say that Mint is on his trap.  Mint will then be 
on Trap Masters own battlefield because he usually destroys the outside place 
when he fights.  Both of them (Mint and Trap Master) will then engage the 

  *Boss Battle - Trap Master*
   Challenge:  Easy

   All you have to do here is to stand on the center and cast White - Vulcan.  
He will just die.  Just avoid jumping too much and stepping on blinking 
platforms.  You can die in this battle if you want.

   After that Trap Master will say that Mint was nothing and he can easily 
kill her in a few seconds but he cannot kill Mint yet.  The two, Blood and 
Smokey will fight Mint because Trap Master will go away.

  *Boss Battle - Blood and Smokey*
   Challenge:  Easy

    You can either use White - Vulcan or just attack them till they lose.  It 
doesn't matter.

   Again, they will be beaten and they will run away.  You will feel somewhat 
good about it.

  After that, head for the cliffs area.
|xx| |_P| |6|_
        __|66|     p.  It is a rock, go bash it with Black - Graviton
     |&&&&776|         and it will reveal a treasure box
  |gffeee| |7|     & It means that it is both 6 & 7.  The ? is at 7
 |hh++eee| |+|

  From (&), at (6) level of ground, the one near (8), (careful, you might 
fall), use Black - Graviton on it and it will reveal a treasure box.  From 
the (&), the one beside where you are now, try to jump to the place where (P) 
is [it will require many tries for you to get it because it is so hard], you 
can get Magic Effect [Circle] from it.  You need this thing even if it is so 
frustrating to get.

  After getting that, go to the place outside Cadmon's Atelier and go back to 
town using the Go Home Plant there.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' house.

   Mint will give him the Phantomite and he will be amazed that Mint got it.  
He will take it and will say that he will make the Amulet for Prima right 
away.  Mint will then tell Klaus that only the Tiara is left and you are 
going to get it from Belle and Duke but Rue will arrive telling Mint and 
Klaus that there is no need for that because he already got it from Belle and 
Duke at the hotel.  Mint could not believe that he just got the Tiara easily 
so she will ask Rue how he got it but for some reason, Rue would not tell it.

   They will then put the Tiara on Prima Doll but ask what the Tiara is for.  
Prima will say that the Tiara is used for decision making and certain 
abilities, both mental and physical are on the Tiara which exceeds the 
current intelligence which is only a mere backup.  After a couple of small 
talk, Mint will get mad at Prima Doll and shows him the finger.  Also, after 
that, Prima Doll will bug Klaus to finish the amulet as soon as possible but 
he will suddenly stop.  All of them will wonder what happened so they have to 
talk to Mel to find out.

+ END +
++ -Dragon Battle- ++

+ Chapter 7 +
++ -Together with Prima- ++

  After the talk, go check out the town and if I am not mistaken you can get 
2 Silver Coins and a Bronze Coin (I am not sure because I think that items in 
places appear at random).

  Go to Mel's Atelier.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' **********************
 *  Items:  Magic Color [Yellow Magic]  *
 *  Boss:  Gorotan                      *

  Talk to Mel.

   By the time Mint arrives, Mel will ask her if she has given up the search 
for Valen's [Relic] and she will say no.  It is because that Mint's father 
said that she should never quit once she started something.  After that, Mint 
will say that there is something wrong with Prima Doll.  Mel will say to her 
that it must be because of Prima Doll's energy being radiated after its long 
rest in the cube.  She will tell Mint that there might be a way to restore 
Prima Doll's energy and that you need Gorotan's power, some guy that can 
control the power of lightning.  She also will say that she is not sure 
whether it will work but it is worth the try and tells Mint to be careful 
because Gorotan does not like visitors.  Mel asks Mint to just find out where 
Gorotan leaves from one of her assistants.

  Go outside the Atelier and talk to the Poppul Purrel that you helped 
earlier.  I think it is the one near the back.

   He will say to Mint that he knows where Gorotan is and asks Mint if she 
wants to play with Gorotan now, say Yes and Mint will be in a room with a 
flying guy thing.

  Go talk to the flying thing and it will transform into a big cat.

  *Boss Battle - Gorotan*
   Challenge:  Medium
    Avoid the star thingies that are around him and it will just go farther 
away from him, leaving himself unprotected from your beating.  Go near him 
and cast Red - Napalm or just attack him to conserve MP, them immediately 
jump/run aside to avoid the lightning bolt.

  After the battle, you will get from him [Yellow Magic].  Go back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' house.

   Mint will be blasting bolts to Prima Doll and Prima Doll will be charged 
up.  He should be ok now and he only needs to get the Amulet in order to 
break the seal.

  I am not sure but iamnothing went to the tavern after this so head for the 
tavern and maybe something will happen.

  After going there, go leave the town and head for the Lakeside.

 * 'Lakeside' *

  In the lakeside, you will see Rue together with Elena.

   Elena will say something about after both Rue and Mint gets the [Relic] 
she will become lonely because they will leave town.  Elena will then ask 
Mint what is she going to do after getting the [Relic] and Mint will reply to 
her and say that she plans to take over the world with it.  Now, Mint will 
ask Rue what is he going to do after the it is over, and you will guess that 
it is either Rue will stay in Carona or go back to his home town.  If you 
choose the option to 'Go back to his homeland', Rue will say that there would 
be someone waiting for him back home.  Mint will inquire who that person is 
but Rue will say that it was someone that is 'like' a sister to him, but 
still she is not yet at home.  If you say that he will 'Stay in Carona' Mint 
will tease Rue.  After that, Rue will ask Elena how long is it going to take 
to finish the Amulet but Elena will say that it will be finished soon.  Rue 
will leave, together with Elena to go back to town.

  Now that you are alone, go head back to town too.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Go to Klaus' house.

   Klaus will tell Mint that the Amulet is near completion and he will ask 
Mint to take Prima Doll to the Lakeside.  Mint does not want to but Prima 
Doll will bug her so she will take Prima Doll to the Lakeside.

  Go leave the house and talk to Marcum, the fat guy that buys stuff from you 
and he will give you 50 G.  After that, I think there is a Bronze Coin 
somewhere (but since item appearance, I think is at random so maybe it is not 

  Interesting Stuff to Check Out (thanks to PyRo MaNiA for this one)
   Prima Doll is following you right, why don't you go to the Grasslands and 
talk to Johnny Wolf and he will follow Prima Doll, then talk to Rod, he will 
join the 'train' party.  Now, Mint will be followed by Prima Doll, which is 
followed by Johnny Wolf, and Rod will be behind Johnny Wolf.  You gotta see 
this, it looks silly. (though I haven't seen it yet) 

  Also, according to grady, at the Grasslands there is a coin (see map below)

|   |   | |
|___|   | |
|       | |
|         |

  After that, go examine the gate and head for the Lakeside (again!).

 * 'Lakeside' *

   Prima Doll will feel something good and Mint will tell him that it is 
because it is his first time to experience the sunlight [or something like 
that].  He will challenge Mint for a race to the shore.  Mint is confident 
that she is not going to lose from a doll.
  A good way to win the race is to block his way and run while he is at your 
back.  You can also lose the race.

   Doesn't matter if you win or lose, it would be just small talk.  After 
that, Prima Doll will say something about him, that he is just a tool that 
would be used to unseal the [Relic].  Mint will comfort him by saying that he 
is not a tool because for one reason he is crying and that he has feelings 
[^_^].  Prima Doll will realize this and will thank Mint for the words.  
After that, he will say that he wants to go back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  After that, go to Klaus' house.

   Here, Klaus will say that he has finished doing the Amulet.  Prima Doll 
will try it on and he will feel great wearing it.  Now they are ready to 
break the seal so Klaus gets up and tries to walk but his ankle still hurts.  
Elena will say that her father still needs to rest but Klaus will say that he 
can't stop now because his dream is only a few steps away.  Mint will say 
that he should not worry because they have to prepare a boat first in order 
to get to the ruins.  Mint will say in her mind that now, she can keep the 
[Relic] for herself.

+ END +
++ -Together with Prima- ++

+ Chapter 8 +
++ -Relic, here I come- ++

  In town, go to the Grasslands and talk to Rod.

   Mint will ask Rod to get his Pinto ready because she needs it.  Rod will 
ged mad and tells you why do you always call Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega, 
Pinto, and if Mint is stupid or anything and he will ask you what is the name 
of his baby.  Just choose Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega (though I don't know 
what will happen if you choose the other options).  If you chose that, he 
will tell Mint that she has a brain after all but then again, Mint will call 
it Pinto.  So now, Rod does not want to give you a ride but Mint will hear 
Rod's stomach grumble.  Mint will say to him that if that is his stomach and 
Rod will say yes and that is because he does not get challenges lately and he 
can't even afford a meal.  Mint will then say that if Rod remembers what Mira 
cooked for them when they first go to the Gamul Forest and tells him that she 
can ask Mira again to cook that for them.  Rod will get delighted and say 
that he will get Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega and you go ask Mira to cook for 

  Go leave the grasslands and go back to Klaus' house.  No need to tell Mira 
about the food so just go talk to Klaus at the basement and say to him that 
you will depart for the ruins.

   Mint and Prima Doll together with Rod will be going to the Ruins together. 
Prima Doll asks you if you were going to ride that cool looking boat and Rod 
will say to him that it is not a boat but Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega.  
Prima Doll ignores it and still calls it a boat but he will hear from Mint 
calling it Pinto and begins calling it Pinto too.  There, you will then ride 
the boat to the Lake Ruins.

 * 'Lake Ruins' *

   At the Lake Ruins, Prima will go and unlock the seal but Mint keeps 
disturbing him.  At the second try, Maya will teleport there together with 
Doll Master and Psycho Master.  Maya will tell you that how could you have 
forgotten East Heaven's duty that is to protect Valen's [Relic] from being 
unsealed at all cost.  After hearing this, Doll Master will grab Prima Doll 
as with Mint is attacked by pumpkins summoned by Maya.  Rue then arrives but 
Psycho Master would be blocking him but Rod will also arrive and he will 
punch Psycho Master.  Rod will then take Prima Doll to safety.   Rue will say 
that he will be coming back (and at this point, he knows that Mint is truly a 
princess) to save Mint because Mint is pinned on the ground by the pumpkin.  
Maya will then fortify the Ruins with the help of the Book of Cosmos.

 * 'Maya's Tower' *

   Mint will be thrown into the tower's dungeon.

|  tt  |   t.  Something
|      |

  Go talk to the something at your back and...

   Maya will arrive and talk to Mint that she could not let a monster like 
Mint rule the world because it would bring total chaos and send the world to 
oblivion.  She will leave and tell Mint that dinner would be served to you, 
and all the dishes are pumpkins.  So now Mint desperately wants to escape and 
at that time, the grate in your place will open and a porcupine will come out 
and transform into Rue and he will say that he has come back to rescue Mint.  
Mint will get shocked and asks what he could not explain it very well and so 
he removes his hat and shows you the gem on his forehead and he will tell 
Mint that he is not human and that he does not know what he is.  He will tell 
Mint to forget about that now because they both need to escape from there.  
He will open the lock.
=____    x|
    |_____|      - I am not sure if this is 100% accurate, but this would 
    |     |        have to do for now.
    |  i  |
    |     |      i.  Invisible Steps
    |  vv |      v.  Visible Steps
    |  vv |      x.  Mint's Magic
    |     | 
    |    i|
    |     |
    | i   |
    |     |
    | vv  |
    |     |
    |   i |
    |     |
    |     |
    | v   |
    | v   |
    | i   |
    |     |
____|     |

  In the next room, Rue will say something about invisible steps but he can 
see them and sadly you can't.  All you have to do is to let him guide you and 
follow where he is stepping.  At the end Mint would get her Magic back.  
Proceed to the next room.

   Here some witch would fire a pumpkin and Rue will ask Mint to duck but 
Mint will catch it on her face and Mint will tell him that he should not have 
evaded it because there is a lady at his back [;_;].  He will than ask you to 
ride the floating thing and he will go into another floating thing because it 
can only accommodate 1 person.

  Here, just avoid the witches shots by jumping.  You will reach the next 

  In the next room

   Both of them, Mint and Rue will see Trap Master and Trap Master will say 
that they are both caught on a trap.  Both Rue and Mint will be falling down 
the terrace because pumpkins surround them on front and they will fall if 
they keep going back.  Rue will ask Mint to jump and they will be saved by 
Belle and Hexagon and they will leave.

   *Cut Scene*
    Mode Master will tell Doll Master that Mint escaped the dungeon.  Here a 
new plot will be visible that Doll Master wants to get the relic and he will 
tell it to Maya because it is better to get it now than let it fall into the 
wrong hands.  Maya will stand on her beliefs that the kingdom is there to 
protect the [Relic] and they should NEVER lay their hands on it.
   *Cut Scene*
   You will be in town and Mint wanted to ask a lot of questions to Rue but 
Rue will say that they should talk about that at the Tavern because Belle and 
Duke is waiting for him.

 * 'Town of Carona' *
  Before you go to the bar, why don't you go talk to Rod first at the 

   Rod will encourage Mint to keep going because it is just her trial phase.  
He has survived his trial phase already and that was when he wasn't able to 
create good weapons.  He will say that 'his woman' kept him going.  She was 
the one that encourages him when he is down and tells him to stop moping and 
create a new weapon.  He will say that Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega was her 
only keepsake to him.  Upon hearing this, Mint will think that the one Rod 
was talking about is dead, but Rod will clarify that she, her name is Lucine 
and she is not dead but he can't go see her until he marked a name in 
history.  He will tell then to Mint that she just have to keep on going no 
matter what and do not give up.

  After that, go to the Tavern.

   Belle, Duke and Rue, will invite Mint in their table and they are going to 
talk about something.  Also, Belle and Duke already know that Mint is a 
princess because Rue told them even if they could not believe it.  Mint will 
say to them that you have been through hell for the past 2 years.  After 
that, Rue will then tell his story.  He will say that it was 5 years ago that 
when he was alone and he was lost, he could have just fallen apart if it 
wasn't for Claire.  He will say that she is dead now so that is why he needs 
the [Relic] to revive her.  Duke will say that that story always touches him 
every time, and also he will tell you that he already know this because Rue 
have told them this when Rue asked for the Tiara.

  Now that most things are clarified, it is time for a good night sleep.  
Head for the inn and ask Ms. Cartha to go to your room.  You will 
automatically sleep.

+ END +
++ -Relic, here I come- ++

+ Chapter 9 +
++ -Maya's here- ++

  Go out the inn and take note that the left (Ms. Cartha's left) door is 
broken so you have to leave through the right (Ms. Cartha's right) door.

   As Mint goes out, she will be greeted by Psycho Master.  He will tell you 
that Maya demands to get Prima Doll and of course Mint will refuse and tells 
Psycho Master that Maya can put the demands up her butt.  After that, Psycho 
Master will leave and Elena will arrive and tells Mint that while they were 
in the forest they were attacked by dolls.  So Mint decided to go check the 
forest out.

 * 'Carona Forest' ****************************************
 *  My Status:  HP  143/143     STR  028 + 016            *
 *              MP  139/139     DEF  016 + 016            *
 *  Items:  Silver Coin (if you helped Blood and Smokey)  *
 *  Enemies:  Puppet                                      *
 *            Specter                                     *

  There are new enemies to this place (though they are only here 
temporarily), the Puppets and Specters.  I think Fire deals good damage to 
the Specters.  Here, just run to the place where Blood and Smokey is always 

   Mint will see that Blood and Smokey are surrounded by puppets.  She 
decides whether to help or not to help Blood and Smokey.

  Choose the option that will make you help both of them because after 
killing the 4 puppets ...

   Blood and Smokey will thank Mint but Mint will say that she did not help 
them because the puppets were on her way.  Hearing this, Blood and Smokey 
will run away and Blood will drop an item for Mint.  Mint will pick it up and 
she can't believe that they gave her an expensive item.

  After that go to the place where you were jumped to get to the cliffs.

   Here Mint will see Mira, fighting Trap Master.  Mint will arrive and say 
to Trap Master that she has defeated many of his dolls and asks Trap Master 
to give up.  Trap Master will say that they create them like crazy and he 
summons more puppets to that place, after saying that he will leave.  The 
puppets will corner Mint and a Specter will arrive and defeat the puppets for 
you, he is actually Rue.  You will automatically end up in town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  First go check out Tonio's shop.  He is selling new stuff.

   Mythril Bracer  -  5,500 G  -  Bonus Strength +20
   Mythril Belt    -  5,500 G  -  Bonus Defense +20  

  After buying those stuff, why don't you go fight Rod, he has a new weapon 
called 'Black Tornado'.  If you don't like to fight him, just go to Klaus' 

   Klaus will thank Mint for saving his family.  Prima Doll will say that if 
he gave up himself to them, it could prevent many bad things.  He will say 
that it is because of him that bad things happen.  Mint will say to Prima 
Doll that she is fighting for Prima Doll, and she is not protecting Prima 
Doll just for anyone but she is fighting because she needs to get the [Relic] 
to conquer the world.  And because of that, Prima Doll should not dare 
attempt to give his self up.

   After that topic, they will talk about shutting down the doll factories.  
Rue will say that he will check out the Ghost Temple and you Mint go check 
out the Underground Ruins because Klaus saw some of them there too.

  After that, go to the Underground Ruins.

 * 'Underground Ruins' *************************
 *  My Status:  HP  146/146     STR 028 + 020  *
 *              MP  143/143     DEF 016 + 020  *
 *  Enemies:  Puppet                           *
 *            Specter                          *
 *            Skeleton                         * 

   When Mint arrives there, she will wonder why Maya wants to get the 
[Relic], and that contradicts what she said earlier at the Lake Ruins.  After 
that, Maya and Psycho Master will arrive (and Mint will go hide) and Maya 
will say that she will protect the Underground Ruins personally.  Maya will 
teleport into the ruins.

  Go follow Maya and inside the Underground Ruins, just go forward twice (you 
don't need to go down the long way).  The wall beside the entrance to the 
room where Rue used to stand is now gone, and you can go down there, and you 
will automatically be in the room where you need to get the platforms in 
order to go to the room above. You will notice that the platforms are not 
there so you have to get them all again. Also there are skeletons in this 
place but they just go down and stand up again.  After getting them all go 
back to that room and step on the platforms, exit at the top exit and drop 
down the hole and go get the heal point and go to the next room, the room 
with the blinking platforms.

   Maya will be there, trying to jump from platform to platform.  Mint will 
ask her what is she up to and Maya will say that she has changed and maybe 
she got your evil nature.  She will bring up the topic that since Mint are in 
the Underground Ruins and that boy Rue is at the Ghost Temple, then who is 
protecting the town.  After hearing this, Mint will know that the dolls were 
just acting as decoys because they are really going to attack the town.  Mint 
will immediately back to town.
   *Cut Scene*
    In town, you will see Doll Master saying that he, in behalf of Princess 
Maya of East Heaven Kingdom, demands to get Prima Doll.  Nobody answers so he 
threatens to burn the town and kill all the residents.  After that he will 
call Psycho Master and Doll Master will order him to destroy the inn and kill 
all the occupants.  But Duke will stop them and saying that he has a new act 
but he will be blown away by Trap Masters trap (duh!).  Belle then says that 
she will take all of them on.
   *Cut Scene*

   Mint arrives in town and she kicks Doll Master for an entrance, but Doll 
Master would evade it and he let Psycho Master take you to Church and there 
you will fight.  Inside the Church, Psycho Master dares you to attack him on 
his front side.

  *Boss Battle - Psycho Master*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

    To defeat him, you have to attack his back.  Never attack his front 
because he will grab you and deal you damage.  If he throws certain attacks 
like a round thing that would move from his body to the outer surrounding 
areas and stuff, you can jump that attack.  If he floating and trying to move 
closer to you, just run away and move in a circular motion around him.

   After the battle, he just said that he just bought enough time and now 
Mint is free to go.  He will then disappear.

   Outside, Trap Master is fighting Belle and when he got bored, he will 
engage the trap and blow away Belle too just like what happened to Duke.  
After that, Klaus would be defending Prima Doll.  He will say that he would 
not give up a member of his family.  Doll Master would be impressed by what 
he said but will ask him how come he wanted to risk his life for a tool.  And 
as Klaus said earlier, he wouldn't give up a member of his family and so Doll 
Master cannot believe this and he will shoot Klaus with energy.

   Mint will get out of the church and she will see Prima Doll being taken by 
Doll Master.  Prima Doll asks Mint to rescue him and beat up the bad guys.  
Mint will say that she will come, beat up the bad guys and save Prima Doll, 
and that would be a promise.  Now, all the enemies will leave together with 
Prima Doll.

   Rue will arrive and Mint will say to him that they took Prima Doll.  Rue 
will regret that he has arrived late and if only he was earlier, the enemies 
could have not taken Prima Doll.  Mint will say that he will rescue Prima and 
Klaus will tell you that they might have taken Prima on the tower that 
appeared in the lake.  Now Mint has to go there.

+ END +
++ -Maya's here- ++

+ Chapter 10 +
++ -Maya's sooo dead!- ++

  It will automatically be morning and what you do here is you leave town and 
go to the Tower of Maya (which was formerly the Lakeside).

   Mint will say that it is time to kick some major butt or something and 
then ...

   *Cut Scene*
    Doll Master will demand from Prima Doll to open the seal but Prima Doll 
does not want to do it.  Doll Master will threaten Prima Doll by saying that 
he will destroy the town so Prima Doll will do it.  After breaking the seal 
you will see something that will rise up and form a fortress.  
   *Cut Scene*

   Rue will see it together with Mint and he will say that all their efforts 
are wasted because Valen's [Relic] is there.  Mint will say to Rue that it is 
not yet over and if he wants to save Claire then they should not give up.

 * 'Tower of Maya' ******************************
 *  My Status:  HP  150/150     STR  028 + 020  *
 *              MP  152/152     DEF  016 + 020  *
 *  Items:  7x Gold Coins                       *
 *          2x Star Stones                      *
 *          Legendary Helmet                    *
 *  Enemies:  Wabbit                            *
 *            Pumpkin                           *
 *            Witch                             *
 *  Bosses:   Trap Master                       *
 *            Maya (well, not really)           *
|        |
|  _==_  |
|__|  |__|
   |  |
   |  |

  Just go enter the top door.

  In the round room, just run up and fight the enemies you encounter such as 
Wabbits, Witches and Pumpkins.  All are easy to kill but you need to use 
Yellow - Spark or Yellow - Trine to get rid of the witches that are annoying 
you because you can't get them using physical attacks.

|1__________ \        1.  2x Gold Coins
            \ \
             \ \      +.  You will start there
             | |      =.  Exit
             = |
             | |
             / /
____________/ /

  Here just go get 2 Gold Coins (1) but pumpkins will bust through the door 
and you have to kill them all for it to open again, exit through the open 
door (=).
|               |    1.  2x Star Stones
|1_____________R|    R.  Restore HP
|_____| p |_____|    p.  Floating platform
|     |fff|     |    f.  Fall
|fffffffffffffff|    Moving Stuff - You can step on them
|    Moving     |                 - Only the ones turning Clockwise
|    Stuff      |                 - Or one that is moving.
|               |
|               |

  You have to jump across the moving stuff.  You can only step on the ones 
that are moving right to left or vice versa and the ones that are turning 
clockwise.  If you fall, the place below will be surrounded by force fields 
and you have to kill all the pumpkins in order to get out.  Kill the witch on 
the floating platform (p) and go get the 2 Star Stones and step on the 
Restore HP and leave the place using the top exit.

  In the next place, you have to hop on the big round thing in the middle and 
enemies (Pumpkins) will fall down and you just have to defeat them all until 
you get to the top.  At the top, from the round thing, go up the stairs and 
get out of the room.
    /          \
   /   ______   \    1.  3x Gold Coins
  /    |    |    \
  \    |____|    /
   \          1 /

  The room is actually round, but this is ASCII map, that is the best that it 
can be.  First go get the 3 Gold Coins (they are on the lowest level of the 
room and move a clockwise in order to see it.  After getting this, go up and 
exit the place.

|1__________ \        1.  2x Gold Coins
            \ \
             \ \      +.  You will start there
             | |      =.  Exit
             = |
             | |
             / /
____________/ /

  Again, just like the previous room, just go get the 2 Gold coins and if you 
pass through the door, pumpkins will come out and you have to defeat them in 
order for the door to open again.  Just exit through the door.

|    |r____L|    |
|                |    1.  Step on this first (deals 15 damage at end of ride)
|                |    2.  Step on this second (15 damage at end of ride)
|  3    2        |    3.  Step on this third
|                |    x.  You can step on this, but you need to hurry because
|  X    X     1  |        they will deal you 15 Damage
|----------------|    r.  Restore HP
|________________|    L.  Legendary Helmet

   First go step on (1) but if you fall you can step on the middle (x) to get 
back up.  After stepping on one, beat up the Wabbits first because they are 
blocking access to the other platform (2 and 3).  You have to step on (1) 
then (2) then (3), you can wait for (3) to stop unlike (1 and 2) because at 
the end of (3)s ride it will not throw you but it would wait for a few 
seconds.  Go get the Legendary Helmet (L) and step on the Restore HP spot.  
Go exit the place.

  At the next room, you will see Trap Master

   Trap Master will say that he got the permission to kill Mint now so he 
attacks her and puts her into his own battle field.

  *Boss Battle - Trap Master*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   Just use White - Vulcan while you are at the middle platform, he will just 
die and leave you nothing to worry about.  If you wish to a have a flawless 
battle, if a shadow appears on top of you, get out of there because an spiked 
ball will fall.  After that, do not step on the blinking platforms because 
they can deal you damage.

   After the battle, Trap Master will ask you to finish him off so Mint does 
her magic stance but Trap Master will say that that won't do because you have 
to go near him and beat him up to do it.  Mint knows that this is a trap so 
she does not want to go near Trap Master.  He will compliment you that you 
are not so dumb after all and that he will tell Mint that she'll regret it 
because he will come get Mint in the future.  He will just mope there for a 
while so Mint will automatically advance to the next room.

   In the next room, Maya is there, and Mint will demand that she release 
Prima Doll.  She will say that Prima Doll is not there but at the Lake Ruins.  
But you would also want to fight her and she wants to fight you too.  Maya 
will say to Mint that there is no need to worry because she won't use the 
Book of Cosmos on this battle and she will use her own powers to fight.

  *Boss Battle - Maya*
   Challenge:  Easy

   Just whack her till she dies.  If she summon pumpkins, go whack them all 
to gain some HP or MP.  But if she turns you into a pumpkin just jump and run 
around and she won't be able to get you.

   After the battle, Maya will get humiliated because she cannot defeat MInt 
with her own power.  Then suddenly, her body will be blinking and she will 
turn back into Mode Master.  Mint will ask her why did she turn herself into 
Maya but she would run and Mint would chase her.  She will stop inside the 
dungeon and you will see 2 Maya.  They would be pointing at each other that 
the other one is Maya.  So Mint would decide who the real Maya is and jump 
kick the imposter.

   Go kick the right one because it is truly Maya and it would be funny to do 
so [^_^] but if you are a bit serious at this point, attack the left one.

   After that, Mode Master would reveal that Doll Master used the Kingdom to 
achieve his goals which is getting Valen's [Relic].  Maya will be so 
humiliated hearing this because she let someone like Doll become an Imperial 
Magician.  Mint will say something about Doll Master's sneaky personality and 
something but Mode Master will tell you that if you have heard what Doll 
Master has been through, you will understand him.  She was supposedly going 
to tell you this but Trap Master would interrupt her, and will call her 
'Kirielle' [so that's her true name].  Trap Master will give Maya back the 
Book of Cosmos but Maya would ask why is he giving this but Trap Master will 
say that it does not matter because it is just crap compared to the Dewprism, 
which is Valen's [Relic] which the Doll Master would be getting. Mode Master 
will tell Mint and Maya that Prima must have been taken to Valen's Fortress.

   Maya will tell Mint that she would come back to Carona but Mint will tell 
her not to go there because the townspeople may still be mad at her so Mint 
decided to take her to *the* place [hehehe!], to Mel.

  You will be automatically brought to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' ***********************************
 *  Item:  Platinum Coin (now, or later in the game)  *

  You may like to go to register at the inn first then leave the inn and go 
buy the best bonus status stuff in the game from Tonio's shop.

  Brave Bracer  -  6,500 G  -  Bonus Strength +24
  Black Belt    -  6,500 G  -  Bonus Defense  +24

  After that, you may like to give the Legendary Stuff to Jargen, the 
bartender at the (duh!) Tavern.  He will offer you the following as dishes.
     |  Dish               |  Enemies Required  |  Status Raised     |
     |  Minced Fire Blobs  |  50 Fire Blobs     |  +10 Maximum HP    |
     |  Mushroom Soup      |  60 Fungies        |  +10 Maximum MP    |
     |  Pollywog Souffle   |  50 Pollywogs      |  +2 Base Strength  |
     |  Gudon Liver Soup   |  30 Gudons         |  +2 Base Defense   |

  You can only cook 10 times and the Legendary equipment will be overused but 
if that happens he will give you a Platinum Coin.  I suggest that you should 
either get the Pollywog Souffle and Gudon Liver Soup because you can get a +2 
Bonus for each of them.

  I think this would be the last times you can fight Rod so you better beat 
him up pretty bad until you don't feel like it anymore.

  Go to Mel's Atelier after that.

 * 'Mel's Atelier' *****
 *  Item:  Cannon Orb  *

  Go to Mel's house.

   Maya will tell Mint something about Dewprism.  She will say that it is a 
pure essence of the trickles of forces in the universe [or something like 
that].  The Dewprism was created by Valen by compressing and crystallizing 
the forces and turned it into a [Relic].  It is the ultimate power of the 
universe.  After that, Mint will ask if the Doll Master took a big part in 
her being kicked out of the kingdom and Maya will answer her question with a 
yes.  Maya will tell Mint that maybe the Doll Master saw Mint as a big threat 
so he and the kingdom decided to kick you out.

  Mel will ask Mint about how is she going to go up the fortress but Mint 
will reply her with a no.  Mel will give Mint a Cannon Orb and tells her that 
it is up to her what to do with it.  Maya will ask Mint if she is going to go 
up the fortress and Mint will say that she is going.

  - The screen will turn and you see the flying things pinch Mel's behind and 
she is going to slap them [;_^].

  Note: If Mel didn't give you the Cannon Orb, you will have to play with a 
Poppul Purrel (the one you found in the forest) in order to get it.  Contributed 
by MahalLynx (

  Go back to town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *********
 *  Items:  2x Cannon Orbs  *

  Here, go to the Grasslands and talk to Rod.

   Rod will tell Mint that Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega has the ability to 
fly but it needs to have an additional 5 Cannon Orbs.  He will say something 
about the Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega needs 5 Cannon Orbs in it's Sorcery 
driver [or something] to function as a boat and 10 Cannon Orbs for it be able 
to fly.  Mint will give him one Cannon Orb, the one she got from Mel and will 
tell him that she will find more of those.

+ END +
++ -Maya's sooo dead!- ++

+ Chapter 11 +
++ -Get the Cannon Orbs- ++

  Go to Klaus house and talk to Klaus

   Mint will ask Klaus if he has a thing called a Cannon Orb because she 
needs it in order to go Valen's Fortress.  He will say that he know something 
like that and he will give it to you.  Klaus will tell Mint that she is just 
like Mira when Mira was young.

  Now, go to the tavern.

   In here, Mint will see Belle and Duke and she will ask them if they know 
something about the Cannon Orb.  Belle will tell Mint that they have one and 
they are using it to power up Hexagon, but she will let Mint borrow it for a 
while.  But Mint needs to promise that she will help Rue once she got the 
Dewprism [^_^].  Belle and Duke will leave the bar and say to Mint that they 
will give it to Rod after they take it out so Mint does not have to worry 
about getting it from them.  Mint will wonder how she is going to help Rue.

  After that go to Hobbs' Shop.

   Mint will see the Cannon Orb and she will look for the price tag and it 
will say look like it costs 100 G.  Mint will tell Hobbs that she is going to 
buy it but Hobbs will tell her that it is not 100 G but 100 M or 100,000,000 
G.  Mint does not have enough money so she will think of someone who can pay 
it.  First she will think of Rue but she remembers that he does not have that 
much money.  Second, she will think about Belle but also remembers that she 
is already in debt.  After that, Klaus but then she knows that Klaus does not 
earn that much money.  Now, there would be someone in her mind and Mint will 
tell Hobbs that someone would be paying it for her but still Hobbs want some 
form of down payment so he will ask you for 5,000 G.

  Go give the 5,000 G that Hobbs is asking you.

   Hobbs will hand you the Cannon Orb and go leave the shop.  Mint will then 
reveal that the one that would be paying for it was Maya.

  After that, head for the Grasslands and Mint will automatically [I think] 
will talk to Belle.

   Belle will say that she have been waiting for Duke and Rod to arrive for 
about an hour already but Rod and Duke will arrive with Rod injured.  They 
will tell Mint that they have challenged Wylaf because they heard that the 
dragon had a Cannon Orb.

   At the start Wylaf does not want to give the Cannon Orb to Rod because 
Wylaf wants to test them if he is worthy to get it.  Rod would be fighting 
Wylaf and Duke will arrive late because he had to fix his act.  They would 
then fight together against Rod to test their hearts.

  "Without heart, we are nothing" - Rod and Duke

   They would win and they would be able to get the Cannon Orb which they 
have brought now but sadly [;_;], Rod cannot pilot Pulsar Inferno Typhoon 
Omega because he has suffered a lot of damage.  Rod will ask Duke to act like 
him and fly his 'baby' to Valen's Fortress, Duke will accept this.

+ END +
++ -Get the Cannon Orbs- ++

+ Chapter 12 +
++ -Final Battle- ++

  Go to the Raging Mountains if you like to get the Magic Effect [Hyper].

 * 'Raging Mountain' ****************************
 *  My Status:  HP  165/165     STR  030 + 024  *
 *              MP  163/163     DEF  018 + 024  *
 *  Items:  Magic Effect [Hyper]                *

  Go to the peak where you fought Wylaf.

   Mint will see Rue and he will thank her because she encouraged him when he 
was about to give up.  Thanks to Mint, he will not give up anymore.  He will 
then ask Wylaf for Dragon Wings and Wylaf would give it to him and he will 
turn into a dragon.  Rue will say to Mint before he leaves for the fortress 
that he is not going to forget Mint.
   After that, Wylaf would read Mint's mind and he will know that she wants 
something like that too, so he will give Mint the Magic Effect [Hyper] but he 
still needs to test her if she is worthy to have it.

  *Boss Battle - Wylaf*
   Challenge:  Medium - Hard

   Same things like the previous battle to take note hear.  Avoid the + 
effect of his fire breath to the ground.  Begin casting Blue - Icicle or 
press the attack button continuously before he even drops on the ground so 
that you can immediately damage him.  Avoid the cyclones that he will be 
summoning or else it would take you to the sky and deal you damage.  Also if 
he charges you, avoid it by jumping to another direction.

  After the battle

   Wylaf will recognize that Mint is worthy to have it so he will give the 
Magic Effect [Hyper] to her.  He will say that he will be leaving the 
mountain if Mint has united the world under her rule and he will be serving 
her.  Mint will leave the place and after that Wylaf will call someone to 
come out from hiding.

   Mel will come out and tells Wylaf that it has been along time and just 
like the Aeons, they will be gone soon.  Both of them would agree that the 
world's fate is up to the younger generations now, whether they will destroy 
or protect it.  Mel will wonder if Mint will be ok but Wylaf will say that 
they can trust her.

  You will automatically end up in town.

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  Now that you are here, I would suggest that if you have not yet destroyed 
the Legendary stuff yet, go beat up Pollywogs and Gudons (remember to get 
only enough since the Legendary stuff will break after 10 meals) [Don't waste 
time beating Fire Blobs and Fungies because +10 HP or +10 MP is not worth it] 
after destroying it, the bartender will give you a Platinum Coin.

  After that, if you think you have missed something, go check out the 
section Side Stuff.  If you have done all of them go to the inn and register 
and go talk to Belle.

   Belle will ask Mint if she wants to go to Valen's Fortress now, choose to 

   Rod will say that he is counting on Duke to take Pulsar Inferno Typhoon 
Omega.  Duke will say that he will pilot Pinto.  Rod will get mad because it 
is not Pinto but Pulsar Inferno Typhoon -- but he can't finish because his 
injuries hurt.

   On it, as Duke begins the ride, Pinto would be running slowly and Mint 
will assume that

 "Hey I know, Belle's big butt is weighing us down." - Mint

   Duke will flip a switch but it will stop and after a while, it would be 
going real fast and at that speed you will fly and arrive to Valen's 

 * 'Valen's Fortress' ***************************
 *  My Status:  HP  186/186     STR  041 + 024  *
 *              MP  187/187     DEF  025 + 024  *
 *  Items:  Magic Color [Gold Magic]            *
 *          Bronze Coin or  \                   *
 *          Silver Coin or   - (0 - 4x)         *
 *          Gold Coin       /                   *
 *  Enemies:  Behemoth                          *
 *            Shaolon                           *
 *            Fire Blob                         *
 *            Hellhound                         *
 *            Bubba                             *
 *            Jinn                              *
 *  Other Enemies/Bosses:  Pollywog             *
 *                         Saber Tiger          *
 *                         Mandola              *
 *                         Gudon                *
 *                         Witch                *
 *                         Pumpkin              *
 *                         Wabbit               *
 *                         Puppet               *
 *                         Skeleton             *
 *                         Specter              *
 *                         Nightmare            *
 *                         Cloud Whale          *
 *                         Skull Beast          *
 *  Bosses:  Psycho Master                      *
 *           Doll Master                        *
 *           Valen                              *
 *           Valen                              *

   Mint, Duke, and Belle will arrive at the place also, Mint feels sick 
because of the ride.

   "Barfing is always so refreshing." - Mint

   After that, Mint will see Prima Doll, which is a little low on energy, 
because it has just broken the seal.  Prima Doll will tell Mint that he 
stayed awake to give her a good luck charm which is on his amulet.  He will 
give Mint [Gold Magic].  After that, Prima Doll will ask Mint to beat up the 
bad guys and now that he has said that, he needs to rest and transforms 
himself into a cube.  Mint will ask Belle to protect the cube for her and 
Belle will say that she would take care of it and Belle will ask Mint to come 
back early.  Mint then hops on the teleport and proceeds to...

 * 'Arena I' *

|     |
|  B  |     A.  You will appear here
|__ __|     B.  3 Gargoyles, Teleports to (C)
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  A  |

  You can beat the Shaolon by using Lightning Magic and just jump attack or 
attack 3x then jump back when fighting the Behemoths.  [But also it is a good 
idea to get beaten up here because you can increase your Maximum HP].

                  |     |
                  |  E  |      C.  Teleports to (B)
                  | ____|      D.  Teleports to (F)
                 / /           E.  Teleports to (H)
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  D  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  C  |

  Go to (D) if you want to go somewhere with a Restore HP but if not go to 

|     |             F.  Teleports to (D)
|  F  |             G.  3 Gargoyles, Restore HP
|____ |
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \_____
         |     |
         |  G  |

  Step on (G) and beat up the 3 Gargoyles and step on the Restore HP, go back 
to (F) and step on (E).
|     |     H.  Teleports to (E)
|  J  |     I.  Teleports to (K)
|__ __|     J.  Leads to (L)
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  I  |
|__ __|
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  H  |

  Go step on (J).

  But if you have stepped on (I)
|     |
|  K  |     K.  3 Gargoyles, Teleports to (I)

  Step on (K) and 3 Gargoyles will appear.  Go thrash them all and step on 
(K) again and step on (J) this time.
  But if you followed me earlier and stepped on (J)
|     |
|  M  |     L.  You will appear here
|-----|     f.  Attack this to
   s             - begin time
     s           - pass through
  s         s.  Step on these
|--f--|     M.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to Arena II
|  L  |

  Here, you will notice that there is a time bar that is not moving.  Go 
attack (f) and jump across while stepping on the fast moving (s) and step on 

  If you stepped on (M) with
     Time           In addition to Restore HP until time runs out, you get
     75.0% - Up     Gold Coin
     50.0% - 74.9%  Silver Coin
     25.0% - 49.9%  Bronze Coin

 * 'Arena II' *
                  |     |     A.  You will appear here
                  |  C  |     B.  Teleports to (E)
                  | ____|     C.  Teleports to (D)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  B  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  A  |

  You will appear at (A), step on (B).

  But if you went to (C)
|     |
|  D  |     D.  Bubba, Teleports to (C)

  Step on (D) and a Bubba will appear, dispose of it and step on (D) again, 
and step on (B).

  If you stepped on (B)
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     E.  Teleports to (B)
|  F  ______  E  |     F.  Rock, Teleports to (G)
|_____|    |_____|

  Destroy the Rock by using Black - Bomb or Black - Graviton.  After that, go 
step on the teleporter (F).
                  |     |
                  |  I  |     G.  You will appear here
                  | ____|     H.  Teleports to (J)
                 / /          I.  Teleports to (K)
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  H  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  G  |

  Here, you cannot go back to (F) anymore so step on (I).

  If you stepped on (H).

|     |
|  J  |     J.  Hellhound, Teleports to (H)

  Step on (J) and a Hellhound will appear, defeat it and step on (J) again 
and go to (H) and step on (I).

  If you stepped on (I)
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     K.  Teleports to (I)
|  K  ______  L  |     L.  Teleports to (M)
|_____|    |_____|

  Step on (L).
                  |     |     M.  You will appear here
                  |  O  |     N.  Teleports to (R)
                  | ____|     O.  Teleports to (P)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  M  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  N  |

  Teleport using (N)

  If you stepped on (O)
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     P.  Teleports to (O)
|  Q  ______  P  |     Q.  Ice, Hellhound
|_____|    |_____|

  First melt the ice by using Fire - (any kind) and something like a 
teleporter will appear and if you step on it (Q) you will fight a Hellhound, 
after that, step on (P) and step on (N).

  But if you followed me and stepped on (N)
_______    _______
|     |____|     |     R.  Teleports to (N)
|  R  ______  S  |     S.  Fire, Leads to (T)
|_____|    |_____|     

  Use Blue - Droplets or Blue - Ripple on (S) and a teleporter will appear, 
step on it.
|     |     T.  You will appear here
|  U  |     f.  Attack this to
|-----|          - begin time
    s            - pass through
   i        s.  Step on this
  s         i.  Step on this but it will spew flame every few seconds
|--f--|     U.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to Arena III
|  T  |

  Another timed room, go attack (f) to begin time and step on the first (s).  
You will see that (i) is blowing fire so avoid it when it is blinking.  Step 
on (i), then jump on (s), and go to (U).  It depends whether what you will 
get again here on (U), and while there is still time, you can restore your 
HP, this (U) will lead to Arena III.

 * 'Arena III' *
                  |     |     A.  You will appear here
                  |  C  |     B.  3 Shaolons, Restore HP
                  | ____|     C.  Teleports to (D)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  A  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  B  |

  Here, go first to (B) and fight the 3 Shaolons and step on the Restore HP 
panel.  After that, go to (C).
|     |                    D.  You will appear here
|  F  |                    E.  3 Shaolons
|____ |                    F.  Teleports to (G)
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \____
        |     | 
        |  D  |
        |____ |
             \ \
              \ \
               \ \
                \ \_____
                 |     |
                 |  E  |

  Go to (F)
         |     |     G.  You will appear here
         |  H  |     H.  Teleports to (I)
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  G  |

  Step on (H)
|     |                     I.  You will appear here
|  J  |                     J.  3 Shaolons
|____ |                     K.  Teleports to (L)
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \_____
         |     |
         |  I  |
         |____ |
              \ \
               \ \
                \ \
                 \ \_____
                  |     |
                  |  K  |

  Go to (K)
         |     |     L.  You will appear here
         |  M  |     M.  Teleports to (N)
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  L  |

  Uh... um... go to (M)  
|     |                      N.  You will appear here
|  O  |                      O.  3 Shaolons
|____ |                      P.  Teleports to (Q)
     \ \
      \ \
       \ \
        \ \_____
         |     |
         |  N  |
         |____ |
              \ \
               \ \
                \ \
                 \ \_____
                  |     |
                  |  P  |

  Step on (P)

                  |     |     Q.  You will appear here
                  |  S  |     R.  3 Shaolons
                  | ____|     S.  Leads to (T)
                 / /
                / /
               / /
         _____/ /
         |     |
         |  R  |
         | ____|
        / /
       / /
      / /
_____/ /
|     |
|  Q  |

  Here, go (S)

|     |     T.  You will appear here
|  U  |     f.  Attack this to
|-----|          - start the time
  i              - pass through
    i       i.  Step on this but it will spew flame every few seconds
   s        s.  Step on this
  i         U.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to Arena IV
|  T  |

  You will appear at (T), attack the (f), be careful and jump to (i) only 
after the fire, step on (s), step on the (i) again, go step on (U).  Again 
the item you will get depending on the time and you can restore your HP until 
the time runs out.

 * 'Arena IV' *

_______    _______    _______
|     |____|     |____|     |     A.  You will appear here
|  B  ______  A  ______  C  |     B.  Teleports to (D)
|_____|    |_____|    |_____|     C.  Teleports to (G)

  Go to (B) first, actually you can start with any of the 2 but I want to go 
to (B) first.
|     |     D.  Teleports to (B)
|  E  |     E.  Behemoth
|__ __|     F.  Behemoth
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  D  |
|__ __|
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  F  |

  Go kill the Behemoths that are in (E) and (F), then go to (D) and step on 
|     |     G.  Teleports to (C)
|  H  |     H.  Behemoth
|__ __|     I.  Behemoth
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  G  |
|__ __|
  | |
  | |
  | |
__| |__
|     |
|  I  |

  Again, dispose of the 2 Behemoths on (H) and (I) and go step on (G).
_______    _______    _______
|     |____|     |____|     |     A.  Behemoth, Leads to (J)
|  B  ______  A  ______  C  |     B.  Teleports to (D)
|_____|    |_____|    |_____|     C.  Teleports to (G)

  Now that you have killed all 4 behemoths, if you step on (A), a behemoth 
will fight you.  Defeat it and a teleporter can now be seen and is ready to 
be accessed, step on (A).

|     |     J.  You will appear here
|  K  |     f.  Attack this to
|-----|          - start the time
   i             - pass through
    i       s.  Step on this
  s         i.  Step on this but it will spew flame every few seconds
    s       U.  Gold / Silver / Bronze Coin, Restore HP, Leads to the Inner
   s            Sanctum*
|  J  |       * - just copied what iamnothing called the place

  The last timed room, go attack (f) to begin the time and jump to the (s)s 
and to the (i)s, be careful about the flame again and after that, you can get 
a coin and restore HP and it will lead you to the Inner Sanctum.

 * 'Inner Sanctum' *

  |   |
  | = |       s.  Save Point
  |_ _|
   | |
   | |
   | |
   | |
___| |___
| s     |
|       |

  Go save at (s) and step on (=).

  In a bird's eye view, the entire area looks like this (below)
   /   / 1   \   \
  / 8 /____ __\ 2 \
 /\   /       \   /\
|  \ /         \ /  |
| 7 |           | 3 |
|  / \         / \  |
 \/   \_______/   \/
  \ 6 \   5   / 4 /
   \___\____ /___/

   Mint will arrive at room (1) and will wonder why the 2 center I don't know 
what they are called or [IDKWTAC] are lighted.

Rooms 2, 4, 6 & 8 are like a curved rooms that has enemies (Jinns and 
Hellhounds).  They can be used (attack them) if you want to refill your MP.

__________________________________________________Objective Sheet____________
Here is what you should do:

  Your objective is to light the two [IDKWTAC] on the center.

  for example:
   I I I I
     \ /
   Light these two and keep the ones beside them unlighted.

  A rock will fall and you have to take them to room 1.

  Note that you cannot attack / fight, even use magic when you are carrying a 

  For clarity reasons, you have to do the steps (steps [a] then [b] and so 
on) but you can do the rooms in any order.  (Thanks to chojin66 for this 
__________________________________________________Objective Sheet____________

  Room 1: a. Use Blue - Droplets to extinguish the two lighted [IDKWTAC]
              (which are 2 and 3) 
          b. Then use Fire - Burner on the two of them [meaning you will
              extinguish them and light them again] (2 and 3).  
          c. A red stone will drop.
|   1 2 3 4  |     1 and 4 - Unlit
|      s     |     2 and 3 - Lit
|     s s    |     s.  That is where the stones are to be placed

  Room 3: a. Use Red - Burner on the two at the center (2 and 3)
          b. A rock will be floating on top of your head, take that to room 
|  1 2 3 4  |     All [IDKWTAC] Unlit
|           |
|           |

  Room 5: a. Use Red - Burner on (2) 
          b. Then, use Green - Wave on (3).  Take the rock to room 1.
|  1 2 3 4  |     1, 2 and 4 - Unlit
|           |     3 - It has a low flame
|           |

  Room 7: a. Use Blue - Droplets on (1 and 4).  
          b. Take the rock to room 1.
|  1 2 3 4  |     All the [IDKWTAC] are lit
|           |
|           |
  After placing the rocks at room one, you will automatically advance to the 
next room.

   Mint will see Psycho Master and Psycho Master will say that he cannot 
allow her to go on further and disturb what the Doll Master is doing.  It is 
because that the Doll Master is taking the Cursed Crossways wherein he will 
face the fears of your past.  He also cannot allow Mint to go back and Mint 
has to end the battle there.

  *Boss Battle - Psycho Master*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   Do not touch the invisible barrier because it will deal you damage.  Note 
again that you can only attack him at his back.  When he floats and chases 
you, run around the room (but avoid the invisible barrier) and around him.  
When he casts the blue floating things, just get hit by them, it is only 
cheap damage anyway.  Use Blue - Restore if you want to Recover HP.

   Psycho Master will say that even though you have defeated him, you cannot 
go after the Doll Master because the Cursed Crossways is a difficult test.  
After that Mint will kick him and she will proceed to the next room and is 
confident that she can conquer the next test, the Cursed Crossways.

 * 'Cursed Crossways' *
| |     | |     | |     1.  Pollywog, Saber Tiger, Madola
| |     | |     | |     2.  Nightmare
| |_____| |_____| |     3.  Gudon, Fire Blob, Bubba
|4_______ _______5|     4.  Cloud Whale
| |     | |     | |     5.  Skull Beast
| |     | |     | |     6.  Puppet, Specter, Skeleton
| |_____| |_____| |     7.  Wabbit, Pumpkin, Witch

  Here you have to go through all teleporters, beating the enemies in the 
place you will appear to.  I believe that there is some kind of order here 
but sadly, I can't remember.  The enemies here are pitiful so you can easily 
defeat them.  Also if you are low on HP in the degree of:  
                         Ultra low - Fight at 1 or 3
                         Low       - Fight at 3 or 7
                         Medium    - Fight at 6 or 7
  to regain health (by beating up enemies and getting the potions (the red or 
blue stuff that they leave behind).

  After beating all the rooms, the center will have a save point and (A) will 
become a teleporter which has a Restore HP, save and hop onto it.

   In the next room, Mint will see Doll Master who is beating Rue up.  Doll 
Master is opening the final seal that would lead to the Dewprism.  Doll 
Master will say that he is impressed that Mint was able to get that far 
because in the first place, she was just some lousy princess [or something 
like that] and now it turned out that she is the one that is going to stop 
him.  Doll Master will ask what Mint's reason is.

   "Oh?  Enlighten me.  If you have come here for justice, it would be the 
joke of the century." - Doll Master

   Mint will say that she journeyed that far not for justice but to get hold 
of the Dewprism and conquer the world.  She will also say that she wants to 
send Doll Master to hell because she was homeless for the past 2 years 
because of him.  Doll Master will clarify this and will say to Mint that it 
was not his fault that Mint was not going to be queen because it was the 
decision of the High Council, together with the King.  Now, Mint will 
contradict what she said earlier that she have come for justice and the two 
are going to fight..

  *Boss Battle - Doll Master*
   Challenge:  Easy

   Just attack him or use White - Arrow.  Don't even think of evading his 
attacks because they are pitiful.  Since his efforts are pathetic, it could 
help his pride that he damaged you by a little bit or something.

   After the battle, Mint will continually attack Doll Master and Doll Master 
will utter something about his goal and the relic.  After saying that, he 
will disappear and leave his mask.  Mint will approach Rue who is still 
unconscious and tries to wake him up.  He would not respond so Mint decided 
to go for the relic but Rue will say "Claire" so Mint decided to drag Rue and 
say that ok, she will revive Claire with HER Dewprism.  She will go to the 
next room while dragging Rue.

   In the next room, Mint will see the Dewprism and she will express her 
claim but someone will arrive.  Mint will ask who the guy is but he will say 
that Mint is in his fortress and she doesn't know who he is.  Mint will 
realize that she is talking to Valen but will wonder that how come he is 
still alive because all the Aeons are dead.  Valen can read Mint's mind and 
he will answer the question and that he is only a spirit.  Mint will ask if 
she can have the Dewprism because Valen cannot use it without a physical body 
but Valen will take over Rue's body, wherein he will say that a doll's body 
is good enough for him [so Rue is a doll].  Valen will say something about 
purifying the world and he will be god but Mint will say that it is her world 
and that nobody can destroy it.  For that, Valen will summon some creatures 
and you will be the one to experience his purification.

  *Boss Battle - Valen*
   Challenge:  Medium 
   Here, you have to damage Valen which is in Rue's body.  You can use Yellow 
- Trine or Yellow - Final Flash when Valen is near you.  Regain your HP by 
using Blue - Restore, and your MP by attacking the guy that Valen will 
summon.  If he summons the guy, attack the guy until it is dead.  If it is 
moving around while in a slicing pose, just jump when it is coming your way.  
If it is jumping around, just jump when it is about to land on the ground.  
When it is doing something stupid [like standing and doing some pose], attack 
it because it will restore Valen's health.

   After that, there would be struggle within Rue's body and Valen's spirit 
will be cast out by the spirit of Claire that is residing in Rue's body. 
Maya will arrive and she is going to attack Valen using the Book of Cosmos.  
She will say that even though it is very much weaker than the Dewprism, it 
doesn't matter because Valen cannot use the Dewprism without a physical body.  
Valen will say that actually he can use it if he decides to become the Light.  
He will tell something about the power of the Dewprism to turn a light into a 
new and superior light.  After saying those things, he will enter the 
Dewprism to become the 'Light'.  Maya will ask Mint for both of them to work 
together and she will give Mint the power of the Book of Cosmos, which has 
Magic Effect [Cosmos] in order to fight Valen.

  *Boss Battle - Valen*
   Challenge:  Easy - Medium

   Here, the only time you can damage him when he is a bit red and that is 
after storming you with a White - Vulcan like attack.  If you are low on HP, 
just use Blue - Restore and attack Valen six times when he is on the ground 
for a full MP (you can also restore MP in the same way).  When he is flying, 
he will attempt to grab you so just run away from it and just run to some 
direction when it is going to blast you with the 2 barreled White - Vulcan 
like attack.  When you are seeing an overhead view, it is preparing for the 
suck maneuver.  Here, just run down and move left or right so you can avoid 
the shots and avoid getting sucked in.  Now, when he is hovering, he will 
storm you with the White - Vulcan like attack.  When that happens, set your 
magic to Yellow - Final Flash or Yellow - Trine and hold triangle while you 
are being hit with the White - Vulcan - like attack for an immediate fire.  
If you use Yellow - Final Flash, two of that would get rid of him.

    The actual way to thrash Valen:

     contributed by Dragoon Gohan (

      - use gold color magic and cosmos. when he is in the sky, and ready to 
use a vulcan looking move, use the shield. then let go. the powered sheild 
will hit valen! repeat and rinse. heh heh.

   After the battle ... will ... and ....  ... will ... and the ....  ... 
will ... but ... at the ... will be ... the ....

 * 'Town of Carona' *

  You will be automatically in the inn and

   ... will say that ....  ... will ... and that ....  will ... to ... and 
... tell ... when ....

+ END +
++ -Final Battle- ++

+ Chapter 13 +
++ -Aftermath- ++

   ... will ... and ... will ....  ... that ... and ....  ... ask ....

  Here is what you do

  1)  Get out of the room
  2)  Leave the inn
  3)  Go to the Grasslands and talk to Rod
  4)  Head for Klaus' house and go to the basement
  5)  Go to the church and leave
  6)  Enter the Hotel

  *Story for all of them*
   ... will be ... and ... are too.  ... will be ... and ... will be ....  At 
the ... will ....  At the ... and ... but ... so ....

+ END +
++ -Aftermath- ++

  Congratulations, you have finished Mint's story.  I actually played Mint 
first and if you want to know my time is 19:43.  [Yeah, yeah, I took a 
loooooong time to finish the game, but it was really hard to do the maps and 
writing while reading or playing the game and stuff so sometimes I let go of 
the controller and write stuff on paper.]

  If you have finished Mint's story only:
   - After the credits, you will see something like End of Mint's story.  You 
will be asked if you want to save the game which is Rue 0:00.  Save your game 
and you will see Mint's picture has a color now.  After that, you will be 
asked if you want to: - Play the Rue Episode
                      - Return to the Title Screen
                      - Return to the Save Screen
      do anything you want.

  But if you have finished Rue's and Mint's story, proceed to the next 
section, So you've finished the game.

## ---So You've Finished the Game--- ##

  If you have finished the game, both Rue and Mint, after the credits you 
will be able to see an epilogue about what is going to happen in their lives 
next now that ... and ... is gone.  The game would leave you something to 
wonder about in maybe the next sequel or just for rumors or story that you 
could tell other people because there is another ... for ... to ... which ... 
and that ... asks ... to ...

  You can also choose to save the game and start the game with either Rue and 
Mint with them having the current status that you have left them with.  They 
also have the same items when you finished their story but there is a little 
extra for Mint, she would have all the Magic colors and effects.

Also, the save occupies only 1 space and that it contains 2 characters on 1 
save space.  There have been rumors floating around that you can fight the 
final boss together for something but none of them has really been proven.

  I think that this save is just there to add some 'thought' that the game 
having a replay value [just like Chrono Trigger's - New Game Plus Mode] 
though it is really not necessary because there are no bonus dungeons or 
quest [As for me and the others think as of now] that you can go to.

## ---Side Stuff--- ##

  This section contains the things that you *may* miss if you just cruised 
through the game.  More details are in the walkthrough so you can try finding 
the item or the word by using the find feature of the word processor that you 
are using.

++ ---Rue--- ++

  Dream Stone
   - The Last Hero
     - +4 STR
  Mysterious Statue
   - +10 MP / 6,000 G
  Mandola Bloom
   - Climb tree using Ootang
     - Moon Stone
  Star Stone at Carona Forest
  Legendary Items
   - Dishes
     - Platinum Coin

++ ---Mint--- ++

  Dream Stone
   - The Last Hero
     - +4 STR
  Magic Effect [Power]
  Magic Effect [Circle]
   - Discount at the Tavern / 6,000 G
  Legendary Items
   - Dishes
     - Platinum Coin
  Magic Effect [Hyper]

## ---The Town--- ##

  You will be staying at the Town of Carona the whole game so you better get 
used to it.  There are no other towns in the game (just like Brave Fencer 

                |  _ 1 _  |                    1.  Church
        ________|__|___|__|________            2.  Hotel
        |         |__A__|         |            3.  Klaus' House
        |_____    |_| |_|    _____|            4.  Item Shop
        |    =               |    |            5.  Inn
        |  2 |               =  3 |
________|____=               |____|_______
=____B___                         ___C____=    A.  Leads to the Docks
        |_____               _____|            B.  Leads to Hobb's & Tavern
        |    =               =    |            C.  Leads to the Grasslands
        |  4 |               |  5 |            D.  Exit
        |____|    _=====_    =____|
        |_________|  D  |_________|

  1.  Church - Being run by Doyle, talk to him if you want to pray and give 
donations.  By giving donations, he will give you coins.  [Better call it the 
Coin Shop rather than a church].  Coins are used when you are knocked out (O 
HP) and you want to continue the game at the same spot.
      |  Donation   |  Coins            |  Description                  |
      |   1,000 G   |  10 Bronze Coins   |  Full HP & 1/4 MP            |
      |   5,000 G   |   5 Silver Coins   |  Full HP & 1/2 MP            |
      |  10,000 G   |   2 Gold Coins     |  Full HP & MP                |
      |  30,000 G   |   1 Platinum Coin  |  Full HP & MP, +1 STR & DEF  |

  2.  Hotel - Being run by Leeson, the guy at the counter and Solin, the 
bellboy or security guard, talk to Leeson and pay 500 G to get a hotel room.  
Sleeping in a hotel is just like sleeping in the inn but if you sleep in a 
hotel, you may get a dream that is somewhat related to the side quests (for 
example after 'World Domination, Baby', if you sleep there, you will dream of 
a monkey going down the stump of the tree then you need to go there and 
follow what the monkey did).  

              Also, in the hotel room, sometimes there are items that can be 
found.  I already found the Dream Stone and a Bronze Coin together with 
Silver Coin.  I found out that these (through an experience) that these items 
appear at random (except for the Dream Stone) so check the Hotel if you want 

  3.  Klaus' House - As the name states, this is Klaus' house.  You need to 
go back here most of the time or all of the time after completing a quest in 
which you got an item which needs to be interpreted by Klaus.  Many parts of 
the story takes place in this house, such as talking about something that is 
part of the storyline.  You can also give the Mysterious Statue to Klaus for 
a +10 MP [Rue Only].

  4.  Item Shop - Being run by Tonio, this is the place to buy the bonus 
items (bonuses for strength or defense).  You can sell your Monster Coins, 
Stones and the rare stuff that you found in the game here (DO NOT SELL RARE 
The bonuses doesn't add up (example if you buy Bronze Bracer which is +4 then 
buy Silver Bracer +8, your bonus will be +8 and NOT +12).

  Items that I have bought so far - to be updated as I progress
        | Item              |  Cost      |  Description        |
        |  Bronze Bracer    |   1,000 G  | +4 Strength Bonus   |
        |  Silver Bracer    |   3,000 G  | +8 Strength Bonus   |
        |  Gold Bracer      |   3,500 G  | +12 Strength Bonus  |
        |  Platinum Bracer  |   4,500 G  | +16 Strength Bonus  |
        |  Mythril Bracer   |   5,500 G  | +20 Strength Bonus  |
        |  Brave Bracer     |   6,500 G  | +24 Strength Bonus  |
        |  Bronze Belt      |   1,000 G  | +4 Defense Bonus    |
        |  Silver Belt      |   3,000 G  | +8 Defense Bonus    |
        |  Gold Belt        |   3,500 G  | +12 Defense Bonus   |
        |  Platinum Belt    |   4,500 G  | +16 Defense Bonus   |
        |  Mythril Bracer   |   5,500 G  | +20 Defense Bonus   |
        |  Black Belt       |   6,500 G  | +24 Defense Bonus   |

  5.  Inn - After the first Atelier, you can stay here for free.  Here, you 
can recover your HP (HP Only).  You can save your game and go to your room 

  A.  Docks - Some coins just come out at the docks at random so be sure to 
check them when you feel like it.

|     |  6   _|      |      Town of Carona (B)
=     |___|=|    ____|       
|                |   |      6.  Tavern
|                = 7 |      7.  Hobbs' Shop
|                |___|       
|                    |      

  6.  Tavern - Being run by the bartender together with the waitress Annette.  
At the first time, if you talk to Annette many times, she will treat you with 
Milk or Root beer.  But after that, you have to buy them from the bartender.  
Also after getting the Brooch at Gamul Forest [Mint Only], you can give it to 
Annette and she will give you a discount on the drinks.  The drinks here 
restores MP.  For me, it is not worth it because I whack enemies if I want MP 
(it costs free and I get to earn money too!).
     |  Drink             |  Cost   |  Discounted Cost  |  Restores  |
     |  Milk              |   50 G  |  10 G             |  10% MP    |
     |  Root Beer         |  120 G  |  30 G             |  25% MP    |
     |  Tropical Delight  |  220 G  |  50 G             |  50% MP    |

               Also, here, if you give the 3 Legendary Stuff, the Legendary 
Sword, also known as the Kitchen Knife, the Legendary Shield or a Frying Pan, 
and the Legendary Helmet or a pot to the bartender, he can create dishes that 
will increase your parameters (just like buying from Hobbs' Shop).  After 
cooking a number of dishes he will say that he has overused his items and it 
will break (after cooking 10 times) but he will give you a Platinum Coin.
     |  Dish               |  Enemies Required  |  Status Raised     |
     |  Minced Fire Blobs  |  50 Fire Blobs     |  +10 Maximum HP    |
     |  Mushroom Soup      |  60 Fungies        |  +10 Maximum MP    |
     |  Pollywog Souffle   |  50 Pollywogs      |  +2 Base Strength  |
     |  Gudon Liver Soup   |  30 Gudons         |  +2 Base Defense   |
  7.  Hobbs' Shop - Shop owned by Hobbs, you can upgrade your base status 
here.  At first it is expensive (30,000 G each) but when you have the Rare 
Wine (found in the Underground Ruins), you can give it to him and he will 
give you a discount (now, 5,000 G).  (SO DO NOT SELL THE RARE WINE FOR HOW 
  |  Upgrade   |  Effects           |  Original Cost  |  Discounted Cost  |
  |  Strength  |  Base Strength +1  |  30,000 G       |  5,000 G          |
  |  Defense   |  Base Defense +1   |  30,000 G       |  5,000 G          |
  |  HP        |  Maximum HP +10    |  30,000 G       |  5,000 G          |
  |  MP        |  Maximum MP +10    |  30,000 G       |  5,000 G          |

||    |         |      Town of Carona - Grasslands (C)
||____|         |
||_PO_|         |       -  this is where you will be fighting Rod
|               |       -  Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega or Pinto (by Mint)
|               |        
|               |

  This is the place where in you can fight Rod for 100 G and if you win he 
will give you 1000 G.  Also this is the place to go to during the nighttime 
because if you do, you can hear many things about Rod's past [;_;] and he can 
encourage you to go on with your quest (and to go to sleep [^_^]).

  Note that Rod's ability, speed, and status increase every time you fight 
him.  He also changes his weapons once in a while.

  Rods weapons:  (Silver Breeze, Golden Gale, Black Tornado and Hurricane)

  Also, if you fight Rod a lot ... and win, he'll give you coins (but after 
that, you have to give him a break in order for him to develop a new weapon).  
Thanks to William Chang ( for this one.

  Silver Breeze - Beat him 4 times - Gold Coin
  Golden Gale   - Beat him 5 times - Gold Coin
  Black Tornado - Beat him 6 times - Gold Coin [please verify, I made this up]
  Hurricane     - Beat him 6 times - Platinum Coin

  After beating Rod enough, the music will change and he will show you his 
stats.  He'd be very hard to beat though.

  D.  The Town's Gate - Most of the time, this is where you have to leave 

## ---Rental Manual--- ##

  The next sections, the Rental Manual and the Beastiary are part of the FAQ, 
given to me by David Blake or (iamnothing).  I was given permission to use 
this and if you do not believe me, ask him e-mail him at 


This work is copyright c 2000, David Blake. It may not be modified from its 
original format or posted to any web site or used in any publication, free or 
otherwise, without my express permission. To obtain permission, please write 

Threads of Fate and Dewprism are copyright c 2000/1999, Squaresoft.


Do not use or since they do not 
update their faqs from the original version they post (often incomplete) and 
refuse any contact with the authors, including requesting to post the FAQ in 
the first place. I guess if you find this there, they've stolen it.

Always get this and almost all FAQ's/Walkthroughs at first.


  This is not meant to completely replace the manual for Threads of Fate / 
Dewprism, but it is for people who are renting the game from a place that 
does not include instructions in any form with the game. If you copied the 
game, fuck you.

+--- Controls ---------------------------------------------------------------
| Square   - Choose Magic/Form
| Triangle - Use Magic/Form 
| X        - Attack/Perform Action
| O        - Jump
+--- Characters -------------------------------------------------------------
| Mint
|   Mint is a feisty, spoiled princess who wants to dominate the world and 
|   get revenge on her sister.
| Rue
|   Rue is a serious character who is trying to get the [Relic] to save his 
|   friend.
+--- Around Carona ----------------------------------------------------------
| Hotel (500 gold/night)
|   Dream Stone in room. Sells for 2000 gold.
| Church
|   Pray and donate at the Church to get more coins.
|      1,000 Gold gives you 10 Bronze Coins
|      5,000 Gold gives you  5 Silver Coins
|     10,000 Gold gives you  2 Gold Coins
|     30,000 Gold gives you  1 Platinum Coin
| General Store
|   Buy different weapons and armor here.
| Inn
|   Room to stay in and place to save the game.
| Tavern
|   You can give the Legendary Items to the cook to get different things. The
|   drinks recover MP.
| Specialty Shop
|   You can give him the Rare Wine and he'll lower the prices from 30,000 to 
|   5,000 gold. You can buy skills here.
| Docks
|   Check back every now and again since randomly coins will appear.
| Outskirts
|   Talk to Rod here and fight with him.
| Main Gates
|   You can access the different areas from here.


## ---Beastiary --- ##

  I've tried to be as complete as possible getting stats on the different 
enemies in the game.

  NAME     - Name of the enemy
  LOCATION - Where they're located.
  HP       - Hit Points (approximately)
  WEAK     - Weaknesses
  GOLD     - How much you'll make from it at the shop
  TRANS    - If Rue can get coins and transform into that monster

| NAME         | LOCATION                 | HP | WEAK | GOLD | TRANS |
| Behemoth     | Valen's Fortress         |    |      |  250 |  NO   |
| Belle        | Outside Elroy's Atelier/ |    |      |      |  NO   |
|              | Raging Mountain          |    |      |      |  NO   |
| Belle & Hexa | Gamul Forest             |    |      |      |  NO   |
|              | Raging Mountain          |    |      |      |  NO   |
| Blood        | Carona Forest            |    |      |  200 |  NO   |
| Bubba        | Raging Mountain          |    |      |   90 |  NO   |
| Chimera      | Ghost Temple             |    |      | 2000 |  NO   |
| Cloud Whale  | Gamul Forest             |    |      | 4000 |  NO   |
| Cockadoo     | Mel's Atelier            |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
| Duke         | Mel's Atelier/           |    |      |      |  NO   |
|              | Outside Elroy's Atelier/ |    |      |      |  NO   |
|              | Ghost Temple             |    |      |      |  NO   |
|              | Raging Mountain          |    |      |      |  NO   |
| Fire Blob    | Raging Mountain          |    |      |   50 |  YES  |
| Fungie       | Mel's Atelier            |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
| Gamulian     | Gamul Forest             |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
| Gargoyle     | Carona Forest            |    |      |   50 |  YES  |
| Gorotan      | Mel's Atelier            |    |      | 5000 |  NO   |
| Gudon        | Underground Cavern       |    |      |   40 |  YES  |
| Hell Hound   | Valen's Fortress         |    |      |  150 |  YES  |
| Imp          | Mel's Atelier            |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
| Jinn         | Valen's Fortress         |    |      |  200 |  YES  |
| King Ant     | Underground Cavern       |    |      |   50 |  NO   |
| Little Bat   | Carona Forest            |    |      |      |       |
| Mandola      | Carona Forest            |    |      |   15 |  YES  |
| Nightmare    | Outside Cadmon's Atelier |    |      | 1000 |  NO   |
| Ootang       | Gamul Forest/            |    |      |   40 |  YES  |
|              | Raging Mountain          |    |      |      |  YES  |
| Pollywog     | Carona Forest/           | 13 |      |   10 |  YES  |
|              | Raging Mountain          |    |      |      |       |
| Pumpkin      | Maya's Tower             |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
| Puppet       | Carona Forest/           |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
|              | Underground Ruins        |    |      |      |  YES  |
| Saber Tiger  | Carona Forest            |    |      |   30 |  YES  |
| Shaolon      | Valen's Fortress         |    |      |  150 |  YES  |
| Skeleton     | Ghost Temple             |    |      |   50 |  YES  |
|              | Underground Ruins        |    |      |      |  YES  |
| Skull Beast  | Underground Cavern       |    |      | 2000 |  NO   |
| Specter      | Raging Mountain          |    |      |   70 |  YES  |
| Smokey       | Carona Forest            |    |      |  100 |  NO   |
| Stinger      | Carona Forest            |    |      |   20 |  YES  |
| Wabbit       | Maya's Tower             |    |      |  100 |  YES  |
| Witch        | Maya's Tower             |    |      |  150 |  YES  |


  CJayC and GameFAQs for hosting this walkthrough and running the best site 
for gaming on the net.
  Fellow FAQ writers (too many to name) like Nemesis, Yee Seng Fu, 
Marshmallow, Dallas, Kao Megura, Dan Simpson and the rest of the crew at 
  My ferrets Kiki and Tuffy, and for giving me the names...

  The beastiary's main structure and some stuff are courtesy of David Blake 
while the cost of monster coins are from KTeoh.

## ---Transformation List--- ##

  Rue is the character that can transform, and he can transform into 
monsters.  You can transform by getting monster coins, in which you can only 
keep 4 at a time.  The different monsters have different abilities (though 
sometimes a few have the same) that Rue can use if he transforms.

  I believe I've gotten them all and here they are:
| Monster Name | Ability        | MP Usage | Buttons        |  Element |
| Pollywog     | Tail Slap      |   0 MP   | Triangle       | Physical |
|              | Bite           |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Saber Tiger  | Thrust         |   1 MP   | Triangle       | Physical |
|              | Bite           |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Mandola      | Bloom          |   0 MP   | Triangle       | N/A      |
|              | Seed           |   3 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Stinger      | Rolling Spine  |   1 MP   | Triangle + Dir | Physical |
|              | Spine          |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Gargoyle     | Sonic Wave     |   1 MP   | Triangle       | Wind     |
|              | Kick           |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
|              | Double Jump    |   0 MP   | Circle Circle  | N/A      |
| Ootang       | Scratch        |   0 MP   | Triangle       | Physical |
|              | Stone          |   2 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Gudon        | Flame          |   4 MP   | Triangle       | Fire     |
|              | Tail Slap      |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Imp          | Shooting Star  |   4 MP   | Triangle       | Light    |
|              | Strike         |   0 MP   | X              | Light    |
| Fungie       | Sparkle        |   4 MP   | Triangle       | Light    |
|              | Head Slam      |   0 MP   | X              | Light    |
| Cockadoo     | Peck           |   0 MP   | X              | Light    |
|              | Double Jump    |   0 MP   | Circle Circle  | N/A      |
| Puppet       | Combo          |   0 MP   | Triangle       | Physical |
|              | Strike         |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Specter      | Water          |   6 MP   | Triangle       | Water    |
|              | Ice Blow       |   8 MP   | X              | Water    |
| Skeleton     | Fall Apart     |   0 MP   | Triangle       | N/A      |
|              | Strike         |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Fire Blob    | Sparks         |  16 MP   | Triangle       | Fire     |
|              | Head Butt      |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Bubba        | Hammer*        |   0 MP   | Triangle       | Physical |
|              | Final Strike*  |  30 MP   | Hold Triangle  | Physical |
|              | Head Butt      |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Wabbit       | Duck           |   0 MP   | Triangle       | N/A      |
|              | Wing Slap      |   0 MP   | X              | Wind     |
|              | Double Jump    |   0 MP   | Circle Circle  | N/A      |
| Pumpkin      | Blowup**       |  30 MP   | Hold Triangle  | Physical |
|              | Collide        |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Witch        | Spin           |   1 MP   | Triangle       | Physical |
|              | Pumpkin Cannon |   2 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Shaolon      | Lightning      |  10 MP   | Triangle       | Bolt     |
|              | Thrust         |   1 MP   | X              | Physical |
| Hellhound    | Ice Blow       |   9 MP   | Triangle       | Water    |
|              | Flame          |  11 MP   | X              | Fire     |
| Jinn         | Tornado        |  18 MP   | Triangle       | Wind     |
|              | Tail Whip      |   0 MP   | X              | Physical |
|              | Double Jump    |   0 MP   | Circle Circle  | N/A      |

     * - This attack has the ability to destroy rocks.
    ** - This ability (Pumpkin - Blowup) will turn you back into Rue after 
         using it.

## ---Magic List--- ##
  Mint is the character that uses magic.  Magic is divided into classes or 
colors and it has different effects such as Wide, Normal, Super etc.  You can 
gain magic classes or colors from certain events (you can't miss it) and the 
effects can be acquired from chests, people / dragon and bodies of slayed 

  |  Class   |  Effect  |  Magic Name     |  MP Usage  |  Description    |
  |  Blue    |  Wide    |  Cutter         |    4 MP    |  Triple Blades  |
  |          |  Normal  |  Droplets       |    2 MP    |  Rain Drops     |
  |          |  Super   |  Icicle         |    4 MP    |  Drop Ice       | 
  |          |  Power   |  Ripple         |    4 MP    |  Wave Shot      |
  |          |  Circle  |  Crystal        |    6 MP    |  Diamond        |
  |          |  Hyper   |  Restore        |  100 MP*   |  Restore HP     |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |  White   |  Wide    |  Spread         |    4 MP    |  5 Way Shot     |
  |          |  Normal  |  Vulcan         |    1 MP    |  Rapid Fire     |
  |          |  Super   |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Power   |  Arrow          |    4 MP    |  Piercing Shot  |
  |          |  Circle  |  Satellite      |   10 MP    |  Orbit Shot     |
  |          |  Hyper   |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |  Red     |  Wide    |  Bullet         |    4 MP    |  Low Fire       |
  |          |  Normal  |  Burner         |    2 MP    |  Fire           |
  |          |  Super   |  Napalm         |    6 MP    |  Wild Fire      |
  |          |  Power   |  Flare          |    6 MP    |  Fire Ball      |
  |          |  Circle  |  Delta          |    6 MP    |  Triple Flame   |
  |          |  Hyper   |  Fire Heart     |   80 MP*   |  Fire Coat      |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |  Green   |  Wide    |  Typhoon        |    2 MP    |  Whirlwind      |
  |          |  Normal  |  Wave           |    3 MP    |  Wind           |
  |          |  Super   |  Impulse        |    6 MP    |  Circle         |
  |          |  Power   |  Gale           |    3 MP    |  Low Wind       |
  |          |  Circle  |  Cyclone        |    3 MP    |  High Wind      |  
  |          |  Hyper   |  Nightingale    |   80 MP*   |  Invincible     |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |  Black   |  Wide    |  Dark Mist      |    6 MP    |  Black Smoke    |
  |          |  Normal  |  Bomb**         |    5 MP    |  Blow-up Rocks  |
  |          |  Super   |  Dynamite       |   10 MP    |  Explosion      |
  |          |  Power   |  Graviton**     |    6 MP    |  Black Ball     |
  |          |  Circle  |  Drill          |    6 MP    |  Big Drill      |
  |          |  Hyper   |  Shadow Strike  |   50 MP    |  Deadly Dash    |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |  Yellow  |  Wide    |  Spark          |    5 MP    |  Chase Enemy    |
  |          |  Normal  |  Cracker        |    6 MP    |  Double Shot    |
  |          |  Super   |  Trine          |    8 MP    |  Triple Chase   |
  |          |  Power   |  Bolt           |   10 MP    |  Lightning      |
  |          |  Circle  |  Forces         |    8 MP    |  Loop           |
  |          |  Hyper   |  Final Flash    |  100 MP*   |  Big Burst      |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |  Gold    |  Wide    |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Normal  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Super   |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Power   |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Circle  |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Hyper   |  N/A            |  N/A       |  N/A            |
  |          |  Cosmos  |  Valiant***     |   10 MP    |  Hold Barrier/  |
  |          |                                            Release Fire   |

    * - The following magic uses all your MP but it needs the corresponding 
MP in order for it to be cast.

   ** - This magic has the ability to destroy rocks.

  *** - This magic (Gold - Valiant) can be used to Hold a Barrier (Hold 
Barrier) if you hold the Magic button wherein it would last for a few seconds 
and the damage you get from it would restore your HP.  It can also be used to 
attack enemies (Release Fire) if you just press the Magic button.  But you 
can do both if you hold the Magic button and before the barrier disappears 
release the Magic button. 
 |  Magic Effect  |  Where to acquire or How to Acquire                    |
 |  Wide          |  Already there from the beginning                      |
 |  Normal        |  Already there from the beginning                      |
 |  Super         |  Acquired in the frozen room at the Underground Ruins  |
 |  Power*        |  Return to the Underground Ruins and examine the body  |
 |                |   of Skull Beast in the circular stairs room           |
 |  Circle*       |  In Carona Forest cliffs.  There is a rock there where |
 |                    you need to use Black - Graviton and it will appear  |
 |  Hyper         |  Return to the Peak or Crater of Raging Mountains at   |
 |                |  the Final Battle chapter.  You need to fight again    |
 |  Cosmos        |  Will be given to you by Maya at Valen's Fortress      |

  * - Thanks to iamnothing for these two.

## ---Item List--- ##

 This is the list of the items I have found so far.
| Item             | Description                      | Cost     | Sell     |
| Bronze Coin      | Continue with Full HP & 1/4 MP   |    100 G |     50 G |
| Silver Coin      | Continue with Full HP & 1/2 MP   |  1,000 G |    500 G |
| Gold Coin        | Continue with Full HP & MP       |  5,000 G |  2,500 G |
| Platinum Coin    | Same as above & +1 STR, DEF      | 30,000 G | 15,000 G |
| Bronze Bracer    | Bonus Strength +4                |  1,000 G |   N/A    |
| Silver Bracer    | Bonus Strength +8                |  3,000 G |   N/A    |
| Gold Bracer      | Bonus Strength +12               |  3,500 G |   N/A    |
| Platinum Bracer  | Bonus Strength +16               |  4,500 G |   N/A    |
| Mythril Bracer   | Bonus Strength +20               |  5,500 G |   N/A    |
| Brave Bracer     | Bonus Strength +24               |  6,500 G |   N/A    |
| Bronze Belt      | Bonus Defense +4                 |  1,000 G |   N/A    |
| Silver Belt      | Bonus Defense +8                 |  3,000 G |   N/A    |
| Gold Belt        | Bonus Defense +12                |  3,500 G |   N/A    |
| Platinum Belt    | Bonus Defense +16                |  4,500 G |   N/A    |
| Mythril Belt     | Bonus Defense +20                |  5,500 G |   N/A    |
| Black Belt       | Bonus Defense +24                |  6,500 G |   N/A    |
| Night Stone      | ??? / Sell for money             |   N/A    |    500 G |
| Moon Stone       | ??? / Sell for money             |   N/A    |  1,000 G |
| Dream Stone      | Needed to dream / Sell for money |   N/A    |  2,000 G |
| Star Stone       | ??? / Sell for money             |   N/A    |  3,000 G |
| The Last Hero    | Give to Rod for +4 Base Strength |   N/A    |DON'T SELL|
| Rare Wine        | Give to Hobbs for discount       |   N/A    |DON'T SELL|
| Legendary Sword  | Give to the Bartender for dishes |   N/A    |DON'T SELL|
| Brooch           | Give to Annette for tavern discnt|   N/A    |  6,000 G |
| Mysterious Doll  | Give to Klaus for +10 MP         |   N/A    |  6,000 G |
| Legendary Shield | Give to the Bartender for dishes |   N/A    |DON'T SELL|
| Legendary Helmet | Give to the Bartender for dishes |   N/A    |DON'T SELL|
| Cube             | Storage place of Prima Doll      |   N/A    |CAN'T SELL|
| Tiara            | For Prima Doll's Intelligence    |   N/A    |CAN'T SELL|
| Earrings         | Parts for Prima Doll             |   N/A    |CAN'T SELL|
| Phantomite       | Mineral used to create the Amulet|   N/A    |CAN'T SELL|
| Amulet           | Amulet needed to break the seal  |   N/A    |CAN'T SELL|
| Cannon Orb       | For Pulsar Inferno Typhoon Omega |   N/A    |CAN'T SELL|

## ---Cool Stuff--- ##
After talking
  After talking to people or talking to the Johnny Wolf (most obvious way to 
see this), if you walk away, your head will still be turned towards their 
direction, until you have walked far enough.

Outside the Carona Forest Atelier
  Try running around the perimeter of the place and looking at your shadow.  
The shadow depends on the lighting of the place.  Pretty cool huh! (But it 
would only be available at the first time you come there.)

Push the dog
  At certain times, you can push Johnny Wolf.  Take him anywhere.

Taking the dog for the walk
  Sometimes, if you talk to Johnny Wolf, he will follow you.

Pushing pumpkins
  At the Klaus House when the 'trap', the pumpkins fall onto Mint's head, 
when they are on the ground, you can push them.  Put them anywhere.

Get yourself cooked
  After the first battle with Wylaf (both characters), Wylaf will tell you to 
withdraw your weapon. The 'withdrawal' involves nothing, just stand there, 
right? But something will happen if you disobey - that is you attack him 
(you're still able right after he says 'withdraw'). First attack, he will say 
something, attack again and prepare to be roasted (heh heh). He will flame 
you, that is the flame will be aimed towards the screen and things will go 
black. Your character is dead/cooked. Either use a coin or back to town. (you 
have to fight Wylaf again either way).

Shake yo body!
  During the Bond with Prima (for Rue) or Together with Prima (for Mint) 
Chapter, Prima Doll is following you right, why don't you go to the 
Grasslands and talk to Johnny Wolf and he will follow Prima Doll, then talk 
to Rod, he will join the 'train' party.  Now, Rue/Mint is followed by Prima 
Doll, which is followed by Johnny Wolf, and Rod is behind Johnny Wolf.  You 
gotta see this, it looks silly, the four of them would be running around like 
crazy at the Grasslands. (though I haven't seen it yet) 

More shadows
  In the final battle (against Valen combined with Dewprism), you can see 
your shadow and his shadow.

## ---Thanks--- ##

 - Thanks a lot to David Blake ( for answering my 
questions on how to make a good FAQ/Walkthrough and how to follow the 
guidelines properly.  Also, for allowing me to use his FAQ as a reference and 
to add all (but I did not put all) of the things written on his FAQ in this 
document.  And for answering some of my questions regarding the game.  Greatest 
person on the net.

 *Page Owners*
  - Thanks a lot to CJayC, the GameFAQs guy, for placing my FAQ/Walkthrough 
on his page ( and other FAQS.

  - Thanks to the following for asking me for permission first before placing 
this document on their site:
    - Al Maloo ( of Game Advice 
    - Matt Price ( of RPGamer (
    - Midnite Angel Aeris ( of RPG-Vortex (www.rpg-
    - Dave ( of Cheatcc (
    - Chi ( of RPG Dreamers 
    - John Ryan Durr ( of The RPG Frontier 
    - Christian Wirth ( of Playstation Cheat.Net 

 *Other help and info*

  - Thanks to UnknownGreatOne ( for
   1) E-Mailing me about the item, 'The Last Hero'
      - actually I know what to do with it but for some stupid reason, I
        forgot to remove the 'I do not know what to do with it' in the
   2) Something about the Final Boss
  - Another one about the Last Hero, thanks to Crashed518 
  - Thanks also to Dragoon Gohan ( for giving me the 
true way to beat Valen (2nd Fight).

  - grady ( for telling me a *lot* of stuff about the random 
items and that it is alright to lose during Mint's first battle against Duke 
as Starlight Duke for something funny to happen.

  - chojin66 ( for clarifying the puzzle before the 
battle with Psycho Master.

  - PyRo MaNiA ( for the cool 'interesting stuff to check 
out', the one about Rue or Mint, Prima Doll, Johnny Wolf and Rod running 
around the Grasslands like crazy and the thing about losing to Rod when he 
challenges Mint for a battle in order for Mint to go to Gamul Forest.

  - Even Staves ( for verifying when to get the 
Mysterious Statue and that it is together with 3 Silver Coins and a Star 

  - Many thanks to KTeoh ( for giving me things that I 
missed, cool stuff and especially the cost of Monster Coins.

  - Corp. Ted Lance ( for a tip to raise money fast in Mint's 

  - Mahalynx ( for several interesting and too many to note 

  - Dustin Perrault( and LLLAsh15 ( for 
the info regarding the Cloud Whale recovering HP.

  - Kele Kravelin ( for an extra Gold Coin

  - William Chang ( for extra info about fighting Rod.

## ---Copyrights and Legal Stuff--- ##
  "Threads of Fate" and other related words like the game quotes that are 
contained in this FAQ/Walkthrough are trademarks of Square Co. Ltd.  

  "Brave Fencer Musashi" is a trademark of Square Co. Ltd. and Square 
Electronic Arts.

  "Alundra" is a trademark of Matrix and Working Designs.

  "Alundra 2" is a trademark of Matrix, Activision and Sony.

  "Star Ocean 2: The Second Story" is a trademark of Tri-Ace, Enix and Sony.

  Also, all other copyrights are properties by their respective owners.

  Copyright 2000-2002 by krystalklyr.  This document may not be altered in any 
way or form.  Also, it cannot be used for commercial or profitable reasons. 
This FAQ/Walkthrough may freely be distributed to everyone as long as it stays 
in one piece, is not altered and the author is credited.

end of document