|¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\ |/¯¯¯¯¯¯) /¯ ¯¯| |¯¯¯\/ / /¯| |¯| |¯¯¯¯| | |__ |¯| / /| |_ _ __ ___ ___ __| |____ ____| |¯¯ | __|___ _| |_ ___ / / | | | | _ | | | __| | | ¯| | | | _ |_ _| _ | /\_/ / | | | /¯| __| ¯ |[] |__ | | [] | |¯ _| | | | | |_| __| /____/ |_|_|_| |___|_|_|__|_|____| |____|_| /___| |_|_| |___|___| _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ TABLE OF CONTENTS ¯ AS MINT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M-SC 01) Introduction..................................................... M-01 02) Carona........................................................... M-02 03) Carona Forest.................................................... M-03 04) Carona II........................................................ M-04 05) Underground Ruins................................................ M-05 06) Carona III....................................................... M-06 07) Mel's Atelier.................................................... M-07 08) Carona IV........................................................ M-08 09) Gamul Forest..................................................... M-09 10) Carona V......................................................... M-10 11) Raging Mountain.................................................. M-11 12) Carona VI........................................................ M-12 13) Tower of Maya.................................................... M-13 14) Carona VII....................................................... M-14 15) Underground Ruins II............................................. M-15 16) Carona VIII...................................................... M-16 17) Tower of Maya.................................................... M-17 18) Carona IX........................................................ M-18 19) Valen's Fortress................................................. M-19 20) Carona X......................................................... M-20 AS RUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R-SC 01) Introduction..................................................... R-01 02) Carona........................................................... R-02 03) Carona Forest.................................................... R-03 04) Carona II........................................................ R-04 05) Underground Ruins................................................ R-05 06) Carona III....................................................... R-06 07) Mel's Atelier.................................................... R-07 08) Carona IV........................................................ R-08 09) Ghost Temple..................................................... R-09 10) Carona V......................................................... R-10 11) Raging Mountain.................................................. R-11 12) Carona VI........................................................ R-12 13) Lake Ruins....................................................... R-13 14) Carona VII....................................................... R-14 15) Tower of Maya.................................................... R-15 16) Carona VIII...................................................... R-16 17) Valen's Fortress................................................. R-17 18) Carona IX........................................................ R-18 SECRET ENDING........................................................ SCRT UPDATES AND CONTRIBUTIONS............................................ UPDT LEGALITY............................................................. LGLT ________________ ____________________________________________________________/ AS MINT [M-SC] |_ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 01) INTRODUCTION [M-01] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [Mint runs into a room with a feast spread out.] Mint: "Wow! Perfect timing(note)" Gramps: "Princess! Dinner won't be for another 10 minutes! Please return to your room at once!" Mint: "Come on, Gramps. I'm starving. I'm not waiting. No way. Gosh... Just looking at this food makes me drool." Gramps: "Princess! Don't touch the food!" [She does anyway.] Mint: "Mmmm, yummy(note)" Gramps: "What bad manners! Princess! Behave yourself!" Mint: "Hey, take it easy. I'm gonna eat it pretty soon anyway. What difference does it make?" Gramps: "Princess! Please!" Mint: "What should I try next? Let's see..." [She runs around trying the food before plopping down in a large chair.] Gramps: "What are you doing!? That is His Majesty's seat!" Mint: "Yeah, but it'll be my seat in no time." Gramps: "Yes. Someday, you will be queen of the East Heaven Kingdom. However--" Mint: "Exactly. So why are you making a big fuss?" Voice: "My goodness!!!" Mint: "Huh?" [A man and a woman walk into the dining hall.] Mint: "What's up, Maya? Why is Doll Master with you?" Maya: "Why are you sitting in father's seat? Oh, my dear sister, we must talk." Mint: "Later. I'm starving. Come on, let's eat(note)" Maya: "Oh gracious...! We have very important roles in this kingdom. Have you even considered that for a second?" Mint: "My role...? Hmph! Of course, I have! I'm your older sister and the No. 1 princess of East Heaven Kingdom. And eventually, I'll be the ruler of this kingdom. Why do you look so puzzled? Ok, you wanna know what I think? My role is 100 times greater than yours. Because I'm smarter than you, prettier than you, stronger than you...I can go on forever. The point is, I'm the most qualified to become the next queen." Maya: "...Not anymore." Mint: "What are you talking about?" Doll Master: "The high council convened this morning. They have voted unanimously against your future succession to the throne." Mint: "What? I don't understand... What does that mean?" Doll Master: "It means that you have lost your right to the throne. Therefore, the future queen of our kingdom will be Princess Maya." Maya: "So you see, you're no longer qualified." Mint: "...! !!! WHAAAAAT!!!? WHY!!!? WHAT DID I DO!? Who decided this!?" Doll Master: "As I have said before, the high council." His Majesty also supports the decision." Mint: "No...Dad, how could you...? This can't be happening... This isn't fair!" Maya: "What did you expect!? You have done nothing right! You have neglected your training! You break curfew every day! You spend lavishly and eat what you like... The list goes on and on. Did you honestly believe that a spoiled selfish person like you can become the queen of our renowned kingdom?" Mint: "Hey! When the time comes, I'll start shaping up." Maya: "That lazy attitude is exactly what will destroy our kingdom." Doll Master: "Our kingdom would not last one year if you were at the helm." Gramps: "...Probably not even half a year." Mint: "Gramps!? You, too!?" Maya: "So, my dear sister... The next ruler of East Heaven will be me, not you. I will not tolerate your childish conduct anymore. Do I make myself clear?" Mint: "Who do you think you're talkin' to!!!? That's it... We'll see who's better! Maya! I'm gonna beat you to a bloody pulp! The throne is mine! Do you hear me!?" [She starts casting a spell.] Maya: "My goodness... You must be kidding." Mint: "!!! That's the Book of Cosmos!" Maya: "Our kingdom's greatest Aeon [relic]! The Book of Cosmos! My dear sister, your self-taught magic is useless against the power of the Book." Mint: "DANG IT! You big coward!" Maya: "Whatever... You can do so many things with the Book. Here, you'll definitely like this." [A pumpkin falls out of nowhere and knocks Mint flat.] Mint: "UNGH!!! !? P-Pumpkin!?" Maya: "That's right(note) From now on, your life is going to be a big pumpkin nightmare. Starting tonight, you will eat what is served, just like everybody else, including the pumpkins. If you do not, I will have you confined to your room and have the chef serve you nothing but pumpkins." Mint: "No... NOOOOO!!!" Maya: "..." Mint: "Come on. I was just kidding around. You're not serious...right?" Maya: "I'm very serious! Here's a hint." [The pumpkin chases Mint out of the room.] Mint: "No! Heeeelp! MAYAAA! I'M GONNA GET YOU FOR THIS!" [On a black screen] Mint: Why me!? What did I do to deserve this? ... That's it. I'm gonna get a [relic], too. I'm gonna Steamroll Maya with a relic of my own. Tee- Hee-Hee!(note) Then the throne will be mine... After that... IT'S WORLD DOMINATION TIME!!! [On a ship somewhere, Maya stands on the upper deck.] Mint: "Phew... It's already been 2 years since I left... Dang...I thought it was gonna be so easy to find a [relic]... Hmph! There's no way I'm giving up! Once I get the [relic], it'll be world domination. Maya... You're gonna be my slave." [Two guys look at Mint from a ways away.] Smokey: Heh? Hey, B-Bro, how 'bout we rob her?" Blood: "...Forget it. We got a bigger stash to go after." Smokey: "R-Really!? I guess my brudda, Blood, always gots big plans." Blood: "You're damn right! We're gonna get busy after we get to Carona. We'll eat first when we get there. Chop up some weakling and take his money." Smokey: "Eh-heh. R-really?" Blood: "Yeah. Chop him up real good." Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh, B-Bro, you're ruthless." Blood: "Hey, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to eat." Smokey: "Heh? Hey, Bro. What is that thing?" Blood: "What? That red thing...? What the hell...?" Smokey: "!? We're gonna CRASH!" Mint: "Let's see... What should I do first when I conquer the world...? I guess I can start out by making Maya scrub the toilet(note) Hmm...What else...? WHOA!!!" [The boat hits the 'red thing' and Maya falls in the water. Later...] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 02) CARONA [M-02] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Mint: "Dang... I thought I was gonna die for sure." Man: "Well, you're lucky. If my ship didn't pass by, you'd be fish food by now. Mint: "You're right. Thanks... What's your name?" Davis: "It's Davis. I run the docks here. Pulling people out of the water is my job, too. I don't know what happened out there, but you'd better be more careful." Mint: "...Yeah... Thanks." Davis: "Oh yeah. One more piece of advice. Watch yourself around here. Generally, it's a safe place, but I noticed some suspicious characters comin' in lately." Mint: "Don't worry. Anyone messes with me, I'll send 'em home crying with my magic." Davis: "Magic, huh? That's cool. I guess I'll see you around." Mint: "See ya." [She runs off a ways.] Mint: "Suspicious characters, eh...? Maybe they're after the [relic], too. [Blood walks by and knocks Mint over.] Blood: "Get outta my way! Mint: "!!!?" Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh, Good hit, Bro. Let's see if she's got some money." Blood: "Yo! Hurry up and get your butt over here!" Smokey: "Heh!? Wait up, Bro." Blood: "We're goin' to the forest." [Mint lies at the bottom of a ramp.] Mint: "Ungh... Those hoodlums must have a death wish. Nobody hits me and gets away with it! [She walks into the town proper.] Mint: "So this is Carona... Looks nice and peaceful... Must be boring living here. Those hoodlums said they were going to the forest. I wonder what they're up to... Maybe I should go, too. _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 03) CARONA FOREST [M-03] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [In a clearing, a voice startles Mint and makes her faceplant. She hides.] Voice: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh!" Girl: "Please, let me go!" Blood: "Come on, baby. We ain't gonna hurt you. We just want a little food, that's all. We haven't eaten for 2 days, y'know." Smokey: "Yeah, got no money for dinner, either. Eh-heh, Eh-heh." Mint: "This is perfect(note). I get to play hero and get even." Blood: "What do you say, baby? Got anything to spare?" Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, B-Bro!" Blood: "What? What are you whining about? Is there something--" [Mint flies across the clearing and kicks Blood in the face.] Blood: "Blargh!" Smokey: "Bro!? You alright!?" Blood: "...The hell do you think you're--" [Mint kicks him again.] Mint: "YAHH!" Blood: "N-Not fair..." Mint: "What do you mean, 'not fair'!? You're the thug that knocked me down at the docks! I hope you have pain killers, because I'm gonna give you plenty of payback!" Blood: "Shut up!!! You think we're gonna waste our time on a little brat like you? Smoke, take the girl hostage!" Smokey: "B-Bro!" Blood: "Just shut up and get the girl!" Smokey: "She got away..." [They watch the girl try to escape, but she just runs around instead.] Blood: "What the hell...?" Mint: "Dang, you guys are so dumb!" Blood: "What'd you call us!!!? Alright, Smokey! Let's chop her up!" Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh!" [Mint starts beating the crap out of 'em.] Blood: "Sheee... Can't fight on an empty stomach, y'know. Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, Bro! Wait for me!" [They flee the scene.] Mint: "Hmph. That was easy." Girl: "Thank you so much for helping me!" Mint: "Oh, don't worry about it. I wanted to beat those guys up anyway." Girl: "Gee, if you didn't come, I don't know what would've happened to me. Oh, by the way, what's your name?" Mint: "I'm Mint. I'm a princess, but you don't have to be formal with me. People refer to me as Your Highness, Your Greatness, Beautiful Majesty... You know what, you can just call me Princess Mint." Girl: "Ok, Mint(note)" Mint: (...What'd I just say?) Girl: "Oh, I haven't told you my name yet. My name--" Mint: "Hold on, are you Elena?" Elena: "!? Yes! How did you know!?" Mint: "I heard from someone in town. She said you came out here looking for your parents." Elena: "Ohh. No wonder. I thought you were, like, a fortune teller. You kind of look like one." Mint: (......Whatever.) Elena: "Yes. You're right. I came here to look for my parents. They haven't been back for 5 days. I'm so worried about them... !!! Those brutes might go after my parents! I have to go find them fast, Mint. It was nice meeting you!" Mint: "Hold on!" Elena: "Yes?" Mint: (What was I gonna say...? Oh yeah.) "Your father's name is Klaus, right? He owns the antique shop in Carona and is out here with your mother, Mira. They're doing research on the [relic] and haven't been back since last weekend. Tah-dah(note)" Elena: "WOW! That was amazing! How did you do that!? You are a fortune teller, right!? Right?" Mint: "Never mind that. Come on, let's get going. I'll help you look for your parents." Elena: "Really!? Why?" Mint: "You wanna find them, don't you? So I'll help." Elena: "Oh... Ok... Thank you so much! I really appreciate this. Ok, let's go." [Elena runs off.] Mint: "Dang, why am I so smart? Hee-Hee-Heee(note) If I talk to Klaus, I'll finally be able to get some solid info on the [relic]." [Later...] Elena: "I think it's this way. Come on. Ok, let's go." [They come to a wide-open space.] Elena: "Dad! Mom!" Klaus: "Elena, what are you doing here?" Elena: "What am I doing here!? You haven't come home for 5 days! I was so worried about you! !? Dad, what happened to your leg!" Klaus: "Oh, it's nothing. I just twisted my ankle a little. I can still walk." Elena: "Phew... Thank goodness." Klaus: "I'm sorry, darling. I guess I became too caught up in my research again. I can't believe you came here by yourself. Are you alright?" Elena: "Actually, I almost got mugged by these brutes, but Mint helped me." Klaus: "You are--" Elena: "That's Mint. We met in the forest. She's really nice. She helped me look for you two." Klaus: "Oh really...? Thank you for all your help, Mint." Mint: "Oh, it was nothing(note)" Klaus: "We haven't introduced ourselves yet. My name is Klaus. I live in Carona with my family. Oh, and that's my wife, Mira." Mira: "Hello, Mint. It sounds like you helped Elena through a lot of trouble. Thank you for helping her." Mint: "Klaus, there's something I wanna ask you." Klaus: "Sure. Is it about the [relic]?" Mint: "!? How did you know!?" Klaus: "This young man asked me about the same thing a second ago. So I thought maybe you had the same question." Mint: "Young man?" [A teen with a sword appears.] Elena: "Who is that?" Klaus: "His name is Rue." Mint: (...He looks like a weirdo.) Mira: "He got here just before you did. You know, Rue's looking for the [relic], too." Mint: (Dang! He's my rival!) Klaus: "Alright then. Let's talk about the [relic]. I've been looking for the [relic] for some time now. I've visited many ruins, read through ancient manuscripts..." Mira: "Basically, he's been playing around." Klaus: "Yes, yes. It's like a hobby. But it was time well spent. Recently, I found a vital hint that may lead me to the [relic]. There's an atelier around here that may hold the key to finding it." Mint: "Atelier...? Oh, you mean a magician's workshop." Mira: "That's right. Supposedly, about 100 years ago, a magician lived in this forest." Klaus: "We believe that this magician did some research on the [relic]. If we go to his atelier, maybe we can get more information about the [relic]." Mint: "Really!!!? W-Where is it!? Where is this atelier!?" Klaus: "Well..." Mint: "You don't know where it is?" Mira: "Mint, can you come here for a second?" [They walk to the cliff's edge.] Elena: "Gee! It's so steep!" Mira: "If the legend is true, there should be some kind of special area down there. The path that leads to the atelier should be hidden somewhere there." Klaus: "But as you can see, the cliff is so steep, we can't get down there. Before you two came, I tried to get down there, but I ended up slipping and twisting my ankle." Mint: "Dang, this is crazy. But..." Rue: "Doctor, I think I can--" Elena: "HEEEE!!! Mint!?" [She jumps off the cliff.] Mint: "See yaaa!!!" Rue: "Geez...!" Klaus: "I hope she'll be alright. There are monsters lurking all over these cliffs." Mira: "I think she'll be alright. Elena, don't ever be that reckless, ok?" Elena: "Ok(note)" [After fighting some Gargoyles, Mint stumbles upon the atelier high above.] Mint: "3,342...3,343...3,344...3,345. Huff-Huff-Heave-Heave... Ohhh, my legs... This looks like the atelier... Looks like a dingy old church. Dang, I hope there's a treasure in there or something." [A large unicorn drops down and knocks Mint away.] Mint: "Unghhh! STUPID GUARD DOG...horse... Whatever! Get out of my way!" [She defeats the boss.] Mint: "Hmph! Piece of cake! Time for some treasure hunting(note)" [Inside...] Mint: "There's gotta be something in here. What the heck? It won't open. Come on. Come on. Stupid vault! That's it... I'm gonna blow it up!" Klaus: "Here, let me take a look at it." Mint: "Klaus!" Klaus: "We finally made it." Mint: "I'm surprised you made it up those steps. I thought you had hurt your leg." Klaus: "My leg is fine. Just thinking about this atelier made the pain go away. I would've crawled up those steps if I had to. I've come too far to stop now." Mint: (Geez... Talk about passionate.) Klaus: "Hmmm...Aha, there's a switch." [The vault opens.] Mint: (Doesn't look like much of a treasure...) Klaus: "Amazing... This manuscript must've been written centuries ago." Mint: "Really!? Me see, me see! ...... I don't understand a thing... I should've taken ancient literature more seriously." Klaus: "Leave it to me. Analyzing ancient manuscripts is one of my specialties. Hmm, interesting... What!? Impossible! Can this be true?" Mint: "What, what!? What does it say!?" Klaus: "I was just kidding. Ha-ha-ha. It's just a diary." Mint: "Ha ha, very funny. What a dork..." Klaus: "I believe this diary belonged to the magician who lived here. It has detailed records of his research. From what I've read, it appears this magician was doing research on the creators of the [relic]." Mint: "You mean the Aeons, right? I studied about them. They were powerful magicians that ruled the world about a thousand years ago. I heard they had powers to change the orbit of stars and move landscapes. It's surprising that they all perished." Klaus: "Indeed, it is. There are so many theories as to why they perished. Despite their godlike powers, they weren't immortal. Now, all that remains are the items they created many years ago." Mint: "And those items are called [relics]." Klaus: "That's right... You seem to know a lot." Mint: (Of course, I know. Maya's Book of Cosmos is an Aeon [relic].) Klaus: "A [relic] holds unimaginable powers. A great [relic] can probably grant any wish. By the way, why are you looking for the [relic], Mint?" Mint: "Huh!? Oh...ahh--" Klaus: "Are you planning world domination by any chance?" Mint: (WHAAAT!? Dang, he's sharp!) Mira: "Did you find what you were looking for? We should get going. The sun'll be setting soon." Klaus: "Alright...I'll take what I need back to town. Dear, can you please go get Rue for me? Mint, I'll need your help to carry all this, too." Mint: "What!? You're kidding!" Klaus: "That diary had some interesting information about the [relic]. I'm sure all these materials also contain important facts about the [relic] that you and I will need to find it." Mint: "Tch, fine! I'll help! Geez!" Klaus: "Thank you. Ok, I need you to carry these books right here." Mint: "Dang. This sucks." _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 02) CARONA II [M-04] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [Back in town...] Mira: "Thanks again, Ms. Cartha, for letting Mint stay at your inn." Ms. Cartha: "Oh, don't mention it. Mint, make yourself at home, ok?" Mint: "You sure I can stay for free?" Mira: "Of course. It's the least we can do. Mint, you've done so much for us. You helped Elena in the forest, you helped my husband with his work... Actually, it's more like a crazy hobby, huh?" Mint: "Ok, then. Thanks(note)" Mira: "You're welcome. Oh! I almost forgot. Klaus wants to talk to you. Maybe he wants to talk more about today's findings from the atelier. Come by whenever you want, ok?" [Mint goes downstairs to talk with Klaus.] Klaus: "Thank you for coming, Mint." Mint: "What's up?" Klaus: "I finished skimming through the stuff we brought back from the atelier. Mint: "Did you find out where the [relic] is!?" Klaus: "Heh, heh... Not quite. But I did find some promising leads. The magician who lived at that atelier was also looking for the [relic]. Here, read this. 'My endless pursuit of the Aeon [relic] continues.' On the next page, it says: 'The Aeon [relic] is sealed by one of the highest orders of magic. Even my powers are incapable of overcoming it.'" Mint: "The [relic] is sealed? What does that mean?" Klaus: "The Aeon who created the [relic] probably feared someone would steal it. So he must've placed a powerful seal to protect it." Mint: "Dang, what a jerk... That means we can't get the [relic] unless we break the seal." Klaus: "That's going to be difficult. After all, it was sealed by a powerful Aeon. Like it says in his diary, even the magician couldn't break the seal. I don't think we'll be able to do anything, either, even if we find it." Mint: "Are you saying we should give up?" Klaus: "Not so fast. There's more information. You see, the magician wasn't the only one looking for the [relic]. Listen to this: 'I cannot break the seal. Then I shall seek the powers of the past. Long ago, Grand Magician Elroy and his apprentices also sought after the power of the [relic]. I must see his research on the [relic]. I must go to Elroy's atelier in the underground ruins. I have made a key that will grand me access to his atelier. The power to uncover Elroy's secret is in my hands.' And this is the key. With it, we shall be able to enter the ruins and find Elroy's atelier. If we can find his atelier, I think we can find out more about the [relic]." Mint: "Where are these underground ruins?" Klaus: "They are quite far. It takes at least half a day to get there by foot. Ok. Let's pack up and get going! Ouch..." Mint: "Dang, I guess your ankle hasn't healed yet." Klaus: "Ahh, it's nothing. A twisted ankle isn't gonna stop me from chasing my dream. Ouch..." Mint: "Hey, you're not young anymore. You should stay home and rest." Klaus: "But..." Mint: "Don't worry. I can go there by myself. I'll find Elroy's atelier and bring back whatever I can." Klaus: "No, I can't let you do that. Those ruins are full of monsters. It's too dangerous to go by yourself." Mint: "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine." Klaus: "......Alright... Just promise me one thing. Don't overexert yourself. If it gets tough, just come back, ok?" Mint: "Trust me. It'll be a piece of cake(note) I've been everywhere, and there hasn't been anything I couldn't handle. Alright, I'm gonna get going now. Klaus: "Ok." Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee. This is perfect! Now all the treasure in the underground ruins will be mine(note)" Klaus: "What is it, Mint? Are you plotting something?" Mint: "!!!" Klaus: "Well, in any case, please be careful. Oh, I almost forgot. I found this at the atelier." Mint: "Wow! Is that... It is! It's magic!" Klaus: "Just as I thought... I can't use it, of course, so you can have it." System: Acquired [Red Magic] Mint: "Thanks, Klaus(note)" [Mint encounters Rod down in the grassy outskirts of Carona.] Rod: "Go home, baby. This isn't a place for kids. This is my own battlefield." Mint: "...Whatever. Who are you?" Rod: "Sure you wanna know...? Alright, I'll tell ya. I'm a weapon maker, a vagrant, and a swordsman. I'm Rod the Blade Star! That's Johnny Wolf. My best pal." Mint: "I'm confused... Are you a weapon maker or a swordsman." Rod: "I already told ya. I'm both. I create my own weapons and test them in battle. Nothin' beats the thrill of a heart to heart battle, know what I'm sayin'? Just the thought of great battles motivates me to make better weapons." Mint: "Hmm, sounds like fun. Hey, let me see some of your weapons." Rod: "I can't do that. I only show my weapons in battle." Mint: "Oh, come on...! Ok, I'll fight you." Rod: "What? Don't make me laugh, baby. Fighting you isn't gonna warm my heart. A fight without heart is meaningless. Sorry, baby. Why don't you go home now?" Mint: "Fine. YAHH!" Rod: "Ughhua!" [She kicks him over.] Mint: "How's your heart now, huh!?" Rod: "Damn... Nice kick, baby. You sure fooled me with that cute face. Looks like you got one helluva heart." Mint: "Stop calling me baby! I'm not your baby! I've got a name. It's Mint." Rod: "Mint, eh? Ok, Mint, let's see how good you really are. Oh, I forgot." Mint: "What?" Rod: "I need you to pay up before we fight: 100G." Mint: "No way! Why should I pay you!?" Rod: "That's my rule. Hey, if you win, I'll pay you 1,000G." Mint: "Really!?" Rod: "The money just makes it a little more interesting. What matters is heart! So, you still up for it?" Mint: "Here's the money. I'm gonna beat you sooo bad." Rod: "Alright. Let's get it on!" [He gets out dual swords.] Rod: "So, what do you think of my new creation? It's called Silver Breeze!" Mint: "I'm not impressed. It's just a sword." Rod: "It's more than a sword. You'll find out in a second." [She beats Rod up.] Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee(note) I win(note)" Rod: "Damn, you're good. That was a great battle. Here's the 1,000G, as promised. Why don't you get yourself a nice meal?" System: 1,000G Acquired Mint: "Alright(note)" Rod: "Come by again, ok? I'll fight you anytime." [Mint finally decides to visit the underground ruins Klaus jabbered about.] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 05) UNDERGROUND RUINS [M-05] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [She walks in the forest.] Mint: "Huh? That's... You're... Uh..." -> Now I remember! -> Who the heck are you? -> "Now I remember! You're Rue." -> "Who the heck are you?" Rue: "My name is Rue. I'm also looking for the [relic]." Mint: "Oh yeah, we met in the forest." Mint: (He's the one looking for the [relic] with Klaus. My rival...) Rue: "Klaus told me you would come here. Mint, are you really going inside by yourself?" Mint: "Uh-huh." (To keep all the treasure to myself!) Rue: "It's too dangerous to go alone. Klaus said these ruins are full of monsters." Mint: "Don't worry about me. With my magic, it doesn't matter how many monsters are in there." Rue: "I don't know about that. I heard the monsters in the ruins are really vicious. They might be more dangerous than the ones in the forest. I'm coming with you." Mint: "What?" Rue: "I can't just sit back while you risk your life." Mint: "What!? No way! Then I'd have to share the treasure with..." Rue: "Don't worry about me. I'm looking for the [relic] for my own reasons." Mint: "Uh, it's not that I'm worried..." Rue: "We'll find the atelier in no time if we split up. I'm gonna go now. I'll meet you at the atelier. Good luck, Mint!" Mint: "H-Hey! Wait! ... My plan to monopolize the treasure is ruined! Shoot! Dang! I gotta go! I gotta find the atelier before he does!" [She teleports into the ruins like Rue just did. After awhile, she meets Rue. The boulder by the two starts to shake.] Mint: "?" [Mint makes it out but Rue gets squished.] Mint: "...Sleep tight, Rue. Treasure, fortune, here I come(note)" [She enters a large empty cavern.] Mint: "Hmm... There's gotta be something here." [Eventually...] Mint: "Finally... What a weird-looking building. Elroy must've had a lot of time on his hands to build a fancy atelier like this." [Mint rises up into the atelier.] Mint: "Alright(note) Time to clean this place up(note)" [She steals a bunch of stuff.] Mint: "I think I'm done here. Time to head back. ..." Voice: "Hey!" Mint: "That voice... Oh my gosh...Belle!?" [Belle and a man walk in.] Belle: "Long time no see. You're still up to no good, huh?" Mint: "What are you doing here, Belle? I haven't seen you since I kicked your butt a year ago." Man: "What? You two met a year ago?" Belle: "Yeah. I never told you about her, huh? Duke, meet Mint, the slyest creature to ever walk on the face of the earth. I'll never forget what happened a year ago." [As the flashback starts, Mint tries to leave (haha...)] Belle: "!? Where do you think you're goin'!?" Mint: "Dang." Belle: "Sheez! Who do you think you're dealing with, huh!? Duke: "Milady, please calm down. I'll take care of her. I'll wipe that grin off her face and make her tell us about the [relic] in no time." Mint: "What? You guys are also after the [relic]?" Duke: "Yeah. I got nothing against you, but I'm gonna have to bust you up." Belle: "You don't stand a chance against his acts." Mint: "Yeah, whatever. There's nothing I can't handle. I'll shut him up in 5 seconds and beat you silly after that. You two will be holding hands in hell in a flash! You think you're gonna beat me to the [relic]? Guess again, you old bag!" Belle: "Old..." Duke: "Hey, watch your mouth! Milady's only 30 (if you round down)." [Belle punches her beau.] Belle: "AH, shut up! I'll take care of her myself! Nobody callsme old and gets away with it! I'm gonna send you to hell!" [Mint kicks her rump.] Belle: "Well, you've obviously improved your skills... But you're still clumsy as ever. Well, well, what do we have here?" Mint: "!? My treasure!" Belle: "Hah! You can kiss this tiara goodbye! Get up, you lazy bum!" Duke: "...M-Milady?" Belle: "Come on! We're outta here!" Duke: "Yes, Milady." [They ride up.] Mint: "Hey!!! Come back here!!!" [Skull Beast appears again.] Mint: "Dang! Not again!" Belle: "Have fun! See ya!" [Mint almost evades the boss.] Mint: "I have to go up!" [At the top, it corners her.] Mint: "...Oh my gosh!" [Rue saves her.] Rue: "That was close. Are you alright?" Mint: "Huff-Huff-Heave-Heave! Thanks..." _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 06) CARONA III [M-06] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [Back at Klaus' house...] Klaus: "Mint! Thank heavens, you're back." Mint: "Yeah, but it didn't go too well. I had some problems..." Klaus: "So this Belle and Duke took the tiara from you." Mint: "Yeah! Those dirty rats! I swear, if I see them again, I'll..." Klaus: "Now, now, calm down. I'm sure we can get it back somehow. For now, let's do research on this cube. Looks like this will keep us busy for a while. You know, you came back at just the right time. I just found something important." Mint: "What? Did you find more leads?" Klaus: "Well, you know those materials we brought back from the atelier? I looked through them again while you were gone, and you're not gonna believe what I found. The location of the [relic]! I know where it is!" Mint: "Really!?" Klaus: "Yes, there is no doubt. In fact, it's located very close to Carona. The [relic] is at the lake ruins." Mint: "Where!? Where are these ruins!?" Klaus: "There is a lake not too far from here with old ruins floating in the middle. Until now, nobody had a clue who built them. Who would've thought that they were built by Aeons." Mint: "Ok. So if we break the seal of the lake ruins, we can get the [relic]!" Klaus: "That's right! And... This cube was made for that very purpose." Mint: "Alright, Klaus! Let's go!" Klaus: "What?" Mint: "We can break the seal with that cube, right? Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go to the lake ruins! Oh, at last... My long quest for the [relic] is almost over!" Klaus: "Ahh, not exactly. There's still a big problem." Mint: "What problem!?" Klaus: "To break the seal, we're definitely supposed to use the cube." Mint: "So what's the problem? We have the cube." Klaus: "But how do we use the cube?" Mint: "Oh." Klaus: "Look at this thing. It's just a cubic block. There's no way to open it or do anything. Without some kind of instructions, I have absolutely no idea how to use it." Mint: "Oh, I'll just hit it real hard and... Forget it. I'll probably break my hand." Klaus: "Well... What now?" Mint: "Come on, Klaus! Think of something! We know where the [relic] is. We even have the key to break the seal! Isn't there any way to find out how to use the cube?" Klaus: "Hmm... We could try asking her, but... Actually, I'd rather not deal with her." Mint: "What? Who are you talking about?" Klaus: "...... There's a magician named Fancy Mel. She lives in an atelier beyond the forest. I honestly don't know how to describe her. She's just weird, I guess. So I'd rather try to stay away from her, if possible." Mint: "But...Mel would be able to tell us how to use the cube, right? Then we have no choice but to see her." Klaus: "You're right, but... You don't know her. She's so... If you go see her, you'll regret it. Trust me." Mint: "Hey, I don't care. I'm going. I'll go anywhere for the [relic]!" Klaus: "...Alright. I'm making you do so much. Thank you, Mint. I'll give you directions to Mel's atelier and also directions to the lake ruins. Good luck, Mint." [Upstairs...] Elena: "Hey(note) Where are you off to now?" Mint: "I'm going to Mel's atelier. Have you been there?" Elena: "Mel...? OH! The crazy witch, right!? Yes, I've been there before." Mint: "Crazy witch...?" Elena: "It's a very fun place. I'm sure you'll like it(note)" Mint: "What do you mean by 'fun'?" Elena: "Ohh, you'll find out(note)" _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 07) MEL'S ATELIER [M-07] _______________________________________________________________________________ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ [After entering Mel's area, the bright weird scenery is quite...odd.] Mint: "Holy cow. Talk about bad taste..." [She rides a star-vator up to the atelier.] Mint: "All this is giving me a headache. No wonder Klaus didn't wanna come here..." [She knocks on the door.] Mint: "The heck!? Weird sound. Mel's got some taste... Mel!? Are you in there!? Voice: "Mel not home. You must wait. You can play while you wait." [Eventually, Mel shows up.] Mel: "Hello, there." Mint: (..................................................................... She's totally nuts...) Mel: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me funny? Is there a booger on my face?" Mint: "I was just thinking that you're a frea...that you're different." Mel: "Different? Like some kind of freak?" Mint: "NO, NO! I didn't say that! So...you're Mel, right?" Mel: "Uh-huh. Some people call me Fancy Mel." Mint: (...No kidding.) [Later on...] Mel: "So...you want to break the seal at the lake ruins." Mint: "Yup. That's why I need to learn how to use this cube. Can you help out?" Mel: "Nope." Mint: "Huh!?" Mel: "Mint, was it? Do you have any idea what you're dealing with? The [relic] is not your ordinary magic item. If you play with it...Poof!" [A magic blast hits Mint.] Mint: "Unghhh!" Mel: "Gotcha(note) Y'okay?" Mint: "What the heck's your problem!?" Mel: "I'm sorry, but listen to me. Even if you're a low class magician, you should know this." Mint: "What do you mean low class!?" Mel: "Oh, what I meant to say was...if you're a trained magician, you should know how dangerous the [relic] is." Mint: (Who cares. I want it...) Mel: "Over the years, many have pursued it. And they have paid the price, some with their lives. [Relics] abound in this world, but the one you're seeking is Valen's [relic]." Mint: "Who?" Mel: "You've never heard of Valen? My, aren't we ignorant... Ok, I'll tell you. Valen was the most powerful Aeon. They say he could raise mountains and move stars at will." Mint: "But he died like all the other Aeons, right?" Mel: "Uh-huh. His demise is still am mystery. Some say he had too much power and destroyed himself." Mint: "Really..." Mel: "I hope, by now, you realize how dangerous your pursuit is. Valen's [relic] embodies powers beyond our knowledge. Who knows what will happen if the seal is broken. Worst case...it might destroy the world." Mint: "Dang... Valen's [relic] is that powerful?" Mel: "There's no doubt. It's the most powerful [relic] in existence. ...Why are you grinning?" Mint: "Hee-Hee-Hee-Hee-Heee... The most powerful [relic]... Perfect!" Mel: "Huh?" Mint: "It's mine. Valen's [relic] is mine!" Mel: "Weren't you listening to me?" Mint: "No worries. I'll take care of everything. As long as I'm around, I'm not gonna let Valen or his [relic] destroy the world." (Because I'm gonna rule the world!) Mel: "Aye-yi-yi... It's pretty obvious I can't talk you out of it. I guess you'll never give up until you learned your lesson." Mint: "Hey, don't underestimate me. I've been through a lot, and there's been nothing I couldn't handle." Mel: "My, aren't we confident... Ok. If you're that determined, go for it. Maybe it'll turn out to be a good lesson for your ego." Mint: "Hey, does that mean--" Mel: "Yes, I'll help you. I'll take a look at that cube." Mint: "Alright(note) Thanks!" Mel: "But under one condition. I'll help you if you help me... It's about the Poppul Purrels. You played with them earlier, right?" Mint: "Poppul Purrels...? You mean those dwarfs outside?" Mel: "Yes. They're my cute helpers. The 4 of them help me around the atelier." Mint: "4 of them? I only saw 3." Mel: "One of them is missing. I sent him to go shopping, and he hasn't come back since. I don't think he went very far. I'm so worried about him." Mint: "Oh, I get it. You want me to find him, right?" Mel: "Exactly. I'll examine the cube if you find him. Compared to looking for the relic, this should be easy, right?" Mint: "Of course! It'll be a piece of cake!" Mel: "Come back here when you find him. By then, I should be done examining the cube." Mint: "I hope you work fast, because I'll find the missing Poppul Purrel in no time." [She goes to Carona Forest...] Smokey: Eh-heh, Eh-heh!" Mint: "Dang, those hoodlums again. Don't they have anything better to do?" Mint: "Huh? That dwarf..." Poppul Purrel: "Eeyuck! Keep your dirty hand away!" Blood: "...The hell!? You callin' me dirty!? You better get down and apologize, or I'm gonna hurt you real bad." Poppul Purrel: "I'm not sorry! You dirty! You stinky!" Smokey: "Eh-heh! He's a total squirt! Hey, you stupid or somethin'?" Poppul Purrel: "Shut up!" Blood: "YOU shut up, you little maggot! I'm gonna shut you up by choppin' that fungus head of yours!" Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh! Let's do it, Bro! Teach him a lesson." Mint: "Hey, fatso!" Blood: "...The hell!? Who the--Hey! Smokey: "B-Bro! It's that violent witch again!" Mint: "What'd you call me!?" Smokey: "Geow!!!" Mint: "Serves you right!" Blood: "Smokey!? You alright? You got some guts, hittin' my partna!" Mint: "You got a problem with that!? If you wanna fight, you're on!" Blood: "You just signed your death warrant... Get up, Smokey! Let's chop her up!" Smokey: "Ouuuu...yeah..." [Mint cleans the floor with 'em.] Blood: "Dammit! That's twice! Sheeee..." Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, B-Bro!? Wait for me!" Poppul Purrel: "You my lifesaver." Mint: "Good thing I found you in time. Are you ok?" Poppul Purrel: "Yeah-Yeah." Mint: "Fancy Mel asked me to look for you. She's been worried sick about you. Come on, I'll take you home." Poppul Purrel: "I ok. I go home by myself. What your name?" Mint: "It's Mint. Don't you forget my name. Tell me that a beautiful princess named Mint helped you with her bodacious magic. You got that?" Poppul Purrel: "Ok, I remember. Mint, thank you. Bwye-Bwye." Mint: "The sun's setting... I should head back to town." [She finds Rod by the fireside.] Mint: "Hey, Rod." Rod: "Yeah?" Mint: "Why do you make weapons?" Rod: "...To leave my name in history. Just like my old man did." Mint: "Old man...? You mean your father?" Rod: "Yeah. My old man was a swordsman. He was the best swordsman in the world. He fought hundreds of battles in his life and never lost. The man's gonna be a legend forever. You've heard of the Great Swordsman Pleskin, haven't you?" Mint: "Pleskin!? The invincible swordsman!? My gosh! That's your father!?"
Rod: "I trained like hell to challenge my old man someday. I wanted to beat
     him and take his title. I wanted to be hailed as the greatest swordsman.
     My dream never had a chance... My old man died before I could fight him...
     Now I can't ever surpass him."

Mint: "......"

Rod: "So I decided to take a different path and started making weapons. I wanna
     create the best weapon someday and become the greatest weapon-making
     swordsman. That's how I wanna go down in history."

Mint: "Oh..."

Rod: "I guess I talked a little too much. You've gotta get up early tomorrow,
     don't ya? Better go back and get some sleep."

Mint: "Yeah, that's a good idea. Good night, Rod."

Rod: "Yeah."

[That night, Mint dreams she's back in the palace's dining hall.]

Maya: "My dear sister. Hand me that plate over there, will you?"

Mint: "......"

Maya: "Oh, and I have a message for the chef. Tell him to bring 5 plates of
      Bavarian pastries and 5 dishes of pudding."

Mint: "..."

Maya: "After dinner, please remind me to have you clean the toilets in the
      castle. Wait, I think I should have you remove the weeds in the pumpkin
      fields instead. Or should I have you massage my back?"

Doll Master: "Why not have her do everything?"

Maya: "Of course! Where is my head...? Ok, my dear sister, you heard me."

Mint: "......"

Maya: "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Mint: "Maya... Do you enjoy treating me like this?"

Maya: "Treating you like what? I'm merely assigning you your responsibilities."

Mint: "Responsibilities!? I'm a princess! Your older sister!"

Maya: "That's not true. You're not a princess. You're an ex-princess!"

Mint: "ex...! What do you mean, 'ex'!?"

Maya: "Well, aren't you? You no longer have right to the throne. You're not a
      princess. You're just another commoner now. HUAHH-HA-HA-HA-HA!"

Gramps: "Please understand, ex-Princess."

Doll Master: "You should accept the truth, ex-Princess!"

Mint: "...Why are you so mean to me!? What did I ever do to deserve this!?"

Maya: "My goodness, I've had enough out of you. Get back to work immediately!
      Come on now, you're wasting time! If you even think about shirking, I'll
      punish you, like this."

Mint: "Ughaaa! P-P-Pumpkin...!?"

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA-HA-HA(note) Run along, ex-Princess!"

[Pumpkins roll after Mint and wake her up from her dream.]

Mint: "Huff-Huff-Heave-Heave... What a nightmare... DANG IT!!!"

[Back at Fancy Mel's atelier...]

Mel: "Come in."

Poppul Purrel: "It's Mint! I thank again. I happy to be home."

Mel: "Hello, Mint. Sweetie, can you go outside? I need to talk to Mint alone."

Poppul Purrel: "Not fair... Not happy... But Mel say, so I do. Bwye-Bwye,
               Mint! We play next time."

Mel: "I'm so glad you found him. Thank you."

Mint: "Alright, I did my job. Are you done with the cube?"

Mel: "Well, aren't we eager? Yes. I'm done examining the cube. I've written
     everything in here. You can read it when you get back to town."

System: Acquired Mel's Report
System: Acquired Cube

Mint: "Yes! Now, I'm another step closer to the [relic]."

Mel: "Yes, about that... Can you stay for a minute? I've been wanting to ask
     you something."

Mint: "What?"

Mel: "Have you heard of the East Heaven Kingdom? It's a kingdom of magicians
     that has flourished for centuries."

Mint: "!"

Mel: "Just 2 years ago, East Heaven's eldest princess ran away, and...she's
     been missing every since. Rumor is that she was a very spoiled princess.
     On top of that, I heard she was violent, indulged in luxury, and was a
     major pain int he neck. ...Mint, what's wrong?"

Mint: "Mel... Where did you hear that?"

Mel: "Oh, it's a very famous rumor. I kind of feel sorry for her. Word is that
     nobody in East Heaven is worried about her. Instead, her younger sister
     Maya is getting all the attention there, revered by her people for her
     graceful nature. Mint, why are you on the floor? Are you really alright?"

Mint: "NOOO!!! I'm that big, bad princess!"

Mel: "Oh really? I never would've imagined(note)"

Mint: (Uh-huh, yeah right.)

Mel: "Well, now that we have that in the open, I must ask you something."

Mint: "What?"

Mel: "Why do you need the [relic]? Are you trying to reclaim your right to the

Mint: "Hmph! Fine, I'll share my dream with you. First, I'm gonna go home and
      punish Maya big time for what she did to me. You said Valen's [relic] is
      the most powerful Aeon [relic], right? Then I should be able to thrash
      Maya's puny Book of Cosmos."

Mel: "That's it. What a silly dream..."

Mint: "What are you talking about!? That's not the end of it! After I take care
      of Maya, I'll take over East Heaven and all the neighboring kingdoms. In
      the end...I'll take over the entire world!!!"

Mel: "So your final goal is world conquest?"

Mint: "Yup! You're impressed now, huh?"

Mel: "I'll say it again. Don't take the [relic] lightly. Valen's powers
     probably can't be harnessed by anyone in this world and could lead to
     world destruction."

Mint: "You worry too much. How can it lead to the end of the world? I'm gonna
      own the world. That won't happen."

Mel: "I guess it doesn't matter what I say. You're obviously going through no
     matter what."

Mint: "When I left home, I promised myself I would find the [relic]. I'm not
      gonna stop now. When I make a promise like that, I always keep it."

Mel: "Aye-yi-yi. Huh?"

Voice: "Hello? Is Mel here?"

Mel: "Another guest... Mint, let's continue some other time."


Elena: "Oh! Hey, Mint!"

Rue: "Hi."

Elena: "OH, OH! There's something I wanna tell you! It's about Rue. He's really

Mint: "What? What's so amazing about him?"

Elena: "This is gonna surprise you so much(note) Ok, here it goes. Rue is--"

Mint: "Elena. Can you not talk about that, at least for now?"

Elena: "Ok...I'm sorry. It'll be our little secret(note)"

Mint: "What's up!? You told Elena, and you're not gonna tell me!?"

Rue: "It's not that, but I have my reasons... Sorry, Mint."

[He leaves.]

Mint: "What's with him? Aren't you going inside with him?"

Elena: "Nope. He just needed help getting here. I'm going home now."

Mint: "Oh, ok. Let's go back together then."

Elena: "Alright(note) Let's go, Mint."

Mint: (I'll make her tell me Rue's secret...)

[On the way back...]

Mint: "So, Elena... What's Rue's secret?"

Elena: "I can't tell you, Mint. I promised Rue I wouldn't tell."

Mint: "Oh, come on. We're friends(note) You can tell me."

Elena: "...Ok. I'll give you a little hint. Rue is a Pollywog, and the Pollywog
       is Rue, but Rue's usually not a Pollywog(note)"

Mint: "Huhhh??? That doesn't make any sense. Give me another hint."

Elena: "Nope. That's all I can tell you."

Mint: "Come on, Elena."

Elena: "Hey, there's something moving."

[Duke is dressed up as a star.]

Mint: "......What the heck are you doing, Duke?"

Duke: "What!? Man, this disguise was perfect! I can't believe you spotted me."

Mint: "Are you kidding? It's so obvious. Elena, you noticed him too, right?"

Elena: "No. Not at all."

Mint: "Dang, forget it..."

Duke: "See. You were just lucky... Ok, back to business. Give me the cube and
      the information you got from Fancy Mel. You'd better hand it over before
      you get hurt."

Mint: "Yeah, right. Get a mirror, for god's sake. You look so stupid. Just
      give me back the tiara and get out of here, you big dork!"

Duke: "You went too far thi stime... I'm gonna show you no mercy. This is my
      finest act yet. Oh yeah, you don't know about my acts, huh?"

Mint: "What acts?"

Duke: "...I love stars, y'know. They're so big, so bright, so powerful...
      Always twinkling that ray of hope... I wanna be a star. I am a star... I
      am a star..."

Mint: "It's high noon. There are no stars."

Duke: "Oh, yes there are. Look!"

Mint: "!? What the heck!?"

Elena: "Wow! That's so pretty(note)"

Duke: [shouts something out of earshot]

Mint: "? Watch out!"

[They avoid being squished by Duke's falling star.]

Duke: "I bet you're scared now, huh!? I'm Starlight Duke. Here comes the pain!"

[Mint beats the crap out of him.]

Duke: STARR!!! Ugh... I tink I broke my noze..."

Mint: "Alright, your stupid act is over. Give me back the tiara."

Duke: "The night gives me true power. Mark my words, Starlight Duke will shine

Mint: "It's not funny anymore. Come on. Where's the tiara?"

Duke: "So long! Starrrr!"

[Duke flies away]

Mint: "Dang... Is he really human?"

Elena: "Your friend is such a delightful star(note)"

[Meanwhile, in East Heaven's castle...]

Doll Master: "Psycho Master. What is it?"

Psycho Master: "My lord. We have a new menace in the game vying for Valen's

Doll Master: "Who is it? A mercenary, bandit...or another mage?"

Psycho Master: "My lord..."

[He whispers it.]

Doll Master: "Princess Mint...!? HAHAHAHAHA... Interesting. I haven't heard
             that name in years. I figured she was dead. So, that little fish
             is after the [relic]... Psycho Master, I presume you have already
             taken the necessary steps."

Psycho Master: "I sent them to Carona moments ago, my lord. They should arrive
               tomorrow morning."

Doll Master: "Good. Just keep an eye on her for now. I can just imagine
             Princess Maya's reaction when she finds out about this."

Psycho Master: "It would be a catastrophe."

Doll Master: "Indeed. We must keep Princess Maya in the dark on this matter."

08) CARONA IV                                                            [M-08]

[Back at Klaus'...]

Klaus: "Hey, Mint. It's good to see you back."

Mint: "Good news, Klaus: Mel examined the cube for us. She wrote the details
      in this report."

Klaus: "That's great! Let's read it. Hmm... I see..."

Mint: "You finished it already?"

Klaus: "Not yet. I just finished reading the part that explains how to open
       it. So, I figured, why not open it now?"

Mint: "You can open this thing? DOes that mean there's something inside?"

Klaus: "I believe so. Mel's report says, 'Open the cube adn find out for
       yourself.' I think there's an item in here that can unlock the seal
       placed by the Aeon. There. That should do it. Whoa!"

Mint: "Geez!"

[A bright light bursts out and a person (?) is inside.]

Klaus: "W-What in the world is that...!? I can't believe this... How did this
       boy fit inside that tiny cube?"

Mint: "He's not human. Take a look at his joints. He's some kind of a doll."

Klaus: "Amazing... It would be impossible to make something like this nowadays.

Rue: "Yes..."

[He walks in.]

Rue: "Grand Magician Elroy made him. He's the product of the finest magic
     technology, lost years ago. His name is Prima Doll. He's the only one
     who can break the Aeon's seal at the lake ruins."

Klaus: "So he's the key to the [relic]... With this Prima Doll, we should
       finally be able to get it."

Mint: "Alright, [relic], here we come! Klaus! Let's go to the lake ruins! Come
      on! Let's go right now!"

Rue: "You can't get the [relic] yet."

Mint: "Ohhh, don't tell me there's another problem."

Rue: "Well, he's not complete yet. And until he is, he won't even wake up."

Mint: "Oh brother... Let me guess. We need some items to complete the Prima

Rue: "That's right."

Mint: "Ohhh..."

Klaus: "I wonder where we can get them."

Rue: "The answer is probably in Mel's report."

Klaus: "Here it is: 'Grand Magician Elroy worked closely with his apprentices.
       The items needed to complete the Prima Doll are kept in the ateliers
       of his apprentices. A pair of gauntlets and a pair of sollerets are 
       being kept at the Ghost Temple. The earrings are being kept at the
       atelier in Gamul Forest. The forest is high above the river. The final
       item, an amulet, must be made from phantomite.'"

Mint: "Dang, we need 4 more items!? Why did Elroy have to make everything so

Klaus: "I feel the same way. I guess we have no choice but to collect these

Mint: "This really sucks... Now I have to go to the Ghost Temple and Gamul
      Forest. Oh yeah, we need that phantomite thing, too. Oh...I'm getting a

Rue: "Don't worry. I'll help."

Mint: "Huh?"

Rue: "I'll go to the Ghost Temple, and you can go to Gamul Forest. It'll be a
     lot faster that way."

Mint: "Sure, but..."

Rue: "It'll be safer that way, too. We're not the only ones looking for the
     [relic]. Belle and Duke, who stole the tiara, might come after us again.
     We should get ahead of them by finding the items as soon as possible."

Klaus: "That's a great idea. Don't you think, Mint?"

Mint: "No."

Klaus: "What!? Why not?"

Mint: "That means my share is gonna get smaller! If you insist on helping, we
      can split the wealth 9:1 between me and you. What do you think? Still
      wanna help?"

Klaus: "MInt, you're being way too unreasonable."

Rue: "Ok. That's fine with me."

Mint: "...Really?"

Rue: "I'm not after the [relic] to make a fortune. I don't want money or
     treasure. Just let meuse the [relic] once when we get it. After that, you
     and the doctor can keep it and do whatever you want."

Mint: "Oh...... I see..."

Rue: "Does that sound ok with you?"

Mint: "Sure."

Rue: "I'm gonna go to the Ghost Temple now. Good look finding the earrings in
     Gamul Forest. I'll see you later. Bye."

Mint: "..."

Klaus: "That wasn't nice, Mint. You were being very unreasonable."

Mint: "Hey, I was just teasing him. I never thought he'd agree to such
      ridiculous terms. What a strange guy. He's not in it for the money? I
      wonder why he's looking for the [relic]..."

[As she tries to leave town...]

Mira: "Oh, Mint, where are you off to now?"

Mint: "I'm going to Gamul Forest. Spellmaster Ginema's atelier is supposed to
      be there."

Mira: "How are you gonna get there? It takes at least a week by foot."

Mint: "What!? A week!?"

Mira: "Even if you take a canoe upstream, it takes 3 days."

Mint: "Dang... Why does it have to be so far?"

Mira: "Don't be discouraged. I have a great idea."

Mint: "Really?"

Mira: "There's a man named Rod who's camping in the grass fields outside of
      town. He has a boat. He was boasting that his "baby" was the fastest
      machine in the world. Why don't you go talk to him?"

Mint: "Fastest machine...? It sounds bogus. But...looks like I have no other

[In the grassfields...]

Rod: "Mint, long time no see. What brings you here?"

Mint: "Hi, Rod. I came here because I wanna ask you a favor."

Rod: "Oh, boy... Alright, what's on your mind?"

[She spills the beans...]

Rod: "That's it? You just wanna get to Gamul Forest? Well, you came to the
     right place. I'm the man who can get you there. My ACV's the best ride
     around. But everything has a price. You awnt my help, you gotta pay up
     front. You know what I want, don't ya?"

Mint: "...No, I don't."

Rod: "Think."

Mint: "...Oh yeah. Alright... Let's fight."

Rod: "Right on! That's what I'm talkin' about! Tell you what. Just this once,
     I'll fight you free of charge."

Mint: "You'd better let me borrow your boat when I win."

Rod: "Hey, my baby isn't a boat."

Mint: "It's not? Then what is it?"

Rod: "You gotta beat me to find out. Come on!"

Mint: "You won't last a minute against my-- What the heck!?"

[Rod has two large hand-scythes this time.]

Rod: "Ok, Mint! Bring it on!"

Mint: "What is that thing!?"

Rod: "My latest creation! Golden Gale! Here I come!"

[She beats him.]

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee(note) I win(note)"

Rod: "Damn, you're good... That was a good fight. I guess I gotta give you that
     ride. I'll take you to Gamul Forest."

Mint: "Really!?"

Rod: "Yeah. Rod the Blade Star never goes back on his word. Why don't you go
     kill some time while I get her ready?"

[After awhile...]

Rod: "What took you so long? My baby's ready to go."

Mint: "So, this is your boat, huh?"

Rod: "It's not a boat! Don't EVER call my baby a boat, you got that!? A boat
     can't even compare to my baby. She's the love of my life! Her name?
     Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega! Like I said, she's the greatest ride in
     this world. Nothing can top this baby's speed."

Mint: "What was that again? Pulse-inferno... Typh-Ome... Forget it! P-in-T-O.
      Pinto! There we go."

Rod: "What'd you say!? Pinto!? Hey, don't give my baby a stinky nickname,
     alright? It's the Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega."

Mint: (What a long, stupid name...) "Hey, I could care less about the name. It
      doesn't matter."

Rod: "It matters! Look at her. She's perfect. The name's gotta be perfect,
     too. Well, my baby's ready to take off anytime. You ready to go to Gamul
     Forest or what?"

Mint: "I'm ready to go!"

Mira: "Mint! Here's your lunch."

Mint: "Wow! Looks yummy!"

Mira: "Rod, your portion is in there, too, ok?"

Rod: "Thank you, madam. I'll savor every bite with all my heart."

Mira: "You silly. Good luck, Mint."

[The crew gets onboard.]

Mint: "Hey, what is that noise?"

Rod: "It's the sorcerous driver. It's some kind of ancient magic device. There
     are 5 cannon orbs that juice up the driver to thrust my baby. It's the
     sweetest sound in the world. Let's see... Cannon orbs at max power.
     Sorcerous driver is all juiced up. Alright! You ready!?"

Mint: "Yeah! Go Pinto, go!"

Rod: "I told you stop calling it that! Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega!"

Mira: "Have a safe trip!"

[The boat leaves. En route...]

Rod: "So...what do you think!? She's got mad speed, huh!?"

Mint: "......"

Rod: "Just as advertised... The sweetest ride in the world..."

Mint: "..."

Rod: "Hey, what's up? Why are you all quiet? This baby too fast for you?"

Mint: ".........Hey, this meatball's pretty good."

Rod: "What!? You're eating without me!? What am I, your chauffeur!?"

Mint: "Stop whining. You're ruining the mood. The scenery's beautiful, the
      food's great, it's perfect(note) Just keep piloting your baby."

Rod: "I swear, you better leave some for me..."

Mint: "Oh, that was good. What should I try next? Let's see... YUCK!!!
      PUMPKINS!!! Rod, you can have my pumpkins, and I'll take your meatballs,

Rod: "I'll kill you if you do!"

09) GAMUL FOREST                                                         [M-09]

[Awhile after the crew disembarks...]

Rod: "That lunch was great... I've had a lot of lunches before, but that lunch
     was the best."

Mint: "Yeah, it sure was(note) Alright, I'm all energized and ready to go.
      Rod, don't get any funny ideas! You'd better be here when I come back
      with the earrings!"

Rod: "Alright, alright. I'm gonna take a nap here for a while, so relax. Oh...
     I'm so sleepy after that awesome lunch."

Mint: "Sweet dreams. I'll be back soon."

[Mint enters the forest a bit and finds the atelier all broken.]

Mint: "WHAAAT!? What happened to the atelier? I wonder if the earrings are
      still here. I guess I have no choice but to look. Dang, this sucks!
      What's this? Maybe it's Ginema diary. Let's see: 'I hid the earrrings
      in a safe place.' Jackpot(note) Ok, baby, where did you hide them?
      'I hid the earrings inside the guardian's body. This way, no one can
      take my earrings. My guardian is invincible. Why am I so smart...?'
      Dang! So, where's the guardian? 'No! My guardian has wrecked my atelier
      and escaped! My atelier has been completely destroyed, and my earrings
      are gone! My research is finished! What was I thinking!? Hiding the
      earrings inside a guardian!? I'm such a fool!' Dang... What an idiot!"

[Mint looks at a propeller hanging on a device.]

Mint: "What is this...? Some kind of a windmill? What am I supposed to do
      now...? I don't know where this guardian went. !!! Unghhh!"

[She dodged a fireball.]

Voice: "Hah! Stay down!"

Mint: "Dang! That stupid 'hah' has to be Belle!"

Belle: "Who are you callin' stupid!?"

Mint: "YOU, you (expletive)! Always taking cheap shots!"

Belle: "You should talk! You're the queen of foul play, not to mention dirty

Mint: "That's it! You are sooo DEAD!!!"

Belle: "Yeah, yeah, whatever. You're gonna eat those words very soon. I have a
       special surprise for you. HEXAGON!!!

Mint: "!!!?"

[A big robot jumps down]

Belle: "Hahhh!"

Mint: "What is that ugly thing!?"

Belle: "This is my ultimate weapon. I found it in the coral sea ruins. Good
       luck! It has no weakness!"

Mint: "What are you talking about? It's got you on it. You're its major

Belle: "What...!? You won't be able to lay a finger on me!"

Mint: "Whatever. I'm gonna beat you silly and kick you off that thing!"

Belle: "Hah! In your dreams!"

[Mint beats the crap out of Belle.]

Belle: "Not bad, Mint! But it's not ov--"

[Mint kicks her out of the blue.]

Mint: "YAHH!!!"

Belle: "!!!"

Mint: "Now it is. Hmph! Ultimate weapon, my butt! Alrighty(note) Another big
      V for Princess Mint!"

Belle: "Zzz...Zzzz..."

Mint: "Ok, sweet Belle, let's see what you have... Heeey! Nice(note)"

System: Acquired [Green Magic]

[Mint uses that magic on the windmill to turn it. A lift comes down.]

Mint: "I knew it! I wonder where it goes... I definitely smell treasure(note)"

[After a lot of exploring...]

Mint: "Dang...I'm tired. Where the heck is that guardian? Stupid guardian!!!
      You can't run from me! Come out right now!"

Voice: "Aaaaah!"

[Belle is being chased by the Garun Tribesmen.]

Mint: "? Belle!?

Belle: "Dammit! Persistent runts! Sheez! I almost got killed... Finally, I
       caught up with you! That silly kick isn't gonna work this time!"

Mint: "I just flattened you a second ago, and you still wanna fight? Fine. I'm
      not holding back this time! ! Belle... How about we fight later?"

Belle: "Hah! Are you getting cold feet?"

Mint: "Take a look behind you."

Belle: "What? !? Not again!"

[Tribesmen are chasing the two gals. They jump on a small movable track.]

Mint: "Belle!"

Belle: "Sheez! What's happening?"

Belle: "Mint get off!"

Mint: "What!? Why should I get off!?"

Belle: "The track can only support one!"

Mint: "..."

Belle: "..."

Mint: "Then you get off! You're a lot heavier!"

Belle: "WHAT!!!? Take that back right now!"

Mint: "..."

Belle: "..."

[The track runs out and the two are floating over air, cartoon-style.]

Belle: "AHHHHH!!!"

Mint: "AEEEEE!!!"

[After landing by a pond...]]

Mint: "Huff-Huff-Heave-Heave! Achh... UNGHHH!!!"

[Belle falls on her.]

Belle: "Owww...sheez. That was crazy..."

Mint: "Where are we...?"

Belle: "You belong in hell, so it's definitely not heaven."

Mint: "Whaaat!? You could be the devil's mistress after all that you've done!"

Belle: "......That bitter tongue proves you're still alive."

Mint: "Of course! I'll never croak until I find the [relic] and conquer the
      world! !!! Oww, my leg..."

Belle: "Well, look at you. Sheez! It's swollen big time! You're such a klutz!"

Mint: "It's your fault! You fell on me!"

Belle: "...Fine. I'll just end your misery!"

Mint: "!? Hey, wait a minute! NO!!!"

[Belle casts a spell...a healing spell.]

Mint: "Are you crazy!? I almost had a heart attack!"

Belle: "How's the pain?"

Mint: "Huh? Hey... What happened to the pain? Belle...?"

Belle: "Don't get me wrong. I only did it because I couldn't stand your

Mint: "Hmph! Well, I'm not gonna thank you."

Belle: "So, what now?"

Mint: "That's easy. I'm gonna find the guardian and get the earrings."

Belle: "Then hurry up and get your butt moving!"

Mint: "Ohhh, shut up! !!!?"

[She backs away.]

Belle: "What are you doing?"

Mint: "Belle, get over here!"

Belle: "Sheez, what's with you?"

Mint: "Um... Behind you."

Belle: "? AAAAAHH!!!"

[A giant floating whale is behind her.]


Mint: "I think that's the guardian."

Belle: "What's it doing!? Mint, watch out!"

[It sucks Belle into its mouth.]

Mint: "Oh my gosh...!"

[She defeats the Cloud Whale.]

Mint: "Hey! Could this be...? YES! The earrings(note)"

System: Acquired Earrings

Mint: Oh! Where's Belle!?"

[Belle climbs out of the guardian's mouth.]

Belle: "Hack-Hack, Hack-Hack... I've had it..."

[She collapses.]

Mint: "Belle! She's unconscious... Oh well. There's no point in waking her up.
      We'd probably end up fighting over the earrings. I'm sure she'll be fine.
      Alright. Time to go home(note)"

[Back in Carona's hotel...]

Duke: "Milady! I was so worried about you!"

Belle: "Whew... I just went through hell."

Duke: "What happened? ...Ugh. Milady, you smell funny."

Belle: "I know!!! I was swallowed by a giant fish!"

Duke: "Really!? ...What kind of fish was it?"

Belle: "WHO CARES! Damn, my body still feels gooey! I couldn't get the
       earrings, either. This really sucks! Duke, what about you? Don't tell
       me you failed!"

Duke: "...Sorry, Milady. That guy Rue butted in, so I couldn't get the goods."

Belle: "WHAT!!!? That little snot beat you!? What's wrong with you!?"

Duke: "Come on, Milady. You failed, too."

Solin: "Excuse me."

Belle: "Come back later, will ya? We're busy."

Solin: "I'm sorry, but I must bring this to your attention now. It's regarding
       the bill."

Belle: "Oh no!"

Solin: "Currently, you have an outstanding balance of 2,500G."

Belle: "Really? Sheez, I completely forgot."

Solin: "When can we expect your payment?"

Belle: "Umm, sometime after tomorrow. Wait, tomorrow! We'll pay tomorrow! Is
       that alright?"

Solin: "Thank you."

[Solin is heard leaving.]

Belle: "Did you hear that? We're gonna have to get some money fast! If we
       don't find the [relic] and get big money, we're gonna be bums! Get off
       your lazy butt and fix the Hexagon!"

Duke: "Yes, Milady!"

Belle: "Damn, I can't wait to get her! You won't be so lucky next time,

[Back at the grasslands...]

Mint: "Thanks for the ride! You were right. Your Pinto was a hell of a ride!"

Rod: "How many times do I gotta tell you!? Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega! Stop
     calling it Pinto!"

Mint: "...Whatever. Ok, see you later."

10) CARONA V                                                             [M-10]

[She enters town and sees a thuggish guy.]

Mint: (Never seen him before. ...What a stupid hairdo.)

Man: "What the hell are you lookin' at!? You wanna start somethin', huh!?"

Mint: "What the heck's your problem!? I didn't even say anything! Dang, you're
      such a punk! If you wanna fight, you're on!"

Man: "Pshhh, what a stupid brat!"

Mint: "What!? I'm not the one with red spikes on my head! You look so stupid!"

Man: "Hey, I'd keep a lid on that big mouth of yours. It's gonna get you killed
     someday, you (expletive)!"

Mint: "YOU'RE DEAD!!! ???"

[He's disappeared.]

Man: "Man, I oughta thump your skull for all that crap you said. But I got no
     time to play with a stupid brat like you. I'm gonna let you off for

Mint: "Excuses, excuses. You're just a big fraidy-cat!"

Man: "What'd you call me? You wanna die right now, you stupid (expletive)!!!?
     It'd take me 5 seconds to beat the crap out of your (expletive) butt!"

Mint: "Yeah... Uh-huh... Alright then. Show me."

Man: "Shut up. I'll grease you when I feel like it."

Mint: "When's that gonna be?"

Man: "It'll hit you before you notice. Today, I just came by to leave you a
     little surprise."

Mint: "Surprise?"

Man: "You'll find it in the shop.

[He explodes/disappears.]

Mint: "Geez! Who the heck was that? I wonder what he meant by 'surprise.' No!
      He couldn't have..."

[She bursts into Klaus' house.]

Mint: "Elena!"

Elena: "Hi, Mint(note) Welcome home."

Mint: "...... ...Hey. Did anything happen while I was gone?"

Elena: "...No. A man with a strange hairdo came over a while ago. That's all

Mint: "Oh... Ok."

Elena: "Is something wrong?"

Mint: "No. Nothing's wrong."

[A pumpkin falls on Mint's head.]

Mint: "Unghhh! EEYUCK!!! PUMPKIN!!!"

Elena: "Wow, what a big pumpkin(note) Did you bring this home as a gift?"

Mint: "Are you crazy!? I hate pumpkins!" (Heeey... Is this the surprise he was
      talking about?) "That punk...I wonder if he knows I hate pumpkins... I
      can't believe he set a nasty trap like this. I'm gonna kill him!"

[Another pumpkin falls on her.]

Mint: "Ungh!"

Elena: "Mint, are you alright?"

Mint: "Dang! That's twice! Ohhh, he is sooo dead!"


Klaus: "Welcome back, Mint."

Mint: "It wasn't easy, but I got the earrings. I faced a lot of opposition, but
      no biggy."

Rue: "I got the gauntlets and the sollerets from the Ghost Temple."

Klaus: "Alright. We're ready to go. I'm going to put the gauntlets, sollerets,
       and earrings on Prima Doll."

Mint: "I wonder what's gonna happen(note)"

Klaus: "Whoa!"

[It opens its eyes.]

Klaus: "...Hellooo?"

Rue: "He's not responding."

Mint: "That's it!? Dang! All the effort just to make the stupid doll sit up."

Prima Doll: "I'm Prima Doll, not just a doll."

Mint: "AHHH!!! Gosh! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Rue: "Wow, you can talk."

Prima Doll: "Actually, I'm not talking. I'm mimicking. I analyze the sound
            from your speech and produce a proper response. The responses are
            purely reflex and not based on any will."

Mint: "You make it sound so complicated. Basically, you try to match what we
      say, right?"

Prima Doll: "In short, yes. Hey, not bad, Mint."

Mint: "!!!? What did you just say!?"

Prima Doll: "Excuse me. I had a slight problem with my language selection. At
            times, I am unable to process the proper phrase. Just chill out,

Mint: "THAT'S IT!!!"

Rue: "Take it easy, Mint. I'm sure you can do more than talk. Can you walk?"

Prima Doll: "I am not complete, but I am equipped with auxilliary motive
            power. I'll now initiate motion."

Mint: "Huh?"

Rue: "Are you alright?"

Prima Doll: "I'm having problems with my motive system and stability gyro."

Mint: "Why don't you just say 'Please help me up'?"

Klaus: "So he can't walk yet. I guess we need the amulet."

Rue: "We need that special material to make it. Did you find anything about it?

Klaus: "Oh yes, about the phantomite. I read through some old books while you
       two were gone, and lo and behold, I found out where we can get it."

Mint: "Whoo-hoooo(note) Way to go, Klaus(note) So where can we get it?"

Klaus: "At Raging Mountain. Wylaf lives there. He's known for collecting
       priceless gems and minerals. There's a good chance he has the

Mint: "Priceless gems(note) Hee-Hee-Heee(note) I'll go, I'll go(note) I'll get
      the phantomite and the gems while I'm at it. I'm gonna be rich. I'm gonna
      be sooo rich(note)"

Klaus: "Well, if you insist. But Wylaf is a great dragon, over a thousand years
       old. My advice to you is don't challenge him."

Mint: "What...? Wylaf is a dragon?"

Klaus: "A very powerful dragon. Legend says he can harness the fire in the land
       at will."

Mint: "...Are you serious?"

Klaus: "Have you heard of Dorian's tragedy? About 200 years ago, King Dorian
       sent his grand army to Raging Mountain. The king was after Wylaf's
       treasure, but his campaign failed miserably. Wylaf unleashed a sea of
       flame that reduced the army into ashes instantly. After that, he
       attacked and crushed Dorian's castle and devoured the king."

Mint: "...That's just a fairy tale, right?"

Klaus: "No. It's real history."

Mint: "...Dang..."

Klaus: "Mint, I can't believe you're willing to go to Raging Mountain. You
       really are brave."

Rue: "Mint, be careful, ok?"

Klaus: "Good luck."

Mint: "F-Fine! I'll go! Geez! You guys suck!"

11) RAGING MOUNTAIN                                                      [M-11]

[After awhile, Belle and Duke show up.]

Mint: "Well, well, well, look who's here? Don't you guys ever give up?"

Belle: "Not until we accomplish our goal. We need the [relic], and we're gonna
       get it."

Duke: "Yeah. We need it to pay off our debts."

Belle: "Why don't you tell the whole world, you moron!?"

Mint: "...They're pathetic."

Belle: "Alright, let's get down to business. Actually, there's nothing to talk
       about. You know what we want."

Mint: "Information about the [relic]?"

Belle: "That's right. And knowing you, you'll probably say, 'No way, you

Mint: "Close, but not quite... I was gonna say, 'I don't take orders from a
      crazy old woman.'"

Belle: "!!!"

Mint: "...Yeah? Dang, what's wrong with you? Are you losing your hearing, you

[Belle punches her from across the gap, without moving (!?)]

Mint: "HEY!"

Belle: "How am I OLD!!!? Look at my supple skin!"

Mint: "...There's wrinkles around your eyes."

Belle: "WHAT!!!!!!? You (expletive)!!! You're dead! HEXAGON!!!"

Mint: "That thing again? I guess you'll never learn. I'm gonna smack you off
      of that just like last time!"

Duke: "I don't think so."

Mint: "What? You're fighting, too!?"

Belle: "What are you gonna do now, huh!? You think you can take on both of us!?
       Hah! It's too late for apologies! Come on, Duke!"

[As usual, Mint cleans their clocks.]

Belle: "Sheez! Unbelievable..."

[They flee the scene. Mint climbs to the summit.]

Mint: "Wylaf!!! Are you here!? Wylaf! Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

[Wylaf swoops down and lands.]


Mint: "You have the phantomite, right? Can I have it? Pleeease!"


Mint: "!? How did you know I'm a princess!?"


Mint: "Then you know what's on my mind."


Mint: "What!?"


Mint: "That'll never happen. You should know, if you read my mind. You know
      what I'm gonna do with the [relic]."


Mint: "Exactly! Once I get the [relic], I'm gonna rule the world. The entire
      world's gonna revolve around me(note) So I'm not gonna let anyone destroy
      my world. If they even try, I'll blow them away with my magic."

Wylaf: "Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr. YOU ARE INDEED A SPIRITED ONE. THAT

Mint: "So you'll give me the phantomite?"

       YOUR POWERS."

Mint: "Oh brother... So you won't give me the phantomite unless I fight you?"


Mint: "I was afraid of something like this... Oh well. Alright! I'm gonna give
      you everything I got!

Wylaf: "COME!"

[They fight for awhile.]


Mint: "Whew... That wasn't so bad(note) Now you know my greatness."


Mint: "You need to get some rest, old-timer."

Wylaf: "Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr! YOU DARE TO MOCK THE GREATEST DRAGON IN

Mint: "Wow... This is the phantomite...?"


Mint: "Of course not! You can count on me."


Mint: "Hey, I've got a great idea. When that time comes, why don't you work
      for me?"

Wylaf: "Hurr, hurr, hurr. I SHALL CONSIDER IT. UNTIL NEXT TIME."

[Wylaf leaves. Back in the Carona hotel...]

Duke: "Rue, I can't believe you, man... No wonder your fightin' so hard for
      the [relic]. Damn! Why'd you have to tell us that?"

Belle: "I'll be damned... That's quit a past you're carrying."

Rue: "......"

Duke: "Milady! We gotta help Rue out. It's our moral duty."

Belle: "That's easy for you to say. You don't even have a clue how much debt
       we owe. If we don't get big money using the [relic], we might get
       whacked soon."

Rue: "I don't care about money or fortune. In fact, you can keep the [relic]
     if we get it. I just wanna use it once, and then you guys can do whatever
     you want with it. Please, guys. Can you help me?"

Belle: "Sheez... I can't believe how selfless you are. Fine... Let's work
       together on this."

Duke: "That's my Lady!"

Rue: "Thank you, guys."

Belle: "Hey, don't get me wrong. I don't give a damn what you're trying to do.
       We're using you to achieve our goal. That's all! So don't bother
       thanking us."

Duke: "Come on, Milady... Why do you have to act so tough?"

12) CARONA VI                                                            [M-12]

[Mint walks into town.]

Smokey: "Heh! There she is!"

Mint: "!? That voice..."

Blood: "There you are, you (expletive). Don't tell me you don't remember--"

Mint: "WHAT'D YOU CALL ME!!!?"

[She kicks Blood away.]

Blood: "Blarghh!"

Smokey: B-Bro!!!"

Mint: "What are you losers doing here!? Stop bothering me!"

Blood: "...THE HELL!? You're the one who's always startin' stuff!"

Smokey: "Yeah-Yeah!"

Blood: "We're ready for some payback! We're gonna chop you up real good!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Real good, Bro?"

Blood: "Yeah, rrreal good! Mighty good!

[Mint kicks him again.]

Blood: "Blarghh!"

Smokey: "Bro!"

Blood: "...The hell was that for!!!?"

Mint: "You just said you're here for some payback. So what are you waiting for?
      Let's fight."

Blood: "...Not yet. We came to give you this message. This is an official
       challenge. Let's settle this fair and square. Everything you need to
       know is in that letter. I swear, you'd better come!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Better not chicken out!"

[They flee.]

Mint: "Dang... How am I suppose to read this!? 'Yur a cockee buthed and Wer
      notgona forgiv You. Wer gona chop and womp Yor sory but! Wer gona be at
      the forrest so You betur com!' They're dumber than I thought. Hmph,
      sounds fun. I'm game."

[Back at Klaus'...]

Klaus: "Mint, you're back! Are you alright?"

Mint: "Why wouldn't I be? It was a piece of cake. I got the phantomite."

Klaus: "You are amazing! You beat Wylaf!"

Mint: "There was no need. I just showed him my great powers, and he gave it to

Klaus: "So this is the phantomite... I'll start making the amulet right away."

Mint: "Now all we need is the tiara. I gotta go beat up Belle and Duke to get
      it back."

Rue: "You won't need to."

Mint: "What do you mean?"

Rue: "I have the tiara right here."

Mint: "Really!?"

Klaus: "Rue, how did you get it back?"

Rue: "While Mint was gone, I went to talk to Belle and Duke. And I convinced
     them to give it back."

Mint: "That's it!? You just talked to them!? No way! You must've done something

Rue: "No. I just talked to them at the hotel."

Mint: "Come on, tell me the truth. You bribed them, didn't you?"

Rue: "No, I didn't! Stop accusing me like that!"

Klaus: "Now, now. Come on, guys. There's no need to argue. Let's put them on
       Prima Doll."

Rue: "What's the purpose of the tiara?"

Prima Doll: "Decision-making, cognition, and other abilities are integrated
            into the tiara. With it, I will have a comprehensive intelligence
            that exceeds my current system, which is only a mere backup."

Mint: "......Yeah, whatever."

Prima Doll: "I am certain it is far beyond your comprehension, Mint."

Mint: "Whaaat!? You little... Ohhh!"

Rue: "So, basically, it's gonna enhance your thiking and personality, right?"

Prima Doll: "It's more of a completion than an enhancement. It'll get me closer
            to my former self."

Mint: "I hope it shuts your big mouth."

Klaus: "Alright, let's try it on. Whoa!"

Mint: "Where'd he go!?"

Prima Doll: "Over here! back to my old self again! Weee(note) Now I can move!
            So what do you think!? Pretty impressive, huh!?"

Mint: "You're just hoppin' around like a toad."

Prima Doll: "Poor Mint. She'll never get it. You can't even appreciate how
            incredible it is for a doll like me to move, huh?"

Mint: "Ohhh!!! What do you mean by that!?"

Prima Doll: "There's no point in telling you. Why don't you go fly a kite or

Mint: "That's it... Take this!"

[She starts charging a spell.]

Rue: "Mint, stop it!"

Mint: "I can't stand him anymore!!! He's plain evil! Don't you agree!?"

Prima Doll: "The only thing here that's evil is you."

Mint: "You...BRAT!"

[Mint tries to tackle him and crashes into the wall.]

Prima Doll: "Klaus, my body is almost complete. All I need now is an amulet
            made from phantomite. Please hurry and make the amulet, Klaus. I'm
            dying to become my old self again."

Klaus: "You're awfully eager."

Prima Doll: "Of course. You two brought me this far, and I really appreciate
            it! I owe you guys so much!"

Mint: "Hey!!! What do you mean by 'you two'!? You make it sound like I haven't
      done anything!"

Prima Doll: "Well, have you?"

Mint: "You ungrateful...!"

Prima Doll: "Haa-haa. You're too slow. ???"

Mint: "What's wrong?"

Prima Doll: "I don't know... Feels like my power ran out."

Mint: "That's what you get for goofing around."

Prima Doll: "I don't understand..."

Klaus: "Sounds like you need more energy. Or maybe you just need the amulet."

Prima Doll: "I don't know if that's it."

Klaus: "Hmm... This really is a problem. What are we gonna do if we can't
       solve the problem with the amulet...?"

Mint: "He might not be able to break the seal..."

Rue: "There has to be a way to solve this. Mint and I will try to find out."

Klaus: "Alright. In the meantime, I'll work on the amulet."

Rue: "I'll come back if we find out anything."

Prima Doll: "Bye, Rue."

[Mint decides to take the hoodlums up on their forest exhibition match offer.]

Blood: "About time you showed up!

[Mint kicks him.]

Blood: "Blargh!!!"

Smokey: "B-Bro!?"

Blood: "I've gotten used to your stupid kicks."
Mint: "Alright, you wanted to fight so I'm here. Come on. Let's go. I have a
      lot of things to do, unlike you losers."

Blood: "Tch! You won't be talkin' big for long! We got help this time!"

Mint: "What help?"

Blood: "Yo, boss!"

[The red-haired guy from before shows up.]

Mint: "Hey!!! You're that punk!"

Man: "Whassup? You look dumb as ever."

Mint: "You should talk. Why don't you go back to the woods where you belong,

Man: "What...!? What'd you call me!? Who the hell do you think you're talkin'
     to? I'm Trap Master! Nobody direspects me! Nobody!!! Just for that, I'm
     gonna beat your head like a pinata!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Yeah, do it."

Trap Master: "Shut up, fatso! I'm in charge here."

Blood: "...... Boss, please bash her up! I got a hefty reward ready."

Trap Master: Yea, yea... Just sit back and enjoy the show."

Mint: "You're all talk! You wanna fight? Let's go! I'm gonna pay you back for
      those pumpkins!"

Trap Master: "Tch! You think you're big time!? You're already in my trap!"

Mint: "What?"

[Mint is in an unfamiliar place.]

Mint: "Where the heck am I!?"

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA!!! Can't afford to fight outside, y'know? I always
             end up destroying everything. So I got my own battlefield to go
             all out and thrash my opponents. Ok, Mint! Show me what you got!"

[Mint defeats him.]

Trap Master: "Hey, you ain't so bad. Hell, I even broke a little sweat."

Mint: "What are you talking about!? I beat you so bad in there! Dang, you're
      either a poor loser or just plain stupid!"

Trap Master: "WHAT!!!? Piece of crap!!! I wasn't even half serious! You wanna
             die!? Huh!!!?"

Mint: "!!!"

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA! Better check your underwear! What a big wimp!
             Know what? I'm gonna let you live. Just remembered, I can't kill
             you yet."

Mint: "What!? You're running away again!?"

Trap Master: "You wanna get buried right here!? Huh!? The only reason you're
             breathing is 'cuz I got orders."

Mint: "Orders...? Who are you working for?"

Trap Master: "You wanna know? I ain't gonna tell you. Heh, heh, heh."

[He disappears.]

Mint: "I can't believe that porcupine is following orders. Who can it be...?
      Ohhh! How could I let him talk to me like that!? I can't stand that

Smokey: "Heh? He's gone. W-What are we gonna do, Bro!?"

Blood: "Quit your whinin'! Look at her. She's all dizzy after fighting the
       boss. We can easily take her now."

[Mint is furiously stomping around the clearing.]

Smokey: "She doesn't look dizzy, Bro."

Blood: "......Alright, we're outta here."

Mint: "HEY!"

Smokey: "Heh!?"

Mint: "You guys aren't goin' anywhere. I'm so mad right now, I need to beat up
      someone... And you guys are perfect."

Smokey: "Heh!? We need to go home."

Mint: "Not until I spank your bubble-butt!"

Blood: "Hell... Let's fight her. Come on, Smokey!"

[They lose, as per usual.]

Blood: "Sheee... Why can't we win? WHY!!!?"

Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, B-Bro, wait up!"

Mint: "Whew... That felt great(note)"

[Mint revisits Fancy Mel's atelier.]

Mel: "Come in. Hello, Mint. What brings you here? Oh, let me guess... You
     finally decided to give up on the [relic]."

Mint: "No way! What makes you think I'd give up on the [relic]!?"

Mel: "Oh... You haven't learned your lesson yet? It'll hit you soon, and then
     you'll quit."

Mint: "I'll never quit! My father always taught me to finish what I start."

Mel: "No wonder you're so stubborn... So, what can I do for you?"

Mint: "Oh yeah. I wanted to talk to you about Prima Doll."

Mel: "Prima Doll? Is there something wrong with him?"

Mint: "Well..."

Mel: "I see...I must say that is quite odd."

Mint: "Don't tell me. We need more items."

Mel: "I don't think so. The amulet is the last thing it needs. Maybe the
     internal energy in its drive system completely radiated. After all, it
     was made several hundred years ago."

Mint: "Drive system radiated...? What does that mean?"

Mel: "Oh, it just means that it's low on energy."

Mint: "Oh."

Mel: "The way it is now, I don't think Prima Doll can break the seal."

Mint: "Are you serious!? Well, is there anything you we do?"

Mel: "Actually, there might be a way. It's kind of a rough way, and I can't
     guarantee anything... But I think it's worth a try."

Mint: "Heck, I don't care! Let's try it! So, what do I have to do?"

Mel: "It involves these kids."

Mint: "Huh? Those weird fluttery things?"

Mel: "Actually, it involves their brother. His name is Gorotan. He has the
     ability to control lightning. If you use his power, I'm pretty sure you
     can replenish Prima Doll's energy."

Mint: "Gorotan? Where can I find him?"

Mel: "He lives around this atelier. Ask the kids outside. They'll tell you."

Mint: "Ok."

Mel: "Gorotan is pretty violent, so be careful, ok? Then again, it might serve
     you well to take a beating once in a while to keep your big ego in check."

Mint: "Hey, my ego's fine, thank you!"

[She finds her way to Gorotan's location.]

Mint: "This is Gorotan? It looks weak! This is gonna be too easy! Huh? What's
      that sound...?"

[A big cat shows up.]

Mint: "DANG! It's HUGE!!!"

[Mint beats it and the cat shrinks.]

Mint: "Heeey, is this..."

System: Acquired [Yellow Magic] from Gorotan

Mint: "It is! Nice!!! With this magic, I might be able to do something about
      Prima Doll's energy. Alright, time to head back."

[She returns to Klaus' basement.]

Mint: "You ready? Here it comes! Zap!"

Prima Doll: "Oooh! Whoa! Weee!!!"

Klaus: "Well, that was rather violent. I'm just relieved it didn't hit me.
       How do you feel, Prima Doll?"

Prima Doll: "......"

Klaus: "Maybe that was too much."

Prima Doll: "Weee!"

[The doll hits its head on the ceiling during a huge jump.]

Prima Doll: "OUUUCH!"

Mint: "Dang, that was dumb."

Prima Doll: "Ohh... I got a little carried away. I can't help it. I'm just so

Klaus: "Does that mean--"

Prima Doll: "Yeah! I'm overflowing with energy. Thank you, Klaus!"

Mint: "HEY, you're supposed to thank ME!"

Prima Doll: "Gosh, why are you so loud? Why don't you take a pill and relax?"

Mint: "Ohhh, that's it! Looks like you haven't had enough. Here, I think you
      could use a bigger shock!"

Prima Doll: "No!"

Klaus: "Now, now, come on, Mint."

Mint: "Hey, he started it!"

Klaus: "He's just energetic. Now that he feels better, I'm sure he can break
       the seal."

Mint: "Yeah, I guess. How much longer is it going to take to finish the amulet?

Klaus: "I'm getting there. I should be done pretty soon."

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee... Once the amulet is finished, the [relic] will be mine!"

Prima Doll: "Gee, you sound so evil."

Mint: "What!? Did you say something!?"

Prima Doll: "What? I didn't say anything."

Mint: "You little..."

Klaus: "Mint, try to get along with him, ok? Well, I'd better get back to
       finishing the amulet."

Mint: "Klaus, please hurry. If you don't finish soon, I might end up
      strangling him."

Prima Doll: "...She's crazy."

[Mint goes to the tavern.]

Mint: "What!? That's them!"

Belle: "Oh, it's you. What the heck are you doing here!?"

Duke: "It's none of your business!"

Mint: "Ohhh, I get it now! You plan to attack me while I'm in town and steal
      my stuff!"

Belle: "You've gotta be kidding! We're not a big sneak, like you!"

Mint: "I don't buy it! I'm gonna take care of you both right now!"

Belle: "AH, shut up and listen for a change! We're through goin' after you.
       You leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone. Why do you think we gave
       the tiara back to Rue?"

Mint: "Yeah, we were all surprised by that... So how come you're all buddy-
      -buddy with Rue now? Are you trying to cheat him, or what?"

Duke: "We're not backstabbers, like you!"

Belle: "We're not buddies with him, or anything. It's just that...we found
       out why he's searching for the [relic]. And we felt bad about getting
       in his way after that."

Mint: "Really? Dang, I'm really curiousnow. Tell me what he told you."

Belle: "What!? Rue hasn't told you anything?"

Mint: "No. Nothing at all."

Belle: "I'll be damned... Listen, he's..."

Duke: "Milady, stop. I don't think it's right for us to talk about it."

Belle: "Yeah... You're right."

Mint: "What!? You can't leave me hanging like this! Come on, tell me!"

Belle: "Stop being so nosy. Rue will probably tell you when the time comes.
       Alright, let's go, Duke!"

Duke: "Yes, Milady!"

Mint: "Hey, wait!"

[Mint goes to the Lakeside, where Elena said she'd take Rue earlier.]

Elena: "Hi, Mint(note)"

Mint: "Hey. What are you guys doing here?"

Elena: "It's a beautiful day, so we decided to come out for a walk."

Mint: "Dang, what's the matter with you? I'm taking care of stuff left and
      right, and all you're doing is playing around."

Elena: "Oh, please don't get mad, Mint. Pretty soon, I won't get to see either
       of you anymore..."

Mint: "?"

Elena: "After all, you both came to Carona to look for the [relic]. After you
       get it, I'm sure you'll leave and go somewhere far away. I know I'll
       miss you both very much..."

Rue: "Mint, what are you going to do once you find the [relic]?"

Mint: "Take over the world, of course. With the [relic], it should be a piece
      of cake! What about you, Rue?"

Rue: "I..."

Mint: "Wait! Let me guess. After you get your wish from the [relic], you're
      going to...

      -> Go back to your homeland
      -> Remain in Carona

      -> "Go back home, right?"

         Rue: "Yeah, that's what I'm planning."

         Mint: "And live a quiet life? Dang, how boring! Boring with a capital

         Elena: "Really? I think it's a great idea. I can't imagine Rue leading
                a life of violence like you, Mint."

         Mint: "Who are you calling violent!? So...

      -> "Remain in Carona, right?"

         Rue: "No. I'm going home."

Mint: "Is there someone waiting for you?"

Rue: "Um... Yeah."

Mint: "Really? Is it your girlfriend?"

Elena: "Girlfriend!? Really!?"

Rue: "No!"

Mint: "Who is it then?"

Rue: "Um... She's like a sister to me."

Mint: "'Like'? Hmm, sounds fishy... Well, anyhow, she's waiting for you to come
      home, right?"

Rue: "Actually...she isn't home right now."

Mint: "What?"

Rue: "I've made her wait for so long..."

Elena: "Rue..."

Rue: "Sorry. I'm not making any sense, huh?"

Mint: "Not at all. What do you mean, you've made her wait for so long?'

Rue: "Let's talk about this after we find the [relic]. Elena, how is the
     doctor doing? Has he finished making the amulet?"

Elena: "Hmm... I think it'll take a bit longer."

Rue: "Oh... I think I'll head back to town. Let's go, Elena."

Elena: "Ok(note)"

Rue: "See you later, Mint."

Elena: "Bye, Mint!"

[They leave.]

Mint: "Sounds like it's going to take a while until the amulet's finished. I
      guess I'll go check up on Klaus."

[Back in town...]

Prima Doll: "Hey, Mint! Look, look! I'm fully recharged now! I feel great!
            What do you think? Pretty impressive, huh?"

Mint: "I don't see any difference. You're as jumpy and silly as ever."

Prima Doll: "Oh, Mint... If you had even a tenth of my intelligence, you'd see
            a lot of more."

Mint: "You little--"

Klaus: "Heh, heh. You two sure get along."

Mint: "Yeah, right! I'm dyin' to strangle him!"

Prima Doll: "Gee... How can anyone be so violent...?"

Mint: "...HERE! I'LL SHOW YOU!"

Klaus: "Now, now. Calm down, Mint. Why did you come here, anyway? Is it about
       the amulet?"

Mint: "Huh...!? Oh yeah... How's the amulet coming?"

Klaus: "It's coming along well. I'm just about finished."

Prima Doll: "Yay(note) I can't wait!"

Mint: "You're telling me. Hee-Hee(note) Once the amulet's ready, Prima will be
      able to break the seal. Then the [relic] will be mine! Oh, I've waited
      so long... Hey, you'd better not screw up!"

Prima Doll: "Yeah, yeah... So what do these ruins look like?"

Mint: "You don't know?"

Klaus: "Prima Doll hasn't been out of town yet. Hey, why don't you take him to
       the lakeside? You can see the ruins from there."

Mint: "No way."

Prima Doll: "Oh, come on. Why not?"

Mint: "After all the things you said to me, forget it!"

Prima Doll: "Ok, fine...I don't feel like breaking the seal anymore."

Mint: "!"

Prima Doll: "Good luck getting the [relic]."

Mint: "You little... Fine! Geez."

Prima Doll: "Yay(note)"

[At the lakeside.]

Mint: "I can't believe I'm baby-sitting this guy..."

Priam Doll: "Wow...! It's so warm and comfortable out here. Why is that?"

Mint: "Why!? Because the sun's out."

Prima Doll: "Oh yeah...I've been trapped inside that cold box all this time.
            I never knew the outside."

Mint: "That's right. You thought you knew everything. Well, now you know not
      to talk big all the time."

Prima Doll: "...Yeah."

Mint: (Dang... Did I hear him right?)

Prima Doll: "Mint, let's race!"

Mint: "Huh?"

Prima Doll: "Let's have a race to the lakeside."

Mint: "Forget it."

Prima Doll: "Come on... Oh, you're afraid I'm gonna beat you, huh?"

Mint: "What!? I can beat you any day!"

Prima Doll: "Well, let's see then."

Mint: "Fine! Let's go!"

Prima Doll: "You'd better not cheat."

Mint: "Speak for yourself!

Prima Doll: "On your mark! Get set! GO!"

[They race.]

Prima Doll: "Yeahhh(note) I won, I won!"

Mint: "Dang! That was luck! If we go again, I'll definitely beat you!"

Prima Doll: "Yeah, whatever. I smoked you(note)"

Mint: "You brat!"

Prima Doll: "Hey, there are the lake ruins. So that's where the [relic] is..."

Mint: "It'll be mine once you break the seal! Dang, I can't wait to get it!"

Prima Doll: "What will you do when you get it?"

Mint: "What do you think!? I'm gonna conquer the world!"

Prima Doll: "Oh... You're so lucky..."

Mint: "What do you mean 'lucky'?"

Prima Doll: "You are... You have something to do after you get the [relic]. I

Mint: "Huh?"

Prima Doll: "Aeon's [relic]... I was born...I was created to unlock the seal
            on the [relic]. That's it... That's my only duty in life."

Mint: "......"

Prima Doll: "I'm just a tool. A key to open the door to the [relic]. After you
            get the [relic], I'll be of no use, and...I'll...I'll be nothing...

[Mint hit him with her ring.]

Prima Doll: "What was that for!!!?"

Mint: "You deserved it. I don't wanna hear you whining anymore, you got that!?
      You're not a tool!"

Prima Doll: "But I'm just a doll created to uncover the [relic]..."

Mint: "Hey, if you were a tool, you wouldn't be crying. You would just do your
      job, and that's it. Am I right? Hmph, what a crybaby."

Prima Doll: "......You're right...I'm not a tool..."

Mint: "Dang, I'm getting sleepy. I'm getting tired of baby-sitting you. Come
      on, let's go back to town."

Prima Doll: "Hey, Mint?"

Mint: "What?"

Prima Doll: "Um... Thanks."

[Back at Klaus'...]

Prima Doll: "We're back, Klaus."

Klaus: "Hey. Did you get to see the ruins?"

Prima Doll: "Yeah! They were neat! I raced Mint in the forest, too!"

Klaus: "Sounds like you had fun."

Prima Doll: "Yeah! It was really fun(note)"

Klaus: "Good for you. Oh yeah! I have a little present for you. Here you go."

Mint: "Hey! Is that it!?"

Prima Doll: "It's the amulet!"

Klaus: "I just finished it. Ok, try it on."

Prima Doll: "This is weird... It's really refreshign. Wow, I feel great!"

Klaus: "I'm glad to see you happy. Looks like it worked. Well, Mint, this is
       it. We're finally ready to break the seal on the [relic]."

Mint: "Yes(note)"

Prima Doll: "I'll do my best, guys!"

Klaus: "That's the spirit! Ok, let's go to the lake ruins!"

Mint: "Yeah, let's go! Prima, are you ready?"

Prima Doll: "We're going now?"

Mint: "Of course! I can almost smell the [relic](note) I can't sit still!"

Klaus: "I feel exactly the same way! Ouch."

Mint: "What's wrong!?"

Prima Doll: "Are you ok?"

Klaus: "..."

Elena: "Not again. Dad, you've been working too hard."

Prima Doll: "She's right. He stayed up all night to finish the amulet."

Mint: "You're too old to be working like that. I think you should get some

Klaus: "I'm not resting now... The [relic] is within our grasp..."

Elena: "Please, Dad! You have to rest!"

Klaus: "I can't..."

Elena: "Mom's really gonna worry if you go now."

Klaus: "...I can't believe this. I've waited so long to get the [relic]."

Mint: "Just sit back and relax while I get things ready."

Prima Doll: "What do you need to get ready?"

Mint: "We need a boat to get to the lake ruins."

Elena: "Ohh, that's right. The ruins are in the middle of the lake."

Mint: "You can leave it up to me. This guy named Rod gave me a ride to Gamul
      Forest before. Ok. You rest here while I go talk to him."

Klaus: "Thank you, Mint."

Mint: "Don't worry about it(note)" (This is perfect(note) Now, I can have the
      [relic] all to myself!)"

Elena: "Mint, what's wrong? Why are you smiling?"

Mint: "What!? Oh... Nothing. I'm just looking forward to getting the [relic]."

Prima Doll: "Is that all...? You had a really sinister smile."

Elena: "Yes! I thought so, too."

Mint: "What the heck!?"

[Mint goes to rod's camp.]

Mint: "Rod, wake up! I need your help again!"

Rod: "...Oh, it's you. Are you here to fight?"

Mint: "No. I Need you to give me a ride in your Pinto again."

Rod: "I told you to stop calling it Pinto. Why can't you remember my baby's

Mint: "You think I'm stupid? I know its name. It's..."

      -> Pulser-inferno Typhoon Omega

         Rod: "It's Pulsar-inferno, not Pulser-inferno."

      -> Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Gamma

         Rod: "It's Omega not Gamma."

      -> Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega

         Rod: "Hey, you've got a brain after all. Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega.
              That's right. Don't ever call it Pinto again."

      -> Quasar-inferno Typhoon Omega

         Rod: "Where did you get Quasar? It's Pulsar."

      -> Pulsar-infermo Typhoon Omega

         Rod: "What the hell is an infermo? It's inferno. 

Rod: "Now that you know, don't ever call it Pinto."

Mint: "Okay, so get your Pinto ready."

Rod: "What'd I just say!?"

Mint: "It's just a name. Who cares."

Rod: "Who cares about helping you, either! Why don't you go find your ride

Mint: "What was that sound? Was it your stomach?"

Rod: "...Yeah. So what? I haven't been getting any challengers lately, so I'm
     a little low."

Mint: "Ohhh... You can't even afford a meal. I see... Remember that lunch Mira
      prepared for us when we went to Gamul Forest?"

Rod: "How could I forget!?"

Mint: "Remember that meatball? Mmmm... And that pasta salad and chocolate
      mousse. Yum(note) I bet you'd like to have some of that again, huh?"

Rod: "YEAHHH, but--"

Mint: "I'll go ask her if you want."

Rod: "Really!?"

Mint: "But you have to take me to the lake ruins."

Rod: "...Alright! Deal!"

Mint: "Ok, I'm gonna go talk to Mira."

Rod: "Don't forget to ask for the meatballs. While you do, I'll get my baby

[Back at Mira's...]

Klaus: "Rod is going to take you to the lake ruins!? That's great! I guess
       you're ready then. Are you going to leave now? Good... I hope everything
       goes well. I'll stay here and wait for the good news."

[Down in the grasslands...]

Rod: "Good timing! My baby's ready to go!"

Prima Doll: "Wow! This is so cool! Mint, we get to rid in this thing!?"

Mint: "Yup."

Prima Doll: "Alright! I love boat rides(note)"

Rod: "It's not a boat! Don't EVER call my baby a boat! It's the Pulsar-inferno
     Typhoon Omega!"

Prima Doll: "Mint, come on! Let's get on the boat(note)"

Prima Doll: "Dammit! What is he, deaf...?"

Mira: "Rod, here's your lunch."

Rod: "Oh, madam! Thank you very much! You have truly made my day!"

Mira: "You don't have to thank me. You've done so much for us."

Rod: "Not at all, madam."

Prima Doll: "Come on! Let's go!"

Rod: "Calm down, boy. Go ahead and get in."

Mint: "Come on. Get this Pinto moving."

Prima Doll: "Pinto? Haa-haa-haa. That's funny(note)"

Rod: "I should throw both of you out."

Mira: "Rod, please take care of them."

Rod: "I will, madam! Ok! We're ready! Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega! GO!"

Mira: "Bye! Come back soon!"

13) TOWER OF MAYA                                                        [M-13]

[They start moving.]

Prima Doll: "Whoooa! It's fast(note)"

Rod: "This baby's dynamite, so hold on tight!"

Prima Doll: "Go baby go! Pulsar-inferno Typh-- Oww!! I bit my tongue...oy."

Rod: "Ha-ha-ha. My baby's so intense, you can't even say her name! Alright,
     listen: Pulsar-inferno Typh--Agghhh!"

Mint: "...Rod?"

Rod: "...What? I"m fine."

Prima Doll: "Hey! You bit your tongue, too! Haa-haa."

Mint: "What an idiot."

Rod: "Shut up. Hey, wehre's this channel that leads to the lake?"

Mint: "Keep going. We're almost there."

Rod: "Ok! Time to speed up!"

[They disembark.]

Mint: "Ok, I'll be right back. Are you gonna wait here?"

Rod: "Alright, hurry up. I'll be eating my lunch."

Prima Doll: "Bye, Rod!"

Rod: "Later, boy. I don't know what you're up to, but good luck!"

Prima Doll: "Thanks!"

Mint: "Let's go, Prima!"

Prima Doll: "Hey! Wait for me!"

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee... This is it! The moment I've been waiting for! The
      [relic] will be mine, and so will the world!"

Prima Doll: "Gee... She's scaring me..."

[They advance further.]

Prima Doll: "This is weird... This is my first time here, and for some reason,
            it feels so nostalgic. I know exactly what to do here, too. It's

Mint: "Alright, get to work! Come on, hurry! Chop-chop!"

Prima Doll: "Ok, ok, geez..."

Mint: "The [relic](note) The [relic](note) Lovely [relic](note) Wonderful
      [relic](note) With the [relic], the world is mine(note) With the [relic],
      Maya is goin' down(note)"

Prima Doll: "Will you be quiet!? I need to concentrate! My father in the
            heavenly light, I serve you and only you."

Voice: "My dear sister, what are you doing!?"


Maya: "Wow, it's been 2 years. I'm so happy to see you! How have you been?"

Mint: "M-M-Ma...MAYA!? W-What the heck!? What are you doing here!?"

Maya: "What am I doing here? I can't believe you asked me that. Have you
      really forgotten teh sacred duty of our kingdom?"

Mint: "Oh! What duty?"

Maya: "My goodness! You are hopeless! Doll Master."

Doll Master: "Allow me to explain. For the last 700 years, our kingdom has
             protected this [relic]. It is our duty to see that the [relic]
             does not fall into the wrong hands. Thus, the seal must never be
             broken. It is our eternal duty to preserve it."

Maya: "Did you honestly believe you could slip by us and get the [relic]? My
      dear sister, we've been ahead of you every step of the way."

Mint: "Yeah? Well, you're too late! Because I'm gonna break the seal and get
      the [relic] right now!"

Maya: "I absolutely forbid it! If you insist on breaking the seal... I will
      crush you with my power!"

Mint: "Yeah!? You're on!!! Valen's [relic] is mine! I won't let you or anyone
      else stop me!"

Maya: "My dear sister, that is enough! Just because you are an ex-princess
      does not mean you can do was you wish! Ohh, you are a disgrace to our

Mint: "Hey, what do you mean, 'ex-princess'!? I'm still a princess! I'm
      Princess Mint!"

Maya: "You must be joking! How can you have the gall to call yourself a
      princess!? You are a loafer. You are an-- EX-Princess!"

Mint: "Stop calling me 'ex'!"

Maya: "Excuse me? Did you say something, ex-Princess?"

Mint: "DANG IT! YOU (expletive)! I'm gonna get Valen's [relic] and shut you up

Maya: "I will stop you at any cost! I will never allow a crazy person like you
      to get the Aeon [relic]! Oh, just the thought of you getting the [relic]
      is giving me goosebumps..."

Mint: "What am I!? A monster!? That's it! I'm not gonna take your crap anymore!

Maya: "It's been 2 years, and you still haven't learned your lesson, have you?
      Book of Cosmos! My dear sister, you look rather hungry."

Mint: "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Maya: "Here's a little snack."

Mint: "? UNGH!!!"

[A pumpkin fell on her.]

Mint: "!!! PUMPKIN!!!"

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA-HA-HA! My pumpkin really missed you!"

Mint: "NOOOO!! HEEELP!!"

Maya: "..."

Prima Doll: "!?"

Maya: "Prima Doll, was it? I cannot let you break the seal to the [relic]."

Doll Master: "What should we do with this doll? If we leave him, he might
             attempt to break the seal again. I believe we should destroy

Maya: "That won't be necessary. We will detain him at our kingdom for now."

Doll Master: "The princess has spared your life. You should be grateful. Now,
             come with us."

Prima Doll: "No..."

Voice: "Run, Prima Doll!"

[Rue jumps on the scene.]

Doll Master: "You...!"

Prima Doll: "Rue! How did you--"

Rue: "Come on! Let's get out of here!"

Prima Doll: "Ok!"

Mint: "Hey! Don't leave me!!!"

Rue: "I'll come back for you! I promise!"

Doll Master: "You're not going anywhere. Psycho Master!"

[The Psycho Master appears behind Rue.]

Psycho Master: "You cannot escape. Do not attempt to resist. Your attacks are
               meaningless against me."

Voice: "Oh yeah? How about mine!?

Psycho Master: "!!!"

Rod: "Too slow!!!"

[Rod punched PM :p]

Rod: "How does that feel, big mouth?"

Psycho Master: "...Impossible!"

Rod: "Well, don't just stand there! Let's go!"

Rue: "Alright!

[They leave Mint behind.]

Doll Master: "You fool. You underestimated them."

Psycho Master: "I am sorry, my lord. I wil bring them back right away."

Doll Master: "Let them go. We can capture that doll anytime. First, we must
             secure this area. Your Highness."

Maya: "Yes. I will use the Book to fortify these ruins."

Mint: "...I'm gonna throw up..."

[A tower rises out of the ground and Mint is incarcerated.]

Mint: "Dang it! That heartless snake! I can't believe she's doing this to me...
      She took away all my magic, too! How can she be so cruel to her only
      sister...? Ok, time to stop moping and get the heck out of here. If she
      thinks she can keep me down, she's dead wrong! I'll sneak out of here
      in no time! Huh?

[Maya enters the cell.]

Maya: "So, how are you feeling?"

Mint: "Take a wild guess! How could you lock me up!? Get me out of here right
      now! Get out of my way!"

Maya: "You're not going anywhere. I can't allow a dangerous person like you to
      go free. The world is a much safer place without you."

Mint: "What am I, a monster!?"

Maya: "...I think you are. You were going to conquer the world with the Aeon
      [relic], weren't you?"

Mint: "!!!?"

Maya: "I can't begin to imagine what would've happened if you got the [relic].
      You would've begun a reign of terror that would've ended in oblivion. Oh,
      the horror..."

Mint: "You...! Ohhh, I've had it! You're dead!"

Maya: "Excuse me? How do you plan to beat me without your magic? Would you like
      a taste of my Book again?"

Mint: "You (expletive)! I swear, I'm gonna get you for this!"

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA(note) It feels so good to watch you suffer(note)"

Doll Master: "Your Highness, it is almost time to leave for the lake ruins."

Maya: "I am aware of that. I can leave anytime. Have you made the necessary

Doll Master: "Yes, Your Highness. Everything is ready."

Maya: "Very good. As always, you have done your duty well."

Mint: (What are they up to...?)

Doll Master: "How is the ex-princess doing? It's rather strange to see her
             behind bars."

Maya: "She should be grateful. At least she has a roof over her head now."

Mint: "What!?"

Maya: "Alright, let's go to the lake ruins. I am looking forward to seeing
      Valen's [relic] with my own eyes."

Doll Master: "Yes, Your Highness."

Maya: "My dear sister, you will receive your meal shortly. I have asked the
      chef to prepare a full course meal to celebrate our reunion."

Mint: "Are you serious?"

Maya: "Yes... It's your favorite, a full course meal of pumpkins!"

Mint: "P-Pumpkins!!!? Ohhh... I'm gonna die..."

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA. Enjoy your dinner."

[She leaves.]

Mint: "Dang... She's become a major snake since I left. What am I gonna do...?
      I won't be able to eat anything. I'm gonna die... Huh? What is that
      sound? Whoaaaa! Oh, it's just a porcupine... What is it doing here?

???: "Are you alright?"

Mint: "!? Did it just..."

???: "I told you I'd rescue you."

Mint: "What the heck!?"

[The porcupine turns into...Rue!]

Mint: "RUE!!!"

Rue: "Hey, Mint."

Mint: "W-W-What are you!? How did you do that!? How did you turn into a 
      porcupine!? Come on, tell me!"

Rue: "Calm down."

Mint: "How can I calm down!? What are you!?"

Rue: "......I don't have time to explain, so I'll just show you."

Mint: "Show me what?"

[He takes off his hat and...]

Mint: "What the--your head..."

Rue: "..."

Mint: "What is that gem on your forehead?"

Rue: "This gem is a part of my body. It gives me the power to transform into
     other creatures."

Mint: "Wait. That means..."

Rue: "Yeah... I'm...I'm not human."

Mint: "Then what are you?"

Rue: "I don't know... Darn it! They know I'm here! Let's get out of here!"

Mint: "Ok."

Rue: "Come on, Mint! Follow me!"

Mint: "Dang, I've never seen anything like that before. And that punky hair
      under his hat? It's totally not him..."

[They run for awhile and come to a passageway that's a huge abyss.]

Mint: "What the hell!? How are we supposed to get across?"

Rue: "Don't worry."

Mint: "?"

Rue: "Watch carefully."

Mint: "Hey! Something flashed! What was that!?"

Rue: "A platform. There are invisible platforms all over this passage. We can
     use them to get across. They're all within jumping distance."

Mint: "How!? You can't even see them!"

Rue: "Don't worry. I know where they all are. I crossed this place when I came
     in. You'll be fine if you just follow me. Ok, let's go."

Mint: "Ok, let's do it. Don't go too fast, alright?"

Rue: "Ok, here we go."

[They jump across.]

Mint: "Good job, Mint(note) Dang, I'm good! I knew I could do it! Hey, what's
      this? My magic! YES!!! Hee-Hee-Heee(note) It's all over now! Maya is
      sooo dead!"

Rue: "Um, I think we should run for now. Look."

[Pumpkins are following them across the abyss.]

Mint: P-Pumpkins!"

Rue: "Come on! This way!"

[Up in the throne room.]

Rue: "!?"

Mint: "What's wrong?"

[A witch on a cannon descends.]

Mint: "What is that? !!!?"

Rue: "Duck!" 

Mint: "UNGH!!!"

[A pumpkin hits her square in the face.]

Rue: "Alright! Mint... Where did she go?"

[She kicks him across the room.]

Mint: "Right here, you idiot! You knew I was behind you! How could you!? You
      were supposed to get hit, not me! Dang, that thing could've left a scar
      on my beautiful face."

Rue: "I'm sorry... Hey!"

Mint: "Huh? More pumpkins!? Let's get out of here!""

Rue: "It's too dangerous to take the stairs. Get on that platform!"

Mint: "That thing can carry only one person. What are you gonna do?"

Rue: "I'll get on that one. Mint, hurry!"

Mint: "This is no time to think."

[They both rise up.]

Mint: "...Ugh."

Rue: "What's wrong?"

Mint: "That ride made me sick. Give me a minute."

Rue: "The pumpkins are coming!"

Mint: "What!? Oh, I'm gonna puke... Let's go."

[Further on, pumpkins corner the two.]

Voice: "Whassup, losers? Where you gonna go now, huh!?"

Mint: "You're...Trap Master! You're working for Maya, too?"

Trap Master: "Pshhh, no way! I only take orders from Doll Master. Get it
             through your rotting frog-brain, you dumb brat!"

Mint: "Dang, why do you talk so loud? You must be deaf, or plain stupid."

Trap Master: "WHAT!!!? You won't be talkin' big for long. I'm gonna throw you
             offa this tower!"

Mint: "AAAAHH! Stay away!"

Rue: "Mint, hold on tight!"

Mint: "What!? What are you gonna do!?"

Trap Master: "Say your prayers! Get 'em!"

Rue: "JUMP!!!!!!"


[They jump off.]

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA!!! Yeah!!! They're dead!!! They're probably
             squished like bugs... ...The hell? What's that sound?"

[Hexagon caught both of the teens.]

Trap Master: "What the hell!!!?"

Belle: "You thought you had 'em, didn't you!? Maybe you won't be so quick to
       celebrate next time! See ya!

Trap Master: "DAMMIT! This is bull!"

[They fly away.]

Belle: "Was that perfect timing or what?"

Rue: "Yeah! Thanks a lot!"

Belle: "How's Mint doing?"

Rue: "She was overwhelmed from the shock. She lost consciousness when I made
     her jump."

Mint: "......"

Belle: "Good. We can enjoy a peaceful ride back to town."

[At the lake ruins...]

Mode Master: "My lord, we have a problem."

Doll Master: "What is it?"

Maya: "Nothing big, I hope."

Mode Master: "Princess Mint has escaped."

Maya: "WHAAAT!? Oh my goodness! I'm beginning to sound like my sister. Ahem...
      How in the world did she escape?"

Mode Master: "I'm sorry, Your Highness. We should have been more careful."

Trap Master: "She got lucky. That's all! I should've greased 'em when I had
             the chance!"

Psycho Master: "I don't wish to hear excuses. You have failed miserably."

Trap Master: "Yea, yea, why don't you rub it in some more?"

Maya: "How could this have happened? Ohh...I'm getting a headache."

Doll Master: "Do not worry, Your Highness. Your sister must have escaped to
             Carona. We'll raid the town and capture her."

Trap Master: "Yea, time for some serious action! Man, I'm gettin' psyched!"

Doll Master: "I believe Prima Doll is also there. Your Highness, I suggest we
             capture him as well...  Kill two birds with one stone. With Prima
             Doll's powers, we can break the seal at the lake ruins. Then
             Valen's [relic] will be ours!"

Maya: "I can't believe what I'm hearing! Our duty is to prevent the [relic]
      from ever returning to this world!"

Doll Master: "But, Your Highness, why take the risk of it falling into the
             wrong hands? Imagine if Princess Mint got her hands on the

Maya: "It's frightful even to think about it..."

Doll Master: "I believe the [relic] would be much more secure in our custody."

Maya: "......"

Doll Master: "Your Highness. Let us claim the [relic]."

Maya: "No. I won't allow it. Valen's [relic] is beyond our powers. It will
      surely bring about disaster. We must never come in contact with it. Do
      I make myself clear?"

Doll Master: "......Yes, Your Highness."

14) CARONA VII                                                           [M-14]

[By nightfall, the escapees make it back to town.]

Mint: "We finally made it..."

Rue: "I think we're safe for now. I don't think they'll come after us in here.
     Your sister probably won't allow it... I'm surprise you guys are so

Mint: "What do you mean by that!?"

Rue: "You know, I never would've imagined you were a princess. I would kind of
     like to know why you left home to look for the [relic]."

Mint: "I got plenty of question for you, too. What's up with the transforming?
      And since when did you team up with Belle? I want you to tell me

Rue: "Ok, I will. Belle and Duke are waiting for me at the tavern. Why don't
     you come join us?"

[She does.]

Duke: "You're late, Princess."

Mint: "What? You guys know about me, too?"

Belle: "Rue told us. How could a vulgar girl like you be a princess...? No
       wonder you're here. You got kicked out of your home, huh?"

Mint: "Hey! You don't know anything, so shut up! I've been through hell since
      I left home. It's painful to even talk about it..."


Mint: "...and that's how Maya took away my right to the throne... So I was
      forced to leave the country and look for the [relic]. Oh, poor me. I've
      suffered so much..."

Belle: "Why am I getting the feeling that it's all your fault?"

Mint: "What!? How could you say that!?"

Duke: "You wanna hear about suffering? You should hear Rue's story."

Mint: "Oh yeah, what's your story? Why are you looking for the [relic]? And
      that transformation thing you do. What the heck is that? Who are you?"

Rue: "I don't know...I don't know who I am or where I came from."

Mint: "?"

Rue: "It was 5 years ago...I woke up all alone. I didn't know who I was, or
     where I came from. I was completely lost. I didn't know what to do...I
     would've fallen apart if it weren't for Claire."

Mint: "......"

Rue: "Being with her helped me forget about everything. I stopped questioning
     who I was and what I had to do. I knew I wanted to be with her, and that
     was enough. Then one day, she..."

Mint: "Rue..."

Rue: "She's gone now. ...I couldn't help her. I have to get the [relic]. I
     swore to myself I would find it and save Claire."

Mint: "..."

Duke: "Fighting for the life of a loved one... It touches my heart every

Mint: "Every time? You mean you guys heard it before?"

Duke: "Yeah. Why do you think we gave the tiara back to Rue? We wanna try and
      help him any way we can."

Belle: "Hey, I never said that! We're gonna take our share of the [relic] once
       we find it!"

Duke: "Come on, Milady. Be honest. You're not in it for the money. You just
      wanna help Rue."

[She punches him away.]

Belle: "AH, shut up!"

Mint: (She's so predicatable...)

Rue: "Well, that's my story."

Mint: "That cleared up a lot of things. No wonder Belle and Duke helped us."

Duke: "So, what are we gonna do now? We can't go near the lake ruins with that
      big tower there? Then again, if we don't do something, we might not get
      the [relic]."

Mint: "I don't think so. Maya said it's East Heaven's duty to protect the seal
      of the [relic]. Besides, Prima Doll is the only one who can break the
      seal. Where is he, anyway?"

Rue: "He's staying at the doctor's house."

Mint: "Then we have nothing to worry about. Let's kick back and wait for them
      to make a move."

Rue: "..."

Mint: "Why do you look so down? It's not like we're giving up on the [relic].
      For now, I think we all need a good night's sleep."

Belle: "She's right. Duke, let's get back to the hotel."

Duke: "Yes, Milady!"

Rue: "I'm gonna get some sleep, too."

[The next morning...]

Mint: (There's a menacing feeling in the air...) "Psycho Master!"

Psycho Master: "Good morning, Princess. I hope you slept well."

Mint: "Spare me the silly greeting! I know you're here to capture me. Well, it
      won't be easy!"

Psycho Master: "Actually, I am here to deliver a message from Princess Maya."

Mint: "A message from Maya?"

Psycho Master: "She demands that you hand over Prima Doll to break the seal of
               the [relic]."

Mint: "Maya wants the [relic]? That's not what she said yesterday!"

Psycho Master: "You do not need to know anything. Please hand over Prima Doll
               immediately. If you do not, there will be a tragedy in Carona
               beyond your imagination."

Mint: "Yeah, whatever. You don't scare me! I'll never hand over Prima Doll!"

Psycho Master: "Please reconsider. The survival of Carona is at stake."

Mint: "Tell Maya she's a big joke! She can shove her demands up her butt!"

Psycho Master: "......You will surely regret this."

Mint: "Shut up!"

[He disappears.]

Mint: "Dang! I don't get it. Why does Maya want the [relic] all of a sudden?"

Elena: "Mint!"

Mint: "Hey, Elena. What's wrong?"

Elena: "Oh, I don't know what to do!"

Mint: "What happened!?"

Elena: "My mom and I were in the forest, and this creepy doll attacked us...
       Mom helped me escape by staying behind to fight it."

Mint: "Are you serious!?"

Elena: "She kept hitting it with the sword, but it wasn't getting hurt. Mint,
       please go help her!"

Mint: "Alright! I'll go there right now!"

Elena: "I'm coming with you!"

Mint: "No! You find Rue and tell him what happened. I might need his help.
      We'll take care of everything. Don't step outside of town, ok!?"

Elena: "Ok!"

Mint: "Is this the 'tragedy' Psycho Master was talking about...? Dang! I gotta

[She runs into the forest.]

Smokey: "Heh!?"

Mint: "Dang, they're always here..."

Blood: "What the hell!? My sword ain't workin'!"

Smokey: "I'm gettin' scared, Bro!"

Blood: "Alright... Why don't you escape while I distract 'em?"

Smokey: "No way, Bro! I can't leave you!"

Blood: "Alright! Then you distract 'em while I escape!"

Smokey: C-Come on, Bro! You can't be serious!"

Mint: "What the heck are they doing? Dang, it kills me to help them."

[Mint beats 'em all up.]

Smokey: "W-Wow!"

Blood: "...The hell!? Why'd you help us?"

Mint: "I didn't help you guys. They were in my way. That's all."

Blood: "Oh yeah!? I was gonna say thanks, but forget it."

Mint: "Whatever. I don't expect anything from you bums anyway."

Blood: "......"

Smokey: "B-Bro, let's get outta here."

Blood: "Yeah... Alright. Hey... We owe you one."

Smokey: "B-Bro! You dropped somethin'!"

Blood: "I know! Don't worry about it!"

Smokey: "Heh!?"

Blood: "Shut up and get your butt movin'!"

Smokey: "Hey, wait for me!"

[They leave.]

Mint: "What did he drop? !?"

System: Acquired Silver Coin

Mint: "Well, what do you know...? I'm surprised they gave me such a pricey
      item. This'll come in handy. Dang! I forgot about Mira!"

[She's fighting Trap Master on a plateau.]

Trap Master: "Whoa! Pretty good swing for an old hag!"

Mira: "What did you call me? You need to learn some manners. I guess I'll have
      to teach you. I'm not holding back."

Trap Master: "Pshhh! You make me laugh. Don't get cocky, 'cuz I'm just gettin'
             warmed up here! If I get even a little serious, I could grease
             you in 5 seconds! In fact, I'll show you what I'm talkin' about."

Mint: "Not so fast!!"

Trap Master: "Huh?"'

Mint: "YAHH!"

Mira: "Mint!?"

Mint: "Mira, I'm here to help you!"

Trap Master: "Damn, I can't believe my eyes. Didn't think you'd be the one to
             do favors for people. Never in my wildest dreams."

Mint: "Who are you to judge me, you little punk!? You're so evil, you would
      laugh at your own mother's funeral!"

Trap Master: "Piece of crap! You wanna get it on!?"

Mint: "I'll finish you off right here!" Your dolls are a pile of junk now!
      You're next!"

Trap Master: "Yeah!? I wonder about that."

[Dolls rise up from the ground.]

Mint: "!? What the heck!?"

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA! You think you're big time just 'cuz you took out
             a few dolls!? We're making these dolls like crazy! Soon, we'll
             have a swarm so large, you won't be able to handle them!"

Mint: "Are you running away again!? Dang, what a wimp! You can't beat me on
      your own, can you?"

Trap Master: "Pshhh! You ain't worth it! I'll let these babies shut your
             stinkin' mouth. If you walk out of here alive, I'll beat the
             crap out of you personally. Either way, you're dead meat! Better
             say your prayers now! BWAHA HA HA HA!"

[He leaves.]

Mint: "Mira, run!"

[A Specter flies in and sends the dolls away.]

Mint: "Hey. Are you..."

Rue: "Are you guys ok?"

Mira: "I'm fine. Thank you."

Rue: "I'm glad I made it."

Mint: "Hmph, I could've taken care of them."

Rue: "We're not home free yet. The forest is full of dolls."

Mira: "I'm not worried. Not with you two beside me."

Mint: "It'll be a walk in the park(note)" Come on, let's get going."

Rue: "Alright."

[Later on, next door...]

Klaus: "I don't know how I can ever thank you. If it weren't for you two, my
       wife would've been... Thank you. Thank you so much!"

Rue: "Doctor, please. Really, it was nothing."

Mint: "Yeah. Don't worry about it."

Klaus: "Thank you, you two."

Mint: "Dang, what the heck if Maya thinking!? She's crazy! First, she makes
      unreasonable demands on Prima Doll. And on top of that, she's letting
      monsters loose everywhere."

Rue: "The town is still ind anger. We have to do something about those dolls."

Mint: "Trap Master talked about them. He said they were making a whole bunch
      of those dolls. We need to find out where they're making them. Once we
      do, we can close 'em down!"

Rue: "I think I know where it is. I foughtt he same dolls at the Ghost Temple.
     Maybe they're making them there."

Klaus: "It might not be just the Ghost Temple. I heard those dolls were
       wandering around in the underground ruins, too."

Mint: "Alright then. You go to the Ghost Temple, and I'll check out the
      underground ruins."

Rue: "Ok."

Prima Doll: "I'm sorry, guys."

Mint: "Huh? What was that for?"

Prima Doll: "This is all my fault..."

Mint: "?"

Prima Doll: "Everybody is in danger because of me. They let those dolls loose
            because they're after me. ...I'm sorry."

Klaus: "Prima Doll..."

Prima Doll: "Maybe I should just listen to them and go to that tower. Yeah, I
            should. I don't want to see other people fight for me and get hurt!

Mint: "......"

Prima Doll: "OUUUCH!!! What was that for!?"

Mint: "Who said we were fighting for you? You gotta be kidding. You think
      you're important to us? We're fighting for the [relic]. That's all."

Prima Doll: "...Really?"

Rue: "That's not true."

Mint: "Quiet, Rue. I might as well tell you everything. I'll tell you what
      we're fighting for. I want to conquer the world. Rue wants to rescue
      Claire. Klaus wants to do his research. We all have our own reasons to
      fight for the [relic]. We're all here by choice."

Prima Doll: "By choice?"

Mint: "That's right. We chose to protect you and the town. We're only
      protecting you because we want the [relic]."

Prima Doll: "......"

Mint: "Now that you know, you'd better not think about giving yourself up!"

Prima Doll: "Ok."

Mint: "Once we take care of this mess, we're going back to the lake ruins.
      You'd better break the seal for us, or else..."

Prima Doll: "I know! I'll break the seal! Don't worry."

Mint: "Let's go."

Rue: "Alright."

Klaus: "Be very careful, ok?"

Prima Doll: "Good luck, you guys!"

[Everyone sets out.]

Mint: "I still don't get it... What is Maya up to? Since she asked for Prima
      Doll, I guess she wants to break the seal of the [relic]... But that
      totally contradicts what she said earlier about preserving the seal. It
      doesn't make any sense. And what's with letting those dolls loose
      everywhere? It's not like her at all... Maybe she's just in a bad mood or
      something. Huh!? Shoot! Gotta hide!"

[Maya and Psycho Master warp into the area.]

Maya: "I will protect the underground ruins. You remember our plan, yes?"

Psycho Master: "Of course... Hm..."

Maya: "Do you find something amusing?"

Psycho Master: "Oh... I am simply impressed by your change. It's brilliant...
               Your Highness."

Maya: "I'm just doing my best. It's all for the [relic]."

Psycho Master: "Of course. I'd best be on my way now."

[They both warp out.]

Mint: "Change? What was that all about...? Ohhh, I get it! She changed her
      mind! She wants the [relic] now. That little snake! Trying to fool me
      with that pretentious speech. She's too easy to read. No one's gonna
      come to your rescue in there! It's payback time!"

15) UNDERGROUND RUINS II                                                 [M-15]

[After searching a bit, she finally gets to the midway point. And--]

Mint: "Dang! What happened to the platforms!? I have to go get 'em again? What
      a bummer..."

[Mint catches up with Maya.]

Mint: "Maya!"

Maya: "I've been expecting you, my dear sister. Did my dolls give you a warm

Mint: "Shut up! You're such a snake! You were planning on swiping the [relic]
      all along, weren't you!? I still can't believe you let those dolls
      loose. What the hell happened to you!?"

Maya: "Maybe I'm picking up your evil nature."

Mint: "What!?"

Maya: "After all, we are the same blood. Just like you, I'll do anything to
      get my hands on the [relic]! I will burn down Carona if I have to.

Mint: (Dang... She's totally lost it.) "Fine, you wanna play that way!? Be my
      guest! As your big sister, I'm gonna give you a good spanking and teach
      you a lesson!"

Maya: "That's fine with me, but shouldn't you be somewhere else?"

Mint: "What are you talking about!?"

Maya: "Think for a moment. You're here, and that boy Rue is at the Ghost
      Temple. So...who is protecting Carona?"

Mint: "...... Oh shoot! Dang it!"

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA! It's too late! That was too easy. My dear sister, you're
      such a lamebrain."

Mint: "You (expletive)!!! Dang, those dolls were just a decoy!"

Maya: "Psycho Master and the others must be attacking the town by now. Carona
      will be burned to ashes!"

Mint: "What the heck is going on!? This really can't be you!"

Maya: "I already told you. I will do whatever it takes to get the [relic]!

Mint: "She's beyond hope..."

Maya: "Well, it's been nice talking to you. Goodbye."

Mint: "Hey, wait!"

[Maya teleports out.]

Mint: "DANG IT!!! I can't believe I fell for it... I gotta hurry! The town is
      in danger!"

16) CARONA VIII                                                          [M-16]

[At night, Doll Master flies above the church.]

Doll Master: "NOW HEAR THIS! I come on behalf of Princess Maya! The princess
             has issued an order for the immediate surrender of Prima Doll!
             If it is not met... We will burn this town to the ground and kill
             all the residents!"

[No one stirs within the houses.]

Doll Master: "...So be it. You shall witness our resolve soon enough. Psycho
             Master. Destroy that inn and kill all of its occupants."

Psycho Master: "Yes, my lord."

Voice: "Hold on, Psycho!"

[Duke and Belle show up.]

Belle: "Who the hell do you think you are, hollering this late at night!? We
       could care less what this Maya character wants. Why don't you boys shut
       up and leave, so we can all go back to sleep!?"

Doll Master: "You will sleep soon enough. For eternity, in your coffins!"

Belle: "Hah! We're not impressed by your threats! Duke. I hope you have a new
       act. Get rid of these jokers!"

Duke: "Yes, Milady. I'll get rid of them in no time! It's a good thing I stayed
      up all night yesterday to read all 15 volumes of 'Combat Legends'. It's
      made me the greatest fighter in the world!"

Doll Master: "...Foolish pup. Humor us with your silly power."

Duke: "Just for that, I'm gonna bust you up real bad! Behold! Ultra fighting--"

[An explosion sends Duke flying over the town walls.]

Belle: "Duke!?"

Trap Master: "Pshhh! What a loser! Your boy's an astronaut! Why don't you beg
             for mercy, and maybe I'll grease you quickly, too."

Belle: "I don't think so. Resilient is my middle name. Alright, I've got no
       choice. I'm gonna take out all 3 of you."

Doll Master: "Then you will be this town's sacrifice. I will give you a
             grueling death to serve as an example to the others. They will
             surely hand over Prima Doll then."

Mint: "HEY!"

[Mint arrives on the scene.]

Doll Master: "Princess, how good of you to come."

Mint: "Do you know how mad I am right now? I'm sick and tired of dealing with
      you guys! Come on! Let's settle this once and for all!"

Doll Master: "If you wish... My strongest subject shall indulge you."

Mint: "!?"

[Her and Psycho Master vanish and reappear in the church.]

Psycho Master: "I ask that you remain here for a while."

Mint: "Yeah, right. I ask that you get your butt out of my way!"

Psycho Mastr: "It cannot be helped. I must use my powers."

Mint: "Go ahead! Let's see how good you are! You have no chance against me!"

Psycho Master: "Perhaps... Allow me to find out. Do you dare fight me face to

[After awhile, the boss teleports out of reach.]

Mint: "Hey! Get down here!"

Psycho Master: "There is no need. My duty here is finished. I have bought
               enough time. There is no longer a need to fight."

Mint: "Then I'll just have to shoot you down!"

[He disappears. Outside, Belle is fighting Trap Master.]

Belle: "Unbelievable! I'm being pushed around by this punk kid..."

Trap Master: "Alright, baby! Time to fly! BWAHA HA HA HA!"

[An explosion sends Belle over the town walls, like Duke.]

Trap Master: "That was pretty fun. She wasn't so bad. Yeah? What do you want!?"

Klaus: "You have all done enough."

Prima Doll: "Klaus! Don't say anything!

Doll Master: "So, you have finally decided to hand him over."

Klaus: "No. I'll never give him up. Tell your Princess Maya that I said so."

Doll Master: "You came out here to tell me that? You possess courage beyond
             your abilities, but you are a fool."

Trap Master: "I don't reason with fools! I just grease 'em!"

Klaus: "Say what you will. I'm not changing my mind."

Doll Master: "...I'm most curious. Why do you insist on protecting a doll?
             Prima Doll is a mere tool for recovering the [relic]. And you are
             willing to stake your life to protect him. Your actions make no

Klaus: "I'm sure it doesn't. You only see Prima Doll as some tool."

Doll Master: "If he is not a tool, then what is he?"

Klaus: "That's easy. He's my son. Prima Doll is part of my family. What parent
       in this world would give up his child?"

Doll Master: "......Your delusion is absurd. In my eyes, you are a fool
             protecting a mere tool. So be it. You wish to die for Prima Doll.
             I will grant your wish."

Prima Doll: "Klaus!"

Klaus: "Don't worry about me. Go back inside."

Prima Doll: "No! I don't want you to die."

[Mint exits the church.]

Mint: "Prima!?"

Doll Master: "What!? You have fought off Psycho Master? I must admit, I am

Mint: "Doll Master! Let him go, right now!"

Doll Master: "Prima Doll has surrendered himself of his own will, not mine."

Mint: "What!?"

Prima Doll: "Mint... I'll go with them."

Mint: "Are you crazy!?"

Prima Doll: "If I don't, they're gonna kill everyone. I can't let them do that!

Mint: "..."

Prima Doll: "Mint, please come rescue me! Beat these guys and rescue me! I
            know you can do it. Please come, ok...?"

Mint: "Of course, I'll come!!! I'll kick all of their butts and get you out! I

Doll Master: "Hmph... Surely you jest."

Mint: "Doll Master... I'm never gonna forgive you for this."

Doll Master: "HAHAHA. Princess, I've never seen you so serious. You're
             frightening me. Well, we'd best be leaving now. We're going."

Prima Doll: "Mint, I'm waiting for you. You'd better come!"

[They all warp out.]

Mint: "Prima..."

Klaus: "I'm sorry, Prima Doll... I couldn't protect you."

Rue: ""Doctor! Mint! What happened...? No."

Mint: "Yeah, they took him away."

Rue: "Damn... If only I had come back sooner..."

Mint: "We're gonna rescue him. That's all there is to it."

Klaus: "There is a large tower by the lake. It was magically built by a
       princess named Maya. They're probably taking Prima Doll there."

Mint: "Maya's tower... I'm going there first thing tomorrow morning."

[The next day...]

Mint: "Alright! Time for me to kick some major butt! What the heck!?

[At the lake ruins...]

Doll Master: "Prima Doll, the time has come for you to open the seal to the

Prima Doll: "......"

Doll Master: "You cannot defy me. If you do... I'll torch all of Carona!"

Prima Doll: "......"

Doll Master: "Start the ritual now. You were created for this very reason. You
             are nothing but a tool."

Prima Doll: "I'm not a tool."

Doll Master: "Then you are useless... And Carona will burn."

Prima Doll: "..."

Doll Master: "This is your last chance. Start the ritual at once, or I'll
             destroy Carona and everyone there! There's nothing you can do.
             This is your destiny."

Prima Doll: "...Ok. I'll do it. Hey."

Doll Master: "What is it?"

Prima Doll: "I hope Mint knocks your teeth in!"

Doll Master: "..."

Prima Doll: "My father in the heavenly light. I serve you and only you.
            Sleeper in the endless night. At last, I will fulfill the sacred
            duty. At last... Valen's fortress will rise into the heavens!"

Doll Master: "Valen will be resurrected..."

[The ruins rise up from the lake, floating into the heavens.]

Mint: "What is that thing...?"

Rue: "They finally broke the seal. They probably forced Prima to break it."

Mint: "Valen is in that thing... That means the [relic] is there, too!"

Rue: "They're gonna get the [relic]. It's over... Damn, all of our effort is

Mint: "What'd you say!? You big wimp! Do you really wanna save Claire?"

Rue: "Of course, I do!"

Mint: "Then why did you say 'it's over'!? You've gotta be kidding! It's far
      from over! If you really wanted to save her, you would never give up!"

Rue: "But..."

Mint: "There's no way I'm giving up. I'm gonna rescue Prima and get the
      [relic]. I'm gonna finish what I started and conquer the world!"

Rue: "......"

Mint: "Forget you! I'm going on my own! You can sit here and mope forever!"

Rue: "Never give up, huh...?"

17) TOWER OF MAYA II                                                     [M-17]

[At the lake ruins, Mint approaches the Tower of Maya.]

Mint: "What the heck!? What a nasty lookin' place! It totally suits Maya's
      character. I can't wait to wring her neck!"

[Towards the top...]

Trap Master: "Whassup, Mint! I'm surprised you made it this far!"

Mint: "Hey, porcupine."

Trap Master: "Pshhh. That's the last time you call me that!"

Mint: "Last time?"

Trap Master: "Yeah, that's right! I got the ok to grease you now! I ain't
             gonna tolerate your bull no more."

Mint: "Yeah, whatever. You keep saying the same thing, but all you do is run
      away every time."

Trap Master: "Heh, heh, heh... You're over. I'm gonna grease you so bad, even
             your sister won't be able to recognize you! Might as well say
             your prayers now. In 5 seconds, you're gonna be--"

Mint: "Yeah, yeah, just shut up and let's fight!"

Trap Master: "!!!? What the--!"

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee. It's so easy to tick you off."

Trap Master: "You think I'm kiddin' around? That's it! I ain't holdin' back!"

[She beats the crap out of him.]

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee(note) I win, I win(note)"

Trap Master: "...The hell!? I'm Trap Master. I never lose! Hell...I give up. I
             got no power left. Go ahead... Finish me. Come on, what are you
             waitin' for!? Magic ain't gonna work! If you wanna finish me, you
             gotta come hit me!"

Mint: "That's odd. Why wouldn't magic work?"

Trap Master: "!!!"

Mint: "You set a trap, didn't you!? I bet if I walk over there, the floor's
      gonna blow up or something!"

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA! You ain't so dumb after all! It would've been rad
             if you fell for it."

Mint: "You're too predictable. Your'e way to dependent on your silly traps."

Trap Master: "Hey! Where the hell are you goin'!?"

Mint: "What? Aren't we done here?"

Trap Master: "That's it!? You're gonna just walk away without finishin' me!?"

Mint: "What's the point? You think I fought you to finish you off? I kicked
      your butt because you got in the way."

Trap Master: "..."

Mint: "You'd better stay out of my way now. You should be grateful that I
      spared your miserable life. Dang. You're always wasting my time. I
      still have to strangle Maya and find Prima. What am I doing talking to

Trap Master: "...You're gonna regret this. I'm gonna get you someday."

Mint: "Be my guest. I'm not gonna show you mercy next time."

[She leaves.]

Trap Master: "GRRAAAAHHH!!! This is bull!!! Man, this sucks. I can't believe I


Mint: "Maya! It's me! Get out here!"

Maya: "Here I am!"

[She falls on Mint.]

Mint: "Ungh! Geez!"

Maya: "Oh, how unfortunate. I was so close to crushing you(note)"

Mint: "Dang, what the heck was that? Since when did you become so violent?"

Maya: "I'm merely following your footsteps(note) HUAHH-HA-HA-HA-HA--"

Mint: "Stop that laughing!"

Maya: "So, my dear sister... What brings you here today?"

Mint: "What do you think!? I came here to get Prima!"

Maya: "Then you are too late. Prima Doll is no longer here."

Mint: "Dang. So he was taken to the lake ruins..."

Maya: "My goodness. You're right. What a surprise... Doll Master took Prima
      Doll to the lake ruins. It appears he has just broken the seal. I assume
      you have already seen the fortress hovering in the sky. That fortress is
      undeniably the fortress of the almighty Aeon, Valen."

Mint: "Valen's fortress!? Does that mean the [relic] is there!?"

Maya: "Yes. Valen's [relic]... The greatest [relic] in history, with the power
      to control all! It's called..."

Mint: "W-W-What's it called!?"

Maya: "I(note) Don't(note) Know(note) Sorry(note)"

Mint: "..."

Maya: "Actually, I do... But a lamebrain like you doesn't deserve to know."

Mint: "What'd you call me!? That's it! You are sooo dead! Your stupid Book of
      Cosmos doesn't scare me!"

Maya: "You can relax. I will not use the Book. Against you, why bother? I will
      crush you with my own powers(note)"

Mint: "No way! She always uses her Book... Alright! Let's go! You're gonna pay
      dearly for underestimating me!"

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA-HA-HA! You will eat those words soon enough(note)"

[Mint wins.]

Maya: "I'm...disgraced..."

Mint: "I told you! You have no chance without your Book. Stay down on the
      ground where you belong."

Maya: "How dare you!? I can't lose to you!"

Mint: "Have it your way."

Maya: "Huh!? Where are you going? We're not done--"

Mint: "EAT THIS!!!"

[She surprise kicks her.]

Maya: "How...could...you...?"

Mint: "Tut-tut-tut. You're too slow. Alright, Maya. I want some answers. Whoa!?
      What's goin' on!? You're glowing!"

[Maya was actually...Mode Master!]

Mint: "!? What the heck!? Where's Maya?"

Mode Master: "That was quite impressive, Mint. You've forced me to remove my
             disguise rather early."

Mint: "What the heck is goin' on!? Why were you disguised as Maya!? Who the
      hell are you, anyway!?"

Mode Master: "I hate 20 questions... I am Mode Master. I am one of Doll
             Master's loyal subjects."

Mint: "You work for Doll Master too? Why did you disguise yourself as Maya?"

Mode Master: "I have no reason to tell you."

Mint: "Then I'll force it out of you!"

Mode Master: "I have not lost. You have merely uncovered my disguise. And I
             still have my options."

Mint: "Hey! Come back here!"

[Mint locates the jail and sees two Mayas.]

Mint: "!!!? No way!"

Maya 1: "Oh, my dear sister!"

Maya 2: "You've come to save me!"

Maya 1: "Oh, I've waited for you for so long! My goodness. I do not deserve
        this after what I've done to you. I have mistreated you..."

Maya 2: "And imprisoned you..."

Maya 1: "And tortured you with pumpkins!"

Maya 2: "I cannot face you after all I've done."

Mayas: "Stupid Maya! Bad Maya!"

Mint: "AAAHH! You're driving me crazy! One of you is Mode Master! Come on!
      Give yourself up!"

Maya 2: "Yes! Have the decency to give up!"

Maya 1: "What are you talking about!? I am Maya."

Maya 2: "Oh, how dare you!?"

Maya 1: "I cannot believe this! How can you be so shameless!?"

Mint: "SHUT UP!!! I can't stand you two talking at once! Forget it. I'll figure
      out which one is the phony.

Maya 2: "I trust your judgment, my dear sister. I'll say this once more. I am
        your sister, Maya."

Maya 1: "My dear sister, I am not worried. I fully trust your judgment."

Mint: "Hmph! I got it. You're the phony!"

[She looks at the left one.]

Maya 1: "What!? Wait a--"

[Mint kicks her.]

Mint: "Too late!"

Mode Master: "Well, I'll be. How did you see through my perfect disguise?"

Mint: "It was just a wild guess."

Mode Master: "!!!?"

Mint: "What's the big deal? If I was wrong, I'd just end up kicking both of

Maya: "......She's crazy. Thank goodness she got it right."

Mint: "Well, now that we know--"

Maya: "I believe we owe her a good beating(note)"

Mode Master: "!?"

[After a severe beating...]

Mode Master: "Please forgive me, Doll Master..."

Mint: "Doll Master... So he's the mastermind. What are you guys up to?"

Maya: "I will tell you. Doll Master plotted everything from the beginning.
      He has used me and the entire kingdom to fulfill his ambition."

Mint: "..."

Maya: "I believe that traitor has been after Valen's [relic] for some time.
      All this time, he served as the imperial magician to accomplish his
      goal... Since our kingdom is the guardian of Aeon [relics], his high
      post gave him access to various facts on [relics]. Doll Master has been
      preparing, waiting for his time to strike, while I was..."

Mint: "While you were picking your nose doing squat. You don't deserve to be

Maya: "You're right. I'm so ashamed of myself. I am a complete fool. I left
      that traitor in charge of all matters concerning the [relic]. Moreover,
      he was the one who informed me of your plot. He was determined to kill

Mint: "You're kidding!?"

Maya: "It's true. That monster is capable of anything. When he told me that
      you were after the [relic], I was enraged. Now, I know it was all part
      of his plan?"

Mint: "You were so angry that you lost sight of everything, didn't you? Then
      you rushed to the lake ruins to stop me, not knowing you were playing
      right into his hands."

Maya: "After we captured you, they immediately tried to break the seal. I, of
      course, tried to stop them, but..."

Mint: "They locked you up and replaced you with Mode Master."

Maya: "They took away my Book. I couldn't do anything..."

Mint: "Dang, you suck. But I gotta admit, Doll Master sure is a sneaky bastard.

Mode Master: "What do you know about him!?"

Mint: "What the heck!?"

Mode Master: "You have no idea what our Master has been through! If only you
             knew the cursed fate he has shouldered for years, you would

Trap Master: "Shut up, Kirielle!"

Mint: "What are you doing here? Did you come to fight again!?"

Trap Master: "Shut your damn mouth! I just came to return the Book of Cosmos."

Mint: "Why'd you do that? Now she's gonna use the Book and punish all of you."

Trap Master: "It's too late! She can't mess with us with that crappy [relic]
             anymore. It won't be long before the Master gets Valen's [relic].
             Then no one will be able to touch him. That Book ain't worth crap
             compared to Valen's [relic]."

Maya: "He's right. Valen was the most powerful Aeon, and he has left the
      ultimate [relic]. The Book of Cosmos is no match for it."

Mint: "Are you serious!?"

Mode Master: "Finally, my Master will have his wish. He will get the Dewprism!"

Mint: "Dewprism...? So that's what it's called."

Trap Master: "Alright, let's get outta here."

Maya: "You plan to go see him. I won't allow it!"

Mode Master: "You're wrong. We cannot be with our Master anymore."

Mint: "?"

Trap Master: "Once the Master gets the Dewprism, our job's finished. We're on
             our own after that. Let's go, Kirielle."

Mode Master: "Mint, you said earlier that you were going to save Prima Doll."

Mint: "That's right. I will."

Mode Master: "You won't find him here or at the ruins. He was probably
             teleported to Valen's fortress when he broke the seal. You'll
             have to go there if you want to rescue him."

Mint: "...Why are you telling me this?"

Mode Master: "...I wonder why. Maybe because we're the same... We were both
             born to be tools."

[They're gone.]

Maya: "I guess they had their reasons."

Mint: "Yeah... What are you gonna do now? Are you gonna just kick back and
      stay here?"

Maya: "No. I can't accomplish anything by staying here. For now, I'll go to
      Carona and consider my options there."

Mint: "I'd stay away from there if I were you. Everybody in town probably
      still thinks you're responsible for the raid."

Maya: "I see..."

Mint: "Oh, I'm so brilliant(note) I know someone who can look after you."

Maya: "Really? That's wonderful."

Mint: "...Wait till you meet her."

18) CARONA IX                                                            [M-18]

Mint: "I left Maya at Mel's, so she's taken care of...I guess that't it. I'm
      all set to go to Valen's fortress! I'm gonna rescue Prima, thrash Doll
      Master, and of course... Conquer the world at last with Valen's [relic].
      What was it called again...? Duper...Du...Dupe something. Who cares! I'll
      find out once I get there. The only problem is how do I get up there?

[Mint g

Mel: "Come in. You're back rather soon."

Maya: "Thank goodness you're here. My dear sister, we must talk."

Mint: "About what?"

Maya: "With Mel's help, I was able to learn more about Valen's [relic]. About
      the Dewprism. That [relic] is far too dangerous! You must stay away from

Mint: "What do you mean, 'far too dangerous'? Tell me. Better yet, why don't
      you tell me what the Dewprism is?"

Mel: "Alright... Dewprism, in essence, is a crystal formed by trickles of

Mint: "?"

Mel: "Throughout this world...throught this universe, there are forces
     everywhere. Forces in the heavens and earth, the suns and the stars,
     time and life... The universe is made up of these forces. We're only a
     microscopic part of it. Our powers cannot match even a trickle of these

Mint: "Trickles of force?"

Maya: "The dew of heaven and earth, the mist of time and life... Valen
      gathered every force in the universe for his creation. They were
      condensed and somehow crystallized into a prism."

Mel: "That's how Valen made the Dewprism."

Mint: "......"

Mel: "Essentially, Dewprism constitutes all the forces in the universe. It is
     the ultimate power in this universe."

Mint: "Wow... It's hard to believe such a thing exists."

Mel: "It's right before our eyes... Valen and Dewprism exist somewhere inside
     that fortress."

Maya: "Doll Master is probably there as well. If only I had seen what a
      traitor he was sooner... Oh...I can't stand myself!"

Mint: "You seem pretty dependable, but I guess you're not. You totally got
      played by Doll Master. If I were there, none of this would ever have

Maya: "Perhaps... You're like-minds. You're just as sly as he is."

Mint: "I'm just not naive, like you! I would've kicked that freak out a long
      time ago! Oh yeah! There's something I wanted to ask you."

Maya: "What is it?"

Mint: "It's about Doll Master. Did he have anything to do with me getting
      kicked out 2 years ago?"

Maya: "Yes. In fact, he played a big part. He told me that the future of East
      Heaven would not be secure if you remained in line for the throne...
      OH!? So Doll Master did see you as a threat. Chasing you out was part
      of his plan..."

Mint: "Yeah... He poisoned you with that nonsense and made you kick me out."

Maya: "He probably knew you'd leave if your right to the throne was taken away.

Mint: "Hey, that means... I've been homeless because of him! I went through
      hell the last 2 years all because of him! That (expletive) bastard!!!
      He is sooo dead!!!"

Mel: "It's good to see you spirited, but just how do you intend to get him?
     Isn't this Doll Master already at Valen's fortress?"

Mint: "...Probably."

Mel: "Have you thought of a way to get up there?"

Mint: "! I haven't thought about it yet."

Maya: "My goodness, you're as thoughtless as ever."

Mint: "What!? You're not doing anything, so shut up!"

Mel: "You two sure get along."

Mint: "You gotta be kidding! I can't stand her!"

Maya: "The feeling is mutual!"

Mint: "Hmph!"

Maya: "Hmph!"

Mel: "Aye-yi-yi. You both need to grow up. Mint, this is for you. It should
     come in handy on your adventure."

Mint: "What is this?"

Mel: "It's called a cannon orb. It's a magical item packed with fire magic."

Mint: "OH! I can fly with this, right!?"

Mel: "Absolutely...Not(note)"

Mint: "What's it for then!?"

Mel: "Who knows... I'll let you figure it out(note) That's all I can say."

Mint: "Tch, fine. I'm sure I'll find out eventually. Nothing can stop me!
      Once I get up there, the Dewprism will be mine(note)"

Maya: "Wait a minute! Are you still going after the Dewprism!?"

Mint: "You bet. Why else would I wanna go to Valen's fortress? Of course, I'm
      going there to beat up Doll Master, too."

Maya: "Weren't you listening to what we said!? The Dewprism is very dangerous!
      You must not come in contact with it!"

Mint: "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

Maya: "I'm worried about this world, not you. My goodness, you're giving me
      such a headache."

Mint: "Hey, if we do't do something fast, Doll Master's gonna get the [relic].
      We can't let that happen. Wouldn't you rather see me get the [relic] than

Maya: "That's a very tough call. Mel, please do something! Please stop my

Mel: "Sorry, but I'll pass. Your sister won't listen to me, either."

Mint: "That's right. There's no way I'm stopping now. I'm gonna get the [relic]
      for sure. After that, it's gonna be world domination!"

Maya: "...This is a nightmare."

Mel: "Mint, you'll probably never change. And I hope you never will. Your
     spirit is really something. Like you said, you can't stop now. You'd 
     better fulfill your dream or else..."

Mel: "Poof(note)"

[A tiny explosion happens.]

Mint: "Geez, what was that?"

Mel: "For luck(note) Good luck, Mint. I'm rooting for you."

Mint: "Thanks! I'll conquer the world before you know it. Ok, I'm going now.
      I'll see you when I see you."

Maya: "When is that going to be?"

Mint: "Bye, Mel. Take care of Maya, alright?"

[Mint leaves.]

Mel: "It's hard to believe you two are siblings."

Maya: "No one can stop her now... What's going to happen to this world?"

[Back in Carona's grasslands...]

Rod: "Hey, Mint. Good timing. I wanna ask you something."

Mint: "Yeah? What is it?"

Rod: "You're dyin' to get up to that fortress, aren't ya?"

Mint: "Huh!? How did you know!?"

Rod: "That's easy. I just read your heart. I figured that big thing in the
     sky would get your heart rattled. I bet you're scrambling to find a way
     up there."

Mint: "Yeah, kinda sorta. I have no idea how I'm gonna get up there."

Rod: "I can get you there."

Mint: "What!?"

Rod: "My baby can fly up there easy."

Mint: "Really!? I thought Pinto was a boat."

Rod: "Why do you keep callin' it Pinto!? Pulsar-inferno Typhoon Omega! Pulsar-
     -inferno Typhoon Omega!!!"

Mint: (I can tease him forever with that.)

Rod: "My baby isn't just some vehicle that goes over water. In flight mode, it
     can fly faster than the wind."

Mint: "Dang, I didn't know your ugly boat could do that..."

Rod: "It's not a boat, dammit!"

Mint: "Ok, ok. So, with your machine, we can fly there, right?"

Rod: "No. It needs some stuff before it can fly."

Mint: "Why didn't you mention that sooner!? Ok, what does it need?"

Rod: "Come here. I'll show you. You see those bright orbs?"

Mint: "Yeah, I see 5 of them."

Rod: "They're called cannon orbs. They're some kinda magical item. Like I
     told you before, the cannon orbs are the source of my baby's power. They
     juice up the sorcerous driver to propel her."

Mint: "So the cannon orb is your vehicle's fuel."

Rod: "Yeah, you can say that. More cannon orbs give my baby more power. It
     needs only 5 orbs for cruising over the water, but to fly, it needs 10."

Mint: "Oh, no wonder it can't fly. There's only 5."

Rod: "Exactly."

Mint: "Guess what? I got one."

Rod: "What!?"

Mint: "This is it, right? I got it from Fancy Mel."

Rod: "I can't believe this! What a coincidence!"

Mint: "Alright! 1 down, 4 to go! You can leave it to me! I'll find them all in
      no time!"

[Mint goes into Hobbs' shop.]

Mint: "Heeey, is that...!? It's a cannon orb! Wow, I can't believe a crappy
      place like this had it. I wonder how much it is. Oh, there's a price tag.
      'Cannon Orb: 100G'. YES!"

Hobbs: "Hey, you don't have enough."

Mint: "Huh? It says 100G for the cannon orb."

Hobbs: "No sirree. I would never sell something so valuable for 100G. Look
       at the price tag again carefully."

Mint: "...What is that puny letter between the 100 and G? I can't read it from

Hobbs: "It's M."

Mint: "What does that stand for!?"

Hobbs: "The cannon orb costs 100 million G."


Hobbs: "Great deal, eh? I'm having a major sale right now."

Mint: "You're crazy! I can't pay that!"

Hobbs: "You don't have to buy it. I get plenty of customers."

Mint: "You big geezer!"

Hobbs: "So, what will it be?"
       -> Threaten him

          Mint: "What the hell are you thinking setting a crazy price like
                that!? I'm gonna trash this place with my magic if you don't
                start running a decent business!"

          Hobbs: "I have tons of flammable stuff in here. If you fire off your
                 magic, it's gonna blow."

          Mint: "Yeah, right! You're bluffing!"

          Hobbs: "Ok, I warned you. If you wanna die, go ahead."

          Mint: "Dang! He's a lot tougher than he looks!"

       -> Put on an act

       -> Snatch it

Hobbs: "If you want it that bad, why don't you go borrow some money? It'd be a
       lot easier."

Mint: "That's right, huh? Who can I borrow from...? Rue doesn't have that kind
      of money. Belle's in debt up to her ears. Klaus's shop hardly gets any
      business. Rod... He can't even feed himself. Gosh! There's no one! ! Oh
      yeah! I know who I can go to! Hey! I know someone who can pay for me!"

Hobbs: "Really?"

Mint: "Yeah."

Hobbs: "Ok then. I'll just send the bill over to that party."

Mint: "Alright(note)"

Hobbs: "Well, I believe that completes our deal. On second thought... I'd
       better collect a deposit from you. Pay me 15,000G, and I'll give you
       the cannon orb."

Mint: "Dang! He's not a sucker after all."

[She pays.]

Hobbs: "Here's the cannon orb. The rest of the bill will go to the other party.

Mint: "Alright(note) Dang, it's gonna be a huge bill. Thanks, Maya(note)"

[Mint goes to Klaus' house.]

Elena: "Hi, Mint(note)"

Mint: "Hey, Klaus?"

Klaus: "Yes."

Mint: "Have you heard of a magical item called a cannon orb?"

Klaus: "Cannon orb? Hold on a second. Is this what you're talking about?"

Mint: "Yeah(note) That's it! Klaus you're the best(note) Can I have it!?

Klaus: "Sure, you can have it, but what do you need it for?"

Mint: "To go to Valen's fortress! Ok, gimme, gimme(note)"

Elena: "Valen's fortress? What is that?"

Mint: "It's that big floating thing in the sky. Valen's [relic], Dewprism, is

Elena: "Dooprison. Why are you going to prison?"

Mint: "..."

Klaus: "So, this Dewprism is the greatest Aeon [relic]?"

Mint: "That's what I heard."

Klaus: "I see... Tell me... How did you feel when you saw that fortress?"

Mint: "I was super excited(note) Just the thought of the [relic] being there is
      so exciting!"

Klaus: "...You're incredible."

Mint: "Huh?"

Klaus: "I got scared just by looking at that thing. I'm not trained in the art
       of magic, but I can tell we're dealing with something very dangerous.
       I've spent years looking for the [relic], but I'm scared, now that it's
       within our sight. I envy you... I wish I had your strength and courage.
       You're really an amazing person."

Elena: "I think so, too(note)"

Mint: "Thanks, but it's no big deal. I just want the [relic] really bad, so
      I'm going after it."

Klaus: "And once you get it, you're going to conquer the world."

Mint: "That's right!"

Klaus: "Ha ha. I can't imagine what this world would be like if that really
       happened. I'm sure you would make it very fun for all of us. Here you

Mint: "Thanks, Klaus(note) I owe you big-time!"

Elena: "Good luck, Mint(note)"

Mint: "Don't worry about Prima. I'll get him back."

Klaus: "I know you will."

Mint: "Geez, I have so many things to take care of. But with my strength and
      courage, it should be a piece of cake(note)"

Klaus: "We're counting on you."

Mint: "Hey, no problem(note)"

[She leaves.]

Elena: "Gee, Mint is really great."

Klaus: "Yeah, she reminds me of your mother when she was young."

Elena: "Really!? Mom was like that?"

Klaus: "She sure was. She was always going full speed."

[Mint goes to Raging Mountain's summit and sees Rue.]

Mint: "What's he doing here!?"

Rue: "Mint."

Mint: "Haven't seen you for a while. What are you doing here?"

Rue: "I came to see Wylaf. I asked for his help to go to Valen's fortress.
     He gave me a pair of dragon wings. I owe it to you."

Mint: "Huh!? What do you mean?"

Rue: "You got mad at me, remember? You said I should 'never give up' if I
     really want to save her."

Mint: (I don't remember telling him that.)

Rue: "I came here because of what you told me. If it weren't for you, I
     would've given up for sure. I'm ok now. With these dragon wings, I'm
     gonna go to Valen's fortress."

Mint: "GEEZ!"

Rue: "I'm gonna go save Claire!"

[He flies off]

Mint: "Hey! Hold on! RUE!"

Rue: "Thanks, Mint. I'll never forget you."

Mint: "Rue... Dang..."


Mint: "..."


Mint: "No, not really."


Mint: "!!! Hey, if you wanna give me something, be my guest."


Mint: "W-What is this?"


Mint: "Really!? Magic(note) I'll take it(note)"


Mint: "Geez!"


Mint: "Here we go again."

Wylaf: "..."

Mint: "I have to fight you again, right!? Otherwise, you're not gonna give me
      the magic."


Mint: "Oh, I'll prove it! You ready?"

Wylaf: "COME!"

[She beats him.]


Mint: "I know(note)"


Mint: "Thanks! I'll put it to good use(note)"

System: Acquired [Hyper]


Mint: "You can count on me! I'm gonna zoom past all the obstacles and get the


Mint: "I'll let you know! See ya!"

[Mint leaves.]


Mel: "Hello, Wylaf. It's been a while."


Mel: "You don't look so young, either. You're like a sweet old grandpa now.
     Mint and Rue are like your grandchildren."

       PASS SOON."

Mel: "That's why you're letting them handle everything."


Mel: "......You still see through everything."


Mel: "I wonder if they'll be alright..."


[Mint goes to the tavern.]

Belle: "Mint, what are you doing here?"

Duke: "Are you here for a drink?"

Mint: "Hey, have you guys ever heard of a thing called a cannon orb?"

Duke: "Yeah, I've heard of it."

Mint: "Really!? Do you know where I could get one?"

Belle: "What do you need it for?"

Mint: "Well..."

Belle: "Sheez... You're really going to that castle in the sky!?"

Mint: "Of course! The [relic] is there!"

Belle: "You're nuts. After all that we've been through, you still want the
       [relic]? I think your greed alone is enough to conquer the world."

Mint: "Why are you always picking a fight!?"

Duke: "What do you think, Milady? Should we tell her about the cannon orb?"

Belle: "...Yeah, why not? We just happen to have one."

Mint: "Really!?"

Duke: "Yeah. We use it for our Hexagon."

Belle: "We'll take it out of the Hexagon and let you borrow it."

Mint: "Wow(note) You've changed, Belle(note)"

Belle: "But under one condition... Actually, it's more like a request. You
       have to help Rue."

Mint: "Huh? What do you mean help him?"

Duke: "..."

Belle: "Rue is so serious about saving Claire. He's always down, like he's
       blaming himself for what happened to her. I think he's gonna fall
       apart soon..."

Mint: "......I noticed, too. But it's not just him. I've had a pretty tough
      past, too."

Belle: "You can admit it like that because you're strong. Rue is different.
       He's not that strong."

Duke: "It's sad, but I don't think we can do any more for him."
Mint: "Dang! So what am I supposed to do!?"

Belle: "That's for you to figure out. I have a feeling you'll be able to help

Mint: "Tch, how irresponsible..."

Duke: "Hey, it's the least you can do. We gotta take apart the Hexagon for you.

Mint: "!"

Belle: "What? If you say no, you can forget about the orb."

Mint: "Ok, fine! I'll try!"

Belle: "Good. Duke. Let's go!"

Duke: "Yes, Milady."

Mint: "Where are you guys going?"

Belle: "We're gonna go remove the orb from the Hexagon. We'll deliver it to
       Rod for you."

[They leave.]

Mint: "Help Rue... What am I gonna do...? Ohhh, forget it! Who cares(note)
      I'll think about it later.

[She sees Belle down by the river.]

Belle: "Are you still looking for cannon orbs?"

Mint: "Yup. I found 3 so far."

Belle: "I came here to bring the orb we owe you. Rod already has 5 so I guess
       that makes it 9."

Mint: "One more to go... ? Where's Duke? You guys are always together. Rod's
      not here, either. I wonder where he went..."

Belle: "No one was here when I got here. I think they went to look for a cannon
       orb together."

Mint: "That's weird. Are they friends or something?"

Belle: "Maybe they are. I heard they fought a few times."

Mint: "Oh, what do you know...? How long have they been gone?"

Belle: "I've been waiting over an hour now. I can't believe he left me here!
       He's really gonna get it when he gets back! Whew... Where did he go...?"

Mint: "Geez, Belle. You're that worried about Duke?"

Belle: "What? W-What made you say that!? Why would I worry about that big fool?
       He's just good for pouring my drinks..."

Mint: (She's worried to death. It's so obvious.)

Belle: "!? Hey!"

[Rod and Duke're back.]

Duke: "Sorry to keep you waiting, Milady! I hope I didn't worry you."

[She punches him.]

Belle: "Where the hell were you!!!? I've been waiting here forever! Next time
       you take off without my permission, I'll break you in two!"

Duke: "...I'm sorry."

Rod: "Take it easy, Belle. It's my fault. I asked him to come with me. We
     busted our butts to get the cannon orb. I tell ya, that fiery mountain
     was pure hell... Ach!"

Duke: "Ugh..."

Mint: "Dang! You're badly injured!

Duke: "I'm hurting, too."

Rod: "This is a disgrace... Rod the Blade Star gettin' beat by some old

Duke: "Give Rod a hand! I'll tell you what happened later. There's an ancient
      dragon called Wylaf in Raging Mountain. After I learned this dragon had a
      cannon orb, Rod and I went there to challenge him."

[Flashback: On the mountain, the two men are about to square off.]


[Wylaf almost makes Rod into a piece of charcoal.]



Rod: "I'm not goin' anywhere. You want me gone, you're gonna have to beat me!"


Rod: "...It's gonna take way more than that. I'm Rod the Blade Star! As long
     as I have heart, I'll go on forever."


Duke: "Hold your dragon breath! You've got another problem coming! Behond,
      Starlight Duke!"

[Duke is in his star costume (LOL?)]

Rod: "You're late."

Duke: "Sorry. I had a hard time putting it on. Alright, I'm rady to go
      hardcore. Let's get him!"

Wylaf: "Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr. YOU MUST BE AN ENTERTAINER. YOUR MOTIVES
       THIS FIGHT?"

Rod: "1,000 years in this world, and you still don't know squat. In this
     world...it's all about heart! Mint really taught me about heart. Watching
     her go after the [relic] alone, challenging everything in her path, you
     can't deny the power of it."

Duke: "She's crazy as hell, but she sure inspires!"

Rod: "That's why we're here. It's time to get our hearts goin', y'know? 

All: "Without heart, we're nothin'!"

Rod: "Alright, Duke! Give it everything you've got!"

Duke: "Let's bust him up!"


[Back at the campgrounds, Duke is finishing his story.]

Duke: "...And we fought like hell, and Wylaf finally gave us the cannon orb.
      What sucks is, Rod really got hurt. Dammit! If only I was able to change
      faster! That stupid suit!"

Mint: "Dang, guys..."

Belle: "...The hell were you guys thinking!?"

Duke: "But it's all good. We have 10 cannon orbs, so Rod's bird can fly now.
      Mint, you're still going, right?"

Mint: "Heck yeah! I owe it to you guys! ...I'll see what I can do for Rue."

Belle: "Don't forget."

Mint: "Prima, I'm coming..."

Belle: "There's one big problem."

Mint: "What?"

Belle: "You're taking Rod's machine, aren't you? With Rod injured, who's gonna
       fly it?"

Mint: "!!!"

Duke: "Oh man! That's right!"

Mint: "W-What are we gonna do!?"

Rod: "Relax! I got a great idea. ...Achhh."

Duke: "Take it easy!"

Rod: "I'm alright. For my idea to work, you're gonna have to use your power."

Duke; "My power? You mean my act? What am I supposed to do?"

Rod: "Isn't it obvious? Duke...YOU MUST BECOME ME! Use your act to become me...
     Then, you'll be ablet o fly the Pulsar-inferno...Achhh...Typhoon Omega."

Belle: "That's ridiculous."

Duke: "That's a great idea! But can I do it...?"

Rod: "Sure, you can. I got faith in you. My Pulsar...Achhh...inferno...T-
     Typhoon...Ughuaa! ...Omega is a wild ride, but with your act, you should
     be alright. You can take my baby beyond the skies."

Duke: "...I'll do it! Rod, I'll become you and fly her."

Rod: "Ok! Take care of my baby, my Pulsar-inferno...Typh...ughuaa!"

Duke: "Don't say another word."

Belle: "Sheez, these guys will never grow up."

Mint: "I'm getting all fired up. It's time to end all this! I'm gonna get the
      [relic], whack all the bad guys, and enjoy a happy ending."

Rod: "You're one tough girl..."

Duke: "I'm gonna start workin' on my act. We'll leave in the morning."

Belle: "You'd better get some sleep. It's gonna be war tomorrow."

[The next morning...]

Belle: "The machine's ready. We can leave anytime."

Mint: "Can this thing really fly?"

Belle: "I'm kinda worried, too. I don't know if Duke can handle it, either."

Duke: "Come on, Milady! This is for Rod. I can handle it."

Belle: "I've heard that before..."

Duke: "Don't listen to her, Mint. I'll take you beyond the skies to heaven."

Mint: "You don't need to go that far."

Duke: "Alright, Milady, I'm going! I'll be back before lunch."

Belle: "What are you talkin' about? I'm going with you."

Duke: "What!?"

Belle: "You think I'm gonna let you go on your own?"

Duke: "..."

Belle: "I don't trust you one bit. You'll probably crash the damn thing if I
       don't come along."

Duke: "...Thanks, Milady. I was hoping you would come along."

Belle: "Ok, let's get going. Mint, I hope you're all set to go."

Duke: "Once we take off, there's no turning back."

Belle: "Are you ready?"

Mint: "Yup! Let's go!"

[They all board.]

Rod: "Duke, I'm countin' on you! You're gonna be fine. Make my baby proud."

Duke: "I hear you. It's not me flying this baby. It's you. I'm you. I'll take
      care of your Pinto."

Rod: "Her name's not Pinto! It's the Pulsar-inferno...Typh...Achhh!"

Mint: "Stop mentioning the stupid name and get some rest! Duke! Get this Pinto

Duke: "Ok! Let's go, Pinto!"

Rod: "It's not Pinto..."

[They go down the river a ways.]

Mint: "Dang, why is it going so slow? The sorcerous driver sounds like it's

Duke: "She's not powering up! Oh boy, this is one helluva problem."

Belle: "I can run faster than this. You sure we're gonna be able to fly?"

Mint: "Hey, I know! Belle's big butt is weighting us down."

Belle: "AH, shut up! Duke, hurry up and do something!"

Duke: "What's this lever? I'm gonna give it a try."

Mint: "...We stopped."

Belle: "What the hell are you doing!?"

Duke: "Relax."

Mint: "?"

Belle: "What's goin' on!?"

Duke: "That's what I'm talkin' about! I got this--"

Mint: "Whoaaa!"

Belle: "SHEEZ! It's too fast! Slow this thing down!"

Duke: "Damn! I don't know how!

Belle: "YOU MORON!!

Mint: ""AAAAAHH!!!"

19) VALEN'S FORTRESS                                                     [M-19]

[They manage to land on the fortress.]

Mint: "I feel sick..."

Duke: "That was a helluva ride, wasn't it? I tell ya, it was my heart that got
      us here."

Belle: "How long do you plan on being Rod!? Wake up!"

Duke: "Ughaah!"

Mint: (...Barfing is always so refreshing.) "? PRIMA!"

[She sees him slumped by a wall.]

Prima Doll: "Mint..."

Mint: "Sorry I took so long! You're gonna be alright now! !!!?" (Why's he so

Prima Doll: "...I think I'm low on energy... It's probably from breaking the

Mint: "Ok. You don't have to explain anymore. Close your eyes and get some

Prima Doll: "...I have something I wanna give you. That's why I stayed up..."

Mint: "What do you wanna give me?"

Prima Doll: "My good-luck charm... I don't need it anymore..."

Mint: "...This is your amulet."

Prima Doll: "There's magic sealed inside. I'm sure you'll be able to use it.
            Get Doll Master for me, Mint."

System: Acquired [Gold Magic]

Mint: "You bet I will! I'll thrash Doll Master and come back in a flash. You
      stay here while I take care of business. We're gonna go back together,

Prima Doll: "Ok... Thanks, Mint...I can finally rest. I'm so sleepy..."

Mint: "!"

Prima Doll: "Bye..."

[Prima vanishes and only the cube is left behind.]

Mint: "Prima? Prima!?"

Belle: "Calm down. He probably transformed back into a cube to save energy.
       We can take care of him after we get back."

Mint: "......"

Belle: "But don't take too long, or it might be too late to help him."

Mint: "So you're saying I have to do everything fast... I can do it. Belle,
      look after Prima for me."

Belle: "Alright. Go take care of business. Don't worry about a thing."

Mint: "Thanks. Time to storm in there!"

[She enters a long ways and finds some torches.]

Mint: "Huh? Why are only two of them lit? What does it mean?"

[On the floor above...]

Voice: "I'm impressed."

Mint: "You again!"

Psycho Master: "I did not expect you to get this far. I have underestimated
               your abilities."

Mint: "I have no business with you. Out of my way!"

Psycho Master: "I cannot allow you to pass."

Mint: "You think I'm gonna go back?"

Psycho Master: "I will not allow that, either. You have defied my Master time
               and time again. Thus, I must terminate you this instant."

Mint: "!!!"

[The arena boxes her in.]

Mint: "So... I can't go anywhere unless I beat you, huh?"

Psycho Master: "That will not happen. You can neither advance nor retreat. I
               will stop you here and now."

Mint: "You're awful confident. You're gonna pay for underestimating me!"

Psycho Master: "No...I regard your power highly. After all, you have come this
               far. I shall match you with my all."

Mint: "W-What's goin' on!?"

[He opens his eyes for the first time in the game.]

Psycho Master: "Prepare to die! It is time to seal your fate."


Psycho Master: "How could I lose...?"

Mint: "Alright! Doll Master, you're next! Now that I'm here, your evil plans
      are over."

Psycho Master: "...No matter how hard you try, you will never find my Master."

Mint: "Why not?"

Psycho Master: "The Cursed Crossways lie ahead. The final gateway to Valen's
               sanctum... Those who enter the crossways will be afflicted with
               terrors from their past."

Mint: "You don't scare me. No obstacle can stop me!"

Psycho Master: "You will never survive in there... Besides, I will not allow
               you to enter."

Mint: "You're still gonna fight? I don't think you're in any condition to

Psycho Master: "......It is all I know. I shall live and die fighting."

Mint: (He's planning to die!) "Fine, let's end this. My magic against yours."

Psycho Master: "One shot...to end it all. A sure death for one of us. Do you

Mint: "......Let's do it. We'll count down from 10 and fire at 0. Agreed?"

Psycho Master: "Yes. I bid you farewell."

Mint: "Here we go... 10!"

Psycho Master: "9."

Mint: "8!"

Psycho Master: "7."

Mint: "6!"

Psycho Master: "5."

Mint: "4!"

Psycho Master: "3."

Mint: "2!"

Psycho Master: "1!"

Mint: "LOOK! A flying pumpkin!?"

Psycho Master: "?"

Mint: "ZERO! YAHH!"

[She knocks PM out with a kick.]

Mint: "I can't believe he fell for the oldest trick in the book."

Psycho Master: "Wh...Why..."

Mint: "He passed out... Gotta admit, he was pretty tough. But no one can match
      me(note) Dang, I've wasted enough time already. The Cursed Crossways,
      huh...? How can you be afflicted with terrors from the past? Heck, who
      cares(note) It'll probably be nothing."

[She teleports up.]

Mint: "...Looks kinda creepy... I wonder what's gonna happen. OH! No pumpkins!

[She beats the trial and finds Doll Master beating up Rue.]

Doll Master: "The final seal has been broken. Nothing can stop Valen's
             resurrection now."

Mint: "Doll Master! What are you doing!? Let him go!"

Doll Master: "I can't believe my eyes. HAHAHAHAHA."

Mint: "What's so funny!?"

Doll Master: "How can I not laugh at this twist of fate? You were nothing but
             a saucy brat when you left the kingdom 2 years ago. Now you have
             become my worst enemy. I never imagined this."

Mint: "I knew I'd get here, I have big dreams..."

Doll Master: "Conquer the world with the Dewprism... I'm surprised your absurd
             dream brought you this far. I guess what they say is true. Greed
             does make one strong."

Mint: "Yeah, I'm greedy. So what? But that's not the only reason I'm here."

Doll Master: "Oh? Enlighten me. If you have come here for justice, it would be
             the joke of the century."

Mint: "Wrong! It has nothing to do with justice. Ok, I'll tell you. You pissed
      me off! Your sneaky, malicious character makes me sick! You're such a
      coward, picking on Prima, using an imposter for Maya, attacking a
      helpless town...! Just the sight of you makes me wanna strangle you! I
      got kickedout of my home because of you!!! Your cheap plot left me 
      homeless for 2 damn years! I swear, you're sooo dead!!!"

Doll Master: "Cheap plot?"

Mint: "Shut up! Don't even bother! You tricked Maya and took away my right to
      the throne!"

Doll Master: "You fool. That was not my doing. You lost your right under an
             official decision."

Mint: "?"

Doll Master: "I already told you this before. The high council found your
             conduct unacceptable. They unanimously voted that you were not
             qualified to be the next queen."

Mint: "What!?"

Doll Master: "So you see, you have only yourself to blame."

Mint: "......It doesn't matter! In the name of justice, I'm gonna destroy you!"

Doll Master: "HAHAHA. You said it has nothing to do with justice."

Mint: "SHUT UP! I'm gonna send you back to hell right now!"

Doll Master: "Your efforts will end in vain. So be it! I shall crush you!
             Consider this your last battle! Your life ends here."

[Mint beats the crap out of him.]

Doll Master: "Impossible!!! I cannot lose to this child! I CANNOT!!! My duty,
             my destiny awaits me! I cannot fail!"

Mint: "You're finished. That's what you get for tickin' me off! Your days of
      evil are over! Go to hell! YAHHH!"

Doll Master: "EAGHHH! My...My duty... I cannot...die..."

[He disappears and drops something behind.]

Mint: "Yes! It's finally over! !? Rue! He's still unconscious... What should I
      do? I can't just leave him here. Hey, Rue! Wake up! Dang... I guess I
      have no choice."

Rue: "C... C...Claire."

Mint: "......Oh brother... Fine."

[She carries him a ways.]

Mint: "Phew... He's pretty heavy. Lazy bum."

Rue: "Claire..."

Mint: "Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'll get Claire back for you. With my Dewprism,
      of course(note) Ok, let's go!"

[She teleports to where the Dewprism is kept.]

Mint: "Wow(note) That's...Dewprism!? I can't believe it... I did it!!! Finally,
      my dream will come true(note) Hee-Hee-Heee(note) Mine, mine, mine(note)"

Voice: "Stay back."

Mint: "!? GEEZ!? W-What is this!? What's in there!?

[A man comes up from the device under the Dewprism.]

Man: "........."

Mint: "Yeah? What are you lookin' at!? Who are you!?"

Man: "You are in my fortress, and you ask my name?"

Mint: "Your fortress? ...Are you Valen!?"

Valen: "You are not worthy to speak my name."

Mint: (So this is Valen. The Aeon who made the Dewprism. I thought he died a
      long time ago.)

Valen: "True. My body was destroyed long ago."

Mint: "Huh!? Did you just read my mind?"

Valen: "Your mind, your identity, your past...I see everything. You have come
       for the Dewprism to conquer the world."

Mint: "That's right! You got a problem?"

Valen: "Absurd."

Mint: "WHAT!?"

Valn: "The Dewprism is my treasure... My life! Only I am worthy to possess it.
      I and no other. Leave at once. Return to the depraved world where you

Mint: "Ok, I will. After I get the Dewprism!"

[She kicks him...and goes right through.]

Mint: "Ungh! What the heck!?"

Valen: "My body is no more. My spirit is all that remains. Thus, nothing can
       touch me. I have but one problem. I cannot use the Dewprism without a
       physical body."

Mint: "Then there's no point in you having it! Give it to me!"

Valen: "I shall acquire a new body. Then I will use the Dewprism."

Mint: "!? Where'd he go!? So much for him. Maybe he ran away. What a big
      talker. Oh well. Time to get the Dewprism and go home(note) Rue!"

[Valen took over Rue's body.]

Valen: "Resurrection, at last!"

Mint: "?"

Valen: "This doll will serve as my new vessel."

Mint: "WHAAAT!? Are you Valen!?"

Valen: "Yes... This is my body now. I have regained my physical presence! Now,
       I shall return to the world! The time has finally come for me to use
       the Dewprism. The old world shall be disintegrated into light and
       purified through the Dewprism. Then a new light shall be born, one
       which I shall shape into my new world. There, I will become a god!"

Mint: "Wait a minute! What is all this purification mumbo jumbo!? What's gonna
      happen to the world!?"

Valen: "This old, depraved world has no value. It will serve as the building
       block for a new world. Thus, I must destroy it."

Mint: "WHAAAT!? You can't do that to my world!"

Valen: "Your world?"

Mint: "Yeah! It's my world to conquer! It's where I'm gonna fulfill my dream!
      It'll be mine someday! You think you can just come in and tear it down!?
      Guess again! Why don't you crawl into that hole where you belong!?"

Valen: "A lowly human dares defy me? It is vile creatures like you who have
       corrupted the world. I will not tolerate you any longer! May the depths
       of hell cleanse you! Morning dew! Become the light of defense! Evening
       dew! Become the light of purification! Your vile nature must be
       cleansed. Then I shall destroy your body and will."

Mint: "Oh yeah!? See if you can!!! The only thing going to hell is you!"

[Mint defeats the possessed Rue.]

Mint: "Yeahhh(note) Greatest Aeon, my butt!"

Valen: "The morning dew...destroyed... Impossible! You imbecile! I will crush
       you with my bare hands! What...?"

[Valen rises out of Rue's body.]

Mint: "What's goin' on?"

Valen: "How can this doll defy my spirit!? What is this...!? Another spirit
       lurks inside!?"

[It's...Claire manifesting herself!]

Mint: "Is that...Claire?"

Valen: "Blast! This doll is useless!"

Mint: "Seems like you've got problems. It's time for you to give up and give
      me the Dewprism!"

Valen: "Impudent fool..."

Mint: "Bark all you awnt. Without a body, you're helpless."

Valen: "Helpless...? What do you say to this!?

[The ground shakes.]

Mint: "WHOA!"

Valen: "I am Valen, the Almighty Aeon! I can destroy you in any form. Melt
       under my light!"

Mint: "Achhh!"

[A light protects Mint and she doesn't melt ^__^]

Valen: "The Book of Cosmos!?"

Maya: "My dear sister, you owe me."

Mint: "Maya! What are you doing here!?"

Maya: "I came to stop you, of course. I can't trust a dangerous person like
      you with the [relic]."

Mint: "Dang... You're always butting in."

Maya: "I have come to stop Valen as well. His evil is greater than yours. It's
      now or never. Let's destroy him!"

Mint: "So, you wanna work together...?"

Maya: "You refuse?"

Mint: "Actually, I was thinking the same thing! I can't believe we're on the
      same page."

Maya: "It may be the first time and the last."

Mint: "Ok, let's do it! Well, Valen, you heard us. We're gonna kick your butt!"

Maya: "Compared to your Dewprism, the Book of Cosmos is close to nothing. But
      you cannot use your [relic] without a body. Without the Dewprism, you
      have no chance!"

Valen: "You do not know the true power of the Dewprism. I cannot use it in
       this form, but the Dewprism is in front of me."

Mint: "Yeah, so what?"

Valen: "My [relic] has the power to command all light. Light that passes
       through the Dewprism regenerates into a new light. I will discard this
       form to become light. The Dewprism and I will be one. By passing through
       it, I shall regenerate into divine light. And this light will rule the
       universe evermore!"

Mint: "What is this!? What's goin' on!?"

Maya: "Valen is going to become one with the Dewprism!"

Mint: "What does that mean...? It sure doesn't sound good."

Maya: "It's the worst. It's the light of the devil..."

Mint: "Maya! Give me the Book of Cosmos!"

Maya: "What!?"

Mint: "We can't just stand here! I'm gonna combine the power of the Book with
      my magic and try to stop him!"

Maya: "Do you think it will work?"

Mint: "I don't know. It's worth a try. I can't think of anything else. Can you?

Maya: "No... You're right. That may be our best chance."

Mint: "Dang... That's the 2nd time we agreed. You know, we might actually get

Maya: "This is all so strange..."

[A weird light comes out of the Dewprism.]

Mint: "GEEZ! What's going on now!?"

Maya: "It appears the magic is out of control! The power of the Dewprism is
      probably too much for Valen to handle! It's starting to distort our
      dimension! We must stop him now, or--"

Mint: "Enough said! I'll destroy him right now!"

Maya: "Alright then. I will transfer the Book's power to you. This is our last
      hope. Please destroy Valen!"

Mint: "Piece of cake!"

System: Acquired [Cosmos]

Mint: "Say your prayers, Valen! This is it. With my power..."

Maya: "With our power... With our joint power... We will triumph!"

Mint: "Your butt's going to hell!"

[Mint delivers on her promise.]

Valen: "NOOOOO!!!"

Mint: "YEAHHHH(note) Now the Dewprism is mine(note)(note)(note)"

[Mint falls back into the Dewprism room.]

Mint: "UNGHHH!!! Dang, that hurt... Huh? WHAAAT!!!? IT'S GONE!!! The Dewprism
      is gone!!!"

Maya: "It must be in another dimension by now. I believe the Dewprism is lost

Mint: "No way... So...it's like permanently gone!?"

Maya: "Yes. Thank goodness... The world was saved from Valen's evil plans."

Mint: "What about my plans for world domination!?"

Maya: "...The world was saved from your evil plans, too(note)"

Mint: "No...! My dreams... World domination... It's not fair... NO! I won't
      accept it!"

Maya: "Uh... What are you doing?"

Mint: "There might be fragments of the Dewprism on the floor! Don't just stand
      there! Help me look!"

Maya: "......How pathetic. She's hopeless..."

Mint: "!?"

Maya: "What is this...?"

[The tower shakes.]

Maya: "!!!?"

Mint: "Ungh!"

Maya: "We'd better leave at once!"

Mint: "My Dewprism... Maybe it fell between the cracks..."

Maya: "My dear sister, it's over! We need to get out of here!"

Mint: "......Dang it! Fine... We'll use your Book to teleport out of here."

Maya: "What?"

Mint: "We used up a lot of the Book's power to beat Valen, huh? But you did
      leave enough for us to get back, right?"

Maya: "Um..."

Mint: "!? Don't tell me...!?"

Maya: "How was I supposed to know this would happen!? I gave all the power in
      the Book to you! There was no choice!"

Mint: "Oh gosh!"

Maya: "I'm sorry!"

Mint: (Why didn't she think ahead...?)

Maya: "My dear sister, what are we going to do now!?"

Mint: "Isn't it obvious!? We're gonna run out of here! What else can we do!?
      Dang, I forgot... It's gonna be tough carrying him out of here."

Voice: "I'll take care of him!"

Mint: "Duke!?"

Duke: "Milady got tired of waiting, so I came."

Mint: "I'm so glad you're here! Ok, you take care of Rue!"

Duke: "Alright!"

Maya: "Aaaah!"

Mint: "Geez, things are getting really hairy!"

Duke: "When the master of the house falls, the house goes with him... At least,
      that's what I read. Come on!"

Mint: "..."

Maya: "What's wrong?"

Mint: "Nothing... Let's go!"

[They start fleeing and make it to the room where Psycho Master was fought.]

Duke: "We've still got a ways to go! Hurry up!"

Maya: "What are you doing!?"

Mint: "Y-Yeah... I'm coming."

[She falls over.]

Maya: "Oh my goodness!!! You look terrible!"

Mint: "I'm ok... Just a little tired."

Maya: "It must be from fighting Valen."

Mint: "Maybe... I guess I used up too much energy..."

Duke: "Mint, are you alright!? Did she pass out? Man, what are we gonna do!?
      There's no way I can carry both of them!"

Mint: "I'm not that heavy!"

Maya: I'll take care of her. You take Rue and head for the exit!"

Duke: "No way! I can't just leave you guys!"

Maya: "Please, we don't have time for this! You must hurry, before it's too

Duke: "......"

Maya: "Don't worry! We'll catch up with you!"

Duke: "...Alright. You'd better keep your promise. See you later!"

[They leave.]

Mint: "What do you think you're doing...? I can take care of myself. Just go."

Maya: "If you were in my shoes, would you leave me here?"

Mint: "Of course...I would leave you in a heartbeat..."

Maya: "......Well, I'm not leaving you. I'm not like you."

Mint: "If you wanna die, that's fine by me..."

Maya: "Stay still. I'll heal you with my magic. !!!?"

[Monsters appear. At the landing pad...]

Belle: "They're late!!! What the heck's taking them so long!? Sheez!"

[She almost gets hit by some rubble.]

Duke: "Milady, are you alright!?"

Belle: "...We've got no choice."

Duke: "?"

Belle: "Duke... We're outta here."

Duke: "W-What!? You're gonna leave them behind!? I can't do that, even if it
      is your order!"

Belle: "Shut your mouth and listen! If we don't leave now, we're all gonna

Duke: "10 more minutes! ...5 more minutes! Let's give them 5 more minutes!"

Belle: "......Believe me, I would, if I were alone. I'm concerned about Mint,
       too! I wish I could wait longer, too, but...! There are other lives at
       stake! And neither you nor I have the right to end them! It's our
       responsibility to take them back! We can't let our emotions get in the

Duke: "......"

Belle: "Come on, let's go! All we can do is pray for them..."

Duke: "...I'm sorry, Milady. I wasn't thinking. I didn't know you felt that

Belle: "It's ok..."

Duke: "Alright, I'll get the Pinto ready!"

Belle: "Mint..."

[Back in Psycho Master's chamber, Maya fought off the monsters.]

Maya: "TAHH! What was that? Number 20? This is endless... Oh please! Go away!
      Phew, that was close... Oh...!"

[The Book of Cosmos floats.]

Mint: "Huh? Why is it glowing?"

Maya: "Maybe the power inside the Book reacted to the impact!"

Mint: "Really!?"

Maya: "I'm not sure, but...if we hit it some more, the Book might be able to
      draw some power!"

Mint: "Step aside. I'll jump-kick it! Ungh... I'm too weak..."

Maya: "Leave it to me. Book of Cosmos, here I come! TAHH!"

[Maya jump-kicks it and starts jumping on top of it]

Mint: "Geez..."

Maya: "Stupid book! Take this! Owww..."

Mint: "Whoa!"

Maya: "It worked(note)"

Mint: "Good work... You've become rather violent since I left home."

Maya: "It's obviously your influence."

Mint: "I guess I set a good example..."

Maya: "Oh, please... Well, maybe a little. Goodness, this is no time to be

Mint: "Get us out of here."

Maya: "Book of Cosmos! This is my final order! USe all your power to take us
      back to land!"

[They teleport out as Valen's fortress finally explodes into tiny pieces.]

20) CARONA X                                                             [M-20]

Voice: "Mint? Mint, it's me. She's still sleeping... She probably won't be up
       for a while... ...She looks so peaceful when she's sleeping."

Mint: "What's that supposed to mean!?"

Rue: "Whoa! Geez. You were up?"

Mint: "Your babbling woke me up! Huh? ...This is the inn. How did I get here?"

Rue: "I guess you don't remember. You've been sleeping for 3 days now, since
     we escaped from the fortress."

Mint: "Dang! 3 days?"

Rue: "Maya said you used too much magic and overexerted yourself. She's resting
     at the hotel. She looked after you all through the night, so she's
     probably tired."

Mint: "Oh... That's a surprise... ! You've got some nerve coming in here!"

Rue: "What?"

Mint: "How dare you come in while I'm sleeping!? Don't you have any manners!?"

Rue: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just wanted to say goodbye before I left."

Mint: "Huh?"

Rue: "Valen's Dewprism is gone. So I decided to go look for another [relic]...
      Oh... I was so close to getting the [relic]. So close to getting Claire

Mint: "..."

Rue: "I'm sorry, Claire..."

Mint: "Dang! Cheer up! You'll find another [relic] in no time!"

Rue: "......"

Mint: "There are [relics] all over the world just waiting to be discovered
      (note) So you'll definitely find one. Trust me!"

Rue: "Maybe you're right."

Mint: "Of course I am!"

Rue: "Yeah... I'll find one. Like you told me, I'll never give up. Thanks."

Mint: "Hey, if you find one, let me use it, too, ok(note)"

Rue: "Huh!? Heh-heh, you'll never change. Ok, when I find a [relic], I'll write

Mint: "Better keep your promise."

Rue: "Mint...thanks for everything."

Mint: "Take care. You'd better save Claire, no matter what."

Rue: "Goodbye."

Mint: "See ya(note)"

[Mint leaves the inn.]

Mint: "Phew... What a bummer... I was able to cheer Rue up, but I still can't
      get over it. I can't believe the Dewprism's gone. All my efforts down
      the drain... Why me...? What did I do to deserve this...?"

Elena: "Hi, Mint! I'm so glad to see you're alright(note)"

Mint: "Hey, it's gonna take a whole lot more to keep me down(note)"

Voice: "I know. You're as resilient as a cockroach(note)"

Mint: "Who said that!? Prima! You're back to normal!"

Prima Doll: "Yeah, thanks to you! Fancy Mel fixed me up. I'm back to my old
            self again! Right, sis?"

Mint: "What!? Did he just say 'sis'?"

Elena: "It was dad's idea. Prima Doll is part of our family now(note)"

Prima Doll: "Elena's my big sister now!"

Mint: "Wow. Sounds great(note)"

Prima Doll: "Yeah(note)"

Elena: "I was so surprised. I had no idea Prima Doll was my brother(note) We've
       been together for a while, but I didn't notice at all."

Mint: "Huh???"

Elena: "I guess we were separated at birth or something. It's so strange. I
       wonder why mom and dad kept it a secret for so long..."

Mint: "......Prima... You'd better REALLY look after your sister."

Prima Doll: "Yeah, I will."

Elena: "Ok, Prima Doll. Let's go shopping!"

Prima Doll: "Alright(note)"

[They leave. Mint goes to Rod's camp.]

Rod: "What's up?"

Mint: "Are you alright now?"

Rod: "Yeah, I'm all patched up now. I'm more worried about my baby. She needs
     a lot of work. We've got a long trip ahead of us."

Mint: "You're leaving already?"

Rod: "I'm Rod the Blade Star, the dashing vagrant. It's not my style to stay
     in one play long, know what I'm sayin'? Besides, things are starting to
     cool down here, with everyone leaving. I'm lookin' forward to the long
     ride. Just me and Johnny Wolf."

Mint: "Bye, Johnny Wolf."

Rod: "What the--HEY! No goodbye for me!?

Mint: "Why bother? I have a feeling I'll run into you again...unfortunately."

Rod: "You know what...? I just got the same feeling. Alright, I won't say
     goodbye either."

Mint: "There's no need."

Rod: "Mint, I'll see ya. Let's fight again someday, alright?"

Mint: "Sure. Better have a good weapon ready."

[At the tavern...]

Duke: "Hey, Mint."

Belle: "Finally up, eh? How are you feeling? Well, now that we know you're
       alright, we're outta here."

Mint: "You're leaving? Where are you guys going?"

Belle: "We're gonna go look for another [relic]. We're bound to run into
       another one someday... I've grown to like this place... But it's more
       fun traveling around the world looking for treasure. We've got a long
       way to go before retirement."

Duke: "Yeah, how can we, with all our debts?"

Belle: "It's all your fault!"

Mint: (They sure get along well.)

Belle: "Mint, I've got one thing to tell you! The fact that we helped you
       doesn't mean anything. We're not holding back next time we see you!"

Mint: "Doesn't matter to me... You come at me, and I'll pound you with my

Mint: "......"

Belle: "......You make me sick, you know that!? I hope I never see you again."

Mint: "The feeling's mutual. Don't ever bother me again."

Belle: "Get up, you bum! We're leaving!"

Duke: "Alright, Milady."

[They start to leave.]

Duke: "She didn't mean it. Take care, Mint."

[Mint visits Klaus.]

Klaus: "It's great to see you, Mint. You've been through so much."

Mint: "I'm so bummed out. I was so close. The [relic] was within my sight, and
      I couldn't get it..."

Mira: "But knowing you, you're not gonna give up, right?"

Mint: "That's right! I'll find another [relic] someday and fulfill my dream!"

Klaus: "Heh, heh. I thought you'd say that."

Mint: "What are you gonna do now? Are you still gonna continue your research?"

Mira: "Oh, don't even ask..."

Klaus: "I was gonna quit my research after I saw that fortress in the sky.
       Like I told you, I became so scared knowing that the [relic] was there.
       Well, I've had some time to think things over, and I've decided to
       continue my research. I don't think I'll ever let it go."

Mint: "Good... I'm kinda relieved."

Mira: "Well, I'm not. It means he's gonna work less than ever now."

Klaus: "Sorry, dear. But since we have a new son, I'll try to work harder."

Mint: "New son? Oh, you mean Prima."

Klaus: "We're going to look after him from now on."

Mira: "He's so adorable, I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

Klaus: "It's sure gonna get lonely around here. Rue left already, and it won't
       be long before you leave."

Mira: "Rod told me he's leaving, too."

Mint: "Yeah, but I'm sure we'll keep bumping into each other. I'll probably run
      into Klaus at some atelier looking for a [relic]."

Klaus: "That would be something. I'd love to look for a [relic] with you again.
       If I get any new information on a [relic], I'll let you know. Then will
       you work with me again?"

Mint: "Of course(note)"

Klaus: "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. I had a lot of fun, Mint. Take
       care of yourself."

Mira: "Come by anytime, alright?"

Mint: "Thanks for everything!"

[Mint goes to the hotel.]

Gramps: "Princess! OH! It's so good to see you!"

Mint: "Gramps!!! W-What are you doing here!?"

Gramps: "I received notice from Princess Maya and came right away. I'm so
        happy to see you are well. I see being out in the world has made you a
        true warrior princess. Your shoulders have broadened a bit."

Mint: "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

Gramps: "Ok, please pack your bags, Princess! Your days out in the world are
        over. It is time for you to return to East Heaven."

Mint: "What!? No way!"

Gramps: "Princess, you must come home! His Majesty, your father, wishes to see
        you dearly!"

Mint: "That old geezer... The hell with him! He took away my right to the
      throne! You're wasting your time! I'm not going back, and that's that!"

Gramps: "Princess, what has happened to you...? Your Majesty, I have failed.
        Please forgive me."

[He starts banging his head on the wall.]

Mint: "GEEZ! Are you crazy!?"

Gramps: "I cannot face His Majesty if you will not come home!  I will return to
        East Heaven in a coffin! Farewell, Princess!"

Mint: "Ohhh! FINE! I'll go home!"

Gramps: "Really? You promise?"

Mint: "Dang it! Yeah!

Gramps: "Thank you, Princess. I knew you would listen to me."

Mint: (This is so unfair...)

Gramps: "I saw Princess Maya moments ago, and she is all ready to go. We can
        depart right now if you wish. Are you ready, Princess?"

Mint: "Yeah, I'm ready... Let's go."

Gramps: "Very good, Princess. I will go upstairs and get Princess Maya."

Mint: "I can't believe I'm going home... Heck, if I get bored, I'll run away

[On the ship headed for home...]

Mint: "Bye-bye, Carona... Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Maya: "I'm ok now. Oh, what a wonderful breeze... This is strange... You're
      finally going home. I'm sure father will be very happy."

Mint: "I'm not looking forward to facing him. I'm sure he'll punish me, one way
      or another."

Maya: "Don't worry. He'll probably just crack a smile and forgive you. He's
      really missed you... He hasn't been eating much since you left. Now he
      only eats about half of what he used to."

Mint: "Half!? You mean he only eats...5 meals a day now?"

Maya: "Yes... Lately, all he has been saying is that he's going to retire."

Mint: "Retire...? That means you're gonna be ruling the kingdom soon. Oh
      brother... Well, have fun filling dad's shoes."

Maya: "......"

Mint: "?"

Maya: "Actually...I wanted to talk to you about that."

Mint: "What is it?"

Maya: "This experience has taught me a lot. It made me realize how powerless I
      am. I had depended too much on the Book of Cosmos. Now I must rule the
      kingdom without it. I must rule with my own powers. I don't know if I

Mint: "......"

Maya: "My dear sister...I feel terrible asking you this, but...I need your
      help. Let's work together to rule our kingdom."

Mint: "That's the last thing I expected to hear from you... Alright. I'll give
      you a hand."

Maya: "Really!? I'm so happy to hear that!"

Mint: "I'd say we have roughly 3 years."

Maya: "3 years?"

Mint: "Yeah. 3 years to make our kingdom 3 times... No, 10 times more powerful.

Maya: "Wait, you're not thinking of--"

Mint: "Yes, I am! We'll conquer the world!!!"

Maya: "......On second thought...I'll do fine on my own."

Mint: "!? What the heck!?"

Maya: "What do you mean 'what the heck!?' I'm being serious, and all you're
      thinking about is world conquest! I knew it was a mistake!"

Mint: "Why are you making such a big deal!? What's the difference between
      ruling East Heaven and conquering the world? There's not THAT much

Maya: "Oh, forget it! It's my fault. I was stupid for asking you. What was I

Mint: "HEY! You begged for my help, and you're gonna get it, alright!!!? I'm
      gonna stomp on your head if you don't start showin' me some gratitude!"

Maya: "Are you threatening me!? My goodness, you're as mad as ever. When we
      get back, I'm going to have you locked up."

Mint: "I hope you remember how to swim. Because I'm gonna throw you overboard
      when I'm done with you!"

Maya: "I hope you've grown to like pumpkins. Because that's all you'll be
      eating when I'm done with you!"

Mint: "Dang! Always going for low blows!"

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA-HA-HA(note) I learned it from you(note)"

Mint: "That's it! You're sooo dead! TAKE THIS!

Maya: "No thank you!"

Mint: "Huh!?"

Maya: "!?"

You (expletive)!!!

Maya: "HUAHH-HA-HA-HA!(note)"

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee!"

[Fade to black & roll credits!]
_____________________________________________________________/ AS RUE [R-SC] |_
01) INTRODUCTION                                                         [R-01]

[In a house somewhere in a forest, at night...]

Voice: "Rue..."

Rue: "Claire..."

Claire: "How's it looking outside?"

Rue: "I think it stopped snowing. I just saw some stars in the sky... It's

Claire: "...What's wrong?"

Rue: "The sky... It's really clear tonight. It's hard to believe we've had a
     snowstorm for the last 3 days. I don't know. I find it a little strange."

Claire: "You're thinking too much. It's probably from staying inside the house
        for so long."

Rue: "...Maybe."

Claire: "I know. Why don't you take a little trip tomorrow? I'm sure the
        weather will be perfect. I think you could really use the fresh air."

Rue: "...Yeah, I think I will. I'm gonna leave at dawn and go to the stream in
     the valley. And if I see a herd of deer there, I'm definitely gonna catch
     one. They often go there to get water. So if I catch one, um..."

Claire: "Yes, I'll make your favorite stew. Better yet, I'll prepare a great
        feast tomorrow. I'm counting on you to catch a deer."

Rue: "No problem."

Claire: "You're gonna have a long day tomorrow. You'll need to eat well and
        sleep well tonight. I'm gonna prepare dinner, ok? Ok. Let's eat."

Rue: "Oh, I'm so hungry."

Claire: "......"

Rue: "What's wrong? Why aren't you eating?"

Claire: "...I was just thinking."

Rue: "About what?"

Claire: "About the day you came here."

Rue: "......"

Claire: "It was snowing that day, too. That was 2 years ago. Can you believe

Rue: "...Are you alright, Claire?"

Claire: "I'm fine... I'm sorry, Rue. I don't know what just came over me."

[Something makes a noise outside.]

Rue: "What's going on?"

Claire: "It's coming from the barn. Something's disturbing the animals."

Rue: "I'm gonna go take a look."

Claire: "Be careful, ok?"

Rue: "Don't worry. It's probably just a wolf or something."


Rue: "Geez, what's going on? They're going crazy. There's no sign of a wild
     animal or anything."

Man: "At last..."

[A weirdo with a gigantic claw hand shows himself.]

Rue: "Who are you!?"

Claire: "Rue!"

Rue: "Aaaghh!"

Claire: "Hey!!! Leave him alone, you beast!"

[She has a scythe in her hand.]

Rue: "Claire! Run!"

[The weirdo throws Rue through the snow.]

Claire: "Rue!"
Rue: "Claire! WAIT! NOOOO!!!!"

[The man strikes Claire and the scene ends. On a ship somewhere...]

Rue: "And so, my journey began... I'll find the powerful [relic] and save
     Claire, no matter what... It's already been 3 years... And I still don't
     have a clue where the [relic] is. Don't worry, Claire. I'm not gonna give

Man: "Hey, Bro! I'm starvin'!

Man: "Smokey, how many times do I gotta tell you? I said I'll feed your fat
     belly when I get the dough. It's comin' real soon."

Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh. I guess my brudda, Blood, always comes through. So,
        Bro, how we gonna get the dough?"

Blood: "Keep your voice down, butthead. Alright, listen up..."

Smokey: "A legendary treasure!? You serious?"

Blood: "Yeah. Sounds cool, huh? I heard some magician made it, and it's hidden
       somewhere in this area. If we find the damn thing, we're gonna be so

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Bro, you're a genius! So what is this legendary treasure?"

Blood: "How the hell should I know? It's legendary."

Smokey: "Oh yeah... It's probably somethin' big."

Rue: (Sounds like they're looking for the [relic], too. I gotta find it before
     they do.)

Smokey: "Hey, Bro. What is that thing?"

Blood: "What? That red thing...? What the hell...? Smokey!? We're gonna

Smokey: "Whoa!"

Blood: "Blargh!"

Rue: "YEOW!!!"

[After hitting the dock...]

Rue: "What the heck was that? This place... It looks so familiar. Have I been
     here before...?"

02) CARONA                                                               [R-02]

Man: "Welcome to Carona."

Rue: "Oh, hello."

Davis: "How you doin'? The name's Davis. I run the docks here. As you can see,
       it's pretty slow here. Not many tourists come in. Mostly merchants. The
       same people just keep comin' in and comin' out."

Rue: "Oh."

Davis: "Yeah, I recognize most of 'em. Hmm, never seen those fellas before."

Blood: "Alright, Smokey, let's go check out the forest. There's some kinda old
       ruins there. The treasure might be there!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh. Ok, Bro!"

Davis: "Better watch out for those fellas. Looks like they're up to no good."

Rue: "I will." (There are ruins in the forest...? Maybe I should go see.)

[He enters town.]

Rue: "So this is Carona... Seems like a peaceful place. What should I do...?
     Should I go to the forest now or talk to the people in town first?

03) CARONA FOREST                                                        [R-03]

[In the third screen where ruins're found...]

Voice: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh!"

Rue: "What the...?"

Girl: "Please, let me go!"

Blood: "Come on, baby. We ain't gonna hurt you. We just want a little food,
       that's all. We haven't eaten for 2 days, y'know."

Smokey: "Yeah, got no money for dinner, either. Eh-heh, Eh-heh."

Blood: "What do you say, baby? Got anything to spare?"

Elena: "I don't have any money."

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Let's rough her up."

Rue: (What should I do? I have to be careful, or she might get hurt.)

[He changes into a Pollywog.]

Rue: (...This is good.)

Smokey: "Heh? Hey, Bro, we got company."

Blood: "It's just a Pollywog, butthead!"

Girl: "Ugh... Please! Let me go!"

Smokey: "Yeow!!! Bro, he bit me!"

Blood: "Alright. Let's chop him up."

[Rue beats 'em up.]

Smokey: "Ouuuuu... B-Bro... I don't feel so good."

Blood: "...Alright. Time to get serious! ...The hell? That old injury's actin'
       up again. Sheeee... Man! Just when I was about to take you out! It
       kills me to let you live to see another day."

Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, Bro! Wait for me!"

[They flee.]

Rue: "Are you ok?"

Girl: "Thank you, Polly! Wow, you can turn into a person, too!?"

Rue: "Polly...? Oh, no, I'm not a Pollywog. This is the real me."

Girl: "But I saw you. When you came out, you were a Pollywog."

Rue: "That was just a disguise to catch them off-guard. My name isn't Polly.
     It's Rue."

Girl: "Ohh, ok(note) Your name is Rue, and you're a Pollywog."

Rue: "...?"

Girl: "I really like 'Polly'... Can I call you Polly?"

Rue: "...Um... How should I explain this?"

Girl: "Oh, I'm sorry! I haven't even introduced myself. Thanks again for
      helping me, Polly(note) My name is--"

Rue: "Elena, right?"

Elena: "!? How did you know!?"

Rue: "I heard your name in town. You're out here looking for your parents,
     right? By the way, I'm not a--"

Elena: "Oh, so that's how you knew. I thought you were a fortune-telling

Rue: "Like I told you, I'm not a--"

Elena: "You're right. I'm looking for my parents. They've been gone for 5 days
       now. I know they're supposed to be here somewhere. I'm so worried about
       them... !!! Those brutes might go after my parents! I have to go find
       them fast, Polly. It was nice meeting you."

Rue: "Hey, wait! I'll go with you. Let me help you look for your parents."

Elena: "Oh, really!? Gee, you're a nice Pollywog. Thanks. I really appreciate
       this. Ok, let's go, Polly! Follow me!"

Rue: "It's not Polly... Geez... That girl really thinks I'm a monster. ...Maybe
     I am..."

Elena: "I think it's this way. Come on. Ok, let's go."

[A little deeper in the forest, on a plateau.]

Elena: "Mom!"

Mom: "Elena!?"

Dad: "Elena, what are you doing here?"

Elena: "What am I doing here!? You haven't come home for 5 days! I was so
       worried about you! !? Dad, what happened to your leg!?"

Dad: "Oh, it's nothing. I just twisted my ankle a little. I can still walk."

Elena: "Phew... Thank goodness."

Dad: "I'm sorry, darling. I guess I became too caught up in my research again.
     I can't believe you came here by yourself. Are you alright?"

Elena: "Actually, some brutes almost mugged me, but Rue the Pollywog saved me."

Mom: "Rue?"

Dad: "The Pollywog?"

Rue: "Hello."

Dad: "You're--"

Elena: "That's Rue, but I call him Polly. Polly's really amazing. He's a Polly,
       but he can turn into a person. But usually, he's a person and his name
       is Rue, so I called him 'Rue the Pollywog.'"

Mom: "Hold on, honey. I'm getting confused."

Dad: "So...your name is Rue, right?"

Rue: "Yes."

Klaus: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Rue. My name is Klaus. I live in Carona
       with my family. Oh, and that's my wife, Mira."

Mira: "Hello, Rue. It sounds like you helped Elena through a lot of trouble.
      Thank you for helping her."

Klaus: "Yes, thank you... Gosh, I'm so ashamed. I completely forgot about my
       daughter. The [relic] was the only thing on my mind."

Rue: "[Relic]!? Are you looking for the [relic]?"

Klaus: "Well, yes."

Rue: "I'm looking for the [relic], too."

Klaus: "Well, this is a coincidence... So, Rue, why are you looking for the

[He tells his story.]

Klaus: "So you came to Carona to look for the [relic]."

Rue: "Yes... I have to find the [relic] no matter what. Sir, is there anything
     you can tell me about the [relic]? I'm sorry... We just met, and I'm being
     so pushy."

Mira: "My, you're so serious."

Klaus: "Ahh, don't worry about it. If I were in your shoes, I'd be just as
       earnest. So if there's anything you want to ask me, please don't
       hesitate, ok? And it's not 'sir.' Just call me Klaus, or Doctor if you
       must... Oh, by the way, I'd like to ask you for a favor."

Rue: "Yes, anything."

Klaus: "I was thinking. If it's ok with you, why don't we go look for the
       [relic] together?"

Rue: "Of course! I'd be happy to."

Klaus: "Great! It's decided then. Thank you, Rue. Let's do our best to find
       the [relic]."

Rue: "Yes. Thank you.

Klaus: "Well then, let's get started. Rue, can you plase follow me?"

[They walk to a cliff.]

Elena: "Gee! It's so steep!"

Klaus: "Somewhere down there, there's a path that leads to the atelier."

Rue: "What is an atelier?"

Mira: "It's a magician's workshop. Supposedly, about 100 years ago, a magician
      lived in this forest."

Klaus: "We believe that this magician did some research on the [relic]. If we
       go to his atelier, maybe we can get more information about the [relic].

Mira: "If the legend is true, there should be some kind of a special area down
      there. The path that leads to the atelier should be hidden somewhere."

Klaus: "But as you can see, the cliff is so steep, we can't get down there.
       Before you two came, I tried to get down there, but I ended up slipping
       and twisting my ankle."

Rue: "...I can do this. Doctor, I'll give it a try. I'll get down there

Elena: "!? You're kidding!?"

Rue: "I'll try to find a safe path. I'll meet you all down there. Please take
     your time."

Klaus: "Are you sure you're gonna be alright? I heard there are monsters
       lurking all about these cliffs."

Rue: "I'll be fine. I've survived greater dangers before. It doesn't matter...
     I'll do whatever it takes to get the [relic]."

Klaus: "Be careful, alright?"

Elena: "Good luck, Polly!"

Rue: "Thanks. I'll see you all later."

[He jumps down and locates the atelier.]

Rue: "This is the atelier...? I really hope we find some clues in there about
     the [relic]. Geez! The atelier has a guardian!?"

[He defeats Nightmare.]

Rue: "Sorry...I have to move on."

Klaus: "Rue!"

Mira: "We heard some terrible noise. Are you alright?"

Rue: "I just fought the atelier's guardian."

Elena: "And you beat him?"

Rue: "Yeah."

Mira: "Wow. I'm sure it must've been a tough battle."

Elena: "Pollywoggy Rue can handle anything(note)"

Rue: "How's your leg, Doctor?"

Klaus: "It feels great! After I saw the atelier, the pain just disappeared.
       Wow, I can't believe we're here! Ok, Rue, let's go have a look inside.
       It may be dangerous, so you two wait here, ok?"


Klaus: "This is absolutely amazing! Look at all these old documents! They're

Rue: "This door is huge... Looks like it's locked. I wonder what's inside."

Klaus: "Here, let me take a look at it. Hmmm... This is rather tricky.
       Aha, there's a switch. Amazing... This manuscript must have been
       written centuries ago."

Rue: "Can you read it?"

Klaus: "Not a problem. Analyzing ancient manuscripts is one of my specialties."

Elena: "Polly(note) Polly(note) Polly, come here. Look! Your friend is here."

[A pollywog floats by.]

Rue: "......"

[He goes back inside.]

Klaus: "Well, I finished skimming through this. It's a diary that was kept by
       the magician. It has detailed records of his research. It appears this
       magician was doing research on the creators of the [relic]."

Rue: "The creators of the [relic]...?"

Klaus: "Yes. They were known as Aeons. About 1,000 years ago, powerful
       magicians called Aeons ruled the world. According to some legends,
       these Aeons even had the power to change the orbit of stars."

Rue: "I heard there were no more Aeons in this world."

Klaus: "That's right. Despite their godlike powers, they weren't immortal. As
       time passed, their powers weakened, and eventually, they all died. Now,
       all that remains are the items they created many years ago."

Rue: "And those items are the [relics]. I heard some of these [relics] have
     the power to grant any wish. They're hidden all over the world, right?"

Klaus: "Yes. They're all just waiting to be found. I don't care how long it
       takes me. My dream is to find at least one [relic]."

Rue: "If you find a [relic], what are you gonna do?"

Klaus: "Hmm...I have no idea. I haven't thought about that yet. Right now, I'm
       just excited about looking for it. Iguess I'll think about it after I
       find it."

Rue: "I see..."

Klaus: "How about you, Rue?"

Rue: "Huh!? Oh, um..."

Girl: "What a stupid question!"

[A red-headed girl is standing on the balcony.]

Girl: "We're talking about a [relic] that can grant any wish! Even a kid can
      figure it out! There's only one thing to wish for. World Domination! I'm
      gonna rule the world! Ok guys. Hand over everything you found in here.
      You got a problem with that? Didn't think so. Ok, come on. Chop-chop."

Rue: "Hey, I don't know who you are, but we're not giving you anything."

Mint: "Hmph, you obviously have a death wish. I'm Princess Mint. Nobody says
      no to me! Just for that, I'm gonna beat you to a bloody pulp."

Rue: "Doctor, please stay back."

[She lunges...and hits her head on the ceiling, falling down to the 1st floor]

Klaus: "..."

Rue: "...Hey, are you alright?"

Mint: "Unghhh... W-World domi...nation."

Rue: "What should we do about this girl?"

Klaus: "Hmm... We can't just leave her like this. Whoa!"

Rue: "!?"

Mint: "......I guess I'll spare both of you for today... You guys are so lucky.
      But remember this: I'm gonna rule the world someday! Ouch...owww..."

[She leaves.]

Rue: "What was that all about...?"

Klaus: "Hmmm... She reminds me of someone... Oh well. Let's get going."

Rue: "Ok."

04) CARONA II                                                            [R-04]

[Back in town...]

Mira: "Thanks again, Ms. Cartha, for letting Rue stay at your inn."

Ms. Cartha: "Oh, don't mention it. Rue, make yourself at home, ok?"

Rue: "Thank you. I really appreciate it, but...is it really ok?"

Mira: "Of course. It's the least we can do. Rue, you've done so much for us.
      You helped Elena in the forest, you helped my husband with his work...
      Actually, it's more like a crazy hobby, huh?'

Rue: "Thank you."

Mira: "Oh, I almost forgot. Klaus wants to talk to you. Maybe he wants to talk
      more about today's findings in the atelier. Come by whenever you want,

[Rue goes to Klaus' house.]

Klaus: "Thank you for coming, Rue."

Rue: "You wanted to see me, Doctor?"

Klaus: "I finished skimming through the stuff we brought back from the atelier.

Rue: "Oh. Did you find out anything about the [relic]?"

Klaus: "Yes. The magician who lived at that atelier was also looking for the
       [relic]. It's written here: 'My endless pursuit of the Aeon [relic]
       continues.' On the next page, it says: 'The Aeon [relic] is sealed by
       one of the highest orders of magic. Even my powers are incapable of
       overcoming it.'"

Rue: "The [relic] is sealed?"

Klaus: "The Aeon who created the [relic] probably feared someone would steal
       it. So he must've placed a powerful seal to protect it."

Rue: "It's probably very difficult to break it."

Klaus: "Yes, I'm afraid so. After all, the [relic] was sealed by a powerful
       Aeon. Like it says in his diary, even the magician couldn't break the
       seal. I don't think we'll be able to do anything, either, even if we
       find it."

Rue: "No..."

Klaus: "Ahh, it's too early to give up, Rue. I'm still not finished. You see,
       the magician wasn't the only one looking for the [relic]. Listen to
       this: 'I cannot break the seal. Then I shall seek the powers of the
       past. Long ago, Grand Magician Elroy and his apprentices also sought
       after the power of the [relic]. I must see his research on the [relic].
       I must go to Elroy's atelier in the underground ruins. I have made a
       key that will grant me access to his atelier. The power to uncover
       Elroy's secret is in my hands. But I am too late... I have fallen victim
       to a deadly disease. I cannot even walk anymore...'"

Rue: "...He couldn't go."

Klaus: "He must've been carryinga terrible disease. He worked so hard and even
       made a key, but...he was too late. It's very sad... So how about it,
       Rue? Let's uncover the mystery of the [relic] together. I don't know
       how far we can go, but I think it's something worth trying."

Klaus: "That's the key made by the magician. With it, we should be able to
       enter the ruins and find Elroy's atelier. If we can find his atelier,
       I think we can find out more about the [relic]."

Rue: "Where are these underground ruins?"

Klaus: "They are quite far. It takes at least half a day to get there by foot.
       Ok. Lte's pack up and get going! Ouch..."

Rue: "Doctor, are you alright? I think you should take it easy until your leg

Klaus: "Ahh, it's nothing. A twisted ankle isn't gonna stop me from chasing my
       dream. Ouch..."

Rue: "You need to rest, Doctor. There's no way you can take a long trip with
     that leg. I'm sure the missus and Elena will worry."

Klaus: "But..."

Rue: "Please, leave it to me. I'll go to the underground ruins by myself."

Klaus: "I can't let you do that! Those ruins are filled with monsters. It's too
       dangerous to go there by yourself. Let's go together after my leg heals.

Rue: "I'll be fine. Besides, if it's dangerous, I should definitely go alone."

Klaus: "I really don't think that's a good idea."

Rue: "I'll find the [relic], Doctor. I swore to myself I would. It doesn't
     matter what lies ahead. I have to keep moving."

Klaus: "......Alright... Just promise me one thing. Don't overexert yourself.
       If it gets tough, just come back, ok?"

Rue: "Ok."

Klaus: "Good luck, Rue."


Elena: "Polly, there you are(note)"

Rue: (...She still thinks I'm a Pollywog.)

Elena: "Where are you going?"

Rue: "I'm going to the underground ruinsto try to find more clues on the

Elena: "Really? Darn..."

Rue: "What's wrong?"

Elena: "Well...there's a big lake right by this town. It's really pretty, so
       if you weren't busy, I wanted to take you there. Oh well... Maybe next
       time. Have fun at the ruins, Polly."

Rue: "Elena, I told you before, I'm not--"

Elena: "Bye, Polly."

[Rue finds a guy at the campgrounds.]

Man: "Hey, boy. You here to challenge me?"

Rue: "Who are you...?"

Rod: "Sure you wanna know...? Alright, I'll tell ya. I'm a weapon maker, a
     vagrant, and a swordsman. I'm Rod the Blade Star! That's Johnny Wolf.
     My best pal."

Rue: "So...you're a swordsman that makes weapons?"

Rod: "Yeah. The best way to test my artwork is for me to use it. Nothing
     beats using my artwork against a great rival in combat. Gets my heart
     warm, know what I'm sayin'?"

Rue: "..."

Rod: "How about it, boy? You care to fight me?"

Rue: "What?"

Rod: "Your weapon caught my eye. My wearpon versus your weapon. My heart versus
     yours. Let's do it. That thing on your back isn't ornamental, is it?"

Rue: "Ok. I'll fight you."

Rod: "Alright. Before we fight, tell me your name."

Rue: "Rue."

Rod: "Rue, eh? Ok, Rue, let's see if you got some heart! Oh, I forgot. I need
     you to pay up before we fight: 100G."

Rue: "What!? Why do I have to pay you?"

Rod: "That's my rule. Hey, if you win, I'll pay you 1,000G. The money just
     makes it a little more interesting. What matters is heart! So, you still
     up for it?"

Rue: "Ok. Here's the 100G."

Rod: "Alright. Let's get it on! Rue, check out my new weapon. It's called
     Silver Breeze."

Rue: "Wow...! What a weapon!"

Rod: "Alright, Rue. Don't disappoint me!"

[After fighting, Rue heads for the underground ruins' entrance.]

Rue: "This looks like the entrance."

Voice: "I knew you'd come."

Rue: "Who's there!?"

Mint: "Pop quiz, funny face. Who am I?"

Rue: "......"

     -> ...Oh yeah, I remember.

        Rue : "...You're Mint, right?"

        Mint: "Dang! You were so close! It's 'Princess' Mint! Remember,
              'Princess.' Got it, Rue?"

     -> ...I don't know.

        Mint: "I told you before, you big dope! It's Mint! You're so rude! How
              could you forget MY name? I remembered your stupid name, Rue."

Rue: "How did you know my name?"

Mint: "Hmph. I'm a genius. I know everything. I knew why you're here, too.
      This entrance leads to another atelier. That's where you're heading, am
      I right?"

Rue: "Yeah, you're right."

Mint: "See. You can't hide anything from me. So what are you gonna do? Don't
      tell me you're planning to go in by yourself. It's probably packed with
      monsters. NO offense, but I don't think you'd last a minute in there."

Rue: "...What are you trying to tell me?"

Mint: "You're not too bright, are you? What I'm saying is we should work
      together. If we split up and both look for the atelier, it would make
      things a lot easier, don't you think?"

      -> Work together

         Rue : "Ok, let's look for it together."

         Mint: "There you go! You're not such a dope after all. Alright! Let's
               go. By the way, don't try anything funny, or I'm gonna jump-
               -kick you in the face. Got it?"

      -> Forget it

         Rue : "...I'm sorry, but I don't think I can trust you. Remember,
               last time, you threatened to take everything in the atelier?"

         Mint: "Ohhh, so that's how you feel... Fine. I was only trying to help
               you. Well, I guess I'll look for it on my own. And if I see you
               crying for help, I'm not gonna help you. ...Oh, and another
               thing. Watch your back!"

[She disappears.]

Rue: "...She's so bossy."

05) UNDERGROUND RUINS                                                    [R-05]

[Later on, inside...]

Mint: "Finally, you slowpoke. I figured some monster had you for dinner
      because you took so long."

Rue: "?"

[The boulder starts rolling, and smushes Mint.]

Rue: "Mint... I'm sure she'll be able to find me."

[In the next room:]

Rue: "Wow...I wonder how long this lake's been here."

Mint: "Everything's gonna be mine! All mine! Hee-Hee-Hee-He-Heee. Ready for a
      little swim, Rue? Now!"

Rue: "Oh, my boots are untied."

Mint: "!!!?"

[Mint's jumpkick flies right over Rue as he ducks, and she splashes.]

Rue: "What was that...!? It sounded like Mint... Oh well.

[After defeating Skull Beast...]

Rue: "So this is Elroy's atelier... What a weird looking building. I wonder
     how he built it..."


Rue: "I've made it this far. I gotta find some clues on the [relic]. I wonder
     what this is..."

System: Acquired Tiara

Rue: "What is this? I should take it back to the Doctor."

System: Acquired Cube

Rue: "I can't find anything else. I might as well go back to town."


Voice: "Hey!"

[A man and woman are there.]

Rue: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Woman: "We don't have time for 20 questions. Just shut up and listen."

Man: "Yeah, and maybe we'll let you live."

Woman: "I'm not gonna repeat myself, so listen carefully. Hand over the
       artifacts you found in there. I need them to find the [relic]."

Rue: "What!? You're after the [relic], too?"

Belle: "Who isn't? The Aeon [relic] is the greatest treasure in the world.
       And I'm Belle, the greatest treasure hunter in the world. Ok, enough
       chitchat. Hand them over."

Rue: "No. I'm looking for the [relic], too. There's no way I'm gonna hand over
     the artifacts."

Belle: "You have no idea who you're dealing with... Ok, Duke."

Duke: "Yes, Milady?"

Belle: "Give him a good beating. Make it quick."

Duke: "Yes, Milady! What's your name?"

Rue: "Rue... Why do you ask?"

Duke: "I'll remember it for you. 'Cuz you won't remember your name after I
      bust you up with my act."

Rue: "Act...?"

Duke: "Rue, do you like stories? I love stories. Can't get enough of them.
      Especially the ones with hotshot heroes. Man, they really get me fired
      up, y'know. They always get me praying to be like them. Last night, I
      read this book called 'Shadow Legends.' The main character was this rad
      ninja who used this awesome move. Check this out."

[Duke splits into three.]

Rue: "!? H-How!?"

Belle: "Duke, hurry up and finish him! You don't stand a chance against his
       act. With it, he can master any move."

Duke: "Behold! The power of ninjutsu! You're doomed!"

[Rue beats him.]

Duke: "Ugh... Ninjutsu stinks..."

Belle: "Good work, Duke."

Rue: "What the--!?"

[Belle steals his Tiara.]

Belle: "Well, well, what do I have here?"

Rue: "No!"

Belle: "Hah, I gotta hand it to you for beating Duke, but you were way too
       careless! You can kiss this tiara goodbye."

Duke: "You won't be so lucky next time. I'm gonna show you my best act yet!
      You can count on it!"

Belle: "Come on! We're outta here!"

Duke: "Yes, Milady!"

Rue: "STOP!"

[They leave and he pursues. A Skull Beast shows up.]

Rue: "Geez! Not another one!"

Belle: "Have fun! See ya!"

[He keeps pursuing, but the Skull Beast follows.]

Rue: "I have to go up! Belle and Duke... They're gone... I guess I'll go back
     to town."

[Mint climbs out of the pool she fell into earlier.]

Mint: "Hack-Hack! I made it..."

06) CARONA III                                                           [R-06]

[Back at Klaus' house...]

Klaus: "Rue! Thank heavens, you're back."

Rue: "Doctor...I'm sorry."

Klaus: "What's wrong? Did something happen at the ruins?"

Rue: "Um..."

Klaus: "So this Belle and Duke took the tiara from you."

Rue: "I'm sorry. I was careless."

Klaus: "Ahh, don't worry about it. I'm sure we can get it back somehow. For
       now, let's do research on this cube. Looks like this will keep us busy
       for a while. You know, you came back at just the right time. I just
       found something very important."

Rue: "What is it?"

Klaus: "Well, you know those materials we brought back from the atelier? I
       looked through them again while you were gone, and you're not gonna
       believe what I found. The location of the [relic]! I know where it is!"

Rue: "Really!?"

Klaus: "Yes, there is no doubt. In fact, it's located very close to Carona.
       The [relic] is at the lake ruins."

Rue: (Oh yeah, Elena told mea bout a lake...)

Klaus: "There's a lake not too far from here with old ruins floating in the
       middle. Until now, nobody had a clue who built them. Who would've
       thought they were built by Aeons."

Rue: "So...that's where the [relic] is sealed?"

Klaus: "Yes. Elroy was trying to break the seal at the lake ruins. This cube
       was made for that very purpose."

Rue: "Then we can use it to break the seal at the lake ruins and get the

Klaus: "Theoretically, yes... Unfortunately, it's not that easy. We're
       definitely supposed to use this cube. The only question is, 'how?'.
       Look at this thing. It's just a cubic block. There's no way to open it
       or do anything. Without some kind of instructions, I have absolutely
       no idea how to use it."

Rue: "But we're so close to getting the [relic]... Doctor, isn't there any way
     we can find out how to use the cube?"

Klaus: "Hmm... We could try asking her, but... Actually, I'd rather not deal
       with her."

Rue: "Who is this person?"

Klaus: "......There's a magician named Fancy Mel. She lives in an atelier
       beyond the forest. I honestly don't know how to describe her. She's
       just weird, I guess. So I'd rather try to stay away from her, if

Rue: "I don't think we have any choice."

Klaus: "You're right, but... You don't know her. She's so... If you go see
       her, you'll regret it. Trust me."

Rue: "But...unless we find out how to use the cube, we'll never be able to
     get the [relic]. Doctor, please give me the cube. I'll go ask Fancy Mel.
     I'm sure we'll be able to find out more about it."

Klaus: "...Alright. I'm making you do so much. Thank you, Rue. I'll give you
       directions to Mel's atelier and also directions to the lake ruins. I'm
       counting on you."


Elena: "Hey(note) Where are you off to now?"

Rue: "I'm going to Fancy Mel's atelier. Your father told me that it's in a
     strange place. Do you know anything about it?"

Elena: "Fancy Mel...? OH! The crazy witch, right!? I know her place."

Rue: "Crazy witch...?"

Elena: "It's a very fun place. I'm sure you'll like it, Polly(note)"

Rue: "...What do you mean by 'fun'?"

Elena: "Ohh, you'll find out(note)"

[Rue tries to leave.]

Mint: "Rue!"

Rue: (Geez, not her again...)

Mint: "Where do you think you're going?"

Rue: "Why do you care?"

Mint: "Gosh! You're so rude. Oh yeah, there's something I wanna ask you. I
      heard you're not human. Is that true?"

Rue: "!? Who told you that?"

Mint: "You know... That girl."

Elena: "Hello, Mint(note)"

Rue: "You guys know each other? Since when?"

Mint: "Oh..."

Elena: "It's our little secret(note)"

Mint: "It's our little secret!"

Rue: (...)

Mint: "Hey, Elena, is he really a Pollywog?"

Elena: "Yes.I saw him turn into a Polly with my own eyes."

Rue: "This is getting ridiculous."

Mint: "So what is it, Rue? Are you a goofball Pollywog or not? Come on, you can
      tell me."

Rue: "It's none of your business."

Mint: "Hey! You're my rival, so it is my business!"

Rue: "I don't have time for this. I have go get going."

Mint: "Fine. If you wanna run, go ahead. But remember this. I'm gonna keep
      track of every move you make. You can count on it. Come on, Elena!"

Elena: "Ok."

07) MEL'S ATELIER                                                        [R-07]

[The landscape turns into a bright color-clash of hills and stars.]

Rue: "What is this place...!? The Doctor was right. This place is strange."

[At the atelier:]

Rue: "What the heck...? Is this Fancy Mel's atelier? What the-- What a strange
     sound... Looks like nobody's home."

Poppul Purrel: "Mel not home. You must wait. You can play while you wait."

[A girl walks into the yard.]

Mel: "Hello, there."

Rue: (....................................................................
     ...Am I dreaming or what?)

Mel: "What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me funny? Do I have a
     booger on my face?"

Rue: "Huh? No, um...I was just looking at...the fancy stuff you have. Are you

Mel: "Uh-huh. Some people call me Fancy Mel."

Rue: "Hello, Mel. My name is Rue. I came here because I need your help..."


Mel: "So...you want to break the seal at the lake ruins."

Rue: "Yes. We need to use this cube to do that. Can you please help us?"

Mel: "Nope."

Rue: "What?"

Mel: "Rue, was it? Do you have any idea what you're dealing with? The [relic]
     is not your ordinary magic item. If you play with it... Poof! Gotcha(note)

Rue: "Scared the life out of me."

Mel: "I'm sorry. Thought I should lighten the mood a little. You're so serious.
     But really, the [relic] is a very dangerous item. Many have pursued it
     and paid the price, some with their lives. [Relics] abound in this world,
     but the one you're seeking is Valen's [relic]."

Rue: (Valen? I've never heard of him... Why does that name sound so familiar?)

Mel: "Does the name ring a bell...? Obviously not. Valen was the most powerful
     Aeon. He could raise mountains and move the stars at will."

Rue: "No way..."

Mel: "Who knows if it's true. Valen perished along with the other Aeons a long
     time ago. His demise is still a mystery. Some say he had too much power
     and destroyed himself."

Rue: "Really...?"

Mel: "I hope, by now, you realize how dangerous your pursuit is. Valen's
     [relic] embodies powers beyond our knowledge. Who knows what will happen
     if the seal is broken. Worst case...it might destroy the world."

Rue: "......I don't care. I have no choice. I've come this far...spent everyday
     for the last 3 years looking for the [relic]. I can't stop now..."

Mel: "Aye-yi-yi. Aren't we stubborn. Oh well, it's pretty obvious I can't talk
     you out of it. Ok, I'll help you. Give me the cube."

Rue: "!? Really!?"

Mel: "You're gonna go after the [relic] with or without my help anyway... So I
     might as well help. Not for free, of course. I'll help you if you help
     me... It's about the Poppul Purrels. You played with them earlier, right?"

Rue: "Poppul Purrels...? Oh, you mean those dwarfs?"

Mel: "Yes. They're my cute helpers. The 4 of them help me around the atelier."

Rue: "4? That's strange. I only saw 3."

Mel: "One of them is missing. I sent him to go shopping, and he hasn't come
     back since. I don't think he went very far. I'm so worried about him."

Rue: "You want me to find him?"

Mel: "Exactly. I'll examine the cube if you find him. Compared to looking for
     the [relic], it's easy, right?"

Rue: "Yes."

Mel: "Come back here when you find him. By then, I should be done examining
     the cube."

Rue: "Thank you."

Mel: "Wait. There's something I want to ask you. Never mind. I'll save it for
     next time."

Rue: "Are you sure?"

Mel: "Uh-huh. I'll see you later."

Rue: "Goodbye."

Mel: "B-Bye."

[He leaves.]

Mel: "Rue... Poor boy. He still doesn't have a clue."

[In the forest...]

Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh!"

Rue: "Hey, it's those guys again. What are they up to this time? Huh? That

Poppul Purrel: "Eeyuck! Keep dirty hand away!"

Blood: "...The hell!? You callin' me dirty!? You better get down and apologize,
       or I'm gonna hurt you real bad."

Poppul Purrel: "I not sorry! You dirty! You stinky!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh! He's a total squirt! Hey, you stupid or somethin'?"

Poppul Purrel: "Shut up!"

Blood: "YOU shut up, you little maggot! I'm gonna shut you up by choppin' that
       fungus head of yours!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh! Let's do it, Bro! Teach him a lesson."

Rue: "Knock it off!"

Blood: "...The hell!? Who the--Hey!"

Smokey: "B-Bro! It's him! That Pollywog!"

Blood: "You're right. This is perfect. I've been dyin' to get even. Let's get

Smokey: "Yeah!"

[They lose. :P]

Blood: "Dammit! That's twice! Sheeee..."

Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, B-Bro!? Wait for me!"

Poppul Purrel: "You my lifesaver."

Rue: "Are you ok?"

Poppul Purrel: "Yeah-Yeah."

Rue: "Mel asked me to find you. She's really worried about you. Come on, let's
     go back to her house."

Poppul Purrel: "I ok. I go home by myself. What your name?"

Rue: "Rue."

Poppul Purrel: "Rue, thank you. Bwye-Bwye."

Rue: "It's getting late. I better head back to town."

[That night, Rue has a dream.]

Claire: "Rue..."

Rue: "Claire!"

Claire: "What's wrong, Rue? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

Rue: "Ghost... But I saw you..."

Claire: "Hey... Why are you running? I'm not going anywhere."

Rue: "Claire! RUN!!! WAIT! NOOOO!!! What a terrible dream... Claire... Please
     come back."

[Back at Fancy Mel's...]

Mel: "Come in."

Poppul Purrel: "It's Rue! I thank again. I happy to be home."

Mel: "Hello, Rue. Sweetie, can you go outside? I need to talk to Rue alone."

Poppul Purrel: "Not fair... Not happy... But Mel say, so I do. Bwye-Bwye, Rue!
               We play next time."

Mel: "I'm so glad you found him. Thank you."

Rue: "Are you done with the cube?"

Mel: "Well, aren't we eager? Yes, I'm done examining the cube. I've written
     everything in here. You can read it when you get back to town."

System: Acquired Mel's Report
System: Acquired Cube

Rue: "Thank you very much. I really appreciate it."

Mel: "Don't mention it. I had some free time anyway. Well...I guess that
     concludes our deal. Oh, there's something I've been wanting to ask you.
     Do you have a minute?"

Rue: "Sue. What is it?"

Mel: "...I guess I'll just come out and say it. Rue... You're not human, are

Rue: "W-Why? Why do you think that?"

Mel: "How should I explain this...? There's something about your spirit. Every
     human has but one spirit. But you... There's something odd about you. I
     can see it, and a shadow of another spirit... I've never seen anything
     like it in any human."

Rue: "......"

Mel: "Maybe I should'nt have brought this up. I'm sorry if I offended you."

Rue: "It's ok... It's true. You're right. I'm not human."

Mel: "Do you know who you are?"

Rue: "5 years ago...I awoke in some ruins."

[Flashback to the ruins. Rue comes out of a coffin-like container]

Rue: "...? What the...? Where am I...? I can't remember. Is this a dream...?
     Who am I...? What's my name...? Aaagh. My head... I have to go..."
     (Where?) "Somewhere. I don't know...?" (...I know I have to do something

Rue: "I left the ruins and began wandering. I tried to remember where to go...
     I tried to remember what I had to do... I couldn't remember anything. I
     wandered aimlessly."

[Claire finds him near her house.]

Claire: "Oh my gosh!? Hey, are you alright!? Come on! Get up!"

Rue: "That's when I met Claire. I was a complete stranger, but she was so kind
     to me. When she found out that I had no place to go, she told me I could
     stay at her home. I wandered alone for so long, and I finally found a
     home... Claire was like my sister. One night, 'he' came..."

[Flashback to 'that day'...]

Rue: "Run, Claire! Hurry! WAIT! NOOO!!! CLAIRE!!!"

Man: "..."

Rue: "I'll kill him!"

[Rue slays him.]

Rue: "Claire, please... Please open your eyes. He's gone. You can open your
     eyes. Claire! Come on! Claire! ...!?"

[Her spirit goes into his forehead gem...!?]

Mel: "I see... Claire's spirit still lurks within you. You poor thing. You've
     suffered so much. You still can't let her go, can you?"

Rue: "It's been 3 years already, but it still feels like yesterday. I couldn't
     do anything for her. That's why I need the [relic]."

Mel: "No wonder you're so determined... The power of the Aeon [relic] can
     probably bring Claire back to life."

Rue: "I don't care how long it takes or how many battles I have to fight. I'm
     gonna find the [relic], no matter what."

Mel: "Just keep in mind that what you're trying to do is very dangerous. I've
     already told you. Valen's power may lead all of us to oblivion."

Rue: "Even so, if I can save Claire..."

Mel: "What if it leads to world destruction? Millions of people may die. You
     don't care?"

Rue: "..."

Mel: "There's still plenty of time. Think it over. ?"

Mint: "Fancy Mel!? Are you in there?"

Mel: "Who can that be...? Rue, let's continue some other time."

[Rue leaves.]

Elena: "Oh! Hey, Polly!"

Mint: "I thought I'd see you here. I bet Mel told you a lot about the [relic],
      huh? I knew it! It's written all over your face! Gosh, I'm good! Didn't
      I tell you already? I'm a genius. You can't hide anything from me. Ok,
      let's have it. Come on. What did Mel tell you about the [relic]?"

Rue: "I can't... Not now."

Mint: "...What's wrong? Are you sick or something? Ok. Fine. I'll go ask Mel
      myself. Thanks, Elena. See ya."

Elena: "Bye(note)"

[Mint leaves.]

Elena: "Are you alright?"

Rue: "I'm ok. Really, I'm fine."

Elena: "Are you sure...? You look a little down. Did Mel say something to you?"

Rue: "No. She didn't say anything. She was very helpful. What are you gonna do?
     Are you gonna wait for Mint?"

Elena: "Nope. She just needed help getting here, so I'm going home now."

Rue: "Ok. Let's go back together."

Elena: "Ok! Let's go, Polly(note)"

Rue: (I better explain to her again.)

[On the way back...]

Elena: "Really!? So then, you're not a Pollywog!?"

Rue: "That's right. I can turn into one, but I'm not a Pollywog. What you see
     now is the real me. So, from now on, you can just call me Rue."

Elena: "Ok. Gee, all this time I had it the other way around. I thought the
       Polly turned into you, but it was you who turned into the Polly... But
       how come you can transform?"

Rue: "Um... That's kind of hard to explain."

Elena: "Is it your big secret? Ohh, you're gonna leave me curious all day."

Rue: (What am I supposed to say, 'I'm not human'? I can't tell her that...)

Elena: "Hey, there's something moving."

[Duke is dressed in a starsuit, trying to blend into the background.]

Rue: "What are you doing here, Duke?"

Duke: "What!? Man, this disguise was perfect. I can't believe you spotted me."

Rue: "It's so obvious. Elena, on your way here, you noticed him too, right?"

Elena: "No. Not at all."

Rue: "......"

Duke: "See. You were just lucky. Ok, back to business. Give me the cube and
      the information you got from Fancy Mel. You'd better hand it over before
      you get hurt."

Rue: "No way! Hey, you still have my tiara. Give it back! You can't fight me
     in that stupid costume."

Duke: "Shut up! I stayed up all night makin' it. It was worth it. This is my
      finest act yet."

Rue: "So, you're convinced that you're a star now?"

Duke: "I'm not convinced. I AM! I am a star...I am a star... Behold!"

[He jumps into the air.]

Elena: "Wow! That's so pretty(note)"


Rue: "Watch out!"

Duke: "I bet you're scared now, huh!? I'm Starlight Duke. Here comes the pain!
      It's my time to shine! STARRR!"

[Rue beats him.]

Duke: "Ugh...I tink I broke my noze."

Rue: "Ok, give me back the tiara."

Duke: "It's not over, Rue! You'll be my lifelong rival!"

Rue: "Whatever. Come on, where's the tiara?"

Duke: "Tell you what. I'm gonna let you off today. Next time, you're gonna be
      the one with the busted nose. I'm gonna bring my best act yet! You can
      count on it!"

[He jumps and flies away.]

Rue: "He must've busted his ears, too..."

Elena: "Your friend is such a delightful star(note)"

[Meanwhile, in East Heaven's castle...]

Doll Master: "Psycho Master. What is it?"

Psycho Master: "My lord. We have a new menace in the game vying for Valen's

Doll Master: "Who is it? A mercenary, bandit...or another mage?"

Psycho Master: "My lord..."

[He whispers it.]

Doll Master: "Oh. Interesting... So he hungers for the [relic], too? I never
             expected he would. Psycho Master, I presume you have already taken
             the necessary steps."

Psycho Master: "I sent them to Carona moments ago, my lord. They should arrive
               tomorrow morning."

Doll Master: "Good. Just keep an eye on him for now. Oh, and one more thing...
             Keep Princess Maya in the dark on this matter."

Psycho Master: "Yes, my lord. We will suppress this matter until the time

Doll Master: "At last... The time has come to fulfill my duty. In time, I will
             walk the path of darkness, at which time, you 3 must accompany

Psycho Master: "It would be our honor, my lord. We have fought from the day we
               were born. Fighting is our way of life, and we desire nothing
               more. In the name of Doll Master, we shall eradicate your foes."

Doll Master: "...I expect nothing less."

08) CARONA IV                                                            [R-08]

[Rue goes to Klaus' house.]

Klaus: "Hey, Rue. It's good to see you back."

Rue: "Doctor, good news. Mel examined the cube for us. She wrote the details
     in this report."

Klaus: "That's great! Let's read it. Hmm... I see..."
Rue: "You finished reading it already?"

Klaus: "Not yet. I just finished reading the part that explains how to open it.
       So, I figured, why not open it now?"

Rue: "If it can be opened, there must be something in there."

Klaus: "I believe so. Mel's report says, 'Open the cube and find out for your-
       -self.' I think there's an item in here that can unlock the seal placed
       by the Aeon. There. That should do it. Whoa!"

[The cube turns into a doll.]

Klaus: "W-What in the world is that...!? I can't believe this... How did this
       boy fit inside that tiny cube?"

Rue: "He's not human, Doctor. He looks human, but he's...a doll."

Klaus: "Amazing... It would be impossible to make something like this nowadays.

Mint: "No duhhh."

[Mint barges in, as per usual.]

Mint: "Don't you even know who made that thing? It was Grand Magician Elroy.
      That means the doll is packed with all kinds of powerful magic. Don't let
      his appearance fool you... He's called Prima Doll, and he's the only one
      who has the power to break the seal at the lake ruins."

Rue: "Wow... Elroy was so close to breaking the seal... Well, I guess now we
     can get the [relic] with this Prima Doll."

Mint: "It's not that easy. Did you even finish reading Mel's report? You don't
      know anything, do you? Fine. I'll tell you. This Prima Doll isn't
      complete. Right now, he doesn't have any power, so he's sleeping. Even
      if you kick him or slap him, he won't do anything. He'll just keep lying
      there. There's only one way to wake him up."

Rue: "We need to get some items, right?"

Mint: "Exactly! The stuff we need is written in Mel's report."

Klaus: "Here it is: 'Grand Magician Elroy worked closely with his apprentices.
       The items needed to complete the Prima Doll are kept in the ateliers of
       his apprentices. A pair of gauntlets and a pair of sollerets are being
       kept at the Ghost Temple. The earrings are being kept at the atelier in
       Gamul forest. The forest is high above the river. The final item, an
       amulet, must be made from phantomite.' Phantomite? I"ve never heard of
       such a thing. Hmm..."

Rue: "Doctor, please find out where we can get some phantomite. I'll go to the
     Ghost Temple and Gamul Temple and get the items."

Mint: "That's not a good idea. Remember, we're not the only ones after the
      [relic]. If you go on your own and get the items, somebody might end up
      taking them away from you. I know about the tiara. Belle and Duke took
      it away from you, didn't they? That's what gonna happen if you go by
      yourself again."

Rue: "...What are you trying to tell me?"

Mint: "Dang, you're slow as ever. What I'm saying is we should work together
      to get the items. You go to the Ghost Temple, I'll go to Gamul Forest.
      It'll be a lot faster. This way, we won't have to put all our eggs in
      one basket, capiche!?"

Rue: "...Ok. Is that ok with you, Doctor?"

Klaus:  "Yes. I think that would be better."

Mint: "Alrighty(note) Let's get on with it. I'm gonna go to Gamul Forest and
      get the earrings. You go to the Ghost Temple. Make sure you bring back
      the gauntlets and sollerets. You'd better not screw up this time."

Rue: "Hey. You'd better not keep those earrings for yourself."

Mint: "WHAAAT!? What did you just say!? I can't believe you'd say that! I would
      never do that!"

Rue: "......"

Mint: "Oh, come on! Look, we're partners, ok!? Trust me! Dang!"

09) GHOST TEMPLE                                                         [R-09]

[Rue goes to the front door.]

Rue: "It's locked. There has to be a switch or somethin'. Gosh, how am I
     supposed to get in?"

[The door opens itself.]

Rue: "...H-Hello... Is anybody there? ...Fine. You want me to come in? I'll
     come in. Gosh, it stinks in here. !!!"

[The door closes.]

Rue: "I knew it. Oh well... No turning back now. It opened by itself again...

[Puppets are walking around the hallways.]

Rue: "Geez, what were those monsters...? Looks like they're guarding this

[He follows them. Later on...]

Rue: "What is this room...? That chandalier looks kind of fishy. Something's
     not right... !!!"

[A freaky two-headed...frek appears.]

Rue: "It's a guardian!

[He defeats the Chimera.]

Rue: "Darn. He only had one solleret."

System: Acquired Left Solleret

[He defeats the boss again later.]

Rue: "Here's the right one."

System: Acquired Right Solleret

[He defeats Chimera a thid time.]

Rue: "Ok. All I need now is the right gauntlet."

System: Acquired Left Gauntlet

Rue: "Hmm? Ohh... No wonder this place looks so familiar. This is where I came
     in. Huh? That door was closed just a minute ago... I wonder how it
     opened... !? Footprints... They look pretty fresh.

[He enters beyond.]

Rue: "What was that!? There's something there! Relax. I got this..."

Elena: "AAAHH!!!"

Rue: "What the--!? Elena!?"

Elena: "Oh, there you are! I've been looking for you(note)""

Rue: "W-What are you doing here? Do you know where THIS is?"

Elena: "Of course, silly. This is the Ghost Temple. Well, it's a good thing I
       followed you. You sound lost. Come on, let's explore this place

Rue: "Um, thanks for coming Elena, but I think you should go home. This place
     is really dangerous. There are monsters and traps everywhere."

Elena: "This is gonna be so fun! Come on, Rue(note)"

Rue: "No. This place is too dangerous. Come on. I'll walk you back to town."

Elena: "But..."

Rue: "Let's go."

Elena: "Uh-oh. I think it's locked."

Rue: "I can't believe this..."

Elena: "Wait a minute. How did I get in here...? Oh yeah, I came in through
       this door."

Rue: "Really? When I got here, it was locked."

Elena: "Well, what should we do now?"

Rue: "I guess we'll have to find another exit. Alright, Elena, this place is
     dangerous, so make sure you stay behind me, ok?"

Elena: "OK! Wow, I'm so excited(note)"

Rue: "I'll go ahead of you, and you can come up when I tell you."

Elena: "Alright(note) I won't move until you tell me."

System: Press Triangle to call Elena

Rue: "Let's go.

Elena: "Gee, this place gives me the creeps..."

Rue: "Yeah. We don't know what's up ahead so be careful."

Elena: "OK(note)"

Rue: "Oh...I guess I should tell you this now. I'll probably have to use my
     powers pretty soon. That means I might transform right in front of you.
     Do you think you'll be ok?"

Elena: "Don't worry(note) I love watching you transform(note) Even if you turn
       into a really creepy monster, I'll know it's you, so I'll be ok."

Rue: "Oh...Ok."

Elena: "OH, OH, when you transform, please try to pick something that's cute

Rue: "......"

Elena: "Ok. Let's go(note)"

[A ways in.]

Elena: "AAHHH!"

Rue: "Elena, get back!"

Elena: "The walls are shaking. I think there are monsters behind them..."

Rue: "Huh? Hey, I wonder where this leads to..."

[A while later, a gate shuts out Elena.]

Rue: "!? Elena!"

Elena: "Rue! Help! Don't leave me!"

Rue: "Calm down. Lower the switch in there, and it will open the door."

Elena: "R-Really? Ok, I'll try it. Phew... Thank goodness."

[The switch is hit and--]

Rue: "Oh!? It broke..."

[Elena is shut out again.]

Rue: "Not again."

Elena: "Oh no! Rue, what should I do!?"

Rue: "It's ok. Just lower the switch again."

Elena: "Oh... But the switch is broken."

Rue: "That's right... Geez, what should I do?"

[Rue finds his way back. Puppets are manhandling Elena.]

Rue: "!!!?"

Elena: "Rue! Help me!!!"

Rue: "Elena!"

[They teleport out.]

Rue: "Dammit!"

[He rescues her.]

Rue: "Are you alright!?"

Elena: "...Yes. I was so scared... Phew... I came here because I wanted to
       help, but I'm just causing trouble... I'm so sorry."

Rue: "It's alright. The important thing is that you're ok."

Elena: "Thank you, Rue. I'm ok now... I'm ready to go."

Rue: "Are you sure?"

Elena: Yes(note) Let's go!"

[Back in the broken lever room...]

Rue: "It's locked... I shouldn't have broken the switch.

Elena: "Gee, what a heavy-looking door... I don't think even Mint's jump-kick
       could open it."

Rue: "...Maybe I should try hitting it.

[Rue knocks it down.]

Elena: "Yay(note) Alright(note)"

[Further on.]

Rue: "When I tell you, jump, ok?"

Elena: "Oh... Ok!"

[Chimera is encountered again. Duke is fighting it.]

Rue: "Hey!?"

Duke: "What's that gonna do, HUH!? Ok, time to finish you off. Get some of
      this! SUNRISE UPPERCUT! So this is the gauntlet, huh? Milady's gonna be
      so proud of me. Heh-heh."

Rue: "Duke!"

Duke: "There you are! Took you long enough. Man, I got so bored waitin', I had
      to pick on a poor little guardian. They're so weak, it was hardly a warm-
      -up. You got the gauntlet and sollerets, right? They're gonna be mine
      after I bust you up with my new act. Yesterday, I read a book called
      'First of Fire.' It was so awesome; I pulled an all-nighter and finished
      it. The book had it all: love, death matches, friendship... Man, I'm
      still touched by it... Gotta admit, I'm a little sleepy, but my heart's
      still revving... So's my First of Fire! Hey, lady, you'd better go wait
      by the corner. You might get hurt."

Elena: "Oh... Alright."

Rue: "Duke..."

Duke: "Don't worry. I promise I'll finish you quick."

Elena: "Rue, be careful!"

[Duke gets beaten.]

Duke: "That was nothin'! Ughaaah! What the hell!? I can't get up!"

Rue: "Duke, it's over."

Duke: "The hell it is! I can't afford to lose! I gotta take the gauntlet back
      to Milady."

Elena: "Stop!"

Duke: "...What?"

Elena: "OOH! That's a big boo-boo! Here, let me help you. Stay still."

Duke: "Get away from me, lady! I don't need your pity! Ughaaah!"

Elena: "Stop pretending, Dukey(note)"

Duke: "......Thanks."

Rue: "What's going on?"

Elena: "Rue, look! The wall!!!""

[The wall is closing in.]

Rue: "Damn!!! It's locked!!!"

Elena: "We're gonna get squashed!!!"

Duke: "Rrrraaagh!"

[He holds the wall back.]

Rue: "Duke!"

Duke: "Try the other door! Come on! Hurry up!"

Rue: "It won't open!"

Duke: "What!? Then kick it, punch it, or whatever! Just bash it open!"

[Rue cuts open the door.]

Elena: "Dukey, come on!"

Duke: "Alright!"

Elena: "Yay(note) We finally got out. The sunshine feels so good after being
       in that gloomy place."

Rue: "Whew... At one point, I didn't think we were gonna make it."

Elena: "Me either, but still, it was fun! Let's all do it again, ok(note)"

Rue: "... ......"

Elena: "Rue, can we go home now?"

Rue: "Yeah."

Elena: "Thanks, Dukey, for all your help(note)"

Duke: "......I just did what I had to do to save my skin. That's all."

Elena: "Ohh, stop pretending. I know you're a good boy(note)"

Duke: "...Whatever... Go away."

Elena: "Bye, Dukey(note) Take care of your injuries, ok? Ok, Rue, let's go."

Duke: "Hey! Here, take it."

Elena: "What is this?"

Duke: "It's the gauntlet... I'm just paying you back for treating my wounds

Rue: "Thanks, Duke."

Rue: "Shut up! I'm giving it to her, not you! Next time I see you, you're

Elena: "I think he likes you(note)"

[They leave.]

10) CARONA V                                                             [R-10]

[Back in Duke's hotelroom...]

Belle: "WHAT!!!? You gave the gauntlet to Rue!?"

Duke: "I'm sorry, Milady!"

Belle: "I can't believe it! How could you be so stupid!? You went through all
       the trouble lookin' for it, and you just gave it to him? You'd better
       have a REALLY GOOD explanation!"

Duke: "......"

Belle: "...I'm waiting!"

Duke: "I really don't know how to explain it. Any other day, I never would've
      given it to him. But after they helped me, and we all made it outside,
      I got this strange feeling that I had to give it to him. I kept telling
      myself 'NO,' but I couldn't help it. I'm so stupid. I'm really sorry."

Belle: "...You really are stupid. Ok... Forget it. What's done is done.

Duke: "Milady, don't worry! I'm not getting soft or anything. Next time I see
       Rue, I swear I'm gonna go all-out and bust him up. And I'll get the
       gauntlet back, too."

Belle: "I'm gonna remember those words."

Duke: "I'm gonna stake my whole being on our next death match. Man, I'm getting
      psyched! It's gonna be so exciting and dramatic, just like that book!"

Belle: "Book? What are you babbling about?"

Duke: "'Fist of Fire,' baby!!! Rue, I'm gonna live 'Fist of Fire' with you!"

Belle: "You MORON!!! What was that all about? Maybe he really is a nutcase."

Solin: "Excuse me."

Belle: "Come back later, will ya? We're busy."

Solin: "I'm sorry, but I must bring this to your attention now. It's regarding
       the bill."

Belle: "Oh no!"

Solin: "Currently, you have an outstanding balance of 2,500G."

Belle: "Really? Sheez, I completely forgot."

Solin: "When can we expect your payment?"

Belle: "Umm, sometime after tomorrow. Wait, tomorrow! We'll pay tomorrow! Is
       that alright?"

Solin: "Thank you."

[He leaves.]

Belle: "Did you hear that? We're gonna have to get some money fast! If we don't
       find the [relic] and get big money, we're gonna be bums! Get off your
       butt and fix the Hexagon!"

Duke: "Are you serious? But...the Hexagon's our secret weapon. I don't think
      we need to use it yet."

Belle: "Shut up! I don't care! If we don't use it now, when are we gonna use
       it, huh!? Hurry up and get it ready!"

Duke: "Yes, Milady!"

Belle: "Damn, I can't wait to get him! He won't stand a chance against the
       Hexagon. Rue, we're gonna hurt you so bad!"

[Rue escorts Elena back to Carona.]

Elena: "Phew... Home sweet home. I'm a little tired, but I had so much fun

Rue: "Really? I'm exhausted..."

Elena: "Hey, why don't you come have dinner with us?"

Rue: "Really? Ok, thanks. !!!? Claire?

[He sees Claire walk towards the tavern, and chases her.]

Rue: "Where'd she go...? Did you see a girl come in? About my height, wearing
     a purple robe?"

Marco: "A girl? No, I didn't see anyone come in."

Rue: "Ok... Thanks... Was it my imagination...? No! That was Claire...! But

[He goes to see Klaus.]

Klaus: "Welcome back, Rue."

Mint: "Took you long enough. Did you get the items?"

Rue: "Here they are: the gauntlets and the sollerets."

Mint: "Good. I don't know about you, but I had a rough time getting the
      earrings. That hag Belle pestered me so much."

Klaus: "Alright. We're ready to go. I'm going to put the gauntlets, sollerets,
       and earrings on Prima Doll."

Mint: "This is kinda exciting(note)"

Klaus: "Whoa! ...Hellooo?"

Rue: "He's not responding."

Mint: "That's it!? Dang! All that effort just to make the stupid doll sit up."

Prima Doll: "I'm Prima Doll, not just a doll."

Mint: "AHHH!!! Gosh! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Rue: "Wow, you can talk."

Prima Doll: "Actually, I'm not talking. I'm mimicking. I analyze the sound
            from your speech and produce a proper response. The responses are
            purely reflex and not based on any will."

Mint: "You make it sound so complicated. Basically, you try to match what we
      say, right?"

Prima Doll: "In short, yes. Hey, not bad, Mint."

Mint: "!!!? What did you just say!?"

Prima Doll: "Excuse me. I had a slight problem with my language selection. At
            times, I am unable to process the proper phrase. Just chill out,

Mint: "THAT'S IT!!!"

Rue: "Take it easy, Mint. I'm sure you can do more than talk. Can you walk?"

Prima Doll: "I am not complete, but I am equipped with auxilliary motive
            power. I'll now initiate motion."

Mint: "Huh?"

Rue: "Are you alright?"

Prima Doll: "I'm having problems with my motive system and stability gyro."

Mint: "Why don't you just say 'Please help me up'?"

Klaus: "So he can't walk yet. I guess we need the amulet."

Rue: "We need that special material to make it. Did you find anything about it?

Klaus: "Oh yes, about the phantomite. I read through some old books while you
       two were gone, and lo and behold, I found out where we can get it."

Mint: "Whoo-hoooo(note) Way to go, Klaus(note) So where can we get it?"

Klaus: "At Raging Mountain. Wylaf lives there. He's known for collecting
       priceless gems and minerals. There's a good chance he has the

Mint: "Priceless gems(note) Hee-Hee-Heee(note) I'll go, I'll go(note) I'll get
      the phantomite and the gems while I'm at it. I'm gonna be rich. I'm gonna
      be sooo rich(note)"

Klaus: "Well, if you insist. But Wylaf is a great dragon, over a thousand years
       old. My advice to you is don't challenge him."

Mint: "What...? Wylaf is a dragon?"

Klaus: "A very powerful dragon. Legend says he can harness the fire in the land
       at will."

Rue: "Mint, are you really going?"

Mint: "Yeah, right? You think I'm stupid? You go get the phantomite, and I'll
      go get back the tiara you lost to Belle. Ok? Good luck."

Rue: "......"

Klaus: "Well, what do you think, Rue?"

Rue: "I'll go. Please tell me how to get to Raging Mountain."

Klaus: "Alright. I'll prepare a map for you. I'm sorry, Rue. I haven't been any
       help to you. Be careful, alright?"

11) RAGING MOUNTAIN                                                      [R-11]

[After a bit of progressing, Duke and Belle show up.]

Duke: "Goin' somewhere?"

Belle: "Long time no see. How've you been? Sheez, you made us wait long enough.
       Thanks to you, I'm sweatin' like a pig. Let's just finish this quick, so
       I can go home and take a nice cold shower."

Duke: "I'll massage your back after your shower, Milady."

[She punches him.]

Belle: "Alright, let's get down to business, shall we? Actually, there's
       nothing to talk about. You know what we want. So cough it up while you
       have the chance."

Rue: "You're wasting your time. I'm not telling you anything about the [relic].
     I already told you. I have to get it no matter what... It's my duty."

Belle: "Duty? Yeah right. You make me sick, you know that? I was kind enough to
       give you a chance, and you spat it back in my face. Well, that does it!
       You wanna play rough!? We can play rough! HEXAGON!!!"

[A big robot shows up.]

Rue: "What the--!?"

Belle: "This is our ultimate weapon. We found it in the coral sea ruins. You're
       really in for it now!"

Duke: "Yo! Don't forget about me!"

Belle: "What are you gonna do now, huh!? You think you can take on both of us!?
       Hah! It's too late for apologies. Come on, Duke!"

Duke: "It's time to get even!"

[Rue defeats the three.]

Belle: "Sheez! Unbelievable..."

[They leave. At the summit...]

Rue: "Wylaf! Hello! Wylaf! Can you hear me!?"

[Wylaf drops down from the sky.]

       ARE NOT HUMAN..."

Rue: "I'm sorry for disturbing you. But please listen to me! I've come here to
     ask for you help!"


Rue: "Please, I really need your help!"


Rue: "Yes. I need the phantomite to unlock the seal to the [relic]. I
     understand you collect rare minerals. If you have any phantomite, could
     you please spare me some?"


Rue: "......"


Rue: "..."


Rue: "No! I just wanna save Claire! I want her back, that's all! I don't wanna
     destroy the world! I swear!"


Rue: "What do you want from me!?"


Rue: "...Alright. If that's what you want...then that's what you're gonna get!"

[Rue defeats Wylaf.]


Rue: "Are you alright!?"

Wylaf: "Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr! YOU DARE TO MOCK THE GREATEST DRAGON IN

Rue: "Thank you."


Rue: "Are you sure it's alright? Y'know, for me to use the phantomite to get


[Wylaf leaves.]

12) CARONA VI                                                            [R-12]

[In Carona's tavern...]

Belle: "What are we gonna do now!? I can't believe we failed again! It's all
       your fault, you big WIMP!"

Duke: "Hey, that's not fair, Milady. Don't blame me for everything. You screwed
      up, too."

Belle: "AH, shut up! OHH...what are we gonna do? We're almost broke. We barely
       have enough for food, and we still haven't paid for our room. We have to
       repair Hexagon, too."

Duke: "We'd have more money if we didn't stay at such a nice hotel."

Belle: "You're blaming ME!!!? Unlike you, I come from a good family, alright!?
       I'm not staying at some cheapo inn!"

[The waitress comes over.]

Annette: "Hey! If you're gonna fight, go outside! You're disturbing the other

Duke: "...Sorry about that."

Belle: "OK!"

Mint: "What's the matter, Belle? You should really stop yelling. Don't you
      know it's only gonna put more wrinkles on your face?"

Belle: "What!? ...You!"

Mint: "You failed again, didn't you?"

Belle: "None of your damn business...! What are you doing here, anyway?"

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee. I have a great plan that I wanna share with you two."

Belle: "To do what?"

Mint: "Something wonderful. Ok, listen..."

[Rue arrives back in town.]

Smokey: "Heh! There he is!"

Rue: "!?"

Blood: "There you are, you punk! What, you don't remember us!?"

Smokey: "Eh-heh, Eh-heh!"

Rue: "......"

Rue: "Blood and Smokey, right?"

Blood: "Yeah! I thought you'd remember. You've been havin' nightmares about us,
       huh? Gave you a hell of a beating last time."

Smokey: "E-heh! Lots and lots of beatings!"

Rue: "What do you guys want?"

Blood: "We're here for some payback! We're gonna chop you up real good this

Smokey: "Eh-heh! R-Real good, Bro?"

Blood: "Yeah, rrreal good! Mighty good!"

Rue: "You wanna fight right now?"

Blood: "...Not yet. We came to give you this message. This is an official
       challenge. Let's settle this fair and square. Everything you need to
       know is in that letter. I swear, you better come!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Better not chicken out!"

Rue: "What terrible handwriting...I can barely read it. 'Yur a cockee buthed
     and Wer notgona forgiv You. Wer gona chop and womp Yor sory but! Wer gona
     be at the forrest so You betur com!' Forest, huh?"

[Back in Klaus' pad...]

Klaus: "Hey, Rue. Did you get it?"

Rue: "Yes. Here's the phantomite."

Klaus: "You are amazing! You beat Wylaf!"

Rue: "No, I didn't. We just fought a little, that's all. Wylaf was very

Klaus: "So this is the phantomite... I'll start making the amulet right away."

Rue: "Now all we need is the tiara. I gotta get it back from Belle and Duke."

Mint: "Don't bother. Mint to the rescue(note)"

Rue: "It's the tiara!"

Mint: "Am I great or what(note) While you were gone, I talked to Belle and
      convinced her to give it back."

Rue: "I can't believe it. They just gave it back to you? What did you say to

Mint: "!!! ...Who cares! What, you think I'm lying or something!?"

Rue: (Gosh, what's wrong with her...?)

Klaus: "Now, now. Come on, guys. There's no need to argue. Let's put the tiara
       on the Prima Doll."

Rue: "What's the purpose of the tiara?"

Prima Doll: "Decision-making, cognition, and other abilities are integrated
            into the tiara. With it, I will have a comprehensive intelligence
            that exceeds my current system, which is only a mere backup."

Mint: "......Yeah, whatever."

Prima Doll: "I am certain it is far beyond your comprehension, Mint."

Mint: "Whaaat!? You little... Ohhh!"

Rue: "So, basically, it's gonna enhance your thiking and personality, right?"

Prima Doll: "It's more of a completion than an enhancement. It'll get me closer
            to my former self."

Mint: "I hope it shuts your big mouth."

Klaus: "Alright, let's try it on. Whoa!"

Mint: "Where'd he go!?"

Prima Doll: "Over here! back to my old self again! Weee(note) Now I can move!
            So what do you think!? Pretty impressive, huh!?"

Mint: "You're just hoppin' around like a toad."

Prima Doll: "Poor Mint. She'll never get it. You can't even appreciate how
            incredible it is for a doll like me to move, huh?"

Mint: "Ohhh!!! What do you mean by that!?"

Prima Doll: "There's no point in telling you. Why don't you go fly a kite or

Mint: "That's it... Take this!"

[She starts charging a spell.]

Rue: "Mint, stop it!"

Mint: "I can't stand him anymore!!! He's plain evil! Don't you agree!?"

Prima Doll: "The only thing here that's evil is you."

Mint: "You...BRAT!"

[Mint tries to tackle him and crashes into the wall.]

Prima Doll: "Klaus, my body is almost complete. All I need now is an amulet
            made from phantomite. Please hurry and make the amulet, Klaus. I'm
            dying to become my old self again."

Klaus: "You're awfully eager."

Prima Doll: "Of course. You two brought me this far, and I really appreciate
            it! I owe you guys so much!"

Mint: "Hey!!! What do you mean by 'you two'!? You make it sound like I haven't
      done anything!"

Prima Doll: "Well, have you?"

Mint: "You ungrateful...!"

Prima Doll: "Haa-haa. You're too slow. ???"

Mint: "What's wrong?"

Prima Doll: "I don't know... Feels like my power ran out."

Mint: "That's what you get for goofing around."

Prima Doll: "I don't understand..."

Klaus: "Sounds like you need more energy. Or maybe you just need the amulet."

Prima Doll: "I don't know if that's it."

Klaus: "Hmm... This really is a problem. What are we gonna do if we can't
       solve the problem with the amulet...?"

Mint: "He might not be able to break the seal..."

Rue: "There has to be a way to solve this. Mint and I will try to find out."

Klaus: "Alright. In the meantime, I'll work on the amulet."

Mint: "Kills me to help this big brat, but...oh well. Remember, I'm only doing
      this for the [relic], not for you."

[Rue goes to the forest.]

Blood: "About time you showed up! I'm surprised you came alone. Who's gonna
       carry your body back to town?"

Smokey: "W-What do you mean by that, Bro? He can walk back on his own."

Blood: "...Just shut up, butthead!"

Rue: "Ok. Let's get this over with."

Blood: "Tch! You won't be talkin' big for long! We got help this time!"

Rue: "Help?"

Blood: "Yo, boss!"

[A spiky-haired redhead jumps down.]

Man: "You're Rue!? Pshhh! What the hell, man!? I was expectin' some tough-
     -lookin' dude. You ain't gonna even last a minute against me."

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Yeah, do it."

Man: "Shut up, fatso! I'm in charge here."

Blood: "......"

Rue: "Who are you?"

Trap Master: "What do you care!? You're gonna be dead in a minute...I guess
             I'll tell you. I'm Trap Master, the baddest trapper in the world.
             You prolly won't remember jack after I bash you up."

Blood: "Yeah! Just bash him up, boss! I got a hefty reward ready."

Trap Master: "Yea, yea... Just sit back and enjoy the show."

Rue: "I've fought all my life. I'm not gonna lose to you."

Trap Master: "Tch! You think you're big time!? You're already in my trap!"

Rue: "What!?"

[The two appear in a weird dimensional battlefield.]

Rue: "What the heck!?"

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA!!! Can't afford to fight outside, y'know? I
             always end up destroying everything. So I got my own battlefield
             to go all out and thrash my opponents. Ok, Rue! Show me what you

[Rue beats him.]

Trap Master: "Hey, you ain't so bad. Hell, I even broke a little sweat."

Rue: "You're panting and sweating like crazy."

Trap Master: "WHAT!!!? Piece of crap!!! I wasn't even half serious! You wanna
             die!? Huh!!!?"

Rue: "!!!?"

Trap Master: "BWAHA HA HA HA! Better check your underwear! What a big wuss!
             I'm gonna let you live. Just remembered, I can't kill you yet."
             You're one lucky bastard. I won't be so easy next time."

Rue: "Trap Master... I wonder what he's after..."

Smokey: "Heh? He's gone. W-What are we gonna do, Bro!?"

Blood: "Quit your whinin'! Look at him. He's all dizzy after fighting the

Smokey: "EH-heh! Y-You're right! We can beat him now!"

Blood: "Exactly! It's time for some payback!"

Smokey: "Eh-heh! Yeah, payback!"

[They lose again.]

Blood: "Sheee... Why can't we win? WHY!!!?"

Smokey: "Heh!? Hey, B-Bro, wait up!"

[Rue goes to Mel's atelier later.]

Mel: "Come in. Hello, Rue. How's your [relic] hunt going?"

Rue: "Well... The Prima Doll is almost finished, but we have a new problem."

Mel: "Oh my... Tell me about it. Maybe I can be of some help."

Rue: "Ok..."

Mel: "I see...I must say that is quite odd."

Rue: "Maybe there are other items that we are missing."

Mel: "I don't think so. The amulet is the last thing it needs. Maybe the
     internal energy in its drive system completely radiated. After all, it
     was made several hundred years ago."

Rue: "Drive system radiated...? What does that mean?"

Mel: "Oh, it just means that it's low on energy. The way it is now, I don't
     think it can break the seal."

Rue: "That's what I thought... Is there anything we can do?"

Mel: "Actually, there might be a way. It's kind of a rough way, and I can't
     guarantee anything... But I think it's worth a try."

Rue: "We don't have any choice. Can you please tell me?"

Mel: "It involves these kids."

Rue: "Huh?"

Mel: "Actually, it involves their brother. His name is Gorotan. He has the
     ability to control lightning. If you use his power, I'm pretty sure you
     can replenish Prima Doll's energy."

Rue: "Gorotan, huh...? Where can I find him?"

Mel: "He lives around this atelier. Ask the kids outside. They'll tell you."

Rue: "I'll give it a try. Thank you, Mel."

Mel: "Good luck. Gorotan is pretty violent, so be careful, ok?"

Poppul Purrel: "Hi, Rue. Remember me? You saved me in the forest."

Rue: "Oh, yeah. How have you been?"

Poppul Purrel: "I happy. Get to play with Rue now."

Rue: "I'm sorry... I don't have time to play right now. I have to look for

Poppul Purrel: "Gorotan I know. I help you."

Rue: "Really?"

Poppul Purrel: "Want to play with Gorotan now?"

Rue: "Yeah."

Poppul Purrel: "I take you there. Have fun, Rue."

[He appears in a setting like Mel's house, just darker. A tiny cat flies by.]

Rue: "Is this Gorotan...? It can't be... !!! What was that!?"

[A large purple flying cat shows up. Rue beats it up.]

Rue: "I'm sorry, but I need your power. I really hope this works."

[Back in Klaus' basement, Rue changes into Gorotan and shocks Prima.]

Prima Doll; "Oooh! Whoa! Weee!!!"

Klaus: "Well, that was rather violent. How do you feel, Prima Doll?"

Prima Doll: "......"

Klaus: "Maybe that was too much."

Prima Doll: "Weee! OUUUCH!"

Rue: "Are you ok?"

Prima Doll: "Ohh... I got a little carried away. I can't help it. I'm just so

Klaus: "Does that mean--"

Prima Doll: "Yeah! I'm overflowing with energy. Thanks, Rue!"

Klaus: "Looks like our problem is solved. All that's left is the amulet."

Rue: "Will it take long to make the amulet?"

Klaus: "I've been working on it since you left. It shouldn't take too long."

Rue: "We're almost there."

Klaus: "Yes. The [relic] is within our sight."

Prima Doll: "Leave it to me! Once I have the amulet, breaking that seal will be
            a cinch!"

Klaus: "I can hardly wait. Well, I'd better get back to work."

Rue: "Doctor, you look a little tired. Please let me know if you need any help.

[Rue goes to the tavern.]

Duke: "...That's them! How's it goin', Rue?"

Rue: "What are you guys doing here?"

Duke: "You got a problem with us being here? If you want, we can step outside
      and settle it."

Belle: "Knock it off!"

Duke: "Geez..."

Belle: "We're through goin' after you. You leave us alone, and we'll leave you

Rue: "Are you giving up on the [relic]?"

Belle: "That's none of your business."

Duke: "We don't need to finish you off anymore. Not after Mint--"

Belle: "Shut your mouth! Sheesh, what a blabbermouth!"

Rue: "......"

Belle: "Don't give me that look. I couldn't care less if you trusted us or not.
       You gonna sleep here, or what!? Get up! We're going back to the hotel!"

Duke: "Sorry, Milady."

Belle: "Alright, we'll be seeing you. Good look breaking the seal. We'll pray
       for you."

Rue: "They're definitely planning something."

[Rue goes to the lakeside.]

Mint: "What's up, Rue?"

Elena: "Hi(note)"

Rue: "What are you guys doing here?"

Elena: "It's a beautiful day, so we decided to come out for a walk."

Mint: "I didn't want to, but she insisted."

Elena: "That's because... Well, you guys will be gone soon..."

Rue: "Huh?"

Elena: "After all, you both came to Carona to look for the [relic]. After you
       get it, I'm sure you'll leave and go somewhere far away. I know I'll
       miss you both very much... I wish I could've spent more time with you

Mint: "That's right, huh? After I get the [relic], I have to start planning
      for world domination. I mean, I'm gonna have to take on the entire world,
      so I can't stay here."

Elena: "I'm gonna miss you so much..."

Mint: "But you know what, I've kinda grown attached to this place. In fact,
      after I finish taking over the world, I think I'll build a big castle
      here and retire."

Elena: "Really!? Your own castle!?"

Mint: "Hey! I've got a great idea(note) You can be one of my ministers! What
      kind of minister do you wanna be?"

Elena: "A minister!? This is so sudden. I don't know. Hmm... ......OH, OH, I
       know! I wanna be Minister of Housekeeping(note)"

Mint: "......What about you, Rue?"

      -> I'd love to become a minister

         Rue : "Minister... Yeah, why not?"

         Mint: "Hmph. Didn't expect to hear that from you. Knowing you, I
               thought you'd want to back to the country and become a
               sheepherder or something."

         Elena: "So, Rue... What kind of Minister do you wanna become?"

         Rue : "Hmm... I don't know..."

         Mint: "I got it! You can be my Dogwalking Minister!"

         Rue : "...On second thought, I'm gonna move back home."

      -> No thanks

         Rue : "No thanks. I'm gonna live back home." (With Claire...)

         Mint: "And live a quiet life? Dang, how boring. Boring with a capital

         Elena: "Really? I think it's a great idea. I can't imagine Rue leading
                a life of violence like you, Mint."

         Mint: "Who are you calling violent!?"

Elena: "Please write me when you get back, ok?"

Rue : "I will. I promise."

Mint: "Look at you two. We haven't even got the [relic] yet. Elena, is Klaus
      still working on the amulet?"

Elena: "Yes."

Mint: "I hope he finishes soon. I can't keep them waiting forever..."

Elena: "Them?"

Mint: "!!!"

Rue: "What are you up to this time?"

Mint: "What!? Um... Oh! I just remembered something! Gotta go!"

Elena: "Mint, wait!"

Rue: "What is she up to this time? I've got a bad feeling about this..."

[Back at Klaus'...]

Prima Doll: "Hey, Rue! Look, look! I'm fully recharged now! I feel great!"

Klaus: "Great news, guys. I'm almost finished with the amulet."

Rue: "That's great! It won't be long before we break the seal."

Prima Doll: "I promise I'll break the seal. That's what I was created for: to
            open the door to the [relic]."

Klaus: "We're counting on you."

Prima Doll: "Hey, Rue, what do the lake ruins look like? I kind of wanna see

Rue: "The ruins are in the middle of a lake, so we can't get there now."

Prima Doll: "No, really?"

Rue: "I'll get a boat when we're ready. Can you wait till then?"

Prima Doll: "No, I can't wait. I wanna see them now!"

Rue: "Should I get the boat now, Doctor?"

Klaus: "You don't need to get a boat if you just want to see the lake ruins."

Prima Doll: "Really? Where can you see them from?"

Klaus: "Go to the lakeside. You can get a clear view from there."

Prima Doll: "Come on, Rue! Let's go to the lakeside!"

Rue: "I don't care, but... Do you think it's ok to take the Prima Doll outside?
     What if something happens?"

Klaus: "He'll be fine with you."

Prima Doll: "Rue, come on."

Klaus: "Go on. You need a little break for a change."

Rue: "Ok. Let's go, Prima Doll."

Prima Doll: "Alright(note)"

[At the lakeside...]

Prima Doll: "Wow... These trees are huge..."

Rue: "This is the first time you've been outside of town, huh?"

Prima Doll: "Hey, what's that smell? It smells good. It's so warm and
            comfortable out here."

Rue: "It's because of the sun."

Prima Doll: "Oh yeah... I've been trapped inside that cold box all this time.
            I never knew the outside."

Rue: "......"

Prima Doll: "Rue, let's race!"

Rue: "What?"

Prima Doll: "Let's havea  race to the lakeside."

Rue: "...Ok. Let's do it."

Prima Doll: "Don't cheat, ok? On your mark! Get set! GO!"

[Rue beats him.]

Prima Doll: "Wow! You're fast!"

Rue: "You're fast, too. You were right by me."

Prima Doll: "You think so? That was fun! I've never run like that before. Hey,
            there are the lake ruins... That's where the [relic] is, right?"

Rue: "Yeah. The Aeon Valen's [relic] is in there somewhere." (Almost Claire,

Prima Doll: "Rue? You ok? You look sad."

Rue: "I'm fine."

Prima Doll: "Are you sure? I'm a little worried. I've seen that sad look on
            your face before. It seems like you're in a lot of pain, but you
            try so hard to hold it in."

Rue: "......"

Prima Doll: "Aeon's [relic]... I was born...I was created to unlock the seal on
            the [relic]. That's it... That's my only duty in life. What am I
            supposed to do after I achieve that? Rue... Where should I go after
            that? I'm just a tool, a key to open the door to the [relic]. After
            you get the [relic], I'll be of no use, and I'll...I'll be

Rue: "That's not true. You're not a tool."

Prima Doll: "I am..."

Rue: "Listen to me... You're forgetting something very important. You're
     forgetting that you're alive. We often take it for granted, but just
     being alive is a wonderful thing. As long as you're alive, there's always
     a chance... There's always hope. I've got a great idea. After this is
     over, let's try to find something fun that we can do."

Prima Doll: "Rue..."

Rue: "I promise you we'll find something."

Prima Doll: "Thanks, Rue."

[Back at Klaus' basement:]

Prima Doll: "We're back, Klaus."

Klaus: "Hey. Did you get to see the ruins?"

Prima Doll: "Yeah! They were neat! I raced Rue in the forest, too!"

Klaus: "Sounds like you had fun."

Prima Doll: "Yeah! It was really fun(note)"

Klaus: "Good for you. Oh yeah! I have a little present for you. Here you go."

Rue: "Is that--"

Prima Doll: "It's the amulet!"

Klaus: "I just finished it. Ok, try it on."

Prima Doll: "This is weird... It's really refreshing. Wow, I feel great! Oh
            yeah! It feels like the sun. I feel so comfortable."

Klaus: "I'm glad to see you happy. Looks like it worked. Well, Rue, this is
       it. We're finally ready to break the seal on the [relic]."

Rue: "Yes!"

Prima Doll: "I'll do my best, guys!"

Klaus: "That's the spirit! Ok, let's go to the lake ruins!"

Rue: "Right now!?"

Klaus: "Of course! Why wait!? Come on! Ouch."

Rue: "You ok, doctor?

Prima Doll: "What's wrong!?"

Klaus: "..."

Elena: "Not again. Dad, you've been working too hard."

Prima Doll: "She's right. He stayed up all night to finish the amulet.

Rue: "I think you need to rest, Doctor."

Klaus: "I'm not resting now... The [relic] is within our grasp..."

Elena: "Please, Dad! You have to rest!"

Klaus: "I can't..."

Elena: "Mom's really gonna worry if you go now."

Klaus: "...I can't believe this. I've waited so long to get the [relic]."

Rue: "Doctor, we don't have to go now. While you rest, I can get things ready."

Prima Doll: "What are you gonna do?"

Rue: "Well, for one thing, we can't go to the lake ruins yet."

Prima Doll: "Why not? We just went to the lakeside. Oh yeah! You talked about
            this earlier."

Elena: "What? What are you talking about?"

Rue: "We need a boat to get to the lake ruins."

Elena: "Ohh, that's right. The ruins are in the middle of the lake."

Rue: "I'm gonna go and try to borrow a boat. Please rest until I get back."

Klaus: "Thank you, Rue."

Elena: "Come on, dad. You have to rest up for that boat ride."

Prima Doll: "I love boat rides(note)"

[Rue goes to see Rod.]

Rod: "Rue, long time, no see. What brings you here?"

Rue: "I came to ask you for a favor."

Rod: "Oh boy... Alright, what's on your mind? That's it? You just wanna get to
     the lake ruins? Well, you came to the right place. I'm the man that can
     get you there. My ACV's the best ride around. But everything has its
     price. You want my help, you gotta pay up front. You know what I want,
     don't ya?"

Rue: "...No, I don't."

Rod: "Think."

Rue: "...I remember now. Is this what you're talking about?"

Rod: "Right on! That's what I'm talkin' about! Tell you what. Just this once,
     I'll fight you free of charge."

Rue: "So, if I win--"

Rod: "Yeah! Yo, who do you think I am? Rod the Blade Star never backs on his
     word. You win, I help. It's as simple as that. So, no need to hold back,
     alright? Ok, Rue! Bring it on!"

Rue: "Alright!"

[Rod loses.]

Rod: "Damn... You got me in the mouth. My tooth is all jiggly now. Gotta stay
     away from meat for a while."

Rue: "Sorry about that... I guess I lost control."

Rod: "Hey, no prob. I told you to bring it on, and you did. I was prepared for
     some hits. Alright, you win. I'll take you to the ruins, as promised. Why
     don't you go kill some time while I get her ready?"

[Back at Klaus'...]

Klaus: "Rod is going to take you to the lake ruins!? That's great! I guess
       you're ready then. Are you going to leave now? Good... I hope everything
       goes well. I'll stay here and wait for the good news."

[At the campsite...]

Rod: "Good timing! My baby's ready to go!"

Rue: "Wow..."

Rod: "I know. Isn't she a beauty? This is it. The love of my life. The Pulsar-
     -inferno Typhoon Omega! The greatest ride in the world. Nothing can top
     this baby's speed."

Rue: "Where did you get this?"

Rod: "I can't tell you that. It's top secret."

Prima Doll: "Wow! This is so cool! Rue, we get to ride in this thing!?"

Rue: "Yeah."

Prima Doll: "Alright! I love boat rides(note)"

Rod: "It's not a boat! Don't EVER call my baby a boat! It's the Pulsar-inferno
     Typhoon Omega."

Prima Doll: "Rue, come on! Let's get on the boat(note)"

Rod: "Dammit! What is he, deaf...? Ok, get in."

Rue: "What is this noise?"

Rod: "It's the sorcerous driver. It's some kind of an ancient magic device.
     There are 5 cannon orbs that juice up the driver to thrust my baby. It's
     the sweetest sound in the world. We're at maximum power. Ok! You boys

Prima Doll: "Go!"

Rod: "3 2 1 Here we go!"

[They leave, and Mint's group shows up.]

Mint: "Hmph! They think they can leave me out...? Guess again!"

[En route...]

Prima Doll: "Whoooa! It's fast(note)"

Rue: "Whoa! Nearly lost my hat..."

Rod: "This baby's dynamite, so hold on tight!"

Prima Doll: "Go baby, go! Pulsar-inferno Typh--Oww!! I bit my tongue...oy."

Rod: "Ha-ha-ha. My baby's so intense, you can't even say her name! Alright,
     listen: Pulsar-inferno Typh--Agghhh!"

Rue: "...Rod? You ok?"

Rod: "...I'm fine."

Prima Doll: "Hey! You bit your tongue, too! Haa-haa."

Rod: "Hey, Rue! Where's this channel that leads to the lake?"

Rue: "It should be coming up soon."

Rod: "Ok! Time to speed up!"

13) LAKE RUINS                                                           [R-13]

[They disembark at the lake ruins.]

Rue: "We'll be alright from here. Thanks for the ride, Rod."

Rod: "No prob. I'll come back to pick you guys up before lights-out."

Prima Doll: "Bye, Rod!"

Rod: "Later, boy."

[He leaves.]

Rod: "Rue! Whatever it is you're up to, just do it all the way, alright? Do
     it with heart!"

Rue: "...Ok, Prima Doll. Let's go get the [relic]!"

Prima Doll: "OK! Time to show you my true power!"

[They head for the ruins' middle.]

Rue: (Claire, this is it... Finally, I can get you back.)

Prima Doll: "What's wrong, Rue? Come on, let's go. This is weird... This is my
            first time here, and for some reason, it feels so nostalgic. I
            know exactly what to do here, too. It's amazing. Everything I need
            to know is coming back so naturally. My father in the heavenly
            light. I serve you and only you. Sleeper in the endless light. At
            last, I will fulfill the sacred duty."

Rue: "Arise from the Aeon's sleep. Come forth; the time is now. Reign unto

Prima Doll: "That's right. Rue, how come you know?"

Rue: "......I don't know. It just came naturally..."

Prima Doll: "That's so weird. Oh well. Let's begin! My father in the heavenly
            light. I serve you and only you."

Voice: "STOP!"

[Doll Master, Psycho Master, and a girl warp in.]

Rue: "Who are you!?"

Doll Master: "Silence! Princess Maya of the East Heaven Kingdom stands before

Rue: "East Heaven Kingdom... The kingdom of sorcery."

Doll Master: "Indeed. For the last 700 years, our kingdom has protected this
             [relic]. It is our duty to see that this [relic] does not fall
             into the wrong hands."

Maya: "Only top-class magicians are qualified to handle [relics]. Ordinary
      men are not permitted to handle them. They might bring about world
      destruction. The most powerful [relic] created by the great Aeon Valen
      is sealed here. You have come to break the seal, no!? Begone immediately!
      I absolutely forbid it!"

Prima Doll: "Rue...that princess is scaring me!"

Rue: "You won't let us have the [relic]? Is that what you're saying?"

Maya: "It is forbidden! You must leave at once!

Rue: "NO! I need the [relic], no matter what. I've searched for so long and
     finally found it. I don't care what you say! I'm taking it!"

Maya: "Who do you think you are!? Do you honestly believe that you can handle
      the power of the [relic]!?"

Rue: "I WILL! To save Claire, I will!"

May: "...Very well. You leave me no choice. I'll use the power of my [relic]
     and see if you are worthy of Valen's. BOOK OF COSMOS!!!"


Maya: "This is the power of a [relic]. The power of the Book of Cosmos! East
      Heaven's greatest Aeon [relic]! Kneel before its power!"

Prima Doll: "Rue!!!?"

Rue: "Aagh! I can't take it! Aaaagh!?"

[He keeps getting pushed back by its force.]

Maya: "It's no use! You must give up, or you'll die!"

Rue: "N-NEVER!!! Aaaaagh!!! Aaagh! CLAIRE!!! ...What happened? My body's...

Maya: "It can't be...! He's countering the power of the [relic]."

[From afar, Mint's and company watch.]

Mint: "Dang! Everything's happening so fast!"

Belle: "Sheez! It's getting all complicated now! What are we gonna do?"

Mint: "Maya... That snake! Always butting into my affairs!"

Belle: "You say something?"

Mint: "Don't worry about it. Ok, guys. We have to change our plan."

Belle: "You have another one in mind?"

Mint: "Of course. Just leave it all to me(note) Duke. Get the Hexagon ready."

Duke: "Alright. Wait. Why are you in charge?"


Maya: "How can this be!? He won... He beat the Book of Cosmos..."

Rue: "This light... What's happening to me?"

Maya: "Watch yourself, Doll Master!"

Doll Master: "Yes, Your Highness. Please, rest assured, I won't kill him."

Rue: "...It's not over!"

Doll Master: "You still intend to fight...? Admirable, but unwise. Gizmo =
             Gia = Gias! To you born of dew, I command. Accept your destiny
             and seal your powers!"

Rue: "I...can't move...!"

Doll Master: "This is a special spell. Even your powers cannot dispel it.

Prima Doll: "!?"

Doll Master: "So this is the Prima Doll. Quite impressive. It may prove

Rue: "R-Run... Run, Prima!"

Prima Doll: "Hey! Put me down!"

Doll Master: "The time has come... Prima Doll, open the seal to the [relic]."

Prima Doll: "No! I'll never follow your orders! You're pure evil!"

Doll Master: "What?"

Prima Doll: "I won't do it. I'd rather... Rue... Thanks, Rue. It was short,
            but I had a lot of fun. Please don't die. ...Goodbye."

[He turns to stone.]

Rue: "Prima..."

Doll Master: "Worthless piece of junk."

[Hexagon comes between Rue and Doll Master.]

Maya: "What is that!?"

Rue: "Mint...!? Belle!?"

Mint: "No time to talk! Belle! Get Rue!"

Belle: "Ok!"

[Hexagon turns and its arm hits Mint in the head]

Mint: "Ungghhh!"

Doll Master: "You cannot escape!"

Duke: "Says who!?"

[He starts punching Doll Master.]

Mint: "You clumsy old bag! You almost got me killed! Ungghhh!"

[Hexagon hits her in the head again, this time from the front.]

Belle: "Stop babbling! Let's get outta here!

[Duke is seen flying overhead, out of the screen.]

Duke: "Milady, heeeelp!"

Belle: "Stop jerkin' around!"

Psycho Master: "Those who defy my lord must suffer.

[Everyone leaves behind Prima Doll.]

Maya: "Was that...? No, it couldn't have..."

DolL Master: "Your Highness. Your Highness!"

Maya: "Huh!? Yes, what is it?"

Doll Master: "Shall we pursue them?"

Maya: "No... That is not our priority. We must secure the [relic] first. I will
      use the Book of Cosmos."

Doll Master: "Yes, Your Highness."

[A gigantic tower rises out of the ground near the lakeside.]

14) CARONA VII                                                           [R-14]

[Back in Carona...]

Mint: "We finally made it... Oh gosh... I'm so tired."

Rue; "Mint, can you tell me what's going on?"

Mint: "What are you talking about? Oh, you mean about Belle and Duke?"

Rue: "Yeah."

Mint: "Ok, I'll tell you about it over dinner. Belle and Duke are waiting for
      me at the tavern. I'm gonna go ahead, ok?"

[Rue follows her.]

Duke: "S'up, Rue?"

Belle: "I guess you're fine, since you can walk. Good for you."

Mint: "Have a seat. I'll tell you what you want to know. Hmm, where should I

Belle: "Hang on. I wanna ask Rue something. I saw you fighting at the lake
       ruins. Gotta admit, I was surprised. I didn't think you were that
       tough. So I'm curious. Why are you so fighting so hard? Why are you so
       set on getting the [relic]? You wanna tell us?"

Rue: "...Alright. I'll tell you."

[He spills the beans.]

Rue: "...So I'm gonna get the [relic] and bring Claire back. It's my duty."

Belle: "I'll be damned... That's quite a past you're carrying. You sure are
       strong, Rue."

Duke: "Man...I'm touched."

Belle: "Yeah. Did you hear that, Mint? Mint's been doing nothing but trying to
       double-cross you."

Rue: "What...!? Really?"

Belle: "Yeah. She even made a deal with us. She said if we give back the tiara,
       she'd share the [relic] with us. So we gave it back and decided to go
       along with it."

Duke: "We were layin' low until the Prima Doll was complete. Soon as we saw you
      and the Prima Doll head for the lake ruins, we went after you with the

Belle: "You didn't know we were there, huh? We were waiting for that doll to
       break the seal."

Duke: "After the seal was gone, the rest would be easy. We just take the
      [relic] and disappear."

Belle: "...That about sums up everything. Mint planned the whole thing."

Rue: "Mint..."

Mint: "I just...wanted the [relic] real bad... Hey, wait a minute! Actually,
      you guys should be thanking me. If I didn't lead the way today, you'd
      all probably be dead."

Belle: "Yeah, right! Don't try to change the subject!"

Mint: "..."

Duke: "What are we gonna do, Milady? That lady Maya is probably guarding the
      lake ruins."

Belle: "I haven't thought about it yet. AH, I'm too tired to think...! I need
       to get some rest. Let's go."

Duke: "Alright."

[Rue heads for the Tower of Maya surrounding the lake.]

Rue: "What a huge tower... Looks like it's surrounding the entire lake. How am
     I supposed to get to the ruins now? Prima..."

[Meanwhile, inside the tower, a conference with Doll Master and his cohorts.]

Doll Master: "The Prima Doll's actions were indeed unexpected... A mere tool
             petrifying itself to protect the [relic] was quite surprising."

Maya: "It testifies to the danger of bringing the [relic] back to this world."

Doll Master: "In that case, I would suggest this: Why not leave the [relic] in
             our custody?"

Maya: "What do you mean?"

Doll Master: "I mean, we should unlock the seal to the [relic]. Why take the
             risk of it falling into the wrong hands? It would be safer in our
             hands. We can use the Prima Doll to unlock the seal. The doll's
             petrification can be removed with the Book of Cosmos. What do you
             think, Your Highness?"

Maya: "I can't believe what I'm hearing! Our duty is to prevent the [relic]
      from returning to this world!"

Doll Master: "But Your Highness--"

Maya: "Enough. We must never come in contact with Valen's [relic]! Do I make
      myself clear?"

Doll Master: "...Yes, Your Highness."

Maya: "Doll Master, listen well. Excessive power only leads to destruction.
      Do not make that mistake."

[Maya leaves.]

Psycho Master: "What no, my lord?"

Doll Master: "Hmm... If she will not approve, we'll have to use 'him'..."

[That night, Rue wakes up.]

Voice: "Rue... Rue. Wake up."

Rue: "Who's there!? Must be my imagination."

Voice: "Rue!"

Rue: "!!! It's coming from outside!"

[Claire is standing outside]

Rue: "!!! No!!! It can't be!"

[He follows her to the docks.]

Duke: "Sure is chilly out here..."

Rue: "Duke! Did you see a girl in a purple dress come by?"

Duke: "Purple dress? No... Haven't seen anyone. I've been out here for a while.
      Can't get any sleep."

Rue: "Oh... What's going on...!?"

[He sees her again, going into the church.]

Rue: "Claire!"

Claire: "Rue... I'm so glad to see you."

[Psycho Master teleports in.]

Rue: "You're--"

Psycho Master: "I am Psycho Master. Pleased to meet you."

Rue: "Get out of my way!"

Psycho Master: "...As you wish."

Claire: "Aaaah!"

[She levitates.]

Rue: "Claire!"

Psycho Master: "Allow me to test your powers."

Rue: "...Put her down!!! Right now!"

Psycho Master: "Can you match my powers? Do you dare fight me face to face?"

[After awhile:]

Psycho Master: "Excellent. Your powers are extraordinary. My Master will be
               most pleased."

Rue: "Let her go! Come on!"

Psycho Master: "If you wish to save her, come to the tower by the lake. My
               Master is expecting you. Good evening."

Rue: "STOP!"

[They teleport out.]

Rue: "... Claire..."

15) TOWER OF MAYA                                                        [R-15]

Rue: "Claire, I'm coming."

[He enters within.]

Rue: "!?

Trap Master: "Hey! Whassup, fool! Baited like the dumb fish that you are."

Rue: "Trap Master! You're one of them!"

Trap Master: "No duh! You're scared now, huh? Where do you think you're goin'!?
             What, you think you can just walk outta here!? Dumb... Very, very

[Rue starts running up the stairs.]

Rue: "BWAHA HA HA HA! About time you caught on. Don't even think about
     escaping! I rigged this door with a little surprise. You got no choice
     but to go up."

[Later on--]

Rue: "Claire! ...... I still can't believe it... I've missed you so much. Come
     on. Let's go home. !!!?

Claire: "Ha-Ha-Ha."

Rue: "Claire, what's wrong? Why are you laughing!?"

Claire: "Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha. Oh, Rue, Rue, Rue... Just look at you. Crying like a
        baby, 'Claire! Claire!' You're so cute. How could anyone not laugh?"

Rue: "Who are you!?"

Claire: "Hold on one sec."

[She changes into another female form.]

Mode Master: "Voila. I'm Mode Master. Thank you, Rue. I had so much fun pulling
             your leg."

Rue: "Wh...Why?"

Mode Master: "Why else? To lure you here. It worked like a charm. You're so
             full of passion. Please don't hold a grudge, ok? I have to admit,
             I became very envious of Claire. To be cherished so much that
             you'd risk your life for her... She must've been a very special

Rue: "Shut up!"

[He is about to strike her when Mode Master changes into Claire's form.]

Mode Master: "Ohh, poor baby. You know, yet you can't do it."

[She disappears and Doll Master appears.]

Doll Master: "How pitiful. You thought Claire was alive. You came here
             desperately hoping that she had actually come back to life. Now
             your hope has been shattered. Claire is dead, and that's the fact.

Rue: "DAMN YOU!"

Doll Master: "Yes... I can sense it. I feel you rage piercing into my bones.
             But that's not enough. There is much greater power resting in

Rue: "Shut up! I don't care!"

Doll Master: "I will help you bring it out. DO YOU REMEMBER THIS!?"

[Doll Master grows a large hand.]

Rue: "!!! That hand!?"

Doll Master: "That's right! I killed Claire!"

Rue: "!!!!!! ...He's dead. You're dead!!! DEAD!!!"

Doll Master: "Rage has awakened you, just like 3 years ago. I'll tell you right
             now. You can never defeat me."

[Doll Master defeats him.]

Doll Master: "I told you. You can never defeat me."

Rue: "Aagh..."

Doll Master: "It is time for the final step."

Maya: "Doll Master, what is going on!? !?"

Doll Master: "Good of you to come, Your Highness. I was just about to call you
             from your chambers."

Maya: "What just happened here!? Answer me at once!"

Doll Master: "Very well... You are no longer of any use to me."

Maya: "!?"

Doll Master: "Psycho Master, get the Book!"

[PM steals the Book of Cosmos.]

Maya: "What do you think you're doing!?"

Doll Master: "Now, Rue... Show me your true power. Gizmo = Gia = Gias! To you
             born of dew, I command. Accept your destiny and release your
             powers! That's it! Tear the Book apart!"

Maya: "My goodness!!! The Book is being destroyed!"

[Rue wakes up in a dream-like outer space setting.]

Rue: "What is this place...?"

Maya: "It's the Book of Cosmos. The Book is a gateway to the cosmos. Right now,
      you and I are in space."

Rue: "You're--Aagh!"

Maya: "My goodness. Doll Master showed you no mercy. Try to stay still."

[She heals him.]

Rue: "...Thank you."

Maya: "I must say I'm surprised. You're associated with my sister, yes? I
      figured you would be a hopeless ruffian, just like her."

Rue: (Her sister...?)

Maya: "...I still can't believe it. The Book of Cosmos has been dismantled...
      The Book is an Aeon [relic]. Doll Master is a powerful magician, but
      he couldn't have done this. It's impossible. The Book must have been
      dismantled by something else. Rue, it was you. There's incredible power
      resting within you."

Rue: "..."

Maya: "That glowing stone on your forehead... It doesn't look like an ordinary
      stone. I believe it holds tremendous powers."

Rue: "......I don't know anything about this stone. Actually...I don't know
     who I am... I don't know anything about myself."

Maya: "Come with me. We'll go see Atenacius."

Rue: "Atenacius?"

Maya: "He's the Aeon who created the Book of Cosmos. I'm sure he'll be able to
      answer all your questions."

Rue: "I thought Aeons were all dead."

Maya: "You're right. Atenacius died a few hundred years ago. But just before he
      died, Atenacius sealed his spirit in the Book of Cosmos. To this day, he
      still resides here. But only in spirit."

Rue: "Do you really think he would know anything about me?"

Maya: "Atenacius is a powerful Aeon. There is nothing that he doesn't know. In
      any case, we must see him. Without his help, we won't be able to escape
      from this world."

Atenacius: "I AM HerE."

[A gigantic face carved on a block descends.]

Rue: "That's Atenacius...?"

Maya: "Yes. As you can see, Atenacius has merged with the Book of Cosmos."

Atenacius: "YouR HighnesS, WhaT HaS HappeneD? MY GreatesT CreatioN HaS BeeN
           DestroyeD IN ThE BlinK OF AN EyE. WhaT PoweR IN ThiS WorlD IS
           CapablE OF SucH A FeaT?"

Maya: "I'm not sure, but I believe the stone on this man's forehead caused
      this. This chaos started when that glowing stone began to shine

Atenacius: "WhaT!!!?"

Maya: "Atenacius!?"

Atenacius: "YoU! ThaT StonE...! YeS! ThaT StonE HaS ThE PoweR TO DestroY MY

Rue: "Please tell me! What is this stone!?"

Atenacius: "BaH! JusT LookinG AT ThaT WretcheD StonE DisgustS ME! OF CoursE!
           YoU ArE HiS ServanT! HE HaS SenT YoU HerE TO DestroY ME!"

Rue: "Servant...? I don't understand."

Atenacius: "YoU CannoT FooL ME! TherE IS NO DoubT! YoU ArE ValeN's ServanT!"

Rue: "!? Valen's servant?"

Atenacius: "SilencE!!! YouR EviL IntentionS ArE ObviouS! YoU PlaN TO DestroY
           ME AnD ResurrecT ValeN TO AcquirE ThE DewprisM."

Rue: "Dewprism...?"

Atenacius: "I WilL NoT AlloW IT! NeveR! ThaT [ReliC] WilL OnlY InvitE DisasteR!
           ValeN MusT NoT BE ResurrecteD! I MusT StoP YoU AT AlL CosT!"

Maya: "Atenacius, stop this at once!"

Rue: "It's too late!"

Atenacius: "DiE!"

[Rue defeates him.]

Rue: "What's going on!?"

Atenacius: "YouR PoweR IS UselesS! ThiS IS MY WorlD! I CannoT PerisH!"

Rue: "Aaaaagh!"

Atenacius: "IgnoranT WretcH! YoU AmusE ME. HoW DarE YoU ChallengE MY SovereigN

Doll Master: "Soveriegn Power!? Hmph, what a joke."

Atenacius: "NoooO!"

Doll Master: "DIE!!! Now, your powers will be mine!"

[He absorbs Atenacius.]

Doll Master: "Just another overrated Aeon... How ridiculously weak!"

Maya: "Have you gone mad!? You fool! What have you done!?"

Doll Master: "Don't even bother, Your Highness. I have absorbed Atenacius's
             powers. Your magic is useless against me now."

Maya: "...That explains why you destroyed the Book."

Doll Master: "Yes. It was the only way I could take his powers. With Rue's
             help, of course..."

Maya: "But why!? What is the reason behind all this!? Tell me at once!"

Doll Master: "As you wish. The time has come to reveal who we are. You and I,
             Rue, we were brought into this world for one reason alone. Our
             fate was determined long ago."

Rue: "......"

Doll Master: "There once was a great Aeon. His powers rivalled those of the
             gods. This Aeon made an incredible [relic]. That [relic] embodies
             all the ofrces in the universe. It is the purest form of crystal.
             Life, space, time, even logic and willpower are under the dominion
             of this [relic]. With the ability to control time and all of 
             nature's creations, it is the ultimate power in this universe.
             That [relic] is called the Dewprism. Dewprism defines the heavens,
             the earth, time, and life... In essence, it is a microcosm of our
             universe. To inherit Dewprism is to inherit the universe. Valen
             created Dewprism; he hoped to become a god. But...the incalculable
             power of the [relic] brought about his downfall. The other Aeons
             were startled by Valen's creation and saw their peer as a major
             threat. Eventually, they became mad from fear and envy, and
             attacked him. The Aeons showed no mercy and destroyed Valen."

Maya: "...Was Valen killed?"

Doll Master: "His body was destroyed...but not his spirit. Valen sealed himself
             in another dimension. And he has taken the Dewprism with him.
             Valen bides his time in an impregnable dimension. All the while,
             his enemies age and die. Despite all their powers, Aeons are not
             immortal. With every passing moment, his enemies dwindle. And now
             they're all dead! I have just destroyed Valen's last enemy,

Maya: "Wait! Does that mean Valen is going to be resurrected!?"

Doll Master: "...Not yet. Like I said, Valen has sealed himself in an
             impregnable dimension. It can't be destroyed from the outside or
             inside. And Valen himself can't remove the seal to escape. At this
             point, Valen and his Dewprism will be confined in the dimension

Atenacius: "ValeN MusT NoT BE ResurrecteD!"

[Atenacius' face appears in the bookish platform everyone is standing on.]

Rue: "Atenacius!?"

Atenacius: "ThaT FooL IS ImprisoneD InsidE HiS OwN CreatioN. OnlY ThE DollS OF
           ValeN CaN BreaK ThE SeaL."

Maya: "What!?

Rue: "Dolls of Valen!?"

Atenacius: "AlaS...! IF OnlY ThE DollS OF ValeN DiD NoT ExisT, HE CoulD NoT
           ReturN. CursE YoU BotH, CursE YoU BotH...!"

Doll Master: "What a pitiful sight. You should've died long ago with your
             peers, Atenacius. How does it feel to die knowing that your enemy
             is going to be resurrected? You're nothing compared to Valen.

[Atenacius disappears.]

Doll Master: "Atenacius is dead. Nothing can stop Valen's resurrection now.
             The time has finally come for the Dolls of Valen to fulfill their

Rue: "What!? What are you talking about!?"

Doll Master: "I'm sure you know by now. Before sealing himself in his
             dimension, Valen created many dolls with special powers and hid
             them all over the world. They were created for the sole purpose of
             one day breaking the seal and resurrecting him. Rue...you are but
             one of Valen's creations. The stone on your forehead... It is a
             life stone, a fragment of the Dewprism. It holds powers beyond
             this world. It is what destroyed the Book of Cosmos. Look! Valen
             remains locked in his dimension. You have the power to free him.
             You and your life stone. It is your duty."

Rue: "My duty..."

Doll Master: "Yes... Our duty... We exist for Valen. It is our duty to bring
             him back to this world. The time has come to resurrect our
             sovereign. With the Dewprism, Valen will be invincible. He will
             become a god and reign over the universe."

Rue: "......No. YOU'RE LYING! I don't care what you say! I'm not Valen's doll!"

Doll Master: "Of course... You have completely lost your memory, as I have lost
             my powers."

Rue: "What are you talking about?"

Doll Master: "Perhaps this will convince you."

[Underneath Doll Master's mask, is a stone just like Rue's.]

Rue: "!? ...That stone... How...?"

Doll Master: "We're the same, Rue. We are Dolls of Valen. That makes you my
             brother. You awakened 5 years ago... I awakened 100 years ago.
             Unlike you, I retained everything. I remembered my duty as Valen's
             creation. Unfortunately, I am Valen's failed creation. Look at my
             stone. My life stone is dead. It has no power... I cannot fulfill
             our duty alone."

Rue: "That is why you came after me?"

Doll Master: "Yes. 3 years ago, that night..."

Rue: "WHY!? Why did you kill Claire!? You only wanted me! You killed her for no

Doll Master: "That was an accident. I had no intention of killing her. I never
             imagined she would be so frail."

Rue: "You bastard!"

Doll Master: "Calm down. After we fulfill our duty, I'll bring that woman back
             to life. Once Valen is resurrected, we can use the power of the
             Dewprism to revive her. That will solve everything. Once she comes
             back to life, you and I will no longer be enemies."

Rue: "It doesn't matter! I'll NEVER forgive you! You think everything's gonna
     be fine if you just bring her back!? You're just toying with her life!"

Doll Master: "Like I told you, you are my brother. I have no intention of
             fighting you. Rue, I have waited for you for so long. Now, let us
             fulfill our duty, together."

Rue: "I'm not your brother! I don't need your help! I'm gonna bring back Claire
     on my own. That's my only duty."

Doll Master: "So...you have no intention of joining me?"

Rue: "Never! You're not my brother! You're just a monster!"

Doll Master: "So be it... I will fulfill our duty on my own."

Rue: "What are you talking about!? You said you don't have the power!"

Doll Master: "I have absorbed Atenacius's powers. With his powers, I'll be able
             to revive Prima Doll. That doll can remove the seal at the lake
             ruins and open teh path to Valen's fortress where he rests."

Rue: "Hey!"

Doll Master: "Farewell."

[Rue ends up back in the Tower of Maya.]

Rue: "!? ...What happened to Doll Master? He's gone. He must be heading to the
     lake ruins."

Maya: "The only thing on that traitor's mind is Valen's [relic]...Dewprism. If
      Doll Master resurrects Valen... It'll be the end of the world."

Rue: "Can't you stop him with the Book of Cosmos?"

Maya: "I'm afraid not... With Atenacius gone, the Book has lost its power. I'm
      completely helpless now."

Rue: "!?"

Maya: "What's going on!?"

[The tower shakes as the seal is broken at the lake ruins. At that site...]

Psycho Master: "It has finally arrived. The long awaited return of Valen and
               the Dewprism."

Doll Master: "Valen's fortress... I must go there at once."

Psycho Master: "It will be an honor to accompany you. Your 100 year wait is
               finally over. ...I trust you will take care of everything."

Trap Master: "Don't worry about it. We'll cover things down here."

Mode Master: "My lord... I wish I could've accompanied you to the end."

Doll Master: "You two have served me well. I thank you both."

Mode Master: "No. We owe you everything, my lord. Our lives would have ended
             in meaningless battles without you. You have even granted us
             names. You have freed us from our dismal fate."

Doll Master: "......Kirielle, I'm counting on you."

Mode Master: "I pray we will meet again, my lord."

Doll Master: "Narcius, take care of yourself."

Trap Master: "Hey, I ain't gonna die!"

Doll Master: "Of course... Karwyn, let's go."

Psycho Master: "Yes, my lord."

Mode Master: "Please fulfill your duty, Ruecian."

Doll Master: "......Farewell."

16) CARONA VIII                                                          [R-16]

[Maya and Rue arrive at Carona.]

Maya: "My goodness. That fortress... It's brimming with evil."

Rue: "I have to go."

Maya: "What?"

Rue: "I have to go there. Dewprism... It's the only way to save Claire."

Maya: "You still insist on getting the Dewprism!? The power that can destroy
      the world!?"

Rue: "I know...but I have to. When Doll Master used me to destroy your book,
     I was a helpless puppet. I can't believe we're both Dolls of Valen. And
     he's far more powerful than I am... But I can't give up! I have to defeat
     him, no matter what! He killed Claire... I'll never be at peace until he's
     dead. ......I don't know anymore. I don't know what to do or what to
     believe...I might end up destroying the world."

Maya: "Rue..."

Rue: "...I'm still sure of one thing. When Claire was killed, I promised I
     would bring her back. I know I'm just a doll. My feelings probably aren't
     real. But that promise I made was real. I know it was... I have to get to
     Valen's fortress somehow. There's gotta be a way. All I need is a pair of

[Rue visits Mel.]

Mel: "I had a feeling you would come."

Rue: "Mel, I need your help again."

Mel: "You want to know how to get to Valen's fortress, right?"

Rue: "!? How did you know?"

Mel: "Come on, how could I not know? You're so close to getting the Dewprism...
     to saving Claire."

Rue: "Yes. But how can I--"

Mel: "You don't need to say anymore. You want a pair of wings to fly to
     Valen's fortress. But you don't know where to get them, right?"

Rue: "......"

Mel: "Come on, Rue. Think."

Rue: "?"

Mel: "Fine, I'll tell you. Rue, you have the ability to fly."

Rue: "...I do? Oh yeah!"

Mel: "Go to Raging Mountain and see Wylaf. I'm sure he has a pair of wings you
     can transform into."

Rue: "Thank you, Mel!"

Mel: "B'Bye. You'll do just fine. Good luck to you."

[Rue goes to Raging Mountain and finds--]

Trap Master: "Whassup?"

Rue: "What are you doing here!?"

Trap Master: "What are you, stupid or what? I'm here to kick your butt. What,
             you thought you'd just sneak by and ride some washed-up dragon
             into Valen's fortress? Pshh, I can read you like a comic book.
             So what's it gonna be? You gonna back down, or you gonna fight?"

Rue: "Just get out of my way. I have to go to Valen's fortress. I'm getting
     the Dewprism, no matter what!"

Trap Master: "Can't let you do that, no matter what. BWAHA HA HA HA!!! I'm
             gonna get hard-core this time! I ain't holdin' back! I don't care
             if you beg or cry! Yeah. I'm warm. You're over. Roast in hell!"

[He loses. ;p]

Trap Master: "DAMMIT!!! Whassup!? I'm Trap Master! I NEVER lose! Never! This
             is bull!!! That's it, man! You're goin' down with me! I'M GONNA
             BLOW MYSELF UP!!!"

Rue: "!!!?"

Trap Master: "Heh, heh, heh."

Rue: "What the...!?"

Trap Master: "You're such a wuss! I got no power left for that kinda crap.
             Used it all up in our fight. I prolly can't even give you a
             scratch with what I got left. Maybe I shoulda done it anyway...
             But I promised him I wouldn't die in vain. What are you waiting
             for? Get outta here!"

Rue: "So...we're done here?"

Trap Master: "Yea... But your battle ain't over yet. Mode Master's waiting for
             you up ahead."

Rue: "It doesn't matter. I'm not stopping now."

Trap Master: "Oh yea!? Then go on and get killed!"

Rue: "......"

[Rue leaves.]

Trap Master: "I can't believe I lost... Man, this sucks... Sorry, Master. I'm
             a failure..."

[Further in, "Claire" is standing around.]

Rue: "There she is. Mode Master! You can't affect me with that disguise

Mode Master: "Well, well, well... Then perhaps a more exotic Claire would get
             you rattled. Hmm?"

Rue: "Shut up and take off that disguise!"

Mode Master: "...And if I refuse?"

Rue: "Then I'll make you!"

Mode Master: "I see... Well, I guess I won't be able to fight like this. Rue,
             this is your last chance. Submit to Doll Master. He is your
             brother, after all."

Rue: "I don't care if eh's my brother! I'll never forgive him! And I'll never
     forgive you for taunting me with Claire's image!"

Mode Master: "How foolish... You and I have the same power, yet we're at
             opposite ends. I serve Doll Master, and you defy him... We're
             mirror images."

Rue: "!?"

Mode Master: "This'll be interesting. Are you ready to fight your mirror

Rue: "!?"

[She changes into Rue.]

Mode Master: "Now you die. Goodbye, Rue."

[She loses hardcore!]

Mode Master: "Hmm, not bad... Go on, finish me."

[She changes into Claire at the last second.]

Mode Master: "What's the matter? I thought this didn't affect you anymore."

Rue: "!!! DAMN YOU!"

Mode Master: "Sorry, but what else can I do?"

Rue: "Hey!"

Mode Master: "Goodbye, Rue. You've won this bout. I can't stop you from getting
             to Valen's fortress. But remember, you won't accomplish anything
             there. Psycho Master will surely defeat you. You're no match for
             him. Even if you defeat him by chance, you will never defeat Doll
             Master. Doll Master is almighty. He will surely achieve his goal
             and prevail in glory. I'm gonna live to see that day and be 
             reunited with him. It's too late, Rue. You'll never stop him."

[She disappears.]

Rue: "......"

[He goes to see Wylaf.]


Rue: "Wylaf, I've come again to ask for your help."


Rue: "Thank you. Um..."


Rue: "...Alright. I've come this far because I believed it was my duty to save
     Claire. But Doll Master told me that I'm just another doll forged by
     Valen... He said my real duty is to resurrect Valen."


Rue: "No! But...there's a chance it might happen. Doll Master has the power to
     control me. He made me destroy the Book of Cosmos... If I go to Valen's
     fortress, he might gain control over me again and use me for his plan. I
     might end up destroying the world!"

Wylaf: "Hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr, hurr. YOU UNDERESTIMATE YOURSELF, RUE. I STILL
       NOT YOUR DUTY."

Rue: "What?"


Rue: "No."


Rue: "My will...?"


Rue: "Thank you, Wylaf! Goodbye!"

[Rue leaves.]

Wylaf: "GOOD LUCK."

[Back in Carona...]

Klaus: "A lot has happened, huh?"

Rue: "Yes...I don't know where to begin."

Klaus: "You don't need to tell me. I'm sure you've been through a lot."

Rue: "..."

Klaus: "That structure floating in the sky... Is that where Valen's [relic]

Rue: "I believe so."

Klaus: "That's what I thought. I've spent years looking for the [relic].
       Finally, it's within sight, and...I'm scared to death. I'm not trained
       in the art of magic, but I can tell we're dealing with something very
       dangerous. I wouldn't know what to do with it if I got it. I'd be too

Rue: "..."

Klaus: "But not you, Rue. You'd know exactly what to do with it. You have
       strength, and moreover, you have faith."

Rue: "...I don't know about that."

Klaus: "Trust me...I can see it in your eyes."

Rue: "My eyes?"

Klaus: "Your eyes have changed so much. When I first saw them, they looked
       fierce and focused. You seemed focused on only one thing, like nothing
       else mattered."

Rue: "..."

Klaus: "But not anymore. I see doubt, anxiety, and a whole mix of emotions
       circling your eyes. I think that's very important, especially when 
       you're young. It shows that you're struggling and fighting, and that
       makes you stronger. I believe you're stronger than ever before. Don't
       worry about anything. If you want the [relic], go get it. The choice
       is yours."

Rue: "I'm going. Thank you, Doctor."

Klaus: "I knew you would. And I know you'll succeed."

[Rue walks to a hill.]

Rue: "Valen's fortress... Everything's there... My past...my future..."

Elena: "Rue!"

Rue: "Elena."

Elena: "Phew. I'm so glad I made it(note)"

Rue: "What's up?"

Elena: "Oh...um, I wanted to tell you something... Rue. I'm making pumpkin pie

Rue: "...Huh?"

Elena: "I'm gonna make the best pumpkin pie, so please come. Please come back!"

Rue: "Elena... I'll look forward to it. ...I'll be back. I promise."

Elena: "Be careful, ok?"

Rue: "Wylaf...I'm borrowing your wings."

[He transforms into Wylaf.]

Elena: "AAHHH! Wow, what a strong wind!"

Mint: "STOP!!!"

Rue: "Mint!?"

Mint: "I'm coming, too! You think I'm gonna let you hog the Dewprism!? Guess
      again! I deserve it, too!"

Rue: "..."

Mint: "You got a problem with that? Didn't think so! Here I come! UNGHHHH!"

[She jumps onto Rue's back...NOT! He knocks her back down.]

Rue: "Sorry, Mint. This is my battle. I have to go alone."

Mint: "Ouuu..."

Rue: "Bye, Elena."

Elena: "Good luck(note)"

17) VALEN'S FORTRESS                                                     [R-17]

[Rue lands up there and sees Prima Doll.]

Rue: "That's him! Prima!"

Prima Doll: "Rue..."

Rue: "I'm so glad you're alright." (You're cold!)

Prima Doll: "...I think I'm low on energy... ...Kinda sleepy..."

Rue: "Prima..."

Prima Doll: "Rue...I'm sorry."

Rue: "For what?"

Prima Doll: "I broke the seal at the lake ruins. I let Doll Master have his
            way... I wasn't gonna listen to him, but he threatened to destroy
            the town if I didn't."

Rue: "It's not your fault, Prima. It's Doll Master's fault. Don't worry about
     anything. Just rest."

Prima Doll: "...That's a good idea."

Rue: "Wait here. I'll be back after I take care of Doll Master and get the
     Dewprism. Let's go back to town together when this is all over."

Prima Doll: "...Wow. Rue, you've changed... Before, you were kind of passive
            and hesitant. Now, you're so determined and strong."

Rue: "Really?"

Prima Doll: "Yeah... You look like you can do anything now... You're gonna
            beat up the bad guys for me, right?"

Rue: "...Yeah. I promise."

Prima Doll: "...Thanks. I can finally rest."

Rue: "!?"

Prima Doll: "Come back soon, ok? I'll be waiting right here. Bye..."

[He reverts to his cube.]

Rue: "He turned back into a cube... Prima, sleep tight. I'll be back. I

[Further in...]

Psycho Master: "Thank you for coming."

Rue: "Where's Doll Master?"

Psycho Master: "My Master left for Valen's sanctum. You cannot follow him. He
               travels the Cursed Crossways."

Rue: "Cursed Crossways...?"

Psycho Master: "They were built by Valen. Those who enter the crossways will
               be afflicted with fears from their past. They invoke the
               ultimate mental anguish, which drives one to death. No one can
               survive inside the crossways except my Master."

Rue: "I don't care. I'm going. I'm not turning back. I'll fight anything that
     stands in my way. Get out of my way."

Psycho Master: "I will not. My Master has instructed me to keep you away from
               the crossways. I shall guard them with my life."

Rue: "!?"

Psycho Master: "You cannot advance or escape. I shall use all my powers to
               stop you."

Rue: "Is that your duty?"

Psycho Master: "Yes. I am repaying my debt, as well. I owe everything to my
               Master. I can do nothing but repay him. His wishes are my
               wishes. I shall serve him to the end. That is my destiny."

Rue: "What is this...power!?"

Psycho Master: "You are my Master's brother. Therefore, I shall exert myself
               to the utmost. You will witness my greatest power. Prepare to
               die! It is time to seal your fate."

[Rue wins...]

Psycho Master: "Impossible..."

Rue: "Get out of the way."

Psycho Master: "Very well. I cannot stop you with my powers. You may go to
               the Cursed Crossways. But first... !!! Outstanding. You are
               indeed his brother."

[Psycho Master passes out.]

Rue: "He did that on purpose! Why!? Psycho Master..."

[Rue arrives at the crossways.]

Rue: "These are the Cursed Crossways... He said that I'll be afflicted with
     my past fears. I wonder what's gonna happen..."


Doll Master: "The final seal has been broken. Now I can resurrect Valen
             beyond this gate. At last, I will fulfill my duty."

Rue: "Doll Master!"

Doll Master: "Rue... So...you defeated Psycho Master. You never cease to amaze
             me, brother."

Rue: "I'm not your brother."

Doll Master: "It's time for you accept the truth. We are brothers created for
             the sole purpose of resurrecting Valen. We were born with the
             power to fulfill this duty. You cannot deny it forever. Indeed...
             It was our destiny from birth, and we can never escape it..."

Rue: "......"

Doll Master: "Fate has reunited us once again. Valen and the Dewprism rest
             beyond this gate. Let us march in together. It's time to
             resurrect our master. It's time to realize our destiny."

Rue: "That's not my destiny."

Doll Master: "What?"

Rue: "I don't care if I'm Valen's doll. I've fought and come this for Claire,
     not for Valen. I'm going to save Claire. That's my destiny. If only you
     hadn't killed her..."

Doll Master: "I told you. It was an accident. I know what you want. That's
             why I'm telling you to come with me. Together, we can get the
             Dewprism. Then you can bring Claire back to life, and--"

Rue: "Stop. ...It's too late. Even if Claire comes back to life, I'll never
     forgive you. My mind is set. I'm not turning back. I don't care about
     our duty. I'm gonna defeat you and get Claire back."

Doll Master: "Hmph... ...So be it. Alright! Let's end this now!"

Rue: (Doll Master knows the spell to seal my powers. I can't let him use it,
     no matter what!)

Doll Master: "Rest asured, I won't use the spell. I'll destroy you with THIS!"

Rue: "!!!?"

[He turns into the form with a huge claw.]

Doll Master: "This is how it started, and this is how it will end. I will kill
             you in the same way I killed Claire. Let this be our last fight."

[Rue wins.]

Doll Master: "This is nothing... I won't lose! I must fulfill my duty! It's
             not over!"

Rue: "It's over. You can't beat me."

Doll Master: "Nonsense! I'll fight until I win and fulfill my duty!"

Rue: "As long as you're tied to your duty...you'll never beat me."

Doll Master: "What!?"

Rue: "You and your men fight because you believe it's your duty... I don't."

Doll Master: "What do you mean you're not? You told me in the Book of Cosmos
             that saving Claire was your duty."

Rue: "...That's what I used to believe. But not anymore. It's not a duty. I'm
     not trying to save Claire because someone told me to. No... It's
     something else... It's my will. It's my will that comes from my heart..."

Doll Master: "..."

Rue: "I'm not driven by some duty anymore. As long as I have my will, I can go
     on, no matter what I face. I won't lose. You belive we're Valen's
     servants. I don't. I don't care if he created me. I'm gonna live by my
     will. I'm not gonna end up like you."

Doll Master: "......Your will, huh...? Eagh... I fought to fulfill my duty.
             You fought by your will... And you won... How can this be?"

Rue: "..."

Doll Master: "I've sacrificed everything for Valen. My will, my name... I
             believed it was the right thing to do. Now, you've shown me
             otherwise. Perhaps killing Claire led to my demise. It's what
             sparked your will... Ha ha ha... How ironic. If only my life
             stone worked, I would not have come after you 3 years ago. Then
             she wouldn't have been killed, and your will would've remained
             dormant. Without your will, you couldn't have defeated me. No...
             If I could've broken the seal, we probably would never have met.
             If only I hadn't been a failed creation. Why did Valen have to
             create me!? If only I weren't a stinking doll... If only I had
             let go of my duty... I should've realized sooner. I am a fool...
             Rue, I wish I hadn't been born..."

[He dies.]

Rue: "...... Claire... I'm almost there."

[He enters the Dewprism room.]

Rue: "Dewprism!!!"

Voice: "At last, my son arrives."

Rue: "!? You're...Valen!?"

Valen: "Yes. The greatest Aeon of all time. I grant you the honor of my
       presence. Rue, you have overcome many trials to return here. I commend
       your undying loyalty."

Rue: "I thought you were trapped in another dimension."

Valen: "I was resurrected when the seal in the lake ruins was broken. However,
       my resurrection is not complete. Observe. There is no body... My body
       is no more. My spirit is all that remains. I have awaited you for that
       reason. You have done your duty well."

Rue: "I don't care about my duty. I just want Claire to come back. Please,
     Valen. Please bring Claire back to life. I came here for that reason. If
     she comes back, I won't wish for anything else. Her spirit rests here."

Valen: "That is all? I shall grant you your wish. However, I cannot use the
       Dewprism without a physical body. I need your help to resurrect her."

Rue: "Yes! Anything! But what can I do?"

Valen: "Rue, the life stone on your forehead is a fragment of the Dewprism.
       Pray, my son. Your noble wish will awaken the Dewprism. You have the
       power to control the greatest Aeon [relic]."

Rue: "Alright."

Valen: "PRay with your all. The Dewprism will answer your wish."

Rue: "!? Claire!!!"

[Claire materializes on the walkway.]

Rue: "Claire... This has to be a dream. I can't believe it... I never thought
     I'd see you again..."

Valen: "Magnificent. My Dewprism has unified the forces of nature to create a
       new life. The body is composed of the purest elements. It is perfect."

Rue: "Valen? Valen, where are you...?"

Valen: "At last, my spirit has found a home."

Rue: "!!!"

[Claire gets up, obviously under the control of Valen.]

Rue: "Claire!? What's going on!?"

Valen: "My time has come... Resurrection, at last!"

Rue: "!!!? No... You're...Valen!?"

Valen: "Yes... This is my body now. Rejoice, my son. The Dewprism has answered
       your prayers. In resurrecting the woman, you have saved me. Rue, you
       have fulfilled your true duty."

Rue: "True duty!?"

Valen: "Yes. Your duty was not only my resurrection. Dewprism is the essence
       of life and force. Once cannot use it without a physical body. For me
       to rule the heavens and earth, I needed a new body to use the Dewprism.
       I created you for that reason: to break the seal and provide me with a
       body. That was your true duty: to restore my physical life."

Rue: "Why did you choose Claire!? Why didn't you use my body!?"

Valen: "Take caution in your tone, my son. I expect gratitude and nothing less
       for granting you your pathetic wish."

Rue: "Wh..."

Valen: "Heh heh heh... My spirit and this body make a perfect match. At last,
       I shall be rejoined with my Dewprism!"

Rue: "!!! Get out of Claire!!!"

Valen: "What?"

Rue: "You evil bastard! Give Claire back!!! I came here for Claire! I didn't
     fight all this time to see this!"

Valen: "How dare you speak back to me? I am your creator. You have no right to
       do anything. You exist only to serve me."

Rue: "No! My will brought me--"

Valen: "Enough! Consider this your final warning. You are my slave and nothing

Rue: "I'm not your slave!"

Valen: "...Worthless doll! I shall tolerate you no more! Morning dew! Become
       the light of defense! Evening dew! Become the light of purification!
       Broken dolls must be purified and shattered into pieces. I shall
       destroy your body and your will."

Rue: "Never! You'll never destroy my will!"

[Rue wins.]

Valen: "The morning dew...destroyed... You ingrate! Arrrgh! What!? My spirit

Rue: "Claire!!!"

Valen: "Blast! A human body cannot sustain my spirit! Perhaps I need a doll's
       body. I shall release this body and take over yours!"

Rue: "You'll never control me! Never!"

Valen: "You are my slave. You cannot defy me. Gizmo = Gia = Gias!"

Rue: "That spell!?"

Valen: "To you born of dew, I command. Accept your destiny and seal your

Rue: "Aaagh!"

Valen: "This is a doll-binding spell. Even your will cannot break it. Rue,
       this is your end! You are a fool for defying me. You will be my tool
       until the bitter end."

Rue: "NOOO! I...can't...lose..."

Valen: "In seconds, you will be no more. Consider it an honor to become my
       new flesh."

Voice: "Gizmo = Gia = Gias!"

Valen: "What!? Who dares to..."

[Doll Master is in the room.]

Doll Master: "To you born of dew, I command. Accept your destiny and...release
             your powers!"

Valen: "...Ruecian! You defy me as well!?"

Rue: "Aaaagh...gh."

Doll Master: "What are you doing!? Is that all you have!?"

Valen: "It is useless. He can never break my spell!"

Doll Master: "Show him your true powers! Rue, you have the power to beat him!
             What happened to your will!? Your will can overcome anything!"

Valen: "Die!"

[He zaps Doll Master.]


Valen: "!!!? No!!! How can a doll...!? Arrrrrgh!!! YOU INGRATE! I AM YOUR
       CREATOR! My spirit... It's breaking down!? I am fading away! Never! I
       am the greatest Aeon! I cannot be vanquished by a mere doll! I CANNOT!
       Alas! I have no choice. I cannot keep this form. I must assume a new
       one. My Dewprism will grant me a new form. The Dewprism is the light
       of the world. With the Dewprism, I shall become the light of the world!
       I shall become one with the Dewprism!"

Doll Master: "Eaghh..."

Rue: "Are you ok!?"

Doll Master: "You did it, Rue... I knew your will could break Valen's spell.
             Your will has freed us from our cursed fate..."

Rue: "Why did you help me?"

Doll Master: "...Because...You're my--Eaghhh! ...Farewell, Rue."

Rue: "... ...Brother."

Doll Master: "...Brother... Thanks, Rue... Best thing I've heard in a hundred

[Doll Master disintegrates.]

Rue: "No..."

[The Dewprism shines eerily.]

Valen: "I shall be reborn! I will become the light of the world! A blazing
       light to purify all life! I shall become a god!"

[Valen loses again.]

Valen: "NOOOOO!!!"

Rue: "Dewprism!?"

Valen: "Dewprism is my light! My everything! No one shall have it! No one! It's
       coming with me to my dimension! With the Dewprism, I am immortal! I
       shall return someday to fulfill my destiny!"

[Valen disappears with the Dewprism.]

Rue: "Claire!!! Claire! It's me! Wake up! Claire. I'm sorry... I failed to
     save you again... !!!? She's breathing! She's alive!!! It's worked! The
     Dewprism worked!!! !?"

[The area shakes.]

Rue: "What's going on!? Whoa!!! I'd better get out of here. Claire, I'm never
     going to lose you again."

[He starts fleeing the collapsing building. Enemies fill the room.]

Rue: "!!! I don't have time for this! Dammit..."

Mint: "Tah-dah! Mint to the rescue(note) YAHH! What's wrong with you!? You
      forget howto fight, or something?"

Rue: "How did you get here?"

Mint: "Hey!? Is that Claire?"

Rue: "Yeah."

Mint: "Wait a minute... So you used the Dewprism and got your wish! The
      Dewprism works(note) Whoo-hoooo(note) Rue(note)"

Rue: "W-What!?"

Mint: "We're friends, right? We're partners. You're gonna let me use the
      Dewprism, right(note)"

Rue: "Yeah, but--"

Mint: "Yes(note) Finally... It's time for world domination(note)(note)(note)"

Rue: "Mint, the Dewprism disappeared."

Mint: "!!!??? D-D-Disappeared!!!? What do you mean by that!?"

Rue: "It disappeared when I defeated Valen... I couldn't do anything about it."

Mint: "...What about me...? What about my dream...? No... NOOO!!! IT'S NOT
      FAIR! WHAT ABOUT ME!? !?"

Rue: "Watch out!"

[Debris hits her.]

Mint: "Ungh!"

Rue: "Come on, Mint! Let's get out of here!""

Mint: "...My Dewprism... It's not fair..."

[They start running.]

Mint: "Come on! Hurry up! Hurry!!!"

[Debris blocks the passage, separating Mint and Rue.]

Mint: "NO WAY!!! Rue... Rue!?"

[Back at Mint's landing pad, Rod's machine is there.]

Mint: "Rod! You gotta help me!"

Rod: "What's happened? Where's Rue, and what's up with this place?"

Mint: "He's still inside! A bunch of boulders came down and trapped him inside!

Rod: "What!?"

Mint: "Come on! We gotta get 'em out! Let's crash in there with your ship!"

Rod: "You gotta be kidding! We can't get through that puny gate!"

Mint: "Then we'll use the cannons to blast our way through!"

Rod: "Are you blind!? This thing has no cannon."

Mint: "DANG IT! We don't have time! Let's just crash through! I'm sure it'll
      work! Hurry up and start the engine!"

Rod: "It's too late! We gotta get out of here! Let's go!"

Mint: "I'm not going! What's wrong with you!? We can't just leave them!"

Rod: "I've got no choice. Sorry!"

Mint: "Ungh!"

[He punches her and knocks her out.]

Rod: "Sorry about that. Any longer, and we all die. !? Oh boy, time to get
     outta here. ...Sorry, Rue."

[Meawhile, behind the boulders...]

Rue: "Damn! It won't even budge! I can transform and get out, but Claire...
     ...I'm not gonna leave you. I'm sorry, Claire. I couldn't save you after
     all. But this time, I'm coming with you. I'll be with you forever..."

[Psycho Master teleports in.]

Rue: "...!? I thought you were dead...!? What is this light...!?"

[Psycho Master teleports Rue and Claire out of the failing castle.]

Psycho Master: "Farewell, my lord...Ruecian."

[The fortress explodes.]

18) CARONA IX                                                            [R-18]

Rue: (... What happened...? I'm still alive...? ...Claire!?)

[He wakes up in a Carona inn.]

Mel: "Hello, Rue."

Rue: "Mel! What the--this is my room."

Mel: "Quite surprised, aren't you? You've been out for the past 3 days."

Rue: "3 days!?"

Mel: "Valen's fortress collapsed 3 days ago. You were unconscious when Elena
     found you by the lakeside. She immediately came to my atelier, and I
     treated you."

Rue: "What happened to Claire!? Do you know where she is!?"

Mel: "You can relax. We found Claire by the lakeside, too."

Rue: "So...is she alright?"

Mel: "......"

Rue: "Mel?"

Mel: "I don't know."

Rue: "!!!"

Mel: "......Claire is alive. But she remains unconscious. I've tried a lot of
     different treatments, but she isn't responding."

Rue: "What's wrong with her? So...she can't be cured?"

Mel: "I honestly don't know. I don't know how long she'll be out. It could
     take days, weeks, even years... She may never wake up."

Rue: "Where is she?"

Mel: "She's resting at Klaus's house. I don't think you should go see her.
     It'll be too tough on you."

Rue: "I don't care. She's alive. That's all that matters. Someday, she'll wake
     up. I know she will."

Mel: "...I think so, too. Well, I'd best be on my way. Obviously, my job is
     done here. Rue, you're gonna be just fine."

Rue: "Thank you, Mel."

Mel: "B'Bye, Rue. I hope Claire recovers soon."

Rue: "Goodbye..."

[Rue goes to Klaus'.]

Klaus: "Welcome back, Rue. Are you alright now?"

Prima Doll: "What!? Rue's here!?"

Rue: "Prima! You're back to normal!?"

Prima Doll: "Yeah(note) Fancy Mel used her magic to fix me! Weee(note) I'm so
            happy to see you!"

Rue: "I'm so glad you made it."

Klaus: "Rue, did you come here to see Claire?"

Rue: "Yes. Is she still unconscious?"

Klaus: "Well..."

Rue: "Did something happen to her!?"

Klaus: "Oh no. She's fine, but she's still sleeping."

Rue: "I'd like to see her."

Klaus: "Wait...! Now isn't a good time, right, Prima Doll?"

Prima Doll: "Yeah. They said boys can't go in right now. They threw me out of
            the room a second ago."

Klaus: "Mira and Elena are taking care of her. Can you wait just a little

Rue: "...Ok."

Prima Doll: "Hey, Rue! I've got great news! I have a family now."

Rue: "What!? Really?"

Prima Doll: "Uh-huh(note)"

Klaus: "We decided to welcome Prima Doll into our family. Elena is really
       happy, too. She's always wanted a little brother."

Prima Doll: "I'm not gonna be alone anymore. Right...dad(note)"

Klaus: "Of course."

Rue: "Wow... Good for you, Prima."

Prima Doll: "I owe it all to you. Thanks a lot, Rue!"

Klaus: "You'll be able to see Claire soon. Why don't you hang around or go
       get some frsh air for the time being?"

Rue: "Ok."


Mint: "Rue! Finally got up, huh? You've been sleeping for so long, I thought
      you were gonna die in bed."

Rue: "Thanks for worrying about me."

Mint: "What are you talking about? I wasn't worried about you. Why should I be?
      Well, I guess this is it. I'm leaving."

Rue: "Where are you going?"

Mint: "I'm going back home. Maya's going back, so I might as well, too. I
      haven't been back for 2 years. My ship's leaving in a few minutes. After
      I kick back adn relax for a while, I'm gonna go [relic] hunting again.
      I'm gonna find a [relic] that is far more powerful than the Dewprism.
      Then the world will be mine!"

Rue: (Geez... She never gives up...)

Mint: "Hey, Rue!"

Rue: "Yeah?"

Mint: "You'd better help me on my next [relic] hunt, ok?"

Rue: "What...!? Why?"

Mint: "Because you owe me. You got Claire back with the Dewprism, and I got
      nothing. It's not fair! I worked just as hard, and you got all the
      reward! So, next time, you gotta help me make my wish come true!"

Rue: "I don't know..."

Mint: "If I find out anything abuot any [relic], I'll contact you. Ok, see ya."

Rue: "Hey! Heh-heh. She bossed me around till the end."

[At the tavern:]

Duke: "Hey, look who's here!?"

Belle: "Back to your good old self, eh? Good for you. Now that we know you're
       ok, we can finally leave."

Rue: "You guys are leaving?"

Belle: "Yeah... Now that Valen's [relic] is gone, there's no reason for us to
       stay here. We'll find our treasure somewhere else."

Duke: "Kills me to leave without settling the score with you... We'll settle
      it some other time. You're my rival forever. I'll beat you someday. I

Belle: "If you're so determined, go on. Settle it now. I'll wait for you."

Duke: "!?"

Belle: "Don't take too long."

Duke: "Oh man... Ah... I'll wait for another day. Besides, Rue just got out of
      bed, so it wouldn't be fair to him. It's not like I'm scared or anything.

Belle: "Yeah, yeah, whatever, you big wimp."

Rue: "Thanks, guys, for everything."

Belle: "No need to thank us. It was actually pretty fun... Ok, Duke! Time to
       hit the road."

Duke: "Yes, Milady."

Rue: "Bye."

Belle: "What's with you!? You got your wish with Valen's [relic], didn't you?
       Why the heck are you so down? Cheer up. Claire's alive."

Rue: "...You're right."

Belle: "Of course, I am. Lighten up and have a little more fun in life, ok?"

Duke: "Take care of yourself, Rue!"

[The two leave. Down at the campsite...]

Rod: "Good to see you again, Rue. Back for another heart to heart match?
     Actually, I've got no time to fight. I got a lot of work to do. My baby
     needs lots of fixing. I've got a long ways to go this time."

Rue: "You're leaving already?"

Rod: "I'm Rod the Blade Star, the dashing vagrant. It's not my style to stay
     in one place long, know what I'm sayin'? Besides, things are starting to
     cool down around here, with everyone leaving. I'm lookin' forward to the
     long ride. Just me and Johnny Wolf."

Rue: "Rod, thanks for all your help."

Rod: "Hey, don't get all formal on me. As long as we're alive, I'm sure we'll
     bump into each other again. What am I talkin' about? We'll meet again for

Rue: "Huh?"

Rod: "You know why? 'Cuz you and I both got heart! I'll be able to find you
     just by seeking your heart."

Rue: "My heart, huh?"

Rod: "Yeah. Don't ever change, or I won't be able to find ya. I'm the man with
     the best ride. Don't forget me, Rue."

Rue: "I won't. Bye, Rod."

Rod: "Alright. Take care, Rue."

[Back at Klaus' house...]

Mira: "Hello, Rue."

Rue: "Hi. Is it ok for me to see Claire now?"

Klaus: "Oh!? Ahhh..."

Mira: "I'm sorry, Rue. Can you wait just a little longer?"

Rue: "...Ok. I'll be back again later."


Rue: "What's going on? Why can't I just see her? Claire..."

Claire: "Rue!"

Rue: "!!!? Wasn't she unconscious...?"

Prima Doll: "Actually, she woke up a little before you did."

Elena: "Sorry, Rue. We were gonna tell you sooner, but Claire told us to wait."

Rue: "Why?"

Claire: "Because... I don't know. I got scared. It's been 3 years, and I just
        wasn't ready to see you."

Rue: "..."

Prima Doll: "Girls are weird, huh, Rue?"

Elena: "While she was hesitating, mom and I prettied her up(note)"

Rue: "...Oh."

Claire: I'm sorry I kept you worried."

Rue: "It's ok. I just wanted to see if you were alright. Gosh, what's wrong
     with me? We're finally together again, and suddenly my heart feels funny.
     I can't even look at her..."

Elena: "Gee, why are you crying, Rue?"

Prima Doll: "Shhh! Leave him alone, Elena."

Claire: "...Rue, it's ok. I feel the same... You know, I was really worried
        before seeing you. It's been so long since I last saw you. I was
        worried that, after 3 years, maybe you had changed. The thought of
        that scared me. I'm so relieved now. Looks like you've grown up a
        little. Otherwise, you're just like I remembered."

Rue: "......I don't know what to do."

Claire: "What's wrong?"

Rue: "...I fantasized about this day so many times. I thought about what I
     would do and what I would say to you. I had it all planned and almost
     memorized. Now, I can't remember a thing. My mind completely blanked out.
     I don't know what to do or what to say."

Claire: "......Me, too. I was thinking about it, too, but I forgot everything.
        I guess all I can do is tell you how I feel right now. Rue... Thank
        you. I owe everything to you."

Rue: "...Welcome back."

[Do they hug? Do they kiss? It's left up to the viewer's imagination.]

SECRET ENDING                                                            [SCRT]

 The secret ending is 'unlocked' by beating the game as both Mint & Rue, i.e.
 it plays on the 2nd game; a third game to unlock ain't needed.


[In a tomb somewhere.]

Maya: "I knew it the moment I saw him sleeping. I got this feeling that I would
      need your help, Rue."

[A Doll of Valen awakens in a casket-like box.]

????: "So...you're Rue."

Rue: "You know me?"

????: "I know everything about you. You and I are the same."

Rue: "...We're both dolls of Valen."

????: "We are brothers created for one reason."

Rue: "...Are you going to resurrect Valen?"

????: "Of course. That's what we were made for. It's our duty to resurrect
      him. It's the only reason for our existence."

Rue: "I don't think so?"

????: "...Why not?"

Rue: "Because I have my own will, which tells me I don't care about our duty.
     Forget about Valen and his orders."

????: "We were created to fulfill our duty. Without our duty, our life has no

Rue: "Then look for a new meaning."

????: "......Have you found one?"

Rue: "Yeah."

????: "...Do you think I can find one?"

Rue: "I know you can. That's why I came. Come on. Let's go."

[Meanwhile in East Heaven Castle's dining room...]

Mint: "Hee-Hee-Heee(note) Maya's gone(note) It's time to party(note) Ok, what
      to eat, what to eat...(note) I don't know. Hmm... I know(note) I'll just
      eat everything(note)"

Gramps: "Princess!!!"

Mint: "Whoa!!!"

Gramps: "What on earth is this!? You just had lunch an hour ago!"

Mint: "Take it easy. I'm just having a little snack."

Gramps: "You call this a 'little snack'!? This is clearly a feast!"

Mint: "Oh, come on. I can't just have one dish on the table. That'd be too

Gramps: "Enough is enough! Your snack time is over! You have other business to
        attend to. We have guests waiting in the hall. They wish to see you
        right away."

Mint: "Forget it. I don't feel like seeing anyone right now. Tell them to wait!

Voice: "Come on, Mint! We came a long way!"

Mint: "That voice!? No, it can't be."

[It's Prima Doll! ^___^]

Prima Doll: "Haa-Haa(note)"

Mint: "Prima!?"

Prima Doll: "Hi, Mint! Gee, you haven't changed one bit. You're as selfish as

Mint: "Shut up!"

Prima Doll: "Ouch!"

Mint: "So...what's going on? How's Klaus and everyone doing?"

Prima Doll: "Everyone's doing great. Dad's still doing his research, and mom
            makes the best meals. Elena's still out there."

Mint: "How boring... Hey, did you come here on your own?"

Prima Doll: "Uh-uh. I got a ride."

Rod: "Hey, Mint!"

Mint: "!? Rod!?"

Rod: "Long time no see. How you doin'? Well, look what we have here. You
     shouldn't have. This all for me?"

Mint: "Go ahead. Help yourself."

Rod: "Cool. Thanks."

Mint: "Prima, why don't you have some, too?"

Prima Doll: "Yah(note) I'm so hungry! Oh yeah. I forgot to give you this. Here.
            It's a letter from dad."

Mint: "...I wonder what he wants? Hmm... ! No way!!!"

[In Claire's house in the forest. The awakened Doll of Valen's there also.]

Ruenis: "Someone's here."

Claire: "Who could it be?"

Rue: "...I think I know."

Mint: "Rue!!! There you are!"

Rue: "Hey, Mint. I thought it would be you. It's been a long time. I wish you'd
     told me you were coming."

Mint: "Just be quiet and listen! I just got incredible news!"

Rue: "What is it?"

Mint: "I got a letter from Klaus... Recently, he's been doing research on some
      old manuscript, and guess what!? He found out there are ancient ruins in
      the Western Desert! He thinks there's a relic there! Ok, Rue! You know
      why I'm here, right?"

Rue: "..."

Mint: "You're comin' with me to get the relic!"

Rue: "Why me!?"

Mint: "Hey! I helped you get Claire back last time! Now, it's your turn to help
      me! You owe me! Yes! I knew this day would come! I'm gonna get the relic
      this time and rule the world."

Rue: (She still wants to rule the world...?)

Ruenis: "Ruins in the Western Desert... Must be the ruin sof Ephlesia City."

Mint: "That's right! How did you know?"

Ruenis: "They're famous ruins. Valen conducted some of his experiments in

Rue: "Valen!?"

Ruenis: "Yeah. There's a good chance that some of his dolls are resting there."

Mint: "Dang! Valen... I'm definitely gonna need your help now! Klaus and his
      whole family already left for the desert. I think Belle and Duke are
      after the relic, too."

Rue: "Gosh, everyone's going..."

Claire: "Rue, it's your choice. I won't say anything."

Rue: "......"

Claire: "Come on. What does your heart tell you?"

Rue: "...I want to see everyone again."

Claire: "Good. That's what I thought. You'll probably be gone for a while,
        huh? I'm gonna miss you, but I'm glad you're going."

Mint: "Alright! Let's get going! Come on, Rue! Let's go!"

Rue: "Alright!"

[The two leave with Ruenis and Claire watching them. THE END!]

UPDATES AND CONTRIBUTIONS                                                [UPDT]

 03-24-08 ------------------------+ Added to GameFAQs

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