----------------------- Tenisu no Ojisama (PSX) ----------------------- ========================== ----Introduction---- ========================== Well, I had some free time (lucky!) and decided to write my faq in English. Not that anyone is ever going to read it anyway, but it's FUN. This game is ment for fans only, and it's the first one of all konami's tenipuri games. As such, don't expect it to have lots of moves or characters. Anyhow, Points to know: -With this faq I am only trying to distinguish some conversations that appear throughout the game. When I write the number of games or points to get some conversation, please keep in mind it's just approximate. There are many factors (stamina, who is serving, etc) which influence them, so they might be inaccurate. -The asterisk just marks who wins on the series. It's not necessary to pay any attention to it. Just don't lose every game! -Those in brackets never played in the series, so there are no conversations (that I know of). -The stamina is the yellow bar under the player's face. -Many conversations are still missing. -Don't know much about tennis, so sorry about that. What's on this walkthrough: 1)Basic Controls. 2)THE Walkthrough. 3)Secret BONUS (yeah!). 4)Practice conversations. 5)About images. 6)Aoi Jidai, another secret (love this one). 7)Aoi Jidai's Lyrics. 8)Techniques. 9)My mail and such. ======================= ----Controls---- ======================= The four kinds of shots available are: Circle - Flat Shot Triangle - Lob (lobbing), a.k.a. "balloon" X - Slice Shot Square - Top Spin To use Special Shots you must hit one of this shots while pressing R1. The R1 button is also used to speed up conversations an to hit Smashes, pressing Flat+R1 during a Smash Chance (when the opponent hits a Lob or TopSpin, and you are close enough to the net). To change the Formation, press L1 o L2. It's used to change from the Back Court to the Front Court or the inverse. Very useful when trying to do specials. The R2 button is used to swap hands when in serve. Only used by Ryoma Echizen. He uses the light blue protection in his left hand, it's not hard to see it. Hitting Start the game pauses, and hitting Select the options appear. Options are: Vibration ON/OFF Voices ON/OFF Sound Mode STEREO/MONOAURAL =============================================== -------The purpose of the faq itself------- =============================================== Ready? Let's Start!!! Kaidoh vs *Echizen +First of all, try that Echizen gets the service so everything will be easier. +In the first game, lose a point against the Snake Shot. +Win a point in the corner or near the line so that Kaidoh gets suspicious. +In the second one, lower Kaidoh's stamina approximately one third. Hot... +When Echizen's stamina is low (one half, more or less), Momo will speak. He has fallen into the trap. In the third game aprox. +Lower Kaidoh's stamina to one half. They will chat in the fourth game. +Win next point. +Now Echizen will be able to use the Buggy Whip Shot, and you should use it. +Kaidoh's intermediate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Echizen vs Inui +Win first point. But better losing it when Inui is in the front court. +Lose first game. +Miss the first serve (fault). +Lose second game. +Lose third game => Split Step Image +Win first point of the game or make it an out. +Win second point of this game. +Win fourth game, so they would be 3-1. +When Ryoma swaps hands, do the Twist Serve (R1+TopSpin) twice in a row. +Inui's Intermediate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Seigaku vs Gyokurin The first time: +Win the first game with serves (doing Ryoma's Twist Serve) and then lose. There are other conversations if you win, but different from the series. +Only when losing the eye-catch appears... In the tournament: +Ah,Un. Must return a ball from the court's middle. +Lose a point when both opponents are aligned in the front court. +First win by 40-0 and then lose a point. +Lose 2 games straight, more or less. +Win the two next points with Momo. +And two with Echizen. +Win 6-2 =>Momoshiro and Ryoma's image. And another intermediate. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fuji-Kawamura vs *Ishida-Sakurai +Lose a couple of games and Fuji's Tsubame Gaeshi will be available (returning a TopSpin or Lob with the racket's front, R1+Slice). +Hit a Tsubame Gaeshi!. +Win 4 games and lose 3. When in Break Chance (this is, winning by 40 and breaking the opponent's serve... then again, Taka-san will scream it, so no problem), return the Hadoukyuu to Ishida. Try for Fuji to be in the front court. =>Lots of images. +NOW, if you DON'T return two Hadoukyuus in a row, Tachibana will stop the game and you'll win by default. +Eye-catch: Kawamura in the hospital. +IF you choose to win, then you'll see Fuji and a birdie. ONLY AFTER unblocking the Tsubame Gaeshi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Kikumaru-Ohishi vs Uchimura-Mori +Lose a point to Uchimura and Eiji in the front court. +Do various acrobatic plays (in the front court, R1+Lob or returning a TopSpin or Lob R1+TopSpin) after the rain. There are two conversations; and even if the second one is a little difficult, there is a secret to it. When pointing with the Acrobatic to Uchimura's side, you'll see both him and Mori's eyes. Otherwise, if you hit Mori's side, you'll see half their bodies. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Kaidoh vs Kamio +Lose the first point of the game, after hitting for a while. +Lose pints using Snakes. +Lower Kamio's stamina and lose the game. +Do some Snakes (R1+Slice, with the front of the racket) and then Kaidoh will do a Boomerang Snake also with R1+Slice. Try not to hit the net. There is more conversation if the balls enters the court. =>Image and intermediate. +Go to Match Point for Fudoumine; then go to Deuce; lose a point; go to Deuce. All this sequence is hard to do. +ANOTHER intermediate if you skip the Boomerang Snake... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Echizen vs Ibu +Do some Twist Serves(R1+TopSpin in serve) until Ibu can do his Kick Serves. With this serve lose some points. => Image (mada mada da ne) +Win like four games and let Ibu do some TopSpins y Slices. Echizen will lose some points this way and then suffer an accident(oops) =>2 images. +BUT... if you skip the last part the CUTEST eye-catch can be seen (Karupin!). After:+Lose a couple of games. +Win a point. +Do a Twist Serve. +Play until they realize that Ibu can't do more TopSpins. BEWARE that Echizen doesn't do any TopSpins. +Intermediate: Sure you were playing tennis? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Tezuka vs Tachibana) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Momoshiro-Kaidoh vs Yanagisawa-Kisarazu +Lose some points with the Snake(R1+Slice). +Do a Dunk Smash in the Back Court. +Lose three games and then win a point. +Win three games and Kaidoh will be able to do a Boomerang Snake(with the racket's front, R1+Flat). +Do one of these Boomerangs and then a Dunk Smash (when returning a TopSpin, R1+TopSpin). Mmh... +Do a Dunk Smash and a Boomerang Snake. Akazawa y Kaneda make their appearance. +Do two Dunk Smash to Yanagisawa. KEEP IN MIND that the ball must hit very close Yanagisawa. =>Image. Ouch. +Intermediate da--ne. ==>-----*Attention*-----<== When hitting a Lob a Flat will probably be returned, and when hitting a Slice another Slice will be returned. In the same way, if you hit a TopSpin (always keep this in mind), the opponents will hit back another TopSpin. this is important when trying to do a Dunk Smash. Nothing special with the Flat... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ohishi-Kikumaru vs *Akazawa-Kaneda (this one is kinda hard) +Do a Moon Volley with Ohishi(R1+Lob). There are two options: Hit near the line and have more conversation or not hitting the line so there's less chat. +Lose three games in a row having Eiji's stamina VERY low. They will do the Australian Formation, and Taka-san will appear. +Return some Back Hands from Akazawa. When Inui starts speaking, at the end appears an =>Image. +Lose two serves in a row to Akazawa. +Lose the next games so that Eiji will be in the back court. +Lose all stamina with Eiji. +Win a point with Eiji (ii tension da, mo ippon). +Win points with Ohishi during the Australian Formation until there's an =>Image. +Then win a point with Ohishi in the back court. +Lose the match having Eiji VERY low on stamina. Juuden...kirechitta. +One more thing: If everything goes right, raccoon Eiji appears. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Echizen vs Fuji, Yuta +Do some Twist Serve(R1+TopSpin) and Yuta will do his Rising Shot. Lose some points this way. +Win a couple of points. +Win a couple of games so that Yuta uses his Twist Spin Shot. +With this shot, lose 2 points. The third time Echizen will be able to return it.=>If he wins the next point...Image, but is the same one from his match against Ibu. +Win again a point with a Top Spin. +Do some Drive B (in the front court, R1+TopSpin). Some conversations. ==>-----*Attention*-----<== If Yuta has more stamina, it will be easier for him to do specials. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Fuji, Shusuke vs Mizuki +Lose the first points. +Lose first five games (5-0) and then win first and second point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Tezuka vs Nomura) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Ohishi-Kikumaru vs Minami-Higashikata +Lose the first game. There's another conversation if it is won. +Do Ohishi's Moon Volley.(R1+Lob) +Lose a point with Ohishi in the back court. +Lose the next two games. +Do a Moon Volley and an Acrobatic (R1+Lob en volley). +Kikumaru Beam (R1+Flat, when returning a TopSpin not necessarily in the front court). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Momoshiro vs Sengoku +During the serve hit R1+Flat. +After serving, return a few balls. +Do a Dunk Smash (returning a TopSpin or Lob, R1+TopSpin). +Lose a couple of serves against Sengoku (the first one is automatic). +Return him a couple of serves and score. +When Sengoku is in the front court, do a TopSpin. If you are Lucky enough, Sengoku will be doing the Dunk Smash. +Lose two games in a row. +Make a Jack Knife hit the net. +Win three games in a row. => Image +Lose 4-3 to unlock the Jack Knife (R1+Flat, with the back of the racket) +Hit the Jack Knife so that the ball lands near Sengoku. This will make him throw the racket. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Echizen vs Akutsu +Do a Rising Shot (when returning the opponent's serve, Lob+R1). +Do a Drive A (in the front court, R1+Slice). +Do a Jumping Smash (When returning a Lob, R1+Slice). Point very far away, so there will be more chance it hits in. =>Image ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Muromachi vs Tezuka) ======================================= -----Bonus: Kirihara Akaya!!----- ======================================= Just play for the second time IN A ROW and in the third chapter, Akaya will challenge Tezuka. If you say "yes" (and you SHOULD) then you'll get Akaya's =>Image of his split step. ======================== -----Practice----- ======================== The penultimate option in the Lecture Mode's screen. There are some advices when: +The ball hits the net. +You send out the ball. +The ball hits the net twice when serving. +The ball hits out the line twice when serving. +You make a shot + R1 (this includes a Smash). +Win the game. It's tough, but if you hit enough TopSpins and immediately go to the net, then some Smash Hits will enter (Flat+R1). +The match ends after losing or winning three games. There are two conversations. +Also when losing one third of your stamina. One thing-->Why is there a judge in the lecture mode???Eh!? ======================== -----Images----- ======================== If you just want to complete the Graphic Album -why the way it is in the Options-, you have to find every image in the Story Mode ONLY. They are all written above, but to make it clearer: -You'll get the first 19 images in the next matches: *2:Echizen vs Inui *7:Echizen-Momoshiro vs Izumi-Fukawa (doubles 2, Seigaku-Gyokurin) *8 y 9:Fuji-Kawamura vs Ishida-Sakurai (doubles 2, Seigaku-Fudoumine) *10:Kaido vs Kamio (singles 3, Seigaku-Fudoumine) *3, 11 and 12:Echizen vs Ibu (singles 2, Seigaku-Fudoumine) *13:Kaido-Momoshiro vs Kisarazu-Yanagisawa (doubles 2, Seigaku-St.Rudolph) *14 and 15:Kikumaru-Ohishi vs Akazawa-Kaneda (doubles 1, Seigaku-St.Rudolph) *3 and 16:Echizen vs Fuji (singles 3, Seigaku-St.Rudolph) *17 and 18:Momoshiro vs Sengoku (singles 3, Seigaku-Yamabuki) *19:Echizen vs Akutsu (singles 2, Seigaku-Yamabuki) ..and numbers 1, 4, 5 and 6 appear automatically before the match against Gyokurin. -To gather the rest, all the other players have to appear, so keep in mind how many matches (there are always two doubles and three singles) you have lost and won. To make it simple, let Tezuka play!!! -To have all the techniques images, let your opponents do them in the Story Mode. To make them easier to get, try the 4 different Shots. In the Album you can see the ones from: Inui, Ishida, Kamio, Ibu, Yuta and Sengoku. Those of Seigaku... Just do them in the Story Mode, and when the game tells you to do them (the names appear in a box... in Japanese). -But...when you finish the game _sometimes_ it's not necessary to do any of this, except getting the first 19. The game sometimes gives away some images. Just don't think too hard about this, it is not worthy. ========================= -----Aoi Jidai----- ========================= To see the EXCELENT Tenisu no Ojisama ending, just press when the Konami logo appears: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, x, o ====================== -----Lyrics----- ====================== Get ready movin' on Luck's always close to you itsumo dokoka saki isoide bakari no jibun ni kizuite tachi tomaru no sa yuruginai omoi wa dare ni mo makenai kedo taisetsuna nanika wo miushinai taku wa nai kara aoi jidai no naka wo arukidasou furikaeru koto mo tama ni wa iisa jinsei nante igai to kimi no te no hirani kotae ga miete kurubasu itsu no hi ka (repeat) (This song's singers are Echizen, Fuji, Tezuka and Kikumaru. Enjoy.) ======================== -----Techniques----- ======================== _Echizen, Ryoma_ Twist Serve - During Serve, TopSpin+R1. Buggy Whip Shot - With the front of the racket, Slice+R1. Jumping Smash - Returning a Lob or a TopSpin, Slice+R1. Twist Smash - Returning a Lob or a TopSpin, Flat+R1. Drive B - In the front court, TopSpin+R1. Drive A - In the front court, Flat+R1. Rising Shot - Returning during Service a TopSpin, Lob+R1. Drop Volley - In the front court, Lob+R1. _Kaidoh, Kaoru_ Snake - With the front of the racket, Slice+R1. Boomerang Snake - With the front of the racket, Flat+R1. _Momoshiro, Takeshi_ Dunk Smash - Returning a TopSpin or Lob, TopSpin+R1. But the ball must not bounce. Jack Knife - With the back of the racket and in the back court, Flat+R1. _Kikumaru, Eiji_ Acrobatic Play - Returning a TopSpin or Lob with the back of the racket, TopSpin+R1. But the ball must not bounce. Diving Volley - In the front court, Lob+R1. Kikumaru Beam - Returning a TopSpin, Flat+R1. _Ohishi, Shuichiro_ Moon Volley - Lob+R1. Short one. _Fuji, Shusuke_ Tsubame Gaeshi - Returning a TopSpin and with the back of the racket, Slice+R1. Higuma Otoshi - Returning a Smash, TopSpin+R1. _Kawamura, Takashi_ Burning Serve - During Serve, TopSpin+R1. _Tezuka, Kunimitsu_ Zero Shiki Drop - In the front court and with the front of the racket, Slice+R1. _Inui, Sadaharu_ S.S.S. - During service, Flat+R1. Can only be used in the free mode. ----------------------------- Mails, thanks, and such ----------------------------- Yeah, that's it. Intrigued by the meaning of life? Legal conflicts? Need a shrink? For any problem, my mail is: aem alternativagratis=com But I'd prefer tenipuri!!! And I'd like to thank... Takeshi Kitano, whom my grandmother made a temple. Takeshi Konomi, who illuminated my life and those of many. My mummy, who is an otaku (VERY otaku, LOVES pikachu). And all those who helped me throughout life (aaaawwww...). ------------------- Legal matters ------------------- Copyright 2005 This guide is for personal use only. You won't be able to reproduce it fully or partially in any web site or any other written way WITHOUT giving me proper credit. It is STILL nice to write it...-_-... All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.