SUPER ROBOT TAISEN ORIGINALS GUIDE version 2.8 Revision date : November 23rd 1999 done by Dagwon email at Disclaimer : This guide is written by fans for fans only. If there's anyone who like to comment, add or discuss about this guide, please notify me via email. And one more thing, please don't rip off my guide for anything without mailing me first. Revision History - ver. 1.0 : launching of the Super Robot Taisen Originals Guide, with some data for Masou Kishin, Arch Type Characters and The SRX Team. - ver. 1.5 : more proper addups and the name of Ryune Zoldark' seiyuu. The story of R-Gun included, along with words around the Complete Box. - ver. 2.0 : added data on Valcione (R), Granveil, Zamzeed dan more SRW news flash update. Added one violator who rip off things from my guide without my authorization. - ver. 2.5 : added biodata of Shuu Shirakawa (w/ Granzon), along with Saphine and Monica. In Monica's case, I've included her twin Xenia and their units. - ver. 2.6 : had to do some changes (that includes change my nick from Ryuu sei to Dagwon), including changing the verdict on that guy. Added some cool info on Shuu and BGM titles for the original characters. - ver. 2.7 : eliminated the voilator section and adds a brand new authirization credits. Update for some sections. - ver. 2.8 : another small update with some info related on Shin Masou Kishin title, along with new links added and new additions on the credits section. And of course, news about Super Robot Taisen Alpha release date. Classified some news section about Shin Masou Kishin and Super Robot Taisen Alpha news. Table Of Contents ----------------- I. Introductionary Lines 1. Intro 2. Personal Reasons II. Masou Kishin Cybaster 1. Masaki Andou 2. Ryune Zoldark 3. Tootie Noorbuck 4. Hwang Yan Long 5. Mio Sasuga 6. Shuu Shirakawa 7. Saphine Grace 8. Xenia Grania Bilseia 9. Monica Grania Bilseia 10. Personal Favorites III. The Arch Type Characters 1. Hot Blooded With Strong Sense Of Justice 2. Logical But Has Affinity For Different Sex 3. A Little Wierd 4. Cool And Nihilistic 5. Character Matchings And Portraits 6. Original Units Data 7. Personal Favorites IV. Chouki Taisen SRX 1. Ryusei Date 2. Reidieth F Braunschtein 3. Aya Kobayashi 4. SRX Data 5. R-Gun V. Closing Lines 1. SRW News Flash! 2. Acknowledgements And Credits I. Introductionary Lines 1. Intro This guide is for some original characters with their units, especially for original series that Banpresto made for their Super Robot Taisen games. They are noted as : - Masou Kishin Cybaster - The Arch Type Characters - Chouki Taisen SRX I know this may not be perfect as it is, but I try my best to inform the right information about them. This guide may needs some help, so please give me a hand. I'll be glad to put their names in the credits section. I also glad to help those who need some info about this guide, especially those who are fans of the eight shuujinkous. But I can't tolarate things like plagarism, provocated actions, etc., since this guide is the first that I try to update full time. 2. Personal Reasons My own reasons for building this guide is : 1. The SRX Team and Masou Kishin Cybaster is my all time favorite original series, especially Ryusei Date (SRX) and Tootie Noorbuck, with Hwang Yan Long (Masou Kishin). 2. The original units (Masou Kishin series and Personal Troopers) are cool, even much cooler than other unit types in SRW. 3. The eight shuujinkous are much more enjoyable, even with best seiyuus who gave their voices for them. 4. Some often write about original units (especially the personal troopers and masou kishin series) in a bad naming gesture, for example Geshpont and Zamzard/Zamzord. I hope this guide will clear things up, a little bit. This also reminds me about my first SRW game, which was Super Robot Taisen EX on the SFC (SNES in the US). That was also the time I got into Masou Kishin series, which the storyline is quite much deeper than it seems. About the eight shuujinkous, my first encounter with them was in Dai-4-Ji Super Robot Taisen on the SFC. That time was also my first encounter with Heavy Metal L-Gaim series. Even 4th SRW has been re-released in the PS, I just kinda used to it, with some major character voicing by seiyuus. Anyway, the purpose of this guide is to show my appreciation towards the SRW originals as a fan. I hope that you feel the same way,too. Also let's tell the gaming world that Super Robot Taisen saga will never die!! Before that, I like to tell you that I decided to use the original titles, rather than the English titles. Why, do you ask? 'Cause originality is my style. For that I use these symbols and their meanings are : - Dai-2-Ji : Dai Ni Ji Super Robot Taisen (2nd SRW) - Dai-3-Ji : Dai San Ji Super Robot Taisen (3rd SRW) - EX : Super Robot Taisen EX (SRW EX) - Dai-4-Ji : Dai Yon Ji Super Robot Taisen (4th SRW) - F : Super Robot Taisen F (SRW F) - F Kanketsuhen : Super Robot Taisen F Kanketsuhen (SRW F Final) - G (Gameboy) : This is the addup title for the Gameboy version of Dai-2-Ji - S (Scramble) : This is the addup title for the PS version of Dai-4-Ji II. Masou Kishin Cybaster (Lord Of Elemental Cybaster) The first original SRW series debuted in Dai-2-Ji by the appearance of the main character and hero, Masaki Andou. While in EX, there are more exclusive Masou Kishin characters introduced and a special SFC game made exclusively for the series entitled, Super Robot Taisen Gaiden : Masou Kishin (Super Robot War Side Story : Lord Of Elemental). The four characters here are exclusively pilots their own elemental masou kishin and with a help of familia creatures, which ables them to launch Hi-Familia weapons. Note that the masou kishins has their own elemental map weapon. In Japan, it is official since May 3rd Masou Kishin Cybaster have been translated into a TV Anime series, running about 26 episodes and there are new characters exclusively for the Cybaster TV Anime. Phillip Yee's Super Robot War Continuum ( has the information of it and an official link to that article. Nothing further, here's the characters along with their appearances in SRW games with their units. Special note that some of the units' weapons are only available at the Masou Kishin game. 1. Masaki Andou (CV : Midorikawa Hikaru) BGM : Reppu!! Shippuu!! Cybaster Appearance : Dai-2-Ji (G), Dai-3-Ji, EX, Dai-4-Ji (S), Masou Kishin, F, F Kanketsuhen Hot blooded 17 year old Japanese who got summoned to the world of La Giars and trained exclusively to pilot the wind masou kishin Cybaster, with assistance from his familia cats Kuro and Shiro. He is into all kinds of sports and kinda confused about his relationship with Ryune Zoldark. Note that in the Complete Box (EX, to be exact) Kuro and Shiro now have voices, which talks in their manner, the cat language. By the way, the seiyuu for the cats are Orikasa Ai (Shiro) and Sakuma Rei (Kuro). Masou Kishin Cybaster Data Type : Masou Kishin (A Class Masouki) Height : 28,4m Weight : 38,4t Total : 74,2t Spirit Protector : Cyfith (wind) Material : Orichalconium Transform : Cybird Group : La Giars (Lan Gran Kingdom) Inventor : Wendy Lasm Yknart Pilot : Masaki Andou Weaponry : - Karolik Missile - Dieth Cutter - Vanity Ripper - Cyflash (Map) - Familia - Hi Familia - Akashik Buster - Cosmo Nova - Ranbu no Tachi 2. Ryune Zoldark (CV : Hidaka Narumi) BGM : Braver Girl Appearance : Dai-2-Ji, Dai-3-Ji, EX, Dai-4-Ji (S), Masou Kishin, F Kanketsuhen Daughter of Dr. Bian Zoldark (The founder of the Divine Crusaders), who has an affection on Masaki. She rides her robot (the robot's head is a head of a girl, complete with hair) called Valcione, which later refined into Valcione R (Return). For note that Valcione is the female version of Valsion, the ultimate machine, made by Bian Zoldark and piloted by Bian himself (Dai-2-Ji) and Paptimus Scirroco from Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam (F Kanketsuhen, in the end of the final stage at real robot scenario). Valcione Data Type : Earth Gravitational Feminine Type Ultimate Robot Height : 24,6m Body Weight : 39,7t Arms Weight : 51,3t Upgrade : Valcione R Group : DC, Earth Federation (Original), La Giars Inventor : Bian Zoldark Pilot : Ryune Zoldark Weaponry : - Psycho Blaster (Map) - Divine Arm - Mega Smasher - Crossmasher - Hyper Beam Cannon Valcione R Data Type : Earth Gravitaional Feminine Type Ultimate Robot (Metal Alloy Upgrade) Height : 28,2m Weight : 68,9t Normal : Valcione Group : Earth Federation (Original), La Giars Inventor : Bian Zoldark, Ryune Zoldark Pilot : Ryune Zoldark Weaponry : - Psycho Blaster (Map) - Divine Arm - Divine Blade - Cross Saucer - Mobius Jade - Mega Beam Cannon - Hyper Beam Cannon - Crossmasher - Engetsu Sappou 3. Tootie Noorbuck (CV : Inoue Kikuko) BGM : From The City of Water And Ice Appearance : EX (Masaki storyline), Dai-4-Ji (S), Masou Kishin, F Kanketsuhen A 20 year old Finnish girl, who also summoned like Masaki and pilots the water masou kishin Goddess. Her familia creatures are Nordic wolves Fleki and Geri. Note that Tootie acts like a sister to Masaki, as she describes herself. Masou Kishin Goddess Data Type : Masou Kishin (A Class Masouki) Height : 28,4m Weight : 38,5t Total : 55,1t Spirit Protector : Gadd (water) Material : Orichalconium Energy : Prana -Ki-, Magic Group : La Giars (Lan Gran Kingdom) Inventor : Wendy Lasm Yknart Pilot : Tootie Noorbuck Weaponry : - Healing - Trident - Gungnir - Kelvin Blizzard (Map) - Familia - Hi Familia - Hydro Pressure - Yozenheim - Fenrir Crash 4. Hwang Yan Long (CV : Inoue Kazuhiko) BGM : Martial Artist Of Fire Appearance : EX (Ryune storyline), Dai-4-Ji (S), Masou Kishin, F Kanketsuhen A Chinese martial arts expert who also got summoned to La Giars, just like Masaki and Tootie. He pilots the fire masou kishin Granveil with his familia panther Ranchao. Ranchao also has voice, given by seiyuu Noda Keiichi (voice of Tsurugi Tetsuya of Great Mazinger). Masou Kishin Granveil Data Type : Masou Kishin (A Class Masouki) Height : 28,4m Body Weight : 36,5t Arms Weight : 72,8t Spirit Protector : Granba (Fire) Material : Orichalconium Energy : Prana, Spiritual, Magic Group : La Giars (Lan Gran Kingdom) Pilot : Hwang Yan Long Weaponry : - Plasma Sword - Flame Cutter - Pulse Lazer - Chuuseishi Beam - Megido Flame (map) - Familia - Hi-Familia - Karolik Smash - Denkou Eiri - Kafuu Seiun Ken 5. Mio Sasuga (CV : Kanai Mika) BGM : Mio No Jongara Appearance : EX (Masaki storyline), Dai-4-Ji (S), Masou Kishin, F Kanketsuhen Young Japanese junior high student who somehow got summoned to La Giars. She often gives Masaki a major headache. At first she rides masouki Diablo until she recieves the earth masou kishin Zamzeed. At Dai-4-Ji (S), Mio finally has her own familia creatures in a form of three platypus named Jun, Jyoji and Jyusaku. (These three even called Mio 'shihan' or 'master', too!). Masou Kishin Zamzeed Data Type : Masou Kishin (A Class Masouki) Height : 28,4m Body Weight : 40,5t Alloy Weight : 79t Spirit Protector : Zamuhj (Earth) Material : Orichalconium Energy : Prana, Spiritual, Magic Movement : Fulcanery fuel Group : La Giars (Lan Gran Kingdom) Inventor : Wendy Lasm Yknart Pilot : Ricardo Silvera, Mio Sasuga Weaponry : - Plasma Sword - Hyper Plasma Sword - Linear Rail Gun - Taikuu Missile - Ressonance Quake (Map) - Familia - Hi-Familia - Boost Knuckle - Chou Shindou Ken - Kasshini No Kangeki - Gouruuyundou Masamune 6. Shuu Shirakawa (CV : Koyasu Takehito) BGM : Dark Prism Apearance : Dai-2-Ji (G), Dai-3-Ji, EX, Dai-4-Ji (S), Masou Kishin, F Kanketsuhen 21 year old, who we know as arch nemesis of Masaki Andou. First he doesn't envolved in any groups until he joins with Shiva Volkruss, but he's gone freelance again. Birth place in Earth (La Giars -Lan Gran Kingdom-), but he is also born with the blood of Lan Gran and Earth. Before I put data of his trusty Granzon (and Neo Granzon, of course!), you may wonder that Shuu has another name, Kristoff Gran MacSword, which concludes that his father is from La Giars, whose name is Kaion Gran MacSword (brother of the King Alzarl). Can you imagine someone with high prana and magic, but blood of earth still runs through? While performing his mission, Shuu aided by his familia creature, which is a cute little blue bird named Chika (which is very in love for money) and accompanied by Saphine Grace (For your notice, Saphine has adored by Shuu's charismatics so she will do anything for him, even she have to break her bond with Volkruss). Phil Yee had dropped me an email containing some important information on Shuu. It says that Shuu was killed in the 3rd SRW, if you get the real ending (the title is 'Ragnarok'). But he was ressurected in the EX by Luozorl (the green haried guy, who rides the Jureiki Nagzart, whose also the high priest of Volkruss), so he can barely remember everything (but he remember Masaki and Ryune, altough only a little bit). Granzon Data Type : Armored Warrior (Earth Manufactured with Guest Technology Robot) Height : 27,3m Body Weight : 42,8t Total Weight : 85,6t Energy : Black Hole Upgrade : Neo Granzon Group : Shuu Shirakawa, Shiva Volkruss Inventor : Shuu Shirakawa Pilot : Shuu Shirakawa Weaponry : - Gran Worm Sword - Worm Smasher - Gravitron Cannon (Map) - Black Hole Cluster Neo Granzon Data Type : True Armored Warrior (Metal Alloy Upgrade) Height : 35.8m Body Weight : 65,2t Total Weight : 118t Energy : Black Hole, Magic Normal : Granzon Group : Shiva Volkruss -> Shuu Shirakawa Pilot : Shuu Shirakawa Weaponry : - Gravitron Cannon (Map) - Gran Worm Sword - Big Bang Wave (Map) - Worm Smasher - Black Hole Cluster - Shukutai Hou 7. Saphine Grace (CV : Koyama Mami) BGM : Reppuu!! Shippuu!! Cybaster 21 year old partner of Shuu Shirakawa. She is also known by her foes as [Gu ren no Saphine/Crimson Saphine] or [Akai Akuma/Red Evil]. As you know, she has an emotionaly mature sensation by most of her H quotes. For your notice, she has another name, which is Saphine Zeola Volkruss. Yousouki Wizoll Data Type : Yousouki Height : 31,2m Body Weight : 39,9t Total Weight : 52,8t Modified : Wizoll Kai Group : Shiva Volkruss -> Shuu Shirakawa Pilot : Saphine Volkruss (Grace) Weaponry : - Karolik Missile - Rose Cutter - Dreischtahl - Elemental Fusion - Astral Buster Wizoll Kai Type : Yousouki Height : 29,1m Weight : 62,2t Normal : Wizoll Group : Shuu Shirakawa Pilot : Saphine Grace Weaponry : - Rose Cutter - Dreischtahl - Neunschtahl - Elemental Fusion - Astral Buster - Darkness Bondage 8. Xenia Grania Bilseia (CV : Minaguchi Yuko) BGM : Reppuu!! Shippuu!! Cybaster 19 year old princess of the Lan Gran Kingdom. She has a twin sister named Monica, also Lan Gran's princess. She like gossips alot, which sometimes gets her into trouble. Her hair is blue and short. She also assist her brother Prince Feilord building the super masouki Duraxyll, so she is a good mecha expert. She often hangs around with Masaki. 9. Monica Grania Bilseia (CV : Minaguchi Yuko) BGM : Reppuu!! Shippuu!! Cybaster Xenia's twin sister. Unlike her twin, Monica has aware herself as a princess and has a younger brother named Telius. Her hair is gold and longer than her twin and she hangs around with Shuu, as she was told by Shuu to help him revive the destructor god Jashin Volkruss. Masouki Nols Data Type : B Class Ceremonial Masouki Height : 28,2t Body Weight : 33,6t Total Weight : ----t Spirit Protector : Izumi Energy : Prana, Spiritual, Magic Movement : Fulcanery fuel Modified : Nols Rei Group : La Giars (Lan Gran Kingdom) -Xenia-, Shuu Shirakawa -Monica- Pilot : Xenia Grania Bilseia, Monica Grania Bilseia Weaponry : - Healing - Supplying - Ripper Claw - Brass Knuckle - Evil Eye Masouki Nols Rei Data Type : B Class Ceremonial Masouki (Modified) Height : 24,2m Weight : 52,9t Spirit Protector : Izumi Energy : Prana, Spiritual, Magic Movement : Fulcanery fuel Normal : Nols Group : La Giars (Lan Gran Kingdom) -Xenia-, Shuu Shirakawa -Monica- Pilot : Xenia Grania Bilseia, Monica Grania Bilseia Weaponry : - Healing - Supplying - Plasma Sword - Ripper Claw - Brass Knuckle - Evil Eye - Angel Whisper 10. Personal Favorites My most favorite characters from the Masou Kishin Saga are Tootie and Yan Long, and as for the units, I pick masou kishins Zamzeed and Granveil. II. The Arch Type Characters => BGM : Time To Come They are also known as The Eight Shuujinkous (The Eight Main Characters), which they are made by Banpresto for SRW fans who wants another shuujinkou suits for their tastes. These eight consist of four boys and four girls. All of them have their distinctive personalities. They first appearance was in Dai-4-Ji (S), then they arrived again in F. This time they all have voices in F, which given by seiyuus whom also worked as another role in F and some famous characters in anime and games. Here they are in an appropriate order of gender based on their characteristics, with my own personal opinion about them. And their voice casts in this game, of course. 1. Hot Blooded With Strong Sense Of Justice (Note that if you don't change the character attributes, the names is the default one) - Lenonjayce Starlord One of the eight shuujinkous. Call him Jayce. He is really a well-balanced character, not to mention he got guts. His new hairdo much look like Ayanami Rei, if you look closely. In this game, he got his voice from seiyuu Nanba Keichi, who also voicing for Katsu Kobayashi (Kidou Senshi Z Gundam), Andy Bogard (Garou Densetsu, KOF) and Axl Low (Guilty Gear). On episode 3 (super robot type), Jayce got amazed on Benkei's Daisetsuzan Oroshi training and ask Ryo to tell the move. After Kouji explains that the one's ability comes from the self, Jayce then manifest his own special attack, named Keikyaku!! Geshpenst Kick. - Patricia Hackman One of the eight shuujinkous. Call her Pat. She is very genki type girl, who act only for justice. Her new look is much more cute, which better than her old look. Her voice for this game is given by Hayashibara Megumi, one of Japan's top seiyuus who also voicing for Christina Mackenzie (Kidou Senshi Gundam 0080), Ayanami Rei (Shin Seiki Evangelion), Nuku Nuku (Bannou Bunka Nekomusume), Lina Inverse (Slayers) and Musashi (Pocket Monsters). Like Jayce, Pat also manifested her own attack, which called Hissatsu!! Geshpenst Punch. 2. Logical But Has Affinity For Different Sex. - Ilmgard Kazahara One of the eight shuujinkous. Just call him Ilm for short. He is an easy going guy, not to mention he's adores women so much. His new look shows him that. His voice is given by seiyuu Horiuchi Kenyuu, who also voicing for Mashumar Sero (Gundam ZZ) and Jamil Neate (Kidou Shin Seiki Gundam X). He is also chosen as the new voice of Duke Fleed (UFO Robo Grandizer) in the SRW Complete Box. - Grace Urigin One of the eight shuujinkous. Grace is a very sweet girl with a very sweet attidute. Her voice is done by seiyuu Miyamura Yuko, who also voicing for Soryuu Asuka Langley (Shin Seiki Evangelion) and her debut as Regina (Yuusha Keisatsu J-Decker). 3. A Little Wierd. - Hector Madison One of the eight shuujinkous. Hector is a monkeying around kinda guy. You should know by looking at some of his funny expressions, which often like Judo Arshita (Gundam ZZ). His voice is given by Ishino Ryuuzou, who also voicing for Chang Wufei (Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W). - Miina Likering One of the eight shuujinkous. Miina is a mystery mania, by some of her detective-like words. Her voice is given by seiyuu Hidaka Noriko, who also voicing for Takaya Noriko (Top ho Nerae~Gunbuster), Tendou Akane (Ranma 1/2), and Musica (Southern Cross). 4. Cool And Nihilistic. - Arwinn Dorstien One of the eight shuujinkous. Just call him Winn. He is very cool guy, indeed. He somehow has a distrust to females, but not too deep. His new look has much better, although may not as good as his old look. Seiyuu Seki Toshihiko has given his voice for Winn. For short info, Toshihiko also voicing for Duo Maxwell (Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W), Shuura Ou Shulato (Tenka Senki Shulato) and Kujaku (Kujaku Ou aka Peacock King). - Lynn Mao One of the eight shuujinkous. Lynn is much cute, even with her new hairdo. Like Winn, she is also quite has a distrust for males (Not to deep, hopefully). Her cool voice is given by seiyuu Ogata Megumi, who also voicing for Ikari Shinji (Shin Seiki Evangelion), Kurama (Yuuyuu Hakushou) and Melvina MacGarlen (Meltylancer). 5. Chararcter Matchings And Portraits This section talks about the matchings of the eight shuujinkous, which how they connected to each other, along with the visual descriptions of them. The first characteristic paired with the third characteristic, while the second characteristic paired with the fourth characteristic. For more, here's the four pairs of the shuujinkous. - Jayce with Miina - Ilm with Lynn - Hector with Pat - Winn with Grace If you choose the females, you just reverse the pattern above. As for character protraits, here's the list with their old and new looks. 1. Lenonjayce Starlord - new look : short violet hair - old look : blue hair 2. Ilmgard Kazahara - new look : long royal blue hair - old look : green hair 3. Hector Madison - new look : pink brushed up hair - old look : orange hair 4. Arwinn Dorstien - new look : yellow-orange hair - old look : long mauve hair with long sideburns 5. Patricia Hackman - new look : blue hair (very younger then her old one) - old look : blue hair 6. Grace Urigin - new look : pink hair with a very sweet face - old look : long blue hair 7. Miina Likering - new look : green hair with curled sideburns - old look : pink hair 8. Lynn Mao - new look : purple hair - old look : dark pink hair 6. Original Units Data This section is the database of units, which the eight shuujinkous will ride in this game. Note that the original units here are known as Personal Troopers (PT), which has similarities on the MS in the Gundam universe. - Geshpenst (super type) Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F, F Kanketsuhen Type : Earth Federation type Personal Trooper Height : 21,2m Weight : 72,4t Group : Earth Federation Pilot : Original shuujinkou, sub shuujinkou Weapons : - Split Missile - Plasma Cutter - Blaster Cannon - Geshpenst (real type) Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F, F Kanketsuhen Type : Earth Federation type Personal Trooper Height : 21,2m Weight : 72,4t Group : Earth Federation Pilot : Original shuujinkou, sub shuujinkou Weapons : - Spilt Missile - Plasma Cutter - Neutron Beam - Geshpenst Mk.II (super type) Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F, F Kanketsuhen Type : Enhanced Personal Trooper Height : 21,2m Weight : 72,4t Group : Earth Federation Pilot : Original shuujinkou, sub shuujinkou Weapons : - Split Missile - Neo Plasma Cutter - Slash Ripper - Mega Blaster Cannon - Geshpenst Mk.II (real type) Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F, F Kanketsuhen Type : Enhanced Personal Trooper Height : 21,2m Weight : 72,4t Group : AEUG Pilot : Giriam Yeager, original shuujinkou, sub shuujinkou Weapons : - Split Missile - Neo Plasma Cutter - Mega Beam Rifle - Slash Ripper - Grun Gast Apeearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F Kanketsuhen Type : Super Warrior Height : 48,7m Weight : 357t Changable : Wing Gast, Gast Lander Group : Tesla Reich Research Lab Inventor : Father of the original shuujinkou Pilot : Original shuujinkou Wep/att : - Break Cross - Keito Ragou Ken - Boost Knuckle - Omega Lazer - Final Beam - Keito Ragou Ken : Aku Ken Satsu - Wing Gast Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F Kanketsuhen Type : Super Warrior (Aerodynamic mode) Length : 52,1m Weight : 357t Changable : Grun Gast, Wing Gast Group : Tesla Reich Research Lab Inventor : Father of the original shuujinkou Pilot : Original shuunijkou Wep/att : - Double Omega Lazer - Big Missile - Spiral Attack - Gast Lander Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F Kanketsuhen Type : Super Warrior (Heavy armament mode) Height : 42m Weight : 357t Changable : Grun Gast, Wing Gast Group : Tesla Reich Research Lab Inventor : Father of the original shuujinkou Pilot : Original shuujinkou Wep/att : - Omega Cannon - Big Missile - Drill Attack - Hucche Vine Appearance : Dai-4-Ji (S), F Kanketsuhen Type : All Enhanced Personal Trooper (based on the Guest Tech) Code : PTX-08R Height : 19,8m Weight : 132,4t Group : Earth Federation Energy : Gravitational energy Inventor : Father of the original shuujinkou Pilot : Original shuujinkou Wep/att : - Vulcan - Micro Missile - Plasma Sword - Loshe Saber - Leap Slasher - Black Hole Cannon Note that Hucche Vine's Black Hole Cannon has similar powers to Granzon's Black Hole Cluster. 7. Personal Favorites My favorite characters here are Jayce (I just love his high pitch screams) and Ilm for the boys. As for the girls, I pick Pat and Lynn, with a little Miina. Units? Well, I like the super types of Geshpenst and Geshpenst Mk.II which piloted by Jayce. For originals, I like both the Hucche Vine (any character) and Grun Gast (Jayce) III. Chouki Taisen SRX (Super Machine War SRX) => BGM : Everywhere You Go This series are Banpresto's original series in Shin Super Robot Taisen (Neo SRW), which the mecha display are in regular size. Its told in the game that the Earth Federation (especially the Earth Defense Force (EDF)) build the SRX Project by the help of three different scientists and with three chosen pilots. Now I'll try to write down the characters and their units. 1. Ryusei Date (CV : Miki Shinichirou) 18 year old officer of the SRX Team, whose chosen to pilot the R-1. He is also called Ryu by team leader Aya Kobayashi. He is a very hot blooded guy, who likes super robots and fighting games. His fondness of super robots some times made him cry out weapon names in battle. He often quarrels a lot with Rai and developed a relationship with Aya. If you remember a fighting game called Virtual Fighter (which also a TV anime series), try to look at the VF shuujinkou Yuki Akira. If you listen carefully to Ryusei's quotes like "Jyuunen hayain dayo!" and "Ora ora oraaa!", those qoutes are exact quotes Akira often says. Why? 'Cause both Yuki Akira and Ryusei Date are voiced by the same seiyuu, whose name is Miki Shinichirou. And Ryusei has special names for R-1's T-Link Knuckle (Ryusei Original Knuckle Punch) and SRX' Tenjou Tenga Muteki Ken (Tenjou Tenga Muteki Giri). - R-1 (Real Personal Trooper Type-1) Data Type : Ballanced Type Personal Trooper Code name : R-1 Height : 19,9m Weight : 50,2t Mobility : Fuel Transform : R-Wing Combine : SRX Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Kirk Hamill Pilot : Ryusei Date Wep/Att : - Vulcan - Cold Metal Knife - G Revolver - Boosted Rifle - T-Link Knuckle - R-Wing Data Type : Ballanced Type Personal Trooper (Aerodynamic mode) Code name : R-1W Height : 25,4m Weight : 50,2t Mobility : Fuel Tranform : R-1 Combine : SRX Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Kirk Hamill Pilot : Ryusei Date Wep/Att : - G Revolver - Boosted Rifle 2. Reidieth F Braunschtein (CV : Okiayu Ryoutarou) One of the officers of the SRX Team. Just call him Rai. He is cool and fights with honor, although having tough times with Ryusei. So tough, that at somepoint Rai chased Ryusei and beat him silly. - R-2 (Real Personal Trooper Type-2) Data Type : Fully Armed Personal Trooper Code name : R-2 Height : 18,2m Weight : 80,4t Mobility : Fuel Upgrade : R-2 Powerd Combine : SRX Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Robert Oomiya Pilot : Reidieth F Braunschtein Wep/Att : - Vulcan - Beam Sword - Magna Beam Rifle - Beam Chakram - R-2 Powerd Data Type : Fully Armed Personal Trooper (Plus Parts Upgrade) Code name : R-2P Height : 23,8m Weight : 152,4t Mobility : Fuel Normal : R-2 Combine : SRX Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Robert Oomiya Pilot : Reidieth F Braunschtein Wep/Att : - Vulcan - Beam Sword - Magna Beam Rifle - Beam Chakram - Hi-Zol Launcher 3. Aya Kobayashi (CV : Touma Yumi) The leader of the SRX Team. Her father, Genzou Kobayashi is the scientist who created R-3. She is the only one who has T-Link powers, which is very useful to use R-3' Strike Shields. She also have a relationship with Ryusei. For this, Rai often says that Ryusei and Aya are like cat (Aya, which she prefers a Persian Cat) and mouse (Ryusei, which Rai prefers a 'dobunezumi' or a sewer rat). - R-3 (Real Personal Trooper Type-3) Data Type : Telekinesis Powered Personal Trooper Code name : R-3 Height : 15,3m Weight : 49,4t Mobility : Fuel Upgrade : R-3 Powerd Combine : SRX Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Genzou Kobayashi Pilot : Aya Kobayashi Wep/Att : - Vulcan - Beam Sword - Strike Shield - Lazer Cannon - R-3 Powerd Type : Telekinesis Powered Personal Trooper (Plus Parts Upgrade) Code name : R-3P Height : 24,7m Weight : 186,2t Mobility : Fuel Normal : R-3 Combine : SRX Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Genzou Kobayashi Pilot : Aya Kobayashi Wep/Att : - Vulcan - Beam Sword - Strike Shield - Lazer Cannon - Telekinesis Missile 4. SRX Data The three units at some point can combine/gattai into SRX. Here's the data. - SRX (Super Robot Type-X) Data Type : Full Battle Ichigeki Hissatsu (One Hit Finish) Type Personal Trooper Code name : SRX-00 Height : 51,2m Weight : 378,8t Mobility : Fuel, Tronium Engine Main Fuel : Tronium Consist : R-1, R-2 Powerd, R-3 Powerd Group : Earth Federation Special Task Force SRX Team Inventor : Robert Oomiya Pilot : Ryusei Date (Main), Reidieth F Braunschtein, Aya Kobayashi Wep/Att : - Telekinesis Missile - High Finger Launcher - Zein Knuckle - Blade Kick - Goun Genocider - Dominion Ball - Tenjou Tenga Muteki Ken - Tenjou Tenga Mendou Bakusai Ken 5. R-Gun Beside the three, there's one PT which also made by Banpresto called R-Gun. The appearance of the R-Gun was in Super Hero Sakusen and here's the story of it. R-Gun (Personal Trooper Type-Gun, Argan in the manual) is a PT made in the future and its weapons are : - Vulcans - Beam Katar Sword - Magna Twin Rifle - Slash Boomerang In the game, where Ultraman dies in a battle with Zetton, the R-Gun suddenly turn into a cannon and blast Zetton into pieces. In this form, R-Gun are known as HTB Cannon, stands for Hyper Tronium Buster Cannon. Later, in Ultraseven's final battle, SRX appears along with the R-Gun Powerd (upgraded with plus parts from Aya) to finish the monster by using the HTB Cannon. Ryusei claims the new attack as Tenjou Tenga Mendou Bakusai Hou. Anyway, the weaponry of R-Gun Powered are : - Vulcans - Magna Twin Rifle - Hi-Twin Launcher - Slash Boomerang - Hyper Tronium Buster Cannon The pilot of R-Gun is either Ingram Blisken or Violetta Blisken, which you'll choose as the shuujinkou in Super Hero Sakusen. Anyway, they both have same quotes on R-Gun's Magna Twin Rifle, which is "Double Fire!!" Looks like this time the SRX Team's popularity has boosted up. They have stared in Super Hero Sakusen, Real Robot Battle Line and the upcoming Super Robot Taisen Alpha. I hope that someday Banpresto may have plans for making an exclusive game for SRX, just like they did to the Masou Kishin series. Or made a special anime series for the SRX Team. IV. Closing Lines 1. SRW News Flash! From the Super Robot War Continuum, I've found some info to talk about. Phil Yee has a link to a gaming info website named The Magic Box that Banpresto has released Super Robot Taisen 64 for the N64 console. I've checked it out by looking at the screenshots and they're so great, as there are some series that never appeared in previous SRW games, which is Rokushin Gattai God Mars and Giant Robo. Looks like N64 owners will like to check it out. You also may check the Banpresto website, if you're need some authentical screenshots of the game and from another title called Super Robot Taisen Link Battler. For the casts, here it is. - Kidou Senshi Gundam - Kidou Senshi Z Gundam - Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ - Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083 -Stardust Memories- - Kidou Senshi Gundam -Gyakushuu No Char- - Kidou Butouden G Gundam - Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W - Kidou Senshi Gundam -Dai 08 MS Shoutai- - Sei Senshi Dunbine - Aoki Ryuusei SPT Layzner - Muteki Kyoujin Daitarn 3 - Mazinga Z - Great Mazinga - Getta Robo - Getta Robo G - Shin Getta Robo - UFO Robo Grandizer - Choudenji Robo Combattler V - Choujyuu Kishin Dancouga - Rokushin Gattai God Mars - Giant Robo The game story itself is about defending the Earth from an empire, known as Muge Zolbados empire (the first opposing side in Choujyuu Kishin Dancouga). [Shin Masou Kishin -Panzer Warfare- news] Also form the SRW Continuum, there's rumors about re-released PS version of one classic SRW title, which is Super Robot Taisen Gaiden : Masou Kishin. The rumor itself comes from the Super Robot War Fanclub Web Board, along with the report from the Banpresto website on their SRW events. I surf into Banpresto myself for proof and they have one title similar to the Masou Kishin game with today's flavor. Anyway the title is Shin Masou Kishin -Panzer Warfare-, the translated meaning will be True Lord Of Elemen tal -Panzer Warfare-. They have some screenshots of it and they are superb, with 3D mecha designs and 2D character illustrations. It also has opening anime movie, if you're interested. I think for Masou Kishin fans (including myself), Shin Masou Kishin -Panzer Warfare- is definitely a must buy title for this year. Shin Masou Kishin was planned to be released on November 1999. I just got something new after looking at the Banpresto page, that Shin Masou Kishin's official release date is on November 25th 1999. Extend your prana and enter the world of masou kishin. For those who like to know a bit of the story inside Shin Masou Kishin, I'll like to tell you a bit about this title. The setting of Shin Masou Kishin takes place on the magical land of A Zels, a similar land to La Giars and here's the shuujinkou and heroine of Shin Masou Kishin -Panzer Warfare- 1. Keigo Keltz Ferdinand 18 year old shuujinkou of Shin Masou Kishin. He has dreamed of riding masouki since childhood and at age 16 he entered the Palzhom kimgdom's Masouki Heishi Dan. 2 years later, he got promoted and rides the wind masou kishin Cybaster. 2. Alma Keltz Karina 21 year old heroine of Shin Masou Kishin. She is one of the best knights in Palzhom kingdom's Masouki Heishi Dan. Like Keigo, she rides her owm masou kishin, which is the water masou kishin Goddess. That's all I can do regarding the Shin Masou Kishin title. When I personally can get my hands on it, I definitely take as my first priority (Remember that Masou Kishin is my very favorite??) and hopefully, a full guide on Shin Masou Kishin -Panzer Warfare-, if I had time to do so. [Super Robot Taisen Alpha news] More news from the Continuum ..... its written on August 18th update that Banpresto has leaked some info about the upcoming Super Robot Taisen Alpha for both PS and Dricas. The details are : 1. The PS version will use full animation, while the Dricas uses 3D. But both version allows you to turn off battle animation, if you're an impatient person and want to deal things quick. 2. More story branches will appear as you choose a story branch of the par ticular stage. This system is called Double Story Branching. 3. In this title, you can do somethings that you've been waiting for ..... bunrin (separate) some particular units. Like Gundam or V Gundam by de tach the core system, control the three Gett Machines, or you can use Hover Pilder and Brain Condor (navigational jets for Mazinga and Great Mazinga) in combat. - Kidou Senshi Gundam - Kidou Senshi Z Gundam - Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ - Kidou Senshi Gundam 0080 -Poketto No Naka No Sensou- - Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083 -Stardust Memories- - Kidou Senshi Gundam -Gyakushuu No Char- - Kidou Senshi Gundam F91 - Kidou Senshi V Gundam - Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W (both TV and Endless Waltz) - Sei Senshi Dunbine - Muteki Kyoujin Daitarn 3 - Mazinga Z - Great Mazinga - Getta Robo - Getta Robo G - Shin Getta Robo (manga version) - Choujyuu Kishin Dancouga - Yuusha Reideen - Choudenji Robo Combattler V - Choudenji Machine Voltes V - Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Choujikuu Yousai Macross -Ai Oboeteimasuka- - Macross Plus - Top ho Nerae! ~Gunbuster~ - Shin Seiki Evangelion - The End Of Evangelion Air/Magokoru ho Kimi ni - Giant Robo : The Animation ~The Day Earth Stood Still~ - Masou Kishin -The Lord Of Elemental- - Chouki Taisen SRX For those who like to check them out more further, please visit the Continuum for more details. The URL are available in the credits section. Just got back from surfing through the net that in Super Robot Taisen Alpha, they made the whole brand new eight shuujinkous for you to pick. I just got some names here, so here they are : - Brooklyn Luckfield - Rio Mei Long - Tusk Shinguji - Lilcarla Borgnine - Yuuki Jegunan - Leona Karlschtein - Ryouto Hikawa - Kusuha Mizuha Hopefully Banpresto casting another best seiyuus for these guys 'n girls. As for units, there's Grun Gast Nigou and Hucche Vine Mk.II. For the details, please check I got some bad news that the PS version of Super Robot Taisen Alpha's release date has been delayed from December 29th 1999 to February 2nd 2000. Thanks to The Magic Box for putting up the news. 2. Acknowlegdements and credits These are list of those who have my blessing (and crediting me) to use some of this guide (especially the Masou Kishin part). Those fine people are : - Heero Yuy ( The writer of Super Robot Taisen F Kanketsuhen Guide and also writes the Complete Box Guide for the History Of Super Robot Wars. Ask me for the Masou Kishin story part to complete his guide. - Pistol ( The writer of the first and only guide for SFC classic Super Robot Taisen Gaiden : Masou Kishin. Sorry that I didn't get your mail, 'cause of some server problems. As to end this guide, these are the ones who inspired me for building the guide. All the credit goes to: - Banpresto ( for bringing us the Super Robot Taisen titles. They've started their English website, which mostly talks about their profile. - Bandai Visual ( for having the link to the official home page of Masou Kishin Cybaster TV Anime. - The Magic Box Videogame Wizard ( for its several past news regarding Shin Masou Kishin and some recent news on Super Robot Taisen Alpha, including other import news. - Game FAQs ( for the place for this guide. This is also home of guides for best titles around, including some Japan titles. - Raitenshi Veilchen ( from the Gundam ML, who intensively discuss about the eight shuujinkous (especially about Winn and Lynn) and for giving me an interesting info of the R-Gun. - Shading Shade ( for the voice actress of Ryune. - Phillip L. Yee ( for his SRW F series episode guides, with some Super Robot Taisen related infos, and some important information on Shuu. You may check out his Super Robot War Continuum ( /~philyee/srw), which is the only place for international SRW fans, since it has a cool discussion forum. A question .... what wrong with the SRW Continuum? I can't seem to access it, since I barely needed the SRW Gaiden -Masou Kishin- ROM. - Super Robot War Fanclub ( for the database on the original units, which some I translated myself for this guide. - Anime Hunter Arga ( for intense talks about SRW F series and the inside stuffs. - Heero Yuy ( for asking about the guide's update. Well ..... ninmu ryoukai! - Edmund Chiu ( for his intensive guides on SRW F series. - for requesting more important characters. - The members of Animanga ML ( for one helluva time, including Arga and John Fernando for coming up to me at the not-so-cool Jafu Launching Party. - And you, who take some time reading this. You know who you are.