FAQ for Super Robot Wars F for Saturn Version 1.1 This the FAQ, or frequently asked question, for the game Super Robot Wars F for Saturn. I translate almost every command and options in the game, I also write the commands in Japanese, so if you have a program that will display it on English Windows, like NJWIN, etc., you will be able to see it in Japanese, so you can just print it out and use it pretty much like a cheat sheet. I will translate them in the order they appear in the instruction manual, so for those of you who don't have programs to display Japanese won't be loss, but since I don't know if there is a standard order for pilots and items, so unless you know Chinese (since this game have tons of Kanji) or Japanese, you will be pretty much be loss. I cannot really help it, since saving those in graphics files waste too much space, so I hope you don't mind. Note: If you use Internet Explorer, you can download the Japanese fonts from Microsoft, then use IE when you view this file, you will be able to read the Japanese fonts (IE 4.0 does it automatically, but for IE 3.0, you will have to manually choose the Japanese fonts under preference, then choose fonts). Write (one of the text editors that come with Windows) cannot read the Japanese characters since it doesn't support extended ASCII (the one under NT can do it, however, since it doesn't have a size limit), so be sure to use text editors that support extended ASCII characters. Notepad can do it, but in Windows 95, it cannot handle a file this big, so basically you are stuck with using Netscape or IE unless you have some other text editors that can read extended ASCII. For those of you who read my review or know about this game, this is only the first part of a two part series, and the final part, Super Robot Wars F Final, will be released in the Winter (probably next year, 1998). I will, of course, rewrite the FAQ to include stuff from SRWFF, so stay tuned! You might think that you should wait for the SRWFF to come up first before playing SRWF, but even if you cheat, it takes a week to two (depending on how many hours you played every day) to finish SRWF, so it might be wiser to play it now, since we all know if you want to fully enjoy the game, you have to play the game twice, once for the Realistic robot side and once for the Super robot side. Important Notice: For those of you who just started playing this game, one warning - the game have a bug that will delete all your save games in your Saturn memory when the screen suddenly go blank. You will have to reformat the memory before you can play again, so I strongly suggest you get a cart for backing up save games (the official ones are the best, since you can directly save games there, while those Pro Action Replay 4-in-1 cannot). If you find anything wrong (spelling, grammar, etc.), please feel free to send them to me. If you have any comments, etc., feel free to send them to me, too. If you have any official romanization (Japanese words, but spelled in English) of the pilots and robots in the game that I don't have, please, I mean please sent them to me, I am desperate! You can find my most recent FAQ on my page at: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/3605/ Revision History: 1.00 Only include basic information, complete member and robot list. 1.10 Include complete episode guide, add stats information for the pilots and robots. Also update the what to expect in SRWF Final section. (2/21/98) Table of contents: 1) Brief Game Introduction and game concept 2) Command or Menu translation 3) Complete "magic" list and explanation 4) Complete item list 5) Complete member list (sorted by series) 6) Complete episode by episode guide 7) Thoughts on what's coming in SRWF Final 8) Acknowledgement 1) Brief Game Introduction and game concept This game is the ninth game in the Super Robot War series, the series in which is about various robots from famous old Anime shows, come together to fight a common enemy in an alternate environment than the anime counterpart. Japanese fans love this type of game because they get to control their favorite robots and pilots and get to see their cool attacks again. The first few SRW games are for either Gameboy, Famicom or Super Famicom, and the last few are for either Playstation and Saturn. The most popular SRW game probably is 4th Super Robot War, since it's the only SRW game that actually has an ending, well, it's actually a paragraph of what do the characters do after the war. The 4th Super Robot War was released for both Super Famicom and Playstation, with Playstation version is the first SRW game ever to have the original voice actors/actresses doing the character's voice and there is minor changes to the game also. This game, SRWF, is also based on 4SRW, except that there are new robots from different series and some robots are taken out, and the storyline is almost completely rewritten. This game have all the voice actors/actresses, like the Neo Super Robot Wars for Playstation, and the robots are still in Super Deformed, SD, or big-head-small-body form, unlike NSRW. It has a new feature that isn't find in other SRW games (except for Lord of the Elements, a SRW side story based on the characters created specifically for 4SRW), that most main pilots have several face protraits, with each one expressing different emotions. There are also DVE, or Dramatic Voice Events, which is basically famous spoken line, taken directly from the anime shows, like Hiro Yui of Gundam W's "I will kill you" to Relena. The game play is pretty simple. After conversation between your team members, you will then go to the map screen, where most of the time you have to kill your enemies in order to clear the map. After that, and some more conversation, you can then save and upgrade your robots, switch robots, review your members' stat, put upgrade items on robots, etc. Sound easy, right? But enemies always upgrade their robots more than you do and they usually have a higher level than you do, so what's your advantage? Well, you do have "magic", which are just like magic in typical RPG games that allow to dodge any attack, do more damage, etc. 2) Command or Menu translation When you first start up the game, you will be presented with four options: ???? - Start - start the game from the very beginning. ??? - load - load the game from a saved file from intermission - between episodes. You can save as many as your internal Saturn memory or save cart. ??????? - continue - to load the game from the save during an episode. You only get one of these saves. ????? - option - go to the option screen. Under this option screen, you will be presented with these options: ???? - sound - set the game to either: ???? - stereo ???? - mono ???????? - sound select - play the various theme music from the game, including those that hasn't shown up yet, like the other Lord of Elements music, Gunbuster, Ideon, etc. Work just like a regular CD player, so you should not have any trouble finding the way around this one. ??????? - karaoke mode - listen to the music theme from various anime shows find in the game while watch various attacking sequence. You will be always be allowed to watch all the karaoke, even if you haven't seen them in the game yet. ?????? - demo select - watch the anime cut scenes that you have already seen in the game. ????????? - character guide - a brief background information of the characters that appear in the game. You will only see those characters that has already appear (that mean he/she has an actual conversation, not just being mentioned by your characters) and that you have save (either continue or save will be fine). You can listen to some of his/her spoken line, if he/she has a spoken line. Just press Z button and you will here one or more of that character's spoken line. There will be a percentage on the top that indicate what percent of characters you have seen. ??????? - robot encyclopedia - background information for the robots that appear in the game. You will only see those robots that has already appear on the map, and that you have save (either continue or save will be fine). The percentage on the top indicate what percent of robots you have seen. If you choose start, after you read about some background information, you will be presented with the character creation screen: ????? - choose this option if you like the present configuration for your character. ??????????????? - choose among the eight preset characters. If you like to choose that character, just press A or C button, but if you wish to change something, just press B button to go back to the previous screen and change any of them. ???????? - change among the six stats which can be changed about your character. ? - face protrait - choose among the sixteen face protrait. Only the first four of each sex will have different emotional face protraits. ????? - Input your characters name. Only six characters are allowed for each part of thename. ?? - the first name of your character. ?? - the last name of your character. ?? - what you like your character to be commonly refer to. ??? - birthday. ??? - bloodtype. ?? - personality. The personality will effect what will he/she say in the game. It might also effect the what weapons, etc., you are going to get. ??????????? - Hot Blooded with a strong sense of Justice ?????????? - Logical but has and affinity for the opposite sex ????????? - A Little Weird ??????? - Cool and nihilistic ??? - type. What type of robots are you going to pilot and what type of pilot are your character. This will effect what storyline, Super Robot or Realistic Robot side, are you going to enter. It will also effect what "magics" you have, your stat, and your robot. ?????????? - realistic robot type. Your long range attack will be higher, so is your dodging ability, reflex and skill level. Your robot will have beam coating, higher mobility, higher agility and limit, and your robot, ???????, have ?????????, neutron beam, as its best weapon. Your character will have the following "magic": (the number side the "magic" indicate at what level will he/she learn that "magic". a ?? indiciate I don't know the exact level.) Great Effort - 1 Flash - 3 Speed Up - 6 Hot Blood - 11 Lucky - 13 Spirit - 40 Your character will also have the following special ability: Newtype1(5), 2(12), 3(21), 4(29), 5(34) Sword Blocking1(2), 2(10), 3(19), 4(30), 5(36) Shield Defense1(1), 2(8), 3(23), 4(39) ??????? HP - 3200 EN - 120 Armor - 900 Mobility - 7 Agility - 85 Limit - 280 Size - M Item - 2 L - A W - B A - E S - A Saber Beam Coating ??????????? - super robot type. Your close range attack will be higher. Your robot, still the same ???????, can fly, and has ?????????, blaster cannon, as its best weapon. Your character will have the following "magic": (the number side the "magic" indicate at what level will he/she learn that "magic". a ?? indiciate I don't know the exact level.) Hot Blood - 1 100% Hit - 4 Lucky - 7 Flash - 13 Motivate - 19 Spirit - ?? Your character will also have the following special ability: Potential(1) Sword Blocking1(1), 2(7), 3(14), 4(21), 5(29), 6(35) ??????? HP - 4300 EN - 120 Armor - 1200 Mobility - 5 Agility - 60 Limit - 240 Size - M Item - 2 L - A W - B A - A S - A Saber Command menu: After you start a map, and when you select one of your robots, a menu will appear, with at least one of the following option: ?? - move - move your robots. Your robot can attack, if and only if the robot has a weapon capable of attack after movement, repair, wait, combine, convince, or dock after a move. ?? - magic - use any of your character's magic. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. ?? - ability - look at the ability of your robot and pilot. You can always use this command, even after the pilot has already moved, attacked, etc. ?? - wait - only appear after a move. Stay at the current square without doing anything. ?? - attack - attacking using one of your robot's weapons. ?? - transform - transform into another form if your robot has that ability. You can choose among the choices if your robot have more than two forms, otherwise your robot will immediate transform. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. ?? - launch - launch a robot from battleship. You can use this command even after the battleship has already moved. ?? - convince - convince an enemy right next to you to join your team. You will used up your robot's turn after using this command, and it won't always be successful, since some enemies require a certain condition be met before you can convince him or her. In other cases, some enemies require more than one convince. ?? - ground - stop your robot from flying and stay on the ground. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. ?? - fly in the air - move your robot to the air. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this comment. ?? - underwater - stop your robot from flying and stay in the water. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. ?? - separate - separate your robot into several robots (if your robots have combine/separate ability). Some robots, like Re-GZ, can only separate but cannot change back to its previous form. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this comment. ?? - combine - combine several robots into one (if your robots have combine ability), as long as they can be combine with the robots close (about one or two square) by. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command as long as you don't use the main pilot to initiate the command. ??? - parts - use your equipped items to recover HP or EN. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. ?? - repair - repair a nearby team robot. ?? - resupply - resupply a nearby team robot. Your team robot you resupply's morale will decrease by 10. ?? - cut cable - Only can be used by EVAs. Cut the umbilical cable of EVA so EVA won't have to stay within ten square of an electric outlet or battleship. Won't use up the pilot's turn after using this command. ?? - dock - put the robot in battleship. The robot will recover HP and EN and ammo while in battleship (ammo will be immediately recovered, while HP and EN take a few turns). The robot's morale will decrease by 10. Map command menu - when you press A or C when you are over an empty square, you will be presented with the following: ?????? - phase end - end your turn and turn over to the enemy's turn. ??? - team list - list your team in a list, so you can easily locate your team members (will be pretty much useless unless you can read the Japanese names). ???? - counterattack command - bring up the screen where you can choose to let the computer choose whether to counterattack or let you decide yourself. ????? - manual - let yourself choose whether to counterattack or not, and you can choose whether weapon to counterattack with. the following choices all let the computer to decide whether to counterattack or not (except for the last choice, which is always block or dodge). The computer will always pick a weapon that can normally (without being block, hit an AT Field, etc.) would kill off the enemy or do maximum damage. The computer will block if the robot has very little agility, otherwise will dodge. ???? - will always counterattack, as long as the enemy is within your attack range. ???? - will dodge or block if the enemy's level is lower than yours, but otherwise will counterattack. ????? - will always dodge or block. ???? - combat goal - list the requirement for advancement to the next episode. The upper part is the goal for your victory, while the bottom part is the goal for enemies' victory. ???? - "magic" check - check the "magic" of your current team members (those that you didn't pick to be on the map won't show up) to see what do the "magic" do. If you choose any one of them, you will then be presented with the list of members that has that "magic", with a number on top of the window that say how much SP that "magic" cost. Those members that has already moved or don't have enough SP will be shown in red. ???? - system - change the configuration in the following: ???? - square - decide whether you want the squares to appear on the map or not. It's a lot easier to count squares with it turn on. ???? - sound - can pick ????, stereo, or ????, mono. ?????? - main character voice - you can turn your own character's voice on or off. ??BGM??? - fighting BGM's configuration: ???? - will change the BGM back to the original BGM of that particular episode after every attack. ?? - the BGM will remain the same until you attack using an unit from another BGM or when you switch to enemy's turn. ????? - change the botton configuration. Since it's pretty standard and easy to learn the current botton configuration, I suggest you leave it alone. ??? - save - save in the continue slot. You can only save in this slot only once, even if you have a cart for saves. Anytime you use this save, you will erase the last continue save. Inter-episode menu - after you beat an episode and watch the conversation, you will be brought to the following menu: ?????? - data save - save the game. You can save as many game as you want, as long as you have enough space. There's two choice, the first one is Saturn's internal memory, and the second one is the backup save cart. ?????? - unit enhancement - enhance any of your units. They are sorted according to HP. You can enhance each attribute of your unit five times, and each enhancement cost more money. ???? - weapon enhancement - enhance any weapon of your units. The units are sorted according to HP, and the weapons are sorted according to the damage. You can enhance the weapon five times, the first two enhancement will only increase damage by 100, then the next three enhancement will increase damage by 150 (for some weapons, the last increase will be 200). ?????? - unit ability - looking at the ability of your units. Look just like the ability screen when you are on the map. If you press A or C when you are in any unit's ability screen, you will go on to the weapon screen for that particular unit.(for detail explanation, take a look at my ability screen explanation further down in my FAQ). ??????? - pilot ability - looking at the ability of your pilots. They are sorted according to their levels. Look just like the pilot ability screen when you are on the map. (for detail explanation, take a look a my pilot ability screen explanation further down in my FAQ). ???? - change pilot - change what unit your pilot will pilot. You can also change what unit will your fairy be in. ????? - pilot - change what unit your pilot will pilot. You can only choose among the pilots that can pilot other robots. ?? - fairy - change what unit your fairy will be in. ????? - enhancement items - put various enhancement items on your units. These items are found by either defeating current enemies or after a certain episode. ?????? - go on to the next episode. Ability screen explanation. When you choose the ability option for an unit or pick a robot under unit ability in inter-episode, you will then go on to the ability screen for a robot. The screen will compose of a picture of the unit, along with various information about the unit: ??? - size - the size of your unit. It can be SS (for people), S, M, L, and LL. S and SS size unit get a bonus on dodging while L and LL get 20% and 40% deduction on dodging respectively. ???? - special ability - in this section, it will list any special ability of the unit: ?????? - beam coat - will absorb 1000 worth of beam damage. If a beam attack caused over 1000 damage, 1000 worth of damage will be absorbed. Any use of this cost 5 EN. I????? - I-Field - will block any beam attack less than 2000. Any use of this cost 5 EN. ?????? - Aura Barrier - will block any beam attack less than 3000. Any use of this cost 5 EN. If the pilot has Aura Senshi skill, the effectiveness will also increase (see section under skill.) AT????? - AT Field - will block any attack, unless the opponent also has AT Field, that cause 4000 or less. ?? - Berserk - EVA unit 1 only - after being destroyed, EVA unit 1 will go berserk, only attack with ????, or bite (that's the definition I get from the dictionary) (it can also attack air units), level will be higher, since it's not Shinji who's piloting EVA unit 1, the morale will be 150, and it will attack ANY nearby units, including your own. It's possible to reverse the process, but you will have to destroy the berserked EVA unit 1. Note: You will have to pay for the repair for a berserked EVA unit 1 (a 40000 lesson). ?? - after-image - will only be activate when the pilot's morale is at or over 130. The unit will have a 50% chance of using after-image, which makes the unit takes no damage, even if the attack connects (or so we thought). It is a common anime knowledge that human can only see things moving below a certain speed, so when something move faster than we can see, we see multiple image of the same thing in motion. After-image is based on this knowledge. HP??(?) - recover 10% of HP after every turn. HP??(?) - recover 30% of HP after every turn. ?? - transform - the unit can transform. ?? - combine - the unit can combine with other unit to form another unit. ?? - separate - the unit can separate. All combined unit can separate. ??? - type - describe what type of terrain is the unit designed for. (refer to terrain explanation for Japanese for different kind of terrain). ??? - mobility - number of squares an unit can move. ??? - agility - this effect how well an unit can dodge or aim. ?? - armor - this effect how much damage any attack would caused on the unit. The higher, the better. ?? - limit - It is little hard to explain, but this is basically the limit of how well can the unit dodge or aim. How well you dodge mainly depend on the dodging ability and the agility of the unit. The sum of these two numbers are limited by the limit of the unit. If the limit is 400 but the sum of the dodging ability and agility of the unit is 420, only 400 is used for calculating your chance of dodging an attack. Dodging, aiming, and reflex is limited by limit (as for how limit works for reflex, please refer to the pilot ability screen explanation.) ?? - terrain - it show how well the unit do in each terrain. An "A" means that the unit actually get a bonus for being in that terrain. A "B" don't get any bonus, a "C" get a little deduction, while a "D" gets a lots of deduction. A "F" means the unit cannot be in that terrain. ? - air. ? - land. ? - sea. ? - space. ???? - shield. ? - means the unit has a shield. ? - means the unit don't have a shield. Weapon screen explanation. When you choose the third option under ability screen, or whether you choose the attack option, you will get to the weapon screen. ??? - the name of the weapon. [+] - when this comes before a weapon's name, it means the weapon will use the pilot's long range attack stats when the pilot use this weapon. If a hand appear before a weapon's name, it means the weapon will use the pilot's close range attack stats when the pilot use this weapon. If a "P" appears after a weapon's name, it means that the weapon can be used after a move. If a "B" appears after a weapon's name, it means that the weapon is a beam weapon. ??? - the attacking power of the weapon. ?? - range. The range of that weapon. ?? - hit rate. It's the number that will be added to the aiming stats during an attack. The higher the number, the more likely the attack will connect. ?? - ammo. The number on the left indicate the current amount of ammo, while the number on the right indicate the maximum number of ammo the unit can have for that particular weapon. A -- means it doesn't use ammos. ???? - required morale. Some weapons require the pilot to have reached a certain level in morale before the pilot can use that weapon. The number on the left indicate the requirement ( a -- means there's no requirement), the number in () indicate the current morale. ??EN - EN spent - the amount of EN spent for using that weapon. The number on the left indicate the amount of EN that will be used while the number in () indicate the current EN for this unit. A -- means that weapon doesn't use EN. ?? - how well a weapon do in certain terrain. Refer to terrain in unit ability screen for details. A -- means that the weapon cannot be used at that terrain. ???? - required ability - some weapons can only be used when the pilot has a certain ability, like funnels can only be used by Newtypes. ???????? - critial adjustment - the adjustment made to the number when calculating the rate of scoring a critical hit on an enemy. A critical hit is a hit that cause 50% more damage. pilot ability screen. When you choose to look at the pilot ability screen, it will show: ??????? - side pilot - if the robot is piloted or has two pilots (or fairy), this option will appear to tell you that if you press A or C, you will then switch to the next pilot ability screen. It will switch back to the main pilot after cycling through the pilots. ????? - synchronize rate - for EVA pilots only. The synchronize rate reflects how well the pilot is piloting the EVA. It ranges from 0% to 100%. An increase in levels or by encounter certain events (still hasn't find any yet) will increase synchronize rate. Note: Maybe it's because I cheat, but Shinji's sychronize rate is 106% at level 99. Oh well... ?? - close range combat - the stat of the pilot for his or her close range combat skill. The higher the number, the more damage the pilot can do when the pilot is using a close range weapon. The basic value is 100, and the highest is 255 (not that any of you will reach this number in SRWF, well, maybe in SRWF Final). ?? - long range combat - the stat of the pilot for his or her long range combat skill. The higher the number, the more damage the pilot can do when the pilot is using a long range weapon. The basic value is 100, and the highest is 255 (not that any of you will reach this number in SRWF, well, maybe in SRWF Final). ?? - aiming - the stat of the pilot for how good the pilot is at scoring a hit on enemy. This number, combined with agility of the robot, is limited to the limit of the robot. When it's over the limit of the robot, the stat number will appear in red. ?? - dodging - the stat of the pilot for how good the pilot is at dodging. this number, combined with agility of the robot, is limited to the limit of the robot. When it's over the limit of the robot, the stat number will appear in red. ??? - level - the current level of the pilot. An increase in level will increase every stat, unless it went over the limit (like attacking stats). The level can range from 1 to 99 (In SRWF, you can only go up to level 40, unless you cheat using Game Shack, etc.). ?? - morale - the morale will effect how much damage can caused and received. The starting morale is normally 100 (There is one exception, when the pilot appears in two consecutive episode during the attacks on bases {There's two attack on bases in SRWF}). The morale can range from 50 to 150. Morale will go back to 100, with the exception on attacks on bases, after every episode. When the pilot take a hit or if your team member kill off an enemy, the morale will increase by 1. The pilot's morale will increase by 4 if the pilot kill an enemy (without using MAP weapon.) The change in morale after one of your team member dies depends on the "mental strength" of the pilot killed. Mentally weak pilots' morales will decrease by 1 if any member of their team dies, while normal pilots' morales will stay the same. Mentally strong characters' morales will increase by 1 when one of their team members is dead. Some pilots, whose mental strength is extremely strong, their morales will increase by 2 when any of their team members die. You have to know the storyline from the series the pilot is from in order to determine the pilot's mental strength, but it's a safe bet that most bosses are extremely strong mentally, so that's why their morales usually so high when you fight them. NEXT - the number of experience points require to advance to the next level. Normally, you need 500 experience points to advance to the next level, but you can only advance up to level 40 in SRWF. ?? - reflex - the reacting speed of the pilot. When reflex is 200 or over, the pilot can move twice. This stat is limited by the robot's limit (just the reflex number, not including the agility of the robot). It also help dodging and aiming, since this number is part of the equation in calculating the percent for scoring or dodging a hit. ?? - skill level - the stat for calculating of scoring or receiving a critical hit. The higher the number, the more likely the pilot is going to score a critical hit, and the pilot is less likely to receive a critical hit. It is also use with "mercy", since you can only successfully use "mercy" when the pilot's skill level is HIGHER than the enemy's skill level. ?? - terrain - how well the pilot will perform at a particular terrain. The grades range from A to D. ?????? - "magic" point - the amount of "magic" point, or SP, does the pilot has. The number on the left, before the /, indicate the current SP, while the number on the right indicate the maximum SP. ?????? - "magic" command - the list of "magic" the pilot has. The pilot can have a maximum of six "magic". ???? - special ability - list the special ability, if any, of the pilot. ?????? - Newtype - Amuro, Char, and other pilots from the Gundam Series (except for Kou) fit in this catgory. Their Piloting skills are exceptional and they have the ability to use Newtype weapons such as ?????,Funnels, and ????????, Fin Funnels. They were also able to move twice quicker, (most of them anyway). Funnels have a basic range of 7. The Newtype level will increase dodging, aiming and the range of funnels based on the following chart: Level Range bonus Dodging bonus Aiming bonus 1 +0 +10 +10 2 +0 +15 +15 3 +1 +20 +20 4 +1 +25 +25 5 +2 +30 +30 6 +2 +35 +35 7 +3 +40 +40 8 +3 +45 +45 9 +4 +50 +50 ???? - Enhanced human - Like Four Murasame. An Artificial Newtype. Same abilities as Newtypes. Enhanced Humans are normal human beings that have been genetically altered so the human will have Newtype abilities even though that human is not a Newtype. In the anime, all Enhanced human is somewhat emotionally unstable. ??? - Aura Senshi - great pilots in the Aura Battler Dunbine series, since aura battlers are "powered" by aura of the pilot. Level 1 is required for ?????, aura cut, while level 3 is required for ?????????, hyper aura cut. In the anime, an extremely powerful Aura Senshi can go Hyper, which will expand the robot, from a size S to size LL, when the pilot's emotion reaches a certain state. Luckily, you won't have to face any Hyper aura battler in SRWF. Each Aura Senshi level will increase dodging ability, effectiveness of aura barrier and damage of hyper aura cut (not the one used by Dunbine or Billvine. Maybe it's a bug...) based on the following chart: level Damage bonus Dodging bonus aura barrier bonus 1 +200 +5 +200 2 +400 +10 +400 3 +600 +15 +600 4 +800 +20 +800 5 +1000 +25 +1000 6 +1200 +30 +1200 7 +1400 +35 +1400 8 +1600 +40 +1600 9 +1800 +45 +1800 ?????? - shield defense - the ability to use a shield (if the robot has one) to reduce the damage by half. The level indicate the percentage of using the ability. ???? - sword blocking - ability to use a sword or beam saber or saber or any sword like weapon to cut down any solid projectile, like missiles, funnels, sword or saber attack, and any dashing like attack like shining finger and progressive knife. The pilot will receive no damage after the attack. The level indicate the percentage of using the ability. ?? - potential - when the unit's HP is at 1/8 of maximum or below, the chance of scoring a critical hit increase by 50%. A skill found in all Super Robot pilots. 3) Complete "magic" list and explanation Here is the description of the 30 "magic" found in SRWF and maybe SRWF Final. The first 24 "magic" are arranged in the order they appear in the manual on page 50 and page 51. The first word of each "magic" will appear on the pilot's information screen (screen that appear when you press B over any pilot), telling you that particular "magic" is active on that pilot. If you have a program capble to view Japanese, you can see the the first word in kanji, or Chinese character. For those "magic" that don't have kanji, I also include the first word in there, so you would know what "magic" is active. I also list how much SP it would cost to use a "magic". ?? - Detect - 1 SP - Able to take a look at the enemy's ability screen, even when you didn't fight it before in the map (since the only you can take a look at enemy's ability screen on the map is to either 1) have attack it before or 2) use Detect on the enemy). ???? - Substitute - 35 SP - when you use it on one of your units, when an enemy is attacking the unit you casted the "magic" on, the caster of the "magic" will take the damage instead of the casted unit. Note that even you cast Flash, the caster of the "magic" will still take damage. The kanji is ?. ?? - Great Effort - 20 SP - for one attack, you get double the experience than you normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). ?? - Concentrate - 15 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your dodging and hit rate (the final percentage) will increase by 30%. ???? - Flash - 15 SP - can 100% dodge one enemy attack, even over 100% Hit. The kanji is ?. ?? - Self Destruct - 1 SP - killed your own unit, but will cause the unit's HP amount of damage on four surround units (your own or enemy's), regardless of enemy's armor, morale, etc. ?? - 100% Hit - 25 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), you will always hit your enemy or your own unit (MAP weapon), unless that unit uses Flash. ?? - HP1 (?) - 20 SP - recover 1/3 of HP for caster. ?? - Exhaust - 50 SP - decrease any enemy unit on map morale by 10. ?? - Trust - 30 SP - recover any one of team unit's HP by 1/3. ?? - Hot Blood - 40 SP - do double damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Spirit at the same time. ??? - Invisible - 60 SP - the enemy will not see you and will not attack you (even if you attaack them and they are suppose to counterattack). ?? - Iron Wall - 30 SP - for one turn (from your turn to the enemies' turn), your armor will be doubled. ?? - Lucky - 45 SP - for one attack, you get double the money than you normally get (enemy's attack counts as an attack). ??? - HP2 (?) - 40 SP - fully recover the caster's HP. ?? - Motivate - 40 SP - increase the caster's morale by 10. ? - Spirit - 60 SP - do triple damage for one attack. Cannot be used with Hot Blood at the same time. ?? - Rally - 70 SP - increase any team unit on map's morale by 10. ??? - Confuse - 70 SP - decrease all enemy units on map's hit rate (final percentage) by half. The kanji is ?. ???? - Mercy - 10 SP - when your skill level is higher than your enemy, and when your attack is supposed to kill off an enemy, the attack with this "magic" with leave enemy unit with 10 HP. The kanji is ?. ?? - Move Again - 90 SP - make any team unit on map that has already moved (cannot move anymore) able to move again. The unit will still be in gray color, but it can move once only. ?? - Friendship - 70 SP - recover all team unit's HP by half. ? - Love - 90 SP - recover all team unit's HP fully. ?? - Speed Up - 10 SP - increase mobility by 3 (will be used up when you move that unit). ?? - Provoke - 35 SP - when casted on enemy unit, that unit will always attack the caster unit, as long as the unit is in the enemy unit's attack range. ?? - Awake - 60 SP - make the unit able to move one more time. There can be only one active Awake on any unit, but you can cast it again after the unit moved once. ?? - Resupply - 65 SP - fully recover any team unit on map's ammo and EN. Will decrease that unit's morale by 10. ?? - Resurrect - 120 SP - let one dead team unit back on the map, everything (morale, ammo, HP, EN) will back to normal. You can pick which unit to resurrect, but the unit will always appear in one of the four squares surround the caster. ? - Dream - ???? SP - the caster can cast any "magic" of your team member on the map (just pick magic as if you are using other member's magic), but the amount of SP used will be doubled (the number shown when you casted Dream is the final amount of SP used). ?? - Miracle - 40 SP - this "magic" will cast Motivate 3 time, HP2, Speed Up, 100% Hit, Lucky, Flash and Spirit all with just one "magic", not to mention for only 40 SP. The only team member that seems to have it (those member that appear in SRWF) is Cham, Shou's Fairy. 4) Complete Item List. Here's the complete list of items that were supposed to be in the game (but some of them, like anti-beam coating and I-Field Generator, is not found in SRWF) and what does each one of them do. Those items that has a (?) after the english name means that I don't know the official english name for that item, so if you know the official name, please tell me! ????? - booster - increase mobility by 1. ??????? - mega booster - increase mobility by 2. I???????? - I-Field Generator - make the equipped unit able to generate I-Field. ??????? - high performance radar - increase all weapons that are not MAP or have a range of 1's range by 1. You can equipped multiple high performance radar to increase the weapon's range by more than 1. ?????????? - anti-beam coating - make the equipped unit have beam coating. ?????? - repair kit - recover HP by 2000. Can only be used once. ????????? - energy tank(?) - recover EN by 50. Can only be used once. ?????????S - energy tank S (?) - recover EN by 200. Can only be used once. ??????????? - magnetic coating - increase agility by 5, limit by 20. ??????? - bio senser - increase agility by 10, limit by 15. ??????? - psycho-frame - increase agility by 15, limit by 30. ????? - Fatima - increase mobility by 2, agility by 20, limit by 30. Note: This the fatima that appears in Heavy Metal L-Gaim, not those that appears in Five Star Stories (they are created by the same author), so don't try to look for Lachosis or any of the fatimas that appear in Five Star Stories (sorry, can't resist to throw in a FSS joke here). ???????? - chobamu armor (?) - increase HP by 500, armor by 150. ?????????? - hiburiddo armor (?) - increase HP by 800, armor by 200. ?????????? - Minorski craft - make the equipped unit able to fly, and have a grade A in air. ??????? - apogee motor - increase mobility by 1, agility by 5. 5) Complete member and robot list (sorted by series) - I include this part because tons of people asked about which character has what "magic" and what is their "english" name. Since my katakana skill is not very good and I didn't have access to official information for all of them, I don't know the official name for all characters. And for those characters, I just translate the name from katakana or something that more resemble normal english name (since most characters does have english name). If you know the official name, please tell me! I list the name in the following order - Japanese name - official english name - commonly called (what people usually called them by) name. For those characters that I don't the official name of, I will just list the Japanese name and commonly called name. I list the robot right after listing the pilots, and when I list the robot names under member name, I will not include the Japanese name, since it takes too much time (for me). If I have watched the series, I will include some comments too, otherwise I will just include my comment on that character relating to the game. I will also include some enemy's name in the member list too, since I believe those characters might join you in SRWF Final. When I list the "magic" for the members, I might not list the level for which the character will get the "magic" since I don't know the exact number for some characters. For those "magic", I will list a ???? next to the "magic". I usually list the name as they appear in the game, which means the first name appears before the last name, but for characters with Japanese names that has kanji, the last name will be listed first, then the first name. I still list the first name first in english. When I list the stats for the pilot, I will list them as: Long - Long Range attack, Close - Close Range Attack, Dodge, Aim, Reflex, Skill, L - Land, W - Under Water, A - Air, and S - Space. When I list the mental strength of the pilot, I mean what will a killed member in your team will do to the pilot's morale - if the pilot's mental strength is weak, the pilot's morale will decrease by 1. For detail explanation, refer to the section under morale. When I am listing the stats for robots, Items stands for how many items the robot can equip, and Shield means that robot has a shield, Saber means the robot has a saber (which mean the robot can use it to block, as long as the pilot has the Sword Block skill). Serie: ???????? - Mobile Suit Gundam ????Z???? - Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam ????ZZ???? - Mobile Suit Gundam Double Zeta ????????F91 - Mobile Suit Gundam F91 ????????0080 - Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 ????????0083 - Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 ????????: ?????? - Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Pilots: ???=?? - Amuro Rei - Amuro Series: Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Pilot of Gundam, ReGZ Anime comment - This is the ace of the Gundam show, the very first Newtype, and perhaps the most famous Gundam character, since he appears in three different Gundam shows, and his name is mentioned in a few other Gundam shows too. In this SRW setting, both of his love interest, Beldochika(?) from Zeta Gundam and Chien from Char's Counter Attack, are still alive and still fighting for his love (although you won't see them in this game, but Judo does hint of their exsistence.). Maybe it's a trait of Newtype - you can never decide which woman to date... Game comment - He has the highest dodge rate of all, and his skill level is one of the highest (Master Asia is the highest, at least in SRWF). Even though the robots he piloted is a bit weak, but since he's the earliest character to be able to move twice (level 30), you should be trying to keep up his level. Long 165 Dodge 165 Reflex 171 Close 129 Aim 159 Skill 188 Mental: Normal L - A W - B A - A S - A Flash - 1 Hot Blood - 4 Mercy - 8 Concentrate - 9 Speed Up - 16 Spirit - 28 Newtype4(1), 5(13), 6(22), 7(36) Sword Block3(1), 4(12), 5(23), 6(29) Shield Defense2(1), 3(20), 4(30), 5(40) ????=???? - Quattro Bajina (or better known as Char Aznable. It's so well known that even in the Zeta Gundam game for Playstation's manual, they only list him as Char, not Quattro Bajina) - Quattro - (Since everybody know who he really is, I always called him by his REAL name, Char) Series: Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Pilot of Type 100 Anime comment - This is probably the most famous Gundam character of all times, and probably the coolest villain too. In this game, he still has his cool appearance. In this SRW setting, he still has the leadership ability, and maybe he might leave you later (like 4SRW). Game comment - by the time you get him, it's already the last episode, so you cannot really do anything with Char, but still, he still has the highest skill level among your team, so he is definitely useful, since all Newtypes are pretty useful. His close range attack is almost the highest among mobile suit pilots. Long 164 Dodge 163 Reflex 170 Close 149 Aim 161 Skill 192 Mental: Strong L - A W - B A - A S - A Speed Up - 1 Hot Blood - 3 Flash - 5 Concentrate - 7 Awake - 22 Spirit - 30 Newtype4(1), 5(18), 6(26) Sword Block1(1), 5(20), 6(31) Shield Defense3(1), 4(18), 5(32) ????=??? - Camille Vidan (You might have seen his name written as Kamiyu Bidan, but Camille Vidan is the more commonly accepted translation, although in the manual for the Zeta Gundam game for Playstation, they list him as Kamiyu Bidan. I don't use that name because Camille sound more like a girl's name than Kamiyu) - Camille Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam Double Zeta Pilot of Zeta Gundam Anime comment - Even Char and Amuro mentioned that Camille has the potential to be even better than they are, so Camille must be good, since you rarely get recommendations from the best pilots of all times. Even though he might be one of the best, he is probably one of the most hated Gundam hero of all times, since his personality is less than friendly, but it just might be because his real love is no other than Four Murasame, perhaps the most loved character in Zeta Gundam. Game comment - Since he got Zeta Gundam from the time you get him, his level should be pretty high. For those people who put Amuro in Zeta Gundam, you still want to keep up his level, since he can move twice at level 31 and he does have Spirit. His stats is only behind Amuro and Char, the aces of Newtypes. Long 165 Dodge 164 Reflex 170 Close 130 Aim 157 Skill 182 Mental: Strong L - A W - B A - A S - A Hot Blood - 1 HP1 - 4 Flash - 5 Concentrate - 6 Awake - 22 Spirit - 29 Newtype4(1), 5(17), 6(24), 7(39) Sword Block3(1), 4(13), 5(29), 6(35) Shield Defense2(1), 3(22), 4(33) ????=???? - Judo Ashita - Judo Series: Mobile Suit Gundam Double Zeta Pilot of Nemo, Jegan Anime comment - He maybe the best in ZZ Gundam TV series, but he is only above average in SRWF. He is still a rare Newtype, since he always seems to be happy all the time. Maybe it's because he does not have any love trouble, or maybe it is because the one he interest in is with him all the time... Game comment - Judo's stat take a nose dive comparing to 4SRW, but he is still a powerful Newtype, and he still can move twice at level 31, so keep up his level. Long 155 Dodge 143 Reflex 170 Close 142 Aim 153 Skill 1170 Mental: Strong L - A W - B A - A S - A HP2 - 1 Hot Blood - 4 Flash - 6 Lucky - 9 Awake - 23 Spirit - 30 Newtype3(1), 4(12), 5(20), 6(33) Sword Block3(1), 4(15), 5(24), 6(31) Shield Defense2(1), 3(19), 4(28), 5(36) ??=??? - Kou Uraki - Kou Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Pilot of Gundam GP01 Fb (Full Vernier) Anime comment - This above average pilot (should just called him average, but when a pilot can pilot a good robot, that pilot is above average) is back, and he is as weak as ever. Yes, he still cannot decide what to do with Nina, and he still cannot eat carrot, even if his life depends on it. I don't know why, I just really dislike him. Game comment - Kou is still as weak as ever, and I still don't know why did they bother to put him here, and even give him such a good robot (GP03) in this game (in SRWF Final). At least we can switch pilots... You might still want to increase his level since he does have Spirit... Long 136 Dodge 138 Reflex 158 Close 136 Aim 148 Skill 165 Mental: Weak L - A W - B A - A S - A Speed Up - 1 Hot Blood - 10 Great Effort - 12 Flash - 14 Awake - 22 Spirit - ???? Sword Block1(18), 2(27), 3(39) Shield Defense1(6), 2(16), 3(25), 4(32) ????=?? - Bright Noah - Bright Series: Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack Pilot of Toroihosu(?), Ahgama Anime comment - The one and only great captain is back. He is probably appear in the most Gundam series, even more than Char and Amuro. I wonder if Emily, his "affair interest", will be in SRWF Final... Game comment - perhaps the worst among the three battleship captain because he don't have good "magic" and the weapons of the battleship are the weakest (since most of them are beam based) among the three. I won't spend too much time on him... Long 136 Dodge 128 Reflex 155 Close 101 Aim 140 Skill 166 Mental: Normal L - A W - C A - A S - A HP1 - 1 Speed Up - 14 Lucky - 18 Trust - 22 100% hit - 25 Love - 36 ????=????? - Henken Bekener - Henken Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Pilot of Toroishou(?) Anime comment - Henken is not a bad captain in the series, but he is not as good as Bright, since he doesn't have the experience that Bright does. Henken is madly in love with Emma, but he do not really know how to show his love to her, and she didn't respond because she don't know how to respond. I think he might have finally gotten in her heart when he died to save her from Yazan... But that's in the TV series, not in SRW setting, so he might have a chance, after all... Game comment - since you can only use him for two episode, it's rather useless to use him... Long 118 Dodge 126 Reflex 154 Close 99 Aim 136 Skill 172 Mental: Normal L - B W - B A - A S - A Detect - 1 Concentrate - 6 Speed Up - 9 Hot Blood - 13 Substitute - 27 Resupply - ???? ??=??? - Emma Sheen - Emma Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Pilot of Gundam Mk-II
Anime comment - She is perhaps one of the most favorite secondary
character in all times. I like her, as she is the one who is at least
trying to keep Camille in control. She still cannot handle love very
well, as she still don't know what to do with the gifts from a certain

Game comment - Emma is not a bad pilot, and she does have Great Effort.
Although you cannot get Rally in SRWF, but at least she will have it...

Long	133		Dodge	141		Reflex	162
Close	125		Aim	141		Skill	179
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - B	S - A

Great Effort - 1	Concentrate - 9		Flash - 15
Hot Blood - 17		Love - 38		Rally - ????

Sword Block1(17), 2(28), 3(39)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(4), 3(12), 4(19), 5(30), 6(37)

??=?? - Roux Rouka - Roux
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of Jegan

Anime comment - Probably the most "attractive" female from ZZ is back.
She is still a bit full of herself, but you can be a little bit full of
yourself when you can play an enemy, a leader no less, on the palm of
your hand. However, she seems to be pretty unsuccessful trying to get
Judo's attention. Must be the fact that Judo is too busy trying to find
his sister...

Game comment - Roux is probably one of the better secondary attack
character, since she does have  Spirit and her stat is pretty good. And
with Newtype skill, you can go no wrong if you want some firepower from
a secondary character...

Long	133		Dodge	144		Reflex	166
Close	117		Aim	140		Skill	161
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Detect - 1		Flash - 9		Hot Blood - 10
Lucky - 19		Confuse - 22		Spirit - 38

Newtype1(4),  2(19), 3(26), 4(37)
Sword Block1(2), 2(19), 3(34)
Shield Defense1(12), 2(24), 3(35)

????=???? - Beecher Oleg - Beecher
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of Zaku Kai

Anime comment - Although he only seems to care about money, he does
really care about Elle. Maybe he got lucky because with the appearance
of Roux, Elle might actually gave up on Judo...

Game comment - Beecha is another good choice for a secondary attack
character, just like Roux, but he does have more support "magic" like
Love and Friendship than Roux...

Long	130		Dodge	139		Reflex	162
Close	131		Aim	140		Skill	158
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Flash - 9		Hot Blood - 10		Provoke - 17
Friendship - 27		Love - 33		Spirit - 38

Newtype1(1), 2(20), 3(31), 4(35)
Sword Block1(13), 2(27)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(19), 3(37)

??=???? - Elle Viann - Elle
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of GMIII

Anime comment - A cute girl with a very bright personality who seems
to have a crush on Judo. As Roux first appears, Elle starts to
really dislike her because she sees Roux as a competitor for Judo's
interest. As time goes on, Elle seems to let Judo go and focuses
more on Beecha...

Game comment - She is a pretty good supporting character, since she
has decent stats, and she does have good support "magic", like
Rally and Love.

Long	127		Dodge	144		Reflex	162
Close	101		Aim	140		Skill	154
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Detect - 1		Flash - 10		Trust - 12
Hot Blood - 18		Love - 29		Rally - 30

Newtype1(1), 2(17), 3(32), 4(37)
Sword Block1(6), 2(27)
Shield Defense1(10), 2(21), 3(31), 4(35), 5(39)

???=??? - Mondo Akage - Mondo
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of Guntank

Anime comment - Not much to say about him, since he is just like
Beecha in terms of just wanting money.

Game comment - Don't seems to be too useful, unless you are
desperate for a Newtype with Hot Blood...

Long	126		Dodge	139		Reflex	160
Close	106		Aim	136		Skill	154
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Detect - 1		Speed Up - 4		Flash - 7
Hot Blood - 10		Confuse - 25		Love - 32

Newtype1(4), 2(23), 3(33)
Sword Block1(8), 2(19), 3(37), 4(40)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(22)

???=????? - Eno Abbov - Eno
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of Zaku Kai

Anime comment - There's nothing much to say about him, since
he is usually just a character in the background, but he is a
nice guy...

Game comment - A quite useful support character, since he has
Rally, Friendship and Resupply, although he won't get Resupply
until SRWF Final. I would definitely keep up his level.

Long	122		Dodge	136		Reflex	160
Close	91		Aim	138		Skill	151
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Trust - 9		Concentrate - 14	Friendship - 16
Rally - 24		Invisible - 30		Resupply - ????

Newtype1(12), 2(29), 3(34)
Sword Block1(25)

????=??? - Chuck Keith - Chuck
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083
Pilot of Guncannon

Anime comment - Kou's sidekick is back. I believe he is still
dating Mora...

Game comment - A not so quite useful support character. Unless you
are desperate for anybody with Friendship and Confuse, don't even
bother increase his level...

Long	133		Dodge	129		Reflex	154
Close	101		Aim	139		Skill	168
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

100% Hit - 7		Invisible - 14		Flash - 15
Friendship - 18		Trust - 23		Confuse - 29

Sword Block1(33), 2(37)
Shield Defense1(11), 2(38), 3(40)

???=?? - Keyla Sue - Keyla
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Pilot of (Jegan), (ReGZ) {She doesn't come with a MS, but she does
pilot these two MS in the anime}

Anime comment - She serve as a support character with a name. Too
bad she die without doing anything useful...

Game comment - Unless you are desperate or have nothing to do,
don't bother increase her level, since her stat is not that high
and her magic downright suck, not to mention that she is only B
on the ground...

Long	133		Dodge	141		Reflex	162
Close	125		Aim	144		Skill	178
Mental: Normal		L - B	W - A	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 8		Flash - 10		Trust - 11
Motivate - 15		Speed Up - 20		Great Effort - 21

Sword Block1(1), 2(6), 3(22), 4(38)
Shield Defense1(5), 2(16), 3(24), 4(33)

?????=??? - Birukitto(?)
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Pilot of Jegan

Anime comment - He, sort of like Keyla in Char's Counterattack,
served as a support character with a name that die before the
end of the movie.

Game comment - Exactly like Keyla...

Long	131		Dodge	141		Reflex	158
Close	124		Aim	140		Skill	169
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

HP1 - 1			Detect - 7		Flash - 13
Speed Up - 20		Hot Blood - 21		Provoke - 22

Sword Block1(1), 2(15), 3(24), 4(36)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(17), 3(29), 4(33), 5(39)

??????=?????? - Christina Mackenzie - Chris
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080
Pilot of Gundam NT-1 Alex

Anime comment - She is probably one of the weakest main
character of all times. I don't blame her, since her job is
to test that everything works in Gundam NT-1 Alex, not a test
pilot. But since she is forced to fight, I don't blame her
for getting NT-1 destroyed before it reaches Amuro's hand...

Game comment - She might appear to be weak, but she has
potential to be a great support character, since she is one
of the few characters that has Resurrect and Dream...

Long	128		Dodge	139		Reflex	159
Close	110		Aim	141		Skill	162
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Great Effort - 3	Concentrate - 9		Flash - 12
Love - 38		Resurrect - ????	Dream - ????

Sword Block1(22), 2(39)
Shield Defense1(8), 2(16), 3(23), 4(31), 5(33), 6(37), 7(40)
Note: I don't know why, but she will stay at Shield Defense
at level 7, even at level 99. I don't  know why she's so
good with the shield, since I don't remember her ever using
one in the anime...

?????=????? - Bernard Wiseman - Bernie
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080
Pilot of Zaku Kai

Anime comment - He is probably the main character in the
 series, and he is pretty weak, but he is better than Chris.
Fall in love with Chris the first time he saw her, but as
destiny has a way with him, was killed by Chris when he is
trying to destroy the Gundam so Jion won't launch a nuclear
attack on the colony. He never knew that Chris is piloting
the Gundam nor the fact that the Jion ship carry the nuclear
weapon was captured before his attack. Got to feel sorry for
him about that...

Game comment - a completely useless character...

Long	122		Dodge	137		Reflex	158
Close	137		Aim	138		Skill	164
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Self Destruct - 1	HP2 - 5			Great Effort - 6
Speed up - 7		Hot Blood - 11		Flash - 13

Sword Block1(18), 2(21), 3(33)
Shield Defense1(10), 2(25), 3(27), 4(29), 5(34), 6(37)

??=???? - Fa Yuri - Fa
Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of Methuss

Anime comment - Camille's protector (according to Fa) is back.
Although she is the one for Camille in Gundam ZZ, but in SRW
world, that role belong to Four, I guess that leave Fa out...

Game comment - a pretty useful support character, if you want
Love and Rally...

Long	123		Dodge	145		Reflex	155
Close	93		Aim	142		Skill	158
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Concentrate - 7		Trust 9			Flash - 11
Lucky - 16		Rally - 33		Love - 37

Newtype1(20), 2(32)
Sword Block1(13), 2(24), 3(38)

??=???? - Katsu Kobayashi - Katsu
Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Pilot of G Defensor

Anime comment - Katsu always wants to be hero, but failed. I
guess the reason for him to want to be a hero because it
seems that the hero always end up with his love, so he want
to be a hero so he can be with Sara. But it doesn't always
work that way (just ask Camille about Four), and he die
trying to be a hero, and getting Sara killed in the process...

Game comment - an ok support character, since he does have
Love and Resupply, not to mention maybe the ability to
convince Sara to join (in SRWF Final, hopefully)...

Long	124		Dodge	141		Reflex	155
Close	116		Aim	135		Skill	150
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Flash - 4		Great Effort - 9	Hot Blood - 18
Detect - 20		Love - 32		Resupply - ????

Newtype1(1), 2(27), 3(37)
Sword Block1(38), 2(39)
Shield Defense1(28), 2(36), 3(39)

Enemy that might join you later:

????=??? - Haman Karn - Haman
Series: Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ
Pilot of Quebeley (?????)

Anime comment - The villain is back! She is probably one of
the slickest villain of all times, since she is always trying
to lure Newtype pilots to her side, although she is not very
successful. She was Char's lover before Char decide she wants
too much power. She did have a little soft spot for Char...

Game comment - She is the "boss" at the last episode of SRWF,
and her MS is tough to kill! Not only that, she has very high
stats! Char can be used to convince her, but she won't join
you. Maybe she will help you (in some ways) in SRWF Final...


?????? - Toroihosu(?)
Comment - A temporary battleship for Bright before he get
Agama(?), so don't bother to upgrade the weapons yet, but
you can upgrade the EN, limit, etc., since it will be carry
over to the new battleship.

HP - 7000	EN - 250	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 5	Agility - 50	Limit - 210
Size - LL	Item - 1	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

???? - Ahgama
Comment - the best one you're going to get in SRWF. You might
want to upgrade the ?????????, Hyper Mega Particle
Cannon, since it's a MAP weapon and it can do some good damage.

HP - 9000	EN - 270	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 5	Agility - 60	Limit - 230
Size - LL	Item - 1	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

Comments: All robots in these series are either ??????,
mobile suit, or ???????, mobile armor. Mobile suit, or
MS, stands for MOBILE Space Utility Instruments Tactical, which
is basically a robot. Most MS comes with ????, Vulcan,
which is weak machine guns that has extremely high hit rate,
low damage and critical hit rate, ???????, Beam Saber,
???????, Beam Rifle and a shield. Most MS cannot fly.
Mobile armor, or MA, stands for MOBILE All Range Maneuverbility
Offense Utility Reinforcement, are basically plane-like machine
that is designed for either high mobility (which means it can
cover a lot of ground), or higher attack power than MS, or
both. Some MS, like Zeta Gundam, can transform between MS and
MA form.

NT-1 ????? - Gundam NT-1 Alex
Comment - probably one of the better MS you have at the
begining, since it has ???????, Gatling Gun, that can
be used after movement and it's not beam-based, so it can be
used on HM, or Heavy Metal. 

HP - 3100	EN - 90		Armor - 850
Mobility - 5	Agility - 75	Limit - 280
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield

?????? - Guncannon
Comment - one of the weakest MS you have. Won't be used after
the first couple of episodes...

HP - 3200	EN - 90		Armor - 850
Mobility - 5	Agility - 50	Limit - 220
Size - M	Item - 4	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B

????? - Guntank
Comment - the weakest MS in your team. Don't even bother...

HP - 3100	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 4	Agility - 40	Limit - 200
Size - M	Item - 4	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B

???? - Gundam
Comment - pretty good in the begining half of the game, since
it's equipped with non beam-based weapons...

HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 5	Agility - 65	Limit - 260
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber 		Shield

???? Mk-II - Gundam Mk-II
Comment - Good MS in the beginning, won't be used again until
you get G-Defenser, since it can be combined to form Super

HP - 3300	EN - 120	Armor - 800
Mobility - 5	Agility - 80	Limit - 300
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield		Combine

??? - Zaku Kai
Comment - another weak MS...

HP - 2600	EN - 50		Armor - 700
Mobility - 4	Agility - 45	Limit - 210
Size - M	Item - 4	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield

G ??????? - G Defenser
Comment - pretty useless by itself, but will be when you
combined it with Gundam Mk-II to form Super Gundam.

HP - 2700	EN - 90		Armor - 750
Mobility - 7	Agility - 75	Limit - 300
Size - S	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

GP01Fb - Gundam GP01 Fb (Full Vernier)
Comment - the stats might be good for this MS, but it has a
grade B on ground terrain, which basically make it useless
for the most part in this game...

HP - 3200	EN - 100	Armor - 900
Mobility - 8	Agility - 80	Limit - 290
Size - M	Item - 3	L - B	W - D	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield

Comment - OK in the begining, since it's equipped with some
non-beam weapon, but it will be replaced by Jegan.

HP - 3200	EN - 100	Armor - 850
Mobility - 5	Agility - 70	Limit - 280
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield

???? - Jegan
Comment - Probably the third best MS in your team, so you
can probably upgrade a couple of them, since it has
????????, Hand Grenade, which can be used to attack
air units, it's non beam based and it can be used after

HP - 3400	EN - 140	Armor - 900
Mobility - 6	Agility - 85	Limit - 290
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield

Z???? - Zeta Gundam
Comment - The best MS you are going to get in SRWF. You
definitely need to upgrade the ???????????,
Hyper Mega Launcher, if you want to kill something near the
end of the game. You won't need to transform ????????,
Wave Rider, unless you want to move quicker.

HP - 3800	EN - 160	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 6	Agility - 100	Limit - 350
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield		Transform

???????? - Wave Rider
HP - 3800	EN - 160	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 8	Agility - 90	Limit - 330
Size - M	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

???????? - Super Gundam
Comment - Probably seem useless by the end of the game, but it
can fly and it can be used to advance the levels of MS pilots,
since only one of the two pilots need to have Great Effort...

HP - 4000	EN - 120	Armor - 950
Mobility - 6	Agility - 90	Limit - 310
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - A	S - A
Saber		Shield		Separate

?? - Nemo
Comment - this MS is too poorly equipped to be useful, so just
leave it alone...

HP - 3100	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 5	Agility - 60	Limit - 250
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield

?? - Type 100
Comment - you will get this MS by the last episode. It's the
first MS you are going to get that has a MAP weapon,
???????????, Mega Bozooka Launcher. Besides, the
stats is not too bad...

HP - 3300	EN - 120	Armor - 1200
Mobility - 6	Agility - 100	Limit - 350
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A

??? - Methuss (MA)
Comment - One of the few units in your team that can have
repair, which can be used to increase your levels of weak team
members. Can transformed to MA mode to increase mobility.

HP - 3000	EN - 100	Armor - 900
Mobility - 8	Agility - 85	Limit - 300
Size - M	Item - 3	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

??? - Methuss (MS)
HP - 3000	EN - 100	Armor - 950
Mobility - 6	Agility - 90	Limit - 310
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber 		Transform

? ??? - ReGZ - Refined Gundam Zeta (BWS)
Comment - It has two mode - BWS, Back Weapon System, which is
basically the MA mode, and MS mode. You can only transform
from BWS to MS mode when you separate, but you cannot
transform back. The ?????????, Mega Beam Cannon, is
one of the more powerful weapons in your MS team. 

HP - 3500	EN - 140	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 8	Agility - 110	Limit - 310
Size - M	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - E	S - A

? ??? - ReGZ - Refined Gundam Zeta
HP - 3500	EN - 140	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 6	Agility - 95	Limit - 310
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A


?????????W - New Mobile War Chronicle Gundam Wing


???=???? - Zechs Merquise - Zechs
Pilot of Tallgeese

Anime comment - Even though he is mainly considered the
villain of the show, his intention is good - he wants to
show the world a war that is so bad that people won't
consider fighting a war anymore. He did fail, since there's
at least one more war before people stopped. He is actually
Relena's brother, the rightful King of Sand Kingdom(?), but
decide to leave it to Relena since he think his hands are
filled with blood, therefore cannot fully represent the
absolute peace that Sand Kingdom represent. He also love to
fight Hiro, whom he consider to be as good as he is.

Game comment - I did never use him, since all those people
that actually watched the show knows that Zechs might leave
your team sooner or later as your enemy (since we saw that
Gundam Epyon is in the game from the karaoke mode, and it
appears in the enemy's side, which suggest that you might
fight it during the course of the game, and it's mainly
piloted by Zech throughout the course of the anime), so I
strongly suggest you to leave him alone...

Long	149		Dodge	145		Reflex	159
Close	145		Aim	150		Skill	180
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A

100% Hit - 1		Speed Up - 3		Flash - 6
Hot Blood - 9		Lucky - 11		Friendship - 17

Sword Block1(1), 2(10), 3(18), 4(24), 5(35)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(15), 3(24), 4(29), 5(34)

??????=??? - Noin
Pilot of Aris

Anime comment - Although she was considered a villain in the
beginning, but she is actually on the hero's side throughout
the course of the game. Actually, she is in the hero's side
because Zechs want her to help Relena, and she follows his
request because she loves him very much. Refuse to consider
him dead after Zechs' confrontation with Hiro at the end of
TV series, and was immediately at Zech's side after the end
of Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz OVA because she never wants to
be alone without Zechs again...

Game comment - she has ok magic, but her robot is too weak to
be useful...

Long	139		Dodge	138		Reflex	157
Close	122		Aim	140		Skill	171
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A

Mercy - 1		Substitute - 7		Trust - 12
Flash - 15		Hot Blood - 18		Love - 20

Sword Block1(1), 2(12), 3(29)

Enemies that might join you in SRWF Final:

???=?? - Hiro Yui - Hiro
Pilot of: Wing Gundam
Robot that he most likely be piloting when he join you: Wing
Gundam Zero

Anime comment - The ultra cool main character from Gundam W
is back, and he is as cool as ever (just ask Duo, who has
been trying to start an interesting conversation with him
for quite a while both in the game and in the series). The
only person who seems to be able to get any emotion from him
is Relena. After all, she's the one who keeps on being nice
to him even though it is pretty clear that Hiro will kill her.
Since Relena is basically on your side in SRWF, Hiro has a
very good chance of join you in SRWF Final. Hiro is the only
pilot out of the five Gundam pilot who seems to control the
Zero System of Wing Gundam Zero without too much trouble.
Maybe it's because he doesn't have too many emotions to begin
with, or as Duo points out, "He (Hiro) is not a normal human

???=??????? - Duo Maxwell - Duo
Pilot of: Gundam Deathscythe
Robot that he most likely be piloting when he join you:
Gundam Deathscythe Hell

Anime comment - Duo is probably the most happy Gundam pilot
out of the five, as he is always trying to stay happy. And
he's very talkative, as we can see by the fact that he is
trying to start an interesting conversation with Hiro, who
rarely talk unless it is absolutely necessary. Maybe part
of the reason for being so happy is because he is the only
one in the Gundam W series to have a steady girlfriend...

???=????=???? - Quatre Reberba Winner - Quatre
Pilot of: Gundam Sandrock
Robot that he most likely be piloting when he join you:
Gundam Sandrock (space type)

Anime comment - Quatre is the most innocent out of the
five pilot, since he came from a rich family. He is literally
mad when his father was killed, so he dig up the plan for the
ancestor of the five Gundams, the one that was never built
because of its terrible power. After "killing" Trowa with Wing
Gundam Zero, the ancestor of the five Gundams, he return back
to normal. He seems to have known Doris from somewhere, maybe
they have a chance...

???=???? - Trowa Barton - Trowa
Pilot of: Gundam Heavy Arms
Robot that he most likely be piloting when he join you:
Gundam Heavy Arms (space type)

Anime comment - Trowa is almost as cold as Hiro, but not to
Hiro's extreme (Hiro can stand the pain of seperating a joint
(in his leg) and put it back together, much to Duo's surprise).
Trowa's past is a mystery, as nobody really know what is exactly
is his background. But the Gundam W sidestory suggests that he
is actually the Barton baby that was supposely killed. Another
Barton family member, Catherine, was supposed to be killed, but
she escape and work in a circus. Catherine immediately like Trowa
when Trowa is hidding in the circus, maybe it's due to the fact
that they are really brother and sister...

??? - Chang Wufei - Wufei
Pilot of: Shenlong Gundam
Robot that he most likely be piloting when he join you:
Altron Gundam

Anime comment - He is probably the most hand-to-hand combat
specialist out of the five Gundam pilots, but he is very into
the idea of honor, as he won't attack women or anyone who cannot
defend themselves. Sally, one of the many helpers in Hiro's side,
seems to be very interested in him...


????? - Aris
Comment - by the time you get this robot in your team, the
robot has been already been upgrade a few times, and it's still
pretty weak...

HP - 3300	EN - 120	Armor - 700
Mobility - 5	Agility - 75	Limit - 280
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - A	S - A

????? - Tallgeese
Comment - Although it has pretty good weapons, but as I mention
in Zechs' comment, since you don't want to use him, why bother
upgrading it...

HP - 6000	EN - 200	Armor - 1700
Mobility - 6	Agility - 95	Limit - 350
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A
Saber		Shield

?????G???? - Mobile Fighting Chronicle G Gundam


???=???? - Domon Kasshu
Pilot of: Shining Gundam

Anime comment - The hero from the not-so-popular Gundam series
is here, along with his girlfriend. Domon is not very friendly
to other people, mainly because of what happen with his brother,
Kyouji. Kyouji stole Devil Gundam, and his mother was killed
trying to protect Kyouji. Kyouji didn't even seem to notice, as
he leave in the Devil Gundam. His father was sentenced to be
freezed for creating and letting Devil Gundam get away. With all
these due to the fault of Kyouji, Domon take destroying Devil
Gundam as his primary responsiblity. The only person who seems
to able to effect Domon at all is Rain, his "girlfriend" and the
one who keep on repairing his Shining Gundam (and later, God
Gundam). He treated Rain like nobody in the beginning because he
thought they would be together after he won the Gundam Fight
(and defeat Devil Gundam), so he better be serious to "business"
first. His long speech at the end of the series to convince Rain
that he loves her has to be a milestone for a Gundam hero - that
the Gundam hero actually "propose" to his lover!

Game comment - In this game, Domon doesn't dodge very well, but
his close range combat skill is extremely high. It's so sad that
he has Concentrate so late because it's pretty hard to hit the
bosses without it. You cannot go wrong keep up his level, too
bad he doesn't seem to have Spirit...

Long	115		Dodge	157		Reflex	162
Close	173		Aim	141		Skill	170
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 1		Flash - 2		Motivate - 15
Speed Up - 21		Concentrate - 26	Love - ????

Sword Block1(1), 2(9), 3(24), 4(32), 5(40)

????=??? - Master Asia - Master
Pilot of: ???? (I forget what's its name), Master Gundam

Anime comment - He is the teacher of Domon, who taught him
everything he knows about fighting. He is probably the best
hand-to-hand combat fighter there is. He is also the King of
Hearts, and it is he who hand it to Domon. He is not what he
seems to be, much to Domon's surprise...

Game comment - He only will be in "your side" for episode
26(25) and 27(26), so don't worry about him, as I don't
think he will be back to your side...

Long	133		Dodge	165		Reflex	163
Close	178		Aim	148		Skill	200
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A

Speed Up - 1		Motivate - 1		Iron Wall - 1
Hot Blood - 1		100% Hit - 1		Flash - 1

Sword Block5(1), 6(19), 7(32), 8(40)

?????=????? - Schwarb Brader - Schwarb
Pilot of: Gundam Spiegel

Anime comment - He is always surrounded by mystery, since
nobody what's behind the mask. But the reason for the mask is
revealed near of the end of the show because he is actually
part of Kyouji that is seperate from Kyouji when Devil Gundam
first reached Earth. He was able to get away from Devil
Gundam, and he maintain the true nature of Kyouji. Schwarb
help Domon throughout the series, helping him to destroy Devil
Gundam. He is also the one who taught the true nature of "Clear
Mirror, Still Water", the ultra calm state of mind, so Domon
can truly use the power of the Super Mode of Shining Gundam and
Hyper Mode of God Gundam.

Game comment - You can only use him in episode 27(26). He has
very high skill level, even higher than Char. His magic seems
to be pretty good too, too bad you cannot really use him in

Long	130		Dodge	162		Reflex	160
Close	176		Aim	144		Skill	195
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 1		Flash - 4		Invisible - 7
Confuse - 9		Motivate - 12		Rally - 32

???=???? - Rain Mikamura
Pilot of: Shining Gundam (when Domon is unable to pilot
Shining Gundam in episode 27(26))
The robot she most likely be piloting when she really joins
you: Rising Gundam

Anime comment - Probably the sexiest Gundam character ever in
a Gundam series (she wear an ultra short skirt all the time!
Not to mention the fact that she doesn't really wear anything
in the last three episodes of G Gundam!), and she is really in
love with Domon. Her father is the inventor who create Shining
Gundam, God Gundam and Rising Gundam. She plays the supportive
girlfriend type for Domon in the beginning, but when Devil
Gundam appears during the last round of Gundam Fight, she
pilots Rising Gundam and defeat Allenbi, who was controlled by
Wong, hoping to help Domon. Too bad we didn't get to see her
and Domon pilot God Gundam together and use SekiHaTenKyouKen
like they did in the last episode of G Gundam. One of the more
faithful girlfriend to a Gundam pilot, probably only second to

Game comment - You can only use her in episode 27(26). She does
have pretty useful support magic, not to mention the fact that
she can use Dream, which mean you will have no trouble
increasing her level after you get Miracle...

Note: To those of you who are wondering why in the world is she
moaning in pain(?) when she is putting on her battle suit to pilot 
Shining Gundam in episode 27(26), the reason is because in order to
pilot a MF with efficiency, the pilot has to "go through" a
soft, plastic-like sheet, which will stick to the pilot's skin
to form the battle suit. Since Rain is not a real MF pilot,
she doesn't have the strength to go through the procedure
without a lot of effort, which is why she moans so loud. Many
ecchi anime fans (including myself) wish they include the
original anime scene, which show off her body quite nicely
(as you can imagine, you won't get to see too many "interesting"
body parts...). Rain-sama...

Long	142		Dodge	137		Reflex	159
Close	121		Aim	140		Skill	152
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

100% Hit - 1		Love - 9		Rally - 18
Hot Blood - 22		Resupply - ????		Dream - ????

Comments - The robots in this series are called ????????,
mobile fighters, or MF. All MF are piloted via the physical
motions of the pilot called mobile trace system, so if the pilot 
throw a punch in the cockpit, the MF will throw a punch. Since the 
performance of the MF depends greatly on the pilot's physical 
condition, almost all of the MF pilots are great martial artists. 
For example, Domon is so fast he can catch the bullets of a firing 
machine gun before it hits him. Since MF are designed for hand-to-hand 
combat (the fights are created so the owner country of the winning MF 
will rule), most of the MF don't have any decent long range weapons.

?????????? - Shining Gundam
Anime comment - Shining Gundam is Domon's Gundam at the first
half of the show, and it was created by Rain's father. It is an
unique MF because it is one of the few MF that can "transform"
to another mode so the MF can perform better, depending on the
emotional state of the pilot. Shining Gundam has three modes,
normal, battle and super. Normal mode is form that it usually
fights in. Battle mode is when Domon is using Shining finger.
Super mode is when Domon finally reach a certain state of mind
(either "Clear Mirror, Still Water" or extremely angry, which
usually happens when Domon is dealing with Devil Gundam),
Shining Gundam will perform much better, and it can use
Shining Finger Sword (this won't happen in SRWF, but it will
in SRWF Final).

Comment - Although it doesn't have a very good long range
attack, but its ???????????, Shining Finger, is
probably one of the highest damaging attack while only cost
40 EN per use. You should also upgrade ???????????,
Shining Strike, which should be your primary choice of attack.

HP - 5500	EN - 180	Armor - 1300
Mobility - 5	Agility - 85	Limit - 330
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A

?????????? - Gundam Spiegel
Comment - You only get to use it for one episode, but it is
pretty powerful...

HP - 5100	EN - 200	Armor - 150
Mobility - 6	Agility - 90	Limit - 400
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A

???????? - Heavy Metal L-Gaim


??=????? - Daba Mylord - Daba
Pilot of: L-Gaim

Anime comment - He is the hero of the show, although he does
not seems to be the best pilot in the show. He has a score
to settle with Posaydal because she almost completely destroy
his whole tribe. L-Gaim is made from the technology of the tribe.
He might look a little feminine, but he seems to extremely
attractive to girls, although he seems to be the faithful, loyal
type. Amu and Leccee is crazy about him, almost the first time
they met. He doesn't accept or reject them during the whole time
(to me he seems to be "dragging" them on in order to help him in
fighting), but finally made the decision when his cousin is
involve in the final fight...

Game comment - Although his stats is pretty good, L-Gaim is not
capable of dealing any heavy damage. Maybe when L-Gaim Mk-II
arrives in SRWF Final...

Long	157		Dodge	159		Reflex	162
Close	139		Aim	156		Skill	177
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Mercy - 1		Flash - 4		Speed Up - 9
Hot Blood - 14		Friendship - 27		Spirit - 36

Sword Block1(1), 2(15), 3(24), 4(33)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(10), 3(20), 4(32)

???=??? - Lilisu
Pilot of: None, since she is a fairy

Anime comment - She loves to hang around Daba because he is the
one who brought her so she don't have to be dancing for money
anymore. Sometime she uses tear gases to help Daba to get away
or capture somebody...

Game comment - She does have ok support "magic" like Rally,
and Awake and Move Again seems to be pretty useful too, but too
bad she doesn't have too much SP...

Lucky - 1		Trust - 12		Rally - 18
Love - 22		Awake - 23		Move Again - ????

??????=?? - Fanelia Amu - Amu
Pilot of: DSSerd

Anime comment - She used to be a bandit, but after meeting Daba,
decides to follow Daba because she is heads over heels for Daba.
She is not a bad pilot, but definitely not as good as Leecee, who
is a professional pilot. She has a very bright personality, and
she loves to stay as close to Daba as possible. She fights with
Leccee a lot because she knows Leccee is madly in love with Daba.
Although she does not seems to know there is a third player in
the game for the love of Daba...

Game comment - Although her stat is lower than Karl, but she does
have Rally. It really depend on personal preference on which
character to develope...

Long	137		Dodge	143		Reflex	160
Close	121		Aim	138		Skill	166
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Lucky - 1		Trust - 4		Love - 8
Hot Blood - 19		Flash - 22		Rally - 39

Sword Block1(7), 2(18), 3(29)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(10), 3(26), 4(33), 5(40)

????=??? - Karl
Pilot of: DSSerd

Anime comment - He is Daba's best friend. He is your typical
girl-chaser-but-always-unsuccessful. He is a pretty good mechanics,
and helps to make DSSerd from L-Gaim...

Game comment - He is the other supporting character, but he has
Resupply instead of Rally and Friendship instead of Love. However,
he does have Concentrate, which makes advancement in levels much

Long	130		Dodge	139		Reflex	158
Close	124		Aim	133		Skill	166
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Concentrate - 1		detect - 1		Invisible - 6
Hot Blood - 12		Friendship - 20		Resupply - ????

Sword Block1(10), 2(25), 3(34), 4(40)
Shield Defense1(8), 2(21)

Enemy pilot that will join you:

??=?=???? - Gaw Ha Leccee - Leccee
Pilot of: Galvaly Temple

Anime comment - She was one of the "thirteen people(?)" of
Posaydal, but decide to join Daba after spending some times with
the gang when the gang is trying to go to Mizun. Leccee was captured
at that time, and falls in love with Daba when Daba show kindness
toward her. Leccee is so in love with Daba that she is willing to
take off her cloths to show that she don't have any tracer on her
(although Amu claims that Leccee is just doing the strip show in
order to seduce Daba, Lilisu thought so too). Once she joins, the
war between Amu and Leccee begins...

Game comment - She is the second best pilot in the L-Gaim team, so
if you want some additional fire power, Leccee is your pilot.
Besides, she does have Great Effort, not to mention Love...

Long	144		Dodge	146		Reflex	161
Close	135		Aim	149		Skill	177
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 2		Great Effort - 5	Flash - 9
Love - 15		Trust - 24		Spirit - ????

Sword Block1(4), 2(18), 3(30)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(14), 3(29), 4(35)

Enemy pilot that might join you in SRWF Final:

??????=????? - Gavlet Gablae	- Gablae
Pilot of: Bat-Shu, Ashura Temple

Anime comment - This is probably one of the better pilots in the
series, and he is always fighting against Daba for some reason.
Fall in love pretty easily, but he does settle for one woman
during the course of the series and stay loving her at the end.
She just happens to be Daba's cousin, so when Daba's cousin is
free of Posaydal's control, Gablae decide to fight on Daba's side
 against Posaydal...

Game comment - As I have mentioned above, he is one of the best
pilots, so be careful when you are fighting against him, since you
cannot do anything to convince him to join you unless you have met
Daba's cousin...

Comment - All the robots in this show is called ??????, Heavy
Metal, or HM. All of the HM, besides ????, Allone, and ????,
Greia, have anti beam-coating. All HM have ????, Saber, and
????????, Power Launcher (beam based). Some HM, like
????, Bat-Shu and ????????, Ashura Temple, have
?????????, or Buster Launcher, a MAP weapon.

????? - L-Gaim
Comment - Power launcher might seems to be a bit weak, but it's ok
against non-boss. Its stat is the highest among the HM that you can
get in SRWF. The S???, or S Mine, is pretty useful for attacking
air units and HM and Aura Battler, not to mention the fact that it
can be used after movement...

HP - 3500	EN - 130	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 7	Agility - 90	Limit - 290
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield		Beam Coating

????? - DSSerd
Comment - I wouldn't spend too much money on this HM, since you can
always just use Galvaly Temple instead...

HP - 3300	EN - 110	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 6	Agility - 80	Limit - 280
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Shield		Beam Coating

????????? - Galvaly Temple
Comment - One of the most used HM because all of its weapons and
stats are already upgraded 4 times. Still, it can only equip two

HP - 4300	EN - 140	Armor - 1300
Mobility - 6	Agility - 85	Limit - 310
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - A
Saber		Beam Coating

???????? - Aura Battler Dunbine


???=?? - Shou Zama - Shou
Pilot of: Dunbine, Billvine

Anime comment - Perhaps the ace on the "good" side since the rest
of them seems to be always just stand around when Shou went off
against the ace of the other side. He does not seems to have a love
interest, but it doesn't means girls don't want him. His aura is
extremely high, as it is obvious since Shou is able to hold against
enemy's superior aura battler with a not-so-advance Billvine...

Game comment - The ace in this game. All of his weapons are not beam
based, and he has one of the highest dodging ability in the game.
With After-image, anything other than Guest bosses or maybe Haman
can hit him. He also has one of the highest close range attack stats,
so you can do no wrong in increasing his levels.

Long	122		Dodge	161		Reflex	161
Close	161		Aim	151		Skill	176
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

Speed Up - 1		Flash - 5		Hot Blood - 7
Concentrate - 9		Motivate - 30		Spirit - 39

Sword Block1(1), 2(16), 3(27), 4(38)
Aura Senshi3(1), 4(14), 5(25), 6(33)

???=??? - Cham
Pilot of: None, since she is a fairy

Anime comment - She is one of the most talkative character of all
times. Don't like Shou at first, but after they brief visit to Earth,
grow to like Shou. Was left on Earth after all the aura battler
disappears as a result of the war...

Game comment - Not only does she has Rally, she is also the only one
who seems to have Miracle (not in SRWF, though). Since Miracle is so
useful, you cannot go wrong advance her levels...

Lucky - 1		Trust - 4		Rally - 18
Invisible - 32		Motivate - 34		Miracle - ????

????=????? - Marvel Frozen - Marvel
Pilot of: Botune

Anime comment - She is perhaps the second best pilot on the "good"
side besides Shou. She used to like somebody else before Shou, but
feels that she loves Shou after Shou's brief visit on Earth. She is
a tough one, as she was practically dying in the last fight, she
still say to Shou that she's fine and he should continue to fight.
Some woman...

Game comment - She is the only that AB pilot in your team. Besides,
she does have Rally and Great Effort, which can be used to increase
the advance the level of Cham...

Long	131		Dodge	146		Reflex	160
Close	136		Aim	149		Skill	172
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

Flash - 2		Great Effort - 8	Hot Blood - 12
Love - 24		Rally - 31		Motivate - 36

Sword Block1(1), 2(22), 3(33), 4(40)
Aura Senshi1(1), 2(12), 3(24), 4(36)

??=??? - Elly
Pilot of: Goraon

Anime comment - She doesn't like to fight, but when her grandfather
dies in battle, the job of fighting falls in her hands. She does
have a pretty powerful aura...

Game comment - She is probably the most used battleship captain,
since the MAP weapon of her ship is extremely powerful, not to
mention her "magic", like Rally, Love, and Move Again...

Long	121		Dodge	122		Reflex	161
Close	74		Aim	134		Skill	152
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

Trust - 12		100% Hit - 26		Love - 28
Rally - 31		Substitute - 32		Move Again - 40

???=???? - Shela
Pilot of: Gran-Garan

Anime comment - She is the queen of a country in Bystorm(?), and
she met Shou when she was trapped somewhere. She give Shou a kiss
for getting her back to her own country, maybe also a part of her
heart in the process. She make Billvine just for Shou. Even though
she never make a move on Shou, but it is pretty obvious...

Game comment - Although her battleship is a little bit weak, her
"magic" more than make up for it, since she is one of the two in
SRWF that will have Resurrect in SRWF Final...

Long	125		Dodge	122		Reflex	162
Close	72		Aim	138		Skill	151
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Lucky - 6		Trust - 14		Love - 20
Rally - 23		Confuse - 39		Resurrect - ????

Enemies that might join you later (in SRWF Final):

???=??? - Todd
Pilot of: Rainekku(?)

Anime comment - Another person from Earth that was summoned to
Bystorm, during the period when Shou was first summoned. Always
want to be the best, but ever since Shou becomes the enemy, Todd
has been unsuccessful at defeating Shou...

Game comment - I don't know why, but it's possible to use Shou
to convince Todd, but he won't join you. Oh well...

Comments: Both have the same basic weapons, ???????,
aura vulcan, ???????, aura cannon, and
???????????, or hyper aura cannon. Both are equipped
with aura barrier. Each has one unique weapon, not to mention their
HP and armor stats are different.

??? ??? - Gran-Garan
Comment - This is perhaps the weaker of the two aura battler
battleship, but hey, it's piloted by Shela...

HP - 18000	EN - 300	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 4	Agility - 55	Limit - 280
Size - LL	Item - 1	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - B
Aura Barrier

???? - Goraon
Comment - This is perhaps the more useful of the two aura battler
battleship because of its MAP weapon, ??????, Aura Nova
Cannon. Definitely worth upgrading, since it's not beam based...

HP - 15000	EN - 300	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 4	Agility - 60	Limit - 280
Size - LL	Item - 1	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - B
Aura Barrier

Comment - All the robots in this serie is called ???????,
Aura Battler, or AB. All AB are equipped with After-image, aura
barrier, have a size S, and have ??????, Aura Sword,
?????, Aura Cut, and ?????????, Hyper Aura Cut.

????? - Dunbine
Comment - By the time you get Dunbine, you will be getting Billvine,
basically a more advance version of Dunbine, so you don't need to
spend any money on it...

HP - 2800	EN - 80		Armor - 600
Mobility - 6	Agility - 90	Limit - 320
Size - S	Item - 3	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B
Saber		After-image	Aura Barrier
Note: This AB won't get any Aura Senshi bonus.

????? - Billvine
Comment - Probably the most powerful AB you are going to get in this
game, so you can relax and spend some money on it, like its
?????????, Aura Beam Sword, ???????, Aura Cannon or
??????????, Aura Beam Rifle. It can also transform to
?????????, Wing Gyariba(?), which can move a little further
than Billvine. Bewarn, however, that you might get a better AB in
SRWF Final, but you can always give Billvine to Marbelu. Upgrading
the agility, limit and EN is a must...

HP - 3300	EN - 110	Armor - 800
Mobility - 7	Agility - 115	Limit - 370
Size - S	Item - 1	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B
Saber		After-image	Aura Barrier
Note: This AB won't get any Aura Senshi bonus.

HP - 3300	EN - 110	Armor - 700
Mobility - 8	Agility - 110	Limit - 370
Size - S	Item - 1	L - E	W - B	A - A	S - B
After-image	Aura Barrier
Note: This AB won't get any Aura Senshi bonus.

????? - Botune
Comment - This is the weakest, in terms of stats, AB you are going
to get in SRWF. However, its ?????????, Hyper Aura Cut's
damage, also depends on the Aura Senshi level of the pilot. So if
you fully upgrade the hyper aura cut and the pilot has a Aura Senshi
level of 9, the weapon will have a damage number of 4700! I guess
that will be the weapon of choice of Shou's AB in SRWF Final (I am
just guessing at this point)...

HP - 3000	EN - 90		Armor - 700
Mobility - 6	Agility - 85	Limit - 300
Size - S	Item - 3	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B
Saber		After-image	Aura Barrier

??????????? - Neon Genesis Evangelion

Comment - All pilots in this series are called Children, a term used
to call all 14 year olds that can pilot an ???, EVA. Only
children born after the Second Impact (or in one case, on the day of
the Second Impact), can pilot an EVA. In the TV series, there are
only five children. In SRWF, only the first three made an appearance.

???? - Shinji Ikari - Shinji
Pilot of: EVA unit 1

Anime comment - Probably the most unlikely hero of all anime show is
here! He is neither brave nor very skillful, and the only reason why
he seems to be able to pilot EVA unit 1 so well is because both of
his parents are heavily involved in the EVA project. His father,
Gendou Ikari, treat him coldly, and his mother, Yui Ikari,
disappeared when they are testing the S3 engine. Interestingly
enough, the same S3 engine is installed in EVA unit 1, maybe that's
why he pilot this EVA so well... He is "interested" in Rei the first
time he met her, because she remind him of his mother (EVA fans
should all know why by now). As for Asuka, maybe she is the only one
who seems to be able to draw any backbone out of him, other than Rei.
Treat Misato like a mother, older sister, and maybe lover (according
to End of Evangelion). He is the Third Children. Just wish he has a

Game comment - Out of the three Children, his synchronize rate growth
is the highest, even though he started in the middle among the three
Children. Since EVAs are extremely useful in episodes with Guest
bosses, since EVAs can be used as shields, Shinji's advancement in
levels should be fine...

Long	126		Dodge	143		Reflex	160
Close	142		Aim	143		Skill	155
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

Flash - 4		Concentrate - 5		Hot Blood - 7
Speed Up - 13		Awake - 20		Spirit - 32

Sword Block1(12), 2(27), 3(38)

???? - Rei Ayanami - Rei
Pilot of: EVA unit 0

Anime comment - She is perhaps the coolest female character ever
appear in an anime show! She rarely show any emotion at all, even
cooler than Hiro. She does not have a past (we all know why), and
the only people who she seems to care about are Gendou and Shinji.
She care about Gendou because he has always treated her nicely in
the past, and he is the one who saved her when EVA unit 0 has a
testing accident. She care about Shinji in the TV series because
Shinji is one who tried to rescue Rei in the fight against the 5th
Angel. As the series goes on, we can see that Rei treat Shinji
differently than she did in the past. She actually blush when
Shinji said that when she is cleaning the floors, she actually
look like a mother. It might seems like nothing, but we are talking
about Rei here, a person with absolutely no emotion in the past.
She is the First Children. Asuka don't like her very much, maybe
it's because of Shinji's interest in Rei...

Game comment - She has the lowest synchronize rate and growth out
of the three Children. Maybe it seems like she is useless, however,
she does have a "magic" that the other two Children don't, Dream...

Long	131		Dodge	137		Reflex	160
Close	135		Aim	140		Skill	159
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

Self Destruct - 1	Substitute - 1		Concentrate - 4
Flash - 9		Spirit - 34		Dream - ????

Sword Block1(14), 2(30)

??=???=????? - Souryuu Asuka Langray - Asuka
Pilot of: EVA unit 2

Anime comment - She is nothing like the other two Children, as she
is very outspoken and like to show off. As the series progresses,
we know why she wants to show off - because after her mother went
crazy testing the EVAs, she mistake a doll for Asuka and try to
kill it, so Asuka wants to show the world that the world need her,
so they won't have to kill her like her mother. Part of her dislike
toward Rei maybe is also due to the fact that Rei reminds her of a
doll. Had a serious crush on Kaji, the ex-lover of Misato, but grow
closer to Shinji after the 6th and 7th Angel. Loves to call Shinji
"Baka", which basically means an idiot. Once Shinji proves that he
is "better" at piloting EVA by having a higher synchronize rate and
having to defeat the 14th Angel when she cannot even hurt it, she
lost her ability to pilot an EVA effectively. In End of Evangelion,
however, she recovers and became her old self again. I don't want
to spoil the ending to the fans who hadn't watch End of Evangelion
yet, but let's just say she and Shinji's relationship will change
forever... She is the Second Children.

Game comment - Out of the three Children, her Synchronize rate
start the highest and her synchronize rate growth is just below
Shinji. Her skill level is also the highest. If you want to do some
serious damage, you can do no wrong on advancing her level, since
she also has Great Effort...

Long	132		Dodge	143		Reflex	160
Close	139		Aim	147		Skill	162
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

HP2 - 1			Great Effort - 1	Hot Blood - 6
Flash - 8		Provoke - 17		Spirit - 34

Sword Block1(2), 2(19), 3(28), 4(36)

Comment - All EVAs have AT-Field, a size M, not to mention
??????? ???, Progressive Knife, ??, Hand-To-Hand combat,
and ????????, Pallet Rifle. All of them are connected to a power
station or battleship through the umbilical cable. The cable will
limit the EVA's movement, as it has to stay within 10 square of the
connected power station or battleship, unless the pilot cut the
cable. If the cable is connected, the EVA's EN will always recover
fully after every turn. Once the cable is cut, the EVA cannot
recover its EN after every turn, and it will disappear from the map
(without earning any bonus after the episode) unless the EVA docks
on a battleship or a power station.

?????? - EVA unit 1
Comment - This is perhaps the most useful EVA because it can equip
two items, and it can also go berserk. However, it is also the most
expensive to repair. A berserked EVA can be quite useful, as it 
recover 30% HP every turn. It is especially useful if you have a 
hard time trying to damage a tough-to-kill boss, but it cost 40000...

HP - 4100	EN - 150	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 5	Agility - 95	Limit - 340
Size - L	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A
Saber		AT Field	Berserk

?????? - EVA unit 0
Comment - This is the most poorly equipped EVA, but it's piloted by
Rei, and maybe it will get a better weapon in SRWF Final...

HP - 3900	EN - 140	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 5	Agility - 85	Limit - 320
Size - L	Item - 1	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B
Saber		AT Field

?????? - EVA unit 2
Comment - This is perhaps the most heavily equipped EVA, but most
of them are pretty much useless...

HP - 4200	EN - 140	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 5	Agility - 90	Limit - 320
Size - L	Item - 1	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B
Saber		AT Field

?????Z - Mazinger Z


??? - Kouji Kabuto - Kouji
Pilot of: Mazinger Z

Game comment - He might seems to be useless in this game, since he
doesn't have Flash and Mazinger Z seems to be underpowered, but he
does have Dream, which means you can always use somebody else's
"magic", not to mention the fact that Kouji will get Mazinkaiser
in SRWF Final...

Long	105		Dodge	128		Reflex	155
Close	167		Aim	135		Skill	170
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

HP2 - 1			Iron Wall - 2		Hot Blood - 6
100% Hit - 13		Speed Up - 27		Dream - ????

Sword Block1(30), 2(38)

???? - Sayaka Yumi - Sayaka
Pilot of: Aphrodite A, Diana A

Game comment - She is pretty much a support character, as she has
Rally, but that's about it. At least her robot can repair...

Long	118		Dodge	130		Reflex	157
Close	128		Aim	137		Skill	164
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - B	A - B	S - B

Lucky - 1		Trust - 6		Flash - 12
100% Hit - 15		Hot Blood - 23		Rally - 34

?? - Boss
Pilot of: Boss robot

Game comment - Has one of the most useful "magic" against bosses,
Exhaust, not to mention the fact that his robot has Resupply, so
you should keep up his level...

Long	70		Dodge	115		Reflex	150
Close	156		Aim	115		Skill	140
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - C	A - C	S - C

HP2 - 1			Self Destruct - 1	Exhaust - 5
Friendship - 14		Hot Blood - 17		Provoke - 20


?????Z - Mazinger Z
Comment - Upgrading EN is a must. It does have some useful
attacks, like ?????????, Breast Fire. After it has
??????????, Jet Scrander, it will have more useful
weapons, like ??????????, Strander Cutter, and
????????, Iron Cutter, since it has a higher critical hit
rate. All the upgrades should be carry over to Mazinkaiser in SRWF

HP - 4500	EN - 120	Armor - 1400
Mobility - 4	Agility - 40	Limit - 200
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B

?????Z - Mazinger Z (with ??????????)
HP - 4800	EN - 150	Armor - 1500
Mobility - 5	Agility - 50	Limit - 230
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

?????A - Aphrodite A
Comment - Other than upgrading the limit a couple of times, you
should basically just leave it alone, but the Repair is pretty
useful at advancing her level and helping your chance of

HP - 3500	EN - 100	Armor - 1200
Mobility - 4	Agility - 40	Limit - 190
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B

????? - Diana A
Comment - The more advance version of Aphrodite A, and the
upgrading will be carried over to this one...

HP - 3900	EN - 120	Armor - 1400
Mobility - 5	Agility - 45	Limit - 210
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - B

?????? - Boss robot
Comment - If the robot didn't have Resupply, I am not sure I would
even use this robot at all...

HP - 3500	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 4	Agility - 35	Limit - 180
Size - M	Item - 4	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - E

?????? - Boss robot (space use)
HP - 3700	EN - 100	Armor - 900
Mobility - 4	Agility - 45	Limit - 200
Size - M	Item - 3	L - A	W - C	A - E	S - C

?????? - Getta Robot
??????G - Getta Robot G


??? - Ryuuma Nagare - Ryuuma
Series: Getta Robot, Getta Robot G
Pilot of: Getta 1, Getta Dragon

Game comment - Since Getta 1 and Getta Dragon can do some serious
damage, you can do no wrong advancing his level, since he is the
one who has 100% Hit, and also Hot Blood. Great Effort and Love
didn't hurt either...

Long	128		Dodge	128		Reflex	155
Close	169		Aim	136		Skill	168
Mental: Strong		L - B	W - D	A - A	S - A

HP1 - 1			Great Effort - 4	Hot Blood - 7
100% Hit - 10		Friendship - 31		Love - 39


??? - Hayato Jin - Hayato
Series: Getta Robot, Getta Robot G
Pilot of: Getta 2, Getta Rydar

Game comment - Getta 2 and Getta Rydar are basically used to
dodging or running away quickly, so a little level never hurts.
He is also the one with Speed Up, Lucky and Awake...

Long	130		Dodge	156		Reflex	157
Close	152		Aim	142		Skill	168
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - E	A - E	S - A

Flash - 1		Speed Up - 3		Lucky - 9
Invisible - 11		Awake - 23		Love - ????

??? - Benkei Kuruma - Benkei
Series: Getta Robot, Getta Robot G
Pilot of: Getta 3, Getta Poseidon

Game comment - A must, since he's the one with Iron Wall and

Long	105		Dodge	123		Reflex	154
Close	169		Aim	139		Skill	155
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - A	A - D	S - B

HP2 - 1			Motivate - 2		Great Effort - 6
Iron Wall - 18		Friendship - 22		Confuse - 29


????=??? - Jack King - Jack
Series: Getta Robot
Pilot of: Tekisasumakku(?)

Game comment - An attack character, since most of his "magic" are
offense related, like Hot Blood, and 100% Hit, as it's necessary
to advance the level of his sister Mary...

Long	140		Dodge	131		Reflex	155
Close	141		Aim	134		Skill	169
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - A	A - A	S - B

HP1 - 1			Speed Up - 4		100% Hit - 8
Friendship - 17		Flash - 19		Hot Blood - 22

Sword Block1(10), 2(31), 3(38), 4(40)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(29), 3(35), 4(37)

???=??? - Mary King - Mary
Series: Getta Robot
Pilot of: None, she's the co-pilot of Jack in Tekisasumakku(?)

Game comment - Lots of support "magic", like Rally, Love and

Concentrate - 1		Detect - 1		Trust - 21
Rally - 29		Love - 36		Resupply - ????


????1 - Getta 1
Comment - It's air based, so you can use it to attack any unit
on map except for underwater. You might consider upgrading
???????, Getta beam, if you want to do some serious damage
in the begining of the game. Upgrading EN is a must...

HP - 4000	EN - 100	Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 50	Limit - 230
Size - M	Item - 2	L - B	W - D	A - A	S - A

????2 - Getta 2
Comment - It has After-image, so it work great at dodging the
enemies. It can also go underground, so it's extremely helpful at
escaping the enemy quickly. I won't spend any money at its weapon
since you rarely use it to attack...

HP - 4000	EN - 100	Armor - 900
Mobility - 8	Agility - 60	Limit - 240
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - D	A - E	S - A
Transform	After-image

????3 - Getta 3
Comment - It's underwater based, so use it to attack in the water.
Its ??????, Daisetsusan Oroshi, which is extremely effective
for bosses underwater, so upgrade it a couple of times if you want
to kill off the sixth Angel quickly...

HP - 4000	EN - 100	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 4	Agility - 40	Limit - 220
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A

???????? - Getta Dragon
Comment - The advance version of Getta 1. You must upgrade the
????????, Shine Sparkle, if you want to kill the bosses...

HP - 5000	EN - 160	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 6	Agility - 60	Limit - 260
Size - M	Item - 2	L - B	W - D	A - A	S - A

???????? - Getta Rydar
Comment - Still the same as Getta 2. I won't spend money on it...

HP - 5000	EN - 160	Armor - 1100
Mobility - 9	Agility - 70	Limit - 280
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - D	A - E	S - A
Transform	After-image

????????? - Getta Poseidon
Comment - You don't have to spend any additional money on this
one, since its new weapons don't seem to be that useful...

HP - 5000	EN - 160	Armor - 1300
Mobility - 5	Agility - 50	Limit - 250
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A

??????? - Tekisasumakku(?)
Comment - Don't know what to do with it, since it cannot do
really serious damage against the enemies in the last half of
SRWF, but you can always rely on Mercy...

HP - 4500	EN - 130	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 6	Agility - 60	Limit - 240
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A
Saber		Shield

????? ?? ????V - Chodenchi Robot Combattler V


??? - Hyouma
Pilot of: Combattler V, Battle Jet

Game comment - His close range attack stat is high enough to cause 
good damage, but the rest of his stats are pretty low. Oh well, 
you can never have the perfect pilot...

Long	109		Dodge	130		Reflex	154
Close	154		Aim	136		Skill	166
Mental: Strong		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

HP2 - 1			Provoke - 9		Hot Blood - 12
100% Hit - 14		Friendship - 27		Awake - 30

Sword Block1(28), 2(34)

???? - Juusan(?)
Pilot of: Battle Launcher

Game comment - He is mainly use for Flash, 100% Hit and Concentrate...

Long	150		Dodge	133		Reflex	154
Close	109		Aim	149		Skill	169
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

100% Hit - 1		Flash - 7		Concentrate - 15
Speed Up - 16		Provoke - 19		Mercy - 24

???? - Daisaku
Pilot of: Battle Tank

Game comment - He is mainly use for Motivate and maybe Iron Wall...

Long	100		Dodge	127		Reflex	152
Close	156		Aim	138		Skill	153
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - C	A - A	S - B

HP2 - 1			Great Effort - 6	Motivate - 9
Iron Wall - 15		Hot Blood - 17		100% Hit - 19


????? - Sazuru
Pilot of: Battle Marlin

Game comment - Mainly use for Lucky and Flash. Resupply doesn't 
hurt either...

Long	138		Dodge	134		Reflex	155
Close	105		Aim	139		Skill	151
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - A	A - A	S - B

Flash - 9		Trust - 18		Lucky - 19
Mercy - 23		Love - 37		Resupply - ????

??? - Shoukai
Pilot of: Battle Craft

Game comment - Only used for Great Effort and Concentrate...

Long	135		Dodge	131		Reflex	155
Close	90		Aim	132		Skill	149
Mental: Weak		L - A	W - A	A - A	S - B

Detect - 1		Concentrate - 4		Great Effort - 8
HP1 - 12		Trust - 21		Confuse - 31


?? ????V - Combattler V
Comment - You must upgrade EN, so you can use ??????, Chodenchi 
Spin, more than once. You should also upgrade ???????, Chodenchi 
YoYo, since it does good damage for only 5 EN. The weapons you get for 
being in Super Robot Side are ok, but since you don't have unlimited 
money, I suggest you save the money for something else.

HP - 6800	EN - 180	Armor - 1400
Mobility - 5	Agility - 55	Limit - 250
Size - L	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A

??????? - Battle Jet
Comment - The head part of Combattler V. You want to avoid using it 
at all cost...

HP - 2800	EN - 80		Armor - 700
Mobility - 7	Agility - 60	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

???????? - Battle Launcher
Comment - Same as above...

HP - 2900	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 5	Agility - 60	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - B	W - E	A - A	S - A

?????? - Battle Tank
Comment - Same as above...

HP - 3000	EN - 100	Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 40	Limit - 230
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - B

?????? - Battle Marlin
Comment - It does have Repair, but why would you want to seperate in 
the first place...

HP - 2900	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 5	Agility - 60	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - B	W - A	A - A	S - A
Repair		Combine

??????? - Battle Craft
Comment - It can go underground, but other than that, it's useless.

HP - 2800	EN - 80		Armor - 700
Mobility - 5	Agility - 70	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - A	S - A

????????? - Super Bestial Machine God Dancougar


??? - Shinobu Fujiwara - Shinobu
Pilot of: Eagle Fighter, Dancougar

Anime Comment - Although he is the leader of the team, he is not the 
"brain" of the team - instead he mostly serve as the emotional leader 
of the team. He is your typical Super Robot Hero - fight first, think 
later. After Shapiro, he is the only other person that Sara loves...

Game Comment - Although both his long and close range attack are pretty 
low comparing to other aces, it is good enough to cause damage to most 
enemies. Also the only one on the team that has Flash and Speed Up...

Long	145		Dodge	129		Reflex	156
Close	140		Aim	146		Skill	169
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

HP2 - 1			Hot Blood - 1		Motivate - 1
Flash - 18		Speed Up - 19		Provoke - 23

Sword Block1(9), 2(16), 3(28)

???? - Sara Yuuki - Sara
Pilot of: Land Cougar

Anime Comment - Although she looks like a pretty woman, she does not 
usually act like one, especially after Shapiro went to the enemy side. 
She was with him when he left, but Shinobu shot her plane down and 
Shapiro left without her. Sara appears to still love him in the 
beginning, but decide that he love himself too much. Declare that she 
hates man, but Shinobu does catch her heart beautifully. Has a job 
as a model teacher after the TV series (I wonder how is she able to 
do that after being such a tomboy in the TV series...).

Game Comment - Since she's the only one of the team that has 100% Hit, 
so you should keep up her level. Having Rally and Iron Wall doesn't 
hurt either...

Long	143		Dodge	138		Reflex	156
Close	138		Aim	136		Skill	167
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 1		Motivate - 1		100% Hit - 19
Iron Wall - 21		Love - 31		Rally - 37

???? - Masato Shikibu
Pilot of: Land Rygar

Anime Comment - He is the joker of the team. He is acting weird all the 
time. He came from a rich family, and he is extremely good with his bike. 
Fall in loves with the girl that Shinobu found, and he is always trying 
to impress her... He became the president of his family's business after 
the TV series.

Game Comment - He is the only one on the team with Lucky, so at least 
try to increase his level once in a while...

Long	142		Dodge	145		Reflex	156
Close	129		Aim	138		Skill	163
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 1		Love - 1		Motivate - 1
Detect - 12		Lucky - 27		Confuse - 35

??? - Ryou Shima - Ryou
Pilot of: Mamoth(?)

Anime Comment - He is the cool headed one on the team. He also practice 
martial arts. Marries the girl who rescued him in a battle.

Game Comment - He is mainly used for Motivate, Mercy and Awake. Although 
Iron Wall doesn't hurt either...

Long	127		Dodge	142		Reflex	157
Close	154		Aim	145		Skill	170
Mental: Very Strong	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

Hot Blood - 1		Motivate - 1		Mercy - 7
Iron Wall - 13		Love - 15		Awake 26

Comment - Other than Dancougar, all the robots in this series can tranform 
from N (normal) to H (humanoid) or A (animal) form, although it require a 
morale of 110 before you can tranform to A form. When the machine is in 
A form, they will have another close range attack that has a critial hit 
bonus of 20%.

????? - Dancougar
Comment - EN upgrade is a must. If you want to inflict some serious damage, 
???, Dankuu Cannon is a must also. If you have some money to spare, 
???, Dankuu Sword would be a great choice, since it only uses 10 EN and 
yet cause good damage.

HP - 7200	EN - 200	Armor - 1300
Mobility - 5	Agility - 55	Limit - 270
Size - L	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - C	S - A
Saber		Separate

????????? - Eagle Fighter(N)
Comment - It has the weakest armor and HP, so unless you can finish an enemy, 
try not to use it to attack the enemies. Try only uses it when it's in A form.

HP - 2900	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 7	Agility - 65	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A
Transform	Combine

????????? - Eagle Fighter(H)
HP - 2900	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 5	Agility - 75	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

????????? - Eagle Fighter(A)
HP - 2900	EN - 80		Armor - 800
Mobility - 7	Agility - 75	Limit - 290
Size - S	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????? - Land Cougar(N)
Comment - Only use it in A form, since most of its other weapons is not that 

HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 60	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????? - Land Cougar(H)
HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 70	Limit - 290
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????? - Land Cougar(A)
HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 70	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????? - Land Rydar(N)
Comment - Same as above...

HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 60	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????? - Land Rydar(H)
HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 70	Limit - 290
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????? - Land Rydar(A)
HP - 3000	EN - 80		Armor - 900
Mobility - 5	Agility - 70	Limit - 270
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

?????? - Mamoth(?)(N)
Comment - Has the highest armor and HP among the four, and it can do the most 
damage (at least in A form)...

HP - 4000	EN - 90		Armor - 1000
Mobility - 4	Agility - 50	Limit - 260
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

?????? - Mamoth(?)(H)
HP - 4000	EN - 90		Armor - 1000
Mobility - 4	Agility - 60	Limit - 280
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

?????? - Mamoth(?)(A)
HP - 4000	EN - 90		Armor - 1000
Mobility - 4	Agility - 60	Limit - 260
Size - S	Item - 2	L - A	W - A	A - E	S - A
Transform	Combine

??????????? - Senkunimashin Go Shogun


???? - Shingo
Pilot of: Go Shogun

Game Comment - Like Shinobu, his long range and short range attack stat are 
pretty low, but like Shinobu, it is enough to do some damage on most bosses...
He is also used for Great Effort, 100% Hit and Hot Blood...

Long	140		Dodge	131		Reflex	153
Close	154		Aim	146		Skill	175
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

HP1 - 1			100% Hit - 7		Hot Blood - 9
Great Effort - 15	Friendship - 19		Concentrate - 20

Sword Block1(16), 2(28), 3(39)

???=?? - Remi(?)
Pilot of: None, she is one of the co-pilot for Go Shogun

Game Comment - Although she does have Flash and Lucky, her most valuable 
"magic" is Exhaust. Keep up her level so you can decrease the enemy bosses'
morale by 20.

Iron Wall - 1		Lucky - 14		Concentrate - 15
Flash - 16		Love - 19		Exhaust - 21

???=????? - Kelly
Pilot of: None, he is one of the co-pilot for Go Shogun

Game Comment - Only used for Motivate and Speed Up...

Speed Up - 4		Motivate - 10		Provoke - 12
Trust - 19		Invisible - 26		Confuse - 31


??????? - Go Shogun
Comment - EN is a must, and so is ????????, Go Flash, if you want 
to kill off tough enemies. If you have some extra money, try to upgrade 
????????, Space Bazoka, since it can do some good damage.

HP - 6500	EN - 280	Armor - 1300
Mobility - 5	Agility - 65	Limit - 280
Size - L	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

???? - Lord of Elements (This is an original series created by

Comment - All of the pilots of Lord of Elements are choosen by the very 
machine they are going to pilot. Each pilot has one or more Hyper Media, 
which are animals that are made from part of the mind of the pilot that 
isn't used by the pilot. These Hyper Media can be used to control 
funnel-like Hyper Media weapons. There are only four real Lord of Elements, 
one of each for Fire, Land, Water and Air. There are other robots based on 
Lord of Elements, but they aren't as good as these ones, except for
Granzon, piloted by Masaki's arch enemy.

???=???? - Masaki Ando - Masaki
Pilot of: Cybaster

Anime Comment - Although it's not an anime (not yet), that's already a 
story behind Masaki. He was chosen by Cybaster, and was trained to be 
the pilot. He has two Hyper Media, both in the forms of a cat. After 
the one who trained him dies, he look after her daughter as if she is 
his own sister. He is your typical hero, hot blooded and cannot act 
normally around beautiful women. He has a bad sense of direction (
Ryoga from Ranma 1/2 comes to mind). Ryuune(?), the daughter of the the 
leader of the original DC, is madly in love with him, but he doesn't seems 
to know how to respond to her...

Game Comment - His stats have undergone a dramatic change comparing it to 
his stats in 4SRW. His long range attack stats is lower while his close 
range attack stat is higher. His "magic" might seem just ok for a hero, 
but he will have Dream, which mean as long as one of your team member 
has Miracle...

Long	142		Dodge	162		Reflex	164
Close	158		Aim	150		Skill	178
Mental: Very		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - B

Speed Up - 1		Flash - 1		Hot Blood - 7
Motivate - 14		Lucky - 19		Dream - ????

Sword Block1(1), 2(13), 3(24), 4(30), 5(37)


?????? - Cybaster
Comment - You should upgrade its limit and agility, not to mention EN. Its 
???????, Hyper Media, since it's your main form of attack. You can 
upgrade either ?????????, Akashiikubasuta, which is weaker but 
you can use it more, while ??????, Cosmo Nova, cause more damage.
It can transform to ?????, Cybird. Cybird has higher mobility, but 
you can only use Hyper Media and missiles in this form.

HP - 4500	EN - 160	Armor - 1000
Mobility - 8	Agility - 130	Limit - 390
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A
Saber		Transform

????? - Cybird
HP - 4500	EN - 160	Armor - 950
Mobility - 11	Agility - 120	Limit - 390
Size - M	Item - 2	L - E	W - E	A - A	S - A

????? - Original


????=????? - Giriamu
Pilot of: Geshupensuto Mk-II(?)

Game Comment - He has the "magic" of an ace, but his long range and short 
range attack stat is way too low to be consider an ace...

Long	148		Dodge	154		Reflex	160
Close	136		Aim	142		Skill	174
Mental: Normal		L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

HP1 - 1			Flash - 2		Hot Blood - 4
Concentrate - 15	Friendship - 21		Spirit - 30

Sword Block1(1), 2(12), 3(26), 4(39)

Your lover (Realistic Robot Side)
Pilot of: None

Game Comment - Your lover has some good support "magic", like Rally and 
Move Again. Your lover will also have Spirit too, so keeping your lover's 
level up is not too bad...

Hot Blood - 7		Flash - 16		Trust - 20
Rally - 27		Move Again - 38		Spirit - ????

Newtype1(9), 2(15), 3(26), 4(34)
Sword Block1(2), 2(17), 3(24), 4(35)
Shield Defense1(1), 2(13), 3(28)

Your Lover (Super Robot Side)
Pilot of: Geshupensuto(?) (Your lover will get your old robot after your 
father gave you Geshupensuto Mk-II)

Game Comment - Comparing to the Realistic Robot counterpart, your lover's 
magic is not that useful. But at least your lover has Spirit...

Hot Blood - 7		100% Hit - 11		Flash - 16
Motivate - 21		Trust - 25		Spirit - ????

Sword Block1(6), 2(12), 3(19), 4(26), 5(34), 6(39)


??????? Mk-II - Geshupensuto Mk-II(?) {Realistic Robot Side}
Comment - Although you only get this when you're in the last stage, 
you should upgrade its agility and limit, and ?????????, 
Surasshurippa, since you'll need its attack power. 

HP - 5200	EN - 160	Armor - 1300
Mobility - 8	Agility - 105	Limit - 340
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - E	S - A
Saber		Beam Coating

??????? Mk-II - Geshupensuto Mk-II(?) {Super Robot Side}
Comment - You should upgrade EN, since ??????????, Mega 
Buster Cannon, uses EN and you want to use it as often as you can.

HP - 6500	EN - 180	Armor - 1600
Mobility - 6	Agility - 95	Limit - 310
Size - M	Item - 2	L - A	W - B	A - A	S - A

6) Complete episode by episode guide - I am going to list the episodes 
according to the episode numbers, which should be no problem except 
for episodes 14 to 16, which are different depending on which AB 
battleship you rescue first and which side are you on, so I will list 
all possible episode 14 first, and so on. Remember, it is possible to 
have an additional episode after episode 16, so I will list the episode 
number, with the additional episode, in (). Most of the beginners 
should avoid that particular episode, since it is perhaps the toughest 
stage in the game. I will also list the team members that has to be 
on the MAP, and if that pilot has to be in a particular unit, I will 
list the robot in () after the name of the pilot. When there's a 
percentage next to an item, it's the percent of chance of you getting 
that particular item for defeating that enemy.
Note: The English translation of the episode title are either from 
the guide book I have or I translate it myself. The titles are a bit 
cheesy because they are suppose to be just like your typical anime 
episode title.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 1
?????? - Prediction For Upcoming Trouble

Forced to appear: Whole team (Emma and Keith will reappear in turn 3)
Reinforcement: Geta Team on turn 6
Enemy Reinforcement: turn 5, ????-???(???) and four other 
enemies will appear near the bottom right of the screen, near the 

????(DC??) - energy tank S
????-???(???) - energy tank(90%), energy tank S(10%)
??II(????) - repair kit
??II(????) - repair kit
??II(???) - magnetic coating(90%), bio sensor(10%)

Comments - if you want the extra cash, you will have to move close 
to the colony near the bottom right of the screen before enemy 
reinforcement, since the enemy battleship will retreat if you're not 
in its attack range.

Super Robot Side - Episode 1
?????????Z VS ??????G - Face-off!? Mazinger Z 
	VS Getta Robot G

Forced to appear: Your character, Boss, Sayaka and Kouji
Reinforcement: Getta Team on turn 3

??????G(??????) - booster
???(???????) - hiburiddo armor

Comments - you will want to kill off the ship-like enemy first, since 
he will retreat if Getta G is defeated first.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 2
?-??????? - The Stranger

Forced to appear: The three HM pilots
Reinforcement: Bright and 9 more units on turn 3
????(??) will retreat on turn 8 if she is still alive, as will 
????(????) and ????(?????).

????(????) - energy tank
????(?????) - energy tank
????(??) - bio senser(90%), high performance radar(10%)

Comment - be prepare to use Getta 1 to finish off the HM boss, since 
she has good items but hard to kill with other robots.

Super Robot Side - Episode 2
?????? - Raid From The Sky
Forced to Appear: Your character, Sayaka, Boss, Kouji, Getta Team,
Reinforcement: Dancougar team on turn 2
???(Dr??) will retreat after suffering 50% or more damage.

???(Dr??) - energy tank S

Comment - it's really hard to kill off the ship unless you score a 
critical hit, so you might as well leave it alone.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 3
??????-????? - Shangri-La Children

Forced to Appear: Judo, Elle, Mondo and Beecher
Reinforcement: Bright, all 3 HM pilots and 9 other units
Enemy Reinforcement: ????????(???) will appear after 
all the HM enemies retreat. Hiro will retreat after getting 50% 
or more damage or after he appears for 5 turns.
HM enemies will retreat if either ????(?????) or 
????(???) is killed.

????(????) - repair kit
????(?????) - energy tank
????(???) - energy tank S
????????(???) - energy tank(90%), energy tank S(10%)

Comment - After Hiro appears, you should try to kill him, since 
he does yields some good money and experience. Getta 1 can finish 
him with Getta Beam with Hot Blood if your morale is high enough.

Super Robot Side - Episode 3
????????? - Special Training! Daisetsuzan Oroshi

Forced to Appear: Your character, Sayaka, Boss, Kouji, Getta Team,
Reinforcement: Domon (you cannot control him but he will join you 
after the episode)

???(??????) - repair kit

Comment - if your character's personality is hot blood, your 
robot will learn a new move (the move's name will be different, 
depending on the gender of your character).

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 4
???????? - Terrorist Without Emotion

Forced to Appear: Bright and 12 additional units
Hiro will retreat after suffering 50% or more damage.

????????(???) - energy tank(90%), energy tank(10%)
??(????) - repair kit
???J(?????) - magnetic coating(90%), bio senser(10%)

Comment - kill Hiro with Getta 1.

Super Robot Side - Episode 4
???????? - Poseidan's Attack

Forced to Appear: All current team memebers, 3 HM pilots
Reinforcement: Roux, Henken and Katsu on turn 2

????(?????) - magnetic coating(90%), bio senser(10%)
????(????) - repair kit

Comment - watch out for Gable and Hassha.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 5
???????? - Hiro and Relena

Forced to Appear: Bright and 11 additional units
Reinforcement: Kouji, Boss and Sayaka on turn 4

????V(?????) - magnetic coating

Comment - nothing special, just don't get careless.

Super Robot Side - Episode 5
????????????? - Unknown Assassin! Enemy is Gundam!?

Forced to Appear: all current team member
Reinforcement: Bright and 6 additional units on turn 2
Enemy Reinforcement: ???????????(???) after 
HM enemies retreats.
HM enemies will retreat if either Leccee or Gable is killed.

????(?????) - chobamu armor
?????????(????) - magnetic coating
????(????) - repair kit
???????????(???) - hiburiddo armor

Comment - you decide what items you want before deciding who to 
kill first, Gable or Leccee.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 6
????? - Angel, Appear

Force to Appear: Bright and 14 additional units
Enemy Reinforcement: The Third Angel after all HM enemies are 
Enemies will retreat if either Gable or Leccee is killed.
The Third Angel will retreat after getting hit.

????(????) - repair kit
????????(?????) - energy tank
?????????(????) - energy tank

Comment - Just make sure to save one pilot with Flash to 
attack the third Angel after finishing off the HM enemies.

Super Robot Side - Episode 6
????? - Angel, Attack

Forced to Appear: Bright and 15 additional units
Enemy Reinforcement: Gable and 8 other enemies on turn 7.
The Third Angel after enemies retreat.
If ????(??) and Gable are still alive on turn 8, 
????(??), ????(????) and ????(?????) 
will retreat. The Third Angel will retreat after getting hit.

????(??) - high performance radar
????(????) - hiburiddo armor
????(?????) - chobamu armor
????????(?????) - high performance radar
?????????(????) - energy tank
????(????) - repair kit

Comment - be sure to save up your strengths for the 
reinforcement on turn 7. Also save a pilot with Flash to 
attack the third Angel so it will retreat.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 7
???????????? - Wakeup, Evangelion

Forced to Appear: Shinji (he won't join you yet)
Reinforcement: Bright and 14 additional units
Enemy reinforcement: After the 3rd Angel suffer 30% or more 
damage, Gable and 18 HM enemies appears.
HM enemies will retreat when either they have been on the MAP 
for 8 turns, Gable is defeated or there are less than 5 HM 
enemies remain on the MAP.

????????(?????) - booster
????(????) - repair kit

Comment - Normally, in order to get the 3rd Angel to retreat, 
you have to let Shinji be killed and let EVA unit 1 to go 
berserk and defeat it that way, but it's possible to get it to 
retreat without going berserk. You would have to score a critical 
hit on every attack and dodge one attack. Only the messages after 
finishing the episode will change. Be sure to kill off as many 
enemies as possible before killing Gable.

Note: To those of you who are wondering why Daba cannot be used 
in the two episodes afterwards, Daba is punished for letting 
Leccee escape (remember Kou has a clear shot of her, but Daba 
prevent Kou from shoting her). Londo Bell don't believe in 
strict punishment, so they usually just put them in a cell for 
a couple of days.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 8
?????? - Super Bestial Machine Team Deploy

Forced to Appear: Dancougar Team
Note: Daba cannot be used.
Reinforcement: Kouji, Sayaka and Boss on turn 3 and Domon (you 
cannot control him) after ???(???????) appears.
Enemy Reinforcement: ???(???????) and 6 other enemies 
on turn 5 or after all the enemies are killed on MAP

???(??????) - repair kit
???(???????) - repair kit(normally) or high performance
radar (if you killed all enemies on the MAP before turn or at 
turn 5)

Comment - It's nearly impossible to kill the ship without any 
major firepower or unless you score a couple of critial hits 
on it. Just make sure you keep yourself alive.

Super Robot Side - Episode 8
?????????? - Hot Blood!! Meet Up With Super Bestial 
	Machine Team

Forced to Appear: Dancougar Team
Note: Daba cannot be used.
Reinforcement: Sayaka, Boss and Kouji on turn 3 (on the left 
side of the MAP). Bright and 10 additional units on turn 7 
on the top of the MAP.
Enemy reinforcement: ???(???????) and 6 other units 
on the bottom of the MAP.

???(??????) - mega booster
???(???????) - magnetic coating

Comment - it's a pretty easy episode, just to make sure don't 
try to use Eagle Fighter too much, since a couple of hits will 
kill it.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 9
????? - Battle In The Southern Sea

Forced to Appear: Asuka, Bright and 12 additional units
Note: Daba cannot be used.
Reinforcement: Zech and Noin on turn 9 or the turn right after 
the HM enemies appear
Enemy Reinforcement: ????(??) and 14 other enemies on 
turn 8 or right after the 6th Angel is killed. The Guest boss 
will retreat on turn 14.

????(??) - hiburiddo armor
????(????) - repair kit
????(?????) - repair kit

Comment - It's possible to kill the 6th Angel, but you have to 
get Asuka to board the battleship to reconnect the cable first. 
Then you must score a critical hit on every attack. Don't use 
Flash as you can use Boss robot and Methuss to repair EVA unit 2. 
You should also use Getta 3 to finish the Angel, with Hot Blood 
and Lucky. Besure to Motivate first before using Getta 3 to 
attack the Angel. You should also use Exhaust to decrease the 
Angel's morale before attacking. Be sure to save the rest of 
your team to attack the HM enemies. Just ignore the Guest boss, 
as you have no way of killing the boss (unless you cheated).

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 10
??? - The Betrayal

Forced to Appear: Bright(Ahgama) and 15 additional units.
Note: Amuro will be in ReGZ and Judo will be in Jegan.
Note2: Birugitto(Jegan) will join you right before the episode.
Note3: You can use Daba to convince Leccee to join you.
Enemy Reinforcement: 16 HM enemies will appear after the Guest 
enemies retreat on turn 8 (or they will appear right after you 
kill one of the two Guest Boss) on the islands.

???=????(??) - high performance radar
???=????(???) - high performance radar
????(????) - repair kit
????????(?????) - psycho frame

Comment - Be sure to kill of all of the Guest enemies (except 
for the boss, since you cannot) before enemies turn on turn 8, 
since the enemies are worth a lot of money. Keep your team 8 
squares away from the boss, or prepare to be killed. Keep up 
your strength for the HM reinforcement.

Note: Again, some of you might wonder why Sara cannot be used 
for a couple of episodes, but Sara is punished for trying to 
betray earth (if not for Shinobu, Sara is already off with 
Shapiro). Pretty light sentense for treason...

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 11
????? - Angel, Again

Forced to Appear: Bright and 16 additional units
Note: Sara cannot be used in this episode.
Reinforcement: Shinji and Rei on turn 4 or after all HM enemies 
are killed
Enemy Reinforcement: The 4th Angel on turn 4 or after all HM 
enemies are killed
Note: HM enemies will retreat after ????(??) is killed.
The 4th Angel will retreat after getting 40% or more damage.

????(??) - magnetic coating
????????(????) - energy tank
????????(?????) - energy tank

Comment - Try to kill of all HM enemies before killing 
????(??), and make it quick, as they will retreat on turn
 5. Just leave the 4th Angel to Shinji and Rei.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 12
????????-????V?????!? - Big Trouble!! 
	Combattler V Cannot Combine!?

Forced to Appear: Combattler Team(except Hyouma and Sazuru)
Reinforcement: Bright and 12 additional units on turn 3 on the 
left of the MAP

???(??????) - chobamu armor

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 13
?? - Surfacing

Forced to Appear: Shou and Cham in Dunbine
Reinforcement: Bright and 16 additional units on turn 3
Enemy Reinforcement: 16 AB enemies appear on bottom-middle left 
part of MAP on turn 2, ?????????(???) on turn 5, 
and 4 more AB enemies on turn 6 if the AB battleship is still 
alive. AB Battleship will retreat after getting 30% or more 
Note: You can use Shou to convince Todd, but Todd won't join you.

?????????(???) - magnetic coating

Comment - Be sure to be careful with Shou, since a couple of hits 
can kill him.

Right before epside 14, you're going to be asked which AB battleship 
you're going to rescue first:
???? - Goraon
???-??? - Gran Garon
Each will result in a different sequence of episodes. If you rescue 
Gran Garon first, Domon will leave you sooner if you're in Super 
Robot Side, but you'll get Billvine a couple of episodes sooner. But 
in order to get to an extra episode, you have to rescue Goraon first.
If you pick Goraon, you will go to "Saving Goraon". If you pick Gran 
Garan, you will go to "Devil Gundam Appear" if you're in Realistic 
Robot side or "Rescue Gran Garon" if you're in Super Robot Side.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 14
????????? - Devil Gundam Appear

Forced to Appear: Shou, Bright, Shela(with only 30% HP) and 13 
additional units
Reinforcement: Domon after AB battleship retreat. Domon won't join 
you yet.
Enemy Reinforcement: 20 enemies appears in middle right and upper 
left of the MAP.

??????(???) - booster
??????(???) - repair kit
??????(????) - bio senser
???(??????) - energy tank
???(???????) - energy tank

Comment - pretty easy, just make sure to save some strength for 
the enemy reinforcement and to be sure to get the AB battleship 
to retreat only after killing the other enemies.

After this episode, you will go to episode 15, "Toward Londo 
Bell's Assassin"

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 14
?????? - Saving Goraon

Forced to Appear: Elly(with only 30% HP), Bright and 15 
additional units 
Enemy Reinforcement: ???=????(??) and four other 
enemy units appears on turn 10. Guest enemies will retreat 
from turn 11 and on if Amuro, Ryuuma, Judo, Kouji, Daba, Shinji, 
Rei, Asuka, or Shou's level is 20 or higher. From turn 11 and on, 
Bright will ask you whether:
???? - Retreat
????? - don't retreat
Bright will ask you that every turn until you retreat or all 
enemies are killed.

????V(?????) - bio senser
????(???) - booster
???=????(??) - booster

After this episode, you will go to episode 15, "Target is 
Londo Bell".

Super Robot Side - Episode 14
???-????? - Rescue Gran-Garon

Forced to Appear: Shou, Bright, Shela(with only 30% HP) and 13 
additional units
Note: Domon will leave you after the episode to chase Devil Gundam.
Enemy Reinforcement: 20 enemies appears in middle right and upper 
left of the MAP.

??????(???) - booster
??????(???) - repair kit
??????(????) - bio senser
???(??????) - energy tank
???(???????) - energy tank

Comment - pretty easy, just make sure to save some strength for 
the enemy reinforcement and to be sure to get the AB battleship 
to retreat only after killing the other enemies.

After this episode, you will go to episode 15, "Toward Londo 
Bell's Assassin"

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 15
??????=?? - Target is Londo Bell

Forced to Appear: Dancougar Team
Reinforcement: Either Battleship, three EVA pilots and 9 
additional units on turn 3. Camille on turn 7.
Enemy reinforcement: The 3th Angel on turn 3, 16 HM enemies on 
turn 4, and ????????(???) and 
?????????(???) on turn 6.

????(??) - apogee motor
????????(????) - energy tank S
????????(?????) - energy tank S
????????(?????) - hiburiddo armor
????(????) - repair kit
????????(???) - repair kit
?????????(???) - repair kit
???????? - hiburidoo armor

Comment - This is actually the easier of the two episode 15. 
Unless you cheat, it's impossible to kill Shapiro, so just keep 
8 square away from him and try to kill as many Guest enemies as 
you can. The 3rd Angel should be easy. Almost all of the HM 
bosses will be here, so don't try to get too deep on them or 
you will be ganged up by them.

If you're in Realistic Robot side, go to episode 16, 
"Spledid Devil Gundam". If you're in Super Robot side, 
go to "Devil Gundam Again".

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 15
???=?????? - Toward Londo Bell's Assassin

Forced to Appear: Dancougar Team
Reinforcement: Either Battleship, three EVA pilots and 9 
additional units on turn 3. Camille on turn 7.
Enemy reinforcement: The 3th Angel on turn 3, 16 HM enemies on 
turn 4, and ????????(???) and 
?????????(???) on turn 6.

????????(???) - repair kit
?????????(???) - repair kit
????(????) - repair kit
????(??) - apogee motor
????????(????) - energy tank S
????????(?????) - energy tank S
????????(?????) - hiburiddo armor
???????? - hiburiddo armor

Comment - This is the tougher of the two episodes 15, since 
the enemies will be next to you by turn 5, not to mention Hiro 
and Duo will be attack you by turn 7. So in order to stay alive, 
bring the EVAs down there and let ReGZ and Getta 1 to finish 
the Angel. Use EVAs to defeat the HM enemies first, but don't 
try to attack Hiro unless you can kill him, since his Buster 
Rifle will kill you with one attack if he happens to score 
a critical hit.

After this episode, go to "Goraon In Danger".

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 16
??????? - Goraon In Danger

Forced to Appear: Amuro(ReGZ), Getta team, Camille(Zeta Gundam),
Judo(Methuss), Shou and Cham(Billvine).
Reinforcement: either Battleship and 11 additional units.
Enemy Reinforcement: ???=????(??) and four other 
enemy units appears on turn 7. Guest enemies will retreat 
from turn 8 and on if Amuro, Ryuuma, Judo, Kouji, Daba, Shinji, 
Rei, Asuka, or Shou's level is 22 or higher. From turn 8 and on, 
Bright will ask you whether:
???? - Retreat
????? - don't retreat
Bright will ask you that every turn until you retreat or all 
enemies are killed.

???=????(??) - booster
????V(?????) - bio senser
????(???) - booster

Comments - Shouldn't be too hard, as long as you use Getta 1 and 
Billvine to kill the tough HM enemies. Try to kill the Guest 
enemies besides the boss, since they yield some money.

After this episode, go to "War In Home Laboratory".

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 16
?????????? - Spledid Devil Gundam

Forced to Appear: Shela(with only 30% HP), Shou and Getta Team
Reinforcement: either Battleship and 13 additional units after 
AB battleship retreats. Domon (he won't join you yet) right 
after enemy reinforcement appears.
Enemy Reinforcement: 23 enemy units after AB battleship 
AB battleship will retreat after getting 33% or more damage.
Devil Gundam will treat after getting 30% or more damage.

??????(???) - booster
??????(???) - repair kit
??????(????) - bio senser
???(??????) - energy tank
???(???????) - energy tank

Comment - Don't let the Titans defeating any enemies, since 
you won't get any experience or money from it. Kill off the 
enemies quickly, then let the Titans attack the AB battleship. 
The reinforcement is pretty weak, so you shouldn't have too 
much trouble with them.

Right before episode 17 really begins, Bright will ask you:
???????? - go around
?????? - go straight in
If you choose go around, then go to episode 17 "War In Home 
Laboratory". If you pick go straight in, go to episode 17, 
"Somehow You Must Find The Way".

Super Robot Side - Episode 16
????????? - Devil Gundam Again

Forced To Appear: Shela(with only 30% HP), Shou and Getta Team
Reinforcement: either Battleship and 11 additional units after 
AB battleship retreats.
Enemy Reinforcement: 14 enemy units after AB battleship 
AB battleship will retreat after getting 30% or more damage.
Devil Gundam will treat after getting 20% or more damage.

??????(???) - booster
??????(???) - repair kit
??????(????) - bio senser
???(??????) - energy tank
???(???????) - energy tank

Right before episode 17 really begins, Bright will ask you:
???????? - go around
?????? - go straight in
If you choose go around, then go to episode 17 "War In Home 
Laboratory". If you pick go straight in, go to episode 17, 
"Somehow You Must Find The Way".

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 17
????????? - Somehow You Must Find The Way

Forced to Appear: Any Battleship and 14 additional units
Enemy Reinforcement: 11 HM units on turn 5

???=????(???) - high performance radar
????(??) - mega booster
????????(????) - hiburiddo armor
????????(?????) - hiburiddo armor

Comments: This is the toughest episode in SRWF, so only 
bring out the best units and all EVA units. Try to use 
EVAs to decrease enemy HP, then use your other units to 
finish them off. It's possible to clear this episode simply 
by going to the far right of the screen, but you'll miss 
a lot of items. At least kill of the enemy reinforcement 
before retreating. However, if you don't mind trading off 
some money for experience, let your EVA unit 1 go berserk. 
Just let the boss kill EVA unit 1 on enemy's turn, then let 
it attack her three times (one critical hit, at least). Finally, 
use Getta 1's Getta Beam (with Hot Blood, over 120 morale, Lucky 
and Great Effort) to finish her. If you kill the boss, then the 
boss will bring reinforcement on the next episode. Don't be 
surprised by the enemy's strength, since in this episode, all 
the units are tougher than they're normally, so be very 
careful. Try to lure the HM reinforcement out of the forest 
before attacking them, since their defense would be much higher
in the forest than they are normally.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 18
???????????????- Jet Strander Dead Or Alive!

Forced to Appear: Your character, Sayaka and Kouji
Reinforcement: Go Shogun team on turn 2, any Battleship and 12 
additional units (except the EVAs) on turn 4
Enemy Reinforcement: Hiro and Duo on turn 3 on the top part of 
the MAP. If you killed the Guest boss last episode, she and 7 
HM units on turn 5.
Guest boss will retreat after getting 50% or more damage.

????????(???) - repair kit
?????????(???) - repair kit
????(???) - magnetic coating
????(???) - energy tank
???=????(???) - high performance radar
????????(?????) - chobamu armor
????(????) - repair kit

Comment: This episode is not too hard, as long as you don't 
move too quickly. It's nearly impossible to kill the Guest boss, 
so don't even bother. Remember to use Lucky to finish off those 
HM boss-like units to get some money to offset the 40000 repair 
cost of EVA unit 1.

Note: After this episode, the episode numbers this route follows 
are the ones in ().

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 17
?????????? - War In Home Laboratory

Forced to Appear: Your character, Sayaka and Kouji
Reinforcement: Go Shogun team on turn 3, any Battleship and 10 
additional units (except the EVAs) on turn 5
Enemy Reinforcement: Hiro and Duo on turn 5 on the top part of 
the MAP.

????????(???) - repair kit
?????????(???) - repair kit
????(???) - energy tank
????(???) - magnetic coating

Comments: this episode is pretty easy, as long as to be sure 
to stay out of the top part of the MAP by turn 5, since Hiro 
can kill most of your team pilots with one hit.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 18(19)
????? - NERV Scramble

Forced to Appear: Asuka, Rei
Reinforcement: any Battleship and 16 additional units on turn 
2 (except Amuro), then Amuro and Shinji on turn 4.
Enemy Reinforcement: 20 enemy units

?????????? - energy tank S
????-???(???) - energy tank S
?????(???) - magnetic coating(90%), bio senser(10%)
?????(????) - repair kit
?????(????) - repair kit

Comments: Just make sure to be careful around the four 
boss-like units and you'll be fine. The Angel should not 
be too much trouble, as long as you remember that it will 
recover 10% HP every turn and unless it's an EVA unit, all 
your attack's damage must be over 4000 in order to damage 
an Angel.

Realistic Robot And Super Robot Side - Episode 19(20)
??????? - Doguga's Ambition

Forced to Appear: Go Shogun team, any Battleship and 12 
additional units. 
Enemy Reinforcement: 3 units on the mountains on the top 
of the MAP on turn 3.
The enemies will retreat when one of the battleships are 

?????(????) - apogee motor
??????(?????) - booster
???????(??????) - hiburiddo armor
??????(????) - energy tank S

Comment: This episode is pretty easy, as long as you remember 
to stay clear of the mountains by turn 3. Since you can only 
kill one battleship, kill the one that yields the item you 
want. I suggets apogee motor since it's harder to come by.
After this episode, you will get the new Getta robot.

Realistic Robot And Super Robot Side - Episode 20(21)
???????(?) - Invade Jaburo Part One
Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 13 additional units
Enemy Reinforcement: 7 HM units after there are less than 10 
enemy units after turn 4 and on, Wufei after all enemies are 
killed or on turn 15.
????(??) will retreat if she's the only one left.

????????(????) - repair kit
????????(?????) - energy tank S
????(??) - Minorski craft
?????????(?????) - bio senser
If there are less than 9 enemy units or all enemies are killed 
on turn 4:
????(????) - chobamu armor
????????(?????) - high performance radar
????(????) - energy tank S
????????(?????) - chobamu armor

Comment: Since by killing enemies quickly will yield better 
items, try to get your faster team members to the bottom left 
part of the MAP and kill as many as you can and let your slower 
units to kill the enemies on the left part of the MAP. Remember, 
the reinforcement will appear on the left part of the screen if 
you kill more enemies while they will appear in the middle island
if you kill the enemies slower, so be prepare for the 
reinforcement. Wufei is easy to kill, since he don't have any way 
of attacking air units from far away. Also, if you use the same 
units you used in part one on the next episode, their morale will 
be lower. In order to avoid that, either use two different teams 
or get your pilots' morale to less than 100, since the formula 
they used to calculate the pilot's morale is (200 - ending
morale), but the result cannot be greater than 100. If you want 
to kill the Guest boss in the next episode, remember to upgrade 
your best weapons, like Go Shogun's Go Flash, Zeta Gundam's
Hyper Mega Launcher, and Getta Dragon's Shine Sparkle.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 21(22)
???????(?) - Invade Jaburo Part Two

Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 15 additional units
Reinforcement: Masaki on turn 2
Enemy Reinforcement: 9 HM units on turn 4 and on if there are 
less than 9 enemy units or after all enemies are killed.
Guest boss will retreat on turn 14.

???=????(??) - Minorski craft
????V(?????) - mega booster
????????(?????) - energy tank

Comment: Besure to kill the boss, since he has one of the 
rarer items, Minorski craft. Be sure to stay away from the 
bottom right of the MAP, since the reinforcement will be 

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 22(23)
????????? - Wake Up, Super Bestial Machine God

Before the episode really begins, Masaki will ask you 
whether you have a lover:
?? - yes
??? - no
If you say yes, your lover and Roux will join you after the 
If you say no, you will only get Roux as an additional pilot.

Forced to Appear: Dancougar Team
Reinforcement: any Battleship and 12 additional units on turn
Enemy Reinforcement: 9 units on the bottom left of the MAP 
on turn 6.
Note: If you manage to clear the episode without getting the 
transport killed, each one will yield some items, robots 
or money:
The one on the left: 50000, ReGZ and mega booster
The one on the right: 30000, Jegan and apogee motor
The one in the middle: 20000, high performance radar, psycho 
frame and hiburiddo armor

????-???(???) - energy tank(90%), energy tank S(10%)
R-????(??) - apogee motor
?????(???) - chobamu armor
?????(????) - magnetic coating
?????(????) - hiburiddo armor

Comments: Protect the transport at all cost. Kill the faster 
moving enemies first. When your main team is here, protect 
the transport by position it in front of the transport, since 
they are so dumb they will try to attack the enemies if they 
are close enough. Remember to bring out Methuss to repair 
any transport.

Super Robot Side - Episode 22(23)
????????????? - Combine!! Super Bestial Machine 
	God Dancougar

Before the episode really begins, Masaki will ask you 
whether you have a lover:
?? - yes
??? - no
If you say yes, your lover and Keyla will join you after you 
finish the episode. Your lover will bring a new robot for you, 
and your lover will be in your old robot.
If you say no, only Keyla will join you after the episode.
Forced to Appear: Dancougar Team
Reinforcement: any Battleship and 12 additional units on turn
Enemy Reinforcement: 9 units on the bottom left of the MAP 
on turn 6.
Note: If you manage to clear the episode without getting the 
transport killed, each one will yield some items, robots 
or money:
The one on the left: 50000, ReGZ and mega booster
The one on the right: 30000, Jegan and apogee motor
The one in the middle: 20000, high performance radar, psycho 
frame and hiburiddo armor

????-???(???) - energy tank(90%), energy tank S(10%)
R-????(??) - apogee motor
?????(???) - chobamu armor
?????(????) - magnetic coating
?????(????) - hiburiddo armor

Comments: Protect the transport at all cost. Kill the faster 
moving enemies first. When your main team is here, protect 
the transport by position it in front of the transport, since 
they are so dumb they will try to attack the enemies if they 
are close enough. Remember to bring out Methuss to repair 
any transport.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 23(24)
?????? - Mia's Determination

Forced to Appear: Combattler V Team
Reinforcement: any Battleship and 17 additional units on 
3 turns after the enemy reinforcement appears.
Enemy reinforcement: 22 units after the enemies are killed.

???????(???) - apogee motor
????? - psycho frame

Comment: You should have no trouble with the enemies in the 
begining, as long as you Motivate first. The reinforcement 
are weak, so you should have no trouble with it.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - 24(25)
?????????? - General Garuda's Tragedy

Forced to Appear: Combattler V team

???? - fatima
???????(????) - mega booster

Comment: You are forced to separate in the begining, so 
stay low until you can combine again. After you combine, your 
EN will decrease by 100, so you can only use Choudenchi Spin 
once. Wait until Garuda is almost finished with Oreana before 
you finish her. Garuda will fully recover his HP after he 
suffer 50% or more HP, so kill him before his HP decrease pass 

Realistic Robot Side - 25(26)
????????? - His Name Is Touhou Huhai

Forced to Appear: Domon, Master Asia (they won't join you
yet) and any Battleship (cannot move yet)
Reinforcement: 17 additional units after the enemies are killed 
the first time.
Enemy Reinforcement: 24 units after all enemies are killed.

???(??????) - apogee motor

Comment: This couple episodes are made for upgrading your 
weak pilots, so use it wisely to increase your team's level.

Super Robot Side - 25(26)
???????????=??????- Master Asia And His Disciple

Forced to Appear: Domon, Master Asia (they won't join you
yet) and any Battleship and Masaki (cannot move yet)
Reinforcement: 16 additional units after 4 enemies are killed.
Enemy Reinforcement: 20 units after 4 enemies are killed.

???(??????) - apogee motor

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 26(27)
DC??? - DC's Conspiracy

Forced to Appear: Schwarb and Rain(Shining Gundam)
Reinforcement: any Battleship and 17 units on turn 4.

???(??????) - energy tank S

Comment: Since Rain and Schwarb won't join your team yet, so 
don't bother to increase their level. Wait until your team 
showed up before killing the enemies. The enemies are easy, 
so use them to increase your weak team member's level. Rain 
have her own speech when she's using Shining Finger, so if 
you want to hear it, you will have to increase her morale 
and then use it.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 27(28)
???????(?) - Get Back Aderede Part One

Forced to Appear: Bright and 17 additional units.
Reinforcement: Marven on turn 3
Enemy Reinforcement: 24 HM units after the AB enemies retreat
The AB enemies will retreat when either ????(?????) 
is killed or AB battleship getting 30% or more damage.

????(?????) - booster
????V(?????) - hiburiddo armor
????(???) - chobamu armor

Comments: Since it's nearly impossible to kill the AB 
battleship, just kill the other boss when you're ready to 
face the HM reinforcement. Remember, your pilots' morale 
will decrease if their morale is higher than 100 when 
you clear the episode and you use them on the next 
episode. Remember to upgrade your best weapons if you 
want to kill the Guest boss in the next episode in 
one turn.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 28(29)
???????(?) - Get Back Aderede Part Two

Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 17 additional units.
Reinforcement: Noin and Zech on turn 5. (Katsu too if 
you're on Realistic Robot side).
Enemy Reinforcement: Hiro on turn 7 near the entrance.
The Guest boss will retreat the turn right after he has 
attack or counterattack when you attack. So if you let him 
attack you during the enemy's turn, he will retreat during 
the next enemy turn. If you attack him and didn't kill him, 
he will retreat during the enemy's turn.

????????(???) - repair kit
?????(??) - Minorski craft

Comments: The Guest boss has the important Minorski craft, 
so be prepare to kill him in one turn. Position your team 
members so that Dancougar and Go Shogun can attack him 
after he moved, and Getta Dragon, Combattler V and Shining 
Gundam can attack him too. The rest of the enemies are easy, 
as long as you move slowly. Remember to watch out for Hiro.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 29(30)
???????-?????? - Operation Reconquest

Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 16 additional units
Enemy Reinforcement: 24 HM units after AB enemies retreat. 
6 Guest enemies will appear 3 turns after Gable is killed.
AB enemies will retreat when either their battleship gets 
30% or more damage or there are less than 10 enemies 
remain on the MAP.

Comments: Kill as many AB enemies, especially those piloted 
by enemies with names. Prepair for the HM reinforcement, 
since some of them appear in the bottom-middle of the MAP, 
including Gable. The Guest reinforcement can attack the 
battleship you're protecting in two turns, so be sure to 
sent some units near the upper left of the MAP a couple of 
turns after you killed Gable. Those HM units with MAP 
weapons will use it when there's two or more of your team's
units in its path, so stay out of its range.

Realistic Robot And Super Robot Side - Episode 30(31)
??????? - Rebellion In Colony

Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 17 additional units.
Enemy Reinforcement: 10 Guest units if ??? is still 
alive on turn 8.
Both Guest boss will retreat if they're still alive on turn

Comments: Hope you have been upgrading your best weapons, 
if you want to kill both bosses. If you want more money and 
experience, keep ??? alive until turn 9. Use Exhaust 
wisely to decrease both of their morale before trying to 
kill them. Use EVAs as shield if you have to, and position 
Dancougar and Go Shogun wisely so you can attack the bosses 
when you have a chance. Use Combattler V, Getta Dragon and
Shining Gundam to finish the boss up close. You can also 
use Shou or Masaki to damage the boss too, but I think you 
should save them for the reinforcements.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 31(32)
???=?????? - Londo Bell, Toward Space

Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 19 additional units.
Enemy Reinforcement: Quatre, Duo, Trowa and Wufei on turn 
6 scatter across the MAP.

Comments: This is not too tough, as long as you remember 
that the monster on the bottom of the MAP has over 30000 
HP and it can cause some damage. The Gundam reinforcement 
will attack your enemies too, so you can use them to damage 
your enemies before you finish them.

Realistic Robot and Super Robot Side - Episode 32(33)
???? - Temporary Peace

Forced to Appear: Your character(your own robot), Shou and 
Cham(Billvine), Daba and Lilisu(L-Gaim) and Camille(Zeta
Reinforcement: Masaki, Ryo and Domon on turn 2 on the 
bottom of the MAP. Any Battleship and 12 additional units 
on turn 6 on the upper left part of the MAP.
Enemy Reinforcement: Quatre, Hiro and Trowa on turn 6.

Comments: Be careful around the boss-like MS, and you 
should have no trouble with this episode. Be sure to 
get Ryo as far away from the enemies as you can. Use 
Shou as a shield, since almost all of the enemies cannot 
hit you or cannot damage you (Aura Barrier).

Super Robot Side - Episode 33(34)
?????? - Haman's Shadow

Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 17 additional units
Reinforcement: Char on turn 2
Enemy Reinforcement: 11 MS units if Haman is still alive 
on turn 10. Haman will retreat on turn 10.
Char can convince Haman, but she won't join you.

???-???(?????) - repair kit

Comments: In order to get 100% on your robot option 
screen, you have to let the reinforcement show up, so 
you might as well let Haman live since she doesn't has
any item. She's tough, since she can move twice and her 
funnels has a range of 9. The rest of the enemies are not 
very tough, as long as you're being careful about it.

Realistic Robot Side - Episode 33(34)
??????????? - Reunion In Sang Kingdom

Note: Giriamu will join you right before the episode 
Forced to Appear: any Battleship and 17 additional units
Reinforcement: Char on turn 4
Enemy Reinforcement: 11 MS units if Haman is still alive 
on turn 10. Haman will retreat on turn 10.
Char can convince Haman, but she won't join you.

?????(????) - fatima
???-???(???) - repair kit
???-???(?????) - repair kit

Comments: Be sure to kill Haman, since she has fatima. 
Use Exhaust to decrease her morale before attacking her. 
Measure her movement and position accordingly, since she 
can kill your MS units with one or two attack. You can 
use EVAs as shields. This is the last episode in SRWF, 
but it is not that hard, just be careful.

7) Thoughts on what's coming in SRWF Final

What will definitely in SRWF Final: (already made into the game)
Great Mazinger, Mazinkaiser, Nu Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Gundam F91, Shining 
Gundam Super Mode, G Gundam, Rising Gundam, Ideon, Daitan3, Gunbuster will 
definitely join you in SRWF Final, along with at least two new battleship, 
one from Ideon serie and one from Gunbuster serie. Wing Gundam Zero, 
and the rest of the Gundams from Gundam W will be in it, although it is 
not certain that they will be on your side all the time. Gundam Epyon will 
be in there, along with Tallgeese II. Nobel Gundam will be in there too, 
and you have to wonder how Allenby and Rain work together when they're 
both in love with Domon. Psycho Gundam, Psycho Gundam Mk-II, and Quebeley 
Mk-II are in SRWF Final too, so Four, Rosamia, Puru and Puru Two might 
join you also. Quess is in there (at least her MS is), but whether she is 
a hidden character or an enemy is still unknown at this point. Most of the 
MAP weapons, like ZZ Gundam's Hi Mega Cannon and Ideon's Ideon Sword, will 
now have battle messages just like normal attacks. Ryou and Kouji will now 
have different facial expressions. Most MS will join you pretty early in 
SRWF Final (F91 will join you in episode 1, in fact!). You can now upgrade 
10 times on your robot and its weapons instead of just five in SRWF. EVA 
Unit 1's berserk attack has been redrawn, so the EVA will be in normal 
proportion instead of SD form. There will be new demos, like Daitan3's 

What can you expect (things that isn't made into SRWF) to be in SRWF 
A new AB for Shou, since Billvine's Hyper Aura Cut didn't get any 
Aura Senshi bonus. Also, you can probably expect to see some new MS, 
probably ones with either Incom or funnels. G Gundam might also learn 
a new attack, Sekihatenkyou Ken(although there are movies of it in SRWF 
already, but I am not sure if God Gundam can use it regularly). 

8) Acknowledgement

First of all, I have to thank the Gundam Project (http://gundam.anime.net/) 
, since I got most of the translation of Gundam related material from 
there. I also has to thank Phillip L Yee(philyee@value.net), who helped me 
translate some material for my 4SRW FAQ (I reuse a lot of stuff from my old 
FAQ). I also has to thank Marcos Wahjudy for translation of some of the 
names (I use the translation from my NSRW FAQ). I also use several issues 
of Denki Saturn magazine for most of my information, not to mention the 
guide from Sega magazine.

Second of all, all of the pilot names, series and robots belong to their 
respective owner, like Gainax and Bandai. Lastly, if you want to put this 
FAQ on your archive or site, just tell me first, as I don't mind sharing it 
with other people. If you want to use some of my stuff on my FAQ, please 
tell me first before doing it, because I put a lot of work into it and I 
don't want people just use my work without telling me about it first.

-Edmund Chiu