Sakura SFEX+A FAQ v0.5 <09.30.97> by C.K.B. ( Preface: ~~~~~~~~ Why a Sukura FAQ? Well, I had nothing much better to do and with her being one of my favorite characters (Ken and Guile being the others) and experimenting with her, I found out that she one little hellion with her having the most flexible super combo cancelling in the game. This is my first officially released to the public FAQ, so have mercy.:) Profile: ~~~~~~~~ Age: ? Height: 157cm Weight: 42kg B/W/H: 80/60/84 Blood: A Likes: ? Dislikes: ? Voice: ? Outfits: ~~~~~~~~ Sakura's outfit color is selected by the controller's button strenght. Weak: Blue skirt, red gloves and shoes with yellow scarf. Medium: Green skirt, orange gloves and shoes with pink scarf. Hard: Red skirt and shoes, navy gloves and yellow scarf. Guard Breaker: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sakura's Overhead Kick (F+forward) from SFA2 has been turned into her guard breaker. It's not very effective when the foe is on the ground, but is good for air defense. Power Moves: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hadouken (QCT+P): Her fireball is just as slow and limited in range as in SFA2. I use it 90% of the time for projectile defense or for a quick medium range tick when the oppenent is in the process to getting off the ground to force him to block and give me time to get close. It only has an advantage when the foe doesn't have one. Shouohken (UC+P): This is her sure fire move and it has many possiblities, that didn't work in SFA2, which I'll get into when doing VS character section. Shunpuu Kyaku (QCB+K): It's garbage, since it only connects once and the foe down. If it multiple times like Ryu and Ken's it would be worth something. Sakura's Taunt (Short,Short,B,Jab,Fierce): Does her classic heckle while pointing at you. Super Moves: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shinku Hadouken (2xQCT+P): This move is great, but is very limited in that you can only cancel it with a Midare Sakura and connect. Everything else gets knocked too far away before the next super takes effect. Midare Sakura (QCT,D,DF+K): The one thing that makes it a challenge is that it's hard to cancel out of with perfect timing, which I'll get into in the combo section. Haru Itiban (2xQCB+K): This move is flawless and gives you more than enough time to cancel out of. Shungokusatsu (jab,jab,F,forward,fierce): This move is the bomb! To my knowledge this is the only one that connects when it's being cancelled into from another super. Combos: ~~~~~~~ j.roundhouse, s.jab, fierce Shouohken j.roundhouse, c.short, c.forward, short Shunpuukyaku j.roundhouse, Haru Itiban - Shinhuu Hadoken j.roundhouse, Haru Itiban - Shoryureppa - Shinkuu Hadoken comment: Buffering during a Shoryureppa isn't easy to learn, but well worth it. The trick is to get the next super move to come out after the first uppercut of the Shoryureppa just as she lands. Start doing the Shinkuu Hadoken just as the third hit of the Shoryureppa connects and it should appear. j.roundhouse, Shinkuu Hadoken - Shoryureppa - Shinkuu Hadoken j.roundhouse, Shoryureppa - Haru Itiban - Shinkuu Hadoken j.roundhouse, Haru Itiban - Shinkuu Hadoken - Shoryureppa comment: She pretty much pulls out her whole arsenal here and it's really simple to do. It sure does make her scream at the end worth it. You can get up to 15 hits. It all has to do with when you cancel into the Shoryureppa. j.roundhouse, Shunpuukyaku - Shoryureppa - Shungokusatsu comment: "The Big Sleep Combo" is pure evil and will piss off your oppenents. :) Even though the game doesn't register the Shungokusatsu as part of combo, the opponent has no way of avoiding it, since he's been paralyzed from the first half of the Shoryureppa. It's actually kind of funny seeing the foe floating backwards from the Shoryureppa only to be caught with the Shungokusatsu. Legend: ~~~~~~~ B: back c: crouching attack F: dorward j: jumping attack D: down s: standing attack DF: down forward -: cancel into QCB: quarter circle back QCF: quarter circle forward UC: uppercut motion (F,D,DF) History: ~~~~~~~~ v0.5 - Initial Release Thanx: ~~~~~~ - To Capcom and Arika for making a great game and adding Sakura to the roster. - To Gamest and artist Masahiko Nakahira for making the Sakura Ganbaru manga and giving me much needed info. If anyone has the book, that is her last name, right? - To K. Megura ( and his FAQ for Sakura's taunt. Coming Soon: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - VS Character strategy. - Any new combos. If anyone has anything new send it my way.