------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- PPPPPPPPPP PPP PPPP PPP PPPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPPPPPP PPP ullum Created on 11/23/97 PPP urna FAQ version 1.09 by CaesarDyke PPP (PfishyDyke@aol.com) PPP for SFEX+Alpha for Sony Playstation INTRODUCTION: I thought it would be fun to make another FAQ. This time, it's a little more involved, I hope.... This is a guide on that little hellion Pullum on SFEX+a. This FAQ will have basically info about her, her moves, combos, and versus strategies. It will also have some general info for that one person out there that has never played a Street Fighter game. :) Sometime I would like to do one on a new RPG, but they take forever, possibly when Breath of Fire 3 comes out.... Info about Pullum Purna: She is the daughter of her millionaire father and that one day she walked into her grandfather's room and he was completely silent with a blank look. He read a book with Shadowloo on it. She vows revenge on the Shadowloo organization, (wow, that is just like Chun-Li's story, almost.) Anyway, she looks like an arabian princess, like Jasmine from Aladdin sort of. (at least I think so ;).) She is probably the fastest or at least one of the fastest characters in the game and has some cool unique abilities only to her, like being able to jump twice and hit and vault over an opponent. Pullum's Outfits: Jab/Short: Blue top and light blue pants. Strong/Forward: Tan top and hot pink pants. Fierce/Roundhouse: Orange top and purple pants. Remember, I made the colors FAQ which is available at where you probably got this faq, gamefaqs.com. Also, thank you both Shuriken and galaga88 for e-mailing me about that and telling me that Skull-o-Mania has 6 colors. SFEX Plus Alpha Basics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, the legend. QCT= Quarter circle towards (roll down to forward) QCB= Quarter circle back (roll down to back) HCT= Half circle towards (roll from back to down to forward) HCB= Half circle back (roll from forward to down to back) += enter command simultaneously j.= jumping s.= standing c.= crouching xxx= buffering or two-in-one ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throws & Grabs: Throws must be done up close and are unblockable. The only way to avoid them is by doing a tech hit, which will be explained next. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tech Hits: A tech hit is done by pressing back or forward plus strong or fierce or forward or roundhouse if they have a kick throw. Basically, do the throw motion about the same time when the opponent tries to throw you. The character you are playing with will push the opponent back, and also your super power gauge will increase by 10%. Also, just like in street fighter alpha 2, you cannot tech hit super throws! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blocking: To block an attack, hold the direction button back. To block low attack, hold back in a crouching position, D/B. Also, no more air blocking. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guard Break: A new feature in SFEX+A, it is a move that every character has that hits an opponent even if they are blocking and dizzies them. Unlike other SF's, I believe this is the only way to dizzy them in this game. This move takes 1 bar of your super meter and is done with any of the 3 punch-kick combinations: Jab + short, strong + forward, or fierce + roundhouse. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ticks: A tick is an attack that you can use to go into a combo or attack. If blocked, you will recover in time to be able to do another attack before they recover. Of course, they are able to block at that time, but you could always do an unblockable throw, especially good in this case is Zangief's Spinning Pile Driver, or my favorite, Darun's Brahma Bomb. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Meter: The super meter is that one under your health meter that fills up when you hit your enemy with moves or perform a special move. You can either do a super combo or a guard break with one level full and can have up to 3 levels at a time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Super Combo: Every character in SFEX+a can perform super combos. They are multi-hitting moves that usually are just the motion of one of their super moves done twice. It's easy to know when you have done a super move or the computer because all motion will stop and the screen will become black, while the character flashes a blue light. Super combos are now bufferable and when you win with a level 1 SC, a meteor will fly across the screen. When you win with a L2 SC, a meteor shower will fly across the screen, and with a L3 SC, a meteor shower will strike the Earth!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combos: Everyone probably knows what a combo is. A combo is a series of hits that if you hit with the first one, the other ones will be unblockable. Also, you can cut off the animation of one move by doing a super move motion while you are still doing that move, or better known as buffering. That is basically how most combos are done in this game besides the few combos with only basic moves. The biggest change is that you can buffer a super move into a super combo or a super combo into a super combo. This is how you get a L3 SC in this game. Of course, there are some exceptions. 1. Some people, only a few, have a L3 combo all by itself. Zangief has his L3 Final Atomic Buster and Akuma & Evil Ryu's L3 Raging Demon. Also, I think you can combo any LP, LP, -> + LK, FP move, but it won't be continued in the chain. It will be counted like a L2 + a L1 SC. This is for people with Lv. 1 moves like the raging demon, (Kairi, Sakura, Skullomania, & Evil Hokuto) 2. Super Combos can only be buffered when the characters feet are on the ground, unless it is an air AC. 3. 2 of the same super combos cannot be buffered. For instance, Blair cannot do a Mirage Combo Kick into another Mirage Combo Kick. BUT she can do a Mirage Combo Kick into a Super Slide Shoot into another Mirage Combo Kick. You just can't do two in a row. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcade Mode: I never actually played the arcade version, which was just SFEX without Dhalsim and Sakura, but I guess this mode is similar. You choose any character and fight against 10 different opponents, with M. Bison usually always being the last. You get a little movie if you beat the game with that character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Team Battle Mode: You pick a team of any 5 characters and fight a CPU team of 5 characters. Whoever still has a member left at the end wins. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Survival Mode: Beat as many opponents as you can. Your life will recover after every round according to how many hits you did and how much time you have left. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch Mode: Pick two characters and the computer will fight. Like it says, all you do is watch the computer play. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Versus Mode: You can either play a CPU opponent of your choice or another player in this mode. You can also use a handicap to give yourself or opponent more power in case you think they aren't as good as you. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Attack Mode: Pick a character and fight opponents in the fastest time you can. There are the A, B, & C courses and also the Bison, Garuda, & Akuma course. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Practice Mode: Here you can practice your moves and combos and see how much damage they do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expert Mode: In this mode, it will give you several combos and special moves to do. Every character has 16 different combos and moves for a total of 304. If you do all 304, you can unlock the barrel game and save it to your memory card. Also, if you do enough, you can unlock the secret characters: Evil Ryu, Evil Hokuto, Cycloid-Beta, Cycloid-Gamma, Strong M. Bison, Strong Garuda, & Strong Garuda. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now finally, we'll learn about Pullum!!!!! Basic Moves & Throws: Jab- Pullum will do a fast little jab. Crouching she will do the same and can do up to 2 crouching ones at a time in a combo. As for all jumping jabs, pretty boring and not very useful. Strong- A slower version and more powerful of the jab. 2 crouching strongs can also be done. Her jumping strong looks like the jab also. It is a fairly good combo opener. Fierce- A good powerful punch that doesn't hit very far. Her jumping fierce is powerful and good combo opener. Her crouching fierce is just like Blair's and Guile's and should only be used in a combo because it has bad recovery time. Short- Very fast in all situations. Can be used in many combos with the Purim Kick. Forward- A good move that could be used to start a jump-in combo. It is also a good push away move when used when standing. Roundhouse- A very powerful pushing kick. When crouching, it is a very good sweep move. As with most of her jumping moves, a good way to start a combo. Punch Throw- This is a really cool move!!! Pullum will grab her opponent and give them a huge kick and then flip backwards. I am not sure, but I think her other throw does more damage. Kick Throw- This one is even cooler!!!! It is a little like Cammy's old thigh press throw. Pullum will jump and put her legs around her opponent's neck and twist and smash their head on the ground!!!! Dance Wind- This is her air throw. When the opponent is in the air, press down + strong to do this throw. She will grab their hands and twirl them around while doing a very evil giggle at the same time. Ground Alacer Fist- This is a step-in punch. Do it by holding forward + strong. This is a little good move, but don't use it often and is not comboable. Air Alacer Fist- This is a cool move done by pressing down + strong in the air. If you hit the opponent with it, she will vault over their head and onto the other side!!!!! Femina Wind: This is a great asset to her. Just press up and then up again and she will jump twice. This is good for those annoying people that just throw fireballs because you can jump twice, then do an air drill purna and continue it into a deathly combo!!!!!! Watch out though for the people with dragon punch like moves, because if you do the drill purna, they will surely uppercut it. Guard Break: Her's is pretty good. She jumps and twists her body around and kicks them. Really good and good follow up with #7 on the combo list for mega damage if you have a full bar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Moves & Super Combos: Drill Purna- QCT + any kick Pullum will twist around and spin towards her opponent, kinda like Cammy's Cannon Drill. This is a pretty good move to use to get a hit. If it hits a person that blocks, she will bounce off and can be countered easily. If it hits, follow it up with something, preferably her Res Arcana SC. Air Drill Purna- QCT + any kick in the air Pullum will do her drill purna in the air. This is similar to Dhalsim's Yoga Drills. Roundhouse being used only close up and short being from far away. Her air drill purnas though are much better because they are much faster and very good combo starters if you hit them very deep. Ten'el Kick- QCB + any kick Pullum will jump and lunge forward, then kicks her opponent down to the ground. This is usually a good move to go over fireballs. Short goes low and far, forward goes medium in both characteristics, and roundhouse goes high and not that far. Not many combos can be started with this move or even ended with it because it doesn't hit fast enough. Although, it is the beginner for the only Lv. 3 super combo of Pullum's I know of. Purim Kick- F, D, D/F + any kick Pullum does a kick flip that hits twice. This is probably her best special move. It can be used as an air counter and also is her best bet in any combo. Just watch out when you miss or it is blocked, because the recovery time is really slow and the opponent can do almost any move to you. Super Combo #1: Res Arcana- QCT, QCT + any kick Pullum will flip and her foot will flash, then doing about 4 flip kicks and ending with a purim kick. Although this super is very slow and doesn't cover much ground, it is very useful because it is easily buffered and can get many people that try to block low to avoid this. But as with many moves watch out!!! If correctly blocked, it could mean death!!!! Super Combo #2: Praec Larum- QCB, QCB + any kick Pullum spins in the air doing many kicks, just like Ryu's Super Hurricane. This is a very good super. You can do a jump kick and then immediately buffer it into the Praec Larum for almost a 1/4 of the health meter. Also, it could be done any time in the air or on the ground, making it easily bufferable with a Res Arcana. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting Analysis: ------------------ Pullum as stated before is probably the fastest character in the game. Use this speed to your advantage!!!! Do many jump-in to Purim Kick combos to throw almost any opponent off. Also, a good tactic is using the air drill purna up close to any fireballer. She is also hell for any turtler!!!! She good easily buffer any normal move into a huge super combo that could sometimes drain up to half of their life!!!! Just a note, a really good Pullum player could probably beat just about anybody. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combos: Pullum's speciality!!! There's way too many for me to list at this point. I will just put a few. Also, only one Lv. 3 SC is known by me. If anymore are known, e-mail me and I will put it on and give you credit! 1. j. roundhouse, c. forward XXX Purim Kick A good easy combo to do. Very fast and good damage. If you have any super power, you can add on a Praec Larum for extra damage. 2. j. fierce XXX Air Drill Purna A good starter. It should be followed up by some kind of move or else you could be countered. 3. j. fierce XXX Air Drill Purna, c. forward kick XXX Purim Kick XXX Praec Larum This combo is huge and pretty hard to pull off. If you could get this down, you coul probably very easily beat many people. 4. Drill Purna XXX Res Arcana A simple combo that takes a good amount of energy away. As with many, if you have more power left, add a Praec Larum for extra damage. 5. Cross-up strong, c. strong x2 This is just a good combo to push the opponent back. 6. c. short XXX Purim Kick Just a very simple combo showing how Pullum can turn a simple move into damage!!! 7. j. fierce, c. fierce XXX Res Arcana XXX Praec Larum This just might be her most powerful combo. I think I one time took away 1/2 of the enemy's life with this one. 8. Ten'el Kick XXX Praec Larum XXX Res Arcana XXX Praec Larum This is her only Lv. 3 combo known to me and also her #16 combo in expert mode. It is really hard to pull off because not only is it hard to hit the opponent with the Praec Larum after the Ten'el Kick, but the first Praec Larum also throws them in random directions!!! Until this is mastered, you should probably use your super power on the mega damage combo #7. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vs. Strategies: --------------- Note: I really have only played the computer, so my strategies will be based on the fight on the computer. Also, I haven't fought the following characters much: Garuda, Cycloid-Beta, Cycloid-Gamma, Evil Hokuto, & Evil Ryu. I will try to fight them more and include strategies when and if I update this FAQ. Vs. Akuma: He is really hard!!! All I could say is block his dragon punch and counter with a Purim Kick combo. Block his super dragon punch at all costs!!!! Don't jump in all the time because he will usually take you down. Try to trip him up and if you can, use your guard break to really hurt him. Vs. Allen: Well, he's usually not much of a challenge because he is not used that well by the CPU. Block his justice fist and he'll be open for a VERY long time and you could kill them. Air Drill Purna them if he start to fireball, and if he misses a rising dragon, combo him. I prefer to do the Dance Wind just because she does that evil giggle. :) Vs. Blair: Blair is probably one of the best characters!!! But, she is not that hard to beat. Block her full shoot kick and counter it. Also, if you block her roundhouse sliding arrow, you can really kill her! Don't try to sweep her when she has a super meter full because she could easily go over it with her super slide shoot. Vs. Chun-Li: Another one of my favorites!!! Watch out in jumping in on her. She can easily kick or kikosho you away. Her Hienshu kick is better blocked and I think you get hit if you try to counter it with the Purim Kick. Try to stay on the ground and do the Drill Purna XXX Res Arcana combo to her. Vs. Crackerjack: He is a real nuisance!!! If he does his dashing moves from far away, counter with a c. roundhouse sweep. Also, jumping in is very hard on him because he has that dashing uppercut and Batting Hero. Try to do ground combos to him to finish him off. Vs. Darun: Watch out!!! Any move blocked by him almost always ends up in a Brahma Bomb. Try to do many crouching moves and jump in with caution, because he could sometimes counter with his lariat. Vs. Dhalsim: He's pretty easy. Counter his long range moves with a Purim Kick. You could easily get in close and do jump-in combos. Just watch out for his super yoga drill kick. Vs. Doctrine Dark: If he drops an explosive, try to drill purna him. Also, try to Purim Kick if close enough to stop his annoying snap wires. Jump in with an attack or a Praec Larum if you need to jump in. Vs. Guile: Mainly just Air Drill Purna over his Sonic Booms and also if he misses with his Flash Kick, hurt him with a big ground combo!!!!! If you block the Opening Gambit Super, that is also a good oppurtunity to combo him.... Vs. Hokuto: Try to counter her dashing moves with the c. roundhouse. Also, jumping in when she has a level charge is not good because of her Kiren-Eki fireball, which will most likely knock you out of the air. Just counter her moves and try to get a combo in now and then. Vs. Kairi: He could be a challenge. If he starts throwing fireballs like crazy, you could Ten'el Kick over them with ease. Also, block his dragon punches and hurt him when he lands. If he misses with that jumping punch super, you could really hurt him bad! Vs. Ken: He's one of the most annoying fights. Watch out when jumping in because his fiery dragon punch takes out a lot of attacks. Also, doing a c. roundhouse when he is a level charged is unwise, because the Shoryureppa could go through it. Your best bet is to counter when he misses the dragon punch. Vs. M. Bison: The CPU version takes away A LOT of energy!!! Block his Psycho Crusher and Scissor Kicks and counter. Also, he usually does a head stomp followed by the fist, so wait for it and counter. Also, if he does his Psycho Cannon super, he usually likes to charge it up, so you could sweep him at that time. Vs. Pullum: Same person fights are always fun!!!! Anyway, you can block her Purim Kicks and counter with one of your own!!!! Also, watch out and block because she seems to like to go on a Ten'el Kick frenzy. Counter when she misses. Vs. Ryu: An annoying fight like always. Air Drill Purna over fireballs but watch out for dragon punches. As with many dragon punch like moves, if he misses, combo him and hurt him severely!! Vs. Sakura: She could be really annoying because she tends to overuse that Shouou-Ken. She also can buffer her supers very well. Just jump over her fireballs and kill her with a jump-in combo. Her Shunpu-Kyaku is also very easy to counter. Vs. Skullomania: I don't know why so many people think he sucks so bad, because he is an OK fighter. Just block his skullocrasher and counter with a combo. Also, block low when he does his skulloslide from far away. That throw thing of his is annoying if it actually hits and takes away a lot of damage. Try to Purim Kick it. Vs. Zangief: Probably the hardest fight. If you jump-in, he usually clothesline you out. If you miss with a move, he'll spinning pile driver you. Just try to sweep him a lot and try to jump in every once in a while for a combo. Just try to stay away and do low attacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all everybody!!!! I would like to say thank you to Arika who created this game. Also to JCulbert and HLaPierre's FAQs that helped me a lot with the basics. And of course to anybody that reads and uses this and sends in comments or changes. Send them in either good or bad to PfishyDyke@aol.com. I plan to do a Chun-Li FAQ maybe soon!!!! When a new RPG besides the already overplayed FF7 comes out, I will make a FAQ on that, probably Breath of Fire 3. Thanks for reading this, I hope it is useful!!! Oh yeah, if you use anything on my page, please give me some credit. That's all I ask for. :) Also, just for kicks, you can visit my very entertaining, non-video game oriented personal home page at http://members.aol.com/PfishyDyke/index.html Thank you again!!!!!