Sakura FAQ Street Fighter Alpha 2 v1.1 Revision history: 1.1 Corrected some errors Removed redundant combos Re-evaluated some previously moronic statements ========================== ------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS: ------------------ I. INTRODUCTION II. DEFINITIONS a. Definitions b. Combo Definitions III. CONSOLE a. Console b. Defined IV. CHARACTER INFO a. Character Info b. Win Quotes c. Ending d. Mid-Boss e. Boss f. Chouhatsu V. SPECIAL MOVES a. Hadouken b. Shououken c. Shunpuu Kyaku d. Sakura Otoshi e. Flower Kick VI. SUPER MOVES a. Shinkuu-Hadouken b. Midare Zakura c. Haru Ichiban VII. CROSS-UPS VIII.THROWS a. Throws b. Tech-Bonus IX. ALPHA-COUNTERS X. COMBOS a. Bread and Butter Combo b. Other Combos c. Valle Custom d. Custom Combos XI. CONCLUSION a. Conclusion b. Special thanks c. Disclaimer ========================= I. ------------- INTRODUCTION: ------------- Sakura is a good character. ========================== ------------ DEFINITIONS: ------------ P : Punch PP: Two Punches Pressed at the Same Time (or in rapid succession) PPP: Three Punches Pressed at the Same Time (or in rapid succession) K: Kick KK: Two Kicks Pressed at the Same Time KKK: Three Kicks Pressed at the Same Time F: Hold forward (the direction) B: Hold back (the direction) DP: Dragon Punch (a rising punch) Forward, down, down-forward + P FB: Fireball (an energy wave) Down, down-forward, forward + P ARK: Akuma, Ryu, Ken QCF: Quarter circle forward (down, down-forward, forward) QCB: Quarter circle back (down, down-back, back) HCF: Half circle forward (back, down-back, down, down-forward, forward) HCB: Half circle back (forward, down-forward, down, down-back, back) AC: Alpha Counter CC: Custom Combo Shotokan: Fighting style of Akuma, Ryu, and Ken Cross-Up: Act of jumping over your opponent and attacking, forcing them to switch their block-stance Valle Custom: Custom combo beginning with low roundhouse Alpha-Counter: A universal counter-attack which costs 1 super bar (Alpha 2 Gold requires 2 bars) Custom Combo: Increased speed, all moves are chainable for a short period of time (costs 1-3 super bars) Super : High-damaging attack (costs 1-3 super bars, dependent on how many buttons used to initiate) Chouhatsu : Taunt done by pressing start. Sakura's taunt does 1 pixel of damage to the opponent ------------------ COMBO DEFINITIONS: ------------------ c. = crouching s. = standing j. = jumping = cross-up lp = light punch mp = medium punch hp = hard punch lk = light kick mk = medium kick hk = hard kick ========================== -------- CONSOLE: -------- -JOYSTICK- -BUTTONS- ----- jab medium fierce back \ / forward (lp) (mp) (hp) \ / (lk) (mk) (hk) ----- short forward roundhouse -------- DEFINED: -------- Jab = lp (light punch) Medium = mp (medium punch) Fierce = hp (hard punch) Short = lk (light kick) Forward = mk (medium kick) Roundhouse = hk (hard kick) ========================== --------------- CHARACTER INFO: --------------- Sakura Kasugano is a 17-year old Japanese high-school student with an affinity for street fighting. She fights for fun, and has adapted her style to be similar to Ryu's (after seeing him fight). She admires Ryu's fighting ability, and hopes to see him again. Her name translates to "cherry blossom tree". Many of her attack names are variants on the cherry blossom theme. ----------- WIN QUOTES: ----------- "Wow, that was cool, do it again!" "Victory is mine. Get up loser, so I can smack you again!" "Now you know, justice always prevails!" "Do you have time for another beating before my next class?" ------- ENDING: ------- Picture: Ryu walking away from Sakura, Sakura talking behind him Sakura: Wait! Where are you going? Sakura: I want to be stronger, I want to learn more. Sakura: Please! Please teach me! Be my master!!!! Ryu: I'm still learning myself. I don't have time for school girl games! Ryu: You're on your own. Picture: Split-screen, Sakura holding a camera, Ryu looking over his shoulder Ryu: I've got go. Sakura: At least give me something to remember you by! (takes a picture) Picture: Sakura holding a photograph of Ryu Picture: Sakura walking, wearing a backpack and looking at Ryu's picture Sakura: (He took it easy on me, I just know it!) Sakura: (What did he mean - "he is still learning"?) Sakura: (I thought Street Fighting was just for fun.) Sakura: (Maybe he knows the true meaning of "fight".) Sakura: (I have to see him again to ask him.) - Sakura's friend Kei walks up beside her - Kei: Good morning, Sakura. Who's that? Sakura: My master, maybe? Kei: What?! Kei: What do you mean? Picture: Sakura begins to run, her friend is lagging behind her (Sakura's theme begins to play) Sakura: Forget it. We don't have time. We'll be late for school! Kei: Hey! Wait for me! Sakura: I'm going to need a crash course. --------- MID-BOSS: --------- Sagat: Those moves?! You know Ryu. Where is he? Sakura: Say please! Sagat: Out of my way, you insignificant gnat! Sakura: You need a lesson in etiquette. ----- BOSS: ----- Sakura: I've been looking for you, Ryu. Ryu: What do you want with me, little girl? Sakura: Is that anyway [sic] to talk? I'm your number one fan. Sakura: That's Ms. Little Girl to you! ------------------ CHOUHATSU (Taunt): ------------------ In Sakura's taunt, she points at the opponent and giggles. Her extended finger can hit the other player, and it will do one pixel of damage if it does. This move CAN be used as anti-air, and it's quite funny when you hit with it. The taunt is unblockable. ======================== -------------- SPECIAL MOVES: -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE -----------|------------------|---------------|--------- Hadou-ken Motion Wave Fist QCF + P/PP/PPP P: 4% PP: 5% PPP: 6% Commentary: This move is good to just generally annoy your opponent. Throw some fireballs out when it's safe to do so. Fireballs are good to tick away with from long distance, and they're useful as a battery to charge up Sakura's super bar. Sakura's FB is unlike the Shotokan's fireball in that it has 3 different, distinct variations. By tapping the punch button one time, a small fireball travels almost all the way across the screen, but dissipates before it reaches the other side. By tapping punch twice, you get a bigger fireball which travels about half-way across the screen. Finally, by hitting punch three times quickly, a large fireball will appear, which travels roughly 1/5 of the screen. This one can be used as anti-air. The more punches you use for the fireball, the longer it takes to come out. Charging a triple-fireball at close distance will almost always put you on the receiving end of a CC or a super. The one-tap fireball is her best. ------------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE -----------|-----------------------|---------------|--------- Shououken Rising Cherry Tree Fist F, D, DF + P lp: 13% mp: 14% hp: 16% Commentary: Sakura runs a short distance and does a dragon punch. The distance of the run depends on the punch used (jab version has her only taking 1-2 steps, while the fierce version has her running across about 40% of the screen). This move CANNOT be used like the Shotokan DP as anti-air. You may be able to use the jab version to hit jumpers, but a standing fierce is often the better option. The problem with the Shououken is that you are in great danger if you miss, or if it is blocked. Sakura's recovery time is not good, so expect to be punished for using it irresponsibly. Therefore, your best bet is to use it in combo. It should only be combo'd with c. fierce/s. fierce/or crouching or standing shorts. The fierce version hits 6 times, and is your best choice. Sakura's Shououken does more damage than Ryu's standard Dragon Punch. ----------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE --------------|------------------|---------------|--------- Shunpuu Kyaku Spring Wind Kick QCB + K lk: 10% mk: 11% hk: 13% Commentary: This is Sakura's version of the hurricane kick. Instead of moving in a straight, horizontal line (like ARK's hurricane kick), Sakura's kick arcs up and comes down. Due to the shortness of her hop during the kick, the short and forward kick versions do not travel over crouching opponents. The recovery time is also a little longer than the Shotos, so it's a little bit riskier than the standard hurricane kick. The short version is quick, with a small hop. You can use this one to close the distance between you and your opponent for a throw, if you like. It's also one of Sakura's better "bait" moves, as the recovery time off the short is almost non-existent. From about sweep distance, execute the short Shunpuu Kyaku (don't expect to hit). As you land, your opponent will probably try to counter-attack Since there is so little recovery time, execute a CC or a super, which will have priority over their move (unless they use a super - in this instance, just block). Other than that, Shunpuu Kyaku can be used in combo (off of a c. strong or a fierce), but the Shououken does more damage. Mainly use this move to confuse your opponent or to hop over sweeps. Unfortunately, Sakura cannot use her hurricane kick in the air. ------------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE --------------|---------------|---------------|-------------- Sakura Otoshi Sakura Drop DP + K, P 6% Commentary: Introduced in the update to SFA2, Street Fighter Zero 2' (Dash)/Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold in the US, this move does not appear in the original version of A2. As such, most people will not get a chance to use it. This is fine, however, as it is almost worthless. Sakura jumps high in the air (the height of her jump, and the distance traveled varies dependent on what kick you use) with her arms set to smash, and she brings her arms down and hits your opponent when you press punch. The move knocks the other player down, and has absolutely no combo potential outside of a CC. Basically, this move is a v e r y slow (but highly- stylized) jumping punch. While it can't be blocked in the air, its slow start- up makes it far too predictable. Its slowness in coming out also means that it has very little use as an anti-air device. The one use I found for the Sakura Otoshi is as Sakura's other bait move. Execute the short version at mid-screen distance, but do not hit punch in the air. As you land, stuff your opponent's counter-attack with a CC or a super. Other than this, the move is almost worthless. ------------------------------------- NAME | MOTION | DAMAGE -----------|---------------|--------- Flower Kick F + MK 9% This is Sakura's overhead. It must be blocked high, or it will hit. Unfortunately, the Flower Kick is slower than Ryu's overhead (F + MP), and only hits 1 time. It is possible to combo this with Sakura's Shinkuu-Hadouken super if you get a late hit off of a rising opponent. ============================= ------- SUPERS: ------- In SFA2, the strength of the super (and the number of bars it takes off of your super meter at the bottom of the screen) is dependent on how many buttons you use to select it. For instance, if you press two punches at the same time to initiate the super, it will be level 2, and take off two bars. 1 punch is level 1, and three punches is level 3. Note: All of Sakura's supers can combo off of a fierce punch. --------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE ----------------|--------------------------|---------------|--------- Shinkuu-Hadouken Vacuum Motion Wave Fist QCF, QCF + P lv1: 14% lv2: 22% lv3: 32% Commentary: This is Sakura's fireball super. It is her least damaging super, and its range is not full-screen. Sakura charges up and throws a big fireball (very similar to her standard PPP version) which travels about half-way across the screen. Its benefit is that it is her safest super, being that it pushes the opponent back far enough that counter-attack is almost impossible. As a projectile special, it's decent, but not nearly as useful as her others. I don't use it often. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE -------------|--------------------------------|---------------|--------- Midare Zakura War of the Cherry Blossom Trees QCF, QCF + K lv1: 20% lv2: 28% lv3: 38% Commentary: This IS a Shoryu-Reppa (sans flames, of course). Sakura executes multiple dragon punches for good damage. This super can be used as anti-air, but it won't do as much damage. Be careful not to miss with this, or Sakura will be left hanging in the air, open to any combos your opponent is ready to give. Its her riskiest super, and sadly, not her most damaging. Since all of Sakura's supers basically have the same combo ability, I'd stick with the Haru Ichiban over this one. ---------------------------------------------------------- NAME |TRANSLATION | MOTION | DAMAGE -------------|------------------|---------------|--------- Haru Ichiban First of Spring QCB, QCB + K lv1: 23% lv2: 30% lv3: 40% Commentary: This is one of the best supers in Street Fighter Alpha 2. Not only does this super have to be blocked low, it's also fast, has very little recovery time, and does more damage than her others. Sakura extends her left leg and begins to spin repeatedly, very much like a grounded hurricane kick. For her last hit, she springs to her feet and does a straight, horizontal kick which sends the opponent flying to the other side of the screen. There are a lot of good times to use this super. Obviously you can utilize it in combo or after your opponent misses a move. Another good strategy is to use this after Sakura's overhead (F + MK). It won't combo, but they have to block the overhead high. Executing this super immediately afterwards forces them to switch block-stance very quickly, which many people will not do. Yet another fun trick is to use a level 1 Haru Ichiban, then immediately follow up with a level 2. Most players will try to attack between the two supers, but Sakura has such little recovery time that they'll get caught. Once your opponent has figured this out and remembers to block after the super is over, simply throw them instead of supering again. And finally, if you're going for chipping damage, use the level 1 version of this super 3 times in a row. The Haru Ichiban isn't an invincible move, however. The priority on this is pretty horrible. An opponents c. forward or c. short is probably going to stuff you every time. Don't use this move to attempt to cancel out a move. It's probably not going to end in your favor. ============================= ---------- CROSS-UPS: ---------- It is very easy to cross-up with Sakura. "Crossing-up" is the act of jumping over your adversary (barely) and hitting kick right as you are above their head. This is a confusion technique, as it forces the other player to switch the direction that they are blocking (as you have just switched sides with them). The probability of hitting with a cross-up over a regular jump kick is very high, as most casual players will not switch their block-stance. This is good for Sakura, as she has one of the best cross-ups in the game. This is her forward kick, a jump kick where Sakura extends her leg almost completely horizontally (also called "The High School Kick"). Cross-ups are best used when you opponent has little chance for retaliation. Try to begin your jump as your opponent is lying on the floor (after a sweep, for instance). You should hit your opponent right as they are getting up. It will look like your attack will miss, but it won't. In this instance, your opponent has very little time to think/change block-stances/ counter-attack. Being aggressive with your cross-ups is fun. ============================ ------- THROWS: ------- Throws are done by pressing F + P or K. They must be done at close range, and are unblockable. Sailor Shoot: Sakura jumps on the opponent's chest and kicks off of them with both feet, sending them hurtling to the ground. The direction they fall is dependent on what direction you initiate the throw with. damage: 11% Sailor Strangle: Sakura grabs the opponent in a neckhold and strangles them for a bit. Jam on the buttons for more hits. Coincidentally, as Sakura sends her victim to the ground, they land at perfect cross-up distance. Abuse this opportunity. damage: 9% (cross-up/Sailor Strangle note courtesy of ALo's Sakura FAQ) ----------- TECH BONUS: ----------- All throws are escapable in SFA2 through the use of tech bonus. This is done by pressing F + P (or F + K) right as you are about to be thrown. ======================== --------------- ALPHA COUNTERS: --------------- From a block: Back, down/back, down + P or K Alpha counters are a quick counter move which take up 1 super bar (2 in Alpha 2 Gold). They are best used towards the end of the round, to finish off an opponent or whittle them down. Alpha counters don't do much damage, but the chances of you hitting with one are very high. This is a way to punish predictable opponents. With K: Sakura does a standing roundhouse (or a ducking roundhouse, dependent on positioning). damage: 6% With P: Sakura does a shououken which hits one time, but travels as high as her fierce version. damage: 8% ======================== ------- COMBOS: ------- ---------------------- BREAD AND BUTTER COMBO ---------------------- The "Bread and Butter" combo is a combo that is easy and useful enough that you should be landing it a lot (more than any other combo). Sakura's Bread and Butter combo is: c. lk, c. lk, s. lk, fierce shououken Commentary: This does a good deal of damage, and is incredibly simple. You can replace the shououken with a super if you have one charged up. Obviously, if your c. shorts are being blocked, don't tag on the dragon punch at the end. Push them back with s. fierce, then cancel into a fireball for a measly pixel of block damage. ------------ OTHER COMBOS ------------ 1) j. hp, s. hp, shououken Commentary: A simple combo that does decent damage. Of course, you don't have to jump in. You can just cancel fierce into a shououken if you'd prefer. Basically, if you're throwing standing fierces around up close, immediately go into a shououken if you see one hit. 2) j. hk, s. lp, s. lp, c. lk (open-ended) Commentary: Ok. Sakura has lots of stupid combos involving alternating jabs and shorts, and it would be stupid to list all of them. Just know that you can throw around a few jabs and shorts to combo, then end with a special move or super. That's all. 4) j. mp, d. mp, roundhouse hurricane kick Commentary: This combo does incredible stun damage (about 60%), so you should land it when coming off of a previous combo for an easy dizzy. Also, if you're throwing around crouching strongs with Sakura, go into the roundhouse hurricane kick if one hits. -------------- Note: There are lots of other basic combos, such as s. mp -> fierce shououken and such, but most of Sakura's combos revolve around the concepts listed above. Experiment. ------------- Valle Custom: ------------- Named after Alex Valle (top-ranked US player, located in California), this is basically the best way to use CCs in the game. If you're standing at about sweep-distance from your opponent, and they are standing, execute a CC with ducking roundhouse. The stun caused by the CC will not allow them to block the low roundhouse fast enough (they can't switch their block from high to low while stunned). Basically, start all your CCs with a c. Roundhouse and you'll be ok. -------------- CUSTOM COMBOS: -------------- 1) Level 1 CC: c. hk, medium hurricane kick, fierce shououken Commentary: This is the only CC I use with Sakura. It does more damage than any of her level 1 supers, and is quite easy to land. As far as level 2 or 3 custom combos, they don't seem to be of much use for her. I'd stick with this custom combo anytime you're at level 1, but use supers for level 2 or above. damage: 30% 2) Level 3 CC: Fierce shououken x2, Strong Shououken, Fierce Shououken Commentary: This does more damage than her level 3 supers, but it's harder to combo (as far as I know, you cannot apply the Valle custom here, because there isn't enough CC time to add any other moves in). Unfortunately, you cannot get 4 fierce shououkens in the limited CC time, so you must substitute a strong shououken for one of them. Not a bad CC if you can land it. damage: 45% ======================== ----------- CONCLUSION: ----------- That's all I have to say about Sakura. She's a fun character. --------------- Special thanks: --------------- Thanks to Logan Sharp and Tony Huynh for helping me with the translations of Sakura's special moves and supers. Swell fellows. ----------- Disclaimer: ----------- I don't consider this a work of art. Please feel free to steal from it. -- Aaron Shapiro