Street Fighter Alpha 2 Quotes and Dialogue Guide v1.21 (January 4, 2000) This document Copyright 1999-2000 Robert Iu This document is for private and personal use only. I intended this work to be used as an easy way to reference specific character quotes and/or endings for those who might need it, though you may not copy large parts of this without my permission. If you make use of something you find here give credit where it is due. Please do not put this in anything that is to be sold for money or otherwise profit from. Street Fighter Alpha 2 and Street Fighter Collection are Copyright Capcom Co., Ltd. and Copyright Capcom U.S.A., Inc. All rights reserved. Well, this is my second guide, but is the first that I have finished. I decided to make this following the format of my Alpha 3 one due to the fact that I had my friend's PSX and SF Collection and decided what the heck, why not. These are all based on SFA2G which should be the same as those found in the arcade version. Many of the win quotes found in SFA2 were the same as those that found in SFA for the characters that were also in SFA. In [brackets] are a brief description of the animations in the endings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adon ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don't worry, it's all over. I am a Muay Thai master. You are sucking gravel. Is that the best you can do? My legend starts now! Mid-boss: M.Bison -------- M.Bison: You have earned a place in Shadaloo. Adon: Who are you? M.Bison: I'm Bison, Lord of Shadaloo. I'm the best there is! Adon: The best there was, is more like it. Required 7th Fight: Ryu Boss: Sagat ---- Adon: Aah, Sagat! Did you think you could escape from me? Adon: Now that I found you, you must be killed. Sagat: In your dreams, warrior! Adon: My dreams are your nightmares. [after the battle] [Adon is smiling and doing a thumbs-down] Sagat, you're through! Your Muay Thai is old and useless. If you try me again... ...I'll crush you! [he does a Rising Jaguar to destroy a part of the statue's face in Sagat's stage] YEAHHH! Out with the old. In with the new. [Adon is sitting as a guy rushes into the room] Months later at a Muay Thai arena... ...10 minutes before the event with the champion Adon. Master Adon! There is a problem! Your challenger was killed by a mysterious man moments ago! Who? What did he look like? Dressed in black with red hair. He didn't look... he wasn't... I know him. He used the same power Ryu used to defeat Sagat. [all but Adon and the chair he sits on fade to black and then to an image of Akuma] I must annihilate him now to prove... ...Adon of Muay Thai is the mightiest champion of THIS world! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Akuma ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Now stay down! This grows boring! Weaklings! Is there no one worth fighting? You are not enough even for a warm up. Mid-boss: Ryu -------- Akuma: (You dare ME?) Ryu: I will revenge my master's death. Akuma: (You will follow him.) Required 6th Fight: Sagat Required 7th Fight: Bison Boss: Gen ---- Akuma: (Master Gen!) Gen: What do you want with me, Akuma? Akuma: (Your defeat.) Gen: I think not. [after the battle] [Akuma, surrounded by an aura, is over a kneeling Gen] I'm finished, Akuma! You have won! (Come on. Just a little closer.) What?! [Akuma disappears] He knew. He's gone! Where'd he go?! [Akuma is standing on the Great Wall of China in moonlight] Worthy opponents have challenged me. [portraits of Gen, Bison, and Ryu appear on the moon] Maybe this world is not as week as I thought. I could live in this mortal place and perfect my killing power. I will be next... die! Ha ha ha ha! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Birdie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: It's good to be back! Show some respect and maybe you keep breathing. Still the best! What made you think you could beat me? Mid-boss: Dhalsim -------- Dhalsim: Retreat and make peace with your spirit. Birdie: Yea, okay Yoga-boy. Birdie: I'll kick you so hard you'll dirty your diaper! Dhalsim: May you fight better in your next life. Required 6th Fight: Gen Required 7th Fight: Sagat Boss: Bison ---- Birdie: I hear you're the boss... make me an offer. M.Bison: I'll offer to destroy you. Birdie: Make me a better offer. M.Bison: All right, if you live, you're in. [after the battle] [Birdie to Bison] I am the BEST! What do you 'ave to say for yourself Bison? You are strong. O.K! I'll accept you as a member of Shadaloo. YES! With my help you can rule anything your 'eart desires! Shadaloo Command Center. Data room [Birdie smashes into a metal plate] YEAH! [Birdie thinks to himself as Bison overlooks from another room] Bison, you lunatic! Now I know your hidden agenda. You won't exploit me! I'm outta 'ere! Watch your back, mate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Charlie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Are you always so slow? Be all that you can be, scumbag! One more down. On with the war. You've got talent. Uncle Sam could use you. Mid-boss: Rolento -------- Rolento: Hey trooper, what are your orders? Charlie: I'm out to neutralize M. Bison, sir. Rolento: Over my dead body! Charlie: I hope you brought a body bag. Required 7th Fight: Sagat Boss: M.Bison ---- Charlie: Lord Bison, Commander of Shadaloo, you are under arrest. M.Bison: By who's army? Charlie: I order you to surrender now. Our helicopter is arriving in 5 minutes. M.Bison: Interesting... that will be the last five minutes of your life. [after the battle] [Charlie holds Bison by the collar] Get up! Tell me everything you know! What's your connection to the Army Brass? Who put you up to this? TALK!! [a helicopter flies by in the background] ... What the...!? [it opens fire on Charlie] NOOOO! (WHY?!) [blood splatters and his dog tag hits the ground] [he falls off the edge] Ahhhhhhhhh... [one of Bison's men is holding a gun as Bison holds his chin] Commander Bison, should we send a 'recon' unit to confirm his death? No. No one could survive that fall. Even if he is alive, he won't be back. Now he knows that everyone has a price. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chun-Li ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: I don't have time for amateurs! I expected better. If you're gonna fight, fight for real. You don't have the skills to beat me! Mid-boss: Gen -------- Gen: Young one, what is it that you seek? Chun-Li: It does not matter, you can't help. Gen: I could teach you. Chun-Li: Out of my way. I'm looking for someone. Required 7th Fight: Ryu Boss: M.Bison ---- Chun-Li: Evil in the flesh, Lord Bison. Chun-Li: What happened to my father? Chun-Li: What have you done with him? You know something! M.Bison: Don't ask questions if you aren't prepared for the answers. [after the battle] [M.Bison and his plane hover above Chun-Li] Chun Li! You surprised me. Next time I'll use both hands. Unfortunately, I have no time for these petty games. Where do you think you are going? Don't worry child, we will meet again. I hope you'll amuse me then. More than your father did!! [Chun-Li with teeth grinning] father? Bison! It was you! You killed my father! ...Bison disappeared to the underworld. A few days later... at the China Branch Interpol Headquarters... [Chun-Li, with a suit on, stands in front of a guy sitting at a desk] Chun Li, I have appointed you as Special Investigator of Shadaloo. Revenge your father's death with us! [she stands in front of a window, looking out into to night] I'll get you Bison! Next time we meet, we'll settle it! [she closes her eyes] ...This is the last time I cry. Don't worry... Father! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don't even try to get up! For a loser, you did pretty well. Keep your day job! My dad could beat you, and he's dead! Mid-boss: Guy -------- Guy: You have some cute moves. Dan: What ever! Guy: I'm wandering the earth to become stronger. Dan: Well Grasshopper you asked for it. Required 6th Fight: M.Bison Required 7th Fight: Ken Boss: Sagat ---- Dan: Nice eye, Sagat! Would you like the other one to match? Sagat: The fool who took my eye paid with his life. Dan: That was my father, you murderer! Sagat: Tsk! So young to be without a father. Perhaps you should join him. [after the battle] [yells "Yatte ze, Oyaji" into the air] I've made it... Yahoo! I've finally avenged your death. I'm the strongest now, and the best!! [the front of the "Saikyo-ryu karate Dojo"] Back in Hong Kong, Dan opens a school where he can teach his style. (for you my father...) (People all over the world will soon know my powerful moves!!) [Dan standing amongst his students] What's the problem? You must focus to be a Saikyo style warrior!! With his blind ambitions, Dan pursues worldwide fame. Is this his destiny? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dhalsim ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Action brings reaction. Your fate has followed you. Don't cry. I'll let you live I'm your master. Pain is a state of mind and I don't mind your pain. Meditate on your loss. Someday our paths will cross again. Mid-boss: Zangief -------- Dhalsim: Do you wish to learn from me, novice? Zangief: Ha! What could someone so puny possibly teach me? Dhalsim: Size is no consequence. Yoga mastery is an ancient discipline of mind and body. Zangief: Your body, I will twist into a pretzel. I'll leave your mind for the vultures. Boss: M.Bison ---- Dhalsim: You have an evil spirit. Dhalsim: Your soul is dark with hate. M.Bison: I will crush you with true power! Dhalsim: Real power is achieved by mercy. May the spirits have mercy on your soul. [after the battle] [Dhalsim sits under a tree] After returning to his village, Dhalsim sinks into deep meditation. [Images of his various battles appear in his mind] I must cleanse myself of the evil force which has taken over my mind. What good could possibly come from my damaging power? [three people approach him] Oh Great Yoga Master Dhalsim. Your victories have truly blessed us. Medicine, food, shelters... All the people in the village thank you. [his wife, Sally (Sari), with a bay stands next to him] Husband. Yes... have I created bad karma? No! You have made things better for all. I'm very proud. I hope you are right. Does the end justify the means? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Ancient words of wisdom..."you suck". I live for death...yours! Someday you'll have enough courage to face me again. You fight, you lose, you die! Mid-boss: Chun-Li (original outfit) -------- Chun-Li: Hey, I hear you're a master. Chun-Li: Can you tell me about Shadaloo? Gen: Foolish child-I have nothing for you! Gen: Why are you still looking at me! Didn't your father teach you not to stare. Boss: Akuma ---- Gen: You must be Akuma. You may have a human body, but you are not of this world. Akuma: (Which one are you?) Gen: I'm the one who will send you back to hell. Akuma: (Amusing, but ignorant.) [after the battle] [Gen holds Akuma up] ...What's your problem? Finish me now! What are you waiting for? [Gen releases him] Gen leaves Akuma to his fate. What is on his mind? [Gen stands on the tip of a boat] It would be no challenge to finish him. But then my greatest joy for my remaining days is lost. [wipes blood onto his beard] Uh.... I'd rather die fighting! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guy ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don't worry, everyone loses to me! Shouldn't you be crawling to a hospital about now? You are so outclassed. You can't beat what you can't touch! Mid-boss: Rose -------- Rose: I see there is a hole in your mind. Guy: There is nothing in my mind. Rose: So strong, yet so stupid. Guy: Can't you see, this will be your final fight. Required 6th Fight: Sodom Required 7th Fight: Rolento Boss: M.Bison ---- M.Bison: Bushin style Ninjas are no match for Shadaloo soldiers. Guy: I've fought you soldiers. Now I've come for you. M.Bison: My soldiers are skilled, but I am supreme. Guy: Yea, a supreme fat-head! [after the battle] [Guy stands victorious] I've got it!! I've found the inner secret! With driving force, Guy brings new life into the old Bushin style. [a man dressed in green with a mask on, Zeku, appears behind him] You have tapped the power, my pupil. Master. Remember my son, Bushin style is only a name. Do not be impressed by its label and you will be truly strong. Fighting style is not something handed down, but something created. Master, you once told me... ... to be a Master, I must overcome everything. The time has come! Do you stake your life on it? Of course! [they both fly at each other with a kick] YAAAA!! There is no hatred in the faces of The Master and his Disciples. Only the spirit and fighting power from facing a worthy opponent. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don't tell me you're actually unconscience. Next time I won't be so easy on you. Now you see the difference between us! You're better then you look. Try harder. Mid-boss: Dan -------- Dan: Hey, Blondie, here's a quarter. Get your own moves. Ken: Who are you? Do you know the art of fighting? Dan: Let's get ready to rumble. Ken: After you, ladies first! Boss: Ryu ---- ken: Where have you been? Ryu: Why? Need some more schooling? Ryu: Like the lesson I gave Sagat? Ken: Sure, let's see your moves. Show and tell! [after the battle] [Ken helps Ryu up] Get up, Ryu! Something's bugging you. Your heart wasn't in it this time. That battle with Sagat really messed with your head man. Stay focused! Remember, it's nothing but the fight... ... I guess?! [Ken gives his red band to Ryu] Here, you keep this. If you loose (sic) it again, this will remind you... ...of me and the fight. [Ryu reaches for it] !!!! Thanks, Ken. You helped me a lot! They left each other... ...going their separate ways. Promising to meet and fight again. [Ken is working out with Eliza by his side] I was lucky! He was stronger than I expected. I've got to pump up my training or I won't be so lucky. Next time... ...he'll be helping me up! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- M.Bison ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Leave my sight. You are a fool to challenge me! You cannot fight destiny. The world will be mine. You were almost entertaining. Mid-boss: Charlie -------- Charlie: You're commander of Shadaloo? I expected more. M.Bison: It will be a pleasure watching you suffer. Charlie: Negative! You're going down. M.Bison: I'll make sure you die a slow and painful death. Required 7th Fight: Rose Boss: Ryu ---- M.Bison: You're an impressive street fighter Ryu. With my guidance you could be unequaled. Ryu: Who the hell are you? M.Bison: I am your lord and master. You will give me your respect. Ryu: I'll give you something - but it's not respect. [after the battle] [M.Bison holds Ryu by the head] Ha ha ha ha!! So Ryu, you want ultimate strength? I can make your dreams come true!! [M.Bison with a doctor and Ryu strapped to a chair] The laboratory at Shadaloo Headquarters. What's taking so long? He is resisting, sir! No one has ever held up this long. You are truly unique, Ryu. You amuse me. But I'm tired of this game. Give in! Don't you see... I can make you the strongest fighter ever! Side by side we will be invincible. [Close-up of Ryu in the chair] Ieeeee.... Ryu is racked with pain as enormous power is forced into his body. [Shot of his face; one side is evil looking while the other is of him] But his mind is strong. Can he survive? Will his unknown "power" awake... What is the answer??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rolento ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Fear prevents learning and you've failed. Get real! Skill and strength determine the winner. It's okay, perfection is not for everyone. Let's fight again, so I can stick it to you. Mid-boss: Sodom -------- Sodom: The Mad Gear empire is growing strong, Rolento. Join my ranks. Rolento: You must be delirious, Sodom. I don't need you or your pitiful army. Sodom: You arrogant moron. Do you know who you're talking to? Rolento: Yeah. Someone seconds from extinction. Required 7th Fight: M.Bison Boss: Guy ---- Guy: What?! You again? Rolento: I see you remember you supreme leader. Guy: Well, I see you haven't learned you(sic) lesson. Rolento: Pity! Now I will have to rebuild my empire...ON YOUR FACE! [after the battle] [a flag with a gun and a sword forming an X on a red background] The time has come! Enough of this "panty waist politicking"! [Rolento rises as the flag becomes a picture of an army] We need discipline, order, strength, power. I'll make soldier out of the whole, damn, lot of them! Rring.... rring.. [Haggar is sitting at his office] Yes, what is it? Mayor! The whole city is in an uproar! What happened? A man named Rolent is terrorizing the city! He's driving through the business district in a tank! What?! [turns on the TV to see a tank rolling through the streets] Listen up, you pencil pushing geeks! I will rebuild this country if you all follow me. I'll make this country the strongest in the world! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Are you done? Forgive me. My fight is not with you. Power is nothing without skill. Today's lesson is over. Mid-boss: Akuma -------- Rose: You! You're the one with the Shoryuken power I feel! Akuma: (Leave!) Rose: You must be... (Akuma) Akuma: (Perish!) Required 7th Fight: Sagat Boss:M.Bison ---- Rose: Bison, you are on the wrong path. I've tried to warn you. M.Bison: Your annoying warnings mean nothing to me. Rose: I'll give you a count of three. M.Bison: 1... 2... 2 1/2... 2 3/4... [after the battle] [Rose hits Bison with a beam] You're finished, Bison! Never!! [Rose is taking a bath] It's over. I've sealed his "Psycho Powers" forever. ...I think. [Rose sits at a table] Unable to escape her ominous feelings, Rose consults her Tarots... ...expecting to see Bison's end. [she is in shock as she holds up a card] What!? How can this be? This is a card of... [image of Bison appears and the card disappears] There must be some mistake! NO!!!! The nightmare should have ended. Paralyzed with fear, she realizes she is powerless. It's not over...yet! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ryu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: I look forward to our next battle. Now I'll find a better challenge! What's wrong? Why do you hold back? You fought well. I was honored. Mid-boss: Sakura -------- Sakura: Ah ha! Here you are... don't move! Ryu: What do you want? Sakura: I've always wanted to challenge you! Ryu: Are you worthy? Show me your moves. Required 6th Fight: Ken Required 7th Fight: Sagat Boss: Akuma ---- Akuma: Well, we meet again! Ryu: It's been a while, Akuma. Ryu: So, have you gotten any better? Akuma: You tell me! [after the battle] [Ryu is looking at Akuma, who is hunched over and surrounded by an aura] You possess the same power as I. When the 'Evil Intent' awakens within you, then you will know. All these past battles will seem like child's play. W... what?! [Akuma punches the ground, collapsing the cave] The island... it's... it's disappearing!? When you have learned to summon all your inner power, find me. Then we will truly learn who is more powerful. [the island blows up] As Akuma's island disappears... ...So does Akuma. Leaving behind the feeling of his evil presence. [Ryu is afloat in water] AKUMA!! Left only with the sense of his untapped power... ...Akuma's words give Ryu yet another test. Ryu's journey, to be a true warrior, is never ending. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sagat ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Accept you weakness. Never come here again. Do not challenge what you cannot defeat! It will take more then you to best me! Now who is the strongest? Mid-boss: Adon -------- Adon: How could you lose to Ryu? Adon: You deserve to die! Sagat: It's time I teach you respect. Sagat: It's your lucky day. You will share Ryu's fate. Boss: Ryu ---- Sagat: Ryu, now is the time for revenge. Ryu: You still haven't recovered from our last duel. Sagat: I have something new for you. Sagat: This time you'll be the one scarred. [after the battle] [Sagat stands proudly with Ryu hunched behind him] I've defeated Ryu! I am the Champion! I've gotten my revenge. But, it seems a hollow victory. Champion, bah! I know now... That's why Ryu just stared at me. He knew, he just didn't say. [Sagat, Bison, Vega, and Balrog are in Bison's control room] I'm getting off here, I have something I've got to do! Later, you must tell me about you "Psycho Power". O.K. Go now. You are on my path. Come back to me, when you are stronger. Leaving Bison, Sagat decides to train alone. [he does a Tiger Uppercut to a waterfall] Damn! I'm going to need a more powerful move than the Tiger Blow next time! But, I must find it on my own! Sagat's mind is clear... he searches for his own inner strength to be a True Champion! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sakura ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Do you have time for another beating before my next class? Now you know, justice always prevails! Victory is mine. Get up loser so I can smack you again. Wow, that was cool, do it again! Mid-boss: Sagat -------- Sagat: Those moves?! You know Ryu. Where is he? Sakura: Say please! Sagat: Out of my way you insignificant gnat! Sakura: You need a lesson in etiquette. Boss: Ryu ----- Sakura: I've been looking for you Ryu. Ryu: What do you want with me, little girl? Sakura: Is that anyway to talk? I'm your number one fan. Sakura: That's Ms. Little Girl to you! [after the battle] [Sakura approaches Ryu] Wait! Where are you going? I want to be stronger. I want to learn more. Please! Please teach me! Be my master!!!! I'm still learning myself. I don't have time for school girl games! You're on your own. [split shot of Sakura holding a camera and Ryu turning] I've got to go. At least give me something to remember you by! [she holds a picture of Ryu in his turning pose] [she is walking while looking at the picture] (He took it easy on me, I just know it!) (What did he mean - "he is still learning"?) (I thought street fighting was just for fun.) (Maybe he knows the true meaning of "fight".) (I have to see him again to ask him.) [another girl, her friend Kei Chitose, catches up with her] Good morning Sakura. Who's that? My master, maybe? What?! What do you mean? [Sakura goes into a run] Forget it. We don't have time. We'll be late for school!! Hey! Wait for me! I'm going to need a crash course. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sodom ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Guess I beat you pretty bad. Nothing personal. Not bad. Maybe you should work for me. You will not interfere with my plans! You're just too weak! Mid-boss: Ken -------- Ken: Hey, Shogun, I didn't know this was a costume party. Sodom: Insolent brat! You'll pay for your disrespect. Ken: Fight me? You might get some blood on you pretty dress. Sodom: The only blood spilled will be yours. Required 6th Fight: Rolento Required 7th Fight: Ryu Boss: Guy ---- Guy: You're still so outclassed. Sodom: I'm in a class of my own. Sodom: You've destroyed my gang. Now you insult me? You will die! Guy: Bring it on. [after the battle] Defeating Guy, Sodom starts reconstructing Mad Gear. In search for strong allies, he visits Japan. [he approaches a building] (The Old Coke Factory??) ...Oh, here it is. Sumo wrestlers... the strongest fighters in Japan. Mad Gear will be invincible if I can persuade them to join. In this corner, weighting 450 lbs., Fujinoyama! ...And in this corner... [Sodom is in the ring bowing] ...What?! Who are you? I am Sodom. I've come to recruit Sumo wrestlers. I'm interested in only the strongest. Are you up for the challenge? You don't know me, little man. I welcome your challenge! [Sodom and a Sumo who looks like E.Honda charge head-first at each other] YAAA!!! HI-YAAA!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zangief ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win Quotes: Don't make me angry or I'll beat the crap out of you! Hit me again...please? Nothing can escape my furious swirling death move! Quit blocking my hits with your face! Mid-boss: Birdie -------- Birdie: Nice look, Kremlin-head. Zangief: Have you looked in a mirror lately? Birdie: Where do you get off... I'll kick your butt to Liverpool and back. Zangief: Ha! English humor always amuses me. Boss: Ken ---- Ken: What boat did you step off of? Zangief: I'm Zangief from Mother-Russia. Ken: A mama's boy, eh! Zangief: Imbecile! I will snap you like a twig. [after the battle] [Zangief is posing] Ha ha ha ha! See? This is the true power of Mother Russia! [looks behind to find Gorbachev] What?! I've seen all of your fights, comrade. [Gorbachev stands in front of the Russian flag and Zangief is in tears] I did it for the motherland, my tzar. Our country demands great responsibility of you. You must prove to all of the world the unbeatable power of Russia. Your success is my, uh... our success. Working out at a training facility, he grows even stronger. [he is wrestling a bear in the snow] Comrade our budget is limited, but we will continue to support you. With your sucess, Russia will once again rise to power. I'm sending a bottle of our finest vodka. CHEERS!!! All the best, comrade. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle with (Shin) Akuma ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (you): Who are you?! (Shin) Akuma: I am power made flesh! (Shin) Akuma: Fell(sic) how weak you truly are! Win Quote --------- ......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Evil) Ryu ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Note: I am uncertain about his win quotes in whether they are the same as Ryu's or he has completely new ones made for him.] Mid-boss: Sakura -------- Sakura: *pant* *pant*...I finally found you...huh? You're... Ryu: ... Sakura: You're not the same person as before...what happened?! Ryu: You are in my way...I will show no mercy! Boss: Gouki (Akuma) ---- Gouki: !!...hmm, you have good eyes...for a boy... Ryu: master's...Master Gouken's enemy...! Gouki: Huh, you're nothing but a beginner. You think that pathetic little satsui (*1) of yours is any match for me?! [after the battle] Ryu, having defeated Gouki, his fists stained red. No one knows where he has gone. Was that the true "Satsui no Hadou" (*2) that gave Ryu his power? Will Ryu follow in Gouki's footsteps and live his life as "The Ultimate Warrior?" (*3) The answer will become clear when he appears before us again. Where will his cursed fists take him...? [Notes] *1: Satsui is the intent to kill *2: The energy of death *3: Gouki refers to himself in his win quotes and such as "Ken wo kiwameshi mono," the Ultimate Warrior. Version history: --------------- 1.21 (01/04/00) Added credit to Kenichiro Tanaka for his (Evil) Ryu translations. Updated copyright year. 1.2 (07/19/99) I updated the format to make it easier to read and to match with my other guides. Also fixed a minor error. Added a bit about the quotes in this game in reference to SFA. Should be close to being the final version. 1.1 (06/11/99) Did some small corrections, mostly based on some things pointed out by . Thanks. Also remembered I had saved an old post a while back which contained the translation for Evil Ryu's dialogues and ending which was probably only in SFZ2A, but I'll include it in here. Whoever posted it, please let me know so I can give credit where it is due. 1.0 (05/26/99) First released version of this. Everything that I intended to be in this is here (and more.) Please send any corrections or comments to . Credits: ------- To Kao Megura from whom I kind of took the basic of the disclaimer used in this from. To who provided me with some more details on the background characters in some endings. To Kenichiro Tanaka for translating the dialogues and ending for (Evil) Ryu.