DAN by Lord Hollow Danc (Send comments and suggestions to wizard16@ix.netcom.com) Table of Contents: 1. INTRODUCTION. 2. PROFILE. 3. BASIC ATTACKS. 4. SPECIAL ATTACKS. 5. SUPER COMBOS. 6. COUNTERS. 7. STRATEGY. 8. TOP 20 REASONS DAN IS BETTER THAN KEN AND RYU. I. INTRODUCTION This is an extensive faq on one of the most underated characters in any fighting game in history. Who, you say?!? Dan. What?! You mean someone actually took the time to put out a faq on Dan, let alone play him? Yes. My name is Kevin M. Hicks. I am nineteen yrs old, and have often been fascinated by gaming faqs, especially those that elaborate on individual characters. I have often thought of putting out a faq of my own, but on what? On who? Then, after months of hearing incessant praising, my uncle suggest I let everyone know how I feel. I have found Dan to be a surprisingly solid character, who isn't prone to leave himself open to opponents. He's a very compact character. The main problem I had was that I was playing him like I play the other Shotokan fighters. That is the mistake many people make in using Dan. You must develop your own style when playing him. It's not just a fireball/dragon punch technique. It takes skill to win with Dan. Let's face it people, don't you get tired of using Ken and Ryu? I know I do. Hell, My little sister can throw a fireball. Keep in mind this faq was written for those who have a general to extensive knowledge of Street Fighter Alpha II, as well as general knowledge of Ken and Ryu in particular. So I challenge all of those Ryu/Ken masters(Please, no disrespect) to master someone who is, in some ways, more powerful, and alot more fun. So, enjoy the faq, I encourage any feedback, letters and such. 2. DAN'S PROFILE Not much is really known about Dan. Apparently he trained with Ken and Ryu for a time, but left before he could perfect his fighting technique. He obviously left before Ken, and well before Ryu, to find the man who killed his father in battle. That man was Sagat, who also lost an eye in that fateful battle. Dan is now one a quest for revenge. Being exceedingly arrogant (even more-so than Ken), Dan feels he is completely prepared for the fight to the death with Sagat. 3. BASIC ATTACKS I.PUNCHES JAB Standing, ducking or jumping, this is a quick punch with the back of his hand. Nothing special about this. I mostly use it to irritate the opponent. Can always be followed up with a fireball. It can interrupt alot of regular moves, but you're better of going with the short or forward. O.K., it just looks cool, I mean he just nonchalantly throws his hand out like he really doesn't give a.... STRONG Standing, its a vicious punch to the mid-section. Its like Dan is gutting his opponent.Decent range and can be followed up with a fireball. Definitely best if used to jump in on your opponent, as opposed to the fierce. FIERCE This is without a doubt one of the most embarrassing basic moves to ever get hit with. It seems to overule alot of regular attacks. Has unseen range, meaning its range is never as short as you remember it, and hits when the opponent thinks he's out of range. Dan steps forward, bringing his hand down in a hard, quick motion. He kinda just flops, (for lack of a better word), his hand at you. Ducking, its a standard punch up to the sky, ala Ryu/Ken. Avoid jumping in with this punch unless you hit the button early. II. KICKS SHORT Standing, its a nice knee to the nuts. Not much range, but I use it just for cool points. Ducking, it can stretch much farther than alot of regular attacks. Use this to irritate the opponent, since it overules alot. Can also be used to open them up for a super move. FORWARD Dan's standing forward kick is beautiful. It is faster and has more range than the lesser Shotokan fighters, (heh, heh). Dan swings his foot up, and out. At times, I have used it to take people out of the air, or when they walk in. I use this most frequently to jump in, seeing that the range is one of the best he has. Dan's crouching forward is slightly shorter than standing, but still has nice range. Can be followed up with a fireball. Noticable damage, excellent counter. ROUNDHOUSE This move more or less shows the coolness of Dan. He violently spins backwards, bringing his back foot across the opponent's face, his arms up. A beautiful reverse cresent kick. Excellent counter. Highly stylish. Hard to knock someone out of the air, but has the same range as Ryu's roundhouse. Does nice damage. Crouching, its a standard roundhouse, like Ken and Ryu's. 4. SPECIAL ATTACKS SELF-TAUGHT PUNCH (GADOKEN) D-F + P O.K. Its a fireball. This is the aspect of Dan's arsenal that many say puts him at a disadvantage.This is, in fact, a half-truth. Gen, Birdie, Adon and Sodom don't have projectiles, yet they are not at any less disadvantage than Dan. And furthermore, a disadvantage compared to who? You can't compare him to the "others". Dan's "fireball" has a different purpose. I use it to "lock the opponent down". This means you use it to keep your adversary where you want him. It is very hard to keep Dan off of you. Dan walks in, you throw a fireball. Dan either negates your projectile with his, hops over it, or Alpha counters it. His recovery time is slightly less than Ryu's, and has a much faster release. It is highly unlikely that your projectile will be jumped over. It is a solid projectile. There is not much risk in throwing it. Just don't become predictable with it. GALE "GUCHI" KICKS (DANKUUKYAKU) D-B + K This is more or less an exact replica of Mizoguchi'skick from Fighter's History. (how many out there remember that one?). Using the roundhouse, Dan jumps forward with his knee,kicks with the alternate leg, and follows up with the first leg. Be warned, all but the big fellas can simply duck under the kicks, with the exception of the short kick. This serves well, not as a means of attack,but as a counter method. The short Gale kick can be used to get over some projectiles. On occasion, I have use it to take opponent's out of the air. It should be the most frequently used gale kick. TAUNTING DRAGON (KORYUKEN) F,D,DF + P Well, you can call it what you want. It's my faq, and I'll call it what I want. Dan's dragon can't be used as well as the "others". This is because he has a delay in his. It doesn't come out as fast. I tend to use it when the opponent jumps in, and I have ample time to execute the move. In order to hit someone with it, you must perform the move when the enemy is roughly an inch above your head. This will ensure you will get, at lease, a trade-off. Because it isn't as "invincible" as someone else's dragon, you aren't as prone to use it to save your proverbial ass all the time. Dan forces you to use other means to take your adversary out of the air. After all, who needs invincibility??? (seriously) 5. SUPER ATTACKS SUPER FIREBALL (SHINKUU GADOKEN) D-F,D-F + P LEVEL 1: 3 HITS LEVEL 2: 4 HITS LEVEL 3: 5 HITS This is by far the super you should use the most, especially Level 1. This inflicts heavy damage. I use it primarily as a counter. This super is perfect for a trade-off. If you have an opportunity to use it, yet run the risk of getting hit, go for it. Use the higher Levels at your discretion. Use the fireball unpredictably, and there's virtually no risk in throwing it. DAN'S "DEMON" (HISSHO MURAI KEN) D-B, D-B + K LEVEL 1: 5 HITS LEVEL 2: 7 HITS LEVEL 3: 11 HITS Dan blocks, the screen dims, then goes into a beautifully orchestrated display of nearly every punch and kick in his arsenal. With any Level, he ends with a Taunting Dragon to the top of the screen. Its like a Raging Demon you can see. Use this move sparingly; at any Level Dan leaves himself open, and you will be punished severily if its blocked. But when it hits, it hurts.The damage inflicted is more than moderate. Anytime you have an opportunity to use this super, take it. You won't see it often, but when you do... I will elaborate on every punch and kick ASAP. DAN'S CONTINUOUS TAUNTING DRAGON (SUPER KORYUKEN) D-F, D-F + K LEVEL 1: 4 HITS LEVEL 2: 5 HITS LEVEL 3: 6 HITS Contrary to popular belief, this super is very effective. You simply have to know when to use it. It has one redeeming quality; it doesn't push the opponent back as much as other supers. This super is highly effective when the opponent jumps over your head. If contact is made in the air, the opponent is knocked into the air, but not away from Dan. They actually go straight up. Levels 2 and 3 enable Dan to slide out on the initial attack, increasing his range. Did I mention it hurts? If this super hits, it takes a substantial amount of damage(nearly half at Level 3), and on top of that, it looks nice. Be warned, if you miss its a free hit(s) for the opposition. 6. COUNTERS My definition: A counter is any attack that enables you to attack your opponent after you block their attack. ALPHA COUNTERS Alpha Counters are the attacks in Alpha II specifically designed to counter the opponent's onslaught. They're attack varies depending on the character. ALPHA COUNTER B-D + P With the arrogance of Ken, and the power of Ryu, Dan breaks his block stance, and defiantly gives his trademark forearm taunt as the enemy is tossed back from whence he came. This is primarily used for jumping opponents. It makes them think twice before jumping again. It doesn't leave you as open as "other" counters. Dan doesn't unnecessarily go up to the top of the screen like some. It can also be used for close projectiles, but your much better off going with... ALPHA COUNTER B-D + K Dan breaks his block stance, and executes a low roundhouse. I can't think of any situation where you could possibly be at risk while using the counter. "Yeah, what ever. Alot of people have a low roundhouse as a counter." But what sets Dan apart from the rest?? Dan executes his kick in reverse. If you look closely, you will se Dan swings backward, which looks ten times better, with no animation after the kick. This is perfect for close projectiles, any punch or kick, some super moves, and quick jumpers when they come down. eg, Chun Li, Rolento, Guy.... SUPER COUNTERS Yes, you can use super moves like Alpha Counters!! You must be extremely fast, and think faster. Block, and immediately perform the super. Dan will interrupt his block stance, and do the super move. This works best if your opponent jumps in. I have often blocked a jump kick then performed a super dragon punch before they hit the ground. It shocks the hell out of them. A Shinkuu Gadoken after blocking a low roundhouse really deters them from attacking. REGULAR COUNTERS Here is a list of Dan's best counters, that do and don't interrupt (DI) the block stance. Some are more effective than others. Some are just to look good. Well, here they are: Gadoken: No risk, weak damage, nice range (DI) Shinkuu Gadoken: no risk, beautiful damage, nice range Low roundhouse: Everybody does it, oh wow! (DI) Standing roundhouse: nice range, nice damage, no risk (DI) cool points Dan's Demon: high risk, beautiful damage, nice range Dan's Dragon: high risk, nice damage, no range (DI) cool points Dan's Super Dragon: little or no range, beautiful damage, high risk Standing Fierce: no risk, nice damage, interesting range (DI) makes them look stupid when you "smack" them and then walk away!!! All of these should become second nature to you. Use them at your discretion. And remember, have fun. 7. STRATEGY "There are no useless characters, just those you can't play with yet." That is the philosophy I live by, and its true. Until you attempt to find out what he is good for, you can't say he sucks. Even you people from the "gaming" magazines. I'm talking to you, too. People, You can judge Dan by what others say. How many of you out there, who say Dan is weak, have actually played him??? Probably not many. You can't pass judgement on him until you have walked a mile in his....umm, feet. I have found a strategy that suits Dan remarkably well. If there are any other strategies out there, or any other people who see the potential this character has, write me. Let me know you're out there. My overall strategy with Dan is to "shut 'em down", meaning keep you opponent wherever you want him to be. Dan is extremely capable of controlling the match. He doesn't leave himself open. Contrary to his personality, Dan is a highly disciplined character. Do nothing unnecessarily. when you attack, make sure it hits, or is blocked. No projectiles from across the screen here. Dan is neither offensive nor defensive. He defends with indifferance. He attacks nonchalantly. When there is an opening, Dan hits his adversary with the most damaging attack that requires the least effort. Dan doesn't strain himself. Dan's patience is tempered to block an attack until hell freezes over, taunt the opponent, then destroy them. I have a habit of using nothing but regular attacks, and Level 1 supers (gadokens, mostly), and it usually works. Never rush through a round. Every round must be carefully planned out.Your ongoing goal should be to stay within a half-screen at all times. Here, Dan is in his element. 8. TAUNTS (Saturn: 3p+ 3k buttons. PSX: Select. Arcade: Start) Yes, I am devoting an entire section on taunts. Why? I have found when I get away with a taunt, the opponent has a habit of attacking relentlessly to ensure I don't do it again. It's all psychological. Dan's whole personality is defiant no matter what, and its constantly displayed in his taunts. Unlike every other character in the game, Dan is capable of taunting indefinitely. Not only that, he can taunt in many different ways!!! Dan has the standard standing taunt, a ducking taunt, and can taunt in the air. He also can taunt after he rolls back or forward. Simply do a fireball motion in the direction you want to roll, and hit the corresponding buttons. Last, but certainly not least, Dan can do a "super taunt." This takes one Level, and lasts about 15-20 seconds. Dan proceeds to do every taunt in his arsenal, ending it with a jumping taunt, then a "thumbs up." It is highly unlikely you will get this off in combat unless the opponent lets you. Once executed, it can't be interrupted by you in any way. The opponent can hit you out of it, though. I once got away with it in combat, because the person I was playing had never seen it, and thought I cound hit him with the "forearm." 9. TOP 20 REASONS DAN IS BETTER THAN KEN AND RYU 1. People tend to underestimate Dan, which makes it easier to annihilate them 2. He's seeing Eliza on the side 3.Unlike some people, actually takes skill to play 4. Too cool for invincibility 5. Its just something about a fireball to thte face that really irritates your opponent 6. Just try to jump over his fireball 7. Doesn't need to hide behind his projectile 8. Its really fun to taunt them endlessly 9. When you win with Dan, you feel you have actually earned the victory, unlike some characters 10. Using Dan forces you to rely on other aspects of your game, thus strengthening them 11. Many won't think of playing Dan, which will help you stand out in a crowd 12. I know your tired of boring fireball fights 13. No irritating fireball/dragon punch matches 14. Super moves look way cooler 15. [insert your favorite Ken/Ryu flame here!] 16. Dan vs. Dan matches are way more fun to watch 17. Dan's special moves don't leave him as open as the "others" 18. Dan can manage, in close, alot better than Ryu and Ken 19. He's quicker than Ken and Ryu 20. Chances are, he's a lot cleaner than Ryu