Welcome to SF2Freak's TZWjr's (Omar Deloney) Combos Version 1.0 Omar Delony (Hypr or Hyprfytr on EFNet's #capcom channel on irc) has been dubbed by his friend as TZWjr, able to pull of some of his own truly nasty combos. He made a tape of some of his best in Alpha2, and I have (with his permission of course :) transcribed them for all to see. There is a lot of terminology here that might be unfamiliar to new SFers and possibly some for SF2 freaks like myself :) To clarify: I use Jab, Strong, Fierce, Short, Forward, Roundhouse for the light punch, medium punch, hard punch, light kick, medium kick, and hard kick respectively. I use the terms duck for ducking attacks, standing for normal attacks, and close for normal attacks that have a different animation when you are close to your opponent. Crossup - Jumping over your opponent and hitting them with an air attack from behind. STREET FIGHTER ALPHA 2 PSX PRACTICE MODE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rose Vs. Ryu -Jump Fierce, Duck Strong x 2, Drill -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Short, Duck Fierce, Drill -Jump Forward, Duck Jab, Duck Short, Duck Strong, Soul Spark -Duck Jab, Up Reflect, Level 2 Soul Grab Rose Vs. Zangief -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 3, Duck Strong, Drill -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 2, Duck Fierce, Drill -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, Level 2 Soul Grab -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Duck Fierce, Level 3 Soul Grab -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, Slide, Duck Jab, Level 2 Soul Spark -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Crossup Drill, Duck Fierce, Drill -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Crossup Drill, Duck Fierce, Level 2 Soul Catch -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Crossup Drill, Duck Jab, Duck Forward, Level 2 Soul Spark -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Early Drill, Duck Forward, Level 2 Soul Spark -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Drill(hits out of air), Duck Fierce(hits out of air), Level 1 Soul Catch -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Level 1 Soul Illusion, Slide, Duck Fierce, Drill -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, Duck Short, Standing Fierce, Level 2 Soul Spark -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Straight Reflect, Duck Fierce(hits out of air), Jump Strong, CC, Soul Grab, CC ends -Crossup Forward, Duck Jab, Duck Short, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, CC, Duck Roundhouse, Soul Spark x 5, CC ends -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Level 1 Soul Illusion, CC, Drill x 2, Straight Reflect, Soul Catch, CC ends -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Taunt, Crossup Forward, Duck Jab x 2, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, Slide, Level 2 Soul Spark -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Taunt, Crossup Forward, Duck Jab, Duck Short, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, CC, Duck Roundhouse, Drill x 2, (Miss)Slide, Duck Fierce, Soul Grab, end CC Rose Vs. Rolento -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Duck Jab x 5, Duck Short, Level 2 Soul Spark -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Duck Jab x 5, Duck Strong, Level 1 Soul Illusion, Slide, Duck Strong, Level 2 Soul Spark Ryu Vs. Zangief -Crossup Forward, Duck Strong, Duck Fierce, Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken -Crossup Forward, Standing Jab, Duck Strong, Duck Forward, Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken -Crossup Forward, Duck Short, Duck Jab, Standing Jab, Standing Short, Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken -Early Standing Forward, Duck Forward, Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken -Early Duck Fierce, Duck Forward, Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken -Early Level 1 Shinkuu Hadouken, Duck Forward, Level 2 Shinkuu Hadouken -Early Hadouken, Duck Forward, Level 3 Hurricane Kick, Jump Strong -Air Hurricane Kick, CC, Jump Strong, Jab Dragon Punch x 2, Fierce Dragon Punch, CC ends -CC, Fireball x 6, CC ends, Duck Jab x 2, Duck Strong, Level 1 Shinkuu Hadouken Shin Gouki Vs. Zangief -Air Fireball, Roll, Standing Roundhouse, Duck Forward, Hurricane Kick, Level 3 GouShoryuken -Air Fireball, Duck Jab, Duck Fierce, Hooligan Grab, Level 3 GouHadouken -Air Fireball, Jump Up Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Standing Jab x 3, Standing Short, Hurricane Kick, Level 3 Air GouHadouken -Jump Up Air Fireball, Air Fireball, Duck Forward, Level 3 GouHadouken, Hurricane Kick, CC, Fierce Dragon Punch x 2, CC ends Rose Vs. M. Bison -Early Level 1 Soul Spark, Level 1 Soul Spark -Early Level 1 Soul Spark, Level 2 Soul Catch -Level 1 Soul Spark(hits out of air), CC, Soul Catch, CC ends -Duck Fierce(hits out of air), Level 1 Soul Illusion, CC, Soul Catch, CC ends Rose Vs. Sagat -Jump Forward, Duck Jab, Duck Short, Duck Strong, Soul Spark -Jump Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Level 1 Soul Illusion, CC, Duck Roundhouse, Soul Spark x 5 Sakura Vs. Zangief -Early Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken(knocks down), Dragon Punch -Early Level 3 Shinkuu Hadouken(doesn't knock down), Standing Fierce, Dragon Punch -Early Level 2 Shinkuu Hadouken, Standing Fierce, Level 1 Shinkuu Hadouken -Early Level 1 Shinkuu Hadouken, CC, Jab Dragon Punch, Hurricane Kick, Taunt, CC ends Chun Li Vs. Zangief -Early Lightning Kick, Standing Short, Level 3 Thousand Burst Kick, Headstomp -Early Taunt, Standing Short, Level 1 Thousand Burst Kick, CC, Rising Kick, Taunt, CC ends Rose Vs. Ken -Punch AC, Duck Fierce, Level 2 Soul Spark -Punch AC, Duck Strong, Level 1 Illusion, CC, Duck Roundhouse, Drill, Soul Catch, CC ends Ken Vs. Sagat -CC, Fireball x 6, Roll, CC ends, Air Hurricane Kick, CC, Duck Forward, Hurricane Kick x 3, CC ends, Standing Forward, Level 1 Shinryuken Rose Vs. Autoblocking Dan (autoblocking is important because he should be blocking but can't because of a bug/feature of Rose's Soul Illusion :) -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Early Duck Jab, Standing Fierce, Drill -Level 1 Soul Illusion, Early Duck Jab, Duck Jab, Level 2 Soul Spark Rose Vs. Dan -Reflect Dan's Level 3 Shinkuu Gadouken, (Miss) Slide, Level 2 Soul Catch Rose Vs. Zangief -CC, Soul Spark x 7, Slide, CC ends, Jump Roundhouse, Duck Fierce, Level 1 Soul Illusion, CC, Drill x 2, Standing Roundhouse, CC ends, Level 1 Soul Catch MARVEL SUPER HEROES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Psylocke Vs. Magneto (I'm just putting this in here because Omar came up with it and it is a kickass infinite. The -> indicate normal move chains) -Jump Jab->Short->Strong->Forward, Jump Jab->Fierce->Roundhouse, Standing Short->Forward->Duck Fierce, Short PsiBlade->Forward PsiBlade->Roundhouse PsiBlade, OTG Duck Forward->Duck Fierce, Super Jump Jab->Short->Strong-> Forward->Up+Roundhouse, Double Jump Jab->Short->Forward->Up+Roundhouse, Triple Jump Short->Fierce->Up+Roundhouse, Jump Straight Up Up+Roundhouse, Double Jump Short->Forward->Up+Roundhouse, Triple Jump Straight Up Air Throw, Duck Jab->Duck STrong->Duck Fierce, repeat from the first Duck Fierce. THE END! ~~~~~~~~ Hey Omar, if you have any new combos that are particularly noteworthy please let me know so I can include it in this combo list!! David Wright aka SF2Freak sf2freak@erols.com http://www.erols.com/sf2freak