From: "J T" Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 03:16:27 PDT +------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | StreetFighter Alpha 2 | | in-depth FAQ; | | Chun-Li | | v 1.00 | | | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ Contents; ========= 1; Info about the FAQ and its author. 2; Moves list for Chun-Li 3; A few basic strategies 4; Using all her moves 5; Combinations 6; Super moves & custom combo 7; Traps and Showing off ;-) 8; How do I kick ??'s butt? 9; Other stuff... -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; FAQ Info -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1; This FAQ ------------- This FAQ is aimed at all SFA2 players who have not yet got to grips with, probably the best character in the game, Chun-Li. The people who will probably benefit most from this guide are ex-Guile players (In previous StreetFighters), Charlie/Nash players, and people who have mastered any other character, and are looking for a change. I have tried my very best to incorporate help for all Alpha 2 virgins. I'm an ex-Guile, so this is where many players and I share stuff, as those familiar with Guile's combos may feel at home with Chun-Li. 1.2; The Author --------------- This is the bit where I get to show off, in the manner all FAQ writers have a compulsion to :-) so here goes... I'm Jxt ( Mail me and tell me how good my FAQ is :-) Enough joking, I'd like info on any more strategies you may find, or even anything you may feel I have missed, so feel free to mail me. SFA2 is one of my fave games, ever, and my fave character is Chun-Li (As you may have guessed, really...). My main strength at this game is that I can Alpha-Counter.... ANYTHING! No, really I can. I'll also like to add that Chun-Li might just be the 'best' player in SFA2, but I don't know. Unlike SF2 where Guile was 'best', no such information is available for SFA2. Maybe the characters are all just SO balanced, there isn't a 'best' character... Maybe not... Also I'd like to add that over here in the UK, there are no strategy guides or anything available for this title that I know of, so all this info is mine. All mine. I apologise for any inaccuracies. Apart from dodgy spelling, I don't mind you e-mailing me and complaining about some little thing I may have got wrong, or missed. But that doesn't include Ken/Dan/etc. players slagging me off because I said they're not very good. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, aren't they? 1.3; Ubiquitous Copyright bit ----------------------------- As this FAQ was written in the UK, the laws kinda Auto-Copyright all this unpublished stuff, but seeing as I'm kind I'll let y'all have this FAQ on your web sites, etc. JUST as long as you acknowledge me (Jxt) in some way, and put my E-Mail someplace ( if this FAQ is edited. And I don't want people just rewording the goddamn thing and calling it 'theirs'. Plagiarism is theft, y'know... Thanx all. 1.4; Thanx to... ---------------- In the writing of this FAQ, I'd like to thank the following; Adrian Thorne ( for remaining a challenging opponent, and being dumb enough to do moves for me to counter heh heh :-)... Paul Buxton (No E-Mail address) for being another opponent that gives me a challenge, even though he surprisingly turned from a scum-sucking cheesemeister to master player overnight ;-) Dave Buxton ( for actually getting used to Chun-Li on the strength of my advice. Richard Leadbetter ( and the rest of the Sega Saturn magazine (UK) crew for recommending this game so heartily on the Sega Saturn. Wise words, indeed... Chun-Li for letting me play with her so much ^_^ 1.5; Help! I'm a newbie ----------------------- This is the section for you then... This is just a guide to all the terms that I have used in this FAQ, as they are aimed at Alpha veterans, and not everybody is one... Combo; This means 'combination' of attacks. These are attacks that happen so quickly that there is no time to recover between one and the next. TopDown; A move which gets at an annoying Low-Blocker, as it hits above their guard, like an air attack, but is not as obvious. These are quite effective, if used correctly. Whiff; This is not when one of the fighters fart. What this means is when a move is pulled off, but does not hit, it 'whiffs', stopping short of the opponent. 'Cherry'; Play the game. Finish a round with a weak attack. Now do you see what this means? Start; In places where I have mentioned 'Start', it refers to the arcade machines 'Start' button. On any of the home versions, it means whatever you have set for 'taunt'. Alpha-Counter; Explained later. Lv3; Level 3 of a super combo. Perform it with all 3 punches/kicks and it will use all 3 levels of your super combo gauge... 1.6; Help for arcade-goers -------------------------- Just a list of translations, from my terms to arcade terms. Light Punch; Jab Medium Punch; Strong Hard Punch; Fierce Light Kick; Short Medium Kick; Forward Hard Kick; Roundhouse -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2; Moves List -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1; Special Moves ------------------ 100 Foot kick; Press Any kick repeatedly Rising Phoenix Kick; Hold Down (2 sec), Up+Any Kick Kioken; Half-Circle Back, Down, Forward+Any Punch Axe Kick (topdown); Half-Circle Forward, Down, Back+Any Kick Kick Flip (topdown); Down-Forward+Hard Kick 2.2; Super Combo Moves ---------------------- 1,000 Kick burst; Hold Back (2 sec), Forward, Back, Forward + Any Kick Deadly Rising Phoenix; Hold Down-Back (2 sec), Down-Forward, Down-Back, Up-Forward + Any Kick Kioushou; Quarter-Circle Down, Forward x2, Any Punch -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3; Some Basic Strategies -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1; Kicks ---------- Use lots. They are Chun-Li's premier form of attack. 3.2; Fireballs -------------- These are best used to trick an opponent into jumping. Use a light Fireball, then crouch, and Hard Kick. Your opponent should jump into this, if they jump over your Fireball. If not, the Hard Kick has a small enough recovery time to leave you safe. Hard and medium Fireballs are best used to get an opponent as they get up, or if they whiff a move, that you aren't too close to. 3.3; Crouching Medium Kick -------------------------- Even faster then the Hard Kick, the Medium variety has an incredibly short recovery and decent range. 3.4; Down-Back -------------- This beauty is probably the most important... Hold this direction at EVERY opportunity, as in the air it will allow you to air-block any attack that happens before yours, and also sets you up nicely for super combos and special moves, as Down-Back counts as Down AND Back at the same time. Also, if you go for a Medium or Hard Punch when meeting your opponent in mid-air you will most probably air-throw them. The only downside to this, is that the crouch-blocking that you'll do on the ground leaves you quite vulnerable to topdowns and aerial attacks. 3.5; Rising Phoenix Kick ------------------------ This has better range than you'd imagine. Experiment with it to see how effectively you can use it. 3.6; Aerial attacks ------------------- These are the starting point for any combos you might want to do. Experiment with a late (Aim for your opponent's stomach) kick, followed by a low attack, for a simple combo. If you used the Down- Back holding technique, try tagging something on to the end of THAT. But, that will be covered later, as it becomes no longer a basic technique... 3.7; Cancel ----------- Try a Medium Punch at close range, and perform the motion for a kioken. You may see that (If you did it right) the Medium Punch will be 'interrupted' with the kioken. This is called 'Cancelling' the Medium Punch. Experiment with this as it is the basis for many a combination attack... 3.8; Juggle ----------- Technical term, that. Notice that when you do a Hard Kick Rising Phoenix at close range, it will actually hit them twice after they leave the floor. This is called juggling. Other moves do this... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4; Using her moves ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.1; Standing ------------- Light Punch; Used only for combos, usually. Comes accidentally (And quite nicely, may I add) when trying to do a Lv3 Kioushou at close range, and adds a welcome extra hit. Medium Punch; Again, used only in combos, like the Punch/Kioken cancel described above. Hard Punch; Cannot be cancelled, so is as much use as a bucket of steam to a fireman. For range, go for another alternative. Light kick; Essential for that 'cherry' victory. Other than that it's not very good... Medium Kick; Avoid this one, too. Hard Kick; Comes accidentally when performing Rising Phoenix at close range (Even the Super). Thanx, indeed... It also has a use as an air-counter if you have not 'charged' up the Rising Phoenix, but your timing must be impeccable. 4.2; Crouching -------------- Light Punch; Good in the more complicated combos, and that's it. Medium Punch; Vital ingredient in most staple combos. Hard Punch; Useless, even as a range attack. Light Kick; Regard this as Light Punch, but this has the added bonus of showing up accidentally before a Lv3 Deadly Rising Phoenix. Nice. Medium Kick; As Medium Punch, this is vital in staple combos, but this is better, as it can be repeated on non-blockers without risk, thanks to its range and decent recovery time. Not too much, though, as explained later... Hard Kick; Without a doubt Chun-Li's best ranged attack. This is excellent for traps, and a nice safe move, but its recovery is not as great as the Medium Kick. Use with caution, as you do NOT want an opponent to get used to seeing this. 4.3; In the air --------------- Light Punch; As with all light attacks, this almost guarantees a little air supremacy, but use the kick instead... Medium Punch; Great for starting combos. That's all. Hard Punch; Also quite good for combos. More damage, too. Light Kick; When in doubt in the air, use this move. It has air supremacy, like the Light Punch, but has a much better range. Jumping straight up is not too hot... Medium Kick; Chun-Li's best combo-starter, as this can cross-over if used correctly. Range is same as Light Kick, as is the jumping straight up version... Hard Kick; Dodgy. It changes, depending on how you jump. Jump straight up and Kick is a good air-counter, if you're confident that your attack will come first. Jumping Back, or Forward produces a double-kick that juggles. Ace for finishes, this but go for another attack unless you're confident and need the extra damage from the extra hit. Down+Medium Kick;Ok on an opponent who you figure you're not going to be able to combo. As an added bonus, if the kick is late enough, you can repeat it twice more to juggle the opponent. Great for finishing with, and if you're not confident that you can combo your opponent it's cool for the damage... 4.4; Special Moves ------------------ 100 Foot kick; This is only cool in combos (If there are any, all her old SF2 combos with this in don't seem to work...) or to 'pin' your opponent whilst they get up from the floor, but that is just getting cheap... Rising Phoenix; This is a brilliant air-counter, should you have 'charged' it up, and is great at close range/in combos but is not much use elsewhere. Kioken; Just a standard fireball, for boring fireball matches. I prefer to use this for traps, and pinning a victim, without getting too close... Axe Kick; Only good in traps, where it works quite well, but only if your opponent does not expect it. Kickflip; Although this is a top-down, it is not what it is best used for. This move seems to have a high 'priority', and works well Vs a jumping attack, but to use it like this effectively, you must pre-empt your opponent. 4.5; Super Combo ---------------- 1,000 K Burst; Distance games, here, and that is all. Deadly Phoenix; Basically use this if you have a spare level, in the place of the regular version. Kikuoshou!; Where ISN'T this effective? It can be used well in pins, combos, as an air counter, and it can fool your opponent, as the Lv3 version has a little more range, and if they think you're whiffing the move, the last bit may catch them out, if they're just waiting to counterstrike. 4.6; Alpha-Counters ------------------- Heheheheheh... this is where my main strengths come into play, as the Alpha-Counter is what I'm best at. Although it may annoy an opponent to hell, they are probably the reason I'm just so good with Chun-Li... I could write an entire FAQ on the Alpha-Counter, in general, as I know so much about the execution of these, etc... but in this FAQ, I will only detail Chun-Li's strengths in Alpha-Countering... PUNCH!; This counter produces a double-palm strike, a la the Kioken, but without the fireball. It takes about the same time to pull off, but it seems to have a higher priority than almost ANYTHING in the game. Except for dragon-punches and multi-hit moves (Unless you AC the last hit) this counter will pummel anything. I laugh at how many Lv3 Psycho-Crushers have been hit by this. KICK!; Just like a regular Medium Kick whilst crouching. But uses up a level of your SC bar. Worth it? You decide. 4.7; Others ----------- Throwing; Regarded as very cheap. It is. Although it is good on an annoying opponent who does nothing but block. Air-throw; Nothing but pure style. Use for 'cool points' on a whiffed dragon punch, or any of its' variants. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5; Combos --------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.1; Two hits ------------- As explained before, jump in with a late attack, and then as soon as you land, do another. It may help if you rapidly tapped the same button, e.g. Hard Punch. Try this with a low attack, making sure that you hold down-back from the very moment you leave the ground. Why? It's a good habit - I'll explain later... 5.2; Automatic combos --------------------- Try any super combo, or the 100 foot kick at close range. 5.3; Special moves in combos ---------------------------- Try a medium punch, followed by a Kioken cancel. Or try crouching next to your opponent, and Medium Kick, cancelled with a Rising Phoenix. If you have difficulty doing this, try changing your timing. Pressing Up+Kick the moment the medium kick hits works. 5.4; Staple combos ------------------ These generally follow the form: (Jump+Attack, Attack, Special Move) Try jumping in with a Medium Punch. Rapidly tap it so that it hits right after you land. As soon as it hits, cancel with a kioken. Or try my particular fave; Jump in with a Medium Kick, followed by a Crouching Medium Kick and cancel with a Rising Phoenix. A good 5 hits there. 5.5; A little more ------------------ Try the whole hog and replace a special move with the super-combo version. Now THAT'S getting good! 5.6; Weird ones --------------- Chun-Li has more combos than that! There's the 3x heel kick juggle above, and others. Try replacing a crouching Medium Kick with a crouching Hard Kick, in the 5 hit Rising Phoenix combo above. This juggles, and works best in a corner. Not that useful, but you may want to know... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6; Super Moves & Custom Combo ------------------------------------------------------------------- I may have said all this stuff about the SC's before, but for completion's sake... 6.1; 1,000 kick burst --------------------- This is a good one for range, as it dashes toward the opponent. This is best used on a whiffed move, or to damage a blocking opponent if you are on the verge of winning. It has a bit of a large recovery time, though... 6.2; Deadly Rising Phoenix -------------------------- Basically use this in place of the Rising Phoenix for more damage, or at close range, as your opponent recovers. 6.3; Kioushou! -------------- Chun-Li's best 'pin' move, used to hit an opponent as they get up, if they do not block, but try to Special Move you as they get up... It works pretty well as an aerial counter, too. 6.4; Custom Combo ----------------- For Chun-Li there is only ONE custom combo that is worth bothering with. Activate the Custom Combo mode, and hold Down, whilst rapidly tapping Hard Kick. If done correctly Chun-Li should knock the opponent over with a crouching Hard Kick, and go into the 100 Foot Kick to juggle for the rest of the hits. This works best in a corner, at Lv3. Like this, I got 49 hits! This does awesome damage, too! --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7; Traps & Showing off --------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.1; Traps: Master Strategies ----------------------------- These are THE strategy to use against good players. More often than not, they work, but do not use any one strategy too much: Players will moan about this being 'cheap' if they keep falling for it, or they will start to expect it coming (Bad thing...) Here is a list of some of my best... *Kioken (Opponent Jumps) Down+Hard Kick (Hits them as they land) *Use a lot of Jump Attack, Crouch Attack combos.... then after about ten or so, do a Jump Attack, then Axe Kick. Your opponent expects a low attack, so low blocks, and gets the Axe Kick in the face. :-D *Sling LOTS of Hard Punch fireballs, and if your opponent likes to jump them, throw in a Light Punch one, to disorientate their timing. Man, this is an old trick, but still works, heh heh. *'Blitz Bomb' your opponent. That is, when you're Lv3, throw 3 Lv1 Kioushou's at your opponent up close. Chances are they will only expect the one, so you may get them. If not, this actually amounts to more blocked damage than a Lv3 Kioushou. *If your opponent blocks the first two hits of a combo, wait a while and do a crouching Hard Kick. This should hit your opponent who will have tried to hit you by now. If they're still blocking, go for a throw instead... *Leap off the wall if your opponent is keeping their distance. You'll seemingly drop from nowhere, right near them. *About 5 or so Axe Kicks in a row on a defensive player will get them constantly high-blocking. Crouch and Hard Kick them. *Jump in with a Medium Kick, and follow through with forward+Light Punch then roll down to down+light kick, then roll to back+Hard Kick. This is NOT a combo, but a brilliant trap. Because Chun-Li's combos tend to have low attacks in the middle, your opponent will [Block] the leap in, [Low Block] the rest, which is where the axe-kick will hit. If they do not low-block, the down+Light Kick will get them, and they will instantly low-block for whatever comes next. Nasty. 7.2; Showing off ---------------- Sorry about the inclusion of this section, it's just that I play as Dan now and again, and I just can't help trying to make a match more interesting, esp. if it's a boring 'Fireball Fight' or something. *Taunt (Start). This is cool, as it can hit the opponent. Finishing off with this is class, and it is really embarrassing to an opponent if they Psycho Crusher or something, and your taunt hits it, which it can, as it seems to have superiority over a LOT of other moves. The only downers are the timing must be spot on, and it's only once per round. Oh well, c'est la vie... ****ULTIMATE COOL POINTS!!!**** for finishing off with this! *Alpha Counter something useless, like a Fireball, so that you will not hit them. They'll probably ask why the hell you did that. I just reply 'Just showing off', but I guess you could make out that your opponent is so lame that you just had to use a level on something less easier than whipping their butt ;-) *Master the alpha counter. Wait until you're at Lv3, then AC the next three moves they do, in quick succession. Hard to do, but this will *REALLY* annoy your opponent. But it shows them how 'good' you are. NB; The ultimate show off is to Alpha Counter the raging demon. This can be done, but only against a human player, as you actually AC whatever comes BEFORE it (The ubiquitous Jabbing/Kicking into thin air). I've done it. It's cool. And it annoys the hell out of who you AC... --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8; How do I kick ??'s butt? --------------------------------------------------------------------- NB; Most of the following CPU info is based on playing on difficulty 6 or above. I complete the game on 8 regularly using these, but I don't see why these tactics won't work on any of the lower difficulties, I mean, we all have to start SOMEWHERE! 8.01; Vs Ryu ----------- CPU Ryu plays all 'old skool', slinging fireballs like hell, and he has this annoying knack of recovering from anything just as you have launched an attack. Just try and get him with ranged moves, as he powers up his Fireball. Other than that, he has this annoying habit of using 'ticks' (quick moves that are nigh-on impossible to counter on the recovery) and using Dragon Punches at inhumanly timed points. A Human Ryu can be extremely annoying. One of the oldest (And sadly, one of the most common) Ryu tricks is the waiting game. He will just crouch in the same spot and wait... If you fireball, he will. If you walk toward, he will sweep you, if you jump, he will Dragon Punch you. This is one of the most annoying scenarios to be in, and can get extremely boring. The only thing I can recommend is to keep at it and hope your opponent will make a mistake, fluffing up a Dragon Punch, etc. or try any of the following; * Range games; Walk back and forth, and try to lure him to do something that will have him in recovery, i.e. a Fireball. Or jump short of him and block his Dragon, then grab him afterwards with anything. * Pro Range games; Walk near enough to him, so he may sweep you, but Alpha-Counter it. Well, I did say 'pro' ;) *Start a 'Fireball Fight'!!!; ...And hope you don't mess up. Ever. Chun's fireball may take longer to execute, but as a bonus, it has one of the shortest fireball recoveries in the game! Keep it up long enough (Yeah, boring I know, but so is the Ryu player's 'waiting game'...) and you will eventually hit with your fireball. Of course, if he decides he's bored of it and jumps, you can always try for the crouching Hard Kick trap! * Lv3 Kioushou!; To make it look like its going to whiff, and actually have it hit. This is particularly useful, actually... As a special note, I'll just say that I hate Ryu: He's an extremely boring character. And everyone plays him. Yawn. 8.02; Vs Adon ------------ Hmmm... CPU Adon will require you to get extremely (And I mean REEEALLLLY) cheap with the crouching Hard Kicks. Just try to stick to your regular moves, because you cannot afford the huge recovery time on your specials, as Adon will take you down pronto. The Axe-Kick is OK, though if you are in a good enough position to use it (in a corner, generally). Human Adons are more forgiving with the recovery times, but tend to jump around like monkeys on speed with an incendiary device up their ass. Use Chun-Li's air advantage to beat them, but other than that treat them as you would the CPU Adon, just not so cheap. The important thing is - NO FIREBALLS! This is exactly what they want you to do, as Adon's moves are designed specifically against these. Another thing to do is to very regularly jump toward your opponent and attack VERY early with a high priority move. Or hang back and AC what you can. And use the kioshou, as it may surprise you how well it air-counters. 8.03; Vs Chun-Li (In survival mode, etc) --------------------------------------- CPU Chunners, I would not know about, using Chun-Li, anyway. From what I have gathered with other characters, CPU Chun-Li is not really as good as she could be. No problem, then. As for the Human Chun-Li... I have no idea. Hardly anybody plays this excellent character. Hopefully, this FAQ will change all that, and I may be able to finish this section someday... 8.04; Vs Guy ----------- Guy is THE air character. Who nobody plays :( so this section is mainly about CPU Guy, as yet. As I said, Guy is, like, KING of the air, so all you need to remember is KEEP OUT OF IT! Easier said, than done, surely. Well, no. He falls for almost every ground trap I know, and as long as you're not jumping around like your ass has exploded, he shouldn't be too much of a problem. Against a human Guy, try to master the use of the kickflip, as performing this makes for an excellent pre-emptive air counter. You have no real need to keep out of the air, unless the Guy player is REAL good, as they are more forgiving than the CPU. 8.05; Ken -------- One word: Mincemeat. He will be; CPU Ken will whiff about 95% of all the moves he'll ever do, and is not a problem unless you jump into them (Hey it happens to us all!), and as for the Human Ken. No problem. Ken players are all boring, and you can see what they're doing as soon as the start. Go for strict, anti-'old skool' tactics and this will become one of your easiest victories. Quote springs to mind; 'I can read you like an open book, moron. Rewrite!' -Sie Kensou, KOF '95 8.06; Vs Dhalsim --------------- Hmmm... The CPU plays him as the exact opposite of Guy, so here's where you change your tactics and become completely air-based. Almost. Just try to remember which moves have better air superiority. Vs a human Dhalsim (If there are any you know, these are sadly rare) you will get a decent challenge, right up there in the ranks of decent Adon players. Just remember this: They will try their best to keep you at a distance. Well, so be it. Chun-Li is such a good character that she can fight up close OR from afar. Your crouching Hard Kick has priority over most of Dhalsim's moves, too. 5.07; Vs Rolento --------------- CPU Rolento doesn't need much explanation, as he jumps STRAIGHT INTO all of your moves. I wouldn't have a clue about human players, which is a shame, as I think Rolento could *possibly* equal Chun-Li in the 'best character' stakes. 5.08; Vs Sakura -------------- CPU Sakura is another annoyance, mostly due to the annoying habits that Ryu has. Treat her more or less the same, but there is more room for being creative, as she's easier. Human Sakuras are very rare (Word is that she's crap! Tut tut, only about three characters actually ARE, and Sakura isn't one of them) so all I can say is treat as Ryu/Ken, as although she's different, many will play her the same. 5.09; Vs Gen ------------ CPU Gen is not much of an annoyance. In fact... He's just a moving combo training dummy. Human Gens are actually quite annoying. Most stay in the one fighting style and use the Dragon-Kick thing with annoying regularity. LATE kicks are the thing here, from the air. A competent Gen can rip you apart in seconds, though, as he tends to punish mistakes and predictability. Lay off the air attacks, and try to stick to regular moves, with the exception of a well used Axe Kick or Kickflip. 5.10; Vs Zangief ---------------- CPU Zangief is a dummy. Try going all tactical, and you might get your ass whipped, as he seems to have unlimited range (Almost) on his throws. However, he's more than happy to just stand there and get hit by EVERY fireball you fire. So do it! Even if its just to clock up the PERFECTS to get to fight Shin-Gouki... Human Zangiefs are few and far between, but thankfully not very good. Unless they're really cheap (Double Lariat vs EVERYTHING) then there is no real problem here. Even if they are cheap, there isn't. 5.11; Vs Nash (AKA Charlie) --------------------------- Nash is just SOOOO similar to Chun-Li in many ways, but he's weaker. This means that you'll actually have to fight WELL. Even against the CPU, although CPU Nash falls for combos more often than he should. Human Nash players tend to be defensive, so distance games may be in order. 5.12; Vs Sagat -------------- Uh... be glad that you can jump. You'll need it. IMO Sagat is purely the WORST character in SFA2, after Zangief, that is (Apologies, Sagat players). If you can dodge fireballs, you've won(!). Same goes for Human players, as there aren't many (For once I'm glad of it) and they are all the same. Boring Fireball matches ahoy! There is an exception to the rule, but they tend to be boring veterans of the waiting game. If you can best a waiting game Ryu player, then you should be well equipped to deal with this. 5.13; Vs Rose ------------- Rose is a wierdass. She ended up in the wrong game, methinks. No wonder Capcom's DarkStalkers seemed to lack characters, as this one went to Alpha instead. Enough kidding, CPU Rose is quite good, but falls for things far too easily, so if something doesn't work, try again. Although, not too stupidly. I mean, try it again if it was going to do loadsa damage or something. As for human players, the challenge is finding one :( . 5.14; Vs Birdie --------------- See Zangief. There's not much difference, apart from you may need the crouching Hard Kick a lot more here... 5.15; Vs Sodom -------------- CPU Sodom is not something I like. Why? Well, I'll just stress this: STAY OUT OF THE DAMN CORNER! He'll just grab you with the command throws. One tip I can give, is to try to attack him from one side, then leap over him, and attack from the other. The reason for doing this is just 'coz he is so GOOD at getting you in the corner, where you don't wanna be. Keep on the move, also. As for a human Sodom - GUESS WHAT! There aren't any. Why does nobody play some of the better characters..? 5.16; Vs Gouki (AKA Akuma) -------------------------- Uh, just think 'Ryu', except a little more careful, as when he teleports through a whiffed move, it can spell doom. Or 'shit', depending on your outlook. Human Gouki players will play him just like Ryu, also- but watch THEIR super combo bar. If at Lv3, they will likely try to sweep you, then pin you with the 'Raging Demon'. Easy to dodge, really. As soon as the screen darkens, hold up-back to jump out of its way. As you start to descend, tap Medium Kick. There, you dodged it, and kicked them. If you were smart enough to hold down-back from your ascent, you can actually combo them. Many Gouki players see the Raging Demon as the ultimate in style, and will pull it off regularly. This will silence them. 5.17; Vs Dan ------------ CPU: Moving Combo Practise. NEXT! As for the human player, if they actually PLAY as Dan, they will have some kind of pretence that he's the best character or something, just because they might win with him. Big wow. This is actually NOT because Dan is good, but because they are all annoying little bastards that like to play the waiting game. Use CPU Ryu tactics to the full, here. I play as Dan, for a laugh, and a challenge. People like this are very rare, and you can tell who they are, as they'll doubtless go for a super taunt at some time. Let them. There is nothing to gain from a cheap hit. I always let Dans complete the entirety of the super taunt. And so should you, as a nod of respect to all the 'just playing for a laugh' Dans. 1.18; Vs Vega (AKA M.Bison) --------------------------- Chun-Li was MADE for this fight! Everything that Vega does, Chun-Li has a move to nullify it. I have mentioned in this FAQ the priority (Or lack of) that the Psycho-Crysher has. As long as you time your moves OK, this fight should be over seconds after it's started. I've never met a *good* human Vega, though. Most just don't play him too well, or is it that Chun's moves all work so well against Vega's...? --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9; Other stuff --------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.1; The other costume ---------------------- On the character select screen, hold START for around 4 seconds, and then press any button, whilst still holding it. This allows you to play as Chun-Li in her original costume. The only differences with her are that her Kioken is different (Hold Back, 2 sec, Forward + Any Punch) and the first two screens of her ending feature this costume. That is all. Some may actually prefer this Chun-Li as her Kioken motion means it is often easier to include in a combo. I know I used to. 9.2; Spinning-Bird-KICK! ------------------------ Many people were gutted that this was removed. Why? It was too slow to perform, left Chun-Li very vulnerable and looked bizzare. What do you think? Mail me ( with your views. 9.3; Translations ----------------- Only a few yet. Chun-Li's name actually roughly means 'The Beautiful Springtime' and her win quote, Yatta! actually means a simple 'I did it' Sorry about the lack of these, but I only speak English. And maybe a little 'bad English' ;-) which is why these may (For all I know) be wrong. 9.4; I'm all annoyed -------------------- Just a couple of words here. Somebody PLEASE play as ANYONE besides Ryu or Ken. Why do so many people pick boring characters? A whole section of my FAQ has suffered because of it, and I'm not happy. And besides, I get sick of kicking the same asses all the time ;) 9.5; A final word ----------------- Well, I hope this FAQ has learned you a thing or two, or has actually got you playing as Chun-Li! If it has been any use, or you have any questions or suggestions, please mail me ( and say. I'd love the feedback, and I may even follow up this FAQ with another about any other characters I like. Anyway, to all SFA2 players everywhere, -Respect-. -------------------------------------------------------------------- End of the FAQ --------------------------------------------------------------------