From: "S. Vijayasundaram" Subject: SFA2 charlie faq 9/6/97 by NV Charlie faq version 1 I plan on this being a very short faq(as in about two hours), it still should be useful, though. I WILL NOT update this one. This faq has assumed that you atleast have a slight amount of knowledge about this game. This faq may freely be distributed around the gaming community as long as it's not sold for a profit(ie. magazines) Don't mind if someone has ads at their site, though. THE STRATEGY GUIDE FROM VERSUS BOOKS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. ALOT OF THE INFO FROM THIS FAQ COMES FROM IT. THERE IS STILL SOME STUFF IN THE STRATEGY GUIDE THAT I HAVEN'T COVERED AND UNLIKE THIS FAQ IT HAS STRATEGY GUIDES FOR EVERY CHARACTOR. This faq is available at Table of contents A intro B a word about 1moves 2special moves 3 combos 4some tips 5 versus 6 closing ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Intro Why pick Charlie I don't know. I basically started picking him because I got sick of Dhalsim(it's to easy with him, so I moved on). It should be known that IMO Charlie's a very weak charactor. He's not too weak, though. Charlie's style Charlie is a mainly defensive charactor(even though I don't have the patience to play him that way) who requires the opponent to make mistakes to win. He also should try to stay charged most of the time(holding back or down back so he can do a sonic boomb and/or SSS) ------------------------------------------------------------------ A word about Combos there are two types of combos in this game. there are two in ones and links. When I say two in one I mean that you can go from a move into either the somersault shell(if crouching) or the sonic boomb right away. A link(for this faq) simply means go from one move to another. This faq was made for the saturn version. This stuff probably applies to other versions too though. Just though I'd let you know. light punch=lp light kick=lk medium punch=mp etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------ moves LP crouching Two in one You can also link into other moves quite easily with this. Good ground attack Standing Two in one you can link into this quite easily. Doesn't hit crouching opponents. Jumping Rarely use this move. MP Standing two in one good for countering jump ins. It is IMO his best air counter, not counting the LKSSS. Crouching two in one this is a two in one, just like the lp version, but it's harder to do. Jumping normal jumping move HP Standing This is a good move to use becaus you can hold back(charging) and press this move so you won't be going back. It doesn't hit crouching opponents though. Crouching This is supposed to be used for air defense(I think) but I don't like this move as it doesn't seem to connect that well. I like the standing mp much better. Jumping this is a pretty good jump in move. this is one of my three main jump in moves. LK standing two in one Easy to link and two in one. You can also do alot of these(like the LP) so you won't be moving back if you're charging. crouching two in one Pretty much the same as the crouching LP. Jumping rarely used. MK standing Two in one Doesn't hit crouching opponents. Pretty good for countering jump ins crouching Normal crouching move. Nothing esspecially good or bad about it. jumping I use this move for jumping in quite a bit. Pretty good. Especially if you're far away from the opponent when jumping in or trying to cross them up. It's also pretty good if the opponent trys to jump in on you. HK Standing good for countering air moves. Also, it keeps you from moving back when charging, which can help you a bit. I like the HP version alot better for that purpose, though. Crouching A good move because it knocks the opponent down. After they're knocked down you can run away or charge in the down back position. Jumping good when jumping in. special moves there are five types of special moves in SFA2. There are sure killing techniques that take off power even when blocked, throws, normal special moves, supercombos and alpha counters. Each one of these will get a mini section. Sure killing techniques Sonic boomb Hold back for two seconds, then forward and punch A VERY useful move for charlie. It makes them jump in, allowing you to counter, charges up your super meter, has VERY LITTLE recovery time and is very important to Charlie's offensive game. The LP and MP versions are slower than the HP's, which can be a good thing. It also can be good to mix up versions. SomerSault Shell Hold down for two seconds, then up and kick The lk versions good for countering air moves The mk versions good for countering opponents when they walk towards you or you think they are going to stick out an attack. The hk versions great in custom combos. Throws forward or back and MP or HP My main throw. It seems to have good range Forward or back and MK or HK I rarely use this move. There's nothing wrong with it though. It will do more damage if you mash on the buttons while doing it. If your opponent does the same, it will do less damage. You can follow it up with a crossup. air throw- forward and back and then MP good when you're in the air and the opponent is also in the air and close to you. You can tec out of a throw. You do that by pressing the same throw buttons at the same time. Also, for ex.,if you press both f+MK+MP, I think that you can tech out of both throws. Normal moves Super punch Forward and HP It has more range than the normal punch. It can be good if an opponent was trying to cross you up and was way off. It can also be used to help you charge up. I mainly use this move by accident if I missed a sonic boomb attempt. Super kick forward and back and HK This move is pretty good because it helps you charge up while it's coming out. If it misses, though, it can be easily countered. I think it's completely uncounterable if blocked, though. Jump in kick forward or back and MK This is Completely unblockable if the opponent is crouching and helps you charge up by holding back or down back. But if the opponent was standing and he/she blocked, it can be easily countered. Super combos I never use Super combos. I save the meter for the occasional AC and customs. I also have a hard time making them come out. Charge back, then f,b,f+1-3punches " kicks Charge down back, then down forward then down back then up forward and 1-3 kicks Alpha counters I don't like Charlie's punch AC His kick Ac is good for stopping customs. It also leaves you in a good position to try to go for a cross up if you'd like. At times it's possible to counter AC's. Charlies are no different. I still find them useful though. Also, you can counter with other things if you want to. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- combos I already mentioned alot of combos with drill kicks and links. Here are some tips on useing them and some customs. If you want to learn many more combos, get the strategy guide from versus books. Tips on using two in ones There are 2 ways to do two in ones that I know of(for Charlie). His combos are relatively easy to do anyway. 1 way is to do the attack while charging(usually before the attack) and then do the special move. You can do an attack by pressing a button or releasing it. So an ex. of this would be to use method one but activate the sonic boomb for ex. by releasing the jab button right after a jab. Customs Charlie's customs are IMO, his saving grace. But before I tell you them, I'll give you some tips on using them. The idea of a custom is to juggle your opponent in the air since they(customs) usually do more damage when they're juggled. Also normal attacks usually do weak damage in a custom. In a custom they should be used as a setup to get the person in the air(low hk is great for this) and then follow up with special moves. or to stick out a quick move to get the combo started. Customs also have very good invulnerability. So, if you want to, you can use them to go through attacks like fireballs or use them when you're jumping in to go through dragon punches. I'm pretty sure that the customs automatically lose their invulnerabilty when you attack, though. Also, level one customs seem to be more damaging per move than levels two and three. Whenever someone misses an attack with a long recovery, such as dragon punches, and you're in range, use a custom. Charlie's main custom Do a low hk, then follow up with hk sss. levels two and three allow you to get one more sss in. It might be a good idea to use mk sss at higher levels(not level one) since they allow you to get more hits in but it's also harder to juggle with them. There are lots of variations on this. If you think that that the opponents going to crouch in anticipation, you can do the jump in kick and then follow up with this combo, if you're skilled enough(this combo's hard to do, but, it can combo, if you're good.) You could also stick out a fast move so that the opponent won't have as much time to block, etc. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- some tips Charging You can charge by holding back before the match starts You can charge when you've just been hit down on the ground. You can charge when the opponents been knocked down. You can press down-back to charge. This has it's advantages since it keeps you from moving back(I think Charlies better as a semiclose to midrange fighter)and it charges both of his moves at the same time. Don't get too predictable If you have the patience(I don't) try to play Charlie defensively Charlies not at as much of a disadvantage in the corner so don't worry about that as much Don't jump in too much Never forget about Charlies customs Don't waste the meter. It's better to have the meter on max for a long time than waste it and be left with nothing, so it's not there when you need it. That doesn't mean don't go for customs offensively or in desperation, though. Don't get too predictable If your opponent starts blocking alot, don't forget about throwing. You can also throw if you're not charged up to do a combo or if you're not good at combos You can stop moving forward in a custom if you press down. It might be a good idea to trade hits for more damage Try to get the opponent into the corner and keep on the pressure. You can throw an opponent or low roundhouse after a close sonic boomb. Low jabs are good for reversing cheaps ------------------------------------------------------ versus I'm giving a threat level next to the charactors name. The higher the number, the easier the fight. 5-even fight 4.5,5.5-slight advantage 4,6-significant advantage 4.5,6.5-major advantage 7,3-dominating advantage Adon 4 You can counter his jaguar kicks with a jab combo. Low strongs are good against his ground attacks. Remember your customs and watch out for his. Akuma 4.25 Use jumping MK and HP's when he jumps or does his jumping fireball. He's very close to Ryu in this match. Just watch out for his extra moves. Birdie 5 At first, throw Sonic boombs, but when he has his super charged, stop, because of that super combo(you know which one I'm talking about). You can jump back or strait up to get out of his throws. MBison 5 Let him come to you. If he double knee presses, you can counter it with a jab two in one sonic boomb combo. You can counter his head presses by blocking and jumping up with a HP. Remember Charlies a defensive charactor, not an aggressor. Charlie You should know about his stregnths and weaknesses by now. Chun li 4 Be very defensive in this match. She'll kill you if you aren't. Watch out for customs. If she tries to cheap you, remember that you can custom or low strong. Don't jump in too much unless she threw a fireball or you anticipate a fireball. It might also be a good idea to jump in, push custom to blow through an attack, wait till you're on the ground and then do a custom combo. Dan 5.75 Charlies advantage increases if the Dan you're playing likes to taunt alot, but I didn't include that because it's not Dan's fault if the person you're playing gives you free hits. Throw alot of Sonic boombs. You want to keep him away so it might be a good idea to Alpha counter(punch or kick) to maintain distance. Dhalsim 3.5 Prepare to die. Don't Sonic boomb too often as he can trade hits with his low fierce. LP's are good for hitting his limbs, especially crouching ones. Forward SSS are good for countering low attacks. Punish him if he tries the HK slide. Dhalsim has a weak air defense against customs, so it may be a good idea to jump in with a custom. But if you're playing against a good Dhalsim, he'll teleport away. In all, just be glad noone picks him. Gen 6.5 Charlie actually has an advantage for once. Just keep a distance and throw alot of Sonic boombs. Guy 5.5 Don't Sonic boomb too much(they're useful when he runs in on you, though). You can forward SSS to hit him when he tries to hit you low. Remember Charlies AC's and customs. Ken 4 Watch out for customs. Try to maintain some distance in this fight. If he misses an attack or you block his DP, you can custom. Ryu 3.5 He has little recovery, making this as hard as the Dhalsim fight. I find that Ryu is generally better against defensive charactors while Ken's better against offensive ones(and a hell of alot more fun to play with.) Watch out for his fireballs as he recovers from them quickly. Try to reverse his fireballs with your own, if possible, or AC(that's even better) if you're close enough. If not, and you're not real close to him, just jump straight up after a fireball, since he can usually dragon punch you since he recovers so quickly. You may want to try customing to blow through his dragon punch and then counter. Use this strategy occasionally. Rose 4 Don't use the Sonic boomb to much as she can reflect/absorb them. Don't jump in too often because of her annoying super. Watch out for her Custom Combo like Super too. Rolento 4.5 This fights not that bad(especially for Charlie's standards). You can jump straight up over his stingers if he's pressuring you with them. You can counter some of his jumping moves by jumping up and MK. When close, throw sonic boombs alot. Sakura 5.75 Throw lot's of Sonic booms. you can counter her HK hurricane kick(I think you can counter the LK and MK versions too) with a jab two in one combo. Sagat 5.25 If he does a low tiger shot while close to you, you can usually trade hits with a forward sonic boomb. If you think he'll fireball you can jump in, especially with a custom, and do some damage. Sodom 5 Keep him away with Sonic boombs. It might be a good idea to play a little more offensive than usual, to try to take him out of his offensive game(Sodom is a very offensive charactor) As always don't forget about customs. Also, you can easily counter his HP scrape if he does it at close range. Zangief 5.25 Keep him away. Customs are a good idea against Zangief. -------------------------------------------------------------------- closing This faq only took me 2hours and 45 minutes to make(Which is still longer than anticipated). It doesn't take as long as you'd expect to make faqs so if you want to, don't hesitate to make your own. ------=_NextPart_000_01BCBACF.D745BE40 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

9/6/97 by NV
Charlie faq version = 1
I plan on this being a very short faq(as in about two hours), it = still should be useful, though.  I WILL NOT update this = one.

This faq has assumed that you atleast have a slight amount = of knowledge about this game.

This faq may freely be distributed = around the gaming community as long as it's not sold for a profit(ie. = magazines)
Don't mind if someone has ads at their site, = though.


This faq is available at

Table of contents
A intro
B a word = about
2special moves
3 combos
4some tips
5 versus =
6 = closing
--------------------------------------------------------------= ---------------------
Why pick Charlie
I don't know. =  I basically started picking him because I got sick of Dhalsim(it's = to easy with him, so I moved on). It should be known that IMO Charlie's = a very weak charactor.  He's not too weak, though.

Charlie's = style
Charlie is a mainly defensive charactor(even though I don't = have the patience to play him that way) who requires the opponent to = make mistakes to win.  He also should try to stay charged most of = the time(holding back or down back so he can do a sonic boomb and/or = SSS)
----------------------------------------------------------------= --
A word about
there are two types of = combos in this game.  there are two in ones and links.  When I = say two in one I mean that you can go from a move into either the = somersault shell(if crouching) or the sonic boomb right away.
A = link(for this faq) simply means go from one move to another.

This = faq was made for the saturn version.   This stuff probably = applies to other versions too though.  Just though I'd let you = know.

light punch=3Dlp
light kick=3Dlk
medium = punch=3Dmp
----------------------------------------------------------------= --
crouching   Two in = one
You can also link into other moves quite easily with this. =  Good ground attack
Standing    Two in one
you = can link into this quite easily.  Doesn't hit crouching = opponents.
Rarely use this move.

Standing =  two in one
good for countering  jump ins.  It is IMO = his best air counter, not counting the  LKSSS.
Crouching two in = one
this is a two in one, just like the lp version, but it's harder = to do.
normal jumping move

This = is a good move to use becaus you can hold back(charging) and press this = move so you won't be going back.  It doesn't hit crouching = opponents though.
This is supposed to be used for air = defense(I think) but I don't like this move as it doesn't seem to = connect that well.  I like the standing mp much = better.
this is a pretty good jump in move.  this is = one of my three main jump in moves.

standing two in = one
Easy to link and two in one.  You can also do alot of = these(like the LP) so you won't be moving back if you're = charging.
crouching two in one
Pretty much the same as the = crouching LP.
rarely used.

standing =    Two in one
Doesn't hit crouching opponents. =  Pretty good for countering jump ins
Normal = crouching  move.  Nothing esspecially good or bad about = it.
I use this move for jumping in quite a bit. =  Pretty good.   Especially if you're far away from the = opponent when jumping in or trying to cross them up.  It's also = pretty good if the opponent trys to jump in on = you.

good for countering air moves. =  Also, it keeps you from moving back when charging, which can help = you a bit.  I like the HP version alot better for that purpose, = though.
A good move because it knocks the opponent down. =  After they're knocked down you can run away or charge in the down = back position.
good when jumping in.

special = moves
there are five types of special moves in SFA2.  There are = sure killing techniques that take off  power even when blocked, = throws, normal special moves, supercombos and alpha counters. Each one = of these will get a mini section.

Sure killing = techniques
Sonic boomb  Hold back for two seconds, then forward = and punch
A VERY useful move for charlie.  It makes them jump = in, allowing you to counter, charges up your super meter, has VERY = LITTLE recovery time and is very important to Charlie's offensive game. =  The LP and MP versions are slower than the HP's, which can be a = good thing.  It also can be good to mix up versions.

SomerSault Shell  Hold down for two = seconds, then up and kick
The lk versions good for countering air = moves
The mk versions good for countering opponents when they walk = towards you or you think they are going to stick out an attack.
The = hk versions great in custom combos.

forward or back and = MP or HP
My main throw.  It seems to have good range
Forward = or back and MK or HK
I rarely use this move.  There's nothing = wrong with it though.  It will do more damage if you mash on the = buttons while doing it.  If your opponent does the same, it will do = less damage.  You can follow it up with a crossup.
air throw- = forward and back and then MP
good when you're in the air and the = opponent is also in the air and close to you.

You can tec out of = a throw.  You do that by pressing the same throw buttons at the = same time.  Also, for ex.,if  you press both f+MK+MP, I think = that you can tech out of both throws.

Normal moves
Super = punch   Forward and HP
It has more range than the normal = punch.  It can be good if an opponent was trying to cross you up = and was way off. It can also be used to help you charge up. I mainly use = this move by accident if I missed a sonic boomb attempt. =  

Super kick forward and back and HK
This move is pretty = good because it helps you charge up while it's coming out.  If it = misses, though, it can be easily countered.  I think it's = completely uncounterable if blocked, though.

Jump in kick =  forward or back and MK
This is Completely unblockable if the = opponent is crouching and helps you charge up by holding back or down = back.  But if the opponent was standing and he/she blocked, it can = be easily countered.

Super combos
I never use Super combos. =  I save the meter for the occasional AC and customs.  I also = have a hard time making them come out.
Charge back, then = f,b,f+1-3punches
=             &= nbsp;    " =             &= nbsp;      kicks
Charge down back, then = down forward then down back then up forward and 1-3 kicks
Alpha = counters
I don't like Charlie's punch AC
His kick Ac is good for = stopping customs.  It also leaves you in a good position to try to = go for a cross up if you'd like.

At times it's possible to = counter AC's.  Charlies are no different.  I still find them = useful though.  Also, you can counter with other things if you want = to.
----------------------------------------------------------------= ----------
I already mentioned alot of = combos with drill kicks and links.  Here are some tips on useing = them and some customs.  If you want to learn many more combos, get = the strategy guide from versus books.

Tips on using two in = ones
There are 2 ways to do two in ones that I know of(for Charlie). =  His combos are relatively easy to do anyway.
1 way is to do the = attack while charging(usually before the attack) and then do the special = move.

You can do an attack by pressing a button or releasing it. =  So an ex. of this would be to use method one but activate the = sonic boomb for ex. by releasing the jab button right after a = jab.

Charlie's customs are IMO, his saving grace. =  But before I tell you them, I'll give you some tips on using = them.

The idea of a custom is to juggle your opponent in the air = since they(customs) usually do more damage when they're juggled. =  Also normal attacks usually do weak damage in a custom.  In a = custom they should be used as a setup to get the person in the air(low = hk is great for this) and then follow up with special moves. or to stick = out a quick move to get the combo started.  Customs also have very = good invulnerability.  So, if you want to, you can use them to go = through attacks like fireballs or use them when you're jumping in to go = through dragon punches.  I'm pretty sure that the customs = automatically lose their invulnerabilty when you attack, though. =  Also, level one customs seem to be more damaging per move than = levels two and three.  Whenever someone misses an attack with a = long recovery, such as dragon punches, and you're in range, use a = custom.

Charlie's main custom
Do a low hk, then follow up with = hk sss.  
levels two and three allow you to get one more sss in. =  It might be a good idea to use mk sss at higher levels(not level = one) since they allow you to get more hits in but it's also harder to = juggle with them.  
There are lots of variations on this. =  If you think that that the opponents going to crouch in = anticipation, you can do the jump in kick and then follow up with this = combo, if you're skilled enough(this combo's hard to do, but, it can = combo, if you're good.)  You could also stick out a fast move so = that the opponent won't have as much time to block, etc.
----------------------------------------------------------------= -----------------------------
some tips =

You can charge by holding back before the match = starts
You can charge when you've just been hit down on the = ground.
You can charge when the opponents been knocked down.
You = can press down-back to charge.  This has it's advantages since it = keeps you from moving back(I think Charlies better as a semiclose to = midrange fighter)and it charges both of his moves at the same = time.

Don't get too predictable

If you have the patience(I = don't) try to play Charlie defensively

Charlies not at as much of = a disadvantage in the corner so don't worry about that as = much

Don't jump in too much

Never forget about Charlies = customs

Don't waste the meter.  It's better to have the = meter on max for a long time than waste it and be left with nothing, so = it's not there when you need it.  That doesn't mean don't go for = customs offensively or in desperation, though.

Don't get too = predictable

If your opponent starts blocking alot, don't forget = about throwing.  You can also throw if you're not charged up to do = a combo or if you're not good at combos

You can stop moving = forward in a custom if you press down.

It might be a good idea to = trade hits for more damage

Try to get the opponent into the = corner and keep on the pressure.

You can throw an opponent or low = roundhouse after a close sonic boomb.

Low jabs are good for = reversing cheaps

I'm giving a threat level next to the = charactors name.  The higher the number, the easier the = fight.
5-even fight
4.5,5.5-slight advantage
4,6-significant = advantage
4.5,6.5-major advantage
7,3-dominating = advantage

Adon 4
You can counter his jaguar kicks with a jab = combo.  Low strongs are good against his ground attacks. =  Remember your customs and watch out for his.

Akuma = 4.25
Use jumping MK and HP's when he jumps or does his jumping = fireball.  He's very close to Ryu in this match.  Just watch = out for his extra moves.

Birdie 5
At first, throw Sonic = boombs, but when he has his super charged, stop, because of that super = combo(you know which one I'm talking about).  You can jump back or = strait up to get out of his throws.

MBison 5
Let him come to = you.  If he double knee presses, you can counter it with a jab two = in one sonic boomb combo. You can counter his head presses by blocking = and jumping up with a HP.  Remember Charlies a defensive charactor, = not an aggressor.

You should know about his stregnths = and weaknesses by now.

Chun li 4
Be very defensive in this = match.  She'll kill you if you aren't.  Watch out for customs. =  If she tries to cheap you, remember that you can custom or low = strong.  Don't jump in too much unless she threw a fireball or you = anticipate a fireball.  It might also be a good idea to jump in, = push custom to blow through an attack, wait till you're on the ground = and then do a custom combo.

Dan 5.75
Charlies advantage = increases if the Dan you're playing likes to taunt alot, but I didn't = include that because it's not Dan's fault if the person you're playing = gives you free hits.  Throw alot of Sonic boombs.  You want to = keep him away so it might be a good idea to Alpha counter(punch or kick) = to maintain distance.

Dhalsim 3.5
Prepare to die.  Don't Sonic boomb too often as he = can trade hits with his low fierce.  LP's are good for hitting his = limbs, especially crouching ones.  Forward SSS are good for = countering low attacks.  Punish him if he tries the HK slide. =  Dhalsim has a weak air defense against customs, so it may be a = good idea to jump in with a custom.   But if you're playing = against a good Dhalsim, he'll teleport away.  In all, just be glad = noone picks him.

Gen 6.5
Charlie actually has an advantage for = once.  Just keep a distance and throw alot of Sonic = boombs.

Guy  5.5
Don't Sonic boomb too much(they're = useful when he runs in on you, though).  You can forward SSS to hit = him when he tries to hit you low.  Remember Charlies AC's and = customs.

Ken 4
Watch out for customs.  Try to maintain = some distance in this fight.  If he misses an attack or you block = his DP, you can custom.

Ryu 3.5
He has little recovery, = making this as hard as the Dhalsim fight.  I find that Ryu is = generally better against defensive charactors while Ken's better against = offensive ones(and a hell of alot more fun to play with.)  Watch = out for his fireballs as he recovers from them quickly.  Try to = reverse his fireballs with your own, if possible, or AC(that's even = better) if you're close enough.  If not, and you're not real close = to him, just jump straight up after a fireball, since he can usually = dragon punch you since he recovers so quickly.  You may want to try = customing to blow through his dragon punch and then counter.  Use = this strategy occasionally.

Rose 4
Don't use the Sonic boomb = to much as she can reflect/absorb them.  Don't jump in too often = because of her annoying super.  Watch out for her Custom Combo like = Super too.

Rolento 4.5
This fights not that bad(especially for = Charlie's standards).   You can jump straight up over his = stingers if he's pressuring you with them.  You can counter some of = his jumping moves by jumping up and MK.  When close, throw sonic = boombs alot.    

Sakura 5.75
Throw lot's of = Sonic booms.  you can counter her HK hurricane kick(I think you can = counter the LK and MK versions too) with a jab two in one = combo.

Sagat 5.25
If he does a low tiger shot while close to = you, you can usually trade hits with a forward sonic boomb.  If you = think he'll fireball you can jump in, especially with a custom, and do = some damage.

Sodom 5
Keep him away with Sonic boombs.  It = might be a good idea to play a little more offensive than usual, to try = to take him out of his offensive game(Sodom is a very offensive = charactor)  As always don't forget about customs.  Also, you = can easily counter his HP scrape if he does it at close = range.

Zangief 5.25
Keep him away.  Customs are a good = idea against Zangief.
----------------------------------------------------------------= ----

This faq only took me 2hours and = 45 minutes to make(Which is still longer than anticipated).  It = doesn't take as long as you'd expect to make faqs so if you want to, = don't hesitate to make your own.
