Steel Reign Platform - Playstation FAQ/Walkthrough written by Alex Browning (UltimaRush) Email me for mistakes, questions, or updates for this FAQ at This FAQ may not be updated or duplicated in any way unless you get a confirmed e-mail from me. Copyright Alex Browning and Respective Owners * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Table of Contents 1. Controls 1a. Beginner Controls 1b. Thumb Saver Controls 1c. Expert Controls 2. Settings 3. Prototype Propulsion 3a. About Shield Generators 4. Prototype Selection Controls/Characteristics 5. Prototype Selection 5a. Sidewinder 5b. Diamondback 5c. Copperhead 5d. Venom 5e. Viper 5f. Cobra 5g. Rattler 5h. Fang 5i. Death Adder 5j. Python 5k. Desert King 5l. Anaconda 5m. Storm Zolom 6. Enemy Intelligence 7. Weapon Power-Ups 8. Story 9. Walkthrough 9a. Stage 1 - The Hidden Desert Base 9b. Stage 2 - The Occupied City 9c. Stage 3 - The Enemy Airbase 9d. Stage 4 - The Canyon Run 9e. Stage 5 - The Wastelands 9f. Stage 6 - The Fortified City 9g. Stage 7 - The Forest War 9h. Stage 8 - The Mountain Run 9i. Stage 9 - The Citadel Gate 9j. Stage 10 - The Citadel 9k. Secret Stage - The Martian Surface 10. Multi-Player Levels 10a. Ramp Romp 10b. Hot Treads 10c. City Siege 10d. Wasteland 10e. Mountain Massacre 10f. Proving Ground 10g. Bridges 10h. Thin Ice 11. Secrets 12. The End *********************************************************************** Controls *********************************************************************** Note that the game controls can be set in three different ways. Beginner, Thumb Saver, or Expert. To change the controls, press Start during game play and go to Controls. Also note that I have played every single control layout, and Expert is the most comfortable. Start Button- Pauses the game and accesses the Options Menu. Select Button- Changes the current view of your tank. There are three different views. Turret View, First Person View, and Above View. Beginner Controls Directional Buttons- Controls your tank's direction. Left and Right control lateral direction while Up and Down control movement in forward and reverse. L1 and R1 Buttons- Rotates the turret if you have an armored car/treaded tank or slides the tank sideways if you have a hover tank. L2 and R2 Buttons- Lowers and rises the cannon barrel. Triangle lowers the barrel, while X rises the barrel. Square and Triangle Buttons- Toggles through and selects a weapon. L1 selects weapon in Port#1, while R1 selects weapon in Port#2. X and Circle Buttons- Fires the current weapon selected. L2 fires the weapon selected in Port#1, while R2 fires the weapon selected in Port#2. Thumb Saver Controls Directional Buttons- Up and Down lowers and rises the cannon barrel, while Left and Right controls lateral direction of the tank. L1 and R1 Buttons- Toggles through and selects a weapon. L1 selects weapon in Port#1, while R1 selects weapon in Port#2. L2 and R2 Buttons- Fires the current weapon selected. L2 fires the weapon selected in Port#1, while R2 fires the weapon selected in Port#2. Square and Circle Buttons- Rotates the turret if you have an armored car/treaded tank or slides the tank sideways if you have a hover tank. Triangle and X Buttons- Controls the forward and reverse movement of the tank. Expert Controls Directional Buttons- Controls your tank's direction. Left and Right control lateral direction while Up and Down control movement in forward and reverse. L1 and R1 Buttons- Toggles through and selects a weapon. L1 selects weapon in Port#1, while R1 selects weapon in Port#2. L2 and R2 Buttons- Fires the current weapon selected. L2 fires the weapon selected in Port#1, while R2 fires the weapon selected in Port#2. Square and Circle Buttons- Rotates the turret if you have an armored car/treaded tank or slides the tank sideways if you have a hover tank. Triangle and X Buttons- Lowers and rises the cannon barrel. Triangle lowers the barrel, while X rises the barrel. *********************************************************************** Settings *********************************************************************** Note that there isn't really a TEAM game here for two players. If you choose two players, you will have to go head-to-head in a 3D duel to the death. Difficulty- This option allows the gamer to alter the difficulty of the game before it is started. The degree of difficulty is determined by such variables as number of enemies, availability of weapons and enemy intelligence. There are three different difficulties to choose from. Easy, Normal and Hard. First time players should choose Easy because this game is hard period. I have only beat the game completely on Easy and Normal. After the first level, you will see how hard it actually gets. Game Mode- Choose between Arcade and Quest modes. Arcade mode allows the players to change tanks between each level plus the ability to gain access to new tanks by finding bonus tank power-ups on each level. In Quest mode, the player must play the entire game with the tank of his choice, carrying weapons and tank conditions across all levels. I like this option because you start with the weapons and remaining shield/armor you had the last level. Sound and Music- For best quality sound/music output, turn the volume up on both of these options. Aiming Options- This is only selectable during game play options. There are three different aiming conditions you can choose from. Manual Aim gives you the best protection against enemies and allows you to fire at a non-enemy target to discover secrets and pathways. Manual Aim- Enemy vehicles and equipment are targeted on the vertical axis only, but the player has the option of overriding and adjusting vertical aim. The player must control the horizontal aim as well. Partial Auto Aim- Enemy vehicles and equipment are targeted automatically on the vertical axis while the player controls the horizontal aim. Full Auto Aim- Enemy vehicles and equipment are targeted automatically for both the horizontal and vertical axis. This option is for first time users that don't have the hang of aiming yet. *********************************************************************** Prototype Propulsion *********************************************************************** Players can choose among hover tanks, armored cars, and tracked vehicles. The differences in propulsion also involve some differences in tank design and capabilities. Hover Tanks These tanks are designed to hover, are forced to have a fixed main gun, and do not have the benefit of a rotating turret. However, they do have the ability to "slide" sideways, avoiding missiles and obstacles or running circles around opponents. Beginners often start with Hover Tanks since they are much easier to control than turreted vehicles. Hover Tanks can also strafe opponents and are, as a rule, are faster than their treaded counter parts. Hover Tanks are forced to be lighter, and therefore cannot carry the same load and have only a single shield generator. Armored Cars Armored cars are slightly less armored than treaded tanks but are generally faster. Armored cars also benefit from quad shield generators (for each side of the tank) and a rotating turret. Tracked Vehicles Tracked Vehicles (tanks with treads) definitely have an advantage in a toe-to-toe fight. With stronger armor and quad shield generators (for each side of the tank) they can easily sustain more damage than a Hover Tank. A rotating turret also allows for more versatility in a confined space. Tracked Vehicles are not as maneuverable or as quick as Hover Tanks. About Shield Generators Each shield generator creates its own energy dampening field whose configuration is adapted to the vehicle. Because of weight issues, Hover Tanks have a shield generator whose field encompasses the entire vehicle. A disadvantage to this approach is the fact that damage coming from a hit on any side of the vehicle is distributed across the entire shield; thus once the shield generator is overwhelmed, the vehicle is left without any shielding. Turreted vehicles usually have 4 generators providing coverage to the vehicles front, rear, and sides. If one generator fails, the others are unaffected. Accordingly, a good strategy for turreted vehicles is to "angle" their shields toward incoming fire by rotating the vehicle base. This technique can increase the amount of damage the shield system can sustain and is especially useful against incoming Phoenix Missiles which can be seen approaching. *********************************************************************** Prototype Selection Controls/Characteristics *********************************************************************** During the pre-game segment, players are still within the hidden military base. Users need to choose a chassis type from the existing prototypes. Prototype Selection Controls- The player can move through the selectable vehicles and view their vital statistics. The name and characteristics of the vehicle is also given. Left and Right toggles through the tanks, while X selects and prepares the tank for use. Prototype Characteristics Name- Name of the chassis Speed- How fast the tank can move Armor- How much damage the tank can sustain Shields- The strength of the shield generators Shells- The amount of ammo the tank can carry *********************************************************************** Prototype Selection *********************************************************************** Sidewinder The Sidewinder is a hover tank. It offers the highest Speed with the highest Shield rating, but remember it has only a single shield generator. Speed- 7/8 Armor- 1/8 Shields- 8/8 Shells- 4/8 Special Weapon- 8/8 Special Weapon Description- Fires four Phoenix Missiles simultaneously at up to four different targets. This weapon is extremely powerful when used on a single enemy. Location- Already reserved Diamondback The Diamondback is a well-rounded treaded tank. Speed- 5/8 Armor- 3/8 Shields- 6/8 Shells- 4/8 Special Weapon- 5/8 Special Weapon Description- A more powerful Chain Gun with anti-tank cartridge bullets. Capable of destroying the most powerful armor. Location- Already reserved Copperhead The Copperhead is the largest and heaviest of all the treaded tanks. It also has the strongest armor and shields of all the tank prototypes. For those who don't mind moving slow and can take a lot of punishment. Speed- 3/8 Armor- 8/8 Shields- 6/8 Shells- 8/8 Special Weapon- 4/8 Special Weapon Description- The current speed of the tank is doubled by onboard rocket engines. Location- Already reserved Venom The Venom is the fastest of all the hover tank prototypes. Speed- 8/8 Armor- 1/8 Shields- 4/8 Shells- 1/8 Special Weapon- 7/8 Special Weapon Description- A plasma burst weapon capable of emitting plasma pulses at high speed in a virtually continuous stream. Location- The Occupied City, by the last Enemy Occupied Building in a fenced area. Viper The Viper offers the strongest shield and armor rating of all hover tanks. Speed- 6/8 Armor- 3/8 Shields- 8/8 Shells- 2/8 Special Weapon- 5/8 Special Weapon Description- A complex laser system capable of targeting and striking four different targets simultaneously with Mark II Laser. Location- The Forest War, near the left of the level in a drop off. The icon should be right by the edge of the cliff. Cobra The Cobra is a nimble treaded tank with excellent range and a powerful main cannon, but its shield is very weak. Speed- 6/8 Armor- 5/8 Shields- 1/8 Shells- 4/8 Special Weapon- 6/8 Special Weapon Description- A smart and distinctive cannon system that has a Cannon Cam in the cone of the shell, allowing the user to guide the shell into the target of their choice. Location- The Fortified City, at the end of the level by the last Communications Tower in a dark area. Rattler The Rattler is a fast treaded tank with strong shields and a powerful Special. Speed- 5/8 Armor- 3/8 Shields- 6/8 Shells- 4/8 Special Weapon- 8/8 Special Weapon Description- A chaos inducing, metal searing Flame Thrower that will destroy any tank that makes contact with it. Location- Canyon Run, forwards the left most pathway behind a couple of boulders Fang The Fang is a modified wheeled armored personnel carrier. This tank is very fast for the amount of armor it carries. The only drawback is it doesn't have a shield generator. Speed- 8/8 Armor- 8/8 Shields- 0/8 Shells- 0/8 Special Weapon- 6/8 Special Weapon Description- A multi-fire rocket system capable of "nut shelling" or raining rockets onto a specified target. This tank cannot hold much of any weapon, but can hold numerous Phoenix Missiles for an all out attack. Location- The Mountain Run, North-West corner past the Missile Launcher Death Adder The Death Adder is a hybrid of treaded and wheeled tanks, which gives it speed yet a heavier load carrying capacity. (Note that even though it has 7/8 speed, it looks like it moves faster like 8/8) Speed- 7/8 Armor- 1/8 Shields- 4/8 Shells- 0/8 Special Weapon- 6/8 Special Weapon Description- A duel-fire Phoenix Missile system. This tank cannot hold much of any weapon, but can hold numerous Phoenix Missiles. Location- The Wastelands, up on the hill toward the right most part of the level Python The Python is an armored APV designed to allow members of the government travel around the cities in complete safety. The Python excellent mobility, powerful shields and a fixed (but powerful) Special. Speed- 8/8 Armor- 1/8 Shields- 6/8 Shells- 0/8 Special Weapon- 8/8 Special Weapon Description- A roof-mounted rocket launcher with the power of Ion and Plasma power put together that makes an extremely powerful chemical reaction. Location- The Enemy Airbase, straight from the entrance gate by the Enemy Aircraft Carriers in a yellow box. Desert King The Desert King was designed to be the main battle tank for the army. It is the most well-rounded of all the treaded prototypes. Speed- 5/8 Armor- 4/8 Shields- 6/8 Shells- 6/8 Special Weapon- 7/8 Special Weapon Description- Ionic pulse cannon capable of emitting ion pulses at a high-speed in a virtually continuous stream. Location- The Hidden Desert Base, towards the right of the level after you cross the river in a little cabin. Anaconda This tank was well hidden outside the Citadel (outside Storm's base) and was one of Storm's destructive super tanks. Speed- 5/8 Armor- 4/8 Shields- 6/8 Shells- 6/8 Special Weapon- ?/8 Special Weapon Description- A bionic laser system that doesn't cause damage, it "stuns" the enemy by killing all control systems for a short time. Makes the enemy vulnerable to ANY attack. Location- The Citadel Gate Storm Zolom This tank is Storm's main tank. It is well hidden on the Martian Surface of Mars. (Note that all statistics for this tank was taken from the game, and doesn't make too much sense!) Speed- 256 Armor- 256 Shields- 256 Shells- 256 Special Weapon- 256 Special Weapon Description- With Storm's great technology, he combines several weapons to make a more powerful punch. Location- The Martian Surface (secret stage) *********************************************************************** Enemy Intelligence *********************************************************************** AH-73 Sioux (Standard Helicopter) A-114A1 Gun Slinger (High-Speed Attack Jet) M-115D Brawler (Rattler Tank) M-107 Grappler (Lightly Armored Desert King Tank) M-105 Bruiser (Heavily Armored Desert King Tank) M-117x Gladiator (Heavily Shielded Viper Tank) M-119x Bantam (Heavily Shielded/High Speeded Viper Tank) M-11 Scrapper (Missile Carrier) M-13 Boxer (Heavily Armored/Shielded Missile Carrier) M-303 Chariet (Fang Tank) MP-3 (Death Adder Tank) M-77 Long Strike (Shell Carrier) M-156 Eagle (Aircraft Carrier, only found on The Enemy Airbase) M-56S (Submarine, only found on The Enemy Airbase) M-146 Stunner (Anaconda Tank) M-233A (Gun Emplacements) M-233B (Ion/Plasma Pulse Emplacements) M-22 Osprey (Rocket Launchers) XM-01 Lightning Rod (Laser Tower, uses either Mark I or Mark II) MV-09 Python (Sports Utility Vehicle, Python Tank) MVP-256 Zolom (Storm Zolom Tank, property of General Storm) *********************************************************************** Weapon Power-Ups *********************************************************************** Shield- Recharges your Shield/Armor to full power. Chain Gun- This weapon comes as standard equipment for all tanks. The Chain Gun works extremely well against lightly armored targets such as personnel and aircraft. The main benefit of the Chain Gun is that it never runs out of ammo. The bullets from the Chain Gun pass through Shields and pierce armor directly. Ion Cannon- This weapon offers a high rate of fire while still delivering a solid punch. This weapon is an energy weapon, so it doesn't have an arching target. Used for beginners. Plasma Cannon- This weapon is more powerful than the Ion Cannon and is lobbed in the air to hit higher enemy objectives. Mine- This is a timed-fuse mine which is detonated within two seconds of being placed. Main Cannon- The main cannon is the most powerful weapon in your arsenal. It is extremely powerful and isn't affected by shields. This weapon had a huge area of shrapnel and gives off a shockwave, so a direct hit isn't needed. Mark I Laser- This weapon allows the user to direct a beam of energy at an enemy target. The Laser I is effective against armor, aircraft and personnel. It takes aircraft out fast. Mark II Laser- This weapon is slightly stronger than the Laser I, but last longer. Mark III Laser- This weapon can be "created" when using Laser I and Laser II simultaneously. Phoenix Missile- This missile will "home" in on the target. This weapon is extremely effective against anything. Guided Missile- Once fired, this missile is guided via the awesome missile cam located in the cone of the missile. The operator can direct the missile by pressing left or right. This missile is effective against ground targets only and renders the user vulnerable while in flight. Once you fire the missile, you are locked onto controlling the missile until it explodes, runs out of fuel or press the weapon select button to get out of it. The Guided Missile offers pin-point accuracy even from far away. Special Weapon- This recharges the special weapon desired for that tank. Bonus Tank Power-Ups- You may choose from three basic tanks when beginning a game. However, there are bonus tank icons that you can acquire in Arcade Mode. Once these are picked up, they will be added to your list of prototypes. For these to be selectable after you turn the game off, you must save your game after you collect it. *********************************************************************** Story *********************************************************************** In 2030, after years of prosperity, the world is once again on the brink of destruction. Tensions among the nations, coupled with a world-wide depression, have driven country after country down the road to despotism and military domination. Gerald Storm and Lewis Reign both were accepted into the prestigious Military Institute of Technology, their paths seemingly destined for glory. Both excelled in their chosen fields of Armored Assault Vehicle Design and Implementation, and upon graduation they went immediately to command assignments in the Crimean Conflict, rising to the level of general officers in record time. The two officers competitive, almost antagonistic relationship escalated, and shortly after his appointment as executive aide to the Chief of Staff, Storm used his influence to reassign General Reign to a remote facility in the nuclear-ravaged wastelands of what used to be the Southwestern United States, to command the development of the next generation of armored assault vehicles. Storm assembled his commanders and began his revolution by declaring martial law, and planned the capture of the experimental super tanks in development under the direction of General Lewis Reign, and of course, the capture of Reign himself. Knowing instinctively the Storm would need the super tanks to successfully complete revolution, Reign downloaded all the existing files that would allow construction of the super tanks on to a CD-R, then put a 9mm bullet through the motherboard, forever closing the door on Storm's ambition. As the fates of Storm and Reign hurtle toward the ultimate confrontation, the world hangs in the balance. If Storm wants the plans badly enough, he must pry them from Reign's dying grasp. *********************************************************************** Walkthrough *********************************************************************** Stage 1- The Hidden Desert Base Enemy forces are moving against your hidden base. You must flee the base, starting your trek to The Citadel to face General Storm. Mission Objectives Destroy the Militia Encampment which is a collection of light trailers at the base of the mountains to the east. Watch for militia members armed with armor-piercing weapons. Destroy the Radar Installation. This will make it difficult for the enemy to track your movements, preserving the element of surprise for later levels. Destroy the Bridge Guardian. The enemy has been using the northern bridge to move troops and equipment from Sjoberg City to the desert. By destroying the mobile bridge defenses, Government forces may be able to use the bridge. You may decide to destroy the bridge yourself to prevent the enemy from retaking the desert. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are AH-73 Siouxes, M-107 Grapplers, Militia Infantry, Sports Utility Vehicle and Enemy Fortifications such as minefields and M-233As. When you first exit your destroyed base, there will be seven helicopters launching the attack. Destroy them all with your Chain Gun. Now you can continue right if you want some Phoenix Missiles, but they are surrounded by a mine field. This is difficult to get by, so I would just skip it. Go to the left. There should be a path leading to some Guided Missiles. Now cross the river and go all the way to the right. There will be a cabin. Shoot it and you can collect the Desert King Icon. There are three Shields near each other if you need them. To of them are along the river where you cross, and the other is towards the dips in the hills. It's in a yellow box. Now continue forward to the Militia Encampment. A Python will be in the area along with six mobile homes. Four of them have personnel in them, while the other two have Ion Cannons in them. Destroy the area and continue over to the bridge. Destroy the bridge with any weapon except your Cannon Shells. A couple of enemies will come out. When you destroy one of them, it will drop a Mark I Laser. You will need this to kill any enemies on foot because they run around and are hard to kill. Now go to the Radar Installation. There will be about ten gun emplacements in the area to protect it, so launch your Cannon Shells in the area to destroy most of them. Now roll on in and destroy any remaining gun emplacements. Then take out the Radar Installation. Now go all the way to the left. There will be a gun emplacement, so destroy it. There will be a yellow box. Run over it and you will pick up your Special Weapon. There is also an Ion Cannon to the left along that wall a little. Now go back to the Radar Installation. Get on the hill where the installation stands and ride all the way over on top of it. There should be some Cannon Shells. There will be a gun emplacement there, so right when you pick up the shells, launch one at it. Now get ready to cross the river. There will be three helicopters flying up, so destroy them. Now ride along the river because there is a huge mine field. When you get full visibility of the target without hitting a mine, remember that spot. Then ride your way along the river until you see the bridge. Destroy the bridge with a Cannon Shell. Then go back to your spot and destroy the Bridge Guardian. Mission Complete Stage 2- The Occupied City Enemy forces have occupied Sjoberg City and declared martial law. The streets will be alive with enemies, so you'll have to fight your way through. Most of the civilian population has either fled or is hiding inside the city buildings, so the risk of hurting innocents is minimal. Mission Objectives Destroy all the enemy occupied-buildings. Three buildings have been annexed as makeshift command centers. Knowing Storm, these buildings will somehow be marked with his regime's symbol. Plunder the munitions depot. Storm's forces are using the cities as staging areas. There is a munitions depot storing hi-tech weaponry in the eastern part of the city. Destroy the HQ commandant. Reports indicate that one of Storm's commanders has been dispatched to Sjoberg City to establish a regional HQ. There hasn't been enough time to fully install the HQ, but the commander is surly there. Use caution, for Storm's generals are all excellent tank commanders. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are lightly armored M-115D Brawlers, M-303 Chariets and MP-3s, as well as a M-11 Scrapper. When you enter this level, there will be several enemies around, many of which are very weak. You will first need to go back and destroy the Enemy Occupied Building. Then destroy all the enemies in the area. After they are destroyed, there are a few Shields around and some weapons. First, grab the Cannon Shells and the Special Weapon over to the right. Now go forward and there should be some Phoenix Missiles and a Shield in between the buildings in the grass. On the main road there is also a small area in a building that has Phoenix Missiles and a Shield. Now continue forward. Don't go to fast cause there are enemies up the road that will fire missiles at you. There will be another little area with some Phoenix Missiles and a Shield. After collecting those items, destroy all enemies in the area, then take out the second Enemy Occupied Building. There is also a Shield in between the buildings. Now go around the corners and get back on the road. On the right of the main road in between two buildings, there is a road with a few items including a Shield, Phoenix Missiles and some Cannon Shells. There is also a Plasma Cannon. After collecting those items, get out between the buildings and back on the road. Then continue forward. Then turn right when you get at the end. There might be a few enemies up ahead, so be ready for them. Before going any further, turn right in that ditch. There will be a Shield, Phoenix Missiles and Cannon Shells down there. Now get out and continue forward. Now you have reached the highway. There will be two enemies to the left, but are not a threat due to the lack of armor they have. Now get up on the left side of the highway. Keep going until you see a dark spot in the bridge. Then shoot at the dark spot. The bridge will fall in. Now go to the right first and kill all the enemies over in the area. There are quite of few, so use caution. Now go back to the left. The Death Tank is over here. Make sure your Shield is at full power. There is a Shield on the way down there, but don't grab that one. Now go around the corner and blast him with all you got. The best two weapons that you could use is your Special Weapon and another powerful weapon such as Cannon Shells or Phoenix Missiles. He will constantly shoot missiles at you, which will rapidly take your Shield out. Now you should have killed him. Now go back there in the area he was hiding. There is another tank over in the corner. Destroy it. Then on the way back collect the Shield and Special Weapon. Get back on the highway or go around the corner where those enemies were. If you get back on the highway, you will have to destroy another part of the bridge, so just go around. Continue up the road until it stops and take a right. Continue forward and kill the enemies as you go. Then take another right. Then take another right in the little area and put some Cannon Shells in the area. The enemies use Mark II Laser, so any other weapon isn't recommended. You have now destroyed the Munitions Depot. Collect all the items in the area. There should only be quite of few of Mark I and Mark II Lasers, as well as a couple of Shields. Now exit and go straight over to where you see all the enemies, by the last Enemy Occupied Building. Destroy all the enemies in the area, and collect the Viper Icon in the corner of the fenced in area. Then destroy the last Enemy Occupied Building. Mission Complete Stage 3- The Enemy Airbase On the northern outskirts of Sjoberg City in the desert terrain is Kenner Airbase. Many of the enemy forces you've been fighting have come from this base. It is also the source of the air supremacy that's been keeping the scattered government forces pinned down. You'll need to cripple the base's ability to support aircraft by mining the freeway. Of course, causing so much havoc here as possible will certainly throw a wrench into Storm's plans. Mission Objectives Destroy the Radar and Control towers, essentially blinding the base. Mine the runway. Rendering the runway inoperative will slow restoration of the base's usefulness and ground any planes you don't destroy. The radar map will indicate where to drop the mines. Destroy each red dot on the runway to complete this objective. Destroy the intelligence building. This building controls the intelligence gathering and distribution of information for the surrounding regions. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are a few AH-73 Siouxes, M- 115D Brawlers, M-105 Bruisers and lots of personnel on foot. Once you cross that gate, enemies will be running after you from all directions. First, go over to the left and destroy the buildings and the three helicopters over there. Grab all the ammo in the buildings. Collect the mines because you need to mine the freeway. Now mine the freeway. After this is done, destroy the Desert Kings that are parked in a line before personnel get inside them and blast you. Now just start going around the airbase destroying all enemies. Don't forget to destroy the Radar and Control Towers. After this, head over to the end of the level where the deeper water is. Be careful when going over here because there are a few Aircraft Carriers waiting for you to get in their sites. They will launch custom Cannon Shells at you, and could kill you very fast. First use your Guided Missiles to take out any easy targets. Then you will have to pull up and use your laser on part of it. Same goes for going in the water. If any part of your tank is in the water for an extended period of time, a Submarine will slam a torpedo into your tank, causing extreme damage. There are only a couple of these. Now continue to ride along the bank of the water. There will be another Aircraft Carrier, so take it out the same way. Now shoot at the yellow boxes over there. One has your Special Weapon and another has the Python Icon. Now go down to the lower level where the Enemy Blog is at and destroy it. Don't bother looking in the yellow boxes or trailers over there because there aren't anything in them. Mission Complete Stage 4- The Canyon Run Across the bay from Kenner Airbase lies a series of deep canyons. These canyons are a great place to hide since radar coverage is difficult even on a good day. Chances are good that enemy forces will be looking for you here, but they can't sure you didn't head back into the desert. Once they spot you, they'll need to move high up on the walls to send a clear transmission, so move quickly through the canyon maze to avoid enemy reinforcements. Watch out for falling or shifting boulders. Mission Objectives Destroy the power plant at the northeastern end of the canyons. This will knock out most of the power to Moon City but not cut it off completely. Destroy all power substations. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are AH-73 Siouxes, M-115D Brawlers, M-105 Bruisers and XM-01 Lightning Rods. You will constantly have to look at the map on this level or you will get lost. Now when you first start, there will be a boulder will be rolling toward you. There are lots of rolling boulders on this level, and they will smash your tank, resulting in defeat. To avoid them, you need to move out of the path it is moving. Now the first Substation is right behind that boulder. Shoot it, and then it will roll out of the way. Then destroy the Substation. There are also some Phoenix Missiles and a Shield in the area. Now continue forward and turn to the right. Shoot the two boulders and go back in there to collect some Mines, Plasma Cannon and a Shield. Now get out of there and continue forward. Don't turn to the right, go straight to destroy the second Substation. There will be a boulder in the path, so it must be shot and moved. There is a variety of weapons back here including Phoenix Missiles, Guided Missiles, Cannon Shells and Mark I and I Lasers. Now go back and take that right turn. On your way back, you should see your Special Weapon. As you go, take a right. Destroy the boulder in the way. You can collect a Shield, Plasma Cannon and another Special Weapon. You should use it often because there isn't really anybody to use it on except enemies. Now go back and take the left turn. There will be a Laser Tower on top, so fire a weapon at it. There is also a few enemies around. Be sure to have your Phoenix Missiles ready cause there are some helicopters up ahead. Take a left and destroy the two boulders in the way. You can collect some Cannon Shells, Mines, a Shield and even the Rattler Icon. Now go back and take the right. Now continue forward until you reach another boulder. Another substation is behind it and some items as usual. Now take the left. There will be some Desert Kings that packed Phoenix Missiles, so be careful here. Keep going and turn right when needed. Then go around in that loop. Now a few enemies will come up, and the helicopters will attack. Continue forward and take a right. There will be a few enemies here guarding the Substation. You can go back even further if you need a Shield. Now continue forward. There will be some Laser Towers here. Destroy them. Then take out the Power Plant. Mission Complete Stage 5- The Wastelands Climbing out of the canyons will return you to the northern edge of the desert. Enemy concentrations should be higher here since Storm will be protecting the fuel refinery to the north near Moon City. There has been enough time to install fortifications, so move quickly but cautiously. Mission Objectives Destroy any and all oil rigs. Destroy the enemy fuel refinery. This will most certainly limit enemy pursuit and will disrupt operations in surrounding areas. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are A-114A1 Gun Slingers, M- 115D Brawlers, M-105 Bruisers, M-117x Gladiators and M-22 Ospreys. When you first enter this level, there will be a lot of gun emplacements. There are also a few rocket launchers. Destroy them all, or just run from them when you enter the level. They can really drain your Shield, so your better off just running. Now a bunch of those Viper tanks will come out. They are very hard to kill. This is the hardest part to get by. They will kill you fast, so you must act quickly. Now head over to the right and cross the river. There are some Cannon Shells and Guided Missiles around where you start if you need them. When you get towards the river, enemies with some powerful Shields will come after you. Even after you cross they just keep coming. Destroy all these tanks, then head over to the oi rig. Destroy it leaving nothing behind. Now go forward on the little hill. There will be some Guided Missiles and a Shield. Now continue over to the big hill. Ride along it until it ends. There will be some fighter jets over here on the hill, so be careful. On the side of the hill you will find the Death Adder Icon. At the end of the hill you will find some Phoenix Missiles. Now go left to the second oil rig. There will be some tanks here that shoot Cannon Shells when you are closer. They won't fire when your farther away, so keep your distance and shoot at them. Destroy the area. Now go down some and cross the river. Destroy the fuel refinery. Now go to the hill and collect your Special Weapon. There are also some Phoenix Missiles and a Shield. Then go down to the last rig and destroy it. Mission Complete Stage 6- The Fortified City Moon City is the closest city to The Citadel and was the first to fall. Storm's forces immediately commandeered all the radio stations and communication centers to spread propaganda and coordinate his troops' movements. The city is also the logistical support center for his expanding armies. Expect the enemy to be entrenched in heavy opposition. Mission Objectives Take out the convoy carrying hi-tech weaponry before it leaves the city. Destroy all communication towers and arrays to shut down Storm's communications network. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are M-115D Brawlers, M-105 Bruisers, M-13 Boxers, M-303 Chariots, MP-3s and XM-01 Lightning Rods. Right when you enter this level you need to jump on the bridge to take out the Weapons Convoy. Turn to the right and get on the bridge. There will be enemies as you go by, but just shoot them as you drive by. As soon as you see an area with a bunch of trucks are rolling down the street, destroy them all. Then go all the way back to the position you started. Now take a right and go to the first Comm Tower. Destroy it. Now jump back on the bridge. Keep going down the bridge and exit down the last off ramp. when you get off, turn left and go through that little path with all the trees. After going through the path, turn left and keep going straight. Then turn right in that little shortcut through the buildings. Now turn right and keep going straight after you kill the two enemies. Then turn left and you will go through another one of those paths with the trees. After through, turn left. There will be some missile carriers here, so don't rush. After through the path, go straight again, then right. Then turn right again when you get on the road. Then turn right again when you get on the road. Then turn left into a path between the building, then right. Then turn left when you get out. There will be more enemies here. Turn left again, then in the path. Then destroy the tower. Now get out and go towards the next path. There are some Laser Towers here, so don't let them get you down. Take out the tower. Now go to the third path. Go through the L shaped path, which has a lot of enemies in it. Then turn right to the Comm Tower. But don't destroy it. Go back in the dark area with the trees to collect the Cobra Icon. Then take out the Comm Center. Mission Complete Stage 7- The Forest War The Citadel lies to the north through the forest and over the mountains. Storm's forces have set up defensive positions and taken over a satellite uplink center which is now being used to jam government satellites. The terrain here is treacherous with many cliffs dropping off into rivers below. There are also reports that a staging area exists somewhere on the level. In this area you should find tanks used to reinforce operations in surrounding areas. Mission Objectives Destroy the Satellite Uplink Center. Take over the staging area. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are A-114A1 Gun Slingers along the river, a lot of M-105 Bruisers in the staging areas, M-77 Long Strikes that will launch an all out attack on you with cannon shells and some personnel on foot. You will start out on a ledge. Your first objective for this level is to take out the Enemy Staging Area, which is right over to the left. The only way you can get to it though is to go all the way around since it's up on a ledge. Watch out for jets flying along the river. They will take some pretty cheap shots at you, so be careful. Now there is a Shield right there by the edge if you need it. Try launching a few shells in the staging area before you proceed. Now ride in that big ditch. You can find some weapons here including Phoenix Missiles, Guided Missiles, and a Special Weapon in the home. Then get back on the big hill and proceed to go around the ditch. There will be a lot of enemies up here. There are also a few shell carriers up on the hill. You must keep going until you reach the hill. Then take out the enemies present. Then curve around that corner and head for the staging area. Take it out. Then on you way over to the Satellite Uplink, go in the 7 shaped ditch. The Viper Icon is over on the edge. Be careful not to fall off. Then head over to the unlink. A few enemies will be over here. A few jets will attack also. Then take out the unlink. Mission Complete Stage 8- The Mountain Run The site of the Citadel was carefully chosen to be easily defended. The Citadel lies in a desert plain surrounded on all sides by mountains. "The Mountain Run" is the sole ground approach and has been lined with defensive systems to keep outsiders away. Of course, all of these batteries are under the control of the enemy. At the northern mouth of the mountain range lies a missile installation which is capable of bombarding near or above the Citadel. In order for an assault on the Citadel to be successful, the installation must be rendered inoperative. Mission Objectives Destroy the missile installation to prevent future attacks against you at the Citadel. Find the hidden weapon cache to prepare for the final battle. (This really isn't an objective, there is an area that has a lot of weapons that you can use at the Citadel) Enemies that you will most likely encounter are a few M-105 Bruisers, M- 233As, M-22 Ospreys and a bunch of XM-01 Lightning Rods. At the beginning of the level you have to go either left, right or straight. Left and right have weapons, while the center path heads for the missile launcher. The left side contains Phoenix Missiles, Guided Missiles, Cannon Shells and a Shield. There are also some enemies over here. Now go to the right side in that little corner. Your Special Weapon is here. There is also a Shield close to your starting point. Now continue forward down the center. There are lots of Laser Towers, so be careful. Your Shield may also become drained, but there are lots of Shields as you go. Now go in the right path. Towards the left are some Phoenix Missiles, Guided Missiles and a Shield. Towards the right are the same items. Now continue down the center. There will be more Laser Towers, but Shields everywhere. Once you get to that hill where the launcher is at, a few stationary rocket launchers will be in it. Destroy them. Now go past the launcher and to the north-west. There will be some army trucks down here. Destroy them to reveal some weapons and the Fang Icon. Then destroy the missile launcher. Mission Complete Stage 9- The Citadel Gate The Citadel is actually a huge underground complex safety buried under tons of hardened concrete. To enter the base and confront the general you must breach the sealed gates. Only by detonating exactly 4 atomic mines directly on the gates will the gates be damaged enough to allow entry. Mission Objective Destroy the Citadel Gate and enter the base without getting killed. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are tons of A-114A1 Gun Slingers and quite a few M-105 Bruisers. There is only a couple of weapons on this stage, so you must supply your own. Now go up the ramp. A bunch of jets will pierce your armor quickly, so you must destroy them before you go any further. Lasers will kill them quickly. Now you must collect the Mines in all four corners of the base. Each will be guarded with an enemy. You MUST not use them on any thing except the gate. Now destroy the boxes with a 3 on them to reveal something. You can collect the Mark II Laser, a Special Weapon, a Shield and the Anaconda Icon. Now open the gates by detonating the Mines on it. Then enter the base. Mission Complete Stage 10- The Citadel Proceed through this underground complex cautiously, for the General's best troops will be here to guard the facility. Remember that the General himself may be second only to you in his tank expertise. Mission Objective Find and defeat General Storm. Enemies that you will most likely encounter are all in the Enemy Intelligence List. (Not including the M-156 Eagle or M-56S) This level is the hardest and biggest of all the levels. Tons of enemies will blast you, and they don't stop coming. Roll forward down the ramp. Then turn left. Then destroy the few enemies and turn left again. There will be quite of few enemies in here, so launch a few shells or whatever it takes. Now go up the ramp and go left. Some Phoenix Missiles, a Special Weapon and a Shield are over here. Then take the right. There will be a few enemies. Don't go down the ramp yet. Keep going right and collect the Guided Missiles and the Plasma Cannon. Then continue down the ramp carefully. There are some ion blasters up on the wall, plus a group of dangerous tanks. Use extreme caution. These ion blasters fire at a speed similar to the Desert King's Special Weapon. Turn left. There will be a big group of enemies firing at you. The only way your going to live here is to fire a shell into the entire group. Easy kill for a big group of about six enemies. There will be another ion blaster on the wall. There are also some Cannon Shells in the hall. Turn right and go up the ramp. Then turn right and go down the other ramp. There will be a Shield to the right. Continue down the ramp. Watch out because there is a huge room full of ion blasters and a few enemies you have to go through. Head towards the north-east exit and use your lasers to take out enemies with an ease as you go by. Use your Guided Missiles also to take out enemies with a surprise and with a greater distance. If the room is cleared, there are quite of few items in the room including Phoenix Missiles, Cannon Shells and a Shield. Now head up the ramp. An enemy will be waiting there for you. You can use a couple of Guided Missiles to take it out with a distance in it's rear. There will be some Mines up there too. Then take a left and into the room. There will be a few stronger enemies. There is also a Shield near the middle of the room. Now continue down one of the big ramps. This is the last and largest room. There will be unlimited enemies, so you must rush over to where General Storm is waiting. He is on a little balcony with a ramp. When you get close he will literally jump off it and start blasting you. Now get on the balcony he was on. You're now safe from all enemies. Now use the Mines you have and lay them all to where they fly off the balcony and on to the ground. They should hit the general at full force, but has amazing armor that can last a long time. The best tanks for this level is the Rattler and Anaconda tanks. The Rattlers special will eat right through the general's armor very quickly. The Anaconda can use the Stunner to stun the general and get off some cheap shots. Well just keep shooting to where nobody can shoot back. If it gets too hard, whoop out your Special Weapon and finish him off. There is tons of weapons in the room. They all seem to come back fast too. All weapons in the Weapon List are available in this room. Collect and use them if you need to. Mission Complete Secret Stage- The Martian Surface The status on this stage is unknown. Proceed through the stage very carefully. There may be some kind of unknown enemy intelligence. Mission Objectives Fully explore the surface of Mars. Examine rocks and any other material that may be useful. Explore and examine the large crater. There is not any info on enemies. All status for enemy intelligence is unknown. There really isn't much here to do except collect the most powerful tank in the game. You must complete a number of things. First examine and destroy all rocks or any other material that may be useful. Then go down to the lower left side of the level. There will be some sort of UFO on the ground that must have crashed. Destroy it. Then two more UFOs will come out, either using Mark II Laser or a Plasma Cannon. Then collect the Mark II Laser from the destroyed UFO. You will need it badly. Then head over to the large crater. Now a bunch of ultra fast UFOs will come out, flying around in circles blasting you with Plasma Cannon. They look similar to a Venom, except they fly. The speeds are so high that you can barely get them with the Mark II Laser. They will kill you fast, and you
may have to play this level several times to complete this. Then the 
Storm Zolom Icon will appear in the middle of the crater. Then there 
will be some sort of stone of some kind also in the middle. Destroy it. 
Now save your game to have the Storm Zolom in your inventory of tanks.

Mission Complete

Multi-Player Levels
Ramp Romp
This level is for beginners. There are no obstacles except for the upper 
levels, but has every weapon in the book to find. This stage also has a 
large area, but too much open space.

Shields-   20/25
Weapons-   25/25
Area-      20/25
Obstacles- 5/25

Overall-   70%

Hot Treads
This level could be very fun and exciting once you discover you can lay 
Mines and reveal a lava hole. These are the only obstacles the level 
has, and has a smaller area. The advantage is that it contains lots of 

Shields-   25/25
Weapons-   20/25
Area-      15/25
Obstacles- 5/25

Overall-   65%

City Siege
This level is used more for advanced players. There are tons of 
obstacles including trees, power lines, light poles, ect. This level 
also has lots of shields. The weapons for this level are all balanced 
and there waiting for someone to pick them up. This level is the best 
over all.

Shields-   25/25
Weapons-   25/25
Area-      25/25
Obstacles- 25/25 

Overall-   100%

This level really isn't recommended. It only has hills as obstacles and 
the area is small. It has only the basic weapons, but has quite a few 

Shields-   20/25
Weapons-   15/25
Area-      10/25
Obstacles- 10/25

Overall-   55%

Mountain Massacre
This level isn't bad. It has lots of obstacles to get in the way and has 
a variety of weapons, including a Special Weapon. The area and Shields 
are what breaks down the overall score.

Shields-   15/25
Weapons-   20/25
Area-      15/25
Obstacles- 20/25

Overall-   70%

Proving Ground
This level has well balanced stats. It has a pretty big size and lots of 
Shields. The lack of weapons is what breaks down the total score because 
it has mainly the most powerful ones. It also has some hills and walls 
to keep the obstacles score up.

Shields-   20/25
Weapons-   15/25
Area-      20/25
Obstacles- 20/25

Overall-   75%

This level is really poor. Very few weapons and Shields. The thing about 
this level is it's awesome obstacles. It has trees, bridges and water. 
The thing that makes it valuable is that the bridges can be destroyed.

Shields-   5/25
Weapons-   10/25
Area-      15/25
Obstacles- 25/25

Overall-   55%

Thin Ice
This level has some environmental obstacles such as ice bergs and such. 
The ice can also be destroyed since it is thin. What reaps below is that 
below zero water. This level may be fun, but has some serious side 
effects to it.

Shields-   15/25
Weapons-   15/25
Area-      15/25
Obstacles- 20/25

Overall-   65%

Expecting something else?  I'm sorry, but I don't believe in cheating.  
As a matter of fact, I wish the developer wouldn't even program cheats 
into a game.  That takes all the fun and challenges out of a game.  You 
know you can gather cheats elsewhere if you wanted them anyway.  I 
suggest playing the game and beating it totally.  When you finally do 
complete a game after all those hard tries, you'll feel me.  
The main reasons a person may cheat are:

The game is too hard. (Keep get better every try)

You are lazy. (You don't have enough don't play!)

You are a sore looser. (No sympathy here)

You want to experiment with things. (This is okay, but don't abuse it)

Good luck.

The End