===================================DISCLAIMER================================== I have decided not to allow websites other than Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com), IGN (faqs.ign.com) & Gamespot (www.gamespot.com) to host my FAQs from now on. Please don't ask, because I will not grant permission. It's just that too many sites don't keep their version of my FAQ up to date which makes for a lot of hassle in my mailbox. So if anyone sees this FAQ on any site other than those mentioned above, please let me know and I will take care of the situation, thanks. Just to make things crystal clear for some people, this FAQ is not to appear anywhere at the following URLs: http://www.cheatcc.com http://www.cheatindex.com This document Copyright 2004,2017 Daniel Engel =============================================================================== Spec Ops: Airborne Commando FAQ November 30, 2017 Daniel (DEngel) Engel dan.engel.2017 [AT] gmail [DOT] com ############################################################################### (A) TABLE OF CONTENTS ############################################################################### Table of Contents (A) This Table of Contents (B) Controls (C) Items/Weapons (D) Enemies/Hazards (E) Tips (F) Walkthrough (G) Thanks (H) Experimental ############################################################################### (B) CONTROLS ############################################################################### The controls for this game are as follows: Square - Look (awkward to use). Circle - Jump. Triangle - Open doors, lift barrels. X - Attack. L1 - Hold to run. L2 - Hold to crawl. R1 - Lock on to the closest target (may not always be an enemy). R2 - Cycle through weapons. Select - Bring up your inventory. Start - Pause the game. ############################################################################### (C) ITEMS/WEAPONS ############################################################################### Laptop - Used to check the map for the stage as well as objectives and other helpful information. Binoculars - Used to scout out the surrounding area, much more effective than using the look button. Medkit - Heals one unit of health when picked up. Pistol - A basic weapon with 8 shots per clip. Automatic Rifle - A medium range weapon with 30 shots per clip. Sniper Rifle - A long range weapon with 10 shots per clip, press the attack button once to look through the scope, then again after you've aimed to fire. This weapon can also shoot through walls a lot of the time so always try to aim at an enemy even if you think you can't hit him and you'll often be surprised when your crosshairs become red. Rocket Launcher - A long range explosive weapon with 4 shots per clip. Use the look button to look ahead and aim properly, then fire your rocket. Can take out a tank with a single shot, though there are only two tanks in the whole game and one of them doesn't even move. Knife - Used for close range attacks, obviously stronger than your bare hands. This is also used to dig up mines when crawling so that they don't explode in your face. In addition the knife is used to deactivate tripwires so they too don't explode in your face. Grenades - Hold the attack button down to aim, then once you've aimed properly let go of the button to pull the pin. Quickly press the attack button a second time to throw the grenade. Detpacks - These explosives have a blast that's much larger than a standard grenade so keep a fair distance once you set one off. You can set the timer to 5, 10, or 20 seconds as the situation dictates. ############################################################################### (D) ENEMIES/HAZARDS ############################################################################### Guards - Your main adversary, they always have a gun of some sort equipped and won't hesitate to use it if they see you. They will also shout if they hear you moving nearby, but they won't attack until they see you. For the most part you can take out guards by walking behind them and attacking. However if you wish you can also run at them and attack quickly before they do. Tanks - These bulletproof enemies only show up twice in the entire game, once in stage 03 and then again in stage 04. Although bullets can't hurt them, one shot from a rocket launcher will destroy a tank. They are also the only enemy that shows up as a pink dot on your radar. Barrels - The barrels that have red stripes on them are explosive, the other type isn't dangerous in the slightest. Basically you don't want to be too close to one of these if they get shot because you will get killed in the blast. Mines - These will kill you instantly if you happen to step on one, but you'll never find a single mine by itself. Mines are always found in a group, but you can't see them so you need to crawl along the ground instead. While crawling you use your knife to dig every step or so, if you find a mine you will dig it up and render it harmless. Tripwires - These will kill you instantly if you happen to trip one, but there are a few ways to get past them. You can simply walk around the wire if you see it and have enough room to do so. You can also take a running jump over the tripwire if you wish. Finally you can crawl with your knife and dig at each end of the tripwire to see which end has the explosives. Once you dig up the explosives though a timer will start, then you need to repeat the password that's displayed to stop the explosion. I find deactivating the tripwire takes too long and it's easier to just avoid the wire altogether. Cliffs - If you are running around and get careless you could end up running off a cliff. If the fall isn't very far though you won't get hurt, but if it is a longer drop you will lose one unit of health. Sometimes though you can even avoid losing health from a big drop, this is done by walking against the wall as you fall. This basically slows your fall and can sometimes save you some lost health. ############################################################################### (E) TIPS ############################################################################### I have found that the sniper rifle is the best weapon of the game. If you have one you have no use for the binoculars because you can just use the scope on the sniper rifle to look around. Also it's a great stealth weapon with long range as I'm sure many people would already know. However the sniper rifle in this game can also fire through walls in many cases, simply aim at an enemy that's say inside a building in the distance for example. If you line up the shot by using your radar you should notice your crosshairs turning red in most cases. You will need to use your bare hands to disarm the nuke in stage 08, just "attack" it with your bare hands to bring up the password screen. You also use your bare hands to drag objects like barrels, the nuke I just mentioned or key enemies. In stage 04 and stage 06 you need to beat up a certain enemy with your bare hands to knock him out, then drag him. You can do a running jump to get over trip wires instead of weaving around them or disarming them. While many stages say that you need to remain undetected for either the whole stage or part of it, this is in fact not true. What they really mean is that if an enemy sees or hears you he must die, you can exit the stage with enemies left over as long as they haven't seen or heard you yet. When using the automatic rifle I find that you can take out enemies easiest if you hold the lock on button (R1) as you approach them, then quickly shoot them as they get close. When you bring up your inventory you will see four icons/gauges surrounding it. The eyeball represents information that you need to gather, the skull represents enemies that you need to kill, the cross represents hostages that need to be rescued and the bomb represents how much stuff needs to be destroyed. The gauges for each icon are filled with both green and red levels, the red and green combined equals the total for the stage. The red is what is required for you to do in order to complete the stage. Basically if you don't see any red in a gauge then you don't need to worry about it. When you reach a dark blue dot on your radar you can (and should) select "check in" from the radio in your inventory. This creates a checkpoint so that if you die, you will begin from this point in the stage. The light blue dot on your radar is where the extraction helicopter will land, you use this helicopter to exit most stages. All you do is choose "extract" from your radio once you're ready to leave, then move to the extraction point mentioned above. ############################################################################### (F) WALKTHROUGH ############################################################################### Bricklayer J. Gastronomy *NOTE* This walkthrough is written with the default difficulty (normal) in mind. I strongly recommend that you play through the training stage or at least read the walkthrough for it before starting the real game. It's just THAT helpful as it outlines the controls and tactics that you will use as well as the enemies and hazards that you will face. --------------------------- Stage 00: Spec-Ops Training --------------------------- This stage is designed to help you get familiar with the controls, the various weapons that you will use and a number of hazards. While the stage is entirely optional I really recommend that you do play it. Follow the line southwest from the start as you drop down a ledge and reach your first station (the square). Use your radio at this station by opening your inventory and selecting the radio. This is how you check in and you can do this at any blue dot on your radar, it acts as a spawning checkpoint in case you get killed. Head southeast next and drop off another ledge as you head for the next station. Test out running and crawling as you follow the line northeast to your next station. Pick up the knife here and press R2 to switch to it, then follow the line east to the next room. Break the pair of boxes here for a pistol and some ammo, then switch to the pistol as you go to the station north of you. Fire eight shots anywhere to finish the station, then head southeast and break a pair of boxes with your knife for an automatic rifle and some ammo. Switch to the rifle and fire eight shots to end this station, just make sure you're nowhere near the explosive barrels should you hit one as you might get killed by the blast. Follow the line south and east to the next room as you grab a medkit or two, then open the box to your right with your knife for more rifle ammo. Equip the rifle and head for the station above, then lock onto the four enemy targets and fire at each of them to clear the station. Follow the line south and east to the next room, then go to the next station. Walk north along the yellow line to the next station as you sneak past the first alarm, then crawl east along the next line to pass another alarm. Walk north past a final alarm until you reach the next station, then go east to the next room. Switch to your knife and open the pair of boxes for some grenades, then go north to the station above. Switch to your grenades and approach the pair of pits above, then refer to the items/weapons section above for the proper way to use them. Throw a grenade in each pit to clear this station, then collect more grenades from the boxes below before heading north to the next station. Aim your grenade at the guard in the tower, then throw it and take him out to clear this station. Go northeast to enter the next room, then break the trio of boxes for some binoculars, a sniper rifle and some ammo. Head for the station above and pick the binoculars from the inventory screen, then look north and press the attack button. Look far north until you spot the enemy, then return to the station below. Equip your sniper rifle next and look north, then press the attack button once to look through the scope. Aim far north until your crosshairs become red when trained on the enemy, then fire a shot at him to clear the station. Head northeast to the next room, then approach the station. This is the second checkpoint for this stage so open your inventory and use the radio to check in, then go east to the next room. Go to the station here, then equip your knife and get ready for some crawling through the minefield above. Crawl directly above the station and dig with your knife repeatedly every little bit until you uncover the first mine. Carefully turn left and dig to uncover another mine, then crawl left over it. Dig again when your knees are over the mine you just dig up to uncover a third mine. Now carefully head back right and down exactly the way you came as there are a lot more than three mines in this area. Go around the minefield now by staying on the concrete, then go to the station closest to the north side of the minefield. Head for the station above you and equip your knife, then crawl to either end of the tripwire just above you. You then need to press the buttons from top to bottom in the order they appear, so you would need to press the top button however many times indicated followed by the second button listed and so on. If you mess up you need to start over and if the time runs out the trip wire explodes and kills you. To make things even more annoying you have to check (by digging at) BOTH ends of the tripwire to find which out which end has the explosives. Once the tripwire is disabled you can go to the station beyond it, then head north to the next room. Use your radio at the station to check in, then pick up the barrel northwest of you by switching to your bare hands and pressing triangle. Drag it down past your station and right so it's below the southeast corner of the minefield to complete the station. Let go of the barrel as you head for the station above, then go east to reach the next room. Switch to your knife and break open the trio of boxes for a rocket launcher and some ammo, then go to the station northwest of you. Face east and look ahead if you need to, then fire a rocket east at the guard. Once it hits him you can follow the line east to the next room. Collect detpacks from the trio of boxes below, then go northwest to the next station. Switch to a detpack and stand in the red square to your right, then press the attack button once and pick an appropriate detonation time. Quickly run to the nearest wall until the detpack explodes, then go north into the next room. Approach the station here, then use your radio and pick the extract option. Finally head east to the blue X that appears to end the stage. -------------------------- Stage 01 - Drug Lord Recon -------------------------- Briefing: A known drug lord is suspected of arms trafficking with terrorists. First hand verification is required. The drug lord's thugs guard the area surrounding the suspected arms manufacturing/storage camp. Objectives: 1. Infiltrate the jungle camp and determine if arms are being manufactured. Collect documents and work samples for evidence. Parameters: Avoid being identified. If anyone does see you make sure they can tell no tales. Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. Switch to your sniper rifle and head east, then snipe the guard when he appears on your radar. Cross the bridge beyond and snipe a guard east of you, then follow the path and snipe the next guard to your right when he appears on your radar. Pick up his equipment and intel letter, then use your radio to check in at the checkpoint above you. Follow the path west as you snipe the guard along the way, then check in at the checkpoint north of you. Return to the path and cross the bridge east of you, then snipe the guard on patrol and take his intel letter. Snipe the guard north of you on a cliff next, then check in at the nearby checkpoint. Head southwest next and snipe the guard to your right when you see him, then go south to the edge of the cliff and snipe another guard south of you. Head left along the edge of the cliff until you see a guard southwest of you, then snipe him. Now that all the guards in the stage are dead you should search the larger buildings in this area and take the four intel envelopes inside some of them. You should get a message saying that you've collected enough evidence at this point, but if you haven't you can either collect some intel letters off of the guards that you shot earlier or collect an intel package from the lone building on the cliff at the north end of the stage. Now head carefully southwest off a few cliffs as you call for an extraction and head for the helicopter to end the stage. -------------------------- Stage 02 - Arms Demolition -------------------------- Briefing: The drug lord's arms business must be stopped. For political reasons an overt air strike is out of the question. Br careful, the drug lord has grown suspicious and has tripled the men and defenses guarding the camp. Objectives: 1. Destroy the weapons stockpile using demolitions. 2. Destroy Supplies. Parameters: Avoid being identified. If anyone does see you make sure they can tell no tales. Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. Although you will need to use a detpack once in this stage you will find some in the same room where they need to be used, so it's not necessary to bring some along. Switch to your sniper rifle and snipe the guard east of you, then drop down the ledges and pick up his equipment. Continue east and snipe the guard when he shows up on your radar, then cross the bridge and snipe the guard on the other side. Head to his corpse and go north a little, then snipe the guard northwest of you before returning to the path below. Follow the path north west as you snipe a pair of guards, then check in at the nearby checkpoint. Continue along the path as you snipe a guard on each side of the path, then check in at the nearby checkpoint. Cross the bridge and snipe the guard up ahead, then head south as you snipe the guard below. Go to his corpse and snipe the guard south of you, then head west along the edge of the cliff and snipe the guard southwest of you. Head north next and snipe the guard west of the woodpile, then go north for a bit to the upper area. Aim east and snipe a pair of guards, then continue east past the building until you reach a small gap. Aim southeast and snipe the last guard, then return to the group of buildings southwest of you. Enter the largest building that's filled with boxes (one of the southwest buildings) and pick up the detpack inside, then set the detpack inside the same building and quickly run away from the building. You will get a message about destroying the stockpile at this point, then you just need to call an extraction and meet the helicopter west of you to end the stage. ------------------------- Stage 03 - Hostage Rescue ------------------------- Briefing: The action against the drug lord has reduced funding to local guerrilla insurgents. The guerrillas have stepped up their kidnapping for ransom operations. Three tourists have been kidnapped. One is a U.S. citizen. Objectives: 1. Free the U.S. hostage and lead him to the extraction helicopter. 2. Free the other hostages and lead them to the extraction helicopter. 3. Kill Guerrillas. Parameters: Avoid detection before finding the hostage. If the alarm is raised he may be killed! Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a rocket launcher, a sniper rifle and as much sniper ammo as you can carry before you start this stage. Switch to your sniper rifle and snipe the group of guards north of you, then follow the path until you reach a series of spotlights. Head north east so that you're out of the way of the closest spotlight, then snipe a guard east of you. Carefully snipe the guard in the right guard tower across the water, this will stop two of the spotlights from moving. Snipe the pair of spotlights on that guard tower to get rid of them completely, then do the same thing for the left guard tower. Cross the bridge and position yourself below the pink dot on your radar (but keep your distance). The dot is actually a tank, so switch to your rocket launcher and fire a rocket at the tank to destroy it. Switch back to your sniper rifle and follow the path northeast, then snipe a number of guards in the camp as they show up on your radar. Once you're sure that you've killed all the guards in this particular area you can search the three buildings with white dots in them (on your radar). These dots are the hostages and they will follow you around as you rescue them. However sometimes they get trapped behind items and you need to show them a way around. Once you have all three hostages following you head for the start of the stage, then call an extraction and go to the helicopter to end the stage. ----------------------------- Stage 04 - Counter Insurgency ----------------------------- Briefing: The guerrillas have acquired an unknown new source of weapons and funding. After the hostage fiasco, a high-level guerrilla officer has taken over the compound to whip it into shape. Their new suppliers must be discovered. Objectives: 1. Subdue and extract the guerrilla officer for interrogation. 2. Destroy equipment and supplies. 3. Kill Guerrillas. Parameters: Attack the officer with your hands to subdue him, then you can drag him away. Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a rocket launcher, a sniper rifle and as much sniper ammo as you can carry before you start this stage. Switch to your sniper rifle and follow the path to the spotlight as you snipe a number of guards along the way. Go northeast of the closest spotlight once more and take out the two guard towers across the water just like you did in the previous stage. Cross the bridge and follow the path beyond, then switch to your rocket launcher when the path forks. Use it to take out the tank northeast of you, then switch to your sniper rifle. Enter the base and snipe as many guards as you can, but MAKE SURE you don't snipe the guard inside the northern fenced-in building! This guard is actually the guerrilla officer that you need to subdue. Kill all other guards in the immediate area, then switch to your bare hands and open the door to the guerrilla officer. Run at the officer and punch him until he falls over, he will be shooting at you while this happens so make sure you have full health before trying any of this. Once you knock out the officer press the action button to pick him up, then drag him southwest out of the base. Press the action button to drop him for a moment, then call for an extraction. Finally pick up the officer and drag him to the helicopter to end the stage. -------------------------- Stage 05 - Prisoner Rescue -------------------------- Briefing: U.N. observers have been taken prisoner after their helicopter was downed while flying over the territory of a hostile warlord. The prisoners must be rescued before the crazed warlord decides to kill them. Objectives: 1. Rescue the U.N. observers. Parameters: Don't get detected before finding the prisoners or they will surely be killed. Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. Switch to your sniper rifle and start walking northwest along the path, then climb over the car when you reach it to get over the wall. Snipe the guard on the other side of the wall, then continue northwest until you see some wood on the wall. Climb up the wood to reach the area above, then snipe a pair of guards before checking in at the nearby checkpoint. Head southeast past a pair of buildings, then enter the second one and shoot the guard inside. Rush the guard in the next building and meet the first hostage, then exit the building through the north corner. Snipe the guard on the high ledge north of you, then head southeast and snipe a pair of guards. Switch to your stolen automatic and rush the guard near the next hostage, then get the hostage to follow you as you leave the building. Head for the last hostage in the building south of you, then rush the guard inside and rescue the last hostage. Head northeast next and snipe some guards on the way, then look for a gap in the fence southeast of you. Drop through the gap with your hostages and climb the wooden ladder on the other side, then call for an extraction. Finally lead the hostages to the helicopter to end the stage. --------------------------- Stage 06 - Warlord Takedown --------------------------- Briefing: It's suspected that the warlord involved in the U.N. prisoner situation is part of the terrorist weapons pipeline. Time to pay him another visit and find out what he is up to. Objectives: 1. Capture the warlord. Parameters: The warlord and his men are ruthless killers and he will never retreat from battle. Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. Switch to your sniper rifle and head northwest, then climb over the car like you did in the previous stage. Snipe the guard up ahead, then rush the next guard with your automatic as you climb up the wood. Snipe the guard north of you, then head southeast with your automatic equipped. Enter the second building and rush the guard inside, then head northwest and rush the guard in the next building. Use the nearby checkpoint and exit the building at the north corner, then climb up the pile of debris north of you to reach the upper level. Shoot the guard here and work your way along the upper level as you shoot another guard, then head to the southeast tip of this upper level. Snipe three guards on your radar from here, then aim east until you can see a rooftop. Aim up a little and snipe another pair of guards, then drop to the ground and use the checkpoint north of you. Head northeast until you pass through a gate, then kill the guard to your left and switch to your automatic. Use a mound of debris to reach the upper level north of you, then rush the guard before he shoots you. Go southeast and kill a pair of guards when you reach them, then cross a metal bridge beyond. Head east and use another mound of debris northwest of you to reach the upper floor. Cross another metal bridge, then make sure your automatic is equipped as you rush a pair of guards nearby. Work your way out of these rooms to the northwest and rush another guard, then use the mound of debris to reach the upper floor. Shoot the pair of guards in the alcove here, then use the nearby checkpoint. Head northwest and notice the guard with the green beret on the other side of the wall. This is the warlord that you need to capture so DON'T SHOOT HIM! Shoot his pair of guards instead, then quickly switch to your bare hands so you can knock him out. Pick him up and drag him southwest to the next checkpoint, then use it to check in when you reach it. Drag the warlord along the broken antenna southwest of you to reach the other side, then drop him for a moment as you call for an extraction. Finally lead the warlord to the helicopter to end the stage. ------------------------- Stage 07 - SAM Site Recon ------------------------- Briefing: A rogue general has violated the terms of a U/N. peace treaty by deploying a network of mobile SAM launchers in a no-fly zone. There are too many to take out with one remote missile strike, but we believe most of them are fakes. We need recon intel to identify the real targets for an airstrike. Objectives: 1. Inspect every SAM launcher close up to identify which ones are real and which ones are fake. 2. After all SAMs are identified, call in an airstrike to destroy the real ones. Parameters: Beware of tripwires and mines around the SAM launchers. Maintain stealth until after the airstrike. If the enemy is alerted they may move the real SAM launchers and thus foil the airstrike. Get rid of the grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. This stage is a long one, but it's actually not terribly hard if you're smart about it. For one thing if you check your map (not your radar) then you shouldn't have any trouble finding the SAM sites. The white dots are SAM sites that haven't been identified yet, the green dots are fake SAM sites that you've already checked and the red dots are real SAM sites that you've already checked. While crawling through minefields use your knife to dig every step or so when your right knee swings out. Also try to crawl in only one direction, this way you can easily turn around and cross the exact same path to get back to safety. Switch to your sniper rifle as you head northwest and snipe a pair of guards, then go north to the guard tower before heading east. Pass below the three tripwires and face north, then crawl towards the first SAM site while digging for mines. Once you get the message about identifying the SAM site you can stand up and walk directly south across the path you just cleared through the mines. Head left past the guard tower as you snipe a pair of guards on your radar, then walk to the corpse of the guard that was further north. Hug the trees below as you go right past the tripwires, as long as you stay close to the trees you WON'T trip the second wire. Crawl right while digging until you are below the SAM site, then start crawling north while digging until you identify it. Return to safety by following your route in reverse, then head west to reach the next SAM site. Pass above the tripwires, then crawl left while digging until you identify the SAM site. Head back right to safety, then go south past the trees before heading west. Snipe a guard and continue west to the next SAM site, then hug the bottom of the tree above the tripwires. Now if you hug the bottom of the tree and walk left you shouldn't hit any mines but if you find this too risky, you can crawl left while digging. Either way head back right along your path once you've identified the SAM site, then use the nearby checkpoint. Climb the hill above you and snipe a trio of guards, then head north and weave between the four tripwires. Drop to the ground and crawl north while digging, then return to safety once you've identified the SAM site. Head east and snipe a guard, then weave through the tripwires above you. Crawl north while digging until you identify the SAM site, then head back south to safety. Head east and snipe another guard, then weave between the tripwires northeast of you. Crawl north while digging until you identify the SAM site, then head back south to safety. Head east until you see more tripwires, then weave through them before crawling north while digging. Crawl back south to safety once you identify the SAM site, then snipe the guard east of you. Head east past his corpse and go below the pair of tripwires, then crawl right while digging to identify the SAM site. Head back left to safety before using the nearby checkpoint, then snipe the trio of guards above. Head northeast past the guard towers as you snipe another guard, then hug the trees on your right to avoid the wires. Crawl north past the rightmost wire while digging, then head back south to safety once you identify the SAM site. Head west past some trees and head for the right SAM site above, then go right past the wires. Crawl northeast at first to uncover a mine that's very close to the trees, then continue crawling north until you identify the SAM site. Head back south to safety once more, then head for the next SAM site northwest of you. Hug the right trees to get past the right tripwire, then crawl north while digging. You probably won't find any mines but this way you'll be ready if you do. Head back south once you identify the SAM site, but MAKE SURE you hug the trees once more as you pass by the tripwire. Head east as you snipe a pair of guards, then weave between the tripwires above. Crawl north while digging to identify the SAM site, then return south to safety. Snipe a pair of guards as you head west, then use the nearby checkpoint. Snipe the guard in the tower west of you followed by another guard beyond him, then head north above the second guard. Walk between the tripwires and crawl north while digging, then identify the SAM site and return south to safety. Head south until you pass the trees on your right, then go around them and head north to the next SAM site. Weave between the tripwires and crawl north while digging, then identify the SAM site and return south to safety. Go east and snipe a pair of guards, then walk right below the tripwires once you pass the tower. Stay low as you get yourself south of the SAM site, then crawl north while digging. Head south once you've identified the SAM site, then hug the trees below as you head east away from the SAM site. Snipe the guard up ahead and go east below the tripwires, then hug the trees as you go south to the smaller tree. Drop to the ground and dig to your right to uncover a mine, then crawl northeast while digging. Head back southwest to safety, then order an airstrike from your radio. Now carefully work your way back to the very beginning of the stage, then call an extraction and move to the helicopter to end the stage. --------------------- Stage 08 - Rogue Nuke --------------------- Briefing: A rogue general is selling a stolen nuclear warhead on the black market. It is temporarily secured at this remote mountain facility. You must sabotage or capture the nuke before it is sold to terrorists. Find the secret pass code required to open the warhead and reprogram its activation sequence rendering it useless to our enemies. Warning: The pass code is only good for one access and the device will close if you make a mistake. Objectives: 1. Find the secret code required to access the nuclear warhead for reprogramming. 2. Find the nuclear warhead in the storage area and reprogram it. 3. Neutralize the surface to air missile silos. A grenade in the vent will do the trick. 4. Bring the warhead to the helicopter extraction point. Parameters: If you successfully reprogram the nuke then your job is complete. Escape by exiting the base on foot the way you came in. Do not risk capture by attempting to escape on foot with the heavy warhead! If you are able to neutralize the SAM defenses then move the warhead to the helicopter extraction point. Get rid of the grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. Switch to your sniper rifle and snipe the guard in the tower above you, then head north along the razor wires (they can't hurt you). Crawl east past the gap at the top of the razor wire while digging to uncover some mines, then check in when you reach the checkpoint. Avoid the tripwires as you head north, then switch to your sniper rifle and take out a the guard above you. Run past the guard and enter the cave beyond, then snipe the guard when you see him. Take the northeast path and snipe another guard when you see him, then head towards his corpse and snipe another guard below you. Pick up the intel package below you to get the access code for the nuke, then exit the cave the same way that you entered. Use the nearby checkpoint before heading east, then rush the guard with your automatic. Continue east and rush another guard, then head east until you get stopped by a tree. Snipe the guard southeast of you, then head down the hill and go southwest. Snipe the guard in the nearby tower as you head east to the path, then snipe a guard in another tower southeast of you. Follow the path north as you snipe a number of guards, then continue north when the path forks. You should reach a building with a pair of trucks, switch to your automatic and rush the trio of enemies in here. Enter the lower truck to find the nuke, then switch to your bare hands and "attack" the nuke to bring up the first password screen. Enter the password just like you would for any tripwire, then enter second password that's twice as long. Once you enter both passwords the nuke will be successfully reprogrammed, giving you a choice. You need to go back to the start of the stage to end it, but you can take one of two routes. You can take the route that you took to get here, but that means going back through the minefield and possibly getting killed. You can also just follow the path all the way back to the start since you've already killed any guards that would get in your way. Personally I would take the second route as it's much faster and much safer. Either way once you reach the start of the stage it will end, you don't even need to call an extraction. ---------------------------------- Stage 09 - Terrorist Training Camp ---------------------------------- Briefing: The weapons and rogue nuke you stopped were destined for this desert terrorist training camp. We've hit the supply side, now it's time to eliminate the demand. This training camp must be decommissioned with extreme prejudice. Objectives: 1. Kill the terrorists at the training camp. Parameters: They are likely to mistake weapons fire for their own practice sessions so don't hold back. Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. This stage is very easy because your only objective is to kill enemy soldiers before leaving via helicopter as usual. Switch to your sniper rifle and snipe the guard north of you, then snipe another on a guard tower to your right. Snipe a guard in another guard tower north of you, then switch to the automatic that you picked up from one of the guards. Drop to the trench below the bridge up ahead and shoot the pair of guards inside, then switch to your sniper rifle as you climb out and head northeast. Follow the path until it forks, then follow it northwest as you snipe a guard near a truck. Head southwest next as you pass through a gate and snipe a guard beyond the tent, then switch to your automatic and kill a guard inside the tent. Follow the path west and kill the guard in the next tent below you, then climb the hill north of you and follow the path as you snipe a pair of guards. Switch to your automatic and rush the guard inside the tent above, then check in at the nearby checkpoint. Follow the path northwest into the cave, then use your automatic as you rush the trio of guards in and around the trucks. Take the northeast path as you rush a pair of guards, then take the northeast path when it forks. Snipe a pair of guards along the way, then head southeast along the path until you reach the outdoors again. Snipe the guard east of you, then use your automatic to kill a pair of guards in the nearby tent. Go northeast and snipe the guard in the guard tower, then snipe another guard beyond him as you drop off the cliff to your right. Head south now and snipe a trio of guards along the way. You should see the message about you completing your objective at this point, but if not more guards can be found northeast of you. Either way once you've killed enough guards you should run southwest to the start of the stage, then call an extraction and exit the stage. --------------------------- Stage 10 - Cut Off The Head --------------------------- Briefing: The money trail all leads back to one man. The fanatical leader of the terrorists is holed up in a desert complex. Time to put a stop to him once and for all. Objectives: 1. Kill the leader of the terrorists in his desert cave complex. 2. Destroy supplies stored in the cave complex. Parameters: We have almost no information about the cave complex. Be ready for anything! Get rid of the knife, grenades and rifle from your inventory, then add a sniper rifle and as much ammo as you can carry for it before you start this stage. This stage has a lot of tripwires, but they're easy to see most of the time and there are no mines to deal with (for once). Unfortunately there is pretty much no map for this stage, only the tiny outdoor areas show up. Your checkpoints are marked as well as the extraction point though. Your secondary objective is much easier to complete than you would think, just shoot an explosive barrel or weapons box any time you see one. If you do this you should meet the requirements long before you complete the main objective. Switch to your sniper rifle and head northeast up the hill before entering the cave northwest of you. Snipe the pair of guards up ahead and grab their equipment as you avoid the tripwires. Shoot the left barrel to detonate the other one beside it and open the supply box, then take the rifle ammo inside. Equip your automatic rifle and run through the southwest path to the next room, then shoot the guard that hears you when he gets in range. Continue northwest to the next room and snipe the pair of guards on patrol, then shoot the trio of barrels as you avoid the pair of tripwires. Take the northwest path to the next room and snipe the guard along the way, then shoot the barrel near him and take the medkit from the box if needed. Continue along the path and snipe the guard once you reach the next room, then avoid the tripwires as you shoot some barrels and a box at the north end of the room. Switch to your automatic rifle and take the path northwest of you until you reach your first checkpoint, then shoot the guard northeast of you before taking the southwest path. Shoot the barrel and take the automatic from the box, then check in at the nearby checkpoint. Take the northeast path past the guard that you just shot, then carefully shoot the group of explosive barrels along the way. Switch to your sniper rifle and snipe the trio of guards when you reach the next room. Shoot the barrels and boxes here as well to complete the second objective. You won't see a message saying that you've completed it but if there's no red left in your destruction gauge then you should be in the clear. Go southeast through the room and the path beyond as you avoid the pair of tripwires, then snipe a pair of guards in the next room. Avoid the tripwires as you take the northeast path to the next room, then use the checkpoint before crossing the bridge beyond. Snipe a pair of guards from the middle of the bridge, then enter the next room and snipe another pair of guards. Avoid the tripwires as you take the southeast path to a checkpoint, then snipe a guard on your way before checking in. Take the southeast path to a small outdoor section, then shot the nearby guard as you head northeast to the next cave entrance. Go northwest until you reach a large water-filled room, then snipe a pair of guards as you swim to the platform northeast of you. Work your way up the series of bridges and ledges and snipe a pair of guards on the way up, then switch to your automatic and shoot a guard when you reach the checkpoint. Check in before heading northwest, then snipe the guards on the ground here before sniping the terrorist leader on the upper level. Now head all the way back to the start of the stage, then call for an extraction and head for the helicopter to end both the stage and the game. ############################################################################### (G) THANKS ############################################################################### Huge thanks go out to Damik. ############################################################################### (H) EXPERIMENTAL ############################################################################### For a little while now I've had a paypal link in all my FAQs at the very bottom here. Mainly as a small experiment since a few other FAQ authors have also had the same idea. I had a few people email me before I put this link in because they wanted to send money, so it's here for those people. For the record I've received about $87 (which works out to a bit more in Canadian lol) last I checked, so I've been getting cases of pop and making some excellent progress on a few FAQs. If you don't want to send money or can't then send me an email, it's nice to hear what people thought about my work and there's always room for improvement. My email address and paypal address for those that want to contribute are both dan.engel.2017 (AT) gmail (DOT) com Many thanks, and I hope you continue to use my work! ~Dan