Sea Bass Fishing 2 - Strategy v. 1.0 Written by Magnus Andersson, in May 2002 -------------------------- Introduction ------------ This document is a strategy of the game Sea Bass Fishing 2 for Sega Saturn. This game was only released in Japan, and this game is in Japanese. I do not speak Japanese, so therefore, this strategy is not complete. But I still think I could give you a hint or two about where you get some large fishes in this game. :) I will try to guide you in this strategy how to get the largest fishes, what lures to use etc. Please note that my English is far from perfect (I´m from Sweden), but I have tried my best. :) You may spread and copy this document in any way you like, and you may upload it anywhere on the Internet, as long as you don´t make any changes to it, and as long as you don´t sell it for own profit. Feel free to mail me with your comments and questions. :) This document is split into 5 sections: 1. Introduction (you are reading it now) 2. Mode Select Screen 3. Fishing-control 4. The tides and weather 5. Tournament Mode 6. Save cheating in the Tournament Mode 7. Free Fishing Mode 2. Mode Select Screen --------------------- This screen is shown when you have pressed the START-button on the main screen. From this screen, you can chose these options: * Tournament Mode * Free Fishing Mode * Instruction * Cooking * Records * Options I will explain the "Tournament Mode" below, in section 5 of this strategy, and "Free Fishing Mode" in section 6. The "Instruction" is a set of real-life videos with a proffessional Japanese fisher, who gives you advise about fishing in reality, what equipment you need, how to throw the wire etc. A very pleasant feature. :) "Cooking" is a set of fish-recipes (all in Japanese) with photos. This is also a nice feature. "Records" is just that. Your fishing records. :) "Options" is nothing but a sound test. 3. Fishing control ------------------ In "Sea Bass Fishing 1" (I will call this SBF1 from now on) you were fishing from a boat. This has changed for the second part, now you are fishing on the shore. The control has also changed a bit. To move yourself to left and right on the shore, use the L R buttons. When you feel satisifed with your position, press the C-button to activate the power indicator, which indicates to far you will throw the fishing-wire. Press C-button again when you feel that the right power is on (the best thing to do is to press the C-button when your power is at maximum). When the lure has landed in the water, the camera changes, and you will follow the lure in the water (if you want to switch back the camera, press the X-button (above the A-button on your joypad). When the lure has landed in the water, use the A-button to pull the wire slowly, B-button to pull thw ire at medium speed, and C-button to pull the wire quickly. In this game, you really need to hook the fish to your lure properly (this was not needed in the SBF1, but it made fishing easier), in other case, the fish won't bite. When the fish is just about to bite on the lure, press "up" on the joypad to hook the fish to the lure (you must time this correctly). If you switched the camera back to the surface mode, the camera switches back to underwater mode when a fish is approaching the lure. When the fish is hooked to the lure, pull the wire with the C-button (you can of course use A and B as well, but it is easier to concentrate on one button only). The indicator to the right indicates the tension, and if the tension becomes too low, the fish could fall off from lure. Be careful meanwhile so that the tension doesn't become too high. You can still pull the wire, even though the tension seems to be at its maximum, but don't pull the wire when the small blue box under the tension bar is flashing (the fish is pulling the wire when this is happening). If you do so, the tension indicator will flash and eventually the line will break, and you lose the fish and your lure. You only have 12 lures per day, so don't waste them. The fish will eventually get tired, and then you can pull the wire back again. Sometimes the fish pull the wire more than 15 metres at once, sometimes it pulls the wire 3x5m (or similar), and sometimes even longer. A good thing to remember about this is, that the more the fish is pulling the wire, the larger fish it will be. You will fight with these fishes for a longer time, so be patient. But these fishes are also harder to catch even when they are hooked to your lure. If you are very unlucky, the fish will pull away too far away, so that your line breaks (I never experienced this in SBF1), and it is also more difficult to avoid obstacles if the fish is larger and has pulled the wire far away. Obstacles is a new thing for this game. In SBF1 there where rocks, poles and other similar obstacles, but in that game, you could throw your fishing-wire straight through the obstacles (which made things unrealisitc). This has changed for this game, and has brought more realism to the game (but on the other hand, the game also became much harder). When you throw the fishing-wire, and it hits for example a rock, then the lure will fall straight down into the water in front of the rock. If you throw the wire over the rock, the lure will land in the water below the rock, and the wire itself over the rock. This is a bad thing, because this could damage the line. You will hear noices, and also see some yellow spark from the wire if this happens. What you have to do now is to quickly move either to the left or right, to make the wire to fall off from the rock, so that the wire won't get damaged. If the wire gets too much damage, it breaks, and you lose the lure. The fishes could pull your wire behind obstacles quite often, so the best thing you can do is to switch back to the surface camera mode when the fish has hooked, and keep your eyes open for obstacles, so that the wire won't stuck anywhere as you pull it back to the shore. As you are fishing, it is possible that your fishing starts jumping in and out of the water of the surface. This makes the tension very low, which could cause you losing the fish. To avoid this, press "down" on the joypad. If the fish is only splashing around on the surface, press "up". As you are fishing, there is also another thing which is important to notice. There are two music themes played when the fish is hooked. The first one (Bgm 22 on the sound test) is played when a small or medium fish is on the hook. The other one (Bgm 23 on the sound test), which sounds a bit more dramatic, is played when a large fish is biting (Use the B-button only to pull the wire, using the C-button on a large fish is too risky). Another thing to note is to watch your "walking style" as you are standing on the shore, pulling the wire. When a small fish is biting, you will keep your normal walking style, but when a larger fish bites, you are walking differently, and you can't walk very fast either. If you get an extremely large fish, your walking looks even more different, and you move extremely slowly. This could tell you in advance about how large the fish would be, if you manage to bring it back to the shore. It is sometimes very difficult to avoid obstacles when you have extremely large fishes on the hook. When the lure is about 5.0 metres from the shore, the camera switches back to surface mode, and when the lure is about 3.0 metres from the shore, the fish is yours. When you are standing on the shore, you can also press the X-button for varrious options: You can check the weather conditions, you can read the tournament rules (In Japanese). You can also check your results and your position in the tournament. You can also change lure, select a new area to fish from and change music (you can also turn the music off and only have sound-effects from the sea. These sound-effects may be different for various areas). You can also chose to go back to the harbour. Select the anchor icon, and select the second alternative to go back to the harbour (The first one is to stay where you are. I don't understand the use of the third option, sorry). 4. The tides and weather ------------------------ As in In SBF1, the tides and weather seem to have some effects on your fishing, but I have no idea about how this works. But fishing works usually fine when the sky is cloudy, with or without rain. 5. TOURNAMENT MODE ------------------ The first thing you see when you have entered this mode, is a screen with your saved files (pretty equal to SBF1). Press XYZ at the same time to delete any of your saved files. If you select to start a new game, the game continues to the first tournament, Amateur tournament. Amateur Tournament ------------------ You will first of all see the rules, and they are as follows: This tournament lasts for one day only, and during the day you should try to get five large fishes (only Sea Bass counts). The largest five fishes are the only fishes that count. The weight of these fishes will be calculated, and the angler who has gotten the largest five fishes is the winner. The tournament begins at 4:00am and ends at 8:00am, so this tournament is only 4 hours long. In SBF1 it was enough to finish in the top three, but this has changed in this game. You must win this tournament in order to access the next tournament. Next, you can check the weather conditions, check some info about your rod, and pick your lures. This may sound ridicolous, but it isn't: change all lures to "T.D Silent Vinration, color B-2". Highlight a lure, press C, and use left and right on your joypad til that find this name. Then use up and down on the joypad to find colour B-2. When you are done with this, you will select an area where you want to start fishing (you have four options, and you can access all these areas during the day, and you won't lose any time as you move from one area to another). For this tournament, I suggest you to go fishing in the third area. To the right is a bridge, and below and in front of the bridge is usually a lot of large Sea Basses. The problem with this bridge is of course the obstacles, so you have to be careful, so that you don't lose too many lures. This place is, as far as I have seen, the best place to fish in this tournament. You need the "T.D. Silent Vibration" lures here, and you will probably need plenty, since it is easy to lose them under the bridge. The first standard lure which normally would had been equppied to your rod, if you had not made any changes to the lures, wouldn´t had reached the bridge. But still, I would suggest that you don't throw the wire at maximum power, because if you do, the lure will land in water behind the bridge, and then it will be difficult to get the lure out of there. Larger fishes are more common behind the bridge, so if you want to play a bit risky, then you can of course throw your lure there. But if a large fish bites, it could become very difficult to get it back to the shore. At 04:00 in the morning, you should pull the wire with the B-button as you wait for a fish to bite. If you get a (large) fish in front of the bridge, immediately go to the left, to move away from the bridge (so that the fish doesn't sneak behind it). If you want to be sure to win the tournament, you should try to get around 27 kilo during the day. Top Pro Tournament ------------------ The rules of this tournament is exactly the same as in the previous one, except that it begins at 02.00pm and ends at 08.00pm. If you want to be sure to win the tournament, you should try to get around 35-38 kilo during the day. My favourite place to fish in this tournament is in the second area. As you are in this area, you will see one bigger rock to the right, and a smaller one to the left. Equip the "Phantom II 18.0 g" lure, (I suggest that you bring plenty of these) and throw it out at full power to the left of the bigger rock. Let the lure sink a few metres (if the lure actually reaches the bottom, where the water is about two metres deep, pull back to lure and aim for the area around where the water is deeper (it is a bit difficult to explain it, but I'm very sure you will find it). Fishing in general in this area with this lure, a few metres deep, is simply worth a try! :) The Sea Bass Classic -------------------- The rules of this tournament is exactly the same as in the previous tournaments, except that it begins at 05.00am and ends at 07.00pm. If you want to be sure to win the tournament, you should try to get around 60-62 kilo during the day. This tournament is extrememly hard, you really need *huge* fishes in order to win. And as I played the game, I have only found one place where such great fishes exist, and that is in the third area. Chose to start fishing in this area. As you are here, you will notice two bigger rocks in the water. Right between this rocks (and behind them) are the fishes you need! For this place, you need plenty of "Phantom II 18.0 g" lures, so it is a good idea to select plenty of these when you select the lures. Throw out the wire with maximum power between these rocks, and you should get huge fishes without too much searching. The trouble here is just to be able to get the fish back to the shore. The gap between the rocks is not too big, so it is difficult to bring a large ship to the shore. Expect many long fish fights (up to 15 videogame-minutes long!) here. Some of the fishes really enjoy pulling the wire, so be careful so that the fish doesn't pull it too far out (I think you have about 85 metres of wire, but sometimes this is not enough!). If it seems as the fish will pull this far out, then you must pull back the wire at absolutely every opportunity you have. Stretch your limits, and you can make it! :) 6. SAVE CHEATING IN THE TOURNAMENT MODE --------------------------------------- Why make things difficult? There is actually a possibility to cheat in the game, to make the tournaments easier, but this requires that you have a Sega back-up cartridge memory. The game saves everytime you get a fish (it doesn't matter if it is a Sea Bass or any other sort). Play any tournament for about an hour, and if you feel satisfied with your results so far, save the game, turn off the game, and copy your saved game to the back-up cartrdige. Restore the game and continue the game where you left off. During the next hour, if you feel that your fishing is going bad, then quit the game and go to the Saturn memory manager and copy the memory from the cartridge to the system. Now you can play the game from the point where you saved it for the first time, and you can try again over and over again to get large fishes. It is generally a good idea to save the game and copy the saved game file to the back-up memory everytime when you have gotten a huge fish. This is extremely important in the Sea Bass Classic tournament. 7. FREE FISHING MODE -------------------- When you have entered your name, you can check the settings: the weather conditions, your fishing equipment, and your lures. At the weather conditions screen you can select at what time of the day you want to start fishing (you can start anytime you want). If you want to check your fishing equipment, you will first have two options, if you want to use Lure Tackle or Bait Tackle. If you select Lure Tackle, you will go to a new options screen, where you can select equipment. The further you have reached in the tournament mode, the more options you will have. Unfortunately, I have no idea about how the Bait Tackle is working. When you are done with these settings, you will select the area where you want to fish. It is the same about these areas, as the fishing equipment: The further you have reached in the tournament mode, the more options you will have. If you haven't won any tournament at all, four areas are available. If you finished the first tournament, eight areas are available, and finally, if you have finished the second tournament, all twelve areas are available. The Free Fishing mode is a never ending story. This mode has no ending at all, you can fish as long as you like. ---------------- I hope that this strategy has been able to help you a little bit. Other walkthroughs/strategies I have written are: (Sega Saturn) * Guardian Heroes * Mystaria - The Realms of Lore * Shining Wisdom * Sea Bass Fishing 1 (Sega Dreamcast) * Who wants to be a millionaire? (Sega Arcade) * Emergency Call Ambulance (Sega Mega CD) * Prince of Persia (Sega Game Gear) * Tails Adventure If you are interested in reading any of these, just e-mail me. :) Best of luck, I wish you! :) Magnus Andersson